blob: af59eccac9a6a66586b22171214a3d243da4d0bc (
plain) (
# $Id$
namespace eval urgent {
custom::defgroup Urgent [::msgcat::mc "Urgency hinting."] -group Plugins
custom::defvar options(enabled) 1 \
[::msgcat::mc "Set the urgency hint on Tkabber's chat\
window when a new message is received."] \
-type boolean \
-group Urgent
custom::defvar options(handle_personal_messages) 1 \
[::msgcat::mc "React on messages addressed to us."] \
-type boolean \
-group Urgent
custom::defvar options(handle_normal_messages) 0 \
[::msgcat::mc "React on messages in MUC rooms\
which are not addressed to us."] \
-type boolean \
-group Urgent
custom::defvar options(handle_server_messages) 0 \
[::msgcat::mc "React on messages generated by the server"] \
-type boolean \
-group Urgent
proc urgent::chat_message_notify {chatid from type body extras} {
variable options
if {!$options(enabled)} return
set delayed [::xmpp::delay::exists $extras]
if {$delayed} return
switch -- $type {
groupchat {
if {[string equal [chat::get_jid $chatid] $from]} {
if {$options(handle_server_messages)} {
notify $chatid
} else {
set mynick [chat::get_nick [chat::get_xlib $chatid] \
[chat::our_jid $chatid] $type]
if {[check_message $mynick $body]} {
if {$options(handle_personal_messages)} {
notify $chatid
} else {
if {$options(handle_normal_messages)} {
notify $chatid
chat {
foreach xelem $extras {
::xmpp::xml::split $xelem tag xmlns attrs cdata subels
# Don't play sound if this 'empty' tag is present. It indicates
# messages history in chat window.
if {[string equal $tag ""] && \
[string equal $xmlns tkabber:x:nolog]} {
if {$from == "" && $options(handle_server_messages)} {
notify $chatid
} elseif {$options(handle_personal_messages)} {
notify $chatid
proc urgent::notify {chatid} {
variable options
variable xwinids
exec $options(program) -set $xwinids($chatid)
proc urgent::xwinid {win} {
# Parent window id: 0x2e0001e "Tkabber"
set data [exec xwininfo -children -id [winfo id $win]]
if {[regexp {Parent window id: (\S+)} $data -> id]} {
return $id
} else {
return ""
proc urgent::root_winid {xwinid _chatid} {
return $xwinid
proc urgent::chat_winid {chatid} {
xwinid [winfo id [chat::winid $chatid]]
proc urgent::record_xwinid {chatid _type} {
variable xwinids
set xwinids($chatid) [winid $chatid]
proc urgent::clear_urgency_hint {winid} {
variable options
variable xwinids
set chatid [chat::winid_to_chatid $winid]
exec $options(program) -clear $xwinids($chatid)
namespace eval urgent {
variable options
if {![info exists options(program)]} {
set options(program) [file join \
[file dirname [info script]] urgent]
if {![file executable $options(program)]} {
puts stderr [::msgcat::mc "Urgency hint setting program \"%s\"\
is not available or not executed by the current user.\
The \"urgent\" plugin is disabled. Consult its README file."
set options(enabled) 0
if {$::ifacetk::options(use_tabbar)} {
interp alias {} [namespace current]::winid \
{} [namespace current]::root_winid [xwinid .]
} else {
interp alias {} [namespace current]::winid \
{} [namespace current]::chat_winid
hook::add open_chat_post_hook [namespace current]::record_xwinid 40
hook::add draw_message_hook [namespace current]::chat_message_notify 19
hook::add got_focus_hook [namespace current]::clear_urgency_hint
# vim:ts=8:sw=4:sts=4:noet