syslogd syslogd 1 syslogd service process (daemon) syslogd -c--conf -h--help -i--install -I--instance name -p--priority name -r--remove --restart -s--shutdown --start -v--verbose --version Options | Specify alternate configuration file. | Display help message. | Install and start service. |  name Specify instance name for the daemon. This option is useful to install and run multiple daemons in the system. |  name Set priority class for the daemon. Name may be normal, high or highest. Default is normal. | Stop and remove service. Restart service. | Gracefully shutdown service. Start installed service. | Increase verbosity level. This option may be specified multiple times. Display version. Multiple instances It is possible to have multiple instances of the daemon in the system. Each instance should use its own configuration file. This could be done specifying option or just placing instances in different directories. Each instance should be configured to listen on its own interface and/or port and to write messages into its own log files. If option is not specified, the instance is default. Otherwise, all other options will apply to the specified instance. For example, to install a different instance with name test and high priority issue the following command: syslogd --install --instance test --conf another.conf.file --priority high Examples of control commands: syslogd --shutdown --instance test syslogd --start --instance test To remove instance the following command should be issued: syslogd --remove --instance test