/* * writer.c - syslogd implementation for windows, message writer * * Created by Alexander Yaworsky * * Asynchronous i/o is not supported under win9x so we have to use * a separate thread for each file. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WRITER_KEEPALIVE_TIME 10000 struct file_writer { struct destination *destination; gchar *file_name; struct fifo *message_queue; HANDLE fifo_semaphore; HANDLE shutdown_event; /* manual-reset event */ HANDLE fd; struct message *first_msg, *second_msg, *current_msg; int coalesce_count; time_t max_hold; }; /* forward declarations */ static unsigned __stdcall writer_thread_proc( void* arg ); /****************************************************************************** * compare_current_and_first_messages * * Auxiliary function for coalescer. * If messages aren't identical, reset coalescer. */ static gboolean compare_current_and_first_messages( struct file_writer* writer ) { TRACE_ENTER( "%p\n", writer ); if( strcmp( writer->current_msg->hostname, writer->first_msg->hostname ) || strcmp( writer->current_msg->message, writer->first_msg->message ) ) { release_message( writer->first_msg ); writer->first_msg = NULL; TRACE_LEAVE( "%p done; messages aren't identical\n", writer ); return FALSE; } TRACE_LEAVE( "%p ok\n" ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * init_coalescer * * Should be called when we've got the first unique message. * Save message for subsequent comparsions and set max hold time. */ static void init_coalescer( struct file_writer* writer ) { writer->first_msg = writer->current_msg; reference_message( writer->first_msg ); writer->max_hold = time(NULL) + hold; writer->coalesce_count = 1; TRACE_2( "%p max_hold=%ld\n", writer, writer->max_hold ); } /****************************************************************************** * coalesce * * coalesce messages; * If there are more than two sequential identical messages then we * should write first of them followed by message with the number of * subsequent messages. * * The caller always must process current_msg unless it is set NULL * when coalesced; * return: TRUE if messages are coalesced; FALSE if flushing is required */ static gboolean coalesce( struct file_writer* writer ) { time_t current_time; TRACE_ENTER( "%p\n", writer ); switch( writer->coalesce_count ) { case 0: /* the first message */ init_coalescer( writer ); return TRUE; case 1: /* the second message */ TRACE_2( "%p second message\n", writer ); if( !compare_current_and_first_messages( writer ) ) return FALSE; writer->second_msg = writer->current_msg; writer->current_msg = NULL; writer->coalesce_count = 2; goto check_hold_time; case 2: /* the third message */ TRACE_2( "%p third message\n", writer ); if( !compare_current_and_first_messages( writer ) ) /* leave the second message; it will be written by flush_coalescer */ return FALSE; release_message( writer->second_msg ); writer->second_msg = NULL; release_message( writer->current_msg ); writer->current_msg = NULL; writer->coalesce_count = 3; goto check_hold_time; default: /* the fourth and subsequent messages */ TRACE_2( "%p fourth+ message\n", writer ); if( !compare_current_and_first_messages( writer ) ) return FALSE; release_message( writer->current_msg ); writer->current_msg = NULL; writer->coalesce_count++; TRACE_2( "%p coalesce_count=%d\n", writer, writer->coalesce_count ); goto check_hold_time; } check_hold_time: current_time = time(NULL); TRACE_2( "%p current_time=%ld\n", writer, current_time ); if( writer->max_hold < current_time ) { TRACE_LEAVE( "%p done; elapsed hold time\n", writer ); return FALSE; } TRACE_LEAVE( "%p done\n", writer ); return TRUE; } /****************************************************************************** * write_message_to_logfile */ static void write_message_to_logfile( struct file_writer* writer, struct message** msg ) { gchar *buffer; DWORD written; if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == writer->fd ) return; TRACE_2( "%p: %s\n", writer, (*msg)->message ); buffer = g_strconcat( (*msg)->timestamp, " ", (*msg)->hostname, " ", (*msg)->message, "\n", NULL ); WriteFile( writer->fd, buffer, strlen( buffer ), &written, NULL ); g_free( buffer ); release_message( *msg ); *msg = NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * flush_coalescer */ static void flush_coalescer( struct file_writer* writer ) { if( writer->second_msg ) { write_message_to_logfile( writer, &writer->second_msg ); TRACE_2( "%p written second message\n", writer ); } if( writer->coalesce_count > 2 ) { SYSTEMTIME stm; char buffer[ 1024 ]; int size; DWORD written; GetLocalTime( &stm ); /* make informational message */ size = snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %s syslog: last message repeated %d times\n", str_month[ stm.wMonth - 1 ], stm.wDay, stm.wHour, stm.wMinute, stm.wSecond, local_hostname, writer->coalesce_count - 1 ); WriteFile( writer->fd, buffer, size, &written, NULL ); TRACE_2( "%p made informational message\n", writer ); } writer->coalesce_count = 0; if( writer->first_msg ) { release_message( writer->first_msg ); writer->first_msg = NULL; } if( writer->current_msg ) { /* we just got the first message and should initialize coalescer */ init_coalescer( writer ); write_message_to_logfile( writer, &writer->current_msg ); TRACE_2( "%p written current message\n", writer ); } } /****************************************************************************** * destroy_file_writer */ static void destroy_file_writer( struct file_writer* writer ) { TRACE_ENTER( "%p\n", writer ); if( writer->fifo_semaphore ) CloseHandle( writer->fifo_semaphore ); if( writer->shutdown_event ) CloseHandle( writer->shutdown_event ); fifo_destroy( writer->message_queue ); g_free( writer->file_name ); g_free( writer ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * create_file_writer */ static struct file_writer* create_file_writer( gchar* file_name ) { struct file_writer *ret; unsigned writer_thread_id; HANDLE *writer_thread; TRACE_ENTER( "file_name=%s\n", file_name ); ret = g_malloc0( sizeof(struct file_writer) ); ret->file_name = g_strdup( file_name ); ret->message_queue = fifo_create(); ret->fifo_semaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 0, LONG_MAX, NULL ); if( !ret->fifo_semaphore ) { ERR( "Cannot create semaphore; error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); goto error; } ret->shutdown_event = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if( !ret->shutdown_event ) { ERR( "Cannot create event; error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); goto error; } writer_thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, writer_thread_proc, ret, 0, &writer_thread_id ); if( !writer_thread ) { ERR( "Cannot create thread; error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); goto error; } CloseHandle( writer_thread ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done; ret=%p\n", ret ); return ret; error: destroy_file_writer( ret ); TRACE_LEAVE( "error\n" ); return NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * detach_writer_from_destination */ static void detach_writer_from_destination( struct file_writer* writer ) { TRACE_ENTER( "%p\n", writer ); if( !writer->destination ) { TRACE_LEAVE( "done; already detached\n" ); return; } EnterCriticalSection( &writer->destination->cs_file_writers ); writer->destination->file_writers = g_list_remove( writer->destination->file_writers, writer ); LeaveCriticalSection( &writer->destination->cs_file_writers ); writer->destination = NULL; TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * writer_thread_proc * * Open file, extract messages from queue and write them to file. * If queue is empty long enough, close file and destroy itself. */ static unsigned __stdcall writer_thread_proc( void* arg ) { struct file_writer *writer = arg; HANDLE wait_objects[2] = { writer->fifo_semaphore, writer->shutdown_event }; gchar *pathname; FILETIME systime; TRACE_ENTER( "writer=%p\n", writer ); pathname = make_absolute_log_pathname( writer->file_name ); create_directories( pathname ); rotate_logfile( pathname, writer->destination ); writer->fd = CreateFile( pathname, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); g_free( pathname ); if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == writer->fd ) { ERR( "CreateFile(%s) error %lu\n", pathname, GetLastError() ); goto done; } SetFilePointer( writer->fd, 0, NULL, FILE_END ); /* there's a strange bug or feature in windows: if there was a file with the same name in the directory, a new file will inherit its creation time; because of this logs will be rotate each time; here is a workaround: */ GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &systime ); if( !SetFileTime( writer->fd, &systime, &systime, &systime ) ) ERR( "SetFileTime error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); for(;;) { DWORD w = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, wait_objects, FALSE, WRITER_KEEPALIVE_TIME ); if( WAIT_TIMEOUT == w ) { /* prepare to suicide; at this point a new message may be put into queue; detach writer from destination and continue to write any pending messages */ detach_writer_from_destination( writer ); /* from now no new messages will be put into queue */ SetEvent( writer->shutdown_event ); } writer->current_msg = fifo_pop( writer->message_queue ); if( !writer->current_msg ) { /* shutdown */ goto done; } if( coalesce( writer ) ) { if( writer->current_msg ) { write_message_to_logfile( writer, &writer->current_msg ); TRACE_2( "%p written current message\n", writer ); } } else { flush_coalescer( writer ); } } done: detach_writer_from_destination( writer ); flush_coalescer( writer ); if( writer->fd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle( writer->fd ); destroy_file_writer( writer ); purge_log_dirs(); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * make_file_name * * expand filename pattern (message->file) */ static void make_file_name( char* pattern, struct message* message, char* buffer ) { char *dest = buffer; SYSTEMTIME stm; GetLocalTime( &stm ); for(;;) { char c = *pattern++; if( c != '%' ) { *dest++ = c; if( '\0' == c ) break; continue; } c = *pattern++; switch( c ) { case 'Y': dest += sprintf( dest, "%u", stm.wYear ); break; case 'M': dest += sprintf( dest, "%02u", stm.wMonth ); break; case 'm': dest += sprintf( dest, "%u", stm.wMonth ); break; case 'D': dest += sprintf( dest, "%02u", stm.wDay ); break; case 'd': dest += sprintf( dest, "%u", stm.wDay ); break; case 'W': dest += sprintf( dest, "%u", stm.wDayOfWeek + 1 ); break; case 'F': dest += sprintf( dest, "%s", get_facility_name( message->facility ) ); break; case 'f': dest += sprintf( dest, "%d", message->facility ); break; case 'L': dest += sprintf( dest, "%s", get_priority_name( message->priority ) ); break; case 'l': dest += sprintf( dest, "%d", message->priority ); break; case 'H': dest += sprintf( dest, "%s", message->hostname ); break; case 'h': dest += sprintf( dest, "%s", message->sender ); break; case 'P': dest += sprintf( dest, "%s", message->program ); break; default: *dest++ = c; break; } } strlwr( buffer ); } /****************************************************************************** * write_message */ void write_message( struct message* msg, struct destination* destination ) { char file_name[ MAX_PATH ]; GList *item; struct file_writer *writer; TRACE_ENTER( "msg=%p, destination=%s\n", msg, destination->name ); make_file_name( destination->file, msg, file_name ); EnterCriticalSection( &destination->cs_file_writers ); /* find existing writer */ for( writer = NULL, item = destination->file_writers; item; item = item->next ) if( strcmp( ((struct file_writer*) (item->data))->file_name, file_name ) == 0 ) { writer = item->data; break; } if( !writer ) { /* create new writer */ writer = create_file_writer( file_name ); if( !writer ) goto done; /* add writer to destination */ destination->file_writers = g_list_append( destination->file_writers, writer ); writer->destination = destination; } /* put message into queue */ reference_message( msg ); fifo_push( writer->message_queue, msg ); ReleaseSemaphore( writer->fifo_semaphore, 1, NULL ); done: LeaveCriticalSection( &destination->cs_file_writers ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * fini_writer */ void fini_writer() { GList *dest_item; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); /* setting shutdown event */ for( dest_item = destinations; dest_item; dest_item = dest_item->next ) { struct destination *destination = dest_item->data; GList *wr_item; EnterCriticalSection( &destination->cs_file_writers ); for( wr_item = destination->file_writers; wr_item; wr_item = wr_item->next ) { struct file_writer *writer = wr_item->data; SetEvent( writer->shutdown_event ); } LeaveCriticalSection( &destination->cs_file_writers ); } TRACE_2( "waiting for shutdown\n" ); for(;;) { for( dest_item = destinations; dest_item; dest_item = dest_item->next ) if( ((struct destination*) (dest_item->data))->file_writers ) break; if( !dest_item ) break; Sleep( 60 ); } TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); }