/* * syslogd.c - syslogd implementation for windows * * Created by Alexander Yaworsky * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* internal source data */ static struct fifo *internal_message_queue = NULL; static HANDLE internal_queue_event = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION internal_queue_cs; static int internal_source_count = 0; static struct source** internal_source_references = NULL; /* cache for source hostnames */ struct hostname { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct string *host; time_t top_age; /* zero prevents aging */ }; static GList *hostnames = NULL; #define HOSTNAME_LIFETIME 60 /* seconds */ /* FIXME: is this value correct? maybe we should make it configurable? */ char *str_month[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; /****************************************************************************** * create_message * * Create a new message with refcount=1. */ struct message* create_message( struct source* source, struct string* sender, int facility, int priority, LPSYSTEMTIME timestamp, struct string* hostname, struct string* program, struct string* message ) { struct message *msg; gchar *ts; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); msg = g_malloc( sizeof(struct message) ); msg->refcount = 1; msg->source = source; msg->sender = string_addref( sender ); msg->facility = facility; msg->priority = priority; ts = g_strdup_printf( "%s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d", str_month[ timestamp->wMonth - 1 ], timestamp->wDay, timestamp->wHour, timestamp->wMinute, timestamp->wSecond ); msg->timestamp = string_new( ts ); g_free( ts ); msg->hostname = string_addref( hostname ); msg->program = string_addref( program ); msg->message = string_addref( message ); TRACE_LEAVE( "message=%p\n", msg ); return msg; } /****************************************************************************** * duplicate_message * * Make a copy of message. */ struct message* duplicate_message( struct message* msg ) { struct message *new_msg; TRACE_ENTER( "message=%p\n", msg ); new_msg = g_malloc( sizeof(struct message) ); new_msg->refcount = 1; new_msg->source = msg->source; new_msg->sender = string_addref( msg->sender ); new_msg->facility = msg->facility; new_msg->priority = msg->priority; new_msg->timestamp = string_addref( msg->timestamp ); new_msg->hostname = string_addref( msg->hostname ); new_msg->program = string_addref( msg->program ); new_msg->message = string_addref( msg->message ); TRACE_LEAVE( "new message=%p\n", new_msg ); return new_msg; } /****************************************************************************** * refrence_message * * increment reference count */ void reference_message( struct message* msg ) { TRACE_ENTER( "message=%p\n", msg ); InterlockedIncrement( &msg->refcount ); } /****************************************************************************** * release_message * * decrement reference count and destroy message structure if it becomes zero */ void release_message( struct message* msg ) { TRACE_ENTER( "message=%p\n", msg ); if( InterlockedDecrement( &msg->refcount ) ) { TRACE_LEAVE( "done; still referenced\n" ); return; } string_release( msg->sender ); string_release( msg->timestamp ); string_release( msg->hostname ); string_release( msg->program ); string_release( msg->message ); g_free( msg ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * filter_message * * return: TRUE - accepted message, FALSE - rejected message */ static gboolean filter_message( struct message* msg, struct filter* filter ) { gboolean ret = FALSE; TRACE_ENTER( "message=%p, filter=%s\n", msg, filter? filter->name : "NULL" ); if( !filter ) goto passed; /* check facility */ if( !filter->facilities[ msg->facility ] ) goto done; /* check priority */ if( !filter->priorities[ msg->priority ] ) goto done; passed: /* message is passed through filter */ ret = TRUE; done: TRACE_LEAVE( "done; ret=%d\n", ret ); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * try_convert_string * * helper function for mux_message; * try to convert encoding, return reference to the original string in case * of failure */ static struct string* try_convert_string( struct string* s, GIConv cd ) { struct string *ret; gchar *converted_str; gchar *inbuf, *outbuf; gsize inbytes_left, outbytes, outbytes_left; gsize converted_str_len, converted_str_allocated; converted_str_allocated = s->gstr->len + /* at least */ 1; converted_str = g_malloc( converted_str_allocated ); inbuf = s->gstr->str; inbytes_left = s->gstr->len; outbytes = converted_str_allocated; outbuf = converted_str; converted_str_len = 0; if( 0 == inbytes_left ) goto done; for(;;) { size_t r; outbytes_left = outbytes; r = g_iconv( cd, &inbuf, &inbytes_left, &outbuf, &outbytes_left ); converted_str_len += outbytes - outbytes_left; outbytes = outbytes_left; if( r != -1 ) goto done; switch( errno ) { case E2BIG: /* guess the right output length */ outbytes = inbytes_left * /* average size of destination char: */ converted_str_len / (s->gstr->len - inbytes_left) + 16; /* if the result of above expression too small */ converted_str_allocated += outbytes; converted_str = g_realloc( converted_str, converted_str_allocated ); outbuf = converted_str + converted_str_len; break; case EILSEQ: inbuf++; inbytes_left--; /* FIXME: skip invalid characters? or replace with some fallback? */ break; case EINVAL: goto done; default: TRACE( "unknown conversion error %d\n", errno ); g_free( converted_str ); return string_addref( s ); } } done: ret = string_new_len( converted_str, converted_str_len ); g_free( converted_str ); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * mux_message * * filter and multiplex message to destinations; * release message */ static void mux_message( struct message* msg ) { GList *item; TRACE_ENTER( "message=%p\n", msg ); for( item = logpaths; item; item = item->next ) { struct logpath *logpath = item->data; gboolean need_message_iconv, need_program_iconv; struct message *converted_msg; if( logpath->source != msg->source ) continue; if( !filter_message( msg, logpath->filter ) ) continue; /* convert encoding if needed */ need_message_iconv = logpath->message_cd != (GIConv) -1; need_program_iconv = logpath->program_cd != (GIConv) -1; if( (!need_message_iconv) && (!need_program_iconv) ) { converted_msg = msg; reference_message( msg ); } else { converted_msg = duplicate_message( msg ); if( need_message_iconv ) { string_release( converted_msg->message ); converted_msg->message = try_convert_string( msg->message, logpath->message_cd ); } if( need_program_iconv ) { string_release( converted_msg->program ); converted_msg->program = try_convert_string( msg->program, logpath->program_cd ); } } /* put message to destination */ logpath->destination->put( logpath->destination, converted_msg ); release_message( converted_msg ); } release_message( msg ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * get_hostname * * convert addr to string and return it; * string should be released after use */ static struct string* get_hostname( struct sockaddr_in* addr ) { struct string *ret; time_t current_time; GList *item; struct hostname *new_hostname; char buf[16]; TRACE_ENTER( "%d.%d.%d.%d\n", addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 ); current_time = time(NULL); /* at first, try to find a cached entry */ item = hostnames; while( item ) { struct hostname *h = item->data; if( h->top_age && h->top_age < current_time ) { GList *next_item = item->next; TRACE_2( "delete old entry %s\n", h->host->gstr->str ); string_release( h->host ); g_free( h ); hostnames = g_list_delete_link( hostnames, item ); item = next_item; continue; } if( h->addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr == addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr ) { /* found in cache */ ret = string_addref( h->host ); /* move entry to the beginning of the list */ item->data = hostnames->data; hostnames->data = h; TRACE_LEAVE( "done; found cached entry: %s\n", ret->gstr->str ); return ret; } item = item->next; } /* add new entry */ new_hostname = g_malloc( sizeof(struct hostname) ); memcpy( &new_hostname->addr, addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); if( use_dns ) { struct hostent *he = gethostbyaddr( (char*) &addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr, sizeof(addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), AF_INET ); new_hostname->top_age = time(NULL) + HOSTNAME_LIFETIME; if( !he ) goto use_addr; new_hostname->host = string_new( he->h_name ); } else { new_hostname->top_age = 0; use_addr: sprintf( buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d", addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, addr->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 ); new_hostname->host = string_new( buf ); } hostnames = g_list_prepend( hostnames, new_hostname ); ret = string_addref( new_hostname->host ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done; ret=%s\n", ret->gstr->str ); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * free_hostnames */ static void free_hostnames() { GList *item; for( item = hostnames; item; item = item->next ) { struct hostname *h = item->data; string_release( h->host ); g_free( h ); } g_list_free( hostnames ); hostnames = NULL; } /****************************************************************************** * parse_PRI * * parse PRI part of message; * set facility and priority; * return pointer to the next char after PRI */ static gchar* parse_PRI( gchar* msg, int* facility, int* priority ) { int i, pri; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); if( *msg != '<' ) goto no_pri; pri = 0; for( i = 1; i < 5; i++ ) { if( msg[ i ] == '>' ) break; if( !isdigit( msg[ i ] ) ) goto no_pri; pri = (pri * 10) + (msg[ i ] - '0'); } if( i == 5 ) goto no_pri; if( i == 1 ) /* FIXME: is this right? or "<>" is an unidentifiable PRI? */ goto no_pri; msg += i + 1; if( pri > LOG_NFACILITIES * 8 + 7 ) { TRACE_2( "Unidentifiable PRI %d\n", pri ); *facility = LOG_FAC( LOG_USER ); *priority = LOG_PRI( LOG_NOTICE ); } else { TRACE_2( "PRI=%d\n", pri ); *facility = LOG_FAC( pri ); *priority = LOG_PRI( pri ); } TRACE_LEAVE( "done; facility=%d, priority=%d\n", *facility, *priority ); return msg; no_pri: *facility = LOG_FAC( LOG_USER ); *priority = LOG_PRI( LOG_NOTICE ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done; message contains no PRI\n" ); return msg; } /****************************************************************************** * str2month * * return month (1..12) or 0 if error */ static int str2month( char* s ) { register char s1, s2, s3; s1 = s[0]; if( 'A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z' ) s1 += 'a' - 'A'; s2 = s[1]; if( 'A' <= s[1] && s[1] <= 'Z' ) s2 += 'a' - 'A'; s3 = s[2]; if( 'A' <= s[2] && s[2] <= 'Z' ) s3 += 'a' - 'A'; if( s1 < 'm' ) { if( s1 < 'f' ) { if( s1 == 'a' ) { if( s2 == 'p' && s3 == 'r' ) return 4; /* Apr */ if( s2 == 'u' && s3 == 'g' ) return 8; /* Aug */ return 0; } else if( s1 == 'd' ) { if( s2 == 'e' && s3 == 'c' ) return 12; /* Dec */ return 0; } else return 0; } else if( s1 == 'f' ) { if( s2 == 'e' && s3 == 'b' ) return 2; /* Feb */ return 0; } else if( s1 == 'j' ) { if( s2 == 'a' && s3 == 'n' ) return 1; /* Jan */ if( s2 != 'u' ) return 0; if( s3 == 'l' ) return 7; /* Jul */ if( s3 == 'n' ) return 6; /* Jun */ return 0; } else return 0; } else if( s1 > 'm' ) { if( s1 < 'o' ) { if( s1 == 'n' && s2 == 'o' && s3 == 'v' ) return 11; /* Nov */ return 0; } else if( s1 > 'o' ) { if( s1 == 's' && s2 == 'e' && s3 == 'p' ) return 9; /* Sep */ return 0; } else /* s1 == 'o' */ { if( s2 == 'c' && s3 == 't' ) return 10; /* Oct */ return 0; } } else /* s1 == 'm' */ { if( s2 != 'a' ) return 0; if( s3 == 'r' ) return 3; /* Mar */ if( s3 == 'y' ) return 5; /* May */ return 0; } } /****************************************************************************** * parse_timestamp * * parse TIMESTAMP part of message; * return pointer to the next char after TIMESTAMP */ static gchar* parse_timestamp( gchar* msg, LPSYSTEMTIME timestamp ) { TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); timestamp->wMonth = str2month( msg ); if( 0 == timestamp->wMonth ) goto no_timestamp; if( msg[3] != ' ' ) goto no_timestamp; if( msg[4] != ' ' ) { if( (!isdigit( msg[4] )) || (!isdigit( msg[5] )) ) goto no_timestamp; timestamp->wDay = (msg[4] - '0') * 10 + (msg[5] - '0'); } else { if( !isdigit( msg[5] ) ) goto no_timestamp; timestamp->wDay = msg[5] - '0'; } if( msg[6] != ' ' ) goto no_timestamp; if( (!isdigit( msg[7] )) || (!isdigit( msg[8] )) || msg[9] != ':' ) goto no_timestamp; timestamp->wHour = (msg[7] - '0') * 10 + (msg[8] - '0'); if( (!isdigit( msg[10] )) || (!isdigit( msg[11] )) || msg[12] != ':' ) goto no_timestamp; timestamp->wMinute = (msg[10] - '0') * 10 + (msg[11] - '0'); if( (!isdigit( msg[13] )) || (!isdigit( msg[14] )) || msg[15] != ' ' ) goto no_timestamp; timestamp->wSecond = (msg[13] - '0') * 10 + (msg[14] - '0'); msg += 16; goto done; no_timestamp: TRACE_2( "no timestamp\n" ); GetLocalTime( timestamp ); done: TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); return msg; } /****************************************************************************** * parse_raw_message * * parse raw message and make a new message; * destroy raw message */ static struct message* parse_raw_message( struct raw_message* raw_msg ) { gchar *current_part, *next_part; struct string *sender, *hostname, *program, *message; int facility, priority; SYSTEMTIME timestamp; struct message *msg; TRACE_ENTER( "raw message=%p\n", raw_msg ); /* get sender's hostname */ sender = get_hostname( &raw_msg->sender_addr ); current_part = raw_msg->msg; next_part = parse_PRI( current_part, &facility, &priority ); current_part = next_part; next_part = parse_timestamp( current_part, ×tamp ); if( next_part == current_part ) { /* no valid timestamp */ TRACE_2( "no valid timestamp: msg=%s\n", current_part ); hostname = string_addref( sender ); message = string_new( current_part ); } else { /* have valid timestamp, go ahead */ current_part = next_part; while( isalnum( *next_part ) || *next_part == '-' || *next_part == '.' ) next_part++; if( *next_part != ' ' ) { /* invalid hostname */ hostname = string_addref( sender ); message = string_new( current_part ); TRACE_2( "invalid hostname; set sender (%s); msg=%s\n", hostname->gstr->str, message->gstr->str ); } else { hostname = string_new_len( current_part, next_part - current_part ); while( *next_part == ' ' && *next_part != 0 ) next_part++; message = string_new( next_part ); TRACE_2( "hostname=%s; msg=%s\n", hostname->gstr->str, message->gstr->str ); } } /* try to find program name */ current_part = message->gstr->str; next_part = current_part; while( *next_part != ' ' && *next_part != ':' && *next_part != '[' && *next_part != 0 ) next_part++; if( *next_part == ' ' || *next_part == 0 ) program = string_new(""); else program = string_new_len( current_part, next_part - current_part ); /* create message */ msg = create_message( raw_msg->source, sender, facility, priority, ×tamp, hostname, program, message ); string_release( sender ); string_release( hostname ); string_release( program ); string_release( message ); /* destroy raw message */ g_free( raw_msg->msg ); g_free( raw_msg ); TRACE_LEAVE( "done; message=%p\n", msg ); return msg; } /****************************************************************************** * number_of_sources * * return the number of sources of the specified type */ unsigned number_of_sources( enum source_type type ) { unsigned ret = 0; GList *item; for( item = sources; item; item = item->next ) { struct source *src = item->data; if( src->type == type ) ret++; } return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * log_internal * * Generate internal log message. * This function should be called only from the main thread because there's no * access serialization to the writing end of the queue. */ void log_internal( int pri, char* fmt, ... ) { struct string *sender, *hostname, *program, *msg; va_list args; SYSTEMTIME stm; int i; struct message *message; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); if( 0 == internal_source_count ) goto done; sender = string_addref( local_hostname ); hostname = string_addref( local_hostname ); program = string_addref( self_program_name ); va_start( args, fmt ); msg = string_vprintf( fmt, args ); va_end( args ); GetLocalTime( &stm ); message = create_message( internal_source_references[0], sender, LOG_FAC( LOG_SYSLOG ), LOG_PRI( pri ), &stm, hostname, program, msg ); EnterCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); for( i = 1;; i++ ) { if( fifo_push( internal_message_queue, message ) ) SetEvent( internal_queue_event ); if( i == internal_source_count ) break; message = duplicate_message( message ); message->source = internal_source_references[ i ]; } LeaveCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); done: TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * shutdown_internal_sources * * dispose all data except message queue and event */ static void shutdown_internal_sources() { TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); internal_source_count = 0; if( internal_source_references ) { g_free( internal_source_references ); internal_source_references = NULL; } TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * fini_internal_sources */ static void fini_internal_sources() { TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); shutdown_internal_sources(); if( internal_message_queue ) { fifo_destroy( internal_message_queue ); internal_message_queue = NULL; } if( internal_queue_event ) { DeleteCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); CloseHandle( internal_queue_event ); internal_queue_event = NULL; } TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * init_internal_sources */ static gboolean init_internal_sources() { gboolean ret = FALSE; GList *item; int i; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); internal_message_queue = fifo_create(); internal_queue_event = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if( !internal_queue_event ) { ERR( "Cannot create event; error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); goto done; } InitializeCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); internal_source_count = (int) number_of_sources( ST_INTERNAL ); if( 0 == internal_source_count ) { ret = TRUE; goto done; } internal_source_references = g_malloc( internal_source_count * sizeof(struct source*) ); for( i = 0, item = sources; item; item = item->next ) { struct source *src = item->data; if( ST_INTERNAL == src->type ) internal_source_references[ i++ ] = src; } ret = TRUE; done: if( !ret ) fini_internal_sources(); TRACE_LEAVE( "done; internal_sources=%d, ret=%d\n", internal_source_count, (int) ret ); return ret; } /****************************************************************************** * fini_destinations * * for each destination call fini method */ static void fini_destinations() { GList *dest; TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); for( dest = destinations; dest; dest = dest->next ) { struct destination *d = dest->data; d->fini( d ); } TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); } /****************************************************************************** * main syslogd function */ void syslogd_main() { TRACE_ENTER( "\n" ); if( !read_configuration() ) goto done; if( !init_purger() ) goto done; purge_log_dirs(); if( !init_internal_sources() ) goto done; if( !init_udp_listener() ) goto done; log_internal( LOG_NOTICE, "Syslog daemon started" ); /* get messages from queues */ for(;;) { HANDLE wait_handles[3] = { udp_queue_event, internal_queue_event, service_stop_event }; DWORD t; struct raw_message *raw_msg; struct message *msg; if( !mark_interval ) t = INFINITE; else t = mark_interval * 1000; switch( WaitForMultipleObjects( 3, wait_handles, FALSE, t ) ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: EnterCriticalSection( &udp_queue_cs ); for(;;) { raw_msg = fifo_pop( udp_message_queue ); if( !raw_msg ) break; TRACE_2( "got raw message %p from UDP listener\n", raw_msg ); mux_message( parse_raw_message( raw_msg ) ); } ResetEvent( udp_queue_event ); LeaveCriticalSection( &udp_queue_cs ); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: EnterCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); for(;;) { msg = fifo_pop( internal_message_queue ); if( !msg ) break; TRACE_2( "got message %p from internal source %s\n", msg, msg->source->name ); mux_message( msg ); } ResetEvent( internal_queue_event ); LeaveCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: goto shutdown; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: /* issue mark message */ log_internal( LOG_NOTICE, "%s", mark_message ); break; default: ERR( "WaitForMultipleObjects() error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); SetEvent( service_stop_event ); goto shutdown; } } shutdown: log_internal( LOG_NOTICE, "Syslog daemon is shutting down" ); shutdown_udp_listener(); shutdown_internal_sources(); /* flush queues */ for(;;) { HANDLE wait_handles[2] = { udp_queue_event, internal_queue_event }; struct raw_message *raw_msg; struct message *msg; switch( WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, wait_handles, FALSE, 0 ) ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: EnterCriticalSection( &udp_queue_cs ); for(;;) { raw_msg = fifo_pop( udp_message_queue ); if( !raw_msg ) break; TRACE_2( "got raw message %p from UDP listener\n", raw_msg ); mux_message( parse_raw_message( raw_msg ) ); } ResetEvent( udp_queue_event ); LeaveCriticalSection( &udp_queue_cs ); break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: EnterCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); for(;;) { msg = fifo_pop( internal_message_queue ); if( !msg ) break; TRACE_2( "got message %p from internal source %s\n", msg, msg->source->name ); mux_message( msg ); } ResetEvent( internal_queue_event ); LeaveCriticalSection( &internal_queue_cs ); break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: goto done; default: ERR( "WaitForMultipleObjects() error %lu\n", GetLastError() ); goto done; } } done: /* signal to all possibly running threads */ SetEvent( service_stop_event ); fini_udp_listener(); fini_internal_sources(); fini_destinations(); fini_purger(); free_hostnames(); TRACE_LEAVE( "done\n" ); }