path: root/dev-util/mfcuk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 14 insertions, 1115 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/mfcuk/Manifest b/dev-util/mfcuk/Manifest
index ba5749c..e7b348d 100644
--- a/dev-util/mfcuk/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/mfcuk/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-AUX mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch 1226 RMD160 7235297ca5a00e539ceff7d5bdcbc021e630bc74 SHA1 e1c507605309b12ae2c9c5500133001d1ace9495 SHA256 16cb59372aad86b7d0c047f63fddc4ca22180b274d1a6bfbd3321fc272657347
-AUX mfcuk-new-libnfc-version.patch 39765 RMD160 0540e930a10c5ccfee906a31ad1fd1d72ed5138c SHA1 6bf67f260cf6a82092e834370406c89c3346d665 SHA256 8ca8c70cfde48e352434b7ada479233111b3fdea35d00c68b3dc25f11a83a53f
-EBUILD mfcuk-9999.ebuild 771 RMD160 560c8ae701b268bf0a034f6e705bf172a9fc6318 SHA1 6c9a332769bbcf4e0b4b1241067153acd5ca0a81 SHA256 95570149750251a53b2edd4c56a2ddd18b2f417fbb3d660b941575167dd6daf2
+AUX mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch 1245 SHA256 2299e156d1babf9661b1b6fc89d754f1d969e6ff00986248d57af34829e794b7 SHA512 2e6e99ef8c676c6672e838f2fa1136d7a1632bcee714b7d0370a5fa494e8d9c89b16096c1e2c265bf013da0d9b8e6b883ea3cc064b63fe3be8a5c745bc03f779 WHIRLPOOL acd263400023947357d87972f1edfe9f0d3ac5cebf598a676d28f4e2a95d38e7d6c199cb3bf68607eb691c5ea160fe03a0d24fa5a4efde250e6872659b055e45
+EBUILD mfcuk-9999.ebuild 718 SHA256 c28ccb24f6df6bd0070730cbfb848255e9451e1a063396ad4feb1f5e198d6c2a SHA512 b51105a2183a67aa2ee7b4a85d01e5691e4c80d0d2ba1345693fe9ac62cc9b55edb9b6ec6e8297aa12769419d5fc794dda7117331dc581964d2aa5e2db75e23f WHIRLPOOL 381db1db57bb7d2b5de5dbe812872ed8ed0cc5f679e40e6f8a8d955316989b6153784249c190227f2f860c0d0163f80829dfde1a079e7ae05a69ce82d0a2c92d
diff --git a/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch b/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch
index 41b4060..a774d61 100644
--- a/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch
+++ b/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-Index: mfcuk_finger.c
+Index: src/mfcuk_finger.c
---- src/mfcuk_finger.c (revision 62)
+--- src/mfcuk_finger.c (revision 94)
+++ src/mfcuk_finger.c (working copy)
-@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
+@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
+ #include "mfcuk_finger.h"
- mfcuk_finger_tmpl_entry mfcuk_finger_db[] =
- {
-- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_skgt.mfd", "Sofia SKGT", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_skgt_decoder, NULL },
-- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_ratb.mfd", "Bucharest RATB", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
-- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_oyster.mfd", "London OYSTER", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
-+ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_skgt.mfd", "Sofia SKGT", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_skgt_decoder, NULL },
-+ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_ratb.mfd", "Bucharest RATB", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
-+ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_oyster.mfd", "London OYSTER", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
+ mfcuk_finger_tmpl_entry mfcuk_finger_db[] = {
+- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_skgt.mfd", "Sofia SKGT", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_skgt_decoder, NULL },
+- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_ratb.mfd", "Bucharest RATB", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
+- { "./data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_oyster.mfd", "London OYSTER", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
++ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_skgt.mfd", "Sofia SKGT", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_skgt_decoder, NULL },
++ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_ratb.mfd", "Bucharest RATB", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
++ { "/usr/share/mfcuk/data/tmpls_fingerprints/mfcuk_tmpl_oyster.mfd", "London OYSTER", mfcuk_finger_default_comparator, mfcuk_finger_default_decoder, NULL },
- int mfcuk_finger_db_entries = sizeof(mfcuk_finger_db)/sizeof(mfcuk_finger_db[0]);
+ int mfcuk_finger_db_entries = sizeof(mfcuk_finger_db) / sizeof(mfcuk_finger_db[0]);
diff --git a/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-new-libnfc-version.patch b/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-new-libnfc-version.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e27f105..0000000
--- a/dev-util/mfcuk/files/mfcuk-new-libnfc-version.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1099 +0,0 @@
-Index: src/nfc-utils.c
---- src/nfc-utils.c (revision 62)
-+++ src/nfc-utils.c (working copy)
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- #include "nfc-utils.h"
--static const byte_t OddParity[256] = {
-+static const uint8_t OddParity[256] = {
- 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
- 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
-@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@
- 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
- };
--oddparity (const byte_t bt)
-+oddparity (const uint8_t bt)
- {
- return OddParity[bt];
- }
- void
--oddparity_bytes_ts (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen, byte_t * pbtPar)
-+oddparity_bytes_ts (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen, uint8_t * pbtPar)
- {
- size_t szByteNr;
- // Calculate the parity bits for the command
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_hex (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBytes)
-+print_hex (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szBytes)
- {
- size_t szPos;
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_hex_bits (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits)
-+print_hex_bits (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits)
- {
- uint8_t uRemainder;
- size_t szPos;
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_hex_par (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits, const byte_t * pbtDataPar)
-+print_hex_par (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits, const uint8_t * pbtDataPar)
- {
- uint8_t uRemainder;
- size_t szPos;
-@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
- #define SAK_ISO18092_COMPLIANT 0x40
- void
--print_nfc_iso14443a_info (const nfc_iso14443a_info_t nai, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_iso14443a_info (const nfc_iso14443a_info nai, bool verbose)
- {
- printf (" ATQA (SENS_RES): ");
- print_hex (nai.abtAtqa, 2);
-@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
- size_t offset = 1;
- if (nai.abtAts[0] & 0x10) { // TA(1) present
-- byte_t TA = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t TA = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- printf ("* Bit Rate Capability:\n");
- if (TA == 0) {
-@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
- }
- }
- if (nai.abtAts[0] & 0x20) { // TB(1) present
-- byte_t TB= nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t TB= nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- printf ("* Frame Waiting Time: %.4g ms\n",256.0*16.0*(1<<((TB & 0xf0) >> 4))/13560.0);
- if ((TB & 0x0f) == 0) {
-@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
- }
- }
- if (nai.abtAts[0] & 0x40) { // TC(1) present
-- byte_t TC = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t TC = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- if (TC & 0x1) {
- printf("* Node ADdress supported\n");
-@@ -260,20 +260,20 @@
- if (nai.szAtsLen > offset) {
- printf ("* Historical bytes Tk: " );
- print_hex (nai.abtAts + offset, (nai.szAtsLen - offset));
-- byte_t CIB = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t CIB = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- if (CIB != 0x00 && CIB != 0x10 && (CIB & 0xf0) != 0x80) {
- printf(" * Proprietary format\n");
- if (CIB == 0xc1) {
- printf(" * Tag byte: Mifare or virtual cards of various types\n");
-- byte_t L = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t L = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- if (L != (nai.szAtsLen - offset)) {
- printf(" * Warning: Type Identification Coding length (%i)", L);
- printf(" not matching Tk length (%zi)\n", (nai.szAtsLen - offset));
- }
- if ((nai.szAtsLen - offset - 2) > 0) { // Omit 2 CRC bytes
-- byte_t CTC = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t CTC = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- printf(" * Chip Type: ");
- switch (CTC & 0xf0) {
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
- }
- }
- if ((nai.szAtsLen - offset) > 0) { // Omit 2 CRC bytes
-- byte_t CVC = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t CVC = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- printf(" * Chip Status: ");
- switch (CVC & 0xf0) {
-@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
- }
- }
- if ((nai.szAtsLen - offset) > 0) { // Omit 2 CRC bytes
-- byte_t VCS = nai.abtAts[offset];
-+ uint8_t VCS = nai.abtAts[offset];
- offset++;
- printf(" * Specifics (Virtual Card Selection):\n");
- if ((VCS & 0x09) == 0x00) {
-@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_felica_info (const nfc_felica_info_t nfi, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_felica_info (const nfc_felica_info nfi, bool verbose)
- {
- (void) verbose;
- printf (" ID (NFCID2): ");
-@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_jewel_info (const nfc_jewel_info_t nji, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_jewel_info (const nfc_jewel_info nji, bool verbose)
- {
- (void) verbose;
- printf (" ATQA (SENS_RES): ");
-@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
- #define PI_NAD_SUPPORTED 0x01
- #define PI_CID_SUPPORTED 0x02
- void
--print_nfc_iso14443b_info (const nfc_iso14443b_info_t nbi, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_iso14443b_info (const nfc_iso14443b_info nbi, bool verbose)
- {
- const int iMaxFrameSizes[] = { 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256 };
- printf (" PUPI: ");
-@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_iso14443bi_info (const nfc_iso14443bi_info_t nii, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_iso14443bi_info (const nfc_iso14443bi_info nii, bool verbose)
- {
- printf (" DIV: ");
- print_hex (nii.abtDIV, 4);
-@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_iso14443b2sr_info (const nfc_iso14443b2sr_info_t nsi, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_iso14443b2sr_info (const nfc_iso14443b2sr_info nsi, bool verbose)
- {
- (void) verbose;
- printf (" UID: ");
-@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_iso14443b2ct_info (const nfc_iso14443b2ct_info_t nci, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_iso14443b2ct_info (const nfc_iso14443b2ct_info nci, bool verbose)
- {
- (void) verbose;
- uint32_t uid;
-@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_dep_info (const nfc_dep_info_t ndi, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_dep_info (const nfc_dep_info ndi, bool verbose)
- {
- (void) verbose;
- printf (" NFCID3: ");
-@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
- }
- const char *
--str_nfc_baud_rate (const nfc_baud_rate_t nbr)
-+str_nfc_baud_rate (const nfc_baud_rate nbr)
- {
- switch(nbr) {
-@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
- }
- void
--print_nfc_target (const nfc_target_t nt, bool verbose)
-+print_nfc_target (const nfc_target nt, bool verbose)
- {
- switch(nt.nm.nmt) {
- case NMT_ISO14443A:
-Index: src/mfcuk.c
---- src/mfcuk.c (revision 62)
-+++ src/mfcuk.c (working copy)
-@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@
- uint32_t numSpoofEntries = 0; // Actual number of entries in the arrSpoofEntries
- uint32_t numAuthAttempts = 0; // Number of authentication attempts for Recovery of keys - used to statistics. TODO: implement proper statistics with timings, number of tries, etc.
- bool bfOpts[256] = {false}; // Command line options, indicates their presence, initialize with false
--byte_t verboseLevel = 0; // No verbose level by default
-+uint8_t verboseLevel = 0; // No verbose level by default
--static const nfc_modulation_t nmMifare = {
-+static const nfc_modulation nmMifare = {
- .nmt = NMT_ISO14443A,
- .nbr = NBR_106,
- };
-@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
- }
- // TODO: combine mfcuk_verify_key_block() with mfcuk_recover_key_block(), since a lot of code is duplicate
--uint32_t mfcuk_verify_key_block(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint32_t uiUID, uint64_t ui64Key, mifare_key_type bKeyType, byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+uint32_t mfcuk_verify_key_block(nfc_device* pnd, uint32_t uiUID, uint64_t ui64Key, mifare_key_type bKeyType, uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- uint32_t pos;
-@@ -254,11 +254,11 @@
- uint64_t lfsr;
- // Communication related variables
-- byte_t abtAuth[4] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtArEnc[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtArEncPar[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-- byte_t abtRxPar[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-+ uint8_t abtAuth[4] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtArEnc[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtArEncPar[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-+ uint8_t abtRxPar[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
- size_t szRx;
- uint32_t nt, nt_orig; // Supplied tag nonce
-@@ -283,20 +283,20 @@
- iso14443a_crc_append(abtAuth,2);
- // Now we take over, first we need full control over the CRC
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_CRC,false) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_CRC,false) )
- {
- }
- // We need to disable EASY_FRAMING feature to talk in "raw" mode
-- nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, false);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, false);
- // Request plain tag-nonce
-- if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd,abtAuth,4,abtRx,&szRx, NULL))
-+ if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd,abtAuth,4,abtRx,&szRx, 0))
- {
- }
-- nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, true);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, true);
- // Save the tag nonce (nt)
- nt = bswap_32(*((uint32_t *) abtRx));
-@@ -347,12 +347,13 @@
- }
- // Finally we want to send arbitrary parity bits
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_PARITY,false) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_PARITY,false) )
- {
- }
-- if ( !nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(pnd,abtArEnc,64,abtArEncPar,abtRx,&szRx,abtRxPar) )
-+ szRx = nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(pnd,abtArEnc,64,abtArEncPar,abtRx,abtRxPar);
-+ if (szRx <= 0)
- {
- }
-@@ -392,16 +393,16 @@
- }
--uint32_t mfcuk_key_recovery_block(nfc_device_t* pnd, uint32_t uiUID, uint64_t ui64Key, mifare_key_type bKeyType, byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock, uint64_t *ui64KeyRecovered)
-+uint32_t mfcuk_key_recovery_block(nfc_device* pnd, uint32_t uiUID, uint64_t ui64Key, mifare_key_type bKeyType, uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock, uint64_t *ui64KeyRecovered)
- {
- // Communication variables
- uint32_t pos, pos2, nt;
- struct Crypto1State* pcs;
-- byte_t abtAuth[4] = { 0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtArEnc[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtArEncPar[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-- byte_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-- byte_t abtRxPar[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-+ uint8_t abtAuth[4] = { 0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtArEnc[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtArEncPar[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
-+ uint8_t abtRx[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
-+ uint8_t abtRxPar[MAX_FRAME_LEN];
- size_t szRx;
- // zveriu
-@@ -414,7 +415,7 @@
- struct Crypto1State *current_state;
- uint32_t i;
- uint64_t key_recovered;
-- byte_t flag_key_recovered = 0; // FIXME: fix the {Nr} iteration properly. This a quick fix for cases when 0xDEADBEEF {Nr} is not working
-+ uint8_t flag_key_recovered = 0; // FIXME: fix the {Nr} iteration properly. This a quick fix for cases when 0xDEADBEEF {Nr} is not working
- if ( (bKeyType != keyA) && (bKeyType != keyB) )
- {
-@@ -437,19 +438,19 @@
- iso14443a_crc_append(abtAuth,2);
- // Now we take over, first we need full control over the CRC
-- nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_CRC,false);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_CRC,false);
- // We need to disable EASY_FRAMING feature to talk in "raw" mode
-- nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, false);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, false);
- // Request plain tag-nonce
- //printf("Nt: ");
-- if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd,abtAuth,4,abtRx,&szRx, NULL))
-+ if ( !nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(pnd,abtAuth,4,abtRx,&szRx, 0))
- {
- //printf("\n\nFAILURE - Failed to get TAG NONCE!!!\n\n");
- }
-- nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, true);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, true);
- //print_hex(abtRx,4);
-@@ -631,13 +632,14 @@
- }
- // Finally we want to send arbitrary parity bits
-- nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_PARITY,false);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_PARITY,false);
- // Transmit reader-answer
- //printf(" Ar: ");
- //print_hex_par(abtArEnc,64,abtArEncPar);
-- if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(pnd,abtArEnc,64,abtArEncPar,abtRx,&szRx,abtRxPar))
-+ szRx = nfc_initiator_transceive_bits(pnd,abtArEnc,64,abtArEncPar,abtRx,abtRxPar);
-+ if (szRx <= 0)
- {
- if (sendSpoofAr)
- {
-@@ -792,7 +794,7 @@
- void print_mifare_classic_tag_actions(const char *title, mifare_classic_tag *tag)
- {
- uint32_t i, max_blocks, trailer_block;
-- byte_t bTagType;
-+ uint8_t bTagType;
- mifare_classic_block_trailer *ptr_trailer = NULL;
- if (!tag)
-@@ -860,26 +862,26 @@
- return;
- }
--bool mfcuk_darkside_reset_advanced(nfc_device_t* pnd)
-+bool mfcuk_darkside_reset_advanced(nfc_device* pnd)
- {
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_CRC,true) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_CRC,true) )
- {
-- //ERR("configuring NDO_HANDLE_CRC");
-+ //ERR("configuring NP_HANDLE_CRC");
- //return false;
- }
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_PARITY,true) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_PARITY,true) )
- {
-- //ERR("configuring NDO_HANDLE_PARITY");
-+ //ERR("configuring NP_HANDLE_PARITY");
- //return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
--bool mfcuk_darkside_select_tag(nfc_device_t* pnd, int iSleepAtFieldOFF, int iSleepAfterFieldON, nfc_target_info_t* ti)
-+bool mfcuk_darkside_select_tag(nfc_device* pnd, int iSleepAtFieldOFF, int iSleepAfterFieldON, nfc_target_info* ti)
- {
-- nfc_target_t ti_tmp;
-+ nfc_target ti_tmp;
- if ( !pnd || !ti )
- {
-@@ -888,9 +890,9 @@
- }
- // Drop the field for a while, so the card can reset
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_ACTIVATE_FIELD,false) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD,false) )
- {
-- ERR("configuring NDO_ACTIVATE_FIELD");
-+ ERR("configuring NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD");
- return false;
- }
-@@ -898,29 +900,29 @@
- sleep(iSleepAtFieldOFF);
- // Let the reader only try once to find a tag
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_INFINITE_SELECT,false) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_INFINITE_SELECT,false) )
- {
-- ERR("configuring NDO_INFINITE_SELECT");
-+ ERR("configuring NP_INFINITE_SELECT");
- return false;
- }
- // Configure the CRC and Parity settings
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_CRC,true) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_CRC,true) )
- {
-- ERR("configuring NDO_HANDLE_CRC");
-+ ERR("configuring NP_HANDLE_CRC");
- return false;
- }
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_HANDLE_PARITY,true) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_HANDLE_PARITY,true) )
- {
-- ERR("configuring NDO_HANDLE_PARITY");
-+ ERR("configuring NP_HANDLE_PARITY");
- return false;
- }
- // Enable field so more power consuming cards can power themselves up
-- if ( !nfc_configure(pnd,NDO_ACTIVATE_FIELD,true) )
-+ if ( !nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd,NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD,true) )
- {
-- ERR("configuring NDO_ACTIVATE_FIELD");
-+ ERR("configuring NP_ACTIVATE_FIELD");
- return false;
- }
-@@ -931,7 +933,7 @@
- if (!nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare,NULL,0,&ti_tmp))
- {
- ERR("connecting to MIFARE Classic tag");
-- //nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ //nfc_close(pnd);
- return false;
- }
-@@ -946,15 +948,15 @@
- int ch = 0;
- char strOutputFilename[256] = {0}; // Initialize with '\0' character
- //char extendedDescription[MFCUK_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH] = {0}; // Initialize with '\0' character
-- byte_t keyOpt[MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH] = {0};
-- byte_t uidOpt[MIFARE_CLASSIC_UID_BYTELENGTH] = {0};
-+ uint8_t keyOpt[MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH] = {0};
-+ uint8_t uidOpt[MIFARE_CLASSIC_UID_BYTELENGTH] = {0};
- mifare_classic_block_trailer *ptr_trailer = NULL;
- mifare_classic_block_trailer *ptr_trailer_dump = NULL;
- int sector = 0;
- uint32_t block = 0;
-- byte_t action = 0;
-- byte_t specific_key_type = 0;
-- byte_t max_sectors = MIFARE_CLASSIC_4K_MAX_SECTORS;
-+ uint8_t action = 0;
-+ uint8_t specific_key_type = 0;
-+ uint8_t max_sectors = MIFARE_CLASSIC_4K_MAX_SECTORS;
- // Defaults, can be overriden by -S and -s command line arguments
- int iSleepAtFieldOFF = SLEEP_AT_FIELD_OFF; // modified with argument -S
- int iSleepAfterFieldON = SLEEP_AFTER_FIELD_ON; // modified with argument -s
-@@ -965,8 +967,8 @@
- int iter = 0;
- // libnfc related
-- nfc_device_t* pnd;
-- nfc_target_t ti;
-+ nfc_device* pnd;
-+ nfc_target ti;
- // mifare and crapto related
- uint32_t uiErrCode = MFCUK_SUCCESS;
-@@ -1004,7 +1006,7 @@
- int i, j, k;
- size_t st;
- int numDefKeys = mfcuk_default_keys_num;
-- byte_t (*current_default_keys)[MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH];
-+ uint8_t (*current_default_keys)[MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH];
- // At runtime, duplicate the mfcuk_default_keys[], and then add at it's bottom the default keys specified via -d command line options
- if ( !(current_default_keys = malloc(numDefKeys * MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH)) )
-@@ -1588,7 +1590,8 @@
- // Try to open the NFC reader
-- pnd = nfc_connect(NULL);
-+ nfc_init(NULL);
-+ pnd = nfc_open(NULL, NULL);
- if (pnd == NULL)
- {
-@@ -1598,18 +1601,20 @@
- if ( !nfc_initiator_init(pnd) )
- {
-- ERR("initializing NFC reader: %s", pnd->acName);
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ ERR("initializing NFC reader: %s", nfc_device_get_name(pnd));
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- return 1;
- }
-- printf("\nINFO: Connected to NFC reader: %s\n\n", pnd->acName);
-+ printf("\nINFO: Connected to NFC reader: %s\n\n", nfc_device_get_name(pnd));
- // Select tag and get tag info
- if ( !mfcuk_darkside_select_tag(pnd, iSleepAtFieldOFF, iSleepAfterFieldON, &ti.nti) )
- {
-- ERR("selecting tag on the reader %s", pnd->acName);
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ ERR("selecting tag on the reader %s", nfc_device_get_name(pnd));
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -1654,13 +1659,13 @@
- for (i=0; i<max_sectors; i++)
- {
- uint64_t crntVerifKey = 0;
-- byte_t crntVerifTagType = tag_recover_verify.type;
-+ uint8_t crntVerifTagType = tag_recover_verify.type;
- int crntNumVerifKeys = (bfOpts['D'])?(numDefKeys):(1);
- mifare_param mp;
- // Depending on which of keyA or keyB the j value is, the checks and actions below will address exactly that keyA or keyB of current sector
-- byte_t action_byte = ACTIONS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-k));
-- byte_t result_byte = RESULTS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-k));
-+ uint8_t action_byte = ACTIONS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-k));
-+ uint8_t result_byte = RESULTS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-k));
- printf(" %x", i);
- fflush(stdout);
-@@ -1691,7 +1696,8 @@
- /*
- // TODO: make this kind of key verification as part of option -a - advanced verification of keys with crapto1 rollback for double verification
- // TEST
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- // Try to open the NFC reader
- pnd = nfc_connect(NULL);
-@@ -1705,7 +1711,8 @@
- if ( !nfc_initiator_init(pnd) )
- {
- ERR("initializing NFC reader: %s", pnd->acName);
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- // TEST
-@@ -1775,8 +1782,8 @@
- for (j=keyA; j<=keyB; j++)
- {
- // Depending on which of keyA or keyB the j value is, the checks and actions below will address exactly that keyA or keyB of current sector
-- byte_t action_byte = ACTIONS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-j));
-- byte_t result_byte = RESULTS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-j));
-+ uint8_t action_byte = ACTIONS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-j));
-+ uint8_t result_byte = RESULTS_KEY_A + 2*(1 - (keyB-j));
- // We have a sector and a key-type of that sector marked for recovery and still the key was not either verified nor recovered
- if ( (ptr_trailer->abtAccessBits[action_byte] & ACTIONS_RECOVER) &&
-@@ -1789,10 +1796,10 @@
- // TEST
- // Before starting a new recovery session, disconnect and reconnect to reader and then tag
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
- // Try to open the NFC reader
-- pnd = nfc_connect(NULL);
-+ pnd = nfc_open(NULL, NULL);
- if (pnd == NULL)
- {
-@@ -1802,8 +1809,9 @@
- if ( !nfc_initiator_init(pnd) )
- {
-- ERR("initializing NFC reader: %s", pnd->acName);
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ ERR("initializing NFC reader: %s", nfc_device_get_name(pnd));
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- // TEST
-@@ -1874,7 +1882,8 @@
- */
- // Clean up and release device
-- nfc_disconnect(pnd);
-+ nfc_close(pnd);
-+ nfc_exit(NULL);
- // TODO: think which tag to output and make sure it contains all the retreived data
- // TODO: make this as a function and call it after each key is verified or recovered (because of reader-locking bug)
-Index: src/nfc-utils.h
---- src/nfc-utils.h (revision 62)
-+++ src/nfc-utils.h (working copy)
-@@ -79,22 +79,22 @@
- # define ERR(...) warnx ("ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__ )
- #endif
--byte_t oddparity (const byte_t bt);
--void oddparity_byte_ts (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen, byte_t * pbtPar);
-+uint8_t oddparity (const uint8_t bt);
-+void oddparity_uint8_ts (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen, uint8_t * pbtPar);
--void print_hex (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen);
--void print_hex_bits (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits);
--void print_hex_par (const byte_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits, const byte_t * pbtDataPar);
-+void print_hex (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szLen);
-+void print_hex_bits (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits);
-+void print_hex_par (const uint8_t * pbtData, const size_t szBits, const uint8_t * pbtDataPar);
--void print_nfc_iso14443a_info (const nfc_iso14443a_info_t nai, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_iso14443b_info (const nfc_iso14443b_info_t nbi, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_iso14443bi_info (const nfc_iso14443bi_info_t nii, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_iso14443b2sr_info (const nfc_iso14443b2sr_info_t nsi, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_iso14443b2ct_info (const nfc_iso14443b2ct_info_t nci, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_felica_info (const nfc_felica_info_t nfi, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_jewel_info (const nfc_jewel_info_t nji, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_dep_info (const nfc_dep_info_t ndi, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_iso14443a_info (const nfc_iso14443a_info nai, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_iso14443b_info (const nfc_iso14443b_info nbi, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_iso14443bi_info (const nfc_iso14443bi_info nii, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_iso14443b2sr_info (const nfc_iso14443b2sr_info nsi, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_iso14443b2ct_info (const nfc_iso14443b2ct_info nci, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_felica_info (const nfc_felica_info nfi, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_jewel_info (const nfc_jewel_info nji, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_dep_info (const nfc_dep_info ndi, bool verbose);
--void print_nfc_target (const nfc_target_t nt, bool verbose);
-+void print_nfc_target (const nfc_target nt, bool verbose);
- #endif
-Index: src/mfcuk.h
---- src/mfcuk.h (revision 62)
-+++ src/mfcuk.h (working copy)
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
- typedef struct tag_nonce_entry
- {
- uint32_t tagNonce; // Tag nonce we target for fixation
-- byte_t spoofFlag; // No spoofing until we have a successful auth with this tagNonce. Once we have, we want to spoof to get the encrypted 0x5 value
-+ uint8_t spoofFlag; // No spoofing until we have a successful auth with this tagNonce. Once we have, we want to spoof to get the encrypted 0x5 value
- uint32_t num_of_appearances; // For statistics, how many times this tag nonce appeared for the given SLEEP_ values
- // STAGE1 data for "dark side" and lsfr_common_prefix()
-Index: src/mifare.c
---- src/mifare.c (revision 62)
-+++ src/mifare.c (working copy)
-@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
- * The MIFARE Classic Specification (http://www.nxp.com/acrobat/other/identification/M001053_MF1ICS50_rev5_3.pdf) explains more about this process.
- */
- bool
--nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd (nfc_device_t * pnd, const mifare_cmd mc, const uint8_t ui8Block, mifare_param * pmp)
-+nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd (nfc_device * pnd, const mifare_cmd mc, const uint8_t ui8Block, mifare_param * pmp)
- {
-- byte_t abtRx[265];
-+ uint8_t abtRx[265];
- size_t szRx = sizeof(abtRx);
- size_t szParamLen;
-- byte_t abtCmd[265];
-+ uint8_t abtCmd[265];
- bool bEasyFraming;
- abtCmd[0] = mc; // The MIFARE Classic command
-@@ -92,16 +92,16 @@
- // When available, copy the parameter bytes
- if (szParamLen)
-- memcpy (abtCmd + 2, (byte_t *) pmp, szParamLen);
-+ memcpy (abtCmd + 2, (uint8_t *) pmp, szParamLen);
-- bEasyFraming = pnd->bEasyFraming;
-- if (!nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, true)) {
-+ bEasyFraming = nfc_device_get_easy_framing(pnd);
-+ if (!nfc_device_set_property_bool(pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, true)) {
- nfc_perror (pnd, "nfc_configure");
- return false;
- }
- // Fire the mifare command
-- if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes (pnd, abtCmd, 2 + szParamLen, abtRx, &szRx, NULL)) {
-- if (pnd->iLastError == EINVRXFRAM) {
-+ if (!nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes (pnd, abtCmd, 2 + szParamLen, abtRx, &szRx, 0)) {
-+ if (nfc_device_get_last_error(pnd) == NFC_EINVARG) {
- // "Invalid received frame" AKA EINVRXFRAM, usual means we are
- // authenticated on a sector but the requested MIFARE cmd (read, write)
- // is not permitted by current acces bytes;
-@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
- } else {
- nfc_perror (pnd, "nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes");
- }
-- nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, bEasyFraming);
-+ nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, bEasyFraming);
- return false;
- }
-- if (!nfc_configure (pnd, NDO_EASY_FRAMING, bEasyFraming)) {
-+ if (!nfc_device_set_property_bool (pnd, NP_EASY_FRAMING, bEasyFraming)) {
- nfc_perror (pnd, "nfc_configure");
- return false;
- }
-Index: src/mifare.h
---- src/mifare.h (revision 62)
-+++ src/mifare.h (working copy)
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- # include <nfc/nfc-types.h>
--// Compiler directive, set struct alignment to 1 byte_t for compatibility
-+// Compiler directive, set struct alignment to 1 uint8_t for compatibility
- # pragma pack(1)
- typedef enum {
-@@ -54,16 +54,16 @@
- // MIFARE command params
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtKey[6];
-- byte_t abtUid[4];
-+ uint8_t abtKey[6];
-+ uint8_t abtUid[4];
- } mifare_param_auth;
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtData[16];
-+ uint8_t abtData[16];
- } mifare_param_data;
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtValue[4];
-+ uint8_t abtValue[4];
- } mifare_param_value;
- typedef union {
-@@ -75,28 +75,28 @@
- // Reset struct alignment to default
- # pragma pack()
--bool nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd (nfc_device_t * pnd, const mifare_cmd mc, const uint8_t ui8Block, mifare_param * pmp);
-+bool nfc_initiator_mifare_cmd (nfc_device * pnd, const mifare_cmd mc, const uint8_t ui8Block, mifare_param * pmp);
--// Compiler directive, set struct alignment to 1 byte_t for compatibility
-+// Compiler directive, set struct alignment to 1 uint8_t for compatibility
- # pragma pack(1)
- // MIFARE Classic
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtUID[4];
-- byte_t btBCC;
-- byte_t btUnknown;
-- byte_t abtATQA[2];
-- byte_t abtUnknown[8];
-+ uint8_t abtUID[4];
-+ uint8_t btBCC;
-+ uint8_t btUnknown;
-+ uint8_t abtATQA[2];
-+ uint8_t abtUnknown[8];
- } mifare_classic_block_manufacturer;
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtData[16];
-+ uint8_t abtData[16];
- } mifare_classic_block_data;
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtKeyA[6];
-- byte_t abtAccessBits[4];
-- byte_t abtKeyB[6];
-+ uint8_t abtKeyA[6];
-+ uint8_t abtAccessBits[4];
-+ uint8_t abtKeyB[6];
- } mifare_classic_block_trailer;
- typedef union {
-@@ -111,17 +111,17 @@
- // MIFARE Ultralight
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t sn0[3];
-- byte_t btBCC0;
-- byte_t sn1[4];
-- byte_t btBCC1;
-- byte_t internal;
-- byte_t lock[2];
-- byte_t otp[4];
-+ uint8_t sn0[3];
-+ uint8_t btBCC0;
-+ uint8_t sn1[4];
-+ uint8_t btBCC1;
-+ uint8_t internal;
-+ uint8_t lock[2];
-+ uint8_t otp[4];
- } mifareul_block_manufacturer;
- typedef struct {
-- byte_t abtData[16];
-+ uint8_t abtData[16];
- } mifareul_block_data;
- typedef union {
-Index: src/mfcuk_mifare.c
---- src/mfcuk_mifare.c (revision 62)
-+++ src/mfcuk_mifare.c (working copy)
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- #include "mfcuk_mifare.h"
- // Default keys used as a *BIG* mistake in many applications - especially System Integrators should pay attention!
--byte_t mfcuk_default_keys[][MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH] =
-+uint8_t mfcuk_default_keys[][MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH] =
- {
- {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // Place-holder for current key to verify
- {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff},
-@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- int mfcuk_default_keys_num = sizeof(mfcuk_default_keys)/sizeof(mfcuk_default_keys[0]);
--bool is_valid_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+bool is_valid_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- {
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--bool is_valid_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_valid_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- {
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--bool is_first_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+bool is_first_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_block(bTagType, uiBlock) )
- {
-@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--bool is_trailer_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+bool is_trailer_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_block(bTagType, uiBlock) )
- {
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--uint32_t get_first_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+uint32_t get_first_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_block(bTagType, uiBlock) )
- {
-@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
- }
--uint32_t get_trailer_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+uint32_t get_trailer_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_block(bTagType, uiBlock) )
- {
-@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
- }
--bool is_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_sector(bTagType, uiSector) )
- {
-@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
- return false;
- }
--uint32_t get_first_block_for_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+uint32_t get_first_block_for_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_sector(bTagType, uiSector) )
- {
-@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
- }
--uint32_t get_trailer_block_for_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+uint32_t get_trailer_block_for_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_sector(bTagType, uiSector) )
- {
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
- }
--uint32_t get_sector_for_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
-+uint32_t get_sector_for_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock)
- {
- if ( !is_valid_block(bTagType, uiBlock) )
- {
-@@ -274,44 +274,44 @@
- }
--bool is_first_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_first_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
--bool is_first_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_first_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
--bool is_first_small_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_first_small_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
--bool is_last_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_last_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
--bool is_last_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_last_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
--bool is_last_small_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
-+bool is_last_small_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector)
- {
- // TODO: write code
- return false;
- }
- // Test case function for checking correct functionality of the block/sector is_ ang get_ functions
--void test_mifare_classic_blocks_sectors_functions(byte_t bTagType)
-+void test_mifare_classic_blocks_sectors_functions(uint8_t bTagType)
- {
- uint32_t i;
- uint32_t max_blocks, max_sectors;
-@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
- void print_mifare_classic_tag_keys(const char *title, mifare_classic_tag *tag)
- {
- uint32_t i, max_blocks, trailer_block;
-- byte_t bTagType;
-+ uint8_t bTagType;
- mifare_classic_block_trailer *ptr_trailer = NULL;
- if (!tag)
-@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
- return;
- }
--bool mfcuk_key_uint64_to_arr(const uint64_t *ui64Key, byte_t *arr6Key)
-+bool mfcuk_key_uint64_to_arr(const uint64_t *ui64Key, uint8_t *arr6Key)
- {
- int i;
-@@ -532,13 +532,13 @@
- {
-- arr6Key[i] = (byte_t) (((*ui64Key) >> 8*(MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH - i - 1)) & 0xFF);
-+ arr6Key[i] = (uint8_t) (((*ui64Key) >> 8*(MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH - i - 1)) & 0xFF);
- }
- return true;
- }
--bool mfcuk_key_arr_to_uint64(const byte_t *arr6Key, uint64_t *ui64Key)
-+bool mfcuk_key_arr_to_uint64(const uint8_t *arr6Key, uint64_t *ui64Key)
- {
- uint64_t key = 0;
- int i;
-Index: src/mfcuk_mifare.h
---- src/mfcuk_mifare.h (revision 62)
-+++ src/mfcuk_mifare.h (working copy)
-@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
- // Define an extended type of dump, basically a wrapper dump around basic tag dump
- typedef struct {
- uint32_t uid; // looks redundant, but it is easier to use dmp.uid instead of dmp.amb.mbm.abtUID[0]...[3]
-- byte_t type; // ATS/SAK from ti.tia.btSak, example 0x08h for Mifare 1K, 0x18h for Mifare 4K
-+ uint8_t type; // ATS/SAK from ti.tia.btSak, example 0x08h for Mifare 1K, 0x18h for Mifare 4K
- char datetime[14]; // non-zero-terminated date-time of dump in format YYYYMMDDH24MISS, example 20091114231541 - 14 Nov 2009, 11:15:41 PM
- char description[MFCUK_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; // a description of the tag dump, example "RATB_DUMP_BEFORE_PAY"
- mifare_classic_tag tag_basic;
-@@ -114,32 +114,32 @@
- } mifare_key_type;
- // Default keys used as a *BIG* mistake in many applications - especially System Integrators should pay attention!
--extern byte_t mfcuk_default_keys[][MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH];
-+extern uint8_t mfcuk_default_keys[][MIFARE_CLASSIC_KEY_BYTELENGTH];
- extern int mfcuk_default_keys_num;
--bool is_valid_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--bool is_valid_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_first_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--bool is_trailer_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--uint32_t get_first_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--uint32_t get_trailer_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--bool is_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--uint32_t get_first_block_for_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--uint32_t get_trailer_block_for_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--uint32_t get_sector_for_block(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
--bool is_first_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_first_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_first_small_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_last_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_last_big_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--bool is_last_small_sector(byte_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
--void test_mifare_classic_blocks_sectors_functions(byte_t bTagType);
-+bool is_valid_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+bool is_valid_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_first_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+bool is_trailer_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+uint32_t get_first_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+uint32_t get_trailer_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+bool is_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+uint32_t get_first_block_for_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+uint32_t get_trailer_block_for_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+uint32_t get_sector_for_block(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiBlock);
-+bool is_first_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_first_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_first_small_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_last_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_last_big_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+bool is_last_small_sector(uint8_t bTagType, uint32_t uiSector);
-+void test_mifare_classic_blocks_sectors_functions(uint8_t bTagType);
- bool mfcuk_save_tag_dump(char *filename, mifare_classic_tag *tag);
- bool mfcuk_save_tag_dump_ext(char *filename, mifare_classic_tag_ext *tag_ext);
- bool mfcuk_load_tag_dump(char *filename, mifare_classic_tag *tag);
- bool mfcuk_load_tag_dump_ext(char *filename, mifare_classic_tag_ext *tag_ext);
- void print_mifare_classic_tag_keys(const char *title, mifare_classic_tag *tag);
--bool mfcuk_key_uint64_to_arr(const uint64_t *ui64Key, byte_t *arr6Key);
--bool mfcuk_key_arr_to_uint64(const byte_t *arr6Key, uint64_t *ui64Key);
-+bool mfcuk_key_uint64_to_arr(const uint64_t *ui64Key, uint8_t *arr6Key);
-+bool mfcuk_key_arr_to_uint64(const uint8_t *arr6Key, uint64_t *ui64Key);
- #endif // _MFCUK_MIFARE_H_
diff --git a/dev-util/mfcuk/mfcuk-9999.ebuild b/dev-util/mfcuk/mfcuk-9999.ebuild
index 3fdac00..8a52cc9 100644
--- a/dev-util/mfcuk/mfcuk-9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-util/mfcuk/mfcuk-9999.ebuild
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ CDEPEND=">=dev-libs/libnfc-1.5.1"
src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/mfcuk-new-libnfc-version.patch"
epatch "${FILESDIR}/mfcuk-fix-data-path.patch"
eautoreconf || die "autoreconf failed"