var clutch = require('clutch'); var http = require('http'); var fs = require('fs'); var pg = require('pg'); var xmlGenerator = require('./xmlGenerator.js'); var opts = require('opts'); var osmRes = require('./response'); var log4js = require('log4js')(); var log = log4js.getLogger('global'); var config; // #################### MAY be put to different module later function toISO8601(date) { //2007-03-31T00:09:22+01:00 var pad_two = function(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; }; return [ date.getUTCFullYear(), '-', pad_two(date.getUTCMonth() + 1), '-', pad_two(date.getUTCDate()), 'T', pad_two(date.getUTCHours()), ':', pad_two(date.getUTCMinutes()), ':', pad_two(date.getUTCSeconds()), '+01:00' //FIX ME ].join(''); } function rowToNode(row){ var node = { 'id' :, 'timestamp': toISO8601(row.tstamp), 'version': row.version, 'changeset': row.changeset_id, 'lat' :, 'lon' : row.lon }; if(row.tags != '{}') { node.tags = []; temp = row.tags.replace("{","").replace("}","").split(","); for(var x=0;x hastore($" + id++ + ",$" + id++ + ")"); replacements.push(tagkey); replacements.push(map[tagkey]); } return tagQueries.join(" OR \n"); } // FIXME: help me i am not side effect free function buildBbox(object,bbox){ var colName = { node : 'geom', way : 'linestring', relation : '' // FIXME: whats my name } bboxQueryStr = colName[object] + ' && st_setsrid(st_makebox2d( ' + ' st_setsrid(st_makepoint($' + id++ + ', $' + id++ + '), 4326), ' + ' st_setsrid(st_makepoint($' + id++ + ', $' + id++ + '), 4326) ' + ' ), 4326) '; for( direction in bbox ) { replacments.push(bbox[direction]); } return bboxQueryStr; } function explodeTags(keys,values){ var map = {}; for(key in keys) { for(value in values) { map[key]=value; } } return map; } query = "SELECT " + selectMap[object] + " FROM " + object + "s"; whereClauses = Array(); if(reqJson.bbox != undefined){ whereClauses.push(buildBbox(reqJson.bbox)); } if(reqJson.tags != undefined){ tags = explodeTags(tags.keys,tags.values); whereClauses.push(buildTagsQuery(tags)); } if(whereClauses.length > 0) { whereClauses.join(' AND '); query += ' WHERE (' + whereClauses + ')'; } query += ';' return query; } function dbConnect(res, callback) { pg.connect(config.connectionString, function(err, client) { if(err) { log.error(err.message); console.log(config.connectionString); console.log(err); res.writeHead(404,{}); res.end(); } else {"db connection was successfull"); callback(client); } }); } function nodeWorldHandler(req, res, key, value) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end(' key:' +key +' value:'+value+'\n'); } function nodeBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) { res = osmRes.mkXmlRes(res); dbConnect(res, function(client) { var success = false; var query = client.query(createNodeBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top)); query.on('error', function(err) { res.endWith500(); }); query.on('end', function() { res.atEnd(); }); query.on('row', function(row) { var pojo = rowToNode(row); res.putNode(pojo); }); }); } function wayWorldHandler(req, res, key, value) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); } function connectionError(err, res) { log.error(err); log.fatal("connectionError not implemented"); } function wayBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) { dbConnect(res, function(client) { var count = 0; var success = false; //console.log(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top)); var query = client.query(createWayBboxQuery(key, value, left, bottom, right, top)); query.on('error', function(err) { res.endWith500(); }); query.on('end', function() { if(count === 0) { res.atEnd(); } }); query.on('row', function(row) { if(row.nodes != '{}') { count++; var subquery = client.query(createNodesForWayQuery(row.nodes)); subquery.on('error',function(err) {}); subquery.on('end', function() { count--; if(count === 0){ res.atEnd(); } }); subquery.on('row', function(row) { res.putNode(rowToNode(row)); }); } res.putRow(rowToWay(row)); }); }); } function relationWorldHandler(req, res, key, value) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end(' key:' +key +' value:'+value+'!\n'); } function relationBboxHandler(req, res, key, value, left, bottom, right, top) { } myRoutes = clutch.route404([ //['GET /api/(\\w+)(\\[bbox=(\\d,\\d,\\d,\\d)\\])*\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$', helloSomeone], ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',nodeWorldHandler], //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler], ['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler], //['GET /api/node\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+\\.\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+),(\\d+)\\]$',nodeBboxHandler], ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',wayWorldHandler], ['GET /api/way\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]\\[bbox=(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?),(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)\\]$',wayBboxHandler], ['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\]$',relationWorldHandler] //['GET /api/relation\\[(\\w+)=(\\w+)\\](\\[bbox=(\\d),(\\d),(\\d),(\\d)\\])$',relationBboxHandler], ]); function getConfig(configPath, callback) { if( configPath[0] != '/'){ configPath = __dirname + '/' + configPath; } fs.readFile(configPath, function(err, data) { if (err) { throw err; } callback(JSON.parse(data)); }); } function init(newConfig) { config = newConfig; xmlGenerator.config = config; log.setLevel(config.logLevel);"server starting...");"loaded config from " + configPath); http.createServer(myRoutes).listen(config.port,;"Started server at " + + ":" + config.port ); } opts.parse(options, true); configPath = opts.get('config') || "config.json"; console.log("loading config " + configPath); config = getConfig(configPath, init);