[Unit] Description=Music Player Daemon Documentation=man:mpd(1) man:mpd.conf(5) After=network.target sound.target [Service] ExecStart=@prefix@/bin/mpd --no-daemon # allow MPD to use real-time priority 50 LimitRTPRIO=50 LimitRTTIME=-1 # move MPD to a top-level cgroup, as real-time budget assignment fails # in cgroup /system/mpd.service, because /system has a zero real-time # budget; see # http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/MyServiceCantGetRealtime/ ControlGroup=cpu:/mpd # assign a real-time budget ControlGroupAttribute=cpu.rt_runtime_us 500000 # disallow writing to /usr, /bin, /sbin, ... ProtectSystem=yes [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Also=mpd.socket