/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2014 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "StickerDatabase.hxx" #include "lib/sqlite/Domain.hxx" #include "lib/sqlite/Util.hxx" #include "fs/Path.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "util/Error.hxx" #include "util/Macros.hxx" #include #include #include struct sticker { std::map table; }; enum sticker_sql { STICKER_SQL_GET, STICKER_SQL_LIST, STICKER_SQL_UPDATE, STICKER_SQL_INSERT, STICKER_SQL_DELETE, STICKER_SQL_DELETE_VALUE, STICKER_SQL_FIND, STICKER_SQL_FIND_VALUE, STICKER_SQL_FIND_LT, STICKER_SQL_FIND_GT, }; static const char *const sticker_sql[] = { //[STICKER_SQL_GET] = "SELECT value FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri=? AND name=?", //[STICKER_SQL_LIST] = "SELECT name,value FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri=?", //[STICKER_SQL_UPDATE] = "UPDATE sticker SET value=? WHERE type=? AND uri=? AND name=?", //[STICKER_SQL_INSERT] = "INSERT INTO sticker(type,uri,name,value) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", //[STICKER_SQL_DELETE] = "DELETE FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri=?", //[STICKER_SQL_DELETE_VALUE] = "DELETE FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri=? AND name=?", //[STICKER_SQL_FIND] = "SELECT uri,value FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri LIKE (? || '%') AND name=?", //[STICKER_SQL_FIND_VALUE] = "SELECT uri,value FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri LIKE (? || '%') AND name=? AND value=?", //[STICKER_SQL_FIND_LT] = "SELECT uri,value FROM sticker WHERE type=? AND uri LIKE (? || '%') AND name=? AND value?", }; static const char sticker_sql_create[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sticker(" " type VARCHAR NOT NULL, " " uri VARCHAR NOT NULL, " " name VARCHAR NOT NULL, " " value VARCHAR NOT NULL" ");" "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS" " sticker_value ON sticker(type, uri, name);" ""; static sqlite3 *sticker_db; static sqlite3_stmt *sticker_stmt[ARRAY_SIZE(sticker_sql)]; static sqlite3_stmt * sticker_prepare(const char *sql, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; int ret = sqlite3_prepare_v2(sticker_db, sql, -1, &stmt, nullptr); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { error.Format(sqlite_domain, ret, "sqlite3_prepare_v2() failed: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(sticker_db)); return nullptr; } return stmt; } bool sticker_global_init(Path path, Error &error) { assert(!path.IsNull()); int ret; /* open/create the sqlite database */ ret = sqlite3_open(path.c_str(), &sticker_db); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { const std::string utf8 = path.ToUTF8(); error.Format(sqlite_domain, ret, "Failed to open sqlite database '%s': %s", utf8.c_str(), sqlite3_errmsg(sticker_db)); return false; } /* create the table and index */ ret = sqlite3_exec(sticker_db, sticker_sql_create, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { error.Format(sqlite_domain, ret, "Failed to create sticker table: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(sticker_db)); return false; } /* prepare the statements we're going to use */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sticker_sql); ++i) { assert(sticker_sql[i] != nullptr); sticker_stmt[i] = sticker_prepare(sticker_sql[i], error); if (sticker_stmt[i] == nullptr) return false; } return true; } void sticker_global_finish() { if (sticker_db == nullptr) /* not configured */ return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sticker_stmt); ++i) { assert(sticker_stmt[i] != nullptr); sqlite3_finalize(sticker_stmt[i]); } sqlite3_close(sticker_db); } bool sticker_enabled() { return sticker_db != nullptr; } std::string sticker_load_value(const char *type, const char *uri, const char *name, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_GET]; assert(sticker_enabled()); assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); assert(name != nullptr); if (*name == 0) return std::string(); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, type, uri, name)) return std::string(); std::string value; if (ExecuteRow(stmt, error)) value = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); return value; } static bool sticker_list_values(std::map &table, const char *type, const char *uri, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_LIST]; assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); assert(sticker_enabled()); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, type, uri)) return false; const bool success = ExecuteForEach(stmt, error, [stmt, &table](){ const char *name = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); const char *value = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1); table.insert(std::make_pair(name, value)); }); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); return success; } static bool sticker_update_value(const char *type, const char *uri, const char *name, const char *value, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_UPDATE]; assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); assert(name != nullptr); assert(*name != 0); assert(value != nullptr); assert(sticker_enabled()); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, value, type, uri, name)) return false; bool modified = ExecuteModified(stmt, error); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); if (modified) idle_add(IDLE_STICKER); return modified; } static bool sticker_insert_value(const char *type, const char *uri, const char *name, const char *value, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_INSERT]; assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); assert(name != nullptr); assert(*name != 0); assert(value != nullptr); assert(sticker_enabled()); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, type, uri, name, value)) return false; bool success = ExecuteCommand(stmt, error); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); if (success) idle_add(IDLE_STICKER); return success; } bool sticker_store_value(const char *type, const char *uri, const char *name, const char *value, Error &error) { assert(sticker_enabled()); assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); assert(name != nullptr); assert(value != nullptr); if (*name == 0) return false; return sticker_update_value(type, uri, name, value, error) || sticker_insert_value(type, uri, name, value, error); } bool sticker_delete(const char *type, const char *uri, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_DELETE]; assert(sticker_enabled()); assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, type, uri)) return false; bool modified = ExecuteModified(stmt, error); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); if (modified) idle_add(IDLE_STICKER); return modified; } bool sticker_delete_value(const char *type, const char *uri, const char *name, Error &error) { sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_DELETE_VALUE]; assert(sticker_enabled()); assert(type != nullptr); assert(uri != nullptr); if (!BindAll(error, stmt, type, uri, name)) return false; bool modified = ExecuteModified(stmt, error); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); if (modified) idle_add(IDLE_STICKER); return modified; } void sticker_free(struct sticker *sticker) { delete sticker; } const char * sticker_get_value(const struct sticker &sticker, const char *name) { auto i = sticker.table.find(name); if (i == sticker.table.end()) return nullptr; return i->second.c_str(); } void sticker_foreach(const sticker &sticker, void (*func)(const char *name, const char *value, void *user_data), void *user_data) { for (const auto &i : sticker.table) func(i.first.c_str(), i.second.c_str(), user_data); } struct sticker * sticker_load(const char *type, const char *uri, Error &error) { sticker s; if (!sticker_list_values(s.table, type, uri, error)) return nullptr; if (s.table.empty()) /* don't return empty sticker objects */ return nullptr; return new sticker(std::move(s)); } static sqlite3_stmt * BindFind(const char *type, const char *base_uri, const char *name, StickerOperator op, const char *value, Error &error) { assert(type != nullptr); assert(name != nullptr); if (base_uri == nullptr) base_uri = ""; switch (op) { case StickerOperator::EXISTS: return BindAllOrNull(error, sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_FIND], type, base_uri, name); case StickerOperator::EQUALS: return BindAllOrNull(error, sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_FIND_VALUE], type, base_uri, name, value); case StickerOperator::LESS_THAN: return BindAllOrNull(error, sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_FIND_LT], type, base_uri, name, value); case StickerOperator::GREATER_THAN: return BindAllOrNull(error, sticker_stmt[STICKER_SQL_FIND_GT], type, base_uri, name, value); } assert(false); gcc_unreachable(); } bool sticker_find(const char *type, const char *base_uri, const char *name, StickerOperator op, const char *value, void (*func)(const char *uri, const char *value, void *user_data), void *user_data, Error &error) { assert(func != nullptr); assert(sticker_enabled()); sqlite3_stmt *const stmt = BindFind(type, base_uri, name, op, value, error); if (stmt == nullptr) return false; const bool success = ExecuteForEach(stmt, error, [stmt, func, user_data](){ func((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0), (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1), user_data); }); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); return success; }