/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "song.h" #include "ls.h" #include "directory.h" #include "utils.h" #include "tag.h" #include "log.h" #include "path.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "inputPlugin.h" #include "myfprintf.h" #define SONG_KEY "key: " #define SONG_MTIME "mtime: " #include "os_compat.h" static Song *newNullSong(void) { Song *song = xmalloc(sizeof(Song)); song->tag = NULL; song->url = NULL; song->type = SONG_TYPE_FILE; song->parentDir = NULL; return song; } Song *newSong(const char *url, int type, Directory * parentDir) { Song *song; if (strchr(url, '\n')) { DEBUG("newSong: '%s' is not a valid uri\n", url); return NULL; } song = newNullSong(); song->url = xstrdup(url); song->type = type; song->parentDir = parentDir; assert(type == SONG_TYPE_URL || parentDir); if (song->type == SONG_TYPE_FILE) { InputPlugin *plugin; unsigned int next = 0; char path_max_tmp[MPD_PATH_MAX]; char *abs_path = rmp2amp_r(path_max_tmp, get_song_url(path_max_tmp, song)); while (!song->tag && (plugin = isMusic(abs_path, &(song->mtime), next++))) { song->tag = plugin->tagDupFunc(abs_path); } if (!song->tag || song->tag->time < 0) { freeSong(song); song = NULL; } } return song; } void freeSong(Song * song) { deleteASongFromPlaylist(song); freeJustSong(song); } void freeJustSong(Song * song) { free(song->url); if (song->tag) tag_free(song->tag); free(song); } SongList *newSongList(void) { return makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *) freeSong, 0); } Song *addSongToList(SongList * list, const char *url, const char *utf8path, int songType, Directory * parentDirectory) { Song *song = NULL; switch (songType) { case SONG_TYPE_FILE: if (isMusic(utf8path, NULL, 0)) { song = newSong(url, songType, parentDirectory); } break; case SONG_TYPE_URL: song = newSong(url, songType, parentDirectory); break; default: DEBUG("addSongToList: Trying to add an invalid song type\n"); } if (song == NULL) return NULL; insertInList(list, song->url, (void *)song); return song; } void freeSongList(SongList * list) { freeList(list); } void printSongUrl(int fd, Song * song) { if (song->parentDir && song->parentDir->path) { fdprintf(fd, "%s%s/%s\n", SONG_FILE, getDirectoryPath(song->parentDir), song->url); } else { fdprintf(fd, "%s%s\n", SONG_FILE, song->url); } } int printSongInfo(int fd, Song * song) { printSongUrl(fd, song); if (song->tag) tag_print(fd, song->tag); return 0; } int printSongInfoFromList(int fd, SongList * list) { ListNode *tempNode = list->firstNode; while (tempNode != NULL) { printSongInfo(fd, (Song *) tempNode->data); tempNode = tempNode->nextNode; } return 0; } void writeSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) { ListNode *tempNode = list->firstNode; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", SONG_BEGIN); while (tempNode != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s%s\n", SONG_KEY, tempNode->key); fflush(fp); printSongInfo(fileno(fp), (Song *) tempNode->data); fprintf(fp, "%s%li\n", SONG_MTIME, (long)((Song *) tempNode->data)->mtime); tempNode = tempNode->nextNode; } fprintf(fp, "%s\n", SONG_END); } static void insertSongIntoList(SongList * list, ListNode ** nextSongNode, char *key, Song * song) { ListNode *nodeTemp; int cmpRet = 0; while (*nextSongNode && (cmpRet = strcmp(key, (*nextSongNode)->key)) > 0) { nodeTemp = (*nextSongNode)->nextNode; deleteNodeFromList(list, *nextSongNode); *nextSongNode = nodeTemp; } if (!(*nextSongNode)) { insertInList(list, song->url, (void *)song); } else if (cmpRet == 0) { Song *tempSong = (Song *) ((*nextSongNode)->data); if (tempSong->mtime != song->mtime) { tag_free(tempSong->tag); tempSong->tag = song->tag; tempSong->mtime = song->mtime; song->tag = NULL; } freeJustSong(song); *nextSongNode = (*nextSongNode)->nextNode; } else { insertInListBeforeNode(list, *nextSongNode, -1, song->url, (void *)song); } } static int matchesAnMpdTagItemKey(char *buffer, int *itemType) { int i; for (i = 0; i < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; i++) { if (0 == strncmp(mpdTagItemKeys[i], buffer, strlen(mpdTagItemKeys[i]))) { *itemType = i; return 1; } } return 0; } void readSongInfoIntoList(FILE * fp, SongList * list, Directory * parentDir) { char buffer[MPD_PATH_MAX + 1024]; int bufferSize = MPD_PATH_MAX + 1024; Song *song = NULL; ListNode *nextSongNode = list->firstNode; ListNode *nodeTemp; int itemType; while (myFgets(buffer, bufferSize, fp) && 0 != strcmp(SONG_END, buffer)) { if (0 == strncmp(SONG_KEY, buffer, strlen(SONG_KEY))) { if (song) insertSongIntoList(list, &nextSongNode, song->url, song); song = newNullSong(); song->url = xstrdup(buffer + strlen(SONG_KEY)); song->type = SONG_TYPE_FILE; song->parentDir = parentDir; } else if (*buffer == 0) { /* ignore empty lines (starting with '\0') */ } else if (song == NULL) { FATAL("Problems reading song info\n"); } else if (0 == strncmp(SONG_FILE, buffer, strlen(SONG_FILE))) { /* we don't need this info anymore song->url = xstrdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_FILE)])); */ } else if (matchesAnMpdTagItemKey(buffer, &itemType)) { if (!song->tag) song->tag = tag_new(); tag_add_item(song->tag, itemType, &(buffer [strlen(mpdTagItemKeys[itemType]) + 2])); } else if (0 == strncmp(SONG_TIME, buffer, strlen(SONG_TIME))) { if (!song->tag) song->tag = tag_new(); song->tag->time = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TIME)])); } else if (0 == strncmp(SONG_MTIME, buffer, strlen(SONG_MTIME))) { song->mtime = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_MTIME)])); } else FATAL("songinfo: unknown line in db: %s\n", buffer); } if (song) insertSongIntoList(list, &nextSongNode, song->url, song); while (nextSongNode) { nodeTemp = nextSongNode->nextNode; deleteNodeFromList(list, nextSongNode); nextSongNode = nodeTemp; } } int updateSongInfo(Song * song) { if (song->type == SONG_TYPE_FILE) { InputPlugin *plugin; unsigned int next = 0; char path_max_tmp[MPD_PATH_MAX]; char abs_path[MPD_PATH_MAX]; utf8_to_fs_charset(abs_path, get_song_url(path_max_tmp, song)); rmp2amp_r(abs_path, abs_path); if (song->tag) tag_free(song->tag); song->tag = NULL; while (!song->tag && (plugin = isMusic(abs_path, &(song->mtime), next++))) { song->tag = plugin->tagDupFunc(abs_path); } if (!song->tag || song->tag->time < 0) return -1; } return 0; } char *get_song_url(char *path_max_tmp, Song *song) { if (!song) return NULL; assert(song->url != NULL); if (!song->parentDir || !song->parentDir->path) strcpy(path_max_tmp, song->url); else pfx_dir(path_max_tmp, song->url, strlen(song->url), getDirectoryPath(song->parentDir), strlen(getDirectoryPath(song->parentDir))); return path_max_tmp; }