/* * $Id$ * * (c) 2004 by Kalle Wallin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "ncmpc.h" #include "options.h" #include "support.h" #include "libmpdclient.h" #include "mpc.h" #include "command.h" #include "screen.h" #include "screen_utils.h" #include "screen_file.h" #include "screen_play.h" #define BUFSIZE 256 static list_window_t *lw = NULL; static char * list_callback(int index, int *highlight, void *data) { mpd_client_t *c = (mpd_client_t *) data; mpd_Song *song; *highlight = 0; if( (song=mpc_playlist_get_song(c, index)) == NULL ) { return NULL; } if( index==c->song_id && !IS_STOPPED(c->status->state) ) { *highlight = 1; } return mpc_get_song_name2(song); } static int center_playing_item(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { int length = c->playlist_length; int offset = lw->selected-lw->start; if( !lw || lengthrows || IS_STOPPED(c->status->state) ) return 0; /* try to center the song that are playing */ lw->start = c->song_id-(lw->rows/2); if( lw->start+lw->rows > length ) lw->start = length-lw->rows; if( lw->start<0 ) lw->start=0; /* make sure the cursor is in the window */ lw->selected = lw->start+offset; list_window_check_selected(lw, length); lw->clear = 1; lw->repaint = 1; return 0; } static int handle_save_playlist(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { char *filename, *filename_utf8; filename=screen_getstr(screen->status_window.w, _("Save playlist as: ")); filename=trim(filename); if( filename==NULL || filename[0]=='\0' ) return -1; /* convert filename to utf-8 */ filename_utf8 = locale_to_utf8(filename); /* send save command to mpd */ mpd_sendSaveCommand(c->connection, filename_utf8); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); g_free(filename_utf8); /* handle errors */ if( mpc_error(c)) { if( mpc_error_str(c) ) { char *str = utf8_to_locale(mpc_error_str(c)); screen_status_message(str); g_free(str); } else screen_status_printf(_("Error: Unable to save playlist as %s"), filename); mpd_clearError(c->connection); beep(); return -1; } /* success */ screen_status_printf(_("Saved %s"), filename); g_free(filename); /* update the file list if it has been initalized */ if( c->filelist ) { list_window_t *file_lw = get_filelist_window(); mpc_update_filelist(c); list_window_check_selected(file_lw, c->filelist_length); } return 0; } static void play_init(WINDOW *w, int cols, int rows) { lw = list_window_init(w, cols, rows); } static void play_resize(int cols, int rows) { lw->cols = cols; lw->rows = rows; } static void play_exit(void) { list_window_free(lw); } static char * play_title(void) { return _("Music Player Client - Playlist"); } static void play_paint(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { lw->clear = 1; list_window_paint(lw, list_callback, (void *) c); wnoutrefresh(lw->w); } static void play_update(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { if( options.auto_center ) { static int prev_song_id = 0; if( prev_song_id != c->song_id ) { center_playing_item(screen, c); prev_song_id = c->song_id; } } if( c->playlist_updated ) { if( lw->selected >= c->playlist_length ) lw->selected = c->playlist_length-1; if( lw->start >= c->playlist_length ) list_window_reset(lw); play_paint(screen, c); c->playlist_updated = 0; } else if( lw->repaint || 1) { list_window_paint(lw, list_callback, (void *) c); wnoutrefresh(lw->w); lw->repaint = 0; } } static int play_cmd(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c, command_t cmd) { switch(cmd) { case CMD_DELETE: playlist_delete_song(c, lw->selected); return 1; case CMD_SAVE_PLAYLIST: handle_save_playlist(screen, c); return 1; case CMD_SCREEN_UPDATE: center_playing_item(screen, c); return 1; case CMD_LIST_MOVE_UP: playlist_move_song(c, lw->selected, lw->selected-1); break; case CMD_LIST_MOVE_DOWN: playlist_move_song(c, lw->selected, lw->selected+1); break; case CMD_LIST_FIND: case CMD_LIST_RFIND: case CMD_LIST_FIND_NEXT: case CMD_LIST_RFIND_NEXT: return screen_find(screen, c, lw, c->playlist_length, cmd, list_callback); default: break; } return list_window_cmd(lw, c->playlist_length, cmd) ; } static list_window_t * play_lw(void) { return lw; } int play_get_selected(void) { return lw->selected; } int playlist_move_song(mpd_client_t *c, int old_index, int new_index) { int index1, index2; GList *item1, *item2; gpointer data1, data2; if( old_index==new_index || new_index<0 || new_index>=c->playlist_length ) return -1; /* send the move command to mpd */ mpd_sendMoveCommand(c->connection, old_index, new_index); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); if( mpc_error(c) ) return -1; index1 = MIN(old_index, new_index); index2 = MAX(old_index, new_index); item1 = g_list_nth(c->playlist, index1); item2 = g_list_nth(c->playlist, index2); data1 = item1->data; data2 = item2->data; /* move the second item */ D(fprintf(stderr, "move second item [%d->%d]...\n", index2, index1)); c->playlist = g_list_remove(c->playlist, data2); c->playlist = g_list_insert_before(c->playlist, item1, data2); /* move the first item */ if( index2-index1 >1 ) { D(fprintf(stderr, "move first item [%d->%d]...\n", index1, index2)); item2 = g_list_nth(c->playlist, index2); c->playlist = g_list_remove(c->playlist, data1); c->playlist = g_list_insert_before(c->playlist, item2, data1); } /* increment the playlist id, so we dont retrives a new playlist */ c->playlist_id++; /* make shure the playlist is repainted */ lw->clear = 1; lw->repaint = 1; /* keep song selected */ lw->selected = new_index; return 0; } int playlist_add_song(mpd_client_t *c, mpd_Song *song) { if( !song || !song->file ) return -1; /* send the add command to mpd */ mpd_sendAddCommand(c->connection, song->file); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); if( mpc_error(c) ) return -1; /* add the song to playlist */ c->playlist = g_list_append(c->playlist, (gpointer) mpd_songDup(song)); c->playlist_length++; /* increment the playlist id, so we dont retrives a new playlist */ c->playlist_id++; /* make shure the playlist is repainted */ lw->clear = 1; lw->repaint = 1; /* set selected highlight in the browse screen */ file_set_highlight(c, song, 1); return 0; } int playlist_delete_song(mpd_client_t *c, int index) { mpd_Song *song = mpc_playlist_get_song(c, index); if( !song ) return -1; /* send the delete command to mpd */ mpd_sendDeleteCommand(c->connection, index); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); if( mpc_error(c) ) return -1; /* print a status message */ screen_status_printf(_("Removed \'%s\' from playlist!"), mpc_get_song_name(song)); /* clear selected highlight in the browse screen */ file_set_highlight(c, song, 0); /* increment the playlist id, so we dont retrives a new playlist */ c->playlist_id++; /* remove references to the song */ if( c->song == song ) { c->song = NULL; c->song_id = -1; } /* remove the song from the playlist */ c->playlist = g_list_remove(c->playlist, (gpointer) song); c->playlist_length = g_list_length(c->playlist); mpd_freeSong(song); /* make shure the playlist is repainted */ lw->clear = 1; lw->repaint = 1; list_window_check_selected(lw, c->playlist_length); return 0; } screen_functions_t * get_screen_playlist(void) { static screen_functions_t functions; memset(&functions, 0, sizeof(screen_functions_t)); functions.init = play_init; functions.exit = play_exit; functions.open = NULL; functions.close = NULL; functions.resize = play_resize; functions.paint = play_paint; functions.update = play_update; functions.cmd = play_cmd; functions.get_lw = play_lw; functions.get_title = play_title; return &functions; }