/* * (c) 2004 by Kalle Wallin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "config.h" #ifndef DISABLE_KEYDEF_SCREEN #include "ncmpc.h" #include "mpdclient.h" #include "options.h" #include "conf.h" #include "command.h" #include "screen.h" #include "screen_utils.h" #include "gcc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define STATIC_ITEMS 0 #define STATIC_SUB_ITEMS 1 #define BUFSIZE 256 #define LIST_ITEM_APPLY() ((unsigned)command_list_length) #define LIST_ITEM_SAVE() (LIST_ITEM_APPLY()+1) #define LIST_LENGTH() (LIST_ITEM_SAVE()+1) #define LIST_ITEM_SAVE_LABEL _("===> Apply & Save key bindings ") #define LIST_ITEM_APPLY_LABEL _("===> Apply key bindings ") static list_window_t *lw = NULL; static unsigned command_list_length = 0; static command_definition_t *cmds = NULL; static int subcmd = -1; static unsigned subcmd_length = 0; static unsigned subcmd_addpos = 0; static int keybindings_changed(void) { command_definition_t *orginal_cmds = get_command_definitions(); size_t size = command_list_length * sizeof(command_definition_t); return memcmp(orginal_cmds, cmds, size); } static void apply_keys(void) { if (keybindings_changed()) { command_definition_t *orginal_cmds = get_command_definitions(); size_t size = command_list_length * sizeof(command_definition_t); memcpy(orginal_cmds, cmds, size); screen_status_printf(_("You have new key bindings!")); } else screen_status_printf(_("Keybindings unchanged.")); } static int save_keys(void) { FILE *f; char *filename; if (check_user_conf_dir()) { screen_status_printf(_("Error: Unable to create direcory ~/.ncmpc - %s"), strerror(errno)); screen_bell(); return -1; } filename = get_user_key_binding_filename(); if ((f = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) { screen_status_printf(_("Error: %s - %s"), filename, strerror(errno)); screen_bell(); g_free(filename); return -1; } if (write_key_bindings(f, KEYDEF_WRITE_HEADER)) screen_status_printf(_("Error: %s - %s"), filename, strerror(errno)); else screen_status_printf(_("Wrote %s"), filename); g_free(filename); return fclose(f); } static void check_subcmd_length(void) { subcmd_length = 0; while (subcmd_length < MAX_COMMAND_KEYS && cmds[subcmd].keys[subcmd_length] > 0) ++subcmd_length; if (subcmd_length < MAX_COMMAND_KEYS) { subcmd_addpos = subcmd_length; subcmd_length++; } else subcmd_addpos = 0; subcmd_length += STATIC_SUB_ITEMS; } static void delete_key(int cmd_index, int key_index) { int i = key_index+1; screen_status_printf(_("Deleted")); while (i < MAX_COMMAND_KEYS && cmds[cmd_index].keys[i]) cmds[cmd_index].keys[key_index++] = cmds[cmd_index].keys[i++]; cmds[cmd_index].keys[key_index] = 0; cmds[cmd_index].flags |= COMMAND_KEY_MODIFIED; check_subcmd_length(); lw->repaint = 1; /* update key conflict flags */ check_key_bindings(cmds, NULL, 0); } static void assign_new_key(WINDOW *w, int cmd_index, int key_index) { int key; char *buf; command_t cmd; buf = g_strdup_printf(_("Enter new key for %s: "), cmds[cmd_index].name); key = screen_getch(w, buf); g_free(buf); if (key == KEY_RESIZE) screen_resize(); if (key==ERR) { screen_status_printf(_("Aborted!")); return; } cmd = find_key_command(key, cmds); if (cmd != CMD_NONE && cmd != cmds[cmd_index].command) { screen_status_printf(_("Error: key %s is already used for %s"), key2str(key), get_key_command_name(cmd)); screen_bell(); return; } cmds[cmd_index].keys[key_index] = key; cmds[cmd_index].flags |= COMMAND_KEY_MODIFIED; screen_status_printf(_("Assigned %s to %s"), key2str(key),cmds[cmd_index].name); check_subcmd_length(); lw->repaint = 1; /* update key conflict flags */ check_key_bindings(cmds, NULL, 0); } static const char * list_callback(unsigned idx, int *highlight, mpd_unused void *data) { static char buf[BUFSIZE]; if (subcmd < 0) { if (idx < (unsigned)command_list_length) { if (cmds[idx].flags & COMMAND_KEY_CONFLICT) *highlight = 1; return cmds[idx].name; } else if (idx == LIST_ITEM_APPLY()) return LIST_ITEM_APPLY_LABEL; else if (idx == LIST_ITEM_SAVE()) return LIST_ITEM_SAVE_LABEL; } else { if (idx == 0) return "[..]"; idx--; if (idx < MAX_COMMAND_KEYS && cmds[subcmd].keys[idx] > 0) { g_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d. %-20s (%d) ", idx + 1, key2str(cmds[subcmd].keys[idx]), cmds[subcmd].keys[idx]); return buf; } else if (idx == subcmd_addpos) { g_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, _("%d. Add new key "), idx + 1); return buf; } } return NULL; } static void keydef_init(WINDOW *w, int cols, int rows) { lw = list_window_init(w, cols, rows); } static void keydef_resize(int cols, int rows) { lw->cols = cols; lw->rows = rows; } static void keydef_exit(void) { list_window_free(lw); if (cmds) g_free(cmds); cmds = NULL; lw = NULL; } static void keydef_open(mpd_unused screen_t *screen, mpd_unused mpdclient_t *c) { if (cmds == NULL) { command_definition_t *current_cmds = get_command_definitions(); size_t cmds_size; command_list_length = 0; while (current_cmds[command_list_length].name) command_list_length++; cmds_size = (command_list_length+1) * sizeof(command_definition_t); cmds = g_malloc0(cmds_size); memcpy(cmds, current_cmds, cmds_size); command_list_length += STATIC_ITEMS; screen_status_printf(_("Welcome to the key editor!")); } subcmd = -1; list_window_check_selected(lw, LIST_LENGTH()); } static void keydef_close(void) { if (cmds && !keybindings_changed()) { g_free(cmds); cmds = NULL; } else screen_status_printf(_("Note: Did you forget to \'Apply\' your changes?")); } static const char * keydef_title(char *str, size_t size) { if (subcmd < 0) return _("Edit key bindings"); g_snprintf(str, size, _("Edit keys for %s"), cmds[subcmd].name); return str; } static void keydef_paint(mpd_unused mpdclient_t *c) { list_window_paint(lw, list_callback, NULL); } static void keydef_update(mpd_unused screen_t *screen, mpd_unused mpdclient_t *c) { if (lw->repaint) { list_window_paint(lw, list_callback, NULL); lw->repaint = 0; } } static int keydef_cmd(screen_t *screen, mpd_unused mpdclient_t *c, command_t cmd) { int length = LIST_LENGTH(); if (subcmd >= 0) length = subcmd_length; switch(cmd) { case CMD_PLAY: if (subcmd < 0) { if (lw->selected == LIST_ITEM_APPLY()) apply_keys(); else if (lw->selected == LIST_ITEM_SAVE()) { apply_keys(); save_keys(); } else { subcmd = lw->selected; lw->selected=0; check_subcmd_length(); } } else { if (lw->selected == 0) { /* up */ lw->selected = subcmd; subcmd = -1; } else assign_new_key(screen->status_window.w, subcmd, lw->selected - STATIC_SUB_ITEMS); } lw->repaint = 1; return 1; case CMD_DELETE: if (subcmd >= 0 && lw->selected >= STATIC_SUB_ITEMS) delete_key(subcmd, lw->selected - STATIC_SUB_ITEMS); return 1; break; case CMD_SAVE_PLAYLIST: apply_keys(); save_keys(); break; case CMD_LIST_FIND: case CMD_LIST_RFIND: case CMD_LIST_FIND_NEXT: case CMD_LIST_RFIND_NEXT: return screen_find(screen, lw, length, cmd, list_callback, NULL); default: break; } return list_window_cmd(lw, length, cmd); } const struct screen_functions screen_keydef = { .init = keydef_init, .exit = keydef_exit, .open = keydef_open, .close = keydef_close, .resize = keydef_resize, .paint = keydef_paint, .update = keydef_update, .cmd = keydef_cmd, .get_title = keydef_title, }; #endif