/* * (c) 2005 by Kalle Wallin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "i18n.h" #include "options.h" #include "charset.h" #include "mpdclient.h" #include "utils.h" #include "strfsong.h" #include "command.h" #include "screen.h" #include "screen_utils.h" #include "screen_browser.h" #include "gcc.h" #include #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE 1024 typedef enum { LIST_ARTISTS, LIST_ALBUMS, LIST_SONGS } artist_mode_t; static artist_mode_t mode = LIST_ARTISTS; static GPtrArray *artist_list, *album_list; static char *artist = NULL; static char *album = NULL; static struct screen_browser browser; static gint compare_utf8(gconstpointer s1, gconstpointer s2) { char *key1, *key2; int n; key1 = g_utf8_collate_key(s1,-1); key2 = g_utf8_collate_key(s2,-1); n = strcmp(key1,key2); g_free(key1); g_free(key2); return n; } /* list_window callback */ static const char * artist_lw_callback(unsigned idx, mpd_unused int *highlight, mpd_unused void *data) { GPtrArray *list = data; static char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *str, *str_utf8; if (mode == LIST_ALBUMS) { if (idx == 0) return "[..]"; else if (idx == list->len + 1) { str = utf8_to_locale(_("All tracks")); g_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "[%s]", str); g_free(str); return buf; } --idx; } if (idx >= list->len) return NULL; str_utf8 = g_ptr_array_index(list, idx); assert(str_utf8 != NULL); str = utf8_to_locale(str_utf8); g_snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "[%s]", str); g_free(str); return buf; } static void paint(void); static void artist_repaint(void) { paint(); wrefresh(browser.lw->w); } static void artist_repaint_if_active(void) { if (screen_is_visible(&screen_artist)) artist_repaint(); } /* the playlist have been updated -> fix highlights */ static void playlist_changed_callback(mpdclient_t *c, int event, gpointer data) { browser_playlist_changed(&browser, c, event, data); artist_repaint_if_active(); } static GPtrArray * g_list_to_ptr_array(GList *in) { GPtrArray *out = g_ptr_array_sized_new(g_list_length(in)); GList *head = in; while (in != NULL) { g_ptr_array_add(out, in->data); in = g_list_next(in); } g_list_free(head); return out; } static void string_array_free(GPtrArray *array) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < array->len; ++i) { char *value = g_ptr_array_index(array, i); free(value); } g_ptr_array_free(array, TRUE); } static void free_lists(struct mpdclient *c) { if (artist_list != NULL) { string_array_free(artist_list); artist_list = NULL; } if (album_list != NULL) { string_array_free(album_list); album_list = NULL; } if (browser.filelist) { if (c != NULL) mpdclient_remove_playlist_callback(c, playlist_changed_callback); filelist_free(browser.filelist); browser.filelist = NULL; } } static void load_artist_list(struct mpdclient *c) { GList *list; assert(mode == LIST_ARTISTS); assert(artist == NULL); assert(album == NULL); assert(artist_list == NULL); assert(album_list == NULL); assert(browser.filelist == NULL); list = mpdclient_get_artists_utf8(c); /* sort list */ list = g_list_sort(list, compare_utf8); artist_list = g_list_to_ptr_array(list); } static void load_album_list(struct mpdclient *c) { GList *list; assert(mode == LIST_ALBUMS); assert(artist != NULL); assert(album == NULL); assert(album_list == NULL); assert(browser.filelist == NULL); list = mpdclient_get_albums_utf8(c, artist); /* sort list */ list = g_list_sort(list, compare_utf8); album_list = g_list_to_ptr_array(list); } static void load_song_list(struct mpdclient *c) { assert(mode == LIST_SONGS); assert(artist != NULL); assert(album != NULL); assert(browser.filelist == NULL); if (album[0] == 0) browser.filelist = mpdclient_filelist_search_utf8(c, TRUE, MPD_TABLE_ARTIST, artist); else browser.filelist = mpdclient_filelist_search_utf8(c, TRUE, MPD_TABLE_ALBUM, album); if (browser.filelist == NULL) browser.filelist = filelist_new(NULL); /* add a dummy entry for ".." */ filelist_prepend(browser.filelist, NULL); /* install playlist callback and fix highlights */ sync_highlights(c, browser.filelist); mpdclient_install_playlist_callback(c, playlist_changed_callback); } static void free_state(struct mpdclient *c) { g_free(artist); g_free(album); artist = NULL; album = NULL; free_lists(c); } static void open_artist_list(struct mpdclient *c) { free_state(c); mode = LIST_ARTISTS; load_artist_list(c); } static void open_album_list(struct mpdclient *c, char *_artist) { assert(_artist != NULL); free_state(c); mode = LIST_ALBUMS; artist = _artist; load_album_list(c); } static void open_song_list(struct mpdclient *c, char *_artist, char *_album) { assert(_artist != NULL); assert(_album != NULL); free_state(c); mode = LIST_SONGS; artist = _artist; album = _album; load_song_list(c); } static void reload_lists(struct mpdclient *c) { free_lists(c); switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: load_artist_list(c); break; case LIST_ALBUMS: load_album_list(c); break; case LIST_SONGS: load_song_list(c); break; } } /* db updated */ static void browse_callback(mpdclient_t *c, int event, mpd_unused gpointer data) { switch(event) { case BROWSE_DB_UPDATED: reload_lists(c); break; default: break; } artist_repaint_if_active(); } static void init(WINDOW *w, int cols, int rows) { browser.lw = list_window_init(w, cols, rows); artist = NULL; album = NULL; } static void quit(void) { free_state(NULL); list_window_free(browser.lw); } static void open(mpdclient_t *c) { static gboolean callback_installed = FALSE; if (artist_list == NULL && album_list == NULL && browser.filelist == NULL) reload_lists(c); if (!callback_installed) { mpdclient_install_browse_callback(c, browse_callback); callback_installed = TRUE; } } static void resize(int cols, int rows) { browser.lw->cols = cols; browser.lw->rows = rows; } static void paint(void) { if (browser.filelist) { list_window_paint(browser.lw, browser_lw_callback, browser.filelist); } else if (album_list != NULL) list_window_paint(browser.lw, artist_lw_callback, album_list); else if (artist_list != NULL) list_window_paint(browser.lw, artist_lw_callback, artist_list); else { wmove(browser.lw->w, 0, 0); wclrtobot(browser.lw->w); } } static const char * get_title(char *str, size_t size) { char *s1, *s2; switch(mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: g_snprintf(str, size, _("All artists")); break; case LIST_ALBUMS: s1 = utf8_to_locale(artist); g_snprintf(str, size, _("Albums of artist: %s"), s1); g_free(s1); break; case LIST_SONGS: s1 = utf8_to_locale(artist); if (*album != 0) { s2 = utf8_to_locale(album); g_snprintf(str, size, _("Album: %s - %s"), s1, s2); g_free(s2); } else g_snprintf(str, size, _("All tracks of artist: %s"), s1); g_free(s1); break; } return str; } static void add_query(mpdclient_t *c, int table, char *_filter) { char *str; mpdclient_filelist_t *addlist; assert(filter != NULL); str = utf8_to_locale(_filter); if (table== MPD_TABLE_ALBUM) screen_status_printf("Adding album %s...", str); else screen_status_printf("Adding %s...", str); g_free(str); addlist = mpdclient_filelist_search_utf8(c, TRUE, table, _filter); if (addlist) { mpdclient_filelist_add_all(c, addlist); filelist_free(addlist); } } static unsigned metalist_length(void) { assert(mode != LIST_ARTISTS || artist_list != NULL); assert(mode != LIST_ALBUMS || album_list != NULL); return mode == LIST_ALBUMS ? album_list->len + 2 : artist_list->len; } static int artist_lw_cmd(struct mpdclient *c, command_t cmd) { switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: case LIST_ALBUMS: return list_window_cmd(browser.lw, metalist_length(), cmd); case LIST_SONGS: return browser_cmd(&browser, c, cmd); } assert(0); return 0; } static int string_array_find(GPtrArray *array, const char *value) { guint i; for (i = 0; i < array->len; ++i) if (strcmp((const char*)g_ptr_array_index(array, i), value) == 0) return i; return -1; } static int artist_cmd(mpdclient_t *c, command_t cmd) { char *selected; char *old; int idx; switch(cmd) { case CMD_PLAY: switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: selected = g_ptr_array_index(artist_list, browser.lw->selected); open_album_list(c, g_strdup(selected)); list_window_reset(browser.lw); artist_repaint(); return true; case LIST_ALBUMS: if (browser.lw->selected == 0) { /* handle ".." */ old = g_strdup(artist); open_artist_list(c); list_window_reset(browser.lw); /* restore previous list window state */ idx = string_array_find(artist_list, old); g_free(old); if (idx >= 0) { list_window_set_selected(browser.lw, idx); list_window_center(browser.lw, artist_list->len, idx); } } else if (browser.lw->selected == album_list->len + 1) { /* handle "show all" */ open_song_list(c, g_strdup(artist), g_strdup("\0")); list_window_reset(browser.lw); } else { /* select album */ selected = g_ptr_array_index(album_list, browser.lw->selected - 1); open_song_list(c, g_strdup(artist), g_strdup(selected)); list_window_reset(browser.lw); } artist_repaint(); return true; case LIST_SONGS: if (browser.lw->selected == 0) { /* handle ".." */ old = g_strdup(album); open_album_list(c, g_strdup(artist)); list_window_reset(browser.lw); /* restore previous list window state */ idx = *old == 0 ? (int)album_list->len : string_array_find(album_list, old); g_free(old); if (idx >= 0) { ++idx; list_window_set_selected(browser.lw, idx); list_window_center(browser.lw, album_list->len, idx); } artist_repaint(); return true; } break; } break; /* FIXME? CMD_GO_* handling duplicates code from CMD_PLAY */ case CMD_GO_PARENT_DIRECTORY: switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: break; case LIST_ALBUMS: old = g_strdup(artist); open_artist_list(c); list_window_reset(browser.lw); /* restore previous list window state */ idx = string_array_find(artist_list, old); g_free(old); if (idx >= 0) { list_window_set_selected(browser.lw, idx); list_window_center(browser.lw, artist_list->len, idx); } break; case LIST_SONGS: old = g_strdup(album); open_album_list(c, g_strdup(artist)); list_window_reset(browser.lw); /* restore previous list window state */ idx = *old == 0 ? (int)album_list->len : string_array_find(album_list, old); g_free(old); if (idx >= 0) { ++idx; list_window_set_selected(browser.lw, idx); list_window_center(browser.lw, album_list->len, idx); } break; } artist_repaint(); break; case CMD_GO_ROOT_DIRECTORY: switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: break; case LIST_ALBUMS: case LIST_SONGS: open_artist_list(c); list_window_reset(browser.lw); /* restore first list window state (pop while returning true) */ /* XXX */ break; } artist_repaint(); break; case CMD_SELECT: case CMD_ADD: switch(mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: selected = g_ptr_array_index(artist_list, browser.lw->selected); add_query(c, MPD_TABLE_ARTIST, selected); cmd = CMD_LIST_NEXT; /* continue and select next item... */ break; case LIST_ALBUMS: if (browser.lw->selected == album_list->len + 1) add_query(c, MPD_TABLE_ARTIST, artist); else if (browser.lw->selected > 0) { selected = g_ptr_array_index(album_list, browser.lw->selected - 1); add_query(c, MPD_TABLE_ALBUM, selected); cmd = CMD_LIST_NEXT; /* continue and select next item... */ } break; case LIST_SONGS: /* handled by browser_cmd() */ break; } break; /* continue and update... */ case CMD_SCREEN_UPDATE: reload_lists(c); screen_status_printf(_("Screen updated!")); return 0; case CMD_LIST_FIND: case CMD_LIST_RFIND: case CMD_LIST_FIND_NEXT: case CMD_LIST_RFIND_NEXT: switch (mode) { case LIST_ARTISTS: screen_find(browser.lw, artist_list->len, cmd, artist_lw_callback, artist_list); artist_repaint(); return 1; case LIST_ALBUMS: screen_find(browser.lw, album_list->len + 2, cmd, artist_lw_callback, album_list); artist_repaint(); return 1; case LIST_SONGS: /* handled by browser_cmd() */ break; } break; default: break; } if (artist_lw_cmd(c, cmd)) { artist_repaint(); return 1; } return 0; } const struct screen_functions screen_artist = { .init = init, .exit = quit, .open = open, .resize = resize, .paint = paint, .cmd = artist_cmd, .get_title = get_title, };