/* * $Id$ * * (c) 2004 by Kalle Wallin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "screen.h" #include "screen_utils.h" #include "config.h" #include "ncmpc.h" #include "support.h" #include "mpdclient.h" #include "utils.h" #include "command.h" #include "options.h" #include "colors.h" #include "strfsong.h" #include "wreadln.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SCREEN_PLAYLIST_ID 0 #define SCREEN_BROWSE_ID 1 #define SCREEN_ARTIST_ID 2 #define SCREEN_HELP_ID 100 #define SCREEN_KEYDEF_ID 101 #define SCREEN_CLOCK_ID 102 #define SCREEN_SEARCH_ID 103 #define SCREEN_LYRICS_ID 104 /* screens */ extern const struct screen_functions screen_playlist; extern const struct screen_functions screen_browse; #ifdef ENABLE_ARTIST_SCREEN extern const struct screen_functions screen_artist; #endif extern const struct screen_functions screen_help; #ifdef ENABLE_SEARCH_SCREEN extern const struct screen_functions screen_search; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_KEYDEF_SCREEN extern const struct screen_functions screen_keydef; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLOCK_SCREEN extern const struct screen_functions screen_clock; #endif extern const struct screen_functions screen_lyrics; typedef struct screen_functions * (*screen_get_mode_functions_fn_t) (void); static const struct { gint id; const gchar *name; const struct screen_functions *functions; } screens[] = { { SCREEN_PLAYLIST_ID, "playlist", &screen_playlist }, { SCREEN_BROWSE_ID, "browse", &screen_browse }, #ifdef ENABLE_ARTIST_SCREEN { SCREEN_ARTIST_ID, "artist", &screen_artist }, #endif { SCREEN_HELP_ID, "help", &screen_help }, #ifdef ENABLE_SEARCH_SCREEN { SCREEN_SEARCH_ID, "search", &screen_search }, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_KEYDEF_SCREEN { SCREEN_KEYDEF_ID, "keydef", &screen_keydef }, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CLOCK_SCREEN { SCREEN_CLOCK_ID, "clock", &screen_clock }, #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LYRICS_SCREEN { SCREEN_LYRICS_ID, "lyrics", &screen_lyrics }, #endif { G_MAXINT, NULL, NULL } }; static gboolean welcome = TRUE; static screen_t *screen = NULL; static const struct screen_functions *mode_fn = &screen_playlist; static int seek_id = -1; static int seek_target_time = 0; gint screen_get_id(const char *name) { gint i=0; while (screens[i].name) { if (strcmp(name, screens[i].name) == 0) return screens[i].id; i++; } return -1; } static gint lookup_mode(gint id) { gint i=0; while (screens[i].name) { if (screens[i].id == id) return i; i++; } return -1; } gint get_cur_mode_id(void) { return screens[screen->mode].id; } static void switch_screen_mode(gint id, mpdclient_t *c) { gint new_mode; if( id == screens[screen->mode].id ) return; /* close the old mode */ if (mode_fn->close != NULL) mode_fn->close(); /* get functions for the new mode */ new_mode = lookup_mode(id); if (new_mode >= 0 && screens[new_mode].functions) { D("switch_screen(%s)\n", screens[new_mode].name ); mode_fn = screens[new_mode].functions; screen->mode = new_mode; } screen->painted = 0; /* open the new mode */ if (mode_fn->open != NULL) mode_fn->open(screen, c); } static void screen_next_mode(mpdclient_t *c, int offset) { int max = g_strv_length(options.screen_list); int current, next; int i; /* find current screen */ current = -1; i = 0; while (options.screen_list[i]) { if (strcmp(options.screen_list[i], screens[screen->mode].name) == 0) current = i; i++; } next = current + offset; if (next<0) next = max-1; else if (next>=max) next = 0; D("current mode: %d:%d next:%d\n", current, max, next); switch_screen_mode(screen_get_id(options.screen_list[next]), c); } static void paint_top_window2(const char *header, mpdclient_t *c) { char flags[5]; WINDOW *w = screen->top_window.w; char buf[32]; if (header[0]) { colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); mvwaddstr(w, 0, 0, header); } else { colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_HELP, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Help ")); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_PLAY, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Playlist ")); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_FILE, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Browse ")); #ifdef ENABLE_ARTIST_SCREEN colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_ARTIST, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Artist ")); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_SEARCH_SCREEN colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_SEARCH, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Search ")); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LYRICS_SCREEN colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE_BOLD); waddstr(w, get_key_names(CMD_SCREEN_LYRICS, FALSE)); colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); waddstr(w, _(":Lyrics ")); #endif } if (c->status->volume==MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME) { g_snprintf(buf, 32, _("Volume n/a ")); } else { g_snprintf(buf, 32, _(" Volume %d%%"), c->status->volume); } colors_use(w, COLOR_TITLE); mvwaddstr(w, 0, screen->top_window.cols-my_strlen(buf), buf); flags[0] = 0; if( c->status->repeat ) g_strlcat(flags, "r", sizeof(flags)); if( c->status->random ) g_strlcat(flags, "z", sizeof(flags));; if( c->status->crossfade ) g_strlcat(flags, "x", sizeof(flags)); if( c->status->updatingDb ) g_strlcat(flags, "U", sizeof(flags)); colors_use(w, COLOR_LINE); mvwhline(w, 1, 0, ACS_HLINE, screen->top_window.cols); if (flags[0]) { wmove(w,1,screen->top_window.cols-strlen(flags)-3); waddch(w, '['); colors_use(w, COLOR_LINE_BOLD); waddstr(w, flags); colors_use(w, COLOR_LINE); waddch(w, ']'); } wnoutrefresh(w); } static void paint_top_window(const char *header, mpdclient_t *c, int full_repaint) { static int prev_volume = -1; static size_t prev_header_len = -1; WINDOW *w = screen->top_window.w; if (prev_header_len!=my_strlen(header)) { prev_header_len = my_strlen(header); full_repaint = 1; } if (full_repaint) { wmove(w, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(w); } if (prev_volume!=c->status->volume || full_repaint) paint_top_window2(header, c); } static void paint_progress_window(mpdclient_t *c) { double p; int width; int elapsedTime = c->status->elapsedTime; if (c->status==NULL || IS_STOPPED(c->status->state)) { mvwhline(screen->progress_window.w, 0, 0, ACS_HLINE, screen->progress_window.cols); wnoutrefresh(screen->progress_window.w); return; } if (c->song && seek_id == c->song->id) elapsedTime = seek_target_time; p = ((double) elapsedTime) / ((double) c->status->totalTime); width = (int) (p * (double) screen->progress_window.cols); mvwhline(screen->progress_window.w, 0, 0, ACS_HLINE, screen->progress_window.cols); whline(screen->progress_window.w, '=', width-1); mvwaddch(screen->progress_window.w, 0, width-1, 'O'); wnoutrefresh(screen->progress_window.w); } static void paint_status_window(mpdclient_t *c) { WINDOW *w = screen->status_window.w; mpd_Status *status = c->status; mpd_Song *song = c->song; int elapsedTime = 0; const char *str = NULL; int x = 0; if( time(NULL) - screen->status_timestamp <= SCREEN_STATUS_MESSAGE_TIME ) return; wmove(w, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(w); colors_use(w, COLOR_STATUS_BOLD); switch(status->state) { case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PLAY: str = _("Playing:"); break; case MPD_STATUS_STATE_PAUSE: str = _("[Paused]"); break; case MPD_STATUS_STATE_STOP: default: break; } if (str) { waddstr(w, str); x += my_strlen(str)+1; } /* create time string */ memset(screen->buf, 0, screen->buf_size); if (IS_PLAYING(status->state) || IS_PAUSED(status->state)) { if (status->totalTime > 0) { /*checks the conf to see whether to display elapsed or remaining time */ if(!strcmp(options.timedisplay_type,"elapsed")) elapsedTime = c->status->elapsedTime; else if(!strcmp(options.timedisplay_type,"remaining")) elapsedTime = (c->status->totalTime - c->status->elapsedTime); if( c->song && seek_id == c->song->id ) elapsedTime = seek_target_time; /*write out the time, using hours if time over 60 minutes*/ if (c->status->totalTime > 3600) { g_snprintf(screen->buf, screen->buf_size, " [%i:%02i:%02i/%i:%02i:%02i]", elapsedTime/3600, (elapsedTime%3600)/60, elapsedTime%60, status->totalTime/3600, (status->totalTime%3600)/60, status->totalTime%60); } else { g_snprintf(screen->buf, screen->buf_size, " [%i:%02i/%i:%02i]", elapsedTime/60, elapsedTime%60, status->totalTime/60, status->totalTime%60 ); } } else { g_snprintf(screen->buf, screen->buf_size, " [%d kbps]", status->bitRate ); } } else { time_t timep; time(&timep); strftime(screen->buf, screen->buf_size, "%X ",localtime(&timep)); } /* display song */ if (IS_PLAYING(status->state) || IS_PAUSED(status->state)) { char songname[MAX_SONGNAME_LENGTH]; int width = COLS-x-my_strlen(screen->buf); if (song) strfsong(songname, MAX_SONGNAME_LENGTH, STATUS_FORMAT, song); else songname[0] = '\0'; colors_use(w, COLOR_STATUS); /* scroll if the song name is to long */ if (options.scroll && my_strlen(songname) > (size_t)width) { static scroll_state_t st = { 0, 0 }; char *tmp = strscroll(songname, options.scroll_sep, width, &st); g_strlcpy(songname, tmp, MAX_SONGNAME_LENGTH); g_free(tmp); } //mvwaddnstr(w, 0, x, songname, width); mvwaddstr(w, 0, x, songname); } /* display time string */ if (screen->buf[0]) { x = screen->status_window.cols - strlen(screen->buf); colors_use(w, COLOR_STATUS_TIME); mvwaddstr(w, 0, x, screen->buf); } wnoutrefresh(w); } int screen_exit(void) { endwin(); if (screen) { gint i; /* close and exit all screens (playlist,browse,help...) */ i=0; while (screens[i].functions) { const struct screen_functions *sf = screens[i].functions; if (sf->close) sf->close(); if (sf->exit) sf->exit(); i++; } string_list_free(screen->find_history); g_free(screen->buf); g_free(screen->findbuf); g_free(screen); screen = NULL; } return 0; } void screen_resize(void) { gint i; D("Resize rows %d->%d, cols %d->%d\n",screen->rows,LINES,screen->cols,COLS); if (COLScols = COLS; screen->rows = LINES; /* top window */ screen->top_window.cols = screen->cols; wresize(screen->top_window.w, 2, screen->cols); /* main window */ screen->main_window.cols = screen->cols; screen->main_window.rows = screen->rows-4; wresize(screen->main_window.w, screen->main_window.rows, screen->cols); wclear(screen->main_window.w); /* progress window */ screen->progress_window.cols = screen->cols; wresize(screen->progress_window.w, 1, screen->cols); mvwin(screen->progress_window.w, screen->rows-2, 0); /* status window */ screen->status_window.cols = screen->cols; wresize(screen->status_window.w, 1, screen->cols); mvwin(screen->status_window.w, screen->rows-1, 0); screen->buf_size = screen->cols; g_free(screen->buf); screen->buf = g_malloc(screen->cols); /* close and exit all screens (playlist,browse,help...) */ i=0; while (screens[i].functions) { const struct screen_functions *sf = screens[i].functions; if (sf->resize) sf->resize(screen->main_window.cols, screen->main_window.rows); i++; } /* ? - without this the cursor becomes visible with aterm & Eterm */ curs_set(1); curs_set(0); screen->painted = 0; } void screen_status_message(const char *msg) { WINDOW *w = screen->status_window.w; wmove(w, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(w); colors_use(w, COLOR_STATUS_ALERT); waddstr(w, msg); wnoutrefresh(w); screen->status_timestamp = time(NULL); } void screen_status_printf(const char *format, ...) { char *msg; va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); msg = g_strdup_vprintf(format,ap); va_end(ap); screen_status_message(msg); g_free(msg); } void ncurses_init(void) { /* initialize the curses library */ initscr(); /* initialize color support */ colors_start(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ nonl(); /* use raw mode (ignore interrupt,quit,suspend, and flow control ) */ #ifdef ENABLE_RAW_MODE // raw(); #endif /* don't echo input */ noecho(); /* set cursor invisible */ curs_set(0); /* enable extra keys */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* return from getch() without blocking */ timeout(SCREEN_TIMEOUT); /* initialize mouse support */ #ifdef HAVE_GETMOUSE if( options.enable_mouse ) mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL); #endif if( COLSmode = 0; screen->cols = COLS; screen->rows = LINES; screen->buf = g_malloc(screen->cols); screen->buf_size = screen->cols; screen->findbuf = NULL; screen->painted = 0; screen->start_timestamp = time(NULL); screen->input_timestamp = time(NULL); screen->last_cmd = CMD_NONE; /* create top window */ screen->top_window.rows = 2; screen->top_window.cols = screen->cols; screen->top_window.w = newwin(screen->top_window.rows, screen->top_window.cols, 0, 0); leaveok(screen->top_window.w, TRUE); keypad(screen->top_window.w, TRUE); /* create main window */ screen->main_window.rows = screen->rows-4; screen->main_window.cols = screen->cols; screen->main_window.w = newwin(screen->main_window.rows, screen->main_window.cols, 2, 0); // leaveok(screen->main_window.w, TRUE); temporary disabled keypad(screen->main_window.w, TRUE); /* create progress window */ screen->progress_window.rows = 1; screen->progress_window.cols = screen->cols; screen->progress_window.w = newwin(screen->progress_window.rows, screen->progress_window.cols, screen->rows-2, 0); leaveok(screen->progress_window.w, TRUE); /* create status window */ screen->status_window.rows = 1; screen->status_window.cols = screen->cols; screen->status_window.w = newwin(screen->status_window.rows, screen->status_window.cols, screen->rows-1, 0); leaveok(screen->status_window.w, FALSE); keypad(screen->status_window.w, TRUE); if( options.enable_colors ) { /* set background attributes */ wbkgd(stdscr, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_LIST)); wbkgd(screen->main_window.w, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_LIST)); wbkgd(screen->top_window.w, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_TITLE)); wbkgd(screen->progress_window.w, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_PROGRESSBAR)); wbkgd(screen->status_window.w, COLOR_PAIR(COLOR_STATUS)); colors_use(screen->progress_window.w, COLOR_PROGRESSBAR); } refresh(); } int screen_init(mpdclient_t *c) { gint i; /* initialize screens */ i=0; while (screens[i].functions) { const struct screen_functions *fn = screens[i].functions; if (fn->init) fn->init(screen->main_window.w, screen->main_window.cols, screen->main_window.rows); i++; } if (mode_fn->open != NULL) mode_fn->open(screen, c); /* initialize wreadln */ wrln_wgetch = my_wgetch; wrln_max_history_length = 16; return 0; } void screen_paint(mpdclient_t *c) { const char *title = NULL; if (mode_fn->get_title != NULL) title = mode_fn->get_title(screen->buf, screen->buf_size); D("screen_paint(%s)\n", title); /* paint the title/header window */ if( title ) paint_top_window(title, c, 1); else paint_top_window("", c, 1); /* paint the main window */ wclear(screen->main_window.w); if (mode_fn->paint != NULL) mode_fn->paint(screen, c); paint_progress_window(c); paint_status_window(c); screen->painted = 1; wmove(screen->main_window.w, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(screen->main_window.w); /* tell curses to update */ doupdate(); } void screen_update(mpdclient_t *c) { static int repeat = -1; static int random_enabled = -1; static int crossfade = -1; static int dbupdate = -1; if( !screen->painted ) return screen_paint(c); /* print a message if mpd status has changed */ if (repeat < 0) { repeat = c->status->repeat; random_enabled = c->status->random; crossfade = c->status->crossfade; dbupdate = c->status->updatingDb; } if (repeat != c->status->repeat) screen_status_printf(c->status->repeat ? _("Repeat is on") : _("Repeat is off")); if (random_enabled != c->status->random) screen_status_printf(c->status->random ? _("Random is on") : _("Random is off")); if (crossfade != c->status->crossfade) screen_status_printf(_("Crossfade %d seconds"), c->status->crossfade); if (dbupdate && dbupdate != c->status->updatingDb) { screen_status_printf(_("Database updated!")); mpdclient_browse_callback(c, BROWSE_DB_UPDATED, NULL); } repeat = c->status->repeat; random_enabled = c->status->random; crossfade = c->status->crossfade; dbupdate = c->status->updatingDb; /* update title/header window */ if (welcome && screen->last_cmd==CMD_NONE && time(NULL)-screen->start_timestamp <= SCREEN_WELCOME_TIME) paint_top_window("", c, 0); else if (mode_fn->get_title != NULL) { paint_top_window(mode_fn->get_title(screen->buf,screen->buf_size), c, 0); welcome = FALSE; } else paint_top_window("", c, 0); /* update the main window */ if (mode_fn->update != NULL) mode_fn->update(screen, c); /* update progress window */ paint_progress_window(c); /* update status window */ paint_status_window(c); /* move the cursor to the origin */ wmove(screen->main_window.w, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(screen->main_window.w); /* tell curses to update */ doupdate(); } void screen_idle(mpdclient_t *c) { if (c->song && seek_id == c->song->id && (screen->last_cmd == CMD_SEEK_FORWARD || screen->last_cmd == CMD_SEEK_BACKWARD)) mpdclient_cmd_seek(c, seek_id, seek_target_time); screen->last_cmd = CMD_NONE; seek_id = -1; } #ifdef HAVE_GETMOUSE int screen_get_mouse_event(mpdclient_t *c, list_window_t *lw, int lw_length, unsigned long *bstate, int *row) { MEVENT event; /* retreive the mouse event from ncurses */ getmouse(&event); D("mouse: id=%d y=%d,x=%d,z=%d\n",event.id,event.y,event.x,event.z); /* calculate the selected row in the list window */ *row = event.y - screen->top_window.rows; /* copy button state bits */ *bstate = event.bstate; /* if button 2 was pressed switch screen */ if (event.bstate & BUTTON2_CLICKED) { screen_cmd(c, CMD_SCREEN_NEXT); return 1; } /* if the even occured above the list window move up */ if (*row < 0 && lw) { if (event.bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED) list_window_first(lw); else list_window_previous_page(lw); return 1; } /* if the even occured below the list window move down */ if ((unsigned)*row >= lw->rows && lw) { if (event.bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED) list_window_last(lw, lw_length); else list_window_next_page(lw, lw_length); return 1; } return 0; } #endif void screen_cmd(mpdclient_t *c, command_t cmd) { screen->input_timestamp = time(NULL); screen->last_cmd = cmd; welcome = FALSE; if (mode_fn->cmd != NULL && mode_fn->cmd(screen, c, cmd)) return; switch(cmd) { case CMD_PLAY: mpdclient_cmd_play(c, MPD_PLAY_AT_BEGINNING); break; case CMD_PAUSE: mpdclient_cmd_pause(c, !IS_PAUSED(c->status->state)); break; case CMD_STOP: mpdclient_cmd_stop(c); break; case CMD_SEEK_FORWARD: if (!IS_STOPPED(c->status->state)) { if (c->song && seek_id != c->song->id) { seek_id = c->song->id; seek_target_time = c->status->elapsedTime; } seek_target_time+=options.seek_time; if (seek_target_time < c->status->totalTime) break; seek_target_time = c->status->totalTime; /* seek_target_time=0; */ } break; /* fall through... */ case CMD_TRACK_NEXT: if (!IS_STOPPED(c->status->state)) mpdclient_cmd_next(c); break; case CMD_SEEK_BACKWARD: if (!IS_STOPPED(c->status->state)) { if (seek_id != c->song->id) { seek_id = c->song->id; seek_target_time = c->status->elapsedTime; } seek_target_time-=options.seek_time; if (seek_target_time < 0) seek_target_time=0; } break; case CMD_TRACK_PREVIOUS: if (!IS_STOPPED(c->status->state)) mpdclient_cmd_prev(c); break; case CMD_SHUFFLE: if (mpdclient_cmd_shuffle(c) == 0) screen_status_message(_("Shuffled playlist!")); break; case CMD_CLEAR: if (mpdclient_cmd_clear(c) == 0) screen_status_message(_("Cleared playlist!")); break; case CMD_REPEAT: mpdclient_cmd_repeat(c, !c->status->repeat); break; case CMD_RANDOM: mpdclient_cmd_random(c, !c->status->random); break; case CMD_CROSSFADE: if (c->status->crossfade) mpdclient_cmd_crossfade(c, 0); else mpdclient_cmd_crossfade(c, options.crossfade_time); break; case CMD_DB_UPDATE: if (!c->status->updatingDb) { if( mpdclient_cmd_db_update_utf8(c,NULL)==0 ) screen_status_printf(_("Database update started!")); } else screen_status_printf(_("Database update running...")); break; case CMD_VOLUME_UP: if( c->status->volume!=MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME && c->status->volume<100 ) mpdclient_cmd_volume(c, ++c->status->volume); break; case CMD_VOLUME_DOWN: if( c->status->volume!=MPD_STATUS_NO_VOLUME && c->status->volume>0 ) mpdclient_cmd_volume(c, --c->status->volume); break; case CMD_TOGGLE_FIND_WRAP: options.find_wrap = !options.find_wrap; screen_status_printf(options.find_wrap ? _("Find mode: Wrapped") : _("Find mode: Normal")); break; case CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOCENTER: options.auto_center = !options.auto_center; screen_status_printf(options.auto_center ? _("Auto center mode: On") : _("Auto center mode: Off")); break; case CMD_SCREEN_UPDATE: screen->painted = 0; break; case CMD_SCREEN_PREVIOUS: screen_next_mode(c, -1); break; case CMD_SCREEN_NEXT: screen_next_mode(c, 1); break; case CMD_SCREEN_PLAY: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_PLAYLIST_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_FILE: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_BROWSE_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_HELP: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_HELP_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_SEARCH: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_SEARCH_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_ARTIST: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_ARTIST_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_KEYDEF: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_KEYDEF_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_CLOCK: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_CLOCK_ID, c); break; case CMD_SCREEN_LYRICS: switch_screen_mode(SCREEN_LYRICS_ID, c); break; case CMD_QUIT: exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: break; } }