/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * Based on the RTSP client by Shiro Ninomiya */ #include "rtsp_client.h" #include "tcp_socket.h" #include "glib_compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define WINVER 0x0501 #include #include #else #include #include #include #endif /* * Free all memory associated with key_data */ void free_kd(struct key_data *kd) { struct key_data *iter = kd; while (iter) { g_free(iter->key); g_free(iter->data); iter = iter->next; g_free(kd); kd = iter; } } /* * key_data type data look up */ char * kd_lookup(struct key_data *kd, const char *key) { while (kd) { if (!strcmp(kd->key, key)) { return kd->data; } kd = kd->next; } return NULL; } struct rtspcl_data * rtspcl_open(void) { struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld; rtspcld = g_new0(struct rtspcl_data, 1); rtspcld->mutex = g_mutex_new(); rtspcld->cond = g_cond_new(); rtspcld->received_lines = g_queue_new(); rtspcld->useragent = "RTSPClient"; return rtspcld; } /* bind an opened socket to specified hostname and port. * if hostname=NULL, use INADDR_ANY. * if *port=0, use dynamically assigned port */ static int bind_host(int sd, char *hostname, unsigned long ulAddr, unsigned short *port, GError **error_r) { struct sockaddr_in my_addr; socklen_t nlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); struct hostent *h; memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(my_addr)); /* use specified hostname */ if (hostname) { /* get server IP address (no check if input is IP address or DNS name) */ h = gethostbyname(hostname); if (h == NULL) { if (strstr(hostname, "") == hostname) { my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=-1; } else { if ((my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname)) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "failed to resolve host '%s'", hostname); return -1; } } my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; } else { my_addr.sin_family = h->h_addrtype; memcpy((char *) &my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr_list[0], h->h_length); } } else { // if hostname=NULL, use INADDR_ANY if (ulAddr) my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ulAddr; else my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; } /* bind a specified port */ my_addr.sin_port = htons(*port); if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) < 0) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), errno, "failed to bind socket: %s", g_strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (*port == 0) { getsockname(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, &nlen); *port = ntohs(my_addr.sin_port); } return 0; } /* * open tcp port */ static int open_tcp_socket(char *hostname, unsigned short *port, GError **error_r) { int sd; /* socket creation */ sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sd < 0) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), errno, "failed to create TCP socket: %s", g_strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (bind_host(sd, hostname, 0, port, error_r)) { close(sd); return -1; } return sd; } static bool get_sockaddr_by_host(const char *host, short destport, struct sockaddr_in *addr, GError **error_r) { struct hostent *h; h = gethostbyname(host); if (h) { addr->sin_family = h->h_addrtype; memcpy((char *) &addr->sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr_list[0], h->h_length); } else { addr->sin_family = AF_INET; if ((addr->sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(host))==0xFFFFFFFF) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "failed to resolve host '%s'", host); return false; } } addr->sin_port = htons(destport); return true; } /* * create tcp connection * as long as the socket is not non-blocking, this can block the process * nsport is network byte order */ static bool get_tcp_connect(int sd, struct sockaddr_in dest_addr, GError **error_r) { if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))){ g_usleep(100000); // try one more time if (connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&dest_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), errno, "failed to connect to %s:%d: %s", inet_ntoa(dest_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(dest_addr.sin_port), g_strerror(errno)); return false; } } return true; } static bool get_tcp_connect_by_host(int sd, const char *host, short destport, GError **error_r) { struct sockaddr_in addr; return get_sockaddr_by_host(host, destport, &addr, error_r) && get_tcp_connect(sd, addr, error_r); } static void rtsp_client_flush_received(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld) { char *line; while ((line = g_queue_pop_head(rtspcld->received_lines)) != NULL) g_free(line); } static size_t rtsp_client_socket_data(const void *_data, size_t length, void *ctx) { struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld = ctx; g_mutex_lock(rtspcld->mutex); if (rtspcld->tcp_socket == NULL) { g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); return 0; } const bool was_empty = g_queue_is_empty(rtspcld->received_lines); bool added = false; const char *data = _data, *end = data + length, *p = data, *eol; while ((eol = memchr(p, '\n', end - p)) != NULL) { const char *next = eol + 1; if (rtspcld->received_lines->length < 64) { if (eol > p && eol[-1] == '\r') --eol; g_queue_push_tail(rtspcld->received_lines, g_strndup(p, eol - p)); added = true; } p = next; } if (was_empty && added) g_cond_broadcast(rtspcld->cond); g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); return p - data; } static void rtsp_client_socket_error(GError *error, void *ctx) { struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld = ctx; g_warning("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); g_mutex_lock(rtspcld->mutex); rtsp_client_flush_received(rtspcld); struct tcp_socket *s = rtspcld->tcp_socket; rtspcld->tcp_socket = NULL; g_cond_broadcast(rtspcld->cond); g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); if (s != NULL) tcp_socket_free(s); } static void rtsp_client_socket_disconnected(void *ctx) { struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld = ctx; g_mutex_lock(rtspcld->mutex); rtsp_client_flush_received(rtspcld); struct tcp_socket *s = rtspcld->tcp_socket; rtspcld->tcp_socket = NULL; g_cond_broadcast(rtspcld->cond); g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); if (s != NULL) tcp_socket_free(s); } static const struct tcp_socket_handler rtsp_client_socket_handler = { .data = rtsp_client_socket_data, .error = rtsp_client_socket_error, .disconnected = rtsp_client_socket_disconnected, }; bool rtspcl_connect(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *host, short destport, const char *sid, GError **error_r) { assert(rtspcld->tcp_socket == NULL); unsigned short myport = 0; struct sockaddr_in name; socklen_t namelen = sizeof(name); int fd = open_tcp_socket(NULL, &myport, error_r); if (fd < 0) return false; if (!get_tcp_connect_by_host(fd, host, destport, error_r)) return false; getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&name, &namelen); memcpy(&rtspcld->local_addr, &name.sin_addr,sizeof(struct in_addr)); sprintf(rtspcld->url, "rtsp://%s/%s", inet_ntoa(name.sin_addr), sid); getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&name, &namelen); memcpy(&rtspcld->host_addr, &name.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); rtspcld->tcp_socket = tcp_socket_new(fd, &rtsp_client_socket_handler, rtspcld); return true; } static void rtspcl_disconnect(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld) { g_mutex_lock(rtspcld->mutex); rtsp_client_flush_received(rtspcld); g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); if (rtspcld->tcp_socket != NULL) { tcp_socket_free(rtspcld->tcp_socket); rtspcld->tcp_socket = NULL; } } static void rtspcl_remove_all_exthds(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld) { free_kd(rtspcld->exthds); rtspcld->exthds = NULL; } void rtspcl_close(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld) { rtspcl_disconnect(rtspcld); g_queue_free(rtspcld->received_lines); rtspcl_remove_all_exthds(rtspcld); g_free(rtspcld->session); g_cond_free(rtspcld->cond); g_mutex_free(rtspcld->mutex); g_free(rtspcld); } void rtspcl_add_exthds(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *key, char *data) { struct key_data *new_kd; new_kd = g_new(struct key_data, 1); new_kd->key = g_strdup(key); new_kd->data = g_strdup(data); new_kd->next = NULL; if (!rtspcld->exthds) { rtspcld->exthds = new_kd; } else { struct key_data *iter = rtspcld->exthds; while (iter->next) { iter = iter->next; } iter->next = new_kd; } } /* * read one line from the file descriptor * timeout: msec unit, -1 for infinite * if CR comes then following LF is expected * returned string in line is always null terminated, maxlen-1 is maximum string length */ static int read_line(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, char *line, int maxlen, int timeout) { g_mutex_lock(rtspcld->mutex); GTimeVal end_time; if (timeout >= 0) { g_get_current_time(&end_time); end_time.tv_sec += timeout / 1000; timeout %= 1000; end_time.tv_usec = timeout * 1000; if (end_time.tv_usec > 1000000) { end_time.tv_usec -= 1000000; ++end_time.tv_sec; } } while (true) { if (!g_queue_is_empty(rtspcld->received_lines)) { /* success, copy to buffer */ char *p = g_queue_pop_head(rtspcld->received_lines); g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); g_strlcpy(line, p, maxlen); g_free(p); return strlen(line); } if (rtspcld->tcp_socket == NULL) { /* error */ g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); return -1; } if (timeout < 0) { g_cond_wait(rtspcld->cond, rtspcld->mutex); } else if (!g_cond_timed_wait(rtspcld->cond, rtspcld->mutex, &end_time)) { g_mutex_unlock(rtspcld->mutex); return 0; } } } /* * send RTSP request, and get response if it's needed * if this gets a success, *kd is allocated or reallocated (if *kd is not NULL) */ bool exec_request(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *cmd, const char *content_type, const char *content, int get_response, const struct key_data *hds, struct key_data **kd, GError **error_r) { char line[1024]; char req[1024]; char reql[128]; const char delimiters[] = " "; char *token, *dp; int dsize = 0; int timeout = 5000; // msec unit if (!rtspcld) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "not connected"); return false; } sprintf(req, "%s %s RTSP/1.0\r\nCSeq: %d\r\n", cmd, rtspcld->url, ++rtspcld->cseq ); if ( rtspcld->session != NULL ) { sprintf(reql,"Session: %s\r\n", rtspcld->session ); strncat(req,reql,sizeof(req)); } const struct key_data *hd_iter = hds; while (hd_iter) { sprintf(reql, "%s: %s\r\n", hd_iter->key, hd_iter->data); strncat(req, reql, sizeof(req)); hd_iter = hd_iter->next; } if (content_type && content) { sprintf(reql, "Content-Type: %s\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n", content_type, (int) strlen(content)); strncat(req,reql,sizeof(req)); } sprintf(reql, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", rtspcld->useragent); strncat(req, reql, sizeof(req)); hd_iter = rtspcld->exthds; while (hd_iter) { sprintf(reql, "%s: %s\r\n", hd_iter->key, hd_iter->data); strncat(req, reql, sizeof(req)); hd_iter = hd_iter->next; } strncat(req, "\r\n", sizeof(req)); if (content_type && content) strncat(req, content, sizeof(req)); if (!tcp_socket_send(rtspcld->tcp_socket, req, strlen(req))) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), errno, "write error: %s", g_strerror(errno)); return false; } if (!get_response) return true; if (read_line(rtspcld, line, sizeof(line), timeout) <= 0) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "request failed"); return false; } token = strtok(line, delimiters); token = strtok(NULL, delimiters); if (token == NULL) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "request failed"); return false; } if (strcmp(token, "200") != 0) { g_set_error(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "request failed: %s", token); return false; } /* if the caller isn't interested in response headers, put them on the trash, which is freed before returning from this function */ struct key_data *trash = NULL; if (kd == NULL) kd = &trash; struct key_data *cur_kd = *kd; struct key_data *new_kd = NULL; while (read_line(rtspcld, line, sizeof(line), timeout) > 0) { timeout = 1000; // once it started, it shouldn't take a long time if (new_kd != NULL && line[0] == ' ') { const char *j = line; while (*j == ' ') ++j; dsize += strlen(j); new_kd->data = g_realloc(new_kd->data, dsize); strcat(new_kd->data, j); continue; } dp = strstr(line, ":"); if (!dp) { free_kd(*kd); *kd = NULL; g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "request failed, bad header"); return false; } *dp++ = 0; new_kd = g_new(struct key_data, 1); new_kd->key = g_strdup(line); dsize = strlen(dp) + 1; new_kd->data = g_strdup(dp); new_kd->next = NULL; if (cur_kd == NULL) { cur_kd = *kd = new_kd; } else { cur_kd->next = new_kd; cur_kd = new_kd; } } free_kd(trash); return true; } bool rtspcl_set_parameter(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *parameter, GError **error_r) { return exec_request(rtspcld, "SET_PARAMETER", "text/parameters", parameter, 1, NULL, NULL, error_r); } void rtspcl_set_useragent(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *name) { rtspcld->useragent = name; } bool rtspcl_announce_sdp(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, const char *sdp, GError **error_r) { return exec_request(rtspcld, "ANNOUNCE", "application/sdp", sdp, 1, NULL, NULL, error_r); } bool rtspcl_setup(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, struct key_data **kd, int control_port, int ntp_port, GError **error_r) { struct key_data *rkd = NULL, hds; const char delimiters[] = ";"; char *buf = NULL; char *token, *pc; int rval = false; static char transport_key[] = "Transport"; char transport_value[256]; snprintf(transport_value, sizeof(transport_value), "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=%d;timing_port=%d", control_port, ntp_port); hds.key = transport_key; hds.data = transport_value; hds.next = NULL; if (!exec_request(rtspcld, "SETUP", NULL, NULL, 1, &hds, &rkd, error_r)) return false; if (!(rtspcld->session = g_strdup(kd_lookup(rkd, "Session")))) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "no session in response"); goto erexit; } if (!(rtspcld->transport = kd_lookup(rkd, "Transport"))) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "no transport in response"); goto erexit; } buf = g_strdup(rtspcld->transport); token = strtok(buf, delimiters); rtspcld->server_port = 0; rtspcld->control_port = 0; while (token) { if ((pc = strstr(token, "="))) { *pc = 0; if (!strcmp(token,"server_port")) { rtspcld->server_port=atoi(pc + 1); } if (!strcmp(token,"control_port")) { rtspcld->control_port=atoi(pc + 1); } } token = strtok(NULL, delimiters); } if (rtspcld->server_port == 0) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "no server_port in response"); goto erexit; } if (rtspcld->control_port == 0) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "no control_port in response"); goto erexit; } rval = true; erexit: g_free(buf); if (!rval || kd == NULL) { free_kd(rkd); rkd = NULL; } if (kd != NULL) *kd = rkd; return rval; } bool rtspcl_record(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld, int seq_num, int rtptime, GError **error_r) { if (!rtspcld->session) { g_set_error_literal(error_r, rtsp_client_quark(), 0, "no session in progress"); return false; } char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "seq=%d,rtptime=%u", seq_num, rtptime); struct key_data rtp; static char rtp_key[] = "RTP-Info"; rtp.key = rtp_key; rtp.data = buf; rtp.next = NULL; struct key_data range; static char range_key[] = "Range"; range.key = range_key; static char range_value[] = "npt=0-"; range.data = range_value; range.next = &rtp; return exec_request(rtspcld, "RECORD", NULL, NULL, 1, &range, NULL, error_r); } char * rtspcl_local_ip(struct rtspcl_data *rtspcld) { return inet_ntoa(rtspcld->local_addr); }