/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef MPD_PLAYLIST_H #define MPD_PLAYLIST_H #include "queue.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #define PLAYLIST_COMMENT '#' enum playlist_result { PLAYLIST_RESULT_SUCCESS, PLAYLIST_RESULT_ERRNO, PLAYLIST_RESULT_DENIED, PLAYLIST_RESULT_NO_SUCH_SONG, PLAYLIST_RESULT_NO_SUCH_LIST, PLAYLIST_RESULT_LIST_EXISTS, PLAYLIST_RESULT_BAD_NAME, PLAYLIST_RESULT_BAD_RANGE, PLAYLIST_RESULT_NOT_PLAYING, PLAYLIST_RESULT_TOO_LARGE, PLAYLIST_RESULT_DISABLED, }; struct playlist { /** * The song queue - it contains the "real" playlist. */ struct queue queue; /** * This value is true if the player is currently playing (or * should be playing). */ bool playing; /** * If true, then any error is fatal; if false, MPD will * attempt to play the next song on non-fatal errors. During * seeking, this flag is set. */ bool stop_on_error; /** * Number of errors since playback was started. If this * number exceeds the length of the playlist, MPD gives up, * because all songs have been tried. */ unsigned error_count; /** * The "current song pointer". This is the song which is * played when we get the "play" command. It is also the song * which is currently being played. */ int current; /** * The "next" song to be played, when the current one * finishes. The decoder thread may start decoding and * buffering it, while the "current" song is still playing. * * This variable is only valid if #playing is true. */ int queued; }; /** the global playlist object */ extern struct playlist g_playlist; void initPlaylist(void); void finishPlaylist(void); void playlist_init(struct playlist *playlist); void playlist_finish(struct playlist *playlist); void playlist_tag_changed(struct playlist *playlist); /** * Returns the "queue" object of the global playlist instance. */ static inline const struct queue * playlist_get_queue(const struct playlist *playlist) { return &playlist->queue; } void readPlaylistState(FILE *); void savePlaylistState(FILE *); void clearPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist); #ifndef WIN32 /** * Appends a local file (outside the music database) to the playlist, * but only if the file's owner is equal to the specified uid. */ enum playlist_result playlist_append_file(struct playlist *playlist, const char *path, int uid, unsigned *added_id); #endif enum playlist_result addToPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, const char *file, unsigned *added_id); enum playlist_result addSongToPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, struct song *song, unsigned *added_id); enum playlist_result deleteFromPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned song); enum playlist_result deleteFromPlaylistById(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned song); void stopPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist); enum playlist_result playPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, int song); enum playlist_result playPlaylistById(struct playlist *playlist, int song); void nextSongInPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist); void syncPlayerAndPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist); void previousSongInPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist); void shufflePlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned start, unsigned end); void deleteASongFromPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, const struct song *song); enum playlist_result moveSongInPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned from, int to); enum playlist_result moveSongInPlaylistById(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned id, int to); enum playlist_result swapSongsInPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned song1, unsigned song2); enum playlist_result swapSongsInPlaylistById(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned id1, unsigned id2); bool getPlaylistRepeatStatus(const struct playlist *playlist); void setPlaylistRepeatStatus(struct playlist *playlist, bool status); bool getPlaylistRandomStatus(const struct playlist *playlist); void setPlaylistRandomStatus(struct playlist *playlist, bool status); int getPlaylistCurrentSong(const struct playlist *playlist); int getPlaylistNextSong(const struct playlist *playlist); unsigned getPlaylistSongId(const struct playlist *playlist, unsigned song); int getPlaylistLength(const struct playlist *playlist); unsigned long getPlaylistVersion(const struct playlist *playlist); enum playlist_result seekSongInPlaylist(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned song, float seek_time); enum playlist_result seekSongInPlaylistById(struct playlist *playlist, unsigned id, float seek_time); void playlistVersionChange(struct playlist *playlist); int is_valid_playlist_name(const char *utf8path); #endif