/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "player.h" #include "path.h" #include "decode.h" #include "command.h" #include "interface.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "ls.h" #include "listen.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" #include "directory.h" #include "volume.h" #include "playerData.h" #include "permission.h" #include "sig_handlers.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> extern int masterPid; static void resetPlayerMetadata() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (pc->metadataState == PLAYER_METADATA_STATE_READ) { pc->metadataState = PLAYER_METADATA_STATE_WRITE; } } void resetPlayer() { int pid; setPlayerPid(0); getPlayerData()->playerControl.stop = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.play = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.pause = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.lockQueue = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.unlockQueue = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP; getPlayerData()->playerControl.queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED; getPlayerData()->playerControl.seek = 0; getPlayerData()->playerControl.metadataState = PLAYER_METADATA_STATE_WRITE; pid = getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid; if (pid > 0) kill(pid, SIGTERM); getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid = 0; } void player_sigChldHandler(int pid, int status) { if (getPlayerPid() == pid) { DEBUG("SIGCHLD caused by player process\n"); if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status) != SIGTERM && WTERMSIG(status) != SIGINT) { ERROR("player process died from signal: %i\n", WTERMSIG(status)); } resetPlayer(); } else if (pid == getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid && getPlayerPid() <= 0) { if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status) != SIGTERM) { ERROR("(caught by master parent) " "decode process died from a " "non-TERM signal: %i\n", WTERMSIG(status)); } getPlayerData()->playerControl.decode_pid = 0; } } int playerInit() { kill(masterPid, SIGUSR2); /* we need to wait for the signal to take effect: */ while (getPlayerPid() == 0) my_usleep(10000); return 0; } int playerInitReal() { int player_pid; blockSignals(); player_pid = fork(); if (player_pid == 0) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); unblockSignals(); setSigHandlersForDecoder(); while (1) { if (pc->play) decode(); else if (pc->stop) pc->stop = 0; else if (pc->pause) pc->pause = 0; else if (pc->closeAudio) { closeAudioDevice(); pc->closeAudio = 0; kill(getppid(), SIGUSR1); } else if (pc->lockQueue) { pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED; pc->lockQueue = 0; } else if (pc->unlockQueue) { pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED; pc->unlockQueue = 0; } else if (pc->cycleLogFiles) { myfprintfCloseAndOpenLogFile(); pc->cycleLogFiles = 0; } else my_usleep(10000); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if (player_pid < 0) { unblockSignals(); ERROR("player Problems fork()'ing\n"); setPlayerPid(0); player_pid = 0; return -1; } else setPlayerPid(player_pid); unblockSignals(); return 0; } int playerPlay(int fd, Song * song) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (playerStop(fd) < 0) return -1; if (song->tag) pc->fileTime = song->tag->time; else pc->fileTime = 0; copyMpdTagToMetadataChunk(song->tag, &(pc->fileMetadataChunk)); pathcpy_trunc(pc->utf8url, getSongUrl(song)); pc->play = 1; if (getPlayerPid() == 0 && playerInit() < 0) { pc->play = 0; return -1; } resetPlayerMetadata(); while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->play) my_usleep(1000); return 0; } int playerStop(int fd) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->state != PLAYER_STATE_STOP) { pc->stop = 1; while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->stop) my_usleep(1000); } pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK; playerQueueUnlock(); return 0; } void playerKill() { int pid; /*PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); playerStop(stderr); playerCloseAudio(stderr); if(player_pid>0 && pc->closeAudio) sleep(1); */ pid = getPlayerPid(); if (pid > 0) kill(pid, SIGTERM); } int playerPause(int fd) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->state != PLAYER_STATE_STOP) { pc->pause = 1; while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->pause) my_usleep(1000); } return 0; } int playerSetPause(int fd, int pause) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() <= 0) return 0; switch (pc->state) { case PLAYER_STATE_PLAY: if (pause) playerPause(fd); break; case PLAYER_STATE_PAUSE: if (!pause) playerPause(fd); break; } return 0; } int getPlayerElapsedTime() { return (int)(getPlayerData()->playerControl.elapsedTime + 0.5); } unsigned long getPlayerBitRate() { return getPlayerData()->playerControl.bitRate; } int getPlayerTotalTime() { return (int)(getPlayerData()->playerControl.totalTime + 0.5); } int getPlayerState() { return getPlayerData()->playerControl.state; } void clearPlayerError() { getPlayerData()->playerControl.error = 0; } int getPlayerError() { return getPlayerData()->playerControl.error; } char *getPlayerErrorStr() { static char *error = NULL; int errorlen = MAXPATHLEN + 1024; PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); error = realloc(error, errorlen + 1); memset(error, 0, errorlen + 1); switch (pc->error) { case PLAYER_ERROR_FILENOTFOUND: snprintf(error, errorlen, "file \"%s\" does not exist or is inaccesible", pc->erroredUrl); break; case PLAYER_ERROR_FILE: snprintf(error, errorlen, "problems decoding \"%s\"", pc->erroredUrl); break; case PLAYER_ERROR_AUDIO: snprintf(error, errorlen, "problems opening audio device"); break; case PLAYER_ERROR_SYSTEM: snprintf(error, errorlen, "system error occured"); break; case PLAYER_ERROR_UNKTYPE: snprintf(error, errorlen, "file type of \"%s\" is unknown", pc->erroredUrl); default: break; } errorlen = strlen(error); error = realloc(error, errorlen + 1); if (errorlen) return error; return NULL; } void playerCloseAudio() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() > 0) { if (playerStop(STDERR_FILENO) < 0) return; pc->closeAudio = 1; } } int queueSong(Song * song) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (pc->queueState == PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK) { pathcpy_trunc(pc->utf8url, getSongUrl(song)); if (song->tag) pc->fileTime = song->tag->time; else pc->fileTime = 0; copyMpdTagToMetadataChunk(song->tag, &(pc->fileMetadataChunk)); pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_FULL; return 0; } return -1; } int getPlayerQueueState() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->queueState; } void setQueueState(int queueState) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); pc->queueState = queueState; } void playerQueueLock() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->queueLockState == PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED) { pc->lockQueue = 1; while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->lockQueue) my_usleep(1000); } } void playerQueueUnlock() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->queueLockState == PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED) { pc->unlockQueue = 1; while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->unlockQueue) my_usleep(1000); } } int playerSeek(int fd, Song * song, float time) { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (pc->state == PLAYER_STATE_STOP) { commandError(fd, ACK_ERROR_PLAYER_SYNC, "player not currently playing"); return -1; } if (strcmp(pc->utf8url, getSongUrl(song)) != 0) { if (song->tag) pc->fileTime = song->tag->time; else pc->fileTime = 0; copyMpdTagToMetadataChunk(song->tag, &(pc->fileMetadataChunk)); pathcpy_trunc(pc->utf8url, getSongUrl(song)); } if (pc->error == PLAYER_ERROR_NOERROR) { resetPlayerMetadata(); pc->seekWhere = time; pc->seek = 1; while (getPlayerPid() > 0 && pc->seek) my_usleep(1000); } return 0; } float getPlayerCrossFade() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->crossFade; } void setPlayerCrossFade(float crossFadeInSeconds) { PlayerControl *pc; if (crossFadeInSeconds < 0) crossFadeInSeconds = 0; pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); pc->crossFade = crossFadeInSeconds; } void setPlayerSoftwareVolume(int volume) { PlayerControl *pc; volume = (volume > 1000) ? 1000 : (volume < 0 ? 0 : volume); pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); pc->softwareVolume = volume; } double getPlayerTotalPlayTime() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->totalPlayTime; } unsigned int getPlayerSampleRate() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->sampleRate; } int getPlayerBits() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->bits; } int getPlayerChannels() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); return pc->channels; } void playerCycleLogFiles() { PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); DecoderControl *dc = &(getPlayerData()->decoderControl); pc->cycleLogFiles = 1; dc->cycleLogFiles = 1; } /* this actually creates a dupe of the current metadata */ Song *playerCurrentDecodeSong() { static Song *song = NULL; static MetadataChunk *prev = NULL; Song *ret = NULL; PlayerControl *pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl); if (pc->metadataState == PLAYER_METADATA_STATE_READ) { DEBUG("playerCurrentDecodeSong: caught new metadata!\n"); if (prev) free(prev); prev = malloc(sizeof(MetadataChunk)); memcpy(prev, &(pc->metadataChunk), sizeof(MetadataChunk)); if (song) freeJustSong(song); song = newNullSong(); song->url = strdup(pc->currentUrl); song->tag = metadataChunkToMpdTagDup(prev); ret = song; resetPlayerMetadata(); } return ret; }