/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "output_thread.h" #include "output_api.h" #include "output_internal.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "pipe.h" #include "player_control.h" #include <glib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "output" static void ao_command_finished(struct audio_output *ao) { assert(ao->command != AO_COMMAND_NONE); ao->command = AO_COMMAND_NONE; notify_signal(&audio_output_client_notify); } static void ao_close(struct audio_output *ao) { assert(ao->open); ao->pipe = NULL; g_mutex_lock(ao->mutex); ao->chunk = NULL; ao->open = false; g_mutex_unlock(ao->mutex); ao_plugin_close(ao->plugin, ao->data); pcm_convert_deinit(&ao->convert_state); g_debug("closed plugin=%s name=\"%s\"", ao->plugin->name, ao->name); } static bool ao_play_chunk(struct audio_output *ao, const struct music_chunk *chunk) { const char *data = chunk->data; size_t size = chunk->length; GError *error = NULL; assert(!music_chunk_is_empty(chunk)); assert(music_chunk_check_format(chunk, &ao->in_audio_format)); assert(size % audio_format_frame_size(&ao->in_audio_format) == 0); if (chunk->tag != NULL) ao_plugin_send_tag(ao->plugin, ao->data, chunk->tag); if (size == 0) return true; if (!audio_format_equals(&ao->in_audio_format, &ao->out_audio_format)) { data = pcm_convert(&ao->convert_state, &ao->in_audio_format, data, size, &ao->out_audio_format, &size); /* under certain circumstances, pcm_convert() may return an empty buffer - this condition should be investigated further, but for now, do this check as a workaround: */ if (data == NULL) return true; } while (size > 0 && ao->command == AO_COMMAND_NONE) { size_t nbytes; nbytes = ao_plugin_play(ao->plugin, ao->data, data, size, &error); if (nbytes == 0) { /* play()==0 means failure */ g_warning("\"%s\" [%s] failed to play: %s", ao->name, ao->plugin->name, error->message); g_error_free(error); ao_plugin_cancel(ao->plugin, ao->data); ao_close(ao); /* don't automatically reopen this device for 10 seconds */ ao->fail_timer = g_timer_new(); return false; } assert(nbytes <= size); assert(nbytes % audio_format_frame_size(&ao->out_audio_format) == 0); data += nbytes; size -= nbytes; } return true; } static void ao_play(struct audio_output *ao) { bool success; const struct music_chunk *chunk; assert(ao->pipe != NULL); g_mutex_lock(ao->mutex); chunk = ao->chunk; if (chunk != NULL) /* continue the previous play() call */ chunk = chunk->next; else chunk = music_pipe_peek(ao->pipe); ao->chunk_finished = false; while (chunk != NULL && ao->command == AO_COMMAND_NONE) { assert(!ao->chunk_finished); ao->chunk = chunk; g_mutex_unlock(ao->mutex); success = ao_play_chunk(ao, chunk); g_mutex_lock(ao->mutex); if (!success) { assert(ao->chunk == NULL); break; } assert(ao->chunk == chunk); chunk = chunk->next; } ao->chunk_finished = true; g_mutex_unlock(ao->mutex); notify_signal(&pc.notify); } static void ao_pause(struct audio_output *ao) { bool ret; ao_plugin_cancel(ao->plugin, ao->data); ao->pause = true; ao_command_finished(ao); do { ret = ao_plugin_pause(ao->plugin, ao->data); if (!ret) { ao_close(ao); break; } } while (ao->command == AO_COMMAND_NONE); ao->pause = false; } static gpointer audio_output_task(gpointer arg) { struct audio_output *ao = arg; bool ret; GError *error; while (1) { switch (ao->command) { case AO_COMMAND_NONE: break; case AO_COMMAND_OPEN: assert(!ao->open); assert(ao->fail_timer == NULL); assert(ao->pipe != NULL); assert(ao->chunk == NULL); error = NULL; ret = ao_plugin_open(ao->plugin, ao->data, &ao->out_audio_format, &error); assert(!ao->open); if (ret) { pcm_convert_init(&ao->convert_state); g_mutex_lock(ao->mutex); ao->open = true; g_mutex_unlock(ao->mutex); g_debug("opened plugin=%s name=\"%s\" " "audio_format=%u:%u:%u", ao->plugin->name, ao->name, ao->out_audio_format.sample_rate, ao->out_audio_format.bits, ao->out_audio_format.channels); if (!audio_format_equals(&ao->in_audio_format, &ao->out_audio_format)) g_debug("converting from %u:%u:%u", ao->in_audio_format.sample_rate, ao->in_audio_format.bits, ao->in_audio_format.channels); } else { g_warning("Failed to open \"%s\" [%s]: %s", ao->name, ao->plugin->name, error->message); g_error_free(error); ao->fail_timer = g_timer_new(); } ao_command_finished(ao); break; case AO_COMMAND_CLOSE: assert(ao->open); assert(ao->pipe != NULL); ao->pipe = NULL; ao->chunk = NULL; ao_plugin_cancel(ao->plugin, ao->data); ao_close(ao); ao_command_finished(ao); break; case AO_COMMAND_PAUSE: ao_pause(ao); /* don't "break" here: this might cause ao_play() to be called when command==CLOSE ends the paused state - "continue" checks the new command first */ continue; case AO_COMMAND_CANCEL: ao->chunk = NULL; ao_plugin_cancel(ao->plugin, ao->data); ao_command_finished(ao); /* the player thread will now clear our music pipe - wait for a notify, to give it some time */ notify_wait(&ao->notify); continue; case AO_COMMAND_KILL: ao->chunk = NULL; ao_command_finished(ao); return NULL; } if (ao->open) ao_play(ao); notify_wait(&ao->notify); } } void audio_output_thread_start(struct audio_output *ao) { GError *e = NULL; assert(ao->command == AO_COMMAND_NONE); if (!(ao->thread = g_thread_create(audio_output_task, ao, true, &e))) g_error("Failed to spawn output task: %s\n", e->message); }