/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "HttpdClient.hxx" #include "HttpdInternal.hxx" #include "util/fifo_buffer.h" #include "page.h" #include "IcyMetaDataServer.hxx" #include "glib_socket.h" #include #include #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "httpd_output" HttpdClient::~HttpdClient() { if (state == RESPONSE) { if (write_source_id != 0) g_source_remove(write_source_id); if (current_page != nullptr) page_unref(current_page); for (auto page : pages) page_unref(page); } else fifo_buffer_free(input); if (metadata) page_unref(metadata); g_source_remove(read_source_id); g_io_channel_unref(channel); } void HttpdClient::Close() { httpd->RemoveClient(*this); } void HttpdClient::LockClose() { const ScopeLock protect(httpd->mutex); Close(); } void HttpdClient::BeginResponse() { assert(state != RESPONSE); state = RESPONSE; write_source_id = 0; current_page = nullptr; httpd->SendHeader(*this); } /** * Handle a line of the HTTP request. */ bool HttpdClient::HandleLine(const char *line) { assert(state != RESPONSE); if (state == REQUEST) { if (strncmp(line, "GET /", 5) != 0) { /* only GET is supported */ g_warning("malformed request line from client"); return false; } line = strchr(line + 5, ' '); if (line == nullptr || strncmp(line + 1, "HTTP/", 5) != 0) { /* HTTP/0.9 without request headers */ BeginResponse(); return true; } /* after the request line, request headers follow */ state = HEADERS; return true; } else { if (*line == 0) { /* empty line: request is finished */ BeginResponse(); return true; } if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(line, "Icy-MetaData: 1", 15) == 0) { /* Send icy metadata */ metadata_requested = metadata_supported; return true; } if (g_ascii_strncasecmp(line, "transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming", 32) == 0) { /* Send as dlna */ dlna_streaming_requested = true; /* metadata is not supported by dlna streaming, so disable it */ metadata_supported = false; metadata_requested = false; return true; } /* expect more request headers */ return true; } } char * HttpdClient::ReadLine() { assert(state != RESPONSE); const ScopeLock protect(httpd->mutex); size_t length; const char *p = (const char *)fifo_buffer_read(input, &length); if (p == nullptr) /* empty input buffer */ return nullptr; const char *newline = (const char *)memchr(p, '\n', length); if (newline == nullptr) /* incomplete line */ return nullptr; char *line = g_strndup(p, newline - p); fifo_buffer_consume(input, newline - p + 1); /* remove trailing whitespace (e.g. '\r') */ return g_strchomp(line); } /** * Sends the status line and response headers to the client. */ bool HttpdClient::SendResponse() { char buffer[1024]; GError *error = nullptr; GIOStatus status; gsize bytes_written; assert(state == RESPONSE); if (dlna_streaming_requested) { g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "HTTP/1.1 206 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: 10000\r\n" "Content-RangeX: 0-1000000/1000000\r\n" "transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming\r\n" "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*\r\n" "contentFeatures.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0\r\n" "\r\n", httpd->content_type); } else if (metadata_requested) { gchar *metadata_header; metadata_header = icy_server_metadata_header(httpd->name, httpd->genre, httpd->website, httpd->content_type, metaint); g_strlcpy(buffer, metadata_header, sizeof(buffer)); g_free(metadata_header); } else { /* revert to a normal HTTP request */ g_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\r\n" "\r\n", httpd->content_type); } status = g_io_channel_write_chars(channel, buffer, strlen(buffer), &bytes_written, &error); switch (status) { case G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL: case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN: return true; case G_IO_STATUS_EOF: /* client has disconnected */ Close(); return false; case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR: /* I/O error */ g_warning("failed to write to client: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); Close(); return false; } /* unreachable */ Close(); return false; } bool HttpdClient::Received() { assert(state != RESPONSE); char *line; bool success; while ((line = ReadLine()) != nullptr) { success = HandleLine(line); g_free(line); if (!success) { assert(state != RESPONSE); return false; } if (state == RESPONSE) { if (!fifo_buffer_is_empty(input)) { g_warning("unexpected input from client"); return false; } fifo_buffer_free(input); return SendResponse(); } } return true; } bool HttpdClient::Read() { size_t max_length; GError *error = nullptr; GIOStatus status; gsize bytes_read; if (state == RESPONSE) { /* the client has already sent the request, and he must not send more */ char buffer[1]; status = g_io_channel_read_chars(channel, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytes_read, nullptr); if (status == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) g_warning("unexpected input from client"); return false; } char *p = (char *)fifo_buffer_write(input, &max_length); if (p == nullptr) { g_warning("buffer overflow"); return false; } status = g_io_channel_read_chars(channel, p, max_length, &bytes_read, &error); switch (status) { case G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL: fifo_buffer_append(input, bytes_read); return Received(); case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN: /* try again later, after select() */ return true; case G_IO_STATUS_EOF: /* peer disconnected */ return false; case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR: /* I/O error */ g_warning("failed to read from client: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); return false; } /* unreachable */ return false; } static gboolean httpd_client_in_event(G_GNUC_UNUSED GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { HttpdClient *client = (HttpdClient *)data; if (condition == G_IO_IN && client->Read()) { return true; } else { client->LockClose(); return false; } } HttpdClient::HttpdClient(HttpdOutput *_httpd, int _fd, bool _metadata_supported) :httpd(_httpd), channel(g_io_channel_new_socket(_fd)), input(fifo_buffer_new(4096)), state(REQUEST), dlna_streaming_requested(false), metadata_supported(_metadata_supported), metadata_requested(false), metadata_sent(true), metaint(8192), /*TODO: just a std value */ metadata(nullptr), metadata_current_position(0), metadata_fill(0) { /* GLib is responsible for closing the file descriptor */ g_io_channel_set_close_on_unref(channel, true); /* NULL encoding means the stream is binary safe */ g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, nullptr, nullptr); /* we prefer to do buffering */ g_io_channel_set_buffered(channel, false); read_source_id = g_io_add_watch(channel, GIOCondition(G_IO_IN|G_IO_ERR|G_IO_HUP), httpd_client_in_event, this); } size_t HttpdClient::GetQueueSize() const { if (state != RESPONSE) return 0; size_t size = 0; for (auto page : pages) size += page->size; return size; } void HttpdClient::CancelQueue() { if (state != RESPONSE) return; for (auto page : pages) page_unref(page); pages.clear(); if (write_source_id != 0 && current_page == nullptr) { g_source_remove(write_source_id); write_source_id = 0; } } static GIOStatus write_page_to_channel(GIOChannel *channel, const struct page *page, size_t position, gsize *bytes_written_r, GError **error) { assert(channel != nullptr); assert(page != nullptr); assert(position < page->size); return g_io_channel_write_chars(channel, (const gchar*)page->data + position, page->size - position, bytes_written_r, error); } static GIOStatus write_n_bytes_to_channel(GIOChannel *channel, const struct page *page, size_t position, gint n, gsize *bytes_written_r, GError **error) { GIOStatus status; assert(channel != nullptr); assert(page != nullptr); assert(position < page->size); if (n == -1) { status = write_page_to_channel (channel, page, position, bytes_written_r, error); } else { status = g_io_channel_write_chars(channel, (const gchar*)page->data + position, n, bytes_written_r, error); } return status; } int HttpdClient::GetBytesTillMetaData() const { if (metadata_requested && current_page->size - current_position > metaint - metadata_fill) return metaint - metadata_fill; return -1; } inline bool HttpdClient::Write() { GError *error = nullptr; GIOStatus status; gsize bytes_written; const ScopeLock protect(httpd->mutex); assert(state == RESPONSE); if (write_source_id == 0) /* another thread has removed the event source while this thread was waiting for httpd->mutex */ return false; if (current_page == nullptr) { current_page = pages.front(); pages.pop_front(); current_position = 0; } const gint bytes_to_write = GetBytesTillMetaData(); if (bytes_to_write == 0) { gint metadata_to_write; metadata_to_write = metadata_current_position; if (!metadata_sent) { status = write_page_to_channel(channel, metadata, metadata_to_write, &bytes_written, &error); metadata_current_position += bytes_written; if (metadata->size - metadata_current_position == 0) { metadata_fill = 0; metadata_current_position = 0; metadata_sent = true; } } else { struct page *empty_meta; guchar empty_data = 0; empty_meta = page_new_copy(&empty_data, 1); status = write_page_to_channel(channel, empty_meta, metadata_to_write, &bytes_written, &error); metadata_current_position += bytes_written; if (empty_meta->size - metadata_current_position == 0) { metadata_fill = 0; metadata_current_position = 0; } } bytes_written = 0; } else { status = write_n_bytes_to_channel(channel, current_page, current_position, bytes_to_write, &bytes_written, &error); } switch (status) { case G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL: current_position += bytes_written; assert(current_position <= current_page->size); if (metadata_requested) metadata_fill += bytes_written; if (current_position >= current_page->size) { page_unref(current_page); current_page = nullptr; if (pages.empty()) { /* all pages are sent: remove the event source */ write_source_id = 0; return false; } } return true; case G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN: return true; case G_IO_STATUS_EOF: /* client has disconnected */ Close(); return false; case G_IO_STATUS_ERROR: /* I/O error */ g_warning("failed to write to client: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); Close(); return false; } /* unreachable */ Close(); return false; } static gboolean httpd_client_out_event(gcc_unused GIOChannel *source, gcc_unused GIOCondition condition, gpointer data) { assert(condition == G_IO_OUT); HttpdClient *client = (HttpdClient *)data; return client->Write(); } void HttpdClient::PushPage(struct page *page) { if (state != RESPONSE) /* the client is still writing the HTTP request */ return; page_ref(page); pages.push_back(page); if (write_source_id == 0) write_source_id = g_io_add_watch(channel, G_IO_OUT, httpd_client_out_event, this); } void HttpdClient::PushMetaData(struct page *page) { if (metadata) { page_unref(metadata); metadata = nullptr; } g_return_if_fail (page); page_ref(page); metadata = page; metadata_sent = false; }