/* * (c) 2004 by Kalle Wallin <kaw@linux.se> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "list_window.h" #include "config.h" #include "options.h" #include "charset.h" #include "support.h" #include "command.h" #include "colors.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> extern void screen_bell(void); struct list_window * list_window_init(WINDOW *w, unsigned width, unsigned height) { struct list_window *lw; lw = g_malloc0(sizeof(list_window_t)); lw->w = w; lw->cols = width; lw->rows = height; return lw; } void list_window_free(struct list_window *lw) { if (lw) { memset(lw, 0, sizeof(list_window_t)); g_free(lw); } } void list_window_reset(struct list_window *lw) { lw->selected = 0; lw->xoffset = 0; lw->start = 0; } void list_window_check_selected(struct list_window *lw, unsigned length) { if (lw->start + lw->rows > length) { if (length > lw->rows) lw->start = length - lw->rows; else lw->start = 0; } if (lw->selected < lw->start) lw->selected = lw->start; if (length > 0 && lw->selected >= length) lw->selected = length - 1; } void list_window_center(struct list_window *lw, unsigned rows, unsigned n) { if (n > lw->rows / 2) lw->start = n - lw->rows / 2; else lw->start = 0; if (lw->start + lw->rows > rows) { if (lw->rows < rows) lw->start = rows - lw->rows; else lw->start = 0; } } void list_window_set_selected(struct list_window *lw, unsigned n) { lw->selected = n; } static void list_window_next(struct list_window *lw, unsigned length) { if (lw->selected + 1 < length) lw->selected++; else if (options.list_wrap) lw->selected = 0; } static void list_window_previous(struct list_window *lw, unsigned length) { if (lw->selected > 0) lw->selected--; else if (options.list_wrap) lw->selected = length - 1; } static void list_window_first(struct list_window *lw) { lw->xoffset = 0; lw->selected = 0; } static void list_window_last(struct list_window *lw, unsigned length) { lw->xoffset = 0; if (length > 0) lw->selected = length - 1; else lw->selected = 0; } static void list_window_next_page(struct list_window *lw, unsigned length) { if (lw->rows < 2) return; if (lw->selected + lw->rows < length) lw->selected += lw->rows - 1; else list_window_last(lw, length); } static void list_window_previous_page(struct list_window *lw) { if (lw->rows < 2) return; if (lw->selected > lw->rows - 1) lw->selected -= lw->rows - 1; else list_window_first(lw); } void list_window_paint(struct list_window *lw, list_window_callback_fn_t callback, void *callback_data) { unsigned i; int fill = options.wide_cursor; int show_cursor = !(lw->flags & LW_HIDE_CURSOR); if (show_cursor) { if (lw->selected < lw->start) lw->start = lw->selected; if (lw->selected >= lw->start + lw->rows) lw->start = lw->selected - lw->rows + 1; } for (i = 0; i < lw->rows; i++) { int highlight = 0; const char *label; label = callback(lw->start + i, &highlight, callback_data); wmove(lw->w, i, 0); if (label) { int selected = lw->start + i == lw->selected; unsigned len = utf8_width(label); if (highlight) colors_use(lw->w, COLOR_LIST_BOLD); else colors_use(lw->w, COLOR_LIST); if (show_cursor && selected) wattron(lw->w, A_REVERSE); //waddnstr(lw->w, label, lw->cols); waddstr(lw->w, label); if (fill && len < lw->cols) whline(lw->w, ' ', lw->cols-len); if (selected) wattroff(lw->w, A_REVERSE); if (!fill && len < lw->cols) wclrtoeol(lw->w); } else wclrtoeol(lw->w); } } int list_window_find(struct list_window *lw, list_window_callback_fn_t callback, void *callback_data, const char *str, int wrap) { int h; unsigned i = lw->selected + 1; const char *label; while (wrap || i == lw->selected + 1) { while ((label = callback(i,&h,callback_data))) { if (str && label && strcasestr(label, str)) { lw->selected = i; return 0; } if (wrap && i == lw->selected) return 1; i++; } if (wrap) { if (i == 0) /* empty list */ return 1; i=0; /* first item */ screen_bell(); } } return 1; } int list_window_rfind(struct list_window *lw, list_window_callback_fn_t callback, void *callback_data, const char *str, int wrap, unsigned rows) { int h; int i = lw->selected - 1; const char *label; if (rows == 0) return 1; while (wrap || i == (int)lw->selected - 1) { while (i >= 0 && (label = callback(i,&h,callback_data))) { if( str && label && strcasestr(label, str) ) { lw->selected = i; return 0; } if (wrap && i == (int)lw->selected) return 1; i--; } if (wrap) { i = rows - 1; /* last item */ screen_bell(); } } return 1; } /* perform basic list window commands (movement) */ int list_window_cmd(struct list_window *lw, unsigned rows, command_t cmd) { switch (cmd) { case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS: list_window_previous(lw, rows); break; case CMD_LIST_NEXT: list_window_next(lw, rows); break; case CMD_LIST_FIRST: list_window_first(lw); break; case CMD_LIST_LAST: list_window_last(lw, rows); break; case CMD_LIST_NEXT_PAGE: list_window_next_page(lw, rows); break; case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE: list_window_previous_page(lw); break; default: return 0; } return 1; } int list_window_scroll_cmd(struct list_window *lw, unsigned rows, command_t cmd) { switch (cmd) { case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS: if (lw->start > 0) lw->start--; break; case CMD_LIST_NEXT: if (lw->start + lw->rows < rows) lw->start++; break; case CMD_LIST_FIRST: lw->start = 0; break; case CMD_LIST_LAST: if (rows > lw->rows) lw->start = rows - lw->rows; else lw->start = 0; break; case CMD_LIST_NEXT_PAGE: lw->start += lw->rows - 1; if (lw->start + lw->rows > rows) { if (rows > lw->rows) lw->start = rows - lw->rows; else lw->start = 0; } break; case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE: if (lw->start > lw->rows) lw->start -= lw->rows; else lw->start = 0; break; default: return 0; } return 1; } #ifdef HAVE_GETMOUSE int list_window_mouse(struct list_window *lw, unsigned rows, unsigned long bstate, int y) { assert(lw != NULL); /* if the even occured above the list window move up */ if (y < 0) { if (bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED) list_window_first(lw); else list_window_previous_page(lw); return 1; } /* if the even occured below the list window move down */ if ((unsigned)y >= rows) { if (bstate & BUTTON3_CLICKED) list_window_last(lw, rows); else list_window_next_page(lw, rows); return 1; } return 0; } #endif