/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "input/soup_input_plugin.h" #include "input_internal.h" #include "input_plugin.h" #include "io_thread.h" #include "conf.h" #include <libsoup/soup-uri.h> #include <libsoup/soup-session-async.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "input_soup" /** * Do not buffer more than this number of bytes. It should be a * reasonable limit that doesn't make low-end machines suffer too * much, but doesn't cause stuttering on high-latency lines. */ static const size_t SOUP_MAX_BUFFERED = 512 * 1024; /** * Resume the stream at this number of bytes after it has been paused. */ static const size_t SOUP_RESUME_AT = 384 * 1024; static SoupURI *soup_proxy; static SoupSession *soup_session; struct input_soup { struct input_stream base; SoupMessage *msg; GQueue *buffers; size_t current_consumed; size_t total_buffered; bool alive, pause, eof; /** * Set when the session callback has been invoked, when it is * safe to free this object. */ bool completed; GError *postponed_error; }; static inline GQuark soup_quark(void) { return g_quark_from_static_string("soup"); } static bool input_soup_init(const struct config_param *param, GError **error_r) { assert(soup_proxy == NULL); assert(soup_session == NULL); g_type_init(); const char *proxy = config_get_block_string(param, "proxy", NULL); if (proxy != NULL) { soup_proxy = soup_uri_new(proxy); if (soup_proxy == NULL) { g_set_error(error_r, soup_quark(), 0, "failed to parse proxy setting"); return false; } } soup_session = soup_session_async_new_with_options(SOUP_SESSION_PROXY_URI, soup_proxy, SOUP_SESSION_ASYNC_CONTEXT, io_thread_context(), NULL); return true; } static void input_soup_finish(void) { assert(soup_session != NULL); soup_session_abort(soup_session); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(soup_session)); if (soup_proxy != NULL) soup_uri_free(soup_proxy); } /** * Copy the error from the SoupMessage object to * input_soup::postponed_error. * * @return true if there was no error */ static bool input_soup_copy_error(struct input_soup *s, const SoupMessage *msg) { if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL(msg->status_code)) return true; if (msg->status_code == SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED) /* failure, but don't generate a GError, because this status was caused by _close() */ return false; if (s->postponed_error != NULL) /* there's already a GError, don't overwrite it */ return false; if (SOUP_STATUS_IS_TRANSPORT_ERROR(msg->status_code)) s->postponed_error = g_error_new(soup_quark(), msg->status_code, "HTTP client error: %s", msg->reason_phrase); else s->postponed_error = g_error_new(soup_quark(), msg->status_code, "got HTTP status: %d %s", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); return false; } static void input_soup_session_callback(G_GNUC_UNUSED SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { struct input_soup *s = user_data; assert(msg == s->msg); assert(!s->completed); g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); if (!s->base.ready) input_soup_copy_error(s, msg); s->base.ready = true; s->alive = false; s->completed = true; g_cond_broadcast(s->base.cond); g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); } static void input_soup_got_headers(SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { struct input_soup *s = user_data; g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); if (!input_soup_copy_error(s, msg)) { g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); soup_session_cancel_message(soup_session, msg, SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED); return; } s->base.ready = true; g_cond_broadcast(s->base.cond); g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); soup_message_body_set_accumulate(msg->response_body, false); } static void input_soup_got_chunk(SoupMessage *msg, SoupBuffer *chunk, gpointer user_data) { struct input_soup *s = user_data; assert(msg == s->msg); g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); g_queue_push_tail(s->buffers, soup_buffer_copy(chunk)); s->total_buffered += chunk->length; if (s->total_buffered >= SOUP_MAX_BUFFERED && !s->pause) { s->pause = true; soup_session_pause_message(soup_session, msg); } g_cond_broadcast(s->base.cond); g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); } static void input_soup_got_body(G_GNUC_UNUSED SoupMessage *msg, gpointer user_data) { struct input_soup *s = user_data; assert(msg == s->msg); g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); s->base.ready = true; s->eof = true; s->alive = false; g_cond_broadcast(s->base.cond); g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); } static bool input_soup_wait_data(struct input_soup *s) { while (true) { if (s->eof) return true; if (!s->alive) return false; if (!g_queue_is_empty(s->buffers)) return true; assert(s->current_consumed == 0); g_cond_wait(s->base.cond, s->base.mutex); } } static gpointer input_soup_queue(gpointer data) { struct input_soup *s = data; soup_session_queue_message(soup_session, s->msg, input_soup_session_callback, s); return NULL; } static struct input_stream * input_soup_open(const char *uri, GMutex *mutex, GCond *cond, G_GNUC_UNUSED GError **error_r) { if (strncmp(uri, "http://", 7) != 0) return NULL; struct input_soup *s = g_new(struct input_soup, 1); input_stream_init(&s->base, &input_plugin_soup, uri, mutex, cond); s->buffers = g_queue_new(); s->current_consumed = 0; s->total_buffered = 0; #if GCC_CHECK_VERSION(4,5) #pragma GCC diagnostic push /* the libsoup macro SOUP_METHOD_GET discards the "const" attribute of the g_intern_static_string() return value; don't make the gcc warning fatal: */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual" #endif s->msg = soup_message_new(SOUP_METHOD_GET, uri); #if GCC_CHECK_VERSION(4,5) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif soup_message_set_flags(s->msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT); soup_message_headers_append(s->msg->request_headers, "User-Agent", "Music Player Daemon " VERSION); g_signal_connect(s->msg, "got-headers", G_CALLBACK(input_soup_got_headers), s); g_signal_connect(s->msg, "got-chunk", G_CALLBACK(input_soup_got_chunk), s); g_signal_connect(s->msg, "got-body", G_CALLBACK(input_soup_got_body), s); s->alive = true; s->pause = false; s->eof = false; s->completed = false; s->postponed_error = NULL; io_thread_call(input_soup_queue, s); return &s->base; } static gpointer input_soup_cancel(gpointer data) { struct input_soup *s = data; if (!s->completed) soup_session_cancel_message(soup_session, s->msg, SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED); return NULL; } static void input_soup_close(struct input_stream *is) { struct input_soup *s = (struct input_soup *)is; g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); if (!s->completed) { /* the messages's session callback hasn't been invoked yet; cancel it and wait for completion */ g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); io_thread_call(input_soup_cancel, s); g_mutex_lock(s->base.mutex); while (!s->completed) g_cond_wait(s->base.cond, s->base.mutex); } g_mutex_unlock(s->base.mutex); SoupBuffer *buffer; while ((buffer = g_queue_pop_head(s->buffers)) != NULL) soup_buffer_free(buffer); g_queue_free(s->buffers); if (s->postponed_error != NULL) g_error_free(s->postponed_error); input_stream_deinit(&s->base); g_free(s); } static bool input_soup_check(struct input_stream *is, GError **error_r) { struct input_soup *s = (struct input_soup *)is; bool success = s->postponed_error == NULL; if (!success) { g_propagate_error(error_r, s->postponed_error); s->postponed_error = NULL; } return success; } static bool input_soup_available(struct input_stream *is) { struct input_soup *s = (struct input_soup *)is; return s->eof || !s->alive || !g_queue_is_empty(s->buffers); } static size_t input_soup_read(struct input_stream *is, void *ptr, size_t size, G_GNUC_UNUSED GError **error_r) { struct input_soup *s = (struct input_soup *)is; if (!input_soup_wait_data(s)) { assert(!s->alive); if (s->postponed_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error_r, s->postponed_error); s->postponed_error = NULL; } else g_set_error_literal(error_r, soup_quark(), 0, "HTTP failure"); return 0; } char *p0 = ptr, *p = p0, *p_end = p0 + size; while (p < p_end) { SoupBuffer *buffer = g_queue_pop_head(s->buffers); if (buffer == NULL) { assert(s->current_consumed == 0); break; } assert(s->current_consumed < buffer->length); assert(s->total_buffered >= buffer->length); const char *q = buffer->data; q += s->current_consumed; size_t remaining = buffer->length - s->current_consumed; size_t nbytes = p_end - p; if (nbytes > remaining) nbytes = remaining; memcpy(p, q, nbytes); p += nbytes; s->current_consumed += remaining; if (s->current_consumed >= buffer->length) { /* done with this buffer */ s->total_buffered -= buffer->length; soup_buffer_free(buffer); s->current_consumed = 0; } else { /* partial read */ assert(p == p_end); g_queue_push_head(s->buffers, buffer); } } if (s->pause && s->total_buffered < SOUP_RESUME_AT) { s->pause = false; soup_session_unpause_message(soup_session, s->msg); } size_t nbytes = p - p0; s->base.offset += nbytes; return nbytes; } static bool input_soup_eof(G_GNUC_UNUSED struct input_stream *is) { struct input_soup *s = (struct input_soup *)is; return !s->alive && g_queue_is_empty(s->buffers); } const struct input_plugin input_plugin_soup = { .name = "soup", .init = input_soup_init, .finish = input_soup_finish, .open = input_soup_open, .close = input_soup_close, .check = input_soup_check, .available = input_soup_available, .read = input_soup_read, .eof = input_soup_eof, };