/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2014 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "RewindInputPlugin.hxx" #include "../InputStream.hxx" #include "../InputPlugin.hxx" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> extern const InputPlugin rewind_input_plugin; struct RewindInputStream { InputStream base; InputStream *input; /** * The read position within the buffer. Undefined as long as * ReadingFromBuffer() returns false. */ size_t head; /** * The write/append position within the buffer. */ size_t tail; /** * The size of this buffer is the maximum number of bytes * which can be rewinded cheaply without passing the "seek" * call to CURL. * * The origin of this buffer is always the beginning of the * stream (offset 0). */ char buffer[64 * 1024]; RewindInputStream(InputStream *_input) :base(rewind_input_plugin, _input->uri.c_str(), _input->mutex, _input->cond), input(_input), tail(0) { } ~RewindInputStream() { input->Close(); } /** * Are we currently reading from the buffer, and does the * buffer contain more data for the next read operation? */ bool ReadingFromBuffer() const { return tail > 0 && base.offset < input->offset; } /** * Copy public attributes from the underlying input stream to the * "rewind" input stream. This function is called when a method of * the underlying stream has returned, which may have modified these * attributes. */ void CopyAttributes() { InputStream *dest = &base; const InputStream *src = input; assert(dest != src); bool dest_ready = dest->ready; dest->ready = src->ready; dest->seekable = src->seekable; dest->size = src->size; dest->offset = src->offset; if (!dest_ready && src->ready) dest->mime = src->mime; } }; static void input_rewind_close(InputStream *is) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; delete r; } static bool input_rewind_check(InputStream *is, Error &error) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; return r->input->Check(error); } static void input_rewind_update(InputStream *is) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; if (!r->ReadingFromBuffer()) r->CopyAttributes(); } static Tag * input_rewind_tag(InputStream *is) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; return r->input->ReadTag(); } static bool input_rewind_available(InputStream *is) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; return r->input->IsAvailable(); } static size_t input_rewind_read(InputStream *is, void *ptr, size_t size, Error &error) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; if (r->ReadingFromBuffer()) { /* buffered read */ assert(r->head == (size_t)is->offset); assert(r->tail == (size_t)r->input->offset); if (size > r->tail - r->head) size = r->tail - r->head; memcpy(ptr, r->buffer + r->head, size); r->head += size; is->offset += size; return size; } else { /* pass method call to underlying stream */ size_t nbytes = r->input->Read(ptr, size, error); if (r->input->offset > (InputPlugin::offset_type)sizeof(r->buffer)) /* disable buffering */ r->tail = 0; else if (r->tail == (size_t)is->offset) { /* append to buffer */ memcpy(r->buffer + r->tail, ptr, nbytes); r->tail += nbytes; assert(r->tail == (size_t)r->input->offset); } r->CopyAttributes(); return nbytes; } } static bool input_rewind_eof(InputStream *is) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; return !r->ReadingFromBuffer() && r->input->IsEOF(); } static bool input_rewind_seek(InputStream *is, InputPlugin::offset_type offset, int whence, Error &error) { RewindInputStream *r = (RewindInputStream *)is; assert(is->ready); if (whence == SEEK_SET && r->tail > 0 && offset <= (InputPlugin::offset_type)r->tail) { /* buffered seek */ assert(!r->ReadingFromBuffer() || r->head == (size_t)is->offset); assert(r->tail == (size_t)r->input->offset); r->head = (size_t)offset; is->offset = offset; return true; } else { bool success = r->input->Seek(offset, whence, error); r->CopyAttributes(); /* disable the buffer, because r->input has left the buffered range now */ r->tail = 0; return success; } } const InputPlugin rewind_input_plugin = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, input_rewind_close, input_rewind_check, input_rewind_update, input_rewind_tag, input_rewind_available, input_rewind_read, input_rewind_eof, input_rewind_seek, }; InputStream * input_rewind_open(InputStream *is) { assert(is != nullptr); assert(is->offset == 0); if (is->seekable) /* seekable resources don't need this plugin */ return is; RewindInputStream *c = new RewindInputStream(is); return &c->base; }