/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * (c)2003-2006 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "directory.h" #include "ls.h" #include "command.h" #include "utils.h" #include "path.h" #include "log.h" #include "conf.h" #include "stats.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "listen.h" #include "interface.h" #include "volume.h" #include "mpd_types.h" #include "sig_handlers.h" #include "list.h" #include "dbUtils.h" #include "tagTracker.h" #include <sys/wait.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include <libgen.h> #define DIRECTORY_DIR "directory: " #define DIRECTORY_MTIME "mtime: " #define DIRECTORY_BEGIN "begin: " #define DIRECTORY_END "end: " #define DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN "info_begin" #define DIRECTORY_INFO_END "info_end" #define DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION "mpd_version: " #define DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET "fs_charset: " #define DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_NOUPDATE 0 #define DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_UPDATE 1 #define DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_ERROR 2 #define DIRECTORY_RETURN_NOUPDATE 0 #define DIRECTORY_RETURN_UPDATE 1 #define DIRECTORY_RETURN_ERROR -1 Directory * mp3rootDirectory = NULL; time_t directory_dbModTime = 0; volatile int directory_updatePid = 0; volatile int directory_reReadDB = 0; volatile mpd_uint16 directory_updateJobId = 0; static DirectoryList * newDirectoryList(); static int addToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name); static void freeDirectoryList(DirectoryList * list); static void freeDirectory(Directory * directory); static int exploreDirectory(Directory * directory); static int updateDirectory(Directory * directory); static void deleteEmptyDirectoriesInDirectory(Directory * directory); static void removeSongFromDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname); static int addSubDirectoryToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name, struct stat * st); static Directory * getDirectoryDetails(char * name, char ** shortname); static Directory * getDirectory(char * name); static Song * getSongDetails(char * file, char ** shortnameRet, Directory ** directoryRet); static int updatePath(char * utf8path); static void sortDirectory(Directory * directory); static int inodeFoundInParent(Directory * parent, ino_t inode, dev_t device); static int statDirectory(Directory * dir); static char * getDbFile() { ConfigParam * param = parseConfigFilePath(CONF_DB_FILE, 1); assert(param); assert(param->value); return param->value; } static void clearUpdatePid() { directory_updatePid = 0; } int isUpdatingDB() { if(directory_updatePid>0 || directory_reReadDB) { return directory_updateJobId; } return 0; } void directory_sigChldHandler(int pid, int status) { if(directory_updatePid==pid) { if(WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status)!=SIGTERM) { ERROR("update process died from a " "non-TERM signal: %i\n", WTERMSIG(status)); } else if(!WIFSIGNALED(status)) { switch(WEXITSTATUS(status)) { case DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_UPDATE: directory_reReadDB = 1; DEBUG("directory_sigChldHandler: " "updated db\n"); case DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_NOUPDATE: DEBUG("directory_sigChldHandler: " "update exited succesffully\n"); break; default: ERROR("error updating db\n"); } } clearUpdatePid(); } } void readDirectoryDBIfUpdateIsFinished() { if(directory_reReadDB && 0==directory_updatePid) { DEBUG("readDirectoryDB since update finished successfully\n"); readDirectoryDB(); playlistVersionChange(); directory_reReadDB = 0; } } int updateInit(FILE * fp, List * pathList) { if(directory_updatePid > 0) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_UPDATE_ALREADY, "already updating", NULL); return -1; } /* need to block CHLD signal, cause it can exit before we even get a chance to assign directory_updatePID */ blockSignals(); directory_updatePid = fork(); if(directory_updatePid==0) { /* child */ int dbUpdated = 0; unblockSignals(); finishSigHandlers(); closeAllListenSockets(); freeAllInterfaces(); finishPlaylist(); finishVolume(); if(pathList) { ListNode * node = pathList->firstNode; while(node) { switch(updatePath(node->key)) { case 1: dbUpdated = 1; break; case 0: break; default: exit(DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_ERROR); } node = node->nextNode; } } else { if((dbUpdated = updateDirectory(mp3rootDirectory))<0) { exit(DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_ERROR); } } if(!dbUpdated) exit(DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_NOUPDATE); /* ignore signals since we don't want them to corrupt the db*/ ignoreSignals(); if(writeDirectoryDB()<0) { exit(DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_ERROR); } exit(DIRECTORY_UPDATE_EXIT_UPDATE); } else if(directory_updatePid < 0) { unblockSignals(); ERROR("updateInit: Problems forking()'ing\n"); commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM, "problems trying to update", NULL); directory_updatePid = 0; return -1; } unblockSignals(); directory_updateJobId++; if(directory_updateJobId > 1<<15) directory_updateJobId = 1; DEBUG("updateInit: fork()'d update child for update job id %i\n", (int)directory_updateJobId); myfprintf(fp,"updating_db: %i\n",(int)directory_updateJobId); return 0; } static DirectoryStat * newDirectoryStat(struct stat * st) { DirectoryStat * ret = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryStat)); ret->inode = st->st_ino; ret->device = st->st_dev; return ret; } static void freeDirectoryStatFromDirectory(Directory * dir) { if(dir->stat) free(dir->stat); dir->stat = NULL; } static Directory * newDirectory(char * dirname, Directory * parent) { Directory * directory; directory = malloc(sizeof(Directory)); if(dirname && strlen(dirname)) directory->path = strdup(dirname); else directory->path = NULL; directory->subDirectories = newDirectoryList(); directory->songs = newSongList(); directory->stat = NULL; directory->parent = parent; return directory; } static void freeDirectory(Directory * directory) { freeDirectoryList(directory->subDirectories); freeSongList(directory->songs); if(directory->path) free(directory->path); freeDirectoryStatFromDirectory(directory); free(directory); /* this resets last dir returned */ /*getDirectoryPath(NULL);*/ } static DirectoryList * newDirectoryList() { return makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *)freeDirectory, 1); } static void freeDirectoryList(DirectoryList * directoryList) { freeList(directoryList); } static void removeSongFromDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname) { void * song; if(findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) { LOG("removing: %s\n", getSongUrl((Song *)song)); deleteFromList(directory->songs, shortname); } } static void deleteEmptyDirectoriesInDirectory(Directory * directory) { ListNode * node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; ListNode * nextNode; Directory * subDir; while(node) { subDir = (Directory *)node->data; deleteEmptyDirectoriesInDirectory(subDir); nextNode = node->nextNode; if(subDir->subDirectories->numberOfNodes==0 && subDir->songs->numberOfNodes==0) { deleteNodeFromList(directory->subDirectories,node); } node = nextNode; } } /* return values: -1 -> error 0 -> no error, but nothing updated 1 -> no error, and stuff updated */ static int updateInDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name) { void * song; void * subDir; struct stat st; if(myStat(name, &st)) return -1; if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && hasMusicSuffix(name, 0)) { if(0==findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) { addToDirectory(directory, shortname, name); return DIRECTORY_RETURN_UPDATE; } else if(st.st_mtime!=((Song *)song)->mtime) { LOG("updating %s\n",name); if(updateSongInfo((Song *)song)<0) { removeSongFromDirectory(directory,shortname); } return 1; } } else if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if(findInList(directory->subDirectories,shortname,(void **)&subDir)) { freeDirectoryStatFromDirectory(subDir); ((Directory *)subDir)->stat = newDirectoryStat(&st); return updateDirectory((Directory *)subDir); } else { return addSubDirectoryToDirectory(directory,shortname, name, &st); } } return 0; } /* return values: -1 -> error 0 -> no error, but nothing removed 1 -> no error, and stuff removed */ static int removeDeletedFromDirectory(Directory * directory, DIR * dir) { char cwd[2]; struct dirent * ent; char * dirname = getDirectoryPath(directory); List * entList = makeList(free, 1); void * name; char * s; char * utf8; ListNode * node; ListNode * tmpNode; int ret = 0; cwd[0] = '.'; cwd[1] = '\0'; if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd; while((ent = readdir(dir))) { if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */ if(strchr(ent->d_name, '\n')) continue; utf8 = fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name); if(!utf8) continue; if(directory->path) { s = malloc(strlen(getDirectoryPath(directory)) +strlen(utf8)+2); sprintf(s,"%s/%s", getDirectoryPath(directory), utf8); } else s= strdup(utf8); insertInList(entList, utf8, s); } node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; while(node) { tmpNode = node->nextNode; if(findInList(entList,node->key,&name)) { if(!isDir((char *)name)) { LOG("removing directory: %s\n",(char*)name); deleteFromList(directory->subDirectories, node->key); ret = 1; } } else { LOG("removing directory: %s/%s\n", getDirectoryPath(directory), node->key); deleteFromList(directory->subDirectories, node->key); ret = 1; } node = tmpNode; } node = directory->songs->firstNode; while(node) { tmpNode = node->nextNode; if(findInList(entList,node->key,(void **)&name)) { if(!isMusic(name,NULL,0)) { removeSongFromDirectory(directory,node->key); ret = 1; } } else { removeSongFromDirectory(directory,node->key); ret = 1; } node = tmpNode; } freeList(entList); return ret; } static Directory * addDirectoryPathToDB(char * utf8path, char ** shortname) { char * parent; Directory * parentDirectory; void * directory; parent = strdup(parentPath(utf8path)); if(strlen(parent)==0) parentDirectory = (void *)mp3rootDirectory; else parentDirectory = addDirectoryPathToDB(parent,shortname); if(!parentDirectory) { free(parent); return NULL; } *shortname = utf8path+strlen(parent); while(*(*shortname) && *(*shortname)=='/') (*shortname)++; if(!findInList(parentDirectory->subDirectories,*shortname, &directory)) { struct stat st; if(myStat(utf8path, &st) < 0 || inodeFoundInParent(parentDirectory, st.st_ino, st.st_dev)) { free(parent); return NULL; } else { directory = newDirectory(utf8path, parentDirectory); insertInList(parentDirectory->subDirectories, *shortname, directory); } } /* if we're adding directory paths, make sure to delete filenames with potentially the same name*/ removeSongFromDirectory(parentDirectory,*shortname); free(parent); return (Directory *)directory; } static Directory * addParentPathToDB(char * utf8path, char ** shortname) { char * parent; Directory * parentDirectory; parent = strdup(parentPath(utf8path)); if(strlen(parent)==0) parentDirectory = (void *)mp3rootDirectory; else parentDirectory = addDirectoryPathToDB(parent,shortname); if(!parentDirectory) { free(parent); return NULL; } *shortname = utf8path+strlen(parent); while(*(*shortname) && *(*shortname)=='/') (*shortname)++; free(parent); return (Directory *)parentDirectory; } /* return values: -1 -> error 0 -> no error, but nothing updated 1 -> no error, and stuff updated */ static int updatePath(char * utf8path) { Directory * directory; Directory * parentDirectory; Song * song; char * shortname; char * path = sanitizePathDup(utf8path); time_t mtime; int ret = 0; if(NULL==path) return -1; /* if path is in the DB try to update it, or else delete it */ if((directory = getDirectoryDetails(path,&shortname))) { parentDirectory = directory->parent; /* if this update directory is successfull, we are done */ if((ret = updateDirectory(directory))>=0) { free(path); sortDirectory(directory); return ret; } /* we don't want to delete the root directory */ else if(directory == mp3rootDirectory) { free(path); return 0; } /* if updateDirectory fials, means we should delete it */ else { LOG("removing directory: %s\n",path); deleteFromList(parentDirectory->subDirectories, shortname); ret = 1; /* don't return, path maybe a song now*/ } } else if((song = getSongDetails(path,&shortname,&parentDirectory))) { if(!parentDirectory->stat && statDirectory(parentDirectory) < 0) { free(path); return 0; } /* if this song update is successfull, we are done */ else if(0 == inodeFoundInParent( parentDirectory->parent, parentDirectory->stat->inode, parentDirectory->stat->device) && song && isMusic(getSongUrl(song), &mtime, 0)) { free(path); if(song->mtime==mtime) return 0; else if(updateSongInfo(song)==0) return 1; else { removeSongFromDirectory(parentDirectory, shortname); return 1; } } /* if updateDirectory fials, means we should delete it */ else { removeSongFromDirectory(parentDirectory, shortname); ret = 1; /* don't return, path maybe a directory now*/ } } /* path not found in the db, see if it actually exists on the fs. * Also, if by chance a directory was replaced by a file of the same * name or vice versa, we need to add it to the db */ if(isDir(path) || isMusic(path,NULL,0)) { parentDirectory = addParentPathToDB(path,&shortname); if(!parentDirectory || ( !parentDirectory->stat && statDirectory(parentDirectory) < 0)) { } else if(0 == inodeFoundInParent(parentDirectory->parent, parentDirectory->stat->inode, parentDirectory->stat->device) && addToDirectory(parentDirectory, shortname, path) >0) { ret = 1; } } free(path); return ret; } /* return values: -1 -> error 0 -> no error, but nothing updated 1 -> no error, and stuff updated */ static int updateDirectory(Directory * directory) { DIR * dir; char cwd[2]; struct dirent * ent; char * s; char * utf8; char * dirname = getDirectoryPath(directory); int ret = 0; { if(!directory->stat && statDirectory(directory) < 0) { return -1; } else if(inodeFoundInParent(directory->parent, directory->stat->inode, directory->stat->device)) { return -1; } } cwd[0] = '.'; cwd[1] = '\0'; if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd; if((dir = opendir(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(dirname))))==NULL) return -1; if(removeDeletedFromDirectory(directory, dir)>0) ret = 1; rewinddir(dir); while((ent = readdir(dir))) { if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */ if(strchr(ent->d_name, '\n')) continue; utf8 = fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name); if(!utf8) continue; utf8 = strdup(utf8); if(directory->path) { s = malloc(strlen(getDirectoryPath(directory))+ strlen(utf8)+2); sprintf(s,"%s/%s", getDirectoryPath(directory), utf8); } else s = strdup(utf8); if(updateInDirectory(directory,utf8,s)>0) ret = 1; free(utf8); free(s); } closedir(dir); return ret; } /* return values: -1 -> error 0 -> no error, but nothing found 1 -> no error, and stuff found */ static int exploreDirectory(Directory * directory) { DIR * dir; char cwd[2]; struct dirent * ent; char * s; char * utf8; char * dirname = getDirectoryPath(directory); int ret = 0; cwd[0] = '.'; cwd[1] = '\0'; if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd; DEBUG("explore: attempting to opendir: %s\n",dirname); if((dir = opendir(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(dirname))))==NULL) return -1; DEBUG("explore: %s\n",dirname); while((ent = readdir(dir))) { if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */ if(strchr(ent->d_name, '\n')) continue; utf8 = fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name); if(!utf8) continue; utf8 = strdup(utf8); DEBUG("explore: found: %s (%s)\n",ent->d_name,utf8); if(directory->path) { s = malloc(strlen(getDirectoryPath(directory))+ strlen(utf8)+2); sprintf(s,"%s/%s", getDirectoryPath(directory) ,utf8); } else s = strdup(utf8); if(addToDirectory(directory,utf8,s)>0) ret = 1; free(utf8); free(s); } closedir(dir); return ret; } static int statDirectory(Directory * dir) { struct stat st; if(myStat(getDirectoryPath(dir) ? getDirectoryPath(dir) : "", &st) < 0) { return -1; } dir->stat = newDirectoryStat(&st); return 0; } static int inodeFoundInParent(Directory * parent, ino_t inode, dev_t device) { while(parent) { if(!parent->stat) { if(statDirectory(parent) < 0) return -1; } if(parent->stat->inode == inode && parent->stat->device == device) { DEBUG("recursive directory found\n"); return 1; } parent = parent->parent; } return 0; } static int addSubDirectoryToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name, struct stat * st) { Directory * subDirectory; if(inodeFoundInParent(directory, st->st_ino, st->st_dev)) return 0; subDirectory = newDirectory(name, directory); subDirectory->stat = newDirectoryStat(st); if(exploreDirectory(subDirectory)<1) { freeDirectory(subDirectory); return 0; } insertInList(directory->subDirectories, shortname, subDirectory); return 1; } static int addToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name) { struct stat st; if(myStat(name, &st)) { DEBUG("failed to stat %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && hasMusicSuffix(name, 0)) { Song * song; song = addSongToList(directory->songs, shortname, name, SONG_TYPE_FILE, directory); if(!song) return -1; LOG("added %s\n", name); return 1; } else if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { return addSubDirectoryToDirectory(directory, shortname, name, &st); } DEBUG("addToDirectory: %s is not a directory or music\n",name); return -1; } void closeMp3Directory() { freeDirectory(mp3rootDirectory); destroyTagTracker(); } static Directory * findSubDirectory(Directory * directory,char * name) { void * subDirectory; char * dup = strdup(name); char * key; key = strtok(dup,"/"); if(!key) { free(dup); return NULL; } if(findInList(directory->subDirectories,key,&subDirectory)) { free(dup); return (Directory *)subDirectory; } free(dup); return NULL; } static Directory * getSubDirectory(Directory * directory, char * name, char ** shortname) { Directory * subDirectory; int len; if(name==NULL || name[0]=='\0' || strcmp(name,"/")==0) { return directory; } if((subDirectory = findSubDirectory(directory,name))==NULL) return NULL; *shortname = name; len = 0; while(name[len]!='/' && name[len]!='\0') len++; while(name[len]=='/') len++; return getSubDirectory(subDirectory,&(name[len]),shortname); } static Directory * getDirectoryDetails(char * name, char ** shortname) { *shortname = NULL; return getSubDirectory(mp3rootDirectory,name,shortname); } static Directory * getDirectory(char * name) { char * shortname; return getSubDirectory(mp3rootDirectory,name,&shortname); } static int printDirectoryList(FILE * fp, DirectoryList * directoryList) { ListNode * node = directoryList->firstNode; Directory * directory; while(node!=NULL) { directory = (Directory *)node->data; myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n", DIRECTORY_DIR, getDirectoryPath(directory)); node = node->nextNode; } return 0; } int printDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp, char * name) { Directory * directory; if((directory = getDirectory(name))==NULL) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "directory not found", NULL); return -1; } printDirectoryList(fp,directory->subDirectories); printSongInfoFromList(fp,directory->songs); return 0; } static void writeDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp, Directory * directory) { ListNode * node = (directory->subDirectories)->firstNode; Directory * subDirectory; if(directory->path) { myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n", DIRECTORY_BEGIN, getDirectoryPath(directory)); } while(node!=NULL) { subDirectory = (Directory *)node->data; myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_DIR,node->key); writeDirectoryInfo(fp,subDirectory); node = node->nextNode; } writeSongInfoFromList(fp,directory->songs); if(directory->path) { myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n", DIRECTORY_END, getDirectoryPath(directory)); } } static void readDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp,Directory * directory) { char buffer[MAXPATHLEN*2]; int bufferSize = MAXPATHLEN*2; char * key; Directory * subDirectory; int strcmpRet; char * name; ListNode * nextDirNode = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; ListNode * nodeTemp; while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) && 0!=strncmp(DIRECTORY_END,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_END))) { if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_DIR,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_DIR))) { key = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(DIRECTORY_DIR)])); if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) { ERROR("Error reading db, fgets\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* for compatibility with db's prior to 0.11 */ if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_MTIME,buffer, strlen(DIRECTORY_MTIME))) { if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) { ERROR("Error reading db, fgets\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(strncmp(DIRECTORY_BEGIN,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_BEGIN))) { ERROR("Error reading db at line: %s\n",buffer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } name = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(DIRECTORY_BEGIN)])); while(nextDirNode && (strcmpRet = strcmp(key,nextDirNode->key)) > 0) { nodeTemp = nextDirNode->nextNode; deleteNodeFromList(directory->subDirectories, nextDirNode); nextDirNode = nodeTemp; } if(NULL==nextDirNode) { subDirectory = newDirectory(name, directory); insertInList(directory->subDirectories, key, (void *)subDirectory); } else if(strcmpRet == 0) { subDirectory = (Directory *)nextDirNode->data; nextDirNode = nextDirNode->nextNode; } else { subDirectory = newDirectory(name, directory); insertInListBeforeNode( directory->subDirectories, nextDirNode, -1, key, (void *)subDirectory); } free(name); free(key); readDirectoryInfo(fp,subDirectory); } else if(0==strncmp(SONG_BEGIN,buffer,strlen(SONG_BEGIN))) { readSongInfoIntoList(fp, directory->songs, directory); } else { ERROR("Unknown line in db: %s\n",buffer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } while(nextDirNode) { nodeTemp = nextDirNode->nextNode; deleteNodeFromList(directory->subDirectories,nextDirNode); nextDirNode = nodeTemp; } } static void sortDirectory(Directory * directory) { ListNode * node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; Directory * subDir; sortList(directory->subDirectories); sortList(directory->songs); while(node!=NULL) { subDir = (Directory *)node->data; sortDirectory(subDir); node = node->nextNode; } } int checkDirectoryDB() { char * dbFile = getDbFile(); /** * Check if the file exists */ if(access(dbFile, F_OK)) { char *dirPath = NULL; char *dbPath = strdup(dbFile); /** * If the file doesn't exits, we can't check if we can write it, * so we are going to try to get the directory path, and see if we can write a file in that */ dirPath = dirname(dbPath); /** * Check if we can write to the directory */ if(access(dirPath, R_OK|W_OK)) { ERROR("Can't create db file in \"%s\": %s", dirPath, strerror(errno)); free(dbPath); return -1; } free(dbPath); return 0; } /** * File exists, now check if we can write it */ if(access(dbFile, R_OK|W_OK)) { ERROR("db file \"%s\" cannot be opened for reading/writing: %s", dbFile, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } int writeDirectoryDB() { FILE * fp; char * dbFile = getDbFile(); DEBUG("removing empty directories from DB\n"); deleteEmptyDirectoriesInDirectory(mp3rootDirectory); DEBUG("sorting DB\n"); sortDirectory(mp3rootDirectory); DEBUG("writing DB\n"); while(!(fp=fopen(dbFile,"w")) && errno==EINTR); if(!fp) { ERROR("unable to write to db file \"%s\": %s\n", dbFile, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* block signals when writing the db so we don't get a corrupted db*/ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN); myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION,VERSION); myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET,getFsCharset()); myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",DIRECTORY_INFO_END); writeDirectoryInfo(fp,mp3rootDirectory); while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR); return 0; } int readDirectoryDB() { FILE * fp = NULL; char * dbFile = getDbFile(); struct stat st; if(!mp3rootDirectory) mp3rootDirectory = newDirectory(NULL, NULL); while(!(fp=fopen(dbFile,"r")) && errno==EINTR); if(fp == NULL) { ERROR("unable open db file \"%s\": %s\n", dbFile, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* get initial info */ { char buffer[100]; int bufferSize = 100; int foundFsCharset = 0; int foundVersion = 0; if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) { ERROR("Error reading db, fgets\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(0==strcmp(DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN,buffer)) { while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) && 0!=strcmp(DIRECTORY_INFO_END,buffer)) { if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION,buffer, strlen(DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION))) { if(foundVersion) { ERROR("already found " "version in db\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } foundVersion = 1; } else if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET,buffer, strlen(DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET))) { char * fsCharset; char * tempCharset; if(foundFsCharset) { WARNING("already found " "fs charset in db\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } foundFsCharset = 1; fsCharset = &(buffer[strlen( DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET)]); if((tempCharset = getConfigParamValue( CONF_FS_CHARSET)) && strcmp(fsCharset,tempCharset)) { WARNING("Using \"%s\" for the " "filesystem charset " "instead of \"%s\"\n", fsCharset,tempCharset); WARNING("maybe you need to " "recreate the db?\n"); setFsCharset(fsCharset); } } else { ERROR("directory: unknown line in db info: %s\n", buffer); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else { ERROR("db info not found in db file\n"); ERROR("you should recreate the db using --create-db\n"); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); } } DEBUG("reading DB\n"); readDirectoryInfo(fp,mp3rootDirectory); while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR); stats.numberOfSongs = countSongsIn(stderr,NULL); stats.dbPlayTime = sumSongTimesIn(stderr,NULL); if(stat(dbFile,&st)==0) directory_dbModTime = st.st_mtime; return 0; } void updateMp3Directory() { switch(updateDirectory(mp3rootDirectory)) { case 0: /* nothing updated */ return; case 1: if(writeDirectoryDB()<0) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; default: /* something was updated and db should be written */ ERROR("problems updating music db\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return; } static int traverseAllInSubDirectory(FILE * fp, Directory * directory, int (*forEachSong)(FILE *, Song *, void *), int (*forEachDir)(FILE *, Directory *, void *), void * data) { ListNode * node = directory->songs->firstNode; Song * song; Directory * dir; int errFlag = 0; if(forEachDir) { errFlag = forEachDir(fp,directory,data); if(errFlag) return errFlag; } if(forEachSong) { while(node!=NULL && !errFlag) { song = (Song *)node->data; errFlag = forEachSong(fp,song,data); node = node->nextNode; } if(errFlag) return errFlag; } node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; while(node!=NULL && !errFlag) { dir = (Directory *)node->data; errFlag = traverseAllInSubDirectory(fp,dir,forEachSong, forEachDir,data); node = node->nextNode; } return errFlag; } int traverseAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name, int (*forEachSong)(FILE *, Song *, void *), int (*forEachDir)(FILE *, Directory *, void *), void * data) { Directory * directory; if((directory = getDirectory(name))==NULL) { Song * song; if((song = getSongFromDB(name)) && forEachSong) { return forEachSong(fp, song, data); } commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "directory or file not found", NULL); return -1; } return traverseAllInSubDirectory(fp,directory,forEachSong,forEachDir, data); } static void freeAllDirectoryStats(Directory * directory) { ListNode * node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode; while(node != NULL) { freeAllDirectoryStats((Directory *)node->data); node = node->nextNode; } freeDirectoryStatFromDirectory(directory); } void initMp3Directory() { struct stat st; mp3rootDirectory = newDirectory(NULL, NULL); exploreDirectory(mp3rootDirectory); freeAllDirectoryStats(mp3rootDirectory); stats.numberOfSongs = countSongsIn(stderr,NULL); stats.dbPlayTime = sumSongTimesIn(stderr,NULL); if(stat(getDbFile(),&st)==0) directory_dbModTime = st.st_mtime; } static Song * getSongDetails(char * file, char ** shortnameRet, Directory ** directoryRet) { void * song = NULL; Directory * directory; char * dir = NULL; char * dup = strdup(file); char * shortname = dup; char * c = strtok(dup,"/"); DEBUG("get song: %s\n",file); while(c) { shortname = c; c = strtok(NULL,"/"); } if(shortname!=dup) { for(c = dup; c < shortname-1; c++) { if(*c=='\0') *c = '/'; } dir = dup; } if(!(directory = getDirectory(dir))) { free(dup); return NULL; } if(!findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) { free(dup); return NULL; } free(dup); if(shortnameRet) *shortnameRet = shortname; if(directoryRet) *directoryRet = directory; return (Song *)song; } Song * getSongFromDB(char * file) { return getSongDetails(file,NULL,NULL); } time_t getDbModTime() { return directory_dbModTime; }