/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * Copyright (C) 2008 Max Kellermann <max@duempel.org> * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "decoder_thread.h" #include "decoder_control.h" #include "decoder_internal.h" #include "player_control.h" #include "pipe.h" #include "song.h" #include "mapper.h" #include "path.h" #include "log.h" #include "ls.h" static bool decoder_stream_decode(const struct decoder_plugin *plugin, struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream) { assert(plugin != NULL); assert(plugin->stream_decode != NULL); assert(decoder != NULL); assert(!decoder->stream_tag_sent); assert(input_stream != NULL); assert(input_stream->ready); assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_START); /* rewind the stream, so each plugin gets a fresh start */ input_stream_seek(input_stream, 0, SEEK_SET); plugin->stream_decode(decoder, input_stream); assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_START || dc.state == DECODE_STATE_DECODE); return dc.state != DECODE_STATE_START; } static bool decoder_file_decode(const struct decoder_plugin *plugin, struct decoder *decoder, const char *path) { assert(plugin != NULL); assert(plugin->file_decode != NULL); assert(decoder != NULL); assert(!decoder->stream_tag_sent); assert(path != NULL); assert(path[0] == '/'); assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_START); plugin->file_decode(decoder, path); assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_START || dc.state == DECODE_STATE_DECODE); return dc.state != DECODE_STATE_START; } static void decoder_run(void) { struct song *song = dc.next_song; char buffer[MPD_PATH_MAX]; const char *uri; struct decoder decoder; int ret; bool close_instream = true; struct input_stream input_stream; const struct decoder_plugin *plugin; if (song_is_file(song)) uri = map_song_fs(song, buffer); else uri = song_get_url(song, buffer); if (uri == NULL) { dc.state = DECODE_STATE_ERROR; return; } dc.current_song = dc.next_song; /* NEED LOCK */ if (!input_stream_open(&input_stream, uri)) { dc.state = DECODE_STATE_ERROR; return; } decoder.seeking = false; decoder.stream_tag_sent = false; dc.state = DECODE_STATE_START; dc.command = DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; notify_signal(&pc.notify); /* wait for the input stream to become ready; its metadata will be available then */ while (!input_stream.ready) { if (dc.command == DECODE_COMMAND_STOP) { input_stream_close(&input_stream); dc.state = DECODE_STATE_STOP; return; } ret = input_stream_buffer(&input_stream); if (ret < 0) { input_stream_close(&input_stream); dc.state = DECODE_STATE_ERROR; return; } } if (dc.command == DECODE_COMMAND_STOP) { input_stream_close(&input_stream); dc.state = DECODE_STATE_STOP; return; } ret = false; if (!song_is_file(song)) { unsigned int next = 0; /* first we try mime types: */ while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_mime_type(input_stream.mime, next++))) { if (plugin->stream_decode == NULL) continue; ret = decoder_stream_decode(plugin, &decoder, &input_stream); if (ret) break; plugin = NULL; } /* if that fails, try suffix matching the URL: */ if (plugin == NULL) { const char *s = getSuffix(uri); next = 0; while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_suffix(s, next++))) { if (plugin->stream_decode == NULL) continue; ret = decoder_stream_decode(plugin, &decoder, &input_stream); if (ret) break; assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_START); plugin = NULL; } } /* fallback to mp3: */ /* this is needed for bastard streams that don't have a suffix or set the mimeType */ if (plugin == NULL) { /* we already know our mp3Plugin supports streams, no * need to check for stream{Types,DecodeFunc} */ if ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_name("mp3"))) { ret = decoder_stream_decode(plugin, &decoder, &input_stream); } } } else { unsigned int next = 0; const char *s = getSuffix(uri); while ((plugin = decoder_plugin_from_suffix(s, next++))) { if (plugin->file_decode != NULL) { input_stream_close(&input_stream); close_instream = false; ret = decoder_file_decode(plugin, &decoder, uri); if (ret) break; } else if (plugin->stream_decode != NULL) { ret = decoder_stream_decode(plugin, &decoder, &input_stream); if (ret) break; } } } music_pipe_flush(); if (close_instream) input_stream_close(&input_stream); dc.state = ret ? DECODE_STATE_STOP : DECODE_STATE_ERROR; } static void * decoder_task(mpd_unused void *arg) { while (1) { assert(dc.state == DECODE_STATE_STOP || dc.state == DECODE_STATE_ERROR); switch (dc.command) { case DECODE_COMMAND_START: case DECODE_COMMAND_SEEK: decoder_run(); dc.command = DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; notify_signal(&pc.notify); break; case DECODE_COMMAND_STOP: dc.command = DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; notify_signal(&pc.notify); break; case DECODE_COMMAND_NONE: notify_wait(&dc.notify); break; } } return NULL; } void decoder_thread_start(void) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t decoder_thread; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (pthread_create(&decoder_thread, &attr, decoder_task, NULL)) FATAL("Failed to spawn decoder task: %s\n", strerror(errno)); }