/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ extern "C" { #include "../decoder_api.h" } #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "sidplay" #define SUBTUNE_PREFIX "tune_" static GPatternSpec *path_with_subtune; static const char *songlength_file; static GKeyFile *songlength_database; static bool all_files_are_containers; static unsigned default_songlength; static bool sidplay_init(const struct config_param *param) { GError *err=NULL; gchar *songlen_data; gsize songlen_data_size; /* read the songlengths database file */ songlength_file=config_get_block_string(param, "songlength_database", NULL); if(songlength_file) { if(g_file_get_contents(songlength_file, &songlen_data, &songlen_data_size, NULL)) { /* replace any ; comment characters with # */ for(int i=0; imessage); g_key_file_free(songlength_database); songlength_database=NULL; } g_key_file_set_list_separator(songlength_database, ' '); g_free(songlen_data); } else { g_warning("unable to read songlengths file %s: %s", songlength_file, err->message); } } default_songlength=config_get_block_unsigned(param, "default_songlength", 0); all_files_are_containers=config_get_block_bool(param, "all_files_are_containers", true); path_with_subtune=g_pattern_spec_new( "*/" SUBTUNE_PREFIX "???.sid"); return true; } void sidplay_finish() { g_pattern_spec_free(path_with_subtune); if(songlength_database) g_key_file_free(songlength_database); } /** * returns the file path stripped of any /tune_xxx.sid subtune * suffix */ static char * get_container_name(const char *path_fs) { char *path_container=g_strdup(path_fs); if(!g_pattern_match(path_with_subtune, strlen(path_container), path_container, NULL)) return path_container; char *ptr=g_strrstr(path_container, "/" SUBTUNE_PREFIX); if(ptr) *ptr='\0'; return path_container; } /** * returns tune number from file.sid/tune_xxx.sid style path or 1 if * no subtune is appended */ static int get_song_num(const char *path_fs) { if(g_pattern_match(path_with_subtune, strlen(path_fs), path_fs, NULL)) { char *sub=g_strrstr(path_fs, "/" SUBTUNE_PREFIX); if(!sub) return 1; sub+=strlen("/" SUBTUNE_PREFIX); int song_num=strtol(sub, NULL, 10); if (errno == EINVAL) return 1; else return song_num; } else return 1; } /* get the song length in seconds */ static int get_song_length(const char *path_fs) { if (songlength_database == NULL) return -1; gchar *sid_file=get_container_name(path_fs); SidTuneMod tune(sid_file); g_free(sid_file); if(!tune) { g_warning("failed to load file for calculating md5 sum"); return -1; } char md5sum[SIDTUNE_MD5_LENGTH+1]; tune.createMD5(md5sum); int song_num=get_song_num(path_fs); gsize num_items; gchar **values=g_key_file_get_string_list(songlength_database, "Database", md5sum, &num_items, NULL); if(!values || song_num>num_items) { g_strfreev(values); return -1; } int minutes=strtol(values[song_num-1], NULL, 10); if(errno==EINVAL) minutes=0; int seconds; char *ptr=strchr(values[song_num-1], ':'); if(ptr) { seconds=strtol(ptr+1, NULL, 10); if(errno==EINVAL) seconds=0; } else seconds=0; g_strfreev(values); return (minutes*60)+seconds; } static void sidplay_file_decode(struct decoder *decoder, const char *path_fs) { int ret; /* load the tune */ char *path_container=get_container_name(path_fs); SidTune tune(path_container, NULL, true); g_free(path_container); if (!tune) { g_warning("failed to load file"); return; } int song_num=get_song_num(path_fs); tune.selectSong(song_num); /* initialize the player */ sidplay2 player; int iret = player.load(&tune); if (iret != 0) { g_warning("sidplay2.load() failed: %s", player.error()); return; } /* initialize the builder */ ReSIDBuilder builder("ReSID"); if (!builder) { g_warning("failed to initialize ReSIDBuilder"); return; } builder.create(player.info().maxsids); if (!builder) { g_warning("ReSIDBuilder.create() failed"); return; } builder.filter(false); if (!builder) { g_warning("ReSIDBuilder.filter() failed"); return; } /* configure the player */ sid2_config_t config = player.config(); config.clockDefault = SID2_CLOCK_PAL; config.clockForced = true; config.clockSpeed = SID2_CLOCK_CORRECT; config.frequency = 48000; config.optimisation = SID2_DEFAULT_OPTIMISATION; config.playback = sid2_stereo; config.precision = 16; config.sidDefault = SID2_MOS6581; config.sidEmulation = &builder; config.sidModel = SID2_MODEL_CORRECT; config.sidSamples = true; #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN config.sampleFormat = SID2_LITTLE_SIGNED; #else config.sampleFormat = SID2_BIG_SIGNED; #endif iret = player.config(config); if (iret != 0) { g_warning("sidplay2.config() failed: %s", player.error()); return; } /* initialize the MPD decoder */ struct audio_format audio_format; audio_format_init(&audio_format, 48000, 16, 2); decoder_initialized(decoder, &audio_format, false, -1); /* .. and play */ enum decoder_command cmd; do { char buffer[4096]; size_t nbytes; nbytes = player.play(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (nbytes == 0) break; cmd = decoder_data(decoder, NULL, buffer, nbytes, 0, 0, NULL); } while (cmd == DECODE_COMMAND_NONE); } static struct tag * sidplay_tag_dup(const char *path_fs) { int song_num=get_song_num(path_fs); char *path_container=get_container_name(path_fs); SidTune tune(path_container, NULL, true); g_free(path_container); if (!tune) return NULL; const SidTuneInfo &info = tune.getInfo(); struct tag *tag = tag_new(); /* title */ const char *title; if (info.numberOfInfoStrings > 0 && info.infoString[0] != NULL) title=info.infoString[0]; else title=""; if(info.songs>1) { char *tag_title=g_strdup_printf("%s (%d/%d)", title, song_num, info.songs); tag_add_item(tag, TAG_ITEM_TITLE, tag_title); g_free(tag_title); } else tag_add_item(tag, TAG_ITEM_TITLE, title); /* artist */ if (info.numberOfInfoStrings > 1 && info.infoString[1] != NULL) tag_add_item(tag, TAG_ITEM_ARTIST, info.infoString[1]); /* track */ char *track=g_strdup_printf("%d", song_num); tag_add_item(tag, TAG_ITEM_TRACK, track); g_free(track); /* time */ int song_len=get_song_length(path_fs); if(song_len!=-1) tag->time=song_len; return tag; } static char * sidplay_container_scan(const char *path_fs, const unsigned int tnum) { SidTune tune(path_fs, NULL, true); if (!tune) return NULL; const SidTuneInfo &info=tune.getInfo(); /* Don't treat sids containing a single tune as containers */ if(!all_files_are_containers && info.songs<2) return NULL; /* Construct container/tune path names, eg. Delta.sid/tune_001.sid */ if(tnum<=info.songs) { char *subtune= g_strdup_printf( SUBTUNE_PREFIX "%03u.sid", tnum); return subtune; } else return NULL; } static const char *const sidplay_suffixes[] = { "sid", NULL }; extern const struct decoder_plugin sidplay_decoder_plugin; const struct decoder_plugin sidplay_decoder_plugin = { "sidplay", sidplay_init, sidplay_finish, NULL, /* stream_decode() */ sidplay_file_decode, sidplay_tag_dup, sidplay_container_scan, sidplay_suffixes, NULL, /* mime_types */ };