/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2014 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "SndfileDecoderPlugin.hxx" #include "../DecoderAPI.hxx" #include "input/InputStream.hxx" #include "CheckAudioFormat.hxx" #include "tag/TagHandler.hxx" #include "fs/Path.hxx" #include "util/Error.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include static constexpr Domain sndfile_domain("sndfile"); static bool sndfile_init(gcc_unused const config_param ¶m) { LogDebug(sndfile_domain, sf_version_string()); return true; } struct SndfileInputStream { Decoder *const decoder; InputStream &is; size_t Read(void *buffer, size_t size) { /* libsndfile chokes on partial reads; therefore always force full reads */ return decoder_read_full(decoder, is, buffer, size) ? size : 0; } }; static sf_count_t sndfile_vio_get_filelen(void *user_data) { SndfileInputStream &sis = *(SndfileInputStream *)user_data; const InputStream &is = sis.is; return is.GetSize(); } static sf_count_t sndfile_vio_seek(sf_count_t _offset, int whence, void *user_data) { SndfileInputStream &sis = *(SndfileInputStream *)user_data; InputStream &is = sis.is; InputStream::offset_type offset = _offset; switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: break; case SEEK_CUR: offset += is.GetOffset(); break; case SEEK_END: if (!is.KnownSize()) return -1; offset += is.GetSize(); break; default: return -1; } Error error; if (!is.LockSeek(offset, error)) { LogError(error, "Seek failed"); return -1; } return is.GetOffset(); } static sf_count_t sndfile_vio_read(void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) { SndfileInputStream &sis = *(SndfileInputStream *)user_data; return sis.Read(ptr, count); } static sf_count_t sndfile_vio_write(gcc_unused const void *ptr, gcc_unused sf_count_t count, gcc_unused void *user_data) { /* no writing! */ return -1; } static sf_count_t sndfile_vio_tell(void *user_data) { SndfileInputStream &sis = *(SndfileInputStream *)user_data; const InputStream &is = sis.is; return is.GetOffset(); } /** * This SF_VIRTUAL_IO implementation wraps MPD's #input_stream to a * libsndfile stream. */ static SF_VIRTUAL_IO vio = { sndfile_vio_get_filelen, sndfile_vio_seek, sndfile_vio_read, sndfile_vio_write, sndfile_vio_tell, }; /** * Converts a frame number to a timestamp (in seconds). */ static float frame_to_time(sf_count_t frame, const AudioFormat *audio_format) { return (float)frame / (float)audio_format->sample_rate; } /** * Converts a timestamp (in seconds) to a frame number. */ static sf_count_t time_to_frame(float t, const AudioFormat *audio_format) { return (sf_count_t)(t * audio_format->sample_rate); } static void sndfile_stream_decode(Decoder &decoder, InputStream &is) { SNDFILE *sf; SF_INFO info; size_t frame_size; sf_count_t read_frames, num_frames; int buffer[4096]; info.format = 0; SndfileInputStream sis{&decoder, is}; sf = sf_open_virtual(&vio, SFM_READ, &info, &sis); if (sf == nullptr) { LogWarning(sndfile_domain, "sf_open_virtual() failed"); return; } /* for now, always read 32 bit samples. Later, we could lower MPD's CPU usage by reading 16 bit samples with sf_readf_short() on low-quality source files. */ Error error; AudioFormat audio_format; if (!audio_format_init_checked(audio_format, info.samplerate, SampleFormat::S32, info.channels, error)) { LogError(error); return; } decoder_initialized(decoder, audio_format, info.seekable, frame_to_time(info.frames, &audio_format)); frame_size = audio_format.GetFrameSize(); read_frames = sizeof(buffer) / frame_size; DecoderCommand cmd; do { num_frames = sf_readf_int(sf, buffer, read_frames); if (num_frames <= 0) break; cmd = decoder_data(decoder, is, buffer, num_frames * frame_size, 0); if (cmd == DecoderCommand::SEEK) { sf_count_t c = time_to_frame(decoder_seek_where(decoder), &audio_format); c = sf_seek(sf, c, SEEK_SET); if (c < 0) decoder_seek_error(decoder); else decoder_command_finished(decoder); cmd = DecoderCommand::NONE; } } while (cmd == DecoderCommand::NONE); sf_close(sf); } static void sndfile_handle_tag(SNDFILE *sf, int str, TagType tag, const struct tag_handler *handler, void *handler_ctx) { const char *value = sf_get_string(sf, str); if (value != nullptr) tag_handler_invoke_tag(handler, handler_ctx, tag, value); } static bool sndfile_scan_file(Path path_fs, const struct tag_handler *handler, void *handler_ctx) { SNDFILE *sf; SF_INFO info; info.format = 0; sf = sf_open(path_fs.c_str(), SFM_READ, &info); if (sf == nullptr) return false; if (!audio_valid_sample_rate(info.samplerate)) { sf_close(sf); FormatWarning(sndfile_domain, "Invalid sample rate in %s", path_fs.c_str()); return false; } tag_handler_invoke_duration(handler, handler_ctx, info.frames / info.samplerate); sndfile_handle_tag(sf, SF_STR_TITLE, TAG_TITLE, handler, handler_ctx); sndfile_handle_tag(sf, SF_STR_ARTIST, TAG_ARTIST, handler, handler_ctx); sndfile_handle_tag(sf, SF_STR_DATE, TAG_DATE, handler, handler_ctx); sf_close(sf); return true; } static const char *const sndfile_suffixes[] = { "wav", "aiff", "aif", /* Microsoft / SGI / Apple */ "au", "snd", /* Sun / DEC / NeXT */ "paf", /* Paris Audio File */ "iff", "svx", /* Commodore Amiga IFF / SVX */ "sf", /* IRCAM */ "voc", /* Creative */ "w64", /* Soundforge */ "pvf", /* Portable Voice Format */ "xi", /* Fasttracker */ "htk", /* HMM Tool Kit */ "caf", /* Apple */ "sd2", /* Sound Designer II */ /* libsndfile also supports FLAC and Ogg Vorbis, but only by linking with libFLAC and libvorbis - we can do better, we have native plugins for these libraries */ nullptr }; static const char *const sndfile_mime_types[] = { "audio/x-wav", "audio/x-aiff", /* what are the MIME types of the other supported formats? */ nullptr }; const struct DecoderPlugin sndfile_decoder_plugin = { "sndfile", sndfile_init, nullptr, sndfile_stream_decode, nullptr, sndfile_scan_file, nullptr, nullptr, sndfile_suffixes, sndfile_mime_types, };