/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "decoder_api.h" #include "audio_check.h" #include "tag_table.h" #include "tag_handler.h" #include <glib.h> #include <mp4ff.h> #include <faad.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "mp4ff" /* all code here is either based on or copied from FAAD2's frontend code */ struct mp4ff_input_stream { mp4ff_callback_t callback; struct decoder *decoder; struct input_stream *input_stream; }; static int mp4_get_aac_track(mp4ff_t * infile, faacDecHandle decoder, uint32_t *sample_rate, unsigned char *channels_r) { #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_LONG /* neaacdec.h declares all arguments as "unsigned long", but internally expects uint32_t pointers. To avoid gcc warnings, use this workaround. */ unsigned long *sample_rate_r = (unsigned long*)sample_rate; #else uint32_t *sample_rate_r = sample_rate; #endif int i, rc; int num_tracks = mp4ff_total_tracks(infile); for (i = 0; i < num_tracks; i++) { unsigned char *buff = NULL; unsigned int buff_size = 0; if (mp4ff_get_track_type(infile, i) != 1) /* not an audio track */ continue; if (decoder == NULL) /* have don't have a decoder to initialize - we're done now, because we found an audio track */ return i; mp4ff_get_decoder_config(infile, i, &buff, &buff_size); if (buff == NULL) continue; rc = faacDecInit2(decoder, buff, buff_size, sample_rate_r, channels_r); free(buff); if (rc >= 0) /* found a valid AAC track */ return i; } /* can't decode this */ return -1; } static uint32_t mp4_read(void *user_data, void *buffer, uint32_t length) { struct mp4ff_input_stream *mis = user_data; if (length == 0) /* libmp4ff is known to attempt to read 0 bytes - make this a special case, because the input_stream API would not allow this */ return 0; return decoder_read(mis->decoder, mis->input_stream, buffer, length); } static uint32_t mp4_seek(void *user_data, uint64_t position) { struct mp4ff_input_stream *mis = user_data; return input_stream_lock_seek(mis->input_stream, position, SEEK_SET, NULL) ? 0 : -1; } static const mp4ff_callback_t mpd_mp4ff_callback = { .read = mp4_read, .seek = mp4_seek, }; static mp4ff_t * mp4ff_input_stream_open(struct mp4ff_input_stream *mis, struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream) { mis->callback = mpd_mp4ff_callback; mis->callback.user_data = mis; mis->decoder = decoder; mis->input_stream = input_stream; return mp4ff_open_read(&mis->callback); } static faacDecHandle mp4_faad_new(mp4ff_t *mp4fh, int *track_r, struct audio_format *audio_format) { faacDecHandle decoder; faacDecConfigurationPtr config; int track; uint32_t sample_rate; unsigned char channels; GError *error = NULL; decoder = faacDecOpen(); config = faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(decoder); config->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECCONFIGURATION_DOWNMATRIX config->downMatrix = 1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECCONFIGURATION_DONTUPSAMPLEIMPLICITSBR config->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 0; #endif faacDecSetConfiguration(decoder, config); track = mp4_get_aac_track(mp4fh, decoder, &sample_rate, &channels); if (track < 0) { g_warning("No AAC track found"); faacDecClose(decoder); return NULL; } if (!audio_format_init_checked(audio_format, sample_rate, SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16, channels, &error)) { g_warning("%s", error->message); g_error_free(error); faacDecClose(decoder); return NULL; } *track_r = track; return decoder; } static void mp4_decode(struct decoder *mpd_decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream) { struct mp4ff_input_stream mis; mp4ff_t *mp4fh; int32_t track; float file_time, total_time; int32_t scale; faacDecHandle decoder; struct audio_format audio_format; faacDecFrameInfo frame_info; unsigned char *mp4_buffer; unsigned int mp4_buffer_size; long sample_id; long num_samples; long dur; unsigned int sample_count; char *sample_buffer; size_t sample_buffer_length; unsigned int initial = 1; float *seek_table; long seek_table_end = -1; bool seek_position_found = false; long offset; uint16_t bit_rate = 0; bool seeking = false; double seek_where = 0; enum decoder_command cmd = DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; mp4fh = mp4ff_input_stream_open(&mis, mpd_decoder, input_stream); if (!mp4fh) { g_warning("Input does not appear to be a mp4 stream.\n"); return; } decoder = mp4_faad_new(mp4fh, &track, &audio_format); if (decoder == NULL) { mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return; } file_time = mp4ff_get_track_duration_use_offsets(mp4fh, track); scale = mp4ff_time_scale(mp4fh, track); if (scale < 0) { g_warning("Error getting audio format of mp4 AAC track.\n"); faacDecClose(decoder); mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return; } total_time = ((float)file_time) / scale; num_samples = mp4ff_num_samples(mp4fh, track); if (num_samples > (long)(G_MAXINT / sizeof(float))) { g_warning("Integer overflow.\n"); faacDecClose(decoder); mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return; } file_time = 0.0; seek_table = input_stream->seekable ? g_malloc(sizeof(float) * num_samples) : NULL; decoder_initialized(mpd_decoder, &audio_format, input_stream->seekable, total_time); for (sample_id = 0; sample_id < num_samples && cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; sample_id++) { if (cmd == DECODE_COMMAND_SEEK) { assert(seek_table != NULL); seeking = true; seek_where = decoder_seek_where(mpd_decoder); } if (seeking && seek_table_end > 1 && seek_table[seek_table_end] >= seek_where) { int i = 2; assert(seek_table != NULL); while (seek_table[i] < seek_where) i++; sample_id = i - 1; file_time = seek_table[sample_id]; } dur = mp4ff_get_sample_duration(mp4fh, track, sample_id); offset = mp4ff_get_sample_offset(mp4fh, track, sample_id); if (seek_table != NULL && sample_id > seek_table_end) { seek_table[sample_id] = file_time; seek_table_end = sample_id; } if (sample_id == 0) dur = 0; if (offset > dur) dur = 0; else dur -= offset; file_time += ((float)dur) / scale; if (seeking && file_time >= seek_where) seek_position_found = true; if (seeking && seek_position_found) { seek_position_found = false; seeking = 0; decoder_command_finished(mpd_decoder); } if (seeking) continue; if (mp4ff_read_sample(mp4fh, track, sample_id, &mp4_buffer, &mp4_buffer_size) == 0) break; #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_BUFLEN_FUNCS sample_buffer = faacDecDecode(decoder, &frame_info, mp4_buffer, mp4_buffer_size); #else sample_buffer = faacDecDecode(decoder, &frame_info, mp4_buffer); #endif free(mp4_buffer); if (frame_info.error > 0) { g_warning("faad2 error: %s\n", faacDecGetErrorMessage(frame_info.error)); break; } if (frame_info.channels != audio_format.channels) { g_warning("channel count changed from %u to %u", audio_format.channels, frame_info.channels); break; } #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECFRAMEINFO_SAMPLERATE if (frame_info.samplerate != audio_format.sample_rate) { g_warning("sample rate changed from %u to %lu", audio_format.sample_rate, (unsigned long)frame_info.samplerate); break; } #endif if (audio_format.channels * (unsigned long)(dur + offset) > frame_info.samples) { dur = frame_info.samples / audio_format.channels; offset = 0; } sample_count = (unsigned long)(dur * audio_format.channels); if (sample_count > 0) { initial = 0; bit_rate = frame_info.bytesconsumed * 8.0 * frame_info.channels * scale / frame_info.samples / 1000 + 0.5; } sample_buffer_length = sample_count * 2; sample_buffer += offset * audio_format.channels * 2; cmd = decoder_data(mpd_decoder, input_stream, sample_buffer, sample_buffer_length, bit_rate); } g_free(seek_table); faacDecClose(decoder); mp4ff_close(mp4fh); } static const struct tag_table mp4ff_tags[] = { { "album artist", TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST }, { "writer", TAG_COMPOSER }, { "band", TAG_PERFORMER }, { NULL, TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES } }; static enum tag_type mp4ff_tag_name_parse(const char *name) { enum tag_type type = tag_table_lookup_i(mp4ff_tags, name); if (type == TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) type = tag_name_parse_i(name); if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "albumartist") == 0 || g_ascii_strcasecmp(name, "album_artist") == 0) return TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST; return type; } static bool mp4ff_scan_stream(struct input_stream *is, const struct tag_handler *handler, void *handler_ctx) { struct mp4ff_input_stream mis; int32_t track; int32_t file_time; int32_t scale; int i; mp4ff_t *mp4fh = mp4ff_input_stream_open(&mis, NULL, is); if (mp4fh == NULL) return false; track = mp4_get_aac_track(mp4fh, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (track < 0) { mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return false; } file_time = mp4ff_get_track_duration_use_offsets(mp4fh, track); scale = mp4ff_time_scale(mp4fh, track); if (scale < 0) { mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return false; } tag_handler_invoke_duration(handler, handler_ctx, ((float)file_time) / scale + 0.5); for (i = 0; i < mp4ff_meta_get_num_items(mp4fh); i++) { char *item; char *value; mp4ff_meta_get_by_index(mp4fh, i, &item, &value); tag_handler_invoke_pair(handler, handler_ctx, item, value); enum tag_type type = mp4ff_tag_name_parse(item); if (type != TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES) tag_handler_invoke_tag(handler, handler_ctx, type, value); free(item); free(value); } mp4ff_close(mp4fh); return true; } static const char *const mp4_suffixes[] = { "m4a", "m4b", "mp4", NULL }; static const char *const mp4_mime_types[] = { "audio/mp4", "audio/m4a", NULL }; const struct decoder_plugin mp4ff_decoder_plugin = { .name = "mp4ff", .stream_decode = mp4_decode, .scan_stream = mp4ff_scan_stream, .suffixes = mp4_suffixes, .mime_types = mp4_mime_types, };