/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "../decoder_api.h" #define AAC_MAX_CHANNELS 6 #include <assert.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <faad.h> #include <glib.h> #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "aac" /* all code here is either based on or copied from FAAD2's frontend code */ typedef struct { struct decoder *decoder; struct input_stream *inStream; size_t bytesIntoBuffer; size_t bytesConsumed; off_t fileOffset; unsigned char buffer[FAAD_MIN_STREAMSIZE * AAC_MAX_CHANNELS]; } AacBuffer; static void aac_buffer_shift(AacBuffer * b, size_t length) { assert(length >= b->bytesConsumed); assert(length <= b->bytesConsumed + b->bytesIntoBuffer); memmove(b->buffer, b->buffer + length, b->bytesConsumed + b->bytesIntoBuffer - length); length -= b->bytesConsumed; b->bytesConsumed = 0; b->bytesIntoBuffer -= length; } static void fillAacBuffer(AacBuffer * b) { size_t rest, bread; if (b->bytesConsumed > 0) aac_buffer_shift(b, b->bytesConsumed); rest = sizeof(b->buffer) - b->bytesIntoBuffer; if (rest == 0) /* buffer already full */ return; bread = decoder_read(b->decoder, b->inStream, (void *)(b->buffer + b->bytesIntoBuffer), rest); b->bytesIntoBuffer += bread; if ((b->bytesIntoBuffer > 3 && memcmp(b->buffer, "TAG", 3) == 0) || (b->bytesIntoBuffer > 11 && memcmp(b->buffer, "LYRICSBEGIN", 11) == 0) || (b->bytesIntoBuffer > 8 && memcmp(b->buffer, "APETAGEX", 8) == 0)) b->bytesIntoBuffer = 0; } static void advanceAacBuffer(AacBuffer * b, size_t bytes) { b->fileOffset += bytes; b->bytesConsumed = bytes; b->bytesIntoBuffer -= bytes; } static const unsigned adtsSampleRates[] = { 96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000, 7350, 0, 0, 0 }; /** * Check whether the buffer head is an AAC frame, and return the frame * length. Returns 0 if it is not a frame. */ static size_t adts_check_frame(AacBuffer * b) { if (b->bytesIntoBuffer <= 7) return 0; /* check syncword */ if (!((b->buffer[0] == 0xFF) && ((b->buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0))) return 0; return (((unsigned int)b->buffer[3] & 0x3) << 11) | (((unsigned int)b->buffer[4]) << 3) | (b->buffer[5] >> 5); } /** * Find the next AAC frame in the buffer. Returns 0 if no frame is * found or if not enough data is available. */ static size_t adts_find_frame(AacBuffer * b) { const unsigned char *p; size_t frame_length; while ((p = memchr(b->buffer, 0xff, b->bytesIntoBuffer)) != NULL) { /* discard data before 0xff */ if (p > b->buffer) aac_buffer_shift(b, p - b->buffer); if (b->bytesIntoBuffer <= 7) /* not enough data yet */ return 0; /* is it a frame? */ frame_length = adts_check_frame(b); if (frame_length > 0) /* yes, it is */ return frame_length; /* it's just some random 0xff byte; discard and and continue searching */ aac_buffer_shift(b, 1); } /* nothing at all; discard the whole buffer */ aac_buffer_shift(b, b->bytesIntoBuffer); return 0; } static void adtsParse(AacBuffer * b, float *length) { unsigned int frames, frameLength; unsigned sample_rate = 0; float framesPerSec; /* Read all frames to ensure correct time and bitrate */ for (frames = 0;; frames++) { fillAacBuffer(b); frameLength = adts_find_frame(b); if (frameLength > 0) { if (frames == 0) { sample_rate = adtsSampleRates[(b-> buffer[2] & 0x3c) >> 2]; } if (frameLength > b->bytesIntoBuffer) break; advanceAacBuffer(b, frameLength); } else break; } framesPerSec = (float)sample_rate / 1024.0; if (framesPerSec > 0) *length = (float)frames / framesPerSec; } static void initAacBuffer(AacBuffer * b, struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *inStream) { memset(b, 0, sizeof(AacBuffer)); b->decoder = decoder; b->inStream = inStream; } static void aac_parse_header(AacBuffer * b, float *length) { size_t fileread; size_t tagsize; if (length) *length = -1; fileread = b->inStream->size >= 0 ? b->inStream->size : 0; fillAacBuffer(b); tagsize = 0; if (b->bytesIntoBuffer >= 10 && !memcmp(b->buffer, "ID3", 3)) { tagsize = (b->buffer[6] << 21) | (b->buffer[7] << 14) | (b->buffer[8] << 7) | (b->buffer[9] << 0); tagsize += 10; advanceAacBuffer(b, tagsize); fillAacBuffer(b); } if (length == NULL) return; if (b->inStream->seekable && b->bytesIntoBuffer >= 2 && (b->buffer[0] == 0xFF) && ((b->buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0)) { adtsParse(b, length); input_stream_seek(b->inStream, tagsize, SEEK_SET); b->bytesIntoBuffer = 0; b->bytesConsumed = 0; b->fileOffset = tagsize; fillAacBuffer(b); } else if (memcmp(b->buffer, "ADIF", 4) == 0) { unsigned bitRate; size_t skipSize = (b->buffer[4] & 0x80) ? 9 : 0; if (8 + skipSize > b->bytesIntoBuffer) /* not enough data yet; skip parsing this header */ return; bitRate = ((unsigned int)(b-> buffer[4 + skipSize] & 0x0F) << 19) | ((unsigned int)b-> buffer[5 + skipSize] << 11) | ((unsigned int)b-> buffer[6 + skipSize] << 3) | ((unsigned int)b->buffer[7 + skipSize] & 0xE0); if (fileread != 0 && bitRate != 0) *length = fileread * 8.0 / bitRate; else *length = fileread; } } static float getAacFloatTotalTime(const char *file) { AacBuffer b; float length; faacDecHandle decoder; faacDecConfigurationPtr config; uint32_t sample_rate; #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_LONG /* neaacdec.h declares all arguments as "unsigned long", but internally expects uint32_t pointers. To avoid gcc warnings, use this workaround. */ unsigned long *sample_rate_r = (unsigned long *)(void *)&sample_rate; #else uint32_t *sample_rate_r = &sample_rate; #endif unsigned char channels; struct input_stream inStream; long bread; if (!input_stream_open(&inStream, file)) return -1; initAacBuffer(&b, NULL, &inStream); aac_parse_header(&b, &length); if (length < 0) { decoder = faacDecOpen(); config = faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(decoder); config->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; faacDecSetConfiguration(decoder, config); fillAacBuffer(&b); #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_BUFLEN_FUNCS bread = faacDecInit(decoder, b.buffer, b.bytesIntoBuffer, sample_rate_r, &channels); #else bread = faacDecInit(decoder, b.buffer, sample_rate_r, &channels); #endif if (bread >= 0 && sample_rate > 0 && channels > 0) length = 0; faacDecClose(decoder); } input_stream_close(&inStream); return length; } static int getAacTotalTime(const char *file) { int file_time = -1; float length; if ((length = getAacFloatTotalTime(file)) >= 0) file_time = length + 0.5; return file_time; } static void aac_stream_decode(struct decoder *mpd_decoder, struct input_stream *inStream) { float file_time; float totalTime = 0; faacDecHandle decoder; faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo; faacDecConfigurationPtr config; long bread; uint32_t sample_rate; #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_LONG /* neaacdec.h declares all arguments as "unsigned long", but internally expects uint32_t pointers. To avoid gcc warnings, use this workaround. */ unsigned long *sample_rate_r = (unsigned long *)(void *)&sample_rate; #else uint32_t *sample_rate_r = &sample_rate; #endif unsigned char channels; unsigned int sampleCount; char *sampleBuffer; size_t sampleBufferLen; uint16_t bitRate = 0; AacBuffer b; bool initialized = false; enum decoder_command cmd; initAacBuffer(&b, mpd_decoder, inStream); aac_parse_header(&b, &totalTime); decoder = faacDecOpen(); config = faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(decoder); config->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECCONFIGURATION_DOWNMATRIX config->downMatrix = 1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECCONFIGURATION_DONTUPSAMPLEIMPLICITSBR config->dontUpSampleImplicitSBR = 0; #endif faacDecSetConfiguration(decoder, config); while (b.bytesIntoBuffer < sizeof(b.buffer) && !input_stream_eof(b.inStream) && decoder_get_command(mpd_decoder) == DECODE_COMMAND_NONE) { fillAacBuffer(&b); adts_find_frame(&b); fillAacBuffer(&b); } #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_BUFLEN_FUNCS bread = faacDecInit(decoder, b.buffer, b.bytesIntoBuffer, sample_rate_r, &channels); #else bread = faacDecInit(decoder, b.buffer, sample_rate_r, &channels); #endif if (bread < 0) { g_warning("Error not a AAC stream.\n"); faacDecClose(decoder); return; } file_time = 0.0; advanceAacBuffer(&b, bread); do { fillAacBuffer(&b); adts_find_frame(&b); fillAacBuffer(&b); if (b.bytesIntoBuffer == 0) break; #ifdef HAVE_FAAD_BUFLEN_FUNCS sampleBuffer = faacDecDecode(decoder, &frameInfo, b.buffer, b.bytesIntoBuffer); #else sampleBuffer = faacDecDecode(decoder, &frameInfo, b.buffer); #endif if (frameInfo.error > 0) { g_warning("error decoding AAC stream: %s\n", faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error)); break; } #ifdef HAVE_FAACDECFRAMEINFO_SAMPLERATE sample_rate = frameInfo.samplerate; #endif if (!initialized) { const struct audio_format audio_format = { .bits = 16, .channels = frameInfo.channels, .sample_rate = sample_rate, }; decoder_initialized(mpd_decoder, &audio_format, false, totalTime); initialized = true; } advanceAacBuffer(&b, frameInfo.bytesconsumed); sampleCount = (unsigned long)(frameInfo.samples); if (sampleCount > 0) { bitRate = frameInfo.bytesconsumed * 8.0 * frameInfo.channels * sample_rate / frameInfo.samples / 1000 + 0.5; file_time += (float)(frameInfo.samples) / frameInfo.channels / sample_rate; } sampleBufferLen = sampleCount * 2; cmd = decoder_data(mpd_decoder, NULL, sampleBuffer, sampleBufferLen, file_time, bitRate, NULL); if (cmd == DECODE_COMMAND_SEEK) decoder_seek_error(mpd_decoder); } while (cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_STOP); faacDecClose(decoder); } static struct tag *aacTagDup(const char *file) { struct tag *ret = NULL; int file_time = getAacTotalTime(file); if (file_time >= 0) { if ((ret = tag_id3_load(file)) == NULL) ret = tag_new(); ret->time = file_time; } else { g_debug("aacTagDup: Failed to get total song time from: %s\n", file); } return ret; } static const char *const aac_suffixes[] = { "aac", NULL }; static const char *const aac_mimeTypes[] = { "audio/aac", "audio/aacp", NULL }; const struct decoder_plugin aacPlugin = { .name = "aac", .stream_decode = aac_stream_decode, .tag_dup = aacTagDup, .suffixes = aac_suffixes, .mime_types = aac_mimeTypes };