/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2012 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" /* must be first for large file support */ #include "OpusDecoderPlugin.h" #include "OpusHead.hxx" #include "OpusTags.hxx" #include "OggUtil.hxx" #include "decoder_api.h" #include "OggCodec.hxx" #include "audio_check.h" #include "tag_handler.h" #include #include #include #include #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "opus" static const opus_int32 opus_sample_rate = 48000; gcc_pure static bool IsOpusHead(const ogg_packet &packet) { return packet.bytes >= 8 && memcmp(packet.packet, "OpusHead", 8) == 0; } gcc_pure static bool IsOpusTags(const ogg_packet &packet) { return packet.bytes >= 8 && memcmp(packet.packet, "OpusTags", 8) == 0; } static bool mpd_opus_init(G_GNUC_UNUSED const struct config_param *param) { g_debug("%s", opus_get_version_string()); return true; } class MPDOpusDecoder { struct decoder *decoder; struct input_stream *input_stream; ogg_stream_state os; OpusDecoder *opus_decoder = nullptr; opus_int16 *output_buffer = nullptr; unsigned output_size = 0; bool os_initialized = false; bool found_opus = false; int opus_serialno; size_t frame_size; public: MPDOpusDecoder(struct decoder *_decoder, struct input_stream *_input_stream) :decoder(_decoder), input_stream(_input_stream) {} ~MPDOpusDecoder(); enum decoder_command HandlePage(ogg_page &page); enum decoder_command HandlePacket(const ogg_packet &packet); enum decoder_command HandleBOS(const ogg_packet &packet); enum decoder_command HandleTags(const ogg_packet &packet); enum decoder_command HandleAudio(const ogg_packet &packet); }; MPDOpusDecoder::~MPDOpusDecoder() { g_free(output_buffer); if (opus_decoder != nullptr) opus_decoder_destroy(opus_decoder); if (os_initialized) ogg_stream_clear(&os); } inline enum decoder_command MPDOpusDecoder::HandlePage(ogg_page &page) { const auto page_serialno = ogg_page_serialno(&page); if (!os_initialized) { os_initialized = true; ogg_stream_init(&os, page_serialno); } else if (page_serialno != os.serialno) ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&os, page_serialno); ogg_stream_pagein(&os, &page); ogg_packet packet; while (ogg_stream_packetout(&os, &packet) == 1) { enum decoder_command cmd = HandlePacket(packet); if (cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_NONE) return cmd; } return DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; } inline enum decoder_command MPDOpusDecoder::HandlePacket(const ogg_packet &packet) { if (packet.e_o_s) return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; if (packet.b_o_s) return HandleBOS(packet); else if (!found_opus) return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; if (IsOpusTags(packet)) return HandleTags(packet); return HandleAudio(packet); } inline enum decoder_command MPDOpusDecoder::HandleBOS(const ogg_packet &packet) { assert(packet.b_o_s); if (found_opus || !IsOpusHead(packet)) return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; unsigned channels; if (!ScanOpusHeader(packet.packet, packet.bytes, channels) || !audio_valid_channel_count(channels)) return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; assert(opus_decoder == nullptr); assert(output_buffer == nullptr); opus_serialno = os.serialno; found_opus = true; /* TODO: parse attributes from the OpusHead (sample rate, channels, ...) */ int opus_error; opus_decoder = opus_decoder_create(opus_sample_rate, channels, &opus_error); if (opus_decoder == nullptr) { g_warning("libopus error: %s", opus_strerror(opus_error)); return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; } struct audio_format audio_format; audio_format_init(&audio_format, opus_sample_rate, SAMPLE_FORMAT_S16, channels); decoder_initialized(decoder, &audio_format, false, -1); frame_size = audio_format_frame_size(&audio_format); /* allocate an output buffer for 16 bit PCM samples big enough to hold a quarter second, larger than 120ms required by libopus */ output_size = audio_format.sample_rate / 4; output_buffer = (opus_int16 *) g_malloc(sizeof(*output_buffer) * output_size * audio_format.channels); return decoder_get_command(decoder); } inline enum decoder_command MPDOpusDecoder::HandleTags(const ogg_packet &packet) { struct tag *tag = tag_new(); enum decoder_command cmd; if (ScanOpusTags(packet.packet, packet.bytes, &add_tag_handler, tag) && !tag_is_empty(tag)) cmd = decoder_tag(decoder, input_stream, tag); else cmd = decoder_get_command(decoder); tag_free(tag); return cmd; } inline enum decoder_command MPDOpusDecoder::HandleAudio(const ogg_packet &packet) { assert(opus_decoder != nullptr); int nframes = opus_decode(opus_decoder, (const unsigned char*)packet.packet, packet.bytes, output_buffer, output_size, 0); if (nframes < 0) { g_warning("%s", opus_strerror(nframes)); return DECODE_COMMAND_STOP; } if (nframes > 0) { const size_t nbytes = nframes * frame_size; enum decoder_command cmd = decoder_data(decoder, input_stream, output_buffer, nbytes, 0); if (cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_NONE) return cmd; } return DECODE_COMMAND_NONE; } static void mpd_opus_stream_decode(struct decoder *decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream) { if (ogg_codec_detect(decoder, input_stream) != OGG_CODEC_OPUS) return; /* rewind the stream, because ogg_codec_detect() has moved it */ input_stream_lock_seek(input_stream, 0, SEEK_SET, nullptr); MPDOpusDecoder d(decoder, input_stream); ogg_sync_state oy; ogg_sync_init(&oy); while (true) { ogg_page page; if (!OggExpectPage(oy, page, decoder, input_stream)) break; enum decoder_command cmd = d.HandlePage(page); if (cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_NONE) break; } ogg_sync_clear(&oy); } static bool mpd_opus_scan_stream(struct input_stream *is, const struct tag_handler *handler, void *handler_ctx) { ogg_sync_state oy; ogg_sync_init(&oy); ogg_stream_state os; if (!OggExpectFirstPage(oy, os, nullptr, is)) { ogg_sync_clear(&oy); return false; } /* read at most two more pages */ unsigned remaining_pages = 2; bool result = false; ogg_packet packet; while (true) { int r = ogg_stream_packetout(&os, &packet); if (r < 0) { result = false; break; } if (r == 0) { if (remaining_pages-- == 0) break; if (!OggExpectPageIn(oy, os, nullptr, is)) { result = false; break; } continue; } if (packet.b_o_s) { if (!IsOpusHead(packet)) break; unsigned channels; if (!ScanOpusHeader(packet.packet, packet.bytes, channels) || !audio_valid_channel_count(channels)) { result = false; break; } result = true; } else if (!result) break; else if (IsOpusTags(packet)) { if (!ScanOpusTags(packet.packet, packet.bytes, handler, handler_ctx)) result = false; break; } } ogg_stream_clear(&os); ogg_sync_clear(&oy); return result; } static const char *const opus_suffixes[] = { "opus", "ogg", "oga", nullptr }; static const char *const opus_mime_types[] = { "audio/opus", nullptr }; const struct decoder_plugin opus_decoder_plugin = { "opus", mpd_opus_init, nullptr, mpd_opus_stream_decode, nullptr, nullptr, mpd_opus_scan_stream, nullptr, opus_suffixes, opus_mime_types, };