/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD) * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 by Warren Dukes (warren.dukes@gmail.com) * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "conf.h" #include "utils.h" #include "buffer2array.h" #include "path.h" #include <glib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #define MAX_STRING_SIZE MPD_PATH_MAX+80 #define CONF_COMMENT '#' #define CONF_BLOCK_BEGIN "{" #define CONF_BLOCK_END "}" #define CONF_REPEATABLE_MASK 0x01 #define CONF_BLOCK_MASK 0x02 #define CONF_LINE_TOKEN_MAX 3 struct config_entry { const char *name; unsigned char mask; GSList *params; }; static GSList *config_entries; static int get_bool(const char *value) { const char **x; static const char *t[] = { "yes", "true", "1", NULL }; static const char *f[] = { "no", "false", "0", NULL }; for (x = t; *x; x++) { if (!strcasecmp(*x, value)) return 1; } for (x = f; *x; x++) { if (!strcasecmp(*x, value)) return 0; } return CONF_BOOL_INVALID; } struct config_param * newConfigParam(const char *value, int line) { struct config_param *ret = g_new(struct config_param, 1); if (!value) ret->value = NULL; else ret->value = g_strdup(value); ret->line = line; ret->num_block_params = 0; ret->block_params = NULL; return ret; } void config_param_free(gpointer data, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { struct config_param *param = data; int i; g_free(param->value); for (i = 0; i < param->num_block_params; i++) { g_free(param->block_params[i].name); g_free(param->block_params[i].value); } if (param->num_block_params) g_free(param->block_params); g_free(param); } static struct config_entry * newConfigEntry(const char *name, int repeatable, int block) { struct config_entry *ret = g_new(struct config_entry, 1); ret->name = name; ret->mask = 0; ret->params = NULL; if (repeatable) ret->mask |= CONF_REPEATABLE_MASK; if (block) ret->mask |= CONF_BLOCK_MASK; return ret; } static void config_entry_free(gpointer data, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data) { struct config_entry *entry = data; g_slist_foreach(entry->params, config_param_free, NULL); g_slist_free(entry->params); g_free(entry); } static struct config_entry * config_entry_get(const char *name) { GSList *list; for (list = config_entries; list != NULL; list = g_slist_next(list)) { struct config_entry *entry = list->data; if (strcmp(entry->name, name) == 0) return entry; } return NULL; } static void registerConfigParam(const char *name, int repeatable, int block) { struct config_entry *entry; entry = config_entry_get(name); if (entry != NULL) g_error("config parameter \"%s\" already registered\n", name); entry = newConfigEntry(name, repeatable, block); config_entries = g_slist_prepend(config_entries, entry); } void config_global_finish(void) { g_slist_foreach(config_entries, config_entry_free, NULL); g_slist_free(config_entries); } void config_global_init(void) { config_entries = NULL; /* registerConfigParam(name, repeatable, block); */ registerConfigParam(CONF_MUSIC_DIR, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_PLAYLIST_DIR, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_FOLLOW_INSIDE_SYMLINKS, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_FOLLOW_OUTSIDE_SYMLINKS, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_DB_FILE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_STICKER_FILE, false, false); registerConfigParam(CONF_LOG_FILE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_ERROR_FILE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_PID_FILE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_STATE_FILE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_USER, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS, 1, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_PORT, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_LOG_LEVEL, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_ZEROCONF_NAME, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_ZEROCONF_ENABLED, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_PASSWORD, 1, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_DEFAULT_PERMS, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_AUDIO_OUTPUT, 1, 1); registerConfigParam(CONF_AUDIO_OUTPUT_FORMAT, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MIXER_TYPE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MIXER_DEVICE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MIXER_CONTROL, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_REPLAYGAIN, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_REPLAYGAIN_PREAMP, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_VOLUME_NORMALIZATION, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_SAMPLERATE_CONVERTER, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_BUFFER_BEFORE_PLAY, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_HTTP_PROXY_HOST, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_HTTP_PROXY_USER, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_HTTP_PROXY_PASSWORD, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_CONN_TIMEOUT, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MAX_CONN, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MAX_PLAYLIST_LENGTH, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MAX_COMMAND_LIST_SIZE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_FS_CHARSET, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_ID3V1_ENCODING, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_METADATA_TO_USE, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS, 0, 0); registerConfigParam(CONF_DECODER, true, true); registerConfigParam(CONF_GAPLESS_MP3_PLAYBACK, 0, 0); } void addBlockParam(struct config_param * param, const char *name, const char *value, int line) { struct block_param *bp; param->num_block_params++; param->block_params = g_realloc(param->block_params, param->num_block_params * sizeof(param->block_params[0])); bp = ¶m->block_params[param->num_block_params - 1]; bp->name = g_strdup(name); bp->value = g_strdup(value); bp->line = line; } static struct config_param * config_read_fileigBlock(FILE * fp, int *count, char *string) { struct config_param *ret = newConfigParam(NULL, *count); int i; int numberOfArgs; int argsMinusComment; while (fgets(string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, fp)) { char *array[CONF_LINE_TOKEN_MAX] = { NULL }; (*count)++; numberOfArgs = buffer2array(string, array, CONF_LINE_TOKEN_MAX); for (i = 0; i < numberOfArgs; i++) { if (array[i][0] == CONF_COMMENT) break; } argsMinusComment = i; if (0 == argsMinusComment) { continue; } if (1 == argsMinusComment && 0 == strcmp(array[0], CONF_BLOCK_END)) { break; } if (2 != argsMinusComment) { g_error("improperly formatted config file at line %i:" " %s\n", *count, string); } if (0 == strcmp(array[0], CONF_BLOCK_BEGIN) || 0 == strcmp(array[1], CONF_BLOCK_BEGIN) || 0 == strcmp(array[0], CONF_BLOCK_END) || 0 == strcmp(array[1], CONF_BLOCK_END)) { g_error("improperly formatted config file at line %i: %s " "in block beginning at line %i\n", *count, string, ret->line); } addBlockParam(ret, array[0], array[1], *count); } return ret; } void config_read_file(const char *file) { FILE *fp; char string[MAX_STRING_SIZE + 1]; int i; int numberOfArgs; int argsMinusComment; int count = 0; struct config_entry *entry; struct config_param *param; if (!(fp = fopen(file, "r"))) { g_error("problems opening file %s for reading: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); } while (fgets(string, MAX_STRING_SIZE, fp)) { char *array[CONF_LINE_TOKEN_MAX] = { NULL }; count++; numberOfArgs = buffer2array(string, array, CONF_LINE_TOKEN_MAX); for (i = 0; i < numberOfArgs; i++) { if (array[i][0] == CONF_COMMENT) break; } argsMinusComment = i; if (0 == argsMinusComment) { continue; } if (2 != argsMinusComment) { g_error("improperly formatted config file at line %i:" " %s\n", count, string); } entry = config_entry_get(array[0]); if (entry == NULL) g_error("unrecognized parameter in config file at " "line %i: %s\n", count, string); if (!(entry->mask & CONF_REPEATABLE_MASK) && entry->params != NULL) { param = entry->params->data; g_error("config parameter \"%s\" is first defined on " "line %i and redefined on line %i\n", array[0], param->line, count); } if (entry->mask & CONF_BLOCK_MASK) { if (0 != strcmp(array[1], CONF_BLOCK_BEGIN)) { g_error("improperly formatted config file at " "line %i: %s\n", count, string); } param = config_read_fileigBlock(fp, &count, string); } else param = newConfigParam(array[1], count); entry->params = g_slist_append(entry->params, param); } fclose(fp); } void config_add_param(const char *name, struct config_param *param) { struct config_entry *entry = config_entry_get(name); assert(entry != NULL); entry->params = g_slist_append(entry->params, param); } struct config_param * config_get_next_param(const char *name, const struct config_param * last) { struct config_entry *entry; GSList *node; struct config_param *param; entry = config_entry_get(name); if (entry == NULL) return NULL; node = entry->params; if (last) { node = g_slist_find(node, last); if (node == NULL) return NULL; node = g_slist_next(node); } if (node == NULL) return NULL; param = node->data; return param; } const char * config_get_string(const char *name, const char *default_value) { const struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name); if (param == NULL) return default_value; return param->value; } const char * config_get_path(const char *name) { struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name); char *path; if (param == NULL) return NULL; path = parsePath(param->value); if (path == NULL) g_error("error parsing \"%s\" at line %i\n", name, param->line); g_free(param->value); return param->value = path; } unsigned config_get_positive(const char *name, unsigned default_value) { const struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name); long value; char *endptr; if (param == NULL) return default_value; value = strtol(param->value, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != 0) g_error("Not a valid number in line %i", param->line); if (value <= 0) g_error("Not a positive number in line %i", param->line); return (unsigned)value; } struct block_param * getBlockParam(const struct config_param * param, const char *name) { struct block_param *ret = NULL; int i; if (param == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < param->num_block_params; i++) { if (0 == strcmp(name, param->block_params[i].name)) { if (ret) { g_warning("\"%s\" first defined on line %i, and " "redefined on line %i\n", name, ret->line, param->block_params[i].line); } ret = param->block_params + i; } } return ret; } bool config_get_bool(const char *name, bool default_value) { const struct config_param *param = config_get_param(name); int value; if (param == NULL) return default_value; value = get_bool(param->value); if (value == CONF_BOOL_INVALID) g_error("%s is not a boolean value (yes, true, 1) or " "(no, false, 0) on line %i\n", name, param->line); if (value == CONF_BOOL_UNSET) return default_value; return !!value; } const char * config_get_block_string(const struct config_param *param, const char *name, const char *default_value) { struct block_param *bp = getBlockParam(param, name); if (bp == NULL) return default_value; return bp->value; } unsigned config_get_block_unsigned(const struct config_param *param, const char *name, unsigned default_value) { struct block_param *bp = getBlockParam(param, name); long value; char *endptr; if (bp == NULL) return default_value; value = strtol(bp->value, &endptr, 0); if (*endptr != 0) g_error("Not a valid number in line %i", bp->line); if (value < 0) g_error("Not a positive number in line %i", bp->line); return (unsigned)value; } bool config_get_block_bool(const struct config_param *param, const char *name, bool default_value) { struct block_param *bp = getBlockParam(param, name); int value; if (bp == NULL) return default_value; value = get_bool(bp->value); if (value == CONF_BOOL_INVALID) g_error("%s is not a boolean value (yes, true, 1) or " "(no, false, 0) on line %i\n", name, bp->line); if (value == CONF_BOOL_UNSET) return default_value; return !!value; }