/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "Queue.hxx" #include "song.h" #include queue::queue(unsigned _max_length) :max_length(_max_length), length(0), version(1), items(new Item[max_length]), order(new unsigned[max_length]), id_table(max_length * HASH_MULT), repeat(false), single(false), consume(false), random(false) { } queue::~queue() { Clear(); delete[] items; delete[] order; } int queue::GetNextOrder(unsigned _order) const { assert(_order < length); if (single && repeat && !consume) return _order; else if (_order + 1 < length) return _order + 1; else if (repeat && (_order > 0 || !consume)) /* restart at first song */ return 0; else /* end of queue */ return -1; } void queue::IncrementVersion() { static unsigned long max = ((uint32_t) 1 << 31) - 1; version++; if (version >= max) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) items[i].version = 0; version = 1; } } void queue::ModifyAtOrder(unsigned _order) { assert(_order < length); unsigned position = order[_order]; items[position].version = version; IncrementVersion(); } void queue::ModifyAll() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) items[i].version = version; IncrementVersion(); } unsigned queue::Append(struct song *song, uint8_t priority) { assert(!IsFull()); const unsigned position = length++; const unsigned id = id_table.Insert(position); auto &item = items[position]; item.song = song_dup_detached(song); item.id = id; item.version = version; item.priority = priority; order[position] = position; return id; } void queue::SwapPositions(unsigned position1, unsigned position2) { unsigned id1 = items[position1].id; unsigned id2 = items[position2].id; std::swap(items[position1], items[position2]); items[position1].version = version; items[position2].version = version; id_table.Move(id1, position2); id_table.Move(id2, position1); } void queue::MovePostion(unsigned from, unsigned to) { const Item tmp = items[from]; /* move songs to one less in from->to */ for (unsigned i = from; i < to; i++) MoveItemTo(i + 1, i); /* move songs to one more in to->from */ for (unsigned i = from; i > to; i--) MoveItemTo(i - 1, i); /* put song at _to_ */ id_table.Move(tmp.id, to); items[to] = tmp; items[to].version = version; /* now deal with order */ if (random) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (order[i] > from && order[i] <= to) order[i]--; else if (order[i] < from && order[i] >= to) order[i]++; else if (from == order[i]) order[i] = to; } } } void queue::MoveRange(unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned to) { Item tmp[end - start]; // Copy the original block [start,end-1] for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++) tmp[i - start] = items[i]; // If to > start, we need to move to-start items to start, starting from end for (unsigned i = end; i < end + to - start; i++) MoveItemTo(i, start + i - end); // If to < start, we need to move start-to items to newend (= end + to - start), starting from to // This is the same as moving items from start-1 to to (decreasing), with start-1 going to end-1 // We have to iterate in this order to avoid writing over something we haven't yet moved for (int i = start - 1; i >= int(to); i--) MoveItemTo(i, i + end - start); // Copy the original block back in, starting at to. for (unsigned i = start; i< end; i++) { id_table.Move(tmp[i - start].id, to + i - start); items[to + i - start] = tmp[i-start]; items[to + i - start].version = version; } if (random) { // Update the positions in the queue. // Note that the ranges for these cases are the same as the ranges of // the loops above. for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (order[i] >= end && order[i] < to + end - start) order[i] -= end - start; else if (order[i] < start && order[i] >= to) order[i] += end - start; else if (start <= order[i] && order[i] < end) order[i] += to - start; } } } void queue::MoveOrder(unsigned from_order, unsigned to_order) { assert(from_order < length); assert(to_order <= length); const unsigned from_position = OrderToPosition(from_order); if (from_order < to_order) { for (unsigned i = from_order; i < to_order; ++i) order[i] = order[i + 1]; } else { for (unsigned i = from_order; i > to_order; --i) order[i] = order[i - 1]; } order[to_order] = from_position; } void queue::DeletePosition(unsigned position) { assert(position < length); struct song *song = Get(position); assert(!song_in_database(song) || song_is_detached(song)); song_free(song); const unsigned id = PositionToId(position); const unsigned _order = PositionToOrder(position); --length; /* release the song id */ id_table.Erase(id); /* delete song from songs array */ for (unsigned i = position; i < length; i++) MoveItemTo(i + 1, i); /* delete the entry from the order array */ for (unsigned i = _order; i < length; i++) order[i] = order[i + 1]; /* readjust values in the order array */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) if (order[i] > position) --order[i]; } void queue::Clear() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) { Item *item = &items[i]; assert(!song_in_database(item->song) || song_is_detached(item->song)); song_free(item->song); id_table.Erase(item->id); } length = 0; } static gint queue_item_compare_order_priority(gconstpointer av, gconstpointer bv, gpointer user_data) { const struct queue *queue = (const struct queue *)user_data; const unsigned *const ap = (const unsigned *)av; const unsigned *const bp = (const unsigned *)bv; assert(ap >= queue->order && ap < queue->order + queue->length); assert(bp >= queue->order && bp < queue->order + queue->length); uint8_t a = queue->items[*ap].priority; uint8_t b = queue->items[*bp].priority; if (gcc_likely(a == b)) return 0; else if (a > b) return -1; else return 1; } static void queue_sort_order_by_priority(struct queue *queue, unsigned start, unsigned end) { assert(queue != NULL); assert(queue->random); assert(start <= end); assert(end <= queue->length); g_qsort_with_data(&queue->order[start], end - start, sizeof(queue->order[0]), queue_item_compare_order_priority, queue); } void queue::ShuffleOrderRange(unsigned start, unsigned end) { assert(random); assert(start <= end); assert(end <= length); rand.AutoCreate(); std::shuffle(order + start, order + end, rand); } /** * Sort the "order" of items by priority, and then shuffle each * priority group. */ void queue::ShuffleOrderRangeWithPriority(unsigned start, unsigned end) { assert(random); assert(start <= end); assert(end <= length); if (start == end) return; /* first group the range by priority */ queue_sort_order_by_priority(this, start, end); /* now shuffle each priority group */ unsigned group_start = start; uint8_t group_priority = GetOrderPriority(start); for (unsigned i = start + 1; i < end; ++i) { const uint8_t priority = GetOrderPriority(i); assert(priority <= group_priority); if (priority != group_priority) { /* start of a new group - shuffle the one that has just ended */ ShuffleOrderRange(group_start, i); group_start = i; group_priority = priority; } } /* shuffle the last group */ ShuffleOrderRange(group_start, end); } void queue::ShuffleOrder() { ShuffleOrderRangeWithPriority(0, length); } void queue::ShuffleOrderFirst(unsigned start, unsigned end) { rand.AutoCreate(); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(start, end - 1); SwapOrders(start, distribution(rand)); } void queue::ShuffleOrderLast(unsigned start, unsigned end) { rand.AutoCreate(); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(start, end - 1); SwapOrders(end - 1, distribution(rand)); } void queue::ShuffleRange(unsigned start, unsigned end) { assert(start <= end); assert(end <= length); rand.AutoCreate(); for (unsigned i = start; i < end; i++) { std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(start, end - 1); unsigned ri = distribution(rand); SwapPositions(i, ri); } } unsigned queue::FindPriorityOrder(unsigned start_order, uint8_t priority, unsigned exclude_order) const { assert(random); assert(start_order <= length); for (unsigned i = start_order; i < length; ++i) { const unsigned position = OrderToPosition(i); const Item *item = &items[position]; if (item->priority <= priority && i != exclude_order) return i; } return length; } unsigned queue::CountSamePriority(unsigned start_order, uint8_t priority) const { assert(random); assert(start_order <= length); for (unsigned i = start_order; i < length; ++i) { const unsigned position = OrderToPosition(i); const Item *item = &items[position]; if (item->priority != priority) return i - start_order; } return length - start_order; } bool queue::SetPriority(unsigned position, uint8_t priority, int after_order) { assert(position < length); Item *item = &items[position]; uint8_t old_priority = item->priority; if (old_priority == priority) return false; item->version = version; item->priority = priority; if (!random) /* don't reorder if not in random mode */ return true; unsigned _order = PositionToOrder(position); if (after_order >= 0) { if (_order == (unsigned)after_order) /* don't reorder the current song */ return true; if (_order < (unsigned)after_order) { /* the specified song has been played already - enqueue it only if its priority has just become bigger than the current one's */ const unsigned after_position = OrderToPosition(after_order); const Item *after_item = &items[after_position]; if (old_priority > after_item->priority || priority <= after_item->priority) /* priority hasn't become bigger */ return true; } } /* move the item to the beginning of the priority group (or create a new priority group) */ const unsigned before_order = FindPriorityOrder(after_order + 1, priority, _order); const unsigned new_order = before_order > _order ? before_order - 1 : before_order; MoveOrder(_order, new_order); /* shuffle the song within that priority group */ const unsigned priority_count = CountSamePriority(new_order, priority); assert(priority_count >= 1); ShuffleOrderFirst(new_order, new_order + priority_count); return true; } bool queue::SetPriorityRange(unsigned start_position, unsigned end_position, uint8_t priority, int after_order) { assert(start_position <= end_position); assert(end_position <= length); bool modified = false; int after_position = after_order >= 0 ? (int)OrderToPosition(after_order) : -1; for (unsigned i = start_position; i < end_position; ++i) { after_order = after_position >= 0 ? (int)PositionToOrder(after_position) : -1; modified |= SetPriority(i, priority, after_order); } return modified; }