/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The Music Player Daemon Project * http://www.musicpd.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "PlayerThread.hxx" #include "DecoderThread.hxx" #include "DecoderControl.hxx" #include "MusicPipe.hxx" #include "MusicBuffer.hxx" #include "MusicChunk.hxx" #include "Song.hxx" #include "system/FatalError.hxx" #include "CrossFade.hxx" #include "PlayerControl.hxx" #include "OutputAll.hxx" #include "tag/Tag.hxx" #include "Idle.hxx" #include "GlobalEvents.hxx" #include "util/Domain.hxx" #include "Log.hxx" #include static constexpr Domain player_domain("player"); enum class CrossFadeState : int8_t { DISABLED = -1, UNKNOWN = 0, ENABLED = 1 }; class Player { PlayerControl &pc; DecoderControl &dc; MusicBuffer &buffer; MusicPipe *pipe; /** * are we waiting for buffered_before_play? */ bool buffering; /** * true if the decoder is starting and did not provide data * yet */ bool decoder_starting; /** * Did we wake up the DecoderThread recently? This avoids * duplicate wakeup calls. */ bool decoder_woken; /** * is the player paused? */ bool paused; /** * is there a new song in pc.next_song? */ bool queued; /** * Was any audio output opened successfully? It might have * failed meanwhile, but was not explicitly closed by the * player thread. When this flag is unset, some output * methods must not be called. */ bool output_open; /** * the song currently being played */ Song *song; /** * is cross fading enabled? */ CrossFadeState xfade_state; /** * has cross-fading begun? */ bool cross_fading; /** * The number of chunks used for crossfading. */ unsigned cross_fade_chunks; /** * The tag of the "next" song during cross-fade. It is * postponed, and sent to the output thread when the new song * really begins. */ Tag *cross_fade_tag; /** * The current audio format for the audio outputs. */ AudioFormat play_audio_format; /** * The time stamp of the chunk most recently sent to the * output thread. This attribute is only used if * audio_output_all_get_elapsed_time() didn't return a usable * value; the output thread can estimate the elapsed time more * precisely. */ float elapsed_time; public: Player(PlayerControl &_pc, DecoderControl &_dc, MusicBuffer &_buffer) :pc(_pc), dc(_dc), buffer(_buffer), buffering(true), decoder_starting(false), decoder_woken(false), paused(false), queued(true), output_open(false), song(nullptr), xfade_state(CrossFadeState::UNKNOWN), cross_fading(false), cross_fade_chunks(0), cross_fade_tag(nullptr), elapsed_time(0.0) {} private: void ClearAndDeletePipe() { pipe->Clear(buffer); delete pipe; } void ClearAndReplacePipe(MusicPipe *_pipe) { ClearAndDeletePipe(); pipe = _pipe; } void ReplacePipe(MusicPipe *_pipe) { delete pipe; pipe = _pipe; } /** * Start the decoder. * * Player lock is not held. */ void StartDecoder(MusicPipe &pipe); /** * The decoder has acknowledged the "START" command (see * player::WaitForDecoder()). This function checks if the decoder * initialization has completed yet. * * The player lock is not held. */ bool CheckDecoderStartup(); /** * Stop the decoder and clears (and frees) its music pipe. * * Player lock is not held. */ void StopDecoder(); /** * Is the decoder still busy on the same song as the player? * * Note: this function does not check if the decoder is already * finished. */ gcc_pure bool IsDecoderAtCurrentSong() const { assert(pipe != nullptr); return dc.pipe == pipe; } /** * Returns true if the decoder is decoding the next song (or has begun * decoding it, or has finished doing it), and the player hasn't * switched to that song yet. */ gcc_pure bool IsDecoderAtNextSong() const { return dc.pipe != nullptr && !IsDecoderAtCurrentSong(); } /** * This is the handler for the #PlayerCommand::SEEK command. * * The player lock is not held. */ bool SeekDecoder(); /** * After the decoder has been started asynchronously, wait for * the "START" command to finish. The decoder may not be * initialized yet, i.e. there is no audio_format information * yet. * * The player lock is not held. */ bool WaitForDecoder(); /** * Wrapper for audio_output_all_open(). Upon failure, it pauses the * player. * * @return true on success */ bool OpenOutput(); /** * Obtains the next chunk from the music pipe, optionally applies * cross-fading, and sends it to all audio outputs. * * @return true on success, false on error (playback will be stopped) */ bool PlayNextChunk(); /** * Sends a chunk of silence to the audio outputs. This is * called when there is not enough decoded data in the pipe * yet, to prevent underruns in the hardware buffers. * * The player lock is not held. */ bool SendSilence(); /** * Player lock must be held before calling. */ void ProcessCommand(); /** * This is called at the border between two songs: the audio output * has consumed all chunks of the current song, and we should start * sending chunks from the next one. * * The player lock is not held. * * @return true on success, false on error (playback will be stopped) */ bool SongBorder(); public: /* * The main loop of the player thread, during playback. This * is basically a state machine, which multiplexes data * between the decoder thread and the output threads. */ void Run(); }; static void player_command_finished(PlayerControl &pc) { pc.Lock(); pc.CommandFinished(); pc.Unlock(); } void Player::StartDecoder(MusicPipe &_pipe) { assert(queued || pc.command == PlayerCommand::SEEK); assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); unsigned start_ms = pc.next_song->start_ms; if (pc.command == PlayerCommand::SEEK) start_ms += (unsigned)(pc.seek_where * 1000); dc.Start(pc.next_song->DupDetached(), start_ms, pc.next_song->end_ms, buffer, _pipe); } void Player::StopDecoder() { dc.Stop(); if (dc.pipe != nullptr) { /* clear and free the decoder pipe */ dc.pipe->Clear(buffer); if (dc.pipe != pipe) delete dc.pipe; dc.pipe = nullptr; } } bool Player::WaitForDecoder() { assert(queued || pc.command == PlayerCommand::SEEK); assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); queued = false; pc.Lock(); Error error = dc.GetError(); if (error.IsDefined()) { pc.SetError(PlayerError::DECODER, std::move(error)); pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; pc.Unlock(); return false; } pc.ClearTaggedSong(); if (song != nullptr) song->Free(); song = pc.next_song; elapsed_time = 0.0; /* set the "starting" flag, which will be cleared by player_check_decoder_startup() */ decoder_starting = true; /* update PlayerControl's song information */ pc.total_time = pc.next_song->GetDuration(); pc.bit_rate = 0; pc.audio_format.Clear(); /* clear the queued song */ pc.next_song = nullptr; pc.Unlock(); /* call syncPlaylistWithQueue() in the main thread */ GlobalEvents::Emit(GlobalEvents::PLAYLIST); return true; } /** * Returns the real duration of the song, comprising the duration * indicated by the decoder plugin. */ static double real_song_duration(const Song &song, double decoder_duration) { if (decoder_duration <= 0.0) /* the decoder plugin didn't provide information; fall back to Song::GetDuration() */ return song.GetDuration(); if (song.end_ms > 0 && song.end_ms / 1000.0 < decoder_duration) return (song.end_ms - song.start_ms) / 1000.0; return decoder_duration - song.start_ms / 1000.0; } bool Player::OpenOutput() { assert(play_audio_format.IsDefined()); assert(pc.state == PlayerState::PLAY || pc.state == PlayerState::PAUSE); Error error; if (audio_output_all_open(play_audio_format, buffer, error)) { output_open = true; paused = false; pc.Lock(); pc.state = PlayerState::PLAY; pc.Unlock(); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); return true; } else { LogError(error); output_open = false; /* pause: the user may resume playback as soon as an audio output becomes available */ paused = true; pc.Lock(); pc.SetError(PlayerError::OUTPUT, std::move(error)); pc.state = PlayerState::PAUSE; pc.Unlock(); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); return false; } } bool Player::CheckDecoderStartup() { assert(decoder_starting); pc.Lock(); Error error = dc.GetError(); if (error.IsDefined()) { /* the decoder failed */ pc.SetError(PlayerError::DECODER, std::move(error)); pc.Unlock(); return false; } else if (!dc.IsStarting()) { /* the decoder is ready and ok */ pc.Unlock(); if (output_open && !audio_output_all_wait(pc, 1)) /* the output devices havn't finished playing all chunks yet - wait for that */ return true; pc.Lock(); pc.total_time = real_song_duration(*dc.song, dc.total_time); pc.audio_format = dc.in_audio_format; pc.Unlock(); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); play_audio_format = dc.out_audio_format; decoder_starting = false; if (!paused && !OpenOutput()) { const auto uri = dc.song->GetURI(); FormatError(player_domain, "problems opening audio device " "while playing \"%s\"", uri.c_str()); return true; } return true; } else { /* the decoder is not yet ready; wait some more */ dc.WaitForDecoder(); pc.Unlock(); return true; } } bool Player::SendSilence() { assert(output_open); assert(play_audio_format.IsDefined()); struct music_chunk *chunk = buffer.Allocate(); if (chunk == nullptr) { LogError(player_domain, "Failed to allocate silence buffer"); return false; } #ifndef NDEBUG chunk->audio_format = play_audio_format; #endif const size_t frame_size = play_audio_format.GetFrameSize(); /* this formula ensures that we don't send partial frames */ unsigned num_frames = sizeof(chunk->data) / frame_size; chunk->times = -1.0; /* undefined time stamp */ chunk->length = num_frames * frame_size; memset(chunk->data, 0, chunk->length); Error error; if (!audio_output_all_play(chunk, error)) { LogError(error); buffer.Return(chunk); return false; } return true; } inline bool Player::SeekDecoder() { assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); const unsigned start_ms = pc.next_song->start_ms; if (!dc.LockIsCurrentSong(*pc.next_song)) { /* the decoder is already decoding the "next" song - stop it and start the previous song again */ StopDecoder(); /* clear music chunks which might still reside in the pipe */ pipe->Clear(buffer); /* re-start the decoder */ StartDecoder(*pipe); if (!WaitForDecoder()) { /* decoder failure */ player_command_finished(pc); return false; } } else { if (!IsDecoderAtCurrentSong()) { /* the decoder is already decoding the "next" song, but it is the same song file; exchange the pipe */ ClearAndReplacePipe(dc.pipe); } pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; queued = false; } /* wait for the decoder to complete initialization */ while (decoder_starting) { if (!CheckDecoderStartup()) { /* decoder failure */ player_command_finished(pc); return false; } } /* send the SEEK command */ double where = pc.seek_where; if (where > pc.total_time) where = pc.total_time - 0.1; if (where < 0.0) where = 0.0; if (!dc.Seek(where + start_ms / 1000.0)) { /* decoder failure */ player_command_finished(pc); return false; } elapsed_time = where; player_command_finished(pc); xfade_state = CrossFadeState::UNKNOWN; /* re-fill the buffer after seeking */ buffering = true; audio_output_all_cancel(); return true; } inline void Player::ProcessCommand() { switch (pc.command) { case PlayerCommand::NONE: case PlayerCommand::STOP: case PlayerCommand::EXIT: case PlayerCommand::CLOSE_AUDIO: break; case PlayerCommand::UPDATE_AUDIO: pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_enable_disable(); pc.Lock(); pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::QUEUE: assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); assert(!queued); assert(!IsDecoderAtNextSong()); queued = true; pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::PAUSE: pc.Unlock(); paused = !paused; if (paused) { audio_output_all_pause(); pc.Lock(); pc.state = PlayerState::PAUSE; } else if (!play_audio_format.IsDefined()) { /* the decoder hasn't provided an audio format yet - don't open the audio device yet */ pc.Lock(); pc.state = PlayerState::PLAY; } else { OpenOutput(); pc.Lock(); } pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::SEEK: pc.Unlock(); SeekDecoder(); pc.Lock(); break; case PlayerCommand::CANCEL: if (pc.next_song == nullptr) { /* the cancel request arrived too late, we're already playing the queued song... stop everything now */ pc.command = PlayerCommand::STOP; return; } if (IsDecoderAtNextSong()) { /* the decoder is already decoding the song - stop it and reset the position */ pc.Unlock(); StopDecoder(); pc.Lock(); } pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; queued = false; pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::REFRESH: if (output_open && !paused) { pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_check(); pc.Lock(); } pc.elapsed_time = audio_output_all_get_elapsed_time(); if (pc.elapsed_time < 0.0) pc.elapsed_time = elapsed_time; pc.CommandFinished(); break; } } static void update_song_tag(PlayerControl &pc, Song &song, const Tag &new_tag) { if (song.IsFile()) /* don't update tags of local files, only remote streams may change tags dynamically */ return; Tag *old_tag = song.tag; song.tag = new Tag(new_tag); delete old_tag; pc.LockSetTaggedSong(song); /* the main thread will update the playlist version when he receives this event */ GlobalEvents::Emit(GlobalEvents::TAG); /* notify all clients that the tag of the current song has changed */ idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); } /** * Plays a #music_chunk object (after applying software volume). If * it contains a (stream) tag, copy it to the current song, so MPD's * playlist reflects the new stream tag. * * Player lock is not held. */ static bool play_chunk(PlayerControl &pc, Song &song, struct music_chunk *chunk, MusicBuffer &buffer, const AudioFormat format, Error &error) { assert(chunk->CheckFormat(format)); if (chunk->tag != nullptr) update_song_tag(pc, song, *chunk->tag); if (chunk->IsEmpty()) { buffer.Return(chunk); return true; } pc.Lock(); pc.bit_rate = chunk->bit_rate; pc.Unlock(); /* send the chunk to the audio outputs */ if (!audio_output_all_play(chunk, error)) return false; pc.total_play_time += (double)chunk->length / format.GetTimeToSize(); return true; } inline bool Player::PlayNextChunk() { if (!audio_output_all_wait(pc, 64)) /* the output pipe is still large enough, don't send another chunk */ return true; unsigned cross_fade_position; struct music_chunk *chunk = nullptr; if (xfade_state == CrossFadeState::ENABLED && IsDecoderAtNextSong() && (cross_fade_position = pipe->GetSize()) <= cross_fade_chunks) { /* perform cross fade */ music_chunk *other_chunk = dc.pipe->Shift(); if (!cross_fading) { /* beginning of the cross fade - adjust crossFadeChunks which might be bigger than the remaining number of chunks in the old song */ cross_fade_chunks = cross_fade_position; cross_fading = true; } if (other_chunk != nullptr) { chunk = pipe->Shift(); assert(chunk != nullptr); assert(chunk->other == nullptr); /* don't send the tags of the new song (which is being faded in) yet; postpone it until the current song is faded out */ cross_fade_tag = Tag::MergeReplace(cross_fade_tag, other_chunk->tag); other_chunk->tag = nullptr; if (pc.cross_fade.mixramp_delay <= 0) { chunk->mix_ratio = ((float)cross_fade_position) / cross_fade_chunks; } else { chunk->mix_ratio = -1; } if (other_chunk->IsEmpty()) { /* the "other" chunk was a music_chunk which had only a tag, but no music data - we cannot cross-fade that; but since this happens only at the beginning of the new song, we can easily recover by throwing it away now */ buffer.Return(other_chunk); other_chunk = nullptr; } chunk->other = other_chunk; } else { /* there are not enough decoded chunks yet */ pc.Lock(); if (dc.IsIdle()) { /* the decoder isn't running, abort cross fading */ pc.Unlock(); xfade_state = CrossFadeState::DISABLED; } else { /* wait for the decoder */ dc.Signal(); dc.WaitForDecoder(); pc.Unlock(); return true; } } } if (chunk == nullptr) chunk = pipe->Shift(); assert(chunk != nullptr); /* insert the postponed tag if cross-fading is finished */ if (xfade_state != CrossFadeState::ENABLED && cross_fade_tag != nullptr) { chunk->tag = Tag::MergeReplace(chunk->tag, cross_fade_tag); cross_fade_tag = nullptr; } /* play the current chunk */ Error error; if (!play_chunk(pc, *song, chunk, buffer, play_audio_format, error)) { LogError(error); buffer.Return(chunk); pc.Lock(); pc.SetError(PlayerError::OUTPUT, std::move(error)); /* pause: the user may resume playback as soon as an audio output becomes available */ pc.state = PlayerState::PAUSE; paused = true; pc.Unlock(); idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); return false; } /* this formula should prevent that the decoder gets woken up with each chunk; it is more efficient to make it decode a larger block at a time */ pc.Lock(); if (!dc.IsIdle() && dc.pipe->GetSize() <= (pc.buffered_before_play + buffer.GetSize() * 3) / 4) { if (!decoder_woken) { decoder_woken = true; dc.Signal(); } } else decoder_woken = false; pc.Unlock(); return true; } inline bool Player::SongBorder() { xfade_state = CrossFadeState::UNKNOWN; { const auto uri = song->GetURI(); FormatDefault(player_domain, "played \"%s\"", uri.c_str()); } ReplacePipe(dc.pipe); audio_output_all_song_border(); if (!WaitForDecoder()) return false; pc.Lock(); const bool border_pause = pc.border_pause; if (border_pause) { paused = true; pc.state = PlayerState::PAUSE; } pc.Unlock(); if (border_pause) idle_add(IDLE_PLAYER); return true; } inline void Player::Run() { pipe = new MusicPipe(); StartDecoder(*pipe); if (!WaitForDecoder()) { assert(song == nullptr); StopDecoder(); player_command_finished(pc); delete pipe; return; } pc.Lock(); pc.state = PlayerState::PLAY; if (pc.command == PlayerCommand::SEEK) elapsed_time = pc.seek_where; pc.CommandFinished(); while (true) { ProcessCommand(); if (pc.command == PlayerCommand::STOP || pc.command == PlayerCommand::EXIT || pc.command == PlayerCommand::CLOSE_AUDIO) { pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_cancel(); break; } pc.Unlock(); if (buffering) { /* buffering at the start of the song - wait until the buffer is large enough, to prevent stuttering on slow machines */ if (pipe->GetSize() < pc.buffered_before_play && !dc.LockIsIdle()) { /* not enough decoded buffer space yet */ if (!paused && output_open && audio_output_all_check() < 4 && !SendSilence()) break; pc.Lock(); /* XXX race condition: check decoder again */ dc.WaitForDecoder(); continue; } else { /* buffering is complete */ buffering = false; } } if (decoder_starting) { /* wait until the decoder is initialized completely */ if (!CheckDecoderStartup()) break; pc.Lock(); continue; } #ifndef NDEBUG /* music_pipe_check_format(&play_audio_format, next_song_chunk, &dc.out_audio_format); */ #endif if (dc.LockIsIdle() && queued && dc.pipe == pipe) { /* the decoder has finished the current song; make it decode the next song */ assert(dc.pipe == nullptr || dc.pipe == pipe); StartDecoder(*new MusicPipe()); } if (/* no cross-fading if MPD is going to pause at the end of the current song */ !pc.border_pause && IsDecoderAtNextSong() && xfade_state == CrossFadeState::UNKNOWN && !dc.LockIsStarting()) { /* enable cross fading in this song? if yes, calculate how many chunks will be required for it */ cross_fade_chunks = pc.cross_fade.Calculate(dc.total_time, dc.replay_gain_db, dc.replay_gain_prev_db, dc.GetMixRampStart(), dc.GetMixRampPreviousEnd(), dc.out_audio_format, play_audio_format, buffer.GetSize() - pc.buffered_before_play); if (cross_fade_chunks > 0) { xfade_state = CrossFadeState::ENABLED; cross_fading = false; } else /* cross fading is disabled or the next song is too short */ xfade_state = CrossFadeState::DISABLED; } if (paused) { pc.Lock(); if (pc.command == PlayerCommand::NONE) pc.Wait(); continue; } else if (!pipe->IsEmpty()) { /* at least one music chunk is ready - send it to the audio output */ PlayNextChunk(); } else if (audio_output_all_check() > 0) { /* not enough data from decoder, but the output thread is still busy, so it's okay */ pc.Lock(); /* wake up the decoder (just in case it's waiting for space in the MusicBuffer) and wait for it */ dc.Signal(); dc.WaitForDecoder(); continue; } else if (IsDecoderAtNextSong()) { /* at the beginning of a new song */ if (!SongBorder()) break; } else if (dc.LockIsIdle()) { /* check the size of the pipe again, because the decoder thread may have added something since we last checked */ if (pipe->IsEmpty()) { /* wait for the hardware to finish playback */ audio_output_all_drain(); break; } } else if (output_open) { /* the decoder is too busy and hasn't provided new PCM data in time: send silence (if the output pipe is empty) */ if (!SendSilence()) break; } pc.Lock(); } StopDecoder(); ClearAndDeletePipe(); delete cross_fade_tag; if (song != nullptr) { const auto uri = song->GetURI(); FormatDefault(player_domain, "played \"%s\"", uri.c_str()); song->Free(); } pc.Lock(); pc.ClearTaggedSong(); if (queued) { assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; } pc.state = PlayerState::STOP; pc.Unlock(); } static void do_play(PlayerControl &pc, DecoderControl &dc, MusicBuffer &buffer) { Player player(pc, dc, buffer); player.Run(); } static void player_task(void *arg) { PlayerControl &pc = *(PlayerControl *)arg; DecoderControl dc(pc.mutex, pc.cond); decoder_thread_start(dc); MusicBuffer buffer(pc.buffer_chunks); pc.Lock(); while (1) { switch (pc.command) { case PlayerCommand::SEEK: case PlayerCommand::QUEUE: assert(pc.next_song != nullptr); pc.Unlock(); do_play(pc, dc, buffer); GlobalEvents::Emit(GlobalEvents::PLAYLIST); pc.Lock(); break; case PlayerCommand::STOP: pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_cancel(); pc.Lock(); /* fall through */ case PlayerCommand::PAUSE: if (pc.next_song != nullptr) { pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; } pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::CLOSE_AUDIO: pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_release(); pc.Lock(); pc.CommandFinished(); assert(buffer.IsEmptyUnsafe()); break; case PlayerCommand::UPDATE_AUDIO: pc.Unlock(); audio_output_all_enable_disable(); pc.Lock(); pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::EXIT: pc.Unlock(); dc.Quit(); audio_output_all_close(); player_command_finished(pc); return; case PlayerCommand::CANCEL: if (pc.next_song != nullptr) { pc.next_song->Free(); pc.next_song = nullptr; } pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::REFRESH: /* no-op when not playing */ pc.CommandFinished(); break; case PlayerCommand::NONE: pc.Wait(); break; } } } void player_create(PlayerControl &pc) { assert(!pc.thread.IsDefined()); Error error; if (!pc.thread.Start(player_task, &pc, error)) FatalError(error); }