/* * $Id: screen_file.c,v 1.9 2004/03/18 09:33:07 kalle Exp $ * */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "support.h" #include "libmpdclient.h" #include "mpc.h" #include "command.h" #include "screen.h" #include "screen_file.h" #define BUFSIZE 1024 static char * list_callback(int index, int *highlight, void *data) { static char buf[BUFSIZE]; mpd_client_t *c = (mpd_client_t *) data; filelist_entry_t *entry; mpd_InfoEntity *entity; *highlight = 0; if( (entry=(filelist_entry_t *) g_list_nth_data(c->filelist, index))==NULL ) return NULL; entity = entry->entity; *highlight = entry->selected; if( entity == NULL ) { return "[Back]"; } if( entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) { mpd_Directory *dir = entity->info.directory; char *dirname = utf8_to_locale(basename(dir->path)); snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "[%s]", dirname); free(dirname); return buf; } else if( entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) { mpd_Song *song = entity->info.song; return mpc_get_song_name(song); } return NULL; } static void change_directory(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { list_window_t *w = screen->filelist; filelist_entry_t *entry; mpd_InfoEntity *entity; entry = ( filelist_entry_t *) g_list_nth_data(c->filelist, w->selected); if( entry==NULL ) return; entity = entry->entity; if( entity==NULL ) { char *parent = g_path_get_dirname(c->cwd); if( strcmp(parent,".") == 0 ) { parent[0] = '\0'; } if( c->cwd ) free(c->cwd); c->cwd = parent; } else if( entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { mpd_Directory *dir = entity->info.directory; if( c->cwd ) free(c->cwd); c->cwd = strdup(dir->path); } else return; mpc_update_filelist(c); list_window_reset(w); } static int add_directory(mpd_client_t *c, char *dir) { mpd_InfoEntity *entity; GList *subdir_list = NULL; GList *list = NULL; char *dirname; dirname = utf8_to_locale(dir); screen_status_printf("Adding directory %s...\n", dirname); free(dirname); dirname = NULL; mpd_sendLsInfoCommand(c->connection, dir); mpd_sendCommandListBegin(c->connection); while( (entity=mpd_getNextInfoEntity(c->connection)) ) { if( entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) { mpd_Song *song = entity->info.song; mpd_sendAddCommand(c->connection, song->file); mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); } else if( entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) { subdir_list = g_list_append(subdir_list, (gpointer) entity); } else mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); } mpd_sendCommandListEnd(c->connection); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); list = g_list_first(subdir_list); while( list!=NULL ) { mpd_Directory *dir; entity = list->data; dir = entity->info.directory; add_directory(c, dir->path); mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity); list->data=NULL; list=list->next; } g_list_free(subdir_list); return 0; } static void select_entry(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { list_window_t *w = screen->filelist; filelist_entry_t *entry; entry = ( filelist_entry_t *) g_list_nth_data(c->filelist, w->selected); if( entry==NULL || entry->entity==NULL) return; if( entry->entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) { mpd_Directory *dir = entry->entity->info.directory; add_directory(c, dir->path); return; } if( entry->entity->type!=MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) return; /* No support for adding dirs... :( */ entry->selected = !entry->selected; if( entry->selected ) { if( entry->entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) { mpd_Song *song = entry->entity->info.song; mpd_sendAddCommand(c->connection, song->file); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); screen_status_printf("Adding \'%s\' to playlist\n", mpc_get_song_name(song)); } } else { if( entry->entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) { int i; mpd_Song *song = entry->entity->info.song; i = mpc_playlist_get_song_index(c, song->file); if( i>=0 ) { mpd_sendDeleteCommand(c->connection, i); mpd_finishCommand(c->connection); screen_status_printf("Removed \'%s\' from playlist\n", mpc_get_song_name(song)); } } } } void file_clear_highlights(mpd_client_t *c) { GList *list = g_list_first(c->filelist); while( list ) { filelist_entry_t *entry = list->data; entry->selected = 0; list = list->next; } } void file_clear_highlight(mpd_client_t *c, mpd_Song *song) { GList *list = g_list_first(c->filelist); if( !song ) return; while( list ) { filelist_entry_t *entry = list->data; mpd_InfoEntity *entity = entry->entity; if( entity && entity->type==MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG ) { mpd_Song *song2 = entity->info.song; if( strcmp(song->file, song2->file) == 0 ) { entry->selected = 0; } } list = list->next; } } char * file_get_header(mpd_client_t *c) { static char buf[64]; char *tmp; tmp = utf8_to_locale(basename(c->cwd)); snprintf(buf, 64, TOP_HEADER_FILE ": %s ", tmp ); free(tmp); return buf; } void file_open(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { if( c->filelist == NULL ) { mpc_update_filelist(c); } } void file_close(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { } void file_paint(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { list_window_t *w = screen->filelist; w->clear = 1; list_window_paint(screen->filelist, list_callback, (void *) c); wrefresh(screen->filelist->w); } void file_update(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c) { if( c->filelist_updated ) { file_paint(screen, c); c->filelist_updated = 0; return; } list_window_paint(screen->filelist, list_callback, (void *) c); wrefresh(screen->filelist->w); } int file_cmd(screen_t *screen, mpd_client_t *c, command_t cmd) { switch(cmd) { case CMD_PLAY: change_directory(screen, c); break; case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS: list_window_previous(screen->filelist); screen->filelist->repaint=1; break; case CMD_SELECT: select_entry(screen, c); /* continue and select next item... */ case CMD_LIST_NEXT: list_window_next(screen->filelist, c->filelist_length); screen->filelist->repaint=1; break; case CMD_LIST_FIRST: list_window_first(screen->filelist); screen->filelist->repaint = 1; break; case CMD_LIST_LAST: list_window_last(screen->filelist, c->filelist_length); screen->filelist->repaint = 1; break; case CMD_LIST_NEXT_PAGE: list_window_next_page(screen->filelist, c->filelist_length); screen->filelist->repaint = 1; break; case CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE: list_window_previous_page(screen->filelist); screen->filelist->repaint = 1; break; case CMD_LIST_FIND: if( screen->findbuf ) { free(screen->findbuf); screen->findbuf=NULL; } /* continue... */ case CMD_LIST_FIND_NEXT: if( !screen->findbuf ) screen->findbuf=screen_readln(screen->status_window.w, "/"); if( list_window_find(screen->filelist, list_callback, c, screen->findbuf) == 0 ) { screen->filelist->repaint = 1; } else { screen_status_printf("Unable to find \'%s\'", screen->findbuf); beep(); } break; default: return 0; } return 1; }