<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "docbook/dtd/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd"> <book> <title>The Music Player Daemon Sticker Database</title> <chapter> <title>Introduction to MPD's Sticker Database</title> <para> This document shell give a short guideline for recommended tags for use in MPD's Sticker Database. MPD's Sticker Database is a subsystem that enables users to add custom tags. MPD does not alter the media files. </para> </chapter> <chapter> <title>Guideline for recommended tags</title> <para> Since there is no standard for tags in media files, this document is trying to give you some help deciding what tags to use. The selection of these tags tries to cover the most widely used tags. This way the tags might still work in other players, if you sync the database with your original media files. Keep in mind that we stick with lower case tags with underscores instead of spaces. If there will be a Sync tool in future its easy to change this on the fly, if needed. </para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><varname>rating</varname></term> <listitem> <para> Will store a rating value from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for a given song. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><varname>album_rating</varname></term> <listitem> <para> Will store a rating value from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for a given album. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><varname>style</varname></term> <listitem> <para> This tag is used to keep the Genre tag clean, by now having 1000's of genres. Instead you define a Main Genre for each file and can make a more specific description. This should be one Keyword like "Post Punk" or "Progressive Death Metal" An Alternative name for this tag is "Subgenre", time will tell which one gets more support. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><varname>lyrics</varname></term> <listitem> <para> This one is self explaining. This gives the option to store lyrics of a song where they belong to: mapped to the song </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><varname>similar_artists</varname> (Comma seperated list of artists)</term> <listitem> <para> This tag enables a last.fm alike aproach which will still work when being offline Keep in mind, that this tag is absolutely non-standard! I am not aware of any other player that uses a comparable tag. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </chapter> </book>