.TH "Music Player Daemon" 1 .SH NAME MPD \- A daemon for playing music .SH SYNOPSIS .B mpd .RI [ options ] .RI [ CONF_FILE ] .SH DESCRIPTION MPD is a daemon for playing music. Music is played through the configured audio output(s) (which are generally local, but can be remote). The daemon stores info about all available music, and this info can be easily searched and retrieved. Player control, info retrieval, and playlist management can all be managed remotely. MPD searches for a config file in \fB~/.mpdconf\fP then \fB/etc/mpd.conf\fP or uses CONF_FILE. Read more about MPD at <\fBhttp://www.musicpd.org/\fP>. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI --help Output a brief help message. .TP .BI --kill Kill the currently running mpd session. .TP .BI --create-db Force (re)creation of database and exit. .TP .BI --no-create-db Do not create database, even if it doesn't exist. .TP .BI --no-daemon Don't detach from console. .TP .BI --stdout Print messages to stdout and stderr. .TP .BI --verbose Verbose logging. .TP .BI --version Print version information. .SH FILES .TP .BI ~/.mpdconf User configuration file. .TP .BI /etc/mpd.conf Global configuration file. .SH SEE ALSO mpd.conf(5), mpc(1) .SH BUGS If you find a bug, please report it at .br <\fBhttp://www.musicpd.org/mantis/bug_report_page.php\fP>. .SH AUTHORS Warren Dukes <warren.dukes __AT__ gmail.com> .br Eric Wong <normalperson __AT__ yhbt.net> Special thanks to all the people that provided feedback and patches.