## ## Configuration file for ncmpc (~/.ncmpc/config) ## ## auto center (center the playing track in the playlist) #auto_center = no ## wide_cursor - make the cursor as wide as the screen #wide_cursor = yes ## ## Color configuration ## ## colors: black,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,white ## ## enable/disable colors #enable_colors = no ## background colors: black,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,white, none #color background = black ## text colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, ## brightblack, brightred, brightgreen, brightyellow, brightblue, ## brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightwhite #color title = yellow #color title-bold = brightyellow #color line = white #color line-flags = brightwhite #color list = green #color list-bold = brightgreen #color progressbar = white #color status-state = brightyellow #color status-song = yellow #color status-time = red #color alert = brightred