/* * (c) 2004 by Kalle Wallin (kaw@linux.se) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "command.h" #undef DEBUG_KEYS #ifdef DEBUG_KEYS #define DK(x) x #else #define DK(x) #endif #define BS KEY_BACKSPACE #define DEL KEY_DC #define UP KEY_UP #define DWN KEY_DOWN #define LEFT KEY_LEFT #define RGHT KEY_RIGHT #define HOME KEY_HOME #define END KEY_END #define PGDN KEY_NPAGE #define PGUP KEY_PPAGE #define TAB 0x09 #define STAB 0x161 #define ESC 0x1B #define F1 KEY_F(1) #define F2 KEY_F(2) #define F3 KEY_F(3) #define F4 KEY_F(4) #define F5 KEY_F(5) #define F6 KEY_F(6) static command_definition_t cmds[] = { { { 13, 0, 0 }, CMD_PLAY, "play", "Play/Enter directory" }, { { 'P', 0, 0 }, CMD_PAUSE,"pause", "Pause" }, { { 's', BS, 0 }, CMD_STOP, "stop", "Stop" }, { { '>', 0, 0 }, CMD_TRACK_NEXT, "next", "Next track" }, { { '<', 0, 0 }, CMD_TRACK_PREVIOUS, "prev", "Previous track" }, { { 'f', 0, 0 }, CMD_SEEK_FORWARD, "seek-forward", "Seek forward" }, { { 'b', 0, 0 }, CMD_SEEK_BACKWARD, "seek-backward", "Seek backward" }, { { '+', RGHT, 0 }, CMD_VOLUME_UP, "volume-up", "Increase volume" }, { { '-', LEFT, 0 }, CMD_VOLUME_DOWN, "volume-down", "Decrease volume" }, { { 'w', 0, 0 }, CMD_TOGGLE_FIND_WRAP, "wrap-mode", "Toggle find mode" }, { { 'U', 0, 0 }, CMD_TOGGLE_AUTOCENTER, "autocenter-mode", "Toggle auto center mode" }, { { ' ', 'a', 0 }, CMD_SELECT, "select", "Select/deselect song in playlist" }, { { DEL, 'd', 0 }, CMD_DELETE, "delete", "Delete song from playlist" }, { { 'Z', 0, 0 }, CMD_SHUFFLE, "shuffle", "Shuffle playlist" }, { { 'c', 0, 0 }, CMD_CLEAR, "clear", "Clear playlist" }, { { 'r', 0, 0 }, CMD_REPEAT, "repeat", "Toggle repeat mode" }, { { 'z', 0, 0 }, CMD_RANDOM, "random", "Toggle random mode" }, { { 'x', 0, 0 }, CMD_CROSSFADE, "crossfade", "Toggle crossfade mode" }, { { 'S', 0, 0 }, CMD_SAVE_PLAYLIST, "save", "Save playlist" }, { { UP, ',', 0 }, CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS, "up", "Move cursor up" }, { { DWN, '.', 0 }, CMD_LIST_NEXT, "down", "Move cursor down" }, { { HOME, 0x01, 0 }, CMD_LIST_FIRST, "home", "Home " }, { { END, 0x05, 0 }, CMD_LIST_LAST, "end", "End " }, { { PGUP, 'A', 0 }, CMD_LIST_PREVIOUS_PAGE, "pgup", "Page up" }, { { PGDN, 'B', 0 }, CMD_LIST_NEXT_PAGE, "pgdn", "Page down" }, { { '/', 0, 0 }, CMD_LIST_FIND, "find", "Forward find" }, { { 'n', 0, 0 }, CMD_LIST_FIND_NEXT, "find-next", "Forward find next" }, { { '?', 0, 0 }, CMD_LIST_RFIND, "rfind", "Backward find" }, { { 'p', 0, 0 }, CMD_LIST_RFIND_NEXT, "rfind-next", "Backward find previous" }, { { TAB, 0, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_NEXT, "screen-next", "Next screen" }, { { STAB, 0, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_PREVIOUS, "screen-prev", "Previous screen" }, { { '1', F1, 'h' }, CMD_SCREEN_HELP, "screen-help", "Help screen" }, { { '2', F2, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_PLAY, "screen-playlist", "Playlist screen" }, { { '3', F3, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_FILE, "screen-browse", "Browse screen" }, { {'u', 0, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_UPDATE, "update", "Update screen" }, #ifdef ENABLE_KEYDEF_SCREEN { {'K', 0, 0 }, CMD_SCREEN_KEYDEF, "screen-keyedit", "Key configuration screen" }, #endif { { 'q', 0, 0 }, CMD_QUIT, "quit", "Quit " PACKAGE }, { { -1, -1, -1 }, CMD_NONE, NULL, NULL } }; command_definition_t * get_command_definitions(void) { return cmds; } char * key2str(int key) { static char buf[4]; int i; buf[0] = 0; switch(key) { case 0: return "Undefined"; case ' ': return "Space"; case 13: return "Enter"; case BS: return "Backspace"; case DEL: return "Delete"; case UP: return "Up"; case DWN: return "Down"; case LEFT: return "Left"; case RGHT: return "Right"; case HOME: return "Home"; case END: return "End"; case PGDN: return "PageDown"; case PGUP: return "PageUp"; case TAB: return "Tab"; case STAB: return "Shift+Tab"; case ESC: return "Esc"; case KEY_IC: return "Insert"; default: for(i=0; i<=63; i++) if( key==KEY_F(i) ) { snprintf(buf, 4, "F%d", i ); return buf; } snprintf(buf, 4, "%c", key); } return buf; } void command_dump_keys(void) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].description ) { if( cmds[i].command != CMD_NONE ) printf(" %20s : %s\n", get_key_names(cmds[i].command,1),cmds[i].name); i++; } } char * get_key_names(command_t command, int all) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].description ) { if( cmds[i].command == command ) { int j; static char keystr[80]; strncpy(keystr, key2str(cmds[i].keys[0]), 80); if( !all ) return keystr; j=1; while( j0 ) { strcat(keystr, " "); strcat(keystr, key2str(cmds[i].keys[j])); j++; } return keystr; } i++; } return NULL; } char * get_key_description(command_t command) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].description ) { if( cmds[i].command == command ) return cmds[i].description; i++; } return NULL; } char * get_key_command_name(command_t command) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].name ) { if( cmds[i].command == command ) return cmds[i].name; i++; } return NULL; } command_t get_key_command_from_name(char *name) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].name ) { if( strcmp(name, cmds[i].name) == 0 ) return cmds[i].command; i++; } return CMD_NONE; } command_t find_key_command(int key, command_definition_t *cmds) { int i; i=0; while( cmds && cmds[i].name ) { if( cmds[i].keys[0] == key || cmds[i].keys[1] == key || cmds[i].keys[2] == key ) return cmds[i].command; i++; } return CMD_NONE; } command_t get_key_command(int key) { return find_key_command(key, cmds); } command_t get_keyboard_command(void) { int key; key = wgetch(stdscr); if( key==KEY_RESIZE ) screen_resize(); if( key==ERR ) return CMD_NONE; DK(fprintf(stderr, "key = 0x%02X\t", key)); return get_key_command(key); } int assign_keys(command_t command, int keys[MAX_COMMAND_KEYS]) { int i; i=0; while( cmds[i].name ) { if( cmds[i].command == command ) { memcpy(cmds[i].keys, keys, sizeof(int)*MAX_COMMAND_KEYS); return 0; } i++; } return -1; } int check_key_bindings(void) { int i; int retval = 0; i=0; while( cmds[i].name ) { int j; command_t cmd; for(j=0; j