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171 files changed, 43692 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..270ae1da7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Developer -> Warren Dukes <shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu>
+Developer -> tw-nym
+wave File Support -> normalperson
+setuid patch -> Nagilum
+'next' and 'previous' patch -> Niklas Hofer
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d60c31a97
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f7d516d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ver 0.9.4 (2004/1/21)
+1) Fix a bug where updated tag info wasn't being detected
+2) Set the default audio write size to 1024 bytes (should decrease cpu load a bit on some machines).
+3) Make audio write size configurable via "audio_write_size" config option
+4) Tweak output buffer size for connections by detecting the kernel output buffer size.
+ver 0.9.3 (2003/10/31)
+1) Store total time/length of songs in db and display in *info commands
+2) Display instantaneous bitrate in status command
+3) Add Wave Support using libaudiofile (Patch from normalperson)
+4) Command code cleanup (Patch from tw-nym)
+5) Optimize listing of playlists (10-100x faster)
+6) Optimize interface output (write in 4kB chunks instead of on every '\n')
+7) Fix bug that prevented rm command from working
+8) Fix bug where deleting current song skips the next song
+9) Use iconv to convert vorbis comments from UTF-8 to Latin1
+ver 0.9.2 (2003/10/6)
+1) Fix FreeBSD Compilation Problems
+2) Fix bug in move command
+3) Add mixer_control options to configure which mixer control/device mpd controls
+4) Randomize on play -1
+5) Fix a bug in toggling repeat off and at the end of the playlist
+ver 0.9.1 (2003/9/30)
+1) Fix a statement in the middle of declarations in listen.c, causes error for
+gcc 2.7
+ver 0.9.0 (2003/9/30)
+1) Random play mode
+2) Alsa Mixer Support
+3) Save and Restore "state"
+4) Default config file locations (.mpdconf and /etc/mpd.conf)
+5) Make db file locations configurable
+6) Move songs around in the playlist
+7) Gapless playback
+8) Use Xing tags for mp3's
+9) Remove stop_on_error
+10) Seeking support
+11) Playlists can be loaded and deleted from subdirectories
+12) Complete rewrite of player layer (fork()'s only once, opens and closes
+audio device as needed).
+13) Eliminate use and dependence of SIGIO
+14) IPv6 support
+15) Solaris compilations fixes
+16) Support for different log levels
+17) Timestamps for log entries
+18) "user" config parameter for setuid (patch from Nagilum)
+19) Other misc features and bug fixes
+ver 0.8.7 (2003/9/3)
+1) Fix a memory leak. When closing a interface, was called close() on the fd
+instead of calling fclose() on the fp that was opened with fdopen().
+ver 0.8.6 (2003/8/25)
+1) Fix a memory leak when a buffered existed, and a connection was unexpectedly closed, and i wasn't free'ing the buffer apropriatly.
+ver 0.8.5 (2003/8/17)
+1) Fix a bug where an extra end of line is returned when attempting to play a
+non existing file. This causes parsing errors for clients.
+ver 0.8.4 (2003/8/13)
+1) Fix a bug where garbage is returned with errors in "list" command
+ver 0.8.3 (2003/8/12)
+1) Fix a compilation error on older linux systems
+2) Fix a bug in searching by title
+3) Add "list" command
+4) Add config options for specifying libao driver/plugin and options
+5) Add config option to specify which address to bind to
+6) Add support for loading and saving absolute pathnames in saved playlists
+7) Playlist no longer creates duplicate entries for song data (more me
+8) Songs deleted from the db are now removed for the playlist as well
+ver 0.8.2 (2003/7/22)
+1) Increased the connection que for listen() from 0 to 5
+2) Cleanup configure makefiles so that mpd uses MPD_LIBS and MPD_CFLAGS
+rather than LIBS and CFLAGS
+3) Put a cap on the number of commands per command list
+4) Put a cap on the maximum number of buffered output lines
+5) Get rid of TIME_WAIT/EADDRINUSE socket problem
+6) Use asynchronious IO (i.e. trigger SIGIO instead so we can sleep in
+select() calls longer)
+ver 0.8.1 (2003/7/11)
+1) FreeBSD fixes
+2) Fix for rare segfault when updating
+3) Fix bug where client was being hungup on when done playing current song
+4) Fix bug when playing flac's where it incorrectly reports an error
+5) Make stop playlist on error configurable
+6) Configure checks for installed libmad and libid3tag and uses those if found
+7) Use buffer->finished in *_decode's instead of depending on catching signals
+ver 0.8.0 (2003/7/6)
+1) Flac support
+2) Make playlist max length configurable
+3) New backward compatible status (backward compatible for 0.8.0 on)
+4) listall command now can take a directory as an argument
+5) Buffer rewritten to use shared memory instead of sockets
+6) Playlist adding done using db
+7) Add sort to list, and use binary search for finding
+8) New "stats" command
+9) Command list (for faster adding of large batches of files)
+10) Add buffered chunks before play
+11) Useful error reporting to clients (part of status command)
+12) Use libid3tag for reading id3 tags (more stable)
+13) Non-blocking output to clients
+14) Fix bug when removing items from directory
+15) Fix bug when playing mono mp3's
+16) Fix bug when attempting to delete files when using samba
+17) Lots of other bug fixes I can't remember
+ver 0.7.0 (2003/6/20)
+1) use mad instead of mpg123 for mp3 decoding
+2) volume support
+3) repeate playlist support
+4) use autoconf/automake (i.e. "configure")
+5) configurable max connections
+ver 0.6.2 (2003/6/11)
+1) Buffer support for ogg
+2) new config file options: "connection_timeout" and "mpg123_ignore_junk"
+3) new commands: "next", "previous", and "listall"
+Thanks to Niklas Hofer for "next" and "previous" patches!
+4) Search by filename
+5) bug fix for pause when playing mp3's
+ver 0.6.1 (2003/5/29)
+1) Add conf file support
+2) Fix a bug when doing mp3stop (do wait3(NULL,WNOHANG|WUNTRACED,NULL))
+3) Fix a bug when fork'ing, fflush file buffers before forking so the
+child doesn't print the same stuff in the buffer.
+ver 0.6.0 (2003/5/25)
+1) Add ogg vorbis support
+2) Fix two bugs relating to tables, one for search by title, and one where we
+freed the tables before directories, causing a segfault
+3) The info command has been removed.
+ver 0.5.0-0.5.2
+Initial release(s). Support for MP3 via mpg123
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75d8fc7d9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ Music Player Daemon (MPD) - INSTALL
+libao - http://www.vorbis.com/download_unix.psp
+(This comes with most/all distributions. Make sure you have both
+the ao libs and development packages for your distribution installed.
+For Red Hat 8.0, the necessary packages are: libao and libao-devel)
+zlib - http://www.gzip.org/zlib
+(This comes with all distributions. Make sure you have bot the zlib libs
+and development packages for your distribution installed. For Red hat,
+the necessary packages are: zlib and zlib-devel)
+Ogg Vorbis - http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/
+(This comes with most/all distributions. Make sure you have both the
+ogg and vorbis libs as well as the development packages for your
+distribution installed. For Red Hat 8.0, the necessary packages are:
+libogg, libogg-devel, libvorbis, and libvorbis-devel).
+Flac - http://flac.sf.net
+For Flac support, you need Flac 1.1.0 or greater.
+Get the latest release from of MPD from http://www.musicpd.org
+1) unzip and untar the archive
+$ tar zxvf mpd-x.x.x.tar.gz
+2) change to directory created
+$ cd mpd-x.x.x
+3) Run configure script (this will determine what dependencies you have)
+$ ./configure
+4) Compile
+$ make
+Install (Optional)
+(as root)
+$ make install
+1) run mpd:
+<port>: port number daemon listens on (if running as a user, this should be
+ greater than 1024)
+<mp3 directory>: directory containing mp3's
+<playlist directory>: directory where playlists will be stored (and .mpddb will
+ be placed)
+<mpd log>: log file for mpd
+<mpd err>: error log file for mpd
+$ mpd <port> <mp3 directory> <playlist directory> <mpd log> <mpd err>
+example where mpd executable is in mpd-x.x.x directory:
+$ mpd-x.x.x/mpd 2100 mp3 playlists mpd.log mpd.err
+Note: The first time you run mpd, it will "explore" your mp3 directory for
+Also, mpd can alternatively use config file. In this case,
+run mpd like this:
+$ mpd <config file>
+(if no config file is specified, mpd's looks for ~/.mpdconf then /etc/mpd.conf)
+an example would be:
+$ mpd playlists/.mpdconf
+A sample config file is included with the source of MPD, mpdconf.example .
+Using MPD
+You can download a web interface (phpMp) to MPD at
+http://www.musicpd.org .
+Also, several other clients can be found for MPD at http://www.musicpd.org .
+MPD can be interfaced directly using telnet (see COMMANDS, if you are brave).
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d69a9af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+SUBDIRS = src doc
+docdir = $(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..188a2fa80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ http://www.musicpd.org
+A daemon for playing music (mp3, ogg vorbis, and flac). Music is played
+through the server's audio device. The daemon stores info about all available
+music, and this info can be easily searched and retrieved. Player control, info
+retrieval, and playlist management can all be managed remotely.
+To install MPD, see INSTALL.
+MPD includes 2 libraries in the source. libid3tag and libmad are released under
+the GPL and copyrighted by Robert Leslie (http://www.underbit.com/products/mad).
+MPD is released under the GNU Public License.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+For the full license, see COPYING.
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2022a8a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1) 24-bit pcm-tools (this may just wait since almost no one uses it)
+2) put software mixer settings in state file
+3) finish modifying man page, commands, and example config file
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78ede45ee
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Music Player Daemon (MPD) - UPGRADING
+Upgrading to 0.9.3
+Wave support was added, so to have your wave files added, update the db (mpc
+Also, song lengths are now stored in the db. To get this stuff
+added to the db, you will need to recreate the db from scratch. To do this,
+run mpd with the "--create-db" commandline option.
+Upgrading to 0.9.0
+The "stop_on_error" config parameter was removed, so be sure to remove this
+parameter from your config file.
+Upgrading to 0.8.x
+If you have FLACs, then to have them added to your list of available music,
+just use "update".
+Upgrading from 0.5.x to 0.6.x
+If you have not compiled MPD with "make ogg", then nothing is needed.
+If you compiled with "make ogg", just use "update" (available via the phpMp
+interface) to add your OGGs to MPD's list of available music.
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..112365ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+echo "Generating build information using aclocal, automake and autoconf"
+echo "This may take a while ..."
+# Touch the timestamps on all the files since CVS messes them up
+#touch Makefile.am configure.in
+#touch libid3tag/Makefile.am libid3tag/configure.ac
+#touch libmad/Makefile.am libmad/configure.ac
+#rm -f configure
+#rm -f libid3tag/configure
+#rm -f libmad/configure
+#rm -f config.cache
+#rm -f config.status
+#rm -f libid3tag/config.status
+#rm -f libmad/config.status
+#rm -rf autom4te*.cache
+#rm -rf libid3tag/autom4te*.cache
+#rm -rf libmad/autom4te*.cache
+#rm -f aclocal.m4
+#rm -f libid3tag/aclocal.m4
+#rm -f libmad/aclocal.m4
+# Regenerate configuration files
+libtoolize -f -c
+for i in -1.8 -1.7 -1.6 ''; do
+ if [ -z $ACLOCAL ]; then
+ which aclocal$i
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ ACLOCAL=aclocal$i
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z $AUTOMAKE ]; then
+ which automake$i
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ AUTOMAKE=automake$i
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ -d /usr/local/share/aclocal ]; then
+ $ACLOCAL -I /usr/local/share/aclocal
+$AUTOMAKE --foreign --add-missing -c
+cd src/libid3tag
+$AUTOMAKE --foreign --add-missing -c
+cd ../..
+cd src/libmad
+$AUTOMAKE --foreign --add-missing -c
+cd ../..
+# Run configure for this platform
+./configure $*
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e49a922b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mpd, 0.10.0)
+dnl MAD wants this stuff
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(iconv,[ --disable-iconv disable iconv support],,enable_iconv=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(ipv6,[ --disable-ipv6 disable IPv6 support],,enable_ipv6=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(ogg,[ --disable-ogg disable ogg support],,enable_ogg=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(flac,[ --disable-flac disable flac support],,enable_flac=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(mp3,[ --disable-mp3 disable mp3 support],,enable_mp3=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(audiofile,[ --disable-audiofile disable audiofile support, disables wave support],,enable_audiofile=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(mpd_mad,[ --enable-mpd-mad use mpd libmad],use_mpd_mad=yes,)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(id3,[ --disable-id3 disable id3 support],,enable_id3=yes)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(mpd_id3tag,[ --enable-mpd-id3tag use mpd libid3tag],use_mpd_id3tag=yes,)
+AC_ARG_WITH(id3tag,[ --with-id3tag=PFX Prefix where libid3tag is installed (optional)], id3tag_prefix="$withval", id3tag_prefix="")
+AC_ARG_WITH(id3tag-libraries,[ --with-id3tag-libraries=DIR Directory where libid3tag library is installed (optional)], id3tag_libraries="$withval", id3tag_libraries="")
+AC_ARG_WITH(id3tag-includes,[ --with-id3tag-includes=DIR Directory where libid3tag header files are installed (optional)], id3tag_includes="$withval", id3tag_includes="")
+AC_ARG_WITH(mad,[ --with-mad=PFX Prefix where libmad is installed (optional)], mad_prefix="$withval", mad_prefix="")
+AC_ARG_WITH(mad-libraries,[ --with-mad-libraries=DIR Directory where libmad library is installed (optional)], mad_libraries="$withval", mad_libraries="")
+AC_ARG_WITH(mad-includes,[ --with-mad-includes=DIR Directory where mad header files are installed (optional)], mad_includes="$withval", mad_includes="")
+AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long)
+AC_CHECK_LIB(socket,socket,MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS -lsocket",)
+AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,gethostbyname,MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS -lnsl",)
+if test x$enable_iconv = xyes; then
+ if test x$enable_iconv = xyes; then
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(iconv,iconv,MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS -liconv",)
+ fi
+if test x$enable_ipv6 = xyes; then
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ipv6)
+ [
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#ifdef PF_INET6
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+ ],
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]),
+AC_CHECK_HEADER(sys/soundcard.h,,[MPD_CFLAGS="$MPD_CFLAGS -DNO_OSS_MIXER";AC_MSG_WARN(Soundcard headers not found -- disabling mixer)])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for alsa)
+#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
+#if defined(SND_LIB_MAJOR) && defined(SND_LIB_MINOR)
+MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS -lasound"
+if test x$enable_id3 = xyes; then
+ if test x$use_mpd_id3tag = xyes; then
+ ID3_SUBDIR="libid3tag"
+ else
+ if test "x$id3tag_libraries" != "x" ; then
+ ID3TAG_LIBS="-L$id3tag_libraries"
+ elif test "x$id3tag_prefix" != "x" ; then
+ ID3TAG_LIBS="-L$id3tag_prefix/lib"
+ elif test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
+ ID3TAG_LIBS="-L$libdir"
+ fi
+ ID3TAG_LIBS="$ID3TAG_LIBS -lid3tag -lz"
+ if test "x$id3tag_includes" != "x" ; then
+ ID3TAG_CFLAGS="-I$id3tag_includes"
+ elif test "x$id3tag_prefix" != "x" ; then
+ ID3TAG_CFLAGS="-I$id3tag_prefix/lib"
+ elif test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
+ ID3TAG_CFLAGS="-I$libdir"
+ fi
+ oldcflags=$CFLAGS
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(id3tag,id3_file_open,[ID3_LIB="$ID3TAG_LIBS";
+ use_libid3tag=yes],
+ [use_libid3tag=no;use_mpd_id3tag=yes])
+ CFLAGS=$oldcflags
+ fi
+ if test x$use_mpd_id3tag = xyes; then
+ ID3_LIB="libid3tag/libid3tag.la"
+ ID3_SUBDIR="libid3tag"
+ AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(src/libid3tag)
+ fi
+if test x$enable_mp3 = xyes; then
+ if test x$use_mpd_mad = xyes; then
+ MAD_SUBDIR="libmad"
+ else
+ if test "x$mad_libraries" != "x" ; then
+ MAD_LIBS="-L$mad_libraries"
+ elif test "x$mad_prefix" != "x" ; then
+ MAD_LIBS="-L$mad_prefix/lib"
+ elif test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
+ MAD_LIBS="-L$libdir"
+ fi
+ MAD_LIBS="$MAD_LIBS -lmad"
+ if test "x$mad_includes" != "x" ; then
+ MAD_CFLAGS="-I$mad_includes"
+ elif test "x$mad_prefix" != "x" ; then
+ MAD_CFLAGS="-I$mad_prefix/lib"
+ elif test "x$prefix" != "xNONE"; then
+ MAD_CFLAGS="-I$libdir"
+ fi
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(mad,mad_stream_init,[MAD_LIB="$MAD_LIBS";
+ MPD_CFLAGS="$MPD_CFLAGS $MAD_CFLAGS";use_libmad=yes],
+ [use_libmad=no;use_mpd_mad=yes])
+ fi
+ if test x$use_mpd_mad = xyes; then
+ MAD_LIB="libmad/libmad.la"
+ MAD_SUBDIR="libmad"
+ AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(src/libmad)
+ fi
+if test x$enable_ogg = xyes; then
+if test x$enable_ogg = xyes; then
+ enable_vorbistest=no
+ XIPH_PATH_VORBIS(,enable_ogg=no)
+ if test x$enable_ogg = xyes; then
+dnl Vorbis Test
+dnl vorbistest in XIPH_PATH_OGG is broken on my debian system
+dnl so here i used my own hacked up version till i get vorbis-dev gets
+dnl upgraded in debian (hopefully when 1.0.1 comes out)
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING(that Vorbis is usable)
+ ac_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+ ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vorbis/codec.h>
+#include <vorbis/vorbisenc.h>
+int main ()
+ vorbis_block vb;
+ vorbis_dsp_state vd;
+ vorbis_info vi;
+ vorbis_info_init (&vi);
+ vorbis_encode_init (&vi, 2, 44100, -1, 128, -1);
+ /*vorbis_analysis_init (&vd, &vi);
+ vorbis_block_init (&vd, &vb);*/
+ /* this function was added in 1.0rc3, so this is what we're testing for */
+ /*vorbis_bitrate_addblock (&vb);*/
+ return 0;
+], AC_MSG_RESULT(yes), AC_MSG_RESULT(no) enable_ogg=no,[echo $ac_n "cross compiling; assumed OK... $ac_c"])
+ CFLAGS="$ac_save_CFLAGS"
+ LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS"
+ fi
+dnl End of Vorbis Test
+ if test x$enable_ogg = xyes; then
+ fi
+if test x$enable_ogg = xyes; then
+if test x$enable_flac = xyes; then
+ oldmpdcflags="$MPD_CFLAGS"
+ oldmpdlibs="$MPD_LIBS"
+if test x$enable_flac = xyes; then
+ oldcflags="$CFLAGS"
+ oldlibs="$LIBS"
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(FLAC, FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from,
+ ,[enable_flac=no;AC_MSG_WARN(You need FLAC 1.1 -- disabling flac support)])
+ if test x$enable_flac = xno; then
+ MPD_CFLAGS="$oldmpdcflags"
+ MPD_LIBS="$oldmpdlibs"
+ fi
+ CFLAGS="$oldcflags"
+ LIBS="$oldlibs"
+if test x$enable_flac = xyes; then
+if test x$enable_audiofile = xyes; then
+ [enable_audiofile=no;AC_MSG_WARN(You need audiofile -- disabling audiofile support)])
+AC_OUTPUT(doc/Makefile src/Makefile Makefile )
diff --git a/doc/COMMANDS b/doc/COMMANDS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4bcc9899f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/COMMANDS
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ Music Player Daemon - Commands
+This document is intended for client developers, not end users.
+If arguments contain spaces, they should be surrounded by double quotation
+marks, ".
+command <type arg1> <type arg2> ...
+ explanation: w/ arg1 and arg2
+Command Completion:
+A command returns "OK\n" on completion or "ACK some error\n" on failure.
+These denote the end of command execution.
+add <string file>
+ add the file _file_ to the playlist
+ clears the current playlist
+ clear the current error message in status
+ (this is also accomplished by any command that starts playback)
+ close the connection with the MPD
+delete <int song>
+ delete _song_ from playlist
+find <string type> <string what>
+ finds songs in the db that are exactly _what_
+ _type_ should be "album", "artist", or "title"
+ _what_ is what to find
+ kill MPD
+list <string type> <string arg1>
+ list all tags of _type_
+ _type_ should be "album" or "artist"
+ _arg1_ is an optional parameter when type is album, this specifies
+ to list albums by a artist, where artist is specified with
+ arg1
+listall <string directory>
+ lists all songs and directories in _directory_ (recursively)
+ _directory_ is optional
+load <string name>
+ loads the playlist _name_.m3u from the playlist directory
+ls <string directory>
+ list files in _directory_. _directory_ is optional.
+ NOTE: us this only for debugging, not meant to be used by a client.
+ instead use 'lsinfo'
+lsinfo <string directory>
+ list contents of _directory_, from the db. _directory_ is optional
+move <int from> <int to>
+ move song at _from_ to _to_ in the playlist
+ plays next song in playlist
+ pause/resume playing
+play <int song>
+ begin playing playlist at song number _song_, _song_ is optional
+ displays the current playlist
+ NOTE: do not use this, instead use 'playlistinfo'
+ displays information about the current playlist
+ plays previous song in playlist
+random <int state>
+ set random state to _state_, _state_ should be 0 or 1
+repeat <int state>
+ set repeat state to _state_, _state_ should be 0 or 1
+rm <string name>
+ removes the playlist <name>.m3u from the playlist directory
+save <string name>
+ saves the current playlist to _name_.m3u in the playlist directory
+search <string type> <string what>
+ same as "find" but searches for any song that contain _what_
+ search is not case sensitive
+seek <int song> <int time>
+ seeks to the position _time_ (in seconds) of entry _song_ in the
+ playlist
+ shuffles the current playlist
+ display stats
+ artists: number of artists
+ albums: number of albums
+ songs: number of songs
+ uptime: daemon uptime in seconds
+ db_update: last db update in UNIX time
+ playtime: time length of music played
+ songs_played: total number of songs played
+ reports current status of player, and volume level.
+ volume: (0-100).
+ repeat: (0 or 1)
+ playlist: (31-bit unsigned integer, the playlist version number)
+ playlistlength: (integer, the length of the playlist)
+ state: ("play", "stop", or "pause")
+ song: (current song playing/paused, playlist song number)
+ time: <int elapsed>:<time total> (of current playing/paused song)
+ bitrate: <int bitrate> (instantaneous bitrate in kbps)
+ error: if there is an error, returns message here
+ stop playing
+swap <int song1> <int song2>
+ swap positions of _song1_ and _song2_
+ searches mp3 directory for new music and removes old music from the db
+volume <int change>
+ change volume by amount _change_
+To facilitate faster adding of files, etc, you can pass a list of commands all
+at once using a command list. The command list beings with:
+And ends with:
+It does not execute any commands until the list has ended. The return
+value is whatever the return for a list of commands is. On success
+for all commands, OK is returned. If a command fails, no more commands
+are executed and the appropriate ACK error is returned.
diff --git a/doc/Makefile.am b/doc/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9a7ccc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+man_MANS = mpd.1
+docdir = $(prefix)/share/doc/$(PACKAGE)
+EXTRA_DIST = mpdconf.example $(man_MANS) $(doc_DATA)
diff --git a/doc/mpd.1 b/doc/mpd.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4c3300d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/mpd.1
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+.TH "Music Player Daemon" 1
+MPD \- A daemon for playing music (mp3, ogg vorbis, and flac)
+.B mpd
+.RI [ options ]
+.B mpd
+.RI [ options ]
+MPD is a daemon for playing music (mp3, ogg vorbis, and flac). Music is played
+through the server's audio device. The daemon stores info about all available
+music, and this info can be easily searched and retrieved. Player control, info
+retrieval, and playlist management can all be managed remotely.
+MPD searches for a config file in ~/.mpdconf then /etc/mpd.conf or uses
+CONF_FILE. Instead of using a config file, the minimal configuration paramters
+can be specified on the command line: PORT, MUSIC_DIR, PLAYLIST_DIR, LOG_FILE,
+Read more about MPD on http://www.musicpd.org
+.B --create-db
+(Re)Crete the db file for mpd.
+.BI --help
+Output a brief help message.
+.BI --no-daemon
+Don't detach from console or redirect output to log files.
+.BI --verbose
+Output verbose amounts of information to the logs
+.BI --version
+Print version information.
+Below are a list of parameters that can be specified in the config file. Each line in the config file should be of the form:
+parameter "value"
+.B port <port>
+This specifies the port that MPD listens on. This parameter is required. This is typically 2100.
+.B music_directory <directory>
+This specifies the directory where music is located. This parameter is required. The directory path should be an absolute path.
+.B playlist_directory <directory>
+This specifies the directory where saved playlists are stored. This parameter is required. The directory path should be an absolute path.
+.B log_file <file>
+This specifies where the log file should be located. This parameter is required. The file path should be an absolute path.
+.B error_file <file>
+This specifies where the error file should be located. This parameter is required. The file path should be an absolute path.
+.B log_level <default, secure, or verbose>
+This specifies how verbose logs are. "default" is minimal logging, "secure" reports from what address a connection is opened, and when it is closed, and "verbose" records excessive amounts of information for debugging purposes. The default is "default".
+.B db_file <file>
+This specifies where the db file will be stored. The file path should be an
+absolute path. The default is ".mpddb" in the playlist directory.
+.B filesystem_charset <charset>
+This specifies the character set used for the filesystem. A list of supported
+character sets can be obtained by running "iconv -l". The default is
+determined from the locale when the db was originally created.
+.B bind_to_address <ip address or hostname or any>
+This specifies which address MPD binds to and listens on. The default is "any",
+which binds to all available addresses.
+.B user <user>
+This specifies the user that mpd will run as, if set.
+.B password <password@permissions>
+This specifies a password for access to mpd. The format is
+"password@permissions" where permissions is a comma delimmitted list composed
+of "read","add","control", and/or "admin". "read" allows for reading of
+the database, displaying the current playlist, and current status of mpd.
+"add" allows for adding songs and loading playlists. "control" allows
+for all other player and playlist manipulations. "admin" allows the db
+to be updated and for the client to kill mpd. More than one password can
+be specified. An example of a password is "somePassword@read,add".
+.B default_permissions <permissions>
+This specifies the permissions of a client that has not been authenticated using
+a password. The format of permissions is specified n the description of the
+"password" config paramter. If not passwords are specified, the default is
+"read,add,control,admin", otherwise it is "" (no permissions).
+.B state_file <file>
+This specifies if a state file is used and where it is located. The file path should be an absolute path. The state of mpd will be saved to this file when mpd is terminated by a TERM signal or by the "kill" command.
+.B connection_timeout <seconds>
+If a client does not send any new data in this time period, the connection is closed. The default is 60 seconds.
+.B max_connections <int>
+This specifies the maximum number of clients that can be connected to MPD. The default is 5 connections.
+.B mixer_type <oss or alsa>
+This specifies which mixer to use. The default is oss.
+.B mixer_device <mixer dev>
+This specifies which mixer to use. The default for oss is /dev/mixer;
+the default for alsa is "hw:0".
+.B mixer_control <string>
+This specifies which mixer control to use (sometimes referred to as the "device"). Examples of mixer controls are PCM, Line1, Master, etc. An example for OSS is "Pcm", and an example for alsa is "PCM".
+.B max_playlist_length <int>
+This specifies the maximum number of songs that can be in the playlist. The default is 4096 songs.
+.B buffer_size <size in KB>
+This specifies the size of the buffer that mpd uses. The default is 2048 kilobytes.
+.B buffer_before play <0-100%>
+This specifies the amount of buffer that will be filled before a song begins playing. The default is 25%.
+.B max_command_list_size <size in KB>
+This specifies the maximum size a command list can be (in kilobytes). The default is 2048 kilobytes.
+.B max_output_buffer_size <size in KB>
+This specifies the maximum size of the output buffer to a client (in kilobytes).
+The default is 2048 kilobytes.
+.B ao_driver <ao plug-in>
+This specifies the ao plug-in to use for audio output. Typical values for
+Linux include "oss" and "alsa09". The default value is "default".
+.B ao_driver_options <ao plug-in options>
+This specifies the options to use for the selected ao_driver. For oss, the
+only option available is "dsp". For alsa09, the available options are:
+"dev", "buf_size", and "periods". Options are assigned using "=" and ";" is
+used to separate options. An example for oss: "dsp=/dev/dsp". An example for
+alsa09: "dev=hw:0,0;buf_size=4096". The default value is "".
+.B audio_write_size <size in bytes>
+This specifies how many bytes mpd writes to the audio device at once. The
+default is 1024. This options is to work around a bug in older versions
+of libao on sound cards with very small buffers.
+.B save_absolute_paths_in_playlists <yes or no>
+This specifies whether relative or absolute paths for song filenames are
+used when saving playlists. The default value is "no".
+Below is an example config file. (Note: '#' at the beginning of a line denotes
+a comment. The '#' must be the first character/symbol on that line.)
+# required
+port "2100"
+music_directory "/home/shank/mp3"
+playlist_directory "/home/shank/playlists"
+log_file "/home/shank/mpd.log"
+error_file "/home/shank/mpd.error"
+# optional
+mixer_type "oss"
+mixer_device "/dev/mixer"
+#mixer_type "alsa"
+#mixer_device "default"
+#ao_driver "oss"
+#ao_driver_options "dsp=/dev/dsp"
+max_playlist_length "4096"
+buffer_before_play "25%"
+#db_file "/home/shank/playlists/.mpddb"
+#state_file "/home/shank/playlists/.mpdstate"
+#user "shank"
+connection_timeout "60"
+max_connections "5"
+max_command_list_size "2048"
+max_output_buffer_size "2048"
+save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
+# log_level can be "default", "secure", "verbose"
+log_level "default"
+# if bind_to_address is "any", MPD binds all addresses
+bind_to_address "any"
diff --git a/doc/mpdconf.example b/doc/mpdconf.example
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..278588390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/mpdconf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# required
+port "2100"
+music_directory "/home/shank/mp3"
+playlist_directory "/home/shank/playlists"
+log_file "/home/shank/mpd.log"
+error_file "/home/shank/mpd.error"
+# optional
+mixer_type "oss"
+mixer_device "/dev/mixer"
+#mixer_control "Pcm"
+#mixer_type "alsa"
+#mixer_device "default"
+#mixer_control "PCM"
+#ao_driver "oss"
+#ao_driver_options "dsp=/dev/dsp"
+max_playlist_length "4096"
+buffer_before_play "25%"
+#db_file "/home/shank/playlists/.mpddb"
+#state_file "/home/shank/playlists/.mpdstate"
+#user "shank"
+connection_timeout "60"
+max_connections "5"
+max_command_list_size "2048"
+max_output_buffer_size "2048"
+save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
+# log_level can be "default", "secure", "verbose"
+log_level "default"
+# when bind_to_address is set to "any", MPD binds all available addresses
+bind_to_address "any"
diff --git a/makedist.sh b/makedist.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d594048a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makedist.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+make distclean
+./configure --enable-mpd-mad --enable-mpd-id3tag
+make dist
diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4391d61be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+bin_PROGRAMS = mpd
+mpd_headers = buffer2array.h interface.h command.h playlist.h ls.h \
+ song.h list.h directory.h tables.h utils.h path.h mp3_decode.h \
+ tag.h player.h listen.h conf.h ogg_decode.h volume.h flac_decode.h \
+ audio.h playerData.h stats.h myfprintf.h sig_handlers.h decode.h log.h \
+ audiofile_decode.h charConv.h permission.h mpd_types.h pcm_utils.h
+mpd_SOURCES = main.c buffer2array.c interface.c command.c playlist.c ls.c \
+ song.c list.c directory.c tables.c utils.c path.c mp3_decode.c \
+ tag.c player.c listen.c conf.c ogg_decode.c volume.c flac_decode.c \
+ audio.c playerData.c stats.c myfprintf.c sig_handlers.c decode.c log.c \
+ audiofile_decode.c charConv.c permission.c pcm_utils.c $(mpd_headers)
+mpd_LDADD = $(MPD_LIBS) $(ID3_LIB) $(MAD_LIB)
diff --git a/src/audio.c b/src/audio.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f014235df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/audio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+int audio_write_size;
+int audio_ao_driver_id;
+ao_option * audio_ao_options;
+AudioFormat audio_format;
+ao_device * audio_device = NULL;
+void initAudioDriver() {
+ ao_info * ai;
+ char * dup;
+ char * stk1;
+ char * stk2;
+ char * n1;
+ char * key;
+ char * value;
+ char * test;
+ /*int found;
+ int i;*/
+ audio_write_size = strtol((getConf())[CONF_AUDIO_WRITE_SIZE],&test,10);
+ if (*test!='\0') {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not a valid write size",
+ (getConf())[CONF_AUDIO_WRITE_SIZE]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ audio_ao_options = NULL;
+ ao_initialize();
+ if(strcmp(AUDIO_AO_DRIVER_DEFAULT,(getConf())[CONF_AO_DRIVER])==0) {
+ audio_ao_driver_id = ao_default_driver_id();
+ }
+ else if((audio_ao_driver_id =
+ ao_driver_id((getConf())[CONF_AO_DRIVER]))<0) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not a valid ao driver\n",
+ (getConf())[CONF_AO_DRIVER]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if((ai = ao_driver_info(audio_ao_driver_id))==NULL) {
+ ERROR("problems getting ao_driver_info\n");
+ ERROR("you may not have permission to the audio device\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ dup = strdup((getConf())[CONF_AO_DRIVER_OPTIONS]);
+ if(strlen(dup)) {
+ stk1 = NULL;
+ n1 = strtok_r(dup,";",&stk1);
+ while(n1) {
+ stk2 = NULL;
+ key = strtok_r(n1,"=",&stk2);
+ if(!key) {
+ ERROR("problems parsing "
+ "ao_driver_options \"%s\"\n", n1);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /*found = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<ai->option_count;i++) {
+ if(strcmp(ai->options[i],key)==0) {
+ found = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!found) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not an option for "
+ "\"%s\" ao driver\n",key,
+ ai->short_name);
+ exit(-1);
+ }*/
+ value = strtok_r(NULL,"",&stk2);
+ if(!value) {
+ ERROR("problems parsing "
+ "ao_driver_options \"%s\"\n", n1);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ ao_append_option(&audio_ao_options,key,value);
+ n1 = strtok_r(NULL,";",&stk1);
+ }
+ }
+ free(dup);
+void finishAudioDriver() {
+ ao_free_options(audio_ao_options);
+ ao_shutdown();
+int isCurrentAudioFormat(AudioFormat * audioFormat) {
+ if(!audio_device) return 0;
+ if(audio_format.bits!=audioFormat->bits ||
+ audio_format.sampleRate!=audioFormat->sampleRate ||
+ audio_format.channels!=audioFormat->channels)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int initAudio(AudioFormat * audioFormat) {
+ ao_sample_format format;
+ if(!isCurrentAudioFormat(audioFormat)) {
+ finishAudio();
+ }
+ if(!audio_device) {
+ format.bits = audioFormat->bits;
+ format.rate = audioFormat->sampleRate;
+ format.byte_format = AO_FMT_NATIVE;
+ format.channels = audioFormat->channels;
+ audio_format.bits = format.bits;
+ audio_format.sampleRate = format.rate;
+ audio_format.channels = format.channels;
+ blockSignals();
+ audio_device = ao_open_live(audio_ao_driver_id, &format,
+ audio_ao_options);
+ if(audio_device==NULL) {
+ unblockSignals();
+ audioError();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unblockSignals();
+ }
+ return 0;
+void playAudio(char * playChunk, int size) {
+ int send;
+ assert(audio_device!=NULL);
+ while(size>0) {
+ send = audio_write_size>size?size:audio_write_size;
+ ao_play(audio_device,playChunk,send);
+ playChunk+=send;
+ size-=send;
+ }
+void finishAudio() {
+ if(audio_device) {
+ blockSignals();
+ ao_close(audio_device);
+ audio_device = NULL;
+ unblockSignals();
+ }
+void audioError() {
+ ERROR("Error opening audio device\n");
+ if(errno==AO_ENOTLIVE) {
+ ERROR("not a live ao device\n");
+ }
+ else if(errno==AO_EOPENDEVICE) {
+ ERROR("not able to open audio device\n");
+ }
+ else if(errno==AO_EBADOPTION) {
+ ERROR("bad driver option\n");
+ }
diff --git a/src/audio.h b/src/audio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bdc29705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/audio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef AUDIO_H
+#define AUDIO_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ao/ao.h>
+#define AUDIO_AO_DRIVER_DEFAULT "default"
+typedef struct _AudioFormat {
+ int channels;
+ int sampleRate;
+ int bits;
+} AudioFormat;
+extern int audio_ao_driver_id;
+extern ao_option * audio_ao_options;
+void initAudioDriver();
+void finishAudioDriver();
+int initAudio(AudioFormat * audioFormat);
+void playAudio(char * playChunk,int size);
+void finishAudio();
+void audioError();
+int isCurrentAudioFormat(AudioFormat * audioFormat);
diff --git a/src/audiofile_decode.c b/src/audiofile_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..717237227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/audiofile_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * libaudiofile (wave) support added by Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "audiofile_decode.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <audiofile.h>
+int getAudiofileTotalTime(char * file)
+ int time;
+ AFfilehandle af_fp = afOpenFile(file, "r", NULL);
+ if(af_fp == AF_NULL_FILEHANDLE) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ time = (int)
+ ((double)afGetFrameCount(af_fp,AF_DEFAULT_TRACK)
+ /afGetRate(af_fp,AF_DEFAULT_TRACK));
+ afCloseFile(af_fp);
+ return time;
+int audiofile_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc)
+ int fs, frame_count;
+ AFfilehandle af_fp;
+ af_fp = afOpenFile(dc->file,"r", NULL);
+ if(af_fp == AF_NULL_FILEHANDLE) {
+ ERROR("failed to open %s\n",dc->file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ afGetSampleFormat(af_fp, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, &fs, &af->bits);
+ af->sampleRate = (int)afGetRate(af_fp, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);
+ af->channels = afGetChannels(af_fp,AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);
+ frame_count = afGetFrameCount(af_fp,AF_DEFAULT_TRACK);
+ cb->totalTime = ((float)frame_count/(float)af->sampleRate);
+ if (af->bits != 8 && af->bits != 16) {
+ ERROR("Only 8 and 16-bit files are supported. %s is %i-bit\n",
+ dc->file,af->bits);
+ afCloseFile(af_fp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ fs = (int)afGetFrameSize(af_fp, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK,1);
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_DECODE;
+ dc->start = 0;
+ {
+ int ret, eof = 0, current = 0;
+ unsigned char chunk[CHUNK_SIZE];
+ while(!eof) {
+ if(dc->seek) {
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ current = dc->seekWhere * af->sampleRate;
+ afSeekFrame(af_fp, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK,current);
+ dc->seek = 0;
+ }
+ ret = afReadFrames(af_fp, AF_DEFAULT_TRACK, chunk, CHUNK_SIZE/fs);
+ if(ret<=0) eof = 1;
+ else {
+ while(cb->begin==cb->end && cb->wrap &&
+ !dc->stop && !dc->seek){
+ usleep(1000);
+ }
+ if(dc->stop) break;
+ else if(dc->seek) continue;
+ pcm_changeBufferEndianness(chunk,CHUNK_SIZE,
+ af->bits);
+ memcpy(cb->chunks+cb->end*CHUNK_SIZE,chunk,
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->end] = CHUNK_SIZE;
+ current += ret;
+ cb->times[cb->end] = (float)current/(float)af->sampleRate;
+ ++cb->end;
+ if(cb->end>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(dc->seek) dc->seek = 0;
+ if(dc->stop) {
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ }
+ else dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ }
+ afCloseFile(af_fp);
+ return 0;
+#endif /* HAVE_AUDIOFILE */
diff --git a/src/audiofile_decode.h b/src/audiofile_decode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40296ad96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/audiofile_decode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * libaudiofile (wave) support added by Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "playerData.h"
+int audiofile_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc);
+int getAudiofileTotalTime(char * file);
+#endif /* HAVE_AUDIOFILE */
+#endif /* AUDIOFILE_DECODE_H */
diff --git a/src/buffer2array.c b/src/buffer2array.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40247bde7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buffer2array.c
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "buffer2array.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+int buffer2array(char * origBuffer, char *** array) {
+ int quotes = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ int curr;
+ int * beginArray;
+ char * buffer = strdup(origBuffer);
+ int bufferLength = strlen(buffer);
+ char * markArray = malloc(sizeof(char)*(bufferLength+1));
+ for(curr=0;curr<bufferLength;curr++) {
+ if(!quotes && (buffer[curr]==' ' || buffer[curr]=='\t') ) {
+ markArray[curr] = '0';
+ }
+ else if(buffer[curr] == '\"') {
+ if(curr>0 && buffer[curr-1]!='\\') {
+ quotes = quotes?0:1;
+ markArray[curr] = '0';
+ }
+ else {
+ markArray[curr] = '1';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ markArray[curr] = '1';
+ }
+ if(markArray[curr]=='1') {
+ if(curr>0) {
+ if(markArray[curr-1]=='0') {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ markArray[bufferLength] = '\0';
+ beginArray = malloc(sizeof(int)*count);
+ (*array) = malloc(sizeof(char *)*count);
+ count = 0;
+ for(curr=0;curr<bufferLength;curr++) {
+ if(markArray[curr]=='1') {
+ if(curr>0) {
+ if(markArray[curr-1]=='0') {
+ beginArray[count++] = curr;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ beginArray[count++] = curr;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer[curr] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<count;i++) {
+ int len = strlen(buffer+beginArray[i])+1;
+ int arrayCurr = 0;
+ (*array)[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*len);
+ for(curr=beginArray[i];buffer[curr]!='\0';curr++) {
+ if(buffer[curr]=='\\') {
+ if(buffer[curr+1]!='\0') {
+ curr++;
+ }
+ }
+ (*array)[i][arrayCurr++] = buffer[curr];
+ }
+ (*array)[i][arrayCurr] = '\0';
+ }
+ free(markArray);
+ free(beginArray);
+ free(buffer);
+ return count;
+void freeArgArray(char ** array, int argArrayLength) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<argArrayLength;i++) {
+ free(array[i]);
+ }
+ free(array);
diff --git a/src/buffer2array.h b/src/buffer2array.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1aad24fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buffer2array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef BUFFER_2_ARRAY_H
+#define BUFFER_2_ARRAY_H
+int buffer2array(char * buffer, char *** array);
+void freeArgArray(char ** array, int argArrayLength);
diff --git a/src/charConv.c b/src/charConv.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..636a1e066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charConv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "charConv.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+#include <iconv.h>
+iconv_t char_conv_iconv;
+char * char_conv_to = NULL;
+char * char_conv_from = NULL;
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+int setCharSetConversion(char * to, char * from) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+ if(char_conv_to && strcmp(to,char_conv_to)==0 &&
+ char_conv_from && strcmp(from,char_conv_from)==0)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ closeCharSetConversion();
+ if((char_conv_iconv = iconv_open(to,from))==(iconv_t)(-1)) return -1;
+ char_conv_to = strdup(to);
+ char_conv_from = strdup(from);
+ return 0;
+ return -1;
+char * convStrDup(char * string) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+ char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ size_t inleft = strlen(string);
+ char * ret;
+ size_t outleft;
+ int retlen = 0;
+ size_t err;
+ char * bufferPtr;
+ if(!char_conv_to) return NULL;
+ ret = strdup("");
+ while(inleft) {
+ bufferPtr = buffer;
+ outleft = BUFFER_SIZE;
+ err = iconv(char_conv_iconv,&string,&inleft,&bufferPtr,
+ &outleft);
+ if(outleft==BUFFER_SIZE || (err<0 && errno!=E2BIG)) {
+ free(ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = realloc(ret,retlen+BUFFER_SIZE-outleft+1);
+ strncpy(&(ret[retlen]),buffer,BUFFER_SIZE-outleft);
+ retlen+=BUFFER_SIZE-outleft;
+ ret[retlen] = '\0';
+ }
+ return ret;
+ return NULL;
+void closeCharSetConversion() {
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+ if(char_conv_to) {
+ iconv_close(char_conv_iconv);
+ free(char_conv_to);
+ free(char_conv_from);
+ char_conv_to = NULL;
+ char_conv_from = NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/src/charConv.h b/src/charConv.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61909b7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/charConv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef CHAR_CONV_H
+#define CHAR_CONV_H
+int setCharSetConversion(char * to, char * from);
+char * convStrDup(char * string);
+void closeCharSetConversion();
diff --git a/src/command.c b/src/command.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cc49eee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/command.c
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "command.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "volume.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "permission.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define COMMAND_PLAY "play"
+#define COMMAND_STOP "stop"
+#define COMMAND_PAUSE "pause"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS "status"
+#define COMMAND_KILL "kill"
+#define COMMAND_CLOSE "close"
+#define COMMAND_ADD "add"
+#define COMMAND_DELETE "delete"
+#define COMMAND_PLAYLIST "playlist"
+#define COMMAND_SHUFFLE "shuffle"
+#define COMMAND_CLEAR "clear"
+#define COMMAND_SAVE "save"
+#define COMMAND_LOAD "load"
+#define COMMAND_LSINFO "lsinfo"
+#define COMMAND_RM "rm"
+#define COMMAND_PLAYLISTINFO "playlistinfo"
+#define COMMAND_FIND "find"
+#define COMMAND_SEARCH "search"
+#define COMMAND_UPDATE "update"
+#define COMMAND_NEXT "next"
+#define COMMAND_PREVIOUS "previous"
+#define COMMAND_LISTALL "listall"
+#define COMMAND_VOLUME "volume"
+#define COMMAND_REPEAT "repeat"
+#define COMMAND_RANDOM "random"
+#define COMMAND_STATS "stats"
+#define COMMAND_CLEAR_ERROR "clearerror"
+#define COMMAND_LIST "list"
+#define COMMAND_MOVE "move"
+#define COMMAND_SWAP "swap"
+#define COMMAND_SEEK "seek"
+#define COMMAND_LISTALLINFO "listallinfo"
+#define COMMAND_PING "ping"
+#define COMMAND_SETVOL "setvol"
+#define COMMAND_PASSWORD "password"
+#define COMMAND_CROSSFADE "crossfade"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_VOLUME "volume"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_STATE "state"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_REPEAT "repeat"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_RANDOM "random"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST "playlist"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST_LENGTH "playlistlength"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_SONG "song"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_TIME "time"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_BITRATE "bitrate"
+#define COMMAND_STATUS_ERROR "error"
+typedef int (* CommandHandlerFunction)(FILE *, unsigned int *, int, char **);
+/* if min: -1 don't check args *
+ * if max: -1 no max args */
+typedef struct _CommandEntry {
+ char * cmd;
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ unsigned int reqPermission;
+ CommandHandlerFunction handler;
+} CommandEntry;
+List * commandList;
+CommandEntry * newCommandEntry() {
+ CommandEntry * cmd = malloc(sizeof(CommandEntry));
+ cmd->cmd = NULL;
+ cmd->min = 0;
+ cmd->max = 0;
+ cmd->handler = NULL;
+ cmd->reqPermission = 0;
+ return cmd;
+void addCommand(char * name, unsigned int reqPermission, int minargs,
+ int maxargs, CommandHandlerFunction handler_func)
+ CommandEntry * cmd = newCommandEntry();
+ cmd->cmd = name;
+ cmd->min = minargs;
+ cmd->max = maxargs;
+ cmd->handler = handler_func;
+ cmd->reqPermission = reqPermission;
+ insertInList(commandList, cmd->cmd, cmd);
+int handlePlay(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int song = -1;
+ char * test;
+ if(argArrayLength==2) {
+ song = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need a positive integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return playPlaylist(fp,song,1);
+int handleStop(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return stopPlaylist(fp);
+int handlePause(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission,
+ int argArrayLength, char ** argArray)
+ return playerPause(fp);
+int commandStatus(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ char * state = NULL;
+ playPlaylistIfPlayerStopped();
+ switch(getPlayerState()) {
+ state = strdup(COMMAND_STOP);
+ break;
+ state = strdup(COMMAND_PAUSE);
+ break;
+ state = strdup(COMMAND_PLAY);
+ break;
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_VOLUME,getVolumeLevel());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_REPEAT,getPlaylistRepeatStatus());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_RANDOM,getPlaylistRandomStatus());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %li\n",COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST,getPlaylistVersion());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_PLAYLIST_LENGTH,getPlaylistLength());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %s\n",COMMAND_STATUS_STATE,state);
+ if(getPlayerState()!=PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_SONG,getPlaylistCurrentSong());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %i:%i\n",COMMAND_STATUS_TIME,getPlayerElapsedTime(),getPlayerTotalTime());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %li\n",COMMAND_STATUS_BITRATE,getPlayerBitRate(),getPlayerTotalTime());
+ }
+ if(getPlayerError()!=PLAYER_ERROR_NOERROR) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: %s\n",COMMAND_STATUS_ERROR,getPlayerErrorStr());
+ }
+ free(state);
+ return 0;
+int handleKill(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+int handleClose(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+int handleAdd(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ char * directory = NULL;
+ if(argArrayLength == 2) directory = argArray[1];
+ return addAllIn(fp,directory);
+int handleDelete(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int song;
+ char * test;
+ song = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need a positive integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return deleteFromPlaylist(fp,song);
+int handlePlaylist(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return showPlaylist(fp);
+int handleShuffle(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return shufflePlaylist(fp);
+int handleClear(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return clearPlaylist(fp);
+int handleSave(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return savePlaylist(fp,argArray[1]);
+int handleLoad(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return loadPlaylist(fp,argArray[1]);
+int handleLsInfo(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ if(argArrayLength==1) {
+ if(printDirectoryInfo(fp,NULL)<0) return -1;
+ else return lsPlaylists(fp,"");
+ }
+ else {
+ if(printDirectoryInfo(fp,argArray[1])<0) return -1;
+ else return lsPlaylists(fp,argArray[1]);
+ }
+int handleRm(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return deletePlaylist(fp,argArray[1]);
+int handlePlaylistInfo(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission,
+ int argArrayLength, char ** argArray)
+ int song = -1;
+ char * test;
+ if(argArrayLength == 2) {
+ song = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need a positive integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return playlistInfo(fp,song);
+int handleFind(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return findSongsIn(fp,NULL,argArray[1],argArray[2]);
+int handleSearch(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return searchForSongsIn(fp,NULL,argArray[1],argArray[2]);
+int handleUpdate(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return updateMp3Directory(fp);
+int handleNext(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return nextSongInPlaylist(fp);
+int handlePrevious(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return previousSongInPlaylist(fp);
+int handleListAll(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ char * directory = NULL;
+ if(argArrayLength==2) directory = argArray[1];
+ return printAllIn(fp,directory);
+int handleVolume(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int change;
+ char * test;
+ change = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need an integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return changeVolumeLevel(fp,change,1);
+int handleSetVol(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int level;
+ char * test;
+ level = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need an integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return changeVolumeLevel(fp,level,0);
+int handleRepeat(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int status;
+ char * test;
+ status = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need an integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return setPlaylistRepeatStatus(fp,status);
+int handleRandom(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int status;
+ char * test;
+ status = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need an integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return setPlaylistRandomStatus(fp,status);
+int handleStats(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return printStats(fp);
+int handleClearError(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ clearPlayerError();
+ return 0;
+int handleList(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ char * arg1 = NULL;
+ if(argArrayLength==3) arg1 = argArray[2];
+ return printAllKeysOfTable(fp,argArray[1],arg1);
+int handleMove(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int from;
+ int to;
+ char * test;
+ from = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ to = strtol(argArray[2],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return moveSongInPlaylist(fp,from,to);
+int handleSwap(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int song1;
+ int song2;
+ char * test;
+ song1 = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ song2 = strtol(argArray[2],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return swapSongsInPlaylist(fp,song1,song2);
+int handleSeek(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int song;
+ int time;
+ char * test;
+ song = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ time = strtol(argArray[2],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return seekSongInPlaylist(fp,song,time);
+int handleListAllInfo(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ char * directory = NULL;
+ if(argArrayLength==2) directory = argArray[1];
+ return printInfoForAllIn(fp,directory);
+int handlePing(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ return 0;
+int handlePassword(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ if(getPermissionFromPassword(argArray[1],permission)<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s incorrect password\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int handleCrossfade(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ int time;
+ char * test;
+ if(argArrayLength==1) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"crossfade: %i\n",(int)(getPlayerCrossFade()));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ time = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || time<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not a integer >= 0\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ setPlayerCrossFade(time);
+ return 0;
+void initCommands() {
+ commandList = makeList(free);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PLAY ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 1,handlePlay);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_STOP ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handleStop);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PAUSE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handlePause);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_STATUS ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 0,commandStatus);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_KILL ,PERMISSION_ADMIN, -1,-1,handleKill);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_CLOSE ,0, -1,-1,handleClose);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_ADD ,PERMISSION_ADD, 0, 1,handleAdd);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_DELETE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleDelete);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PLAYLIST ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 0,handlePlaylist);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SHUFFLE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handleShuffle);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_CLEAR ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handleClear);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SAVE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleSave);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_LOAD ,PERMISSION_ADD, 1, 1,handleLoad);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_LSINFO ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 1,handleLsInfo);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_RM ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleRm);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PLAYLISTINFO,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 1,handlePlaylistInfo);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_FIND ,PERMISSION_READ, 2, 2,handleFind);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SEARCH ,PERMISSION_READ, 2, 2,handleSearch);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_UPDATE ,PERMISSION_ADMIN, 0, 0,handleUpdate);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_NEXT ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handleNext);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PREVIOUS ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handlePrevious);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_LISTALL ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 1,handleListAll);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_VOLUME ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleVolume);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_REPEAT ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleRepeat);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_RANDOM ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleRandom);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_STATS ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 0,handleStats);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_CLEAR_ERROR ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 0,handleClearError);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_LIST ,PERMISSION_READ, 1, 2,handleList);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_MOVE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 2, 2,handleMove);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SWAP ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 2, 2,handleSwap);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SEEK ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 2, 2,handleSeek);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_LISTALLINFO ,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 1,handleListAllInfo);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PING ,0, 0, 0,handlePing);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_SETVOL ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 1, 1,handleSetVol);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_PASSWORD ,0, 1, 1,handlePassword);
+ addCommand(COMMAND_CROSSFADE ,PERMISSION_CONTROL, 0, 1,handleCrossfade);
+ sortList(commandList);
+void finishCommands() {
+ freeList(commandList);
+int checkArgcAndPermission(CommandEntry * cmd, FILE *fp,
+ unsigned int permission, int argc, char** argArray)
+ int min = cmd->min + 1;
+ int max = cmd->max + 1;
+ if (cmd->reqPermission != (permission & cmd->reqPermission)) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s You don't have permission for \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,cmd->cmd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (min == 0) return 0;
+ if (min == max && max != argc) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s Wrong number of arguments for \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,argArray[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (argc < min) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s too few arguments for \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,argArray[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if (argc > max && max /* != 0 */) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s too many arguments for \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,argArray[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+int processCommand(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray)
+ CommandEntry * cmd;
+ if(argArrayLength == 0) return 0;
+ if(!findInList(commandList, argArray[0],(void *)&cmd)) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s Unknown command \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,
+ argArray[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(checkArgcAndPermission(cmd, fp, *permission, argArrayLength,
+ argArray) < 0)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return cmd->handler(fp, permission, argArrayLength, argArray);
diff --git a/src/command.h b/src/command.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36a4600a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/command.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef COMMAND_H
+#define COMMAND_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+int processCommand(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
+ char ** argArray);
+void initCommands();
+void finishCommands();
diff --git a/src/conf.c b/src/conf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..656771cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "buffer2array.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "volume.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define CONF_COMMENT '#'
+#define CONF_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT "default"
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+char * conf_params[CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS];
+void initConf() {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS;i++) conf_params[i] = NULL;
+ /* we don't specify these on the command line */
+ conf_params[CONF_AO_DRIVER] = strdup(CONF_AO_DRIVER_DEFAULT);
+ conf_params[CONF_USER] = strdup(CONF_USER_DEFAULT);
+ conf_params[CONF_LOG_LEVEL] = strdup(CONF_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
+char ** readConf(char * file) {
+ char * conf_strings[CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS] = {
+ "port",
+ "music_directory",
+ "playlist_directory",
+ "log_file",
+ "error_file",
+ "connection_timeout",
+ "mixer_device",
+ "max_connections",
+ "max_playlist_length",
+ "buffer_before_play",
+ "max_command_list_size",
+ "max_output_buffer_size",
+ "ao_driver",
+ "ao_driver_options",
+ "save_absolute_paths_in_playlists",
+ "bind_to_address",
+ "mixer_type",
+ "state_file",
+ "user",
+ "db_file",
+ "log_level",
+ "mixer_control",
+ "audio_write_size",
+ "filesystem_charset",
+ "password",
+ "default_permissions",
+ "buffer_size"
+ };
+ int conf_absolutePaths[CONF_NUMBER_OF_PATHS] = {
+ };
+ int conf_required[CONF_NUMBER_OF_REQUIRED] = {
+ };
+ short conf_allowCat[CONF_NUMBER_OF_ALLOW_CATS] = {
+ };
+ FILE * fp;
+ char string[MAX_STRING_SIZE+1];
+ char ** array;
+ int i;
+ int numberOfArgs;
+ short allowCat[CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS];
+ for(i=0;i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS;i++) allowCat[i] = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_ALLOW_CATS;i++) allowCat[conf_allowCat[i]] = 1;
+ if(!(fp=fopen(file,"r"))) {
+ ERROR("problems opening file %s for reading\n",file);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ while(myFgets(string,sizeof(string),fp)) {
+ if(string[0]==CONF_COMMENT) continue;
+ numberOfArgs = buffer2array(string,&array);
+ if(numberOfArgs==0) continue;
+ if(2!=numberOfArgs) {
+ ERROR("need two args in conf at: %s\n",string);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while(i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_PARAMS && 0!=strcmp(conf_strings[i],array[0])) i++;
+ ERROR("unrecognized line in conf: %s\n",string);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(conf_params[i]!=NULL) {
+ if(allowCat[i]) {
+ conf_params[i] = realloc(conf_params[i],
+ strlen(conf_params[i])+
+ strlen(CONF_CAT_CHAR)+
+ strlen(array[1])+1);
+ strcat(conf_params[i],CONF_CAT_CHAR);
+ strcat(conf_params[i],array[1]);
+ }
+ else {
+ free(conf_params[i]);
+ conf_params[i] = strdup(array[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ else conf_params[i] = strdup(array[1]);
+ free(array[0]);
+ free(array[1]);
+ free(array);
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ for(i=0;i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_REQUIRED;i++) {
+ if(conf_params[conf_required[i]] == NULL) {
+ ERROR("%s is unassigned in conf file\n",
+ conf_strings[conf_required[i]]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<CONF_NUMBER_OF_PATHS;i++) {
+ if(conf_params[conf_absolutePaths[i]] &&
+ conf_params[conf_absolutePaths[i]][0]!='/') {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not an absolute path\n",
+ conf_params[conf_absolutePaths[i]]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ return conf_params;
+char ** getConf() {
+ return conf_params;
diff --git a/src/conf.h b/src/conf.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8afca42eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef CONF_H
+#define CONF_H
+#define CONF_PORT 0
+#define CONF_LOG_FILE 3
+#define CONF_ERROR_FILE 4
+#define CONF_AO_DRIVER 12
+#define CONF_MIXER_TYPE 16
+#define CONF_STATE_FILE 17
+#define CONF_USER 18
+#define CONF_DB_FILE 19
+#define CONF_LOG_LEVEL 20
+#define CONF_FS_CHARSET 23
+#define CONF_PASSWORD 24
+#define CONF_BUFFER_SIZE 26
+#define CONF_CAT_CHAR "\n"
+/* do not free the return value, it is a static variable */
+char ** readConf(char * file);
+char ** getConf();
+void initConf();
+void writeConf(char * file);
diff --git a/src/decode.c b/src/decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f8b0da68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "decode.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+#include "mp3_decode.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+#include "ogg_decode.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+#include "flac_decode.h"
+#include "audiofile_decode.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define FADE_CHUNKS 1024
+int decode_pid = 0;
+void decodeSigHandler(int sig) {
+ if(sig==SIGCHLD) {
+ int status;
+ if(decode_pid==wait3(&status,WNOHANG,NULL)) {
+ if(WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status)!=SIGTERM) {
+ ERROR("decode process died from a "
+ "non-TERM signal: %i\n",
+ WTERMSIG(status));
+ }
+ decode_pid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(sig==SIGTERM) {
+ int pid = decode_pid;
+ if(pid>0) kill(pid,SIGTERM);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+void stopDecode(DecoderControl * dc) {
+ if(decode_pid>0 && (dc->start || dc->state==DECODE_STATE_DECODE)) {
+ dc->stop = 1;
+ while(decode_pid>0 && dc->stop) usleep(10);
+ }
+void quitDecode(PlayerControl * pc, DecoderControl * dc) {
+ stopDecode(dc);
+ pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP;
+ pc->play = 0;
+ pc->stop = 0;
+ pc->pause = 0;
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1);
+int calculateCrossFadeChunks(PlayerControl * pc, AudioFormat * af) {
+ int chunks;
+ if(pc->crossFade<=0) return 0;
+ chunks = (af->sampleRate*af->bits*af->channels/8.0/CHUNK_SIZE);
+ chunks = (chunks*pc->crossFade+0.5);
+ if(chunks>BUFFERED_CHUNKS-buffered_before_play) {
+ chunks = BUFFERED_CHUNKS-buffered_before_play;
+ }
+ return chunks;
+int waitOnDecode(PlayerControl * pc, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc,
+ Buffer * cb)
+ while(decode_pid>0 && dc->start) usleep(10);
+ if(dc->start || dc->error!=DECODE_ERROR_NOERROR) {
+ strcpy(pc->erroredFile,pc->file);
+ pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_FILE;
+ quitDecode(pc,dc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(initAudio(af)<0) {
+ strcpy(pc->erroredFile,pc->file);
+ pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_AUDIO;
+ quitDecode(pc,dc);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pc->elapsedTime = 0;
+ pc->bitRate = 0;
+ pc->totalTime = cb->totalTime;
+ return 0;
+void decodeSeek(PlayerControl * pc, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc,
+ Buffer * cb)
+ if(decode_pid>0) {
+ cb->next = -1;
+ if(dc->state!=DECODE_STATE_DECODE || dc->error ||
+ strcmp(dc->file,pc->file)!=0)
+ {
+ stopDecode(dc);
+ cb->end = 0;
+ dc->error = 0;
+ dc->start = 1;
+ dc->error = 0;
+ waitOnDecode(pc,af,dc,cb);
+ }
+ if(decode_pid>0 && dc->state==DECODE_STATE_DECODE) {
+ dc->seekWhere = pc->seekWhere > pc->totalTime-1 ?
+ pc->totalTime-1 : pc->seekWhere;
+ dc->seekWhere = 1 > dc->seekWhere ? 1 : dc->seekWhere;
+ cb->begin = 0;
+ dc->seek = 1;
+ pc->elapsedTime = dc->seekWhere;
+ pc->bitRate = 0;
+ while(decode_pid>0 && dc->seek) usleep(10);
+ }
+ }
+ pc->seek = 0;
+#define processDecodeInput() \
+ if(pc->lockQueue) { \
+ pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED; \
+ pc->lockQueue = 0; \
+ } \
+ if(pc->unlockQueue) { \
+ pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED; \
+ pc->unlockQueue = 0; \
+ } \
+ if(pc->pause) { \
+ pause = !pause; \
+ if(pause) pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PAUSE; \
+ else pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PLAY; \
+ pc->pause = 0; \
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1); \
+ } \
+ if(pc->seek) { \
+ pc->totalPlayTime+= pc->elapsedTime-pc->beginTime; \
+ decodeSeek(pc,af,dc,cb); \
+ pc->beginTime = pc->elapsedTime; \
+ doCrossFade = 0; \
+ nextChunk = -1; \
+ bbp = 0; \
+ } \
+ if(pc->stop) { \
+ pc->totalPlayTime+= pc->elapsedTime-pc->beginTime; \
+ quitDecode(pc,dc); \
+ return; \
+ }
+int decoderInit(PlayerControl * pc, Buffer * cb, AudioFormat *af,
+ DecoderControl * dc) {
+ decode_pid = fork();
+ if(decode_pid==0) {
+ /* CHILD */
+ while(1) {
+ if(dc->start) {
+ strcpy(dc->file,pc->file);
+ switch(pc->decodeType) {
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ dc->error = mp3_decode(cb,af,dc);
+ break;
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ dc->error = ogg_decode(cb,af,dc);
+ break;
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ dc->error = flac_decode(cb,af,dc);
+ break;
+ dc->error = audiofile_decode(cb,af,dc);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if(dc->error!=DECODE_ERROR_NOERROR) {
+ dc->start = 0;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dc->stop) {
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ }
+ else if(dc->seek) dc->start = 1;
+ else usleep(1000);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ /* END OF CHILD */
+ }
+ else if(decode_pid<0) {
+ strcpy(pc->erroredFile,pc->file);
+ pc->error = PLAYER_ERROR_SYSTEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* decode w/ buffering
+ * this will fork another process
+ * child process does decoding
+ * parent process does playing audio
+ */
+void decode() {
+ Buffer * cb;
+ PlayerControl * pc;
+ AudioFormat * af;
+ DecoderControl * dc;
+ cb = &(getPlayerData()->buffer);
+ cb->begin = 0;
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ dc = &(getPlayerData()->decoderControl);
+ af = &(getPlayerData()->audioFormat);
+ dc->error = 0;
+ dc->start = 1;
+ cb->next = -1;
+ if(decode_pid<=0) {
+ if(decoderInit(pc,cb,af,dc)<0) return;
+ }
+ {
+ /* PARENT */
+ char silence[CHUNK_SIZE];
+ int pause = 0;
+ int quit = 0;
+ int bbp = buffered_before_play;
+ int doCrossFade = 0;
+ int crossFadeChunks = 0;
+ int fadePosition;
+ int nextChunk = -1;
+ int test;
+ memset(silence,0,CHUNK_SIZE);
+ if(waitOnDecode(pc,af,dc,cb)<0) return;
+ pc->state = PLAYER_STATE_PLAY;
+ pc->play = 0;
+ pc->beginTime = pc->elapsedTime;
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1);
+ while(decode_pid>0 && !cb->wrap && cb->end-cb->begin<bbp &&
+ {
+ processDecodeInput();
+ if(quit) return;
+ usleep(100);
+ }
+ while(!quit) {
+ processDecodeInput();
+ if(dc->state==DECODE_STATE_STOP &&
+ pc->queueState==PLAYER_QUEUE_FULL &&
+ pc->queueLockState==PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED)
+ {
+ cb->next = cb->end;
+ dc->start = 1;
+ pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_DECODE;
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1);
+ }
+ if(cb->next>=0 && doCrossFade==0 && !dc->start) {
+ nextChunk = -1;
+ if(isCurrentAudioFormat(af)) {
+ doCrossFade = 1;
+ crossFadeChunks =
+ calculateCrossFadeChunks(pc,af);
+ if(!crossFadeChunks ||
+ pc->crossFade>=cb->totalTime)
+ {
+ doCrossFade = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else doCrossFade = -1;
+ }
+ if(pause) playAudio(silence,CHUNK_SIZE);
+ else if((cb->begin!=cb->end || cb->wrap) &&
+ cb->begin!=cb->next)
+ {
+ if(doCrossFade==1 && cb->next>=0 &&
+ ((cb->next>cb->begin &&
+ (fadePosition=cb->next-cb->begin)
+ <=crossFadeChunks) ||
+ (cb->begin>cb->next &&
+ (fadePosition=cb->next-cb->begin+
+ BUFFERED_CHUNKS)<=crossFadeChunks)))
+ {
+ if(nextChunk==-1) {
+ crossFadeChunks = fadePosition;
+ }
+ nextChunk = cb->begin+crossFadeChunks;
+ test = cb->end;
+ if(cb->wrap) test+=BUFFERED_CHUNKS;
+ if(nextChunk<test) {
+ if(nextChunk>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS)
+ {
+ nextChunk-=
+ }
+ pcm_mix(cb->chunks+cb->begin*
+ cb->chunks+nextChunk*
+ cb->chunkSize[
+ cb->begin],
+ cb->chunkSize[
+ nextChunk],
+ af,
+ ((float)fadePosition)/
+ crossFadeChunks);
+ if(cb->chunkSize[nextChunk]>
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]
+ )
+ {
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]
+ = cb->chunkSize
+ [nextChunk];
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(dc->state==DECODE_STATE_STOP)
+ {
+ doCrossFade = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ usleep(10);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pc->elapsedTime = cb->times[cb->begin];
+ pc->bitRate = cb->bitRate[cb->begin];
+ pcm_volumeChange(cb->chunks+cb->begin*
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->begin],
+ af,
+ pc->softwareVolume);
+ playAudio(cb->chunks+cb->begin*CHUNK_SIZE,
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->begin]);
+ cb->begin++;
+ if(cb->begin>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ cb->begin = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(cb->next==cb->begin) {
+ pc->totalPlayTime+= pc->elapsedTime-
+ pc->beginTime;
+ if(doCrossFade==1 && nextChunk>=0) {
+ nextChunk = cb->begin+crossFadeChunks;
+ test = cb->end;
+ if(cb->wrap) test+=BUFFERED_CHUNKS;
+ if(nextChunk<test) {
+ if(nextChunk>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS)
+ {
+ nextChunk-=
+ }
+ cb->begin = nextChunk;
+ }
+ }
+ while(pc->queueState==PLAYER_QUEUE_DECODE ||
+ pc->queueLockState==PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED)
+ {
+ processDecodeInput();
+ if(quit) {
+ quitDecode(pc,dc);
+ return;
+ }
+ usleep(10);
+ }
+ if(pc->queueState!=PLAYER_QUEUE_PLAY) {
+ quit = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ cb->next = -1;
+ if(waitOnDecode(pc,af,dc,cb)<0) return;
+ nextChunk = -1;
+ doCrossFade = 0;
+ crossFadeChunks = 0;
+ pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_EMPTY;
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1);
+ }
+ pc->beginTime = cb->times[cb->begin];
+ }
+ else if(decode_pid<=0 ||
+ (dc->state==DECODE_STATE_STOP && !dc->start))
+ {
+ quit = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ else usleep(10);
+ }
+ pc->totalPlayTime+= pc->elapsedTime-pc->beginTime; \
+ quitDecode(pc,dc);
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/src/decode.h b/src/decode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a73fe21a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/decode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef DECODE_H
+#define DECODE_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#define DECODE_TYPE_MP3 0
+#define DECODE_TYPE_OGG 1
+typedef struct _DecoderControl {
+ int state;
+ int stop;
+ int start;
+ int error;
+ int seek;
+ double seekWhere;
+ char file[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+} DecoderControl;
+void decodeSigHandler(int sig);
+void decode();
diff --git a/src/directory.c b/src/directory.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c933a9f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/directory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "stats.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#define DIRECTORY_DIR "directory: "
+#define DIRECTORY_MTIME "mtime: "
+#define DIRECTORY_BEGIN "begin: "
+#define DIRECTORY_END "end: "
+#define DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN "info_begin"
+#define DIRECTORY_INFO_END "info_end"
+#define DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION "mpd_version: "
+#define DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET "fs_charset: "
+typedef List DirectoryList;
+typedef struct _Directory {
+ char * utf8name;
+ DirectoryList * subDirectories;
+ struct _Directory * parentDirectory;
+ SongList * songs;
+ time_t mtime; /* modification time */
+} Directory;
+Directory * mp3rootDirectory;
+char directorydb[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+DirectoryList * newDirectoryList();
+int addToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name);
+void freeDirectoryList(DirectoryList * list);
+void freeDirectory(Directory * directory);
+int exploreDirectory(Directory * directory);
+int updateDirectory(Directory * directory);
+int addSubDirectoryToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name);
+Directory * newDirectory(Directory * parentDirectory, char * dirname, time_t mtime) {
+ Directory * directory;
+ directory = malloc(sizeof(Directory));
+ if(dirname!=NULL) directory->utf8name = strdup(dirname);
+ else directory->utf8name = NULL;
+ directory->parentDirectory = parentDirectory;
+ directory->subDirectories = newDirectoryList();
+ directory->songs = newSongList();
+ if(mtime<0) directory->mtime = isDir(dirname);
+ else directory->mtime = mtime;
+ return directory;
+void freeDirectory(Directory * directory) {
+ freeDirectoryList(directory->subDirectories);
+ removeSongsFromTables(directory->songs);
+ deleteSongsFromPlaylist(directory->songs);
+ freeSongList(directory->songs);
+ if(directory->utf8name) free(directory->utf8name);
+ free(directory);
+DirectoryList * newDirectoryList() {
+ return makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *)freeDirectory);
+void freeDirectoryList(DirectoryList * directoryList) {
+ freeList(directoryList);
+void removeSongFromDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname) {
+ void * song;
+ if(findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) {
+ removeASongFromTables((Song *)song);
+ deleteASongFromPlaylist((Song *)song);
+ deleteFromList(directory->songs,shortname);
+ }
+int updateInDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name) {
+ time_t mtime;
+ void * song;
+ void * subDir;
+ if((mtime = isMusic(name))) {
+ if(0==findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) {
+ LOG("adding %s\n",name);
+ addToDirectory(directory,shortname,name);
+ }
+ else if(mtime>((Song *)song)->mtime) {
+ LOG("updating %s\n",name);
+ updateSongInfo((Song *)song);
+ }
+ }
+ else if((mtime = isDir(name))) {
+ if(findInList(directory->subDirectories,shortname,(void **)&subDir)) {
+ updateDirectory((Directory *)subDir);
+ }
+ else addSubDirectoryToDirectory(directory,shortname,name);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int removeDeletedFromDirectory(Directory * directory) {
+ DIR * dir;
+ char cwd[2];
+ struct dirent * ent;
+ char * dirname = directory->utf8name;
+ List * entList = makeList(free);
+ void * name;
+ char * s;
+ char * utf8;
+ ListNode * node;
+ ListNode * tmpNode;
+ cwd[0] = '.';
+ cwd[1] = '\0';
+ if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd;
+ if((dir = opendir(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(dirname))))==NULL) return -1;
+ while((ent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */
+ utf8 = strdup(fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name));
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ s = malloc(strlen(directory->utf8name)+strlen(utf8)+2);
+ sprintf(s,"%s/%s",directory->utf8name,utf8);
+ }
+ else s= strdup(utf8);
+ insertInList(entList,fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name),s);
+ free(utf8);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode;
+ while(node) {
+ tmpNode = node->nextNode;
+ if(findInList(entList,node->key,&name)) {
+ if(!isDir((char *)name)) {
+ deleteFromList(directory->subDirectories,node->key);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ deleteFromList(directory->subDirectories,node->key);
+ }
+ node = tmpNode;
+ }
+ node = directory->songs->firstNode;
+ while(node) {
+ tmpNode = node->nextNode;
+ if(findInList(entList,node->key,(void **)&name)) {
+ if(!isMusic(name)) {
+ removeSongFromDirectory(directory,node->key);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ removeSongFromDirectory(directory,node->key);
+ }
+ node = tmpNode;
+ }
+ freeList(entList);
+ return 0;
+int updateDirectory(Directory * directory) {
+ DIR * dir;
+ char cwd[2];
+ struct dirent * ent;
+ char * s;
+ char * utf8;
+ char * dirname = directory->utf8name;
+ cwd[0] = '.';
+ cwd[1] = '\0';
+ if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd;
+ removeDeletedFromDirectory(directory);
+ if((dir = opendir(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(dirname))))==NULL) return -1;
+ while((ent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */
+ utf8 = strdup(fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name));
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ s = malloc(strlen(directory->utf8name)+strlen(utf8)+2);
+ sprintf(s,"%s/%s",directory->utf8name,utf8);
+ }
+ else s = strdup(utf8);
+ updateInDirectory(directory,utf8,s);
+ free(utf8);
+ free(s);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if(directory->utf8name) directory->mtime = isDir(directory->utf8name);
+ return 0;
+int exploreDirectory(Directory * directory) {
+ DIR * dir;
+ char cwd[2];
+ struct dirent * ent;
+ char * s;
+ char * utf8;
+ char * dirname = directory->utf8name;
+ cwd[0] = '.';
+ cwd[1] = '\0';
+ if(dirname==NULL) dirname=cwd;
+ DEBUG("explore: attempting to opendir: %s\n",dirname);
+ if((dir = opendir(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(dirname))))==NULL) return -1;
+ LOG("explore: %s\n",dirname);
+ while((ent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if(ent->d_name[0]=='.') continue; /* hide hidden stuff */
+ utf8 = strdup(fsCharsetToUtf8(ent->d_name));
+ DEBUG("explore: found: %s (%s)\n",ent->d_name,utf8);
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ s = malloc(strlen(directory->utf8name)+strlen(utf8)+2);
+ sprintf(s,"%s/%s",directory->utf8name,utf8);
+ }
+ else s = strdup(utf8);
+ addToDirectory(directory,utf8,s);
+ free(utf8);
+ free(s);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ return 0;
+int addSubDirectoryToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname,
+ char * name)
+ Directory * subDirectory = newDirectory(directory,name,-1);
+ insertInList(directory->subDirectories,shortname,subDirectory);
+ exploreDirectory(subDirectory);
+ return 0;
+int addToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name) {
+ if(isDir(name)) {
+ return addSubDirectoryToDirectory(directory,shortname,name);
+ }
+ else if(isMusic(name)) {
+ Song * song;
+ song = addSongToList(directory->songs,shortname,name);
+ if(!song) return -1;
+ addSongToTables(song);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DEBUG("addToDirectory: %s is not a directory or music\n",name);
+ return -1;
+void closeMp3Directory() {
+ freeDirectory(mp3rootDirectory);
+Directory * findSubDirectory(Directory * directory,char * name) {
+ void * subDirectory;
+ char * dup = strdup(name);
+ char * key;
+ key = strtok(dup,"/");
+ if(!key) {
+ free(dup);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(findInList(directory->subDirectories,key,&subDirectory)) {
+ free(dup);
+ return (Directory *)subDirectory;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return NULL;
+Directory * getSubDirectory(Directory * directory,char * name) {
+ Directory * subDirectory;
+ int len;
+ if(name==NULL || name[0]=='\0' || strcmp(name,"/")==0) {
+ return directory;
+ }
+ if((subDirectory = findSubDirectory(directory,name))==NULL) return NULL;
+ len = 0;
+ while(name[len]!='/' && name[len]!='\0') len++;
+ while(name[len]=='/') len++;
+ return getSubDirectory(subDirectory,&(name[len]));
+Directory * getDirectory(char * name) {
+ return getSubDirectory(mp3rootDirectory,name);
+int printDirectoryList(FILE * fp, DirectoryList * directoryList) {
+ ListNode * node = directoryList->firstNode;
+ Directory * directory;
+ while(node!=NULL) {
+ directory = (Directory *)node->data;
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_DIR,directory->utf8name);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int printDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp, char * name) {
+ Directory * directory;
+ if((directory = getDirectory(name))==NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: directory not found\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ printDirectoryList(fp,directory->subDirectories);
+ printSongInfoFromList(fp,directory->songs);
+ return 0;
+void writeDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp, Directory * directory) {
+ ListNode * node = (directory->subDirectories)->firstNode;
+ Directory * subDirectory;
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_BEGIN,directory->utf8name);
+ }
+ while(node!=NULL) {
+ subDirectory = (Directory *)node->data;
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_DIR,node->key);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%li\n",DIRECTORY_MTIME,(long)subDirectory->mtime);
+ writeDirectoryInfo(fp,subDirectory);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ writeSongInfoFromList(fp,directory->songs);
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_END,directory->utf8name);
+ }
+void readDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp,Directory * directory) {
+ char buffer[MAXPATHLEN*2];
+ int bufferSize = MAXPATHLEN*2;
+ char * key;
+ Directory * subDirectory;
+ char * name;
+ time_t mtime;
+ while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) && 0!=strncmp(DIRECTORY_END,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_END))) {
+ if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_DIR,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_DIR))) {
+ key = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(DIRECTORY_DIR)]));
+ if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) {
+ ERROR("Error reading db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(strncmp(DIRECTORY_MTIME,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_MTIME))) {
+ ERROR("Error reading db\n");
+ ERROR("%s\n",buffer);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ mtime = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(DIRECTORY_BEGIN)]));
+ if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) {
+ ERROR("Error reading db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(strncmp(DIRECTORY_BEGIN,buffer,strlen(DIRECTORY_BEGIN))) {
+ ERROR("Error reading db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ name = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(DIRECTORY_BEGIN)]));
+ subDirectory = newDirectory(directory,name,mtime);
+ insertInList(directory->subDirectories,key,(void *)subDirectory);
+ free(key);
+ free(name);
+ readDirectoryInfo(fp,subDirectory);
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_BEGIN,buffer,strlen(SONG_BEGIN))) {
+ readSongInfoIntoList(fp,directory->songs);
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("Unknown line in db: %s\n",buffer);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+void sortDirectory(Directory * directory) {
+ ListNode * node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode;
+ Directory * subDir;
+ sortList(directory->subDirectories);
+ sortList(directory->songs);
+ while(node!=NULL) {
+ subDir = (Directory *)node->data;
+ sortDirectory(subDir);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+int writeDirectoryDB() {
+ FILE * fp;
+ sortDirectory(mp3rootDirectory);
+ stats.numberOfSongs = countSongsIn(stderr,NULL);
+ while(!(fp=fopen(directorydb,"w")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(!fp) return -1;
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION,VERSION);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET,getFsCharset());
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",DIRECTORY_INFO_END);
+ writeDirectoryInfo(fp,mp3rootDirectory);
+ while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR);
+ return 0;
+int readDirectoryDB() {
+ FILE * fp;
+ mp3rootDirectory = newDirectory(NULL,NULL,0);
+ while(!(fp=fopen(directorydb,"r")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(!fp) return -1;
+ /* get initial info */
+ {
+ char buffer[100];
+ int bufferSize = 100;
+ int foundFsCharset = 0;
+ int foundVersion = 0;
+ if(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp)<0) {
+ ERROR("Error reading db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(0==strcmp(DIRECTORY_INFO_BEGIN,buffer)) {
+ while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) &&
+ 0!=strcmp(DIRECTORY_INFO_END,buffer))
+ {
+ if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_MPD_VERSION,buffer,
+ {
+ if(foundVersion) {
+ ERROR("already found "
+ "version in db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ foundVersion = 1;
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(DIRECTORY_FS_CHARSET,buffer,
+ {
+ char * fsCharset;
+ if(foundFsCharset) {
+ ERROR("already found "
+ "fs charset in db\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ foundFsCharset = 1;
+ fsCharset = &(buffer[strlen(
+ if(getConf()[CONF_FS_CHARSET] &&
+ strcmp(fsCharset,
+ getFsCharset()))
+ {
+ ERROR("Using \"%s\" for the "
+ "filesystem charset "
+ "instead of \"%s\"\n",
+ fsCharset,
+ getFsCharset());
+ ERROR("maybe you need to "
+ "recreate the db?\n");
+ setFsCharset(fsCharset);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("unknown line in db info: %s\n",
+ buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("db info not found in db file\n");
+ ERROR("you should recreate the db using --create-db\n");
+ fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);
+ }
+ }
+ readDirectoryInfo(fp,mp3rootDirectory);
+ while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR);
+ stats.numberOfSongs = countSongsIn(stderr,NULL);
+ return 0;
+int updateMp3Directory(FILE * fp) {
+ if(updateDirectory(mp3rootDirectory)<0) {
+ ERROR("problems updating music db\n");
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems updating music db\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(writeDirectoryDB()<0) {
+ ERROR("problems writing music db file, \"%s\"\n",directorydb);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems writing music db\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int traverseAllInSubDirectory(FILE * fp, Directory * directory,
+ int (*forEachSong)(FILE *, Song *, void *),
+ int (*forEachDir)(FILE *, Directory *, void *),
+ void * data)
+ ListNode * node = directory->songs->firstNode;
+ Song * song;
+ Directory * dir;
+ int errFlag = 0;
+ if(forEachDir) {
+ errFlag = forEachDir(fp,directory,data);
+ if(errFlag) return errFlag;
+ }
+ if(forEachSong) {
+ while(node!=NULL && !errFlag) {
+ song = (Song *)node->data;
+ errFlag = forEachSong(fp,song,data);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ if(errFlag) return errFlag;
+ }
+ node = directory->subDirectories->firstNode;
+ while(node!=NULL && !errFlag) {
+ dir = (Directory *)node->data;
+ errFlag = traverseAllInSubDirectory(fp,dir,forEachSong,
+ forEachDir,data);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ return errFlag;
+int traverseAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name,
+ int (*forEachSong)(FILE *, Song *, void *),
+ int (*forEachDir)(FILE *, Directory *, void *),
+ void * data) {
+ Directory * directory;
+ if((directory = getDirectory(name))==NULL) {
+ Song * song;
+ if((song = getSong(name)) && forEachSong) {
+ return forEachSong(fp, song, data);
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s: directory or file not found\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return traverseAllInSubDirectory(fp,directory,forEachSong,forEachDir,
+ data);
+int countSongsInDirectory(FILE * fp, Directory * directory, void * data) {
+ int * count = (int *)data;
+ *count+=directory->songs->numberOfNodes;
+ return 0;
+int printDirectoryInDirectory(FILE * fp, Directory * directory, void * data) {
+ if(directory->utf8name) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"directory: %s\n",directory->utf8name);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int printSongInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * data) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"file: %s\n",song->utf8file);
+ return 0;
+int searchForAlbumInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ if(song->tag && song->tag->album) {
+ char * dup = strDupToUpper(song->tag->album);
+ if(strstr(dup,(char *)string)) printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int searchForArtistInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ if(song->tag && song->tag->artist) {
+ char * dup = strDupToUpper(song->tag->artist);
+ if(strstr(dup,(char *)string)) printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int searchForTitleInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ if(song->tag && song->tag->title) {
+ char * dup = strDupToUpper(song->tag->title);
+ if(strstr(dup,(char *)string)) printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int searchForFilenameInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ char * dup = strDupToUpper(song->utf8file);
+ if(strstr(dup,(char *)string)) printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ free(dup);
+ return 0;
+int searchForSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name, char * item, char * string) {
+ char * dup = strDupToUpper(string);
+ int ret = -1;
+ if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_ALBUM)==0) {
+ ret = traverseAllIn(fp,name,searchForAlbumInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)dup);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_ARTIST)==0) {
+ ret = traverseAllIn(fp,name,searchForArtistInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)dup);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_TITLE)==0) {
+ ret = traverseAllIn(fp,name,searchForTitleInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)dup);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_FILENAME)==0) {
+ ret = traverseAllIn(fp,name,searchForFilenameInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)dup);
+ }
+ else myfprintf(fp,"%s unknown table\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ free(dup);
+ return ret;
+int findAlbumInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ if(song->tag && song->tag->album &&
+ strcmp((char *)string,song->tag->album)==0)
+ {
+ printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int findArtistInDirectory(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * string) {
+ if(song->tag && song->tag->artist &&
+ strcmp((char *)string,song->tag->artist)==0)
+ {
+ printSongInfo(fp,song);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int findSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name, char * item, char * string) {
+ if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_ALBUM)==0) {
+ return traverseAllIn(fp,name,findAlbumInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)string);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(item,DIRECTORY_SEARCH_ARTIST)==0) {
+ return traverseAllIn(fp,name,findArtistInDirectory,NULL,
+ (void *)string);
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s unknown table\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+int printAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name) {
+ return traverseAllIn(fp,name,printSongInDirectory,
+ printDirectoryInDirectory,NULL);
+int directoryAddSongToPlaylist(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * data) {
+ return addSongToPlaylist(fp,song);
+int addAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name) {
+ return traverseAllIn(fp,name,directoryAddSongToPlaylist,NULL,NULL);
+int directoryPrintSongInfo(FILE * fp, Song * song, void * data) {
+ return printSongInfo(fp,song);
+int printInfoForAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name) {
+ return traverseAllIn(fp,name,directoryPrintSongInfo,NULL,NULL);
+int countSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name) {
+ int count = 0;
+ void * ptr = (void *)&count;
+ traverseAllIn(fp,name,NULL,countSongsInDirectory,ptr);
+ return count;
+void initMp3Directory() {
+ mp3rootDirectory = newDirectory(NULL,NULL,0);
+ exploreDirectory(mp3rootDirectory);
+Song * getSong(char * file) {
+ void * song;
+ Directory * directory;
+ char * dir = NULL;
+ char * dup = strdup(file);
+ char * shortname = dup;
+ char * c = strtok(dup,"/");
+ DEBUG("get song: %s\n",file);
+ while(c) {
+ shortname = c;
+ c = strtok(NULL,"/");
+ }
+ if(shortname!=dup) {
+ for(c = dup; c < shortname-1; c++) {
+ if(*c=='\0') *c = '/';
+ }
+ dir = dup;
+ }
+ if(!(directory = getSubDirectory(mp3rootDirectory,dir))) {
+ free(dup);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if(!findInList(directory->songs,shortname,&song)) {
+ free(dup);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return (Song *)song;
+time_t getDbModTime() {
+ time_t mtime = 0;
+ struct stat st;
+ if(stat(directorydb,&st)==0) mtime = st.st_mtime;
+ return mtime;
diff --git a/src/directory.h b/src/directory.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..925bb5e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/directory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef DIRECTORY_H
+#define DIRECTORY_H
+#include "song.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+extern char directorydb[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+void initMp3Directory();
+void closeMp3Directory();
+int printDirectoryInfo(FILE * fp, char * dirname);
+int writeDirectoryDB();
+int readDirectoryDB();
+int updateMp3Directory(FILE * fp);
+int printAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name);
+int addAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name);
+int printInfoForAllIn(FILE * fp, char * name);
+int searchForSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name, char * item, char * string);
+int findSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name, char * item, char * string);
+int countSongsIn(FILE * fp, char * name);
+Song * getSong(char * file);
+time_t getDbModTime();
diff --git a/src/flac_decode.c b/src/flac_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f7ac428f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flac_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+#include "flac_decode.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <FLAC/file_decoder.h>
+#include <FLAC/metadata.h>
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char chunk[CHUNK_SIZE];
+ int chunk_length;
+ float time;
+ Buffer * cb;
+ AudioFormat * af;
+ DecoderControl * dc;
+ char * file;
+} FlacData;
+/* this code is based on flac123, from flac-tools */
+int flacSendChunk(FlacData * data);
+void flacPlayfile(const char * file, Buffer * cb, ao_sample_format * format);
+void flacError(const FLAC__FileDecoder *, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus, void *);
+void flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__FileDecoderState state, char * file);
+void flacMetadata(const FLAC__FileDecoder *, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *, void *);
+FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus flacWrite(const FLAC__FileDecoder *, const FLAC__Frame *, const FLAC__int32 * const buf[], void *);
+void flacPlayFile(char *file, Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af,
+ DecoderControl *dc)
+ FLAC__FileDecoder * flacDec;
+ FlacData data;
+ int status = 1;
+ data.chunk_length = 0;
+ data.time = 0;
+ data.cb = cb;
+ data.af = af;
+ data.dc = dc;
+ data.file = file;
+ if(!(flacDec = FLAC__file_decoder_new())) return;
+ /*status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_md5_checking(flacDec,1);*/
+ status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_filename(flacDec,file);
+ status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_write_callback(flacDec,flacWrite);
+ status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_metadata_callback(flacDec,flacMetadata);
+ status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_error_callback(flacDec,flacError);
+ status&=FLAC__file_decoder_set_client_data(flacDec, (void *)&data);
+ if(!status) {
+ ERROR("flac problem before init(): %s\n",file);
+ flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__file_decoder_get_state(flacDec),file);
+ FLAC__file_decoder_delete(flacDec);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(FLAC__file_decoder_init(flacDec)!=
+ {
+ ERROR("flac problem doing init(): %s\n",file);
+ flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__file_decoder_get_state(flacDec),file);
+ FLAC__file_decoder_delete(flacDec);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!FLAC__file_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata(flacDec)) {
+ ERROR("flac problem reading metadata: %s\n",file);
+ flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__file_decoder_get_state(flacDec),file);
+ FLAC__file_decoder_delete(flacDec);
+ return;
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ FLAC__file_decoder_process_single(flacDec);
+ if(FLAC__file_decoder_get_state(flacDec)!=
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(dc->seek) {
+ FLAC__uint64 sampleToSeek = dc->seekWhere*
+ af->sampleRate+0.5;
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ if(FLAC__file_decoder_seek_absolute(flacDec,
+ sampleToSeek))
+ {
+ data.time = ((float)sampleToSeek)/
+ af->sampleRate;
+ }
+ dc->seek = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ FLAC__file_decoder_process_until_end_of_file(flacDec);
+ if(!dc->stop) {
+ flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__file_decoder_get_state(flacDec),
+ file);
+ FLAC__file_decoder_finish(flacDec);
+ }
+ FLAC__file_decoder_delete(flacDec);
+ /* send last little bit */
+ if(data.chunk_length>0 && !dc->stop) flacSendChunk(&data);
+void flacError(const FLAC__FileDecoder *dec, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void *fdata) {
+ FlacData * data = (FlacData *) fdata;
+ if(data->dc->stop) return;
+ switch(status) {
+ ERROR("flac lost sync: %s\n",data->file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("bad header %s\n",data->file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("crc mismatch %s\n",data->file);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERROR("unknow flac error %s\n",data->file);
+ }
+void flacPrintErroredState(FLAC__FileDecoderState state, char * file) {
+ switch(state) {
+ ERROR("error opening flac: %s\n",file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("flac allocation error\n");
+ break;
+ ERROR("flac seek error: %s\n",file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("flac seekable stream error: %s\n",file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("flac decoder already initilaized: %s\n",file);
+ break;
+ ERROR("invalid flac callback\n");
+ break;
+ ERROR("flac decoder uninitialized: %s\n",file);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+void flacMetadata(const FLAC__FileDecoder *dec, const FLAC__StreamMetadata *meta, void *data) {
+int flacSendChunk(FlacData * data) {
+ while(data->cb->begin==data->cb->end && data->cb->wrap &&
+ !data->dc->stop && !data->dc->seek)
+ {
+ usleep(1000);
+ }
+ if(data->dc->stop) return -1;
+ if(data->dc->seek) return 0;
+ pcm_changeBufferEndianness(chunk,CHUNK_SIZE,data->af->bits);
+ memcpy(data->cb->chunks+data->cb->end*CHUNK_SIZE,data->chunk,
+ data->cb->chunkSize[data->cb->end] = data->chunk_length;
+ data->cb->times[data->cb->end] = data->time;
+ data->cb->bitRate[data->cb->end] = 0;
+ data->cb->end++;
+ if(data->cb->end>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ data->cb->end = 0;
+ data->cb->wrap = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+FLAC__StreamDecoderWriteStatus flacWrite(const FLAC__FileDecoder *dec, const FLAC__Frame *frame, const FLAC__int32 * const buf[], void * vdata) {
+ FlacData * data = (FlacData *)vdata;
+ FLAC__uint32 samples = frame->header.blocksize;
+ FLAC__uint16 u16;
+ unsigned char * uc;
+ int c_samp, c_chan, d_samp;
+ int i;
+ data->time+=((float)samples)/frame->header.sample_rate;
+ for(c_samp = d_samp = 0; c_samp < frame->header.blocksize; c_samp++) {
+ for(c_chan = 0; c_chan < frame->header.channels;
+ c_chan++, d_samp++) {
+ u16 = buf[c_chan][c_samp];
+ uc = (unsigned char *)&u16;
+ for(i=0;i<(data->af->bits/8);i++) {
+ if(data->chunk_length>=CHUNK_SIZE) {
+ if(flacSendChunk(data)<0) {
+ }
+ data->chunk_length = 0;
+ if(data->dc->seek) {
+ }
+ }
+ data->chunk[data->chunk_length++] = *(uc++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int flac_getAudioFormatAndTime(char * file, AudioFormat * format, float * time) {
+ FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * it;
+ FLAC__StreamMetadata * block = NULL;
+ int found = 0;
+ int ret = -1;
+ if(!(it = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new())) return -1;
+ if(!FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init(it,file,1,0)) {
+ FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ do {
+ if(block) FLAC__metadata_object_delete(block);
+ block = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block(it);
+ if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) found=1;
+ } while(!found && FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next(it));
+ if(found) {
+ format->bits = block->data.stream_info.bits_per_sample;
+ format->bits = 16;
+ format->sampleRate = block->data.stream_info.sample_rate;
+ format->channels = block->data.stream_info.channels;
+ *time = ((float)block->data.stream_info.total_samples)/
+ format->sampleRate;
+ ret = 0;
+ }
+ if(block) FLAC__metadata_object_delete(block);
+ FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it);
+ return ret;
+int flac_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc) {
+ if(flac_getAudioFormatAndTime(dc->file,af,&(cb->totalTime))<0) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" doesn't seem to be a flac\n",dc->file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_DECODE;
+ dc->start = 0;
+ flacPlayFile(dc->file,cb,af,dc);
+ if(dc->seek) dc->seek = 0;
+ if(dc->stop) {
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ }
+ else dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/flac_decode.h b/src/flac_decode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90b28b080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flac_decode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef FLAC_DECODE_H
+#define FLAC_DECODE_H
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+int flac_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc);
diff --git a/src/interface.c b/src/interface.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66c912f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface.c
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "buffer2array.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "listen.h"
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "permission.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#define GREETING "MPD"
+#define INTERFACE_LIST_MODE_BEGIN "command_list_begin"
+#define INTERFACE_LIST_MODE_END "command_list_end"
+int interface_max_connections;
+int interface_timeout;
+unsigned long long interface_max_command_list_size;
+unsigned long long interface_max_output_buffer_size;
+typedef struct _Interface {
+ int bufferLength;
+ int fd; /* file descriptor */
+ FILE * fp; /* file pointer */
+ int open; /* open/used */
+ unsigned int permission;
+ time_t lastTime;
+ List * commandList; /* for when in list mode */
+ unsigned long long commandListSize; /* mem commandList consumes */
+ List * bufferList; /* for output if client is slow */
+ unsigned long long outputBufferSize; /* mem bufferList consumes */
+ int expired; /* set whether this interface should be closed on next
+ check of old interfaces */
+ int num; /* interface number */
+ char * outBuffer;
+ int outBuflen;
+ int outBufSize;
+} Interface;
+Interface * interfaces = NULL;
+void flushInterfaceBuffer(Interface * interface);
+void printInterfaceOutBuffer(Interface * interface);
+void openInterface(Interface * interface, int fd) {
+ int flags;
+ assert(interface->open==0);
+ blockSignals();
+ interface->bufferLength = 0;
+ interface->fd = fd;
+ /* fcntl(interface->fd,F_SETOWN,(int)getpid()); */
+ flags = fcntl(fd,F_GETFL);
+ flags|=O_NONBLOCK;
+ fcntl(interface->fd,F_SETFL,flags);
+ interface->fp = fdopen(fd,"rw");
+ interface->open = 1;
+ interface->lastTime = time(NULL);
+ interface->commandList = NULL;
+ interface->bufferList = NULL;
+ interface->expired = 0;
+ interface->outputBufferSize = 0;
+ interface->outBuflen = 0;
+ interface->permission = getDefaultPermissions();
+#ifdef SO_SNDBUF
+ {
+ int getSize;
+ int sockOptLen = sizeof(int);
+ if(getsockopt(interface->fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_SNDBUF,
+ (char *)&getSize,&sockOptLen) < 0)
+ {
+ DEBUG("problem getting sockets send buffer size\n");
+ }
+ else if(getSize<=0) {
+ DEBUG("sockets send buffer size is not positive\n");
+ }
+ else interface->outBufSize = getSize;
+ }
+ interface->outBuffer = malloc(interface->outBufSize);
+ unblockSignals();
+ myfprintf(interface->fp,"%s %s %s\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_OK,GREETING,
+ printInterfaceOutBuffer(interface);
+void closeInterface(Interface * interface) {
+ assert(interface->open);
+ interface->open = 0;
+ while(fclose(interface->fp) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(interface->commandList) freeList(interface->commandList);
+ if(interface->bufferList) freeList(interface->bufferList);
+ free(interface->outBuffer);
+ SECURE("interface %i: closed\n",interface->num);
+void openAInterface(int fd, struct sockaddr * addr) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections && interfaces[i].open;i++);
+ if(i==interface_max_connections) {
+ ERROR("Max Connections Reached!\n");
+ while(close(fd) && errno==EINTR);
+ }
+ else {
+ SECURE("interface %i: opened from ",i);
+ switch(addr->sa_family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ SECURE("%s\n",inet_ntoa(
+ ((struct sockaddr_in *)addr)->
+ sin_addr));
+ break;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ {
+ char host[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1];
+ memset(host,0,INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1);
+ SECURE("%s\n",inet_ntop(AF_INET6,(void *)
+ &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)addr)->
+ sin6_addr),host,INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));
+ }
+ break;
+ case AF_UNIX:
+ SECURE("local connection\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ SECURE("unknown\n");
+ }
+ openInterface(&(interfaces[i]),fd);
+ }
+int interfaceReadInput(Interface * interface) {
+ blockSignals();
+ if(read(interface->fd,interface->buffer+interface->bufferLength,1)>0) {
+ int ret = 1;
+ int bytesRead = 1;
+ while(bytesRead>0) {
+ interface->buffer[interface->bufferLength+1] = '\0';
+ if(interface->buffer[interface->bufferLength]!='\r') {
+ interface->bufferLength++;
+ }
+ if(interface->bufferLength>=INTERFACE_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(interface->buffer[interface->bufferLength-1]=='\n') {
+ break;
+ }
+ bytesRead = read(interface->fd,interface->buffer+
+ interface->bufferLength,1);
+ }
+ unblockSignals();
+ if(interface->bufferLength>=INTERFACE_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
+ ERROR("interface %i: buffer overflow\n",
+ interface->num);
+ closeInterface(interface);
+ }
+ else if(interface->buffer[interface->bufferLength-1]=='\n') {
+ char ** argArray;
+ int argArrayLength;
+ interface->buffer[interface->bufferLength-1] = '\0';
+ interface->bufferLength = 0;
+ argArrayLength = buffer2array(interface->buffer,&argArray);
+ if(interface->commandList) {
+ if(strcmp(argArray[0],INTERFACE_LIST_MODE_END)==0) {
+ ListNode * node = interface->commandList->firstNode;
+ ret = 0;
+ while(node!=NULL) {
+ char ** argArray;
+ int argArrayLength;
+ argArrayLength = buffer2array((char *)node->data,&argArray);
+ DEBUG("interface %i: process command \"%s\"\n",interface->num,node->data);
+ ret = processCommand(interface->fp,&(interface->permission),argArrayLength,argArray);
+ DEBUG("interface %i: command returned %i\n",interface->num,ret);
+ freeArgArray(argArray,argArrayLength);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ if(ret!=0 ||
+ interface->expired) {
+ node = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if(ret==0) {
+ myfprintf(interface->fp,"%s\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_OK);
+ }
+ else if(ret==COMMAND_RETURN_CLOSE ||
+ interface->expired) {
+ closeInterface(interface);
+ }
+ printInterfaceOutBuffer(interface);
+ freeList(interface->commandList);
+ interface->commandList = NULL;
+ }
+ else {
+ interface->commandListSize+=sizeof(ListNode);
+ interface->commandListSize+=strlen(interface->buffer)+1;
+ if(interface->commandListSize>interface_max_command_list_size) {
+ ERROR("interface %i: command list size (%lli) is larger than the max (%lli)\n",interface->num,interface->commandListSize,interface_max_command_list_size);
+ closeInterface(interface);
+ }
+ else {
+ insertInListWithoutKey(interface->commandList,strdup(interface->buffer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(strcmp(argArray[0],INTERFACE_LIST_MODE_BEGIN)==0) {
+ interface->commandList = makeList(free);
+ interface->commandListSize =
+ sizeof(List);
+ ret = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if(strcmp(argArray[0],INTERFACE_LIST_MODE_END)==0) {
+ myfprintf(interface->fp,"%s not in command list mode\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ DEBUG("interface %i: process command \"%s\"\n",interface->num,interface->buffer);
+ ret = processCommand(interface->fp,&(interface->permission),argArrayLength,argArray);
+ DEBUG("interface %i: command returned %i\n",interface->num,ret);
+ }
+ if(ret==0) {
+ myfprintf(interface->fp,"%s\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_OK);
+ }
+ else if(ret==COMMAND_RETURN_CLOSE ||
+ interface->expired) {
+ closeInterface(interface);
+ }
+ printInterfaceOutBuffer(interface);
+ }
+ }
+ freeArgArray(argArray,argArrayLength);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ unblockSignals();
+ closeInterface(interface);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void addInterfacesReadyToReadAndListenSocketToFdSet(fd_set * fds, int * fdmax) {
+ int i;
+ FD_ZERO(fds);
+ FD_SET(listenSocket,fds);
+ if(*fdmax<listenSocket) *fdmax = listenSocket;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && !interfaces[i].expired && !interfaces[i].bufferList) {
+ FD_SET(interfaces[i].fd,fds);
+ if(*fdmax<interfaces[i].fd) *fdmax = interfaces[i].fd;
+ }
+ }
+void addInterfacesForBufferFlushToFdSet(fd_set * fds, int * fdmax) {
+ int i;
+ FD_ZERO(fds);
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && !interfaces[i].expired && interfaces[i].bufferList) {
+ FD_SET(interfaces[i].fd,fds);
+ if(*fdmax<interfaces[i].fd) *fdmax = interfaces[i].fd;
+ }
+ }
+void closeNextErroredInterface() {
+ fd_set fds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int i;
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open) {
+ FD_ZERO(&fds);
+ FD_SET(interfaces[i].fd,&fds);
+ if(select(FD_SETSIZE,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv)<0) {
+ closeInterface(&interfaces[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int doIOForInterfaces() {
+ fd_set rfds;
+ fd_set wfds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int i;
+ int selret;
+ int fdmax = 0;
+ tv.tv_sec = 1;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ addInterfacesReadyToReadAndListenSocketToFdSet(&rfds,&fdmax);
+ addInterfacesForBufferFlushToFdSet(&wfds,&fdmax);
+ while((selret = select(fdmax+1,&rfds,&wfds,NULL,&tv))) {
+ if(FD_ISSET(listenSocket,&rfds)) getConnections(listenSocket);
+ if(selret<0 && errno==EINTR) break;
+ else if(selret<0) {
+ closeNextErroredInterface();
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && FD_ISSET(interfaces[i].fd,&rfds)) {
+ if(COMMAND_RETURN_KILL==interfaceReadInput(&(interfaces[i]))) {
+ }
+ interfaces[i].lastTime = time(NULL);
+ }
+ if(interfaces[i].open && FD_ISSET(interfaces[i].fd,&wfds)) {
+ flushInterfaceBuffer(&interfaces[i]);
+ interfaces[i].lastTime = time(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ fdmax = 0;
+ addInterfacesReadyToReadAndListenSocketToFdSet(&rfds,&fdmax);
+ addInterfacesForBufferFlushToFdSet(&wfds,&fdmax);
+ }
+ return 1;
+void initInterfaces() {
+ int i;
+ char * test;
+ interface_timeout = strtol((getConf())[CONF_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || interface_timeout<=0) {
+ ERROR("connection timeout \"%s\" is not a positive integer\n",(getConf())[CONF_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ interface_max_connections = strtol((getConf())[CONF_MAX_CONNECTIONS],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || interface_max_connections<=0) {
+ ERROR("max connections \"%s\" is not a positive integer\n",(getConf())[CONF_MAX_CONNECTIONS]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ interface_max_command_list_size = strtoll((getConf())[CONF_MAX_COMMAND_LIST_SIZE],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || interface_max_command_list_size<=0) {
+ ERROR("max command list size \"%s\" is not a positive integer\n",(getConf())[CONF_MAX_COMMAND_LIST_SIZE]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ interface_max_output_buffer_size = strtoll((getConf())[CONF_MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || interface_max_output_buffer_size<=0) {
+ ERROR("max output buffer size \"%s\" is not a positive integer\n",(getConf())[CONF_MAX_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ interface_max_command_list_size*=1024;
+ interface_max_output_buffer_size*=1024;
+ interfaces = malloc(sizeof(Interface)*interface_max_connections);
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ interfaces[i].open = 0;
+ interfaces[i].num = i;
+ }
+void closeAllInterfaces() {
+ int i;
+ fflush(NULL);
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open) {
+ closeInterface(&(interfaces[i]));
+ }
+ }
+void freeAllInterfaces() {
+ closeAllInterfaces();
+ free(interfaces);
+void closeOldInterfaces() {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && (interfaces[i].expired || (time(NULL)-interfaces[i].lastTime>interface_timeout))) {
+ DEBUG("interface %i: timeout\n",i);
+ closeInterface(&(interfaces[i]));
+ }
+ }
+void closeInterfaceWithFD(int fd) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].fd==fd) {
+ closeInterface(&(interfaces[i]));
+ }
+ }
+void flushInterfaceBuffer(Interface * interface) {
+ ListNode * node = NULL;
+ char * str;
+ int ret = 0;
+ while((node = interface->bufferList->firstNode)) {
+ str = (char *)node->data;
+ if((ret = write(interface->fd,str,strlen(str)))<0) break;
+ else if(ret<strlen(str)) {
+ interface->outputBufferSize-=ret;
+ str = strdup(&str[ret]);
+ free(node->data);
+ node->data = str;
+ }
+ else {
+ interface->outputBufferSize-= strlen(str)+1;
+ interface->outputBufferSize-= sizeof(ListNode);
+ deleteNodeFromList(interface->bufferList,node);
+ }
+ interface->lastTime = time(NULL);
+ }
+ if(!interface->bufferList->firstNode) {
+ DEBUG("interface %i: buffer empty\n",interface->num);
+ freeList(interface->bufferList);
+ interface->bufferList = NULL;
+ }
+ else if(ret<0 && errno!=EAGAIN && errno!=EINTR) {
+ /* cause interface to close */
+ DEBUG("interface %i: problems flushing buffer\n",
+ interface->num);
+ freeList(interface->bufferList);
+ interface->bufferList = NULL;
+ interface->expired = 1;
+ }
+void flushAllInterfaceBuffers() {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && !interfaces[i].expired && interfaces[i].bufferList) {
+ flushInterfaceBuffer(&interfaces[i]);
+ }
+ }
+int interfacePrintWithFD(int fd,char * buffer) {
+ int i;
+ int buflen;
+ int copylen;
+ Interface * interface;
+ if(!(buflen = strlen(buffer))) return -1;
+ for(i=0;i<interface_max_connections;i++) {
+ if(interfaces[i].open && interfaces[i].fd==fd) break;
+ }
+ /* if fd isn't found or interfaces is going to be closed, do nothing */
+ if(i==interface_max_connections) return -1;
+ if(interfaces[i].expired) return 0;
+ interface = interfaces+i;
+ while(buflen>0) {
+ copylen = buflen>
+ interface->outBufSize-interface->outBuflen?
+ interface->outBufSize-interface->outBuflen:
+ buflen;
+ memcpy(interface->outBuffer+interface->outBuflen,buffer,
+ copylen);
+ buflen-=copylen;
+ interface->outBuflen+=copylen;
+ buffer+=copylen;
+ if(interface->outBuflen>=interface->outBufSize) {
+ printInterfaceOutBuffer(interface);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void printInterfaceOutBuffer(Interface * interface) {
+ char * buffer;
+ int ret;
+ if(!interface->open || interface->expired || !interface->outBuflen) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(interface->bufferList) {
+ interface->outputBufferSize+=sizeof(ListNode);
+ interface->outputBufferSize+=interface->outBuflen+1;
+ if(interface->outputBufferSize>
+ interface_max_output_buffer_size)
+ {
+ ERROR("interface %i: output buffer size (%lli) is "
+ "larger than the max (%lli)\n",
+ interface->num,
+ interface->outputBufferSize,
+ interface_max_output_buffer_size);
+ /* cause interface to close */
+ freeList(interface->bufferList);
+ interface->bufferList = NULL;
+ interface->expired = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ buffer = malloc(interface->outBuflen+1);
+ memcpy(buffer,interface->outBuffer,interface->outBuflen);
+ buffer[interface->outBuflen] = '\0';
+ insertInListWithoutKey(interface->bufferList,(void *)buffer);
+ flushInterfaceBuffer(interface);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if((ret = write(interface->fd,interface->outBuffer,
+ interface->outBuflen))<0)
+ {
+ if(errno==EAGAIN || errno==EINTR) {
+ buffer = malloc(interface->outBuflen+1);
+ memcpy(buffer,interface->outBuffer,
+ interface->outBuflen);
+ buffer[interface->outBuflen] = '\0';
+ interface->bufferList = makeList(free);
+ insertInListWithoutKey(interface->bufferList,
+ (void *)buffer);
+ }
+ else {
+ DEBUG("interface %i: problems writing\n",
+ interface->num);
+ interface->expired = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ret<interface->outBuflen) {
+ buffer = malloc(interface->outBuflen-ret+1);
+ memcpy(buffer,interface->outBuffer+ret,
+ interface->outBuflen-ret);
+ buffer[interface->outBuflen-ret] = '\0';
+ interface->bufferList = makeList(free);
+ insertInListWithoutKey(interface->bufferList,buffer);
+ }
+ /* if we needed to create buffer, initialize bufferSize info */
+ if(interface->bufferList) {
+ DEBUG("interface %i: buffer created\n",interface->num);
+ interface->outputBufferSize = sizeof(List);
+ interface->outputBufferSize+=sizeof(ListNode);
+ interface->outputBufferSize+=strlen(
+ (char *)interface->bufferList->
+ firstNode->data)+1;
+ }
+ }
+ interface->outBuflen = 0;
diff --git a/src/interface.h b/src/interface.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..84ab2869c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef INTERFACE_H
+#define INTERFACE_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+void initInterfaces();
+void openAInterface(int fd, struct sockaddr * addr);
+void closeAllInterfaces();
+void freeAllInterfaces();
+void closeOldInterfaces();
+void closeInterfaceWithFD(int fd);
+void flushAllInterfaceBuffers();
+int interfacePrintWithFD(int fd, char * buffer);
+int doIOForInterfaces();
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/CHANGES b/src/libid3tag/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fcc0cd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: CHANGES,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+Version 0.15.0 (beta)
+ * Updated to autoconf 2.57, automake 1.7.5, libtool 1.4.3.
+ * Added new id3_tag_version(), id3_tag_options(), id3_tag_setlength(),
+ id3_frame_field(), id3_field_getlatin1(), id3_field_getfulllatin1(),
+ id3_genre_index(), id3_genre_number(), id3_latin1_ucs4duplicate(),
+ id3_utf16_ucs4duplicate(), and id3_utf8_ucs4duplicate() API routines.
+ * Properly exposed the id3_frame_new(), id3_frame_delete(), and
+ id3_field_type() API routines.
+ * Fixed a possible segmentation fault rendering ID3v1 tags when a tag
+ field exceeds the field length limit.
+ * Fixed a problem whereby the file interface could try to seek and read
+ data from a non-seekable stream, unrecoverably losing data from the
+ stream. (N.B. the fix does not work under Win32.)
+ * Fixed a problem reading ID3v2.2 frames which corrupted their frame IDs
+ and caused them not to be re-rendered.
+ * Improved rendering of the ID3v1 genre field from ID3v2 genre
+ names/numbers. The genre "Other" is used in place of non-translatable
+ genres.
+ * Rendering an empty ID3v1 tag now properly returns 0 length even when a
+ null buffer pointer is passed.
+ * Changed the file implementation to maintain information about present
+ but unparseable tags, instead of ignoring all tags and returning an
+ error.
+ * Added an external dependency on zlib (libz), which is no longer
+ included.
+ * Changed to build a shared library by default.
+ * Changed to use native Cygwin build by default; give --host=mingw32 to
+ `configure' to use MinGW (and avoid a dependency on the Cygwin DLL).
+Version 0.14.2 (beta)
+ * Changed Cygwin builds to use MinGW; resulting Win32 executables no
+ longer have a dependency on Cygwin DLLs.
+Version 0.14.1 (beta)
+ * Updated config.guess and config.sub to latest upstream versions.
+ * Enabled libtool versioning rather than release numbering.
+ * Renamed `libid3' to `libid3tag' and enabled installation as a separate
+ library.
+ * Several other small fixes.
+Version 0.14.0 (beta)
+ * Added a new ID3 tag manipulation library (libid3). The required zlib
+ support is provided either by the host system or by the included static
+ library implementation (libz).
+ * Improved MSVC++ portability and added MSVC++ project files.
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/COPYING b/src/libid3tag/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d60c31a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/COPYRIGHT b/src/libid3tag/COPYRIGHT
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c492f8d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/COPYRIGHT
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ If you would like to negotiate alternate licensing terms, you may do
+ so by contacting: Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com>
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/CREDITS b/src/libid3tag/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..888e71f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: CREDITS,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ Except where otherwise noted, all code was authored by:
+ Robert Leslie <rob@underbit.com>
+ Significant contributions have been incorporated with thanks to:
+ Mark Malson <mark@mmalson.com>
+ 2002/10/09: frame.c
+ - Reported problem reading ID3v2.2 tag frames.
+ Brett Paterson <brett@fmod.org>
+ 2001/10/28: global.h
+ - Reported missing <assert.h> et al. under MS Embedded Visual C.
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/INSTALL b/src/libid3tag/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50dbe439d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+Basic Installation
+ These are generic installation instructions.
+ The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file
+`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up
+reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output
+(useful mainly for debugging `configure').
+ If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache'
+contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+ The file `configure.in' is used to create `configure' by a program
+called `autoconf'. You only need `configure.in' if you want to change
+it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'.
+The simplest way to compile this package is:
+ 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+ `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're
+ using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
+ `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
+ `configure' itself.
+ Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some
+ messages telling which features it is checking for.
+ 2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+ 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+ the package.
+ 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+ documentation.
+ 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+ source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
+ files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+ a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
+ also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+ for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
+ all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+ with the distribution.
+Compilers and Options
+ Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure'
+initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using
+a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like
+ CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure
+Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this:
+ env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+ You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
+supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+ If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH'
+variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time
+in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for
+one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another
+Installation Names
+ By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
+`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
+installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
+option `--prefix=PATH'.
+ You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
+give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
+PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
+ In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
+ If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+Optional Features
+ Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+ For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+Specifying the System Type
+ There may be some features `configure' can not figure out
+automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package
+will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
+a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the
+`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields:
+See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the host type.
+ If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also
+use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
+produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of
+system on which you are compiling the package.
+Sharing Defaults
+ If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Operation Controls
+ `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+ Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of
+ `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for
+ debugging `configure'.
+ Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+ Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To
+ suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+ messages will still be shown).
+ Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
+ `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+ Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+ script, and exit.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/Makefile.am b/src/libid3tag/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c22d0845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+## libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+## Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+#DIST_SUBDIRS = msvc++
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libid3tag.la
+noinst_HEADERS = id3tag.h
+## From the libtool documentation on library versioning:
+## The most recent interface number that this library implements.
+## The implementation number of the CURRENT interface.
+## AGE
+## The difference between the newest and oldest interfaces that this
+## library implements. In other words, the library implements all the
+## interface numbers in the range from number `CURRENT - AGE' to
+## `CURRENT'.
+## If two libraries have identical CURRENT and AGE numbers, then the
+## dynamic linker chooses the library with the greater REVISION number.
+## 1. Start with version information of `0:0:0' for each libtool library.
+## 2. Update the version information only immediately before a public
+## release of your software. More frequent updates are unnecessary,
+## and only guarantee that the current interface number gets larger
+## faster.
+## 3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last
+## update, then increment REVISION (`C:R:A' becomes `C:r+1:A').
+## 4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the
+## last update, increment CURRENT, and set REVISION to 0.
+## 5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release,
+## then increment AGE.
+## 6. If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release,
+## then set AGE to 0.
+version_current = 2
+version_revision = 0
+version_age = 2
+version_info = $(version_current):$(version_revision):$(version_age)
+EXTRA_DIST = genre.dat.sed \
+debug = debug.c debug.h
+debug =
+libid3tag_la_SOURCES = version.c ucs4.c latin1.c utf16.c utf8.c \
+ parse.c render.c field.c frametype.c compat.c \
+ genre.c frame.c crc.c util.c tag.c file.c \
+ version.h ucs4.h latin1.h utf16.h utf8.h \
+ parse.h render.h field.h frametype.h compat.h \
+ genre.h frame.h crc.h util.h tag.h file.h \
+ id3tag.h global.h genre.dat $(debug)
+EXTRA_libid3tag_la_SOURCES = \
+ frametype.gperf compat.gperf genre.dat.in \
+ debug.c debug.h
+libid3tag_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(version_info)
+BUILT_SOURCES = frametype.c compat.c genre.dat
+$(srcdir)/frametype.c: $(srcdir)/frametype.gperf Makefile.am
+ cd $(srcdir) && \
+ gperf -tCcTonD -K id -N id3_frametype_lookup -s -3 -k '*' \
+ frametype.gperf | \
+ sed -e 's/\(struct id3_frametype\);/\1/' | \
+ sed -e '/\$$''Id: /s/\$$//g' >frametype.c
+$(srcdir)/compat.c: $(srcdir)/compat.gperf Makefile.am
+ cd $(srcdir) && \
+ gperf -tCcTonD -K id -N id3_compat_lookup -s -3 -k '*' \
+ compat.gperf | \
+ sed -e 's/\(struct id3_compat\);/\1/' | \
+ sed -e '/\$$''Id: /s/\$$//g' >compat.c
+$(srcdir)/genre.dat: $(srcdir)/genre.dat.in $(srcdir)/genre.dat.sed Makefile.am
+ cd $(srcdir) && \
+ sed -n -f genre.dat.sed genre.dat.in | \
+ sed -e '/\$$''Id: /s/\$$//g' >genre.dat
+libtool: $(LIBTOOL_DEPS)
+ $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ $(MAKE)
+.PHONY: again
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/README b/src/libid3tag/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..217232d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/README
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: README,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ libid3tag is a library for reading and (eventually) writing ID3 tags, both
+ ID3v1 and the various versions of ID3v2.
+ See the file `id3tag.h' for the current library interface.
+ This package uses GNU libtool to arrange for zlib to be linked
+ automatically when you link your programs with this library. If you aren't
+ using GNU libtool, in some cases you may need to link with zlib
+ explicitly:
+ ${link_command} ... -lid3tag -lz
+ Note that this library depends on zlib 1.1.4 or later. If you don't have
+ zlib already, you can obtain it from:
+ http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
+ You must have zlib installed before you can build this package.
+Windows Platforms
+ libid3tag can be built under Windows using either MSVC++ or Cygwin. A
+ MSVC++ project file can be found under the `msvc++' subdirectory.
+ To build libid3tag using Cygwin, you will first need to install the Cygwin
+ tools:
+ http://www.cygwin.com/
+ You may then proceed with the following POSIX instructions within the
+ Cygwin shell.
+ Note that by default Cygwin will build a library that depends on the
+ Cygwin DLL. You can use MinGW to build a library that does not depend on
+ the Cygwin DLL. To do so, give the option --host=mingw32 to `configure'.
+ Be certain you also link with a MinGW version of zlib.
+POSIX Platforms (including Cygwin)
+ The code is distributed with a `configure' script that will generate for
+ you a `Makefile' and a `config.h' for your platform. See the file
+ `INSTALL' for generic instructions.
+ The specific options you may want to give `configure' are:
+ --disable-debugging do not compile with debugging support, and
+ use more optimizations
+ --disable-shared do not build a shared library
+ By default the package will build a shared library if possible for your
+ platform. If you want only a static library, use --disable-shared.
+ If zlib is installed in an unusual place or `configure' can't find it, you
+ may need to indicate where it is:
+ ./configure ... CPPFLAGS="-I${include_dir}" LDFLAGS="-L${lib_dir}"
+ where ${include_dir} and ${lib_dir} are the locations of the installed
+ header and library files, respectively.
+Experimenting and Developing
+ Further options for `configure' that may be useful to developers and
+ experimenters are:
+ --enable-debugging enable diagnostic debugging support and
+ debugging symbols
+ --enable-profiling generate `gprof' profiling code
+ Please read the `COPYRIGHT' file for copyright and warranty information.
+ Also, the file `COPYING' contains the full text of the GNU GPL.
+ Send inquiries, comments, bug reports, suggestions, patches, etc. to:
+ Underbit Technologies, Inc. <support@underbit.com>
+ See also the MAD home page on the Web:
+ http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/TODO b/src/libid3tag/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36faa7724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: TODO,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ - finish file API
+ - fix API headers
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/VERSION b/src/libid3tag/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..936f63572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/compat.gperf b/src/libid3tag/compat.gperf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17eaac162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/compat.gperf
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: compat.gperf,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "compat.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "field.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+# define EQ(id) #id, 0
+# define OBSOLETE 0, 0
+# define TX(id) #id, translate_##id
+static id3_compat_func_t translate_TCON;
+struct id3_compat;
+# ID3v2.2 and ID3v2.3 frames
+# Only obsolete frames or frames with an equivalent ID3v2.4 frame ID are
+# listed here. If a frame ID is not listed, it is assumed that the same
+# frame ID is itself the equivalent ID3v2.4 frame ID.
+# This list may also include frames with new content interpretations; the
+# translation function will rewrite the contents to comply with ID3v2.4.
+BUF, EQ(RBUF) /* Recommended buffer size */
+CNT, EQ(PCNT) /* Play counter */
+COM, EQ(COMM) /* Comments */
+CRA, EQ(AENC) /* Audio encryption */
+CRM, OBSOLETE /* Encrypted meta frame [obsolete] */
+EQU, OBSOLETE /* Equalization [obsolete] */
+EQUA, OBSOLETE /* Equalization [obsolete] */
+ETC, EQ(ETCO) /* Event timing codes */
+GEO, EQ(GEOB) /* General encapsulated object */
+IPL, EQ(TIPL) /* Involved people list */
+IPLS, EQ(TIPL) /* Involved people list */
+LNK, EQ(LINK) /* Linked information */
+MCI, EQ(MCDI) /* Music CD identifier */
+MLL, EQ(MLLT) /* MPEG location lookup table */
+PIC, EQ(APIC) /* Attached picture */
+POP, EQ(POPM) /* Popularimeter */
+REV, EQ(RVRB) /* Reverb */
+RVA, OBSOLETE /* Relative volume adjustment [obsolete] */
+RVAD, OBSOLETE /* Relative volume adjustment [obsolete] */
+SLT, EQ(SYLT) /* Synchronised lyric/text */
+STC, EQ(SYTC) /* Synchronised tempo codes */
+TAL, EQ(TALB) /* Album/movie/show title */
+TBP, EQ(TBPM) /* BPM (beats per minute) */
+TCM, EQ(TCOM) /* Composer */
+TCO, TX(TCON) /* Content type */
+TCON, TX(TCON) /* Content type */
+TCR, EQ(TCOP) /* Copyright message */
+TDA, OBSOLETE /* Date [obsolete] */
+TDAT, OBSOLETE /* Date [obsolete] */
+TDY, EQ(TDLY) /* Playlist delay */
+TEN, EQ(TENC) /* Encoded by */
+TFT, EQ(TFLT) /* File type */
+TIM, OBSOLETE /* Time [obsolete] */
+TIME, OBSOLETE /* Time [obsolete] */
+TKE, EQ(TKEY) /* Initial key */
+TLA, EQ(TLAN) /* Language(s) */
+TLE, EQ(TLEN) /* Length */
+TMT, EQ(TMED) /* Media type */
+TOA, EQ(TOPE) /* Original artist(s)/performer(s) */
+TOF, EQ(TOFN) /* Original filename */
+TOL, EQ(TOLY) /* Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) */
+TOR, EQ(TDOR) /* Original release year [obsolete] */
+TORY, EQ(TDOR) /* Original release year [obsolete] */
+TOT, EQ(TOAL) /* Original album/movie/show title */
+TP1, EQ(TPE1) /* Lead performer(s)/soloist(s) */
+TP2, EQ(TPE2) /* Band/orchestra/accompaniment */
+TP3, EQ(TPE3) /* Conductor/performer refinement */
+TP4, EQ(TPE4) /* Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by */
+TPA, EQ(TPOS) /* Part of a set */
+TPB, EQ(TPUB) /* Publisher */
+TRC, EQ(TSRC) /* ISRC (international standard recording code) */
+TRD, OBSOLETE /* Recording dates [obsolete] */
+TRDA, OBSOLETE /* Recording dates [obsolete] */
+TRK, EQ(TRCK) /* Track number/position in set */
+TSI, OBSOLETE /* Size [obsolete] */
+TSIZ, OBSOLETE /* Size [obsolete] */
+TSS, EQ(TSSE) /* Software/hardware and settings used for encoding */
+TT1, EQ(TIT1) /* Content group description */
+TT2, EQ(TIT2) /* Title/songname/content description */
+TT3, EQ(TIT3) /* Subtitle/description refinement */
+TXT, EQ(TEXT) /* Lyricist/text writer */
+TXX, EQ(TXXX) /* User defined text information frame */
+TYE, OBSOLETE /* Year [obsolete] */
+TYER, OBSOLETE /* Year [obsolete] */
+UFI, EQ(UFID) /* Unique file identifier */
+ULT, EQ(USLT) /* Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription */
+WAF, EQ(WOAF) /* Official audio file webpage */
+WAR, EQ(WOAR) /* Official artist/performer webpage */
+WAS, EQ(WOAS) /* Official audio source webpage */
+WCM, EQ(WCOM) /* Commercial information */
+WCP, EQ(WCOP) /* Copyright/legal information */
+WPB, EQ(WPUB) /* Publishers official webpage */
+WXX, EQ(WXXX) /* User defined URL link frame */
+int translate_TCON(struct id3_frame *frame, char const *oldid,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding;
+ id3_ucs4_t *string = 0, *ptr, *endptr;
+ int result = 0;
+ /* translate old TCON syntax into multiple strings */
+ assert(frame->nfields == 2);
+ encoding = ID3_FIELD_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1;
+ end = data + length;
+ if (id3_field_parse(&frame->fields[0], &data, end - data, &encoding) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ string = id3_parse_string(&data, end - data, encoding, 0);
+ if (string == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ ptr = string;
+ while (*ptr == '(') {
+ if (*++ptr == '(')
+ break;
+ endptr = ptr;
+ while (*endptr && *endptr != ')')
+ ++endptr;
+ if (*endptr)
+ *endptr++ = 0;
+ if (id3_field_addstring(&frame->fields[1], ptr) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ ptr = endptr;
+ }
+ if (*ptr && id3_field_addstring(&frame->fields[1], ptr) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ if (string)
+ free(string);
+ return result;
+ * NAME: compat->fixup()
+ * DESCRIPTION: finish compatibility translations
+ */
+int id3_compat_fixup(struct id3_tag *tag)
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ unsigned int index;
+ id3_ucs4_t timestamp[17] = { 0 };
+ int result = 0;
+ /* create a TDRC frame from obsolete TYER/TDAT/TIME frames */
+ /*
+ *
+ * TDRC: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm
+ */
+ index = 0;
+ while ((frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, ID3_FRAME_OBSOLETE, index++))) {
+ char const *id;
+ id3_byte_t const *data, *end;
+ id3_length_t length;
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding;
+ id3_ucs4_t *string;
+ id = id3_field_getframeid(&frame->fields[0]);
+ assert(id);
+ if (strcmp(id, "TYER") != 0 && strcmp(id, "YTYE") != 0 &&
+ strcmp(id, "TDAT") != 0 && strcmp(id, "YTDA") != 0 &&
+ strcmp(id, "TIME") != 0 && strcmp(id, "YTIM") != 0)
+ continue;
+ data = id3_field_getbinarydata(&frame->fields[1], &length);
+ assert(data);
+ if (length < 1)
+ continue;
+ end = data + length;
+ encoding = id3_parse_uint(&data, 1);
+ string = id3_parse_string(&data, end - data, encoding, 0);
+ if (id3_ucs4_length(string) < 4) {
+ free(string);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(id, "TYER") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(id, "YTYE") == 0) {
+ timestamp[0] = string[0];
+ timestamp[1] = string[1];
+ timestamp[2] = string[2];
+ timestamp[3] = string[3];
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(id, "TDAT") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(id, "YTDA") == 0) {
+ timestamp[4] = '-';
+ timestamp[5] = string[2];
+ timestamp[6] = string[3];
+ timestamp[7] = '-';
+ timestamp[8] = string[0];
+ timestamp[9] = string[1];
+ }
+ else { /* TIME or YTIM */
+ timestamp[10] = 'T';
+ timestamp[11] = string[0];
+ timestamp[12] = string[1];
+ timestamp[13] = ':';
+ timestamp[14] = string[2];
+ timestamp[15] = string[3];
+ }
+ free(string);
+ }
+ if (timestamp[0]) {
+ id3_ucs4_t *strings;
+ frame = id3_frame_new("TDRC");
+ if (frame == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ strings = timestamp;
+ if (id3_field_settextencoding(&frame->fields[0],
+ ID3_FIELD_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1) == -1 ||
+ id3_field_setstrings(&frame->fields[1], 1, &strings) == -1 ||
+ id3_tag_attachframe(tag, frame) == -1) {
+ id3_frame_delete(frame);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/compat.h b/src/libid3tag/compat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d980eea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/compat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: compat.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "id3tag.h"
+typedef int id3_compat_func_t(struct id3_frame *, char const *,
+ id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+struct id3_compat {
+ char const *id;
+ char const *equiv;
+ id3_compat_func_t *translate;
+struct id3_compat const *id3_compat_lookup(register char const *,
+ register unsigned int);
+int id3_compat_fixup(struct id3_tag *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/config.h.in b/src/libid3tag/config.h.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4f0f8997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/config.h.in
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
+/* Define to enable diagnostic debugging support. */
+#undef DEBUG
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <assert.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `ftruncate' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `z' library (-lz). */
+#undef HAVE_LIBZ
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+/* Define to disable debugging assertions. */
+#undef NDEBUG
+/* Name of package */
+#undef PACKAGE
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+/* Version number of package */
+#undef VERSION
+/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
+#undef const
+/* Define as `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it, or to nothing
+ if it is not supported. */
+#undef inline
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/configure.ac b/src/libid3tag/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9923cd362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+dnl -*- m4 -*-
+dnl libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+dnl (at your option) any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+AC_REVISION([$Id: configure.ac,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $])dnl
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+AC_INIT([ID3 Tag], [0.15.0b], [support@underbit.com], [libid3tag])
+dnl System type.
+dnl Checks for programs.
+if test "$GCC" = yes
+ case "$host" in
+ *-*-mingw*)
+ case "$build" in
+ *-*-cygwin*)
+ CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -mno-cygwin"
+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -mno-cygwin"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ esac
+dnl case "$host" in
+dnl *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw*)
+dnl LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -no-undefined -mdll"
+dnl ;;
+dnl esac
+dnl Support for libtool.
+dnl Compiler options.
+set -- $CFLAGS
+if test "$GCC" = yes
+ CFLAGS="-Wall"
+while test $# -gt 0
+ case "$1" in
+ -Wall)
+ if test "$GCC" = yes
+ then
+ :
+ else
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -g)
+ debug="-g"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -mno-cygwin)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -m*)
+ arch="$arch $1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -fomit-frame-pointer)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -O*|-f*)
+ optimize="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+dnl Checks for header files.
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(assert.h unistd.h)
+AC_CHECK_HEADER(zlib.h, [], [
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([zlib.h was not found
+*** You must first install zlib (libz) before you can build this package.
+*** If zlib is already installed, you may need to use the CPPFLAGS
+*** environment variable to specify its installed location, e.g. -I<dir>.])
+dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+dnl Checks for library functions.
+AC_CHECK_LIB(z, compress2, [], [
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([libz was not found
+*** You must first install zlib (libz) before you can build this package.
+*** If zlib is already installed, you may need to use the LDFLAGS
+*** environment variable to specify its installed location, e.g. -L<dir>.])
+dnl handle --enable and --disable options
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable profiling])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(profiling, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-profiling],
+ [generate profiling code]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes) profile="-pg" ;;
+ esac
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable debugging])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(debugging, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debugging],
+ [enable diagnostic debugging support])
+ [do not enable debugging and use more optimization]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ [Define to enable diagnostic debugging support.])
+ optimize=""
+ ;;
+ no)
+ if test -n "$profile"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(--enable-profiling and --disable-debugging are incompatible)
+ fi
+ [Define to disable debugging assertions.])
+ debug=""
+ if test "$GCC" = yes
+ then
+ optimize="$optimize -fomit-frame-pointer"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+AM_CONDITIONAL(DEBUG, test ${enable_debugging-default} = yes)
+dnl Create output files.
+test -n "$arch" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $arch"
+test -n "$debug" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $debug"
+test -n "$optimize" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $optimize"
+test -n "$profile" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $profile" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $profile"
+dnl LTLIBOBJS=`echo "$LIBOBJS" | sed -e 's/\.o/.lo/g'`
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile \
+ libid3tag.list])
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/crc.c b/src/libid3tag/crc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76e78ea45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/crc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: crc.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "crc.h"
+unsigned long const crc_table[256] = {
+ 0x00000000L, 0x77073096L, 0xee0e612cL, 0x990951baL,
+ 0x076dc419L, 0x706af48fL, 0xe963a535L, 0x9e6495a3L,
+ 0x0edb8832L, 0x79dcb8a4L, 0xe0d5e91eL, 0x97d2d988L,
+ 0x09b64c2bL, 0x7eb17cbdL, 0xe7b82d07L, 0x90bf1d91L,
+ 0x1db71064L, 0x6ab020f2L, 0xf3b97148L, 0x84be41deL,
+ 0x1adad47dL, 0x6ddde4ebL, 0xf4d4b551L, 0x83d385c7L,
+ 0x136c9856L, 0x646ba8c0L, 0xfd62f97aL, 0x8a65c9ecL,
+ 0x14015c4fL, 0x63066cd9L, 0xfa0f3d63L, 0x8d080df5L,
+ 0x3b6e20c8L, 0x4c69105eL, 0xd56041e4L, 0xa2677172L,
+ 0x3c03e4d1L, 0x4b04d447L, 0xd20d85fdL, 0xa50ab56bL,
+ 0x35b5a8faL, 0x42b2986cL, 0xdbbbc9d6L, 0xacbcf940L,
+ 0x32d86ce3L, 0x45df5c75L, 0xdcd60dcfL, 0xabd13d59L,
+ 0x26d930acL, 0x51de003aL, 0xc8d75180L, 0xbfd06116L,
+ 0x21b4f4b5L, 0x56b3c423L, 0xcfba9599L, 0xb8bda50fL,
+ 0x2802b89eL, 0x5f058808L, 0xc60cd9b2L, 0xb10be924L,
+ 0x2f6f7c87L, 0x58684c11L, 0xc1611dabL, 0xb6662d3dL,
+ 0x76dc4190L, 0x01db7106L, 0x98d220bcL, 0xefd5102aL,
+ 0x71b18589L, 0x06b6b51fL, 0x9fbfe4a5L, 0xe8b8d433L,
+ 0x7807c9a2L, 0x0f00f934L, 0x9609a88eL, 0xe10e9818L,
+ 0x7f6a0dbbL, 0x086d3d2dL, 0x91646c97L, 0xe6635c01L,
+ 0x6b6b51f4L, 0x1c6c6162L, 0x856530d8L, 0xf262004eL,
+ 0x6c0695edL, 0x1b01a57bL, 0x8208f4c1L, 0xf50fc457L,
+ 0x65b0d9c6L, 0x12b7e950L, 0x8bbeb8eaL, 0xfcb9887cL,
+ 0x62dd1ddfL, 0x15da2d49L, 0x8cd37cf3L, 0xfbd44c65L,
+ 0x4db26158L, 0x3ab551ceL, 0xa3bc0074L, 0xd4bb30e2L,
+ 0x4adfa541L, 0x3dd895d7L, 0xa4d1c46dL, 0xd3d6f4fbL,
+ 0x4369e96aL, 0x346ed9fcL, 0xad678846L, 0xda60b8d0L,
+ 0x44042d73L, 0x33031de5L, 0xaa0a4c5fL, 0xdd0d7cc9L,
+ 0x5005713cL, 0x270241aaL, 0xbe0b1010L, 0xc90c2086L,
+ 0x5768b525L, 0x206f85b3L, 0xb966d409L, 0xce61e49fL,
+ 0x5edef90eL, 0x29d9c998L, 0xb0d09822L, 0xc7d7a8b4L,
+ 0x59b33d17L, 0x2eb40d81L, 0xb7bd5c3bL, 0xc0ba6cadL,
+ 0xedb88320L, 0x9abfb3b6L, 0x03b6e20cL, 0x74b1d29aL,
+ 0xead54739L, 0x9dd277afL, 0x04db2615L, 0x73dc1683L,
+ 0xe3630b12L, 0x94643b84L, 0x0d6d6a3eL, 0x7a6a5aa8L,
+ 0xe40ecf0bL, 0x9309ff9dL, 0x0a00ae27L, 0x7d079eb1L,
+ 0xf00f9344L, 0x8708a3d2L, 0x1e01f268L, 0x6906c2feL,
+ 0xf762575dL, 0x806567cbL, 0x196c3671L, 0x6e6b06e7L,
+ 0xfed41b76L, 0x89d32be0L, 0x10da7a5aL, 0x67dd4accL,
+ 0xf9b9df6fL, 0x8ebeeff9L, 0x17b7be43L, 0x60b08ed5L,
+ 0xd6d6a3e8L, 0xa1d1937eL, 0x38d8c2c4L, 0x4fdff252L,
+ 0xd1bb67f1L, 0xa6bc5767L, 0x3fb506ddL, 0x48b2364bL,
+ 0xd80d2bdaL, 0xaf0a1b4cL, 0x36034af6L, 0x41047a60L,
+ 0xdf60efc3L, 0xa867df55L, 0x316e8eefL, 0x4669be79L,
+ 0xcb61b38cL, 0xbc66831aL, 0x256fd2a0L, 0x5268e236L,
+ 0xcc0c7795L, 0xbb0b4703L, 0x220216b9L, 0x5505262fL,
+ 0xc5ba3bbeL, 0xb2bd0b28L, 0x2bb45a92L, 0x5cb36a04L,
+ 0xc2d7ffa7L, 0xb5d0cf31L, 0x2cd99e8bL, 0x5bdeae1dL,
+ 0x9b64c2b0L, 0xec63f226L, 0x756aa39cL, 0x026d930aL,
+ 0x9c0906a9L, 0xeb0e363fL, 0x72076785L, 0x05005713L,
+ 0x95bf4a82L, 0xe2b87a14L, 0x7bb12baeL, 0x0cb61b38L,
+ 0x92d28e9bL, 0xe5d5be0dL, 0x7cdcefb7L, 0x0bdbdf21L,
+ 0x86d3d2d4L, 0xf1d4e242L, 0x68ddb3f8L, 0x1fda836eL,
+ 0x81be16cdL, 0xf6b9265bL, 0x6fb077e1L, 0x18b74777L,
+ 0x88085ae6L, 0xff0f6a70L, 0x66063bcaL, 0x11010b5cL,
+ 0x8f659effL, 0xf862ae69L, 0x616bffd3L, 0x166ccf45L,
+ 0xa00ae278L, 0xd70dd2eeL, 0x4e048354L, 0x3903b3c2L,
+ 0xa7672661L, 0xd06016f7L, 0x4969474dL, 0x3e6e77dbL,
+ 0xaed16a4aL, 0xd9d65adcL, 0x40df0b66L, 0x37d83bf0L,
+ 0xa9bcae53L, 0xdebb9ec5L, 0x47b2cf7fL, 0x30b5ffe9L,
+ 0xbdbdf21cL, 0xcabac28aL, 0x53b39330L, 0x24b4a3a6L,
+ 0xbad03605L, 0xcdd70693L, 0x54de5729L, 0x23d967bfL,
+ 0xb3667a2eL, 0xc4614ab8L, 0x5d681b02L, 0x2a6f2b94L,
+ 0xb40bbe37L, 0xc30c8ea1L, 0x5a05df1bL, 0x2d02ef8dL
+ * NAME: crc->calculate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: compute CRC-32 value (ISO 3309)
+ */
+unsigned long id3_crc_calculate(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ register unsigned long crc;
+ for (crc = 0xffffffffL; length >= 8; length -= 8) {
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ }
+ switch (length) {
+ case 7: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 6: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 5: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 4: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 3: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 2: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 1: crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *data++) & 0xff] ^ (crc >> 8);
+ case 0: break;
+ }
+ return crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/crc.h b/src/libid3tag/crc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ff639053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/crc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: crc.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_CRC_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_CRC_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+unsigned long id3_crc_calculate(id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/debug.c b/src/libid3tag/debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78b11bba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: debug.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# undef malloc
+# undef calloc
+# undef realloc
+# undef free
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# include "debug.h"
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+# define DEBUG_MAGIC 0xdeadbeefL
+struct debug {
+ char const *file;
+ unsigned int line;
+ size_t size;
+ struct debug *next;
+ struct debug *prev;
+ long int magic;
+static struct debug *allocated;
+static int registered;
+void check(void)
+ struct debug *debug;
+ for (debug = allocated; debug; debug = debug->next) {
+ if (debug->magic != DEBUG_MAGIC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "memory corruption\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: leaked %lu bytes\n",
+ debug->file, debug->line, debug->size);
+ }
+void *id3_debug_malloc(size_t size, char const *file, unsigned int line)
+ struct debug *debug;
+ if (!registered) {
+ atexit(check);
+ registered = 1;
+ }
+ if (size == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: malloc(0)\n", file, line);
+ debug = malloc(sizeof(*debug) + size);
+ if (debug == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: malloc(%lu) failed\n", file, line, size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ debug->magic = DEBUG_MAGIC;
+ debug->file = file;
+ debug->line = line;
+ debug->size = size;
+ debug->next = allocated;
+ debug->prev = 0;
+ if (allocated)
+ allocated->prev = debug;
+ allocated = debug;
+ return ++debug;
+void *id3_debug_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size,
+ char const *file, unsigned int line)
+ void *ptr;
+ ptr = id3_debug_malloc(nmemb * size, file, line);
+ if (ptr)
+ memset(ptr, 0, nmemb * size);
+ return ptr;
+void *id3_debug_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size,
+ char const *file, unsigned int line)
+ struct debug *debug, *new;
+ if (size == 0) {
+ id3_debug_free(ptr, file, line);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (ptr == 0)
+ return id3_debug_malloc(size, file, line);
+ debug = ptr;
+ --debug;
+ if (debug->magic != DEBUG_MAGIC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: realloc(%p, %lu) memory not allocated\n",
+ file, line, ptr, size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ new = realloc(debug, sizeof(*debug) + size);
+ if (new == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: realloc(%p, %lu) failed\n", file, line, ptr, size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (allocated == debug)
+ allocated = new;
+ debug = new;
+ debug->file = file;
+ debug->line = line;
+ debug->size = size;
+ if (debug->next)
+ debug->next->prev = debug;
+ if (debug->prev)
+ debug->prev->next = debug;
+ return ++debug;
+void id3_debug_free(void *ptr, char const *file, unsigned int line)
+ struct debug *debug;
+ if (ptr == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: free(0)\n", file, line);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug = ptr;
+ --debug;
+ if (debug->magic != DEBUG_MAGIC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: free(%p) memory not allocated\n", file, line, ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug->magic = 0;
+ if (debug->next)
+ debug->next->prev = debug->prev;
+ if (debug->prev)
+ debug->prev->next = debug->next;
+ if (allocated == debug)
+ allocated = debug->next;
+ free(debug);
+void *id3_debug_release(void *ptr, char const *file, unsigned int line)
+ struct debug *debug;
+ if (ptr == 0)
+ return 0;
+ debug = ptr;
+ --debug;
+ if (debug->magic != DEBUG_MAGIC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u: release(%p) memory not allocated\n",
+ file, line, ptr);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ if (debug->next)
+ debug->next->prev = debug->prev;
+ if (debug->prev)
+ debug->prev->next = debug->next;
+ if (allocated == debug)
+ allocated = debug->next;
+ memmove(debug, debug + 1, debug->size);
+ return debug;
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/debug.h b/src/libid3tag/debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc5b4997c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: debug.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include <stdlib.h>
+void *id3_debug_malloc(size_t, char const *, unsigned int);
+void *id3_debug_calloc(size_t, size_t,
+ char const *file, unsigned int line);
+void *id3_debug_realloc(void *, size_t, char const *, unsigned int);
+void id3_debug_free(void *, char const *, unsigned int);
+void *id3_debug_release(void *, char const *, unsigned int);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/field.c b/src/libid3tag/field.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7b413edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/field.c
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: field.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "field.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "render.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+ * NAME: field->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize a field to a default value for the given type
+ */
+void id3_field_init(union id3_field *field, enum id3_field_type type)
+ assert(field);
+ switch (field->type = type) {
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16:
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24:
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32:
+ field->number.value = 0;
+ break;
+ field->latin1.ptr = 0;
+ break;
+ field->latin1list.nstrings = 0;
+ field->latin1list.strings = 0;
+ field->string.ptr = 0;
+ break;
+ field->stringlist.nstrings = 0;
+ field->stringlist.strings = 0;
+ break;
+ strcpy(field->immediate.value, "XXX");
+ break;
+ strcpy(field->immediate.value, "XXXX");
+ break;
+ memset(field->immediate.value, 0, sizeof(field->immediate.value));
+ break;
+ field->binary.data = 0;
+ field->binary.length = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ * NAME: field->finish()
+ * DESCRIPTION: reset a field, deallocating memory if necessary
+ */
+void id3_field_finish(union id3_field *field)
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(field);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16:
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24:
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32:
+ break;
+ if (field->latin1.ptr)
+ free(field->latin1.ptr);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < field->latin1list.nstrings; ++i)
+ free(field->latin1list.strings[i]);
+ if (field->latin1list.strings)
+ free(field->latin1list.strings);
+ break;
+ if (field->string.ptr)
+ free(field->string.ptr);
+ break;
+ for (i = 0; i < field->stringlist.nstrings; ++i)
+ free(field->stringlist.strings[i]);
+ if (field->stringlist.strings)
+ free(field->stringlist.strings);
+ break;
+ if (field->binary.data)
+ free(field->binary.data);
+ break;
+ }
+ id3_field_init(field, field->type);
+ * NAME: field->type()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value type of a field
+ */
+enum id3_field_type id3_field_type(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ return field->type;
+ * NAME: field->parse()
+ * DESCRIPTION: parse a field value
+ */
+int id3_field_parse(union id3_field *field, id3_byte_t const **ptr,
+ id3_length_t length, enum id3_field_textencoding *encoding)
+ assert(field);
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32:
+ if (length < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ field->number.value = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 4);
+ break;
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24:
+ if (length < 3)
+ goto fail;
+ field->number.value = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 3);
+ break;
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16:
+ if (length < 2)
+ goto fail;
+ field->number.value = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 2);
+ break;
+ if (length < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ field->number.value = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ if (field->type == ID3_FIELD_TYPE_TEXTENCODING)
+ *encoding = field->number.value;
+ break;
+ if (length < 3)
+ goto fail;
+ id3_parse_immediate(ptr, 3, field->immediate.value);
+ break;
+ if (length < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ id3_parse_immediate(ptr, 4, field->immediate.value);
+ break;
+ if (length < 8)
+ goto fail;
+ id3_parse_immediate(ptr, 8, field->immediate.value);
+ break;
+ {
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1;
+ latin1 = id3_parse_latin1(ptr, length,
+ field->type == ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LATIN1FULL);
+ if (latin1 == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ field->latin1.ptr = latin1;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1, **strings;
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ while (end - *ptr > 0) {
+ latin1 = id3_parse_latin1(ptr, end - *ptr, 0);
+ if (latin1 == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ strings = realloc(field->latin1list.strings,
+ (field->latin1list.nstrings + 1) * sizeof(*strings));
+ if (strings == 0) {
+ free(latin1);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ field->latin1list.strings = strings;
+ field->latin1list.strings[field->latin1list.nstrings++] = latin1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ ucs4 = id3_parse_string(ptr, length, *encoding,
+ field->type == ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGFULL);
+ if (ucs4 == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ field->string.ptr = ucs4;
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4, **strings;
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ while (end - *ptr > 0) {
+ ucs4 = id3_parse_string(ptr, end - *ptr, *encoding, 0);
+ if (ucs4 == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ strings = realloc(field->stringlist.strings,
+ (field->stringlist.nstrings + 1) * sizeof(*strings));
+ if (strings == 0) {
+ free(ucs4);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ field->stringlist.strings = strings;
+ field->stringlist.strings[field->stringlist.nstrings++] = ucs4;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ id3_byte_t *data;
+ data = id3_parse_binary(ptr, length);
+ if (data == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ field->binary.data = data;
+ field->binary.length = length;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ return -1;
+ * NAME: field->render()
+ * DESCRIPTION: render a field value
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_field_render(union id3_field const *field, id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding *encoding,
+ int terminate)
+ id3_length_t size;
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(field && encoding);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32:
+ return id3_render_int(ptr, field->number.value, 4);
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24:
+ return id3_render_int(ptr, field->number.value, 3);
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16:
+ return id3_render_int(ptr, field->number.value, 2);
+ *encoding = field->number.value;
+ return id3_render_int(ptr, field->number.value, 1);
+ return id3_render_latin1(ptr, field->latin1.ptr, terminate);
+ size = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < field->latin1list.nstrings; ++i) {
+ size += id3_render_latin1(ptr, field->latin1list.strings[i],
+ (i < field->latin1list.nstrings - 1) ||
+ terminate);
+ }
+ return size;
+ return id3_render_string(ptr, field->string.ptr, *encoding, terminate);
+ size = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < field->stringlist.nstrings; ++i) {
+ size += id3_render_string(ptr, field->stringlist.strings[i], *encoding,
+ (i < field->stringlist.nstrings - 1) ||
+ terminate);
+ }
+ return size;
+ return id3_render_immediate(ptr, field->immediate.value, 3);
+ return id3_render_immediate(ptr, field->immediate.value, 4);
+ return id3_render_immediate(ptr, field->immediate.value, 8);
+ return id3_render_binary(ptr, field->binary.data, field->binary.length);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setint()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of an int field
+ */
+int id3_field_setint(union id3_field *field, signed long number)
+ assert(field);
+ switch (field->type) {
+ if (number > 0x7f || number < -0x80)
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16:
+ if (number > 0x7fff || number < -0x8000)
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24:
+ if (number > 0x7fffffL || number < -0x800000L)
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ case ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32:
+ if (number > 0x7fffffffL || number < -0x80000000L)
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ field->number.value = number;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->settextencoding()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a textencoding field
+ */
+int id3_field_settextencoding(union id3_field *field,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_TEXTENCODING)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ field->number.value = encoding;
+ return 0;
+int set_latin1(union id3_field *field, id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ id3_latin1_t *data;
+ if (latin1 == 0 || *latin1 == 0)
+ data = 0;
+ else {
+ data = id3_latin1_duplicate(latin1);
+ if (data == 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ field->latin1.ptr = data;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setlatin1()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a latin1 field
+ */
+int id3_field_setlatin1(union id3_field *field, id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LATIN1)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ if (latin1) {
+ id3_latin1_t const *ptr;
+ for (ptr = latin1; *ptr; ++ptr) {
+ if (*ptr == '\n')
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return set_latin1(field, latin1);
+ * NAME: field->setfulllatin1()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a full latin1 field
+ */
+int id3_field_setfulllatin1(union id3_field *field, id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LATIN1FULL)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ return set_latin1(field, latin1);
+int set_string(union id3_field *field, id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ id3_ucs4_t *data;
+ if (string == 0 || *string == 0)
+ data = 0;
+ else {
+ data = id3_ucs4_duplicate(string);
+ if (data == 0)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ field->string.ptr = data;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a string field
+ */
+int id3_field_setstring(union id3_field *field, id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRING)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ if (string) {
+ id3_ucs4_t const *ptr;
+ for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr) {
+ if (*ptr == '\n')
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return set_string(field, string);
+ * NAME: field->setfullstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a full string field
+ */
+int id3_field_setfullstring(union id3_field *field, id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGFULL)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ return set_string(field, string);
+ * NAME: field->setstrings()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a stringlist field
+ */
+int id3_field_setstrings(union id3_field *field,
+ unsigned int length, id3_ucs4_t **ptrs)
+ id3_ucs4_t **strings;
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGLIST)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ if (length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ strings = malloc(length * sizeof(*strings));
+ if (strings == 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ strings[i] = id3_ucs4_duplicate(ptrs[i]);
+ if (strings[i] == 0) {
+ while (i--)
+ free(strings[i]);
+ free(strings);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ field->stringlist.strings = strings;
+ field->stringlist.nstrings = length;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->addstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: add a string to a stringlist field
+ */
+int id3_field_addstring(union id3_field *field, id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ id3_ucs4_t *new, **strings;
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGLIST)
+ return -1;
+ if (string == 0)
+ string = id3_ucs4_empty;
+ new = id3_ucs4_duplicate(string);
+ if (new == 0)
+ return -1;
+ strings = realloc(field->stringlist.strings,
+ (field->stringlist.nstrings + 1) * sizeof(*strings));
+ if (strings == 0) {
+ free(new);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ field->stringlist.strings = strings;
+ field->stringlist.strings[field->stringlist.nstrings++] = new;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setlanguage()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a language field
+ */
+int id3_field_setlanguage(union id3_field *field, char const *language)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LANGUAGE)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ if (language) {
+ if (strlen(language) != 3)
+ return -1;
+ strcpy(field->immediate.value, language);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setframeid()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a frameid field
+ */
+int id3_field_setframeid(union id3_field *field, char const *id)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_FRAMEID ||
+ !id3_frame_validid(id))
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ field->immediate.value[0] = id[0];
+ field->immediate.value[1] = id[1];
+ field->immediate.value[2] = id[2];
+ field->immediate.value[3] = id[3];
+ field->immediate.value[4] = 0;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->setbinarydata()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the value of a binarydata field
+ */
+int id3_field_setbinarydata(union id3_field *field,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t *mem;
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_BINARYDATA)
+ return -1;
+ id3_field_finish(field);
+ if (length == 0)
+ mem = 0;
+ else {
+ mem = malloc(length);
+ if (mem == 0)
+ return -1;
+ assert(data);
+ memcpy(mem, data, length);
+ }
+ field->binary.data = mem;
+ field->binary.length = length;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: field->getint()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of an integer field
+ */
+signed long id3_field_getint(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT8 &&
+ field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT16 &&
+ field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT24 &&
+ field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_INT32)
+ return -1;
+ return field->number.value;
+ * NAME: field->getlatin1()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a latin1 field
+ */
+id3_latin1_t const *id3_field_getlatin1(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LATIN1)
+ return 0;
+ return field->latin1.ptr ? field->latin1.ptr : (id3_latin1_t const *) "";
+ * NAME: field->getfulllatin1()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a full latin1 field
+ */
+id3_latin1_t const *id3_field_getfulllatin1(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_LATIN1FULL)
+ return 0;
+ return field->latin1.ptr ? field->latin1.ptr : (id3_latin1_t const *) "";
+ * NAME: field->getstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a string field
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getstring(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRING)
+ return 0;
+ return field->string.ptr ? field->string.ptr : id3_ucs4_empty;
+ * NAME: field->getfullstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a fullstring field
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getfullstring(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGFULL)
+ return 0;
+ return field->string.ptr ? field->string.ptr : id3_ucs4_empty;
+ * NAME: field->getnstrings()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the number of strings in a stringlist field
+ */
+unsigned int id3_field_getnstrings(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGLIST)
+ return 0;
+ return field->stringlist.nstrings;
+ * NAME: field->getstrings()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return one value of a stringlist field
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getstrings(union id3_field const *field,
+ unsigned int index)
+ id3_ucs4_t const *string;
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_STRINGLIST ||
+ index >= field->stringlist.nstrings)
+ return 0;
+ string = field->stringlist.strings[index];
+ return string ? string : id3_ucs4_empty;
+ * NAME: field->getframeid()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a frameid field
+ */
+char const *id3_field_getframeid(union id3_field const *field)
+ assert(field);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_FRAMEID)
+ return 0;
+ return field->immediate.value;
+ * NAME: field->getbinarydata()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the value of a binarydata field
+ */
+id3_byte_t const *id3_field_getbinarydata(union id3_field const *field,
+ id3_length_t *length)
+ static id3_byte_t const empty;
+ assert(field && length);
+ if (field->type != ID3_FIELD_TYPE_BINARYDATA)
+ return 0;
+ assert(field->binary.length == 0 || field->binary.data);
+ *length = field->binary.length;
+ return field->binary.data ? field->binary.data : &empty;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/field.h b/src/libid3tag/field.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3da578f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/field.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: field.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "id3tag.h"
+void id3_field_init(union id3_field *, enum id3_field_type);
+void id3_field_finish(union id3_field *);
+int id3_field_parse(union id3_field *, id3_byte_t const **,
+ id3_length_t, enum id3_field_textencoding *);
+id3_length_t id3_field_render(union id3_field const *, id3_byte_t **,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding *, int);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/file.c b/src/libid3tag/file.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02150c06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: file.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# include <unistd.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "file.h"
+# include "tag.h"
+# include "field.h"
+struct filetag {
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ unsigned long location;
+ id3_length_t length;
+struct id3_file {
+ FILE *iofile;
+ enum id3_file_mode mode;
+ char *path;
+ int flags;
+ struct id3_tag *primary;
+ unsigned int ntags;
+ struct filetag *tags;
+enum {
+ ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1 = 0x0001
+ * NAME: query_tag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: check for a tag at a file's current position
+ */
+signed long query_tag(FILE *iofile)
+ fpos_t save_position;
+ id3_byte_t query[ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE];
+ signed long size;
+ if (fgetpos(iofile, &save_position) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ size = id3_tag_query(query, fread(query, 1, sizeof(query), iofile));
+ if (fsetpos(iofile, &save_position) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ return size;
+ * NAME: read_tag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read and parse a tag at a file's current position
+ */
+struct id3_tag *read_tag(FILE *iofile, id3_length_t size)
+ id3_byte_t *data;
+ struct id3_tag *tag = 0;
+ data = malloc(size);
+ if (data) {
+ if (fread(data, size, 1, iofile) == 1)
+ tag = id3_tag_parse(data, size);
+ free(data);
+ }
+ return tag;
+ * NAME: update_primary()
+ * DESCRIPTION: update the primary tag with data from a new tag
+ */
+int update_primary(struct id3_tag *tag, struct id3_tag const *new)
+ unsigned int i;
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ if (new) {
+ if (!(new->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_TAGISANUPDATE))
+ id3_tag_clearframes(tag);
+ i = 0;
+ while ((frame = id3_tag_findframe(new, 0, i++))) {
+ if (id3_tag_attachframe(tag, frame) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: tag_compare()
+ * DESCRIPTION: tag sort function for qsort()
+ */
+int tag_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
+ struct filetag const *tag1 = a, *tag2 = b;
+ if (tag1->location < tag2->location)
+ return -1;
+ else if (tag1->location > tag2->location)
+ return +1;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: add_filetag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: add a new file tag entry
+ */
+int add_filetag(struct id3_file *file, struct filetag const *filetag)
+ struct filetag *tags;
+ tags = realloc(file->tags, (file->ntags + 1) * sizeof(*tags));
+ if (tags == 0)
+ return -1;
+ file->tags = tags;
+ file->tags[file->ntags++] = *filetag;
+ /* sort tags by location */
+ if (file->ntags > 1)
+ qsort(file->tags, file->ntags, sizeof(file->tags[0]), tag_compare);
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: del_filetag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: delete a file tag entry
+ */
+void del_filetag(struct id3_file *file, unsigned int index)
+ assert(index < file->ntags);
+ while (index < file->ntags - 1) {
+ file->tags[index] = file->tags[index + 1];
+ ++index;
+ }
+ --file->ntags;
+ * NAME: add_tag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read, parse, and add a tag to a file structure
+ */
+struct id3_tag *add_tag(struct id3_file *file, id3_length_t length)
+ long location;
+ unsigned int i;
+ struct filetag filetag;
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ location = ftell(file->iofile);
+ if (location == -1)
+ return 0;
+ /* check for duplication/overlap */
+ {
+ unsigned long begin1, end1, begin2, end2;
+ begin1 = location;
+ end1 = begin1 + length;
+ for (i = 0; i < file->ntags; ++i) {
+ begin2 = file->tags[i].location;
+ end2 = begin2 + file->tags[i].length;
+ if (begin1 == begin2 && end1 == end2)
+ return file->tags[i].tag; /* duplicate */
+ if (begin1 < end2 && end1 > begin2)
+ return 0; /* overlap */
+ }
+ }
+ tag = read_tag(file->iofile, length);
+ filetag.tag = tag;
+ filetag.location = location;
+ filetag.length = length;
+ if (add_filetag(file, &filetag) == -1 ||
+ update_primary(file->primary, tag) == -1) {
+ if (tag)
+ id3_tag_delete(tag);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (tag)
+ id3_tag_addref(tag);
+ return tag;
+ * NAME: search_tags()
+ * DESCRIPTION: search for tags in a file
+ */
+int search_tags(struct id3_file *file)
+ fpos_t save_position;
+ signed long size;
+ /*
+ * save the current seek position
+ *
+ * We also verify the stream is seekable by calling fsetpos(), since
+ * fgetpos() alone is not reliable enough for this purpose.
+ *
+ * [Apparently not even fsetpos() is sufficient under Win32.]
+ */
+ if (fgetpos(file->iofile, &save_position) == -1 ||
+ fsetpos(file->iofile, &save_position) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ /* look for an ID3v1 tag */
+ if (fseek(file->iofile, -128, SEEK_END) == 0) {
+ size = query_tag(file->iofile);
+ if (size > 0) {
+ struct id3_tag const *tag;
+ tag = add_tag(file, size);
+ /* if this is indeed an ID3v1 tag, mark the file so */
+ if (tag && (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(id3_tag_version(tag)) == 1))
+ file->flags |= ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* look for a tag at the beginning of the file */
+ rewind(file->iofile);
+ size = query_tag(file->iofile);
+ if (size > 0) {
+ struct id3_tag const *tag;
+ struct id3_frame const *frame;
+ tag = add_tag(file, size);
+ /* locate tags indicated by SEEK frames */
+ while (tag && (frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, "SEEK", 0))) {
+ long seek;
+ seek = id3_field_getint(id3_frame_field(frame, 0));
+ if (seek < 0 || fseek(file->iofile, seek, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
+ break;
+ size = query_tag(file->iofile);
+ tag = (size > 0) ? add_tag(file, size) : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* look for a tag at the end of the file (before any ID3v1 tag) */
+ if (fseek(file->iofile, ((file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1) ? -128 : 0) +
+ -10, SEEK_END) == 0) {
+ size = query_tag(file->iofile);
+ if (size < 0 && fseek(file->iofile, size, SEEK_CUR) == 0) {
+ size = query_tag(file->iofile);
+ if (size > 0)
+ add_tag(file, size);
+ }
+ }
+ clearerr(file->iofile);
+ /* restore seek position */
+ if (fsetpos(file->iofile, &save_position) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ /* set primary tag options and target padded length for convenience */
+ if ((file->ntags > 0 && !(file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1)) ||
+ (file->ntags > 1 && (file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1))) {
+ if (file->tags[0].location == 0)
+ id3_tag_setlength(file->primary, file->tags[0].length);
+ else
+ id3_tag_options(file->primary, ID3_TAG_OPTION_APPENDEDTAG, ~0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: finish_file()
+ * DESCRIPTION: release memory associated with a file
+ */
+void finish_file(struct id3_file *file)
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (file->path)
+ free(file->path);
+ if (file->primary) {
+ id3_tag_delref(file->primary);
+ id3_tag_delete(file->primary);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < file->ntags; ++i) {
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ tag = file->tags[i].tag;
+ if (tag) {
+ id3_tag_delref(tag);
+ id3_tag_delete(tag);
+ }
+ }
+ if (file->tags)
+ free(file->tags);
+ free(file);
+ * NAME: new_file()
+ * DESCRIPTION: create a new file structure and load tags
+ */
+struct id3_file *new_file(FILE *iofile, enum id3_file_mode mode,
+ char const *path)
+ struct id3_file *file;
+ file = malloc(sizeof(*file));
+ if (file == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ file->iofile = iofile;
+ file->mode = mode;
+ file->path = path ? strdup(path) : 0;
+ file->flags = 0;
+ file->ntags = 0;
+ file->tags = 0;
+ file->primary = id3_tag_new();
+ if (file->primary == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ id3_tag_addref(file->primary);
+ /* load tags from the file */
+ if (search_tags(file) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ id3_tag_options(file->primary, ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1,
+ (file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1) ? ~0 : 0);
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ if (file) {
+ finish_file(file);
+ file = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return file;
+ * NAME: file->open()
+ * DESCRIPTION: open a file given its pathname
+ */
+struct id3_file *id3_file_open(char const *path, enum id3_file_mode mode)
+ FILE *iofile;
+ struct id3_file *file;
+ assert(path);
+ iofile = fopen(path, (mode == ID3_FILE_MODE_READWRITE) ? "r+b" : "rb");
+ if (iofile == 0)
+ return 0;
+ file = new_file(iofile, mode, path);
+ if (file == 0)
+ fclose(iofile);
+ return file;
+ * NAME: file->fdopen()
+ * DESCRIPTION: open a file using an existing file descriptor
+ */
+struct id3_file *id3_file_fdopen(int fd, enum id3_file_mode mode)
+# if 1 || defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+ FILE *iofile;
+ struct id3_file *file;
+ iofile = fdopen(fd, (mode == ID3_FILE_MODE_READWRITE) ? "r+b" : "rb");
+ if (iofile == 0)
+ return 0;
+ file = new_file(iofile, mode, 0);
+ if (file == 0) {
+ int save_fd;
+ /* close iofile without closing fd */
+ save_fd = dup(fd);
+ fclose(iofile);
+ dup2(save_fd, fd);
+ close(save_fd);
+ }
+ return file;
+# else
+ return 0;
+# endif
+ * NAME: file->close()
+ * DESCRIPTION: close a file and delete its associated tags
+ */
+int id3_file_close(struct id3_file *file)
+ int result = 0;
+ assert(file);
+ if (fclose(file->iofile) == EOF)
+ result = -1;
+ finish_file(file);
+ return result;
+ * NAME: file->tag()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the primary tag structure for a file
+ */
+struct id3_tag *id3_file_tag(struct id3_file const *file)
+ assert(file);
+ return file->primary;
+ * NAME: v1_write()
+ * DESCRIPTION: write ID3v1 tag modifications to a file
+ */
+int v1_write(struct id3_file *file,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ assert(!data || length == 128);
+ if (data) {
+ long location;
+ if (fseek(file->iofile, (file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1) ? -128 : 0,
+ SEEK_END) == -1 ||
+ (location = ftell(file->iofile)) == -1 ||
+ fwrite(data, 128, 1, file->iofile) == 0 ||
+ fflush(file->iofile) == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ /* add file tag reference */
+ if (!(file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1)) {
+ struct filetag filetag;
+ filetag.tag = 0;
+ filetag.location = location;
+ filetag.length = 128;
+ if (add_filetag(file, &filetag) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ file->flags |= ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1;
+ }
+ }
+# if defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
+ else if (file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1) {
+ long length;
+ if (fseek(file->iofile, 0, SEEK_END) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ length = ftell(file->iofile);
+ if (length == -1 ||
+ (length >= 0 && length < 128))
+ return -1;
+ if (ftruncate(fileno(file->iofile), length - 128) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ /* delete file tag reference */
+ del_filetag(file, file->ntags - 1);
+ file->flags &= ~ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1;
+ }
+# endif
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: v2_write()
+ * DESCRIPTION: write ID3v2 tag modifications to a file
+ */
+int v2_write(struct id3_file *file,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ assert(!data || length > 0);
+ if (((file->ntags == 1 && !(file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1)) ||
+ (file->ntags == 2 && (file->flags & ID3_FILE_FLAG_ID3V1))) &&
+ file->tags[0].length == length) {
+ /* easy special case: rewrite existing tag in-place */
+ if (fseek(file->iofile, file->tags[0].location, SEEK_SET) == -1 ||
+ fwrite(data, length, 1, file->iofile) == 0 ||
+ fflush(file->iofile) == EOF)
+ return -1;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* hard general case: rewrite entire file */
+ /* ... */
+ done:
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: file->update()
+ * DESCRIPTION: rewrite tag(s) to a file
+ */
+int id3_file_update(struct id3_file *file)
+ int options, result = 0;
+ id3_length_t v1size = 0, v2size = 0;
+ id3_byte_t id3v1_data[128], *id3v1 = 0, *id3v2 = 0;
+ assert(file);
+ if (file->mode != ID3_FILE_MODE_READWRITE)
+ return -1;
+ options = id3_tag_options(file->primary, 0, 0);
+ /* render ID3v1 */
+ if (options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1) {
+ v1size = id3_tag_render(file->primary, 0);
+ if (v1size) {
+ assert(v1size == sizeof(id3v1_data));
+ v1size = id3_tag_render(file->primary, id3v1_data);
+ if (v1size) {
+ assert(v1size == sizeof(id3v1_data));
+ id3v1 = id3v1_data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* render ID3v2 */
+ id3_tag_options(file->primary, ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1, 0);
+ v2size = id3_tag_render(file->primary, 0);
+ if (v2size) {
+ id3v2 = malloc(v2size);
+ if (id3v2 == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ v2size = id3_tag_render(file->primary, id3v2);
+ if (v2size == 0) {
+ free(id3v2);
+ id3v2 = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* write tags */
+ if (v2_write(file, id3v2, v2size) == -1 ||
+ v1_write(file, id3v1, v1size) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ rewind(file->iofile);
+ /* update file tags array? ... */
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ /* clean up; restore tag options */
+ if (id3v2)
+ free(id3v2);
+ id3_tag_options(file->primary, ~0, options);
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/file.h b/src/libid3tag/file.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da67af241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: file.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_FILE_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_FILE_H
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/frame.c b/src/libid3tag/frame.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aafd54e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/frame.c
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frame.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "frametype.h"
+# include "compat.h"
+# include "field.h"
+# include "render.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+# include "util.h"
+int valid_idchar(char c)
+ return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
+ * NAME: frame->validid()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return true if the parameter string is a legal frame ID
+ */
+int id3_frame_validid(char const *id)
+ return id &&
+ valid_idchar(id[0]) &&
+ valid_idchar(id[1]) &&
+ valid_idchar(id[2]) &&
+ valid_idchar(id[3]);
+ * NAME: frame->new()
+ * DESCRIPTION: allocate and return a new frame
+ */
+struct id3_frame *id3_frame_new(char const *id)
+ struct id3_frametype const *frametype;
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ unsigned int i;
+ if (!id3_frame_validid(id))
+ return 0;
+ frametype = id3_frametype_lookup(id, 4);
+ if (frametype == 0) {
+ switch (id[0]) {
+ case 'T':
+ frametype = &id3_frametype_text;
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ frametype = &id3_frametype_url;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ case 'Y':
+ case 'Z':
+ frametype = &id3_frametype_experimental;
+ break;
+ default:
+ frametype = &id3_frametype_unknown;
+ if (id3_compat_lookup(id, 4))
+ frametype = &id3_frametype_obsolete;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ frame = malloc(sizeof(*frame) + frametype->nfields * sizeof(*frame->fields));
+ if (frame) {
+ frame->id[0] = id[0];
+ frame->id[1] = id[1];
+ frame->id[2] = id[2];
+ frame->id[3] = id[3];
+ frame->id[4] = 0;
+ frame->description = frametype->description;
+ frame->refcount = 0;
+ frame->flags = frametype->defaultflags;
+ frame->group_id = 0;
+ frame->encryption_method = 0;
+ frame->encoded = 0;
+ frame->encoded_length = 0;
+ frame->decoded_length = 0;
+ frame->nfields = frametype->nfields;
+ frame->fields = (union id3_field *) &frame[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < frame->nfields; ++i)
+ id3_field_init(&frame->fields[i], frametype->fields[i]);
+ }
+ return frame;
+void id3_frame_delete(struct id3_frame *frame)
+ assert(frame);
+ if (frame->refcount == 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < frame->nfields; ++i)
+ id3_field_finish(&frame->fields[i]);
+ if (frame->encoded)
+ free(frame->encoded);
+ free(frame);
+ }
+ * NAME: frame->addref()
+ * DESCRIPTION: add an external reference to a frame
+ */
+void id3_frame_addref(struct id3_frame *frame)
+ assert(frame);
+ ++frame->refcount;
+ * NAME: frame->delref()
+ * DESCRIPTION: remove an external reference to a frame
+ */
+void id3_frame_delref(struct id3_frame *frame)
+ assert(frame && frame->refcount > 0);
+ --frame->refcount;
+ * NAME: frame->field()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return a pointer to a field in a frame
+ */
+union id3_field *id3_frame_field(struct id3_frame const *frame,
+ unsigned int index)
+ assert(frame);
+ return (index < frame->nfields) ? &frame->fields[index] : 0;
+struct id3_frame *obsolete(char const *id, id3_byte_t const *data,
+ id3_length_t length)
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ frame = id3_frame_new(ID3_FRAME_OBSOLETE);
+ if (frame) {
+ if (id3_field_setframeid(&frame->fields[0], id) == -1 ||
+ id3_field_setbinarydata(&frame->fields[1], data, length) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ if (frame) {
+ id3_frame_delete(frame);
+ frame = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return frame;
+struct id3_frame *unparseable(char const *id, id3_byte_t const **ptr,
+ id3_length_t length, int flags,
+ int group_id, int encryption_method,
+ id3_length_t decoded_length)
+ struct id3_frame *frame = 0;
+ id3_byte_t *mem;
+ mem = malloc(length ? length : 1);
+ if (mem == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ frame = id3_frame_new(id);
+ if (frame == 0)
+ free(mem);
+ else {
+ memcpy(mem, *ptr, length);
+ frame->flags = flags;
+ frame->group_id = group_id;
+ frame->encryption_method = encryption_method;
+ frame->encoded = mem;
+ frame->encoded_length = length;
+ frame->decoded_length = decoded_length;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ ;
+ }
+ *ptr += length;
+ return frame;
+int parse_data(struct id3_frame *frame,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding;
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ unsigned int i;
+ encoding = ID3_FIELD_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1;
+ end = data + length;
+ for (i = 0; i < frame->nfields; ++i) {
+ if (id3_field_parse(&frame->fields[i], &data, end - data, &encoding) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: frame->parse()
+ * DESCRIPTION: parse raw frame data according to the specified ID3 tag version
+ */
+struct id3_frame *id3_frame_parse(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length,
+ unsigned int version)
+ struct id3_frame *frame = 0;
+ id3_byte_t const *id, *end, *data;
+ id3_length_t size, decoded_length = 0;
+ int flags = 0, group_id = 0, encryption_method = 0;
+ struct id3_compat const *compat = 0;
+ id3_byte_t *mem = 0;
+ char xid[4];
+ id = *ptr;
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ if (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(version) < 4) {
+ switch (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(version)) {
+ case 2:
+ if (length < 6)
+ goto fail;
+ compat = id3_compat_lookup(id, 3);
+ *ptr += 3;
+ size = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 3);
+ if (size > end - *ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ end = *ptr + size;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (length < 10)
+ goto fail;
+ compat = id3_compat_lookup(id, 4);
+ *ptr += 4;
+ size = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 4);
+ flags = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 2);
+ if (size > end - *ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ end = *ptr + size;
+ if (flags & (ID3_FRAME_FLAG_FORMATFLAGS & ~0x00e0)) {
+ frame = unparseable(id, ptr, end - *ptr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ flags =
+ ((flags >> 1) & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_STATUSFLAGS) |
+ ((flags >> 4) & (ID3_FRAME_FLAG_COMPRESSION |
+ if (end - *ptr < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ decoded_length = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 4);
+ }
+ if (flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_ENCRYPTION) {
+ if (end - *ptr < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ encryption_method = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ }
+ if (end - *ptr < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ group_id = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* canonicalize frame ID for ID3v2.4 */
+ if (compat && compat->equiv)
+ id = compat->equiv;
+ else if (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(version) == 2) {
+ xid[0] = 'Y';
+ xid[1] = id[0];
+ xid[2] = id[1];
+ xid[3] = id[2];
+ id = xid;
+ flags |=
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* ID3v2.4 */
+ if (length < 10)
+ goto fail;
+ *ptr += 4;
+ size = id3_parse_syncsafe(ptr, 4);
+ flags = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 2);
+ if (size > end - *ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ end = *ptr + size;
+ frame = unparseable(id, ptr, end - *ptr, flags, 0, 0, 0);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (end - *ptr < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ group_id = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ }
+ if ((flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_COMPRESSION) &&
+ goto fail;
+ if (flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_ENCRYPTION) {
+ if (end - *ptr < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ encryption_method = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ }
+ if (end - *ptr < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ decoded_length = id3_parse_syncsafe(ptr, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ data = *ptr;
+ *ptr = end;
+ /* undo frame encodings */
+ if ((flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_UNSYNCHRONISATION) && end - data > 0) {
+ mem = malloc(end - data);
+ if (mem == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ memcpy(mem, data, end - data);
+ end = mem + id3_util_deunsynchronise(mem, end - data);
+ data = mem;
+ }
+ if (flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_ENCRYPTION) {
+ frame = unparseable(id, &data, end - data, flags,
+ group_id, encryption_method, decoded_length);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ id3_byte_t *decomp;
+ decomp = id3_util_decompress(data, end - data, decoded_length);
+ if (decomp == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ if (mem)
+ free(mem);
+ data = mem = decomp;
+ end = data + decoded_length;
+ }
+ /* check for obsolescence */
+ if (compat && !compat->equiv) {
+ frame = obsolete(id, data, end - data);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* generate the internal frame structure */
+ frame = id3_frame_new(id);
+ if (frame) {
+ frame->flags = flags;
+ frame->group_id = group_id;
+ if (compat && compat->translate) {
+ if (compat->translate(frame, compat->id, data, end - data) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (parse_data(frame, data, end - data) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ if (frame) {
+ id3_frame_delete(frame);
+ frame = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ done:
+ if (mem)
+ free(mem);
+ return frame;
+id3_length_t render_data(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ union id3_field *fields, unsigned int length)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding;
+ unsigned int i;
+ encoding = ID3_FIELD_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_1;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
+ size += id3_field_render(&fields[i], ptr, &encoding, i < length - 1);
+ return size;
+ * NAME: frame->render()
+ * DESCRIPTION: render a single, complete frame
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_frame_render(struct id3_frame const *frame,
+ id3_byte_t **ptr, int options)
+ id3_length_t size = 0, decoded_length, datalen;
+ id3_byte_t *size_ptr = 0, *flags_ptr = 0, *data = 0;
+ int flags;
+ assert(frame);
+ ((options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_FILEALTERED) &&
+ return 0;
+ /* a frame must be at least 1 byte big, excluding the header */
+ decoded_length = render_data(0, frame->fields, frame->nfields);
+ if (decoded_length == 0 && frame->encoded == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* header */
+ size += id3_render_immediate(ptr, frame->id, 4);
+ if (ptr)
+ size_ptr = *ptr;
+ size += id3_render_syncsafe(ptr, 0, 4);
+ if (ptr)
+ flags_ptr = *ptr;
+ flags = frame->flags;
+ size += id3_render_int(ptr, flags, 2);
+ size += id3_render_binary(ptr, frame->encoded, frame->encoded_length);
+ if (size_ptr)
+ id3_render_syncsafe(&size_ptr, size - 10, 4);
+ return size;
+ }
+ if (!(flags & ID3_FRAME_FLAG_ENCRYPTION)) {
+ }
+ size += id3_render_int(ptr, frame->group_id, 1);
+ size += id3_render_int(ptr, frame->encryption_method, 1);
+ decoded_length = frame->decoded_length;
+ size += id3_render_syncsafe(ptr, decoded_length, 4);
+ }
+ if (ptr)
+ data = *ptr;
+ datalen = id3_render_binary(ptr, frame->encoded, frame->encoded_length);
+ else {
+ if (ptr == 0)
+ datalen = decoded_length;
+ else {
+ datalen = render_data(ptr, frame->fields, frame->nfields);
+ id3_byte_t *comp;
+ id3_length_t complen;
+ comp = id3_util_compress(data, datalen, &complen);
+ if (comp == 0)
+ else {
+ *ptr = data;
+ datalen = id3_render_binary(ptr, comp, complen);
+ free(comp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* unsynchronisation */
+ if (data == 0)
+ datalen *= 2;
+ else {
+ id3_length_t newlen;
+ newlen = id3_util_unsynchronise(data, datalen);
+ if (newlen == datalen)
+ else {
+ *ptr += newlen - datalen;
+ datalen = newlen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size += datalen;
+ /* patch size and flags */
+ if (size_ptr)
+ id3_render_syncsafe(&size_ptr, size - 10, 4);
+ if (flags_ptr)
+ id3_render_int(&flags_ptr, flags, 2);
+ return size;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/frame.h b/src/libid3tag/frame.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfa9bb927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/frame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frame.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "id3tag.h"
+int id3_frame_validid(char const *);
+void id3_frame_addref(struct id3_frame *);
+void id3_frame_delref(struct id3_frame *);
+struct id3_frame *id3_frame_parse(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t,
+ unsigned int);
+id3_length_t id3_frame_render(struct id3_frame const *, id3_byte_t **, int);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/frametype.gperf b/src/libid3tag/frametype.gperf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5158f77b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/frametype.gperf
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frametype.gperf,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <string.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "frametype.h"
+# define FIELDS(id) static enum id3_field_type const fields_##id[]
+/* frame field descriptions */
+FIELDS(text) = {
+FIELDS(url) = {
+FIELDS(unknown) = {
+# define FRAME(id) \
+ sizeof(fields_##id) / sizeof(fields_##id[0]), fields_##id
+# define PRESERVE 0
+# define FRAMETYPE(type, id, flags, desc) \
+ struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_##type = { \
+ 0, FRAME(id), flags, desc \
+ }
+/* static frame types */
+FRAMETYPE(text, text, PRESERVE, "Unknown text information frame");
+FRAMETYPE(url, url, PRESERVE, "Unknown URL link frame");
+FRAMETYPE(experimental, unknown, PRESERVE, "Experimental frame");
+FRAMETYPE(unknown, unknown, PRESERVE, "Unknown frame");
+FRAMETYPE(obsolete, unknown, OBSOLETE, "Obsolete frame");
+struct id3_frametype;
+# ID3v2.4 frames
+AENC, FRAME(AENC), DISCARD, "Audio encryption"
+APIC, FRAME(APIC), PRESERVE, "Attached picture"
+ASPI, FRAME(ASPI), DISCARD, "Audio seek point index"
+COMR, FRAME(COMR), PRESERVE, "Commercial frame"
+ENCR, FRAME(ENCR), PRESERVE, "Encryption method registration"
+EQU2, FRAME(EQU2), DISCARD, "Equalisation (2)"
+ETCO, FRAME(ETCO), DISCARD, "Event timing codes"
+GEOB, FRAME(GEOB), PRESERVE, "General encapsulated object"
+GRID, FRAME(GRID), PRESERVE, "Group identification registration"
+LINK, FRAME(LINK), PRESERVE, "Linked information"
+MCDI, FRAME(MCDI), PRESERVE, "Music CD identifier"
+MLLT, FRAME(MLLT), DISCARD, "MPEG location lookup table"
+OWNE, FRAME(OWNE), PRESERVE, "Ownership frame"
+PCNT, FRAME(PCNT), PRESERVE, "Play counter"
+POPM, FRAME(POPM), PRESERVE, "Popularimeter"
+POSS, FRAME(POSS), DISCARD, "Position synchronisation frame"
+PRIV, FRAME(PRIV), PRESERVE, "Private frame"
+RBUF, FRAME(RBUF), PRESERVE, "Recommended buffer size"
+RVA2, FRAME(RVA2), DISCARD, "Relative volume adjustment (2)"
+SIGN, FRAME(SIGN), PRESERVE, "Signature frame"
+SYLT, FRAME(SYLT), DISCARD, "Synchronised lyric/text"
+SYTC, FRAME(SYTC), DISCARD, "Synchronised tempo codes"
+TALB, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Album/movie/show title"
+TBPM, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "BPM (beats per minute)"
+TCOM, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Composer"
+TCON, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Content type"
+TCOP, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Copyright message"
+TDEN, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Encoding time"
+TDLY, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Playlist delay"
+TDOR, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Original release time"
+TDRC, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Recording time"
+TDRL, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Release time"
+TDTG, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Tagging time"
+TENC, FRAME(text), DISCARD, "Encoded by"
+TEXT, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Lyricist/text writer"
+TFLT, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "File type"
+TIPL, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Involved people list"
+TIT1, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Content group description"
+TIT2, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Title/songname/content description"
+TIT3, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Subtitle/description refinement"
+TKEY, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Initial key"
+TLAN, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Language(s)"
+TLEN, FRAME(text), DISCARD, "Length"
+TMCL, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Musician credits list"
+TMED, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Media type"
+TMOO, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Mood"
+TOAL, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Original album/movie/show title"
+TOFN, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Original filename"
+TOLY, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)"
+TOPE, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Original artist(s)/performer(s)"
+TOWN, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "File owner/licensee"
+TPE1, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Lead performer(s)/soloist(s)"
+TPE2, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Band/orchestra/accompaniment"
+TPE3, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Conductor/performer refinement"
+TPE4, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by"
+TPOS, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Part of a set"
+TPRO, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Produced notice"
+TPUB, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Publisher"
+TRCK, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Track number/position in set"
+TRSN, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Internet radio station name"
+TRSO, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Internet radio station owner"
+TSOA, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Album sort order"
+TSOP, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Performer sort order"
+TSOT, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Title sort order"
+TSRC, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "ISRC (international standard recording code)"
+TSSE, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Software/hardware and settings used for encoding"
+TSST, FRAME(text), PRESERVE, "Set subtitle"
+TXXX, FRAME(TXXX), PRESERVE, "User defined text information frame"
+UFID, FRAME(UFID), PRESERVE, "Unique file identifier"
+USER, FRAME(USER), PRESERVE, "Terms of use"
+USLT, FRAME(USLT), PRESERVE, "Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription"
+WCOM, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Commercial information"
+WCOP, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Copyright/legal information"
+WOAF, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Official audio file webpage"
+WOAR, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Official artist/performer webpage"
+WOAS, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Official audio source webpage"
+WORS, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Official Internet radio station homepage"
+WPAY, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Payment"
+WPUB, FRAME(url), PRESERVE, "Publishers official webpage"
+WXXX, FRAME(WXXX), PRESERVE, "User defined URL link frame"
+# Special frames
+ZOBS, FRAME(ZOBS), OBSOLETE, "Obsolete frame"
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/frametype.h b/src/libid3tag/frametype.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ace41468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/frametype.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frametype.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+struct id3_frametype {
+ char const *id;
+ unsigned int nfields;
+ enum id3_field_type const *fields;
+ int defaultflags;
+ char const *description;
+extern struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_text;
+extern struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_url;
+extern struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_experimental;
+extern struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_unknown;
+extern struct id3_frametype const id3_frametype_obsolete;
+struct id3_frametype const *id3_frametype_lookup(register char const *,
+ register unsigned int);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/genre.c b/src/libid3tag/genre.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dda381a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/genre.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: genre.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+/* genres are stored in ucs4 format */
+# include "genre.dat"
+# define NGENRES (sizeof(genre_table) / sizeof(genre_table[0]))
+ * NAME: genre->index()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return an ID3v1 genre string indexed by number
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_genre_index(unsigned int index)
+ return (index < NGENRES) ? genre_table[index] : 0;
+ * NAME: genre->name()
+ * DESCRIPTION: translate an ID3v2 genre number/keyword to its full name
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_genre_name(id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ id3_ucs4_t const *ptr;
+ static id3_ucs4_t const genre_remix[] = { 'R', 'e', 'm', 'i', 'x', 0 };
+ static id3_ucs4_t const genre_cover[] = { 'C', 'o', 'v', 'e', 'r', 0 };
+ unsigned long number;
+ if (string == 0 || *string == 0)
+ return id3_ucs4_empty;
+ if (string[0] == 'R' && string[1] == 'X' && string[2] == 0)
+ return genre_remix;
+ if (string[0] == 'C' && string[1] == 'R' && string[2] == 0)
+ return genre_cover;
+ for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr) {
+ if (*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
+ return string;
+ }
+ number = id3_ucs4_getnumber(string);
+ return (number < NGENRES) ? genre_table[number] : string;
+ * NAME: translate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return a canonicalized character for testing genre equivalence
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t translate(id3_ucs4_t ch)
+ if (ch) {
+ if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
+ ch += 'a' - 'A';
+ if (ch < 'a' || ch > 'z')
+ }
+ return ch;
+ * NAME: compare()
+ * DESCRIPTION: test two ucs4 genre strings for equivalence
+ */
+int compare(id3_ucs4_t const *str1, id3_ucs4_t const *str2)
+ id3_ucs4_t c1, c2;
+ if (str1 == str2)
+ return 1;
+ do {
+ do
+ c1 = translate(*str1++);
+ while (c1 == ID3_UCS4_REPLACEMENTCHAR);
+ do
+ c2 = translate(*str2++);
+ while (c2 == ID3_UCS4_REPLACEMENTCHAR);
+ }
+ while (c1 && c1 == c2);
+ return c1 == c2;
+ * NAME: genre->number()
+ * DESCRIPTION: translate an ID3v2 genre name/number to its ID3v1 index number
+ */
+int id3_genre_number(id3_ucs4_t const *string)
+ id3_ucs4_t const *ptr;
+ int i;
+ if (string == 0 || *string == 0)
+ return -1;
+ for (ptr = string; *ptr; ++ptr) {
+ if (*ptr < '0' || *ptr > '9')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*ptr == 0) {
+ unsigned long number;
+ number = id3_ucs4_getnumber(string);
+ return (number <= 0xff) ? number : -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < NGENRES; ++i) {
+ if (compare(string, genre_table[i]))
+ return i;
+ }
+ /* no equivalent */
+ return -1;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.in b/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a7ad9c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.in
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: genre.dat.in,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ * These are the ID3 genre names, taken as a combination of names from ID3v1
+ * (listed in Appendix A of the ID3 tag version 2.4.0 informal standard) and
+ * the extensions made by Winamp as of version 2.80.
+ */
+/* ID3v1 names (0-79) */
+Classic Rock
+New Age
+Death Metal
+Sound Clip
+Instrumental Pop
+Instrumental Rock
+Southern Rock
+Top 40
+Christian Rap
+Native American
+New Wave
+Acid Punk
+Acid Jazz
+Rock & Roll
+Hard Rock
+/* Winamp extensions (80-147) */
+National Folk
+Gothic Rock
+Progressive Rock
+Psychedelic Rock
+Symphonic Rock
+Slow Rock
+Big Band
+Easy Listening
+Chamber Music
+Booty Bass
+Porn Groove
+Slow Jam
+Power Ballad
+Rhythmic Soul
+Punk Rock
+Drum Solo
+A Cappella
+Dance Hall
+Drum & Bass
+Polsk Punk
+Christian Gangsta Rap
+Heavy Metal
+Black Metal
+Contemporary Christian
+Christian Rock
+Thrash Metal
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.sed b/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.sed
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c65740334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/genre.dat.sed
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: genre.dat.sed,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+/* Automatically generated from genre.dat.in */
+# generate an array from a string
+s/.*/static id3_ucs4_t const genre_&[] =/p
+s/./'&', /g
+s/.*/ { &0 };/
+# write the final table of arrays
+static id3_ucs4_t const *const genre_table[] = {
+s/\([^\n]*\)\(\n\)/ genre_\1,\2/g
+# print the pattern space (assumes -n)
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/genre.h b/src/libid3tag/genre.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd4b906e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/genre.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: genre.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# define ID3_GENRE_OTHER 12
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/global.h b/src/libid3tag/global.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86924b112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/global.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: global.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+/* conditional debugging */
+# if defined(DEBUG) && defined(NDEBUG)
+# error "cannot define both DEBUG and NDEBUG"
+# endif
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include "debug.h"
+# define malloc(sz) id3_debug_malloc(sz, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+# define calloc(n, sz) id3_debug_calloc(n, sz, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+# define realloc(ptr, sz) id3_debug_realloc(ptr, sz, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+# define free(ptr) id3_debug_free(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+# define release(ptr) id3_debug_release(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+# else
+# define release(ptr) (ptr)
+# endif
+/* conditional features */
+# if !defined(HAVE_ASSERT_H)
+# if defined(NDEBUG)
+# define assert(x) /* nothing */
+# else
+# define assert(x) do { if (!(x)) abort(); } while (0)
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/id3tag.h b/src/libid3tag/id3tag.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a862eaeb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/id3tag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * If you would like to negotiate alternate licensing terms, you may do
+ * so by contacting: Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com>
+ *
+ * $Id: id3tag.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_ID3TAG_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_ID3TAG_H
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+# endif
+# define ID3_TAG_VERSION 0x0400
+# define ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xff)
+# define ID3_TAG_VERSION_MINOR(x) (((x) >> 0) & 0xff)
+typedef unsigned char id3_byte_t;
+typedef unsigned long id3_length_t;
+typedef unsigned long id3_ucs4_t;
+typedef unsigned char id3_latin1_t;
+typedef unsigned short id3_utf16_t;
+typedef signed char id3_utf8_t;
+struct id3_tag {
+ unsigned int refcount;
+ unsigned int version;
+ int flags;
+ int extendedflags;
+ int restrictions;
+ int options;
+ unsigned int nframes;
+ struct id3_frame **frames;
+ id3_length_t paddedsize;
+# define ID3_TAG_QUERYSIZE 10
+/* ID3v1 field frames */
+# define ID3_FRAME_TITLE "TIT2"
+# define ID3_FRAME_ARTIST "TPE1"
+# define ID3_FRAME_ALBUM "TALB"
+# define ID3_FRAME_TRACK "TRCK"
+# define ID3_FRAME_YEAR "TDRC"
+# define ID3_FRAME_GENRE "TCON"
+/* special frames */
+# define ID3_FRAME_OBSOLETE "ZOBS" /* with apologies to the French */
+/* tag flags */
+enum {
+/* tag extended flags */
+enum {
+/* tag restrictions */
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+/* library options */
+enum {
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_UNSYNCHRONISATION = 0x0001, /* use unsynchronisation */
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_COMPRESSION = 0x0002, /* use compression */
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_CRC = 0x0004, /* use CRC */
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_APPENDEDTAG = 0x0010, /* tag will be appended */
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_FILEALTERED = 0x0020, /* audio data was altered */
+ ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1 = 0x0100 /* render ID3v1/ID3v1.1 tag */
+struct id3_frame {
+ char id[5];
+ char const *description;
+ unsigned int refcount;
+ int flags;
+ int group_id;
+ int encryption_method;
+ id3_byte_t *encoded;
+ id3_length_t encoded_length;
+ id3_length_t decoded_length;
+ unsigned int nfields;
+ union id3_field *fields;
+enum {
+ /* frame status flags */
+ /* frame format flags */
+enum id3_field_type {
+enum id3_field_textencoding {
+union id3_field {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ signed long value;
+ } number;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ id3_latin1_t *ptr;
+ } latin1;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ unsigned int nstrings;
+ id3_latin1_t **strings;
+ } latin1list;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ id3_ucs4_t *ptr;
+ } string;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ unsigned int nstrings;
+ id3_ucs4_t **strings;
+ } stringlist;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ char value[9];
+ } immediate;
+ struct {
+ enum id3_field_type type;
+ id3_byte_t *data;
+ id3_length_t length;
+ } binary;
+/* file interface */
+enum id3_file_mode {
+struct id3_file *id3_file_open(char const *, enum id3_file_mode);
+struct id3_file *id3_file_fdopen(int, enum id3_file_mode);
+int id3_file_close(struct id3_file *);
+struct id3_tag *id3_file_tag(struct id3_file const *);
+int id3_file_update(struct id3_file *);
+/* tag interface */
+struct id3_tag *id3_tag_new(void);
+void id3_tag_delete(struct id3_tag *);
+unsigned int id3_tag_version(struct id3_tag const *);
+int id3_tag_options(struct id3_tag *, int, int);
+void id3_tag_setlength(struct id3_tag *, id3_length_t);
+void id3_tag_clearframes(struct id3_tag *);
+int id3_tag_attachframe(struct id3_tag *, struct id3_frame *);
+int id3_tag_detachframe(struct id3_tag *, struct id3_frame *);
+struct id3_frame *id3_tag_findframe(struct id3_tag const *,
+ char const *, unsigned int);
+signed long id3_tag_query(id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+struct id3_tag *id3_tag_parse(id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+id3_length_t id3_tag_render(struct id3_tag const *, id3_byte_t *);
+/* frame interface */
+struct id3_frame *id3_frame_new(char const *);
+void id3_frame_delete(struct id3_frame *);
+union id3_field *id3_frame_field(struct id3_frame const *, unsigned int);
+/* field interface */
+enum id3_field_type id3_field_type(union id3_field const *);
+int id3_field_setint(union id3_field *, signed long);
+int id3_field_settextencoding(union id3_field *, enum id3_field_textencoding);
+int id3_field_setstrings(union id3_field *, unsigned int, id3_ucs4_t **);
+int id3_field_addstring(union id3_field *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+int id3_field_setlanguage(union id3_field *, char const *);
+int id3_field_setlatin1(union id3_field *, id3_latin1_t const *);
+int id3_field_setfulllatin1(union id3_field *, id3_latin1_t const *);
+int id3_field_setstring(union id3_field *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+int id3_field_setfullstring(union id3_field *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+int id3_field_setframeid(union id3_field *, char const *);
+int id3_field_setbinarydata(union id3_field *,
+ id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+signed long id3_field_getint(union id3_field const *);
+id3_latin1_t const *id3_field_getlatin1(union id3_field const *);
+id3_latin1_t const *id3_field_getfulllatin1(union id3_field const *);
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getstring(union id3_field const *);
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getfullstring(union id3_field const *);
+unsigned int id3_field_getnstrings(union id3_field const *);
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_field_getstrings(union id3_field const *,
+ unsigned int);
+char const *id3_field_getframeid(union id3_field const *);
+id3_byte_t const *id3_field_getbinarydata(union id3_field const *,
+ id3_length_t *);
+/* genre interface */
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_genre_index(unsigned int);
+id3_ucs4_t const *id3_genre_name(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+int id3_genre_number(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+/* ucs4 interface */
+id3_latin1_t *id3_ucs4_latin1duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_utf16_t *id3_ucs4_utf16duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_utf8_t *id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+void id3_ucs4_putnumber(id3_ucs4_t *, unsigned long);
+unsigned long id3_ucs4_getnumber(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+/* latin1/utf16/utf8 interfaces */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_latin1_ucs4duplicate(id3_latin1_t const *);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf16_ucs4duplicate(id3_utf16_t const *);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf8_ucs4duplicate(id3_utf8_t const *);
+/* version interface */
+# define ID3_VERSION_MAJOR 0
+# define ID3_VERSION_MINOR 15
+# define ID3_VERSION_PATCH 0
+# define ID3_VERSION_EXTRA " (beta)"
+# define ID3_VERSION_STRINGIZE(str) #str
+# define ID3_PUBLISHYEAR "2000-2003"
+# define ID3_AUTHOR "Underbit Technologies, Inc."
+# define ID3_EMAIL "info@underbit.com"
+extern char const id3_version[];
+extern char const id3_copyright[];
+extern char const id3_author[];
+extern char const id3_build[];
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# endif
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/latin1.c b/src/libid3tag/latin1.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12ecb9ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/latin1.c
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: latin1.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+ * NAME: latin1->length()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the number of ucs4 chars represented by a latin1 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_length(id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ id3_latin1_t const *ptr = latin1;
+ while (*ptr)
+ ++ptr;
+ return ptr - latin1;
+ * NAME: latin1->size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a latin1 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_size(id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ return id3_latin1_length(latin1) + 1;
+ * NAME: latin1->copy()
+ * DESCRIPTION: copy a latin1 string
+ */
+void id3_latin1_copy(id3_latin1_t *dest, id3_latin1_t const *src)
+ while ((*dest++ = *src++))
+ ;
+ * NAME: latin1->duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate a latin1 string
+ */
+id3_latin1_t *id3_latin1_duplicate(id3_latin1_t const *src)
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1;
+ latin1 = malloc(id3_latin1_size(src) * sizeof(*latin1));
+ if (latin1)
+ id3_latin1_copy(latin1, src);
+ return latin1;
+ * NAME: latin1->ucs4duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and decode a latin1 string into ucs4
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_latin1_ucs4duplicate(id3_latin1_t const *latin1)
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_latin1_length(latin1) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_latin1_decode(latin1, ucs4);
+ return release(ucs4);
+ * NAME: latin1->decodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a (single) latin1 char into a single ucs4 char
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_decodechar(id3_latin1_t const *latin1,
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ *ucs4 = *latin1;
+ return 1;
+ * NAME: latin1->encodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a single ucs4 char into a (single) latin1 char
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_encodechar(id3_latin1_t *latin1, id3_ucs4_t ucs4)
+ *latin1 = ucs4;
+ if (ucs4 > 0x000000ffL)
+ return 1;
+ * NAME: latin1->decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a complete latin1 string into a ucs4 string
+ */
+void id3_latin1_decode(id3_latin1_t const *latin1, id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ do
+ latin1 += id3_latin1_decodechar(latin1, ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: latin1->encode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a complete ucs4 string into a latin1 string
+ */
+void id3_latin1_encode(id3_latin1_t *latin1, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ do
+ latin1 += id3_latin1_encodechar(latin1, *ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: latin1->put()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a single latin1 character
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_put(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_latin1_t latin1)
+ if (ptr)
+ *(*ptr)++ = latin1;
+ return 1;
+ * NAME: latin1->get()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a single latin1 character
+ */
+id3_latin1_t id3_latin1_get(id3_byte_t const **ptr)
+ return *(*ptr)++;
+ * NAME: latin1->serialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a ucs4 string using latin1 encoding
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_serialize(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4,
+ int terminate)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ id3_latin1_t latin1[1], *out;
+ while (*ucs4) {
+ switch (id3_latin1_encodechar(out = latin1, *ucs4++)) {
+ case 1: size += id3_latin1_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 0: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (terminate)
+ size += id3_latin1_put(ptr, 0);
+ return size;
+ * NAME: latin1->deserialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a ucs4 string using latin1 encoding
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_latin1_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1ptr, *latin1;
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ latin1 = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(*latin1));
+ if (latin1 == 0)
+ return 0;
+ latin1ptr = latin1;
+ while (end - *ptr > 0 && (*latin1ptr = id3_latin1_get(ptr)))
+ ++latin1ptr;
+ *latin1ptr = 0;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_latin1_length(latin1) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_latin1_decode(latin1, ucs4);
+ free(latin1);
+ return ucs4;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/latin1.h b/src/libid3tag/latin1.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..287dd6722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/latin1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: latin1.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_LATIN1_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_LATIN1_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_length(id3_latin1_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_size(id3_latin1_t const *);
+void id3_latin1_copy(id3_latin1_t *, id3_latin1_t const *);
+id3_latin1_t *id3_latin1_duplicate(id3_latin1_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_decodechar(id3_latin1_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_encodechar(id3_latin1_t *, id3_ucs4_t);
+void id3_latin1_decode(id3_latin1_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+void id3_latin1_encode(id3_latin1_t *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_put(id3_byte_t **, id3_latin1_t);
+id3_latin1_t id3_latin1_get(id3_byte_t const **);
+id3_length_t id3_latin1_serialize(id3_byte_t **, id3_ucs4_t const *, int);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_latin1_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/libid3tag.list.in b/src/libid3tag/libid3tag.list.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65731c2d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/libid3tag.list.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# @configure_input@
+# Directories...
+# Product information
+%product @PACKAGE@
+%copyright GPL
+%vendor Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com>
+%license @srcdir@/COPYING
+%readme @srcdir@/README
+%description libid3tag is an ID3 tag manipulation library.
+%version @VERSION@
+%packager Giuseppe "Cowo" Corbelli <cowo@lugbs.linux.it>
+%system all
+f 0755 root root @libdir@/libid3tag.la .libs/libid3tag.lai
+f 0644 root root @libdir@/libid3tag.a .libs/libid3tag.a
+f 0644 root root @includedir@/id3tag.h @srcdir@/id3tag.h
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/parse.c b/src/libid3tag/parse.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3ddad865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/parse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: parse.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "utf16.h"
+# include "utf8.h"
+signed long id3_parse_int(id3_byte_t const **ptr, unsigned int bytes)
+ signed long value = 0;
+ assert(bytes >= 1 && bytes <= 4);
+ if (**ptr & 0x80)
+ value = ~0;
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 4: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 3: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 2: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 1: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ }
+ return value;
+unsigned long id3_parse_uint(id3_byte_t const **ptr, unsigned int bytes)
+ unsigned long value = 0;
+ assert(bytes >= 1 && bytes <= 4);
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 4: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 3: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 2: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ case 1: value = (value << 8) | *(*ptr)++;
+ }
+ return value;
+unsigned long id3_parse_syncsafe(id3_byte_t const **ptr, unsigned int bytes)
+ unsigned long value = 0;
+ assert(bytes == 4 || bytes == 5);
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 5: value = (value << 4) | (*(*ptr)++ & 0x0f);
+ case 4: value = (value << 7) | (*(*ptr)++ & 0x7f);
+ value = (value << 7) | (*(*ptr)++ & 0x7f);
+ value = (value << 7) | (*(*ptr)++ & 0x7f);
+ value = (value << 7) | (*(*ptr)++ & 0x7f);
+ }
+ return value;
+void id3_parse_immediate(id3_byte_t const **ptr, unsigned int bytes,
+ char *value)
+ assert(value);
+ assert(bytes == 8 || bytes == 4 || bytes == 3);
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 8: *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ case 4: *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ case 3: *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ *value++ = *(*ptr)++;
+ }
+ *value = 0;
+id3_latin1_t *id3_parse_latin1(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length,
+ int full)
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ int terminated = 0;
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1;
+ end = memchr(*ptr, 0, length);
+ if (end == 0)
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ else {
+ length = end - *ptr;
+ terminated = 1;
+ }
+ latin1 = malloc(length + 1);
+ if (latin1) {
+ memcpy(latin1, *ptr, length);
+ latin1[length] = 0;
+ if (!full) {
+ id3_latin1_t *check;
+ for (check = latin1; *check; ++check) {
+ if (*check == '\n')
+ *check = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *ptr += length + terminated;
+ return latin1;
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_parse_string(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding, int full)
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4 = 0;
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_ANY;
+ switch (encoding) {
+ ucs4 = id3_latin1_deserialize(ptr, length);
+ break;
+ byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_BE;
+ ucs4 = id3_utf16_deserialize(ptr, length, byteorder);
+ break;
+ ucs4 = id3_utf8_deserialize(ptr, length);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ucs4 && !full) {
+ id3_ucs4_t *check;
+ for (check = ucs4; *check; ++check) {
+ if (*check == '\n')
+ *check = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ return ucs4;
+id3_byte_t *id3_parse_binary(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t *data;
+ if (length == 0)
+ return malloc(1);
+ data = malloc(length);
+ if (data)
+ memcpy(data, *ptr, length);
+ *ptr += length;
+ return data;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/parse.h b/src/libid3tag/parse.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20f79ad3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/parse.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: parse.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+signed long id3_parse_int(id3_byte_t const **, unsigned int);
+unsigned long id3_parse_uint(id3_byte_t const **, unsigned int);
+unsigned long id3_parse_syncsafe(id3_byte_t const **, unsigned int);
+void id3_parse_immediate(id3_byte_t const **, unsigned int, char *);
+id3_latin1_t *id3_parse_latin1(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t, int);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_parse_string(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding, int);
+id3_byte_t *id3_parse_binary(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/render.c b/src/libid3tag/render.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29b8e8acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/render.c
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: render.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "render.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "utf16.h"
+# include "utf8.h"
+id3_length_t id3_render_immediate(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ char const *value, unsigned int bytes)
+ assert(value);
+ assert(bytes == 8 || bytes == 4 || bytes == 3);
+ if (ptr) {
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 8: *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ case 4: *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ case 3: *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ *(*ptr)++ = *value++;
+ }
+ }
+ return bytes;
+id3_length_t id3_render_syncsafe(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ unsigned long num, unsigned int bytes)
+ assert(bytes == 4 || bytes == 5);
+ if (ptr) {
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 5: *(*ptr)++ = (num >> 28) & 0x0f;
+ case 4: *(*ptr)++ = (num >> 21) & 0x7f;
+ *(*ptr)++ = (num >> 14) & 0x7f;
+ *(*ptr)++ = (num >> 7) & 0x7f;
+ *(*ptr)++ = (num >> 0) & 0x7f;
+ }
+ }
+ return bytes;
+id3_length_t id3_render_int(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ signed long num, unsigned int bytes)
+ assert(bytes >= 1 && bytes <= 4);
+ if (ptr) {
+ switch (bytes) {
+ case 4: *(*ptr)++ = num >> 24;
+ case 3: *(*ptr)++ = num >> 16;
+ case 2: *(*ptr)++ = num >> 8;
+ case 1: *(*ptr)++ = num >> 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return bytes;
+id3_length_t id3_render_binary(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ if (data == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (ptr) {
+ memcpy(*ptr, data, length);
+ *ptr += length;
+ }
+ return length;
+id3_length_t id3_render_latin1(id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ id3_latin1_t const *latin1, int terminate)
+ id3_length_t size;
+ if (latin1 == 0)
+ latin1 = "";
+ size = id3_latin1_size(latin1);
+ if (!terminate)
+ --size;
+ if (ptr) {
+ memcpy(*ptr, latin1, size);
+ *ptr += size;
+ }
+ return size;
+id3_length_t id3_render_string(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding encoding,
+ int terminate)
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_ANY;
+ if (ucs4 == 0)
+ ucs4 = id3_ucs4_empty;
+ switch (encoding) {
+ return id3_latin1_serialize(ptr, ucs4, terminate);
+ byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_BE;
+ return id3_utf16_serialize(ptr, ucs4, byteorder, terminate);
+ return id3_utf8_serialize(ptr, ucs4, terminate);
+ }
+ return 0;
+id3_length_t id3_render_padding(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_byte_t value,
+ id3_length_t length)
+ if (ptr) {
+ memset(*ptr, value, length);
+ *ptr += length;
+ }
+ return length;
+ * NAME: render->paddedstring()
+ * DESCRIPTION: render a space-padded string using latin1 encoding
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_render_paddedstring(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4,
+ id3_length_t length)
+ id3_ucs4_t padded[31], *data, *end;
+ /* latin1 encoding only (this is used for ID3v1 fields) */
+ assert(length <= 30);
+ data = padded;
+ end = data + length;
+ if (ucs4) {
+ while (*ucs4 && end - data > 0) {
+ *data++ = *ucs4++;
+ if (data[-1] == '\n')
+ data[-1] = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ while (end - data > 0)
+ *data++ = ' ';
+ *data = 0;
+ return id3_latin1_serialize(ptr, padded, 0);
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/render.h b/src/libid3tag/render.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fa8c17da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/render.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: render.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "id3tag.h"
+id3_length_t id3_render_immediate(id3_byte_t **, char const *, unsigned int);
+id3_length_t id3_render_syncsafe(id3_byte_t **, unsigned long, unsigned int);
+id3_length_t id3_render_int(id3_byte_t **, signed long, unsigned int);
+id3_length_t id3_render_binary(id3_byte_t **,
+ id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t);
+id3_length_t id3_render_latin1(id3_byte_t **, id3_latin1_t const *, int);
+id3_length_t id3_render_string(id3_byte_t **, id3_ucs4_t const *,
+ enum id3_field_textencoding, int);
+id3_length_t id3_render_padding(id3_byte_t **, id3_byte_t, id3_length_t);
+id3_length_t id3_render_paddedstring(id3_byte_t **, id3_ucs4_t const *,
+ id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/tag.c b/src/libid3tag/tag.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c9ad1929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/tag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: tag.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <string.h>
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "tag.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "compat.h"
+# include "parse.h"
+# include "render.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+# include "genre.h"
+# include "crc.h"
+# include "field.h"
+# include "util.h"
+ * NAME: tag->new()
+ * DESCRIPTION: allocate and return a new, empty tag
+ */
+struct id3_tag *id3_tag_new(void)
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ tag = malloc(sizeof(*tag));
+ if (tag) {
+ tag->refcount = 0;
+ tag->version = ID3_TAG_VERSION;
+ tag->flags = 0;
+ tag->extendedflags = 0;
+ tag->restrictions = 0;
+ tag->options = /* ID3_TAG_OPTION_UNSYNCHRONISATION | */
+ tag->nframes = 0;
+ tag->frames = 0;
+ tag->paddedsize = 0;
+ }
+ return tag;
+ * NAME: tag->delete()
+ * DESCRIPTION: destroy a tag and deallocate all associated memory
+ */
+void id3_tag_delete(struct id3_tag *tag)
+ assert(tag);
+ if (tag->refcount == 0) {
+ id3_tag_clearframes(tag);
+ if (tag->frames)
+ free(tag->frames);
+ free(tag);
+ }
+ * NAME: tag->addref()
+ * DESCRIPTION: add an external reference to a tag
+ */
+void id3_tag_addref(struct id3_tag *tag)
+ assert(tag);
+ ++tag->refcount;
+ * NAME: tag->delref()
+ * DESCRIPTION: remove an external reference to a tag
+ */
+void id3_tag_delref(struct id3_tag *tag)
+ assert(tag && tag->refcount > 0);
+ --tag->refcount;
+ * NAME: tag->version()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the tag's original ID3 version number
+ */
+unsigned int id3_tag_version(struct id3_tag const *tag)
+ assert(tag);
+ return tag->version;
+ * NAME: tag->options()
+ * DESCRIPTION: get or set tag options
+ */
+int id3_tag_options(struct id3_tag *tag, int mask, int values)
+ assert(tag);
+ if (mask)
+ tag->options = (tag->options & ~mask) | (values & mask);
+ return tag->options;
+ * NAME: tag->setlength()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set the minimum rendered tag size
+ */
+void id3_tag_setlength(struct id3_tag *tag, id3_length_t length)
+ assert(tag);
+ tag->paddedsize = length;
+ * NAME: tag->clearframes()
+ * DESCRIPTION: detach and delete all frames associated with a tag
+ */
+void id3_tag_clearframes(struct id3_tag *tag)
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(tag);
+ for (i = 0; i < tag->nframes; ++i) {
+ id3_frame_delref(tag->frames[i]);
+ id3_frame_delete(tag->frames[i]);
+ }
+ tag->nframes = 0;
+ * NAME: tag->attachframe()
+ * DESCRIPTION: attach a frame to a tag
+ */
+int id3_tag_attachframe(struct id3_tag *tag, struct id3_frame *frame)
+ struct id3_frame **frames;
+ assert(tag && frame);
+ frames = realloc(tag->frames, (tag->nframes + 1) * sizeof(*frames));
+ if (frames == 0)
+ return -1;
+ tag->frames = frames;
+ tag->frames[tag->nframes++] = frame;
+ id3_frame_addref(frame);
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: tag->detachframe()
+ * DESCRIPTION: detach (but don't delete) a frame from a tag
+ */
+int id3_tag_detachframe(struct id3_tag *tag, struct id3_frame *frame)
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(tag && frame);
+ for (i = 0; i < tag->nframes; ++i) {
+ if (tag->frames[i] == frame)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == tag->nframes)
+ return -1;
+ --tag->nframes;
+ while (i++ < tag->nframes)
+ tag->frames[i - 1] = tag->frames[i];
+ id3_frame_delref(frame);
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: tag->findframe()
+ * DESCRIPTION: find in a tag the nth (0-based) frame with the given frame ID
+ */
+struct id3_frame *id3_tag_findframe(struct id3_tag const *tag,
+ char const *id, unsigned int index)
+ unsigned int len, i;
+ assert(tag);
+ if (id == 0 || *id == 0)
+ return (index < tag->nframes) ? tag->frames[index] : 0;
+ len = strlen(id);
+ if (len == 4) {
+ struct id3_compat const *compat;
+ compat = id3_compat_lookup(id, len);
+ if (compat && compat->equiv && !compat->translate) {
+ id = compat->equiv;
+ len = strlen(id);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < tag->nframes; ++i) {
+ if (strncmp(tag->frames[i]->id, id, len) == 0 && index-- == 0)
+ return tag->frames[i];
+ }
+ return 0;
+enum tagtype {
+enum tagtype tagtype(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ if (length >= 3 &&
+ data[0] == 'T' && data[1] == 'A' && data[2] == 'G')
+ return TAGTYPE_ID3V1;
+ if (length >= 10 &&
+ ((data[0] == 'I' && data[1] == 'D' && data[2] == '3') ||
+ (data[0] == '3' && data[1] == 'D' && data[2] == 'I')) &&
+ data[3] < 0xff && data[4] < 0xff &&
+ data[6] < 0x80 && data[7] < 0x80 && data[8] < 0x80 && data[9] < 0x80)
+ return data[0] == 'I' ? TAGTYPE_ID3V2 : TAGTYPE_ID3V2_FOOTER;
+ return TAGTYPE_NONE;
+void parse_header(id3_byte_t const **ptr,
+ unsigned int *version, int *flags, id3_length_t *size)
+ *ptr += 3;
+ *version = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 2);
+ *flags = id3_parse_uint(ptr, 1);
+ *size = id3_parse_syncsafe(ptr, 4);
+ * NAME: tag->query()
+ * DESCRIPTION: if a tag begins at the given location, return its size
+ */
+signed long id3_tag_query(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ unsigned int version;
+ int flags;
+ id3_length_t size;
+ assert(data);
+ switch (tagtype(data, length)) {
+ case TAGTYPE_ID3V1:
+ return 128;
+ case TAGTYPE_ID3V2:
+ parse_header(&data, &version, &flags, &size);
+ size += 10;
+ return 10 + size;
+ parse_header(&data, &version, &flags, &size);
+ return -size - 10;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void trim(char *str)
+ char *ptr;
+ ptr = str + strlen(str);
+ while (ptr > str && ptr[-1] == ' ')
+ --ptr;
+ *ptr = 0;
+int v1_attachstr(struct id3_tag *tag, char const *id,
+ char *text, unsigned long number)
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ id3_ucs4_t ucs4[31];
+ if (text) {
+ trim(text);
+ if (*text == 0)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ frame = id3_frame_new(id);
+ if (frame == 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (id3_field_settextencoding(&frame->fields[0],
+ goto fail;
+ if (text)
+ id3_latin1_decode(text, ucs4);
+ else
+ id3_ucs4_putnumber(ucs4, number);
+ if (strcmp(id, ID3_FRAME_COMMENT) == 0) {
+ if (id3_field_setlanguage(&frame->fields[1], "XXX") == -1 ||
+ id3_field_setstring(&frame->fields[2], id3_ucs4_empty) == -1 ||
+ id3_field_setfullstring(&frame->fields[3], ucs4) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ else {
+ id3_ucs4_t *ptr = ucs4;
+ if (id3_field_setstrings(&frame->fields[1], 1, &ptr) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (id3_tag_attachframe(tag, frame) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ id3_frame_delete(frame);
+ return -1;
+struct id3_tag *v1_parse(id3_byte_t const *data)
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ tag = id3_tag_new();
+ if (tag) {
+ char title[31], artist[31], album[31], year[5], comment[31];
+ unsigned int genre, track;
+ tag->version = 0x0100;
+ tag->options |= ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1;
+ tag->options &= ~ID3_TAG_OPTION_COMPRESSION;
+ tag->restrictions =
+ title[30] = artist[30] = album[30] = year[4] = comment[30] = 0;
+ memcpy(title, &data[3], 30);
+ memcpy(artist, &data[33], 30);
+ memcpy(album, &data[63], 30);
+ memcpy(year, &data[93], 4);
+ memcpy(comment, &data[97], 30);
+ genre = data[127];
+ track = 0;
+ if (comment[28] == 0 && comment[29] != 0) {
+ track = comment[29];
+ tag->version = 0x0101;
+ }
+ /* populate tag frames */
+ if (v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_TITLE, title, 0) == -1 ||
+ v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_ARTIST, artist, 0) == -1 ||
+ v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_ALBUM, album, 0) == -1 ||
+ v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_YEAR, year, 0) == -1 ||
+ (track && v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_TRACK, 0, track) == -1) ||
+ (genre < 0xff && v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_GENRE, 0, genre) == -1) ||
+ v1_attachstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_COMMENT, comment, 0) == -1) {
+ id3_tag_delete(tag);
+ tag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return tag;
+struct id3_tag *v2_parse(id3_byte_t const *ptr)
+ struct id3_tag *tag;
+ id3_byte_t *mem = 0;
+ tag = id3_tag_new();
+ if (tag) {
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_length_t size;
+ parse_header(&ptr, &tag->version, &tag->flags, &size);
+ tag->paddedsize = 10 + size;
+ if ((tag->flags & ID3_TAG_FLAG_UNSYNCHRONISATION) &&
+ ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(tag->version) < 4) {
+ mem = malloc(size);
+ if (mem == 0)
+ goto fail;
+ memcpy(mem, ptr, size);
+ size = id3_util_deunsynchronise(mem, size);
+ ptr = mem;
+ }
+ end = ptr + size;
+ if (tag->flags & ID3_TAG_FLAG_EXTENDEDHEADER) {
+ switch (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(tag->version)) {
+ case 2:
+ goto fail;
+ case 3:
+ {
+ id3_byte_t const *ehptr, *ehend;
+ id3_length_t ehsize;
+ enum {
+ EH_FLAG_CRC = 0x8000 /* CRC data present */
+ };
+ if (end - ptr < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ ehsize = id3_parse_uint(&ptr, 4);
+ if (ehsize > end - ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ ehptr = ptr;
+ ehend = ptr + ehsize;
+ ptr = ehend;
+ if (ehend - ehptr >= 6) {
+ int ehflags;
+ id3_length_t padsize;
+ ehflags = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 2);
+ padsize = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 4);
+ if (padsize > end - ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ end -= padsize;
+ if (ehflags & EH_FLAG_CRC) {
+ unsigned long crc;
+ if (ehend - ehptr < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ crc = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 4);
+ if (crc != id3_crc_calculate(ptr, end - ptr))
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ {
+ id3_byte_t const *ehptr, *ehend;
+ id3_length_t ehsize;
+ unsigned int bytes;
+ if (end - ptr < 4)
+ goto fail;
+ ehptr = ptr;
+ ehsize = id3_parse_syncsafe(&ptr, 4);
+ if (ehsize < 6 || ehsize > end - ehptr)
+ goto fail;
+ ehend = ehptr + ehsize;
+ bytes = id3_parse_uint(&ptr, 1);
+ if (bytes < 1 || bytes > ehend - ptr)
+ goto fail;
+ ehptr = ptr + bytes;
+ /* verify extended header size */
+ {
+ id3_byte_t const *flagsptr = ptr, *dataptr = ehptr;
+ unsigned int datalen;
+ int ehflags;
+ while (bytes--) {
+ for (ehflags = id3_parse_uint(&flagsptr, 1); ehflags;
+ ehflags = (ehflags << 1) & 0xff) {
+ if (ehflags & 0x80) {
+ if (dataptr == ehend)
+ goto fail;
+ datalen = id3_parse_uint(&dataptr, 1);
+ if (datalen > 0x7f || datalen > ehend - dataptr)
+ goto fail;
+ dataptr += datalen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tag->extendedflags = id3_parse_uint(&ptr, 1);
+ ptr = ehend;
+ if (tag->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_TAGISANUPDATE) {
+ bytes = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 1);
+ ehptr += bytes;
+ }
+ if (tag->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_CRCDATAPRESENT) {
+ unsigned long crc;
+ bytes = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 1);
+ if (bytes < 5)
+ goto fail;
+ crc = id3_parse_syncsafe(&ehptr, 5);
+ ehptr += bytes - 5;
+ if (crc != id3_crc_calculate(ptr, end - ptr))
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (tag->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_TAGRESTRICTIONS) {
+ bytes = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 1);
+ if (bytes < 1)
+ goto fail;
+ tag->restrictions = id3_parse_uint(&ehptr, 1);
+ ehptr += bytes - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* frames */
+ while (ptr < end) {
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ if (*ptr == 0)
+ break; /* padding */
+ frame = id3_frame_parse(&ptr, end - ptr, tag->version);
+ if (frame == 0 || id3_tag_attachframe(tag, frame) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(tag->version) < 4 &&
+ id3_compat_fixup(tag) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ fail:
+ id3_tag_delete(tag);
+ tag = 0;
+ }
+ if (mem)
+ free(mem);
+ return tag;
+ * NAME: tag->parse()
+ * DESCRIPTION: parse a complete ID3 tag
+ */
+struct id3_tag *id3_tag_parse(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t const *ptr;
+ unsigned int version;
+ int flags;
+ id3_length_t size;
+ assert(data);
+ switch (tagtype(data, length)) {
+ case TAGTYPE_ID3V1:
+ return (length < 128) ? 0 : v1_parse(data);
+ case TAGTYPE_ID3V2:
+ break;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* ID3v2.x */
+ ptr = data;
+ parse_header(&ptr, &version, &flags, &size);
+ switch (ID3_TAG_VERSION_MAJOR(version)) {
+ case 4:
+ size += 10;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ return (length < 10 + size) ? 0 : v2_parse(data);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void v1_renderstr(struct id3_tag const *tag, char const *frameid,
+ id3_byte_t **buffer, id3_length_t length)
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ id3_ucs4_t const *string;
+ frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, frameid, 0);
+ if (frame == 0)
+ string = id3_ucs4_empty;
+ else {
+ if (strcmp(frameid, ID3_FRAME_COMMENT) == 0)
+ string = id3_field_getfullstring(&frame->fields[3]);
+ else
+ string = id3_field_getstrings(&frame->fields[1], 0);
+ }
+ id3_render_paddedstring(buffer, string, length);
+ * NAME: v1->render()
+ * DESCRIPTION: render an ID3v1 (or ID3v1.1) tag
+ */
+id3_length_t v1_render(struct id3_tag const *tag, id3_byte_t *buffer)
+ id3_byte_t data[128], *ptr;
+ struct id3_frame *frame;
+ unsigned int i;
+ int genre = -1;
+ ptr = data;
+ id3_render_immediate(&ptr, "TAG", 3);
+ v1_renderstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_TITLE, &ptr, 30);
+ v1_renderstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_ARTIST, &ptr, 30);
+ v1_renderstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_ALBUM, &ptr, 30);
+ v1_renderstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_YEAR, &ptr, 4);
+ v1_renderstr(tag, ID3_FRAME_COMMENT, &ptr, 30);
+ /* ID3v1.1 track number */
+ frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, ID3_FRAME_TRACK, 0);
+ if (frame) {
+ unsigned int track;
+ track = id3_ucs4_getnumber(id3_field_getstrings(&frame->fields[1], 0));
+ if (track > 0 && track <= 0xff) {
+ ptr[-2] = 0;
+ ptr[-1] = track;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ID3v1 genre number */
+ frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, ID3_FRAME_GENRE, 0);
+ if (frame) {
+ unsigned int nstrings;
+ nstrings = id3_field_getnstrings(&frame->fields[1]);
+ for (i = 0; i < nstrings; ++i) {
+ genre = id3_genre_number(id3_field_getstrings(&frame->fields[1], i));
+ if (genre != -1)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == nstrings && nstrings > 0)
+ genre = ID3_GENRE_OTHER;
+ }
+ id3_render_int(&ptr, genre, 1);
+ /* make sure the tag is not empty */
+ if (genre == -1) {
+ for (i = 3; i < 127; ++i) {
+ if (data[i] != ' ')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == 127)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (buffer)
+ memcpy(buffer, data, 128);
+ return 128;
+ * NAME: tag->render()
+ * DESCRIPTION: render a complete ID3 tag
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_tag_render(struct id3_tag const *tag, id3_byte_t *buffer)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ id3_byte_t **ptr,
+ *header_ptr = 0, *tagsize_ptr = 0, *crc_ptr = 0, *frames_ptr = 0;
+ int flags, extendedflags;
+ unsigned int i;
+ assert(tag);
+ if (tag->options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_ID3V1)
+ return v1_render(tag, buffer);
+ /* a tag must contain at least one (renderable) frame */
+ for (i = 0; i < tag->nframes; ++i) {
+ if (id3_frame_render(tag->frames[i], 0, 0) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i == tag->nframes)
+ return 0;
+ ptr = buffer ? &buffer : 0;
+ /* get flags */
+ flags = tag->flags & ID3_TAG_FLAG_KNOWNFLAGS;
+ extendedflags = tag->extendedflags & ID3_TAG_EXTENDEDFLAG_KNOWNFLAGS;
+ if (tag->options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_CRC)
+ if (tag->restrictions)
+ if (extendedflags)
+ if (tag->options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_APPENDEDTAG)
+ /* header */
+ if (ptr)
+ header_ptr = *ptr;
+ size += id3_render_immediate(ptr, "ID3", 3);
+ size += id3_render_int(ptr, ID3_TAG_VERSION, 2);
+ size += id3_render_int(ptr, flags, 1);
+ if (ptr)
+ tagsize_ptr = *ptr;
+ size += id3_render_syncsafe(ptr, 0, 4);
+ /* extended header */
+ id3_length_t ehsize = 0;
+ id3_byte_t *ehsize_ptr = 0;
+ if (ptr)
+ ehsize_ptr = *ptr;
+ ehsize += id3_render_syncsafe(ptr, 0, 4);
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, 1, 1);
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, extendedflags, 1);
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, 0, 1);
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, 5, 1);
+ if (ptr)
+ crc_ptr = *ptr;
+ ehsize += id3_render_syncsafe(ptr, 0, 5);
+ }
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, 1, 1);
+ ehsize += id3_render_int(ptr, tag->restrictions, 1);
+ }
+ if (ehsize_ptr)
+ id3_render_syncsafe(&ehsize_ptr, ehsize, 4);
+ size += ehsize;
+ }
+ /* frames */
+ if (ptr)
+ frames_ptr = *ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < tag->nframes; ++i)
+ size += id3_frame_render(tag->frames[i], ptr, tag->options);
+ /* padding */
+ if (!(flags & ID3_TAG_FLAG_FOOTERPRESENT)) {
+ if (size < tag->paddedsize)
+ size += id3_render_padding(ptr, 0, tag->paddedsize - size);
+ else if (tag->options & ID3_TAG_OPTION_UNSYNCHRONISATION) {
+ if (ptr == 0)
+ size += 1;
+ else {
+ if ((*ptr)[-1] == 0xff)
+ size += id3_render_padding(ptr, 0, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* patch tag size and CRC */
+ if (tagsize_ptr)
+ id3_render_syncsafe(&tagsize_ptr, size - 10, 4);
+ if (crc_ptr) {
+ id3_render_syncsafe(&crc_ptr,
+ id3_crc_calculate(frames_ptr, *ptr - frames_ptr), 5);
+ }
+ /* footer */
+ size += id3_render_immediate(ptr, "3DI", 3);
+ size += id3_render_binary(ptr, header_ptr + 3, 7);
+ }
+ return size;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/tag.h b/src/libid3tag/tag.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebc90960f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/tag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: tag.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_TAG_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_TAG_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+void id3_tag_addref(struct id3_tag *);
+void id3_tag_delref(struct id3_tag *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/ucs4.c b/src/libid3tag/ucs4.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7062e993a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/ucs4.c
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: ucs4.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+# include "latin1.h"
+# include "utf16.h"
+# include "utf8.h"
+id3_ucs4_t const id3_ucs4_empty[] = { 0 };
+ * NAME: ucs4->length()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the number of ucs4 chars represented by a ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_length(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_ucs4_t const *ptr = ucs4;
+ while (*ptr)
+ ++ptr;
+ return ptr - ucs4;
+ * NAME: ucs4->size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_size(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ return id3_ucs4_length(ucs4) + 1;
+ * NAME: ucs4->latin1size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a latin1-encoded ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_latin1size(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ return id3_ucs4_size(ucs4);
+ * NAME: ucs4->utf16size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a utf16-encoded ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_utf16size(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ while (*ucs4) {
+ ++size;
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x00010000L &&
+ *ucs4 <= 0x0010ffffL)
+ ++size;
+ ++ucs4;
+ }
+ return size + 1;
+ * NAME: ucs4->utf8size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a utf8-encoded ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_utf8size(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ while (*ucs4) {
+ if (*ucs4 <= 0x0000007fL)
+ size += 1;
+ else if (*ucs4 <= 0x000007ffL)
+ size += 2;
+ else if (*ucs4 <= 0x0000ffffL)
+ size += 3;
+ else if (*ucs4 <= 0x001fffffL)
+ size += 4;
+ else if (*ucs4 <= 0x03ffffffL)
+ size += 5;
+ else if (*ucs4 <= 0x7fffffffL)
+ size += 6;
+ else
+ size += 2; /* based on U+00B7 replacement char */
+ ++ucs4;
+ }
+ return size + 1;
+ * NAME: ucs4->latin1duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and encode a ucs4 string into latin1
+ */
+id3_latin1_t *id3_ucs4_latin1duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_latin1_t *latin1;
+ latin1 = malloc(id3_ucs4_latin1size(ucs4) * sizeof(*latin1));
+ if (latin1)
+ id3_latin1_encode(latin1, ucs4);
+ return release(latin1);
+ * NAME: ucs4->utf16duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and encode a ucs4 string into utf16
+ */
+id3_utf16_t *id3_ucs4_utf16duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_utf16_t *utf16;
+ utf16 = malloc(id3_ucs4_utf16size(ucs4) * sizeof(*utf16));
+ if (utf16)
+ id3_utf16_encode(utf16, ucs4);
+ return release(utf16);
+ * NAME: ucs4->utf8duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and encode a ucs4 string into utf8
+ */
+id3_utf8_t *id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ id3_utf8_t *utf8;
+ utf8 = malloc(id3_ucs4_utf8size(ucs4) * sizeof(*utf8));
+ if (utf8)
+ id3_utf8_encode(utf8, ucs4);
+ return release(utf8);
+ * NAME: ucs4->copy()
+ * DESCRIPTION: copy a ucs4 string
+ */
+void id3_ucs4_copy(id3_ucs4_t *dest, id3_ucs4_t const *src)
+ while ((*dest++ = *src++))
+ ;
+ * NAME: ucs4->duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate a ucs4 string
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_ucs4_duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *src)
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ ucs4 = malloc(id3_ucs4_size(src) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_ucs4_copy(ucs4, src);
+ return ucs4;
+ * NAME: ucs4->putnumber()
+ * DESCRIPTION: write a ucs4 string containing a (positive) decimal number
+ */
+void id3_ucs4_putnumber(id3_ucs4_t *ucs4, unsigned long number)
+ int digits[10], *digit;
+ digit = digits;
+ do {
+ *digit++ = number % 10;
+ number /= 10;
+ }
+ while (number);
+ while (digit != digits)
+ *ucs4++ = '0' + *--digit;
+ *ucs4 = 0;
+ * NAME: ucs4->getnumber()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read a ucs4 string containing a (positive) decimal number
+ */
+unsigned long id3_ucs4_getnumber(id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ unsigned long number = 0;
+ while (*ucs4 >= '0' && *ucs4 <= '9')
+ number = 10 * number + (*ucs4++ - '0');
+ return number;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/ucs4.h b/src/libid3tag/ucs4.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1106dd1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/ucs4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: ucs4.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_UCS4_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_UCS4_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# define ID3_UCS4_REPLACEMENTCHAR 0x000000b7L /* middle dot */
+extern id3_ucs4_t const id3_ucs4_empty[];
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_length(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_size(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_latin1size(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_utf16size(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_ucs4_utf8size(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+void id3_ucs4_copy(id3_ucs4_t *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_ucs4_duplicate(id3_ucs4_t const *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/utf16.c b/src/libid3tag/utf16.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b8f47934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/utf16.c
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: utf16.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "utf16.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+ * NAME: utf16->length()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the number of ucs4 chars represented by a utf16 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_length(id3_utf16_t const *utf16)
+ id3_length_t length = 0;
+ while (*utf16) {
+ if (utf16[0] < 0xd800 || utf16[0] > 0xdfff)
+ ++length;
+ else if (utf16[0] >= 0xd800 && utf16[0] <= 0xdbff &&
+ utf16[1] >= 0xdc00 && utf16[1] <= 0xdfff) {
+ ++length;
+ ++utf16;
+ }
+ ++utf16;
+ }
+ return length;
+ * NAME: utf16->size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a utf16 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_size(id3_utf16_t const *utf16)
+ id3_utf16_t const *ptr = utf16;
+ while (*ptr)
+ ++ptr;
+ return ptr - utf16 + 1;
+ * NAME: utf16->ucs4duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and decode a utf16 string into ucs4
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf16_ucs4duplicate(id3_utf16_t const *utf16)
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_utf16_length(utf16) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_utf16_decode(utf16, ucs4);
+ return release(ucs4);
+ * NAME: utf16->decodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a series of utf16 chars into a single ucs4 char
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_decodechar(id3_utf16_t const *utf16, id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ id3_utf16_t const *start = utf16;
+ while (1) {
+ if (utf16[0] < 0xd800 || utf16[0] > 0xdfff) {
+ *ucs4 = utf16[0];
+ return utf16 - start + 1;
+ }
+ else if (utf16[0] >= 0xd800 && utf16[0] <= 0xdbff &&
+ utf16[1] >= 0xdc00 && utf16[1] <= 0xdfff) {
+ *ucs4 = (((utf16[0] & 0x03ffL) << 10) |
+ ((utf16[1] & 0x03ffL) << 0)) + 0x00010000L;
+ return utf16 - start + 2;
+ }
+ ++utf16;
+ }
+ * NAME: utf16->encodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a single ucs4 char into a series of up to 2 utf16 chars
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_encodechar(id3_utf16_t *utf16, id3_ucs4_t ucs4)
+ if (ucs4 < 0x00010000L) {
+ utf16[0] = ucs4;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 < 0x00110000L) {
+ ucs4 -= 0x00010000L;
+ utf16[0] = ((ucs4 >> 10) & 0x3ff) | 0xd800;
+ utf16[1] = ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3ff) | 0xdc00;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ /* default */
+ return id3_utf16_encodechar(utf16, ID3_UCS4_REPLACEMENTCHAR);
+ * NAME: utf16->decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a complete utf16 string into a ucs4 string
+ */
+void id3_utf16_decode(id3_utf16_t const *utf16, id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ do
+ utf16 += id3_utf16_decodechar(utf16, ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: utf16->encode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a complete ucs4 string into a utf16 string
+ */
+void id3_utf16_encode(id3_utf16_t *utf16, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ do
+ utf16 += id3_utf16_encodechar(utf16, *ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: utf16->put()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a single utf16 character
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_put(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_utf16_t utf16,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder)
+ if (ptr) {
+ switch (byteorder) {
+ default:
+ (*ptr)[0] = (utf16 >> 8) & 0xff;
+ (*ptr)[1] = (utf16 >> 0) & 0xff;
+ break;
+ (*ptr)[0] = (utf16 >> 0) & 0xff;
+ (*ptr)[1] = (utf16 >> 8) & 0xff;
+ break;
+ }
+ *ptr += 2;
+ }
+ return 2;
+ * NAME: utf16->get()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a single utf16 character
+ */
+id3_utf16_t id3_utf16_get(id3_byte_t const **ptr,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder)
+ id3_utf16_t utf16;
+ switch (byteorder) {
+ default:
+ utf16 =
+ ((*ptr)[0] << 8) |
+ ((*ptr)[1] << 0);
+ break;
+ utf16 =
+ ((*ptr)[0] << 0) |
+ ((*ptr)[1] << 8);
+ break;
+ }
+ *ptr += 2;
+ return utf16;
+ * NAME: utf16->serialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a ucs4 string using utf16 encoding
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_serialize(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder,
+ int terminate)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ id3_utf16_t utf16[2], *out;
+ if (byteorder == ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_ANY)
+ size += id3_utf16_put(ptr, 0xfeff, byteorder);
+ while (*ucs4) {
+ switch (id3_utf16_encodechar(out = utf16, *ucs4++)) {
+ case 2: size += id3_utf16_put(ptr, *out++, byteorder);
+ case 1: size += id3_utf16_put(ptr, *out++, byteorder);
+ case 0: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (terminate)
+ size += id3_utf16_put(ptr, 0, byteorder);
+ return size;
+ * NAME: utf16->deserialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a ucs4 string using utf16 encoding
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf16_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder byteorder)
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_utf16_t *utf16ptr, *utf16;
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ end = *ptr + (length & ~1);
+ utf16 = malloc((length / 2 + 1) * sizeof(*utf16));
+ if (utf16 == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (byteorder == ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_ANY && end - *ptr > 0) {
+ switch (((*ptr)[0] << 8) |
+ ((*ptr)[1] << 0)) {
+ case 0xfeff:
+ byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_BE;
+ *ptr += 2;
+ break;
+ case 0xfffe:
+ byteorder = ID3_UTF16_BYTEORDER_LE;
+ *ptr += 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ utf16ptr = utf16;
+ while (end - *ptr > 0 && (*utf16ptr = id3_utf16_get(ptr, byteorder)))
+ ++utf16ptr;
+ *utf16ptr = 0;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_utf16_length(utf16) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_utf16_decode(utf16, ucs4);
+ free(utf16);
+ return ucs4;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/utf16.h b/src/libid3tag/utf16.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6159d2bbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/utf16.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: utf16.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_UTF16_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_UTF16_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+enum id3_utf16_byteorder {
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_length(id3_utf16_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_size(id3_utf16_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_decodechar(id3_utf16_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_encodechar(id3_utf16_t *, id3_ucs4_t);
+void id3_utf16_decode(id3_utf16_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+void id3_utf16_encode(id3_utf16_t *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_put(id3_byte_t **, id3_utf16_t,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder);
+id3_utf16_t id3_utf16_get(id3_byte_t const **, enum id3_utf16_byteorder);
+id3_length_t id3_utf16_serialize(id3_byte_t **, id3_ucs4_t const *,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder, int);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf16_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t,
+ enum id3_utf16_byteorder);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/utf8.c b/src/libid3tag/utf8.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76b08719b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/utf8.c
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: utf8.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "utf8.h"
+# include "ucs4.h"
+ * NAME: utf8->length()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the number of ucs4 chars represented by a utf8 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_length(id3_utf8_t const *utf8)
+ id3_length_t length = 0;
+ while (*utf8) {
+ if ((utf8[0] & 0x80) == 0x00)
+ ++length;
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ if (((utf8[0] & 0x1fL) << 6) >= 0x00000080L) {
+ ++length;
+ utf8 += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xf0) == 0xe0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ if ((((utf8[0] & 0x0fL) << 12) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 6)) >= 0x00000800L) {
+ ++length;
+ utf8 += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xf8) == 0xf0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ if ((((utf8[0] & 0x07L) << 18) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 12)) >= 0x00010000L) {
+ ++length;
+ utf8 += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xfc) == 0xf8 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ if ((((utf8[0] & 0x03L) << 24) |
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x3fL) << 18)) >= 0x00200000L) {
+ ++length;
+ utf8 += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xfe) == 0xfc &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[5] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ if ((((utf8[0] & 0x01L) << 30) |
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x3fL) << 24)) >= 0x04000000L) {
+ ++length;
+ utf8 += 5;
+ }
+ }
+ ++utf8;
+ }
+ return length;
+ * NAME: utf8->size()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the encoding size of a utf8 string
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_size(id3_utf8_t const *utf8)
+ id3_utf8_t const *ptr = utf8;
+ while (*ptr)
+ ++ptr;
+ return ptr - utf8 + 1;
+ * NAME: utf8->ucs4duplicate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: duplicate and decode a utf8 string into ucs4
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf8_ucs4duplicate(id3_utf8_t const *utf8)
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_utf8_length(utf8) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_utf8_decode(utf8, ucs4);
+ return release(ucs4);
+ * NAME: utf8->decodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a series of utf8 chars into a single ucs4 char
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_decodechar(id3_utf8_t const *utf8, id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ id3_utf8_t const *start = utf8;
+ while (1) {
+ if ((utf8[0] & 0x80) == 0x00) {
+ *ucs4 = utf8[0];
+ return utf8 - start + 1;
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xe0) == 0xc0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ *ucs4 =
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x1fL) << 6) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 0);
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x00000080L)
+ return utf8 - start + 2;
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xf0) == 0xe0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ *ucs4 =
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x0fL) << 12) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 6) |
+ ((utf8[2] & 0x3fL) << 0);
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x00000800L)
+ return utf8 - start + 3;
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xf8) == 0xf0 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ *ucs4 =
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x07L) << 18) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 12) |
+ ((utf8[2] & 0x3fL) << 6) |
+ ((utf8[3] & 0x3fL) << 0);
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x00010000L)
+ return utf8 - start + 4;
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xfc) == 0xf8 &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ *ucs4 =
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x03L) << 24) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 18) |
+ ((utf8[2] & 0x3fL) << 12) |
+ ((utf8[3] & 0x3fL) << 6) |
+ ((utf8[4] & 0x3fL) << 0);
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x00200000L)
+ return utf8 - start + 5;
+ }
+ else if ((utf8[0] & 0xfe) == 0xfc &&
+ (utf8[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[4] & 0xc0) == 0x80 &&
+ (utf8[5] & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
+ *ucs4 =
+ ((utf8[0] & 0x01L) << 30) |
+ ((utf8[1] & 0x3fL) << 24) |
+ ((utf8[2] & 0x3fL) << 18) |
+ ((utf8[3] & 0x3fL) << 12) |
+ ((utf8[4] & 0x3fL) << 6) |
+ ((utf8[5] & 0x3fL) << 0);
+ if (*ucs4 >= 0x04000000L)
+ return utf8 - start + 6;
+ }
+ ++utf8;
+ }
+ * NAME: utf8->encodechar()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a single ucs4 char into a series of up to 6 utf8 chars
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_encodechar(id3_utf8_t *utf8, id3_ucs4_t ucs4)
+ if (ucs4 <= 0x0000007fL) {
+ utf8[0] = ucs4;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 <= 0x000007ffL) {
+ utf8[0] = 0xc0 | ((ucs4 >> 6) & 0x1f);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ return 2;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 <= 0x0000ffffL) {
+ utf8[0] = 0xe0 | ((ucs4 >> 12) & 0x0f);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 <= 0x001fffffL) {
+ utf8[0] = 0xf0 | ((ucs4 >> 18) & 0x07);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 12) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[3] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 <= 0x03ffffffL) {
+ utf8[0] = 0xf8 | ((ucs4 >> 24) & 0x03);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 18) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 12) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[3] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[4] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ return 5;
+ }
+ else if (ucs4 <= 0x7fffffffL) {
+ utf8[0] = 0xfc | ((ucs4 >> 30) & 0x01);
+ utf8[1] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 24) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[2] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 18) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[3] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 12) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[4] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 6) & 0x3f);
+ utf8[5] = 0x80 | ((ucs4 >> 0) & 0x3f);
+ return 6;
+ }
+ /* default */
+ return id3_utf8_encodechar(utf8, ID3_UCS4_REPLACEMENTCHAR);
+ * NAME: utf8->decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a complete utf8 string into a ucs4 string
+ */
+void id3_utf8_decode(id3_utf8_t const *utf8, id3_ucs4_t *ucs4)
+ do
+ utf8 += id3_utf8_decodechar(utf8, ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: utf8->encode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: encode a complete ucs4 string into a utf8 string
+ */
+void id3_utf8_encode(id3_utf8_t *utf8, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4)
+ do
+ utf8 += id3_utf8_encodechar(utf8, *ucs4);
+ while (*ucs4++);
+ * NAME: utf8->put()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a single utf8 character
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_put(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_utf8_t utf8)
+ if (ptr)
+ *(*ptr)++ = utf8;
+ return 1;
+ * NAME: utf8->get()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a single utf8 character
+ */
+id3_utf8_t id3_utf8_get(id3_byte_t const **ptr)
+ return *(*ptr)++;
+ * NAME: utf8->serialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: serialize a ucs4 string using utf8 encoding
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_serialize(id3_byte_t **ptr, id3_ucs4_t const *ucs4,
+ int terminate)
+ id3_length_t size = 0;
+ id3_utf8_t utf8[6], *out;
+ while (*ucs4) {
+ switch (id3_utf8_encodechar(out = utf8, *ucs4++)) {
+ case 6: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 5: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 4: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 3: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 2: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 1: size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, *out++);
+ case 0: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (terminate)
+ size += id3_utf8_put(ptr, 0);
+ return size;
+ * NAME: utf8->deserialize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deserialize a ucs4 string using utf8 encoding
+ */
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf8_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **ptr, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t const *end;
+ id3_utf8_t *utf8ptr, *utf8;
+ id3_ucs4_t *ucs4;
+ end = *ptr + length;
+ utf8 = malloc((length + 1) * sizeof(*utf8));
+ if (utf8 == 0)
+ return 0;
+ utf8ptr = utf8;
+ while (end - *ptr > 0 && (*utf8ptr = id3_utf8_get(ptr)))
+ ++utf8ptr;
+ *utf8ptr = 0;
+ ucs4 = malloc((id3_utf8_length(utf8) + 1) * sizeof(*ucs4));
+ if (ucs4)
+ id3_utf8_decode(utf8, ucs4);
+ free(utf8);
+ return ucs4;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/utf8.h b/src/libid3tag/utf8.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98f1445a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/utf8.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: utf8.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_UTF8_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_UTF8_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_length(id3_utf8_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_size(id3_utf8_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_decodechar(id3_utf8_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_encodechar(id3_utf8_t *, id3_ucs4_t);
+void id3_utf8_decode(id3_utf8_t const *, id3_ucs4_t *);
+void id3_utf8_encode(id3_utf8_t *, id3_ucs4_t const *);
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_put(id3_byte_t **, id3_utf8_t);
+id3_utf8_t id3_utf8_get(id3_byte_t const **);
+id3_length_t id3_utf8_serialize(id3_byte_t **, id3_ucs4_t const *, int);
+id3_ucs4_t *id3_utf8_deserialize(id3_byte_t const **, id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/util.c b/src/libid3tag/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7ecc25f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: util.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <zlib.h>
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "util.h"
+ * NAME: util->unsynchronise()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform (in-place) unsynchronisation
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_util_unsynchronise(id3_byte_t *data, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_length_t bytes = 0, count;
+ id3_byte_t *end = data + length;
+ id3_byte_t const *ptr;
+ if (length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ for (ptr = data; ptr < end - 1; ++ptr) {
+ if (ptr[0] == 0xff && (ptr[1] == 0x00 || (ptr[1] & 0xe0) == 0xe0))
+ ++bytes;
+ }
+ if (bytes) {
+ ptr = end;
+ end += bytes;
+ *--end = *--ptr;
+ for (count = bytes; count; *--end = *--ptr) {
+ if (ptr[-1] == 0xff && (ptr[0] == 0x00 || (ptr[0] & 0xe0) == 0xe0)) {
+ *--end = 0x00;
+ --count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return length + bytes;
+ * NAME: util->deunsynchronise()
+ * DESCRIPTION: undo unsynchronisation (in-place)
+ */
+id3_length_t id3_util_deunsynchronise(id3_byte_t *data, id3_length_t length)
+ id3_byte_t const *old, *end = data + length;
+ id3_byte_t *new;
+ if (length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ for (old = new = data; old < end - 1; ++old) {
+ *new++ = *old;
+ if (old[0] == 0xff && old[1] == 0x00)
+ ++old;
+ }
+ *new++ = *old;
+ return new - data;
+ * NAME: util->compress()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform zlib deflate method compression
+ */
+id3_byte_t *id3_util_compress(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length,
+ id3_length_t *newlength)
+ id3_byte_t *compressed;
+ *newlength = length + 12;
+ *newlength += *newlength / 1000;
+ compressed = malloc(*newlength);
+ if (compressed) {
+ if (compress2(compressed, newlength, data, length,
+ *newlength >= length) {
+ free(compressed);
+ compressed = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ id3_byte_t *resized;
+ resized = realloc(compressed, *newlength ? *newlength : 1);
+ if (resized)
+ compressed = resized;
+ }
+ }
+ return compressed;
+ * NAME: util->decompress()
+ * DESCRIPTION: undo zlib deflate method compression
+ */
+id3_byte_t *id3_util_decompress(id3_byte_t const *data, id3_length_t length,
+ id3_length_t newlength)
+ id3_byte_t *decompressed;
+ decompressed = malloc(newlength ? newlength : 1);
+ if (decompressed) {
+ id3_length_t size;
+ size = newlength;
+ if (uncompress(decompressed, &size, data, length) != Z_OK ||
+ size != newlength) {
+ free(decompressed);
+ decompressed = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return decompressed;
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/util.h b/src/libid3tag/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12eb99390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: util.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBID3TAG_UTIL_H
+# define LIBID3TAG_UTIL_H
+# include "id3tag.h"
+id3_length_t id3_util_unsynchronise(id3_byte_t *, id3_length_t);
+id3_length_t id3_util_deunsynchronise(id3_byte_t *, id3_length_t);
+id3_byte_t *id3_util_compress(id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t,
+ id3_length_t *);
+id3_byte_t *id3_util_decompress(id3_byte_t const *, id3_length_t,
+ id3_length_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/version.c b/src/libid3tag/version.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7dfd97cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/version.c
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: version.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "id3tag.h"
+# include "version.h"
+char const id3_version[] = "ID3 Tag Library " ID3_VERSION;
+char const id3_copyright[] = "Copyright (C) " ID3_PUBLISHYEAR " " ID3_AUTHOR;
+char const id3_author[] = ID3_AUTHOR " <" ID3_EMAIL ">";
+char const id3_build[] = ""
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+ "DEBUG "
+# elif defined(NDEBUG)
+# endif
+# if defined(EXPERIMENTAL)
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libid3tag/version.h b/src/libid3tag/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e68a486a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libid3tag/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: version.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/CHANGES b/src/libmad/CHANGES
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92f97678f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/CHANGES
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: CHANGES,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+Version 0.15.0 (beta)
+ * Updated to autoconf 2.57, automake 1.7.5, libtool 1.4.3.
+ * Added new mad_f_div() API routine.
+ * Added a 64th entry to the Layer I/Layer II scalefactor table, for better
+ compatibility with existing streams. The --enable-strict-iso option to
+ `configure' can be used to disable use of this entry.
+ * Modified the header decoding routine to allow the reserved emphasis
+ value, for better compatibility with existing streams. The
+ --enable-strict-iso option to `configure' can be used to restore the
+ previous behavior of reporting this value as an error.
+ * Added new MAD_EMPHASIS_RESERVED enumeration constant.
+ * Fixed a bug in the ARM version of mad_f_scale64() discovered by Andre
+ McCurdy.
+ * Rewrote PowerPC assembly for minor gains.
+ * Modified mad_timer_fraction() to avoid the possibility of division by
+ zero when 0 is passed as the second argument.
+ * Fixed a non-fatal problem caused by attempting to designate ancillary
+ bits in Layer III after a decoding error.
+ * Changed to build a shared library by default.
+ * Changed to use native Cygwin build by default; give --host=mingw32 to
+ `configure' to use MinGW (and avoid a dependency on the Cygwin DLL).
+Version 0.14.2 (beta)
+ * Changed Cygwin builds to use MinGW; resulting Win32 executables no
+ longer have a dependency on Cygwin DLLs.
+ * Added a new mad_stream_errorstr() API function to libmad for retrieving
+ a string description of the current error condition.
+Version 0.14.1 (beta)
+ * Updated config.guess and config.sub to latest upstream versions.
+ * Enabled libtool versioning rather than release numbering.
+ * Improved the documentation in minimad.c.
+ * Several other small fixes.
+Version 0.14.0 (beta)
+ * Added a 64-bit FPM negation operation to improve performance of subband
+ synthesis on some platforms.
+ * Improved MSVC++ portability and added MSVC++ project files.
+ * Added rounding to Layer III requantization for slightly better accuracy.
+Version 0.13.0 (beta)
+ * Ancillary data is now properly extracted from Layer III streams.
+ * Rewrote the Layer III joint stereo decoding routine to correct a major
+ MPEG-2 problem and a minor MPEG-1 problem decoding intensity stereo.
+ * Eliminated the dependency on sign-extending right shifts for Layer I and
+ Layer II.
+ * Renamed `private' field to `private_bits' for better C++ compatibility.
+ * Gratuitously renamed `sfreq' field to `samplerate' and
+ * Added `samplerate' and `channels' fields to synth.pcm struct to allow
+ these to be different from the decoded frame, and for simpler access.
+ * Added new mad_stream_options() and mad_decoder_options() API entries for
+ special runtime decoding options.
+ * Added new MAD_FLAG_FREEFORMAT indicator flag.
+ * Fixed some bugs in the async decoder.
+ * Added a new mad_timer_multiply() API routine.
+ * Eliminated `+' from asm constraints under Intel for better compatibility
+ with some compilers.
+ * Fixed a PIC-related problem in libmad/imdct_l_arm.S.
+ * Eliminated a static variable to make libmad thread-safe.
+Version 0.12.5 (beta)
+ * Modified Layer III requantization to occur during Huffman decoding for
+ significant performance gains.
+ * Optimized short block IMDCT by eliminating redundant calculations.
+ * Made several other Layer III performance improvements; added
+ architecture-specific options for best performance on various
+ architectures.
+ * Optimized synthesis DCT to store result values as soon as they are
+ calculated.
+Version 0.12.4 (beta)
+ * New PowerPC fixed-point assembly courtesy of David Blythe.
+ * Reorganized fixed-point assembly routines for easier maintenance and
+ better performance.
+ * Improved performance of subband synthesis through better indexing and
+ fewer local variables.
+ * Added alias reduction for the lower two subbands of mixed short blocks,
+ per a report of ambiguity with ISO/IEC 11172-3 and for uniformity with
+ most other implementations. Also improved alias reduction performance
+ using multiply/accumulate.
+ * Added --enable-strict-iso option to `configure' to override best
+ accepted practices such as the alias reduction for mixed short blocks.
+ * Improved performance of Layer III IMDCT by using longer
+ multiply/accumulate runs where possible.
+Version 0.12.3 (beta)
+ * Added MPEG 2.5 support.
+ * Added preliminary support for parameterizing the binary point position
+ in the fixed-point representation.
+ * Added multiply/accumulate optimization to the Layer III IMDCT for long
+ blocks.
+ * Fixed a bug in the handling of Layer III mixed_block_flag.
+ * Fixed a configure problem when multiple -O CFLAGS are present.
+Version 0.12.2 (beta)
+ * Rearranged the synthesis polyphase filterbank memory vector for better
+ locality of reference, and rewrote mad_synth_frame() to accommodate,
+ resulting in improved performance.
+ * Discovered a combination of compiler optimization flags that further
+ improve performance.
+ * Changed some array references in layer3.c to pointer derefs.
+Version 0.12.1 (beta)
+ * Resolved the intensity + MS joint stereo issue (a simple bug).
+ OPT_ISKLUGE is no longer considered to be a kluge.
+ * Fixed another, hopefully last main_data memory bug.
+ * Split part of struct mad_frame into struct mad_header for convenience
+ and size.
+Version 0.12.0 (alpha)
+ * Changed the build environment to use automake and libtool. A libmad
+ shared library can now be built using the --enable-shared option to
+ `configure'.
+ * Added another callback to MAD's high-level decoder API after the frame
+ header has been read but before the frame's audio data is decoded.
+ * Streamlined header processing so that mad_frame_decode() can be called
+ with or without having already called mad_frame_header().
+ * Fixed some other header reading miscellany, including CRC handling and
+ free bitrate detection, and frame length verification with free
+ bitrates.
+ * Fixed a problem with Layer III free bitrates > 320 kbps. The main_data
+ buffer size should now be large enough to handle any size frame, by
+ virtue of the maximum possible part2_3_length.
+ * Further developed the async API; arbitrary messages can now be passed to
+ the subsidiary decoding process.
+ * Streamlined libmad/timer.c and extended its interface. It now has
+ support for video frame/field lengths, including output support for
+ drop-frame encoding.
+ * Replaced many constant integer preprocessor defines with enums.
+Version 0.11.4 (beta)
+ * Fixed free format bitrate discovery.
+ * Changed the timer implementation and extended its interface.
+ * Integrated Nicolas Pitre's patch for pre-shifting at compile-time and
+ for better multiply/accumulate code output.
+ * Applied Simon Burge's patch to imdct_l_arm.S for a.out compatibility.
+ * Added -mtune=strongarm for all ARM targets.
+Version 0.11.3 (beta)
+ * Added new --enable-speed and --enable-accuracy options for `configure'
+ to automatically select appropriate SSO/ASO options, et al.
+ * Modified subband synthesis to use multiply/accumulate optimization (if
+ available) for better speed and/or accuracy.
+ * Incorporated Andre McCurdy's changes for further rounding optimizations
+ in the rest of his code.
+Version 0.11.2 (beta)
+ * Incorporated Nicolas Pitre's ARM assembly and parameterized scaling
+ changes.
+ * Incorporated Andre McCurdy's ARM assembly optimization (used only if
+ --enable-aso is given to `configure' to enable architecture-specific
+ optimizations.)
+ * Reduced FPM_INTEL assembly to two instructions.
+ * Fixed accuracy problems with certain FPM modes in synth.c.
+ * Improved the accuracy of FPM_APPROX.
+ * Improved the accuracy of SSO.
+ * Improved sync discovery by checking for a sync word in the following
+ frame.
+ * Minor code clean-up.
+ * Added experimental rules for generating a libmad.so shared library.
+Version 0.11.1 (beta)
+ * Moved libmad code into a separate directory.
+ * Changed SSO to be disabled by default, as output accuracy is deemed to
+ be more important than speed in the general case.
+ * Fixed a bug in Layer III sanity checking that could cause a crash on
+ certain random data input.
+ * Extended the Layer III requantization table from 8191 to 8206 as some
+ encoders are known to use these values, even though ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ suggests the maximum should be 8191.
+Version 0.11.0 (beta)
+ * Implemented MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies.
+ * Improved Layer III performance by avoiding IMDCT calculation when all
+ input samples are zero.
+ * Significantly reduced size of Layer II tables.
+Version 0.10.3 (beta)
+ * Improved SSO output quality.
+ * Made portable to cygwin.
+ * Localized memory references in III_huffdecode() for better performance.
+Version 0.10.2 (beta)
+ * Rewrote Layer III long block 36-point IMDCT routine for better
+ performance.
+ * Improved subband synthesis fixed-point games somewhat.
+Version 0.10.1 (beta)
+ * Added a subband synthesis optimization (SSO) which involves modifying
+ the fixed-point multiplication method during windowing. This produces
+ subtle differences in the output but improves performance greatly.
+ * Added I_STEREO and MS_STEREO flags to frame struct.
+ * Eliminated privately-used CRCFAILED flag.
+ * Fixed a bug where Layer III decoding could crash on some badly-formatted
+ (e.g. non-MPEG) bitstreams.
+ * Miscellaneous code clean-up.
+Version 0.10.0 (beta)
+ * Added SPARC fixed-point math support.
+ * Revamped libmad API for better high- and low-level support.
+ * Documented more of the code.
+ * Changed sync semantics such that new stream buffers are assumed to be
+ sync-aligned.
+ * Changed Layer III to dynamically allocate static memory so as not to
+ waste it (about 6.4K) when only decoding Layer I or Layer II.
diff --git a/src/libmad/COPYING b/src/libmad/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d60c31a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/src/libmad/COPYRIGHT b/src/libmad/COPYRIGHT
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e923530b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/COPYRIGHT
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ If you would like to negotiate alternate licensing terms, you may do
+ so by contacting: Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com>
diff --git a/src/libmad/CREDITS b/src/libmad/CREDITS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a7003a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/CREDITS
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: CREDITS,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ Except where otherwise noted, all code was authored by:
+ Robert Leslie <rob@underbit.com>
+ Significant contributions have been incorporated with thanks to:
+ Anonymous
+ 2002/03/15: frame.c
+ - Reported problem with use of reserved emphasis value.
+ Niek Albers <info@daansystems.com>
+ 2003/04/21: layer3.c
+ - Reported runtime uninitialized use of `ptr' in designating
+ ancillary bits after a decoding error.
+ David Blythe <blythe@routefree.com>
+ 2001/01/30: fixed.h
+ - Provided initial PowerPC fixed-point assembly.
+ Simon Burge <simonb@wasabisystems.com>
+ 2000/09/20: imdct_l_arm.S
+ - Suggested patch for a.out compatibility.
+ Joshua Haberman <joshua@haberman.com>
+ 2001/08/10: decoder.c, huffman.c
+ - Suggested portability fixes.
+ Timothy King <lordzork@lordzork.com>
+ 2002/05/04: sf_table.dat, layer12.c
+ - Reported problem with use of (missing) scalefactor index 63.
+ Andre McCurdy <armccurdy@yahoo.co.uk>
+ 2000/08/10: imdct_l_arm.S
+ - ARM optimized assembly replacement for III_imdct_l().
+ 2000/09/15: imdct_l_arm.S
+ - Applied Nicolas Pitre's rounding optimisation in all remaining
+ places.
+ 2001/02/10: layer3.c
+ - Inspiration for Huffman decoding and requantization rewrite, and
+ other miscellany.
+ 2001/03/24: imdct_l_arm.S
+ - Corrected PIC unsafe code.
+ 2002/02/16: fixed.h
+ - Discovered bug in ARM version of mad_f_scale64().
+ Haruhiko OGASAWARA <theta@m1.interq.or.jp>
+ 2001/01/28: layer3.c
+ - Reported discrepancy in alias reduction for mixed short blocks.
+ Brett Paterson <brett@fmod.org>
+ 2001/10/28: global.h
+ - Reported missing <assert.h> et al. under MS Embedded Visual C.
+ Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh@via.net>
+ 2000/04/04: fixed.h
+ - Suggested use of size-dependent typedefs.
+ 2001/10/22: config.guess, config.sub
+ - Keep up to date for proper Debian packaging.
+ Bertrand Petit <eemad@phoe.frmug.org>
+ 2001/11/05: synth.h
+ - Suggested PCM channel enumeration constants.
+ 2001/11/05: stream.h
+ - Suggested MAD_ERROR_NONE enumeration constant.
+ 2001/11/05: stream.c
+ - Suggested mad_stream_errorstr() function.
+ Nicolas Pitre <nico@cam.org>
+ 2000/09/09: fixed.h
+ - Parameterized all scaling for correct use of all multiplication
+ methods within mad_synth_frame().
+ - Rewrote the FPM_ARM version of mad_f_mul() so we have 64-bit
+ multiplication result, rounding and scaling with 3 instructions.
+ 2000/09/09: imdct_l_arm.S
+ - Optimized rounding + scaling operations.
+ 2000/09/17: synth.c
+ - Changed D[] run-time shifts to compile-time.
+ - Modified synthesis for better multiply/accumulate code output.
+ 2001/08/11: fixed.h, synth.c
+ - Suggested 64-bit FPM negation and negative term factorization
+ during synthesis.
+ 2001/08/11: fixed.h
+ - Suggested unrounded behavior for FPM_DEFAULT when OPT_SPEED.
+ 2001/11/19: fixed.c
+ - Suggested computation of any resampling ratio.
diff --git a/src/libmad/D.dat b/src/libmad/D.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4ddbed5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/D.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: D.dat,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ * These are the coefficients for the subband synthesis window. This is a
+ * reordered version of Table B.3 from ISO/IEC 11172-3.
+ *
+ * Every value is parameterized so that shift optimizations can be made at
+ * compile-time. For example, every value can be right-shifted 12 bits to
+ * minimize multiply instruction times without any loss of accuracy.
+ */
+ { PRESHIFT(0x00000000) /* 0.000000000 */, /* 0 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* -0.000442505 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d5000) /* 0.003250122 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x001cb000) /* -0.007003784 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01421000) /* -0.078628540 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x019ae000) /* 0.100311279 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x09271000) /* -0.572036743 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1251e000) /* 1.144989014 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x09271000) /* 0.572036743 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x019ae000) /* 0.100311279 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01421000) /* 0.078628540 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x001cb000) /* 0.007003784 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d5000) /* 0.003250122 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* 0.000442505 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00000000) /* 0.000000000 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* -0.000442505 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d5000) /* 0.003250122 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x001cb000) /* -0.007003784 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01421000) /* -0.078628540 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x019ae000) /* 0.100311279 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x09271000) /* -0.572036743 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1251e000) /* 1.144989014 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x09271000) /* 0.572036743 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x019ae000) /* 0.100311279 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01421000) /* 0.078628540 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x001cb000) /* 0.007003784 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d5000) /* 0.003250122 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* 0.000442505 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 1 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001f000) /* -0.000473022 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000da000) /* 0.003326416 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00207000) /* -0.007919312 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d0000) /* 0.030517578 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0158d000) /* -0.084182739 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01747000) /* 0.090927124 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x099a8000) /* -0.600219727 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x124f0000) /* 1.144287109 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x08b38000) /* 0.543823242 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01bde000) /* 0.108856201 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x012b4000) /* 0.073059082 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0080f000) /* 0.031478882 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00191000) /* 0.006118774 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d0000) /* 0.003173828 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0001a000) /* 0.000396729 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001f000) /* -0.000473022 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000da000) /* 0.003326416 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00207000) /* -0.007919312 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d0000) /* 0.030517578 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0158d000) /* -0.084182739 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01747000) /* 0.090927124 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x099a8000) /* -0.600219727 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x124f0000) /* 1.144287109 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x08b38000) /* 0.543823242 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01bde000) /* 0.108856201 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x012b4000) /* 0.073059082 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0080f000) /* 0.031478882 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00191000) /* 0.006118774 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d0000) /* 0.003173828 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0001a000) /* 0.000396729 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 2 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00023000) /* -0.000534058 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000de000) /* 0.003387451 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00245000) /* -0.008865356 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007a0000) /* 0.029785156 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x016f7000) /* -0.089706421 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x014a8000) /* 0.080688477 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0a0d8000) /* -0.628295898 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12468000) /* 1.142211914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x083ff000) /* 0.515609741 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01dd8000) /* 0.116577148 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01149000) /* 0.067520142 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00820000) /* 0.031738281 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0015b000) /* 0.005294800 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000ca000) /* 0.003082275 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00018000) /* 0.000366211 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00023000) /* -0.000534058 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000de000) /* 0.003387451 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00245000) /* -0.008865356 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007a0000) /* 0.029785156 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x016f7000) /* -0.089706421 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x014a8000) /* 0.080688477 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0a0d8000) /* -0.628295898 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12468000) /* 1.142211914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x083ff000) /* 0.515609741 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01dd8000) /* 0.116577148 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01149000) /* 0.067520142 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00820000) /* 0.031738281 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0015b000) /* 0.005294800 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000ca000) /* 0.003082275 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00018000) /* 0.000366211 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 3 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00026000) /* -0.000579834 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e1000) /* 0.003433228 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00285000) /* -0.009841919 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00765000) /* 0.028884888 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0185d000) /* -0.095169067 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x011d1000) /* 0.069595337 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0a7fe000) /* -0.656219482 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12386000) /* 1.138763428 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x07ccb000) /* 0.487472534 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01f9c000) /* 0.123474121 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00fdf000) /* 0.061996460 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00827000) /* 0.031845093 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00126000) /* 0.004486084 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c4000) /* 0.002990723 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00015000) /* 0.000320435 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00026000) /* -0.000579834 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e1000) /* 0.003433228 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00285000) /* -0.009841919 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00765000) /* 0.028884888 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0185d000) /* -0.095169067 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x011d1000) /* 0.069595337 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0a7fe000) /* -0.656219482 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12386000) /* 1.138763428 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x07ccb000) /* 0.487472534 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x01f9c000) /* 0.123474121 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00fdf000) /* 0.061996460 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00827000) /* 0.031845093 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00126000) /* 0.004486084 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c4000) /* 0.002990723 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00015000) /* 0.000320435 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 4 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00029000) /* -0.000625610 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e3000) /* 0.003463745 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x002c7000) /* -0.010848999 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0071e000) /* 0.027801514 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x019bd000) /* -0.100540161 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00ec0000) /* 0.057617187 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0af15000) /* -0.683914185 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12249000) /* 1.133926392 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x075a0000) /* 0.459472656 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0212c000) /* 0.129577637 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00e79000) /* 0.056533813 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00825000) /* 0.031814575 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000f4000) /* 0.003723145 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000be000) /* 0.002899170 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00013000) /* 0.000289917 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00029000) /* -0.000625610 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e3000) /* 0.003463745 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x002c7000) /* -0.010848999 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0071e000) /* 0.027801514 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x019bd000) /* -0.100540161 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00ec0000) /* 0.057617187 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0af15000) /* -0.683914185 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x12249000) /* 1.133926392 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x075a0000) /* 0.459472656 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0212c000) /* 0.129577637 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00e79000) /* 0.056533813 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00825000) /* 0.031814575 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000f4000) /* 0.003723145 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000be000) /* 0.002899170 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00013000) /* 0.000289917 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 5 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* -0.000686646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e4000) /* 0.003479004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0030b000) /* -0.011886597 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006cb000) /* 0.026535034 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01b17000) /* -0.105819702 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00b77000) /* 0.044784546 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0b619000) /* -0.711318970 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x120b4000) /* 1.127746582 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06e81000) /* 0.431655884 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02288000) /* 0.134887695 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00d17000) /* 0.051132202 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0081b000) /* 0.031661987 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c5000) /* 0.003005981 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b7000) /* 0.002792358 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00011000) /* 0.000259399 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* -0.000686646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e4000) /* 0.003479004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0030b000) /* -0.011886597 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006cb000) /* 0.026535034 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01b17000) /* -0.105819702 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00b77000) /* 0.044784546 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0b619000) /* -0.711318970 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x120b4000) /* 1.127746582 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06e81000) /* 0.431655884 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02288000) /* 0.134887695 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00d17000) /* 0.051132202 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0081b000) /* 0.031661987 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c5000) /* 0.003005981 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b7000) /* 0.002792358 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00011000) /* 0.000259399 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */, /* 6 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00031000) /* -0.000747681 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e4000) /* 0.003479004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00350000) /* -0.012939453 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0066c000) /* 0.025085449 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01c67000) /* -0.110946655 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0bd06000) /* -0.738372803 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x11ec7000) /* 1.120223999 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06772000) /* 0.404083252 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x023b3000) /* 0.139450073 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00bbc000) /* 0.045837402 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00809000) /* 0.031387329 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00099000) /* 0.002334595 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b0000) /* 0.002685547 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00010000) /* 0.000244141 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00001000) /* -0.000015259 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00031000) /* -0.000747681 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e4000) /* 0.003479004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00350000) /* -0.012939453 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0066c000) /* 0.025085449 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01c67000) /* -0.110946655 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f5000) /* 0.031082153 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0bd06000) /* -0.738372803 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x11ec7000) /* 1.120223999 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06772000) /* 0.404083252 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x023b3000) /* 0.139450073 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00bbc000) /* 0.045837402 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00809000) /* 0.031387329 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00099000) /* 0.002334595 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b0000) /* 0.002685547 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00010000) /* 0.000244141 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */, /* 7 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00035000) /* -0.000808716 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e3000) /* 0.003463745 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00397000) /* -0.014022827 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x005ff000) /* 0.023422241 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01dad000) /* -0.115921021 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0043a000) /* 0.016510010 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0c3d9000) /* -0.765029907 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x11c83000) /* 1.111373901 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06076000) /* 0.376800537 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x024ad000) /* 0.143264771 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00a67000) /* 0.040634155 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f0000) /* 0.031005859 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0006f000) /* 0.001693726 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a9000) /* 0.002578735 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000e000) /* 0.000213623 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00035000) /* -0.000808716 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e3000) /* 0.003463745 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00397000) /* -0.014022827 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x005ff000) /* 0.023422241 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01dad000) /* -0.115921021 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0043a000) /* 0.016510010 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0c3d9000) /* -0.765029907 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x11c83000) /* 1.111373901 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x06076000) /* 0.376800537 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x024ad000) /* 0.143264771 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00a67000) /* 0.040634155 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007f0000) /* 0.031005859 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0006f000) /* 0.001693726 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a9000) /* 0.002578735 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000e000) /* 0.000213623 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */, /* 8 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0003a000) /* -0.000885010 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e0000) /* 0.003417969 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x003df000) /* -0.015121460 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00586000) /* 0.021575928 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01ee6000) /* -0.120697021 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00046000) /* 0.001068115 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ca8d000) /* -0.791213989 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x119e9000) /* 1.101211548 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x05991000) /* 0.349868774 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02578000) /* 0.146362305 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0091a000) /* 0.035552979 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d1000) /* 0.030532837 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00048000) /* 0.001098633 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a1000) /* 0.002456665 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000d000) /* 0.000198364 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0003a000) /* -0.000885010 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000e0000) /* 0.003417969 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x003df000) /* -0.015121460 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00586000) /* 0.021575928 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01ee6000) /* -0.120697021 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00046000) /* 0.001068115 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ca8d000) /* -0.791213989 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x119e9000) /* 1.101211548 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x05991000) /* 0.349868774 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02578000) /* 0.146362305 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0091a000) /* 0.035552979 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d1000) /* 0.030532837 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00048000) /* 0.001098633 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a1000) /* 0.002456665 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000d000) /* 0.000198364 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */, /* 9 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0003f000) /* -0.000961304 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000dd000) /* 0.003372192 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00428000) /* -0.016235352 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00500000) /* 0.019531250 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02011000) /* -0.125259399 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x003e6000) /* -0.015228271 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0d11e000) /* -0.816864014 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x116fc000) /* 1.089782715 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x052c5000) /* 0.323318481 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02616000) /* 0.148773193 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d6000) /* 0.030609131 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007aa000) /* 0.029937744 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00024000) /* 0.000549316 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0009a000) /* 0.002349854 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000b000) /* 0.000167847 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0003f000) /* -0.000961304 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000dd000) /* 0.003372192 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00428000) /* -0.016235352 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00500000) /* 0.019531250 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02011000) /* -0.125259399 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x003e6000) /* -0.015228271 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0d11e000) /* -0.816864014 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x116fc000) /* 1.089782715 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x052c5000) /* 0.323318481 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02616000) /* 0.148773193 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007d6000) /* 0.030609131 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x007aa000) /* 0.029937744 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00024000) /* 0.000549316 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0009a000) /* 0.002349854 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000b000) /* 0.000167847 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */, /* 10 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00044000) /* -0.001037598 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d7000) /* 0.003280640 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00471000) /* -0.017349243 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0046b000) /* 0.017257690 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0212b000) /* -0.129562378 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0084a000) /* -0.032379150 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0d78a000) /* -0.841949463 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x113be000) /* 1.077117920 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x04c16000) /* 0.297210693 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02687000) /* 0.150497437 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0069c000) /* 0.025817871 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0077f000) /* 0.029281616 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* 0.000030518 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00093000) /* 0.002243042 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000a000) /* 0.000152588 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* -0.000030518 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00044000) /* -0.001037598 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d7000) /* 0.003280640 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00471000) /* -0.017349243 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0046b000) /* 0.017257690 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0212b000) /* -0.129562378 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0084a000) /* -0.032379150 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0d78a000) /* -0.841949463 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x113be000) /* 1.077117920 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x04c16000) /* 0.297210693 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02687000) /* 0.150497437 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0069c000) /* 0.025817871 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0077f000) /* 0.029281616 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00002000) /* 0.000030518 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00093000) /* 0.002243042 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0000a000) /* 0.000152588 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00003000) /* -0.000045776 */, /* 11 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00049000) /* -0.001113892 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d0000) /* 0.003173828 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x004ba000) /* -0.018463135 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x003ca000) /* 0.014801025 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02233000) /* -0.133590698 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00ce4000) /* -0.050354004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ddca000) /* -0.866363525 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1102f000) /* 1.063217163 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x04587000) /* 0.271591187 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026cf000) /* 0.151596069 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0056c000) /* 0.021179199 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0074e000) /* 0.028533936 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* -0.000442505 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0008b000) /* 0.002120972 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00009000) /* 0.000137329 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00003000) /* -0.000045776 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00049000) /* -0.001113892 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000d0000) /* 0.003173828 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x004ba000) /* -0.018463135 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x003ca000) /* 0.014801025 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02233000) /* -0.133590698 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00ce4000) /* -0.050354004 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ddca000) /* -0.866363525 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1102f000) /* 1.063217163 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x04587000) /* 0.271591187 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026cf000) /* 0.151596069 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0056c000) /* 0.021179199 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0074e000) /* 0.028533936 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0001d000) /* -0.000442505 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0008b000) /* 0.002120972 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00009000) /* 0.000137329 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00003000) /* -0.000045776 */, /* 12 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0004f000) /* -0.001205444 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c8000) /* 0.003051758 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00503000) /* -0.019577026 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0031a000) /* 0.012115479 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02326000) /* -0.137298584 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x011b5000) /* -0.069168091 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0e3dd000) /* -0.890090942 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x10c54000) /* 1.048156738 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x03f1b000) /* 0.246505737 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026ee000) /* 0.152069092 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00447000) /* 0.016708374 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00719000) /* 0.027725220 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00039000) /* -0.000869751 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00084000) /* 0.002014160 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00008000) /* 0.000122070 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00003000) /* -0.000045776 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0004f000) /* -0.001205444 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000c8000) /* 0.003051758 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00503000) /* -0.019577026 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0031a000) /* 0.012115479 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02326000) /* -0.137298584 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x011b5000) /* -0.069168091 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0e3dd000) /* -0.890090942 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x10c54000) /* 1.048156738 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x03f1b000) /* 0.246505737 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026ee000) /* 0.152069092 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00447000) /* 0.016708374 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00719000) /* 0.027725220 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00039000) /* -0.000869751 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00084000) /* 0.002014160 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00008000) /* 0.000122070 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00004000) /* -0.000061035 */, /* 13 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00055000) /* -0.001296997 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000bd000) /* 0.002883911 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0054c000) /* -0.020690918 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0025d000) /* 0.009231567 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02403000) /* -0.140670776 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x016ba000) /* -0.088775635 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0e9be000) /* -0.913055420 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1082d000) /* 1.031936646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x038d4000) /* 0.221984863 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026e7000) /* 0.151962280 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0032e000) /* 0.012420654 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006df000) /* 0.026840210 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00053000) /* -0.001266479 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0007d000) /* 0.001907349 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00007000) /* 0.000106812 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00004000) /* -0.000061035 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00055000) /* -0.001296997 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000bd000) /* 0.002883911 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0054c000) /* -0.020690918 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0025d000) /* 0.009231567 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02403000) /* -0.140670776 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x016ba000) /* -0.088775635 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0e9be000) /* -0.913055420 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x1082d000) /* 1.031936646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x038d4000) /* 0.221984863 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026e7000) /* 0.151962280 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0032e000) /* 0.012420654 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006df000) /* 0.026840210 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00053000) /* -0.001266479 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0007d000) /* 0.001907349 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00007000) /* 0.000106812 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00004000) /* -0.000061035 */, /* 14 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0005b000) /* -0.001388550 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b1000) /* 0.002700806 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00594000) /* -0.021789551 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00192000) /* 0.006134033 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x024c8000) /* -0.143676758 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01bf2000) /* -0.109161377 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ef69000) /* -0.935195923 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x103be000) /* 1.014617920 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x032b4000) /* 0.198059082 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026bc000) /* 0.151306152 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00221000) /* 0.008316040 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006a2000) /* 0.025909424 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0006a000) /* -0.001617432 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00075000) /* 0.001785278 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00007000) /* 0.000106812 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00004000) /* -0.000061035 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0005b000) /* -0.001388550 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b1000) /* 0.002700806 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00594000) /* -0.021789551 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00192000) /* 0.006134033 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x024c8000) /* -0.143676758 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x01bf2000) /* -0.109161377 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0ef69000) /* -0.935195923 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x103be000) /* 1.014617920 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x032b4000) /* 0.198059082 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026bc000) /* 0.151306152 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00221000) /* 0.008316040 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x006a2000) /* 0.025909424 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0006a000) /* -0.001617432 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00075000) /* 0.001785278 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00007000) /* 0.000106812 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* -0.000076294 */, /* 15 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00061000) /* -0.001480103 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a3000) /* 0.002487183 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x005da000) /* -0.022857666 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b9000) /* 0.002822876 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02571000) /* -0.146255493 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0215c000) /* -0.130310059 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0f4dc000) /* -0.956481934 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0ff0a000) /* 0.996246338 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02cbf000) /* 0.174789429 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0266e000) /* 0.150115967 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00120000) /* 0.004394531 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00662000) /* 0.024932861 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0007f000) /* -0.001937866 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0006f000) /* 0.001693726 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00006000) /* 0.000091553 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* -0.000076294 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00061000) /* -0.001480103 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000a3000) /* 0.002487183 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x005da000) /* -0.022857666 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x000b9000) /* 0.002822876 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x02571000) /* -0.146255493 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0215c000) /* -0.130310059 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0f4dc000) /* -0.956481934 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0ff0a000) /* 0.996246338 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x02cbf000) /* 0.174789429 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0266e000) /* 0.150115967 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00120000) /* 0.004394531 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00662000) /* 0.024932861 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0007f000) /* -0.001937866 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0006f000) /* 0.001693726 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00006000) /* 0.000091553 */ },
+ { -PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* -0.000076294 */, /* 16 */
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00068000) /* -0.001586914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00092000) /* 0.002227783 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0061f000) /* -0.023910522 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* -0.000686646 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x025ff000) /* -0.148422241 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x026f7000) /* -0.152206421 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0fa13000) /* -0.976852417 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0fa13000) /* 0.976852417 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026f7000) /* 0.152206421 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x025ff000) /* 0.148422241 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* 0.000686646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0061f000) /* 0.023910522 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00092000) /* -0.002227783 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00068000) /* 0.001586914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* 0.000076294 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* -0.000076294 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00068000) /* -0.001586914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00092000) /* 0.002227783 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0061f000) /* -0.023910522 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* -0.000686646 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x025ff000) /* -0.148422241 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x026f7000) /* -0.152206421 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x0fa13000) /* -0.976852417 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0fa13000) /* 0.976852417 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x026f7000) /* 0.152206421 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x025ff000) /* 0.148422241 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0002d000) /* 0.000686646 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x0061f000) /* 0.023910522 */,
+ -PRESHIFT(0x00092000) /* -0.002227783 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00068000) /* 0.001586914 */,
+ PRESHIFT(0x00005000) /* 0.000076294 */ }
diff --git a/src/libmad/INSTALL b/src/libmad/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50dbe439d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/INSTALL
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+Basic Installation
+ These are generic installation instructions.
+ The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file
+`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up
+reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output
+(useful mainly for debugging `configure').
+ If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache'
+contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+ The file `configure.in' is used to create `configure' by a program
+called `autoconf'. You only need `configure.in' if you want to change
+it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'.
+The simplest way to compile this package is:
+ 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+ `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're
+ using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type
+ `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute
+ `configure' itself.
+ Running `configure' takes awhile. While running, it prints some
+ messages telling which features it is checking for.
+ 2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+ 3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+ the package.
+ 4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+ documentation.
+ 5. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+ source code directory by typing `make clean'. To also remove the
+ files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+ a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'. There is
+ also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+ for the package's developers. If you use it, you may have to get
+ all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+ with the distribution.
+Compilers and Options
+ Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure'
+initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using
+a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like
+ CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure
+Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this:
+ env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+ You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that
+supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.
+ If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH'
+variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time
+in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for
+one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another
+Installation Names
+ By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
+`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
+installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the
+option `--prefix=PATH'.
+ You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you
+give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use
+PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix.
+ In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=PATH' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files. Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.
+ If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+Optional Features
+ Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+ For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+Specifying the System Type
+ There may be some features `configure' can not figure out
+automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package
+will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
+a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the
+`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields:
+See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the host type.
+ If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also
+use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will
+produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of
+system on which you are compiling the package.
+Sharing Defaults
+ If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Operation Controls
+ `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+ Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of
+ `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for
+ debugging `configure'.
+ Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit.
+ Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. To
+ suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+ messages will still be shown).
+ Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually
+ `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+ Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+ script, and exit.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.
diff --git a/src/libmad/Makefile.am b/src/libmad/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef8551bf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+## libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+## Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+#DIST_SUBDIRS = msvc++
+noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libmad.la
+noinst_HEADERS = mad.h
+minimad_SOURCES = minimad.c
+minimad_INCLUDES =
+minimad_LDADD = libmad.la
+EXTRA_DIST = mad.h.sed \
+exported_headers = version.h fixed.h bit.h timer.h stream.h frame.h \
+ synth.h decoder.h
+headers = $(exported_headers) \
+ global.h layer12.h layer3.h huffman.h
+data_includes = D.dat imdct_s.dat qc_table.dat rq_table.dat \
+ sf_table.dat
+libmad_la_SOURCES = version.c fixed.c bit.c timer.c stream.c frame.c \
+ synth.c decoder.c layer12.c layer3.c huffman.c \
+ $(headers) $(data_includes)
+EXTRA_libmad_la_SOURCES = imdct_l_arm.S #synth_mmx.S
+libmad_la_LIBADD = @ASO_OBJS@
+## From the libtool documentation on library versioning:
+## The most recent interface number that this library implements.
+## The implementation number of the CURRENT interface.
+## AGE
+## The difference between the newest and oldest interfaces that this
+## library implements. In other words, the library implements all the
+## interface numbers in the range from number `CURRENT - AGE' to
+## `CURRENT'.
+## If two libraries have identical CURRENT and AGE numbers, then the
+## dynamic linker chooses the library with the greater REVISION number.
+## 1. Start with version information of `0:0:0' for each libtool library.
+## 2. Update the version information only immediately before a public
+## release of your software. More frequent updates are unnecessary,
+## and only guarantee that the current interface number gets larger
+## faster.
+## 3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last
+## update, then increment REVISION (`C:R:A' becomes `C:r+1:A').
+## 4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the
+## last update, increment CURRENT, and set REVISION to 0.
+## 5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release,
+## then increment AGE.
+## 6. If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release,
+## then set AGE to 0.
+version_current = 2
+version_revision = 0
+version_age = 2
+version_info = $(version_current):$(version_revision):$(version_age)
+libmad_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info $(version_info)
+mad.h: config.status config.h Makefile.am \
+ $(srcdir)/COPYRIGHT $(srcdir)/mad.h.sed $(exported_headers)
+ (sed -e '1s|.*|/*|' -e '1b' -e '$$s|.*| */|' -e '$$b' \
+ -e 's/^.*/ *&/' $(srcdir)/COPYRIGHT; echo; \
+ echo "# ifdef __cplusplus"; \
+ echo 'extern "C" {'; \
+ echo "# endif"; echo; \
+ if [ ".$(FPM)" != "." ]; then \
+ echo ".$(FPM)" | sed -e 's|^\.-D|# define |'; echo; \
+ fi; \
+ sed -ne 's/^# *define *\(HAVE_.*_ASM\).*/# define \1/p' \
+ config.h; echo; \
+ sed -ne 's/^# *define *OPT_\(SPEED\|ACCURACY\).*/# define OPT_\1/p' \
+ config.h; echo; \
+ sed -ne 's/^# *define *\(SIZEOF_.*\)/# define \1/p' \
+ config.h; echo; \
+ for header in $(exported_headers); do \
+ echo; \
+ sed -n -f $(srcdir)/mad.h.sed $(srcdir)/$$header; \
+ done; echo; \
+ echo "# ifdef __cplusplus"; \
+ echo '}'; \
+ echo "# endif") >$@
+libtool: $(LIBTOOL_DEPS)
+ $(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck
+ $(COMPILE) -S $<
+ $(MAKE) clean
+ $(MAKE)
+.PHONY: again
diff --git a/src/libmad/README b/src/libmad/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bf564c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/README
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: README,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ MAD (libmad) is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports
+ MPEG-1 and the MPEG-2 extension to Lower Sampling Frequencies, as well as
+ the so-called MPEG 2.5 format. All three audio layers (Layer I, Layer II,
+ and Layer III a.k.a. MP3) are fully implemented.
+ MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should be
+ backward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC.
+ MAD has the following special features:
+ - 24-bit PCM output
+ - 100% fixed-point (integer) computation
+ - completely new implementation based on the ISO/IEC standards
+ - distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
+ Because MAD provides full 24-bit PCM output, applications using MAD are
+ able to produce high quality audio. Even when the output device supports
+ only 16-bit PCM, applications can use the extra resolution to increase the
+ audible dynamic range through the use of dithering or noise shaping.
+ Because MAD uses integer computation rather than floating point, it is
+ well suited for architectures without a floating point unit. All
+ calculations are performed with a 32-bit fixed-point integer
+ representation.
+ Because MAD is a new implementation of the ISO/IEC standards, it is
+ unencumbered by the errors of other implementations. MAD is NOT a
+ derivation of the ISO reference source or any other code. Considerable
+ effort has been expended to ensure a correct implementation, even in cases
+ where the standards are ambiguous or misleading.
+ Because MAD is distributed under the terms of the GPL, its redistribution
+ is not generally restricted, so long as the terms of the GPL are followed.
+ This means MAD can be incorporated into other software as long as that
+ software is also distributed under the GPL. (Should this be undesirable,
+ alternate arrangements may be possible by contacting Underbit.)
+ The code is optimized and performs very well, although specific
+ improvements can still be made. The output from the decoder library
+ consists of 32-bit signed linear fixed-point values that can be easily
+ scaled for any size PCM output, up to 24 bits per sample.
+ The API for libmad can be found in the `mad.h' header file. Note that this
+ file is automatically generated, and will not exist until after you have
+ built the library.
+ There are two APIs available, one high-level, and the other low-level.
+ With the low-level API, each step of the decoding process must be handled
+ explicitly, offering the greatest amount of control. With the high-level
+ API, after callbacks are configured, a single routine will decode an
+ entire bitstream.
+ The high-level API may either be used synchronously or asynchronously. If
+ used asynchronously, decoding will occur in a separate process.
+ Communication is possible with the decoding process by passing control
+ messages.
+ The file `minimad.c' contains an example usage of the libmad API that
+ shows only the bare minimum required to implement a useful decoder. It
+ expects a regular file to be redirected to standard input, and it sends
+ decoded 16-bit signed little-endian PCM samples to standard output. If a
+ decoding error occurs, it is reported to standard error and decoding
+ continues. Note that the scale() routine in this code is only provided as
+ an example; it rounds MAD's high-resolution samples down to 16 bits, but
+ does not perform any dithering or noise shaping. It is therefore not
+ recommended to use this routine as-is in your own code if sound quality is
+ important.
+Integer Performance
+ To get the best possible performance, it is recommended that an assembly
+ version of the fixed-point multiply and related routines be selected.
+ Several such assembly routines have been written for various CPUs.
+ If an assembly version is not available, a fast approximation version will
+ be used. This will result in reduced accuracy of the decoder.
+ Alternatively, if 64-bit integers are supported as a datatype by the
+ compiler, another version can be used that is much more accurate.
+ However, using an assembly version is generally much faster and just as
+ accurate.
+ More information can be gathered from the `fixed.h' header file.
+ MAD's CPU-intensive subband synthesis routine can be further optimized at
+ the expense of a slight loss in output accuracy due to a modified method
+ for fixed-point multiplication with a small windowing constant. While this
+ is helpful for performance and the output accuracy loss is generally
+ undetectable, it is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled.
+ Under some architectures, other special optimizations may also be
+ available.
+Audio Quality
+ The output from MAD has been found to satisfy the ISO/IEC 11172-4
+ computational accuracy requirements for compliance. In most
+ configurations, MAD is a Full Layer III ISO/IEC 11172-3 audio decoder as
+ defined by the standard.
+ When the approximation version of the fixed-point multiply is used, MAD is
+ a limited accuracy ISO/IEC 11172-3 audio decoder as defined by the
+ standard.
+ MAD can alternatively be configured to produce output with less or more
+ accuracy than the default, as a tradeoff with performance.
+ MAD produces output samples with a precision greater than 24 bits. Because
+ most output formats use fewer bits, typically 16, it is recommended that a
+ dithering algorithm be used (rather than rounding or truncating) to obtain
+ the highest quality audio. However, dithering may unfavorably affect an
+ analytic examination of the output (such as compliance testing); you may
+ therefore wish to use rounding in this case instead.
+Portability Issues
+ GCC is preferred to compile the code, but other compilers may also work.
+ The assembly code in `fixed.h' depends on the inline assembly features of
+ your compiler. If you're not using GCC or MSVC++, you can either write
+ your own assembly macros or use the default (low quality output) version.
+ The union initialization of `huffman.c' may not be portable to all
+ platforms when GCC is not used.
+ The code should not be sensitive to word sizes or byte ordering, however
+ it does assume A % B has the same sign as A.
+Windows Platforms
+ MAD can be built under Windows using either MSVC++ or Cygwin. A MSVC++
+ project file can be found under the `msvc++' subdirectory.
+ To build libmad using Cygwin, you will first need to install the Cygwin
+ tools:
+ http://www.cygwin.com/
+ You may then proceed with the following POSIX instructions within the
+ Cygwin shell.
+ Note that by default Cygwin will build a library that depends on the
+ Cygwin DLL. You can use MinGW to build a library that does not depend on
+ the Cygwin DLL. To do so, give the option --host=mingw32 to `configure'.
+POSIX Platforms (including Cygwin)
+ The code is distributed with a `configure' script that will generate for
+ you a `Makefile' and a `config.h' for your platform. See the file
+ `INSTALL' for generic instructions.
+ The specific options you may want to give `configure' are:
+ --enable-speed optimize for speed over accuracy
+ --enable-accuracy optimize for accuracy over speed
+ --disable-debugging do not compile with debugging support, and
+ use more optimizations
+ --disable-shared do not build a shared library
+ Note that you need not specify one of --enable-speed or --enable-accuracy;
+ in its default configuration, MAD is optimized for both. You should only
+ use one of these options if you wish to compromise speed or accuracy for
+ the other.
+ By default the package will build a shared library if possible for your
+ platform. If you want only a static library, use --disable-shared.
+ It is not normally necessary to use the following options, but you may
+ fine-tune the configuration with them if desired:
+ --enable-fpm=ARCH use the ARCH-specific version of the
+ fixed-point math assembly routines
+ (current options are: intel, arm, mips,
+ sparc, ppc; also allowed are: 64bit, approx)
+ --enable-sso use the subband synthesis optimization,
+ with reduced accuracy
+ --disable-aso do not use certain architecture-specific
+ optimizations
+ By default an appropriate fixed-point assembly routine will be selected
+ for the configured host type, if it can be determined. Thus if you are
+ cross-compiling for another architecture, you should be sure either to
+ give `configure' a host type argument (--host) or to use an explicit
+ --enable-fpm option.
+ If an appropriate assembly routine cannot be determined, the default
+ approximation version will be used. In this case, use of an alternate
+ --enable-fpm is highly recommended.
+Experimenting and Developing
+ Further options for `configure' that may be useful to developers and
+ experimenters are:
+ --enable-debugging enable diagnostic debugging support and
+ debugging symbols
+ --enable-profiling generate `gprof' profiling code
+ --enable-experimental enable code using the EXPERIMENTAL
+ preprocessor define
+ Please read the `COPYRIGHT' file for copyright and warranty information.
+ Also, the file `COPYING' contains the full text of the GNU GPL.
+ Send inquiries, comments, bug reports, suggestions, patches, etc. to:
+ Underbit Technologies, Inc. <support@underbit.com>
+ See also the MAD home page on the Web:
+ http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/
diff --git a/src/libmad/TODO b/src/libmad/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3e8ba358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ $Id: TODO,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ - more API layers (buffering, PCM samples, dithering, etc.)
+ - x86 performance optimization compiler flags
+ - function documentation, general docs
+ - finish async API
+ - parse system streams?
+ - MPEG-2 MC, AAC?
+ - logarithmic multiplication?
+ - multiple frame decoding for better locality of reference?
+ - frame serial numbers, Layer III frame continuity checks
+ - experiment with FPM_INTEL:
+# if 1
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("shrl %3,%1\n\t" \
+ "shll %4,%2\n\t" \
+ "orl %2,%1" \
+ : "=rm" (__result) \
+ : "0" (lo), "r" (hi), \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# else
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t __hi_; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t __lo_; \
+ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("sall %2,%1" \
+ : "=r" (__hi_) \
+ : "0" (hi), "I" (32 - MAD_F_SCALEBITS) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ asm ("shrl %2,%1" \
+ : "=r" (__lo_) \
+ : "0" (lo), "I" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ asm ("orl %1,%2" \
+ : "=rm" (__result) \
+ : "r" (__hi_), "0" (__lo_) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# endif
+libmad Layer I:
+ - check frame length sanity
+libmad Layer II:
+ - check legal bitrate/mode combinations
+ - check frame length sanity
+libmad Layer III:
+ - circular buffer
+ - optimize zero_part from Huffman decoding throughout
+ - MPEG 2.5 8000 Hz sf bands? mixed blocks?
+ - stereo->mono conversion optimization?
+ - enable frame-at-a-time decoding
+ - improve portability of huffman.c
diff --git a/src/libmad/VERSION b/src/libmad/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a844b7b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libmad/bit.c b/src/libmad/bit.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..597422a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/bit.c
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: bit.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H
+# include <limits.h>
+# else
+# define CHAR_BIT 8
+# endif
+# include "bit.h"
+ * This is the lookup table for computing the CRC-check word.
+ * As described in section and depicted in Figure A.9
+ * of ISO/IEC 11172-3, the generator polynomial is:
+ *
+ * G(X) = X^16 + X^15 + X^2 + 1
+ */
+unsigned short const crc_table[256] = {
+ 0x0000, 0x8005, 0x800f, 0x000a, 0x801b, 0x001e, 0x0014, 0x8011,
+ 0x8033, 0x0036, 0x003c, 0x8039, 0x0028, 0x802d, 0x8027, 0x0022,
+ 0x8063, 0x0066, 0x006c, 0x8069, 0x0078, 0x807d, 0x8077, 0x0072,
+ 0x0050, 0x8055, 0x805f, 0x005a, 0x804b, 0x004e, 0x0044, 0x8041,
+ 0x80c3, 0x00c6, 0x00cc, 0x80c9, 0x00d8, 0x80dd, 0x80d7, 0x00d2,
+ 0x00f0, 0x80f5, 0x80ff, 0x00fa, 0x80eb, 0x00ee, 0x00e4, 0x80e1,
+ 0x00a0, 0x80a5, 0x80af, 0x00aa, 0x80bb, 0x00be, 0x00b4, 0x80b1,
+ 0x8093, 0x0096, 0x009c, 0x8099, 0x0088, 0x808d, 0x8087, 0x0082,
+ 0x8183, 0x0186, 0x018c, 0x8189, 0x0198, 0x819d, 0x8197, 0x0192,
+ 0x01b0, 0x81b5, 0x81bf, 0x01ba, 0x81ab, 0x01ae, 0x01a4, 0x81a1,
+ 0x01e0, 0x81e5, 0x81ef, 0x01ea, 0x81fb, 0x01fe, 0x01f4, 0x81f1,
+ 0x81d3, 0x01d6, 0x01dc, 0x81d9, 0x01c8, 0x81cd, 0x81c7, 0x01c2,
+ 0x0140, 0x8145, 0x814f, 0x014a, 0x815b, 0x015e, 0x0154, 0x8151,
+ 0x8173, 0x0176, 0x017c, 0x8179, 0x0168, 0x816d, 0x8167, 0x0162,
+ 0x8123, 0x0126, 0x012c, 0x8129, 0x0138, 0x813d, 0x8137, 0x0132,
+ 0x0110, 0x8115, 0x811f, 0x011a, 0x810b, 0x010e, 0x0104, 0x8101,
+ 0x8303, 0x0306, 0x030c, 0x8309, 0x0318, 0x831d, 0x8317, 0x0312,
+ 0x0330, 0x8335, 0x833f, 0x033a, 0x832b, 0x032e, 0x0324, 0x8321,
+ 0x0360, 0x8365, 0x836f, 0x036a, 0x837b, 0x037e, 0x0374, 0x8371,
+ 0x8353, 0x0356, 0x035c, 0x8359, 0x0348, 0x834d, 0x8347, 0x0342,
+ 0x03c0, 0x83c5, 0x83cf, 0x03ca, 0x83db, 0x03de, 0x03d4, 0x83d1,
+ 0x83f3, 0x03f6, 0x03fc, 0x83f9, 0x03e8, 0x83ed, 0x83e7, 0x03e2,
+ 0x83a3, 0x03a6, 0x03ac, 0x83a9, 0x03b8, 0x83bd, 0x83b7, 0x03b2,
+ 0x0390, 0x8395, 0x839f, 0x039a, 0x838b, 0x038e, 0x0384, 0x8381,
+ 0x0280, 0x8285, 0x828f, 0x028a, 0x829b, 0x029e, 0x0294, 0x8291,
+ 0x82b3, 0x02b6, 0x02bc, 0x82b9, 0x02a8, 0x82ad, 0x82a7, 0x02a2,
+ 0x82e3, 0x02e6, 0x02ec, 0x82e9, 0x02f8, 0x82fd, 0x82f7, 0x02f2,
+ 0x02d0, 0x82d5, 0x82df, 0x02da, 0x82cb, 0x02ce, 0x02c4, 0x82c1,
+ 0x8243, 0x0246, 0x024c, 0x8249, 0x0258, 0x825d, 0x8257, 0x0252,
+ 0x0270, 0x8275, 0x827f, 0x027a, 0x826b, 0x026e, 0x0264, 0x8261,
+ 0x0220, 0x8225, 0x822f, 0x022a, 0x823b, 0x023e, 0x0234, 0x8231,
+ 0x8213, 0x0216, 0x021c, 0x8219, 0x0208, 0x820d, 0x8207, 0x0202
+# define CRC_POLY 0x8005
+ * NAME: bit->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize bit pointer struct
+ */
+void mad_bit_init(struct mad_bitptr *bitptr, unsigned char const *byte)
+ bitptr->byte = byte;
+ bitptr->cache = 0;
+ bitptr->left = CHAR_BIT;
+ * NAME: bit->length()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return number of bits between start and end points
+ */
+unsigned int mad_bit_length(struct mad_bitptr const *begin,
+ struct mad_bitptr const *end)
+ return begin->left +
+ CHAR_BIT * (end->byte - (begin->byte + 1)) + (CHAR_BIT - end->left);
+ * NAME: bit->nextbyte()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return pointer to next unprocessed byte
+ */
+unsigned char const *mad_bit_nextbyte(struct mad_bitptr const *bitptr)
+ return bitptr->left == CHAR_BIT ? bitptr->byte : bitptr->byte + 1;
+ * NAME: bit->skip()
+ * DESCRIPTION: advance bit pointer
+ */
+void mad_bit_skip(struct mad_bitptr *bitptr, unsigned int len)
+ bitptr->byte += len / CHAR_BIT;
+ bitptr->left -= len % CHAR_BIT;
+ if (bitptr->left > CHAR_BIT) {
+ bitptr->byte++;
+ bitptr->left += CHAR_BIT;
+ }
+ if (bitptr->left < CHAR_BIT)
+ bitptr->cache = *bitptr->byte;
+ * NAME: bit->read()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read an arbitrary number of bits and return their UIMSBF value
+ */
+unsigned long mad_bit_read(struct mad_bitptr *bitptr, unsigned int len)
+ register unsigned long value;
+ if (bitptr->left == CHAR_BIT)
+ bitptr->cache = *bitptr->byte;
+ if (len < bitptr->left) {
+ value = (bitptr->cache & ((1 << bitptr->left) - 1)) >>
+ (bitptr->left - len);
+ bitptr->left -= len;
+ return value;
+ }
+ /* remaining bits in current byte */
+ value = bitptr->cache & ((1 << bitptr->left) - 1);
+ len -= bitptr->left;
+ bitptr->byte++;
+ bitptr->left = CHAR_BIT;
+ /* more bytes */
+ while (len >= CHAR_BIT) {
+ value = (value << CHAR_BIT) | *bitptr->byte++;
+ len -= CHAR_BIT;
+ }
+ if (len > 0) {
+ bitptr->cache = *bitptr->byte;
+ value = (value << len) | (bitptr->cache >> (CHAR_BIT - len));
+ bitptr->left -= len;
+ }
+ return value;
+# if 0
+ * NAME: bit->write()
+ * DESCRIPTION: write an arbitrary number of bits
+ */
+void mad_bit_write(struct mad_bitptr *bitptr, unsigned int len,
+ unsigned long value)
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ ptr = (unsigned char *) bitptr->byte;
+ /* ... */
+# endif
+ * NAME: bit->crc()
+ * DESCRIPTION: compute CRC-check word
+ */
+unsigned short mad_bit_crc(struct mad_bitptr bitptr, unsigned int len,
+ unsigned short init)
+ register unsigned int crc;
+ for (crc = init; len >= 32; len -= 32) {
+ register unsigned long data;
+ data = mad_bit_read(&bitptr, 32);
+ crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ (data >> 24)) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ (data >> 16)) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ (data >> 8)) & 0xff];
+ crc = (crc << 8) ^ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ (data >> 0)) & 0xff];
+ }
+ switch (len / 8) {
+ case 3: crc = (crc << 8) ^
+ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ mad_bit_read(&bitptr, 8)) & 0xff];
+ case 2: crc = (crc << 8) ^
+ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ mad_bit_read(&bitptr, 8)) & 0xff];
+ case 1: crc = (crc << 8) ^
+ crc_table[((crc >> 8) ^ mad_bit_read(&bitptr, 8)) & 0xff];
+ len %= 8;
+ case 0: break;
+ }
+ while (len--) {
+ register unsigned int msb;
+ msb = mad_bit_read(&bitptr, 1) ^ (crc >> 15);
+ crc <<= 1;
+ if (msb & 1)
+ crc ^= CRC_POLY;
+ }
+ return crc & 0xffff;
diff --git a/src/libmad/bit.h b/src/libmad/bit.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6960727a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/bit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: bit.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_BIT_H
+# define LIBMAD_BIT_H
+struct mad_bitptr {
+ unsigned char const *byte;
+ unsigned short cache;
+ unsigned short left;
+void mad_bit_init(struct mad_bitptr *, unsigned char const *);
+# define mad_bit_finish(bitptr) /* nothing */
+unsigned int mad_bit_length(struct mad_bitptr const *,
+ struct mad_bitptr const *);
+# define mad_bit_bitsleft(bitptr) ((bitptr)->left)
+unsigned char const *mad_bit_nextbyte(struct mad_bitptr const *);
+void mad_bit_skip(struct mad_bitptr *, unsigned int);
+unsigned long mad_bit_read(struct mad_bitptr *, unsigned int);
+void mad_bit_write(struct mad_bitptr *, unsigned int, unsigned long);
+unsigned short mad_bit_crc(struct mad_bitptr, unsigned int, unsigned short);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/config.h.in b/src/libmad/config.h.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2cdd33497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/config.h.in
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
+/* Define to enable diagnostic debugging support. */
+#undef DEBUG
+/* Define to enable experimental code. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <assert.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <errno.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_ERRNO_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fcntl' function. */
+#undef HAVE_FCNTL
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
+#undef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fork' function. */
+#undef HAVE_FORK
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */
+/* Define if your MIPS CPU supports a 2-operand MADD16 instruction. */
+#undef HAVE_MADD16_ASM
+/* Define if your MIPS CPU supports a 2-operand MADD instruction. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `pipe' function. */
+#undef HAVE_PIPE
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have <sys/wait.h> that is POSIX.1 compatible. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `waitpid' function. */
+/* Define to disable debugging assertions. */
+#undef NDEBUG
+/* Define to optimize for accuracy over speed. */
+/* Define to optimize for speed over accuracy. */
+#undef OPT_SPEED
+/* Define to enable a fast subband synthesis approximation optimization. */
+#undef OPT_SSO
+/* Define to influence a strict interpretation of the ISO/IEC standards, even
+ if this is in opposition with best accepted practices. */
+#undef OPT_STRICT
+/* Name of package */
+#undef PACKAGE
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT
+/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* The size of a `long long', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+/* Version number of package */
+#undef VERSION
+/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */
+#undef const
+/* Define as `__inline' if that's what the C compiler calls it, or to nothing
+ if it is not supported. */
+#undef inline
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+#undef pid_t
diff --git a/src/libmad/configure.ac b/src/libmad/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaba8d044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+dnl -*- m4 -*-
+dnl libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+dnl (at your option) any later version.
+dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+dnl GNU General Public License for more details.
+dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+dnl along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+dnl Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+AC_REVISION([$Id: configure.ac,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $])dnl
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+AC_INIT([MPEG Audio Decoder], [0.15.0b], [support@underbit.com], [libmad])
+dnl System type.
+dnl Checks for programs.
+if test "$GCC" = yes
+ case "$host" in
+ *-*-mingw*)
+ case "$build" in
+ *-*-cygwin*)
+ CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -mno-cygwin"
+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -mno-cygwin"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ esac
+dnl case "$host" in
+dnl *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw*)
+dnl LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -no-undefined -mdll"
+dnl ;;
+dnl esac
+dnl Support for libtool.
+dnl Compiler options.
+set -- $CFLAGS
+if test "$GCC" = yes
+ CFLAGS="-Wall"
+while test $# -gt 0
+ case "$1" in
+ -Wall)
+ if test "$GCC" = yes
+ then
+ :
+ else
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -g)
+ debug="-g"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -mno-cygwin)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -m*)
+ arch="$arch $1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -O2)
+ optimize="-O"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -fomit-frame-pointer)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -O*|-f*)
+ optimize="$optimize $1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test "$GCC" = yes
+ if test -z "$arch"
+ then
+ case "$host" in
+ i386-*) ;;
+ i?86-*) arch="-march=i486" ;;
+ arm*-empeg-*) arch="-march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm1100" ;;
+ armv4*-*) arch="-march=armv4 -mtune=strongarm" ;;
+ powerpc-*) ;;
+ mips*-agenda-*) arch="-mcpu=vr4100" ;;
+ mips*-luxsonor-*) arch="-mips1 -mcpu=r3000 -Wa,-m4010" ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ case "$optimize" in
+ -O|"-O "*)
+ optimize="-O"
+ optimize="$optimize -fforce-mem"
+ optimize="$optimize -fforce-addr"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -finline-functions"
+ : #- optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ optimize="$optimize -fthread-jumps"
+ optimize="$optimize -fcse-follow-jumps"
+ optimize="$optimize -fcse-skip-blocks"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -frerun-cse-after-loop"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -frerun-loop-opt"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -fgcse"
+ optimize="$optimize -fexpensive-optimizations"
+ optimize="$optimize -fregmove"
+ : #* optimize="$optimize -fdelayed-branch"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -fschedule-insns"
+ optimize="$optimize -fschedule-insns2"
+ : #? optimize="$optimize -ffunction-sections"
+ : #? optimize="$optimize -fcaller-saves"
+ : #> optimize="$optimize -funroll-loops"
+ : #> optimize="$optimize -funroll-all-loops"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -fmove-all-movables"
+ : #x optimize="$optimize -freduce-all-givs"
+ : #? optimize="$optimize -fstrict-aliasing"
+ : #* optimize="$optimize -fstructure-noalias"
+ case "$host" in
+ arm*-*)
+ optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ ;;
+ mips*-*)
+ optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ optimize="$optimize -finline-functions"
+ ;;
+ i?86-*)
+ optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ ;;
+ powerpc-apple-*)
+ # this triggers an internal compiler error with gcc2
+ : #optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ # this is really only beneficial with gcc3
+ : #optimize="$optimize -finline-functions"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # this sometimes provokes bugs in gcc 2.95.2
+ : #optimize="$optimize -fstrength-reduce"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+case "$host" in
+ mips*-agenda-*)
+ [Define if your MIPS CPU supports a 2-operand MADD16 instruction.])
+ ;;
+ mips*-luxsonor-*)
+ [Define if your MIPS CPU supports a 2-operand MADD instruction.])
+ ;;
+dnl Checks for header files.
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(assert.h limits.h unistd.h sys/types.h fcntl.h errno.h)
+dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long long, 8)
+dnl Checks for library functions.
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(waitpid fcntl pipe fork)
+dnl Other options.
+dnl handle --enable and --disable options
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to optimize for speed or for accuracy)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(speed, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-speed],
+ [optimize for speed over accuracy]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ optimize_for="speed"
+ [Define to optimize for speed over accuracy.])
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(accuracy, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-accuracy],
+ [optimize for accuracy over speed]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ if test "$optimize_for" = "speed"
+ then
+ optimize_for="both"
+ else
+ optimize_for="accuracy"
+ fi
+ [Define to optimize for accuracy over speed.])
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test "$optimize_for" = "both"
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(cannot optimize for both speed and accuracy)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for architecture-specific fixed-point math routines)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(fpm, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fpm=ARCH],
+ [use ARCH-specific fixed-point math routines
+ (one of: intel, arm, mips, sparc, ppc, 64bit, default)]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes) ;;
+ no|default|approx) FPM="DEFAULT" ;;
+ intel|i?86) FPM="INTEL" ;;
+ arm) FPM="ARM" ;;
+ mips) FPM="MIPS" ;;
+ sparc) FPM="SPARC" ;;
+ ppc|powerpc) FPM="PPC" ;;
+ 64bit) FPM="64BIT" ;;
+ float) FPM="FLOAT" ;;
+ *)
+ AC_MSG_RESULT(failed)
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([bad --enable-fpm option])
+ ;;
+ esac
+if test -z "$FPM" && test "$GCC" = yes
+ case "$host" in
+ i?86-*) FPM="INTEL" ;;
+ arm*-*) FPM="ARM" ;;
+ mips*-*) FPM="MIPS" ;;
+ sparc*-*) FPM="SPARC" ;;
+ powerpc*-*) FPM="PPC" ;;
+ # FIXME: need to test for 64-bit long long...
+ esac
+if test "$FPM" = "DEFAULT"
+ AC_MSG_WARN([default fixed-point math will yield limited accuracy])
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(sso, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-sso],
+ [use subband synthesis optimization]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ [Define to enable a fast subband synthesis approximation optimization.])
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(aso, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-aso],
+ [disable architecture-specific optimizations]),
+ [], [enable_aso=yes])
+if test "$enable_aso" = yes
+ case "$host" in
+ i?86-*)
+ : #not yet #ASO="$ASO -DASO_SYNTH"
+ : #not yet #ASO_OBJS="synth_mmx.lo"
+ ;;
+ arm*-*)
+ ASO_OBJS="imdct_l_arm.lo"
+ ;;
+ mips*-*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ISO/IEC interpretation)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(strict-iso, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-strict-iso],
+ [use strict ISO/IEC interpretations]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ [Define to influence a strict interpretation of the ISO/IEC standards,
+ even if this is in opposition with best accepted practices.])
+ interpretation="strict"
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_MSG_RESULT(${interpretation-best accepted practices})
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable profiling)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(profiling, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-profiling],
+ [generate profiling code]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes) profile="-pg" ;;
+ esac
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable debugging)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(debugging, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debugging],
+ [enable diagnostic debugging support])
+ [do not enable debugging and use more optimization]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ [Define to enable diagnostic debugging support.])
+ optimize=""
+ ;;
+ no)
+ if test -n "$profile"
+ then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(--enable-profiling and --disable-debugging are incompatible)
+ fi
+ [Define to disable debugging assertions.])
+ debug=""
+ if test "$GCC" = yes
+ then
+ optimize="$optimize -fomit-frame-pointer"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to enable experimental code)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(experimental, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-experimental],
+ [enable experimental code]),
+ case "$enableval" in
+ yes)
+ [Define to enable experimental code.])
+ ;;
+ esac
+dnl Create output files.
+test -n "$arch" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $arch"
+test -n "$debug" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $debug"
+test -n "$optimize" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $optimize"
+test -n "$profile" && CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $profile" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $profile"
+dnl LTLIBOBJS=`echo "$LIBOBJS" | sed -e 's/\.o/.lo/g'`
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile \
+ libmad.list])
diff --git a/src/libmad/decoder.c b/src/libmad/decoder.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926e95c49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/decoder.c
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: decoder.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H
+# include <sys/wait.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
+# include <unistd.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
+# include <fcntl.h>
+# endif
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H
+# include <errno.h>
+# endif
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "synth.h"
+# include "decoder.h"
+ * NAME: decoder->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize a decoder object with callback routines
+ */
+void mad_decoder_init(struct mad_decoder *decoder, void *data,
+ enum mad_flow (*input_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream *),
+ enum mad_flow (*header_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_header const *),
+ enum mad_flow (*filter_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream const *,
+ struct mad_frame *),
+ enum mad_flow (*output_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_header const *,
+ struct mad_pcm *),
+ enum mad_flow (*error_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream *,
+ struct mad_frame *),
+ enum mad_flow (*message_func)(void *,
+ void *, unsigned int *))
+ decoder->mode = -1;
+ decoder->options = 0;
+ decoder->async.pid = 0;
+ decoder->async.in = -1;
+ decoder->async.out = -1;
+ decoder->sync = 0;
+ decoder->cb_data = data;
+ decoder->input_func = input_func;
+ decoder->header_func = header_func;
+ decoder->filter_func = filter_func;
+ decoder->output_func = output_func;
+ decoder->error_func = error_func;
+ decoder->message_func = message_func;
+int mad_decoder_finish(struct mad_decoder *decoder)
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+ if (decoder->mode == MAD_DECODER_MODE_ASYNC && decoder->async.pid) {
+ pid_t pid;
+ int status;
+ close(decoder->async.in);
+ do
+ pid = waitpid(decoder->async.pid, &status, 0);
+ while (pid == -1 && errno == EINTR);
+ decoder->mode = -1;
+ close(decoder->async.out);
+ decoder->async.pid = 0;
+ decoder->async.in = -1;
+ decoder->async.out = -1;
+ if (pid == -1)
+ return -1;
+ return (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status)) ? -1 : 0;
+ }
+# endif
+ return 0;
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+enum mad_flow send_io(int fd, void const *data, size_t len)
+ char const *ptr = data;
+ ssize_t count;
+ while (len) {
+ do
+ count = write(fd, ptr, len);
+ while (count == -1 && errno == EINTR);
+ if (count == -1)
+ return MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ len -= count;
+ ptr += count;
+ }
+enum mad_flow receive_io(int fd, void *buffer, size_t len)
+ char *ptr = buffer;
+ ssize_t count;
+ while (len) {
+ do
+ count = read(fd, ptr, len);
+ while (count == -1 && errno == EINTR);
+ if (count == -1)
+ return (errno == EAGAIN) ? MAD_FLOW_IGNORE : MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ else if (count == 0)
+ return MAD_FLOW_STOP;
+ len -= count;
+ ptr += count;
+ }
+enum mad_flow receive_io_blocking(int fd, void *buffer, size_t len)
+ int flags, blocking;
+ enum mad_flow result;
+ flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
+ if (flags == -1)
+ return MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ blocking = flags & ~O_NONBLOCK;
+ if (blocking != flags &&
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, blocking) == -1)
+ return MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ result = receive_io(fd, buffer, len);
+ if (flags != blocking &&
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == -1)
+ return MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ return result;
+enum mad_flow send(int fd, void const *message, unsigned int size)
+ enum mad_flow result;
+ /* send size */
+ result = send_io(fd, &size, sizeof(size));
+ /* send message */
+ if (result == MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE)
+ result = send_io(fd, message, size);
+ return result;
+enum mad_flow receive(int fd, void **message, unsigned int *size)
+ enum mad_flow result;
+ unsigned int actual;
+ if (*message == 0)
+ *size = 0;
+ /* receive size */
+ result = receive_io(fd, &actual, sizeof(actual));
+ /* receive message */
+ if (result == MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE) {
+ if (actual > *size)
+ actual -= *size;
+ else {
+ *size = actual;
+ actual = 0;
+ }
+ if (*size > 0) {
+ if (*message == 0) {
+ *message = malloc(*size);
+ if (*message == 0)
+ return MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ }
+ result = receive_io_blocking(fd, *message, *size);
+ }
+ /* throw away remainder of message */
+ while (actual && result == MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE) {
+ char sink[256];
+ unsigned int len;
+ len = actual > sizeof(sink) ? sizeof(sink) : actual;
+ result = receive_io_blocking(fd, sink, len);
+ actual -= len;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+enum mad_flow check_message(struct mad_decoder *decoder)
+ enum mad_flow result;
+ void *message = 0;
+ unsigned int size;
+ result = receive(decoder->async.in, &message, &size);
+ if (result == MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE) {
+ if (decoder->message_func == 0)
+ size = 0;
+ else {
+ result = decoder->message_func(decoder->cb_data, message, &size);
+ if (result == MAD_FLOW_IGNORE ||
+ result == MAD_FLOW_BREAK)
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ if (send(decoder->async.out, message, size) != MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE)
+ result = MAD_FLOW_BREAK;
+ }
+ if (message)
+ free(message);
+ return result;
+# endif
+enum mad_flow error_default(void *data, struct mad_stream *stream,
+ struct mad_frame *frame)
+ int *bad_last_frame = data;
+ switch (stream->error) {
+ if (*bad_last_frame)
+ mad_frame_mute(frame);
+ else
+ *bad_last_frame = 1;
+ default:
+ }
+int run_sync(struct mad_decoder *decoder)
+ enum mad_flow (*error_func)(void *, struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);
+ void *error_data;
+ int bad_last_frame = 0;
+ struct mad_stream *stream;
+ struct mad_frame *frame;
+ struct mad_synth *synth;
+ int result = 0;
+ if (decoder->input_func == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if (decoder->error_func) {
+ error_func = decoder->error_func;
+ error_data = decoder->cb_data;
+ }
+ else {
+ error_func = error_default;
+ error_data = &bad_last_frame;
+ }
+ stream = &decoder->sync->stream;
+ frame = &decoder->sync->frame;
+ synth = &decoder->sync->synth;
+ mad_stream_init(stream);
+ mad_frame_init(frame);
+ mad_synth_init(synth);
+ mad_stream_options(stream, decoder->options);
+ do {
+ switch (decoder->input_func(decoder->cb_data, stream)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ while (1) {
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+ if (decoder->mode == MAD_DECODER_MODE_ASYNC) {
+ switch (check_message(decoder)) {
+ break;
+ goto fail;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ if (decoder->header_func) {
+ if (mad_header_decode(&frame->header, stream) == -1) {
+ if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(stream->error))
+ break;
+ switch (error_func(error_data, stream, frame)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (decoder->header_func(decoder->cb_data, &frame->header)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mad_frame_decode(frame, stream) == -1) {
+ if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(stream->error))
+ break;
+ switch (error_func(error_data, stream, frame)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ break;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bad_last_frame = 0;
+ if (decoder->filter_func) {
+ switch (decoder->filter_func(decoder->cb_data, stream, frame)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mad_synth_frame(synth, frame);
+ if (decoder->output_func) {
+ switch (decoder->output_func(decoder->cb_data,
+ &frame->header, &synth->pcm)) {
+ goto done;
+ goto fail;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (stream->error == MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN);
+ fail:
+ result = -1;
+ done:
+ mad_synth_finish(synth);
+ mad_frame_finish(frame);
+ mad_stream_finish(stream);
+ return result;
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+int run_async(struct mad_decoder *decoder)
+ pid_t pid;
+ int ptoc[2], ctop[2], flags;
+ if (pipe(ptoc) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if (pipe(ctop) == -1) {
+ close(ptoc[0]);
+ close(ptoc[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ flags = fcntl(ptoc[0], F_GETFL);
+ if (flags == -1 ||
+ fcntl(ptoc[0], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
+ close(ctop[0]);
+ close(ctop[1]);
+ close(ptoc[0]);
+ close(ptoc[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ close(ctop[0]);
+ close(ctop[1]);
+ close(ptoc[0]);
+ close(ptoc[1]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ decoder->async.pid = pid;
+ if (pid) {
+ /* parent */
+ close(ptoc[0]);
+ close(ctop[1]);
+ decoder->async.in = ctop[0];
+ decoder->async.out = ptoc[1];
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* child */
+ close(ptoc[1]);
+ close(ctop[0]);
+ decoder->async.in = ptoc[0];
+ decoder->async.out = ctop[1];
+ _exit(run_sync(decoder));
+ /* not reached */
+ return -1;
+# endif
+ * NAME: decoder->run()
+ * DESCRIPTION: run the decoder thread either synchronously or asynchronously
+ */
+int mad_decoder_run(struct mad_decoder *decoder, enum mad_decoder_mode mode)
+ int result;
+ int (*run)(struct mad_decoder *) = 0;
+ switch (decoder->mode = mode) {
+ run = run_sync;
+ break;
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+ run = run_async;
+# endif
+ break;
+ }
+ if (run == 0)
+ return -1;
+ decoder->sync = malloc(sizeof(*decoder->sync));
+ if (decoder->sync == 0)
+ return -1;
+ result = run(decoder);
+ free(decoder->sync);
+ decoder->sync = 0;
+ return result;
+ * NAME: decoder->message()
+ * DESCRIPTION: send a message to and receive a reply from the decoder process
+ */
+int mad_decoder_message(struct mad_decoder *decoder,
+ void *message, unsigned int *len)
+# if defined(USE_ASYNC)
+ if (decoder->mode != MAD_DECODER_MODE_ASYNC ||
+ send(decoder->async.out, message, *len) != MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE ||
+ receive(decoder->async.in, &message, len) != MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+# else
+ return -1;
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/decoder.h b/src/libmad/decoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b1c8235f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/decoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: decoder.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "synth.h"
+enum mad_decoder_mode {
+enum mad_flow {
+ MAD_FLOW_CONTINUE = 0x0000, /* continue normally */
+ MAD_FLOW_STOP = 0x0010, /* stop decoding normally */
+ MAD_FLOW_BREAK = 0x0011, /* stop decoding and signal an error */
+ MAD_FLOW_IGNORE = 0x0020 /* ignore the current frame */
+struct mad_decoder {
+ enum mad_decoder_mode mode;
+ int options;
+ struct {
+ long pid;
+ int in;
+ int out;
+ } async;
+ struct {
+ struct mad_stream stream;
+ struct mad_frame frame;
+ struct mad_synth synth;
+ } *sync;
+ void *cb_data;
+ enum mad_flow (*input_func)(void *, struct mad_stream *);
+ enum mad_flow (*header_func)(void *, struct mad_header const *);
+ enum mad_flow (*filter_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream const *, struct mad_frame *);
+ enum mad_flow (*output_func)(void *,
+ struct mad_header const *, struct mad_pcm *);
+ enum mad_flow (*error_func)(void *, struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);
+ enum mad_flow (*message_func)(void *, void *, unsigned int *);
+void mad_decoder_init(struct mad_decoder *, void *,
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *, struct mad_stream *),
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *, struct mad_header const *),
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream const *,
+ struct mad_frame *),
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *,
+ struct mad_header const *,
+ struct mad_pcm *),
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *,
+ struct mad_stream *,
+ struct mad_frame *),
+ enum mad_flow (*)(void *, void *, unsigned int *));
+int mad_decoder_finish(struct mad_decoder *);
+# define mad_decoder_options(decoder, opts) \
+ ((void) ((decoder)->options = (opts)))
+int mad_decoder_run(struct mad_decoder *, enum mad_decoder_mode);
+int mad_decoder_message(struct mad_decoder *, void *, unsigned int *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/fixed.c b/src/libmad/fixed.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21f2364e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/fixed.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: fixed.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "fixed.h"
+ * NAME: fixed->abs()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return absolute value of a fixed-point number
+ */
+mad_fixed_t mad_f_abs(mad_fixed_t x)
+ return x < 0 ? -x : x;
+ * NAME: fixed->div()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform division using fixed-point math
+ */
+mad_fixed_t mad_f_div(mad_fixed_t x, mad_fixed_t y)
+ mad_fixed_t q, r;
+ unsigned int bits;
+ q = mad_f_abs(x / y);
+ if (x < 0) {
+ x = -x;
+ y = -y;
+ }
+ r = x % y;
+ if (y < 0) {
+ x = -x;
+ y = -y;
+ }
+ if (q > mad_f_intpart(MAD_F_MAX) &&
+ !(q == -mad_f_intpart(MAD_F_MIN) && r == 0 && (x < 0) != (y < 0)))
+ return 0;
+ for (bits = MAD_F_FRACBITS; bits && r; --bits) {
+ q <<= 1, r <<= 1;
+ if (r >= y)
+ r -= y, ++q;
+ }
+ /* round */
+ if (2 * r >= y)
+ ++q;
+ /* fix sign */
+ if ((x < 0) != (y < 0))
+ q = -q;
+ return q << bits;
diff --git a/src/libmad/fixed.h b/src/libmad/fixed.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..241e7f95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/fixed.h
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: fixed.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_FIXED_H
+# define LIBMAD_FIXED_H
+# if SIZEOF_INT >= 4
+typedef signed int mad_fixed_t;
+typedef signed int mad_fixed64hi_t;
+typedef unsigned int mad_fixed64lo_t;
+# else
+typedef signed long mad_fixed_t;
+typedef signed long mad_fixed64hi_t;
+typedef unsigned long mad_fixed64lo_t;
+# endif
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# define mad_fixed64_t signed __int64
+# elif 1 || defined(__GNUC__)
+# define mad_fixed64_t signed long long
+# endif
+# if defined(FPM_FLOAT)
+typedef double mad_sample_t;
+# else
+typedef mad_fixed_t mad_sample_t;
+# endif
+ * Fixed-point format: 0xABBBBBBB
+ * A == whole part (sign + 3 bits)
+ * B == fractional part (28 bits)
+ *
+ * Values are signed two's complement, so the effective range is:
+ * 0x80000000 to 0x7fffffff
+ * -8.0 to +7.9999999962747097015380859375
+ *
+ * The smallest representable value is:
+ * 0x00000001 == 0.0000000037252902984619140625 (i.e. about 3.725e-9)
+ *
+ * 28 bits of fractional accuracy represent about
+ * 8.6 digits of decimal accuracy.
+ *
+ * Fixed-point numbers can be added or subtracted as normal
+ * integers, but multiplication requires shifting the 64-bit result
+ * from 56 fractional bits back to 28 (and rounding.)
+ *
+ * Changing the definition of MAD_F_FRACBITS is only partially
+ * supported, and must be done with care.
+ */
+# define MAD_F_FRACBITS 28
+# if MAD_F_FRACBITS == 28
+# define MAD_F(x) ((mad_fixed_t) (x##L))
+# else
+# if MAD_F_FRACBITS < 28
+# warning "MAD_F_FRACBITS < 28"
+# define MAD_F(x) ((mad_fixed_t) \
+ (((x##L) + \
+ (1L << (28 - MAD_F_FRACBITS - 1))) >> \
+ (28 - MAD_F_FRACBITS)))
+# elif MAD_F_FRACBITS > 28
+# error "MAD_F_FRACBITS > 28 not currently supported"
+# define MAD_F(x) ((mad_fixed_t) \
+ ((x##L) << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 28)))
+# endif
+# endif
+# define MAD_F_MIN ((mad_fixed_t) -0x80000000L)
+# define MAD_F_MAX ((mad_fixed_t) +0x7fffffffL)
+# define MAD_F_ONE MAD_F(0x10000000)
+# define mad_f_tofixed(x) ((mad_fixed_t) \
+ ((x) * (double) (1L << MAD_F_FRACBITS) + 0.5))
+# define mad_f_todouble(x) ((double) \
+ ((x) / (double) (1L << MAD_F_FRACBITS)))
+# define mad_f_intpart(x) ((x) >> MAD_F_FRACBITS)
+# define mad_f_fracpart(x) ((x) & ((1L << MAD_F_FRACBITS) - 1))
+ /* (x should be positive) */
+# define mad_f_fromint(x) ((x) << MAD_F_FRACBITS)
+# define mad_f_add(x, y) ((x) + (y))
+# define mad_f_sub(x, y) ((x) - (y))
+# if defined(FPM_FLOAT)
+# error "FPM_FLOAT not yet supported"
+# undef MAD_F
+# define MAD_F(x) mad_f_todouble(x)
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) ((x) * (y))
+# define mad_f_scale64
+# elif defined(FPM_64BIT)
+ * This version should be the most accurate if 64-bit types are supported by
+ * the compiler, although it may not be the most efficient.
+ */
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) \
+ ((mad_fixed_t) \
+ ((((mad_fixed64_t) (x) * (y)) + \
+# else
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) \
+ ((mad_fixed_t) (((mad_fixed64_t) (x) * (y)) >> MAD_F_SCALEBITS))
+# endif
+/* --- Intel --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_INTEL)
+# if defined(_MSC_VER)
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning(disable: 4035) /* no return value */
+static __forceinline
+mad_fixed_t mad_f_mul_inline(mad_fixed_t x, mad_fixed_t y)
+ enum {
+ fracbits = MAD_F_FRACBITS
+ };
+ __asm {
+ mov eax, x
+ imul y
+ shrd eax, edx, fracbits
+ }
+ /* implicit return of eax */
+# pragma warning(pop)
+# define mad_f_mul mad_f_mul_inline
+# define mad_f_scale64
+# else
+ * This Intel version is fast and accurate; the disposition of the least
+ * significant bit depends on OPT_ACCURACY via mad_f_scale64().
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("imull %3" \
+ : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi) \
+ : "%a" (x), "rm" (y) \
+ : "cc")
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+ * This gives best accuracy but is not very fast.
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t __hi; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t __lo; \
+ MAD_F_MLX(__hi, __lo, (x), (y)); \
+ asm ("addl %2,%0\n\t" \
+ "adcl %3,%1" \
+ : "=rm" (lo), "=rm" (hi) \
+ : "r" (__lo), "r" (__hi), "0" (lo), "1" (hi) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ })
+# endif /* OPT_ACCURACY */
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+ * Surprisingly, this is faster than SHRD followed by ADC.
+ */
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t __hi_; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t __lo_; \
+ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("addl %4,%2\n\t" \
+ "adcl %5,%3" \
+ : "=rm" (__lo_), "=rm" (__hi_) \
+ : "0" (lo), "1" (hi), \
+ "ir" (1L << (MAD_F_SCALEBITS - 1)), "ir" (0) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ asm ("shrdl %3,%2,%1" \
+ : "=rm" (__result) \
+ : "0" (__lo_), "r" (__hi_), "I" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# else
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("shrdl %3,%2,%1" \
+ : "=rm" (__result) \
+ : "0" (lo), "r" (hi), "I" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS) \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# endif /* OPT_ACCURACY */
+# endif
+/* --- ARM ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_ARM)
+ * This ARM V4 version is as accurate as FPM_64BIT but much faster. The
+ * least significant bit is properly rounded at no CPU cycle cost!
+ */
+# if 1
+ * This is faster than the default implementation via MAD_F_MLX() and
+ * mad_f_scale64().
+ */
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t __hi; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t __lo; \
+ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("smull %0, %1, %3, %4\n\t" \
+ "movs %0, %0, lsr %5\n\t" \
+ "adc %2, %0, %1, lsl %6" \
+ : "=&r" (__lo), "=&r" (__hi), "=r" (__result) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y), \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# endif
+# define MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("smull %0, %1, %2, %3" \
+ : "=&r" (lo), "=&r" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y))
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("smlal %0, %1, %2, %3" \
+ : "+r" (lo), "+r" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y))
+# define MAD_F_MLN(hi, lo) \
+ asm ("rsbs %0, %2, #0\n\t" \
+ "rsc %1, %3, #0" \
+ : "=r" (lo), "=r" (hi) \
+ : "0" (lo), "1" (hi) \
+ : "cc")
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("movs %0, %1, lsr %3\n\t" \
+ "adc %0, %0, %2, lsl %4" \
+ : "=&r" (__result) \
+ : "r" (lo), "r" (hi), \
+ : "cc"); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+/* --- MIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_MIPS)
+ * This MIPS version is fast and accurate; the disposition of the least
+ * significant bit depends on OPT_ACCURACY via mad_f_scale64().
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("mult %2,%3" \
+ : "=l" (lo), "=h" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y))
+# if defined(HAVE_MADD_ASM)
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("madd %2,%3" \
+ : "+l" (lo), "+h" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y))
+# elif defined(HAVE_MADD16_ASM)
+ * This loses significant accuracy due to the 16-bit integer limit in the
+ * multiply/accumulate instruction.
+ */
+# define MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("mult %2,%3" \
+ : "=l" (lo), "=h" (hi) \
+ : "%r" ((x) >> 12), "r" ((y) >> 16))
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("madd16 %2,%3" \
+ : "+l" (lo), "+h" (hi) \
+ : "%r" ((x) >> 12), "r" ((y) >> 16))
+# define MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) ((mad_fixed_t) (lo))
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED)
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ((mad_fixed_t) ((hi) << (32 - MAD_F_SCALEBITS)))
+# endif
+/* --- SPARC --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_SPARC)
+ * This SPARC V8 version is fast and accurate; the disposition of the least
+ * significant bit depends on OPT_ACCURACY via mad_f_scale64().
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ asm ("smul %2, %3, %0\n\t" \
+ "rd %%y, %1" \
+ : "=r" (lo), "=r" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "rI" (y))
+/* --- PowerPC ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_PPC)
+ * This PowerPC version is fast and accurate; the disposition of the least
+ * significant bit depends on OPT_ACCURACY via mad_f_scale64().
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ do { \
+ asm ("mullw %0,%1,%2" \
+ : "=r" (lo) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y)); \
+ asm ("mulhw %0,%1,%2" \
+ : "=r" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (x), "r" (y)); \
+ } \
+ while (0)
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+ * This gives best accuracy but is not very fast.
+ */
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t __hi; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t __lo; \
+ MAD_F_MLX(__hi, __lo, (x), (y)); \
+ asm ("addc %0,%2,%3\n\t" \
+ "adde %1,%4,%5" \
+ : "=r" (lo), "=r" (hi) \
+ : "%r" (lo), "r" (__lo), \
+ "%r" (hi), "r" (__hi) \
+ : "xer"); \
+ })
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+ * This is slower than the truncating version below it.
+ */
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed_t __result, __round; \
+ asm ("rotrwi %0,%1,%2" \
+ : "=r" (__result) \
+ : "r" (lo), "i" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS)); \
+ asm ("extrwi %0,%1,1,0" \
+ : "=r" (__round) \
+ : "r" (__result)); \
+ asm ("insrwi %0,%1,%2,0" \
+ : "+r" (__result) \
+ : "r" (hi), "i" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS)); \
+ asm ("add %0,%1,%2" \
+ : "=r" (__result) \
+ : "%r" (__result), "r" (__round)); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# else
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ({ mad_fixed_t __result; \
+ asm ("rotrwi %0,%1,%2" \
+ : "=r" (__result) \
+ : "r" (lo), "i" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS)); \
+ asm ("insrwi %0,%1,%2,0" \
+ : "+r" (__result) \
+ : "r" (hi), "i" (MAD_F_SCALEBITS)); \
+ __result; \
+ })
+# endif
+/* --- Default ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# elif defined(FPM_DEFAULT)
+ * This version is the most portable but it loses significant accuracy.
+ * Furthermore, accuracy is biased against the second argument, so care
+ * should be taken when ordering operands.
+ *
+ * The scale factors are constant as this is not used with SSO.
+ *
+ * Pre-rounding is required to stay within the limits of compliance.
+ */
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED)
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) (((x) >> 12) * ((y) >> 16))
+# else
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) ((((x) + (1L << 11)) >> 12) * \
+ (((y) + (1L << 15)) >> 16))
+# endif
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+# else
+# error "no FPM selected"
+# endif
+/* default implementations */
+# if !defined(mad_f_mul)
+# define mad_f_mul(x, y) \
+ ({ register mad_fixed64hi_t __hi; \
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t __lo; \
+ MAD_F_MLX(__hi, __lo, (x), (y)); \
+ mad_f_scale64(__hi, __lo); \
+ })
+# endif
+# if !defined(MAD_F_MLA)
+# define MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, x, y) ((lo) = mad_f_mul((x), (y)))
+# define MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, x, y) ((lo) += mad_f_mul((x), (y)))
+# define MAD_F_MLN(hi, lo) ((lo) = -(lo))
+# define MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) ((void) (hi), (mad_fixed_t) (lo))
+# endif
+# if !defined(MAD_F_ML0)
+# define MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, x, y) MAD_F_MLX((hi), (lo), (x), (y))
+# endif
+# if !defined(MAD_F_MLN)
+# define MAD_F_MLN(hi, lo) ((hi) = ((lo) = -(lo)) ? ~(hi) : -(hi))
+# endif
+# if !defined(MAD_F_MLZ)
+# define MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) mad_f_scale64((hi), (lo))
+# endif
+# if !defined(mad_f_scale64)
+# if defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ((((mad_fixed_t) \
+ (((hi) << (32 - (MAD_F_SCALEBITS - 1))) | \
+ ((lo) >> (MAD_F_SCALEBITS - 1)))) + 1) >> 1)
+# else
+# define mad_f_scale64(hi, lo) \
+ ((mad_fixed_t) \
+ (((hi) << (32 - MAD_F_SCALEBITS)) | \
+ ((lo) >> MAD_F_SCALEBITS)))
+# endif
+# endif
+/* C routines */
+mad_fixed_t mad_f_abs(mad_fixed_t);
+mad_fixed_t mad_f_div(mad_fixed_t, mad_fixed_t);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/frame.c b/src/libmad/frame.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c3342e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/frame.c
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frame.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "bit.h"
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "timer.h"
+# include "layer12.h"
+# include "layer3.h"
+unsigned long const bitrate_table[5][15] = {
+ /* MPEG-1 */
+ { 0, 32000, 64000, 96000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, /* Layer I */
+ 256000, 288000, 320000, 352000, 384000, 416000, 448000 },
+ { 0, 32000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, /* Layer II */
+ 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000, 384000 },
+ { 0, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, /* Layer III */
+ 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000 },
+ /* MPEG-2 LSF */
+ { 0, 32000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, /* Layer I */
+ 128000, 144000, 160000, 176000, 192000, 224000, 256000 },
+ { 0, 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, /* Layers */
+ 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 144000, 160000 } /* II & III */
+unsigned int const samplerate_table[3] = { 44100, 48000, 32000 };
+int (*const decoder_table[3])(struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *) = {
+ mad_layer_I,
+ mad_layer_II,
+ mad_layer_III
+ * NAME: header->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize header struct
+ */
+void mad_header_init(struct mad_header *header)
+ header->layer = 0;
+ header->mode = 0;
+ header->mode_extension = 0;
+ header->emphasis = 0;
+ header->bitrate = 0;
+ header->samplerate = 0;
+ header->crc_check = 0;
+ header->crc_target = 0;
+ header->flags = 0;
+ header->private_bits = 0;
+ header->duration = mad_timer_zero;
+ * NAME: frame->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize frame struct
+ */
+void mad_frame_init(struct mad_frame *frame)
+ mad_header_init(&frame->header);
+ frame->options = 0;
+ frame->overlap = 0;
+ mad_frame_mute(frame);
+ * NAME: frame->finish()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deallocate any dynamic memory associated with frame
+ */
+void mad_frame_finish(struct mad_frame *frame)
+ mad_header_finish(&frame->header);
+ if (frame->overlap) {
+ free(frame->overlap);
+ frame->overlap = 0;
+ }
+ * NAME: decode_header()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read header data and following CRC word
+ */
+int decode_header(struct mad_header *header, struct mad_stream *stream)
+ unsigned int index;
+ header->flags = 0;
+ header->private_bits = 0;
+ /* header() */
+ /* syncword */
+ mad_bit_skip(&stream->ptr, 11);
+ /* MPEG 2.5 indicator (really part of syncword) */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1) == 0)
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT;
+ /* ID */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1) == 0)
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT;
+ else if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* layer */
+ header->layer = 4 - mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+ if (header->layer == 4) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADLAYER;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* protection_bit */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1) == 0) {
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION;
+ header->crc_check = mad_bit_crc(stream->ptr, 16, 0xffff);
+ }
+ /* bitrate_index */
+ index = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 4);
+ if (index == 15) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADBITRATE;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT)
+ header->bitrate = bitrate_table[3 + (header->layer >> 1)][index];
+ else
+ header->bitrate = bitrate_table[header->layer - 1][index];
+ /* sampling_frequency */
+ index = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+ if (index == 3) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADSAMPLERATE;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ header->samplerate = samplerate_table[index];
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) {
+ header->samplerate /= 2;
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT)
+ header->samplerate /= 2;
+ }
+ /* padding_bit */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1))
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_PADDING;
+ /* private_bit */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1))
+ header->private_bits |= MAD_PRIVATE_HEADER;
+ /* mode */
+ header->mode = 3 - mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+ /* mode_extension */
+ header->mode_extension = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+ /* copyright */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1))
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_COPYRIGHT;
+ /* original/copy */
+ if (mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 1))
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_ORIGINAL;
+ /* emphasis */
+ header->emphasis = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+# if defined(OPT_STRICT)
+ /*
+ * ISO/IEC 11172-3 says this is a reserved emphasis value, but
+ * streams exist which use it anyway. Since the value is not important
+ * to the decoder proper, we allow it unless OPT_STRICT is defined.
+ */
+ if (header->emphasis == MAD_EMPHASIS_RESERVED) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADEMPHASIS;
+ return -1;
+ }
+# endif
+ /* error_check() */
+ /* crc_check */
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION)
+ header->crc_target = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 16);
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: free_bitrate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: attempt to discover the bitstream's free bitrate
+ */
+int free_bitrate(struct mad_stream *stream, struct mad_header const *header)
+ struct mad_bitptr keep_ptr;
+ unsigned long rate = 0;
+ unsigned int pad_slot, slots_per_frame;
+ unsigned char const *ptr = 0;
+ keep_ptr = stream->ptr;
+ pad_slot = (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PADDING) ? 1 : 0;
+ slots_per_frame = (header->layer == MAD_LAYER_III &&
+ (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT)) ? 72 : 144;
+ while (mad_stream_sync(stream) == 0) {
+ struct mad_stream peek_stream;
+ struct mad_header peek_header;
+ peek_stream = *stream;
+ peek_header = *header;
+ if (decode_header(&peek_header, &peek_stream) == 0 &&
+ peek_header.layer == header->layer &&
+ peek_header.samplerate == header->samplerate) {
+ unsigned int N;
+ ptr = mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr);
+ N = ptr - stream->this_frame;
+ if (header->layer == MAD_LAYER_I) {
+ rate = (unsigned long) header->samplerate *
+ (N - 4 * pad_slot + 4) / 48 / 1000;
+ }
+ else {
+ rate = (unsigned long) header->samplerate *
+ (N - pad_slot + 1) / slots_per_frame / 1000;
+ }
+ if (rate >= 8)
+ break;
+ }
+ mad_bit_skip(&stream->ptr, 8);
+ }
+ stream->ptr = keep_ptr;
+ if (rate < 8 || (header->layer == MAD_LAYER_III && rate > 640)) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ stream->freerate = rate * 1000;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: header->decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: read the next frame header from the stream
+ */
+int mad_header_decode(struct mad_header *header, struct mad_stream *stream)
+ register unsigned char const *ptr, *end;
+ unsigned int pad_slot, N;
+ ptr = stream->next_frame;
+ end = stream->bufend;
+ if (ptr == 0) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BUFPTR;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* stream skip */
+ if (stream->skiplen) {
+ if (!stream->sync)
+ ptr = stream->this_frame;
+ if (end - ptr < stream->skiplen) {
+ stream->skiplen -= end - ptr;
+ stream->next_frame = end;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ptr += stream->skiplen;
+ stream->skiplen = 0;
+ stream->sync = 1;
+ }
+ sync:
+ /* synchronize */
+ if (stream->sync) {
+ if (end - ptr < MAD_BUFFER_GUARD) {
+ stream->next_frame = ptr;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ else if (!(ptr[0] == 0xff && (ptr[1] & 0xe0) == 0xe0)) {
+ /* mark point where frame sync word was expected */
+ stream->this_frame = ptr;
+ stream->next_frame = ptr + 1;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->ptr, ptr);
+ if (mad_stream_sync(stream) == -1) {
+ if (end - stream->next_frame >= MAD_BUFFER_GUARD)
+ stream->next_frame = end - MAD_BUFFER_GUARD;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ ptr = mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr);
+ }
+ /* begin processing */
+ stream->this_frame = ptr;
+ stream->next_frame = ptr + 1; /* possibly bogus sync word */
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->ptr, stream->this_frame);
+ if (decode_header(header, stream) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ /* calculate frame duration */
+ mad_timer_set(&header->duration, 0,
+ 32 * MAD_NSBSAMPLES(header), header->samplerate);
+ /* calculate free bit rate */
+ if (header->bitrate == 0) {
+ if ((stream->freerate == 0 || !stream->sync) &&
+ free_bitrate(stream, header) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ header->bitrate = stream->freerate;
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_FREEFORMAT;
+ }
+ /* calculate beginning of next frame */
+ pad_slot = (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PADDING) ? 1 : 0;
+ if (header->layer == MAD_LAYER_I)
+ N = ((12 * header->bitrate / header->samplerate) + pad_slot) * 4;
+ else {
+ unsigned int slots_per_frame;
+ slots_per_frame = (header->layer == MAD_LAYER_III &&
+ (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT)) ? 72 : 144;
+ N = (slots_per_frame * header->bitrate / header->samplerate) + pad_slot;
+ }
+ /* verify there is enough data left in buffer to decode this frame */
+ if (N + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD > end - stream->this_frame) {
+ stream->next_frame = stream->this_frame;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ stream->next_frame = stream->this_frame + N;
+ if (!stream->sync) {
+ /* check that a valid frame header follows this frame */
+ ptr = stream->next_frame;
+ if (!(ptr[0] == 0xff && (ptr[1] & 0xe0) == 0xe0)) {
+ ptr = stream->next_frame = stream->this_frame + 1;
+ goto sync;
+ }
+ stream->sync = 1;
+ }
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_INCOMPLETE;
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ stream->sync = 0;
+ return -1;
+ * NAME: frame->decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a single frame from a bitstream
+ */
+int mad_frame_decode(struct mad_frame *frame, struct mad_stream *stream)
+ frame->options = stream->options;
+ /* header() */
+ /* error_check() */
+ if (!(frame->header.flags & MAD_FLAG_INCOMPLETE) &&
+ mad_header_decode(&frame->header, stream) == -1)
+ goto fail;
+ /* audio_data() */
+ frame->header.flags &= ~MAD_FLAG_INCOMPLETE;
+ if (decoder_table[frame->header.layer - 1](stream, frame) == -1) {
+ if (!MAD_RECOVERABLE(stream->error))
+ stream->next_frame = stream->this_frame;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ /* ancillary_data() */
+ if (frame->header.layer != MAD_LAYER_III) {
+ struct mad_bitptr next_frame;
+ mad_bit_init(&next_frame, stream->next_frame);
+ stream->anc_ptr = stream->ptr;
+ stream->anc_bitlen = mad_bit_length(&stream->ptr, &next_frame);
+ mad_bit_finish(&next_frame);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ fail:
+ stream->anc_bitlen = 0;
+ return -1;
+ * NAME: frame->mute()
+ * DESCRIPTION: zero all subband values so the frame becomes silent
+ */
+void mad_frame_mute(struct mad_frame *frame)
+ unsigned int s, sb;
+ for (s = 0; s < 36; ++s) {
+ for (sb = 0; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ frame->sbsample[0][s][sb] =
+ frame->sbsample[1][s][sb] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (frame->overlap) {
+ for (s = 0; s < 18; ++s) {
+ for (sb = 0; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ (*frame->overlap)[0][sb][s] =
+ (*frame->overlap)[1][sb][s] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libmad/frame.h b/src/libmad/frame.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e5fe716d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/frame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: frame.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_FRAME_H
+# define LIBMAD_FRAME_H
+# include "fixed.h"
+# include "timer.h"
+# include "stream.h"
+enum mad_layer {
+ MAD_LAYER_I = 1, /* Layer I */
+ MAD_LAYER_II = 2, /* Layer II */
+ MAD_LAYER_III = 3 /* Layer III */
+enum mad_mode {
+ MAD_MODE_SINGLE_CHANNEL = 0, /* single channel */
+ MAD_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL = 1, /* dual channel */
+ MAD_MODE_JOINT_STEREO = 2, /* joint (MS/intensity) stereo */
+ MAD_MODE_STEREO = 3 /* normal LR stereo */
+enum mad_emphasis {
+ MAD_EMPHASIS_NONE = 0, /* no emphasis */
+ MAD_EMPHASIS_50_15_US = 1, /* 50/15 microseconds emphasis */
+ MAD_EMPHASIS_CCITT_J_17 = 3, /* CCITT J.17 emphasis */
+ MAD_EMPHASIS_RESERVED = 2 /* unknown emphasis */
+struct mad_header {
+ enum mad_layer layer; /* audio layer (1, 2, or 3) */
+ enum mad_mode mode; /* channel mode (see above) */
+ int mode_extension; /* additional mode info */
+ enum mad_emphasis emphasis; /* de-emphasis to use (see above) */
+ unsigned long bitrate; /* stream bitrate (bps) */
+ unsigned int samplerate; /* sampling frequency (Hz) */
+ unsigned short crc_check; /* frame CRC accumulator */
+ unsigned short crc_target; /* final target CRC checksum */
+ int flags; /* flags (see below) */
+ int private_bits; /* private bits (see below) */
+ mad_timer_t duration; /* audio playing time of frame */
+struct mad_frame {
+ struct mad_header header; /* MPEG audio header */
+ int options; /* decoding options (from stream) */
+ mad_fixed_t sbsample[2][36][32]; /* synthesis subband filter samples */
+ mad_fixed_t (*overlap)[2][32][18]; /* Layer III block overlap data */
+# define MAD_NCHANNELS(header) ((header)->mode ? 2 : 1)
+# define MAD_NSBSAMPLES(header) \
+ ((header)->layer == MAD_LAYER_I ? 12 : \
+ (((header)->layer == MAD_LAYER_III && \
+ ((header)->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT)) ? 18 : 36))
+enum {
+ MAD_FLAG_NPRIVATE_III = 0x0007, /* number of Layer III private bits */
+ MAD_FLAG_INCOMPLETE = 0x0008, /* header but not data is decoded */
+ MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION = 0x0010, /* frame has CRC protection */
+ MAD_FLAG_COPYRIGHT = 0x0020, /* frame is copyright */
+ MAD_FLAG_ORIGINAL = 0x0040, /* frame is original (else copy) */
+ MAD_FLAG_PADDING = 0x0080, /* frame has additional slot */
+ MAD_FLAG_I_STEREO = 0x0100, /* uses intensity joint stereo */
+ MAD_FLAG_MS_STEREO = 0x0200, /* uses middle/side joint stereo */
+ MAD_FLAG_FREEFORMAT = 0x0400, /* uses free format bitrate */
+ MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT = 0x1000, /* lower sampling freq. extension */
+ MAD_FLAG_MC_EXT = 0x2000, /* multichannel audio extension */
+ MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT = 0x4000 /* MPEG 2.5 (unofficial) extension */
+enum {
+ MAD_PRIVATE_HEADER = 0x0100, /* header private bit */
+ MAD_PRIVATE_III = 0x001f /* Layer III private bits (up to 5) */
+void mad_header_init(struct mad_header *);
+# define mad_header_finish(header) /* nothing */
+int mad_header_decode(struct mad_header *, struct mad_stream *);
+void mad_frame_init(struct mad_frame *);
+void mad_frame_finish(struct mad_frame *);
+int mad_frame_decode(struct mad_frame *, struct mad_stream *);
+void mad_frame_mute(struct mad_frame *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/global.h b/src/libmad/global.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afd9a4809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/global.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: global.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+/* conditional debugging */
+# if defined(DEBUG) && defined(NDEBUG)
+# error "cannot define both DEBUG and NDEBUG"
+# endif
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+# include <stdio.h>
+# endif
+/* conditional features */
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED) && defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+# error "cannot optimize for both speed and accuracy"
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED) && !defined(OPT_SSO)
+# define OPT_SSO
+# endif
+# if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && defined(HAVE_WAITPID) && \
+ defined(HAVE_FCNTL) && defined(HAVE_PIPE) && defined(HAVE_FORK)
+# define USE_ASYNC
+# endif
+# if !defined(HAVE_ASSERT_H)
+# if defined(NDEBUG)
+# define assert(x) /* nothing */
+# else
+# define assert(x) do { if (!(x)) abort(); } while (0)
+# endif
+# endif
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/huffman.c b/src/libmad/huffman.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a52e9237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/huffman.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3098 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: huffman.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "huffman.h"
+ * These are the Huffman code words for Layer III.
+ * The data for these tables are derived from Table B.7 of ISO/IEC 11172-3.
+ *
+ * These tables support decoding up to 4 Huffman code bits at a time.
+ */
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# define PTR(offs, bits) { ptr: { 0, bits, offs } }
+# define V(v, w, x, y, hlen) { value: { 1, hlen, v, w, x, y } }
+# else
+# define PTR(offs, bits) { { 0, bits, offs } }
+# define V(v, w, x, y, hlen) { { 1, hlen, (v << 0) | (w << 1) | \
+ (x << 2) | (y << 3) } }
+# endif
+union huffquad const hufftabA[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 2),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(20, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(24, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(26, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(0, 0, 1, 0, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 0, 0, 1, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(0, 1, 0, 0, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 0, 0, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 0, 1, 1, 2), /* 16 */
+ /* 01 */ V(1, 1, 1, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(1, 1, 0, 1, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 1, 1, 0, 2),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(0, 1, 1, 1, 2), /* 20 */
+ /* 01 */ V(0, 1, 0, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(1, 0, 0, 1, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 0, 0, 1, 1),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 1, 1, 0, 1), /* 24 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 0, 1, 1, 1),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 0, 1, 0, 1), /* 26 */
+ /* 1 */ V(1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
+union huffquad const hufftabB[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ V(1, 1, 1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ V(1, 1, 1, 0, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(1, 1, 0, 1, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 1, 0, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 0, 1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(1, 0, 1, 0, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 0, 0, 1, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 0, 0, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 1, 1, 1, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 1, 1, 0, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 1, 0, 1, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 1, 0, 0, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 1, 1, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 1, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 0, 1, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 0, 0, 4)
+# undef V
+# undef PTR
+# if defined(__GNUC__)
+# define PTR(offs, bits) { ptr: { 0, bits, offs } }
+# define V(x, y, hlen) { value: { 1, hlen, x, y } }
+# else
+# define PTR(offs, bits) { { 0, bits, offs } }
+# define V(x, y, hlen) { { 1, hlen, (x << 0) | (y << 4) } }
+# endif
+union huffpair const hufftab0[] = {
+ /* */ V(0, 0, 0)
+union huffpair const hufftab1[] = {
+ /* 000 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(1, 0, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 0, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 0, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab2[] = {
+ /* 000 */ PTR(8, 3),
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 2, 3), /* 8 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 2, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(2, 0, 2)
+union huffpair const hufftab3[] = {
+ /* 000 */ PTR(8, 3),
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 1, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 1, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 2, 3), /* 8 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 2, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(2, 0, 2)
+union huffpair const hufftab5[] = {
+ /* 000 */ PTR(8, 4),
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(24, 1), /* 8 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 3, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 3, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 0, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 2, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 2, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 2, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(2, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(2, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 2, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 2, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 0, 3),
+ /* 000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 3, 1), /* 24 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 3, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab6[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 3),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(24, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(26, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 0, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(3, 3, 3), /* 16 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 3, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(2, 3, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(2, 3, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 3, 1), /* 24 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 1, 1),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 2, 1), /* 26 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 2, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab7[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(52, 2), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(56, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(58, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(60, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(5, 0, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(62, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ V(2, 4, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(4, 2, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(4, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(4, 0, 3),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(0, 4, 4), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(0, 3, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 2, 2),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(2, 1, 1), /* 48 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 5, 2), /* 52 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(5, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(5, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 5, 1), /* 56 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 4, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 5, 1), /* 58 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 2, 1),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 5, 1), /* 60 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 4, 1),
+ /* 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 3, 1), /* 62 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1)
+# if 0
+/* this version saves 8 entries (16 bytes) at the expense of
+ an extra lookup in 4 out of 36 cases */
+union huffpair const hufftab8[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(2, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(36, 3), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(44, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(50, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(52, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 4, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(4, 2, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 4, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ PTR(54, 2), /* 32 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(5, 5, 3), /* 36 */
+ /* 001 */ V(5, 4, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 5, 2), /* 44 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 4, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 2, 1), /* 48 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 4, 1), /* 50 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 0, 1), /* 52 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1),
+ /* 0001 00 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 3, 2), /* 54 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+# else
+union huffpair const hufftab8[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(2, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 1, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(48, 3), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(56, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(60, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(62, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(64, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 4, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(4, 2, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 4, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(1, 3, 4), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(3, 1, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(0, 3, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(3, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(5, 5, 3), /* 48 */
+ /* 001 */ V(5, 4, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 5, 2), /* 56 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 4, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 2, 1), /* 60 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 4, 1), /* 62 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 0, 1), /* 64 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1)
+# endif
+union huffpair const hufftab9[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(40, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(44, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(48, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(2, 1, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 0, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(50, 1), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(3, 5, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(5, 3, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(52, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(4, 4, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 5, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(5, 2, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(4, 3, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 3, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(5, 0, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 4, 3), /* 32 */
+ /* 001 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(3, 3, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 0, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(1, 4, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(1, 4, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(4, 1, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(4, 1, 2),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(2, 3, 2), /* 40 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 1, 1), /* 44 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 2, 1), /* 48 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 2, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 5, 1), /* 50 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 4, 1), /* 52 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab10[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(52, 3), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(60, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(64, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(72, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(74, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(78, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(82, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 7, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(7, 1, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(86, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(88, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(92, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(1, 6, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(6, 1, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(6, 0, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(96, 1),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(98, 1), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(100, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ V(1, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(4, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(0, 3, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 2, 2), /* 48 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 7, 3), /* 52 */
+ /* 001 */ V(6, 7, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(7, 6, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(5, 7, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 5, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(6, 6, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(4, 7, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(4, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 4, 2), /* 60 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 6, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 3, 2), /* 64 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 3, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 6, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 6, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(5, 5, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 4, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(6, 3, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(6, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 7, 1), /* 72 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 2, 1),
+ /* 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 4, 2), /* 74 */
+ /* 01 */ V(0, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 0, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 2, 1), /* 78 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 2, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 5, 2),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(0, 6, 1), /* 82 */
+ /* 01 */ V(0, 6, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(5, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 4, 2),
+ /* 0000 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 6, 1), /* 86 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 6, 1),
+ /* 0000 1010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(2, 5, 2), /* 88 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 2, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(1, 5, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 1, 1), /* 92 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(3, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 5, 1), /* 96 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 0, 1),
+ /* 0001 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 4, 1), /* 98 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 2, 1),
+ /* 0001 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 3, 1), /* 100 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 4, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab11[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(64, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(72, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(74, 2), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(78, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(86, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(90, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(92, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 7, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(7, 2, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(96, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ V(7, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(7, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 7, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(7, 0, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 6, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(6, 3, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(6, 0, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(98, 1),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(100, 1), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(6, 2, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(6, 2, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 6, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 6, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 6, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 6, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(6, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(6, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 4, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(5, 0, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(102, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 4, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(4, 2, 4),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(1, 4, 4), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(4, 1, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 3, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 3, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 2, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 2, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(0, 3, 3), /* 64 */
+ /* 001 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 2, 1), /* 72 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 7, 2), /* 74 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 6, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 5, 2),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(6, 6, 2), /* 78 */
+ /* 001 */ V(6, 6, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 7, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 7, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 4, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 4, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(5, 7, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(5, 5, 3),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 6, 2), /* 86 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 5, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(3, 7, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 7, 1),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 3, 1), /* 90 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 6, 1),
+ /* 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(4, 5, 2), /* 92 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 4, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(3, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(5, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 4, 1), /* 96 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 7, 1),
+ /* 0000 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 4, 1), /* 98 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 0001 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 2, 1), /* 100 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1),
+ /* 0001 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 3, 1), /* 102 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab12[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(64, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(68, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(76, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 2, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 1, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(78, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 1, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(80, 2), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(84, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(86, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(88, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 6, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(3, 7, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(90, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 7, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(7, 2, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(4, 6, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(6, 4, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 7, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(7, 1, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(92, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(3, 6, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(6, 3, 4),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(4, 5, 4), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(5, 4, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(4, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(94, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 6, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 6, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(6, 2, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(6, 2, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(6, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(6, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 6, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(6, 0, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 5, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(5, 3, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 5, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(5, 2, 4),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(1, 5, 3), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(1, 5, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(4, 3, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(4, 3, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(5, 0, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(2, 4, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(2, 4, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 3, 2), /* 64 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 0100 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(4, 0, 3), /* 68 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 3, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 3, 1),
+ /* 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 1, 1), /* 76 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 2, 1),
+ /* 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 2, 1), /* 78 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 7, 2), /* 80 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 6, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 6, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 7, 1), /* 84 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 6, 1), /* 86 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 7, 1),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 4, 1), /* 88 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 3, 1), /* 90 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 7, 1), /* 92 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 0, 1),
+ /* 0001 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 6, 1), /* 94 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab13[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(64, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 1, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(68, 4), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(84, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(100, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(116, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(132, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(148, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(164, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(172, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(180, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(188, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(196, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(204, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(212, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(214, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(218, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(226, 1),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(228, 2), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(232, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(236, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(240, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ V(8, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(244, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(246, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(248, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(250, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(254, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(256, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(258, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(260, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 4, 4),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(4, 1, 3), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 3, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 3, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 2, 2), /* 64 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(262, 4), /* 68 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(278, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(294, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(310, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(318, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(322, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(326, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(334, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(338, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(340, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(344, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(348, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(352, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(356, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 15, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(15, 1, 4),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(15, 0, 4), /* 84 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(360, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(362, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(364, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(14, 2, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(366, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 14, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(14, 1, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(368, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(370, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(372, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(374, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(376, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(378, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(12, 6, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 13, 4),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(380, 1), /* 100 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(2, 13, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(13, 2, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 13, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(11, 7, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(382, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(384, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(12, 3, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(386, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(4, 11, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(13, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(13, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 13, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(13, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(8, 10, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(10, 8, 4),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(4, 12, 4), /* 116 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 4, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(6, 11, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 6, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(3, 12, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(3, 12, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(2, 12, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(2, 12, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(12, 2, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(12, 2, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(5, 11, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(5, 11, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(11, 5, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(8, 9, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 12, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 12, 3),
+ /* 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 1, 3), /* 132 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 1, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(9, 8, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(0, 12, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(12, 0, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(12, 0, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(11, 4, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(6, 10, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(10, 6, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(7, 9, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 11, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 11, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(11, 3, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(11, 3, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(8, 8, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(5, 10, 4),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(2, 11, 3), /* 148 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(2, 11, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(10, 5, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(6, 9, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(10, 4, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(10, 4, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(7, 8, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(8, 7, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(9, 4, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(9, 4, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(7, 7, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(7, 6, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(11, 2, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(11, 2, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(11, 2, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(11, 2, 2),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(1, 11, 2), /* 164 */
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 11, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(11, 1, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(11, 1, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 11, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(11, 0, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(9, 6, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(4, 10, 3),
+ /* 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(3, 10, 3), /* 172 */
+ /* 001 */ V(10, 3, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(5, 9, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 5, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 10, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 10, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 0000 1000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(1, 10, 2), /* 180 */
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 10, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(10, 1, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(10, 1, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 10, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(6, 8, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(10, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(10, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 1001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(8, 6, 3), /* 188 */
+ /* 001 */ V(4, 9, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 3, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 3, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(3, 9, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 8, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(8, 5, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(6, 7, 3),
+ /* 0000 1010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 9, 2), /* 196 */
+ /* 001 */ V(2, 9, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(5, 7, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 5, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 8, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(3, 8, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(8, 3, 2), /* 204 */
+ /* 001 */ V(8, 3, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(6, 6, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 7, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 4, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 6, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(6, 5, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(7, 3, 3),
+ /* 0000 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 9, 1), /* 212 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 1, 1),
+ /* 0000 1101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(0, 9, 2), /* 214 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 0, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(4, 8, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(8, 4, 2),
+ /* 0000 1110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 2, 2), /* 218 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 2, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 6, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(6, 4, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 8, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 8, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(2, 8, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(2, 8, 1),
+ /* 0000 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 2, 1), /* 226 */
+ /* 1 */ V(1, 8, 1),
+ /* 0001 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 7, 2), /* 228 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 0001 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 1, 1), /* 232 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(5, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(0, 7, 2),
+ /* 0001 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 0, 2), /* 236 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 6, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 0001 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 4, 2), /* 240 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 6, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 5, 2),
+ /* 0001 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 8, 1), /* 244 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 0, 1),
+ /* 0001 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 6, 1), /* 246 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 1, 1),
+ /* 0001 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 6, 1), /* 248 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 0, 1),
+ /* 0001 1000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 3, 2), /* 250 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 4, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 5, 1),
+ /* 0001 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 2, 1), /* 254 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1),
+ /* 0001 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 4, 1), /* 256 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 3, 1),
+ /* 0001 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 0, 1), /* 258 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 4, 1),
+ /* 0001 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 2, 1), /* 260 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(388, 3), /* 262 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(15, 15, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(14, 15, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(13, 15, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(14, 14, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(12, 15, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(13, 14, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(11, 15, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 11, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(12, 14, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(13, 12, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(396, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 12, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(14, 12, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(13, 13, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(13, 13, 3),
+ /* 0000 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(15, 10, 4), /* 278 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 13, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(11, 14, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 14, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(14, 11, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(14, 11, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(9, 15, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(9, 15, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 9, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(15, 9, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(14, 10, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(14, 10, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(11, 13, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(11, 13, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(13, 11, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(13, 11, 3),
+ /* 0000 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(8, 15, 3), /* 294 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(8, 15, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(15, 8, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 8, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(12, 12, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(12, 12, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(10, 14, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(9, 14, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(8, 14, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(8, 14, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(7, 15, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(7, 14, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(15, 7, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(15, 7, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(15, 7, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(15, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(13, 10, 2), /* 310 */
+ /* 001 */ V(13, 10, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(10, 13, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(11, 12, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(12, 11, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(15, 6, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(6, 15, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(6, 15, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(14, 8, 2), /* 318 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 15, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(9, 13, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(13, 9, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(15, 5, 2), /* 322 */
+ /* 01 */ V(14, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 12, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(11, 11, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(4, 15, 2), /* 326 */
+ /* 001 */ V(4, 15, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(15, 4, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(15, 4, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(12, 10, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(14, 6, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(15, 3, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(15, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 15, 1), /* 334 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 15, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(8, 13, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(13, 8, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 15, 1), /* 338 */
+ /* 1 */ V(15, 2, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 1001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 14, 2), /* 340 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 12, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 1010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 9, 2), /* 344 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 14, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 11, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(10, 11, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 13, 2), /* 348 */
+ /* 01 */ V(13, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(4, 14, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 14, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 1100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 8, 2), /* 352 */
+ /* 01 */ V(13, 6, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(3, 14, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 14, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 1101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 9, 1), /* 356 */
+ /* 01 */ V(11, 9, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(9, 11, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(10, 10, 2),
+ /* 0000 0001 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(11, 10, 1), /* 360 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(14, 4, 1), /* 362 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 13, 1), /* 364 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 14, 1), /* 366 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 14, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(14, 0, 1), /* 368 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 13, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(13, 5, 1), /* 370 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(12, 7, 1), /* 372 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 13, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 11, 1), /* 374 */
+ /* 1 */ V(11, 8, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(13, 4, 1), /* 376 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 10, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(10, 9, 1), /* 378 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(13, 3, 1), /* 380 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 11, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 12, 1), /* 382 */
+ /* 1 */ V(12, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 9, 1), /* 384 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 10, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(10, 7, 1), /* 386 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 7, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(15, 14, 3), /* 388 */
+ /* 001 */ V(15, 12, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(15, 13, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(15, 13, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(14, 13, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(14, 13, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(14, 13, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(14, 13, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(10, 15, 1), /* 396 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 9, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab15[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(64, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(80, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(96, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(104, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(112, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(116, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(118, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 1, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(1, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 3),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(120, 4), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(136, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(152, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(168, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(184, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(200, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(208, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(216, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(232, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(240, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(248, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(256, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(264, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(268, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(276, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(284, 2),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(288, 2), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(292, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(296, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(300, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(304, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(308, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(312, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(316, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(320, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(322, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(324, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(326, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(330, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(332, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(334, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(338, 1),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(340, 1), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(342, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ V(9, 1, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(344, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(346, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(348, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(350, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(352, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ V(2, 8, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(8, 2, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 8, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(8, 1, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(354, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(356, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(358, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(360, 1),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(2, 7, 4), /* 64 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(7, 2, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(6, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 7, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 5, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(7, 1, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(362, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 6, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(6, 3, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(4, 5, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(5, 4, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(2, 6, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(6, 2, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(1, 6, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(364, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 5, 4),
+ /* 0100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(6, 1, 3), /* 80 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(6, 1, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(5, 3, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(4, 4, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 5, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 5, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(5, 2, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(5, 2, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 5, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 5, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 5, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(5, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 4, 3),
+ /* 0101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(4, 3, 3), /* 96 */
+ /* 001 */ V(2, 4, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(3, 3, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(4, 1, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(4, 1, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 4, 3),
+ /* 0110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 3, 2), /* 104 */
+ /* 001 */ V(2, 3, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(3, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(4, 0, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 3, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 0111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 1, 2), /* 112 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 0, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 2, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 2, 1),
+ /* 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 2, 1), /* 116 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 2, 1), /* 118 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(366, 1), /* 120 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(368, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ V(14, 14, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(370, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(372, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(374, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(15, 11, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(376, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ V(13, 13, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(10, 15, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(15, 10, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(11, 14, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 11, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(12, 13, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(13, 12, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(9, 15, 4),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(15, 9, 4), /* 136 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(14, 10, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(11, 13, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(13, 11, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(8, 15, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(15, 8, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(12, 12, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(9, 14, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(14, 9, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(7, 15, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(15, 7, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(10, 13, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(13, 10, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(11, 12, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(6, 15, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(378, 1),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 11, 3), /* 152 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 11, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(15, 6, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 6, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(8, 14, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(14, 8, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(5, 15, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(9, 13, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 5, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(15, 5, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(7, 14, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(7, 14, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 7, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(14, 7, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(10, 12, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(10, 12, 3),
+ /* 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 10, 3), /* 168 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 10, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(11, 11, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 11, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(13, 9, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(8, 13, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(4, 15, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(4, 15, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 4, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(15, 4, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 15, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 15, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(15, 3, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(15, 3, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(13, 8, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(13, 8, 3),
+ /* 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(14, 6, 3), /* 184 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(14, 6, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(2, 15, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(2, 15, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(15, 2, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(15, 2, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(6, 14, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 0, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 15, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 15, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(15, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(15, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(9, 12, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(9, 12, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(12, 9, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(12, 9, 3),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(5, 14, 3), /* 200 */
+ /* 001 */ V(10, 11, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(11, 10, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(14, 5, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 13, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 7, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(4, 14, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(14, 4, 3),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(8, 12, 3), /* 208 */
+ /* 001 */ V(12, 8, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(3, 14, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(6, 13, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 6, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(14, 3, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(9, 11, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(11, 9, 3),
+ /* 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(2, 14, 3), /* 216 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(2, 14, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(10, 10, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(10, 10, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(14, 2, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(14, 2, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 14, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 14, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(14, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(14, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 14, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(14, 0, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(5, 13, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(5, 13, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(13, 5, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(13, 5, 3),
+ /* 0000 1000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 12, 3), /* 232 */
+ /* 001 */ V(12, 7, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(4, 13, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(8, 11, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 4, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 4, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(11, 8, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(9, 10, 3),
+ /* 0000 1001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(10, 9, 3), /* 240 */
+ /* 001 */ V(6, 12, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(12, 6, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(3, 13, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 3, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 3, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(13, 2, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(13, 2, 2),
+ /* 0000 1010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 13, 3), /* 248 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 13, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(1, 13, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(1, 13, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 11, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 11, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(11, 7, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(11, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(13, 1, 2), /* 256 */
+ /* 001 */ V(13, 1, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(5, 12, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(13, 0, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(12, 5, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(12, 5, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(8, 10, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(8, 10, 2),
+ /* 0000 1100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(10, 8, 2), /* 264 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 12, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(12, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 11, 2),
+ /* 0000 1101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(11, 6, 2), /* 268 */
+ /* 001 */ V(11, 6, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 9, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(0, 12, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(3, 12, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(3, 12, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(12, 3, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(12, 3, 2),
+ /* 0000 1110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 10, 2), /* 276 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 10, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(10, 7, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(10, 7, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(10, 6, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(10, 6, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(12, 0, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(0, 11, 3),
+ /* 0000 1111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 2, 1), /* 284 */
+ /* 01 */ V(12, 2, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 12, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(5, 11, 2),
+ /* 0001 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 5, 2), /* 288 */
+ /* 01 */ V(1, 12, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(8, 9, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(9, 8, 2),
+ /* 0001 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 1, 2), /* 292 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 11, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 10, 2),
+ /* 0001 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(3, 11, 2), /* 296 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 9, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 3, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(11, 3, 1),
+ /* 0001 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(9, 7, 2), /* 300 */
+ /* 01 */ V(8, 8, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(2, 11, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(5, 10, 2),
+ /* 0001 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 2, 1), /* 304 */
+ /* 01 */ V(11, 2, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 11, 2),
+ /* 0001 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 1, 1), /* 308 */
+ /* 01 */ V(11, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 0, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 9, 2),
+ /* 0001 0110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(9, 6, 2), /* 312 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 8, 2),
+ /* 0001 0111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(8, 7, 2), /* 316 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 3, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(10, 3, 1),
+ /* 0001 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 9, 1), /* 320 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 5, 1),
+ /* 0001 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 10, 1), /* 322 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 2, 1),
+ /* 0001 1010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 10, 1), /* 324 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 1, 1),
+ /* 0001 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(0, 10, 2), /* 326 */
+ /* 01 */ V(10, 0, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 8, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 8, 1),
+ /* 0001 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 6, 1), /* 330 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 9, 1),
+ /* 0001 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 4, 1), /* 332 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 9, 1),
+ /* 0001 1110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(9, 3, 1), /* 334 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 3, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 7, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(0, 9, 2),
+ /* 0001 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 8, 1), /* 338 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 5, 1),
+ /* 0010 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 9, 1), /* 340 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 7, 1),
+ /* 0010 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 6, 1), /* 342 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 2, 1),
+ /* 0010 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 9, 1), /* 344 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 0, 1),
+ /* 0010 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 8, 1), /* 346 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 4, 1),
+ /* 0010 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 7, 1), /* 348 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 5, 1),
+ /* 0010 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 8, 1), /* 350 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 3, 1),
+ /* 0010 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 6, 1), /* 352 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 7, 1),
+ /* 0010 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 4, 1), /* 354 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 8, 1),
+ /* 0010 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 0, 1), /* 356 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 6, 1),
+ /* 0010 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 5, 1), /* 358 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 7, 1),
+ /* 0010 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 3, 1), /* 360 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 6, 1),
+ /* 0011 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 7, 1), /* 362 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 0, 1),
+ /* 0011 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 6, 1), /* 364 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(15, 15, 1), /* 366 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(15, 14, 1), /* 368 */
+ /* 1 */ V(13, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(15, 13, 1), /* 370 */
+ /* 1 */ V(12, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(15, 12, 1), /* 372 */
+ /* 1 */ V(13, 14, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(14, 13, 1), /* 374 */
+ /* 1 */ V(11, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0000 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(12, 14, 1), /* 376 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 0001 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(10, 14, 1), /* 378 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 15, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab16[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(64, 2),
+ /* 0100 */ V(1, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(0, 1, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 0, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(68, 3), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(76, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(84, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 15, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(88, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(92, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(94, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 2, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(110, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 15, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(15, 1, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(112, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(128, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(144, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(160, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(176, 4),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(192, 4), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(208, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(216, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(224, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(232, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(240, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(248, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(256, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(264, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(268, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(272, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(274, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(278, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(282, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ V(5, 1, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(284, 1),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(286, 1), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(288, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(290, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(1, 4, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(4, 1, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(292, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(2, 3, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 2, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 3, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 1, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(0, 3, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 0, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 2, 3),
+ /* 0011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 2, 2), /* 64 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 1, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 0000 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(14, 15, 3), /* 68 */
+ /* 001 */ V(15, 14, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(13, 15, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(15, 13, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(12, 15, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(15, 12, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(11, 15, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(15, 11, 3),
+ /* 0000 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(10, 15, 2), /* 76 */
+ /* 001 */ V(10, 15, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(15, 10, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 15, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(15, 9, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(15, 8, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(8, 15, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(8, 15, 2),
+ /* 0000 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 15, 2), /* 84 */
+ /* 01 */ V(15, 7, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 15, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(15, 6, 2),
+ /* 0000 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 15, 2), /* 88 */
+ /* 01 */ V(15, 5, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(4, 15, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(15, 4, 1), /* 92 */
+ /* 1 */ V(15, 3, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(15, 0, 1), /* 94 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 0, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ V(3, 15, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(3, 15, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(3, 15, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(3, 15, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(294, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(310, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(318, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(326, 3),
+ /* 0000 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 15, 1), /* 110 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(334, 2), /* 112 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(338, 2),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(342, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(346, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(348, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(352, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(356, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(358, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(362, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(366, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(370, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(14, 3, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(374, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(376, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(378, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(380, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(382, 1), /* 128 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(384, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(386, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ V(0, 13, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(388, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(390, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(392, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 12, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(394, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 12, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(12, 0, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(396, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 2, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(14, 2, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 14, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 14, 4),
+ /* 0000 1101 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(13, 3, 4), /* 144 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(2, 13, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(13, 2, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(13, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(3, 11, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(398, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ V(1, 13, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(1, 13, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(12, 4, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(6, 11, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(12, 3, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(10, 7, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(2, 12, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(2, 12, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(12, 2, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(11, 5, 4),
+ /* 0000 1110 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 1, 4), /* 160 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(0, 12, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(4, 11, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 4, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(6, 10, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(10, 6, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(11, 3, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(11, 3, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(5, 10, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(10, 5, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(2, 11, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(2, 11, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(11, 2, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(11, 2, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 11, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 11, 3),
+ /* 0000 1111 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(11, 1, 3), /* 176 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(11, 1, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(0, 11, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(6, 9, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(9, 6, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(4, 10, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(10, 4, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(7, 8, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(8, 7, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(10, 3, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(10, 3, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 10, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(5, 9, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(2, 10, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(2, 10, 3),
+ /* 0001 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(9, 5, 4), /* 192 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(6, 8, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(10, 1, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(10, 1, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(8, 6, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(7, 7, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(9, 4, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(9, 4, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(4, 9, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(5, 7, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(6, 7, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(6, 7, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(10, 2, 2),
+ /* 0001 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(1, 10, 2), /* 208 */
+ /* 001 */ V(1, 10, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(0, 10, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(10, 0, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(3, 9, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(9, 3, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(5, 8, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(8, 5, 3),
+ /* 0001 0010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(2, 9, 2), /* 216 */
+ /* 001 */ V(2, 9, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 6, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 9, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 9, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 9, 2),
+ /* 0001 0011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(9, 1, 2), /* 224 */
+ /* 001 */ V(9, 1, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 0, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 8, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(8, 4, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 5, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 8, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(8, 3, 3),
+ /* 0001 0100 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(6, 6, 3), /* 232 */
+ /* 001 */ V(2, 8, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(8, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(8, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(4, 7, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 4, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 8, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 8, 2),
+ /* 0001 0101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(8, 1, 2), /* 240 */
+ /* 001 */ V(8, 1, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(8, 0, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(8, 0, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(0, 8, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 6, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 7, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(3, 7, 2),
+ /* 0001 0110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 3, 2), /* 248 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 3, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(6, 5, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(4, 6, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(2, 7, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 7, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(7, 2, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(7, 2, 2),
+ /* 0001 0111 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(6, 4, 3), /* 256 */
+ /* 001 */ V(5, 5, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(0, 7, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(0, 7, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 0001 1000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 1, 1), /* 264 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 0, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(3, 6, 2),
+ /* 0001 1001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 3, 2), /* 268 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 5, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(5, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 6, 2),
+ /* 0001 1010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 2, 1), /* 272 */
+ /* 1 */ V(1, 6, 1),
+ /* 0001 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 1, 1), /* 274 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 6, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 0, 2),
+ /* 0001 1100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(5, 3, 1), /* 278 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 3, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(3, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 4, 2),
+ /* 0001 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 5, 1), /* 282 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 2, 1),
+ /* 0001 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 5, 1), /* 284 */
+ /* 1 */ V(0, 5, 1),
+ /* 0010 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 4, 1), /* 286 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 3, 1),
+ /* 0010 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 0, 1), /* 288 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 4, 1),
+ /* 0010 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 2, 1), /* 290 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 3, 1),
+ /* 0010 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 4, 1), /* 292 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 1100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 14, 4), /* 294 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(400, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ V(13, 14, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(13, 14, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(14, 9, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(14, 9, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(14, 10, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(13, 9, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(14, 14, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(14, 14, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(14, 14, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(14, 14, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 13, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(14, 13, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(14, 11, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(14, 11, 3),
+ /* 0000 0110 1101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(11, 14, 2), /* 310 */
+ /* 001 */ V(11, 14, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(12, 13, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(12, 13, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 12, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 11, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(10, 14, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(10, 14, 2),
+ /* 0000 0110 1110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(12, 12, 2), /* 318 */
+ /* 001 */ V(12, 12, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(10, 13, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(13, 10, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(7, 14, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(10, 12, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(12, 10, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(12, 10, 2),
+ /* 0000 0110 1111 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(12, 9, 3), /* 326 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 13, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(5, 14, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(5, 14, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(11, 13, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(11, 13, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(11, 13, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(11, 13, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(9, 14, 1), /* 334 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 14, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 12, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(12, 11, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 0001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(8, 14, 2), /* 338 */
+ /* 01 */ V(14, 8, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(9, 13, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(14, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 11, 2), /* 342 */
+ /* 01 */ V(8, 13, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(13, 8, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 14, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(14, 6, 1), /* 346 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(10, 11, 2), /* 348 */
+ /* 01 */ V(11, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(14, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(13, 7, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(4, 14, 1), /* 352 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 14, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(14, 4, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(8, 12, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(12, 8, 1), /* 356 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 14, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 0111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 13, 1), /* 358 */
+ /* 01 */ V(6, 13, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(13, 6, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(9, 11, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 1000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 9, 2), /* 362 */
+ /* 01 */ V(10, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(14, 1, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(14, 1, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 1001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(13, 4, 1), /* 366 */
+ /* 01 */ V(13, 4, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 8, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(10, 9, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 1010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(7, 11, 1), /* 370 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 11, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 7, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(13, 0, 2),
+ /* 0000 1011 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 14, 1), /* 374 */
+ /* 1 */ V(14, 0, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 13, 1), /* 376 */
+ /* 1 */ V(13, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 12, 1), /* 378 */
+ /* 1 */ V(12, 7, 1),
+ /* 0000 1011 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 13, 1), /* 380 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 11, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 10, 1), /* 382 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(12, 6, 1), /* 384 */
+ /* 1 */ V(3, 13, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 12, 1), /* 386 */
+ /* 1 */ V(12, 5, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 10, 1), /* 388 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 8, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 9, 1), /* 390 */
+ /* 1 */ V(4, 12, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(11, 6, 1), /* 392 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 10, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 11, 1), /* 394 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 9, 1),
+ /* 0000 1100 1011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 8, 1), /* 396 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 9, 1),
+ /* 0000 1101 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 7, 1), /* 398 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 8, 1),
+ /* 0000 0110 1100 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(14, 12, 1), /* 400 */
+ /* 1 */ V(13, 13, 1)
+union huffpair const hufftab24[] = {
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(16, 4),
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(32, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(48, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 15, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(64, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(80, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(96, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(112, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(128, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(144, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(160, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(168, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(1, 1, 4),
+ /* 1101 */ V(0, 1, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 0, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(0, 0, 4),
+ /* 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(14, 15, 4), /* 16 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(15, 14, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(13, 15, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 13, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(12, 15, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(15, 12, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(11, 15, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 11, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 10, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(15, 10, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(10, 15, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(9, 15, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ V(15, 9, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(15, 9, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(15, 8, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(15, 8, 3),
+ /* 0001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(8, 15, 4), /* 32 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(7, 15, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(15, 7, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 7, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(6, 15, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(6, 15, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(15, 6, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 6, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(5, 15, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(5, 15, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(15, 5, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(15, 5, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(4, 15, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(4, 15, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(15, 4, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(15, 4, 3),
+ /* 0010 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(3, 15, 3), /* 48 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(3, 15, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(15, 3, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(15, 3, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 15, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 15, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(15, 2, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(15, 2, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(15, 1, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(15, 1, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 15, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(15, 0, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(172, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(180, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(188, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(196, 3),
+ /* 0100 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(204, 4), /* 64 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(220, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(228, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(236, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(244, 2),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(248, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(252, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(256, 2),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(260, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(264, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(268, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(272, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(276, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(280, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(288, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(292, 2),
+ /* 0101 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(296, 2), /* 80 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(300, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(308, 2),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(312, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(320, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(322, 2),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(326, 2),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(330, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(332, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(336, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(338, 1),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(340, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(342, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ PTR(344, 1),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(346, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ PTR(348, 1),
+ /* 0110 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ PTR(350, 1), /* 96 */
+ /* 0001 */ PTR(352, 1),
+ /* 0010 */ PTR(354, 1),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(356, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ PTR(358, 1),
+ /* 0101 */ PTR(360, 1),
+ /* 0110 */ PTR(362, 1),
+ /* 0111 */ PTR(364, 1),
+ /* 1000 */ PTR(366, 1),
+ /* 1001 */ PTR(368, 1),
+ /* 1010 */ PTR(370, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ PTR(374, 1),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(376, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(7, 3, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ PTR(380, 1),
+ /* 1111 */ V(7, 2, 4),
+ /* 0111 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(4, 6, 4), /* 112 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(6, 4, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(5, 5, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(7, 1, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(3, 6, 4),
+ /* 0101 */ V(6, 3, 4),
+ /* 0110 */ V(4, 5, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(5, 4, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(2, 6, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(6, 2, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 6, 4),
+ /* 1011 */ V(6, 1, 4),
+ /* 1100 */ PTR(382, 1),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 5, 4),
+ /* 1110 */ V(5, 3, 4),
+ /* 1111 */ V(4, 4, 4),
+ /* 1000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(2, 5, 4), /* 128 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(5, 2, 4),
+ /* 0010 */ V(1, 5, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ PTR(384, 1),
+ /* 0100 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(5, 1, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 4, 4),
+ /* 0111 */ V(4, 3, 4),
+ /* 1000 */ V(2, 4, 3),
+ /* 1001 */ V(2, 4, 3),
+ /* 1010 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(4, 2, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 3, 3),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 3, 3),
+ /* 1110 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 1111 */ V(1, 4, 3),
+ /* 1001 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(4, 1, 3), /* 144 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(4, 1, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(0, 4, 4),
+ /* 0011 */ V(4, 0, 4),
+ /* 0100 */ V(2, 3, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(2, 3, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(3, 2, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(3, 2, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1001 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1010 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1011 */ V(1, 3, 2),
+ /* 1100 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(3, 1, 2),
+ /* 1010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(0, 3, 3), /* 160 */
+ /* 001 */ V(3, 0, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(2, 2, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(1, 2, 1),
+ /* 101 */ V(1, 2, 1),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 2, 1),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 2, 1),
+ /* 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(2, 1, 1), /* 168 */
+ /* 01 */ V(2, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 0, 2),
+ /* 0010 1100 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(0, 15, 1), /* 172 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 010 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 011 */ V(0, 15, 1),
+ /* 100 */ V(14, 14, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 14, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(14, 13, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(12, 14, 3),
+ /* 0010 1101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(14, 12, 3), /* 180 */
+ /* 001 */ V(13, 13, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(11, 14, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(14, 11, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(12, 13, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 12, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(10, 14, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(14, 10, 3),
+ /* 0010 1110 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(11, 13, 3), /* 188 */
+ /* 001 */ V(13, 11, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(12, 12, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 14, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(14, 9, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(10, 13, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(13, 10, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(11, 12, 3),
+ /* 0010 1111 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(12, 11, 3), /* 196 */
+ /* 001 */ V(8, 14, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(14, 8, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 13, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 9, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(7, 14, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(14, 7, 3),
+ /* 111 */ V(10, 12, 3),
+ /* 0100 0000 ... */
+ /* 0000 */ V(12, 10, 3), /* 204 */
+ /* 0001 */ V(12, 10, 3),
+ /* 0010 */ V(11, 11, 3),
+ /* 0011 */ V(11, 11, 3),
+ /* 0100 */ V(8, 13, 3),
+ /* 0101 */ V(8, 13, 3),
+ /* 0110 */ V(13, 8, 3),
+ /* 0111 */ V(13, 8, 3),
+ /* 1000 */ V(0, 14, 4),
+ /* 1001 */ V(14, 0, 4),
+ /* 1010 */ V(0, 13, 3),
+ /* 1011 */ V(0, 13, 3),
+ /* 1100 */ V(14, 6, 2),
+ /* 1101 */ V(14, 6, 2),
+ /* 1110 */ V(14, 6, 2),
+ /* 1111 */ V(14, 6, 2),
+ /* 0100 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(6, 14, 3), /* 220 */
+ /* 001 */ V(9, 12, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(12, 9, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(12, 9, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(5, 14, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(5, 14, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(11, 10, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(11, 10, 2),
+ /* 0100 0010 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(14, 5, 2), /* 228 */
+ /* 001 */ V(14, 5, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(10, 11, 3),
+ /* 011 */ V(7, 13, 3),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 7, 2),
+ /* 101 */ V(13, 7, 2),
+ /* 110 */ V(14, 4, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(14, 4, 2),
+ /* 0100 0011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(8, 12, 2), /* 236 */
+ /* 001 */ V(8, 12, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(12, 8, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(12, 8, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(4, 14, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(2, 14, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 14, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(3, 14, 2),
+ /* 0100 0100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(6, 13, 2), /* 244 */
+ /* 01 */ V(13, 6, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(14, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(9, 11, 2),
+ /* 0100 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 9, 2), /* 248 */
+ /* 01 */ V(10, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(14, 2, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 14, 2),
+ /* 0100 0110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(14, 1, 2), /* 252 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 13, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(13, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 12, 2),
+ /* 0100 0111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 7, 2), /* 256 */
+ /* 01 */ V(4, 13, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(8, 11, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(11, 8, 2),
+ /* 0100 1000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(13, 4, 2), /* 260 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 9, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 12, 2),
+ /* 0100 1001 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 6, 2), /* 264 */
+ /* 01 */ V(3, 13, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(13, 3, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 13, 2),
+ /* 0100 1010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(13, 2, 2), /* 268 */
+ /* 01 */ V(1, 13, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(7, 11, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(11, 7, 2),
+ /* 0100 1011 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(13, 1, 2), /* 272 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 12, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(12, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(8, 10, 2),
+ /* 0100 1100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(10, 8, 2), /* 276 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 9, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(4, 12, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(12, 4, 2),
+ /* 0100 1101 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(6, 11, 2), /* 280 */
+ /* 001 */ V(6, 11, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(11, 6, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(11, 6, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(13, 0, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 12, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(3, 12, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(3, 12, 2),
+ /* 0100 1110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 3, 2), /* 288 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(10, 7, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(2, 12, 2),
+ /* 0100 1111 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(12, 2, 2), /* 292 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 11, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 5, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(1, 12, 2),
+ /* 0101 0000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(8, 9, 2), /* 296 */
+ /* 01 */ V(9, 8, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(12, 1, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(4, 11, 2),
+ /* 0101 0001 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(12, 0, 3), /* 300 */
+ /* 001 */ V(0, 11, 3),
+ /* 010 */ V(3, 11, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(3, 11, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(11, 0, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 10, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(1, 10, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(1, 10, 2),
+ /* 0101 0010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(11, 4, 1), /* 308 */
+ /* 01 */ V(11, 4, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(6, 10, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(10, 6, 2),
+ /* 0101 0011 ... */
+ /* 000 */ V(7, 9, 2), /* 312 */
+ /* 001 */ V(7, 9, 2),
+ /* 010 */ V(9, 7, 2),
+ /* 011 */ V(9, 7, 2),
+ /* 100 */ V(10, 0, 3),
+ /* 101 */ V(0, 9, 3),
+ /* 110 */ V(9, 0, 2),
+ /* 111 */ V(9, 0, 2),
+ /* 0101 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(11, 3, 1), /* 320 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 8, 1),
+ /* 0101 0101 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(2, 11, 2), /* 322 */
+ /* 01 */ V(5, 10, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 2, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(11, 2, 1),
+ /* 0101 0110 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(10, 5, 2), /* 326 */
+ /* 01 */ V(1, 11, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(11, 1, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(6, 9, 2),
+ /* 0101 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(9, 6, 1), /* 330 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 4, 1),
+ /* 0101 1000 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(4, 10, 2), /* 332 */
+ /* 01 */ V(7, 8, 2),
+ /* 10 */ V(8, 7, 1),
+ /* 11 */ V(8, 7, 1),
+ /* 0101 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 10, 1), /* 336 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 3, 1),
+ /* 0101 1010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 9, 1), /* 338 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 5, 1),
+ /* 0101 1011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 10, 1), /* 340 */
+ /* 1 */ V(10, 2, 1),
+ /* 0101 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(10, 1, 1), /* 342 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 8, 1),
+ /* 0101 1101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 6, 1), /* 344 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 7, 1),
+ /* 0101 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 9, 1), /* 346 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 4, 1),
+ /* 0101 1111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 9, 1), /* 348 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 3, 1),
+ /* 0110 0000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 8, 1), /* 350 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 5, 1),
+ /* 0110 0001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(2, 9, 1), /* 352 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 7, 1),
+ /* 0110 0010 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(7, 6, 1), /* 354 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 2, 1),
+ /* 0110 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(1, 9, 1), /* 356 */
+ /* 1 */ V(9, 1, 1),
+ /* 0110 0100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 8, 1), /* 358 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 4, 1),
+ /* 0110 0101 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 7, 1), /* 360 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 5, 1),
+ /* 0110 0110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 8, 1), /* 362 */
+ /* 1 */ V(8, 3, 1),
+ /* 0110 0111 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(6, 6, 1), /* 364 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 8, 1),
+ /* 0110 1000 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(8, 2, 1), /* 366 */
+ /* 1 */ V(1, 8, 1),
+ /* 0110 1001 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(4, 7, 1), /* 368 */
+ /* 1 */ V(7, 4, 1),
+ /* 0110 1010 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(8, 1, 1), /* 370 */
+ /* 01 */ V(8, 1, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 8, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(8, 0, 2),
+ /* 0110 1011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(5, 6, 1), /* 374 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 5, 1),
+ /* 0110 1100 ... */
+ /* 00 */ V(1, 7, 1), /* 376 */
+ /* 01 */ V(1, 7, 1),
+ /* 10 */ V(0, 7, 2),
+ /* 11 */ V(7, 0, 2),
+ /* 0110 1110 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(3, 7, 1), /* 380 */
+ /* 1 */ V(2, 7, 1),
+ /* 0111 1100 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 6, 1), /* 382 */
+ /* 1 */ V(6, 0, 1),
+ /* 1000 0011 ... */
+ /* 0 */ V(0, 5, 1), /* 384 */
+ /* 1 */ V(5, 0, 1)
+# undef V
+# undef PTR
+/* external tables */
+union huffquad const *const mad_huff_quad_table[2] = { hufftabA, hufftabB };
+struct hufftable const mad_huff_pair_table[32] = {
+ /* 0 */ { hufftab0, 0, 0 },
+ /* 1 */ { hufftab1, 0, 3 },
+ /* 2 */ { hufftab2, 0, 3 },
+ /* 3 */ { hufftab3, 0, 3 },
+ /* 4 */ { 0 /* not used */ },
+ /* 5 */ { hufftab5, 0, 3 },
+ /* 6 */ { hufftab6, 0, 4 },
+ /* 7 */ { hufftab7, 0, 4 },
+ /* 8 */ { hufftab8, 0, 4 },
+ /* 9 */ { hufftab9, 0, 4 },
+ /* 10 */ { hufftab10, 0, 4 },
+ /* 11 */ { hufftab11, 0, 4 },
+ /* 12 */ { hufftab12, 0, 4 },
+ /* 13 */ { hufftab13, 0, 4 },
+ /* 14 */ { 0 /* not used */ },
+ /* 15 */ { hufftab15, 0, 4 },
+ /* 16 */ { hufftab16, 1, 4 },
+ /* 17 */ { hufftab16, 2, 4 },
+ /* 18 */ { hufftab16, 3, 4 },
+ /* 19 */ { hufftab16, 4, 4 },
+ /* 20 */ { hufftab16, 6, 4 },
+ /* 21 */ { hufftab16, 8, 4 },
+ /* 22 */ { hufftab16, 10, 4 },
+ /* 23 */ { hufftab16, 13, 4 },
+ /* 24 */ { hufftab24, 4, 4 },
+ /* 25 */ { hufftab24, 5, 4 },
+ /* 26 */ { hufftab24, 6, 4 },
+ /* 27 */ { hufftab24, 7, 4 },
+ /* 28 */ { hufftab24, 8, 4 },
+ /* 29 */ { hufftab24, 9, 4 },
+ /* 30 */ { hufftab24, 11, 4 },
+ /* 31 */ { hufftab24, 13, 4 }
diff --git a/src/libmad/huffman.h b/src/libmad/huffman.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7099276a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/huffman.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: huffman.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+union huffquad {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+ unsigned short bits : 3;
+ unsigned short offset : 12;
+ } ptr;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+ unsigned short hlen : 3;
+ unsigned short v : 1;
+ unsigned short w : 1;
+ unsigned short x : 1;
+ unsigned short y : 1;
+ } value;
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+union huffpair {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+ unsigned short bits : 3;
+ unsigned short offset : 12;
+ } ptr;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+ unsigned short hlen : 3;
+ unsigned short x : 4;
+ unsigned short y : 4;
+ } value;
+ unsigned short final : 1;
+struct hufftable {
+ union huffpair const *table;
+ unsigned short linbits;
+ unsigned short startbits;
+extern union huffquad const *const mad_huff_quad_table[2];
+extern struct hufftable const mad_huff_pair_table[32];
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/imdct_l_arm.S b/src/libmad/imdct_l_arm.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..963792831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/imdct_l_arm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Andre McCurdy <armccurdy@yahoo.co.uk>
+* This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation@ either version 2 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program@ if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+* Notes:
+* $Id: imdct_l_arm.S,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+* 2001/03/24: Andre McCurdy <armccurdy@yahoo.co.uk>
+* - Corrected PIC unsafe loading of address of 'imdct36_long_karray'
+* 2000/09/20: Robert Leslie <rob@mars.org>
+* - Added a global symbol with leading underscore per suggestion of
+* Simon Burge to support linking with the a.out format.
+* 2000/09/15: Robert Leslie <rob@mars.org>
+* - Fixed a small bug where flags were changed before a conditional branch.
+* 2000/09/15: Andre McCurdy <armccurdy@yahoo.co.uk>
+* - Applied Nicolas Pitre's rounding optimisation in all remaining places.
+* 2000/09/09: Nicolas Pitre <nico@cam.org>
+* - Optimized rounding + scaling operations.
+* 2000/08/09: Andre McCurdy <armccurdy@yahoo.co.uk>
+* - Original created.
+ On entry:
+ r0 = pointer to 18 element input array
+ r1 = pointer to 36 element output array
+ r2 = windowing block type
+ Stack frame created during execution of the function:
+ Initial Holds:
+ Stack
+ pointer
+ minus:
+ 0
+ 4 lr
+ 8 r11
+ 12 r10
+ 16 r9
+ 20 r8
+ 24 r7
+ 28 r6
+ 32 r5
+ 36 r4
+ 40 r2 : windowing block type
+ 44 ct00 high
+ 48 ct00 low
+ 52 ct01 high
+ 56 ct01 low
+ 60 ct04 high
+ 64 ct04 low
+ 68 ct06 high
+ 72 ct06 low
+ 76 ct05 high
+ 80 ct05 low
+ 84 ct03 high
+ 88 ct03 low
+ 92 -ct05 high
+ 96 -ct05 low
+ 100 -ct07 high
+ 104 -ct07 low
+ 108 ct07 high
+ 112 ct07 low
+ 116 ct02 high
+ 120 ct02 low
+#define BLOCK_MODE_STOP 3
+#define X0 0x00
+#define X1 0x04
+#define X2 0x08
+#define X3 0x0C
+#define X4 0x10
+#define X5 0x14
+#define X6 0x18
+#define X7 0x1c
+#define X8 0x20
+#define X9 0x24
+#define X10 0x28
+#define X11 0x2c
+#define X12 0x30
+#define X13 0x34
+#define X14 0x38
+#define X15 0x3c
+#define X16 0x40
+#define X17 0x44
+#define x0 0x00
+#define x1 0x04
+#define x2 0x08
+#define x3 0x0C
+#define x4 0x10
+#define x5 0x14
+#define x6 0x18
+#define x7 0x1c
+#define x8 0x20
+#define x9 0x24
+#define x10 0x28
+#define x11 0x2c
+#define x12 0x30
+#define x13 0x34
+#define x14 0x38
+#define x15 0x3c
+#define x16 0x40
+#define x17 0x44
+#define x18 0x48
+#define x19 0x4c
+#define x20 0x50
+#define x21 0x54
+#define x22 0x58
+#define x23 0x5c
+#define x24 0x60
+#define x25 0x64
+#define x26 0x68
+#define x27 0x6c
+#define x28 0x70
+#define x29 0x74
+#define x30 0x78
+#define x31 0x7c
+#define x32 0x80
+#define x33 0x84
+#define x34 0x88
+#define x35 0x8c
+#define K00 0x0ffc19fd
+#define K01 0x00b2aa3e
+#define K02 0x0fdcf549
+#define K03 0x0216a2a2
+#define K04 0x0f9ee890
+#define K05 0x03768962
+#define K06 0x0f426cb5
+#define K07 0x04cfb0e2
+#define K08 0x0ec835e8
+#define K09 0x061f78aa
+#define K10 0x0e313245
+#define K11 0x07635284
+#define K12 0x0d7e8807
+#define K13 0x0898c779
+#define K14 0x0cb19346
+#define K15 0x09bd7ca0
+#define K16 0x0bcbe352
+#define K17 0x0acf37ad
+#define minus_K02 0xf0230ab7
+#define WL0 0x00b2aa3e
+#define WL1 0x0216a2a2
+#define WL2 0x03768962
+#define WL3 0x04cfb0e2
+#define WL4 0x061f78aa
+#define WL5 0x07635284
+#define WL6 0x0898c779
+#define WL7 0x09bd7ca0
+#define WL8 0x0acf37ad
+#define WL9 0x0bcbe352
+#define WL10 0x0cb19346
+#define WL11 0x0d7e8807
+#define WL12 0x0e313245
+#define WL13 0x0ec835e8
+#define WL14 0x0f426cb5
+#define WL15 0x0f9ee890
+#define WL16 0x0fdcf549
+#define WL17 0x0ffc19fd
+ .text
+ .align
+ .global III_imdct_l
+ .global _III_imdct_l
+ stmdb sp!, { r2, r4 - r11, lr } @ all callee saved regs, plus arg3
+ ldr r4, =K08 @ r4 = K08
+ ldr r5, =K09 @ r5 = K09
+ ldr r8, [r0, #X4] @ r8 = X4
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X13] @ r9 = X13
+ rsb r6, r4, #0 @ r6 = -K08
+ rsb r7, r5, #0 @ r7 = -K09
+ smull r2, r3, r4, r8 @ r2..r3 = (X4 * K08)
+ smlal r2, r3, r5, r9 @ r2..r3 = (X4 * K08) + (X13 * K09) = ct01
+ smull r10, lr, r8, r5 @ r10..lr = (X4 * K09)
+ smlal r10, lr, r9, r6 @ r10..lr = (X4 * K09) + (X13 * -K08) = ct00
+ ldr r8, [r0, #X7] @ r8 = X7
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X16] @ r9 = X16
+ stmdb sp!, { r2, r3, r10, lr } @ stack ct00_h, ct00_l, ct01_h, ct01_l
+ add r8, r8, r9 @ r8 = (X7 + X16)
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X1] @ r9 = X1
+ smlal r2, r3, r6, r8 @ r2..r3 = ct01 + ((X7 + X16) * -K08)
+ smlal r2, r3, r7, r9 @ r2..r3 += (X1 * -K09)
+ ldr r7, [r0, #X10] @ r7 = X10
+ rsbs r10, r10, #0
+ rsc lr, lr, #0 @ r10..lr = -ct00
+ smlal r2, r3, r5, r7 @ r2..r3 += (X10 * K09) = ct06
+ smlal r10, lr, r9, r6 @ r10..lr = -ct00 + ( X1 * -K08)
+ smlal r10, lr, r8, r5 @ r10..lr += ((X7 + X16) * K09)
+ smlal r10, lr, r7, r4 @ r10..lr += ( X10 * K08) = ct04
+ stmdb sp!, { r2, r3, r10, lr } @ stack ct04_h, ct04_l, ct06_h, ct06_l
+ @----
+ ldr r7, [r0, #X0]
+ ldr r8, [r0, #X11]
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X12]
+ sub r7, r7, r8
+ sub r7, r7, r9 @ r7 = (X0 - X11 -X12) = ct14
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X3]
+ ldr r8, [r0, #X8]
+ ldr r11, [r0, #X15]
+ sub r8, r8, r9
+ add r8, r8, r11 @ r8 = (X8 - X3 + X15) = ct16
+ add r11, r7, r8 @ r11 = ct14 + ct16 = ct18
+ smlal r2, r3, r6, r11 @ r2..r3 = ct06 + ((X0 - X11 - X3 + X15 + X8 - X12) * -K08)
+ ldr r6, [r0, #X2]
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X9]
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X14]
+ sub r6, r6, r9
+ sub r6, r6, r12 @ r6 = (X2 - X9 - X14) = ct15
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X5]
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X6]
+ sub r9, r9, r12
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X17]
+ sub r9, r9, r12 @ r9 = (X5 - X6 - X17) = ct17
+ add r12, r9, r6 @ r12 = ct15 + ct17 = ct19
+ smlal r2, r3, r5, r12 @ r2..r3 += ((X2 - X9 + X5 - X6 - X17 - X14) * K09)
+ smlal r10, lr, r11, r5 @ r10..lr = ct04 + (ct18 * K09)
+ smlal r10, lr, r12, r4 @ r10..lr = ct04 + (ct18 * K09) + (ct19 * K08)
+ movs r2, r2, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r2, r3, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of r2..r3
+ str r2, [r1, #x22] @ store result x22
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r10, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r10 = bits[59..28] of r10..lr
+ str r10, [r1, #x4] @ store result x4
+ @----
+ ldmia sp, { r2, r3, r4, r5 } @ r2..r3 = ct06, r4..r5 = ct04 (dont update sp)
+ @ r2..r3 = ct06
+ @ r4..r5 = ct04
+ @ r6 = ct15
+ @ r7 = ct14
+ @ r8 = ct16
+ @ r9 = ct17
+ @ r10 = .
+ @ r11 = .
+ @ r12 = .
+ @ lr = .
+ ldr r10, =K03 @ r10 = K03
+ ldr lr, =K15 @ lr = K15
+ smlal r2, r3, r10, r7 @ r2..r3 = ct06 + (ct14 * K03)
+ smlal r4, r5, lr, r7 @ r4..r5 = ct04 + (ct14 * K15)
+ ldr r12, =K14 @ r12 = K14
+ rsb r10, r10, #0 @ r10 = -K03
+ smlal r2, r3, lr, r6 @ r2..r3 += (ct15 * K15)
+ smlal r4, r5, r10, r6 @ r4..r5 += (ct15 * -K03)
+ smlal r2, r3, r12, r8 @ r2..r3 += (ct16 * K14)
+ ldr r11, =minus_K02 @ r11 = -K02
+ rsb r12, r12, #0 @ r12 = -K14
+ smlal r4, r5, r12, r9 @ r4..r5 += (ct17 * -K14)
+ smlal r2, r3, r11, r9 @ r2..r3 += (ct17 * -K02)
+ smlal r4, r5, r11, r8 @ r4..r5 += (ct16 * -K02)
+ movs r2, r2, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r2, r3, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of r2..r3
+ str r2, [r1, #x7] @ store result x7
+ movs r4, r4, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r4, r5, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of r4..r5
+ str r4, [r1, #x1] @ store result x1
+ @----
+ ldmia sp, { r2, r3, r4, r5 } @ r2..r3 = ct06, r4..r5 = ct04 (dont update sp)
+ @ r2..r3 = ct06
+ @ r4..r5 = ct04
+ @ r6 = ct15
+ @ r7 = ct14
+ @ r8 = ct16
+ @ r9 = ct17
+ @ r10 = -K03
+ @ r11 = -K02
+ @ r12 = -K14
+ @ lr = K15
+ rsbs r2, r2, #0
+ rsc r3, r3, #0 @ r2..r3 = -ct06
+ smlal r2, r3, r12, r7 @ r2..r3 = -ct06 + (ct14 * -K14)
+ smlal r2, r3, r10, r8 @ r2..r3 += (ct16 * -K03)
+ smlal r4, r5, r12, r6 @ r4..r5 = ct04 + (ct15 * -K14)
+ smlal r4, r5, r10, r9 @ r4..r5 += (ct17 * -K03)
+ smlal r4, r5, lr, r8 @ r4..r5 += (ct16 * K15)
+ smlal r4, r5, r11, r7 @ r4..r5 += (ct14 * -K02)
+ rsb lr, lr, #0 @ lr = -K15
+ rsb r11, r11, #0 @ r11 = K02
+ smlal r2, r3, lr, r9 @ r2..r3 += (ct17 * -K15)
+ smlal r2, r3, r11, r6 @ r2..r3 += (ct15 * K02)
+ movs r4, r4, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r4, r5, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of r4..r5
+ str r4, [r1, #x25] @ store result x25
+ movs r2, r2, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r2, r3, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of r2..r3
+ str r2, [r1, #x19] @ store result x19
+ @----
+ ldr r2, [sp, #16] @ r2 = ct01_l
+ ldr r3, [sp, #20] @ r3 = ct01_h
+ ldr r6, [r0, #X1]
+ ldr r8, [r0, #X7]
+ ldr r9, [r0, #X10]
+ ldr r7, [r0, #X16]
+ rsbs r2, r2, #0
+ rsc r3, r3, #0 @ r2..r3 = -ct01
+ mov r4, r2
+ mov r5, r3 @ r4..r5 = -ct01
+ @ r2..r3 = -ct01
+ @ r4..r5 = -ct01
+ @ r6 = X1
+ @ r7 = X16
+ @ r8 = X7
+ @ r9 = X10
+ @ r10 = -K03
+ @ r11 = K02
+ @ r12 = -K14
+ @ lr = -K15
+ smlal r4, r5, r12, r7 @ r4..r5 = -ct01 + (X16 * -K14)
+ smlal r2, r3, lr, r9 @ r2..r3 = -ct01 + (X10 * -K15)
+ smlal r4, r5, r10, r8 @ r4..r5 += (X7 * -K03)
+ smlal r2, r3, r10, r7 @ r2..r3 += (X16 * -K03)
+ smlal r4, r5, r11, r9 @ r4..r5 += (X10 * K02)
+ smlal r2, r3, r12, r8 @ r2..r3 += (X7 * -K14)
+ rsb lr, lr, #0 @ lr = K15
+ rsb r11, r11, #0 @ r11 = -K02
+ smlal r4, r5, lr, r6 @ r4..r5 += (X1 * K15) = ct05
+ smlal r2, r3, r11, r6 @ r2..r3 += (X1 * -K02) = ct03
+ stmdb sp!, { r2, r3, r4, r5 } @ stack ct05_h, ct05_l, ct03_h, ct03_l
+ rsbs r4, r4, #0
+ rsc r5, r5, #0 @ r4..r5 = -ct05
+ stmdb sp!, { r4, r5 } @ stack -ct05_h, -ct05_l
+ ldr r2, [sp, #48] @ r2 = ct00_l
+ ldr r3, [sp, #52] @ r3 = ct00_h
+ rsb r10, r10, #0 @ r10 = K03
+ rsbs r4, r2, #0
+ rsc r5, r3, #0 @ r4..r5 = -ct00
+ @ r2..r3 = ct00
+ @ r4..r5 = -ct00
+ @ r6 = X1
+ @ r7 = X16
+ @ r8 = X7
+ @ r9 = X10
+ @ r10 = K03
+ @ r11 = -K02
+ @ r12 = -K14
+ @ lr = K15
+ smlal r4, r5, r10, r6 @ r4..r5 = -ct00 + (X1 * K03)
+ smlal r2, r3, r10, r9 @ r2..r3 = ct00 + (X10 * K03)
+ smlal r4, r5, r12, r9 @ r4..r5 += (X10 * -K14)
+ smlal r2, r3, r12, r6 @ r2..r3 += (X1 * -K14)
+ smlal r4, r5, r11, r7 @ r4..r5 += (X16 * -K02)
+ smlal r4, r5, lr, r8 @ r4..r5 += (X7 * K15) = ct07
+ rsb lr, lr, #0 @ lr = -K15
+ rsb r11, r11, #0 @ r11 = K02
+ smlal r2, r3, r11, r8 @ r2..r3 += (X7 * K02)
+ smlal r2, r3, lr, r7 @ r2..r3 += (X16 * -K15) = ct02
+ rsbs r6, r4, #0
+ rsc r7, r5, #0 @ r6..r7 = -ct07
+ stmdb sp!, { r2 - r7 } @ stack -ct07_h, -ct07_l, ct07_h, ct07_l, ct02_h, ct02_l
+ @----
+ add r2, pc, #(imdct36_long_karray-.-8) @ r2 = base address of Knn array (PIC safe ?)
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X0]
+ ldmia r2!, { r5 - r11 } @ first 7 words from Karray element
+ smull r3, r4, r5, r12 @ sum = (Kxx * X0)
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X2]
+ ldr r5, [r0, #X3]
+ smlal r3, r4, r6, r12 @ sum += (Kxx * X2)
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X5]
+ ldr r6, [r0, #X6]
+ smlal r3, r4, r7, r5 @ sum += (Kxx * X3)
+ smlal r3, r4, r8, r12 @ sum += (Kxx * X5)
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X8]
+ ldr r5, [r0, #X9]
+ smlal r3, r4, r9, r6 @ sum += (Kxx * X6)
+ smlal r3, r4, r10, r12 @ sum += (Kxx * X8)
+ smlal r3, r4, r11, r5 @ sum += (Kxx * X9)
+ ldmia r2!, { r5 - r10 } @ final 6 words from Karray element
+ ldr r11, [r0, #X11]
+ ldr r12, [r0, #X12]
+ smlal r3, r4, r5, r11 @ sum += (Kxx * X11)
+ ldr r11, [r0, #X14]
+ ldr r5, [r0, #X15]
+ smlal r3, r4, r6, r12 @ sum += (Kxx * X12)
+ smlal r3, r4, r7, r11 @ sum += (Kxx * X14)
+ ldr r11, [r0, #X17]
+ smlal r3, r4, r8, r5 @ sum += (Kxx * X15)
+ smlal r3, r4, r9, r11 @ sum += (Kxx * X17)
+ add r5, sp, r10, lsr #16 @ create index back into stack for required ctxx
+ ldmia r5, { r6, r7 } @ r6..r7 = ctxx
+ mov r8, r10, lsl #16 @ push ctxx index off the top end
+ adds r3, r3, r6 @ add low words
+ adc r4, r4, r7 @ add high words, with carry
+ movs r3, r3, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r3, r4, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of r3..r4
+ str r3, [r1, r8, lsr #24] @ push completion flag off the bottom end
+ movs r8, r8, lsl #8 @ push result location index off the top end
+ beq loop @ loop back if completion flag not set
+ b imdct_l_windowing @ branch to windowing stage if looping finished
+ .word K17, -K13, K10, -K06, -K05, K01, -K00, K04, -K07, K11, K12, -K16, 0x00000000
+ .word K13, K07, K16, K01, K10, -K05, K04, -K11, K00, -K17, K06, -K12, 0x00200800
+ .word K11, K17, K05, K12, -K01, K06, -K07, K00, -K13, K04, -K16, K10, 0x00200c00
+ .word K07, K00, -K12, K05, -K16, -K10, K11, -K17, K04, K13, K01, K06, 0x00001400
+ .word K05, K10, -K00, -K17, K07, -K13, K12, K06, -K16, K01, -K11, -K04, 0x00181800
+ .word K01, K05, -K07, -K11, K13, K17, -K16, -K12, K10, K06, -K04, -K00, 0x00102000
+ .word -K16, K12, -K11, K07, K04, -K00, -K01, K05, -K06, K10, K13, -K17, 0x00284800
+ .word -K12, K06, K17, -K00, -K11, K04, K05, -K10, K01, K16, -K07, -K13, 0x00085000
+ .word -K10, K16, K04, -K13, -K00, K07, K06, -K01, -K12, -K05, K17, K11, 0x00105400
+ .word -K06, -K01, K13, K04, K17, -K11, -K10, -K16, -K05, K12, K00, K07, 0x00185c00
+ .word -K04, -K11, -K01, K16, K06, K12, K13, -K07, -K17, -K00, -K10, -K05, 0x00006000
+ .word -K00, -K04, -K06, -K10, -K12, -K16, -K17, -K13, -K11, -K07, -K05, -K01, 0x00206801
+ @----
+ @-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @----
+ ldr r11, [sp, #80] @ fetch function parameter 3 from out of the stack
+ ldmia r1!, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ load 9 words from x0, update pointer
+ @ r0 = x0
+ @ r1 = &x[9]
+ @ r2 = x1
+ @ r3 = x2
+ @ r4 = x3
+ @ r5 = x4
+ @ r6 = x5
+ @ r7 = x6
+ @ r8 = x7
+ @ r9 = x8
+ @ r10 = .
+ @ r11 = window mode: (0 == normal), (1 == start block), (3 == stop block)
+ @ r12 = .
+ @ lr = .
+ cmp r11, #BLOCK_MODE_STOP @ setup flags
+ rsb r10, r0, #0 @ r10 = -x0 (DONT change flags !!)
+ beq stop_block_x0_to_x17
+ @ start and normal blocks are treated the same for x[0]..x[17]
+ ldr r12, =WL9 @ r12 = window_l[9]
+ rsb r0, r9, #0 @ r0 = -x8
+ rsb r9, r2, #0 @ r9 = -x1
+ rsb r2, r8, #0 @ r2 = -x7
+ rsb r8, r3, #0 @ r8 = -x2
+ rsb r3, r7, #0 @ r3 = -x6
+ rsb r7, r4, #0 @ r7 = -x3
+ rsb r4, r6, #0 @ r4 = -x5
+ rsb r6, r5, #0 @ r6 = -x4
+ @ r0 = -x8
+ @ r1 = &x[9]
+ @ r2 = -x7
+ @ r3 = -x6
+ @ r4 = -x5
+ @ r5 = .
+ @ r6 = -x4
+ @ r7 = -x3
+ @ r8 = -x2
+ @ r9 = -x1
+ @ r10 = -x0
+ @ r11 = window mode: (0 == normal), (1 == start block), (3 == stop block)
+ @ r12 = window_l[9]
+ @ lr = .
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r0 @ r5..lr = (window_l[9] * (x[9] == -x[8]))
+ ldr r12, =WL10 @ r12 = window_l[10]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r0, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r0 = bits[59..28] of windowed x9
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r2 @ r5..lr = (window_l[10] * (x[10] == -x[7]))
+ ldr r12, =WL11 @ r12 = window_l[11]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of windowed x10
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r3 @ r5..lr = (window_l[11] * (x[11] == -x[6]))
+ ldr r12, =WL12 @ r12 = window_l[12]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of windowed x11
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r4 @ r5..lr = (window_l[12] * (x[12] == -x[5]))
+ ldr r12, =WL13 @ r12 = window_l[13]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of windowed x12
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r6 @ r5..lr = (window_l[13] * (x[13] == -x[4]))
+ ldr r12, =WL14 @ r12 = window_l[14]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r6, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r6 = bits[59..28] of windowed x13
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r7 @ r5..lr = (window_l[14] * (x[14] == -x[3]))
+ ldr r12, =WL15 @ r12 = window_l[15]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r7, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r7 = bits[59..28] of windowed x14
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r8 @ r5..lr = (window_l[15] * (x[15] == -x[2]))
+ ldr r12, =WL16 @ r12 = window_l[16]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r8, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r8 = bits[59..28] of windowed x15
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r9 @ r5..lr = (window_l[16] * (x[16] == -x[1]))
+ ldr r12, =WL17 @ r12 = window_l[17]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r9, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r9 = bits[59..28] of windowed x16
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r10 @ r5..lr = (window_l[17] * (x[17] == -x[0]))
+ ldr r12, =WL0 @ r12 = window_l[0]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r10, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r10 = bits[59..28] of windowed x17
+ stmia r1, { r0, r2 - r4, r6 - r10 } @ store windowed x[9] .. x[17]
+ ldmdb r1!, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ load 9 words downto (and including) x0
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r0 @ r10..lr = (window_l[0] * x[0])
+ ldr r12, =WL1 @ r12 = window_l[1]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r0, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r0 = bits[59..28] of windowed x0
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r2 @ r10..lr = (window_l[1] * x[1])
+ ldr r12, =WL2 @ r12 = window_l[2]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of windowed x1
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r3 @ r10..lr = (window_l[2] * x[2])
+ ldr r12, =WL3 @ r12 = window_l[3]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of windowed x2
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r4 @ r10..lr = (window_l[3] * x[3])
+ ldr r12, =WL4 @ r12 = window_l[4]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of windowed x3
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r5 @ r10..lr = (window_l[4] * x[4])
+ ldr r12, =WL5 @ r12 = window_l[5]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r5, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r5 = bits[59..28] of windowed x4
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r6 @ r10..lr = (window_l[5] * x[5])
+ ldr r12, =WL6 @ r12 = window_l[6]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r6, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r6 = bits[59..28] of windowed x5
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r7 @ r10..lr = (window_l[6] * x[6])
+ ldr r12, =WL7 @ r12 = window_l[7]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r7, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r7 = bits[59..28] of windowed x6
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r8 @ r10..lr = (window_l[7] * x[7])
+ ldr r12, =WL8 @ r12 = window_l[8]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r8, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r8 = bits[59..28] of windowed x7
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r9 @ r10..lr = (window_l[8] * x[8])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r9, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r9 = bits[59..28] of windowed x8
+ stmia r1, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ store windowed x[0] .. x[8]
+ cmp r11, #BLOCK_MODE_START
+ beq start_block_x18_to_x35
+ @----
+ ldr r11, =WL3 @ r11 = window_l[3]
+ ldr r12, =WL4 @ r12 = window_l[4]
+ add r1, r1, #(18*4) @ r1 = &x[18]
+ ldmia r1!, { r0, r2 - r4, r6 - r10 } @ load 9 words from x18, update pointer
+ @ r0 = x18
+ @ r1 = &x[27]
+ @ r2 = x19
+ @ r3 = x20
+ @ r4 = x21
+ @ r5 = .
+ @ r6 = x22
+ @ r7 = x23
+ @ r8 = x24
+ @ r9 = x25
+ @ r10 = x26
+ @ r11 = window_l[3]
+ @ r12 = window_l[4]
+ @ lr = .
+ smull r5, lr, r12, r6 @ r5..lr = (window_l[4] * (x[22] == x[31]))
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r5, r5, lr, lsl #4 @ r5 = bits[59..28] of windowed x31
+ smull r6, lr, r11, r4 @ r5..lr = (window_l[3] * (x[21] == x[32]))
+ ldr r12, =WL5 @ r12 = window_l[5]
+ movs r6, r6, lsr #28
+ adc r6, r6, lr, lsl #4 @ r6 = bits[59..28] of windowed x32
+ smull r4, lr, r12, r7 @ r4..lr = (window_l[5] * (x[23] == x[30]))
+ ldr r11, =WL1 @ r11 = window_l[1]
+ ldr r12, =WL2 @ r12 = window_l[2]
+ movs r4, r4, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r4, lr, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of windowed x30
+ smull r7, lr, r12, r3 @ r7..lr = (window_l[2] * (x[20] == x[33]))
+ ldr r12, =WL6 @ r12 = window_l[6]
+ movs r7, r7, lsr #28
+ adc r7, r7, lr, lsl #4 @ r7 = bits[59..28] of windowed x33
+ smull r3, lr, r12, r8 @ r3..lr = (window_l[6] * (x[24] == x[29]))
+ movs r3, r3, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r3, lr, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of windowed x29
+ smull r8, lr, r11, r2 @ r7..lr = (window_l[1] * (x[19] == x[34]))
+ ldr r12, =WL7 @ r12 = window_l[7]
+ ldr r11, =WL8 @ r11 = window_l[8]
+ movs r8, r8, lsr #28
+ adc r8, r8, lr, lsl #4 @ r8 = bits[59..28] of windowed x34
+ smull r2, lr, r12, r9 @ r7..lr = (window_l[7] * (x[25] == x[28]))
+ ldr r12, =WL0 @ r12 = window_l[0]
+ movs r2, r2, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r2, lr, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of windowed x28
+ smull r9, lr, r12, r0 @ r3..lr = (window_l[0] * (x[18] == x[35]))
+ movs r9, r9, lsr #28
+ adc r9, r9, lr, lsl #4 @ r9 = bits[59..28] of windowed x35
+ smull r0, lr, r11, r10 @ r7..lr = (window_l[8] * (x[26] == x[27]))
+ ldr r11, =WL16 @ r11 = window_l[16]
+ ldr r12, =WL17 @ r12 = window_l[17]
+ movs r0, r0, lsr #28
+ adc r0, r0, lr, lsl #4 @ r0 = bits[59..28] of windowed x27
+ stmia r1, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ store windowed x[27] .. x[35]
+ ldmdb r1!, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ load 9 words downto (and including) x18
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r0 @ r10..lr = (window_l[17] * x[18])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r0, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r0 = bits[59..28] of windowed x0
+ smull r10, lr, r11, r2 @ r10..lr = (window_l[16] * x[19])
+ ldr r11, =WL14 @ r11 = window_l[14]
+ ldr r12, =WL15 @ r12 = window_l[15]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of windowed x1
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r3 @ r10..lr = (window_l[15] * x[20])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of windowed x2
+ smull r10, lr, r11, r4 @ r10..lr = (window_l[14] * x[21])
+ ldr r11, =WL12 @ r11 = window_l[12]
+ ldr r12, =WL13 @ r12 = window_l[13]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of windowed x3
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r5 @ r10..lr = (window_l[13] * x[22])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r5, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r5 = bits[59..28] of windowed x4
+ smull r10, lr, r11, r6 @ r10..lr = (window_l[12] * x[23])
+ ldr r11, =WL10 @ r12 = window_l[10]
+ ldr r12, =WL11 @ r12 = window_l[11]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r6, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r6 = bits[59..28] of windowed x5
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r7 @ r10..lr = (window_l[11] * x[24])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r7, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r7 = bits[59..28] of windowed x6
+ smull r10, lr, r11, r8 @ r10..lr = (window_l[10] * x[25])
+ ldr r12, =WL9 @ r12 = window_l[9]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r8, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r8 = bits[59..28] of windowed x7
+ smull r10, lr, r12, r9 @ r10..lr = (window_l[9] * x[26])
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r9, r10, lr, lsl #4 @ r9 = bits[59..28] of windowed x8
+ stmia r1, { r0, r2 - r9 } @ store windowed x[18] .. x[26]
+ @----
+ @ NB there are 2 possible exits from this function - this is only one of them
+ @----
+ add sp, sp, #(21*4) @ return stack frame
+ ldmia sp!, { r4 - r11, pc } @ restore callee saved regs, and return
+ @----
+ @ r0 = x0
+ @ r1 = &x[9]
+ @ r2 = x1
+ @ r3 = x2
+ @ r4 = x3
+ @ r5 = x4
+ @ r6 = x5
+ @ r7 = x6
+ @ r8 = x7
+ @ r9 = x8
+ @ r10 = -x0
+ @ r11 = window mode: (0 == normal), (1 == start block), (3 == stop block)
+ @ r12 = .
+ @ lr = .
+ rsb r0, r6, #0 @ r0 = -x5
+ rsb r6, r2, #0 @ r6 = -x1
+ rsb r2, r5, #0 @ r2 = -x4
+ rsb r5, r3, #0 @ r5 = -x2
+ rsb r3, r4, #0 @ r3 = -x3
+ add r1, r1, #(3*4) @ r1 = &x[12]
+ stmia r1, { r0, r2, r3, r5, r6, r10 } @ store unchanged x[12] .. x[17]
+ ldr r0, =WL1 @ r0 = window_l[1] == window_s[0]
+ rsb r10, r9, #0 @ r10 = -x8
+ rsb r12, r8, #0 @ r12 = -x7
+ rsb lr, r7, #0 @ lr = -x6
+ @ r0 = WL1
+ @ r1 = &x[12]
+ @ r2 = .
+ @ r3 = .
+ @ r4 = .
+ @ r5 = .
+ @ r6 = .
+ @ r7 = x6
+ @ r8 = x7
+ @ r9 = x8
+ @ r10 = -x8
+ @ r11 = window mode: (0 == normal), (1 == start block), (3 == stop block)
+ @ r12 = -x7
+ @ lr = -x6
+ smull r5, r6, r0, r7 @ r5..r6 = (window_l[1] * x[6])
+ ldr r2, =WL4 @ r2 = window_l[4] == window_s[1]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r7, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r7 = bits[59..28] of windowed x6
+ smull r5, r6, r2, r8 @ r5..r6 = (window_l[4] * x[7])
+ ldr r3, =WL7 @ r3 = window_l[7] == window_s[2]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r8, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r8 = bits[59..28] of windowed x7
+ smull r5, r6, r3, r9 @ r5..r6 = (window_l[7] * x[8])
+ ldr r4, =WL10 @ r4 = window_l[10] == window_s[3]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r9, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r9 = bits[59..28] of windowed x8
+ smull r5, r6, r4, r10 @ r5..r6 = (window_l[10] * (x[9] == -x[8]))
+ ldr r0, =WL13 @ r0 = window_l[13] == window_s[4]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r10, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r10 = bits[59..28] of windowed x9
+ smull r5, r6, r0, r12 @ r5..r6 = (window_l[13] * (x[10] == -x[7]))
+ ldr r2, =WL16 @ r2 = window_l[16] == window_s[5]
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc r12, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r10 = bits[59..28] of windowed x9
+ smull r5, r6, r2, lr @ r5..r6 = (window_l[16] * (x[11] == -x[6]))
+ ldr r0, =0x00
+ movs r5, r5, lsr #28
+ adc lr, r5, r6, lsl #4 @ r10 = bits[59..28] of windowed x9
+ stmdb r1!, { r7 - r10, r12, lr } @ store windowed x[6] .. x[11]
+ ldr r5, =0x00
+ ldr r6, =0x00
+ ldr r2, =0x00
+ ldr r3, =0x00
+ ldr r4, =0x00
+ stmdb r1!, { r0, r2 - r6 } @ store windowed x[0] .. x[5]
+ b normal_block_x18_to_x35
+ @----
+ ldr r4, =WL1 @ r0 = window_l[1] == window_s[0]
+ add r1, r1, #(24*4) @ r1 = &x[24]
+ ldmia r1, { r0, r2, r3 } @ load 3 words from x24, dont update pointer
+ @ r0 = x24
+ @ r1 = &x[24]
+ @ r2 = x25
+ @ r3 = x26
+ @ r4 = WL1
+ @ r5 = WL4
+ @ r6 = WL7
+ @ r7 = WL10
+ @ r8 = WL13
+ @ r9 = WL16
+ @ r10 = .
+ @ r11 = .
+ @ r12 = .
+ @ lr = .
+ ldr r5, =WL4 @ r5 = window_l[4] == window_s[1]
+ smull r10, r11, r4, r0 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[1] * (x[24] == x[29]))
+ ldr r6, =WL7 @ r6 = window_l[7] == window_s[2]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc lr, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ lr = bits[59..28] of windowed x29
+ smull r10, r11, r5, r2 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[4] * (x[25] == x[28]))
+ ldr r7, =WL10 @ r7 = window_l[10] == window_s[3]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r12, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ r12 = bits[59..28] of windowed x28
+ smull r10, r11, r6, r3 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[7] * (x[26] == x[27]))
+ ldr r8, =WL13 @ r8 = window_l[13] == window_s[4]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r4, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ r4 = bits[59..28] of windowed x27
+ smull r10, r11, r7, r3 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[10] * x[26])
+ ldr r9, =WL16 @ r9 = window_l[16] == window_s[5]
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r3, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ r3 = bits[59..28] of windowed x26
+ smull r10, r11, r8, r2 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[13] * x[25])
+ ldr r5, =0x00
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r2, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ r2 = bits[59..28] of windowed x25
+ smull r10, r11, r9, r0 @ r10..r11 = (window_l[16] * x[24])
+ ldr r6, =0x00
+ movs r10, r10, lsr #28
+ adc r0, r10, r11, lsl #4 @ r0 = bits[59..28] of windowed x24
+ stmia r1!, { r0, r2, r3, r4, r12, lr } @ store windowed x[24] .. x[29]
+ ldr r7, =0x00
+ ldr r8, =0x00
+ ldr r9, =0x00
+ ldr r10, =0x00
+ stmia r1!, { r5 - r10 } @ store windowed x[30] .. x[35]
+ @----
+ @ NB there are 2 possible exits from this function - this is only one of them
+ @----
+ add sp, sp, #(21*4) @ return stack frame
+ ldmia sp!, { r4 - r11, pc } @ restore callee saved regs, and return
+ @----
+ @END
+ @----
diff --git a/src/libmad/imdct_s.dat b/src/libmad/imdct_s.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73ea91f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/imdct_s.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: imdct_s.dat,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ /* 0 */ { MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* -0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* -0.130526192 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* -0.793353340 */ },
+ /* 6 */ { -MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* -0.793353340 */,
+ MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* -0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* -0.608761429 */ },
+ /* 1 */ { MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* -0.923879533 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */ },
+ /* 7 */ { -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* -0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */ },
+ /* 2 */ { MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* -0.793353340 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* -0.991444861 */ },
+ /* 8 */ { -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* -0.991444861 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* -0.923879533 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* -0.793353340 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* -0.608761429 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* -0.382683432 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* -0.130526192 */ }
diff --git a/src/libmad/layer12.c b/src/libmad/layer12.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d14122a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/layer12.c
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: layer12.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H
+# include <limits.h>
+# else
+# define CHAR_BIT 8
+# endif
+# include "fixed.h"
+# include "bit.h"
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "layer12.h"
+ * scalefactor table
+ * used in both Layer I and Layer II decoding
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const sf_table[64] = {
+# include "sf_table.dat"
+/* --- Layer I ------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* linear scaling table */
+mad_fixed_t const linear_table[14] = {
+ MAD_F(0x15555555), /* 2^2 / (2^2 - 1) == 1.33333333333333 */
+ MAD_F(0x12492492), /* 2^3 / (2^3 - 1) == 1.14285714285714 */
+ MAD_F(0x11111111), /* 2^4 / (2^4 - 1) == 1.06666666666667 */
+ MAD_F(0x10842108), /* 2^5 / (2^5 - 1) == 1.03225806451613 */
+ MAD_F(0x10410410), /* 2^6 / (2^6 - 1) == 1.01587301587302 */
+ MAD_F(0x10204081), /* 2^7 / (2^7 - 1) == 1.00787401574803 */
+ MAD_F(0x10101010), /* 2^8 / (2^8 - 1) == 1.00392156862745 */
+ MAD_F(0x10080402), /* 2^9 / (2^9 - 1) == 1.00195694716243 */
+ MAD_F(0x10040100), /* 2^10 / (2^10 - 1) == 1.00097751710655 */
+ MAD_F(0x10020040), /* 2^11 / (2^11 - 1) == 1.00048851978505 */
+ MAD_F(0x10010010), /* 2^12 / (2^12 - 1) == 1.00024420024420 */
+ MAD_F(0x10008004), /* 2^13 / (2^13 - 1) == 1.00012208521548 */
+ MAD_F(0x10004001), /* 2^14 / (2^14 - 1) == 1.00006103888177 */
+ MAD_F(0x10002000) /* 2^15 / (2^15 - 1) == 1.00003051850948 */
+ * NAME: I_sample()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode one requantized Layer I sample from a bitstream
+ */
+mad_fixed_t I_sample(struct mad_bitptr *ptr, unsigned int nb)
+ mad_fixed_t sample;
+ sample = mad_bit_read(ptr, nb);
+ /* invert most significant bit, extend sign, then scale to fixed format */
+ sample ^= 1 << (nb - 1);
+ sample |= -(sample & (1 << (nb - 1)));
+ sample <<= MAD_F_FRACBITS - (nb - 1);
+ /* requantize the sample */
+ /* s'' = (2^nb / (2^nb - 1)) * (s''' + 2^(-nb + 1)) */
+ sample += MAD_F_ONE >> (nb - 1);
+ return mad_f_mul(sample, linear_table[nb - 2]);
+ /* s' = factor * s'' */
+ /* (to be performed by caller) */
+ * NAME: layer->I()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a single Layer I frame
+ */
+int mad_layer_I(struct mad_stream *stream, struct mad_frame *frame)
+ struct mad_header *header = &frame->header;
+ unsigned int nch, bound, ch, s, sb, nb;
+ unsigned char allocation[2][32], scalefactor[2][32];
+ nch = MAD_NCHANNELS(header);
+ bound = 32;
+ if (header->mode == MAD_MODE_JOINT_STEREO) {
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_I_STEREO;
+ bound = 4 + header->mode_extension * 4;
+ }
+ /* check CRC word */
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION) {
+ header->crc_check =
+ mad_bit_crc(stream->ptr, 4 * (bound * nch + (32 - bound)),
+ header->crc_check);
+ if (header->crc_check != header->crc_target &&
+ !(frame->options & MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC)) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADCRC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode bit allocations */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < bound; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ nb = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 4);
+ if (nb == 15) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADBITALLOC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ allocation[ch][sb] = nb ? nb + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (sb = bound; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ nb = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 4);
+ if (nb == 15) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADBITALLOC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ allocation[0][sb] =
+ allocation[1][sb] = nb ? nb + 1 : 0;
+ }
+ /* decode scalefactors */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ if (allocation[ch][sb]) {
+ scalefactor[ch][sb] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 6);
+# if defined(OPT_STRICT)
+ /*
+ * Scalefactor index 63 does not appear in Table B.1 of
+ * ISO/IEC 11172-3. Nonetheless, other implementations accept it,
+ * so we only reject it if OPT_STRICT is defined.
+ */
+ if (scalefactor[ch][sb] == 63) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode samples */
+ for (s = 0; s < 12; ++s) {
+ for (sb = 0; sb < bound; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ nb = allocation[ch][sb];
+ frame->sbsample[ch][s][sb] = nb ?
+ mad_f_mul(I_sample(&stream->ptr, nb),
+ sf_table[scalefactor[ch][sb]]) : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (sb = bound; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ if ((nb = allocation[0][sb])) {
+ mad_fixed_t sample;
+ sample = I_sample(&stream->ptr, nb);
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ frame->sbsample[ch][s][sb] =
+ mad_f_mul(sample, sf_table[scalefactor[ch][sb]]);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch)
+ frame->sbsample[ch][s][sb] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* --- Layer II ------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* possible quantization per subband table */
+struct {
+ unsigned int sblimit;
+ unsigned char const offsets[30];
+} const sbquant_table[5] = {
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-3 Table B.2a */
+ { 27, { 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* 0 */
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-3 Table B.2b */
+ { 30, { 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* 1 */
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-3 Table B.2c */
+ { 8, { 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 } }, /* 2 */
+ /* ISO/IEC 11172-3 Table B.2d */
+ { 12, { 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 } }, /* 3 */
+ /* ISO/IEC 13818-3 Table B.1 */
+ { 30, { 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* 4 */
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } }
+/* bit allocation table */
+struct {
+ unsigned short nbal;
+ unsigned short offset;
+} const bitalloc_table[8] = {
+ { 2, 0 }, /* 0 */
+ { 2, 3 }, /* 1 */
+ { 3, 3 }, /* 2 */
+ { 3, 1 }, /* 3 */
+ { 4, 2 }, /* 4 */
+ { 4, 3 }, /* 5 */
+ { 4, 4 }, /* 6 */
+ { 4, 5 } /* 7 */
+/* offsets into quantization class table */
+unsigned char const offset_table[6][15] = {
+ { 0, 1, 16 }, /* 0 */
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16 }, /* 1 */
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 }, /* 2 */
+ { 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, /* 3 */
+ { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 }, /* 4 */
+ { 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 } /* 5 */
+/* quantization class table */
+struct quantclass {
+ unsigned short nlevels;
+ unsigned char group;
+ unsigned char bits;
+ mad_fixed_t C;
+ mad_fixed_t D;
+} const qc_table[17] = {
+# include "qc_table.dat"
+ * NAME: II_samples()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode three requantized Layer II samples from a bitstream
+ */
+void II_samples(struct mad_bitptr *ptr,
+ struct quantclass const *quantclass,
+ mad_fixed_t output[3])
+ unsigned int nb, s, sample[3];
+ if ((nb = quantclass->group)) {
+ unsigned int c, nlevels;
+ /* degrouping */
+ c = mad_bit_read(ptr, quantclass->bits);
+ nlevels = quantclass->nlevels;
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
+ sample[s] = c % nlevels;
+ c /= nlevels;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ nb = quantclass->bits;
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s)
+ sample[s] = mad_bit_read(ptr, nb);
+ }
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
+ mad_fixed_t requantized;
+ /* invert most significant bit, extend sign, then scale to fixed format */
+ requantized = sample[s] ^ (1 << (nb - 1));
+ requantized |= -(requantized & (1 << (nb - 1)));
+ requantized <<= MAD_F_FRACBITS - (nb - 1);
+ /* requantize the sample */
+ /* s'' = C * (s''' + D) */
+ output[s] = mad_f_mul(requantized + quantclass->D, quantclass->C);
+ /* s' = factor * s'' */
+ /* (to be performed by caller) */
+ }
+ * NAME: layer->II()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a single Layer II frame
+ */
+int mad_layer_II(struct mad_stream *stream, struct mad_frame *frame)
+ struct mad_header *header = &frame->header;
+ struct mad_bitptr start;
+ unsigned int index, sblimit, nbal, nch, bound, gr, ch, s, sb;
+ unsigned char const *offsets;
+ unsigned char allocation[2][32], scfsi[2][32], scalefactor[2][32][3];
+ mad_fixed_t samples[3];
+ nch = MAD_NCHANNELS(header);
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT)
+ index = 4;
+ else {
+ switch (nch == 2 ? header->bitrate / 2 : header->bitrate) {
+ case 32000:
+ case 48000:
+ index = (header->samplerate == 32000) ? 3 : 2;
+ break;
+ case 56000:
+ case 64000:
+ case 80000:
+ index = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ index = (header->samplerate == 48000) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ }
+ sblimit = sbquant_table[index].sblimit;
+ offsets = sbquant_table[index].offsets;
+ bound = 32;
+ if (header->mode == MAD_MODE_JOINT_STEREO) {
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_I_STEREO;
+ bound = 4 + header->mode_extension * 4;
+ }
+ if (bound > sblimit)
+ bound = sblimit;
+ start = stream->ptr;
+ /* decode bit allocations */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < bound; ++sb) {
+ nbal = bitalloc_table[offsets[sb]].nbal;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch)
+ allocation[ch][sb] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, nbal);
+ }
+ for (sb = bound; sb < sblimit; ++sb) {
+ nbal = bitalloc_table[offsets[sb]].nbal;
+ allocation[0][sb] =
+ allocation[1][sb] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, nbal);
+ }
+ /* decode scalefactor selection info */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < sblimit; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ if (allocation[ch][sb])
+ scfsi[ch][sb] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check CRC word */
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION) {
+ header->crc_check =
+ mad_bit_crc(start, mad_bit_length(&start, &stream->ptr),
+ header->crc_check);
+ if (header->crc_check != header->crc_target &&
+ !(frame->options & MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC)) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADCRC;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode scalefactors */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < sblimit; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ if (allocation[ch][sb]) {
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][0] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 6);
+ switch (scfsi[ch][sb]) {
+ case 2:
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][2] =
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][1] =
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][0];
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][1] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 6);
+ /* fall through */
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][2] = mad_bit_read(&stream->ptr, 6);
+ }
+ if (scfsi[ch][sb] & 1)
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][1] = scalefactor[ch][sb][scfsi[ch][sb] - 1];
+# if defined(OPT_STRICT)
+ /*
+ * Scalefactor index 63 does not appear in Table B.1 of
+ * ISO/IEC 11172-3. Nonetheless, other implementations accept it,
+ * so we only reject it if OPT_STRICT is defined.
+ */
+ if (scalefactor[ch][sb][0] == 63 ||
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][1] == 63 ||
+ scalefactor[ch][sb][2] == 63) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode samples */
+ for (gr = 0; gr < 12; ++gr) {
+ for (sb = 0; sb < bound; ++sb) {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ if ((index = allocation[ch][sb])) {
+ index = offset_table[bitalloc_table[offsets[sb]].offset][index - 1];
+ II_samples(&stream->ptr, &qc_table[index], samples);
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
+ frame->sbsample[ch][3 * gr + s][sb] =
+ mad_f_mul(samples[s], sf_table[scalefactor[ch][sb][gr / 4]]);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s)
+ frame->sbsample[ch][3 * gr + s][sb] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (sb = bound; sb < sblimit; ++sb) {
+ if ((index = allocation[0][sb])) {
+ index = offset_table[bitalloc_table[offsets[sb]].offset][index - 1];
+ II_samples(&stream->ptr, &qc_table[index], samples);
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
+ frame->sbsample[ch][3 * gr + s][sb] =
+ mad_f_mul(samples[s], sf_table[scalefactor[ch][sb][gr / 4]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s)
+ frame->sbsample[ch][3 * gr + s][sb] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ for (s = 0; s < 3; ++s) {
+ for (sb = sblimit; sb < 32; ++sb)
+ frame->sbsample[ch][3 * gr + s][sb] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/libmad/layer12.h b/src/libmad/layer12.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..273d6ac79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/layer12.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: layer12.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_LAYER12_H
+# define LIBMAD_LAYER12_H
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+int mad_layer_I(struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);
+int mad_layer_II(struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/layer3.c b/src/libmad/layer3.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1b073c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/layer3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2502 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: layer3.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include <string.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H
+# include <limits.h>
+# else
+# define CHAR_BIT 8
+# endif
+# include "fixed.h"
+# include "bit.h"
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "huffman.h"
+# include "layer3.h"
+/* --- Layer III ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+enum {
+ count1table_select = 0x01,
+ scalefac_scale = 0x02,
+ preflag = 0x04,
+ mixed_block_flag = 0x08
+enum {
+ I_STEREO = 0x1,
+ MS_STEREO = 0x2
+struct sideinfo {
+ unsigned int main_data_begin;
+ unsigned int private_bits;
+ unsigned char scfsi[2];
+ struct granule {
+ struct channel {
+ /* from side info */
+ unsigned short part2_3_length;
+ unsigned short big_values;
+ unsigned short global_gain;
+ unsigned short scalefac_compress;
+ unsigned char flags;
+ unsigned char block_type;
+ unsigned char table_select[3];
+ unsigned char subblock_gain[3];
+ unsigned char region0_count;
+ unsigned char region1_count;
+ /* from main_data */
+ unsigned char scalefac[39]; /* scalefac_l and/or scalefac_s */
+ } ch[2];
+ } gr[2];
+ * scalefactor bit lengths
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ */
+struct {
+ unsigned char slen1;
+ unsigned char slen2;
+} const sflen_table[16] = {
+ { 0, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
+ { 3, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 },
+ { 2, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 1 },
+ { 3, 2 }, { 3, 3 }, { 4, 2 }, { 4, 3 }
+ * number of LSF scalefactor band values
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 13818-3
+ */
+unsigned char const nsfb_table[6][3][4] = {
+ { { 6, 5, 5, 5 },
+ { 9, 9, 9, 9 },
+ { 6, 9, 9, 9 } },
+ { { 6, 5, 7, 3 },
+ { 9, 9, 12, 6 },
+ { 6, 9, 12, 6 } },
+ { { 11, 10, 0, 0 },
+ { 18, 18, 0, 0 },
+ { 15, 18, 0, 0 } },
+ { { 7, 7, 7, 0 },
+ { 12, 12, 12, 0 },
+ { 6, 15, 12, 0 } },
+ { { 6, 6, 6, 3 },
+ { 12, 9, 9, 6 },
+ { 6, 12, 9, 6 } },
+ { { 8, 8, 5, 0 },
+ { 15, 12, 9, 0 },
+ { 6, 18, 9, 0 } }
+ * MPEG-1 scalefactor band widths
+ * derived from Table B.8 of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ */
+unsigned char const sfb_48000_long[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10,
+ 12, 16, 18, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 54, 54, 192
+unsigned char const sfb_44100_long[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8, 10,
+ 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 34, 42, 50, 54, 76, 158
+unsigned char const sfb_32000_long[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 10, 12,
+ 16, 20, 24, 30, 38, 46, 56, 68, 84, 102, 26
+unsigned char const sfb_48000_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6,
+ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14,
+ 14, 16, 16, 16, 20, 20, 20, 26, 26, 26, 66, 66, 66
+unsigned char const sfb_44100_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6,
+ 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14,
+ 14, 18, 18, 18, 22, 22, 22, 30, 30, 30, 56, 56, 56
+unsigned char const sfb_32000_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6,
+ 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16, 20, 20,
+ 20, 26, 26, 26, 34, 34, 34, 42, 42, 42, 12, 12, 12
+unsigned char const sfb_48000_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10,
+ 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 16, 16,
+ 16, 20, 20, 20, 26, 26, 26, 66, 66, 66
+unsigned char const sfb_44100_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10,
+ 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18,
+ 18, 22, 22, 22, 30, 30, 30, 56, 56, 56
+unsigned char const sfb_32000_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 12,
+ 12, 12, 16, 16, 16, 20, 20, 20, 26, 26,
+ 26, 34, 34, 34, 42, 42, 42, 12, 12, 12
+ * MPEG-2 scalefactor band widths
+ * derived from Table B.2 of ISO/IEC 13818-3
+ */
+unsigned char const sfb_24000_long[] = {
+ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,
+ 18, 22, 26, 32, 38, 46, 54, 62, 70, 76, 36
+unsigned char const sfb_22050_long[] = {
+ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,
+ 20, 24, 28, 32, 38, 46, 52, 60, 68, 58, 54
+# define sfb_16000_long sfb_22050_long
+unsigned char const sfb_24000_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8,
+ 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18,
+ 18, 24, 24, 24, 32, 32, 32, 44, 44, 44, 12, 12, 12
+unsigned char const sfb_22050_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+ 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18,
+ 18, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 42, 42, 42, 18, 18, 18
+unsigned char const sfb_16000_short[] = {
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 8,
+ 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18,
+ 18, 24, 24, 24, 30, 30, 30, 40, 40, 40, 18, 18, 18
+unsigned char const sfb_24000_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12,
+ 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 18, 24, 24,
+ 24, 32, 32, 32, 44, 44, 44, 12, 12, 12
+unsigned char const sfb_22050_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10,
+ 10, 10, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 18, 26, 26,
+ 26, 32, 32, 32, 42, 42, 42, 18, 18, 18
+unsigned char const sfb_16000_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
+ /* short */ 6, 6, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12,
+ 12, 12, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 18, 24, 24,
+ 24, 30, 30, 30, 40, 40, 40, 18, 18, 18
+ * MPEG 2.5 scalefactor band widths
+ * derived from public sources
+ */
+# define sfb_12000_long sfb_16000_long
+# define sfb_11025_long sfb_12000_long
+unsigned char const sfb_8000_long[] = {
+ 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32,
+ 40, 48, 56, 64, 76, 90, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
+# define sfb_12000_short sfb_16000_short
+# define sfb_11025_short sfb_12000_short
+unsigned char const sfb_8000_short[] = {
+ 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 12, 12, 12, 16,
+ 16, 16, 20, 20, 20, 24, 24, 24, 28, 28, 28, 36, 36,
+ 36, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 26, 26, 26
+# define sfb_12000_mixed sfb_16000_mixed
+# define sfb_11025_mixed sfb_12000_mixed
+/* the 8000 Hz short block scalefactor bands do not break after
+ the first 36 frequency lines, so this is probably wrong */
+unsigned char const sfb_8000_mixed[] = {
+ /* long */ 12, 12, 12,
+ /* short */ 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 12, 12, 12, 16, 16, 16,
+ 20, 20, 20, 24, 24, 24, 28, 28, 28, 36, 36, 36,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 26, 26, 26
+struct {
+ unsigned char const *l;
+ unsigned char const *s;
+ unsigned char const *m;
+} const sfbwidth_table[9] = {
+ { sfb_48000_long, sfb_48000_short, sfb_48000_mixed },
+ { sfb_44100_long, sfb_44100_short, sfb_44100_mixed },
+ { sfb_32000_long, sfb_32000_short, sfb_32000_mixed },
+ { sfb_24000_long, sfb_24000_short, sfb_24000_mixed },
+ { sfb_22050_long, sfb_22050_short, sfb_22050_mixed },
+ { sfb_16000_long, sfb_16000_short, sfb_16000_mixed },
+ { sfb_12000_long, sfb_12000_short, sfb_12000_mixed },
+ { sfb_11025_long, sfb_11025_short, sfb_11025_mixed },
+ { sfb_8000_long, sfb_8000_short, sfb_8000_mixed }
+ * scalefactor band preemphasis (used only when preflag is set)
+ * derived from Table B.6 of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ */
+unsigned char const pretab[22] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0
+ * table for requantization
+ *
+ * rq_table[x].mantissa * 2^(rq_table[x].exponent) = x^(4/3)
+ */
+struct fixedfloat {
+ unsigned long mantissa : 27;
+ unsigned short exponent : 5;
+} const rq_table[8207] = {
+# include "rq_table.dat"
+ * fractional powers of two
+ * used for requantization and joint stereo decoding
+ *
+ * root_table[3 + x] = 2^(x/4)
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const root_table[7] = {
+ MAD_F(0x09837f05) /* 2^(-3/4) == 0.59460355750136 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0b504f33) /* 2^(-2/4) == 0.70710678118655 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0d744fcd) /* 2^(-1/4) == 0.84089641525371 */,
+ MAD_F(0x10000000) /* 2^( 0/4) == 1.00000000000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x1306fe0a) /* 2^(+1/4) == 1.18920711500272 */,
+ MAD_F(0x16a09e66) /* 2^(+2/4) == 1.41421356237310 */,
+ MAD_F(0x1ae89f99) /* 2^(+3/4) == 1.68179283050743 */
+ * coefficients for aliasing reduction
+ * derived from Table B.9 of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ *
+ * c[] = { -0.6, -0.535, -0.33, -0.185, -0.095, -0.041, -0.0142, -0.0037 }
+ * cs[i] = 1 / sqrt(1 + c[i]^2)
+ * ca[i] = c[i] / sqrt(1 + c[i]^2)
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const cs[8] = {
+ +MAD_F(0x0db84a81) /* +0.857492926 */, +MAD_F(0x0e1b9d7f) /* +0.881741997 */,
+ +MAD_F(0x0f31adcf) /* +0.949628649 */, +MAD_F(0x0fbba815) /* +0.983314592 */,
+ +MAD_F(0x0feda417) /* +0.995517816 */, +MAD_F(0x0ffc8fc8) /* +0.999160558 */,
+ +MAD_F(0x0fff964c) /* +0.999899195 */, +MAD_F(0x0ffff8d3) /* +0.999993155 */
+mad_fixed_t const ca[8] = {
+ -MAD_F(0x083b5fe7) /* -0.514495755 */, -MAD_F(0x078c36d2) /* -0.471731969 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x05039814) /* -0.313377454 */, -MAD_F(0x02e91dd1) /* -0.181913200 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x0183603a) /* -0.094574193 */, -MAD_F(0x00a7cb87) /* -0.040965583 */,
+ -MAD_F(0x003a2847) /* -0.014198569 */, -MAD_F(0x000f27b4) /* -0.003699975 */
+ * IMDCT coefficients for short blocks
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ *
+ * imdct_s[i/even][k] = cos((PI / 24) * (2 * (i / 2) + 7) * (2 * k + 1))
+ * imdct_s[i /odd][k] = cos((PI / 24) * (2 * (6 + (i-1)/2) + 7) * (2 * k + 1))
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const imdct_s[6][6] = {
+# include "imdct_s.dat"
+# if !defined(ASO_IMDCT)
+ * windowing coefficients for long blocks
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ *
+ * window_l[i] = sin((PI / 36) * (i + 1/2))
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const window_l[36] = {
+ MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e) /* 0.043619387 */, MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */,
+ MAD_F(0x03768962) /* 0.216439614 */, MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2) /* 0.300705800 */,
+ MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */, MAD_F(0x07635284) /* 0.461748613 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0898c779) /* 0.537299608 */, MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0acf37ad) /* 0.675590208 */, MAD_F(0x0bcbe352) /* 0.737277337 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* 0.793353340 */, MAD_F(0x0d7e8807) /* 0.843391446 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0e313245) /* 0.887010833 */, MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0f426cb5) /* 0.953716951 */, MAD_F(0x0f9ee890) /* 0.976296007 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */, MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd) /* 0.999048222 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd) /* 0.999048222 */, MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0f9ee890) /* 0.976296007 */, MAD_F(0x0f426cb5) /* 0.953716951 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */, MAD_F(0x0e313245) /* 0.887010833 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0d7e8807) /* 0.843391446 */, MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* 0.793353340 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0bcbe352) /* 0.737277337 */, MAD_F(0x0acf37ad) /* 0.675590208 */,
+ MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */, MAD_F(0x0898c779) /* 0.537299608 */,
+ MAD_F(0x07635284) /* 0.461748613 */, MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2) /* 0.300705800 */, MAD_F(0x03768962) /* 0.216439614 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */, MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e) /* 0.043619387 */,
+# endif /* ASO_IMDCT */
+ * windowing coefficients for short blocks
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ *
+ * window_s[i] = sin((PI / 12) * (i + 1/2))
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const window_s[12] = {
+ MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */, MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */,
+ MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */, MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* 0.793353340 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */, MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0fdcf549) /* 0.991444861 */, MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0cb19346) /* 0.793353340 */, MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0) /* 0.608761429 */,
+ MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */, MAD_F(0x0216a2a2) /* 0.130526192 */,
+ * coefficients for intensity stereo processing
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 11172-3
+ *
+ * is_ratio[i] = tan(i * (PI / 12))
+ * is_table[i] = is_ratio[i] / (1 + is_ratio[i])
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const is_table[7] = {
+ MAD_F(0x00000000) /* 0.000000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0361962f) /* 0.211324865 */,
+ MAD_F(0x05db3d74) /* 0.366025404 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.500000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0a24c28c) /* 0.633974596 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0c9e69d1) /* 0.788675135 */,
+ MAD_F(0x10000000) /* 1.000000000 */
+ * coefficients for LSF intensity stereo processing
+ * derived from section of ISO/IEC 13818-3
+ *
+ * is_lsf_table[0][i] = (1 / sqrt(sqrt(2)))^(i + 1)
+ * is_lsf_table[1][i] = (1 / sqrt(2)) ^(i + 1)
+ */
+mad_fixed_t const is_lsf_table[2][15] = {
+ {
+ MAD_F(0x0d744fcd) /* 0.840896415 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0b504f33) /* 0.707106781 */,
+ MAD_F(0x09837f05) /* 0.594603558 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.500000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x06ba27e6) /* 0.420448208 */,
+ MAD_F(0x05a8279a) /* 0.353553391 */,
+ MAD_F(0x04c1bf83) /* 0.297301779 */,
+ MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x035d13f3) /* 0.210224104 */,
+ MAD_F(0x02d413cd) /* 0.176776695 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0260dfc1) /* 0.148650889 */,
+ MAD_F(0x02000000) /* 0.125000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x01ae89fa) /* 0.105112052 */,
+ MAD_F(0x016a09e6) /* 0.088388348 */,
+ MAD_F(0x01306fe1) /* 0.074325445 */
+ }, {
+ MAD_F(0x0b504f33) /* 0.707106781 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.500000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x05a8279a) /* 0.353553391 */,
+ MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x02d413cd) /* 0.176776695 */,
+ MAD_F(0x02000000) /* 0.125000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x016a09e6) /* 0.088388348 */,
+ MAD_F(0x01000000) /* 0.062500000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00b504f3) /* 0.044194174 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00800000) /* 0.031250000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x005a827a) /* 0.022097087 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00400000) /* 0.015625000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x002d413d) /* 0.011048543 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00200000) /* 0.007812500 */,
+ MAD_F(0x0016a09e) /* 0.005524272 */
+ }
+ * NAME: III_sideinfo()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode frame side information from a bitstream
+ */
+enum mad_error III_sideinfo(struct mad_bitptr *ptr, unsigned int nch,
+ int lsf, struct sideinfo *si,
+ unsigned int *data_bitlen,
+ unsigned int *priv_bitlen)
+ unsigned int ngr, gr, ch, i;
+ enum mad_error result = MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+ *data_bitlen = 0;
+ *priv_bitlen = lsf ? ((nch == 1) ? 1 : 2) : ((nch == 1) ? 5 : 3);
+ si->main_data_begin = mad_bit_read(ptr, lsf ? 8 : 9);
+ si->private_bits = mad_bit_read(ptr, *priv_bitlen);
+ ngr = 1;
+ if (!lsf) {
+ ngr = 2;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch)
+ si->scfsi[ch] = mad_bit_read(ptr, 4);
+ }
+ for (gr = 0; gr < ngr; ++gr) {
+ struct granule *granule = &si->gr[gr];
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ struct channel *channel = &granule->ch[ch];
+ channel->part2_3_length = mad_bit_read(ptr, 12);
+ channel->big_values = mad_bit_read(ptr, 9);
+ channel->global_gain = mad_bit_read(ptr, 8);
+ channel->scalefac_compress = mad_bit_read(ptr, lsf ? 9 : 4);
+ *data_bitlen += channel->part2_3_length;
+ if (channel->big_values > 288 && result == 0)
+ channel->flags = 0;
+ /* window_switching_flag */
+ if (mad_bit_read(ptr, 1)) {
+ channel->block_type = mad_bit_read(ptr, 2);
+ if (channel->block_type == 0 && result == 0)
+ if (!lsf && channel->block_type == 2 && si->scfsi[ch] && result == 0)
+ channel->region0_count = 7;
+ channel->region1_count = 36;
+ if (mad_bit_read(ptr, 1))
+ channel->flags |= mixed_block_flag;
+ else if (channel->block_type == 2)
+ channel->region0_count = 8;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ channel->table_select[i] = mad_bit_read(ptr, 5);
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+ channel->table_select[2] = 4; /* not used */
+# endif
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ channel->subblock_gain[i] = mad_bit_read(ptr, 3);
+ }
+ else {
+ channel->block_type = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ channel->table_select[i] = mad_bit_read(ptr, 5);
+ channel->region0_count = mad_bit_read(ptr, 4);
+ channel->region1_count = mad_bit_read(ptr, 3);
+ }
+ /* [preflag,] scalefac_scale, count1table_select */
+ channel->flags |= mad_bit_read(ptr, lsf ? 2 : 3);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * NAME: III_scalefactors_lsf()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode channel scalefactors for LSF from a bitstream
+ */
+unsigned int III_scalefactors_lsf(struct mad_bitptr *ptr,
+ struct channel *channel,
+ struct channel *gr1ch, int mode_extension)
+ struct mad_bitptr start;
+ unsigned int scalefac_compress, index, slen[4], part, n, i;
+ unsigned char const *nsfb;
+ start = *ptr;
+ scalefac_compress = channel->scalefac_compress;
+ index = (channel->block_type == 2) ?
+ ((channel->flags & mixed_block_flag) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
+ if (!((mode_extension & I_STEREO) && gr1ch)) {
+ if (scalefac_compress < 400) {
+ slen[0] = (scalefac_compress >> 4) / 5;
+ slen[1] = (scalefac_compress >> 4) % 5;
+ slen[2] = (scalefac_compress % 16) >> 2;
+ slen[3] = scalefac_compress % 4;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[0][index];
+ }
+ else if (scalefac_compress < 500) {
+ scalefac_compress -= 400;
+ slen[0] = (scalefac_compress >> 2) / 5;
+ slen[1] = (scalefac_compress >> 2) % 5;
+ slen[2] = scalefac_compress % 4;
+ slen[3] = 0;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[1][index];
+ }
+ else {
+ scalefac_compress -= 500;
+ slen[0] = scalefac_compress / 3;
+ slen[1] = scalefac_compress % 3;
+ slen[2] = 0;
+ slen[3] = 0;
+ channel->flags |= preflag;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[2][index];
+ }
+ n = 0;
+ for (part = 0; part < 4; ++part) {
+ for (i = 0; i < nsfb[part]; ++i)
+ channel->scalefac[n++] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen[part]);
+ }
+ while (n < 39)
+ channel->scalefac[n++] = 0;
+ }
+ else { /* (mode_extension & I_STEREO) && gr1ch (i.e. ch == 1) */
+ scalefac_compress >>= 1;
+ if (scalefac_compress < 180) {
+ slen[0] = scalefac_compress / 36;
+ slen[1] = (scalefac_compress % 36) / 6;
+ slen[2] = (scalefac_compress % 36) % 6;
+ slen[3] = 0;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[3][index];
+ }
+ else if (scalefac_compress < 244) {
+ scalefac_compress -= 180;
+ slen[0] = (scalefac_compress % 64) >> 4;
+ slen[1] = (scalefac_compress % 16) >> 2;
+ slen[2] = scalefac_compress % 4;
+ slen[3] = 0;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[4][index];
+ }
+ else {
+ scalefac_compress -= 244;
+ slen[0] = scalefac_compress / 3;
+ slen[1] = scalefac_compress % 3;
+ slen[2] = 0;
+ slen[3] = 0;
+ nsfb = nsfb_table[5][index];
+ }
+ n = 0;
+ for (part = 0; part < 4; ++part) {
+ unsigned int max, is_pos;
+ max = (1 << slen[part]) - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsfb[part]; ++i) {
+ is_pos = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen[part]);
+ channel->scalefac[n] = is_pos;
+ gr1ch->scalefac[n++] = (is_pos == max);
+ }
+ }
+ while (n < 39) {
+ channel->scalefac[n] = 0;
+ gr1ch->scalefac[n++] = 0; /* apparently not illegal */
+ }
+ }
+ return mad_bit_length(&start, ptr);
+ * NAME: III_scalefactors()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode channel scalefactors of one granule from a bitstream
+ */
+unsigned int III_scalefactors(struct mad_bitptr *ptr, struct channel *channel,
+ struct channel const *gr0ch, unsigned int scfsi)
+ struct mad_bitptr start;
+ unsigned int slen1, slen2, sfbi;
+ start = *ptr;
+ slen1 = sflen_table[channel->scalefac_compress].slen1;
+ slen2 = sflen_table[channel->scalefac_compress].slen2;
+ if (channel->block_type == 2) {
+ unsigned int nsfb;
+ sfbi = 0;
+ nsfb = (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag) ? 8 + 3 * 3 : 6 * 3;
+ while (nsfb--)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi++] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen1);
+ nsfb = 6 * 3;
+ while (nsfb--)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi++] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen2);
+ nsfb = 1 * 3;
+ while (nsfb--)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi++] = 0;
+ }
+ else { /* channel->block_type != 2 */
+ if (scfsi & 0x8) {
+ for (sfbi = 0; sfbi < 6; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = gr0ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ }
+ else {
+ for (sfbi = 0; sfbi < 6; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen1);
+ }
+ if (scfsi & 0x4) {
+ for (sfbi = 6; sfbi < 11; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = gr0ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ }
+ else {
+ for (sfbi = 6; sfbi < 11; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen1);
+ }
+ if (scfsi & 0x2) {
+ for (sfbi = 11; sfbi < 16; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = gr0ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ }
+ else {
+ for (sfbi = 11; sfbi < 16; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen2);
+ }
+ if (scfsi & 0x1) {
+ for (sfbi = 16; sfbi < 21; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = gr0ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ }
+ else {
+ for (sfbi = 16; sfbi < 21; ++sfbi)
+ channel->scalefac[sfbi] = mad_bit_read(ptr, slen2);
+ }
+ channel->scalefac[21] = 0;
+ }
+ return mad_bit_length(&start, ptr);
+ * The Layer III formula for requantization and scaling is defined by
+ * section of ISO/IEC 11172-3, as follows:
+ *
+ * long blocks:
+ * xr[i] = sign(is[i]) * abs(is[i])^(4/3) *
+ * 2^((1/4) * (global_gain - 210)) *
+ * 2^-(scalefac_multiplier *
+ * (scalefac_l[sfb] + preflag * pretab[sfb]))
+ *
+ * short blocks:
+ * xr[i] = sign(is[i]) * abs(is[i])^(4/3) *
+ * 2^((1/4) * (global_gain - 210 - 8 * subblock_gain[w])) *
+ * 2^-(scalefac_multiplier * scalefac_s[sfb][w])
+ *
+ * where:
+ * scalefac_multiplier = (scalefac_scale + 1) / 2
+ *
+ * The routines III_exponents() and III_requantize() facilitate this
+ * calculation.
+ */
+ * NAME: III_exponents()
+ * DESCRIPTION: calculate scalefactor exponents
+ */
+void III_exponents(struct channel const *channel,
+ unsigned char const *sfbwidth, signed int exponents[39])
+ signed int gain;
+ unsigned int scalefac_multiplier, sfbi;
+ gain = (signed int) channel->global_gain - 210;
+ scalefac_multiplier = (channel->flags & scalefac_scale) ? 2 : 1;
+ if (channel->block_type == 2) {
+ unsigned int l;
+ signed int gain0, gain1, gain2;
+ sfbi = l = 0;
+ if (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag) {
+ unsigned int premask;
+ premask = (channel->flags & preflag) ? ~0 : 0;
+ /* long block subbands 0-1 */
+ while (l < 36) {
+ exponents[sfbi] = gain -
+ (signed int) ((channel->scalefac[sfbi] + (pretab[sfbi] & premask)) <<
+ scalefac_multiplier);
+ l += sfbwidth[sfbi++];
+ }
+ }
+ /* this is probably wrong for 8000 Hz short/mixed blocks */
+ gain0 = gain - 8 * (signed int) channel->subblock_gain[0];
+ gain1 = gain - 8 * (signed int) channel->subblock_gain[1];
+ gain2 = gain - 8 * (signed int) channel->subblock_gain[2];
+ while (l < 576) {
+ exponents[sfbi + 0] = gain0 -
+ (signed int) (channel->scalefac[sfbi + 0] << scalefac_multiplier);
+ exponents[sfbi + 1] = gain1 -
+ (signed int) (channel->scalefac[sfbi + 1] << scalefac_multiplier);
+ exponents[sfbi + 2] = gain2 -
+ (signed int) (channel->scalefac[sfbi + 2] << scalefac_multiplier);
+ l += 3 * sfbwidth[sfbi];
+ sfbi += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* channel->block_type != 2 */
+ if (channel->flags & preflag) {
+ for (sfbi = 0; sfbi < 22; ++sfbi) {
+ exponents[sfbi] = gain -
+ (signed int) ((channel->scalefac[sfbi] + pretab[sfbi]) <<
+ scalefac_multiplier);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (sfbi = 0; sfbi < 22; ++sfbi) {
+ exponents[sfbi] = gain -
+ (signed int) (channel->scalefac[sfbi] << scalefac_multiplier);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * NAME: III_requantize()
+ * DESCRIPTION: requantize one (positive) value
+ */
+mad_fixed_t III_requantize(unsigned int value, signed int exp)
+ mad_fixed_t requantized;
+ signed int frac;
+ struct fixedfloat const *power;
+ frac = exp % 4; /* assumes sign(frac) == sign(exp) */
+ exp /= 4;
+ power = &rq_table[value];
+ requantized = power->mantissa;
+ exp += power->exponent;
+ if (exp < 0) {
+ if (-exp >= sizeof(mad_fixed_t) * CHAR_BIT) {
+ /* underflow */
+ requantized = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ requantized += 1L << (-exp - 1);
+ requantized >>= -exp;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (exp >= 5) {
+ /* overflow */
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+ fprintf(stderr, "requantize overflow (%f * 2^%d)\n",
+ mad_f_todouble(requantized), exp);
+# endif
+ requantized = MAD_F_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ requantized <<= exp;
+ }
+ return frac ? mad_f_mul(requantized, root_table[3 + frac]) : requantized;
+/* we must take care that sz >= bits and sz < sizeof(long) lest bits == 0 */
+# define MASK(cache, sz, bits) \
+ (((cache) >> ((sz) - (bits))) & ((1 << (bits)) - 1))
+# define MASK1BIT(cache, sz) \
+ ((cache) & (1 << ((sz) - 1)))
+ * NAME: III_huffdecode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode Huffman code words of one channel of one granule
+ */
+enum mad_error III_huffdecode(struct mad_bitptr *ptr, mad_fixed_t xr[576],
+ struct channel *channel,
+ unsigned char const *sfbwidth,
+ unsigned int part2_length)
+ signed int exponents[39], exp;
+ signed int const *expptr;
+ struct mad_bitptr peek;
+ signed int bits_left, cachesz;
+ register mad_fixed_t *xrptr;
+ mad_fixed_t const *sfbound;
+ register unsigned long bitcache;
+ bits_left = (signed) channel->part2_3_length - (signed) part2_length;
+ if (bits_left < 0)
+ III_exponents(channel, sfbwidth, exponents);
+ peek = *ptr;
+ mad_bit_skip(ptr, bits_left);
+ /* align bit reads to byte boundaries */
+ cachesz = mad_bit_bitsleft(&peek);
+ cachesz += ((32 - 1 - 24) + (24 - cachesz)) & ~7;
+ bitcache = mad_bit_read(&peek, cachesz);
+ bits_left -= cachesz;
+ xrptr = &xr[0];
+ /* big_values */
+ {
+ unsigned int region, rcount;
+ struct hufftable const *entry;
+ union huffpair const *table;
+ unsigned int linbits, startbits, big_values, reqhits;
+ mad_fixed_t reqcache[16];
+ sfbound = xrptr + *sfbwidth++;
+ rcount = channel->region0_count + 1;
+ entry = &mad_huff_pair_table[channel->table_select[region = 0]];
+ table = entry->table;
+ linbits = entry->linbits;
+ startbits = entry->startbits;
+ if (table == 0)
+ expptr = &exponents[0];
+ exp = *expptr++;
+ reqhits = 0;
+ big_values = channel->big_values;
+ while (big_values-- && cachesz + bits_left > 0) {
+ union huffpair const *pair;
+ unsigned int clumpsz, value;
+ register mad_fixed_t requantized;
+ if (xrptr == sfbound) {
+ sfbound += *sfbwidth++;
+ /* change table if region boundary */
+ if (--rcount == 0) {
+ if (region == 0)
+ rcount = channel->region1_count + 1;
+ else
+ rcount = 0; /* all remaining */
+ entry = &mad_huff_pair_table[channel->table_select[++region]];
+ table = entry->table;
+ linbits = entry->linbits;
+ startbits = entry->startbits;
+ if (table == 0)
+ }
+ if (exp != *expptr) {
+ exp = *expptr;
+ reqhits = 0;
+ }
+ ++expptr;
+ }
+ if (cachesz < 21) {
+ unsigned int bits;
+ bits = ((32 - 1 - 21) + (21 - cachesz)) & ~7;
+ bitcache = (bitcache << bits) | mad_bit_read(&peek, bits);
+ cachesz += bits;
+ bits_left -= bits;
+ }
+ /* hcod (0..19) */
+ clumpsz = startbits;
+ pair = &table[MASK(bitcache, cachesz, clumpsz)];
+ while (!pair->final) {
+ cachesz -= clumpsz;
+ clumpsz = pair->ptr.bits;
+ pair = &table[pair->ptr.offset + MASK(bitcache, cachesz, clumpsz)];
+ }
+ cachesz -= pair->value.hlen;
+ if (linbits) {
+ /* x (0..14) */
+ value = pair->value.x;
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0:
+ xrptr[0] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ if (cachesz < linbits + 2) {
+ bitcache = (bitcache << 16) | mad_bit_read(&peek, 16);
+ cachesz += 16;
+ bits_left -= 16;
+ }
+ value += MASK(bitcache, cachesz, linbits);
+ cachesz -= linbits;
+ requantized = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ goto x_final;
+ default:
+ if (reqhits & (1 << value))
+ requantized = reqcache[value];
+ else {
+ reqhits |= (1 << value);
+ requantized = reqcache[value] = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ }
+ x_final:
+ xrptr[0] = MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ?
+ -requantized : requantized;
+ }
+ /* y (0..14) */
+ value = pair->value.y;
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0:
+ xrptr[1] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ if (cachesz < linbits + 1) {
+ bitcache = (bitcache << 16) | mad_bit_read(&peek, 16);
+ cachesz += 16;
+ bits_left -= 16;
+ }
+ value += MASK(bitcache, cachesz, linbits);
+ cachesz -= linbits;
+ requantized = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ goto y_final;
+ default:
+ if (reqhits & (1 << value))
+ requantized = reqcache[value];
+ else {
+ reqhits |= (1 << value);
+ requantized = reqcache[value] = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ }
+ y_final:
+ xrptr[1] = MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ?
+ -requantized : requantized;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* x (0..1) */
+ value = pair->value.x;
+ if (value == 0)
+ xrptr[0] = 0;
+ else {
+ if (reqhits & (1 << value))
+ requantized = reqcache[value];
+ else {
+ reqhits |= (1 << value);
+ requantized = reqcache[value] = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ }
+ xrptr[0] = MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ?
+ -requantized : requantized;
+ }
+ /* y (0..1) */
+ value = pair->value.y;
+ if (value == 0)
+ xrptr[1] = 0;
+ else {
+ if (reqhits & (1 << value))
+ requantized = reqcache[value];
+ else {
+ reqhits |= (1 << value);
+ requantized = reqcache[value] = III_requantize(value, exp);
+ }
+ xrptr[1] = MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ?
+ -requantized : requantized;
+ }
+ }
+ xrptr += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cachesz + bits_left < 0)
+ return MAD_ERROR_BADHUFFDATA; /* big_values overrun */
+ /* count1 */
+ {
+ union huffquad const *table;
+ register mad_fixed_t requantized;
+ table = mad_huff_quad_table[channel->flags & count1table_select];
+ requantized = III_requantize(1, exp);
+ while (cachesz + bits_left > 0 && xrptr <= &xr[572]) {
+ union huffquad const *quad;
+ /* hcod (1..6) */
+ if (cachesz < 10) {
+ bitcache = (bitcache << 16) | mad_bit_read(&peek, 16);
+ cachesz += 16;
+ bits_left -= 16;
+ }
+ quad = &table[MASK(bitcache, cachesz, 4)];
+ /* quad tables guaranteed to have at most one extra lookup */
+ if (!quad->final) {
+ cachesz -= 4;
+ quad = &table[quad->ptr.offset +
+ MASK(bitcache, cachesz, quad->ptr.bits)];
+ }
+ cachesz -= quad->value.hlen;
+ if (xrptr == sfbound) {
+ sfbound += *sfbwidth++;
+ if (exp != *expptr) {
+ exp = *expptr;
+ requantized = III_requantize(1, exp);
+ }
+ ++expptr;
+ }
+ /* v (0..1) */
+ xrptr[0] = quad->value.v ?
+ (MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ? -requantized : requantized) : 0;
+ /* w (0..1) */
+ xrptr[1] = quad->value.w ?
+ (MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ? -requantized : requantized) : 0;
+ xrptr += 2;
+ if (xrptr == sfbound) {
+ sfbound += *sfbwidth++;
+ if (exp != *expptr) {
+ exp = *expptr;
+ requantized = III_requantize(1, exp);
+ }
+ ++expptr;
+ }
+ /* x (0..1) */
+ xrptr[0] = quad->value.x ?
+ (MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ? -requantized : requantized) : 0;
+ /* y (0..1) */
+ xrptr[1] = quad->value.y ?
+ (MASK1BIT(bitcache, cachesz--) ? -requantized : requantized) : 0;
+ xrptr += 2;
+ }
+ if (cachesz + bits_left < 0) {
+# if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
+ fprintf(stderr, "huffman count1 overrun (%d bits)\n",
+ -(cachesz + bits_left));
+# endif
+ /* technically the bitstream is misformatted, but apparently
+ some encoders are just a bit sloppy with stuffing bits */
+ xrptr -= 4;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(-bits_left <= MAD_BUFFER_GUARD * CHAR_BIT);
+# if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
+ if (bits_left < 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "read %d bits too many\n", -bits_left);
+ else if (cachesz + bits_left > 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d stuffing bits\n", cachesz + bits_left);
+# endif
+ /* rzero */
+ while (xrptr < &xr[576]) {
+ xrptr[0] = 0;
+ xrptr[1] = 0;
+ xrptr += 2;
+ }
+ return MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+# undef MASK
+# undef MASK1BIT
+ * NAME: III_reorder()
+ * DESCRIPTION: reorder frequency lines of a short block into subband order
+ */
+void III_reorder(mad_fixed_t xr[576], struct channel const *channel,
+ unsigned char const sfbwidth[39])
+ mad_fixed_t tmp[32][3][6];
+ unsigned int sb, l, f, w, sbw[3], sw[3];
+ /* this is probably wrong for 8000 Hz mixed blocks */
+ sb = 0;
+ if (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag) {
+ sb = 2;
+ l = 0;
+ while (l < 36)
+ l += *sfbwidth++;
+ }
+ for (w = 0; w < 3; ++w) {
+ sbw[w] = sb;
+ sw[w] = 0;
+ }
+ f = *sfbwidth++;
+ w = 0;
+ for (l = 18 * sb; l < 576; ++l) {
+ if (f-- == 0) {
+ f = *sfbwidth++ - 1;
+ w = (w + 1) % 3;
+ }
+ tmp[sbw[w]][w][sw[w]++] = xr[l];
+ if (sw[w] == 6) {
+ sw[w] = 0;
+ ++sbw[w];
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(&xr[18 * sb], &tmp[sb], (576 - 18 * sb) * sizeof(mad_fixed_t));
+ * NAME: III_stereo()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform joint stereo processing on a granule
+ */
+enum mad_error III_stereo(mad_fixed_t xr[2][576],
+ struct granule const *granule,
+ struct mad_header *header,
+ unsigned char const *sfbwidth)
+ short modes[39];
+ unsigned int sfbi, l, n, i;
+ if (granule->ch[0].block_type !=
+ granule->ch[1].block_type ||
+ (granule->ch[0].flags & mixed_block_flag) !=
+ (granule->ch[1].flags & mixed_block_flag))
+ for (i = 0; i < 39; ++i)
+ modes[i] = header->mode_extension;
+ /* intensity stereo */
+ if (header->mode_extension & I_STEREO) {
+ struct channel const *right_ch = &granule->ch[1];
+ mad_fixed_t const *right_xr = xr[1];
+ unsigned int is_pos;
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_I_STEREO;
+ /* first determine which scalefactor bands are to be processed */
+ if (right_ch->block_type == 2) {
+ unsigned int lower, start, max, bound[3], w;
+ lower = start = max = bound[0] = bound[1] = bound[2] = 0;
+ sfbi = l = 0;
+ if (right_ch->flags & mixed_block_flag) {
+ while (l < 36) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi++];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (right_xr[i]) {
+ lower = sfbi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ right_xr += n;
+ l += n;
+ }
+ start = sfbi;
+ }
+ w = 0;
+ while (l < 576) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi++];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (right_xr[i]) {
+ max = bound[w] = sfbi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ right_xr += n;
+ l += n;
+ w = (w + 1) % 3;
+ }
+ if (max)
+ lower = start;
+ /* long blocks */
+ for (i = 0; i < lower; ++i)
+ modes[i] = header->mode_extension & ~I_STEREO;
+ /* short blocks */
+ w = 0;
+ for (i = start; i < max; ++i) {
+ if (i < bound[w])
+ modes[i] = header->mode_extension & ~I_STEREO;
+ w = (w + 1) % 3;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* right_ch->block_type != 2 */
+ unsigned int bound;
+ bound = 0;
+ for (sfbi = l = 0; l < 576; l += n) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi++];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (right_xr[i]) {
+ bound = sfbi;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ right_xr += n;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < bound; ++i)
+ modes[i] = header->mode_extension & ~I_STEREO;
+ }
+ /* now do the actual processing */
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) {
+ unsigned char const *illegal_pos = granule[1].ch[1].scalefac;
+ mad_fixed_t const *lsf_scale;
+ /* intensity_scale */
+ lsf_scale = is_lsf_table[right_ch->scalefac_compress & 0x1];
+ for (sfbi = l = 0; l < 576; ++sfbi, l += n) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi];
+ if (!(modes[sfbi] & I_STEREO))
+ continue;
+ if (illegal_pos[sfbi]) {
+ modes[sfbi] &= ~I_STEREO;
+ continue;
+ }
+ is_pos = right_ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ register mad_fixed_t left;
+ left = xr[0][l + i];
+ if (is_pos == 0)
+ xr[1][l + i] = left;
+ else {
+ register mad_fixed_t opposite;
+ opposite = mad_f_mul(left, lsf_scale[(is_pos - 1) / 2]);
+ if (is_pos & 1) {
+ xr[0][l + i] = opposite;
+ xr[1][l + i] = left;
+ }
+ else
+ xr[1][l + i] = opposite;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* !(header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) */
+ for (sfbi = l = 0; l < 576; ++sfbi, l += n) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi];
+ if (!(modes[sfbi] & I_STEREO))
+ continue;
+ is_pos = right_ch->scalefac[sfbi];
+ if (is_pos >= 7) { /* illegal intensity position */
+ modes[sfbi] &= ~I_STEREO;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ register mad_fixed_t left;
+ left = xr[0][l + i];
+ xr[0][l + i] = mad_f_mul(left, is_table[ is_pos]);
+ xr[1][l + i] = mad_f_mul(left, is_table[6 - is_pos]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* middle/side stereo */
+ if (header->mode_extension & MS_STEREO) {
+ register mad_fixed_t invsqrt2;
+ header->flags |= MAD_FLAG_MS_STEREO;
+ invsqrt2 = root_table[3 + -2];
+ for (sfbi = l = 0; l < 576; ++sfbi, l += n) {
+ n = sfbwidth[sfbi];
+ if (modes[sfbi] != MS_STEREO)
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ register mad_fixed_t m, s;
+ m = xr[0][l + i];
+ s = xr[1][l + i];
+ xr[0][l + i] = mad_f_mul(m + s, invsqrt2); /* l = (m + s) / sqrt(2) */
+ xr[1][l + i] = mad_f_mul(m - s, invsqrt2); /* r = (m - s) / sqrt(2) */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+ * NAME: III_aliasreduce()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform frequency line alias reduction
+ */
+void III_aliasreduce(mad_fixed_t xr[576], int lines)
+ mad_fixed_t const *bound;
+ int i;
+ bound = &xr[lines];
+ for (xr += 18; xr < bound; xr += 18) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ register mad_fixed_t a, b;
+ register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
+ a = xr[-1 - i];
+ b = xr[ i];
+# if defined(ASO_ZEROCHECK)
+ if (a | b) {
+# endif
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, a, cs[i]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, -b, ca[i]);
+ xr[-1 - i] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, b, cs[i]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, a, ca[i]);
+ xr[ i] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+# if defined(ASO_ZEROCHECK)
+ }
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+# if defined(ASO_IMDCT)
+void III_imdct_l(mad_fixed_t const [18], mad_fixed_t [36], unsigned int);
+# else
+ * NAME: imdct36
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform X[18]->x[36] IMDCT
+ */
+static inline
+void imdct36(mad_fixed_t const X[18], mad_fixed_t x[36])
+ mad_fixed_t t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
+ mad_fixed_t t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15;
+ register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[4], MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[13], MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ t6 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t14 = X[1] - X[10]), -MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t15 = X[7] + X[16]), -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ t0 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t8 = X[0] - X[11] - X[12]), MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t9 = X[2] - X[9] - X[14]), MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t10 = X[3] - X[8] - X[15]), -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, (t11 = X[5] - X[6] - X[17]), -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ x[7] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ x[10] = -x[7];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t8, -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t9, MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t10, MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t11, -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ x[19] = x[34] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) - t0;
+ t12 = X[0] - X[3] + X[8] - X[11] - X[12] + X[15];
+ t13 = X[2] + X[5] - X[6] - X[9] - X[14] - X[17];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t12, -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t13, MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ x[22] = x[31] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t0;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[1], -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[7], MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[10], -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[16], MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ t1 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t6;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ x[6] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t1;
+ x[11] = -x[6];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ x[23] = x[30] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t1;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ x[18] = x[35] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) - t1;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[4], MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[13], -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ t7 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[1], -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[7], MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[10], MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[16], -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ t2 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ x[5] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ x[12] = -x[5];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ x[0] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t2;
+ x[17] = -x[0];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ x[24] = x[29] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t2;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[1], -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[7], -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[10], MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[16], MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ t3 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t7;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ x[8] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t3;
+ x[9] = -x[8];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ x[21] = x[32] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t3;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ x[20] = x[33] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) - t3;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t14, -MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t15, MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ t4 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) - t7;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t12, MAD_F(0x061f78aa));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t13, MAD_F(0x0ec835e8));
+ x[4] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t4;
+ x[13] = -x[4];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t8, MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t9, -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t10, MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t11, -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ x[1] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t4;
+ x[16] = -x[1];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, t8, -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t9, -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t10, -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, t11, -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ x[25] = x[28] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t4;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[1], -MAD_F(0x0fdcf549));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[7], -MAD_F(0x0cb19346));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[10], -MAD_F(0x09bd7ca0));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[16], -MAD_F(0x0216a2a2));
+ t5 = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) - t6;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ x[2] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t5;
+ x[15] = -x[2];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ x[3] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t5;
+ x[14] = -x[3];
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], -MAD_F(0x0ffc19fd));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], -MAD_F(0x0f9ee890));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], -MAD_F(0x0f426cb5));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], -MAD_F(0x0e313245));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[6], -MAD_F(0x0d7e8807));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[8], -MAD_F(0x0bcbe352));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[9], -MAD_F(0x0acf37ad));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[11], -MAD_F(0x0898c779));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[12], -MAD_F(0x07635284));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[14], -MAD_F(0x04cfb0e2));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[15], -MAD_F(0x03768962));
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[17], -MAD_F(0x00b2aa3e));
+ x[26] = x[27] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo) + t5;
+ * NAME: III_imdct_l()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform IMDCT and windowing for long blocks
+ */
+void III_imdct_l(mad_fixed_t const X[18], mad_fixed_t z[36],
+ unsigned int block_type)
+ unsigned int i;
+ /* IMDCT */
+ imdct36(X, z);
+ /* windowing */
+ switch (block_type) {
+ case 0: /* normal window */
+# if defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE1)
+ {
+ register mad_fixed_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ tmp1 = window_l[0];
+ tmp2 = window_l[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < 34; i += 2) {
+ z[i + 0] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 0], tmp1);
+ tmp1 = window_l[i + 2];
+ z[i + 1] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 1], tmp2);
+ tmp2 = window_l[i + 3];
+ }
+ z[34] = mad_f_mul(z[34], tmp1);
+ z[35] = mad_f_mul(z[35], tmp2);
+ }
+# elif defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE2)
+ {
+ register mad_fixed_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ tmp1 = z[0];
+ tmp2 = window_l[0];
+ for (i = 0; i < 35; ++i) {
+ z[i] = mad_f_mul(tmp1, tmp2);
+ tmp1 = z[i + 1];
+ tmp2 = window_l[i + 1];
+ }
+ z[35] = mad_f_mul(tmp1, tmp2);
+ }
+# elif 1
+ for (i = 0; i < 36; i += 4) {
+ z[i + 0] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 0], window_l[i + 0]);
+ z[i + 1] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 1], window_l[i + 1]);
+ z[i + 2] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 2], window_l[i + 2]);
+ z[i + 3] = mad_f_mul(z[i + 3], window_l[i + 3]);
+ }
+# else
+ for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i) z[i] = mad_f_mul(z[i], window_l[i]);
+# endif
+ break;
+ case 1: /* start block */
+ for (i = 0; i < 18; ++i) z[i] = mad_f_mul(z[i], window_l[i]);
+ /* (i = 18; i < 24; ++i) z[i] unchanged */
+ for (i = 24; i < 30; ++i) z[i] = mad_f_mul(z[i], window_s[i - 18]);
+ for (i = 30; i < 36; ++i) z[i] = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3: /* stop block */
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) z[i] = 0;
+ for (i = 6; i < 12; ++i) z[i] = mad_f_mul(z[i], window_s[i - 6]);
+ /* (i = 12; i < 18; ++i) z[i] unchanged */
+ for (i = 18; i < 36; ++i) z[i] = mad_f_mul(z[i], window_l[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+# endif /* ASO_IMDCT */
+ * NAME: III_imdct_s()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform IMDCT and windowing for short blocks
+ */
+void III_imdct_s(mad_fixed_t const X[18], mad_fixed_t z[36])
+ mad_fixed_t y[36], *yptr;
+ mad_fixed_t const *wptr;
+ int w, i;
+ register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
+ /* IMDCT */
+ yptr = &y[0];
+ for (w = 0; w < 3; ++w) {
+ register mad_fixed_t const (*s)[6];
+ s = imdct_s;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], (*s)[0]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[1], (*s)[1]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], (*s)[2]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], (*s)[3]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[4], (*s)[4]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], (*s)[5]);
+ yptr[i + 0] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ yptr[5 - i] = -yptr[i + 0];
+ ++s;
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, X[0], (*s)[0]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[1], (*s)[1]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[2], (*s)[2]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[3], (*s)[3]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[4], (*s)[4]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, X[5], (*s)[5]);
+ yptr[ i + 6] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ yptr[11 - i] = yptr[i + 6];
+ ++s;
+ }
+ yptr += 12;
+ X += 6;
+ }
+ /* windowing, overlapping and concatenation */
+ yptr = &y[0];
+ wptr = &window_s[0];
+ for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ z[i + 0] = 0;
+ z[i + 6] = mad_f_mul(yptr[ 0 + 0], wptr[0]);
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, yptr[ 0 + 6], wptr[6]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, yptr[12 + 0], wptr[0]);
+ z[i + 12] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ MAD_F_ML0(hi, lo, yptr[12 + 6], wptr[6]);
+ MAD_F_MLA(hi, lo, yptr[24 + 0], wptr[0]);
+ z[i + 18] = MAD_F_MLZ(hi, lo);
+ z[i + 24] = mad_f_mul(yptr[24 + 6], wptr[6]);
+ z[i + 30] = 0;
+ ++yptr;
+ ++wptr;
+ }
+ * NAME: III_overlap()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform overlap-add of windowed IMDCT outputs
+ */
+void III_overlap(mad_fixed_t const output[36], mad_fixed_t overlap[18],
+ mad_fixed_t sample[18][32], unsigned int sb)
+ unsigned int i;
+# if defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE2)
+ {
+ register mad_fixed_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ tmp1 = overlap[0];
+ tmp2 = overlap[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) {
+ sample[i + 0][sb] = output[i + 0 + 0] + tmp1;
+ overlap[i + 0] = output[i + 0 + 18];
+ tmp1 = overlap[i + 2];
+ sample[i + 1][sb] = output[i + 1 + 0] + tmp2;
+ overlap[i + 1] = output[i + 1 + 18];
+ tmp2 = overlap[i + 3];
+ }
+ sample[16][sb] = output[16 + 0] + tmp1;
+ overlap[16] = output[16 + 18];
+ sample[17][sb] = output[17 + 0] + tmp2;
+ overlap[17] = output[17 + 18];
+ }
+# elif 0
+ for (i = 0; i < 18; i += 2) {
+ sample[i + 0][sb] = output[i + 0 + 0] + overlap[i + 0];
+ overlap[i + 0] = output[i + 0 + 18];
+ sample[i + 1][sb] = output[i + 1 + 0] + overlap[i + 1];
+ overlap[i + 1] = output[i + 1 + 18];
+ }
+# else
+ for (i = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
+ sample[i][sb] = output[i + 0] + overlap[i];
+ overlap[i] = output[i + 18];
+ }
+# endif
+ * NAME: III_overlap_z()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform "overlap-add" of zero IMDCT outputs
+ */
+static inline
+void III_overlap_z(mad_fixed_t overlap[18],
+ mad_fixed_t sample[18][32], unsigned int sb)
+ unsigned int i;
+# if defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE2)
+ {
+ register mad_fixed_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ tmp1 = overlap[0];
+ tmp2 = overlap[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) {
+ sample[i + 0][sb] = tmp1;
+ overlap[i + 0] = 0;
+ tmp1 = overlap[i + 2];
+ sample[i + 1][sb] = tmp2;
+ overlap[i + 1] = 0;
+ tmp2 = overlap[i + 3];
+ }
+ sample[16][sb] = tmp1;
+ overlap[16] = 0;
+ sample[17][sb] = tmp2;
+ overlap[17] = 0;
+ }
+# else
+ for (i = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
+ sample[i][sb] = overlap[i];
+ overlap[i] = 0;
+ }
+# endif
+ * NAME: III_freqinver()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform subband frequency inversion for odd sample lines
+ */
+void III_freqinver(mad_fixed_t sample[18][32], unsigned int sb)
+ unsigned int i;
+# if 1 || defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE1) || defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE2)
+ {
+ register mad_fixed_t tmp1, tmp2;
+ tmp1 = sample[1][sb];
+ tmp2 = sample[3][sb];
+ for (i = 1; i < 13; i += 4) {
+ sample[i + 0][sb] = -tmp1;
+ tmp1 = sample[i + 4][sb];
+ sample[i + 2][sb] = -tmp2;
+ tmp2 = sample[i + 6][sb];
+ }
+ sample[13][sb] = -tmp1;
+ tmp1 = sample[17][sb];
+ sample[15][sb] = -tmp2;
+ sample[17][sb] = -tmp1;
+ }
+# else
+ for (i = 1; i < 18; i += 2)
+ sample[i][sb] = -sample[i][sb];
+# endif
+ * NAME: III_decode()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode frame main_data
+ */
+enum mad_error III_decode(struct mad_bitptr *ptr, struct mad_frame *frame,
+ struct sideinfo *si, unsigned int nch)
+ struct mad_header *header = &frame->header;
+ unsigned int sfreqi, ngr, gr;
+ {
+ unsigned int sfreq;
+ sfreq = header->samplerate;
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT)
+ sfreq *= 2;
+ /* 48000 => 0, 44100 => 1, 32000 => 2,
+ 24000 => 3, 22050 => 4, 16000 => 5 */
+ sfreqi = ((sfreq >> 7) & 0x000f) +
+ ((sfreq >> 15) & 0x0001) - 8;
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_MPEG_2_5_EXT)
+ sfreqi += 3;
+ }
+ /* scalefactors, Huffman decoding, requantization */
+ ngr = (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) ? 1 : 2;
+ for (gr = 0; gr < ngr; ++gr) {
+ struct granule *granule = &si->gr[gr];
+ unsigned char const *sfbwidth[2];
+ mad_fixed_t xr[2][576];
+ unsigned int ch;
+ enum mad_error error;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ struct channel *channel = &granule->ch[ch];
+ unsigned int part2_length;
+ sfbwidth[ch] = sfbwidth_table[sfreqi].l;
+ if (channel->block_type == 2) {
+ sfbwidth[ch] = (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag) ?
+ sfbwidth_table[sfreqi].m : sfbwidth_table[sfreqi].s;
+ }
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) {
+ part2_length = III_scalefactors_lsf(ptr, channel,
+ ch == 0 ? 0 : &si->gr[1].ch[1],
+ header->mode_extension);
+ }
+ else {
+ part2_length = III_scalefactors(ptr, channel, &si->gr[0].ch[ch],
+ gr == 0 ? 0 : si->scfsi[ch]);
+ }
+ error = III_huffdecode(ptr, xr[ch], channel, sfbwidth[ch], part2_length);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* joint stereo processing */
+ if (header->mode == MAD_MODE_JOINT_STEREO && header->mode_extension) {
+ error = III_stereo(xr, granule, header, sfbwidth[0]);
+ if (error)
+ return error;
+ }
+ /* reordering, alias reduction, IMDCT, overlap-add, frequency inversion */
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ struct channel const *channel = &granule->ch[ch];
+ mad_fixed_t (*sample)[32] = &frame->sbsample[ch][18 * gr];
+ unsigned int sb, l, i, sblimit;
+ mad_fixed_t output[36];
+ if (channel->block_type == 2) {
+ III_reorder(xr[ch], channel, sfbwidth[ch]);
+# if !defined(OPT_STRICT)
+ /*
+ * According to ISO/IEC 11172-3, "Alias reduction is not applied for
+ * granules with block_type == 2 (short block)." However, other
+ * sources suggest alias reduction should indeed be performed on the
+ * lower two subbands of mixed blocks. Most other implementations do
+ * this, so by default we will too.
+ */
+ if (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag)
+ III_aliasreduce(xr[ch], 36);
+# endif
+ }
+ else
+ III_aliasreduce(xr[ch], 576);
+ l = 0;
+ /* subbands 0-1 */
+ if (channel->block_type != 2 || (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag)) {
+ unsigned int block_type;
+ block_type = channel->block_type;
+ if (channel->flags & mixed_block_flag)
+ block_type = 0;
+ /* long blocks */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < 2; ++sb, l += 18) {
+ III_imdct_l(&xr[ch][l], output, block_type);
+ III_overlap(output, (*frame->overlap)[ch][sb], sample, sb);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* short blocks */
+ for (sb = 0; sb < 2; ++sb, l += 18) {
+ III_imdct_s(&xr[ch][l], output);
+ III_overlap(output, (*frame->overlap)[ch][sb], sample, sb);
+ }
+ }
+ III_freqinver(sample, 1);
+ /* (nonzero) subbands 2-31 */
+ i = 576;
+ while (i > 36 && xr[ch][i - 1] == 0)
+ --i;
+ sblimit = 32 - (576 - i) / 18;
+ if (channel->block_type != 2) {
+ /* long blocks */
+ for (sb = 2; sb < sblimit; ++sb, l += 18) {
+ III_imdct_l(&xr[ch][l], output, channel->block_type);
+ III_overlap(output, (*frame->overlap)[ch][sb], sample, sb);
+ if (sb & 1)
+ III_freqinver(sample, sb);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* short blocks */
+ for (sb = 2; sb < sblimit; ++sb, l += 18) {
+ III_imdct_s(&xr[ch][l], output);
+ III_overlap(output, (*frame->overlap)[ch][sb], sample, sb);
+ if (sb & 1)
+ III_freqinver(sample, sb);
+ }
+ }
+ /* remaining (zero) subbands */
+ for (sb = sblimit; sb < 32; ++sb) {
+ III_overlap_z((*frame->overlap)[ch][sb], sample, sb);
+ if (sb & 1)
+ III_freqinver(sample, sb);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+ * NAME: layer->III()
+ * DESCRIPTION: decode a single Layer III frame
+ */
+int mad_layer_III(struct mad_stream *stream, struct mad_frame *frame)
+ struct mad_header *header = &frame->header;
+ unsigned int nch, priv_bitlen, next_md_begin = 0;
+ unsigned int si_len, data_bitlen, md_len;
+ unsigned int frame_space, frame_used, frame_free;
+ struct mad_bitptr ptr;
+ struct sideinfo si;
+ enum mad_error error;
+ int result = 0;
+ /* allocate Layer III dynamic structures */
+ if (stream->main_data == 0) {
+ stream->main_data = malloc(MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
+ if (stream->main_data == 0) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_NOMEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (frame->overlap == 0) {
+ frame->overlap = calloc(2 * 32 * 18, sizeof(mad_fixed_t));
+ if (frame->overlap == 0) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_NOMEM;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ nch = MAD_NCHANNELS(header);
+ si_len = (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT) ?
+ (nch == 1 ? 9 : 17) : (nch == 1 ? 17 : 32);
+ /* check frame sanity */
+ if (stream->next_frame - mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr) <
+ (signed int) si_len) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADFRAMELEN;
+ stream->md_len = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* check CRC word */
+ if (header->flags & MAD_FLAG_PROTECTION) {
+ header->crc_check =
+ mad_bit_crc(stream->ptr, si_len * CHAR_BIT, header->crc_check);
+ if (header->crc_check != header->crc_target &&
+ !(frame->options & MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC)) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADCRC;
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* decode frame side information */
+ error = III_sideinfo(&stream->ptr, nch, header->flags & MAD_FLAG_LSF_EXT,
+ &si, &data_bitlen, &priv_bitlen);
+ if (error && result == 0) {
+ stream->error = error;
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ header->flags |= priv_bitlen;
+ header->private_bits |= si.private_bits;
+ /* find main_data of next frame */
+ {
+ struct mad_bitptr peek;
+ unsigned long header;
+ mad_bit_init(&peek, stream->next_frame);
+ header = mad_bit_read(&peek, 32);
+ if ((header & 0xffe60000L) /* syncword | layer */ == 0xffe20000L) {
+ if (!(header & 0x00010000L)) /* protection_bit */
+ mad_bit_skip(&peek, 16); /* crc_check */
+ next_md_begin =
+ mad_bit_read(&peek, (header & 0x00080000L) /* ID */ ? 9 : 8);
+ }
+ mad_bit_finish(&peek);
+ }
+ /* find main_data of this frame */
+ frame_space = stream->next_frame - mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr);
+ if (next_md_begin > si.main_data_begin + frame_space)
+ next_md_begin = 0;
+ md_len = si.main_data_begin + frame_space - next_md_begin;
+ frame_used = 0;
+ if (si.main_data_begin == 0) {
+ ptr = stream->ptr;
+ stream->md_len = 0;
+ frame_used = md_len;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (si.main_data_begin > stream->md_len) {
+ if (result == 0) {
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_BADDATAPTR;
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mad_bit_init(&ptr,
+ *stream->main_data + stream->md_len - si.main_data_begin);
+ if (md_len > si.main_data_begin) {
+ assert(stream->md_len + md_len -
+ si.main_data_begin <= MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN);
+ memcpy(*stream->main_data + stream->md_len,
+ mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr),
+ frame_used = md_len - si.main_data_begin);
+ stream->md_len += frame_used;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ frame_free = frame_space - frame_used;
+ /* decode main_data */
+ if (result == 0) {
+ error = III_decode(&ptr, frame, &si, nch);
+ if (error) {
+ stream->error = error;
+ result = -1;
+ }
+ /* designate ancillary bits */
+ stream->anc_ptr = ptr;
+ stream->anc_bitlen = md_len * CHAR_BIT - data_bitlen;
+ }
+# if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "main_data_begin:%u, md_len:%u, frame_free:%u, "
+ "data_bitlen:%u, anc_bitlen: %u\n",
+ si.main_data_begin, md_len, frame_free,
+ data_bitlen, stream->anc_bitlen);
+# endif
+ /* preload main_data buffer with up to 511 bytes for next frame(s) */
+ if (frame_free >= next_md_begin) {
+ memcpy(*stream->main_data,
+ stream->next_frame - next_md_begin, next_md_begin);
+ stream->md_len = next_md_begin;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (md_len < si.main_data_begin) {
+ unsigned int extra;
+ extra = si.main_data_begin - md_len;
+ if (extra + frame_free > next_md_begin)
+ extra = next_md_begin - frame_free;
+ if (extra < stream->md_len) {
+ memmove(*stream->main_data,
+ *stream->main_data + stream->md_len - extra, extra);
+ stream->md_len = extra;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ stream->md_len = 0;
+ memcpy(*stream->main_data + stream->md_len,
+ stream->next_frame - frame_free, frame_free);
+ stream->md_len += frame_free;
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/libmad/layer3.h b/src/libmad/layer3.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07ab47805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/layer3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: layer3.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_LAYER3_H
+# define LIBMAD_LAYER3_H
+# include "stream.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+int mad_layer_III(struct mad_stream *, struct mad_frame *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/libmad.list.in b/src/libmad/libmad.list.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4718fef3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/libmad.list.in
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# @configure_input@
+# Directories...
+# Product information
+%product @PACKAGE@
+%copyright GPL
+%vendor Underbit Technologies, Inc. <info@underbit.com>
+%license @srcdir@/COPYING
+%readme @srcdir@/README
+%description libmad is an MPEG audio decoder library.
+%version @VERSION@
+%packager Giuseppe "Cowo" Corbelli <cowo@lugbs.linux.it>
+%system all
+f 0755 root root @libdir@/libmad.la .libs/libmad.lai
+f 0644 root root @libdir@/libmad.a .libs/libmad.a
+f 0644 root root @includedir@/mad.h mad.h
diff --git a/src/libmad/mad.h.sed b/src/libmad/mad.h.sed
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2691b951e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/mad.h.sed
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: mad.h.sed,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+s/ \* libmad - /&/
+t copy
+b next
+: copy
+s|^ \* \$\(Id: .*\) \$$|/* \1 */|p
+/^ \*\/$/d
+b copy
+/^# *include "/d
+: next
diff --git a/src/libmad/minimad.c b/src/libmad/minimad.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb4f7154a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/minimad.c
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: minimad.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include <stdio.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <sys/mman.h>
+# include "mad.h"
+ * This is perhaps the simplest example use of the MAD high-level API.
+ * Standard input is mapped into memory via mmap(), then the high-level API
+ * is invoked with three callbacks: input, output, and error. The output
+ * callback converts MAD's high-resolution PCM samples to 16 bits, then
+ * writes them to standard output in little-endian, stereo-interleaved
+ * format.
+ */
+static int decode(unsigned char const *, unsigned long);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ struct stat stat;
+ void *fdm;
+ if (argc != 1)
+ return 1;
+ if (fstat(STDIN_FILENO, &stat) == -1 ||
+ stat.st_size == 0)
+ return 2;
+ fdm = mmap(0, stat.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, STDIN_FILENO, 0);
+ if (fdm == MAP_FAILED)
+ return 3;
+ decode(fdm, stat.st_size);
+ if (munmap(fdm, stat.st_size) == -1)
+ return 4;
+ return 0;
+ * This is a private message structure. A generic pointer to this structure
+ * is passed to each of the callback functions. Put here any data you need
+ * to access from within the callbacks.
+ */
+struct buffer {
+ unsigned char const *start;
+ unsigned long length;
+ * This is the input callback. The purpose of this callback is to (re)fill
+ * the stream buffer which is to be decoded. In this example, an entire file
+ * has been mapped into memory, so we just call mad_stream_buffer() with the
+ * address and length of the mapping. When this callback is called a second
+ * time, we are finished decoding.
+ */
+enum mad_flow input(void *data,
+ struct mad_stream *stream)
+ struct buffer *buffer = data;
+ if (!buffer->length)
+ return MAD_FLOW_STOP;
+ mad_stream_buffer(stream, buffer->start, buffer->length);
+ buffer->length = 0;
+ * The following utility routine performs simple rounding, clipping, and
+ * scaling of MAD's high-resolution samples down to 16 bits. It does not
+ * perform any dithering or noise shaping, which would be recommended to
+ * obtain any exceptional audio quality. It is therefore not recommended to
+ * use this routine if high-quality output is desired.
+ */
+static inline
+signed int scale(mad_fixed_t sample)
+ /* round */
+ sample += (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS - 16));
+ /* clip */
+ if (sample >= MAD_F_ONE)
+ sample = MAD_F_ONE - 1;
+ else if (sample < -MAD_F_ONE)
+ sample = -MAD_F_ONE;
+ /* quantize */
+ return sample >> (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - 16);
+ * This is the output callback function. It is called after each frame of
+ * MPEG audio data has been completely decoded. The purpose of this callback
+ * is to output (or play) the decoded PCM audio.
+ */
+enum mad_flow output(void *data,
+ struct mad_header const *header,
+ struct mad_pcm *pcm)
+ unsigned int nchannels, nsamples;
+ mad_fixed_t const *left_ch, *right_ch;
+ /* pcm->samplerate contains the sampling frequency */
+ nchannels = pcm->channels;
+ nsamples = pcm->length;
+ left_ch = pcm->samples[0];
+ right_ch = pcm->samples[1];
+ while (nsamples--) {
+ signed int sample;
+ /* output sample(s) in 16-bit signed little-endian PCM */
+ sample = scale(*left_ch++);
+ putchar((sample >> 0) & 0xff);
+ putchar((sample >> 8) & 0xff);
+ if (nchannels == 2) {
+ sample = scale(*right_ch++);
+ putchar((sample >> 0) & 0xff);
+ putchar((sample >> 8) & 0xff);
+ }
+ }
+ * This is the error callback function. It is called whenever a decoding
+ * error occurs. The error is indicated by stream->error; the list of
+ * possible MAD_ERROR_* errors can be found in the mad.h (or
+ * libmad/stream.h) header file.
+ */
+enum mad_flow error(void *data,
+ struct mad_stream *stream,
+ struct mad_frame *frame)
+ struct buffer *buffer = data;
+ fprintf(stderr, "decoding error 0x%04x (%s) at byte offset %u\n",
+ stream->error, mad_stream_errorstr(stream),
+ stream->this_frame - buffer->start);
+ /* return MAD_FLOW_BREAK here to stop decoding (and propagate an error) */
+ * This is the function called by main() above to perform all the
+ * decoding. It instantiates a decoder object and configures it with the
+ * input, output, and error callback functions above. A single call to
+ * mad_decoder_run() continues until a callback function returns
+ * MAD_FLOW_STOP (to stop decoding) or MAD_FLOW_BREAK (to stop decoding and
+ * signal an error).
+ */
+int decode(unsigned char const *start, unsigned long length)
+ struct buffer buffer;
+ struct mad_decoder decoder;
+ int result;
+ /* initialize our private message structure */
+ buffer.start = start;
+ buffer.length = length;
+ /* configure input, output, and error functions */
+ mad_decoder_init(&decoder, &buffer,
+ input, 0 /* header */, 0 /* filter */, output,
+ error, 0 /* message */);
+ /* start decoding */
+ result = mad_decoder_run(&decoder, MAD_DECODER_MODE_SYNC);
+ /* release the decoder */
+ mad_decoder_finish(&decoder);
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/libmad/qc_table.dat b/src/libmad/qc_table.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67a159b25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/qc_table.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: qc_table.dat,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ * These are the Layer II classes of quantization.
+ * The table is derived from Table B.4 of ISO/IEC 11172-3.
+ */
+ { 3, 2, 5,
+ MAD_F(0x15555555) /* 1.33333333333 => 1.33333333209, e 0.00000000124 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.50000000000 => 0.50000000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 5, 3, 7,
+ MAD_F(0x1999999a) /* 1.60000000000 => 1.60000000149, e -0.00000000149 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.50000000000 => 0.50000000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 7, 0, 3,
+ MAD_F(0x12492492) /* 1.14285714286 => 1.14285714179, e 0.00000000107 */,
+ MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.25000000000 => 0.25000000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 9, 4, 10,
+ MAD_F(0x1c71c71c) /* 1.77777777777 => 1.77777777612, e 0.00000000165 */,
+ MAD_F(0x08000000) /* 0.50000000000 => 0.50000000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 15, 0, 4,
+ MAD_F(0x11111111) /* 1.06666666666 => 1.06666666642, e 0.00000000024 */,
+ MAD_F(0x02000000) /* 0.12500000000 => 0.12500000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 31, 0, 5,
+ MAD_F(0x10842108) /* 1.03225806452 => 1.03225806355, e 0.00000000097 */,
+ MAD_F(0x01000000) /* 0.06250000000 => 0.06250000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 63, 0, 6,
+ MAD_F(0x10410410) /* 1.01587301587 => 1.01587301493, e 0.00000000094 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00800000) /* 0.03125000000 => 0.03125000000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 127, 0, 7,
+ MAD_F(0x10204081) /* 1.00787401575 => 1.00787401572, e 0.00000000003 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00400000) /* 0.01562500000 => 0.01562500000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 255, 0, 8,
+ MAD_F(0x10101010) /* 1.00392156863 => 1.00392156839, e 0.00000000024 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00200000) /* 0.00781250000 => 0.00781250000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 511, 0, 9,
+ MAD_F(0x10080402) /* 1.00195694716 => 1.00195694715, e 0.00000000001 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00100000) /* 0.00390625000 => 0.00390625000, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 1023, 0, 10,
+ MAD_F(0x10040100) /* 1.00097751711 => 1.00097751617, e 0.00000000094 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00080000) /* 0.00195312500 => 0.00195312500, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 2047, 0, 11,
+ MAD_F(0x10020040) /* 1.00048851979 => 1.00048851967, e 0.00000000012 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00040000) /* 0.00097656250 => 0.00097656250, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 4095, 0, 12,
+ MAD_F(0x10010010) /* 1.00024420024 => 1.00024420023, e 0.00000000001 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00020000) /* 0.00048828125 => 0.00048828125, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 8191, 0, 13,
+ MAD_F(0x10008004) /* 1.00012208522 => 1.00012208521, e 0.00000000001 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00010000) /* 0.00024414063 => 0.00024414062, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 16383, 0, 14,
+ MAD_F(0x10004001) /* 1.00006103888 => 1.00006103888, e -0.00000000000 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00008000) /* 0.00012207031 => 0.00012207031, e -0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 32767, 0, 15,
+ MAD_F(0x10002000) /* 1.00003051851 => 1.00003051758, e 0.00000000093 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00004000) /* 0.00006103516 => 0.00006103516, e 0.00000000000 */ },
+ { 65535, 0, 16,
+ MAD_F(0x10001000) /* 1.00001525902 => 1.00001525879, e 0.00000000023 */,
+ MAD_F(0x00002000) /* 0.00003051758 => 0.00003051758, e 0.00000000000 */ }
diff --git a/src/libmad/rq_table.dat b/src/libmad/rq_table.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47010085f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/rq_table.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,8747 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: rq_table.dat,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ * This is the lookup table used to compute x^(4/3) for Layer III
+ * requantization. To maintain the best possible accuracy, the value is
+ * stored as a normalized mantissa with exponent. The requantization
+ * algorithm recombines these parts with appropriate scaling.
+ */
+ /* 0 */ { MAD_F(0x00000000) /* 0.000000000 */, 0 },
+ /* 1 */ { MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */, 2 },
+ /* 2 */ { MAD_F(0x050a28be) /* 0.314980262 */, 3 },
+ /* 3 */ { MAD_F(0x0453a5cd) /* 0.270421794 */, 4 },
+ /* 4 */ { MAD_F(0x06597fa9) /* 0.396850263 */, 4 },
+ /* 5 */ { MAD_F(0x04466275) /* 0.267183742 */, 5 },
+ /* 6 */ { MAD_F(0x05738c72) /* 0.340710111 */, 5 },
+ /* 7 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1fc81) /* 0.418453696 */, 5 },
+ /* 8 */ { MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */, 6 },
+ /* 9 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae20d7) /* 0.292511788 */, 6 },
+ /* 10 */ { MAD_F(0x0562d694) /* 0.336630420 */, 6 },
+ /* 11 */ { MAD_F(0x061dae96) /* 0.382246578 */, 6 },
+ /* 12 */ { MAD_F(0x06de47f4) /* 0.429267841 */, 6 },
+ /* 13 */ { MAD_F(0x07a44f7a) /* 0.477614858 */, 6 },
+ /* 14 */ { MAD_F(0x0437be65) /* 0.263609310 */, 7 },
+ /* 15 */ { MAD_F(0x049fc824) /* 0.289009227 */, 7 },
+ /* 16 */ { MAD_F(0x050a28be) /* 0.314980262 */, 7 },
+ /* 17 */ { MAD_F(0x0576c6f5) /* 0.341498336 */, 7 },
+ /* 18 */ { MAD_F(0x05e58c0b) /* 0.368541759 */, 7 },
+ /* 19 */ { MAD_F(0x06566361) /* 0.396090870 */, 7 },
+ /* 20 */ { MAD_F(0x06c93a2e) /* 0.424127753 */, 7 },
+ /* 21 */ { MAD_F(0x073dff3e) /* 0.452635998 */, 7 },
+ /* 22 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4a2bc) /* 0.481600510 */, 7 },
+ /* 23 */ { MAD_F(0x04168b05) /* 0.255503674 */, 8 },
+ /* 24 */ { MAD_F(0x0453a5cd) /* 0.270421794 */, 8 },
+ /* 25 */ { MAD_F(0x04919b6a) /* 0.285548607 */, 8 },
+ /* 26 */ { MAD_F(0x04d065fb) /* 0.300878507 */, 8 },
+ /* 27 */ { MAD_F(0x05100000) /* 0.316406250 */, 8 },
+ /* 28 */ { MAD_F(0x05506451) /* 0.332126919 */, 8 },
+ /* 29 */ { MAD_F(0x05918e15) /* 0.348035890 */, 8 },
+ /* 30 */ { MAD_F(0x05d378bb) /* 0.364128809 */, 8 },
+ /* 31 */ { MAD_F(0x06161ff3) /* 0.380401563 */, 8 },
+ /* 32 */ { MAD_F(0x06597fa9) /* 0.396850263 */, 8 },
+ /* 33 */ { MAD_F(0x069d9400) /* 0.413471222 */, 8 },
+ /* 34 */ { MAD_F(0x06e2594c) /* 0.430260942 */, 8 },
+ /* 35 */ { MAD_F(0x0727cc11) /* 0.447216097 */, 8 },
+ /* 36 */ { MAD_F(0x076de8fc) /* 0.464333519 */, 8 },
+ /* 37 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4ace3) /* 0.481610189 */, 8 },
+ /* 38 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc14bf) /* 0.499043224 */, 8 },
+ /* 39 */ { MAD_F(0x04220ed7) /* 0.258314934 */, 9 },
+ /* 40 */ { MAD_F(0x04466275) /* 0.267183742 */, 9 },
+ /* 41 */ { MAD_F(0x046b03e7) /* 0.276126771 */, 9 },
+ /* 42 */ { MAD_F(0x048ff1e8) /* 0.285142811 */, 9 },
+ /* 43 */ { MAD_F(0x04b52b3f) /* 0.294230696 */, 9 },
+ /* 44 */ { MAD_F(0x04daaec0) /* 0.303389310 */, 9 },
+ /* 45 */ { MAD_F(0x05007b49) /* 0.312617576 */, 9 },
+ /* 46 */ { MAD_F(0x05268fc6) /* 0.321914457 */, 9 },
+ /* 47 */ { MAD_F(0x054ceb2a) /* 0.331278957 */, 9 },
+ /* 48 */ { MAD_F(0x05738c72) /* 0.340710111 */, 9 },
+ /* 49 */ { MAD_F(0x059a72a5) /* 0.350206992 */, 9 },
+ /* 50 */ { MAD_F(0x05c19cd3) /* 0.359768701 */, 9 },
+ /* 51 */ { MAD_F(0x05e90a12) /* 0.369394372 */, 9 },
+ /* 52 */ { MAD_F(0x0610b982) /* 0.379083164 */, 9 },
+ /* 53 */ { MAD_F(0x0638aa48) /* 0.388834268 */, 9 },
+ /* 54 */ { MAD_F(0x0660db91) /* 0.398646895 */, 9 },
+ /* 55 */ { MAD_F(0x06894c90) /* 0.408520284 */, 9 },
+ /* 56 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1fc81) /* 0.418453696 */, 9 },
+ /* 57 */ { MAD_F(0x06daeaa1) /* 0.428446415 */, 9 },
+ /* 58 */ { MAD_F(0x07041636) /* 0.438497744 */, 9 },
+ /* 59 */ { MAD_F(0x072d7e8b) /* 0.448607009 */, 9 },
+ /* 60 */ { MAD_F(0x075722ef) /* 0.458773552 */, 9 },
+ /* 61 */ { MAD_F(0x078102b8) /* 0.468996735 */, 9 },
+ /* 62 */ { MAD_F(0x07ab1d3e) /* 0.479275937 */, 9 },
+ /* 63 */ { MAD_F(0x07d571e0) /* 0.489610555 */, 9 },
+ /* 64 */ { MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */, 10 },
+ /* 65 */ { MAD_F(0x04156381) /* 0.255221850 */, 10 },
+ /* 66 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae32a) /* 0.260470548 */, 10 },
+ /* 67 */ { MAD_F(0x04407eb1) /* 0.265745823 */, 10 },
+ /* 68 */ { MAD_F(0x045635cf) /* 0.271047409 */, 10 },
+ /* 69 */ { MAD_F(0x046c083e) /* 0.276375048 */, 10 },
+ /* 70 */ { MAD_F(0x0481f5bb) /* 0.281728487 */, 10 },
+ /* 71 */ { MAD_F(0x0497fe03) /* 0.287107481 */, 10 },
+ /* 72 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae20d7) /* 0.292511788 */, 10 },
+ /* 73 */ { MAD_F(0x04c45df6) /* 0.297941173 */, 10 },
+ /* 74 */ { MAD_F(0x04dab524) /* 0.303395408 */, 10 },
+ /* 75 */ { MAD_F(0x04f12624) /* 0.308874267 */, 10 },
+ /* 76 */ { MAD_F(0x0507b0bc) /* 0.314377532 */, 10 },
+ /* 77 */ { MAD_F(0x051e54b1) /* 0.319904987 */, 10 },
+ /* 78 */ { MAD_F(0x053511cb) /* 0.325456423 */, 10 },
+ /* 79 */ { MAD_F(0x054be7d4) /* 0.331031635 */, 10 },
+ /* 80 */ { MAD_F(0x0562d694) /* 0.336630420 */, 10 },
+ /* 81 */ { MAD_F(0x0579ddd8) /* 0.342252584 */, 10 },
+ /* 82 */ { MAD_F(0x0590fd6c) /* 0.347897931 */, 10 },
+ /* 83 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8351c) /* 0.353566275 */, 10 },
+ /* 84 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf84b8) /* 0.359257429 */, 10 },
+ /* 85 */ { MAD_F(0x05d6ec0e) /* 0.364971213 */, 10 },
+ /* 86 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee6aef) /* 0.370707448 */, 10 },
+ /* 87 */ { MAD_F(0x0606012b) /* 0.376465960 */, 10 },
+ /* 88 */ { MAD_F(0x061dae96) /* 0.382246578 */, 10 },
+ /* 89 */ { MAD_F(0x06357302) /* 0.388049134 */, 10 },
+ /* 90 */ { MAD_F(0x064d4e43) /* 0.393873464 */, 10 },
+ /* 91 */ { MAD_F(0x0665402d) /* 0.399719406 */, 10 },
+ /* 92 */ { MAD_F(0x067d4896) /* 0.405586801 */, 10 },
+ /* 93 */ { MAD_F(0x06956753) /* 0.411475493 */, 10 },
+ /* 94 */ { MAD_F(0x06ad9c3d) /* 0.417385331 */, 10 },
+ /* 95 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5e72b) /* 0.423316162 */, 10 },
+ /* 96 */ { MAD_F(0x06de47f4) /* 0.429267841 */, 10 },
+ /* 97 */ { MAD_F(0x06f6be73) /* 0.435240221 */, 10 },
+ /* 98 */ { MAD_F(0x070f4a80) /* 0.441233161 */, 10 },
+ /* 99 */ { MAD_F(0x0727ebf7) /* 0.447246519 */, 10 },
+ /* 100 */ { MAD_F(0x0740a2b2) /* 0.453280160 */, 10 },
+ /* 101 */ { MAD_F(0x07596e8d) /* 0.459333946 */, 10 },
+ /* 102 */ { MAD_F(0x07724f64) /* 0.465407744 */, 10 },
+ /* 103 */ { MAD_F(0x078b4514) /* 0.471501425 */, 10 },
+ /* 104 */ { MAD_F(0x07a44f7a) /* 0.477614858 */, 10 },
+ /* 105 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd6e75) /* 0.483747918 */, 10 },
+ /* 106 */ { MAD_F(0x07d6a1e2) /* 0.489900479 */, 10 },
+ /* 107 */ { MAD_F(0x07efe9a1) /* 0.496072418 */, 10 },
+ /* 108 */ { MAD_F(0x0404a2c9) /* 0.251131807 */, 11 },
+ /* 109 */ { MAD_F(0x04115aca) /* 0.254236974 */, 11 },
+ /* 110 */ { MAD_F(0x041e1cc4) /* 0.257351652 */, 11 },
+ /* 111 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae8a7) /* 0.260475783 */, 11 },
+ /* 112 */ { MAD_F(0x0437be65) /* 0.263609310 */, 11 },
+ /* 113 */ { MAD_F(0x04449dee) /* 0.266752177 */, 11 },
+ /* 114 */ { MAD_F(0x04518733) /* 0.269904329 */, 11 },
+ /* 115 */ { MAD_F(0x045e7a26) /* 0.273065710 */, 11 },
+ /* 116 */ { MAD_F(0x046b76b9) /* 0.276236269 */, 11 },
+ /* 117 */ { MAD_F(0x04787cdc) /* 0.279415952 */, 11 },
+ /* 118 */ { MAD_F(0x04858c83) /* 0.282604707 */, 11 },
+ /* 119 */ { MAD_F(0x0492a59f) /* 0.285802482 */, 11 },
+ /* 120 */ { MAD_F(0x049fc824) /* 0.289009227 */, 11 },
+ /* 121 */ { MAD_F(0x04acf402) /* 0.292224893 */, 11 },
+ /* 122 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba292e) /* 0.295449429 */, 11 },
+ /* 123 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7679a) /* 0.298682788 */, 11 },
+ /* 124 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4af3a) /* 0.301924921 */, 11 },
+ /* 125 */ { MAD_F(0x04e20000) /* 0.305175781 */, 11 },
+ /* 126 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef59e0) /* 0.308435322 */, 11 },
+ /* 127 */ { MAD_F(0x04fcbcce) /* 0.311703498 */, 11 },
+ /* 128 */ { MAD_F(0x050a28be) /* 0.314980262 */, 11 },
+ /* 129 */ { MAD_F(0x05179da4) /* 0.318265572 */, 11 },
+ /* 130 */ { MAD_F(0x05251b73) /* 0.321559381 */, 11 },
+ /* 131 */ { MAD_F(0x0532a220) /* 0.324861647 */, 11 },
+ /* 132 */ { MAD_F(0x054031a0) /* 0.328172327 */, 11 },
+ /* 133 */ { MAD_F(0x054dc9e7) /* 0.331491377 */, 11 },
+ /* 134 */ { MAD_F(0x055b6ae9) /* 0.334818756 */, 11 },
+ /* 135 */ { MAD_F(0x0569149c) /* 0.338154423 */, 11 },
+ /* 136 */ { MAD_F(0x0576c6f5) /* 0.341498336 */, 11 },
+ /* 137 */ { MAD_F(0x058481e9) /* 0.344850455 */, 11 },
+ /* 138 */ { MAD_F(0x0592456d) /* 0.348210741 */, 11 },
+ /* 139 */ { MAD_F(0x05a01176) /* 0.351579152 */, 11 },
+ /* 140 */ { MAD_F(0x05ade5fa) /* 0.354955651 */, 11 },
+ /* 141 */ { MAD_F(0x05bbc2ef) /* 0.358340200 */, 11 },
+ /* 142 */ { MAD_F(0x05c9a84a) /* 0.361732758 */, 11 },
+ /* 143 */ { MAD_F(0x05d79601) /* 0.365133291 */, 11 },
+ /* 144 */ { MAD_F(0x05e58c0b) /* 0.368541759 */, 11 },
+ /* 145 */ { MAD_F(0x05f38a5d) /* 0.371958126 */, 11 },
+ /* 146 */ { MAD_F(0x060190ee) /* 0.375382356 */, 11 },
+ /* 147 */ { MAD_F(0x060f9fb3) /* 0.378814413 */, 11 },
+ /* 148 */ { MAD_F(0x061db6a5) /* 0.382254261 */, 11 },
+ /* 149 */ { MAD_F(0x062bd5b8) /* 0.385701865 */, 11 },
+ /* 150 */ { MAD_F(0x0639fce4) /* 0.389157191 */, 11 },
+ /* 151 */ { MAD_F(0x06482c1f) /* 0.392620204 */, 11 },
+ /* 152 */ { MAD_F(0x06566361) /* 0.396090870 */, 11 },
+ /* 153 */ { MAD_F(0x0664a2a0) /* 0.399569155 */, 11 },
+ /* 154 */ { MAD_F(0x0672e9d4) /* 0.403055027 */, 11 },
+ /* 155 */ { MAD_F(0x068138f3) /* 0.406548452 */, 11 },
+ /* 156 */ { MAD_F(0x068f8ff5) /* 0.410049398 */, 11 },
+ /* 157 */ { MAD_F(0x069deed1) /* 0.413557833 */, 11 },
+ /* 158 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac557f) /* 0.417073724 */, 11 },
+ /* 159 */ { MAD_F(0x06bac3f6) /* 0.420597041 */, 11 },
+ /* 160 */ { MAD_F(0x06c93a2e) /* 0.424127753 */, 11 },
+ /* 161 */ { MAD_F(0x06d7b81f) /* 0.427665827 */, 11 },
+ /* 162 */ { MAD_F(0x06e63dc0) /* 0.431211234 */, 11 },
+ /* 163 */ { MAD_F(0x06f4cb09) /* 0.434763944 */, 11 },
+ /* 164 */ { MAD_F(0x07035ff3) /* 0.438323927 */, 11 },
+ /* 165 */ { MAD_F(0x0711fc75) /* 0.441891153 */, 11 },
+ /* 166 */ { MAD_F(0x0720a087) /* 0.445465593 */, 11 },
+ /* 167 */ { MAD_F(0x072f4c22) /* 0.449047217 */, 11 },
+ /* 168 */ { MAD_F(0x073dff3e) /* 0.452635998 */, 11 },
+ /* 169 */ { MAD_F(0x074cb9d3) /* 0.456231906 */, 11 },
+ /* 170 */ { MAD_F(0x075b7bdb) /* 0.459834914 */, 11 },
+ /* 171 */ { MAD_F(0x076a454c) /* 0.463444993 */, 11 },
+ /* 172 */ { MAD_F(0x07791620) /* 0.467062117 */, 11 },
+ /* 173 */ { MAD_F(0x0787ee50) /* 0.470686258 */, 11 },
+ /* 174 */ { MAD_F(0x0796cdd4) /* 0.474317388 */, 11 },
+ /* 175 */ { MAD_F(0x07a5b4a5) /* 0.477955481 */, 11 },
+ /* 176 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4a2bc) /* 0.481600510 */, 11 },
+ /* 177 */ { MAD_F(0x07c39812) /* 0.485252449 */, 11 },
+ /* 178 */ { MAD_F(0x07d294a0) /* 0.488911273 */, 11 },
+ /* 179 */ { MAD_F(0x07e1985f) /* 0.492576954 */, 11 },
+ /* 180 */ { MAD_F(0x07f0a348) /* 0.496249468 */, 11 },
+ /* 181 */ { MAD_F(0x07ffb554) /* 0.499928790 */, 11 },
+ /* 182 */ { MAD_F(0x0407673f) /* 0.251807447 */, 12 },
+ /* 183 */ { MAD_F(0x040ef75e) /* 0.253653877 */, 12 },
+ /* 184 */ { MAD_F(0x04168b05) /* 0.255503674 */, 12 },
+ /* 185 */ { MAD_F(0x041e2230) /* 0.257356825 */, 12 },
+ /* 186 */ { MAD_F(0x0425bcdd) /* 0.259213318 */, 12 },
+ /* 187 */ { MAD_F(0x042d5b07) /* 0.261073141 */, 12 },
+ /* 188 */ { MAD_F(0x0434fcad) /* 0.262936282 */, 12 },
+ /* 189 */ { MAD_F(0x043ca1c9) /* 0.264802730 */, 12 },
+ /* 190 */ { MAD_F(0x04444a5a) /* 0.266672472 */, 12 },
+ /* 191 */ { MAD_F(0x044bf65d) /* 0.268545497 */, 12 },
+ /* 192 */ { MAD_F(0x0453a5cd) /* 0.270421794 */, 12 },
+ /* 193 */ { MAD_F(0x045b58a9) /* 0.272301352 */, 12 },
+ /* 194 */ { MAD_F(0x04630eed) /* 0.274184158 */, 12 },
+ /* 195 */ { MAD_F(0x046ac896) /* 0.276070203 */, 12 },
+ /* 196 */ { MAD_F(0x047285a2) /* 0.277959474 */, 12 },
+ /* 197 */ { MAD_F(0x047a460c) /* 0.279851960 */, 12 },
+ /* 198 */ { MAD_F(0x048209d3) /* 0.281747652 */, 12 },
+ /* 199 */ { MAD_F(0x0489d0f4) /* 0.283646538 */, 12 },
+ /* 200 */ { MAD_F(0x04919b6a) /* 0.285548607 */, 12 },
+ /* 201 */ { MAD_F(0x04996935) /* 0.287453849 */, 12 },
+ /* 202 */ { MAD_F(0x04a13a50) /* 0.289362253 */, 12 },
+ /* 203 */ { MAD_F(0x04a90eba) /* 0.291273810 */, 12 },
+ /* 204 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0e66e) /* 0.293188507 */, 12 },
+ /* 205 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8c16c) /* 0.295106336 */, 12 },
+ /* 206 */ { MAD_F(0x04c09faf) /* 0.297027285 */, 12 },
+ /* 207 */ { MAD_F(0x04c88135) /* 0.298951346 */, 12 },
+ /* 208 */ { MAD_F(0x04d065fb) /* 0.300878507 */, 12 },
+ /* 209 */ { MAD_F(0x04d84dff) /* 0.302808759 */, 12 },
+ /* 210 */ { MAD_F(0x04e0393e) /* 0.304742092 */, 12 },
+ /* 211 */ { MAD_F(0x04e827b6) /* 0.306678497 */, 12 },
+ /* 212 */ { MAD_F(0x04f01963) /* 0.308617963 */, 12 },
+ /* 213 */ { MAD_F(0x04f80e44) /* 0.310560480 */, 12 },
+ /* 214 */ { MAD_F(0x05000655) /* 0.312506041 */, 12 },
+ /* 215 */ { MAD_F(0x05080195) /* 0.314454634 */, 12 },
+ /* 216 */ { MAD_F(0x05100000) /* 0.316406250 */, 12 },
+ /* 217 */ { MAD_F(0x05180194) /* 0.318360880 */, 12 },
+ /* 218 */ { MAD_F(0x0520064f) /* 0.320318516 */, 12 },
+ /* 219 */ { MAD_F(0x05280e2d) /* 0.322279147 */, 12 },
+ /* 220 */ { MAD_F(0x0530192e) /* 0.324242764 */, 12 },
+ /* 221 */ { MAD_F(0x0538274e) /* 0.326209359 */, 12 },
+ /* 222 */ { MAD_F(0x0540388a) /* 0.328178922 */, 12 },
+ /* 223 */ { MAD_F(0x05484ce2) /* 0.330151445 */, 12 },
+ /* 224 */ { MAD_F(0x05506451) /* 0.332126919 */, 12 },
+ /* 225 */ { MAD_F(0x05587ed5) /* 0.334105334 */, 12 },
+ /* 226 */ { MAD_F(0x05609c6e) /* 0.336086683 */, 12 },
+ /* 227 */ { MAD_F(0x0568bd17) /* 0.338070956 */, 12 },
+ /* 228 */ { MAD_F(0x0570e0cf) /* 0.340058145 */, 12 },
+ /* 229 */ { MAD_F(0x05790793) /* 0.342048241 */, 12 },
+ /* 230 */ { MAD_F(0x05813162) /* 0.344041237 */, 12 },
+ /* 231 */ { MAD_F(0x05895e39) /* 0.346037122 */, 12 },
+ /* 232 */ { MAD_F(0x05918e15) /* 0.348035890 */, 12 },
+ /* 233 */ { MAD_F(0x0599c0f4) /* 0.350037532 */, 12 },
+ /* 234 */ { MAD_F(0x05a1f6d5) /* 0.352042040 */, 12 },
+ /* 235 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa2fb5) /* 0.354049405 */, 12 },
+ /* 236 */ { MAD_F(0x05b26b92) /* 0.356059619 */, 12 },
+ /* 237 */ { MAD_F(0x05baaa69) /* 0.358072674 */, 12 },
+ /* 238 */ { MAD_F(0x05c2ec39) /* 0.360088563 */, 12 },
+ /* 239 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb3100) /* 0.362107278 */, 12 },
+ /* 240 */ { MAD_F(0x05d378bb) /* 0.364128809 */, 12 },
+ /* 241 */ { MAD_F(0x05dbc368) /* 0.366153151 */, 12 },
+ /* 242 */ { MAD_F(0x05e41105) /* 0.368180294 */, 12 },
+ /* 243 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec6190) /* 0.370210231 */, 12 },
+ /* 244 */ { MAD_F(0x05f4b507) /* 0.372242955 */, 12 },
+ /* 245 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd0b68) /* 0.374278458 */, 12 },
+ /* 246 */ { MAD_F(0x060564b1) /* 0.376316732 */, 12 },
+ /* 247 */ { MAD_F(0x060dc0e0) /* 0.378357769 */, 12 },
+ /* 248 */ { MAD_F(0x06161ff3) /* 0.380401563 */, 12 },
+ /* 249 */ { MAD_F(0x061e81e8) /* 0.382448106 */, 12 },
+ /* 250 */ { MAD_F(0x0626e6bc) /* 0.384497391 */, 12 },
+ /* 251 */ { MAD_F(0x062f4e6f) /* 0.386549409 */, 12 },
+ /* 252 */ { MAD_F(0x0637b8fd) /* 0.388604155 */, 12 },
+ /* 253 */ { MAD_F(0x06402666) /* 0.390661620 */, 12 },
+ /* 254 */ { MAD_F(0x064896a7) /* 0.392721798 */, 12 },
+ /* 255 */ { MAD_F(0x065109be) /* 0.394784681 */, 12 },
+ /* 256 */ { MAD_F(0x06597fa9) /* 0.396850263 */, 12 },
+ /* 257 */ { MAD_F(0x0661f867) /* 0.398918536 */, 12 },
+ /* 258 */ { MAD_F(0x066a73f5) /* 0.400989493 */, 12 },
+ /* 259 */ { MAD_F(0x0672f252) /* 0.403063128 */, 12 },
+ /* 260 */ { MAD_F(0x067b737c) /* 0.405139433 */, 12 },
+ /* 261 */ { MAD_F(0x0683f771) /* 0.407218402 */, 12 },
+ /* 262 */ { MAD_F(0x068c7e2f) /* 0.409300027 */, 12 },
+ /* 263 */ { MAD_F(0x069507b5) /* 0.411384303 */, 12 },
+ /* 264 */ { MAD_F(0x069d9400) /* 0.413471222 */, 12 },
+ /* 265 */ { MAD_F(0x06a6230f) /* 0.415560778 */, 12 },
+ /* 266 */ { MAD_F(0x06aeb4e0) /* 0.417652964 */, 12 },
+ /* 267 */ { MAD_F(0x06b74971) /* 0.419747773 */, 12 },
+ /* 268 */ { MAD_F(0x06bfe0c0) /* 0.421845199 */, 12 },
+ /* 269 */ { MAD_F(0x06c87acc) /* 0.423945235 */, 12 },
+ /* 270 */ { MAD_F(0x06d11794) /* 0.426047876 */, 12 },
+ /* 271 */ { MAD_F(0x06d9b714) /* 0.428153114 */, 12 },
+ /* 272 */ { MAD_F(0x06e2594c) /* 0.430260942 */, 12 },
+ /* 273 */ { MAD_F(0x06eafe3a) /* 0.432371356 */, 12 },
+ /* 274 */ { MAD_F(0x06f3a5dc) /* 0.434484348 */, 12 },
+ /* 275 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc5030) /* 0.436599912 */, 12 },
+ /* 276 */ { MAD_F(0x0704fd35) /* 0.438718042 */, 12 },
+ /* 277 */ { MAD_F(0x070dacea) /* 0.440838732 */, 12 },
+ /* 278 */ { MAD_F(0x07165f4b) /* 0.442961975 */, 12 },
+ /* 279 */ { MAD_F(0x071f1459) /* 0.445087765 */, 12 },
+ /* 280 */ { MAD_F(0x0727cc11) /* 0.447216097 */, 12 },
+ /* 281 */ { MAD_F(0x07308671) /* 0.449346964 */, 12 },
+ /* 282 */ { MAD_F(0x07394378) /* 0.451480360 */, 12 },
+ /* 283 */ { MAD_F(0x07420325) /* 0.453616280 */, 12 },
+ /* 284 */ { MAD_F(0x074ac575) /* 0.455754717 */, 12 },
+ /* 285 */ { MAD_F(0x07538a67) /* 0.457895665 */, 12 },
+ /* 286 */ { MAD_F(0x075c51fa) /* 0.460039119 */, 12 },
+ /* 287 */ { MAD_F(0x07651c2c) /* 0.462185072 */, 12 },
+ /* 288 */ { MAD_F(0x076de8fc) /* 0.464333519 */, 12 },
+ /* 289 */ { MAD_F(0x0776b867) /* 0.466484455 */, 12 },
+ /* 290 */ { MAD_F(0x077f8a6d) /* 0.468637872 */, 12 },
+ /* 291 */ { MAD_F(0x07885f0b) /* 0.470793767 */, 12 },
+ /* 292 */ { MAD_F(0x07913641) /* 0.472952132 */, 12 },
+ /* 293 */ { MAD_F(0x079a100c) /* 0.475112962 */, 12 },
+ /* 294 */ { MAD_F(0x07a2ec6c) /* 0.477276252 */, 12 },
+ /* 295 */ { MAD_F(0x07abcb5f) /* 0.479441997 */, 12 },
+ /* 296 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4ace3) /* 0.481610189 */, 12 },
+ /* 297 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd90f6) /* 0.483780825 */, 12 },
+ /* 298 */ { MAD_F(0x07c67798) /* 0.485953899 */, 12 },
+ /* 299 */ { MAD_F(0x07cf60c7) /* 0.488129404 */, 12 },
+ /* 300 */ { MAD_F(0x07d84c81) /* 0.490307336 */, 12 },
+ /* 301 */ { MAD_F(0x07e13ac5) /* 0.492487690 */, 12 },
+ /* 302 */ { MAD_F(0x07ea2b92) /* 0.494670459 */, 12 },
+ /* 303 */ { MAD_F(0x07f31ee6) /* 0.496855639 */, 12 },
+ /* 304 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc14bf) /* 0.499043224 */, 12 },
+ /* 305 */ { MAD_F(0x0402868e) /* 0.250616605 */, 13 },
+ /* 306 */ { MAD_F(0x040703ff) /* 0.251712795 */, 13 },
+ /* 307 */ { MAD_F(0x040b82b0) /* 0.252810180 */, 13 },
+ /* 308 */ { MAD_F(0x041002a1) /* 0.253908756 */, 13 },
+ /* 309 */ { MAD_F(0x041483d1) /* 0.255008523 */, 13 },
+ /* 310 */ { MAD_F(0x04190640) /* 0.256109476 */, 13 },
+ /* 311 */ { MAD_F(0x041d89ed) /* 0.257211614 */, 13 },
+ /* 312 */ { MAD_F(0x04220ed7) /* 0.258314934 */, 13 },
+ /* 313 */ { MAD_F(0x042694fe) /* 0.259419433 */, 13 },
+ /* 314 */ { MAD_F(0x042b1c60) /* 0.260525110 */, 13 },
+ /* 315 */ { MAD_F(0x042fa4fe) /* 0.261631960 */, 13 },
+ /* 316 */ { MAD_F(0x04342ed7) /* 0.262739982 */, 13 },
+ /* 317 */ { MAD_F(0x0438b9e9) /* 0.263849174 */, 13 },
+ /* 318 */ { MAD_F(0x043d4635) /* 0.264959533 */, 13 },
+ /* 319 */ { MAD_F(0x0441d3b9) /* 0.266071056 */, 13 },
+ /* 320 */ { MAD_F(0x04466275) /* 0.267183742 */, 13 },
+ /* 321 */ { MAD_F(0x044af269) /* 0.268297587 */, 13 },
+ /* 322 */ { MAD_F(0x044f8393) /* 0.269412589 */, 13 },
+ /* 323 */ { MAD_F(0x045415f3) /* 0.270528746 */, 13 },
+ /* 324 */ { MAD_F(0x0458a989) /* 0.271646056 */, 13 },
+ /* 325 */ { MAD_F(0x045d3e53) /* 0.272764515 */, 13 },
+ /* 326 */ { MAD_F(0x0461d451) /* 0.273884123 */, 13 },
+ /* 327 */ { MAD_F(0x04666b83) /* 0.275004875 */, 13 },
+ /* 328 */ { MAD_F(0x046b03e7) /* 0.276126771 */, 13 },
+ /* 329 */ { MAD_F(0x046f9d7e) /* 0.277249808 */, 13 },
+ /* 330 */ { MAD_F(0x04743847) /* 0.278373983 */, 13 },
+ /* 331 */ { MAD_F(0x0478d440) /* 0.279499294 */, 13 },
+ /* 332 */ { MAD_F(0x047d716a) /* 0.280625739 */, 13 },
+ /* 333 */ { MAD_F(0x04820fc3) /* 0.281753315 */, 13 },
+ /* 334 */ { MAD_F(0x0486af4c) /* 0.282882021 */, 13 },
+ /* 335 */ { MAD_F(0x048b5003) /* 0.284011853 */, 13 },
+ /* 336 */ { MAD_F(0x048ff1e8) /* 0.285142811 */, 13 },
+ /* 337 */ { MAD_F(0x049494fb) /* 0.286274891 */, 13 },
+ /* 338 */ { MAD_F(0x0499393a) /* 0.287408091 */, 13 },
+ /* 339 */ { MAD_F(0x049ddea5) /* 0.288542409 */, 13 },
+ /* 340 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2853c) /* 0.289677844 */, 13 },
+ /* 341 */ { MAD_F(0x04a72cfe) /* 0.290814392 */, 13 },
+ /* 342 */ { MAD_F(0x04abd5ea) /* 0.291952051 */, 13 },
+ /* 343 */ { MAD_F(0x04b08000) /* 0.293090820 */, 13 },
+ /* 344 */ { MAD_F(0x04b52b3f) /* 0.294230696 */, 13 },
+ /* 345 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9d7a7) /* 0.295371678 */, 13 },
+ /* 346 */ { MAD_F(0x04be8537) /* 0.296513762 */, 13 },
+ /* 347 */ { MAD_F(0x04c333ee) /* 0.297656947 */, 13 },
+ /* 348 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7e3cc) /* 0.298801231 */, 13 },
+ /* 349 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc94d1) /* 0.299946611 */, 13 },
+ /* 350 */ { MAD_F(0x04d146fb) /* 0.301093085 */, 13 },
+ /* 351 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5fa4b) /* 0.302240653 */, 13 },
+ /* 352 */ { MAD_F(0x04daaec0) /* 0.303389310 */, 13 },
+ /* 353 */ { MAD_F(0x04df6458) /* 0.304539056 */, 13 },
+ /* 354 */ { MAD_F(0x04e41b14) /* 0.305689888 */, 13 },
+ /* 355 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8d2f3) /* 0.306841804 */, 13 },
+ /* 356 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed8bf5) /* 0.307994802 */, 13 },
+ /* 357 */ { MAD_F(0x04f24618) /* 0.309148880 */, 13 },
+ /* 358 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7015d) /* 0.310304037 */, 13 },
+ /* 359 */ { MAD_F(0x04fbbdc3) /* 0.311460269 */, 13 },
+ /* 360 */ { MAD_F(0x05007b49) /* 0.312617576 */, 13 },
+ /* 361 */ { MAD_F(0x050539ef) /* 0.313775954 */, 13 },
+ /* 362 */ { MAD_F(0x0509f9b4) /* 0.314935403 */, 13 },
+ /* 363 */ { MAD_F(0x050eba98) /* 0.316095920 */, 13 },
+ /* 364 */ { MAD_F(0x05137c9a) /* 0.317257503 */, 13 },
+ /* 365 */ { MAD_F(0x05183fba) /* 0.318420150 */, 13 },
+ /* 366 */ { MAD_F(0x051d03f7) /* 0.319583859 */, 13 },
+ /* 367 */ { MAD_F(0x0521c950) /* 0.320748629 */, 13 },
+ /* 368 */ { MAD_F(0x05268fc6) /* 0.321914457 */, 13 },
+ /* 369 */ { MAD_F(0x052b5757) /* 0.323081342 */, 13 },
+ /* 370 */ { MAD_F(0x05302003) /* 0.324249281 */, 13 },
+ /* 371 */ { MAD_F(0x0534e9ca) /* 0.325418273 */, 13 },
+ /* 372 */ { MAD_F(0x0539b4ab) /* 0.326588316 */, 13 },
+ /* 373 */ { MAD_F(0x053e80a6) /* 0.327759407 */, 13 },
+ /* 374 */ { MAD_F(0x05434db9) /* 0.328931546 */, 13 },
+ /* 375 */ { MAD_F(0x05481be5) /* 0.330104730 */, 13 },
+ /* 376 */ { MAD_F(0x054ceb2a) /* 0.331278957 */, 13 },
+ /* 377 */ { MAD_F(0x0551bb85) /* 0.332454225 */, 13 },
+ /* 378 */ { MAD_F(0x05568cf8) /* 0.333630533 */, 13 },
+ /* 379 */ { MAD_F(0x055b5f81) /* 0.334807879 */, 13 },
+ /* 380 */ { MAD_F(0x05603321) /* 0.335986261 */, 13 },
+ /* 381 */ { MAD_F(0x056507d6) /* 0.337165677 */, 13 },
+ /* 382 */ { MAD_F(0x0569dda0) /* 0.338346125 */, 13 },
+ /* 383 */ { MAD_F(0x056eb47f) /* 0.339527604 */, 13 },
+ /* 384 */ { MAD_F(0x05738c72) /* 0.340710111 */, 13 },
+ /* 385 */ { MAD_F(0x05786578) /* 0.341893646 */, 13 },
+ /* 386 */ { MAD_F(0x057d3f92) /* 0.343078205 */, 13 },
+ /* 387 */ { MAD_F(0x05821abf) /* 0.344263788 */, 13 },
+ /* 388 */ { MAD_F(0x0586f6fd) /* 0.345450393 */, 13 },
+ /* 389 */ { MAD_F(0x058bd44e) /* 0.346638017 */, 13 },
+ /* 390 */ { MAD_F(0x0590b2b0) /* 0.347826659 */, 13 },
+ /* 391 */ { MAD_F(0x05959222) /* 0.349016318 */, 13 },
+ /* 392 */ { MAD_F(0x059a72a5) /* 0.350206992 */, 13 },
+ /* 393 */ { MAD_F(0x059f5438) /* 0.351398678 */, 13 },
+ /* 394 */ { MAD_F(0x05a436da) /* 0.352591376 */, 13 },
+ /* 395 */ { MAD_F(0x05a91a8c) /* 0.353785083 */, 13 },
+ /* 396 */ { MAD_F(0x05adff4c) /* 0.354979798 */, 13 },
+ /* 397 */ { MAD_F(0x05b2e51a) /* 0.356175519 */, 13 },
+ /* 398 */ { MAD_F(0x05b7cbf5) /* 0.357372244 */, 13 },
+ /* 399 */ { MAD_F(0x05bcb3de) /* 0.358569972 */, 13 },
+ /* 400 */ { MAD_F(0x05c19cd3) /* 0.359768701 */, 13 },
+ /* 401 */ { MAD_F(0x05c686d5) /* 0.360968429 */, 13 },
+ /* 402 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb71e2) /* 0.362169156 */, 13 },
+ /* 403 */ { MAD_F(0x05d05dfb) /* 0.363370878 */, 13 },
+ /* 404 */ { MAD_F(0x05d54b1f) /* 0.364573594 */, 13 },
+ /* 405 */ { MAD_F(0x05da394d) /* 0.365777304 */, 13 },
+ /* 406 */ { MAD_F(0x05df2885) /* 0.366982004 */, 13 },
+ /* 407 */ { MAD_F(0x05e418c7) /* 0.368187694 */, 13 },
+ /* 408 */ { MAD_F(0x05e90a12) /* 0.369394372 */, 13 },
+ /* 409 */ { MAD_F(0x05edfc66) /* 0.370602036 */, 13 },
+ /* 410 */ { MAD_F(0x05f2efc2) /* 0.371810684 */, 13 },
+ /* 411 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7e426) /* 0.373020316 */, 13 },
+ /* 412 */ { MAD_F(0x05fcd992) /* 0.374230929 */, 13 },
+ /* 413 */ { MAD_F(0x0601d004) /* 0.375442522 */, 13 },
+ /* 414 */ { MAD_F(0x0606c77d) /* 0.376655093 */, 13 },
+ /* 415 */ { MAD_F(0x060bbffd) /* 0.377868641 */, 13 },
+ /* 416 */ { MAD_F(0x0610b982) /* 0.379083164 */, 13 },
+ /* 417 */ { MAD_F(0x0615b40c) /* 0.380298661 */, 13 },
+ /* 418 */ { MAD_F(0x061aaf9c) /* 0.381515130 */, 13 },
+ /* 419 */ { MAD_F(0x061fac2f) /* 0.382732569 */, 13 },
+ /* 420 */ { MAD_F(0x0624a9c7) /* 0.383950977 */, 13 },
+ /* 421 */ { MAD_F(0x0629a863) /* 0.385170352 */, 13 },
+ /* 422 */ { MAD_F(0x062ea802) /* 0.386390694 */, 13 },
+ /* 423 */ { MAD_F(0x0633a8a3) /* 0.387611999 */, 13 },
+ /* 424 */ { MAD_F(0x0638aa48) /* 0.388834268 */, 13 },
+ /* 425 */ { MAD_F(0x063dacee) /* 0.390057497 */, 13 },
+ /* 426 */ { MAD_F(0x0642b096) /* 0.391281687 */, 13 },
+ /* 427 */ { MAD_F(0x0647b53f) /* 0.392506834 */, 13 },
+ /* 428 */ { MAD_F(0x064cbae9) /* 0.393732939 */, 13 },
+ /* 429 */ { MAD_F(0x0651c193) /* 0.394959999 */, 13 },
+ /* 430 */ { MAD_F(0x0656c93d) /* 0.396188012 */, 13 },
+ /* 431 */ { MAD_F(0x065bd1e7) /* 0.397416978 */, 13 },
+ /* 432 */ { MAD_F(0x0660db91) /* 0.398646895 */, 13 },
+ /* 433 */ { MAD_F(0x0665e639) /* 0.399877761 */, 13 },
+ /* 434 */ { MAD_F(0x066af1df) /* 0.401109575 */, 13 },
+ /* 435 */ { MAD_F(0x066ffe84) /* 0.402342335 */, 13 },
+ /* 436 */ { MAD_F(0x06750c26) /* 0.403576041 */, 13 },
+ /* 437 */ { MAD_F(0x067a1ac6) /* 0.404810690 */, 13 },
+ /* 438 */ { MAD_F(0x067f2a62) /* 0.406046281 */, 13 },
+ /* 439 */ { MAD_F(0x06843afb) /* 0.407282813 */, 13 },
+ /* 440 */ { MAD_F(0x06894c90) /* 0.408520284 */, 13 },
+ /* 441 */ { MAD_F(0x068e5f21) /* 0.409758693 */, 13 },
+ /* 442 */ { MAD_F(0x069372ae) /* 0.410998038 */, 13 },
+ /* 443 */ { MAD_F(0x06988735) /* 0.412238319 */, 13 },
+ /* 444 */ { MAD_F(0x069d9cb7) /* 0.413479532 */, 13 },
+ /* 445 */ { MAD_F(0x06a2b333) /* 0.414721679 */, 13 },
+ /* 446 */ { MAD_F(0x06a7caa9) /* 0.415964756 */, 13 },
+ /* 447 */ { MAD_F(0x06ace318) /* 0.417208762 */, 13 },
+ /* 448 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1fc81) /* 0.418453696 */, 13 },
+ /* 449 */ { MAD_F(0x06b716e2) /* 0.419699557 */, 13 },
+ /* 450 */ { MAD_F(0x06bc323b) /* 0.420946343 */, 13 },
+ /* 451 */ { MAD_F(0x06c14e8d) /* 0.422194054 */, 13 },
+ /* 452 */ { MAD_F(0x06c66bd6) /* 0.423442686 */, 13 },
+ /* 453 */ { MAD_F(0x06cb8a17) /* 0.424692240 */, 13 },
+ /* 454 */ { MAD_F(0x06d0a94e) /* 0.425942714 */, 13 },
+ /* 455 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5c97c) /* 0.427194106 */, 13 },
+ /* 456 */ { MAD_F(0x06daeaa1) /* 0.428446415 */, 13 },
+ /* 457 */ { MAD_F(0x06e00cbb) /* 0.429699640 */, 13 },
+ /* 458 */ { MAD_F(0x06e52fca) /* 0.430953779 */, 13 },
+ /* 459 */ { MAD_F(0x06ea53cf) /* 0.432208832 */, 13 },
+ /* 460 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef78c8) /* 0.433464796 */, 13 },
+ /* 461 */ { MAD_F(0x06f49eb6) /* 0.434721671 */, 13 },
+ /* 462 */ { MAD_F(0x06f9c597) /* 0.435979455 */, 13 },
+ /* 463 */ { MAD_F(0x06feed6d) /* 0.437238146 */, 13 },
+ /* 464 */ { MAD_F(0x07041636) /* 0.438497744 */, 13 },
+ /* 465 */ { MAD_F(0x07093ff2) /* 0.439758248 */, 13 },
+ /* 466 */ { MAD_F(0x070e6aa0) /* 0.441019655 */, 13 },
+ /* 467 */ { MAD_F(0x07139641) /* 0.442281965 */, 13 },
+ /* 468 */ { MAD_F(0x0718c2d3) /* 0.443545176 */, 13 },
+ /* 469 */ { MAD_F(0x071df058) /* 0.444809288 */, 13 },
+ /* 470 */ { MAD_F(0x07231ecd) /* 0.446074298 */, 13 },
+ /* 471 */ { MAD_F(0x07284e34) /* 0.447340205 */, 13 },
+ /* 472 */ { MAD_F(0x072d7e8b) /* 0.448607009 */, 13 },
+ /* 473 */ { MAD_F(0x0732afd2) /* 0.449874708 */, 13 },
+ /* 474 */ { MAD_F(0x0737e209) /* 0.451143300 */, 13 },
+ /* 475 */ { MAD_F(0x073d1530) /* 0.452412785 */, 13 },
+ /* 476 */ { MAD_F(0x07424946) /* 0.453683161 */, 13 },
+ /* 477 */ { MAD_F(0x07477e4b) /* 0.454954427 */, 13 },
+ /* 478 */ { MAD_F(0x074cb43e) /* 0.456226581 */, 13 },
+ /* 479 */ { MAD_F(0x0751eb20) /* 0.457499623 */, 13 },
+ /* 480 */ { MAD_F(0x075722ef) /* 0.458773552 */, 13 },
+ /* 481 */ { MAD_F(0x075c5bac) /* 0.460048365 */, 13 },
+ /* 482 */ { MAD_F(0x07619557) /* 0.461324062 */, 13 },
+ /* 483 */ { MAD_F(0x0766cfee) /* 0.462600642 */, 13 },
+ /* 484 */ { MAD_F(0x076c0b72) /* 0.463878102 */, 13 },
+ /* 485 */ { MAD_F(0x077147e2) /* 0.465156443 */, 13 },
+ /* 486 */ { MAD_F(0x0776853e) /* 0.466435663 */, 13 },
+ /* 487 */ { MAD_F(0x077bc385) /* 0.467715761 */, 13 },
+ /* 488 */ { MAD_F(0x078102b8) /* 0.468996735 */, 13 },
+ /* 489 */ { MAD_F(0x078642d6) /* 0.470278584 */, 13 },
+ /* 490 */ { MAD_F(0x078b83de) /* 0.471561307 */, 13 },
+ /* 491 */ { MAD_F(0x0790c5d1) /* 0.472844904 */, 13 },
+ /* 492 */ { MAD_F(0x079608ae) /* 0.474129372 */, 13 },
+ /* 493 */ { MAD_F(0x079b4c74) /* 0.475414710 */, 13 },
+ /* 494 */ { MAD_F(0x07a09124) /* 0.476700918 */, 13 },
+ /* 495 */ { MAD_F(0x07a5d6bd) /* 0.477987994 */, 13 },
+ /* 496 */ { MAD_F(0x07ab1d3e) /* 0.479275937 */, 13 },
+ /* 497 */ { MAD_F(0x07b064a8) /* 0.480564746 */, 13 },
+ /* 498 */ { MAD_F(0x07b5acfb) /* 0.481854420 */, 13 },
+ /* 499 */ { MAD_F(0x07baf635) /* 0.483144957 */, 13 },
+ /* 500 */ { MAD_F(0x07c04056) /* 0.484436356 */, 13 },
+ /* 501 */ { MAD_F(0x07c58b5f) /* 0.485728617 */, 13 },
+ /* 502 */ { MAD_F(0x07cad74e) /* 0.487021738 */, 13 },
+ /* 503 */ { MAD_F(0x07d02424) /* 0.488315717 */, 13 },
+ /* 504 */ { MAD_F(0x07d571e0) /* 0.489610555 */, 13 },
+ /* 505 */ { MAD_F(0x07dac083) /* 0.490906249 */, 13 },
+ /* 506 */ { MAD_F(0x07e0100a) /* 0.492202799 */, 13 },
+ /* 507 */ { MAD_F(0x07e56078) /* 0.493500203 */, 13 },
+ /* 508 */ { MAD_F(0x07eab1ca) /* 0.494798460 */, 13 },
+ /* 509 */ { MAD_F(0x07f00401) /* 0.496097570 */, 13 },
+ /* 510 */ { MAD_F(0x07f5571d) /* 0.497397530 */, 13 },
+ /* 511 */ { MAD_F(0x07faab1c) /* 0.498698341 */, 13 },
+ /* 512 */ { MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */, 14 },
+ /* 513 */ { MAD_F(0x0402aae3) /* 0.250651254 */, 14 },
+ /* 514 */ { MAD_F(0x04055638) /* 0.251302930 */, 14 },
+ /* 515 */ { MAD_F(0x040801ff) /* 0.251955030 */, 14 },
+ /* 516 */ { MAD_F(0x040aae37) /* 0.252607552 */, 14 },
+ /* 517 */ { MAD_F(0x040d5ae0) /* 0.253260495 */, 14 },
+ /* 518 */ { MAD_F(0x041007fa) /* 0.253913860 */, 14 },
+ /* 519 */ { MAD_F(0x0412b586) /* 0.254567645 */, 14 },
+ /* 520 */ { MAD_F(0x04156381) /* 0.255221850 */, 14 },
+ /* 521 */ { MAD_F(0x041811ee) /* 0.255876475 */, 14 },
+ /* 522 */ { MAD_F(0x041ac0cb) /* 0.256531518 */, 14 },
+ /* 523 */ { MAD_F(0x041d7018) /* 0.257186980 */, 14 },
+ /* 524 */ { MAD_F(0x04201fd5) /* 0.257842860 */, 14 },
+ /* 525 */ { MAD_F(0x0422d003) /* 0.258499157 */, 14 },
+ /* 526 */ { MAD_F(0x042580a0) /* 0.259155872 */, 14 },
+ /* 527 */ { MAD_F(0x042831ad) /* 0.259813002 */, 14 },
+ /* 528 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae32a) /* 0.260470548 */, 14 },
+ /* 529 */ { MAD_F(0x042d9516) /* 0.261128510 */, 14 },
+ /* 530 */ { MAD_F(0x04304772) /* 0.261786886 */, 14 },
+ /* 531 */ { MAD_F(0x0432fa3d) /* 0.262445676 */, 14 },
+ /* 532 */ { MAD_F(0x0435ad76) /* 0.263104880 */, 14 },
+ /* 533 */ { MAD_F(0x0438611f) /* 0.263764497 */, 14 },
+ /* 534 */ { MAD_F(0x043b1536) /* 0.264424527 */, 14 },
+ /* 535 */ { MAD_F(0x043dc9bc) /* 0.265084969 */, 14 },
+ /* 536 */ { MAD_F(0x04407eb1) /* 0.265745823 */, 14 },
+ /* 537 */ { MAD_F(0x04433414) /* 0.266407088 */, 14 },
+ /* 538 */ { MAD_F(0x0445e9e5) /* 0.267068763 */, 14 },
+ /* 539 */ { MAD_F(0x0448a024) /* 0.267730848 */, 14 },
+ /* 540 */ { MAD_F(0x044b56d1) /* 0.268393343 */, 14 },
+ /* 541 */ { MAD_F(0x044e0dec) /* 0.269056248 */, 14 },
+ /* 542 */ { MAD_F(0x0450c575) /* 0.269719560 */, 14 },
+ /* 543 */ { MAD_F(0x04537d6b) /* 0.270383281 */, 14 },
+ /* 544 */ { MAD_F(0x045635cf) /* 0.271047409 */, 14 },
+ /* 545 */ { MAD_F(0x0458ee9f) /* 0.271711944 */, 14 },
+ /* 546 */ { MAD_F(0x045ba7dd) /* 0.272376886 */, 14 },
+ /* 547 */ { MAD_F(0x045e6188) /* 0.273042234 */, 14 },
+ /* 548 */ { MAD_F(0x04611ba0) /* 0.273707988 */, 14 },
+ /* 549 */ { MAD_F(0x0463d625) /* 0.274374147 */, 14 },
+ /* 550 */ { MAD_F(0x04669116) /* 0.275040710 */, 14 },
+ /* 551 */ { MAD_F(0x04694c74) /* 0.275707677 */, 14 },
+ /* 552 */ { MAD_F(0x046c083e) /* 0.276375048 */, 14 },
+ /* 553 */ { MAD_F(0x046ec474) /* 0.277042822 */, 14 },
+ /* 554 */ { MAD_F(0x04718116) /* 0.277710999 */, 14 },
+ /* 555 */ { MAD_F(0x04743e25) /* 0.278379578 */, 14 },
+ /* 556 */ { MAD_F(0x0476fb9f) /* 0.279048558 */, 14 },
+ /* 557 */ { MAD_F(0x0479b984) /* 0.279717940 */, 14 },
+ /* 558 */ { MAD_F(0x047c77d6) /* 0.280387722 */, 14 },
+ /* 559 */ { MAD_F(0x047f3693) /* 0.281057905 */, 14 },
+ /* 560 */ { MAD_F(0x0481f5bb) /* 0.281728487 */, 14 },
+ /* 561 */ { MAD_F(0x0484b54e) /* 0.282399469 */, 14 },
+ /* 562 */ { MAD_F(0x0487754c) /* 0.283070849 */, 14 },
+ /* 563 */ { MAD_F(0x048a35b6) /* 0.283742628 */, 14 },
+ /* 564 */ { MAD_F(0x048cf68a) /* 0.284414805 */, 14 },
+ /* 565 */ { MAD_F(0x048fb7c8) /* 0.285087379 */, 14 },
+ /* 566 */ { MAD_F(0x04927972) /* 0.285760350 */, 14 },
+ /* 567 */ { MAD_F(0x04953b85) /* 0.286433717 */, 14 },
+ /* 568 */ { MAD_F(0x0497fe03) /* 0.287107481 */, 14 },
+ /* 569 */ { MAD_F(0x049ac0eb) /* 0.287781640 */, 14 },
+ /* 570 */ { MAD_F(0x049d843e) /* 0.288456194 */, 14 },
+ /* 571 */ { MAD_F(0x04a047fa) /* 0.289131142 */, 14 },
+ /* 572 */ { MAD_F(0x04a30c20) /* 0.289806485 */, 14 },
+ /* 573 */ { MAD_F(0x04a5d0af) /* 0.290482221 */, 14 },
+ /* 574 */ { MAD_F(0x04a895a8) /* 0.291158351 */, 14 },
+ /* 575 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab5b0b) /* 0.291834873 */, 14 },
+ /* 576 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae20d7) /* 0.292511788 */, 14 },
+ /* 577 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0e70c) /* 0.293189094 */, 14 },
+ /* 578 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3adaa) /* 0.293866792 */, 14 },
+ /* 579 */ { MAD_F(0x04b674b1) /* 0.294544881 */, 14 },
+ /* 580 */ { MAD_F(0x04b93c21) /* 0.295223360 */, 14 },
+ /* 581 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc03fa) /* 0.295902229 */, 14 },
+ /* 582 */ { MAD_F(0x04becc3b) /* 0.296581488 */, 14 },
+ /* 583 */ { MAD_F(0x04c194e4) /* 0.297261136 */, 14 },
+ /* 584 */ { MAD_F(0x04c45df6) /* 0.297941173 */, 14 },
+ /* 585 */ { MAD_F(0x04c72771) /* 0.298621598 */, 14 },
+ /* 586 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9f153) /* 0.299302411 */, 14 },
+ /* 587 */ { MAD_F(0x04ccbb9d) /* 0.299983611 */, 14 },
+ /* 588 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf864f) /* 0.300665198 */, 14 },
+ /* 589 */ { MAD_F(0x04d25169) /* 0.301347172 */, 14 },
+ /* 590 */ { MAD_F(0x04d51ceb) /* 0.302029532 */, 14 },
+ /* 591 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7e8d4) /* 0.302712277 */, 14 },
+ /* 592 */ { MAD_F(0x04dab524) /* 0.303395408 */, 14 },
+ /* 593 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd81dc) /* 0.304078923 */, 14 },
+ /* 594 */ { MAD_F(0x04e04efb) /* 0.304762823 */, 14 },
+ /* 595 */ { MAD_F(0x04e31c81) /* 0.305447106 */, 14 },
+ /* 596 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5ea6e) /* 0.306131773 */, 14 },
+ /* 597 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8b8c2) /* 0.306816823 */, 14 },
+ /* 598 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb877c) /* 0.307502256 */, 14 },
+ /* 599 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee569d) /* 0.308188071 */, 14 },
+ /* 600 */ { MAD_F(0x04f12624) /* 0.308874267 */, 14 },
+ /* 601 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3f612) /* 0.309560845 */, 14 },
+ /* 602 */ { MAD_F(0x04f6c666) /* 0.310247804 */, 14 },
+ /* 603 */ { MAD_F(0x04f99721) /* 0.310935143 */, 14 },
+ /* 604 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc6841) /* 0.311622862 */, 14 },
+ /* 605 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff39c7) /* 0.312310961 */, 14 },
+ /* 606 */ { MAD_F(0x05020bb3) /* 0.312999439 */, 14 },
+ /* 607 */ { MAD_F(0x0504de05) /* 0.313688296 */, 14 },
+ /* 608 */ { MAD_F(0x0507b0bc) /* 0.314377532 */, 14 },
+ /* 609 */ { MAD_F(0x050a83d8) /* 0.315067145 */, 14 },
+ /* 610 */ { MAD_F(0x050d575b) /* 0.315757136 */, 14 },
+ /* 611 */ { MAD_F(0x05102b42) /* 0.316447504 */, 14 },
+ /* 612 */ { MAD_F(0x0512ff8e) /* 0.317138249 */, 14 },
+ /* 613 */ { MAD_F(0x0515d440) /* 0.317829370 */, 14 },
+ /* 614 */ { MAD_F(0x0518a956) /* 0.318520867 */, 14 },
+ /* 615 */ { MAD_F(0x051b7ed1) /* 0.319212739 */, 14 },
+ /* 616 */ { MAD_F(0x051e54b1) /* 0.319904987 */, 14 },
+ /* 617 */ { MAD_F(0x05212af5) /* 0.320597609 */, 14 },
+ /* 618 */ { MAD_F(0x0524019e) /* 0.321290606 */, 14 },
+ /* 619 */ { MAD_F(0x0526d8ab) /* 0.321983976 */, 14 },
+ /* 620 */ { MAD_F(0x0529b01d) /* 0.322677720 */, 14 },
+ /* 621 */ { MAD_F(0x052c87f2) /* 0.323371837 */, 14 },
+ /* 622 */ { MAD_F(0x052f602c) /* 0.324066327 */, 14 },
+ /* 623 */ { MAD_F(0x053238ca) /* 0.324761189 */, 14 },
+ /* 624 */ { MAD_F(0x053511cb) /* 0.325456423 */, 14 },
+ /* 625 */ { MAD_F(0x0537eb30) /* 0.326152028 */, 14 },
+ /* 626 */ { MAD_F(0x053ac4f9) /* 0.326848005 */, 14 },
+ /* 627 */ { MAD_F(0x053d9f25) /* 0.327544352 */, 14 },
+ /* 628 */ { MAD_F(0x054079b5) /* 0.328241070 */, 14 },
+ /* 629 */ { MAD_F(0x054354a8) /* 0.328938157 */, 14 },
+ /* 630 */ { MAD_F(0x05462ffe) /* 0.329635614 */, 14 },
+ /* 631 */ { MAD_F(0x05490bb7) /* 0.330333440 */, 14 },
+ /* 632 */ { MAD_F(0x054be7d4) /* 0.331031635 */, 14 },
+ /* 633 */ { MAD_F(0x054ec453) /* 0.331730198 */, 14 },
+ /* 634 */ { MAD_F(0x0551a134) /* 0.332429129 */, 14 },
+ /* 635 */ { MAD_F(0x05547e79) /* 0.333128427 */, 14 },
+ /* 636 */ { MAD_F(0x05575c20) /* 0.333828093 */, 14 },
+ /* 637 */ { MAD_F(0x055a3a2a) /* 0.334528126 */, 14 },
+ /* 638 */ { MAD_F(0x055d1896) /* 0.335228525 */, 14 },
+ /* 639 */ { MAD_F(0x055ff764) /* 0.335929290 */, 14 },
+ /* 640 */ { MAD_F(0x0562d694) /* 0.336630420 */, 14 },
+ /* 641 */ { MAD_F(0x0565b627) /* 0.337331916 */, 14 },
+ /* 642 */ { MAD_F(0x0568961b) /* 0.338033777 */, 14 },
+ /* 643 */ { MAD_F(0x056b7671) /* 0.338736002 */, 14 },
+ /* 644 */ { MAD_F(0x056e5729) /* 0.339438592 */, 14 },
+ /* 645 */ { MAD_F(0x05713843) /* 0.340141545 */, 14 },
+ /* 646 */ { MAD_F(0x057419be) /* 0.340844862 */, 14 },
+ /* 647 */ { MAD_F(0x0576fb9a) /* 0.341548541 */, 14 },
+ /* 648 */ { MAD_F(0x0579ddd8) /* 0.342252584 */, 14 },
+ /* 649 */ { MAD_F(0x057cc077) /* 0.342956988 */, 14 },
+ /* 650 */ { MAD_F(0x057fa378) /* 0.343661754 */, 14 },
+ /* 651 */ { MAD_F(0x058286d9) /* 0.344366882 */, 14 },
+ /* 652 */ { MAD_F(0x05856a9b) /* 0.345072371 */, 14 },
+ /* 653 */ { MAD_F(0x05884ebe) /* 0.345778221 */, 14 },
+ /* 654 */ { MAD_F(0x058b3342) /* 0.346484431 */, 14 },
+ /* 655 */ { MAD_F(0x058e1827) /* 0.347191002 */, 14 },
+ /* 656 */ { MAD_F(0x0590fd6c) /* 0.347897931 */, 14 },
+ /* 657 */ { MAD_F(0x0593e311) /* 0.348605221 */, 14 },
+ /* 658 */ { MAD_F(0x0596c917) /* 0.349312869 */, 14 },
+ /* 659 */ { MAD_F(0x0599af7d) /* 0.350020876 */, 14 },
+ /* 660 */ { MAD_F(0x059c9643) /* 0.350729240 */, 14 },
+ /* 661 */ { MAD_F(0x059f7d6a) /* 0.351437963 */, 14 },
+ /* 662 */ { MAD_F(0x05a264f0) /* 0.352147044 */, 14 },
+ /* 663 */ { MAD_F(0x05a54cd6) /* 0.352856481 */, 14 },
+ /* 664 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8351c) /* 0.353566275 */, 14 },
+ /* 665 */ { MAD_F(0x05ab1dc2) /* 0.354276426 */, 14 },
+ /* 666 */ { MAD_F(0x05ae06c7) /* 0.354986932 */, 14 },
+ /* 667 */ { MAD_F(0x05b0f02b) /* 0.355697795 */, 14 },
+ /* 668 */ { MAD_F(0x05b3d9f0) /* 0.356409012 */, 14 },
+ /* 669 */ { MAD_F(0x05b6c413) /* 0.357120585 */, 14 },
+ /* 670 */ { MAD_F(0x05b9ae95) /* 0.357832512 */, 14 },
+ /* 671 */ { MAD_F(0x05bc9977) /* 0.358544794 */, 14 },
+ /* 672 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf84b8) /* 0.359257429 */, 14 },
+ /* 673 */ { MAD_F(0x05c27057) /* 0.359970419 */, 14 },
+ /* 674 */ { MAD_F(0x05c55c56) /* 0.360683761 */, 14 },
+ /* 675 */ { MAD_F(0x05c848b3) /* 0.361397456 */, 14 },
+ /* 676 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb356e) /* 0.362111504 */, 14 },
+ /* 677 */ { MAD_F(0x05ce2289) /* 0.362825904 */, 14 },
+ /* 678 */ { MAD_F(0x05d11001) /* 0.363540655 */, 14 },
+ /* 679 */ { MAD_F(0x05d3fdd8) /* 0.364255759 */, 14 },
+ /* 680 */ { MAD_F(0x05d6ec0e) /* 0.364971213 */, 14 },
+ /* 681 */ { MAD_F(0x05d9daa1) /* 0.365687018 */, 14 },
+ /* 682 */ { MAD_F(0x05dcc993) /* 0.366403174 */, 14 },
+ /* 683 */ { MAD_F(0x05dfb8e2) /* 0.367119680 */, 14 },
+ /* 684 */ { MAD_F(0x05e2a890) /* 0.367836535 */, 14 },
+ /* 685 */ { MAD_F(0x05e5989b) /* 0.368553740 */, 14 },
+ /* 686 */ { MAD_F(0x05e88904) /* 0.369271294 */, 14 },
+ /* 687 */ { MAD_F(0x05eb79cb) /* 0.369989197 */, 14 },
+ /* 688 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee6aef) /* 0.370707448 */, 14 },
+ /* 689 */ { MAD_F(0x05f15c70) /* 0.371426047 */, 14 },
+ /* 690 */ { MAD_F(0x05f44e4f) /* 0.372144994 */, 14 },
+ /* 691 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7408b) /* 0.372864289 */, 14 },
+ /* 692 */ { MAD_F(0x05fa3324) /* 0.373583930 */, 14 },
+ /* 693 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd261b) /* 0.374303918 */, 14 },
+ /* 694 */ { MAD_F(0x0600196e) /* 0.375024253 */, 14 },
+ /* 695 */ { MAD_F(0x06030d1e) /* 0.375744934 */, 14 },
+ /* 696 */ { MAD_F(0x0606012b) /* 0.376465960 */, 14 },
+ /* 697 */ { MAD_F(0x0608f595) /* 0.377187332 */, 14 },
+ /* 698 */ { MAD_F(0x060bea5c) /* 0.377909049 */, 14 },
+ /* 699 */ { MAD_F(0x060edf7f) /* 0.378631110 */, 14 },
+ /* 700 */ { MAD_F(0x0611d4fe) /* 0.379353516 */, 14 },
+ /* 701 */ { MAD_F(0x0614cada) /* 0.380076266 */, 14 },
+ /* 702 */ { MAD_F(0x0617c112) /* 0.380799360 */, 14 },
+ /* 703 */ { MAD_F(0x061ab7a6) /* 0.381522798 */, 14 },
+ /* 704 */ { MAD_F(0x061dae96) /* 0.382246578 */, 14 },
+ /* 705 */ { MAD_F(0x0620a5e3) /* 0.382970701 */, 14 },
+ /* 706 */ { MAD_F(0x06239d8b) /* 0.383695167 */, 14 },
+ /* 707 */ { MAD_F(0x0626958f) /* 0.384419975 */, 14 },
+ /* 708 */ { MAD_F(0x06298def) /* 0.385145124 */, 14 },
+ /* 709 */ { MAD_F(0x062c86aa) /* 0.385870615 */, 14 },
+ /* 710 */ { MAD_F(0x062f7fc1) /* 0.386596448 */, 14 },
+ /* 711 */ { MAD_F(0x06327934) /* 0.387322621 */, 14 },
+ /* 712 */ { MAD_F(0x06357302) /* 0.388049134 */, 14 },
+ /* 713 */ { MAD_F(0x06386d2b) /* 0.388775988 */, 14 },
+ /* 714 */ { MAD_F(0x063b67b0) /* 0.389503182 */, 14 },
+ /* 715 */ { MAD_F(0x063e6290) /* 0.390230715 */, 14 },
+ /* 716 */ { MAD_F(0x06415dcb) /* 0.390958588 */, 14 },
+ /* 717 */ { MAD_F(0x06445960) /* 0.391686799 */, 14 },
+ /* 718 */ { MAD_F(0x06475551) /* 0.392415349 */, 14 },
+ /* 719 */ { MAD_F(0x064a519c) /* 0.393144238 */, 14 },
+ /* 720 */ { MAD_F(0x064d4e43) /* 0.393873464 */, 14 },
+ /* 721 */ { MAD_F(0x06504b44) /* 0.394603028 */, 14 },
+ /* 722 */ { MAD_F(0x0653489f) /* 0.395332930 */, 14 },
+ /* 723 */ { MAD_F(0x06564655) /* 0.396063168 */, 14 },
+ /* 724 */ { MAD_F(0x06594465) /* 0.396793743 */, 14 },
+ /* 725 */ { MAD_F(0x065c42d0) /* 0.397524655 */, 14 },
+ /* 726 */ { MAD_F(0x065f4195) /* 0.398255903 */, 14 },
+ /* 727 */ { MAD_F(0x066240b4) /* 0.398987487 */, 14 },
+ /* 728 */ { MAD_F(0x0665402d) /* 0.399719406 */, 14 },
+ /* 729 */ { MAD_F(0x06684000) /* 0.400451660 */, 14 },
+ /* 730 */ { MAD_F(0x066b402d) /* 0.401184249 */, 14 },
+ /* 731 */ { MAD_F(0x066e40b3) /* 0.401917173 */, 14 },
+ /* 732 */ { MAD_F(0x06714194) /* 0.402650431 */, 14 },
+ /* 733 */ { MAD_F(0x067442ce) /* 0.403384024 */, 14 },
+ /* 734 */ { MAD_F(0x06774462) /* 0.404117949 */, 14 },
+ /* 735 */ { MAD_F(0x067a464f) /* 0.404852209 */, 14 },
+ /* 736 */ { MAD_F(0x067d4896) /* 0.405586801 */, 14 },
+ /* 737 */ { MAD_F(0x06804b36) /* 0.406321726 */, 14 },
+ /* 738 */ { MAD_F(0x06834e2f) /* 0.407056983 */, 14 },
+ /* 739 */ { MAD_F(0x06865181) /* 0.407792573 */, 14 },
+ /* 740 */ { MAD_F(0x0689552c) /* 0.408528495 */, 14 },
+ /* 741 */ { MAD_F(0x068c5931) /* 0.409264748 */, 14 },
+ /* 742 */ { MAD_F(0x068f5d8e) /* 0.410001332 */, 14 },
+ /* 743 */ { MAD_F(0x06926245) /* 0.410738247 */, 14 },
+ /* 744 */ { MAD_F(0x06956753) /* 0.411475493 */, 14 },
+ /* 745 */ { MAD_F(0x06986cbb) /* 0.412213070 */, 14 },
+ /* 746 */ { MAD_F(0x069b727b) /* 0.412950976 */, 14 },
+ /* 747 */ { MAD_F(0x069e7894) /* 0.413689213 */, 14 },
+ /* 748 */ { MAD_F(0x06a17f05) /* 0.414427779 */, 14 },
+ /* 749 */ { MAD_F(0x06a485cf) /* 0.415166674 */, 14 },
+ /* 750 */ { MAD_F(0x06a78cf1) /* 0.415905897 */, 14 },
+ /* 751 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa946b) /* 0.416645450 */, 14 },
+ /* 752 */ { MAD_F(0x06ad9c3d) /* 0.417385331 */, 14 },
+ /* 753 */ { MAD_F(0x06b0a468) /* 0.418125540 */, 14 },
+ /* 754 */ { MAD_F(0x06b3acea) /* 0.418866076 */, 14 },
+ /* 755 */ { MAD_F(0x06b6b5c4) /* 0.419606940 */, 14 },
+ /* 756 */ { MAD_F(0x06b9bef6) /* 0.420348132 */, 14 },
+ /* 757 */ { MAD_F(0x06bcc880) /* 0.421089650 */, 14 },
+ /* 758 */ { MAD_F(0x06bfd261) /* 0.421831494 */, 14 },
+ /* 759 */ { MAD_F(0x06c2dc9a) /* 0.422573665 */, 14 },
+ /* 760 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5e72b) /* 0.423316162 */, 14 },
+ /* 761 */ { MAD_F(0x06c8f213) /* 0.424058985 */, 14 },
+ /* 762 */ { MAD_F(0x06cbfd52) /* 0.424802133 */, 14 },
+ /* 763 */ { MAD_F(0x06cf08e9) /* 0.425545607 */, 14 },
+ /* 764 */ { MAD_F(0x06d214d7) /* 0.426289405 */, 14 },
+ /* 765 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5211c) /* 0.427033528 */, 14 },
+ /* 766 */ { MAD_F(0x06d82db8) /* 0.427777975 */, 14 },
+ /* 767 */ { MAD_F(0x06db3aaa) /* 0.428522746 */, 14 },
+ /* 768 */ { MAD_F(0x06de47f4) /* 0.429267841 */, 14 },
+ /* 769 */ { MAD_F(0x06e15595) /* 0.430013259 */, 14 },
+ /* 770 */ { MAD_F(0x06e4638d) /* 0.430759001 */, 14 },
+ /* 771 */ { MAD_F(0x06e771db) /* 0.431505065 */, 14 },
+ /* 772 */ { MAD_F(0x06ea807f) /* 0.432251452 */, 14 },
+ /* 773 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed8f7b) /* 0.432998162 */, 14 },
+ /* 774 */ { MAD_F(0x06f09ecc) /* 0.433745193 */, 14 },
+ /* 775 */ { MAD_F(0x06f3ae75) /* 0.434492546 */, 14 },
+ /* 776 */ { MAD_F(0x06f6be73) /* 0.435240221 */, 14 },
+ /* 777 */ { MAD_F(0x06f9cec8) /* 0.435988217 */, 14 },
+ /* 778 */ { MAD_F(0x06fcdf72) /* 0.436736534 */, 14 },
+ /* 779 */ { MAD_F(0x06fff073) /* 0.437485172 */, 14 },
+ /* 780 */ { MAD_F(0x070301ca) /* 0.438234130 */, 14 },
+ /* 781 */ { MAD_F(0x07061377) /* 0.438983408 */, 14 },
+ /* 782 */ { MAD_F(0x0709257a) /* 0.439733006 */, 14 },
+ /* 783 */ { MAD_F(0x070c37d2) /* 0.440482924 */, 14 },
+ /* 784 */ { MAD_F(0x070f4a80) /* 0.441233161 */, 14 },
+ /* 785 */ { MAD_F(0x07125d84) /* 0.441983717 */, 14 },
+ /* 786 */ { MAD_F(0x071570de) /* 0.442734592 */, 14 },
+ /* 787 */ { MAD_F(0x0718848d) /* 0.443485785 */, 14 },
+ /* 788 */ { MAD_F(0x071b9891) /* 0.444237296 */, 14 },
+ /* 789 */ { MAD_F(0x071eaceb) /* 0.444989126 */, 14 },
+ /* 790 */ { MAD_F(0x0721c19a) /* 0.445741273 */, 14 },
+ /* 791 */ { MAD_F(0x0724d69e) /* 0.446493738 */, 14 },
+ /* 792 */ { MAD_F(0x0727ebf7) /* 0.447246519 */, 14 },
+ /* 793 */ { MAD_F(0x072b01a6) /* 0.447999618 */, 14 },
+ /* 794 */ { MAD_F(0x072e17a9) /* 0.448753033 */, 14 },
+ /* 795 */ { MAD_F(0x07312e01) /* 0.449506765 */, 14 },
+ /* 796 */ { MAD_F(0x073444ae) /* 0.450260813 */, 14 },
+ /* 797 */ { MAD_F(0x07375bb0) /* 0.451015176 */, 14 },
+ /* 798 */ { MAD_F(0x073a7307) /* 0.451769856 */, 14 },
+ /* 799 */ { MAD_F(0x073d8ab2) /* 0.452524850 */, 14 },
+ /* 800 */ { MAD_F(0x0740a2b2) /* 0.453280160 */, 14 },
+ /* 801 */ { MAD_F(0x0743bb06) /* 0.454035784 */, 14 },
+ /* 802 */ { MAD_F(0x0746d3af) /* 0.454791723 */, 14 },
+ /* 803 */ { MAD_F(0x0749ecac) /* 0.455547976 */, 14 },
+ /* 804 */ { MAD_F(0x074d05fe) /* 0.456304543 */, 14 },
+ /* 805 */ { MAD_F(0x07501fa3) /* 0.457061423 */, 14 },
+ /* 806 */ { MAD_F(0x0753399d) /* 0.457818618 */, 14 },
+ /* 807 */ { MAD_F(0x075653eb) /* 0.458576125 */, 14 },
+ /* 808 */ { MAD_F(0x07596e8d) /* 0.459333946 */, 14 },
+ /* 809 */ { MAD_F(0x075c8983) /* 0.460092079 */, 14 },
+ /* 810 */ { MAD_F(0x075fa4cc) /* 0.460850524 */, 14 },
+ /* 811 */ { MAD_F(0x0762c06a) /* 0.461609282 */, 14 },
+ /* 812 */ { MAD_F(0x0765dc5b) /* 0.462368352 */, 14 },
+ /* 813 */ { MAD_F(0x0768f8a0) /* 0.463127733 */, 14 },
+ /* 814 */ { MAD_F(0x076c1538) /* 0.463887426 */, 14 },
+ /* 815 */ { MAD_F(0x076f3224) /* 0.464647430 */, 14 },
+ /* 816 */ { MAD_F(0x07724f64) /* 0.465407744 */, 14 },
+ /* 817 */ { MAD_F(0x07756cf7) /* 0.466168370 */, 14 },
+ /* 818 */ { MAD_F(0x07788add) /* 0.466929306 */, 14 },
+ /* 819 */ { MAD_F(0x077ba916) /* 0.467690552 */, 14 },
+ /* 820 */ { MAD_F(0x077ec7a3) /* 0.468452108 */, 14 },
+ /* 821 */ { MAD_F(0x0781e683) /* 0.469213973 */, 14 },
+ /* 822 */ { MAD_F(0x078505b5) /* 0.469976148 */, 14 },
+ /* 823 */ { MAD_F(0x0788253b) /* 0.470738632 */, 14 },
+ /* 824 */ { MAD_F(0x078b4514) /* 0.471501425 */, 14 },
+ /* 825 */ { MAD_F(0x078e653f) /* 0.472264527 */, 14 },
+ /* 826 */ { MAD_F(0x079185be) /* 0.473027937 */, 14 },
+ /* 827 */ { MAD_F(0x0794a68f) /* 0.473791655 */, 14 },
+ /* 828 */ { MAD_F(0x0797c7b2) /* 0.474555681 */, 14 },
+ /* 829 */ { MAD_F(0x079ae929) /* 0.475320014 */, 14 },
+ /* 830 */ { MAD_F(0x079e0af1) /* 0.476084655 */, 14 },
+ /* 831 */ { MAD_F(0x07a12d0c) /* 0.476849603 */, 14 },
+ /* 832 */ { MAD_F(0x07a44f7a) /* 0.477614858 */, 14 },
+ /* 833 */ { MAD_F(0x07a7723a) /* 0.478380420 */, 14 },
+ /* 834 */ { MAD_F(0x07aa954c) /* 0.479146288 */, 14 },
+ /* 835 */ { MAD_F(0x07adb8b0) /* 0.479912463 */, 14 },
+ /* 836 */ { MAD_F(0x07b0dc67) /* 0.480678943 */, 14 },
+ /* 837 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4006f) /* 0.481445729 */, 14 },
+ /* 838 */ { MAD_F(0x07b724ca) /* 0.482212820 */, 14 },
+ /* 839 */ { MAD_F(0x07ba4976) /* 0.482980216 */, 14 },
+ /* 840 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd6e75) /* 0.483747918 */, 14 },
+ /* 841 */ { MAD_F(0x07c093c5) /* 0.484515924 */, 14 },
+ /* 842 */ { MAD_F(0x07c3b967) /* 0.485284235 */, 14 },
+ /* 843 */ { MAD_F(0x07c6df5a) /* 0.486052849 */, 14 },
+ /* 844 */ { MAD_F(0x07ca059f) /* 0.486821768 */, 14 },
+ /* 845 */ { MAD_F(0x07cd2c36) /* 0.487590991 */, 14 },
+ /* 846 */ { MAD_F(0x07d0531e) /* 0.488360517 */, 14 },
+ /* 847 */ { MAD_F(0x07d37a57) /* 0.489130346 */, 14 },
+ /* 848 */ { MAD_F(0x07d6a1e2) /* 0.489900479 */, 14 },
+ /* 849 */ { MAD_F(0x07d9c9be) /* 0.490670914 */, 14 },
+ /* 850 */ { MAD_F(0x07dcf1ec) /* 0.491441651 */, 14 },
+ /* 851 */ { MAD_F(0x07e01a6a) /* 0.492212691 */, 14 },
+ /* 852 */ { MAD_F(0x07e3433a) /* 0.492984033 */, 14 },
+ /* 853 */ { MAD_F(0x07e66c5a) /* 0.493755677 */, 14 },
+ /* 854 */ { MAD_F(0x07e995cc) /* 0.494527623 */, 14 },
+ /* 855 */ { MAD_F(0x07ecbf8e) /* 0.495299870 */, 14 },
+ /* 856 */ { MAD_F(0x07efe9a1) /* 0.496072418 */, 14 },
+ /* 857 */ { MAD_F(0x07f31405) /* 0.496845266 */, 14 },
+ /* 858 */ { MAD_F(0x07f63eba) /* 0.497618416 */, 14 },
+ /* 859 */ { MAD_F(0x07f969c0) /* 0.498391866 */, 14 },
+ /* 860 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc9516) /* 0.499165616 */, 14 },
+ /* 861 */ { MAD_F(0x07ffc0bc) /* 0.499939666 */, 14 },
+ /* 862 */ { MAD_F(0x04017659) /* 0.250357008 */, 15 },
+ /* 863 */ { MAD_F(0x04030c7d) /* 0.250744333 */, 15 },
+ /* 864 */ { MAD_F(0x0404a2c9) /* 0.251131807 */, 15 },
+ /* 865 */ { MAD_F(0x0406393d) /* 0.251519431 */, 15 },
+ /* 866 */ { MAD_F(0x0407cfd9) /* 0.251907204 */, 15 },
+ /* 867 */ { MAD_F(0x0409669d) /* 0.252295127 */, 15 },
+ /* 868 */ { MAD_F(0x040afd89) /* 0.252683198 */, 15 },
+ /* 869 */ { MAD_F(0x040c949e) /* 0.253071419 */, 15 },
+ /* 870 */ { MAD_F(0x040e2bda) /* 0.253459789 */, 15 },
+ /* 871 */ { MAD_F(0x040fc33e) /* 0.253848307 */, 15 },
+ /* 872 */ { MAD_F(0x04115aca) /* 0.254236974 */, 15 },
+ /* 873 */ { MAD_F(0x0412f27e) /* 0.254625790 */, 15 },
+ /* 874 */ { MAD_F(0x04148a5a) /* 0.255014755 */, 15 },
+ /* 875 */ { MAD_F(0x0416225d) /* 0.255403867 */, 15 },
+ /* 876 */ { MAD_F(0x0417ba89) /* 0.255793128 */, 15 },
+ /* 877 */ { MAD_F(0x041952dc) /* 0.256182537 */, 15 },
+ /* 878 */ { MAD_F(0x041aeb57) /* 0.256572095 */, 15 },
+ /* 879 */ { MAD_F(0x041c83fa) /* 0.256961800 */, 15 },
+ /* 880 */ { MAD_F(0x041e1cc4) /* 0.257351652 */, 15 },
+ /* 881 */ { MAD_F(0x041fb5b6) /* 0.257741653 */, 15 },
+ /* 882 */ { MAD_F(0x04214ed0) /* 0.258131801 */, 15 },
+ /* 883 */ { MAD_F(0x0422e811) /* 0.258522097 */, 15 },
+ /* 884 */ { MAD_F(0x04248179) /* 0.258912540 */, 15 },
+ /* 885 */ { MAD_F(0x04261b0a) /* 0.259303130 */, 15 },
+ /* 886 */ { MAD_F(0x0427b4c2) /* 0.259693868 */, 15 },
+ /* 887 */ { MAD_F(0x04294ea1) /* 0.260084752 */, 15 },
+ /* 888 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae8a7) /* 0.260475783 */, 15 },
+ /* 889 */ { MAD_F(0x042c82d6) /* 0.260866961 */, 15 },
+ /* 890 */ { MAD_F(0x042e1d2b) /* 0.261258286 */, 15 },
+ /* 891 */ { MAD_F(0x042fb7a8) /* 0.261649758 */, 15 },
+ /* 892 */ { MAD_F(0x0431524c) /* 0.262041376 */, 15 },
+ /* 893 */ { MAD_F(0x0432ed17) /* 0.262433140 */, 15 },
+ /* 894 */ { MAD_F(0x0434880a) /* 0.262825051 */, 15 },
+ /* 895 */ { MAD_F(0x04362324) /* 0.263217107 */, 15 },
+ /* 896 */ { MAD_F(0x0437be65) /* 0.263609310 */, 15 },
+ /* 897 */ { MAD_F(0x043959cd) /* 0.264001659 */, 15 },
+ /* 898 */ { MAD_F(0x043af55d) /* 0.264394153 */, 15 },
+ /* 899 */ { MAD_F(0x043c9113) /* 0.264786794 */, 15 },
+ /* 900 */ { MAD_F(0x043e2cf1) /* 0.265179580 */, 15 },
+ /* 901 */ { MAD_F(0x043fc8f6) /* 0.265572511 */, 15 },
+ /* 902 */ { MAD_F(0x04416522) /* 0.265965588 */, 15 },
+ /* 903 */ { MAD_F(0x04430174) /* 0.266358810 */, 15 },
+ /* 904 */ { MAD_F(0x04449dee) /* 0.266752177 */, 15 },
+ /* 905 */ { MAD_F(0x04463a8f) /* 0.267145689 */, 15 },
+ /* 906 */ { MAD_F(0x0447d756) /* 0.267539347 */, 15 },
+ /* 907 */ { MAD_F(0x04497445) /* 0.267933149 */, 15 },
+ /* 908 */ { MAD_F(0x044b115a) /* 0.268327096 */, 15 },
+ /* 909 */ { MAD_F(0x044cae96) /* 0.268721187 */, 15 },
+ /* 910 */ { MAD_F(0x044e4bf9) /* 0.269115423 */, 15 },
+ /* 911 */ { MAD_F(0x044fe983) /* 0.269509804 */, 15 },
+ /* 912 */ { MAD_F(0x04518733) /* 0.269904329 */, 15 },
+ /* 913 */ { MAD_F(0x0453250a) /* 0.270298998 */, 15 },
+ /* 914 */ { MAD_F(0x0454c308) /* 0.270693811 */, 15 },
+ /* 915 */ { MAD_F(0x0456612d) /* 0.271088768 */, 15 },
+ /* 916 */ { MAD_F(0x0457ff78) /* 0.271483869 */, 15 },
+ /* 917 */ { MAD_F(0x04599dea) /* 0.271879114 */, 15 },
+ /* 918 */ { MAD_F(0x045b3c82) /* 0.272274503 */, 15 },
+ /* 919 */ { MAD_F(0x045cdb41) /* 0.272670035 */, 15 },
+ /* 920 */ { MAD_F(0x045e7a26) /* 0.273065710 */, 15 },
+ /* 921 */ { MAD_F(0x04601932) /* 0.273461530 */, 15 },
+ /* 922 */ { MAD_F(0x0461b864) /* 0.273857492 */, 15 },
+ /* 923 */ { MAD_F(0x046357bd) /* 0.274253597 */, 15 },
+ /* 924 */ { MAD_F(0x0464f73c) /* 0.274649846 */, 15 },
+ /* 925 */ { MAD_F(0x046696e2) /* 0.275046238 */, 15 },
+ /* 926 */ { MAD_F(0x046836ae) /* 0.275442772 */, 15 },
+ /* 927 */ { MAD_F(0x0469d6a0) /* 0.275839449 */, 15 },
+ /* 928 */ { MAD_F(0x046b76b9) /* 0.276236269 */, 15 },
+ /* 929 */ { MAD_F(0x046d16f7) /* 0.276633232 */, 15 },
+ /* 930 */ { MAD_F(0x046eb75c) /* 0.277030337 */, 15 },
+ /* 931 */ { MAD_F(0x047057e8) /* 0.277427584 */, 15 },
+ /* 932 */ { MAD_F(0x0471f899) /* 0.277824973 */, 15 },
+ /* 933 */ { MAD_F(0x04739971) /* 0.278222505 */, 15 },
+ /* 934 */ { MAD_F(0x04753a6f) /* 0.278620179 */, 15 },
+ /* 935 */ { MAD_F(0x0476db92) /* 0.279017995 */, 15 },
+ /* 936 */ { MAD_F(0x04787cdc) /* 0.279415952 */, 15 },
+ /* 937 */ { MAD_F(0x047a1e4c) /* 0.279814051 */, 15 },
+ /* 938 */ { MAD_F(0x047bbfe2) /* 0.280212292 */, 15 },
+ /* 939 */ { MAD_F(0x047d619e) /* 0.280610675 */, 15 },
+ /* 940 */ { MAD_F(0x047f0380) /* 0.281009199 */, 15 },
+ /* 941 */ { MAD_F(0x0480a588) /* 0.281407864 */, 15 },
+ /* 942 */ { MAD_F(0x048247b6) /* 0.281806670 */, 15 },
+ /* 943 */ { MAD_F(0x0483ea0a) /* 0.282205618 */, 15 },
+ /* 944 */ { MAD_F(0x04858c83) /* 0.282604707 */, 15 },
+ /* 945 */ { MAD_F(0x04872f22) /* 0.283003936 */, 15 },
+ /* 946 */ { MAD_F(0x0488d1e8) /* 0.283403307 */, 15 },
+ /* 947 */ { MAD_F(0x048a74d3) /* 0.283802818 */, 15 },
+ /* 948 */ { MAD_F(0x048c17e3) /* 0.284202470 */, 15 },
+ /* 949 */ { MAD_F(0x048dbb1a) /* 0.284602263 */, 15 },
+ /* 950 */ { MAD_F(0x048f5e76) /* 0.285002195 */, 15 },
+ /* 951 */ { MAD_F(0x049101f8) /* 0.285402269 */, 15 },
+ /* 952 */ { MAD_F(0x0492a59f) /* 0.285802482 */, 15 },
+ /* 953 */ { MAD_F(0x0494496c) /* 0.286202836 */, 15 },
+ /* 954 */ { MAD_F(0x0495ed5f) /* 0.286603329 */, 15 },
+ /* 955 */ { MAD_F(0x04979177) /* 0.287003963 */, 15 },
+ /* 956 */ { MAD_F(0x049935b5) /* 0.287404737 */, 15 },
+ /* 957 */ { MAD_F(0x049ada19) /* 0.287805650 */, 15 },
+ /* 958 */ { MAD_F(0x049c7ea1) /* 0.288206703 */, 15 },
+ /* 959 */ { MAD_F(0x049e2350) /* 0.288607895 */, 15 },
+ /* 960 */ { MAD_F(0x049fc824) /* 0.289009227 */, 15 },
+ /* 961 */ { MAD_F(0x04a16d1d) /* 0.289410699 */, 15 },
+ /* 962 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3123b) /* 0.289812309 */, 15 },
+ /* 963 */ { MAD_F(0x04a4b77f) /* 0.290214059 */, 15 },
+ /* 964 */ { MAD_F(0x04a65ce8) /* 0.290615948 */, 15 },
+ /* 965 */ { MAD_F(0x04a80277) /* 0.291017976 */, 15 },
+ /* 966 */ { MAD_F(0x04a9a82b) /* 0.291420143 */, 15 },
+ /* 967 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab4e04) /* 0.291822449 */, 15 },
+ /* 968 */ { MAD_F(0x04acf402) /* 0.292224893 */, 15 },
+ /* 969 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae9a26) /* 0.292627476 */, 15 },
+ /* 970 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0406e) /* 0.293030197 */, 15 },
+ /* 971 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1e6dc) /* 0.293433057 */, 15 },
+ /* 972 */ { MAD_F(0x04b38d6f) /* 0.293836055 */, 15 },
+ /* 973 */ { MAD_F(0x04b53427) /* 0.294239192 */, 15 },
+ /* 974 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6db05) /* 0.294642466 */, 15 },
+ /* 975 */ { MAD_F(0x04b88207) /* 0.295045879 */, 15 },
+ /* 976 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba292e) /* 0.295449429 */, 15 },
+ /* 977 */ { MAD_F(0x04bbd07a) /* 0.295853118 */, 15 },
+ /* 978 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd77ec) /* 0.296256944 */, 15 },
+ /* 979 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf1f82) /* 0.296660907 */, 15 },
+ /* 980 */ { MAD_F(0x04c0c73d) /* 0.297065009 */, 15 },
+ /* 981 */ { MAD_F(0x04c26f1d) /* 0.297469248 */, 15 },
+ /* 982 */ { MAD_F(0x04c41722) /* 0.297873624 */, 15 },
+ /* 983 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5bf4c) /* 0.298278137 */, 15 },
+ /* 984 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7679a) /* 0.298682788 */, 15 },
+ /* 985 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9100d) /* 0.299087576 */, 15 },
+ /* 986 */ { MAD_F(0x04cab8a6) /* 0.299492500 */, 15 },
+ /* 987 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc6163) /* 0.299897562 */, 15 },
+ /* 988 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce0a44) /* 0.300302761 */, 15 },
+ /* 989 */ { MAD_F(0x04cfb34b) /* 0.300708096 */, 15 },
+ /* 990 */ { MAD_F(0x04d15c76) /* 0.301113568 */, 15 },
+ /* 991 */ { MAD_F(0x04d305c5) /* 0.301519176 */, 15 },
+ /* 992 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4af3a) /* 0.301924921 */, 15 },
+ /* 993 */ { MAD_F(0x04d658d2) /* 0.302330802 */, 15 },
+ /* 994 */ { MAD_F(0x04d80290) /* 0.302736820 */, 15 },
+ /* 995 */ { MAD_F(0x04d9ac72) /* 0.303142973 */, 15 },
+ /* 996 */ { MAD_F(0x04db5679) /* 0.303549263 */, 15 },
+ /* 997 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd00a4) /* 0.303955689 */, 15 },
+ /* 998 */ { MAD_F(0x04deaaf3) /* 0.304362251 */, 15 },
+ /* 999 */ { MAD_F(0x04e05567) /* 0.304768948 */, 15 },
+ /* 1000 */ { MAD_F(0x04e20000) /* 0.305175781 */, 15 },
+ /* 1001 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3aabd) /* 0.305582750 */, 15 },
+ /* 1002 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5559e) /* 0.305989854 */, 15 },
+ /* 1003 */ { MAD_F(0x04e700a3) /* 0.306397094 */, 15 },
+ /* 1004 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8abcd) /* 0.306804470 */, 15 },
+ /* 1005 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea571c) /* 0.307211980 */, 15 },
+ /* 1006 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec028e) /* 0.307619626 */, 15 },
+ /* 1007 */ { MAD_F(0x04edae25) /* 0.308027406 */, 15 },
+ /* 1008 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef59e0) /* 0.308435322 */, 15 },
+ /* 1009 */ { MAD_F(0x04f105bf) /* 0.308843373 */, 15 },
+ /* 1010 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2b1c3) /* 0.309251558 */, 15 },
+ /* 1011 */ { MAD_F(0x04f45dea) /* 0.309659879 */, 15 },
+ /* 1012 */ { MAD_F(0x04f60a36) /* 0.310068333 */, 15 },
+ /* 1013 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7b6a6) /* 0.310476923 */, 15 },
+ /* 1014 */ { MAD_F(0x04f9633a) /* 0.310885647 */, 15 },
+ /* 1015 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb0ff2) /* 0.311294505 */, 15 },
+ /* 1016 */ { MAD_F(0x04fcbcce) /* 0.311703498 */, 15 },
+ /* 1017 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe69ce) /* 0.312112625 */, 15 },
+ /* 1018 */ { MAD_F(0x050016f3) /* 0.312521885 */, 15 },
+ /* 1019 */ { MAD_F(0x0501c43b) /* 0.312931280 */, 15 },
+ /* 1020 */ { MAD_F(0x050371a7) /* 0.313340809 */, 15 },
+ /* 1021 */ { MAD_F(0x05051f37) /* 0.313750472 */, 15 },
+ /* 1022 */ { MAD_F(0x0506cceb) /* 0.314160269 */, 15 },
+ /* 1023 */ { MAD_F(0x05087ac2) /* 0.314570199 */, 15 },
+ /* 1024 */ { MAD_F(0x050a28be) /* 0.314980262 */, 15 },
+ /* 1025 */ { MAD_F(0x050bd6de) /* 0.315390460 */, 15 },
+ /* 1026 */ { MAD_F(0x050d8521) /* 0.315800790 */, 15 },
+ /* 1027 */ { MAD_F(0x050f3388) /* 0.316211255 */, 15 },
+ /* 1028 */ { MAD_F(0x0510e213) /* 0.316621852 */, 15 },
+ /* 1029 */ { MAD_F(0x051290c2) /* 0.317032582 */, 15 },
+ /* 1030 */ { MAD_F(0x05143f94) /* 0.317443446 */, 15 },
+ /* 1031 */ { MAD_F(0x0515ee8a) /* 0.317854442 */, 15 },
+ /* 1032 */ { MAD_F(0x05179da4) /* 0.318265572 */, 15 },
+ /* 1033 */ { MAD_F(0x05194ce1) /* 0.318676834 */, 15 },
+ /* 1034 */ { MAD_F(0x051afc42) /* 0.319088229 */, 15 },
+ /* 1035 */ { MAD_F(0x051cabc7) /* 0.319499756 */, 15 },
+ /* 1036 */ { MAD_F(0x051e5b6f) /* 0.319911417 */, 15 },
+ /* 1037 */ { MAD_F(0x05200b3a) /* 0.320323209 */, 15 },
+ /* 1038 */ { MAD_F(0x0521bb2a) /* 0.320735134 */, 15 },
+ /* 1039 */ { MAD_F(0x05236b3d) /* 0.321147192 */, 15 },
+ /* 1040 */ { MAD_F(0x05251b73) /* 0.321559381 */, 15 },
+ /* 1041 */ { MAD_F(0x0526cbcd) /* 0.321971703 */, 15 },
+ /* 1042 */ { MAD_F(0x05287c4a) /* 0.322384156 */, 15 },
+ /* 1043 */ { MAD_F(0x052a2cea) /* 0.322796742 */, 15 },
+ /* 1044 */ { MAD_F(0x052bddae) /* 0.323209460 */, 15 },
+ /* 1045 */ { MAD_F(0x052d8e96) /* 0.323622309 */, 15 },
+ /* 1046 */ { MAD_F(0x052f3fa1) /* 0.324035290 */, 15 },
+ /* 1047 */ { MAD_F(0x0530f0cf) /* 0.324448403 */, 15 },
+ /* 1048 */ { MAD_F(0x0532a220) /* 0.324861647 */, 15 },
+ /* 1049 */ { MAD_F(0x05345395) /* 0.325275023 */, 15 },
+ /* 1050 */ { MAD_F(0x0536052d) /* 0.325688530 */, 15 },
+ /* 1051 */ { MAD_F(0x0537b6e8) /* 0.326102168 */, 15 },
+ /* 1052 */ { MAD_F(0x053968c6) /* 0.326515938 */, 15 },
+ /* 1053 */ { MAD_F(0x053b1ac8) /* 0.326929839 */, 15 },
+ /* 1054 */ { MAD_F(0x053ccced) /* 0.327343870 */, 15 },
+ /* 1055 */ { MAD_F(0x053e7f35) /* 0.327758033 */, 15 },
+ /* 1056 */ { MAD_F(0x054031a0) /* 0.328172327 */, 15 },
+ /* 1057 */ { MAD_F(0x0541e42e) /* 0.328586751 */, 15 },
+ /* 1058 */ { MAD_F(0x054396df) /* 0.329001306 */, 15 },
+ /* 1059 */ { MAD_F(0x054549b4) /* 0.329415992 */, 15 },
+ /* 1060 */ { MAD_F(0x0546fcab) /* 0.329830808 */, 15 },
+ /* 1061 */ { MAD_F(0x0548afc6) /* 0.330245755 */, 15 },
+ /* 1062 */ { MAD_F(0x054a6303) /* 0.330660832 */, 15 },
+ /* 1063 */ { MAD_F(0x054c1663) /* 0.331076039 */, 15 },
+ /* 1064 */ { MAD_F(0x054dc9e7) /* 0.331491377 */, 15 },
+ /* 1065 */ { MAD_F(0x054f7d8d) /* 0.331906845 */, 15 },
+ /* 1066 */ { MAD_F(0x05513156) /* 0.332322443 */, 15 },
+ /* 1067 */ { MAD_F(0x0552e542) /* 0.332738170 */, 15 },
+ /* 1068 */ { MAD_F(0x05549951) /* 0.333154028 */, 15 },
+ /* 1069 */ { MAD_F(0x05564d83) /* 0.333570016 */, 15 },
+ /* 1070 */ { MAD_F(0x055801d8) /* 0.333986133 */, 15 },
+ /* 1071 */ { MAD_F(0x0559b64f) /* 0.334402380 */, 15 },
+ /* 1072 */ { MAD_F(0x055b6ae9) /* 0.334818756 */, 15 },
+ /* 1073 */ { MAD_F(0x055d1fa6) /* 0.335235262 */, 15 },
+ /* 1074 */ { MAD_F(0x055ed486) /* 0.335651898 */, 15 },
+ /* 1075 */ { MAD_F(0x05608988) /* 0.336068662 */, 15 },
+ /* 1076 */ { MAD_F(0x05623ead) /* 0.336485556 */, 15 },
+ /* 1077 */ { MAD_F(0x0563f3f5) /* 0.336902579 */, 15 },
+ /* 1078 */ { MAD_F(0x0565a960) /* 0.337319732 */, 15 },
+ /* 1079 */ { MAD_F(0x05675eed) /* 0.337737013 */, 15 },
+ /* 1080 */ { MAD_F(0x0569149c) /* 0.338154423 */, 15 },
+ /* 1081 */ { MAD_F(0x056aca6f) /* 0.338571962 */, 15 },
+ /* 1082 */ { MAD_F(0x056c8064) /* 0.338989630 */, 15 },
+ /* 1083 */ { MAD_F(0x056e367b) /* 0.339407426 */, 15 },
+ /* 1084 */ { MAD_F(0x056fecb5) /* 0.339825351 */, 15 },
+ /* 1085 */ { MAD_F(0x0571a311) /* 0.340243405 */, 15 },
+ /* 1086 */ { MAD_F(0x05735990) /* 0.340661587 */, 15 },
+ /* 1087 */ { MAD_F(0x05751032) /* 0.341079898 */, 15 },
+ /* 1088 */ { MAD_F(0x0576c6f5) /* 0.341498336 */, 15 },
+ /* 1089 */ { MAD_F(0x05787ddc) /* 0.341916903 */, 15 },
+ /* 1090 */ { MAD_F(0x057a34e4) /* 0.342335598 */, 15 },
+ /* 1091 */ { MAD_F(0x057bec0f) /* 0.342754421 */, 15 },
+ /* 1092 */ { MAD_F(0x057da35d) /* 0.343173373 */, 15 },
+ /* 1093 */ { MAD_F(0x057f5acc) /* 0.343592452 */, 15 },
+ /* 1094 */ { MAD_F(0x0581125e) /* 0.344011659 */, 15 },
+ /* 1095 */ { MAD_F(0x0582ca12) /* 0.344430993 */, 15 },
+ /* 1096 */ { MAD_F(0x058481e9) /* 0.344850455 */, 15 },
+ /* 1097 */ { MAD_F(0x058639e2) /* 0.345270045 */, 15 },
+ /* 1098 */ { MAD_F(0x0587f1fd) /* 0.345689763 */, 15 },
+ /* 1099 */ { MAD_F(0x0589aa3a) /* 0.346109608 */, 15 },
+ /* 1100 */ { MAD_F(0x058b629a) /* 0.346529580 */, 15 },
+ /* 1101 */ { MAD_F(0x058d1b1b) /* 0.346949679 */, 15 },
+ /* 1102 */ { MAD_F(0x058ed3bf) /* 0.347369906 */, 15 },
+ /* 1103 */ { MAD_F(0x05908c85) /* 0.347790260 */, 15 },
+ /* 1104 */ { MAD_F(0x0592456d) /* 0.348210741 */, 15 },
+ /* 1105 */ { MAD_F(0x0593fe77) /* 0.348631348 */, 15 },
+ /* 1106 */ { MAD_F(0x0595b7a3) /* 0.349052083 */, 15 },
+ /* 1107 */ { MAD_F(0x059770f1) /* 0.349472945 */, 15 },
+ /* 1108 */ { MAD_F(0x05992a61) /* 0.349893933 */, 15 },
+ /* 1109 */ { MAD_F(0x059ae3f3) /* 0.350315048 */, 15 },
+ /* 1110 */ { MAD_F(0x059c9da8) /* 0.350736290 */, 15 },
+ /* 1111 */ { MAD_F(0x059e577e) /* 0.351157658 */, 15 },
+ /* 1112 */ { MAD_F(0x05a01176) /* 0.351579152 */, 15 },
+ /* 1113 */ { MAD_F(0x05a1cb90) /* 0.352000773 */, 15 },
+ /* 1114 */ { MAD_F(0x05a385cc) /* 0.352422520 */, 15 },
+ /* 1115 */ { MAD_F(0x05a5402a) /* 0.352844394 */, 15 },
+ /* 1116 */ { MAD_F(0x05a6faa9) /* 0.353266393 */, 15 },
+ /* 1117 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8b54b) /* 0.353688519 */, 15 },
+ /* 1118 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa700e) /* 0.354110771 */, 15 },
+ /* 1119 */ { MAD_F(0x05ac2af3) /* 0.354533148 */, 15 },
+ /* 1120 */ { MAD_F(0x05ade5fa) /* 0.354955651 */, 15 },
+ /* 1121 */ { MAD_F(0x05afa123) /* 0.355378281 */, 15 },
+ /* 1122 */ { MAD_F(0x05b15c6d) /* 0.355801035 */, 15 },
+ /* 1123 */ { MAD_F(0x05b317d9) /* 0.356223916 */, 15 },
+ /* 1124 */ { MAD_F(0x05b4d367) /* 0.356646922 */, 15 },
+ /* 1125 */ { MAD_F(0x05b68f16) /* 0.357070053 */, 15 },
+ /* 1126 */ { MAD_F(0x05b84ae7) /* 0.357493310 */, 15 },
+ /* 1127 */ { MAD_F(0x05ba06da) /* 0.357916692 */, 15 },
+ /* 1128 */ { MAD_F(0x05bbc2ef) /* 0.358340200 */, 15 },
+ /* 1129 */ { MAD_F(0x05bd7f25) /* 0.358763832 */, 15 },
+ /* 1130 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf3b7c) /* 0.359187590 */, 15 },
+ /* 1131 */ { MAD_F(0x05c0f7f5) /* 0.359611472 */, 15 },
+ /* 1132 */ { MAD_F(0x05c2b490) /* 0.360035480 */, 15 },
+ /* 1133 */ { MAD_F(0x05c4714c) /* 0.360459613 */, 15 },
+ /* 1134 */ { MAD_F(0x05c62e2a) /* 0.360883870 */, 15 },
+ /* 1135 */ { MAD_F(0x05c7eb29) /* 0.361308252 */, 15 },
+ /* 1136 */ { MAD_F(0x05c9a84a) /* 0.361732758 */, 15 },
+ /* 1137 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb658c) /* 0.362157390 */, 15 },
+ /* 1138 */ { MAD_F(0x05cd22ef) /* 0.362582145 */, 15 },
+ /* 1139 */ { MAD_F(0x05cee074) /* 0.363007026 */, 15 },
+ /* 1140 */ { MAD_F(0x05d09e1b) /* 0.363432030 */, 15 },
+ /* 1141 */ { MAD_F(0x05d25be2) /* 0.363857159 */, 15 },
+ /* 1142 */ { MAD_F(0x05d419cb) /* 0.364282412 */, 15 },
+ /* 1143 */ { MAD_F(0x05d5d7d5) /* 0.364707789 */, 15 },
+ /* 1144 */ { MAD_F(0x05d79601) /* 0.365133291 */, 15 },
+ /* 1145 */ { MAD_F(0x05d9544e) /* 0.365558916 */, 15 },
+ /* 1146 */ { MAD_F(0x05db12bc) /* 0.365984665 */, 15 },
+ /* 1147 */ { MAD_F(0x05dcd14c) /* 0.366410538 */, 15 },
+ /* 1148 */ { MAD_F(0x05de8ffc) /* 0.366836535 */, 15 },
+ /* 1149 */ { MAD_F(0x05e04ece) /* 0.367262655 */, 15 },
+ /* 1150 */ { MAD_F(0x05e20dc1) /* 0.367688900 */, 15 },
+ /* 1151 */ { MAD_F(0x05e3ccd5) /* 0.368115267 */, 15 },
+ /* 1152 */ { MAD_F(0x05e58c0b) /* 0.368541759 */, 15 },
+ /* 1153 */ { MAD_F(0x05e74b61) /* 0.368968373 */, 15 },
+ /* 1154 */ { MAD_F(0x05e90ad9) /* 0.369395111 */, 15 },
+ /* 1155 */ { MAD_F(0x05eaca72) /* 0.369821973 */, 15 },
+ /* 1156 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec8a2b) /* 0.370248957 */, 15 },
+ /* 1157 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee4a06) /* 0.370676065 */, 15 },
+ /* 1158 */ { MAD_F(0x05f00a02) /* 0.371103295 */, 15 },
+ /* 1159 */ { MAD_F(0x05f1ca1f) /* 0.371530649 */, 15 },
+ /* 1160 */ { MAD_F(0x05f38a5d) /* 0.371958126 */, 15 },
+ /* 1161 */ { MAD_F(0x05f54abc) /* 0.372385725 */, 15 },
+ /* 1162 */ { MAD_F(0x05f70b3c) /* 0.372813448 */, 15 },
+ /* 1163 */ { MAD_F(0x05f8cbdc) /* 0.373241292 */, 15 },
+ /* 1164 */ { MAD_F(0x05fa8c9e) /* 0.373669260 */, 15 },
+ /* 1165 */ { MAD_F(0x05fc4d81) /* 0.374097350 */, 15 },
+ /* 1166 */ { MAD_F(0x05fe0e84) /* 0.374525563 */, 15 },
+ /* 1167 */ { MAD_F(0x05ffcfa8) /* 0.374953898 */, 15 },
+ /* 1168 */ { MAD_F(0x060190ee) /* 0.375382356 */, 15 },
+ /* 1169 */ { MAD_F(0x06035254) /* 0.375810936 */, 15 },
+ /* 1170 */ { MAD_F(0x060513da) /* 0.376239638 */, 15 },
+ /* 1171 */ { MAD_F(0x0606d582) /* 0.376668462 */, 15 },
+ /* 1172 */ { MAD_F(0x0608974a) /* 0.377097408 */, 15 },
+ /* 1173 */ { MAD_F(0x060a5934) /* 0.377526476 */, 15 },
+ /* 1174 */ { MAD_F(0x060c1b3d) /* 0.377955667 */, 15 },
+ /* 1175 */ { MAD_F(0x060ddd68) /* 0.378384979 */, 15 },
+ /* 1176 */ { MAD_F(0x060f9fb3) /* 0.378814413 */, 15 },
+ /* 1177 */ { MAD_F(0x0611621f) /* 0.379243968 */, 15 },
+ /* 1178 */ { MAD_F(0x061324ac) /* 0.379673646 */, 15 },
+ /* 1179 */ { MAD_F(0x0614e759) /* 0.380103444 */, 15 },
+ /* 1180 */ { MAD_F(0x0616aa27) /* 0.380533365 */, 15 },
+ /* 1181 */ { MAD_F(0x06186d16) /* 0.380963407 */, 15 },
+ /* 1182 */ { MAD_F(0x061a3025) /* 0.381393570 */, 15 },
+ /* 1183 */ { MAD_F(0x061bf354) /* 0.381823855 */, 15 },
+ /* 1184 */ { MAD_F(0x061db6a5) /* 0.382254261 */, 15 },
+ /* 1185 */ { MAD_F(0x061f7a15) /* 0.382684788 */, 15 },
+ /* 1186 */ { MAD_F(0x06213da7) /* 0.383115436 */, 15 },
+ /* 1187 */ { MAD_F(0x06230158) /* 0.383546205 */, 15 },
+ /* 1188 */ { MAD_F(0x0624c52a) /* 0.383977096 */, 15 },
+ /* 1189 */ { MAD_F(0x0626891d) /* 0.384408107 */, 15 },
+ /* 1190 */ { MAD_F(0x06284d30) /* 0.384839239 */, 15 },
+ /* 1191 */ { MAD_F(0x062a1164) /* 0.385270492 */, 15 },
+ /* 1192 */ { MAD_F(0x062bd5b8) /* 0.385701865 */, 15 },
+ /* 1193 */ { MAD_F(0x062d9a2c) /* 0.386133359 */, 15 },
+ /* 1194 */ { MAD_F(0x062f5ec1) /* 0.386564974 */, 15 },
+ /* 1195 */ { MAD_F(0x06312376) /* 0.386996709 */, 15 },
+ /* 1196 */ { MAD_F(0x0632e84b) /* 0.387428565 */, 15 },
+ /* 1197 */ { MAD_F(0x0634ad41) /* 0.387860541 */, 15 },
+ /* 1198 */ { MAD_F(0x06367257) /* 0.388292637 */, 15 },
+ /* 1199 */ { MAD_F(0x0638378d) /* 0.388724854 */, 15 },
+ /* 1200 */ { MAD_F(0x0639fce4) /* 0.389157191 */, 15 },
+ /* 1201 */ { MAD_F(0x063bc25b) /* 0.389589648 */, 15 },
+ /* 1202 */ { MAD_F(0x063d87f2) /* 0.390022225 */, 15 },
+ /* 1203 */ { MAD_F(0x063f4da9) /* 0.390454922 */, 15 },
+ /* 1204 */ { MAD_F(0x06411380) /* 0.390887739 */, 15 },
+ /* 1205 */ { MAD_F(0x0642d978) /* 0.391320675 */, 15 },
+ /* 1206 */ { MAD_F(0x06449f8f) /* 0.391753732 */, 15 },
+ /* 1207 */ { MAD_F(0x064665c7) /* 0.392186908 */, 15 },
+ /* 1208 */ { MAD_F(0x06482c1f) /* 0.392620204 */, 15 },
+ /* 1209 */ { MAD_F(0x0649f297) /* 0.393053619 */, 15 },
+ /* 1210 */ { MAD_F(0x064bb92f) /* 0.393487154 */, 15 },
+ /* 1211 */ { MAD_F(0x064d7fe8) /* 0.393920808 */, 15 },
+ /* 1212 */ { MAD_F(0x064f46c0) /* 0.394354582 */, 15 },
+ /* 1213 */ { MAD_F(0x06510db8) /* 0.394788475 */, 15 },
+ /* 1214 */ { MAD_F(0x0652d4d0) /* 0.395222488 */, 15 },
+ /* 1215 */ { MAD_F(0x06549c09) /* 0.395656619 */, 15 },
+ /* 1216 */ { MAD_F(0x06566361) /* 0.396090870 */, 15 },
+ /* 1217 */ { MAD_F(0x06582ad9) /* 0.396525239 */, 15 },
+ /* 1218 */ { MAD_F(0x0659f271) /* 0.396959728 */, 15 },
+ /* 1219 */ { MAD_F(0x065bba29) /* 0.397394336 */, 15 },
+ /* 1220 */ { MAD_F(0x065d8201) /* 0.397829062 */, 15 },
+ /* 1221 */ { MAD_F(0x065f49f9) /* 0.398263907 */, 15 },
+ /* 1222 */ { MAD_F(0x06611211) /* 0.398698871 */, 15 },
+ /* 1223 */ { MAD_F(0x0662da49) /* 0.399133954 */, 15 },
+ /* 1224 */ { MAD_F(0x0664a2a0) /* 0.399569155 */, 15 },
+ /* 1225 */ { MAD_F(0x06666b17) /* 0.400004475 */, 15 },
+ /* 1226 */ { MAD_F(0x066833ae) /* 0.400439913 */, 15 },
+ /* 1227 */ { MAD_F(0x0669fc65) /* 0.400875470 */, 15 },
+ /* 1228 */ { MAD_F(0x066bc53c) /* 0.401311145 */, 15 },
+ /* 1229 */ { MAD_F(0x066d8e32) /* 0.401746938 */, 15 },
+ /* 1230 */ { MAD_F(0x066f5748) /* 0.402182850 */, 15 },
+ /* 1231 */ { MAD_F(0x0671207e) /* 0.402618879 */, 15 },
+ /* 1232 */ { MAD_F(0x0672e9d4) /* 0.403055027 */, 15 },
+ /* 1233 */ { MAD_F(0x0674b349) /* 0.403491293 */, 15 },
+ /* 1234 */ { MAD_F(0x06767cde) /* 0.403927676 */, 15 },
+ /* 1235 */ { MAD_F(0x06784692) /* 0.404364178 */, 15 },
+ /* 1236 */ { MAD_F(0x067a1066) /* 0.404800797 */, 15 },
+ /* 1237 */ { MAD_F(0x067bda5a) /* 0.405237535 */, 15 },
+ /* 1238 */ { MAD_F(0x067da46d) /* 0.405674390 */, 15 },
+ /* 1239 */ { MAD_F(0x067f6ea0) /* 0.406111362 */, 15 },
+ /* 1240 */ { MAD_F(0x068138f3) /* 0.406548452 */, 15 },
+ /* 1241 */ { MAD_F(0x06830365) /* 0.406985660 */, 15 },
+ /* 1242 */ { MAD_F(0x0684cdf6) /* 0.407422985 */, 15 },
+ /* 1243 */ { MAD_F(0x068698a8) /* 0.407860427 */, 15 },
+ /* 1244 */ { MAD_F(0x06886378) /* 0.408297987 */, 15 },
+ /* 1245 */ { MAD_F(0x068a2e68) /* 0.408735664 */, 15 },
+ /* 1246 */ { MAD_F(0x068bf978) /* 0.409173458 */, 15 },
+ /* 1247 */ { MAD_F(0x068dc4a7) /* 0.409611370 */, 15 },
+ /* 1248 */ { MAD_F(0x068f8ff5) /* 0.410049398 */, 15 },
+ /* 1249 */ { MAD_F(0x06915b63) /* 0.410487544 */, 15 },
+ /* 1250 */ { MAD_F(0x069326f0) /* 0.410925806 */, 15 },
+ /* 1251 */ { MAD_F(0x0694f29c) /* 0.411364185 */, 15 },
+ /* 1252 */ { MAD_F(0x0696be68) /* 0.411802681 */, 15 },
+ /* 1253 */ { MAD_F(0x06988a54) /* 0.412241294 */, 15 },
+ /* 1254 */ { MAD_F(0x069a565e) /* 0.412680024 */, 15 },
+ /* 1255 */ { MAD_F(0x069c2288) /* 0.413118870 */, 15 },
+ /* 1256 */ { MAD_F(0x069deed1) /* 0.413557833 */, 15 },
+ /* 1257 */ { MAD_F(0x069fbb3a) /* 0.413996912 */, 15 },
+ /* 1258 */ { MAD_F(0x06a187c1) /* 0.414436108 */, 15 },
+ /* 1259 */ { MAD_F(0x06a35468) /* 0.414875420 */, 15 },
+ /* 1260 */ { MAD_F(0x06a5212f) /* 0.415314849 */, 15 },
+ /* 1261 */ { MAD_F(0x06a6ee14) /* 0.415754393 */, 15 },
+ /* 1262 */ { MAD_F(0x06a8bb18) /* 0.416194054 */, 15 },
+ /* 1263 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa883c) /* 0.416633831 */, 15 },
+ /* 1264 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac557f) /* 0.417073724 */, 15 },
+ /* 1265 */ { MAD_F(0x06ae22e1) /* 0.417513734 */, 15 },
+ /* 1266 */ { MAD_F(0x06aff062) /* 0.417953859 */, 15 },
+ /* 1267 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1be03) /* 0.418394100 */, 15 },
+ /* 1268 */ { MAD_F(0x06b38bc2) /* 0.418834457 */, 15 },
+ /* 1269 */ { MAD_F(0x06b559a1) /* 0.419274929 */, 15 },
+ /* 1270 */ { MAD_F(0x06b7279e) /* 0.419715518 */, 15 },
+ /* 1271 */ { MAD_F(0x06b8f5bb) /* 0.420156222 */, 15 },
+ /* 1272 */ { MAD_F(0x06bac3f6) /* 0.420597041 */, 15 },
+ /* 1273 */ { MAD_F(0x06bc9251) /* 0.421037977 */, 15 },
+ /* 1274 */ { MAD_F(0x06be60cb) /* 0.421479027 */, 15 },
+ /* 1275 */ { MAD_F(0x06c02f63) /* 0.421920193 */, 15 },
+ /* 1276 */ { MAD_F(0x06c1fe1b) /* 0.422361475 */, 15 },
+ /* 1277 */ { MAD_F(0x06c3ccf1) /* 0.422802871 */, 15 },
+ /* 1278 */ { MAD_F(0x06c59be7) /* 0.423244383 */, 15 },
+ /* 1279 */ { MAD_F(0x06c76afb) /* 0.423686010 */, 15 },
+ /* 1280 */ { MAD_F(0x06c93a2e) /* 0.424127753 */, 15 },
+ /* 1281 */ { MAD_F(0x06cb0981) /* 0.424569610 */, 15 },
+ /* 1282 */ { MAD_F(0x06ccd8f2) /* 0.425011582 */, 15 },
+ /* 1283 */ { MAD_F(0x06cea881) /* 0.425453669 */, 15 },
+ /* 1284 */ { MAD_F(0x06d07830) /* 0.425895871 */, 15 },
+ /* 1285 */ { MAD_F(0x06d247fe) /* 0.426338188 */, 15 },
+ /* 1286 */ { MAD_F(0x06d417ea) /* 0.426780620 */, 15 },
+ /* 1287 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5e7f5) /* 0.427223166 */, 15 },
+ /* 1288 */ { MAD_F(0x06d7b81f) /* 0.427665827 */, 15 },
+ /* 1289 */ { MAD_F(0x06d98868) /* 0.428108603 */, 15 },
+ /* 1290 */ { MAD_F(0x06db58cf) /* 0.428551493 */, 15 },
+ /* 1291 */ { MAD_F(0x06dd2955) /* 0.428994497 */, 15 },
+ /* 1292 */ { MAD_F(0x06def9fa) /* 0.429437616 */, 15 },
+ /* 1293 */ { MAD_F(0x06e0cabe) /* 0.429880849 */, 15 },
+ /* 1294 */ { MAD_F(0x06e29ba0) /* 0.430324197 */, 15 },
+ /* 1295 */ { MAD_F(0x06e46ca1) /* 0.430767659 */, 15 },
+ /* 1296 */ { MAD_F(0x06e63dc0) /* 0.431211234 */, 15 },
+ /* 1297 */ { MAD_F(0x06e80efe) /* 0.431654924 */, 15 },
+ /* 1298 */ { MAD_F(0x06e9e05b) /* 0.432098728 */, 15 },
+ /* 1299 */ { MAD_F(0x06ebb1d6) /* 0.432542647 */, 15 },
+ /* 1300 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed8370) /* 0.432986678 */, 15 },
+ /* 1301 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef5529) /* 0.433430824 */, 15 },
+ /* 1302 */ { MAD_F(0x06f12700) /* 0.433875084 */, 15 },
+ /* 1303 */ { MAD_F(0x06f2f8f5) /* 0.434319457 */, 15 },
+ /* 1304 */ { MAD_F(0x06f4cb09) /* 0.434763944 */, 15 },
+ /* 1305 */ { MAD_F(0x06f69d3c) /* 0.435208545 */, 15 },
+ /* 1306 */ { MAD_F(0x06f86f8d) /* 0.435653259 */, 15 },
+ /* 1307 */ { MAD_F(0x06fa41fd) /* 0.436098087 */, 15 },
+ /* 1308 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc148b) /* 0.436543029 */, 15 },
+ /* 1309 */ { MAD_F(0x06fde737) /* 0.436988083 */, 15 },
+ /* 1310 */ { MAD_F(0x06ffba02) /* 0.437433251 */, 15 },
+ /* 1311 */ { MAD_F(0x07018ceb) /* 0.437878533 */, 15 },
+ /* 1312 */ { MAD_F(0x07035ff3) /* 0.438323927 */, 15 },
+ /* 1313 */ { MAD_F(0x07053319) /* 0.438769435 */, 15 },
+ /* 1314 */ { MAD_F(0x0707065d) /* 0.439215056 */, 15 },
+ /* 1315 */ { MAD_F(0x0708d9c0) /* 0.439660790 */, 15 },
+ /* 1316 */ { MAD_F(0x070aad41) /* 0.440106636 */, 15 },
+ /* 1317 */ { MAD_F(0x070c80e1) /* 0.440552596 */, 15 },
+ /* 1318 */ { MAD_F(0x070e549f) /* 0.440998669 */, 15 },
+ /* 1319 */ { MAD_F(0x0710287b) /* 0.441444855 */, 15 },
+ /* 1320 */ { MAD_F(0x0711fc75) /* 0.441891153 */, 15 },
+ /* 1321 */ { MAD_F(0x0713d08d) /* 0.442337564 */, 15 },
+ /* 1322 */ { MAD_F(0x0715a4c4) /* 0.442784088 */, 15 },
+ /* 1323 */ { MAD_F(0x07177919) /* 0.443230724 */, 15 },
+ /* 1324 */ { MAD_F(0x07194d8c) /* 0.443677473 */, 15 },
+ /* 1325 */ { MAD_F(0x071b221e) /* 0.444124334 */, 15 },
+ /* 1326 */ { MAD_F(0x071cf6ce) /* 0.444571308 */, 15 },
+ /* 1327 */ { MAD_F(0x071ecb9b) /* 0.445018394 */, 15 },
+ /* 1328 */ { MAD_F(0x0720a087) /* 0.445465593 */, 15 },
+ /* 1329 */ { MAD_F(0x07227591) /* 0.445912903 */, 15 },
+ /* 1330 */ { MAD_F(0x07244ab9) /* 0.446360326 */, 15 },
+ /* 1331 */ { MAD_F(0x07262000) /* 0.446807861 */, 15 },
+ /* 1332 */ { MAD_F(0x0727f564) /* 0.447255509 */, 15 },
+ /* 1333 */ { MAD_F(0x0729cae7) /* 0.447703268 */, 15 },
+ /* 1334 */ { MAD_F(0x072ba087) /* 0.448151139 */, 15 },
+ /* 1335 */ { MAD_F(0x072d7646) /* 0.448599122 */, 15 },
+ /* 1336 */ { MAD_F(0x072f4c22) /* 0.449047217 */, 15 },
+ /* 1337 */ { MAD_F(0x0731221d) /* 0.449495424 */, 15 },
+ /* 1338 */ { MAD_F(0x0732f835) /* 0.449943742 */, 15 },
+ /* 1339 */ { MAD_F(0x0734ce6c) /* 0.450392173 */, 15 },
+ /* 1340 */ { MAD_F(0x0736a4c1) /* 0.450840715 */, 15 },
+ /* 1341 */ { MAD_F(0x07387b33) /* 0.451289368 */, 15 },
+ /* 1342 */ { MAD_F(0x073a51c4) /* 0.451738133 */, 15 },
+ /* 1343 */ { MAD_F(0x073c2872) /* 0.452187010 */, 15 },
+ /* 1344 */ { MAD_F(0x073dff3e) /* 0.452635998 */, 15 },
+ /* 1345 */ { MAD_F(0x073fd628) /* 0.453085097 */, 15 },
+ /* 1346 */ { MAD_F(0x0741ad30) /* 0.453534308 */, 15 },
+ /* 1347 */ { MAD_F(0x07438456) /* 0.453983630 */, 15 },
+ /* 1348 */ { MAD_F(0x07455b9a) /* 0.454433063 */, 15 },
+ /* 1349 */ { MAD_F(0x074732fc) /* 0.454882607 */, 15 },
+ /* 1350 */ { MAD_F(0x07490a7b) /* 0.455332262 */, 15 },
+ /* 1351 */ { MAD_F(0x074ae218) /* 0.455782029 */, 15 },
+ /* 1352 */ { MAD_F(0x074cb9d3) /* 0.456231906 */, 15 },
+ /* 1353 */ { MAD_F(0x074e91ac) /* 0.456681894 */, 15 },
+ /* 1354 */ { MAD_F(0x075069a3) /* 0.457131993 */, 15 },
+ /* 1355 */ { MAD_F(0x075241b7) /* 0.457582203 */, 15 },
+ /* 1356 */ { MAD_F(0x075419e9) /* 0.458032524 */, 15 },
+ /* 1357 */ { MAD_F(0x0755f239) /* 0.458482956 */, 15 },
+ /* 1358 */ { MAD_F(0x0757caa7) /* 0.458933498 */, 15 },
+ /* 1359 */ { MAD_F(0x0759a332) /* 0.459384151 */, 15 },
+ /* 1360 */ { MAD_F(0x075b7bdb) /* 0.459834914 */, 15 },
+ /* 1361 */ { MAD_F(0x075d54a1) /* 0.460285788 */, 15 },
+ /* 1362 */ { MAD_F(0x075f2d85) /* 0.460736772 */, 15 },
+ /* 1363 */ { MAD_F(0x07610687) /* 0.461187867 */, 15 },
+ /* 1364 */ { MAD_F(0x0762dfa6) /* 0.461639071 */, 15 },
+ /* 1365 */ { MAD_F(0x0764b8e3) /* 0.462090387 */, 15 },
+ /* 1366 */ { MAD_F(0x0766923e) /* 0.462541812 */, 15 },
+ /* 1367 */ { MAD_F(0x07686bb6) /* 0.462993348 */, 15 },
+ /* 1368 */ { MAD_F(0x076a454c) /* 0.463444993 */, 15 },
+ /* 1369 */ { MAD_F(0x076c1eff) /* 0.463896749 */, 15 },
+ /* 1370 */ { MAD_F(0x076df8d0) /* 0.464348615 */, 15 },
+ /* 1371 */ { MAD_F(0x076fd2be) /* 0.464800591 */, 15 },
+ /* 1372 */ { MAD_F(0x0771acca) /* 0.465252676 */, 15 },
+ /* 1373 */ { MAD_F(0x077386f3) /* 0.465704872 */, 15 },
+ /* 1374 */ { MAD_F(0x0775613a) /* 0.466157177 */, 15 },
+ /* 1375 */ { MAD_F(0x07773b9e) /* 0.466609592 */, 15 },
+ /* 1376 */ { MAD_F(0x07791620) /* 0.467062117 */, 15 },
+ /* 1377 */ { MAD_F(0x077af0bf) /* 0.467514751 */, 15 },
+ /* 1378 */ { MAD_F(0x077ccb7c) /* 0.467967495 */, 15 },
+ /* 1379 */ { MAD_F(0x077ea656) /* 0.468420349 */, 15 },
+ /* 1380 */ { MAD_F(0x0780814d) /* 0.468873312 */, 15 },
+ /* 1381 */ { MAD_F(0x07825c62) /* 0.469326384 */, 15 },
+ /* 1382 */ { MAD_F(0x07843794) /* 0.469779566 */, 15 },
+ /* 1383 */ { MAD_F(0x078612e3) /* 0.470232857 */, 15 },
+ /* 1384 */ { MAD_F(0x0787ee50) /* 0.470686258 */, 15 },
+ /* 1385 */ { MAD_F(0x0789c9da) /* 0.471139767 */, 15 },
+ /* 1386 */ { MAD_F(0x078ba581) /* 0.471593386 */, 15 },
+ /* 1387 */ { MAD_F(0x078d8146) /* 0.472047114 */, 15 },
+ /* 1388 */ { MAD_F(0x078f5d28) /* 0.472500951 */, 15 },
+ /* 1389 */ { MAD_F(0x07913927) /* 0.472954896 */, 15 },
+ /* 1390 */ { MAD_F(0x07931543) /* 0.473408951 */, 15 },
+ /* 1391 */ { MAD_F(0x0794f17d) /* 0.473863115 */, 15 },
+ /* 1392 */ { MAD_F(0x0796cdd4) /* 0.474317388 */, 15 },
+ /* 1393 */ { MAD_F(0x0798aa48) /* 0.474771769 */, 15 },
+ /* 1394 */ { MAD_F(0x079a86d9) /* 0.475226259 */, 15 },
+ /* 1395 */ { MAD_F(0x079c6388) /* 0.475680858 */, 15 },
+ /* 1396 */ { MAD_F(0x079e4053) /* 0.476135565 */, 15 },
+ /* 1397 */ { MAD_F(0x07a01d3c) /* 0.476590381 */, 15 },
+ /* 1398 */ { MAD_F(0x07a1fa42) /* 0.477045306 */, 15 },
+ /* 1399 */ { MAD_F(0x07a3d765) /* 0.477500339 */, 15 },
+ /* 1400 */ { MAD_F(0x07a5b4a5) /* 0.477955481 */, 15 },
+ /* 1401 */ { MAD_F(0x07a79202) /* 0.478410731 */, 15 },
+ /* 1402 */ { MAD_F(0x07a96f7d) /* 0.478866089 */, 15 },
+ /* 1403 */ { MAD_F(0x07ab4d14) /* 0.479321555 */, 15 },
+ /* 1404 */ { MAD_F(0x07ad2ac8) /* 0.479777130 */, 15 },
+ /* 1405 */ { MAD_F(0x07af089a) /* 0.480232813 */, 15 },
+ /* 1406 */ { MAD_F(0x07b0e688) /* 0.480688604 */, 15 },
+ /* 1407 */ { MAD_F(0x07b2c494) /* 0.481144503 */, 15 },
+ /* 1408 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4a2bc) /* 0.481600510 */, 15 },
+ /* 1409 */ { MAD_F(0x07b68102) /* 0.482056625 */, 15 },
+ /* 1410 */ { MAD_F(0x07b85f64) /* 0.482512848 */, 15 },
+ /* 1411 */ { MAD_F(0x07ba3de4) /* 0.482969179 */, 15 },
+ /* 1412 */ { MAD_F(0x07bc1c80) /* 0.483425618 */, 15 },
+ /* 1413 */ { MAD_F(0x07bdfb39) /* 0.483882164 */, 15 },
+ /* 1414 */ { MAD_F(0x07bfda0f) /* 0.484338818 */, 15 },
+ /* 1415 */ { MAD_F(0x07c1b902) /* 0.484795580 */, 15 },
+ /* 1416 */ { MAD_F(0x07c39812) /* 0.485252449 */, 15 },
+ /* 1417 */ { MAD_F(0x07c5773f) /* 0.485709426 */, 15 },
+ /* 1418 */ { MAD_F(0x07c75689) /* 0.486166511 */, 15 },
+ /* 1419 */ { MAD_F(0x07c935ef) /* 0.486623703 */, 15 },
+ /* 1420 */ { MAD_F(0x07cb1573) /* 0.487081002 */, 15 },
+ /* 1421 */ { MAD_F(0x07ccf513) /* 0.487538409 */, 15 },
+ /* 1422 */ { MAD_F(0x07ced4d0) /* 0.487995923 */, 15 },
+ /* 1423 */ { MAD_F(0x07d0b4aa) /* 0.488453544 */, 15 },
+ /* 1424 */ { MAD_F(0x07d294a0) /* 0.488911273 */, 15 },
+ /* 1425 */ { MAD_F(0x07d474b3) /* 0.489369108 */, 15 },
+ /* 1426 */ { MAD_F(0x07d654e4) /* 0.489827051 */, 15 },
+ /* 1427 */ { MAD_F(0x07d83530) /* 0.490285101 */, 15 },
+ /* 1428 */ { MAD_F(0x07da159a) /* 0.490743258 */, 15 },
+ /* 1429 */ { MAD_F(0x07dbf620) /* 0.491201522 */, 15 },
+ /* 1430 */ { MAD_F(0x07ddd6c3) /* 0.491659892 */, 15 },
+ /* 1431 */ { MAD_F(0x07dfb783) /* 0.492118370 */, 15 },
+ /* 1432 */ { MAD_F(0x07e1985f) /* 0.492576954 */, 15 },
+ /* 1433 */ { MAD_F(0x07e37958) /* 0.493035645 */, 15 },
+ /* 1434 */ { MAD_F(0x07e55a6e) /* 0.493494443 */, 15 },
+ /* 1435 */ { MAD_F(0x07e73ba0) /* 0.493953348 */, 15 },
+ /* 1436 */ { MAD_F(0x07e91cef) /* 0.494412359 */, 15 },
+ /* 1437 */ { MAD_F(0x07eafe5a) /* 0.494871476 */, 15 },
+ /* 1438 */ { MAD_F(0x07ecdfe2) /* 0.495330701 */, 15 },
+ /* 1439 */ { MAD_F(0x07eec187) /* 0.495790031 */, 15 },
+ /* 1440 */ { MAD_F(0x07f0a348) /* 0.496249468 */, 15 },
+ /* 1441 */ { MAD_F(0x07f28526) /* 0.496709012 */, 15 },
+ /* 1442 */ { MAD_F(0x07f46720) /* 0.497168662 */, 15 },
+ /* 1443 */ { MAD_F(0x07f64937) /* 0.497628418 */, 15 },
+ /* 1444 */ { MAD_F(0x07f82b6a) /* 0.498088280 */, 15 },
+ /* 1445 */ { MAD_F(0x07fa0dba) /* 0.498548248 */, 15 },
+ /* 1446 */ { MAD_F(0x07fbf026) /* 0.499008323 */, 15 },
+ /* 1447 */ { MAD_F(0x07fdd2af) /* 0.499468503 */, 15 },
+ /* 1448 */ { MAD_F(0x07ffb554) /* 0.499928790 */, 15 },
+ /* 1449 */ { MAD_F(0x0400cc0b) /* 0.250194591 */, 16 },
+ /* 1450 */ { MAD_F(0x0401bd7a) /* 0.250424840 */, 16 },
+ /* 1451 */ { MAD_F(0x0402aef7) /* 0.250655143 */, 16 },
+ /* 1452 */ { MAD_F(0x0403a083) /* 0.250885498 */, 16 },
+ /* 1453 */ { MAD_F(0x0404921c) /* 0.251115906 */, 16 },
+ /* 1454 */ { MAD_F(0x040583c4) /* 0.251346367 */, 16 },
+ /* 1455 */ { MAD_F(0x0406757a) /* 0.251576880 */, 16 },
+ /* 1456 */ { MAD_F(0x0407673f) /* 0.251807447 */, 16 },
+ /* 1457 */ { MAD_F(0x04085911) /* 0.252038066 */, 16 },
+ /* 1458 */ { MAD_F(0x04094af1) /* 0.252268738 */, 16 },
+ /* 1459 */ { MAD_F(0x040a3ce0) /* 0.252499463 */, 16 },
+ /* 1460 */ { MAD_F(0x040b2edd) /* 0.252730240 */, 16 },
+ /* 1461 */ { MAD_F(0x040c20e8) /* 0.252961071 */, 16 },
+ /* 1462 */ { MAD_F(0x040d1301) /* 0.253191953 */, 16 },
+ /* 1463 */ { MAD_F(0x040e0529) /* 0.253422889 */, 16 },
+ /* 1464 */ { MAD_F(0x040ef75e) /* 0.253653877 */, 16 },
+ /* 1465 */ { MAD_F(0x040fe9a1) /* 0.253884918 */, 16 },
+ /* 1466 */ { MAD_F(0x0410dbf3) /* 0.254116011 */, 16 },
+ /* 1467 */ { MAD_F(0x0411ce53) /* 0.254347157 */, 16 },
+ /* 1468 */ { MAD_F(0x0412c0c1) /* 0.254578356 */, 16 },
+ /* 1469 */ { MAD_F(0x0413b33d) /* 0.254809606 */, 16 },
+ /* 1470 */ { MAD_F(0x0414a5c7) /* 0.255040910 */, 16 },
+ /* 1471 */ { MAD_F(0x0415985f) /* 0.255272266 */, 16 },
+ /* 1472 */ { MAD_F(0x04168b05) /* 0.255503674 */, 16 },
+ /* 1473 */ { MAD_F(0x04177db9) /* 0.255735135 */, 16 },
+ /* 1474 */ { MAD_F(0x0418707c) /* 0.255966648 */, 16 },
+ /* 1475 */ { MAD_F(0x0419634c) /* 0.256198213 */, 16 },
+ /* 1476 */ { MAD_F(0x041a562a) /* 0.256429831 */, 16 },
+ /* 1477 */ { MAD_F(0x041b4917) /* 0.256661501 */, 16 },
+ /* 1478 */ { MAD_F(0x041c3c11) /* 0.256893223 */, 16 },
+ /* 1479 */ { MAD_F(0x041d2f1a) /* 0.257124998 */, 16 },
+ /* 1480 */ { MAD_F(0x041e2230) /* 0.257356825 */, 16 },
+ /* 1481 */ { MAD_F(0x041f1555) /* 0.257588704 */, 16 },
+ /* 1482 */ { MAD_F(0x04200888) /* 0.257820635 */, 16 },
+ /* 1483 */ { MAD_F(0x0420fbc8) /* 0.258052619 */, 16 },
+ /* 1484 */ { MAD_F(0x0421ef17) /* 0.258284654 */, 16 },
+ /* 1485 */ { MAD_F(0x0422e273) /* 0.258516742 */, 16 },
+ /* 1486 */ { MAD_F(0x0423d5de) /* 0.258748882 */, 16 },
+ /* 1487 */ { MAD_F(0x0424c956) /* 0.258981074 */, 16 },
+ /* 1488 */ { MAD_F(0x0425bcdd) /* 0.259213318 */, 16 },
+ /* 1489 */ { MAD_F(0x0426b071) /* 0.259445614 */, 16 },
+ /* 1490 */ { MAD_F(0x0427a414) /* 0.259677962 */, 16 },
+ /* 1491 */ { MAD_F(0x042897c4) /* 0.259910362 */, 16 },
+ /* 1492 */ { MAD_F(0x04298b83) /* 0.260142814 */, 16 },
+ /* 1493 */ { MAD_F(0x042a7f4f) /* 0.260375318 */, 16 },
+ /* 1494 */ { MAD_F(0x042b7329) /* 0.260607874 */, 16 },
+ /* 1495 */ { MAD_F(0x042c6711) /* 0.260840481 */, 16 },
+ /* 1496 */ { MAD_F(0x042d5b07) /* 0.261073141 */, 16 },
+ /* 1497 */ { MAD_F(0x042e4f0b) /* 0.261305852 */, 16 },
+ /* 1498 */ { MAD_F(0x042f431d) /* 0.261538616 */, 16 },
+ /* 1499 */ { MAD_F(0x0430373d) /* 0.261771431 */, 16 },
+ /* 1500 */ { MAD_F(0x04312b6b) /* 0.262004297 */, 16 },
+ /* 1501 */ { MAD_F(0x04321fa6) /* 0.262237216 */, 16 },
+ /* 1502 */ { MAD_F(0x043313f0) /* 0.262470186 */, 16 },
+ /* 1503 */ { MAD_F(0x04340847) /* 0.262703208 */, 16 },
+ /* 1504 */ { MAD_F(0x0434fcad) /* 0.262936282 */, 16 },
+ /* 1505 */ { MAD_F(0x0435f120) /* 0.263169407 */, 16 },
+ /* 1506 */ { MAD_F(0x0436e5a1) /* 0.263402584 */, 16 },
+ /* 1507 */ { MAD_F(0x0437da2f) /* 0.263635813 */, 16 },
+ /* 1508 */ { MAD_F(0x0438cecc) /* 0.263869093 */, 16 },
+ /* 1509 */ { MAD_F(0x0439c377) /* 0.264102425 */, 16 },
+ /* 1510 */ { MAD_F(0x043ab82f) /* 0.264335808 */, 16 },
+ /* 1511 */ { MAD_F(0x043bacf5) /* 0.264569243 */, 16 },
+ /* 1512 */ { MAD_F(0x043ca1c9) /* 0.264802730 */, 16 },
+ /* 1513 */ { MAD_F(0x043d96ab) /* 0.265036267 */, 16 },
+ /* 1514 */ { MAD_F(0x043e8b9b) /* 0.265269857 */, 16 },
+ /* 1515 */ { MAD_F(0x043f8098) /* 0.265503498 */, 16 },
+ /* 1516 */ { MAD_F(0x044075a3) /* 0.265737190 */, 16 },
+ /* 1517 */ { MAD_F(0x04416abc) /* 0.265970933 */, 16 },
+ /* 1518 */ { MAD_F(0x04425fe3) /* 0.266204728 */, 16 },
+ /* 1519 */ { MAD_F(0x04435518) /* 0.266438574 */, 16 },
+ /* 1520 */ { MAD_F(0x04444a5a) /* 0.266672472 */, 16 },
+ /* 1521 */ { MAD_F(0x04453fab) /* 0.266906421 */, 16 },
+ /* 1522 */ { MAD_F(0x04463508) /* 0.267140421 */, 16 },
+ /* 1523 */ { MAD_F(0x04472a74) /* 0.267374472 */, 16 },
+ /* 1524 */ { MAD_F(0x04481fee) /* 0.267608575 */, 16 },
+ /* 1525 */ { MAD_F(0x04491575) /* 0.267842729 */, 16 },
+ /* 1526 */ { MAD_F(0x044a0b0a) /* 0.268076934 */, 16 },
+ /* 1527 */ { MAD_F(0x044b00ac) /* 0.268311190 */, 16 },
+ /* 1528 */ { MAD_F(0x044bf65d) /* 0.268545497 */, 16 },
+ /* 1529 */ { MAD_F(0x044cec1b) /* 0.268779856 */, 16 },
+ /* 1530 */ { MAD_F(0x044de1e7) /* 0.269014265 */, 16 },
+ /* 1531 */ { MAD_F(0x044ed7c0) /* 0.269248726 */, 16 },
+ /* 1532 */ { MAD_F(0x044fcda8) /* 0.269483238 */, 16 },
+ /* 1533 */ { MAD_F(0x0450c39c) /* 0.269717800 */, 16 },
+ /* 1534 */ { MAD_F(0x0451b99f) /* 0.269952414 */, 16 },
+ /* 1535 */ { MAD_F(0x0452afaf) /* 0.270187079 */, 16 },
+ /* 1536 */ { MAD_F(0x0453a5cd) /* 0.270421794 */, 16 },
+ /* 1537 */ { MAD_F(0x04549bf9) /* 0.270656561 */, 16 },
+ /* 1538 */ { MAD_F(0x04559232) /* 0.270891379 */, 16 },
+ /* 1539 */ { MAD_F(0x04568879) /* 0.271126247 */, 16 },
+ /* 1540 */ { MAD_F(0x04577ece) /* 0.271361166 */, 16 },
+ /* 1541 */ { MAD_F(0x04587530) /* 0.271596136 */, 16 },
+ /* 1542 */ { MAD_F(0x04596ba0) /* 0.271831157 */, 16 },
+ /* 1543 */ { MAD_F(0x045a621e) /* 0.272066229 */, 16 },
+ /* 1544 */ { MAD_F(0x045b58a9) /* 0.272301352 */, 16 },
+ /* 1545 */ { MAD_F(0x045c4f42) /* 0.272536525 */, 16 },
+ /* 1546 */ { MAD_F(0x045d45e9) /* 0.272771749 */, 16 },
+ /* 1547 */ { MAD_F(0x045e3c9d) /* 0.273007024 */, 16 },
+ /* 1548 */ { MAD_F(0x045f335e) /* 0.273242350 */, 16 },
+ /* 1549 */ { MAD_F(0x04602a2e) /* 0.273477726 */, 16 },
+ /* 1550 */ { MAD_F(0x0461210b) /* 0.273713153 */, 16 },
+ /* 1551 */ { MAD_F(0x046217f5) /* 0.273948630 */, 16 },
+ /* 1552 */ { MAD_F(0x04630eed) /* 0.274184158 */, 16 },
+ /* 1553 */ { MAD_F(0x046405f3) /* 0.274419737 */, 16 },
+ /* 1554 */ { MAD_F(0x0464fd06) /* 0.274655366 */, 16 },
+ /* 1555 */ { MAD_F(0x0465f427) /* 0.274891046 */, 16 },
+ /* 1556 */ { MAD_F(0x0466eb55) /* 0.275126776 */, 16 },
+ /* 1557 */ { MAD_F(0x0467e291) /* 0.275362557 */, 16 },
+ /* 1558 */ { MAD_F(0x0468d9db) /* 0.275598389 */, 16 },
+ /* 1559 */ { MAD_F(0x0469d132) /* 0.275834270 */, 16 },
+ /* 1560 */ { MAD_F(0x046ac896) /* 0.276070203 */, 16 },
+ /* 1561 */ { MAD_F(0x046bc009) /* 0.276306185 */, 16 },
+ /* 1562 */ { MAD_F(0x046cb788) /* 0.276542218 */, 16 },
+ /* 1563 */ { MAD_F(0x046daf15) /* 0.276778302 */, 16 },
+ /* 1564 */ { MAD_F(0x046ea6b0) /* 0.277014435 */, 16 },
+ /* 1565 */ { MAD_F(0x046f9e58) /* 0.277250619 */, 16 },
+ /* 1566 */ { MAD_F(0x0470960e) /* 0.277486854 */, 16 },
+ /* 1567 */ { MAD_F(0x04718dd1) /* 0.277723139 */, 16 },
+ /* 1568 */ { MAD_F(0x047285a2) /* 0.277959474 */, 16 },
+ /* 1569 */ { MAD_F(0x04737d80) /* 0.278195859 */, 16 },
+ /* 1570 */ { MAD_F(0x0474756c) /* 0.278432294 */, 16 },
+ /* 1571 */ { MAD_F(0x04756d65) /* 0.278668780 */, 16 },
+ /* 1572 */ { MAD_F(0x0476656b) /* 0.278905316 */, 16 },
+ /* 1573 */ { MAD_F(0x04775d7f) /* 0.279141902 */, 16 },
+ /* 1574 */ { MAD_F(0x047855a1) /* 0.279378538 */, 16 },
+ /* 1575 */ { MAD_F(0x04794dd0) /* 0.279615224 */, 16 },
+ /* 1576 */ { MAD_F(0x047a460c) /* 0.279851960 */, 16 },
+ /* 1577 */ { MAD_F(0x047b3e56) /* 0.280088747 */, 16 },
+ /* 1578 */ { MAD_F(0x047c36ae) /* 0.280325583 */, 16 },
+ /* 1579 */ { MAD_F(0x047d2f12) /* 0.280562470 */, 16 },
+ /* 1580 */ { MAD_F(0x047e2784) /* 0.280799406 */, 16 },
+ /* 1581 */ { MAD_F(0x047f2004) /* 0.281036393 */, 16 },
+ /* 1582 */ { MAD_F(0x04801891) /* 0.281273429 */, 16 },
+ /* 1583 */ { MAD_F(0x0481112b) /* 0.281510516 */, 16 },
+ /* 1584 */ { MAD_F(0x048209d3) /* 0.281747652 */, 16 },
+ /* 1585 */ { MAD_F(0x04830288) /* 0.281984838 */, 16 },
+ /* 1586 */ { MAD_F(0x0483fb4b) /* 0.282222075 */, 16 },
+ /* 1587 */ { MAD_F(0x0484f41b) /* 0.282459361 */, 16 },
+ /* 1588 */ { MAD_F(0x0485ecf8) /* 0.282696697 */, 16 },
+ /* 1589 */ { MAD_F(0x0486e5e3) /* 0.282934082 */, 16 },
+ /* 1590 */ { MAD_F(0x0487dedb) /* 0.283171518 */, 16 },
+ /* 1591 */ { MAD_F(0x0488d7e1) /* 0.283409003 */, 16 },
+ /* 1592 */ { MAD_F(0x0489d0f4) /* 0.283646538 */, 16 },
+ /* 1593 */ { MAD_F(0x048aca14) /* 0.283884123 */, 16 },
+ /* 1594 */ { MAD_F(0x048bc341) /* 0.284121757 */, 16 },
+ /* 1595 */ { MAD_F(0x048cbc7c) /* 0.284359441 */, 16 },
+ /* 1596 */ { MAD_F(0x048db5c4) /* 0.284597175 */, 16 },
+ /* 1597 */ { MAD_F(0x048eaf1a) /* 0.284834959 */, 16 },
+ /* 1598 */ { MAD_F(0x048fa87d) /* 0.285072792 */, 16 },
+ /* 1599 */ { MAD_F(0x0490a1ed) /* 0.285310675 */, 16 },
+ /* 1600 */ { MAD_F(0x04919b6a) /* 0.285548607 */, 16 },
+ /* 1601 */ { MAD_F(0x049294f5) /* 0.285786589 */, 16 },
+ /* 1602 */ { MAD_F(0x04938e8d) /* 0.286024621 */, 16 },
+ /* 1603 */ { MAD_F(0x04948833) /* 0.286262702 */, 16 },
+ /* 1604 */ { MAD_F(0x049581e5) /* 0.286500832 */, 16 },
+ /* 1605 */ { MAD_F(0x04967ba5) /* 0.286739012 */, 16 },
+ /* 1606 */ { MAD_F(0x04977573) /* 0.286977242 */, 16 },
+ /* 1607 */ { MAD_F(0x04986f4d) /* 0.287215521 */, 16 },
+ /* 1608 */ { MAD_F(0x04996935) /* 0.287453849 */, 16 },
+ /* 1609 */ { MAD_F(0x049a632a) /* 0.287692227 */, 16 },
+ /* 1610 */ { MAD_F(0x049b5d2c) /* 0.287930654 */, 16 },
+ /* 1611 */ { MAD_F(0x049c573c) /* 0.288169131 */, 16 },
+ /* 1612 */ { MAD_F(0x049d5159) /* 0.288407657 */, 16 },
+ /* 1613 */ { MAD_F(0x049e4b83) /* 0.288646232 */, 16 },
+ /* 1614 */ { MAD_F(0x049f45ba) /* 0.288884857 */, 16 },
+ /* 1615 */ { MAD_F(0x04a03ffe) /* 0.289123530 */, 16 },
+ /* 1616 */ { MAD_F(0x04a13a50) /* 0.289362253 */, 16 },
+ /* 1617 */ { MAD_F(0x04a234af) /* 0.289601026 */, 16 },
+ /* 1618 */ { MAD_F(0x04a32f1b) /* 0.289839847 */, 16 },
+ /* 1619 */ { MAD_F(0x04a42995) /* 0.290078718 */, 16 },
+ /* 1620 */ { MAD_F(0x04a5241b) /* 0.290317638 */, 16 },
+ /* 1621 */ { MAD_F(0x04a61eaf) /* 0.290556607 */, 16 },
+ /* 1622 */ { MAD_F(0x04a71950) /* 0.290795626 */, 16 },
+ /* 1623 */ { MAD_F(0x04a813fe) /* 0.291034693 */, 16 },
+ /* 1624 */ { MAD_F(0x04a90eba) /* 0.291273810 */, 16 },
+ /* 1625 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa0982) /* 0.291512975 */, 16 },
+ /* 1626 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab0458) /* 0.291752190 */, 16 },
+ /* 1627 */ { MAD_F(0x04abff3b) /* 0.291991453 */, 16 },
+ /* 1628 */ { MAD_F(0x04acfa2b) /* 0.292230766 */, 16 },
+ /* 1629 */ { MAD_F(0x04adf528) /* 0.292470128 */, 16 },
+ /* 1630 */ { MAD_F(0x04aef032) /* 0.292709539 */, 16 },
+ /* 1631 */ { MAD_F(0x04afeb4a) /* 0.292948998 */, 16 },
+ /* 1632 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0e66e) /* 0.293188507 */, 16 },
+ /* 1633 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1e1a0) /* 0.293428065 */, 16 },
+ /* 1634 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2dcdf) /* 0.293667671 */, 16 },
+ /* 1635 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3d82b) /* 0.293907326 */, 16 },
+ /* 1636 */ { MAD_F(0x04b4d384) /* 0.294147031 */, 16 },
+ /* 1637 */ { MAD_F(0x04b5ceea) /* 0.294386784 */, 16 },
+ /* 1638 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6ca5e) /* 0.294626585 */, 16 },
+ /* 1639 */ { MAD_F(0x04b7c5de) /* 0.294866436 */, 16 },
+ /* 1640 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8c16c) /* 0.295106336 */, 16 },
+ /* 1641 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9bd06) /* 0.295346284 */, 16 },
+ /* 1642 */ { MAD_F(0x04bab8ae) /* 0.295586281 */, 16 },
+ /* 1643 */ { MAD_F(0x04bbb463) /* 0.295826327 */, 16 },
+ /* 1644 */ { MAD_F(0x04bcb024) /* 0.296066421 */, 16 },
+ /* 1645 */ { MAD_F(0x04bdabf3) /* 0.296306564 */, 16 },
+ /* 1646 */ { MAD_F(0x04bea7cf) /* 0.296546756 */, 16 },
+ /* 1647 */ { MAD_F(0x04bfa3b8) /* 0.296786996 */, 16 },
+ /* 1648 */ { MAD_F(0x04c09faf) /* 0.297027285 */, 16 },
+ /* 1649 */ { MAD_F(0x04c19bb2) /* 0.297267623 */, 16 },
+ /* 1650 */ { MAD_F(0x04c297c2) /* 0.297508009 */, 16 },
+ /* 1651 */ { MAD_F(0x04c393df) /* 0.297748444 */, 16 },
+ /* 1652 */ { MAD_F(0x04c49009) /* 0.297988927 */, 16 },
+ /* 1653 */ { MAD_F(0x04c58c41) /* 0.298229459 */, 16 },
+ /* 1654 */ { MAD_F(0x04c68885) /* 0.298470039 */, 16 },
+ /* 1655 */ { MAD_F(0x04c784d6) /* 0.298710668 */, 16 },
+ /* 1656 */ { MAD_F(0x04c88135) /* 0.298951346 */, 16 },
+ /* 1657 */ { MAD_F(0x04c97da0) /* 0.299192071 */, 16 },
+ /* 1658 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca7a18) /* 0.299432846 */, 16 },
+ /* 1659 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb769e) /* 0.299673668 */, 16 },
+ /* 1660 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc7330) /* 0.299914539 */, 16 },
+ /* 1661 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd6fcf) /* 0.300155459 */, 16 },
+ /* 1662 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce6c7b) /* 0.300396426 */, 16 },
+ /* 1663 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf6935) /* 0.300637443 */, 16 },
+ /* 1664 */ { MAD_F(0x04d065fb) /* 0.300878507 */, 16 },
+ /* 1665 */ { MAD_F(0x04d162ce) /* 0.301119620 */, 16 },
+ /* 1666 */ { MAD_F(0x04d25fae) /* 0.301360781 */, 16 },
+ /* 1667 */ { MAD_F(0x04d35c9b) /* 0.301601990 */, 16 },
+ /* 1668 */ { MAD_F(0x04d45995) /* 0.301843247 */, 16 },
+ /* 1669 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5569c) /* 0.302084553 */, 16 },
+ /* 1670 */ { MAD_F(0x04d653b0) /* 0.302325907 */, 16 },
+ /* 1671 */ { MAD_F(0x04d750d1) /* 0.302567309 */, 16 },
+ /* 1672 */ { MAD_F(0x04d84dff) /* 0.302808759 */, 16 },
+ /* 1673 */ { MAD_F(0x04d94b3a) /* 0.303050257 */, 16 },
+ /* 1674 */ { MAD_F(0x04da4881) /* 0.303291804 */, 16 },
+ /* 1675 */ { MAD_F(0x04db45d6) /* 0.303533399 */, 16 },
+ /* 1676 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc4337) /* 0.303775041 */, 16 },
+ /* 1677 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd40a6) /* 0.304016732 */, 16 },
+ /* 1678 */ { MAD_F(0x04de3e21) /* 0.304258471 */, 16 },
+ /* 1679 */ { MAD_F(0x04df3ba9) /* 0.304500257 */, 16 },
+ /* 1680 */ { MAD_F(0x04e0393e) /* 0.304742092 */, 16 },
+ /* 1681 */ { MAD_F(0x04e136e0) /* 0.304983975 */, 16 },
+ /* 1682 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2348f) /* 0.305225906 */, 16 },
+ /* 1683 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3324b) /* 0.305467885 */, 16 },
+ /* 1684 */ { MAD_F(0x04e43013) /* 0.305709911 */, 16 },
+ /* 1685 */ { MAD_F(0x04e52de9) /* 0.305951986 */, 16 },
+ /* 1686 */ { MAD_F(0x04e62bcb) /* 0.306194108 */, 16 },
+ /* 1687 */ { MAD_F(0x04e729ba) /* 0.306436279 */, 16 },
+ /* 1688 */ { MAD_F(0x04e827b6) /* 0.306678497 */, 16 },
+ /* 1689 */ { MAD_F(0x04e925bf) /* 0.306920763 */, 16 },
+ /* 1690 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea23d4) /* 0.307163077 */, 16 },
+ /* 1691 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb21f7) /* 0.307405438 */, 16 },
+ /* 1692 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec2026) /* 0.307647848 */, 16 },
+ /* 1693 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed1e62) /* 0.307890305 */, 16 },
+ /* 1694 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee1cab) /* 0.308132810 */, 16 },
+ /* 1695 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef1b01) /* 0.308375362 */, 16 },
+ /* 1696 */ { MAD_F(0x04f01963) /* 0.308617963 */, 16 },
+ /* 1697 */ { MAD_F(0x04f117d3) /* 0.308860611 */, 16 },
+ /* 1698 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2164f) /* 0.309103306 */, 16 },
+ /* 1699 */ { MAD_F(0x04f314d8) /* 0.309346050 */, 16 },
+ /* 1700 */ { MAD_F(0x04f4136d) /* 0.309588841 */, 16 },
+ /* 1701 */ { MAD_F(0x04f51210) /* 0.309831679 */, 16 },
+ /* 1702 */ { MAD_F(0x04f610bf) /* 0.310074565 */, 16 },
+ /* 1703 */ { MAD_F(0x04f70f7b) /* 0.310317499 */, 16 },
+ /* 1704 */ { MAD_F(0x04f80e44) /* 0.310560480 */, 16 },
+ /* 1705 */ { MAD_F(0x04f90d19) /* 0.310803509 */, 16 },
+ /* 1706 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa0bfc) /* 0.311046586 */, 16 },
+ /* 1707 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb0aeb) /* 0.311289710 */, 16 },
+ /* 1708 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc09e7) /* 0.311532881 */, 16 },
+ /* 1709 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd08ef) /* 0.311776100 */, 16 },
+ /* 1710 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe0805) /* 0.312019366 */, 16 },
+ /* 1711 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff0727) /* 0.312262680 */, 16 },
+ /* 1712 */ { MAD_F(0x05000655) /* 0.312506041 */, 16 },
+ /* 1713 */ { MAD_F(0x05010591) /* 0.312749449 */, 16 },
+ /* 1714 */ { MAD_F(0x050204d9) /* 0.312992905 */, 16 },
+ /* 1715 */ { MAD_F(0x0503042e) /* 0.313236408 */, 16 },
+ /* 1716 */ { MAD_F(0x0504038f) /* 0.313479959 */, 16 },
+ /* 1717 */ { MAD_F(0x050502fe) /* 0.313723556 */, 16 },
+ /* 1718 */ { MAD_F(0x05060279) /* 0.313967202 */, 16 },
+ /* 1719 */ { MAD_F(0x05070200) /* 0.314210894 */, 16 },
+ /* 1720 */ { MAD_F(0x05080195) /* 0.314454634 */, 16 },
+ /* 1721 */ { MAD_F(0x05090136) /* 0.314698420 */, 16 },
+ /* 1722 */ { MAD_F(0x050a00e3) /* 0.314942255 */, 16 },
+ /* 1723 */ { MAD_F(0x050b009e) /* 0.315186136 */, 16 },
+ /* 1724 */ { MAD_F(0x050c0065) /* 0.315430064 */, 16 },
+ /* 1725 */ { MAD_F(0x050d0039) /* 0.315674040 */, 16 },
+ /* 1726 */ { MAD_F(0x050e0019) /* 0.315918063 */, 16 },
+ /* 1727 */ { MAD_F(0x050f0006) /* 0.316162133 */, 16 },
+ /* 1728 */ { MAD_F(0x05100000) /* 0.316406250 */, 16 },
+ /* 1729 */ { MAD_F(0x05110006) /* 0.316650414 */, 16 },
+ /* 1730 */ { MAD_F(0x05120019) /* 0.316894625 */, 16 },
+ /* 1731 */ { MAD_F(0x05130039) /* 0.317138884 */, 16 },
+ /* 1732 */ { MAD_F(0x05140065) /* 0.317383189 */, 16 },
+ /* 1733 */ { MAD_F(0x0515009e) /* 0.317627541 */, 16 },
+ /* 1734 */ { MAD_F(0x051600e3) /* 0.317871941 */, 16 },
+ /* 1735 */ { MAD_F(0x05170135) /* 0.318116387 */, 16 },
+ /* 1736 */ { MAD_F(0x05180194) /* 0.318360880 */, 16 },
+ /* 1737 */ { MAD_F(0x051901ff) /* 0.318605421 */, 16 },
+ /* 1738 */ { MAD_F(0x051a0277) /* 0.318850008 */, 16 },
+ /* 1739 */ { MAD_F(0x051b02fc) /* 0.319094642 */, 16 },
+ /* 1740 */ { MAD_F(0x051c038d) /* 0.319339323 */, 16 },
+ /* 1741 */ { MAD_F(0x051d042a) /* 0.319584051 */, 16 },
+ /* 1742 */ { MAD_F(0x051e04d4) /* 0.319828826 */, 16 },
+ /* 1743 */ { MAD_F(0x051f058b) /* 0.320073647 */, 16 },
+ /* 1744 */ { MAD_F(0x0520064f) /* 0.320318516 */, 16 },
+ /* 1745 */ { MAD_F(0x0521071f) /* 0.320563431 */, 16 },
+ /* 1746 */ { MAD_F(0x052207fb) /* 0.320808393 */, 16 },
+ /* 1747 */ { MAD_F(0x052308e4) /* 0.321053402 */, 16 },
+ /* 1748 */ { MAD_F(0x052409da) /* 0.321298457 */, 16 },
+ /* 1749 */ { MAD_F(0x05250adc) /* 0.321543560 */, 16 },
+ /* 1750 */ { MAD_F(0x05260bea) /* 0.321788709 */, 16 },
+ /* 1751 */ { MAD_F(0x05270d06) /* 0.322033904 */, 16 },
+ /* 1752 */ { MAD_F(0x05280e2d) /* 0.322279147 */, 16 },
+ /* 1753 */ { MAD_F(0x05290f62) /* 0.322524436 */, 16 },
+ /* 1754 */ { MAD_F(0x052a10a3) /* 0.322769771 */, 16 },
+ /* 1755 */ { MAD_F(0x052b11f0) /* 0.323015154 */, 16 },
+ /* 1756 */ { MAD_F(0x052c134a) /* 0.323260583 */, 16 },
+ /* 1757 */ { MAD_F(0x052d14b0) /* 0.323506058 */, 16 },
+ /* 1758 */ { MAD_F(0x052e1623) /* 0.323751580 */, 16 },
+ /* 1759 */ { MAD_F(0x052f17a2) /* 0.323997149 */, 16 },
+ /* 1760 */ { MAD_F(0x0530192e) /* 0.324242764 */, 16 },
+ /* 1761 */ { MAD_F(0x05311ac6) /* 0.324488426 */, 16 },
+ /* 1762 */ { MAD_F(0x05321c6b) /* 0.324734134 */, 16 },
+ /* 1763 */ { MAD_F(0x05331e1c) /* 0.324979889 */, 16 },
+ /* 1764 */ { MAD_F(0x05341fda) /* 0.325225690 */, 16 },
+ /* 1765 */ { MAD_F(0x053521a4) /* 0.325471538 */, 16 },
+ /* 1766 */ { MAD_F(0x0536237b) /* 0.325717432 */, 16 },
+ /* 1767 */ { MAD_F(0x0537255e) /* 0.325963372 */, 16 },
+ /* 1768 */ { MAD_F(0x0538274e) /* 0.326209359 */, 16 },
+ /* 1769 */ { MAD_F(0x0539294a) /* 0.326455392 */, 16 },
+ /* 1770 */ { MAD_F(0x053a2b52) /* 0.326701472 */, 16 },
+ /* 1771 */ { MAD_F(0x053b2d67) /* 0.326947598 */, 16 },
+ /* 1772 */ { MAD_F(0x053c2f89) /* 0.327193770 */, 16 },
+ /* 1773 */ { MAD_F(0x053d31b6) /* 0.327439989 */, 16 },
+ /* 1774 */ { MAD_F(0x053e33f1) /* 0.327686254 */, 16 },
+ /* 1775 */ { MAD_F(0x053f3637) /* 0.327932565 */, 16 },
+ /* 1776 */ { MAD_F(0x0540388a) /* 0.328178922 */, 16 },
+ /* 1777 */ { MAD_F(0x05413aea) /* 0.328425326 */, 16 },
+ /* 1778 */ { MAD_F(0x05423d56) /* 0.328671776 */, 16 },
+ /* 1779 */ { MAD_F(0x05433fce) /* 0.328918272 */, 16 },
+ /* 1780 */ { MAD_F(0x05444253) /* 0.329164814 */, 16 },
+ /* 1781 */ { MAD_F(0x054544e4) /* 0.329411403 */, 16 },
+ /* 1782 */ { MAD_F(0x05464781) /* 0.329658038 */, 16 },
+ /* 1783 */ { MAD_F(0x05474a2b) /* 0.329904718 */, 16 },
+ /* 1784 */ { MAD_F(0x05484ce2) /* 0.330151445 */, 16 },
+ /* 1785 */ { MAD_F(0x05494fa4) /* 0.330398218 */, 16 },
+ /* 1786 */ { MAD_F(0x054a5273) /* 0.330645037 */, 16 },
+ /* 1787 */ { MAD_F(0x054b554e) /* 0.330891903 */, 16 },
+ /* 1788 */ { MAD_F(0x054c5836) /* 0.331138814 */, 16 },
+ /* 1789 */ { MAD_F(0x054d5b2a) /* 0.331385771 */, 16 },
+ /* 1790 */ { MAD_F(0x054e5e2b) /* 0.331632774 */, 16 },
+ /* 1791 */ { MAD_F(0x054f6138) /* 0.331879824 */, 16 },
+ /* 1792 */ { MAD_F(0x05506451) /* 0.332126919 */, 16 },
+ /* 1793 */ { MAD_F(0x05516776) /* 0.332374060 */, 16 },
+ /* 1794 */ { MAD_F(0x05526aa8) /* 0.332621247 */, 16 },
+ /* 1795 */ { MAD_F(0x05536de6) /* 0.332868480 */, 16 },
+ /* 1796 */ { MAD_F(0x05547131) /* 0.333115759 */, 16 },
+ /* 1797 */ { MAD_F(0x05557487) /* 0.333363084 */, 16 },
+ /* 1798 */ { MAD_F(0x055677ea) /* 0.333610455 */, 16 },
+ /* 1799 */ { MAD_F(0x05577b5a) /* 0.333857872 */, 16 },
+ /* 1800 */ { MAD_F(0x05587ed5) /* 0.334105334 */, 16 },
+ /* 1801 */ { MAD_F(0x0559825e) /* 0.334352843 */, 16 },
+ /* 1802 */ { MAD_F(0x055a85f2) /* 0.334600397 */, 16 },
+ /* 1803 */ { MAD_F(0x055b8992) /* 0.334847997 */, 16 },
+ /* 1804 */ { MAD_F(0x055c8d3f) /* 0.335095642 */, 16 },
+ /* 1805 */ { MAD_F(0x055d90f9) /* 0.335343334 */, 16 },
+ /* 1806 */ { MAD_F(0x055e94be) /* 0.335591071 */, 16 },
+ /* 1807 */ { MAD_F(0x055f9890) /* 0.335838854 */, 16 },
+ /* 1808 */ { MAD_F(0x05609c6e) /* 0.336086683 */, 16 },
+ /* 1809 */ { MAD_F(0x0561a058) /* 0.336334557 */, 16 },
+ /* 1810 */ { MAD_F(0x0562a44f) /* 0.336582477 */, 16 },
+ /* 1811 */ { MAD_F(0x0563a851) /* 0.336830443 */, 16 },
+ /* 1812 */ { MAD_F(0x0564ac60) /* 0.337078454 */, 16 },
+ /* 1813 */ { MAD_F(0x0565b07c) /* 0.337326511 */, 16 },
+ /* 1814 */ { MAD_F(0x0566b4a3) /* 0.337574614 */, 16 },
+ /* 1815 */ { MAD_F(0x0567b8d7) /* 0.337822762 */, 16 },
+ /* 1816 */ { MAD_F(0x0568bd17) /* 0.338070956 */, 16 },
+ /* 1817 */ { MAD_F(0x0569c163) /* 0.338319195 */, 16 },
+ /* 1818 */ { MAD_F(0x056ac5bc) /* 0.338567480 */, 16 },
+ /* 1819 */ { MAD_F(0x056bca20) /* 0.338815811 */, 16 },
+ /* 1820 */ { MAD_F(0x056cce91) /* 0.339064186 */, 16 },
+ /* 1821 */ { MAD_F(0x056dd30e) /* 0.339312608 */, 16 },
+ /* 1822 */ { MAD_F(0x056ed798) /* 0.339561075 */, 16 },
+ /* 1823 */ { MAD_F(0x056fdc2d) /* 0.339809587 */, 16 },
+ /* 1824 */ { MAD_F(0x0570e0cf) /* 0.340058145 */, 16 },
+ /* 1825 */ { MAD_F(0x0571e57d) /* 0.340306748 */, 16 },
+ /* 1826 */ { MAD_F(0x0572ea37) /* 0.340555397 */, 16 },
+ /* 1827 */ { MAD_F(0x0573eefd) /* 0.340804091 */, 16 },
+ /* 1828 */ { MAD_F(0x0574f3d0) /* 0.341052830 */, 16 },
+ /* 1829 */ { MAD_F(0x0575f8ae) /* 0.341301615 */, 16 },
+ /* 1830 */ { MAD_F(0x0576fd99) /* 0.341550445 */, 16 },
+ /* 1831 */ { MAD_F(0x05780290) /* 0.341799321 */, 16 },
+ /* 1832 */ { MAD_F(0x05790793) /* 0.342048241 */, 16 },
+ /* 1833 */ { MAD_F(0x057a0ca3) /* 0.342297207 */, 16 },
+ /* 1834 */ { MAD_F(0x057b11be) /* 0.342546219 */, 16 },
+ /* 1835 */ { MAD_F(0x057c16e6) /* 0.342795275 */, 16 },
+ /* 1836 */ { MAD_F(0x057d1c1a) /* 0.343044377 */, 16 },
+ /* 1837 */ { MAD_F(0x057e2159) /* 0.343293524 */, 16 },
+ /* 1838 */ { MAD_F(0x057f26a6) /* 0.343542717 */, 16 },
+ /* 1839 */ { MAD_F(0x05802bfe) /* 0.343791954 */, 16 },
+ /* 1840 */ { MAD_F(0x05813162) /* 0.344041237 */, 16 },
+ /* 1841 */ { MAD_F(0x058236d2) /* 0.344290564 */, 16 },
+ /* 1842 */ { MAD_F(0x05833c4f) /* 0.344539937 */, 16 },
+ /* 1843 */ { MAD_F(0x058441d8) /* 0.344789356 */, 16 },
+ /* 1844 */ { MAD_F(0x0585476c) /* 0.345038819 */, 16 },
+ /* 1845 */ { MAD_F(0x05864d0d) /* 0.345288327 */, 16 },
+ /* 1846 */ { MAD_F(0x058752ba) /* 0.345537880 */, 16 },
+ /* 1847 */ { MAD_F(0x05885873) /* 0.345787479 */, 16 },
+ /* 1848 */ { MAD_F(0x05895e39) /* 0.346037122 */, 16 },
+ /* 1849 */ { MAD_F(0x058a640a) /* 0.346286811 */, 16 },
+ /* 1850 */ { MAD_F(0x058b69e7) /* 0.346536545 */, 16 },
+ /* 1851 */ { MAD_F(0x058c6fd1) /* 0.346786323 */, 16 },
+ /* 1852 */ { MAD_F(0x058d75c6) /* 0.347036147 */, 16 },
+ /* 1853 */ { MAD_F(0x058e7bc8) /* 0.347286015 */, 16 },
+ /* 1854 */ { MAD_F(0x058f81d5) /* 0.347535929 */, 16 },
+ /* 1855 */ { MAD_F(0x059087ef) /* 0.347785887 */, 16 },
+ /* 1856 */ { MAD_F(0x05918e15) /* 0.348035890 */, 16 },
+ /* 1857 */ { MAD_F(0x05929447) /* 0.348285939 */, 16 },
+ /* 1858 */ { MAD_F(0x05939a84) /* 0.348536032 */, 16 },
+ /* 1859 */ { MAD_F(0x0594a0ce) /* 0.348786170 */, 16 },
+ /* 1860 */ { MAD_F(0x0595a724) /* 0.349036353 */, 16 },
+ /* 1861 */ { MAD_F(0x0596ad86) /* 0.349286580 */, 16 },
+ /* 1862 */ { MAD_F(0x0597b3f4) /* 0.349536853 */, 16 },
+ /* 1863 */ { MAD_F(0x0598ba6e) /* 0.349787170 */, 16 },
+ /* 1864 */ { MAD_F(0x0599c0f4) /* 0.350037532 */, 16 },
+ /* 1865 */ { MAD_F(0x059ac786) /* 0.350287939 */, 16 },
+ /* 1866 */ { MAD_F(0x059bce25) /* 0.350538391 */, 16 },
+ /* 1867 */ { MAD_F(0x059cd4cf) /* 0.350788887 */, 16 },
+ /* 1868 */ { MAD_F(0x059ddb85) /* 0.351039428 */, 16 },
+ /* 1869 */ { MAD_F(0x059ee247) /* 0.351290014 */, 16 },
+ /* 1870 */ { MAD_F(0x059fe915) /* 0.351540645 */, 16 },
+ /* 1871 */ { MAD_F(0x05a0efef) /* 0.351791320 */, 16 },
+ /* 1872 */ { MAD_F(0x05a1f6d5) /* 0.352042040 */, 16 },
+ /* 1873 */ { MAD_F(0x05a2fdc7) /* 0.352292804 */, 16 },
+ /* 1874 */ { MAD_F(0x05a404c5) /* 0.352543613 */, 16 },
+ /* 1875 */ { MAD_F(0x05a50bcf) /* 0.352794467 */, 16 },
+ /* 1876 */ { MAD_F(0x05a612e5) /* 0.353045365 */, 16 },
+ /* 1877 */ { MAD_F(0x05a71a07) /* 0.353296308 */, 16 },
+ /* 1878 */ { MAD_F(0x05a82135) /* 0.353547296 */, 16 },
+ /* 1879 */ { MAD_F(0x05a9286f) /* 0.353798328 */, 16 },
+ /* 1880 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa2fb5) /* 0.354049405 */, 16 },
+ /* 1881 */ { MAD_F(0x05ab3707) /* 0.354300526 */, 16 },
+ /* 1882 */ { MAD_F(0x05ac3e65) /* 0.354551691 */, 16 },
+ /* 1883 */ { MAD_F(0x05ad45ce) /* 0.354802901 */, 16 },
+ /* 1884 */ { MAD_F(0x05ae4d44) /* 0.355054156 */, 16 },
+ /* 1885 */ { MAD_F(0x05af54c6) /* 0.355305455 */, 16 },
+ /* 1886 */ { MAD_F(0x05b05c53) /* 0.355556799 */, 16 },
+ /* 1887 */ { MAD_F(0x05b163ed) /* 0.355808187 */, 16 },
+ /* 1888 */ { MAD_F(0x05b26b92) /* 0.356059619 */, 16 },
+ /* 1889 */ { MAD_F(0x05b37343) /* 0.356311096 */, 16 },
+ /* 1890 */ { MAD_F(0x05b47b00) /* 0.356562617 */, 16 },
+ /* 1891 */ { MAD_F(0x05b582c9) /* 0.356814182 */, 16 },
+ /* 1892 */ { MAD_F(0x05b68a9e) /* 0.357065792 */, 16 },
+ /* 1893 */ { MAD_F(0x05b7927f) /* 0.357317446 */, 16 },
+ /* 1894 */ { MAD_F(0x05b89a6c) /* 0.357569145 */, 16 },
+ /* 1895 */ { MAD_F(0x05b9a265) /* 0.357820887 */, 16 },
+ /* 1896 */ { MAD_F(0x05baaa69) /* 0.358072674 */, 16 },
+ /* 1897 */ { MAD_F(0x05bbb27a) /* 0.358324506 */, 16 },
+ /* 1898 */ { MAD_F(0x05bcba96) /* 0.358576381 */, 16 },
+ /* 1899 */ { MAD_F(0x05bdc2be) /* 0.358828301 */, 16 },
+ /* 1900 */ { MAD_F(0x05becaf2) /* 0.359080265 */, 16 },
+ /* 1901 */ { MAD_F(0x05bfd332) /* 0.359332273 */, 16 },
+ /* 1902 */ { MAD_F(0x05c0db7e) /* 0.359584326 */, 16 },
+ /* 1903 */ { MAD_F(0x05c1e3d6) /* 0.359836423 */, 16 },
+ /* 1904 */ { MAD_F(0x05c2ec39) /* 0.360088563 */, 16 },
+ /* 1905 */ { MAD_F(0x05c3f4a9) /* 0.360340748 */, 16 },
+ /* 1906 */ { MAD_F(0x05c4fd24) /* 0.360592977 */, 16 },
+ /* 1907 */ { MAD_F(0x05c605ab) /* 0.360845251 */, 16 },
+ /* 1908 */ { MAD_F(0x05c70e3e) /* 0.361097568 */, 16 },
+ /* 1909 */ { MAD_F(0x05c816dd) /* 0.361349929 */, 16 },
+ /* 1910 */ { MAD_F(0x05c91f87) /* 0.361602335 */, 16 },
+ /* 1911 */ { MAD_F(0x05ca283e) /* 0.361854784 */, 16 },
+ /* 1912 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb3100) /* 0.362107278 */, 16 },
+ /* 1913 */ { MAD_F(0x05cc39ce) /* 0.362359815 */, 16 },
+ /* 1914 */ { MAD_F(0x05cd42a8) /* 0.362612397 */, 16 },
+ /* 1915 */ { MAD_F(0x05ce4b8d) /* 0.362865022 */, 16 },
+ /* 1916 */ { MAD_F(0x05cf547f) /* 0.363117692 */, 16 },
+ /* 1917 */ { MAD_F(0x05d05d7c) /* 0.363370405 */, 16 },
+ /* 1918 */ { MAD_F(0x05d16685) /* 0.363623163 */, 16 },
+ /* 1919 */ { MAD_F(0x05d26f9a) /* 0.363875964 */, 16 },
+ /* 1920 */ { MAD_F(0x05d378bb) /* 0.364128809 */, 16 },
+ /* 1921 */ { MAD_F(0x05d481e7) /* 0.364381698 */, 16 },
+ /* 1922 */ { MAD_F(0x05d58b1f) /* 0.364634632 */, 16 },
+ /* 1923 */ { MAD_F(0x05d69463) /* 0.364887608 */, 16 },
+ /* 1924 */ { MAD_F(0x05d79db3) /* 0.365140629 */, 16 },
+ /* 1925 */ { MAD_F(0x05d8a70f) /* 0.365393694 */, 16 },
+ /* 1926 */ { MAD_F(0x05d9b076) /* 0.365646802 */, 16 },
+ /* 1927 */ { MAD_F(0x05dab9e9) /* 0.365899955 */, 16 },
+ /* 1928 */ { MAD_F(0x05dbc368) /* 0.366153151 */, 16 },
+ /* 1929 */ { MAD_F(0x05dcccf2) /* 0.366406390 */, 16 },
+ /* 1930 */ { MAD_F(0x05ddd689) /* 0.366659674 */, 16 },
+ /* 1931 */ { MAD_F(0x05dee02b) /* 0.366913001 */, 16 },
+ /* 1932 */ { MAD_F(0x05dfe9d8) /* 0.367166372 */, 16 },
+ /* 1933 */ { MAD_F(0x05e0f392) /* 0.367419787 */, 16 },
+ /* 1934 */ { MAD_F(0x05e1fd57) /* 0.367673246 */, 16 },
+ /* 1935 */ { MAD_F(0x05e30728) /* 0.367926748 */, 16 },
+ /* 1936 */ { MAD_F(0x05e41105) /* 0.368180294 */, 16 },
+ /* 1937 */ { MAD_F(0x05e51aed) /* 0.368433883 */, 16 },
+ /* 1938 */ { MAD_F(0x05e624e1) /* 0.368687517 */, 16 },
+ /* 1939 */ { MAD_F(0x05e72ee1) /* 0.368941193 */, 16 },
+ /* 1940 */ { MAD_F(0x05e838ed) /* 0.369194914 */, 16 },
+ /* 1941 */ { MAD_F(0x05e94304) /* 0.369448678 */, 16 },
+ /* 1942 */ { MAD_F(0x05ea4d27) /* 0.369702485 */, 16 },
+ /* 1943 */ { MAD_F(0x05eb5756) /* 0.369956336 */, 16 },
+ /* 1944 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec6190) /* 0.370210231 */, 16 },
+ /* 1945 */ { MAD_F(0x05ed6bd6) /* 0.370464169 */, 16 },
+ /* 1946 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee7628) /* 0.370718151 */, 16 },
+ /* 1947 */ { MAD_F(0x05ef8085) /* 0.370972177 */, 16 },
+ /* 1948 */ { MAD_F(0x05f08aee) /* 0.371226245 */, 16 },
+ /* 1949 */ { MAD_F(0x05f19563) /* 0.371480358 */, 16 },
+ /* 1950 */ { MAD_F(0x05f29fe3) /* 0.371734513 */, 16 },
+ /* 1951 */ { MAD_F(0x05f3aa6f) /* 0.371988712 */, 16 },
+ /* 1952 */ { MAD_F(0x05f4b507) /* 0.372242955 */, 16 },
+ /* 1953 */ { MAD_F(0x05f5bfab) /* 0.372497241 */, 16 },
+ /* 1954 */ { MAD_F(0x05f6ca5a) /* 0.372751570 */, 16 },
+ /* 1955 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7d514) /* 0.373005943 */, 16 },
+ /* 1956 */ { MAD_F(0x05f8dfdb) /* 0.373260359 */, 16 },
+ /* 1957 */ { MAD_F(0x05f9eaad) /* 0.373514819 */, 16 },
+ /* 1958 */ { MAD_F(0x05faf58a) /* 0.373769322 */, 16 },
+ /* 1959 */ { MAD_F(0x05fc0073) /* 0.374023868 */, 16 },
+ /* 1960 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd0b68) /* 0.374278458 */, 16 },
+ /* 1961 */ { MAD_F(0x05fe1669) /* 0.374533091 */, 16 },
+ /* 1962 */ { MAD_F(0x05ff2175) /* 0.374787767 */, 16 },
+ /* 1963 */ { MAD_F(0x06002c8d) /* 0.375042486 */, 16 },
+ /* 1964 */ { MAD_F(0x060137b0) /* 0.375297249 */, 16 },
+ /* 1965 */ { MAD_F(0x060242df) /* 0.375552055 */, 16 },
+ /* 1966 */ { MAD_F(0x06034e19) /* 0.375806904 */, 16 },
+ /* 1967 */ { MAD_F(0x0604595f) /* 0.376061796 */, 16 },
+ /* 1968 */ { MAD_F(0x060564b1) /* 0.376316732 */, 16 },
+ /* 1969 */ { MAD_F(0x0606700f) /* 0.376571710 */, 16 },
+ /* 1970 */ { MAD_F(0x06077b77) /* 0.376826732 */, 16 },
+ /* 1971 */ { MAD_F(0x060886ec) /* 0.377081797 */, 16 },
+ /* 1972 */ { MAD_F(0x0609926c) /* 0.377336905 */, 16 },
+ /* 1973 */ { MAD_F(0x060a9df8) /* 0.377592057 */, 16 },
+ /* 1974 */ { MAD_F(0x060ba98f) /* 0.377847251 */, 16 },
+ /* 1975 */ { MAD_F(0x060cb532) /* 0.378102489 */, 16 },
+ /* 1976 */ { MAD_F(0x060dc0e0) /* 0.378357769 */, 16 },
+ /* 1977 */ { MAD_F(0x060ecc9a) /* 0.378613093 */, 16 },
+ /* 1978 */ { MAD_F(0x060fd860) /* 0.378868460 */, 16 },
+ /* 1979 */ { MAD_F(0x0610e431) /* 0.379123870 */, 16 },
+ /* 1980 */ { MAD_F(0x0611f00d) /* 0.379379322 */, 16 },
+ /* 1981 */ { MAD_F(0x0612fbf5) /* 0.379634818 */, 16 },
+ /* 1982 */ { MAD_F(0x061407e9) /* 0.379890357 */, 16 },
+ /* 1983 */ { MAD_F(0x061513e8) /* 0.380145939 */, 16 },
+ /* 1984 */ { MAD_F(0x06161ff3) /* 0.380401563 */, 16 },
+ /* 1985 */ { MAD_F(0x06172c09) /* 0.380657231 */, 16 },
+ /* 1986 */ { MAD_F(0x0618382b) /* 0.380912942 */, 16 },
+ /* 1987 */ { MAD_F(0x06194458) /* 0.381168695 */, 16 },
+ /* 1988 */ { MAD_F(0x061a5091) /* 0.381424492 */, 16 },
+ /* 1989 */ { MAD_F(0x061b5cd5) /* 0.381680331 */, 16 },
+ /* 1990 */ { MAD_F(0x061c6925) /* 0.381936213 */, 16 },
+ /* 1991 */ { MAD_F(0x061d7581) /* 0.382192138 */, 16 },
+ /* 1992 */ { MAD_F(0x061e81e8) /* 0.382448106 */, 16 },
+ /* 1993 */ { MAD_F(0x061f8e5a) /* 0.382704117 */, 16 },
+ /* 1994 */ { MAD_F(0x06209ad8) /* 0.382960171 */, 16 },
+ /* 1995 */ { MAD_F(0x0621a761) /* 0.383216267 */, 16 },
+ /* 1996 */ { MAD_F(0x0622b3f6) /* 0.383472406 */, 16 },
+ /* 1997 */ { MAD_F(0x0623c096) /* 0.383728588 */, 16 },
+ /* 1998 */ { MAD_F(0x0624cd42) /* 0.383984813 */, 16 },
+ /* 1999 */ { MAD_F(0x0625d9f9) /* 0.384241080 */, 16 },
+ /* 2000 */ { MAD_F(0x0626e6bc) /* 0.384497391 */, 16 },
+ /* 2001 */ { MAD_F(0x0627f38a) /* 0.384753744 */, 16 },
+ /* 2002 */ { MAD_F(0x06290064) /* 0.385010139 */, 16 },
+ /* 2003 */ { MAD_F(0x062a0d49) /* 0.385266578 */, 16 },
+ /* 2004 */ { MAD_F(0x062b1a3a) /* 0.385523059 */, 16 },
+ /* 2005 */ { MAD_F(0x062c2736) /* 0.385779582 */, 16 },
+ /* 2006 */ { MAD_F(0x062d343d) /* 0.386036149 */, 16 },
+ /* 2007 */ { MAD_F(0x062e4150) /* 0.386292758 */, 16 },
+ /* 2008 */ { MAD_F(0x062f4e6f) /* 0.386549409 */, 16 },
+ /* 2009 */ { MAD_F(0x06305b99) /* 0.386806104 */, 16 },
+ /* 2010 */ { MAD_F(0x063168ce) /* 0.387062840 */, 16 },
+ /* 2011 */ { MAD_F(0x0632760f) /* 0.387319620 */, 16 },
+ /* 2012 */ { MAD_F(0x0633835b) /* 0.387576442 */, 16 },
+ /* 2013 */ { MAD_F(0x063490b2) /* 0.387833306 */, 16 },
+ /* 2014 */ { MAD_F(0x06359e15) /* 0.388090213 */, 16 },
+ /* 2015 */ { MAD_F(0x0636ab83) /* 0.388347163 */, 16 },
+ /* 2016 */ { MAD_F(0x0637b8fd) /* 0.388604155 */, 16 },
+ /* 2017 */ { MAD_F(0x0638c682) /* 0.388861190 */, 16 },
+ /* 2018 */ { MAD_F(0x0639d413) /* 0.389118267 */, 16 },
+ /* 2019 */ { MAD_F(0x063ae1af) /* 0.389375386 */, 16 },
+ /* 2020 */ { MAD_F(0x063bef56) /* 0.389632548 */, 16 },
+ /* 2021 */ { MAD_F(0x063cfd09) /* 0.389889752 */, 16 },
+ /* 2022 */ { MAD_F(0x063e0ac7) /* 0.390146999 */, 16 },
+ /* 2023 */ { MAD_F(0x063f1891) /* 0.390404289 */, 16 },
+ /* 2024 */ { MAD_F(0x06402666) /* 0.390661620 */, 16 },
+ /* 2025 */ { MAD_F(0x06413446) /* 0.390918994 */, 16 },
+ /* 2026 */ { MAD_F(0x06424232) /* 0.391176411 */, 16 },
+ /* 2027 */ { MAD_F(0x06435029) /* 0.391433869 */, 16 },
+ /* 2028 */ { MAD_F(0x06445e2b) /* 0.391691371 */, 16 },
+ /* 2029 */ { MAD_F(0x06456c39) /* 0.391948914 */, 16 },
+ /* 2030 */ { MAD_F(0x06467a52) /* 0.392206500 */, 16 },
+ /* 2031 */ { MAD_F(0x06478877) /* 0.392464128 */, 16 },
+ /* 2032 */ { MAD_F(0x064896a7) /* 0.392721798 */, 16 },
+ /* 2033 */ { MAD_F(0x0649a4e2) /* 0.392979511 */, 16 },
+ /* 2034 */ { MAD_F(0x064ab328) /* 0.393237266 */, 16 },
+ /* 2035 */ { MAD_F(0x064bc17a) /* 0.393495063 */, 16 },
+ /* 2036 */ { MAD_F(0x064ccfd8) /* 0.393752902 */, 16 },
+ /* 2037 */ { MAD_F(0x064dde40) /* 0.394010784 */, 16 },
+ /* 2038 */ { MAD_F(0x064eecb4) /* 0.394268707 */, 16 },
+ /* 2039 */ { MAD_F(0x064ffb33) /* 0.394526673 */, 16 },
+ /* 2040 */ { MAD_F(0x065109be) /* 0.394784681 */, 16 },
+ /* 2041 */ { MAD_F(0x06521854) /* 0.395042732 */, 16 },
+ /* 2042 */ { MAD_F(0x065326f5) /* 0.395300824 */, 16 },
+ /* 2043 */ { MAD_F(0x065435a1) /* 0.395558959 */, 16 },
+ /* 2044 */ { MAD_F(0x06554459) /* 0.395817135 */, 16 },
+ /* 2045 */ { MAD_F(0x0656531c) /* 0.396075354 */, 16 },
+ /* 2046 */ { MAD_F(0x065761ea) /* 0.396333615 */, 16 },
+ /* 2047 */ { MAD_F(0x065870c4) /* 0.396591918 */, 16 },
+ /* 2048 */ { MAD_F(0x06597fa9) /* 0.396850263 */, 16 },
+ /* 2049 */ { MAD_F(0x065a8e99) /* 0.397108650 */, 16 },
+ /* 2050 */ { MAD_F(0x065b9d95) /* 0.397367079 */, 16 },
+ /* 2051 */ { MAD_F(0x065cac9c) /* 0.397625550 */, 16 },
+ /* 2052 */ { MAD_F(0x065dbbae) /* 0.397884063 */, 16 },
+ /* 2053 */ { MAD_F(0x065ecacb) /* 0.398142619 */, 16 },
+ /* 2054 */ { MAD_F(0x065fd9f4) /* 0.398401216 */, 16 },
+ /* 2055 */ { MAD_F(0x0660e928) /* 0.398659855 */, 16 },
+ /* 2056 */ { MAD_F(0x0661f867) /* 0.398918536 */, 16 },
+ /* 2057 */ { MAD_F(0x066307b1) /* 0.399177259 */, 16 },
+ /* 2058 */ { MAD_F(0x06641707) /* 0.399436024 */, 16 },
+ /* 2059 */ { MAD_F(0x06652668) /* 0.399694831 */, 16 },
+ /* 2060 */ { MAD_F(0x066635d4) /* 0.399953679 */, 16 },
+ /* 2061 */ { MAD_F(0x0667454c) /* 0.400212570 */, 16 },
+ /* 2062 */ { MAD_F(0x066854ce) /* 0.400471503 */, 16 },
+ /* 2063 */ { MAD_F(0x0669645c) /* 0.400730477 */, 16 },
+ /* 2064 */ { MAD_F(0x066a73f5) /* 0.400989493 */, 16 },
+ /* 2065 */ { MAD_F(0x066b839a) /* 0.401248551 */, 16 },
+ /* 2066 */ { MAD_F(0x066c9349) /* 0.401507651 */, 16 },
+ /* 2067 */ { MAD_F(0x066da304) /* 0.401766793 */, 16 },
+ /* 2068 */ { MAD_F(0x066eb2ca) /* 0.402025976 */, 16 },
+ /* 2069 */ { MAD_F(0x066fc29b) /* 0.402285202 */, 16 },
+ /* 2070 */ { MAD_F(0x0670d278) /* 0.402544469 */, 16 },
+ /* 2071 */ { MAD_F(0x0671e25f) /* 0.402803777 */, 16 },
+ /* 2072 */ { MAD_F(0x0672f252) /* 0.403063128 */, 16 },
+ /* 2073 */ { MAD_F(0x06740250) /* 0.403322520 */, 16 },
+ /* 2074 */ { MAD_F(0x0675125a) /* 0.403581954 */, 16 },
+ /* 2075 */ { MAD_F(0x0676226e) /* 0.403841430 */, 16 },
+ /* 2076 */ { MAD_F(0x0677328e) /* 0.404100947 */, 16 },
+ /* 2077 */ { MAD_F(0x067842b9) /* 0.404360506 */, 16 },
+ /* 2078 */ { MAD_F(0x067952ef) /* 0.404620107 */, 16 },
+ /* 2079 */ { MAD_F(0x067a6330) /* 0.404879749 */, 16 },
+ /* 2080 */ { MAD_F(0x067b737c) /* 0.405139433 */, 16 },
+ /* 2081 */ { MAD_F(0x067c83d4) /* 0.405399159 */, 16 },
+ /* 2082 */ { MAD_F(0x067d9436) /* 0.405658926 */, 16 },
+ /* 2083 */ { MAD_F(0x067ea4a4) /* 0.405918735 */, 16 },
+ /* 2084 */ { MAD_F(0x067fb51d) /* 0.406178585 */, 16 },
+ /* 2085 */ { MAD_F(0x0680c5a2) /* 0.406438477 */, 16 },
+ /* 2086 */ { MAD_F(0x0681d631) /* 0.406698410 */, 16 },
+ /* 2087 */ { MAD_F(0x0682e6cb) /* 0.406958385 */, 16 },
+ /* 2088 */ { MAD_F(0x0683f771) /* 0.407218402 */, 16 },
+ /* 2089 */ { MAD_F(0x06850822) /* 0.407478460 */, 16 },
+ /* 2090 */ { MAD_F(0x068618de) /* 0.407738559 */, 16 },
+ /* 2091 */ { MAD_F(0x068729a5) /* 0.407998700 */, 16 },
+ /* 2092 */ { MAD_F(0x06883a77) /* 0.408258883 */, 16 },
+ /* 2093 */ { MAD_F(0x06894b55) /* 0.408519107 */, 16 },
+ /* 2094 */ { MAD_F(0x068a5c3d) /* 0.408779372 */, 16 },
+ /* 2095 */ { MAD_F(0x068b6d31) /* 0.409039679 */, 16 },
+ /* 2096 */ { MAD_F(0x068c7e2f) /* 0.409300027 */, 16 },
+ /* 2097 */ { MAD_F(0x068d8f39) /* 0.409560417 */, 16 },
+ /* 2098 */ { MAD_F(0x068ea04e) /* 0.409820848 */, 16 },
+ /* 2099 */ { MAD_F(0x068fb16e) /* 0.410081321 */, 16 },
+ /* 2100 */ { MAD_F(0x0690c299) /* 0.410341834 */, 16 },
+ /* 2101 */ { MAD_F(0x0691d3cf) /* 0.410602390 */, 16 },
+ /* 2102 */ { MAD_F(0x0692e511) /* 0.410862986 */, 16 },
+ /* 2103 */ { MAD_F(0x0693f65d) /* 0.411123624 */, 16 },
+ /* 2104 */ { MAD_F(0x069507b5) /* 0.411384303 */, 16 },
+ /* 2105 */ { MAD_F(0x06961917) /* 0.411645024 */, 16 },
+ /* 2106 */ { MAD_F(0x06972a85) /* 0.411905785 */, 16 },
+ /* 2107 */ { MAD_F(0x06983bfe) /* 0.412166588 */, 16 },
+ /* 2108 */ { MAD_F(0x06994d82) /* 0.412427433 */, 16 },
+ /* 2109 */ { MAD_F(0x069a5f11) /* 0.412688318 */, 16 },
+ /* 2110 */ { MAD_F(0x069b70ab) /* 0.412949245 */, 16 },
+ /* 2111 */ { MAD_F(0x069c8250) /* 0.413210213 */, 16 },
+ /* 2112 */ { MAD_F(0x069d9400) /* 0.413471222 */, 16 },
+ /* 2113 */ { MAD_F(0x069ea5bb) /* 0.413732273 */, 16 },
+ /* 2114 */ { MAD_F(0x069fb781) /* 0.413993364 */, 16 },
+ /* 2115 */ { MAD_F(0x06a0c953) /* 0.414254497 */, 16 },
+ /* 2116 */ { MAD_F(0x06a1db2f) /* 0.414515671 */, 16 },
+ /* 2117 */ { MAD_F(0x06a2ed16) /* 0.414776886 */, 16 },
+ /* 2118 */ { MAD_F(0x06a3ff09) /* 0.415038142 */, 16 },
+ /* 2119 */ { MAD_F(0x06a51106) /* 0.415299440 */, 16 },
+ /* 2120 */ { MAD_F(0x06a6230f) /* 0.415560778 */, 16 },
+ /* 2121 */ { MAD_F(0x06a73522) /* 0.415822157 */, 16 },
+ /* 2122 */ { MAD_F(0x06a84741) /* 0.416083578 */, 16 },
+ /* 2123 */ { MAD_F(0x06a9596a) /* 0.416345040 */, 16 },
+ /* 2124 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa6b9f) /* 0.416606542 */, 16 },
+ /* 2125 */ { MAD_F(0x06ab7ddf) /* 0.416868086 */, 16 },
+ /* 2126 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac9029) /* 0.417129671 */, 16 },
+ /* 2127 */ { MAD_F(0x06ada27f) /* 0.417391297 */, 16 },
+ /* 2128 */ { MAD_F(0x06aeb4e0) /* 0.417652964 */, 16 },
+ /* 2129 */ { MAD_F(0x06afc74b) /* 0.417914672 */, 16 },
+ /* 2130 */ { MAD_F(0x06b0d9c2) /* 0.418176420 */, 16 },
+ /* 2131 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1ec43) /* 0.418438210 */, 16 },
+ /* 2132 */ { MAD_F(0x06b2fed0) /* 0.418700041 */, 16 },
+ /* 2133 */ { MAD_F(0x06b41168) /* 0.418961912 */, 16 },
+ /* 2134 */ { MAD_F(0x06b5240a) /* 0.419223825 */, 16 },
+ /* 2135 */ { MAD_F(0x06b636b8) /* 0.419485778 */, 16 },
+ /* 2136 */ { MAD_F(0x06b74971) /* 0.419747773 */, 16 },
+ /* 2137 */ { MAD_F(0x06b85c34) /* 0.420009808 */, 16 },
+ /* 2138 */ { MAD_F(0x06b96f03) /* 0.420271884 */, 16 },
+ /* 2139 */ { MAD_F(0x06ba81dc) /* 0.420534001 */, 16 },
+ /* 2140 */ { MAD_F(0x06bb94c1) /* 0.420796159 */, 16 },
+ /* 2141 */ { MAD_F(0x06bca7b0) /* 0.421058358 */, 16 },
+ /* 2142 */ { MAD_F(0x06bdbaaa) /* 0.421320597 */, 16 },
+ /* 2143 */ { MAD_F(0x06becdb0) /* 0.421582878 */, 16 },
+ /* 2144 */ { MAD_F(0x06bfe0c0) /* 0.421845199 */, 16 },
+ /* 2145 */ { MAD_F(0x06c0f3db) /* 0.422107561 */, 16 },
+ /* 2146 */ { MAD_F(0x06c20702) /* 0.422369964 */, 16 },
+ /* 2147 */ { MAD_F(0x06c31a33) /* 0.422632407 */, 16 },
+ /* 2148 */ { MAD_F(0x06c42d6f) /* 0.422894891 */, 16 },
+ /* 2149 */ { MAD_F(0x06c540b6) /* 0.423157416 */, 16 },
+ /* 2150 */ { MAD_F(0x06c65408) /* 0.423419982 */, 16 },
+ /* 2151 */ { MAD_F(0x06c76765) /* 0.423682588 */, 16 },
+ /* 2152 */ { MAD_F(0x06c87acc) /* 0.423945235 */, 16 },
+ /* 2153 */ { MAD_F(0x06c98e3f) /* 0.424207923 */, 16 },
+ /* 2154 */ { MAD_F(0x06caa1bd) /* 0.424470652 */, 16 },
+ /* 2155 */ { MAD_F(0x06cbb545) /* 0.424733421 */, 16 },
+ /* 2156 */ { MAD_F(0x06ccc8d9) /* 0.424996230 */, 16 },
+ /* 2157 */ { MAD_F(0x06cddc77) /* 0.425259081 */, 16 },
+ /* 2158 */ { MAD_F(0x06cef020) /* 0.425521972 */, 16 },
+ /* 2159 */ { MAD_F(0x06d003d4) /* 0.425784903 */, 16 },
+ /* 2160 */ { MAD_F(0x06d11794) /* 0.426047876 */, 16 },
+ /* 2161 */ { MAD_F(0x06d22b5e) /* 0.426310889 */, 16 },
+ /* 2162 */ { MAD_F(0x06d33f32) /* 0.426573942 */, 16 },
+ /* 2163 */ { MAD_F(0x06d45312) /* 0.426837036 */, 16 },
+ /* 2164 */ { MAD_F(0x06d566fd) /* 0.427100170 */, 16 },
+ /* 2165 */ { MAD_F(0x06d67af2) /* 0.427363345 */, 16 },
+ /* 2166 */ { MAD_F(0x06d78ef3) /* 0.427626561 */, 16 },
+ /* 2167 */ { MAD_F(0x06d8a2fe) /* 0.427889817 */, 16 },
+ /* 2168 */ { MAD_F(0x06d9b714) /* 0.428153114 */, 16 },
+ /* 2169 */ { MAD_F(0x06dacb35) /* 0.428416451 */, 16 },
+ /* 2170 */ { MAD_F(0x06dbdf61) /* 0.428679828 */, 16 },
+ /* 2171 */ { MAD_F(0x06dcf398) /* 0.428943246 */, 16 },
+ /* 2172 */ { MAD_F(0x06de07d9) /* 0.429206704 */, 16 },
+ /* 2173 */ { MAD_F(0x06df1c26) /* 0.429470203 */, 16 },
+ /* 2174 */ { MAD_F(0x06e0307d) /* 0.429733743 */, 16 },
+ /* 2175 */ { MAD_F(0x06e144df) /* 0.429997322 */, 16 },
+ /* 2176 */ { MAD_F(0x06e2594c) /* 0.430260942 */, 16 },
+ /* 2177 */ { MAD_F(0x06e36dc4) /* 0.430524603 */, 16 },
+ /* 2178 */ { MAD_F(0x06e48246) /* 0.430788304 */, 16 },
+ /* 2179 */ { MAD_F(0x06e596d4) /* 0.431052045 */, 16 },
+ /* 2180 */ { MAD_F(0x06e6ab6c) /* 0.431315826 */, 16 },
+ /* 2181 */ { MAD_F(0x06e7c00f) /* 0.431579648 */, 16 },
+ /* 2182 */ { MAD_F(0x06e8d4bd) /* 0.431843511 */, 16 },
+ /* 2183 */ { MAD_F(0x06e9e976) /* 0.432107413 */, 16 },
+ /* 2184 */ { MAD_F(0x06eafe3a) /* 0.432371356 */, 16 },
+ /* 2185 */ { MAD_F(0x06ec1308) /* 0.432635339 */, 16 },
+ /* 2186 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed27e2) /* 0.432899362 */, 16 },
+ /* 2187 */ { MAD_F(0x06ee3cc6) /* 0.433163426 */, 16 },
+ /* 2188 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef51b4) /* 0.433427530 */, 16 },
+ /* 2189 */ { MAD_F(0x06f066ae) /* 0.433691674 */, 16 },
+ /* 2190 */ { MAD_F(0x06f17bb3) /* 0.433955859 */, 16 },
+ /* 2191 */ { MAD_F(0x06f290c2) /* 0.434220083 */, 16 },
+ /* 2192 */ { MAD_F(0x06f3a5dc) /* 0.434484348 */, 16 },
+ /* 2193 */ { MAD_F(0x06f4bb01) /* 0.434748653 */, 16 },
+ /* 2194 */ { MAD_F(0x06f5d030) /* 0.435012998 */, 16 },
+ /* 2195 */ { MAD_F(0x06f6e56b) /* 0.435277383 */, 16 },
+ /* 2196 */ { MAD_F(0x06f7fab0) /* 0.435541809 */, 16 },
+ /* 2197 */ { MAD_F(0x06f91000) /* 0.435806274 */, 16 },
+ /* 2198 */ { MAD_F(0x06fa255a) /* 0.436070780 */, 16 },
+ /* 2199 */ { MAD_F(0x06fb3ac0) /* 0.436335326 */, 16 },
+ /* 2200 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc5030) /* 0.436599912 */, 16 },
+ /* 2201 */ { MAD_F(0x06fd65ab) /* 0.436864538 */, 16 },
+ /* 2202 */ { MAD_F(0x06fe7b31) /* 0.437129204 */, 16 },
+ /* 2203 */ { MAD_F(0x06ff90c2) /* 0.437393910 */, 16 },
+ /* 2204 */ { MAD_F(0x0700a65d) /* 0.437658657 */, 16 },
+ /* 2205 */ { MAD_F(0x0701bc03) /* 0.437923443 */, 16 },
+ /* 2206 */ { MAD_F(0x0702d1b4) /* 0.438188269 */, 16 },
+ /* 2207 */ { MAD_F(0x0703e76f) /* 0.438453136 */, 16 },
+ /* 2208 */ { MAD_F(0x0704fd35) /* 0.438718042 */, 16 },
+ /* 2209 */ { MAD_F(0x07061306) /* 0.438982988 */, 16 },
+ /* 2210 */ { MAD_F(0x070728e2) /* 0.439247975 */, 16 },
+ /* 2211 */ { MAD_F(0x07083ec9) /* 0.439513001 */, 16 },
+ /* 2212 */ { MAD_F(0x070954ba) /* 0.439778067 */, 16 },
+ /* 2213 */ { MAD_F(0x070a6ab6) /* 0.440043173 */, 16 },
+ /* 2214 */ { MAD_F(0x070b80bc) /* 0.440308320 */, 16 },
+ /* 2215 */ { MAD_F(0x070c96ce) /* 0.440573506 */, 16 },
+ /* 2216 */ { MAD_F(0x070dacea) /* 0.440838732 */, 16 },
+ /* 2217 */ { MAD_F(0x070ec310) /* 0.441103997 */, 16 },
+ /* 2218 */ { MAD_F(0x070fd942) /* 0.441369303 */, 16 },
+ /* 2219 */ { MAD_F(0x0710ef7e) /* 0.441634649 */, 16 },
+ /* 2220 */ { MAD_F(0x071205c5) /* 0.441900034 */, 16 },
+ /* 2221 */ { MAD_F(0x07131c17) /* 0.442165460 */, 16 },
+ /* 2222 */ { MAD_F(0x07143273) /* 0.442430925 */, 16 },
+ /* 2223 */ { MAD_F(0x071548da) /* 0.442696430 */, 16 },
+ /* 2224 */ { MAD_F(0x07165f4b) /* 0.442961975 */, 16 },
+ /* 2225 */ { MAD_F(0x071775c8) /* 0.443227559 */, 16 },
+ /* 2226 */ { MAD_F(0x07188c4f) /* 0.443493184 */, 16 },
+ /* 2227 */ { MAD_F(0x0719a2e0) /* 0.443758848 */, 16 },
+ /* 2228 */ { MAD_F(0x071ab97d) /* 0.444024552 */, 16 },
+ /* 2229 */ { MAD_F(0x071bd024) /* 0.444290296 */, 16 },
+ /* 2230 */ { MAD_F(0x071ce6d6) /* 0.444556079 */, 16 },
+ /* 2231 */ { MAD_F(0x071dfd92) /* 0.444821902 */, 16 },
+ /* 2232 */ { MAD_F(0x071f1459) /* 0.445087765 */, 16 },
+ /* 2233 */ { MAD_F(0x07202b2b) /* 0.445353668 */, 16 },
+ /* 2234 */ { MAD_F(0x07214207) /* 0.445619610 */, 16 },
+ /* 2235 */ { MAD_F(0x072258ee) /* 0.445885592 */, 16 },
+ /* 2236 */ { MAD_F(0x07236fe0) /* 0.446151614 */, 16 },
+ /* 2237 */ { MAD_F(0x072486dc) /* 0.446417675 */, 16 },
+ /* 2238 */ { MAD_F(0x07259de3) /* 0.446683776 */, 16 },
+ /* 2239 */ { MAD_F(0x0726b4f4) /* 0.446949917 */, 16 },
+ /* 2240 */ { MAD_F(0x0727cc11) /* 0.447216097 */, 16 },
+ /* 2241 */ { MAD_F(0x0728e338) /* 0.447482317 */, 16 },
+ /* 2242 */ { MAD_F(0x0729fa69) /* 0.447748576 */, 16 },
+ /* 2243 */ { MAD_F(0x072b11a5) /* 0.448014875 */, 16 },
+ /* 2244 */ { MAD_F(0x072c28ec) /* 0.448281214 */, 16 },
+ /* 2245 */ { MAD_F(0x072d403d) /* 0.448547592 */, 16 },
+ /* 2246 */ { MAD_F(0x072e5799) /* 0.448814010 */, 16 },
+ /* 2247 */ { MAD_F(0x072f6f00) /* 0.449080467 */, 16 },
+ /* 2248 */ { MAD_F(0x07308671) /* 0.449346964 */, 16 },
+ /* 2249 */ { MAD_F(0x07319ded) /* 0.449613501 */, 16 },
+ /* 2250 */ { MAD_F(0x0732b573) /* 0.449880076 */, 16 },
+ /* 2251 */ { MAD_F(0x0733cd04) /* 0.450146692 */, 16 },
+ /* 2252 */ { MAD_F(0x0734e4a0) /* 0.450413347 */, 16 },
+ /* 2253 */ { MAD_F(0x0735fc46) /* 0.450680041 */, 16 },
+ /* 2254 */ { MAD_F(0x073713f7) /* 0.450946775 */, 16 },
+ /* 2255 */ { MAD_F(0x07382bb2) /* 0.451213548 */, 16 },
+ /* 2256 */ { MAD_F(0x07394378) /* 0.451480360 */, 16 },
+ /* 2257 */ { MAD_F(0x073a5b49) /* 0.451747213 */, 16 },
+ /* 2258 */ { MAD_F(0x073b7324) /* 0.452014104 */, 16 },
+ /* 2259 */ { MAD_F(0x073c8b0a) /* 0.452281035 */, 16 },
+ /* 2260 */ { MAD_F(0x073da2fa) /* 0.452548005 */, 16 },
+ /* 2261 */ { MAD_F(0x073ebaf5) /* 0.452815015 */, 16 },
+ /* 2262 */ { MAD_F(0x073fd2fa) /* 0.453082064 */, 16 },
+ /* 2263 */ { MAD_F(0x0740eb0a) /* 0.453349152 */, 16 },
+ /* 2264 */ { MAD_F(0x07420325) /* 0.453616280 */, 16 },
+ /* 2265 */ { MAD_F(0x07431b4a) /* 0.453883447 */, 16 },
+ /* 2266 */ { MAD_F(0x0744337a) /* 0.454150653 */, 16 },
+ /* 2267 */ { MAD_F(0x07454bb4) /* 0.454417899 */, 16 },
+ /* 2268 */ { MAD_F(0x074663f8) /* 0.454685184 */, 16 },
+ /* 2269 */ { MAD_F(0x07477c48) /* 0.454952508 */, 16 },
+ /* 2270 */ { MAD_F(0x074894a2) /* 0.455219872 */, 16 },
+ /* 2271 */ { MAD_F(0x0749ad06) /* 0.455487275 */, 16 },
+ /* 2272 */ { MAD_F(0x074ac575) /* 0.455754717 */, 16 },
+ /* 2273 */ { MAD_F(0x074bddee) /* 0.456022198 */, 16 },
+ /* 2274 */ { MAD_F(0x074cf672) /* 0.456289719 */, 16 },
+ /* 2275 */ { MAD_F(0x074e0f01) /* 0.456557278 */, 16 },
+ /* 2276 */ { MAD_F(0x074f279a) /* 0.456824877 */, 16 },
+ /* 2277 */ { MAD_F(0x0750403e) /* 0.457092516 */, 16 },
+ /* 2278 */ { MAD_F(0x075158ec) /* 0.457360193 */, 16 },
+ /* 2279 */ { MAD_F(0x075271a4) /* 0.457627909 */, 16 },
+ /* 2280 */ { MAD_F(0x07538a67) /* 0.457895665 */, 16 },
+ /* 2281 */ { MAD_F(0x0754a335) /* 0.458163460 */, 16 },
+ /* 2282 */ { MAD_F(0x0755bc0d) /* 0.458431294 */, 16 },
+ /* 2283 */ { MAD_F(0x0756d4f0) /* 0.458699167 */, 16 },
+ /* 2284 */ { MAD_F(0x0757eddd) /* 0.458967079 */, 16 },
+ /* 2285 */ { MAD_F(0x075906d5) /* 0.459235030 */, 16 },
+ /* 2286 */ { MAD_F(0x075a1fd7) /* 0.459503021 */, 16 },
+ /* 2287 */ { MAD_F(0x075b38e3) /* 0.459771050 */, 16 },
+ /* 2288 */ { MAD_F(0x075c51fa) /* 0.460039119 */, 16 },
+ /* 2289 */ { MAD_F(0x075d6b1c) /* 0.460307226 */, 16 },
+ /* 2290 */ { MAD_F(0x075e8448) /* 0.460575373 */, 16 },
+ /* 2291 */ { MAD_F(0x075f9d7f) /* 0.460843559 */, 16 },
+ /* 2292 */ { MAD_F(0x0760b6c0) /* 0.461111783 */, 16 },
+ /* 2293 */ { MAD_F(0x0761d00b) /* 0.461380047 */, 16 },
+ /* 2294 */ { MAD_F(0x0762e961) /* 0.461648350 */, 16 },
+ /* 2295 */ { MAD_F(0x076402c1) /* 0.461916691 */, 16 },
+ /* 2296 */ { MAD_F(0x07651c2c) /* 0.462185072 */, 16 },
+ /* 2297 */ { MAD_F(0x076635a2) /* 0.462453492 */, 16 },
+ /* 2298 */ { MAD_F(0x07674f22) /* 0.462721950 */, 16 },
+ /* 2299 */ { MAD_F(0x076868ac) /* 0.462990448 */, 16 },
+ /* 2300 */ { MAD_F(0x07698240) /* 0.463258984 */, 16 },
+ /* 2301 */ { MAD_F(0x076a9be0) /* 0.463527560 */, 16 },
+ /* 2302 */ { MAD_F(0x076bb589) /* 0.463796174 */, 16 },
+ /* 2303 */ { MAD_F(0x076ccf3d) /* 0.464064827 */, 16 },
+ /* 2304 */ { MAD_F(0x076de8fc) /* 0.464333519 */, 16 },
+ /* 2305 */ { MAD_F(0x076f02c5) /* 0.464602250 */, 16 },
+ /* 2306 */ { MAD_F(0x07701c98) /* 0.464871020 */, 16 },
+ /* 2307 */ { MAD_F(0x07713676) /* 0.465139829 */, 16 },
+ /* 2308 */ { MAD_F(0x0772505e) /* 0.465408676 */, 16 },
+ /* 2309 */ { MAD_F(0x07736a51) /* 0.465677563 */, 16 },
+ /* 2310 */ { MAD_F(0x0774844e) /* 0.465946488 */, 16 },
+ /* 2311 */ { MAD_F(0x07759e55) /* 0.466215452 */, 16 },
+ /* 2312 */ { MAD_F(0x0776b867) /* 0.466484455 */, 16 },
+ /* 2313 */ { MAD_F(0x0777d283) /* 0.466753496 */, 16 },
+ /* 2314 */ { MAD_F(0x0778ecaa) /* 0.467022577 */, 16 },
+ /* 2315 */ { MAD_F(0x077a06db) /* 0.467291696 */, 16 },
+ /* 2316 */ { MAD_F(0x077b2117) /* 0.467560854 */, 16 },
+ /* 2317 */ { MAD_F(0x077c3b5d) /* 0.467830050 */, 16 },
+ /* 2318 */ { MAD_F(0x077d55ad) /* 0.468099285 */, 16 },
+ /* 2319 */ { MAD_F(0x077e7008) /* 0.468368560 */, 16 },
+ /* 2320 */ { MAD_F(0x077f8a6d) /* 0.468637872 */, 16 },
+ /* 2321 */ { MAD_F(0x0780a4dc) /* 0.468907224 */, 16 },
+ /* 2322 */ { MAD_F(0x0781bf56) /* 0.469176614 */, 16 },
+ /* 2323 */ { MAD_F(0x0782d9da) /* 0.469446043 */, 16 },
+ /* 2324 */ { MAD_F(0x0783f469) /* 0.469715510 */, 16 },
+ /* 2325 */ { MAD_F(0x07850f02) /* 0.469985016 */, 16 },
+ /* 2326 */ { MAD_F(0x078629a5) /* 0.470254561 */, 16 },
+ /* 2327 */ { MAD_F(0x07874453) /* 0.470524145 */, 16 },
+ /* 2328 */ { MAD_F(0x07885f0b) /* 0.470793767 */, 16 },
+ /* 2329 */ { MAD_F(0x078979ce) /* 0.471063427 */, 16 },
+ /* 2330 */ { MAD_F(0x078a949a) /* 0.471333126 */, 16 },
+ /* 2331 */ { MAD_F(0x078baf72) /* 0.471602864 */, 16 },
+ /* 2332 */ { MAD_F(0x078cca53) /* 0.471872641 */, 16 },
+ /* 2333 */ { MAD_F(0x078de53f) /* 0.472142456 */, 16 },
+ /* 2334 */ { MAD_F(0x078f0035) /* 0.472412309 */, 16 },
+ /* 2335 */ { MAD_F(0x07901b36) /* 0.472682201 */, 16 },
+ /* 2336 */ { MAD_F(0x07913641) /* 0.472952132 */, 16 },
+ /* 2337 */ { MAD_F(0x07925156) /* 0.473222101 */, 16 },
+ /* 2338 */ { MAD_F(0x07936c76) /* 0.473492108 */, 16 },
+ /* 2339 */ { MAD_F(0x079487a0) /* 0.473762155 */, 16 },
+ /* 2340 */ { MAD_F(0x0795a2d4) /* 0.474032239 */, 16 },
+ /* 2341 */ { MAD_F(0x0796be13) /* 0.474302362 */, 16 },
+ /* 2342 */ { MAD_F(0x0797d95c) /* 0.474572524 */, 16 },
+ /* 2343 */ { MAD_F(0x0798f4af) /* 0.474842724 */, 16 },
+ /* 2344 */ { MAD_F(0x079a100c) /* 0.475112962 */, 16 },
+ /* 2345 */ { MAD_F(0x079b2b74) /* 0.475383239 */, 16 },
+ /* 2346 */ { MAD_F(0x079c46e7) /* 0.475653554 */, 16 },
+ /* 2347 */ { MAD_F(0x079d6263) /* 0.475923908 */, 16 },
+ /* 2348 */ { MAD_F(0x079e7dea) /* 0.476194300 */, 16 },
+ /* 2349 */ { MAD_F(0x079f997b) /* 0.476464731 */, 16 },
+ /* 2350 */ { MAD_F(0x07a0b516) /* 0.476735200 */, 16 },
+ /* 2351 */ { MAD_F(0x07a1d0bc) /* 0.477005707 */, 16 },
+ /* 2352 */ { MAD_F(0x07a2ec6c) /* 0.477276252 */, 16 },
+ /* 2353 */ { MAD_F(0x07a40827) /* 0.477546836 */, 16 },
+ /* 2354 */ { MAD_F(0x07a523eb) /* 0.477817459 */, 16 },
+ /* 2355 */ { MAD_F(0x07a63fba) /* 0.478088119 */, 16 },
+ /* 2356 */ { MAD_F(0x07a75b93) /* 0.478358818 */, 16 },
+ /* 2357 */ { MAD_F(0x07a87777) /* 0.478629555 */, 16 },
+ /* 2358 */ { MAD_F(0x07a99364) /* 0.478900331 */, 16 },
+ /* 2359 */ { MAD_F(0x07aaaf5c) /* 0.479171145 */, 16 },
+ /* 2360 */ { MAD_F(0x07abcb5f) /* 0.479441997 */, 16 },
+ /* 2361 */ { MAD_F(0x07ace76b) /* 0.479712887 */, 16 },
+ /* 2362 */ { MAD_F(0x07ae0382) /* 0.479983816 */, 16 },
+ /* 2363 */ { MAD_F(0x07af1fa3) /* 0.480254782 */, 16 },
+ /* 2364 */ { MAD_F(0x07b03bcf) /* 0.480525787 */, 16 },
+ /* 2365 */ { MAD_F(0x07b15804) /* 0.480796831 */, 16 },
+ /* 2366 */ { MAD_F(0x07b27444) /* 0.481067912 */, 16 },
+ /* 2367 */ { MAD_F(0x07b3908e) /* 0.481339032 */, 16 },
+ /* 2368 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4ace3) /* 0.481610189 */, 16 },
+ /* 2369 */ { MAD_F(0x07b5c941) /* 0.481881385 */, 16 },
+ /* 2370 */ { MAD_F(0x07b6e5aa) /* 0.482152620 */, 16 },
+ /* 2371 */ { MAD_F(0x07b8021d) /* 0.482423892 */, 16 },
+ /* 2372 */ { MAD_F(0x07b91e9b) /* 0.482695202 */, 16 },
+ /* 2373 */ { MAD_F(0x07ba3b22) /* 0.482966551 */, 16 },
+ /* 2374 */ { MAD_F(0x07bb57b4) /* 0.483237938 */, 16 },
+ /* 2375 */ { MAD_F(0x07bc7450) /* 0.483509362 */, 16 },
+ /* 2376 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd90f6) /* 0.483780825 */, 16 },
+ /* 2377 */ { MAD_F(0x07beada7) /* 0.484052326 */, 16 },
+ /* 2378 */ { MAD_F(0x07bfca61) /* 0.484323865 */, 16 },
+ /* 2379 */ { MAD_F(0x07c0e726) /* 0.484595443 */, 16 },
+ /* 2380 */ { MAD_F(0x07c203f5) /* 0.484867058 */, 16 },
+ /* 2381 */ { MAD_F(0x07c320cf) /* 0.485138711 */, 16 },
+ /* 2382 */ { MAD_F(0x07c43db2) /* 0.485410402 */, 16 },
+ /* 2383 */ { MAD_F(0x07c55aa0) /* 0.485682131 */, 16 },
+ /* 2384 */ { MAD_F(0x07c67798) /* 0.485953899 */, 16 },
+ /* 2385 */ { MAD_F(0x07c7949a) /* 0.486225704 */, 16 },
+ /* 2386 */ { MAD_F(0x07c8b1a7) /* 0.486497547 */, 16 },
+ /* 2387 */ { MAD_F(0x07c9cebd) /* 0.486769429 */, 16 },
+ /* 2388 */ { MAD_F(0x07caebde) /* 0.487041348 */, 16 },
+ /* 2389 */ { MAD_F(0x07cc0909) /* 0.487313305 */, 16 },
+ /* 2390 */ { MAD_F(0x07cd263e) /* 0.487585300 */, 16 },
+ /* 2391 */ { MAD_F(0x07ce437d) /* 0.487857333 */, 16 },
+ /* 2392 */ { MAD_F(0x07cf60c7) /* 0.488129404 */, 16 },
+ /* 2393 */ { MAD_F(0x07d07e1b) /* 0.488401513 */, 16 },
+ /* 2394 */ { MAD_F(0x07d19b79) /* 0.488673660 */, 16 },
+ /* 2395 */ { MAD_F(0x07d2b8e1) /* 0.488945845 */, 16 },
+ /* 2396 */ { MAD_F(0x07d3d653) /* 0.489218067 */, 16 },
+ /* 2397 */ { MAD_F(0x07d4f3cf) /* 0.489490328 */, 16 },
+ /* 2398 */ { MAD_F(0x07d61156) /* 0.489762626 */, 16 },
+ /* 2399 */ { MAD_F(0x07d72ee6) /* 0.490034962 */, 16 },
+ /* 2400 */ { MAD_F(0x07d84c81) /* 0.490307336 */, 16 },
+ /* 2401 */ { MAD_F(0x07d96a26) /* 0.490579748 */, 16 },
+ /* 2402 */ { MAD_F(0x07da87d5) /* 0.490852198 */, 16 },
+ /* 2403 */ { MAD_F(0x07dba58f) /* 0.491124686 */, 16 },
+ /* 2404 */ { MAD_F(0x07dcc352) /* 0.491397211 */, 16 },
+ /* 2405 */ { MAD_F(0x07dde120) /* 0.491669774 */, 16 },
+ /* 2406 */ { MAD_F(0x07defef7) /* 0.491942375 */, 16 },
+ /* 2407 */ { MAD_F(0x07e01cd9) /* 0.492215014 */, 16 },
+ /* 2408 */ { MAD_F(0x07e13ac5) /* 0.492487690 */, 16 },
+ /* 2409 */ { MAD_F(0x07e258bc) /* 0.492760404 */, 16 },
+ /* 2410 */ { MAD_F(0x07e376bc) /* 0.493033156 */, 16 },
+ /* 2411 */ { MAD_F(0x07e494c6) /* 0.493305946 */, 16 },
+ /* 2412 */ { MAD_F(0x07e5b2db) /* 0.493578773 */, 16 },
+ /* 2413 */ { MAD_F(0x07e6d0f9) /* 0.493851638 */, 16 },
+ /* 2414 */ { MAD_F(0x07e7ef22) /* 0.494124541 */, 16 },
+ /* 2415 */ { MAD_F(0x07e90d55) /* 0.494397481 */, 16 },
+ /* 2416 */ { MAD_F(0x07ea2b92) /* 0.494670459 */, 16 },
+ /* 2417 */ { MAD_F(0x07eb49d9) /* 0.494943475 */, 16 },
+ /* 2418 */ { MAD_F(0x07ec682a) /* 0.495216529 */, 16 },
+ /* 2419 */ { MAD_F(0x07ed8686) /* 0.495489620 */, 16 },
+ /* 2420 */ { MAD_F(0x07eea4eb) /* 0.495762748 */, 16 },
+ /* 2421 */ { MAD_F(0x07efc35b) /* 0.496035915 */, 16 },
+ /* 2422 */ { MAD_F(0x07f0e1d4) /* 0.496309119 */, 16 },
+ /* 2423 */ { MAD_F(0x07f20058) /* 0.496582360 */, 16 },
+ /* 2424 */ { MAD_F(0x07f31ee6) /* 0.496855639 */, 16 },
+ /* 2425 */ { MAD_F(0x07f43d7e) /* 0.497128956 */, 16 },
+ /* 2426 */ { MAD_F(0x07f55c20) /* 0.497402310 */, 16 },
+ /* 2427 */ { MAD_F(0x07f67acc) /* 0.497675702 */, 16 },
+ /* 2428 */ { MAD_F(0x07f79982) /* 0.497949132 */, 16 },
+ /* 2429 */ { MAD_F(0x07f8b842) /* 0.498222598 */, 16 },
+ /* 2430 */ { MAD_F(0x07f9d70c) /* 0.498496103 */, 16 },
+ /* 2431 */ { MAD_F(0x07faf5e1) /* 0.498769645 */, 16 },
+ /* 2432 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc14bf) /* 0.499043224 */, 16 },
+ /* 2433 */ { MAD_F(0x07fd33a8) /* 0.499316841 */, 16 },
+ /* 2434 */ { MAD_F(0x07fe529a) /* 0.499590496 */, 16 },
+ /* 2435 */ { MAD_F(0x07ff7197) /* 0.499864188 */, 16 },
+ /* 2436 */ { MAD_F(0x0400484f) /* 0.250068959 */, 17 },
+ /* 2437 */ { MAD_F(0x0400d7d7) /* 0.250205842 */, 17 },
+ /* 2438 */ { MAD_F(0x04016764) /* 0.250342744 */, 17 },
+ /* 2439 */ { MAD_F(0x0401f6f7) /* 0.250479665 */, 17 },
+ /* 2440 */ { MAD_F(0x0402868e) /* 0.250616605 */, 17 },
+ /* 2441 */ { MAD_F(0x0403162b) /* 0.250753563 */, 17 },
+ /* 2442 */ { MAD_F(0x0403a5cc) /* 0.250890540 */, 17 },
+ /* 2443 */ { MAD_F(0x04043573) /* 0.251027536 */, 17 },
+ /* 2444 */ { MAD_F(0x0404c51e) /* 0.251164550 */, 17 },
+ /* 2445 */ { MAD_F(0x040554cf) /* 0.251301583 */, 17 },
+ /* 2446 */ { MAD_F(0x0405e484) /* 0.251438635 */, 17 },
+ /* 2447 */ { MAD_F(0x0406743f) /* 0.251575706 */, 17 },
+ /* 2448 */ { MAD_F(0x040703ff) /* 0.251712795 */, 17 },
+ /* 2449 */ { MAD_F(0x040793c3) /* 0.251849903 */, 17 },
+ /* 2450 */ { MAD_F(0x0408238d) /* 0.251987029 */, 17 },
+ /* 2451 */ { MAD_F(0x0408b35b) /* 0.252124174 */, 17 },
+ /* 2452 */ { MAD_F(0x0409432f) /* 0.252261338 */, 17 },
+ /* 2453 */ { MAD_F(0x0409d308) /* 0.252398520 */, 17 },
+ /* 2454 */ { MAD_F(0x040a62e5) /* 0.252535721 */, 17 },
+ /* 2455 */ { MAD_F(0x040af2c8) /* 0.252672941 */, 17 },
+ /* 2456 */ { MAD_F(0x040b82b0) /* 0.252810180 */, 17 },
+ /* 2457 */ { MAD_F(0x040c129c) /* 0.252947436 */, 17 },
+ /* 2458 */ { MAD_F(0x040ca28e) /* 0.253084712 */, 17 },
+ /* 2459 */ { MAD_F(0x040d3284) /* 0.253222006 */, 17 },
+ /* 2460 */ { MAD_F(0x040dc280) /* 0.253359319 */, 17 },
+ /* 2461 */ { MAD_F(0x040e5281) /* 0.253496651 */, 17 },
+ /* 2462 */ { MAD_F(0x040ee286) /* 0.253634001 */, 17 },
+ /* 2463 */ { MAD_F(0x040f7291) /* 0.253771369 */, 17 },
+ /* 2464 */ { MAD_F(0x041002a1) /* 0.253908756 */, 17 },
+ /* 2465 */ { MAD_F(0x041092b5) /* 0.254046162 */, 17 },
+ /* 2466 */ { MAD_F(0x041122cf) /* 0.254183587 */, 17 },
+ /* 2467 */ { MAD_F(0x0411b2ed) /* 0.254321030 */, 17 },
+ /* 2468 */ { MAD_F(0x04124311) /* 0.254458491 */, 17 },
+ /* 2469 */ { MAD_F(0x0412d339) /* 0.254595971 */, 17 },
+ /* 2470 */ { MAD_F(0x04136367) /* 0.254733470 */, 17 },
+ /* 2471 */ { MAD_F(0x0413f399) /* 0.254870987 */, 17 },
+ /* 2472 */ { MAD_F(0x041483d1) /* 0.255008523 */, 17 },
+ /* 2473 */ { MAD_F(0x0415140d) /* 0.255146077 */, 17 },
+ /* 2474 */ { MAD_F(0x0415a44f) /* 0.255283650 */, 17 },
+ /* 2475 */ { MAD_F(0x04163495) /* 0.255421241 */, 17 },
+ /* 2476 */ { MAD_F(0x0416c4e1) /* 0.255558851 */, 17 },
+ /* 2477 */ { MAD_F(0x04175531) /* 0.255696480 */, 17 },
+ /* 2478 */ { MAD_F(0x0417e586) /* 0.255834127 */, 17 },
+ /* 2479 */ { MAD_F(0x041875e1) /* 0.255971792 */, 17 },
+ /* 2480 */ { MAD_F(0x04190640) /* 0.256109476 */, 17 },
+ /* 2481 */ { MAD_F(0x041996a4) /* 0.256247179 */, 17 },
+ /* 2482 */ { MAD_F(0x041a270d) /* 0.256384900 */, 17 },
+ /* 2483 */ { MAD_F(0x041ab77b) /* 0.256522639 */, 17 },
+ /* 2484 */ { MAD_F(0x041b47ef) /* 0.256660397 */, 17 },
+ /* 2485 */ { MAD_F(0x041bd867) /* 0.256798174 */, 17 },
+ /* 2486 */ { MAD_F(0x041c68e4) /* 0.256935969 */, 17 },
+ /* 2487 */ { MAD_F(0x041cf966) /* 0.257073782 */, 17 },
+ /* 2488 */ { MAD_F(0x041d89ed) /* 0.257211614 */, 17 },
+ /* 2489 */ { MAD_F(0x041e1a79) /* 0.257349465 */, 17 },
+ /* 2490 */ { MAD_F(0x041eab0a) /* 0.257487334 */, 17 },
+ /* 2491 */ { MAD_F(0x041f3b9f) /* 0.257625221 */, 17 },
+ /* 2492 */ { MAD_F(0x041fcc3a) /* 0.257763127 */, 17 },
+ /* 2493 */ { MAD_F(0x04205cda) /* 0.257901051 */, 17 },
+ /* 2494 */ { MAD_F(0x0420ed7f) /* 0.258038994 */, 17 },
+ /* 2495 */ { MAD_F(0x04217e28) /* 0.258176955 */, 17 },
+ /* 2496 */ { MAD_F(0x04220ed7) /* 0.258314934 */, 17 },
+ /* 2497 */ { MAD_F(0x04229f8a) /* 0.258452932 */, 17 },
+ /* 2498 */ { MAD_F(0x04233043) /* 0.258590948 */, 17 },
+ /* 2499 */ { MAD_F(0x0423c100) /* 0.258728983 */, 17 },
+ /* 2500 */ { MAD_F(0x042451c3) /* 0.258867036 */, 17 },
+ /* 2501 */ { MAD_F(0x0424e28a) /* 0.259005108 */, 17 },
+ /* 2502 */ { MAD_F(0x04257356) /* 0.259143198 */, 17 },
+ /* 2503 */ { MAD_F(0x04260428) /* 0.259281307 */, 17 },
+ /* 2504 */ { MAD_F(0x042694fe) /* 0.259419433 */, 17 },
+ /* 2505 */ { MAD_F(0x042725d9) /* 0.259557579 */, 17 },
+ /* 2506 */ { MAD_F(0x0427b6b9) /* 0.259695742 */, 17 },
+ /* 2507 */ { MAD_F(0x0428479e) /* 0.259833924 */, 17 },
+ /* 2508 */ { MAD_F(0x0428d888) /* 0.259972124 */, 17 },
+ /* 2509 */ { MAD_F(0x04296976) /* 0.260110343 */, 17 },
+ /* 2510 */ { MAD_F(0x0429fa6a) /* 0.260248580 */, 17 },
+ /* 2511 */ { MAD_F(0x042a8b63) /* 0.260386836 */, 17 },
+ /* 2512 */ { MAD_F(0x042b1c60) /* 0.260525110 */, 17 },
+ /* 2513 */ { MAD_F(0x042bad63) /* 0.260663402 */, 17 },
+ /* 2514 */ { MAD_F(0x042c3e6a) /* 0.260801712 */, 17 },
+ /* 2515 */ { MAD_F(0x042ccf77) /* 0.260940041 */, 17 },
+ /* 2516 */ { MAD_F(0x042d6088) /* 0.261078388 */, 17 },
+ /* 2517 */ { MAD_F(0x042df19e) /* 0.261216754 */, 17 },
+ /* 2518 */ { MAD_F(0x042e82b9) /* 0.261355137 */, 17 },
+ /* 2519 */ { MAD_F(0x042f13d9) /* 0.261493540 */, 17 },
+ /* 2520 */ { MAD_F(0x042fa4fe) /* 0.261631960 */, 17 },
+ /* 2521 */ { MAD_F(0x04303628) /* 0.261770399 */, 17 },
+ /* 2522 */ { MAD_F(0x0430c757) /* 0.261908856 */, 17 },
+ /* 2523 */ { MAD_F(0x0431588b) /* 0.262047331 */, 17 },
+ /* 2524 */ { MAD_F(0x0431e9c3) /* 0.262185825 */, 17 },
+ /* 2525 */ { MAD_F(0x04327b01) /* 0.262324337 */, 17 },
+ /* 2526 */ { MAD_F(0x04330c43) /* 0.262462867 */, 17 },
+ /* 2527 */ { MAD_F(0x04339d8a) /* 0.262601416 */, 17 },
+ /* 2528 */ { MAD_F(0x04342ed7) /* 0.262739982 */, 17 },
+ /* 2529 */ { MAD_F(0x0434c028) /* 0.262878568 */, 17 },
+ /* 2530 */ { MAD_F(0x0435517e) /* 0.263017171 */, 17 },
+ /* 2531 */ { MAD_F(0x0435e2d9) /* 0.263155792 */, 17 },
+ /* 2532 */ { MAD_F(0x04367439) /* 0.263294432 */, 17 },
+ /* 2533 */ { MAD_F(0x0437059e) /* 0.263433090 */, 17 },
+ /* 2534 */ { MAD_F(0x04379707) /* 0.263571767 */, 17 },
+ /* 2535 */ { MAD_F(0x04382876) /* 0.263710461 */, 17 },
+ /* 2536 */ { MAD_F(0x0438b9e9) /* 0.263849174 */, 17 },
+ /* 2537 */ { MAD_F(0x04394b61) /* 0.263987905 */, 17 },
+ /* 2538 */ { MAD_F(0x0439dcdf) /* 0.264126655 */, 17 },
+ /* 2539 */ { MAD_F(0x043a6e61) /* 0.264265422 */, 17 },
+ /* 2540 */ { MAD_F(0x043affe8) /* 0.264404208 */, 17 },
+ /* 2541 */ { MAD_F(0x043b9174) /* 0.264543012 */, 17 },
+ /* 2542 */ { MAD_F(0x043c2305) /* 0.264681834 */, 17 },
+ /* 2543 */ { MAD_F(0x043cb49a) /* 0.264820674 */, 17 },
+ /* 2544 */ { MAD_F(0x043d4635) /* 0.264959533 */, 17 },
+ /* 2545 */ { MAD_F(0x043dd7d4) /* 0.265098410 */, 17 },
+ /* 2546 */ { MAD_F(0x043e6979) /* 0.265237305 */, 17 },
+ /* 2547 */ { MAD_F(0x043efb22) /* 0.265376218 */, 17 },
+ /* 2548 */ { MAD_F(0x043f8cd0) /* 0.265515149 */, 17 },
+ /* 2549 */ { MAD_F(0x04401e83) /* 0.265654099 */, 17 },
+ /* 2550 */ { MAD_F(0x0440b03b) /* 0.265793066 */, 17 },
+ /* 2551 */ { MAD_F(0x044141f7) /* 0.265932052 */, 17 },
+ /* 2552 */ { MAD_F(0x0441d3b9) /* 0.266071056 */, 17 },
+ /* 2553 */ { MAD_F(0x04426580) /* 0.266210078 */, 17 },
+ /* 2554 */ { MAD_F(0x0442f74b) /* 0.266349119 */, 17 },
+ /* 2555 */ { MAD_F(0x0443891b) /* 0.266488177 */, 17 },
+ /* 2556 */ { MAD_F(0x04441af0) /* 0.266627254 */, 17 },
+ /* 2557 */ { MAD_F(0x0444acca) /* 0.266766349 */, 17 },
+ /* 2558 */ { MAD_F(0x04453ea9) /* 0.266905462 */, 17 },
+ /* 2559 */ { MAD_F(0x0445d08d) /* 0.267044593 */, 17 },
+ /* 2560 */ { MAD_F(0x04466275) /* 0.267183742 */, 17 },
+ /* 2561 */ { MAD_F(0x0446f463) /* 0.267322909 */, 17 },
+ /* 2562 */ { MAD_F(0x04478655) /* 0.267462094 */, 17 },
+ /* 2563 */ { MAD_F(0x0448184c) /* 0.267601298 */, 17 },
+ /* 2564 */ { MAD_F(0x0448aa48) /* 0.267740519 */, 17 },
+ /* 2565 */ { MAD_F(0x04493c49) /* 0.267879759 */, 17 },
+ /* 2566 */ { MAD_F(0x0449ce4f) /* 0.268019017 */, 17 },
+ /* 2567 */ { MAD_F(0x044a6059) /* 0.268158293 */, 17 },
+ /* 2568 */ { MAD_F(0x044af269) /* 0.268297587 */, 17 },
+ /* 2569 */ { MAD_F(0x044b847d) /* 0.268436899 */, 17 },
+ /* 2570 */ { MAD_F(0x044c1696) /* 0.268576229 */, 17 },
+ /* 2571 */ { MAD_F(0x044ca8b4) /* 0.268715577 */, 17 },
+ /* 2572 */ { MAD_F(0x044d3ad7) /* 0.268854943 */, 17 },
+ /* 2573 */ { MAD_F(0x044dccff) /* 0.268994328 */, 17 },
+ /* 2574 */ { MAD_F(0x044e5f2b) /* 0.269133730 */, 17 },
+ /* 2575 */ { MAD_F(0x044ef15d) /* 0.269273150 */, 17 },
+ /* 2576 */ { MAD_F(0x044f8393) /* 0.269412589 */, 17 },
+ /* 2577 */ { MAD_F(0x045015ce) /* 0.269552045 */, 17 },
+ /* 2578 */ { MAD_F(0x0450a80e) /* 0.269691520 */, 17 },
+ /* 2579 */ { MAD_F(0x04513a53) /* 0.269831013 */, 17 },
+ /* 2580 */ { MAD_F(0x0451cc9c) /* 0.269970523 */, 17 },
+ /* 2581 */ { MAD_F(0x04525eeb) /* 0.270110052 */, 17 },
+ /* 2582 */ { MAD_F(0x0452f13e) /* 0.270249599 */, 17 },
+ /* 2583 */ { MAD_F(0x04538396) /* 0.270389163 */, 17 },
+ /* 2584 */ { MAD_F(0x045415f3) /* 0.270528746 */, 17 },
+ /* 2585 */ { MAD_F(0x0454a855) /* 0.270668347 */, 17 },
+ /* 2586 */ { MAD_F(0x04553abb) /* 0.270807965 */, 17 },
+ /* 2587 */ { MAD_F(0x0455cd27) /* 0.270947602 */, 17 },
+ /* 2588 */ { MAD_F(0x04565f97) /* 0.271087257 */, 17 },
+ /* 2589 */ { MAD_F(0x0456f20c) /* 0.271226930 */, 17 },
+ /* 2590 */ { MAD_F(0x04578486) /* 0.271366620 */, 17 },
+ /* 2591 */ { MAD_F(0x04581705) /* 0.271506329 */, 17 },
+ /* 2592 */ { MAD_F(0x0458a989) /* 0.271646056 */, 17 },
+ /* 2593 */ { MAD_F(0x04593c11) /* 0.271785800 */, 17 },
+ /* 2594 */ { MAD_F(0x0459ce9e) /* 0.271925563 */, 17 },
+ /* 2595 */ { MAD_F(0x045a6130) /* 0.272065343 */, 17 },
+ /* 2596 */ { MAD_F(0x045af3c7) /* 0.272205142 */, 17 },
+ /* 2597 */ { MAD_F(0x045b8663) /* 0.272344958 */, 17 },
+ /* 2598 */ { MAD_F(0x045c1903) /* 0.272484793 */, 17 },
+ /* 2599 */ { MAD_F(0x045caba9) /* 0.272624645 */, 17 },
+ /* 2600 */ { MAD_F(0x045d3e53) /* 0.272764515 */, 17 },
+ /* 2601 */ { MAD_F(0x045dd102) /* 0.272904403 */, 17 },
+ /* 2602 */ { MAD_F(0x045e63b6) /* 0.273044310 */, 17 },
+ /* 2603 */ { MAD_F(0x045ef66e) /* 0.273184234 */, 17 },
+ /* 2604 */ { MAD_F(0x045f892b) /* 0.273324176 */, 17 },
+ /* 2605 */ { MAD_F(0x04601bee) /* 0.273464136 */, 17 },
+ /* 2606 */ { MAD_F(0x0460aeb5) /* 0.273604113 */, 17 },
+ /* 2607 */ { MAD_F(0x04614180) /* 0.273744109 */, 17 },
+ /* 2608 */ { MAD_F(0x0461d451) /* 0.273884123 */, 17 },
+ /* 2609 */ { MAD_F(0x04626727) /* 0.274024154 */, 17 },
+ /* 2610 */ { MAD_F(0x0462fa01) /* 0.274164204 */, 17 },
+ /* 2611 */ { MAD_F(0x04638ce0) /* 0.274304271 */, 17 },
+ /* 2612 */ { MAD_F(0x04641fc4) /* 0.274444356 */, 17 },
+ /* 2613 */ { MAD_F(0x0464b2ac) /* 0.274584459 */, 17 },
+ /* 2614 */ { MAD_F(0x0465459a) /* 0.274724580 */, 17 },
+ /* 2615 */ { MAD_F(0x0465d88c) /* 0.274864719 */, 17 },
+ /* 2616 */ { MAD_F(0x04666b83) /* 0.275004875 */, 17 },
+ /* 2617 */ { MAD_F(0x0466fe7f) /* 0.275145050 */, 17 },
+ /* 2618 */ { MAD_F(0x0467917f) /* 0.275285242 */, 17 },
+ /* 2619 */ { MAD_F(0x04682485) /* 0.275425452 */, 17 },
+ /* 2620 */ { MAD_F(0x0468b78f) /* 0.275565681 */, 17 },
+ /* 2621 */ { MAD_F(0x04694a9e) /* 0.275705926 */, 17 },
+ /* 2622 */ { MAD_F(0x0469ddb2) /* 0.275846190 */, 17 },
+ /* 2623 */ { MAD_F(0x046a70ca) /* 0.275986472 */, 17 },
+ /* 2624 */ { MAD_F(0x046b03e7) /* 0.276126771 */, 17 },
+ /* 2625 */ { MAD_F(0x046b970a) /* 0.276267088 */, 17 },
+ /* 2626 */ { MAD_F(0x046c2a31) /* 0.276407423 */, 17 },
+ /* 2627 */ { MAD_F(0x046cbd5c) /* 0.276547776 */, 17 },
+ /* 2628 */ { MAD_F(0x046d508d) /* 0.276688147 */, 17 },
+ /* 2629 */ { MAD_F(0x046de3c2) /* 0.276828535 */, 17 },
+ /* 2630 */ { MAD_F(0x046e76fc) /* 0.276968942 */, 17 },
+ /* 2631 */ { MAD_F(0x046f0a3b) /* 0.277109366 */, 17 },
+ /* 2632 */ { MAD_F(0x046f9d7e) /* 0.277249808 */, 17 },
+ /* 2633 */ { MAD_F(0x047030c7) /* 0.277390267 */, 17 },
+ /* 2634 */ { MAD_F(0x0470c414) /* 0.277530745 */, 17 },
+ /* 2635 */ { MAD_F(0x04715766) /* 0.277671240 */, 17 },
+ /* 2636 */ { MAD_F(0x0471eabc) /* 0.277811753 */, 17 },
+ /* 2637 */ { MAD_F(0x04727e18) /* 0.277952284 */, 17 },
+ /* 2638 */ { MAD_F(0x04731178) /* 0.278092832 */, 17 },
+ /* 2639 */ { MAD_F(0x0473a4dd) /* 0.278233399 */, 17 },
+ /* 2640 */ { MAD_F(0x04743847) /* 0.278373983 */, 17 },
+ /* 2641 */ { MAD_F(0x0474cbb5) /* 0.278514584 */, 17 },
+ /* 2642 */ { MAD_F(0x04755f29) /* 0.278655204 */, 17 },
+ /* 2643 */ { MAD_F(0x0475f2a1) /* 0.278795841 */, 17 },
+ /* 2644 */ { MAD_F(0x0476861d) /* 0.278936496 */, 17 },
+ /* 2645 */ { MAD_F(0x0477199f) /* 0.279077169 */, 17 },
+ /* 2646 */ { MAD_F(0x0477ad25) /* 0.279217860 */, 17 },
+ /* 2647 */ { MAD_F(0x047840b0) /* 0.279358568 */, 17 },
+ /* 2648 */ { MAD_F(0x0478d440) /* 0.279499294 */, 17 },
+ /* 2649 */ { MAD_F(0x047967d5) /* 0.279640037 */, 17 },
+ /* 2650 */ { MAD_F(0x0479fb6e) /* 0.279780799 */, 17 },
+ /* 2651 */ { MAD_F(0x047a8f0c) /* 0.279921578 */, 17 },
+ /* 2652 */ { MAD_F(0x047b22af) /* 0.280062375 */, 17 },
+ /* 2653 */ { MAD_F(0x047bb657) /* 0.280203189 */, 17 },
+ /* 2654 */ { MAD_F(0x047c4a03) /* 0.280344021 */, 17 },
+ /* 2655 */ { MAD_F(0x047cddb4) /* 0.280484871 */, 17 },
+ /* 2656 */ { MAD_F(0x047d716a) /* 0.280625739 */, 17 },
+ /* 2657 */ { MAD_F(0x047e0524) /* 0.280766624 */, 17 },
+ /* 2658 */ { MAD_F(0x047e98e4) /* 0.280907527 */, 17 },
+ /* 2659 */ { MAD_F(0x047f2ca8) /* 0.281048447 */, 17 },
+ /* 2660 */ { MAD_F(0x047fc071) /* 0.281189385 */, 17 },
+ /* 2661 */ { MAD_F(0x0480543e) /* 0.281330341 */, 17 },
+ /* 2662 */ { MAD_F(0x0480e811) /* 0.281471315 */, 17 },
+ /* 2663 */ { MAD_F(0x04817be8) /* 0.281612306 */, 17 },
+ /* 2664 */ { MAD_F(0x04820fc3) /* 0.281753315 */, 17 },
+ /* 2665 */ { MAD_F(0x0482a3a4) /* 0.281894341 */, 17 },
+ /* 2666 */ { MAD_F(0x04833789) /* 0.282035386 */, 17 },
+ /* 2667 */ { MAD_F(0x0483cb73) /* 0.282176447 */, 17 },
+ /* 2668 */ { MAD_F(0x04845f62) /* 0.282317527 */, 17 },
+ /* 2669 */ { MAD_F(0x0484f355) /* 0.282458624 */, 17 },
+ /* 2670 */ { MAD_F(0x0485874d) /* 0.282599738 */, 17 },
+ /* 2671 */ { MAD_F(0x04861b4a) /* 0.282740871 */, 17 },
+ /* 2672 */ { MAD_F(0x0486af4c) /* 0.282882021 */, 17 },
+ /* 2673 */ { MAD_F(0x04874352) /* 0.283023188 */, 17 },
+ /* 2674 */ { MAD_F(0x0487d75d) /* 0.283164373 */, 17 },
+ /* 2675 */ { MAD_F(0x04886b6d) /* 0.283305576 */, 17 },
+ /* 2676 */ { MAD_F(0x0488ff82) /* 0.283446796 */, 17 },
+ /* 2677 */ { MAD_F(0x0489939b) /* 0.283588034 */, 17 },
+ /* 2678 */ { MAD_F(0x048a27b9) /* 0.283729290 */, 17 },
+ /* 2679 */ { MAD_F(0x048abbdc) /* 0.283870563 */, 17 },
+ /* 2680 */ { MAD_F(0x048b5003) /* 0.284011853 */, 17 },
+ /* 2681 */ { MAD_F(0x048be42f) /* 0.284153161 */, 17 },
+ /* 2682 */ { MAD_F(0x048c7860) /* 0.284294487 */, 17 },
+ /* 2683 */ { MAD_F(0x048d0c96) /* 0.284435831 */, 17 },
+ /* 2684 */ { MAD_F(0x048da0d0) /* 0.284577192 */, 17 },
+ /* 2685 */ { MAD_F(0x048e350f) /* 0.284718570 */, 17 },
+ /* 2686 */ { MAD_F(0x048ec953) /* 0.284859966 */, 17 },
+ /* 2687 */ { MAD_F(0x048f5d9b) /* 0.285001380 */, 17 },
+ /* 2688 */ { MAD_F(0x048ff1e8) /* 0.285142811 */, 17 },
+ /* 2689 */ { MAD_F(0x0490863a) /* 0.285284259 */, 17 },
+ /* 2690 */ { MAD_F(0x04911a91) /* 0.285425726 */, 17 },
+ /* 2691 */ { MAD_F(0x0491aeec) /* 0.285567209 */, 17 },
+ /* 2692 */ { MAD_F(0x0492434c) /* 0.285708711 */, 17 },
+ /* 2693 */ { MAD_F(0x0492d7b0) /* 0.285850229 */, 17 },
+ /* 2694 */ { MAD_F(0x04936c1a) /* 0.285991766 */, 17 },
+ /* 2695 */ { MAD_F(0x04940088) /* 0.286133319 */, 17 },
+ /* 2696 */ { MAD_F(0x049494fb) /* 0.286274891 */, 17 },
+ /* 2697 */ { MAD_F(0x04952972) /* 0.286416480 */, 17 },
+ /* 2698 */ { MAD_F(0x0495bdee) /* 0.286558086 */, 17 },
+ /* 2699 */ { MAD_F(0x0496526f) /* 0.286699710 */, 17 },
+ /* 2700 */ { MAD_F(0x0496e6f5) /* 0.286841351 */, 17 },
+ /* 2701 */ { MAD_F(0x04977b7f) /* 0.286983010 */, 17 },
+ /* 2702 */ { MAD_F(0x0498100e) /* 0.287124686 */, 17 },
+ /* 2703 */ { MAD_F(0x0498a4a1) /* 0.287266380 */, 17 },
+ /* 2704 */ { MAD_F(0x0499393a) /* 0.287408091 */, 17 },
+ /* 2705 */ { MAD_F(0x0499cdd7) /* 0.287549820 */, 17 },
+ /* 2706 */ { MAD_F(0x049a6278) /* 0.287691566 */, 17 },
+ /* 2707 */ { MAD_F(0x049af71f) /* 0.287833330 */, 17 },
+ /* 2708 */ { MAD_F(0x049b8bca) /* 0.287975111 */, 17 },
+ /* 2709 */ { MAD_F(0x049c207a) /* 0.288116909 */, 17 },
+ /* 2710 */ { MAD_F(0x049cb52e) /* 0.288258725 */, 17 },
+ /* 2711 */ { MAD_F(0x049d49e7) /* 0.288400559 */, 17 },
+ /* 2712 */ { MAD_F(0x049ddea5) /* 0.288542409 */, 17 },
+ /* 2713 */ { MAD_F(0x049e7367) /* 0.288684278 */, 17 },
+ /* 2714 */ { MAD_F(0x049f082f) /* 0.288826163 */, 17 },
+ /* 2715 */ { MAD_F(0x049f9cfa) /* 0.288968067 */, 17 },
+ /* 2716 */ { MAD_F(0x04a031cb) /* 0.289109987 */, 17 },
+ /* 2717 */ { MAD_F(0x04a0c6a0) /* 0.289251925 */, 17 },
+ /* 2718 */ { MAD_F(0x04a15b7a) /* 0.289393881 */, 17 },
+ /* 2719 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1f059) /* 0.289535854 */, 17 },
+ /* 2720 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2853c) /* 0.289677844 */, 17 },
+ /* 2721 */ { MAD_F(0x04a31a24) /* 0.289819851 */, 17 },
+ /* 2722 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3af10) /* 0.289961876 */, 17 },
+ /* 2723 */ { MAD_F(0x04a44401) /* 0.290103919 */, 17 },
+ /* 2724 */ { MAD_F(0x04a4d8f7) /* 0.290245979 */, 17 },
+ /* 2725 */ { MAD_F(0x04a56df2) /* 0.290388056 */, 17 },
+ /* 2726 */ { MAD_F(0x04a602f1) /* 0.290530150 */, 17 },
+ /* 2727 */ { MAD_F(0x04a697f5) /* 0.290672262 */, 17 },
+ /* 2728 */ { MAD_F(0x04a72cfe) /* 0.290814392 */, 17 },
+ /* 2729 */ { MAD_F(0x04a7c20b) /* 0.290956538 */, 17 },
+ /* 2730 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8571d) /* 0.291098703 */, 17 },
+ /* 2731 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8ec33) /* 0.291240884 */, 17 },
+ /* 2732 */ { MAD_F(0x04a9814e) /* 0.291383083 */, 17 },
+ /* 2733 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa166e) /* 0.291525299 */, 17 },
+ /* 2734 */ { MAD_F(0x04aaab93) /* 0.291667532 */, 17 },
+ /* 2735 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab40bc) /* 0.291809783 */, 17 },
+ /* 2736 */ { MAD_F(0x04abd5ea) /* 0.291952051 */, 17 },
+ /* 2737 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac6b1c) /* 0.292094337 */, 17 },
+ /* 2738 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad0053) /* 0.292236640 */, 17 },
+ /* 2739 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad958f) /* 0.292378960 */, 17 },
+ /* 2740 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae2ad0) /* 0.292521297 */, 17 },
+ /* 2741 */ { MAD_F(0x04aec015) /* 0.292663652 */, 17 },
+ /* 2742 */ { MAD_F(0x04af555e) /* 0.292806024 */, 17 },
+ /* 2743 */ { MAD_F(0x04afeaad) /* 0.292948414 */, 17 },
+ /* 2744 */ { MAD_F(0x04b08000) /* 0.293090820 */, 17 },
+ /* 2745 */ { MAD_F(0x04b11557) /* 0.293233244 */, 17 },
+ /* 2746 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1aab4) /* 0.293375686 */, 17 },
+ /* 2747 */ { MAD_F(0x04b24015) /* 0.293518144 */, 17 },
+ /* 2748 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2d57a) /* 0.293660620 */, 17 },
+ /* 2749 */ { MAD_F(0x04b36ae4) /* 0.293803113 */, 17 },
+ /* 2750 */ { MAD_F(0x04b40053) /* 0.293945624 */, 17 },
+ /* 2751 */ { MAD_F(0x04b495c7) /* 0.294088151 */, 17 },
+ /* 2752 */ { MAD_F(0x04b52b3f) /* 0.294230696 */, 17 },
+ /* 2753 */ { MAD_F(0x04b5c0bc) /* 0.294373259 */, 17 },
+ /* 2754 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6563d) /* 0.294515838 */, 17 },
+ /* 2755 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6ebc3) /* 0.294658435 */, 17 },
+ /* 2756 */ { MAD_F(0x04b7814e) /* 0.294801049 */, 17 },
+ /* 2757 */ { MAD_F(0x04b816dd) /* 0.294943680 */, 17 },
+ /* 2758 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8ac71) /* 0.295086329 */, 17 },
+ /* 2759 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9420a) /* 0.295228995 */, 17 },
+ /* 2760 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9d7a7) /* 0.295371678 */, 17 },
+ /* 2761 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba6d49) /* 0.295514378 */, 17 },
+ /* 2762 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb02ef) /* 0.295657095 */, 17 },
+ /* 2763 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb989a) /* 0.295799830 */, 17 },
+ /* 2764 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc2e4a) /* 0.295942582 */, 17 },
+ /* 2765 */ { MAD_F(0x04bcc3fe) /* 0.296085351 */, 17 },
+ /* 2766 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd59b7) /* 0.296228138 */, 17 },
+ /* 2767 */ { MAD_F(0x04bdef74) /* 0.296370941 */, 17 },
+ /* 2768 */ { MAD_F(0x04be8537) /* 0.296513762 */, 17 },
+ /* 2769 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf1afd) /* 0.296656600 */, 17 },
+ /* 2770 */ { MAD_F(0x04bfb0c9) /* 0.296799455 */, 17 },
+ /* 2771 */ { MAD_F(0x04c04699) /* 0.296942327 */, 17 },
+ /* 2772 */ { MAD_F(0x04c0dc6d) /* 0.297085217 */, 17 },
+ /* 2773 */ { MAD_F(0x04c17247) /* 0.297228124 */, 17 },
+ /* 2774 */ { MAD_F(0x04c20824) /* 0.297371048 */, 17 },
+ /* 2775 */ { MAD_F(0x04c29e07) /* 0.297513989 */, 17 },
+ /* 2776 */ { MAD_F(0x04c333ee) /* 0.297656947 */, 17 },
+ /* 2777 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3c9da) /* 0.297799922 */, 17 },
+ /* 2778 */ { MAD_F(0x04c45fca) /* 0.297942915 */, 17 },
+ /* 2779 */ { MAD_F(0x04c4f5bf) /* 0.298085925 */, 17 },
+ /* 2780 */ { MAD_F(0x04c58bb8) /* 0.298228951 */, 17 },
+ /* 2781 */ { MAD_F(0x04c621b6) /* 0.298371996 */, 17 },
+ /* 2782 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6b7b9) /* 0.298515057 */, 17 },
+ /* 2783 */ { MAD_F(0x04c74dc0) /* 0.298658135 */, 17 },
+ /* 2784 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7e3cc) /* 0.298801231 */, 17 },
+ /* 2785 */ { MAD_F(0x04c879dd) /* 0.298944343 */, 17 },
+ /* 2786 */ { MAD_F(0x04c90ff2) /* 0.299087473 */, 17 },
+ /* 2787 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9a60c) /* 0.299230620 */, 17 },
+ /* 2788 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca3c2a) /* 0.299373784 */, 17 },
+ /* 2789 */ { MAD_F(0x04cad24d) /* 0.299516965 */, 17 },
+ /* 2790 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb6874) /* 0.299660163 */, 17 },
+ /* 2791 */ { MAD_F(0x04cbfea0) /* 0.299803378 */, 17 },
+ /* 2792 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc94d1) /* 0.299946611 */, 17 },
+ /* 2793 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd2b06) /* 0.300089860 */, 17 },
+ /* 2794 */ { MAD_F(0x04cdc140) /* 0.300233127 */, 17 },
+ /* 2795 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce577f) /* 0.300376411 */, 17 },
+ /* 2796 */ { MAD_F(0x04ceedc2) /* 0.300519711 */, 17 },
+ /* 2797 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf8409) /* 0.300663029 */, 17 },
+ /* 2798 */ { MAD_F(0x04d01a55) /* 0.300806364 */, 17 },
+ /* 2799 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0b0a6) /* 0.300949716 */, 17 },
+ /* 2800 */ { MAD_F(0x04d146fb) /* 0.301093085 */, 17 },
+ /* 2801 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1dd55) /* 0.301236472 */, 17 },
+ /* 2802 */ { MAD_F(0x04d273b4) /* 0.301379875 */, 17 },
+ /* 2803 */ { MAD_F(0x04d30a17) /* 0.301523295 */, 17 },
+ /* 2804 */ { MAD_F(0x04d3a07f) /* 0.301666733 */, 17 },
+ /* 2805 */ { MAD_F(0x04d436eb) /* 0.301810187 */, 17 },
+ /* 2806 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4cd5c) /* 0.301953659 */, 17 },
+ /* 2807 */ { MAD_F(0x04d563d1) /* 0.302097147 */, 17 },
+ /* 2808 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5fa4b) /* 0.302240653 */, 17 },
+ /* 2809 */ { MAD_F(0x04d690ca) /* 0.302384175 */, 17 },
+ /* 2810 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7274d) /* 0.302527715 */, 17 },
+ /* 2811 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7bdd5) /* 0.302671271 */, 17 },
+ /* 2812 */ { MAD_F(0x04d85461) /* 0.302814845 */, 17 },
+ /* 2813 */ { MAD_F(0x04d8eaf2) /* 0.302958436 */, 17 },
+ /* 2814 */ { MAD_F(0x04d98187) /* 0.303102044 */, 17 },
+ /* 2815 */ { MAD_F(0x04da1821) /* 0.303245668 */, 17 },
+ /* 2816 */ { MAD_F(0x04daaec0) /* 0.303389310 */, 17 },
+ /* 2817 */ { MAD_F(0x04db4563) /* 0.303532969 */, 17 },
+ /* 2818 */ { MAD_F(0x04dbdc0a) /* 0.303676645 */, 17 },
+ /* 2819 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc72b7) /* 0.303820337 */, 17 },
+ /* 2820 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd0967) /* 0.303964047 */, 17 },
+ /* 2821 */ { MAD_F(0x04dda01d) /* 0.304107774 */, 17 },
+ /* 2822 */ { MAD_F(0x04de36d7) /* 0.304251517 */, 17 },
+ /* 2823 */ { MAD_F(0x04decd95) /* 0.304395278 */, 17 },
+ /* 2824 */ { MAD_F(0x04df6458) /* 0.304539056 */, 17 },
+ /* 2825 */ { MAD_F(0x04dffb20) /* 0.304682850 */, 17 },
+ /* 2826 */ { MAD_F(0x04e091ec) /* 0.304826662 */, 17 },
+ /* 2827 */ { MAD_F(0x04e128bc) /* 0.304970491 */, 17 },
+ /* 2828 */ { MAD_F(0x04e1bf92) /* 0.305114336 */, 17 },
+ /* 2829 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2566b) /* 0.305258199 */, 17 },
+ /* 2830 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2ed4a) /* 0.305402078 */, 17 },
+ /* 2831 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3842d) /* 0.305545974 */, 17 },
+ /* 2832 */ { MAD_F(0x04e41b14) /* 0.305689888 */, 17 },
+ /* 2833 */ { MAD_F(0x04e4b200) /* 0.305833818 */, 17 },
+ /* 2834 */ { MAD_F(0x04e548f1) /* 0.305977765 */, 17 },
+ /* 2835 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5dfe6) /* 0.306121729 */, 17 },
+ /* 2836 */ { MAD_F(0x04e676df) /* 0.306265710 */, 17 },
+ /* 2837 */ { MAD_F(0x04e70dde) /* 0.306409708 */, 17 },
+ /* 2838 */ { MAD_F(0x04e7a4e0) /* 0.306553723 */, 17 },
+ /* 2839 */ { MAD_F(0x04e83be7) /* 0.306697755 */, 17 },
+ /* 2840 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8d2f3) /* 0.306841804 */, 17 },
+ /* 2841 */ { MAD_F(0x04e96a04) /* 0.306985869 */, 17 },
+ /* 2842 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea0118) /* 0.307129952 */, 17 },
+ /* 2843 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea9832) /* 0.307274051 */, 17 },
+ /* 2844 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb2f50) /* 0.307418168 */, 17 },
+ /* 2845 */ { MAD_F(0x04ebc672) /* 0.307562301 */, 17 },
+ /* 2846 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec5d99) /* 0.307706451 */, 17 },
+ /* 2847 */ { MAD_F(0x04ecf4c5) /* 0.307850618 */, 17 },
+ /* 2848 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed8bf5) /* 0.307994802 */, 17 },
+ /* 2849 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee2329) /* 0.308139003 */, 17 },
+ /* 2850 */ { MAD_F(0x04eeba63) /* 0.308283220 */, 17 },
+ /* 2851 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef51a0) /* 0.308427455 */, 17 },
+ /* 2852 */ { MAD_F(0x04efe8e2) /* 0.308571706 */, 17 },
+ /* 2853 */ { MAD_F(0x04f08029) /* 0.308715974 */, 17 },
+ /* 2854 */ { MAD_F(0x04f11774) /* 0.308860260 */, 17 },
+ /* 2855 */ { MAD_F(0x04f1aec4) /* 0.309004561 */, 17 },
+ /* 2856 */ { MAD_F(0x04f24618) /* 0.309148880 */, 17 },
+ /* 2857 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2dd71) /* 0.309293216 */, 17 },
+ /* 2858 */ { MAD_F(0x04f374cf) /* 0.309437568 */, 17 },
+ /* 2859 */ { MAD_F(0x04f40c30) /* 0.309581938 */, 17 },
+ /* 2860 */ { MAD_F(0x04f4a397) /* 0.309726324 */, 17 },
+ /* 2861 */ { MAD_F(0x04f53b02) /* 0.309870727 */, 17 },
+ /* 2862 */ { MAD_F(0x04f5d271) /* 0.310015147 */, 17 },
+ /* 2863 */ { MAD_F(0x04f669e5) /* 0.310159583 */, 17 },
+ /* 2864 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7015d) /* 0.310304037 */, 17 },
+ /* 2865 */ { MAD_F(0x04f798da) /* 0.310448507 */, 17 },
+ /* 2866 */ { MAD_F(0x04f8305c) /* 0.310592994 */, 17 },
+ /* 2867 */ { MAD_F(0x04f8c7e2) /* 0.310737498 */, 17 },
+ /* 2868 */ { MAD_F(0x04f95f6c) /* 0.310882018 */, 17 },
+ /* 2869 */ { MAD_F(0x04f9f6fb) /* 0.311026556 */, 17 },
+ /* 2870 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa8e8f) /* 0.311171110 */, 17 },
+ /* 2871 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb2627) /* 0.311315681 */, 17 },
+ /* 2872 */ { MAD_F(0x04fbbdc3) /* 0.311460269 */, 17 },
+ /* 2873 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc5564) /* 0.311604874 */, 17 },
+ /* 2874 */ { MAD_F(0x04fced0a) /* 0.311749495 */, 17 },
+ /* 2875 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd84b4) /* 0.311894133 */, 17 },
+ /* 2876 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe1c62) /* 0.312038788 */, 17 },
+ /* 2877 */ { MAD_F(0x04feb415) /* 0.312183460 */, 17 },
+ /* 2878 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff4bcd) /* 0.312328148 */, 17 },
+ /* 2879 */ { MAD_F(0x04ffe389) /* 0.312472854 */, 17 },
+ /* 2880 */ { MAD_F(0x05007b49) /* 0.312617576 */, 17 },
+ /* 2881 */ { MAD_F(0x0501130e) /* 0.312762314 */, 17 },
+ /* 2882 */ { MAD_F(0x0501aad8) /* 0.312907070 */, 17 },
+ /* 2883 */ { MAD_F(0x050242a6) /* 0.313051842 */, 17 },
+ /* 2884 */ { MAD_F(0x0502da78) /* 0.313196631 */, 17 },
+ /* 2885 */ { MAD_F(0x0503724f) /* 0.313341437 */, 17 },
+ /* 2886 */ { MAD_F(0x05040a2b) /* 0.313486259 */, 17 },
+ /* 2887 */ { MAD_F(0x0504a20b) /* 0.313631098 */, 17 },
+ /* 2888 */ { MAD_F(0x050539ef) /* 0.313775954 */, 17 },
+ /* 2889 */ { MAD_F(0x0505d1d8) /* 0.313920827 */, 17 },
+ /* 2890 */ { MAD_F(0x050669c5) /* 0.314065716 */, 17 },
+ /* 2891 */ { MAD_F(0x050701b7) /* 0.314210622 */, 17 },
+ /* 2892 */ { MAD_F(0x050799ae) /* 0.314355545 */, 17 },
+ /* 2893 */ { MAD_F(0x050831a9) /* 0.314500484 */, 17 },
+ /* 2894 */ { MAD_F(0x0508c9a8) /* 0.314645440 */, 17 },
+ /* 2895 */ { MAD_F(0x050961ac) /* 0.314790413 */, 17 },
+ /* 2896 */ { MAD_F(0x0509f9b4) /* 0.314935403 */, 17 },
+ /* 2897 */ { MAD_F(0x050a91c1) /* 0.315080409 */, 17 },
+ /* 2898 */ { MAD_F(0x050b29d2) /* 0.315225432 */, 17 },
+ /* 2899 */ { MAD_F(0x050bc1e8) /* 0.315370472 */, 17 },
+ /* 2900 */ { MAD_F(0x050c5a02) /* 0.315515528 */, 17 },
+ /* 2901 */ { MAD_F(0x050cf221) /* 0.315660601 */, 17 },
+ /* 2902 */ { MAD_F(0x050d8a44) /* 0.315805690 */, 17 },
+ /* 2903 */ { MAD_F(0x050e226c) /* 0.315950797 */, 17 },
+ /* 2904 */ { MAD_F(0x050eba98) /* 0.316095920 */, 17 },
+ /* 2905 */ { MAD_F(0x050f52c9) /* 0.316241059 */, 17 },
+ /* 2906 */ { MAD_F(0x050feafe) /* 0.316386216 */, 17 },
+ /* 2907 */ { MAD_F(0x05108337) /* 0.316531388 */, 17 },
+ /* 2908 */ { MAD_F(0x05111b75) /* 0.316676578 */, 17 },
+ /* 2909 */ { MAD_F(0x0511b3b8) /* 0.316821784 */, 17 },
+ /* 2910 */ { MAD_F(0x05124bff) /* 0.316967007 */, 17 },
+ /* 2911 */ { MAD_F(0x0512e44a) /* 0.317112247 */, 17 },
+ /* 2912 */ { MAD_F(0x05137c9a) /* 0.317257503 */, 17 },
+ /* 2913 */ { MAD_F(0x051414ee) /* 0.317402775 */, 17 },
+ /* 2914 */ { MAD_F(0x0514ad47) /* 0.317548065 */, 17 },
+ /* 2915 */ { MAD_F(0x051545a5) /* 0.317693371 */, 17 },
+ /* 2916 */ { MAD_F(0x0515de06) /* 0.317838693 */, 17 },
+ /* 2917 */ { MAD_F(0x0516766d) /* 0.317984033 */, 17 },
+ /* 2918 */ { MAD_F(0x05170ed7) /* 0.318129388 */, 17 },
+ /* 2919 */ { MAD_F(0x0517a746) /* 0.318274761 */, 17 },
+ /* 2920 */ { MAD_F(0x05183fba) /* 0.318420150 */, 17 },
+ /* 2921 */ { MAD_F(0x0518d832) /* 0.318565555 */, 17 },
+ /* 2922 */ { MAD_F(0x051970ae) /* 0.318710978 */, 17 },
+ /* 2923 */ { MAD_F(0x051a092f) /* 0.318856416 */, 17 },
+ /* 2924 */ { MAD_F(0x051aa1b5) /* 0.319001872 */, 17 },
+ /* 2925 */ { MAD_F(0x051b3a3f) /* 0.319147344 */, 17 },
+ /* 2926 */ { MAD_F(0x051bd2cd) /* 0.319292832 */, 17 },
+ /* 2927 */ { MAD_F(0x051c6b60) /* 0.319438338 */, 17 },
+ /* 2928 */ { MAD_F(0x051d03f7) /* 0.319583859 */, 17 },
+ /* 2929 */ { MAD_F(0x051d9c92) /* 0.319729398 */, 17 },
+ /* 2930 */ { MAD_F(0x051e3532) /* 0.319874952 */, 17 },
+ /* 2931 */ { MAD_F(0x051ecdd7) /* 0.320020524 */, 17 },
+ /* 2932 */ { MAD_F(0x051f6680) /* 0.320166112 */, 17 },
+ /* 2933 */ { MAD_F(0x051fff2d) /* 0.320311716 */, 17 },
+ /* 2934 */ { MAD_F(0x052097df) /* 0.320457337 */, 17 },
+ /* 2935 */ { MAD_F(0x05213095) /* 0.320602975 */, 17 },
+ /* 2936 */ { MAD_F(0x0521c950) /* 0.320748629 */, 17 },
+ /* 2937 */ { MAD_F(0x0522620f) /* 0.320894300 */, 17 },
+ /* 2938 */ { MAD_F(0x0522fad3) /* 0.321039987 */, 17 },
+ /* 2939 */ { MAD_F(0x0523939b) /* 0.321185691 */, 17 },
+ /* 2940 */ { MAD_F(0x05242c68) /* 0.321331411 */, 17 },
+ /* 2941 */ { MAD_F(0x0524c538) /* 0.321477148 */, 17 },
+ /* 2942 */ { MAD_F(0x05255e0e) /* 0.321622901 */, 17 },
+ /* 2943 */ { MAD_F(0x0525f6e8) /* 0.321768671 */, 17 },
+ /* 2944 */ { MAD_F(0x05268fc6) /* 0.321914457 */, 17 },
+ /* 2945 */ { MAD_F(0x052728a9) /* 0.322060260 */, 17 },
+ /* 2946 */ { MAD_F(0x0527c190) /* 0.322206079 */, 17 },
+ /* 2947 */ { MAD_F(0x05285a7b) /* 0.322351915 */, 17 },
+ /* 2948 */ { MAD_F(0x0528f36b) /* 0.322497768 */, 17 },
+ /* 2949 */ { MAD_F(0x05298c5f) /* 0.322643636 */, 17 },
+ /* 2950 */ { MAD_F(0x052a2558) /* 0.322789522 */, 17 },
+ /* 2951 */ { MAD_F(0x052abe55) /* 0.322935424 */, 17 },
+ /* 2952 */ { MAD_F(0x052b5757) /* 0.323081342 */, 17 },
+ /* 2953 */ { MAD_F(0x052bf05d) /* 0.323227277 */, 17 },
+ /* 2954 */ { MAD_F(0x052c8968) /* 0.323373228 */, 17 },
+ /* 2955 */ { MAD_F(0x052d2277) /* 0.323519196 */, 17 },
+ /* 2956 */ { MAD_F(0x052dbb8a) /* 0.323665180 */, 17 },
+ /* 2957 */ { MAD_F(0x052e54a2) /* 0.323811180 */, 17 },
+ /* 2958 */ { MAD_F(0x052eedbe) /* 0.323957197 */, 17 },
+ /* 2959 */ { MAD_F(0x052f86de) /* 0.324103231 */, 17 },
+ /* 2960 */ { MAD_F(0x05302003) /* 0.324249281 */, 17 },
+ /* 2961 */ { MAD_F(0x0530b92d) /* 0.324395347 */, 17 },
+ /* 2962 */ { MAD_F(0x0531525b) /* 0.324541430 */, 17 },
+ /* 2963 */ { MAD_F(0x0531eb8d) /* 0.324687530 */, 17 },
+ /* 2964 */ { MAD_F(0x053284c4) /* 0.324833646 */, 17 },
+ /* 2965 */ { MAD_F(0x05331dff) /* 0.324979778 */, 17 },
+ /* 2966 */ { MAD_F(0x0533b73e) /* 0.325125926 */, 17 },
+ /* 2967 */ { MAD_F(0x05345082) /* 0.325272091 */, 17 },
+ /* 2968 */ { MAD_F(0x0534e9ca) /* 0.325418273 */, 17 },
+ /* 2969 */ { MAD_F(0x05358317) /* 0.325564471 */, 17 },
+ /* 2970 */ { MAD_F(0x05361c68) /* 0.325710685 */, 17 },
+ /* 2971 */ { MAD_F(0x0536b5be) /* 0.325856916 */, 17 },
+ /* 2972 */ { MAD_F(0x05374f17) /* 0.326003163 */, 17 },
+ /* 2973 */ { MAD_F(0x0537e876) /* 0.326149427 */, 17 },
+ /* 2974 */ { MAD_F(0x053881d9) /* 0.326295707 */, 17 },
+ /* 2975 */ { MAD_F(0x05391b40) /* 0.326442003 */, 17 },
+ /* 2976 */ { MAD_F(0x0539b4ab) /* 0.326588316 */, 17 },
+ /* 2977 */ { MAD_F(0x053a4e1b) /* 0.326734645 */, 17 },
+ /* 2978 */ { MAD_F(0x053ae78f) /* 0.326880990 */, 17 },
+ /* 2979 */ { MAD_F(0x053b8108) /* 0.327027352 */, 17 },
+ /* 2980 */ { MAD_F(0x053c1a85) /* 0.327173730 */, 17 },
+ /* 2981 */ { MAD_F(0x053cb407) /* 0.327320125 */, 17 },
+ /* 2982 */ { MAD_F(0x053d4d8d) /* 0.327466536 */, 17 },
+ /* 2983 */ { MAD_F(0x053de717) /* 0.327612963 */, 17 },
+ /* 2984 */ { MAD_F(0x053e80a6) /* 0.327759407 */, 17 },
+ /* 2985 */ { MAD_F(0x053f1a39) /* 0.327905867 */, 17 },
+ /* 2986 */ { MAD_F(0x053fb3d0) /* 0.328052344 */, 17 },
+ /* 2987 */ { MAD_F(0x05404d6c) /* 0.328198837 */, 17 },
+ /* 2988 */ { MAD_F(0x0540e70c) /* 0.328345346 */, 17 },
+ /* 2989 */ { MAD_F(0x054180b1) /* 0.328491871 */, 17 },
+ /* 2990 */ { MAD_F(0x05421a5a) /* 0.328638413 */, 17 },
+ /* 2991 */ { MAD_F(0x0542b407) /* 0.328784971 */, 17 },
+ /* 2992 */ { MAD_F(0x05434db9) /* 0.328931546 */, 17 },
+ /* 2993 */ { MAD_F(0x0543e76f) /* 0.329078137 */, 17 },
+ /* 2994 */ { MAD_F(0x0544812a) /* 0.329224744 */, 17 },
+ /* 2995 */ { MAD_F(0x05451ae9) /* 0.329371367 */, 17 },
+ /* 2996 */ { MAD_F(0x0545b4ac) /* 0.329518007 */, 17 },
+ /* 2997 */ { MAD_F(0x05464e74) /* 0.329664663 */, 17 },
+ /* 2998 */ { MAD_F(0x0546e840) /* 0.329811336 */, 17 },
+ /* 2999 */ { MAD_F(0x05478211) /* 0.329958024 */, 17 },
+ /* 3000 */ { MAD_F(0x05481be5) /* 0.330104730 */, 17 },
+ /* 3001 */ { MAD_F(0x0548b5bf) /* 0.330251451 */, 17 },
+ /* 3002 */ { MAD_F(0x05494f9c) /* 0.330398189 */, 17 },
+ /* 3003 */ { MAD_F(0x0549e97e) /* 0.330544943 */, 17 },
+ /* 3004 */ { MAD_F(0x054a8364) /* 0.330691713 */, 17 },
+ /* 3005 */ { MAD_F(0x054b1d4f) /* 0.330838499 */, 17 },
+ /* 3006 */ { MAD_F(0x054bb73e) /* 0.330985302 */, 17 },
+ /* 3007 */ { MAD_F(0x054c5132) /* 0.331132121 */, 17 },
+ /* 3008 */ { MAD_F(0x054ceb2a) /* 0.331278957 */, 17 },
+ /* 3009 */ { MAD_F(0x054d8526) /* 0.331425808 */, 17 },
+ /* 3010 */ { MAD_F(0x054e1f26) /* 0.331572676 */, 17 },
+ /* 3011 */ { MAD_F(0x054eb92b) /* 0.331719560 */, 17 },
+ /* 3012 */ { MAD_F(0x054f5334) /* 0.331866461 */, 17 },
+ /* 3013 */ { MAD_F(0x054fed42) /* 0.332013377 */, 17 },
+ /* 3014 */ { MAD_F(0x05508754) /* 0.332160310 */, 17 },
+ /* 3015 */ { MAD_F(0x0551216b) /* 0.332307260 */, 17 },
+ /* 3016 */ { MAD_F(0x0551bb85) /* 0.332454225 */, 17 },
+ /* 3017 */ { MAD_F(0x055255a4) /* 0.332601207 */, 17 },
+ /* 3018 */ { MAD_F(0x0552efc8) /* 0.332748205 */, 17 },
+ /* 3019 */ { MAD_F(0x055389f0) /* 0.332895219 */, 17 },
+ /* 3020 */ { MAD_F(0x0554241c) /* 0.333042249 */, 17 },
+ /* 3021 */ { MAD_F(0x0554be4c) /* 0.333189296 */, 17 },
+ /* 3022 */ { MAD_F(0x05555881) /* 0.333336359 */, 17 },
+ /* 3023 */ { MAD_F(0x0555f2ba) /* 0.333483438 */, 17 },
+ /* 3024 */ { MAD_F(0x05568cf8) /* 0.333630533 */, 17 },
+ /* 3025 */ { MAD_F(0x0557273a) /* 0.333777645 */, 17 },
+ /* 3026 */ { MAD_F(0x0557c180) /* 0.333924772 */, 17 },
+ /* 3027 */ { MAD_F(0x05585bcb) /* 0.334071916 */, 17 },
+ /* 3028 */ { MAD_F(0x0558f61a) /* 0.334219076 */, 17 },
+ /* 3029 */ { MAD_F(0x0559906d) /* 0.334366253 */, 17 },
+ /* 3030 */ { MAD_F(0x055a2ac5) /* 0.334513445 */, 17 },
+ /* 3031 */ { MAD_F(0x055ac521) /* 0.334660654 */, 17 },
+ /* 3032 */ { MAD_F(0x055b5f81) /* 0.334807879 */, 17 },
+ /* 3033 */ { MAD_F(0x055bf9e6) /* 0.334955120 */, 17 },
+ /* 3034 */ { MAD_F(0x055c944f) /* 0.335102377 */, 17 },
+ /* 3035 */ { MAD_F(0x055d2ebd) /* 0.335249651 */, 17 },
+ /* 3036 */ { MAD_F(0x055dc92e) /* 0.335396941 */, 17 },
+ /* 3037 */ { MAD_F(0x055e63a5) /* 0.335544246 */, 17 },
+ /* 3038 */ { MAD_F(0x055efe1f) /* 0.335691568 */, 17 },
+ /* 3039 */ { MAD_F(0x055f989e) /* 0.335838906 */, 17 },
+ /* 3040 */ { MAD_F(0x05603321) /* 0.335986261 */, 17 },
+ /* 3041 */ { MAD_F(0x0560cda8) /* 0.336133631 */, 17 },
+ /* 3042 */ { MAD_F(0x05616834) /* 0.336281018 */, 17 },
+ /* 3043 */ { MAD_F(0x056202c4) /* 0.336428421 */, 17 },
+ /* 3044 */ { MAD_F(0x05629d59) /* 0.336575840 */, 17 },
+ /* 3045 */ { MAD_F(0x056337f2) /* 0.336723275 */, 17 },
+ /* 3046 */ { MAD_F(0x0563d28f) /* 0.336870726 */, 17 },
+ /* 3047 */ { MAD_F(0x05646d30) /* 0.337018193 */, 17 },
+ /* 3048 */ { MAD_F(0x056507d6) /* 0.337165677 */, 17 },
+ /* 3049 */ { MAD_F(0x0565a280) /* 0.337313176 */, 17 },
+ /* 3050 */ { MAD_F(0x05663d2f) /* 0.337460692 */, 17 },
+ /* 3051 */ { MAD_F(0x0566d7e1) /* 0.337608224 */, 17 },
+ /* 3052 */ { MAD_F(0x05677298) /* 0.337755772 */, 17 },
+ /* 3053 */ { MAD_F(0x05680d54) /* 0.337903336 */, 17 },
+ /* 3054 */ { MAD_F(0x0568a814) /* 0.338050916 */, 17 },
+ /* 3055 */ { MAD_F(0x056942d8) /* 0.338198513 */, 17 },
+ /* 3056 */ { MAD_F(0x0569dda0) /* 0.338346125 */, 17 },
+ /* 3057 */ { MAD_F(0x056a786d) /* 0.338493753 */, 17 },
+ /* 3058 */ { MAD_F(0x056b133e) /* 0.338641398 */, 17 },
+ /* 3059 */ { MAD_F(0x056bae13) /* 0.338789059 */, 17 },
+ /* 3060 */ { MAD_F(0x056c48ed) /* 0.338936736 */, 17 },
+ /* 3061 */ { MAD_F(0x056ce3cb) /* 0.339084429 */, 17 },
+ /* 3062 */ { MAD_F(0x056d7ead) /* 0.339232138 */, 17 },
+ /* 3063 */ { MAD_F(0x056e1994) /* 0.339379863 */, 17 },
+ /* 3064 */ { MAD_F(0x056eb47f) /* 0.339527604 */, 17 },
+ /* 3065 */ { MAD_F(0x056f4f6e) /* 0.339675361 */, 17 },
+ /* 3066 */ { MAD_F(0x056fea62) /* 0.339823134 */, 17 },
+ /* 3067 */ { MAD_F(0x0570855a) /* 0.339970924 */, 17 },
+ /* 3068 */ { MAD_F(0x05712056) /* 0.340118729 */, 17 },
+ /* 3069 */ { MAD_F(0x0571bb56) /* 0.340266550 */, 17 },
+ /* 3070 */ { MAD_F(0x0572565b) /* 0.340414388 */, 17 },
+ /* 3071 */ { MAD_F(0x0572f164) /* 0.340562242 */, 17 },
+ /* 3072 */ { MAD_F(0x05738c72) /* 0.340710111 */, 17 },
+ /* 3073 */ { MAD_F(0x05742784) /* 0.340857997 */, 17 },
+ /* 3074 */ { MAD_F(0x0574c29a) /* 0.341005899 */, 17 },
+ /* 3075 */ { MAD_F(0x05755db4) /* 0.341153816 */, 17 },
+ /* 3076 */ { MAD_F(0x0575f8d3) /* 0.341301750 */, 17 },
+ /* 3077 */ { MAD_F(0x057693f6) /* 0.341449700 */, 17 },
+ /* 3078 */ { MAD_F(0x05772f1d) /* 0.341597666 */, 17 },
+ /* 3079 */ { MAD_F(0x0577ca49) /* 0.341745648 */, 17 },
+ /* 3080 */ { MAD_F(0x05786578) /* 0.341893646 */, 17 },
+ /* 3081 */ { MAD_F(0x057900ad) /* 0.342041659 */, 17 },
+ /* 3082 */ { MAD_F(0x05799be5) /* 0.342189689 */, 17 },
+ /* 3083 */ { MAD_F(0x057a3722) /* 0.342337735 */, 17 },
+ /* 3084 */ { MAD_F(0x057ad263) /* 0.342485797 */, 17 },
+ /* 3085 */ { MAD_F(0x057b6da8) /* 0.342633875 */, 17 },
+ /* 3086 */ { MAD_F(0x057c08f2) /* 0.342781969 */, 17 },
+ /* 3087 */ { MAD_F(0x057ca440) /* 0.342930079 */, 17 },
+ /* 3088 */ { MAD_F(0x057d3f92) /* 0.343078205 */, 17 },
+ /* 3089 */ { MAD_F(0x057ddae9) /* 0.343226347 */, 17 },
+ /* 3090 */ { MAD_F(0x057e7644) /* 0.343374505 */, 17 },
+ /* 3091 */ { MAD_F(0x057f11a3) /* 0.343522679 */, 17 },
+ /* 3092 */ { MAD_F(0x057fad06) /* 0.343670869 */, 17 },
+ /* 3093 */ { MAD_F(0x0580486e) /* 0.343819075 */, 17 },
+ /* 3094 */ { MAD_F(0x0580e3da) /* 0.343967296 */, 17 },
+ /* 3095 */ { MAD_F(0x05817f4a) /* 0.344115534 */, 17 },
+ /* 3096 */ { MAD_F(0x05821abf) /* 0.344263788 */, 17 },
+ /* 3097 */ { MAD_F(0x0582b638) /* 0.344412058 */, 17 },
+ /* 3098 */ { MAD_F(0x058351b5) /* 0.344560343 */, 17 },
+ /* 3099 */ { MAD_F(0x0583ed36) /* 0.344708645 */, 17 },
+ /* 3100 */ { MAD_F(0x058488bc) /* 0.344856963 */, 17 },
+ /* 3101 */ { MAD_F(0x05852446) /* 0.345005296 */, 17 },
+ /* 3102 */ { MAD_F(0x0585bfd4) /* 0.345153646 */, 17 },
+ /* 3103 */ { MAD_F(0x05865b67) /* 0.345302011 */, 17 },
+ /* 3104 */ { MAD_F(0x0586f6fd) /* 0.345450393 */, 17 },
+ /* 3105 */ { MAD_F(0x05879298) /* 0.345598790 */, 17 },
+ /* 3106 */ { MAD_F(0x05882e38) /* 0.345747203 */, 17 },
+ /* 3107 */ { MAD_F(0x0588c9dc) /* 0.345895632 */, 17 },
+ /* 3108 */ { MAD_F(0x05896583) /* 0.346044077 */, 17 },
+ /* 3109 */ { MAD_F(0x058a0130) /* 0.346192538 */, 17 },
+ /* 3110 */ { MAD_F(0x058a9ce0) /* 0.346341015 */, 17 },
+ /* 3111 */ { MAD_F(0x058b3895) /* 0.346489508 */, 17 },
+ /* 3112 */ { MAD_F(0x058bd44e) /* 0.346638017 */, 17 },
+ /* 3113 */ { MAD_F(0x058c700b) /* 0.346786542 */, 17 },
+ /* 3114 */ { MAD_F(0x058d0bcd) /* 0.346935082 */, 17 },
+ /* 3115 */ { MAD_F(0x058da793) /* 0.347083639 */, 17 },
+ /* 3116 */ { MAD_F(0x058e435d) /* 0.347232211 */, 17 },
+ /* 3117 */ { MAD_F(0x058edf2b) /* 0.347380799 */, 17 },
+ /* 3118 */ { MAD_F(0x058f7afe) /* 0.347529403 */, 17 },
+ /* 3119 */ { MAD_F(0x059016d5) /* 0.347678023 */, 17 },
+ /* 3120 */ { MAD_F(0x0590b2b0) /* 0.347826659 */, 17 },
+ /* 3121 */ { MAD_F(0x05914e8f) /* 0.347975311 */, 17 },
+ /* 3122 */ { MAD_F(0x0591ea73) /* 0.348123979 */, 17 },
+ /* 3123 */ { MAD_F(0x0592865b) /* 0.348272662 */, 17 },
+ /* 3124 */ { MAD_F(0x05932247) /* 0.348421362 */, 17 },
+ /* 3125 */ { MAD_F(0x0593be37) /* 0.348570077 */, 17 },
+ /* 3126 */ { MAD_F(0x05945a2c) /* 0.348718808 */, 17 },
+ /* 3127 */ { MAD_F(0x0594f625) /* 0.348867555 */, 17 },
+ /* 3128 */ { MAD_F(0x05959222) /* 0.349016318 */, 17 },
+ /* 3129 */ { MAD_F(0x05962e24) /* 0.349165097 */, 17 },
+ /* 3130 */ { MAD_F(0x0596ca2a) /* 0.349313892 */, 17 },
+ /* 3131 */ { MAD_F(0x05976634) /* 0.349462702 */, 17 },
+ /* 3132 */ { MAD_F(0x05980242) /* 0.349611528 */, 17 },
+ /* 3133 */ { MAD_F(0x05989e54) /* 0.349760370 */, 17 },
+ /* 3134 */ { MAD_F(0x05993a6b) /* 0.349909228 */, 17 },
+ /* 3135 */ { MAD_F(0x0599d686) /* 0.350058102 */, 17 },
+ /* 3136 */ { MAD_F(0x059a72a5) /* 0.350206992 */, 17 },
+ /* 3137 */ { MAD_F(0x059b0ec9) /* 0.350355897 */, 17 },
+ /* 3138 */ { MAD_F(0x059baaf1) /* 0.350504818 */, 17 },
+ /* 3139 */ { MAD_F(0x059c471d) /* 0.350653756 */, 17 },
+ /* 3140 */ { MAD_F(0x059ce34d) /* 0.350802708 */, 17 },
+ /* 3141 */ { MAD_F(0x059d7f81) /* 0.350951677 */, 17 },
+ /* 3142 */ { MAD_F(0x059e1bba) /* 0.351100662 */, 17 },
+ /* 3143 */ { MAD_F(0x059eb7f7) /* 0.351249662 */, 17 },
+ /* 3144 */ { MAD_F(0x059f5438) /* 0.351398678 */, 17 },
+ /* 3145 */ { MAD_F(0x059ff07e) /* 0.351547710 */, 17 },
+ /* 3146 */ { MAD_F(0x05a08cc7) /* 0.351696758 */, 17 },
+ /* 3147 */ { MAD_F(0x05a12915) /* 0.351845821 */, 17 },
+ /* 3148 */ { MAD_F(0x05a1c567) /* 0.351994901 */, 17 },
+ /* 3149 */ { MAD_F(0x05a261be) /* 0.352143996 */, 17 },
+ /* 3150 */ { MAD_F(0x05a2fe18) /* 0.352293107 */, 17 },
+ /* 3151 */ { MAD_F(0x05a39a77) /* 0.352442233 */, 17 },
+ /* 3152 */ { MAD_F(0x05a436da) /* 0.352591376 */, 17 },
+ /* 3153 */ { MAD_F(0x05a4d342) /* 0.352740534 */, 17 },
+ /* 3154 */ { MAD_F(0x05a56fad) /* 0.352889708 */, 17 },
+ /* 3155 */ { MAD_F(0x05a60c1d) /* 0.353038898 */, 17 },
+ /* 3156 */ { MAD_F(0x05a6a891) /* 0.353188103 */, 17 },
+ /* 3157 */ { MAD_F(0x05a7450a) /* 0.353337325 */, 17 },
+ /* 3158 */ { MAD_F(0x05a7e186) /* 0.353486562 */, 17 },
+ /* 3159 */ { MAD_F(0x05a87e07) /* 0.353635814 */, 17 },
+ /* 3160 */ { MAD_F(0x05a91a8c) /* 0.353785083 */, 17 },
+ /* 3161 */ { MAD_F(0x05a9b715) /* 0.353934367 */, 17 },
+ /* 3162 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa53a2) /* 0.354083667 */, 17 },
+ /* 3163 */ { MAD_F(0x05aaf034) /* 0.354232983 */, 17 },
+ /* 3164 */ { MAD_F(0x05ab8cca) /* 0.354382314 */, 17 },
+ /* 3165 */ { MAD_F(0x05ac2964) /* 0.354531662 */, 17 },
+ /* 3166 */ { MAD_F(0x05acc602) /* 0.354681025 */, 17 },
+ /* 3167 */ { MAD_F(0x05ad62a5) /* 0.354830403 */, 17 },
+ /* 3168 */ { MAD_F(0x05adff4c) /* 0.354979798 */, 17 },
+ /* 3169 */ { MAD_F(0x05ae9bf7) /* 0.355129208 */, 17 },
+ /* 3170 */ { MAD_F(0x05af38a6) /* 0.355278634 */, 17 },
+ /* 3171 */ { MAD_F(0x05afd559) /* 0.355428075 */, 17 },
+ /* 3172 */ { MAD_F(0x05b07211) /* 0.355577533 */, 17 },
+ /* 3173 */ { MAD_F(0x05b10ecd) /* 0.355727006 */, 17 },
+ /* 3174 */ { MAD_F(0x05b1ab8d) /* 0.355876494 */, 17 },
+ /* 3175 */ { MAD_F(0x05b24851) /* 0.356025999 */, 17 },
+ /* 3176 */ { MAD_F(0x05b2e51a) /* 0.356175519 */, 17 },
+ /* 3177 */ { MAD_F(0x05b381e6) /* 0.356325054 */, 17 },
+ /* 3178 */ { MAD_F(0x05b41eb7) /* 0.356474606 */, 17 },
+ /* 3179 */ { MAD_F(0x05b4bb8c) /* 0.356624173 */, 17 },
+ /* 3180 */ { MAD_F(0x05b55866) /* 0.356773756 */, 17 },
+ /* 3181 */ { MAD_F(0x05b5f543) /* 0.356923354 */, 17 },
+ /* 3182 */ { MAD_F(0x05b69225) /* 0.357072969 */, 17 },
+ /* 3183 */ { MAD_F(0x05b72f0b) /* 0.357222598 */, 17 },
+ /* 3184 */ { MAD_F(0x05b7cbf5) /* 0.357372244 */, 17 },
+ /* 3185 */ { MAD_F(0x05b868e3) /* 0.357521905 */, 17 },
+ /* 3186 */ { MAD_F(0x05b905d6) /* 0.357671582 */, 17 },
+ /* 3187 */ { MAD_F(0x05b9a2cd) /* 0.357821275 */, 17 },
+ /* 3188 */ { MAD_F(0x05ba3fc8) /* 0.357970983 */, 17 },
+ /* 3189 */ { MAD_F(0x05badcc7) /* 0.358120707 */, 17 },
+ /* 3190 */ { MAD_F(0x05bb79ca) /* 0.358270446 */, 17 },
+ /* 3191 */ { MAD_F(0x05bc16d2) /* 0.358420201 */, 17 },
+ /* 3192 */ { MAD_F(0x05bcb3de) /* 0.358569972 */, 17 },
+ /* 3193 */ { MAD_F(0x05bd50ee) /* 0.358719758 */, 17 },
+ /* 3194 */ { MAD_F(0x05bdee02) /* 0.358869560 */, 17 },
+ /* 3195 */ { MAD_F(0x05be8b1a) /* 0.359019378 */, 17 },
+ /* 3196 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf2837) /* 0.359169211 */, 17 },
+ /* 3197 */ { MAD_F(0x05bfc558) /* 0.359319060 */, 17 },
+ /* 3198 */ { MAD_F(0x05c0627d) /* 0.359468925 */, 17 },
+ /* 3199 */ { MAD_F(0x05c0ffa6) /* 0.359618805 */, 17 },
+ /* 3200 */ { MAD_F(0x05c19cd3) /* 0.359768701 */, 17 },
+ /* 3201 */ { MAD_F(0x05c23a05) /* 0.359918612 */, 17 },
+ /* 3202 */ { MAD_F(0x05c2d73a) /* 0.360068540 */, 17 },
+ /* 3203 */ { MAD_F(0x05c37474) /* 0.360218482 */, 17 },
+ /* 3204 */ { MAD_F(0x05c411b2) /* 0.360368440 */, 17 },
+ /* 3205 */ { MAD_F(0x05c4aef5) /* 0.360518414 */, 17 },
+ /* 3206 */ { MAD_F(0x05c54c3b) /* 0.360668404 */, 17 },
+ /* 3207 */ { MAD_F(0x05c5e986) /* 0.360818409 */, 17 },
+ /* 3208 */ { MAD_F(0x05c686d5) /* 0.360968429 */, 17 },
+ /* 3209 */ { MAD_F(0x05c72428) /* 0.361118466 */, 17 },
+ /* 3210 */ { MAD_F(0x05c7c17f) /* 0.361268517 */, 17 },
+ /* 3211 */ { MAD_F(0x05c85eda) /* 0.361418585 */, 17 },
+ /* 3212 */ { MAD_F(0x05c8fc3a) /* 0.361568668 */, 17 },
+ /* 3213 */ { MAD_F(0x05c9999e) /* 0.361718766 */, 17 },
+ /* 3214 */ { MAD_F(0x05ca3706) /* 0.361868881 */, 17 },
+ /* 3215 */ { MAD_F(0x05cad472) /* 0.362019010 */, 17 },
+ /* 3216 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb71e2) /* 0.362169156 */, 17 },
+ /* 3217 */ { MAD_F(0x05cc0f57) /* 0.362319316 */, 17 },
+ /* 3218 */ { MAD_F(0x05ccaccf) /* 0.362469493 */, 17 },
+ /* 3219 */ { MAD_F(0x05cd4a4c) /* 0.362619685 */, 17 },
+ /* 3220 */ { MAD_F(0x05cde7cd) /* 0.362769892 */, 17 },
+ /* 3221 */ { MAD_F(0x05ce8552) /* 0.362920115 */, 17 },
+ /* 3222 */ { MAD_F(0x05cf22dc) /* 0.363070354 */, 17 },
+ /* 3223 */ { MAD_F(0x05cfc069) /* 0.363220608 */, 17 },
+ /* 3224 */ { MAD_F(0x05d05dfb) /* 0.363370878 */, 17 },
+ /* 3225 */ { MAD_F(0x05d0fb91) /* 0.363521163 */, 17 },
+ /* 3226 */ { MAD_F(0x05d1992b) /* 0.363671464 */, 17 },
+ /* 3227 */ { MAD_F(0x05d236c9) /* 0.363821780 */, 17 },
+ /* 3228 */ { MAD_F(0x05d2d46c) /* 0.363972112 */, 17 },
+ /* 3229 */ { MAD_F(0x05d37212) /* 0.364122459 */, 17 },
+ /* 3230 */ { MAD_F(0x05d40fbd) /* 0.364272822 */, 17 },
+ /* 3231 */ { MAD_F(0x05d4ad6c) /* 0.364423200 */, 17 },
+ /* 3232 */ { MAD_F(0x05d54b1f) /* 0.364573594 */, 17 },
+ /* 3233 */ { MAD_F(0x05d5e8d6) /* 0.364724004 */, 17 },
+ /* 3234 */ { MAD_F(0x05d68691) /* 0.364874429 */, 17 },
+ /* 3235 */ { MAD_F(0x05d72451) /* 0.365024869 */, 17 },
+ /* 3236 */ { MAD_F(0x05d7c215) /* 0.365175325 */, 17 },
+ /* 3237 */ { MAD_F(0x05d85fdc) /* 0.365325796 */, 17 },
+ /* 3238 */ { MAD_F(0x05d8fda8) /* 0.365476283 */, 17 },
+ /* 3239 */ { MAD_F(0x05d99b79) /* 0.365626786 */, 17 },
+ /* 3240 */ { MAD_F(0x05da394d) /* 0.365777304 */, 17 },
+ /* 3241 */ { MAD_F(0x05dad726) /* 0.365927837 */, 17 },
+ /* 3242 */ { MAD_F(0x05db7502) /* 0.366078386 */, 17 },
+ /* 3243 */ { MAD_F(0x05dc12e3) /* 0.366228950 */, 17 },
+ /* 3244 */ { MAD_F(0x05dcb0c8) /* 0.366379530 */, 17 },
+ /* 3245 */ { MAD_F(0x05dd4eb1) /* 0.366530125 */, 17 },
+ /* 3246 */ { MAD_F(0x05ddec9e) /* 0.366680736 */, 17 },
+ /* 3247 */ { MAD_F(0x05de8a90) /* 0.366831362 */, 17 },
+ /* 3248 */ { MAD_F(0x05df2885) /* 0.366982004 */, 17 },
+ /* 3249 */ { MAD_F(0x05dfc67f) /* 0.367132661 */, 17 },
+ /* 3250 */ { MAD_F(0x05e0647d) /* 0.367283334 */, 17 },
+ /* 3251 */ { MAD_F(0x05e1027f) /* 0.367434022 */, 17 },
+ /* 3252 */ { MAD_F(0x05e1a085) /* 0.367584725 */, 17 },
+ /* 3253 */ { MAD_F(0x05e23e8f) /* 0.367735444 */, 17 },
+ /* 3254 */ { MAD_F(0x05e2dc9e) /* 0.367886179 */, 17 },
+ /* 3255 */ { MAD_F(0x05e37ab0) /* 0.368036929 */, 17 },
+ /* 3256 */ { MAD_F(0x05e418c7) /* 0.368187694 */, 17 },
+ /* 3257 */ { MAD_F(0x05e4b6e2) /* 0.368338475 */, 17 },
+ /* 3258 */ { MAD_F(0x05e55501) /* 0.368489271 */, 17 },
+ /* 3259 */ { MAD_F(0x05e5f324) /* 0.368640082 */, 17 },
+ /* 3260 */ { MAD_F(0x05e6914c) /* 0.368790909 */, 17 },
+ /* 3261 */ { MAD_F(0x05e72f77) /* 0.368941752 */, 17 },
+ /* 3262 */ { MAD_F(0x05e7cda7) /* 0.369092610 */, 17 },
+ /* 3263 */ { MAD_F(0x05e86bda) /* 0.369243483 */, 17 },
+ /* 3264 */ { MAD_F(0x05e90a12) /* 0.369394372 */, 17 },
+ /* 3265 */ { MAD_F(0x05e9a84e) /* 0.369545276 */, 17 },
+ /* 3266 */ { MAD_F(0x05ea468e) /* 0.369696195 */, 17 },
+ /* 3267 */ { MAD_F(0x05eae4d3) /* 0.369847130 */, 17 },
+ /* 3268 */ { MAD_F(0x05eb831b) /* 0.369998080 */, 17 },
+ /* 3269 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec2168) /* 0.370149046 */, 17 },
+ /* 3270 */ { MAD_F(0x05ecbfb8) /* 0.370300027 */, 17 },
+ /* 3271 */ { MAD_F(0x05ed5e0d) /* 0.370451024 */, 17 },
+ /* 3272 */ { MAD_F(0x05edfc66) /* 0.370602036 */, 17 },
+ /* 3273 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee9ac3) /* 0.370753063 */, 17 },
+ /* 3274 */ { MAD_F(0x05ef3924) /* 0.370904105 */, 17 },
+ /* 3275 */ { MAD_F(0x05efd78a) /* 0.371055163 */, 17 },
+ /* 3276 */ { MAD_F(0x05f075f3) /* 0.371206237 */, 17 },
+ /* 3277 */ { MAD_F(0x05f11461) /* 0.371357326 */, 17 },
+ /* 3278 */ { MAD_F(0x05f1b2d3) /* 0.371508430 */, 17 },
+ /* 3279 */ { MAD_F(0x05f25148) /* 0.371659549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3280 */ { MAD_F(0x05f2efc2) /* 0.371810684 */, 17 },
+ /* 3281 */ { MAD_F(0x05f38e40) /* 0.371961834 */, 17 },
+ /* 3282 */ { MAD_F(0x05f42cc3) /* 0.372113000 */, 17 },
+ /* 3283 */ { MAD_F(0x05f4cb49) /* 0.372264181 */, 17 },
+ /* 3284 */ { MAD_F(0x05f569d3) /* 0.372415377 */, 17 },
+ /* 3285 */ { MAD_F(0x05f60862) /* 0.372566589 */, 17 },
+ /* 3286 */ { MAD_F(0x05f6a6f5) /* 0.372717816 */, 17 },
+ /* 3287 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7458b) /* 0.372869058 */, 17 },
+ /* 3288 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7e426) /* 0.373020316 */, 17 },
+ /* 3289 */ { MAD_F(0x05f882c5) /* 0.373171589 */, 17 },
+ /* 3290 */ { MAD_F(0x05f92169) /* 0.373322877 */, 17 },
+ /* 3291 */ { MAD_F(0x05f9c010) /* 0.373474181 */, 17 },
+ /* 3292 */ { MAD_F(0x05fa5ebb) /* 0.373625500 */, 17 },
+ /* 3293 */ { MAD_F(0x05fafd6b) /* 0.373776834 */, 17 },
+ /* 3294 */ { MAD_F(0x05fb9c1e) /* 0.373928184 */, 17 },
+ /* 3295 */ { MAD_F(0x05fc3ad6) /* 0.374079549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3296 */ { MAD_F(0x05fcd992) /* 0.374230929 */, 17 },
+ /* 3297 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd7852) /* 0.374382325 */, 17 },
+ /* 3298 */ { MAD_F(0x05fe1716) /* 0.374533735 */, 17 },
+ /* 3299 */ { MAD_F(0x05feb5de) /* 0.374685162 */, 17 },
+ /* 3300 */ { MAD_F(0x05ff54aa) /* 0.374836603 */, 17 },
+ /* 3301 */ { MAD_F(0x05fff37b) /* 0.374988060 */, 17 },
+ /* 3302 */ { MAD_F(0x0600924f) /* 0.375139532 */, 17 },
+ /* 3303 */ { MAD_F(0x06013128) /* 0.375291019 */, 17 },
+ /* 3304 */ { MAD_F(0x0601d004) /* 0.375442522 */, 17 },
+ /* 3305 */ { MAD_F(0x06026ee5) /* 0.375594040 */, 17 },
+ /* 3306 */ { MAD_F(0x06030dca) /* 0.375745573 */, 17 },
+ /* 3307 */ { MAD_F(0x0603acb3) /* 0.375897122 */, 17 },
+ /* 3308 */ { MAD_F(0x06044ba0) /* 0.376048685 */, 17 },
+ /* 3309 */ { MAD_F(0x0604ea91) /* 0.376200265 */, 17 },
+ /* 3310 */ { MAD_F(0x06058987) /* 0.376351859 */, 17 },
+ /* 3311 */ { MAD_F(0x06062880) /* 0.376503468 */, 17 },
+ /* 3312 */ { MAD_F(0x0606c77d) /* 0.376655093 */, 17 },
+ /* 3313 */ { MAD_F(0x0607667f) /* 0.376806733 */, 17 },
+ /* 3314 */ { MAD_F(0x06080585) /* 0.376958389 */, 17 },
+ /* 3315 */ { MAD_F(0x0608a48f) /* 0.377110059 */, 17 },
+ /* 3316 */ { MAD_F(0x0609439c) /* 0.377261745 */, 17 },
+ /* 3317 */ { MAD_F(0x0609e2ae) /* 0.377413446 */, 17 },
+ /* 3318 */ { MAD_F(0x060a81c4) /* 0.377565163 */, 17 },
+ /* 3319 */ { MAD_F(0x060b20df) /* 0.377716894 */, 17 },
+ /* 3320 */ { MAD_F(0x060bbffd) /* 0.377868641 */, 17 },
+ /* 3321 */ { MAD_F(0x060c5f1f) /* 0.378020403 */, 17 },
+ /* 3322 */ { MAD_F(0x060cfe46) /* 0.378172181 */, 17 },
+ /* 3323 */ { MAD_F(0x060d9d70) /* 0.378323973 */, 17 },
+ /* 3324 */ { MAD_F(0x060e3c9f) /* 0.378475781 */, 17 },
+ /* 3325 */ { MAD_F(0x060edbd1) /* 0.378627604 */, 17 },
+ /* 3326 */ { MAD_F(0x060f7b08) /* 0.378779442 */, 17 },
+ /* 3327 */ { MAD_F(0x06101a43) /* 0.378931296 */, 17 },
+ /* 3328 */ { MAD_F(0x0610b982) /* 0.379083164 */, 17 },
+ /* 3329 */ { MAD_F(0x061158c5) /* 0.379235048 */, 17 },
+ /* 3330 */ { MAD_F(0x0611f80c) /* 0.379386947 */, 17 },
+ /* 3331 */ { MAD_F(0x06129757) /* 0.379538862 */, 17 },
+ /* 3332 */ { MAD_F(0x061336a6) /* 0.379690791 */, 17 },
+ /* 3333 */ { MAD_F(0x0613d5fa) /* 0.379842736 */, 17 },
+ /* 3334 */ { MAD_F(0x06147551) /* 0.379994696 */, 17 },
+ /* 3335 */ { MAD_F(0x061514ad) /* 0.380146671 */, 17 },
+ /* 3336 */ { MAD_F(0x0615b40c) /* 0.380298661 */, 17 },
+ /* 3337 */ { MAD_F(0x06165370) /* 0.380450666 */, 17 },
+ /* 3338 */ { MAD_F(0x0616f2d8) /* 0.380602687 */, 17 },
+ /* 3339 */ { MAD_F(0x06179243) /* 0.380754723 */, 17 },
+ /* 3340 */ { MAD_F(0x061831b3) /* 0.380906774 */, 17 },
+ /* 3341 */ { MAD_F(0x0618d127) /* 0.381058840 */, 17 },
+ /* 3342 */ { MAD_F(0x0619709f) /* 0.381210921 */, 17 },
+ /* 3343 */ { MAD_F(0x061a101b) /* 0.381363018 */, 17 },
+ /* 3344 */ { MAD_F(0x061aaf9c) /* 0.381515130 */, 17 },
+ /* 3345 */ { MAD_F(0x061b4f20) /* 0.381667257 */, 17 },
+ /* 3346 */ { MAD_F(0x061beea8) /* 0.381819399 */, 17 },
+ /* 3347 */ { MAD_F(0x061c8e34) /* 0.381971556 */, 17 },
+ /* 3348 */ { MAD_F(0x061d2dc5) /* 0.382123728 */, 17 },
+ /* 3349 */ { MAD_F(0x061dcd59) /* 0.382275916 */, 17 },
+ /* 3350 */ { MAD_F(0x061e6cf2) /* 0.382428118 */, 17 },
+ /* 3351 */ { MAD_F(0x061f0c8f) /* 0.382580336 */, 17 },
+ /* 3352 */ { MAD_F(0x061fac2f) /* 0.382732569 */, 17 },
+ /* 3353 */ { MAD_F(0x06204bd4) /* 0.382884817 */, 17 },
+ /* 3354 */ { MAD_F(0x0620eb7d) /* 0.383037080 */, 17 },
+ /* 3355 */ { MAD_F(0x06218b2a) /* 0.383189358 */, 17 },
+ /* 3356 */ { MAD_F(0x06222adb) /* 0.383341652 */, 17 },
+ /* 3357 */ { MAD_F(0x0622ca90) /* 0.383493960 */, 17 },
+ /* 3358 */ { MAD_F(0x06236a49) /* 0.383646284 */, 17 },
+ /* 3359 */ { MAD_F(0x06240a06) /* 0.383798623 */, 17 },
+ /* 3360 */ { MAD_F(0x0624a9c7) /* 0.383950977 */, 17 },
+ /* 3361 */ { MAD_F(0x0625498d) /* 0.384103346 */, 17 },
+ /* 3362 */ { MAD_F(0x0625e956) /* 0.384255730 */, 17 },
+ /* 3363 */ { MAD_F(0x06268923) /* 0.384408129 */, 17 },
+ /* 3364 */ { MAD_F(0x062728f5) /* 0.384560544 */, 17 },
+ /* 3365 */ { MAD_F(0x0627c8ca) /* 0.384712973 */, 17 },
+ /* 3366 */ { MAD_F(0x062868a4) /* 0.384865418 */, 17 },
+ /* 3367 */ { MAD_F(0x06290881) /* 0.385017878 */, 17 },
+ /* 3368 */ { MAD_F(0x0629a863) /* 0.385170352 */, 17 },
+ /* 3369 */ { MAD_F(0x062a4849) /* 0.385322842 */, 17 },
+ /* 3370 */ { MAD_F(0x062ae832) /* 0.385475347 */, 17 },
+ /* 3371 */ { MAD_F(0x062b8820) /* 0.385627867 */, 17 },
+ /* 3372 */ { MAD_F(0x062c2812) /* 0.385780402 */, 17 },
+ /* 3373 */ { MAD_F(0x062cc808) /* 0.385932953 */, 17 },
+ /* 3374 */ { MAD_F(0x062d6802) /* 0.386085518 */, 17 },
+ /* 3375 */ { MAD_F(0x062e0800) /* 0.386238098 */, 17 },
+ /* 3376 */ { MAD_F(0x062ea802) /* 0.386390694 */, 17 },
+ /* 3377 */ { MAD_F(0x062f4808) /* 0.386543304 */, 17 },
+ /* 3378 */ { MAD_F(0x062fe812) /* 0.386695930 */, 17 },
+ /* 3379 */ { MAD_F(0x06308820) /* 0.386848570 */, 17 },
+ /* 3380 */ { MAD_F(0x06312832) /* 0.387001226 */, 17 },
+ /* 3381 */ { MAD_F(0x0631c849) /* 0.387153897 */, 17 },
+ /* 3382 */ { MAD_F(0x06326863) /* 0.387306582 */, 17 },
+ /* 3383 */ { MAD_F(0x06330881) /* 0.387459283 */, 17 },
+ /* 3384 */ { MAD_F(0x0633a8a3) /* 0.387611999 */, 17 },
+ /* 3385 */ { MAD_F(0x063448ca) /* 0.387764730 */, 17 },
+ /* 3386 */ { MAD_F(0x0634e8f4) /* 0.387917476 */, 17 },
+ /* 3387 */ { MAD_F(0x06358923) /* 0.388070237 */, 17 },
+ /* 3388 */ { MAD_F(0x06362955) /* 0.388223013 */, 17 },
+ /* 3389 */ { MAD_F(0x0636c98c) /* 0.388375804 */, 17 },
+ /* 3390 */ { MAD_F(0x063769c6) /* 0.388528610 */, 17 },
+ /* 3391 */ { MAD_F(0x06380a05) /* 0.388681431 */, 17 },
+ /* 3392 */ { MAD_F(0x0638aa48) /* 0.388834268 */, 17 },
+ /* 3393 */ { MAD_F(0x06394a8e) /* 0.388987119 */, 17 },
+ /* 3394 */ { MAD_F(0x0639ead9) /* 0.389139985 */, 17 },
+ /* 3395 */ { MAD_F(0x063a8b28) /* 0.389292866 */, 17 },
+ /* 3396 */ { MAD_F(0x063b2b7b) /* 0.389445762 */, 17 },
+ /* 3397 */ { MAD_F(0x063bcbd1) /* 0.389598674 */, 17 },
+ /* 3398 */ { MAD_F(0x063c6c2c) /* 0.389751600 */, 17 },
+ /* 3399 */ { MAD_F(0x063d0c8b) /* 0.389904541 */, 17 },
+ /* 3400 */ { MAD_F(0x063dacee) /* 0.390057497 */, 17 },
+ /* 3401 */ { MAD_F(0x063e4d55) /* 0.390210468 */, 17 },
+ /* 3402 */ { MAD_F(0x063eedc0) /* 0.390363455 */, 17 },
+ /* 3403 */ { MAD_F(0x063f8e2f) /* 0.390516456 */, 17 },
+ /* 3404 */ { MAD_F(0x06402ea2) /* 0.390669472 */, 17 },
+ /* 3405 */ { MAD_F(0x0640cf19) /* 0.390822503 */, 17 },
+ /* 3406 */ { MAD_F(0x06416f94) /* 0.390975549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3407 */ { MAD_F(0x06421013) /* 0.391128611 */, 17 },
+ /* 3408 */ { MAD_F(0x0642b096) /* 0.391281687 */, 17 },
+ /* 3409 */ { MAD_F(0x0643511d) /* 0.391434778 */, 17 },
+ /* 3410 */ { MAD_F(0x0643f1a8) /* 0.391587884 */, 17 },
+ /* 3411 */ { MAD_F(0x06449237) /* 0.391741005 */, 17 },
+ /* 3412 */ { MAD_F(0x064532ca) /* 0.391894141 */, 17 },
+ /* 3413 */ { MAD_F(0x0645d361) /* 0.392047292 */, 17 },
+ /* 3414 */ { MAD_F(0x064673fc) /* 0.392200458 */, 17 },
+ /* 3415 */ { MAD_F(0x0647149c) /* 0.392353638 */, 17 },
+ /* 3416 */ { MAD_F(0x0647b53f) /* 0.392506834 */, 17 },
+ /* 3417 */ { MAD_F(0x064855e6) /* 0.392660045 */, 17 },
+ /* 3418 */ { MAD_F(0x0648f691) /* 0.392813271 */, 17 },
+ /* 3419 */ { MAD_F(0x06499740) /* 0.392966511 */, 17 },
+ /* 3420 */ { MAD_F(0x064a37f4) /* 0.393119767 */, 17 },
+ /* 3421 */ { MAD_F(0x064ad8ab) /* 0.393273038 */, 17 },
+ /* 3422 */ { MAD_F(0x064b7966) /* 0.393426323 */, 17 },
+ /* 3423 */ { MAD_F(0x064c1a25) /* 0.393579623 */, 17 },
+ /* 3424 */ { MAD_F(0x064cbae9) /* 0.393732939 */, 17 },
+ /* 3425 */ { MAD_F(0x064d5bb0) /* 0.393886269 */, 17 },
+ /* 3426 */ { MAD_F(0x064dfc7b) /* 0.394039614 */, 17 },
+ /* 3427 */ { MAD_F(0x064e9d4b) /* 0.394192974 */, 17 },
+ /* 3428 */ { MAD_F(0x064f3e1e) /* 0.394346349 */, 17 },
+ /* 3429 */ { MAD_F(0x064fdef5) /* 0.394499739 */, 17 },
+ /* 3430 */ { MAD_F(0x06507fd0) /* 0.394653144 */, 17 },
+ /* 3431 */ { MAD_F(0x065120b0) /* 0.394806564 */, 17 },
+ /* 3432 */ { MAD_F(0x0651c193) /* 0.394959999 */, 17 },
+ /* 3433 */ { MAD_F(0x0652627a) /* 0.395113448 */, 17 },
+ /* 3434 */ { MAD_F(0x06530366) /* 0.395266913 */, 17 },
+ /* 3435 */ { MAD_F(0x0653a455) /* 0.395420392 */, 17 },
+ /* 3436 */ { MAD_F(0x06544548) /* 0.395573886 */, 17 },
+ /* 3437 */ { MAD_F(0x0654e640) /* 0.395727395 */, 17 },
+ /* 3438 */ { MAD_F(0x0655873b) /* 0.395880919 */, 17 },
+ /* 3439 */ { MAD_F(0x0656283a) /* 0.396034458 */, 17 },
+ /* 3440 */ { MAD_F(0x0656c93d) /* 0.396188012 */, 17 },
+ /* 3441 */ { MAD_F(0x06576a45) /* 0.396341581 */, 17 },
+ /* 3442 */ { MAD_F(0x06580b50) /* 0.396495164 */, 17 },
+ /* 3443 */ { MAD_F(0x0658ac5f) /* 0.396648763 */, 17 },
+ /* 3444 */ { MAD_F(0x06594d73) /* 0.396802376 */, 17 },
+ /* 3445 */ { MAD_F(0x0659ee8a) /* 0.396956004 */, 17 },
+ /* 3446 */ { MAD_F(0x065a8fa5) /* 0.397109647 */, 17 },
+ /* 3447 */ { MAD_F(0x065b30c4) /* 0.397263305 */, 17 },
+ /* 3448 */ { MAD_F(0x065bd1e7) /* 0.397416978 */, 17 },
+ /* 3449 */ { MAD_F(0x065c730f) /* 0.397570666 */, 17 },
+ /* 3450 */ { MAD_F(0x065d143a) /* 0.397724368 */, 17 },
+ /* 3451 */ { MAD_F(0x065db569) /* 0.397878085 */, 17 },
+ /* 3452 */ { MAD_F(0x065e569c) /* 0.398031818 */, 17 },
+ /* 3453 */ { MAD_F(0x065ef7d3) /* 0.398185565 */, 17 },
+ /* 3454 */ { MAD_F(0x065f990e) /* 0.398339326 */, 17 },
+ /* 3455 */ { MAD_F(0x06603a4e) /* 0.398493103 */, 17 },
+ /* 3456 */ { MAD_F(0x0660db91) /* 0.398646895 */, 17 },
+ /* 3457 */ { MAD_F(0x06617cd8) /* 0.398800701 */, 17 },
+ /* 3458 */ { MAD_F(0x06621e23) /* 0.398954522 */, 17 },
+ /* 3459 */ { MAD_F(0x0662bf72) /* 0.399108358 */, 17 },
+ /* 3460 */ { MAD_F(0x066360c5) /* 0.399262209 */, 17 },
+ /* 3461 */ { MAD_F(0x0664021c) /* 0.399416075 */, 17 },
+ /* 3462 */ { MAD_F(0x0664a377) /* 0.399569955 */, 17 },
+ /* 3463 */ { MAD_F(0x066544d6) /* 0.399723851 */, 17 },
+ /* 3464 */ { MAD_F(0x0665e639) /* 0.399877761 */, 17 },
+ /* 3465 */ { MAD_F(0x066687a0) /* 0.400031686 */, 17 },
+ /* 3466 */ { MAD_F(0x0667290b) /* 0.400185625 */, 17 },
+ /* 3467 */ { MAD_F(0x0667ca79) /* 0.400339580 */, 17 },
+ /* 3468 */ { MAD_F(0x06686bec) /* 0.400493549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3469 */ { MAD_F(0x06690d63) /* 0.400647534 */, 17 },
+ /* 3470 */ { MAD_F(0x0669aede) /* 0.400801533 */, 17 },
+ /* 3471 */ { MAD_F(0x066a505d) /* 0.400955546 */, 17 },
+ /* 3472 */ { MAD_F(0x066af1df) /* 0.401109575 */, 17 },
+ /* 3473 */ { MAD_F(0x066b9366) /* 0.401263618 */, 17 },
+ /* 3474 */ { MAD_F(0x066c34f1) /* 0.401417676 */, 17 },
+ /* 3475 */ { MAD_F(0x066cd67f) /* 0.401571749 */, 17 },
+ /* 3476 */ { MAD_F(0x066d7812) /* 0.401725837 */, 17 },
+ /* 3477 */ { MAD_F(0x066e19a9) /* 0.401879939 */, 17 },
+ /* 3478 */ { MAD_F(0x066ebb43) /* 0.402034056 */, 17 },
+ /* 3479 */ { MAD_F(0x066f5ce2) /* 0.402188188 */, 17 },
+ /* 3480 */ { MAD_F(0x066ffe84) /* 0.402342335 */, 17 },
+ /* 3481 */ { MAD_F(0x0670a02a) /* 0.402496497 */, 17 },
+ /* 3482 */ { MAD_F(0x067141d5) /* 0.402650673 */, 17 },
+ /* 3483 */ { MAD_F(0x0671e383) /* 0.402804864 */, 17 },
+ /* 3484 */ { MAD_F(0x06728535) /* 0.402959070 */, 17 },
+ /* 3485 */ { MAD_F(0x067326ec) /* 0.403113291 */, 17 },
+ /* 3486 */ { MAD_F(0x0673c8a6) /* 0.403267526 */, 17 },
+ /* 3487 */ { MAD_F(0x06746a64) /* 0.403421776 */, 17 },
+ /* 3488 */ { MAD_F(0x06750c26) /* 0.403576041 */, 17 },
+ /* 3489 */ { MAD_F(0x0675adec) /* 0.403730320 */, 17 },
+ /* 3490 */ { MAD_F(0x06764fb6) /* 0.403884615 */, 17 },
+ /* 3491 */ { MAD_F(0x0676f184) /* 0.404038924 */, 17 },
+ /* 3492 */ { MAD_F(0x06779356) /* 0.404193247 */, 17 },
+ /* 3493 */ { MAD_F(0x0678352c) /* 0.404347586 */, 17 },
+ /* 3494 */ { MAD_F(0x0678d706) /* 0.404501939 */, 17 },
+ /* 3495 */ { MAD_F(0x067978e4) /* 0.404656307 */, 17 },
+ /* 3496 */ { MAD_F(0x067a1ac6) /* 0.404810690 */, 17 },
+ /* 3497 */ { MAD_F(0x067abcac) /* 0.404965087 */, 17 },
+ /* 3498 */ { MAD_F(0x067b5e95) /* 0.405119499 */, 17 },
+ /* 3499 */ { MAD_F(0x067c0083) /* 0.405273926 */, 17 },
+ /* 3500 */ { MAD_F(0x067ca275) /* 0.405428368 */, 17 },
+ /* 3501 */ { MAD_F(0x067d446a) /* 0.405582824 */, 17 },
+ /* 3502 */ { MAD_F(0x067de664) /* 0.405737295 */, 17 },
+ /* 3503 */ { MAD_F(0x067e8861) /* 0.405891781 */, 17 },
+ /* 3504 */ { MAD_F(0x067f2a62) /* 0.406046281 */, 17 },
+ /* 3505 */ { MAD_F(0x067fcc68) /* 0.406200796 */, 17 },
+ /* 3506 */ { MAD_F(0x06806e71) /* 0.406355326 */, 17 },
+ /* 3507 */ { MAD_F(0x0681107e) /* 0.406509870 */, 17 },
+ /* 3508 */ { MAD_F(0x0681b28f) /* 0.406664429 */, 17 },
+ /* 3509 */ { MAD_F(0x068254a4) /* 0.406819003 */, 17 },
+ /* 3510 */ { MAD_F(0x0682f6bd) /* 0.406973592 */, 17 },
+ /* 3511 */ { MAD_F(0x068398da) /* 0.407128195 */, 17 },
+ /* 3512 */ { MAD_F(0x06843afb) /* 0.407282813 */, 17 },
+ /* 3513 */ { MAD_F(0x0684dd20) /* 0.407437445 */, 17 },
+ /* 3514 */ { MAD_F(0x06857f49) /* 0.407592093 */, 17 },
+ /* 3515 */ { MAD_F(0x06862176) /* 0.407746754 */, 17 },
+ /* 3516 */ { MAD_F(0x0686c3a6) /* 0.407901431 */, 17 },
+ /* 3517 */ { MAD_F(0x068765db) /* 0.408056122 */, 17 },
+ /* 3518 */ { MAD_F(0x06880814) /* 0.408210828 */, 17 },
+ /* 3519 */ { MAD_F(0x0688aa50) /* 0.408365549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3520 */ { MAD_F(0x06894c90) /* 0.408520284 */, 17 },
+ /* 3521 */ { MAD_F(0x0689eed5) /* 0.408675034 */, 17 },
+ /* 3522 */ { MAD_F(0x068a911d) /* 0.408829798 */, 17 },
+ /* 3523 */ { MAD_F(0x068b3369) /* 0.408984577 */, 17 },
+ /* 3524 */ { MAD_F(0x068bd5b9) /* 0.409139371 */, 17 },
+ /* 3525 */ { MAD_F(0x068c780e) /* 0.409294180 */, 17 },
+ /* 3526 */ { MAD_F(0x068d1a66) /* 0.409449003 */, 17 },
+ /* 3527 */ { MAD_F(0x068dbcc1) /* 0.409603840 */, 17 },
+ /* 3528 */ { MAD_F(0x068e5f21) /* 0.409758693 */, 17 },
+ /* 3529 */ { MAD_F(0x068f0185) /* 0.409913560 */, 17 },
+ /* 3530 */ { MAD_F(0x068fa3ed) /* 0.410068441 */, 17 },
+ /* 3531 */ { MAD_F(0x06904658) /* 0.410223338 */, 17 },
+ /* 3532 */ { MAD_F(0x0690e8c8) /* 0.410378249 */, 17 },
+ /* 3533 */ { MAD_F(0x06918b3c) /* 0.410533174 */, 17 },
+ /* 3534 */ { MAD_F(0x06922db3) /* 0.410688114 */, 17 },
+ /* 3535 */ { MAD_F(0x0692d02e) /* 0.410843069 */, 17 },
+ /* 3536 */ { MAD_F(0x069372ae) /* 0.410998038 */, 17 },
+ /* 3537 */ { MAD_F(0x06941531) /* 0.411153022 */, 17 },
+ /* 3538 */ { MAD_F(0x0694b7b8) /* 0.411308021 */, 17 },
+ /* 3539 */ { MAD_F(0x06955a43) /* 0.411463034 */, 17 },
+ /* 3540 */ { MAD_F(0x0695fcd2) /* 0.411618062 */, 17 },
+ /* 3541 */ { MAD_F(0x06969f65) /* 0.411773104 */, 17 },
+ /* 3542 */ { MAD_F(0x069741fb) /* 0.411928161 */, 17 },
+ /* 3543 */ { MAD_F(0x0697e496) /* 0.412083232 */, 17 },
+ /* 3544 */ { MAD_F(0x06988735) /* 0.412238319 */, 17 },
+ /* 3545 */ { MAD_F(0x069929d7) /* 0.412393419 */, 17 },
+ /* 3546 */ { MAD_F(0x0699cc7e) /* 0.412548535 */, 17 },
+ /* 3547 */ { MAD_F(0x069a6f28) /* 0.412703664 */, 17 },
+ /* 3548 */ { MAD_F(0x069b11d6) /* 0.412858809 */, 17 },
+ /* 3549 */ { MAD_F(0x069bb489) /* 0.413013968 */, 17 },
+ /* 3550 */ { MAD_F(0x069c573f) /* 0.413169142 */, 17 },
+ /* 3551 */ { MAD_F(0x069cf9f9) /* 0.413324330 */, 17 },
+ /* 3552 */ { MAD_F(0x069d9cb7) /* 0.413479532 */, 17 },
+ /* 3553 */ { MAD_F(0x069e3f78) /* 0.413634750 */, 17 },
+ /* 3554 */ { MAD_F(0x069ee23e) /* 0.413789982 */, 17 },
+ /* 3555 */ { MAD_F(0x069f8508) /* 0.413945228 */, 17 },
+ /* 3556 */ { MAD_F(0x06a027d5) /* 0.414100489 */, 17 },
+ /* 3557 */ { MAD_F(0x06a0caa7) /* 0.414255765 */, 17 },
+ /* 3558 */ { MAD_F(0x06a16d7c) /* 0.414411055 */, 17 },
+ /* 3559 */ { MAD_F(0x06a21055) /* 0.414566359 */, 17 },
+ /* 3560 */ { MAD_F(0x06a2b333) /* 0.414721679 */, 17 },
+ /* 3561 */ { MAD_F(0x06a35614) /* 0.414877012 */, 17 },
+ /* 3562 */ { MAD_F(0x06a3f8f9) /* 0.415032361 */, 17 },
+ /* 3563 */ { MAD_F(0x06a49be2) /* 0.415187723 */, 17 },
+ /* 3564 */ { MAD_F(0x06a53ece) /* 0.415343101 */, 17 },
+ /* 3565 */ { MAD_F(0x06a5e1bf) /* 0.415498493 */, 17 },
+ /* 3566 */ { MAD_F(0x06a684b4) /* 0.415653899 */, 17 },
+ /* 3567 */ { MAD_F(0x06a727ac) /* 0.415809320 */, 17 },
+ /* 3568 */ { MAD_F(0x06a7caa9) /* 0.415964756 */, 17 },
+ /* 3569 */ { MAD_F(0x06a86da9) /* 0.416120206 */, 17 },
+ /* 3570 */ { MAD_F(0x06a910ad) /* 0.416275670 */, 17 },
+ /* 3571 */ { MAD_F(0x06a9b3b5) /* 0.416431149 */, 17 },
+ /* 3572 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa56c1) /* 0.416586643 */, 17 },
+ /* 3573 */ { MAD_F(0x06aaf9d1) /* 0.416742151 */, 17 },
+ /* 3574 */ { MAD_F(0x06ab9ce5) /* 0.416897673 */, 17 },
+ /* 3575 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac3ffc) /* 0.417053210 */, 17 },
+ /* 3576 */ { MAD_F(0x06ace318) /* 0.417208762 */, 17 },
+ /* 3577 */ { MAD_F(0x06ad8637) /* 0.417364328 */, 17 },
+ /* 3578 */ { MAD_F(0x06ae295b) /* 0.417519909 */, 17 },
+ /* 3579 */ { MAD_F(0x06aecc82) /* 0.417675504 */, 17 },
+ /* 3580 */ { MAD_F(0x06af6fad) /* 0.417831113 */, 17 },
+ /* 3581 */ { MAD_F(0x06b012dc) /* 0.417986737 */, 17 },
+ /* 3582 */ { MAD_F(0x06b0b60f) /* 0.418142376 */, 17 },
+ /* 3583 */ { MAD_F(0x06b15946) /* 0.418298029 */, 17 },
+ /* 3584 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1fc81) /* 0.418453696 */, 17 },
+ /* 3585 */ { MAD_F(0x06b29fbf) /* 0.418609378 */, 17 },
+ /* 3586 */ { MAD_F(0x06b34302) /* 0.418765075 */, 17 },
+ /* 3587 */ { MAD_F(0x06b3e648) /* 0.418920786 */, 17 },
+ /* 3588 */ { MAD_F(0x06b48992) /* 0.419076511 */, 17 },
+ /* 3589 */ { MAD_F(0x06b52ce0) /* 0.419232251 */, 17 },
+ /* 3590 */ { MAD_F(0x06b5d032) /* 0.419388005 */, 17 },
+ /* 3591 */ { MAD_F(0x06b67388) /* 0.419543774 */, 17 },
+ /* 3592 */ { MAD_F(0x06b716e2) /* 0.419699557 */, 17 },
+ /* 3593 */ { MAD_F(0x06b7ba3f) /* 0.419855355 */, 17 },
+ /* 3594 */ { MAD_F(0x06b85da1) /* 0.420011167 */, 17 },
+ /* 3595 */ { MAD_F(0x06b90106) /* 0.420166994 */, 17 },
+ /* 3596 */ { MAD_F(0x06b9a470) /* 0.420322835 */, 17 },
+ /* 3597 */ { MAD_F(0x06ba47dd) /* 0.420478690 */, 17 },
+ /* 3598 */ { MAD_F(0x06baeb4e) /* 0.420634560 */, 17 },
+ /* 3599 */ { MAD_F(0x06bb8ec3) /* 0.420790445 */, 17 },
+ /* 3600 */ { MAD_F(0x06bc323b) /* 0.420946343 */, 17 },
+ /* 3601 */ { MAD_F(0x06bcd5b8) /* 0.421102257 */, 17 },
+ /* 3602 */ { MAD_F(0x06bd7939) /* 0.421258184 */, 17 },
+ /* 3603 */ { MAD_F(0x06be1cbd) /* 0.421414127 */, 17 },
+ /* 3604 */ { MAD_F(0x06bec045) /* 0.421570083 */, 17 },
+ /* 3605 */ { MAD_F(0x06bf63d1) /* 0.421726054 */, 17 },
+ /* 3606 */ { MAD_F(0x06c00761) /* 0.421882040 */, 17 },
+ /* 3607 */ { MAD_F(0x06c0aaf5) /* 0.422038039 */, 17 },
+ /* 3608 */ { MAD_F(0x06c14e8d) /* 0.422194054 */, 17 },
+ /* 3609 */ { MAD_F(0x06c1f229) /* 0.422350082 */, 17 },
+ /* 3610 */ { MAD_F(0x06c295c8) /* 0.422506125 */, 17 },
+ /* 3611 */ { MAD_F(0x06c3396c) /* 0.422662183 */, 17 },
+ /* 3612 */ { MAD_F(0x06c3dd13) /* 0.422818255 */, 17 },
+ /* 3613 */ { MAD_F(0x06c480be) /* 0.422974341 */, 17 },
+ /* 3614 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5246d) /* 0.423130442 */, 17 },
+ /* 3615 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5c820) /* 0.423286557 */, 17 },
+ /* 3616 */ { MAD_F(0x06c66bd6) /* 0.423442686 */, 17 },
+ /* 3617 */ { MAD_F(0x06c70f91) /* 0.423598830 */, 17 },
+ /* 3618 */ { MAD_F(0x06c7b34f) /* 0.423754988 */, 17 },
+ /* 3619 */ { MAD_F(0x06c85712) /* 0.423911161 */, 17 },
+ /* 3620 */ { MAD_F(0x06c8fad8) /* 0.424067348 */, 17 },
+ /* 3621 */ { MAD_F(0x06c99ea2) /* 0.424223550 */, 17 },
+ /* 3622 */ { MAD_F(0x06ca4270) /* 0.424379765 */, 17 },
+ /* 3623 */ { MAD_F(0x06cae641) /* 0.424535996 */, 17 },
+ /* 3624 */ { MAD_F(0x06cb8a17) /* 0.424692240 */, 17 },
+ /* 3625 */ { MAD_F(0x06cc2df0) /* 0.424848499 */, 17 },
+ /* 3626 */ { MAD_F(0x06ccd1ce) /* 0.425004772 */, 17 },
+ /* 3627 */ { MAD_F(0x06cd75af) /* 0.425161060 */, 17 },
+ /* 3628 */ { MAD_F(0x06ce1994) /* 0.425317362 */, 17 },
+ /* 3629 */ { MAD_F(0x06cebd7d) /* 0.425473678 */, 17 },
+ /* 3630 */ { MAD_F(0x06cf6169) /* 0.425630009 */, 17 },
+ /* 3631 */ { MAD_F(0x06d0055a) /* 0.425786354 */, 17 },
+ /* 3632 */ { MAD_F(0x06d0a94e) /* 0.425942714 */, 17 },
+ /* 3633 */ { MAD_F(0x06d14d47) /* 0.426099088 */, 17 },
+ /* 3634 */ { MAD_F(0x06d1f143) /* 0.426255476 */, 17 },
+ /* 3635 */ { MAD_F(0x06d29543) /* 0.426411878 */, 17 },
+ /* 3636 */ { MAD_F(0x06d33947) /* 0.426568295 */, 17 },
+ /* 3637 */ { MAD_F(0x06d3dd4e) /* 0.426724726 */, 17 },
+ /* 3638 */ { MAD_F(0x06d4815a) /* 0.426881172 */, 17 },
+ /* 3639 */ { MAD_F(0x06d52569) /* 0.427037632 */, 17 },
+ /* 3640 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5c97c) /* 0.427194106 */, 17 },
+ /* 3641 */ { MAD_F(0x06d66d93) /* 0.427350594 */, 17 },
+ /* 3642 */ { MAD_F(0x06d711ae) /* 0.427507097 */, 17 },
+ /* 3643 */ { MAD_F(0x06d7b5cd) /* 0.427663614 */, 17 },
+ /* 3644 */ { MAD_F(0x06d859f0) /* 0.427820146 */, 17 },
+ /* 3645 */ { MAD_F(0x06d8fe16) /* 0.427976692 */, 17 },
+ /* 3646 */ { MAD_F(0x06d9a240) /* 0.428133252 */, 17 },
+ /* 3647 */ { MAD_F(0x06da466f) /* 0.428289826 */, 17 },
+ /* 3648 */ { MAD_F(0x06daeaa1) /* 0.428446415 */, 17 },
+ /* 3649 */ { MAD_F(0x06db8ed6) /* 0.428603018 */, 17 },
+ /* 3650 */ { MAD_F(0x06dc3310) /* 0.428759635 */, 17 },
+ /* 3651 */ { MAD_F(0x06dcd74d) /* 0.428916267 */, 17 },
+ /* 3652 */ { MAD_F(0x06dd7b8f) /* 0.429072913 */, 17 },
+ /* 3653 */ { MAD_F(0x06de1fd4) /* 0.429229573 */, 17 },
+ /* 3654 */ { MAD_F(0x06dec41d) /* 0.429386248 */, 17 },
+ /* 3655 */ { MAD_F(0x06df686a) /* 0.429542937 */, 17 },
+ /* 3656 */ { MAD_F(0x06e00cbb) /* 0.429699640 */, 17 },
+ /* 3657 */ { MAD_F(0x06e0b10f) /* 0.429856357 */, 17 },
+ /* 3658 */ { MAD_F(0x06e15567) /* 0.430013089 */, 17 },
+ /* 3659 */ { MAD_F(0x06e1f9c4) /* 0.430169835 */, 17 },
+ /* 3660 */ { MAD_F(0x06e29e24) /* 0.430326595 */, 17 },
+ /* 3661 */ { MAD_F(0x06e34287) /* 0.430483370 */, 17 },
+ /* 3662 */ { MAD_F(0x06e3e6ef) /* 0.430640159 */, 17 },
+ /* 3663 */ { MAD_F(0x06e48b5b) /* 0.430796962 */, 17 },
+ /* 3664 */ { MAD_F(0x06e52fca) /* 0.430953779 */, 17 },
+ /* 3665 */ { MAD_F(0x06e5d43d) /* 0.431110611 */, 17 },
+ /* 3666 */ { MAD_F(0x06e678b4) /* 0.431267457 */, 17 },
+ /* 3667 */ { MAD_F(0x06e71d2f) /* 0.431424317 */, 17 },
+ /* 3668 */ { MAD_F(0x06e7c1ae) /* 0.431581192 */, 17 },
+ /* 3669 */ { MAD_F(0x06e86630) /* 0.431738080 */, 17 },
+ /* 3670 */ { MAD_F(0x06e90ab7) /* 0.431894983 */, 17 },
+ /* 3671 */ { MAD_F(0x06e9af41) /* 0.432051900 */, 17 },
+ /* 3672 */ { MAD_F(0x06ea53cf) /* 0.432208832 */, 17 },
+ /* 3673 */ { MAD_F(0x06eaf860) /* 0.432365778 */, 17 },
+ /* 3674 */ { MAD_F(0x06eb9cf6) /* 0.432522737 */, 17 },
+ /* 3675 */ { MAD_F(0x06ec418f) /* 0.432679712 */, 17 },
+ /* 3676 */ { MAD_F(0x06ece62d) /* 0.432836700 */, 17 },
+ /* 3677 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed8ace) /* 0.432993703 */, 17 },
+ /* 3678 */ { MAD_F(0x06ee2f73) /* 0.433150720 */, 17 },
+ /* 3679 */ { MAD_F(0x06eed41b) /* 0.433307751 */, 17 },
+ /* 3680 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef78c8) /* 0.433464796 */, 17 },
+ /* 3681 */ { MAD_F(0x06f01d78) /* 0.433621856 */, 17 },
+ /* 3682 */ { MAD_F(0x06f0c22c) /* 0.433778929 */, 17 },
+ /* 3683 */ { MAD_F(0x06f166e4) /* 0.433936017 */, 17 },
+ /* 3684 */ { MAD_F(0x06f20ba0) /* 0.434093120 */, 17 },
+ /* 3685 */ { MAD_F(0x06f2b060) /* 0.434250236 */, 17 },
+ /* 3686 */ { MAD_F(0x06f35523) /* 0.434407367 */, 17 },
+ /* 3687 */ { MAD_F(0x06f3f9eb) /* 0.434564512 */, 17 },
+ /* 3688 */ { MAD_F(0x06f49eb6) /* 0.434721671 */, 17 },
+ /* 3689 */ { MAD_F(0x06f54385) /* 0.434878844 */, 17 },
+ /* 3690 */ { MAD_F(0x06f5e857) /* 0.435036032 */, 17 },
+ /* 3691 */ { MAD_F(0x06f68d2e) /* 0.435193233 */, 17 },
+ /* 3692 */ { MAD_F(0x06f73208) /* 0.435350449 */, 17 },
+ /* 3693 */ { MAD_F(0x06f7d6e6) /* 0.435507679 */, 17 },
+ /* 3694 */ { MAD_F(0x06f87bc8) /* 0.435664924 */, 17 },
+ /* 3695 */ { MAD_F(0x06f920ae) /* 0.435822182 */, 17 },
+ /* 3696 */ { MAD_F(0x06f9c597) /* 0.435979455 */, 17 },
+ /* 3697 */ { MAD_F(0x06fa6a85) /* 0.436136741 */, 17 },
+ /* 3698 */ { MAD_F(0x06fb0f76) /* 0.436294042 */, 17 },
+ /* 3699 */ { MAD_F(0x06fbb46b) /* 0.436451358 */, 17 },
+ /* 3700 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc5964) /* 0.436608687 */, 17 },
+ /* 3701 */ { MAD_F(0x06fcfe60) /* 0.436766031 */, 17 },
+ /* 3702 */ { MAD_F(0x06fda361) /* 0.436923388 */, 17 },
+ /* 3703 */ { MAD_F(0x06fe4865) /* 0.437080760 */, 17 },
+ /* 3704 */ { MAD_F(0x06feed6d) /* 0.437238146 */, 17 },
+ /* 3705 */ { MAD_F(0x06ff9279) /* 0.437395547 */, 17 },
+ /* 3706 */ { MAD_F(0x07003788) /* 0.437552961 */, 17 },
+ /* 3707 */ { MAD_F(0x0700dc9c) /* 0.437710389 */, 17 },
+ /* 3708 */ { MAD_F(0x070181b3) /* 0.437867832 */, 17 },
+ /* 3709 */ { MAD_F(0x070226ce) /* 0.438025289 */, 17 },
+ /* 3710 */ { MAD_F(0x0702cbed) /* 0.438182760 */, 17 },
+ /* 3711 */ { MAD_F(0x0703710f) /* 0.438340245 */, 17 },
+ /* 3712 */ { MAD_F(0x07041636) /* 0.438497744 */, 17 },
+ /* 3713 */ { MAD_F(0x0704bb60) /* 0.438655258 */, 17 },
+ /* 3714 */ { MAD_F(0x0705608e) /* 0.438812785 */, 17 },
+ /* 3715 */ { MAD_F(0x070605c0) /* 0.438970327 */, 17 },
+ /* 3716 */ { MAD_F(0x0706aaf5) /* 0.439127883 */, 17 },
+ /* 3717 */ { MAD_F(0x0707502f) /* 0.439285453 */, 17 },
+ /* 3718 */ { MAD_F(0x0707f56c) /* 0.439443037 */, 17 },
+ /* 3719 */ { MAD_F(0x07089aad) /* 0.439600635 */, 17 },
+ /* 3720 */ { MAD_F(0x07093ff2) /* 0.439758248 */, 17 },
+ /* 3721 */ { MAD_F(0x0709e53a) /* 0.439915874 */, 17 },
+ /* 3722 */ { MAD_F(0x070a8a86) /* 0.440073515 */, 17 },
+ /* 3723 */ { MAD_F(0x070b2fd7) /* 0.440231170 */, 17 },
+ /* 3724 */ { MAD_F(0x070bd52a) /* 0.440388839 */, 17 },
+ /* 3725 */ { MAD_F(0x070c7a82) /* 0.440546522 */, 17 },
+ /* 3726 */ { MAD_F(0x070d1fde) /* 0.440704219 */, 17 },
+ /* 3727 */ { MAD_F(0x070dc53d) /* 0.440861930 */, 17 },
+ /* 3728 */ { MAD_F(0x070e6aa0) /* 0.441019655 */, 17 },
+ /* 3729 */ { MAD_F(0x070f1007) /* 0.441177395 */, 17 },
+ /* 3730 */ { MAD_F(0x070fb571) /* 0.441335148 */, 17 },
+ /* 3731 */ { MAD_F(0x07105ae0) /* 0.441492916 */, 17 },
+ /* 3732 */ { MAD_F(0x07110052) /* 0.441650697 */, 17 },
+ /* 3733 */ { MAD_F(0x0711a5c8) /* 0.441808493 */, 17 },
+ /* 3734 */ { MAD_F(0x07124b42) /* 0.441966303 */, 17 },
+ /* 3735 */ { MAD_F(0x0712f0bf) /* 0.442124127 */, 17 },
+ /* 3736 */ { MAD_F(0x07139641) /* 0.442281965 */, 17 },
+ /* 3737 */ { MAD_F(0x07143bc6) /* 0.442439817 */, 17 },
+ /* 3738 */ { MAD_F(0x0714e14f) /* 0.442597683 */, 17 },
+ /* 3739 */ { MAD_F(0x071586db) /* 0.442755564 */, 17 },
+ /* 3740 */ { MAD_F(0x07162c6c) /* 0.442913458 */, 17 },
+ /* 3741 */ { MAD_F(0x0716d200) /* 0.443071366 */, 17 },
+ /* 3742 */ { MAD_F(0x07177798) /* 0.443229289 */, 17 },
+ /* 3743 */ { MAD_F(0x07181d34) /* 0.443387226 */, 17 },
+ /* 3744 */ { MAD_F(0x0718c2d3) /* 0.443545176 */, 17 },
+ /* 3745 */ { MAD_F(0x07196877) /* 0.443703141 */, 17 },
+ /* 3746 */ { MAD_F(0x071a0e1e) /* 0.443861120 */, 17 },
+ /* 3747 */ { MAD_F(0x071ab3c9) /* 0.444019113 */, 17 },
+ /* 3748 */ { MAD_F(0x071b5977) /* 0.444177119 */, 17 },
+ /* 3749 */ { MAD_F(0x071bff2a) /* 0.444335140 */, 17 },
+ /* 3750 */ { MAD_F(0x071ca4e0) /* 0.444493175 */, 17 },
+ /* 3751 */ { MAD_F(0x071d4a9a) /* 0.444651224 */, 17 },
+ /* 3752 */ { MAD_F(0x071df058) /* 0.444809288 */, 17 },
+ /* 3753 */ { MAD_F(0x071e9619) /* 0.444967365 */, 17 },
+ /* 3754 */ { MAD_F(0x071f3bde) /* 0.445125456 */, 17 },
+ /* 3755 */ { MAD_F(0x071fe1a8) /* 0.445283561 */, 17 },
+ /* 3756 */ { MAD_F(0x07208774) /* 0.445441680 */, 17 },
+ /* 3757 */ { MAD_F(0x07212d45) /* 0.445599814 */, 17 },
+ /* 3758 */ { MAD_F(0x0721d319) /* 0.445757961 */, 17 },
+ /* 3759 */ { MAD_F(0x072278f1) /* 0.445916122 */, 17 },
+ /* 3760 */ { MAD_F(0x07231ecd) /* 0.446074298 */, 17 },
+ /* 3761 */ { MAD_F(0x0723c4ad) /* 0.446232487 */, 17 },
+ /* 3762 */ { MAD_F(0x07246a90) /* 0.446390690 */, 17 },
+ /* 3763 */ { MAD_F(0x07251077) /* 0.446548908 */, 17 },
+ /* 3764 */ { MAD_F(0x0725b662) /* 0.446707139 */, 17 },
+ /* 3765 */ { MAD_F(0x07265c51) /* 0.446865385 */, 17 },
+ /* 3766 */ { MAD_F(0x07270244) /* 0.447023644 */, 17 },
+ /* 3767 */ { MAD_F(0x0727a83a) /* 0.447181918 */, 17 },
+ /* 3768 */ { MAD_F(0x07284e34) /* 0.447340205 */, 17 },
+ /* 3769 */ { MAD_F(0x0728f431) /* 0.447498507 */, 17 },
+ /* 3770 */ { MAD_F(0x07299a33) /* 0.447656822 */, 17 },
+ /* 3771 */ { MAD_F(0x072a4038) /* 0.447815152 */, 17 },
+ /* 3772 */ { MAD_F(0x072ae641) /* 0.447973495 */, 17 },
+ /* 3773 */ { MAD_F(0x072b8c4e) /* 0.448131853 */, 17 },
+ /* 3774 */ { MAD_F(0x072c325e) /* 0.448290224 */, 17 },
+ /* 3775 */ { MAD_F(0x072cd873) /* 0.448448609 */, 17 },
+ /* 3776 */ { MAD_F(0x072d7e8b) /* 0.448607009 */, 17 },
+ /* 3777 */ { MAD_F(0x072e24a7) /* 0.448765422 */, 17 },
+ /* 3778 */ { MAD_F(0x072ecac6) /* 0.448923850 */, 17 },
+ /* 3779 */ { MAD_F(0x072f70e9) /* 0.449082291 */, 17 },
+ /* 3780 */ { MAD_F(0x07301710) /* 0.449240746 */, 17 },
+ /* 3781 */ { MAD_F(0x0730bd3b) /* 0.449399216 */, 17 },
+ /* 3782 */ { MAD_F(0x0731636a) /* 0.449557699 */, 17 },
+ /* 3783 */ { MAD_F(0x0732099c) /* 0.449716196 */, 17 },
+ /* 3784 */ { MAD_F(0x0732afd2) /* 0.449874708 */, 17 },
+ /* 3785 */ { MAD_F(0x0733560c) /* 0.450033233 */, 17 },
+ /* 3786 */ { MAD_F(0x0733fc49) /* 0.450191772 */, 17 },
+ /* 3787 */ { MAD_F(0x0734a28b) /* 0.450350325 */, 17 },
+ /* 3788 */ { MAD_F(0x073548d0) /* 0.450508892 */, 17 },
+ /* 3789 */ { MAD_F(0x0735ef18) /* 0.450667473 */, 17 },
+ /* 3790 */ { MAD_F(0x07369565) /* 0.450826068 */, 17 },
+ /* 3791 */ { MAD_F(0x07373bb5) /* 0.450984677 */, 17 },
+ /* 3792 */ { MAD_F(0x0737e209) /* 0.451143300 */, 17 },
+ /* 3793 */ { MAD_F(0x07388861) /* 0.451301937 */, 17 },
+ /* 3794 */ { MAD_F(0x07392ebc) /* 0.451460588 */, 17 },
+ /* 3795 */ { MAD_F(0x0739d51c) /* 0.451619252 */, 17 },
+ /* 3796 */ { MAD_F(0x073a7b7f) /* 0.451777931 */, 17 },
+ /* 3797 */ { MAD_F(0x073b21e5) /* 0.451936623 */, 17 },
+ /* 3798 */ { MAD_F(0x073bc850) /* 0.452095330 */, 17 },
+ /* 3799 */ { MAD_F(0x073c6ebe) /* 0.452254050 */, 17 },
+ /* 3800 */ { MAD_F(0x073d1530) /* 0.452412785 */, 17 },
+ /* 3801 */ { MAD_F(0x073dbba6) /* 0.452571533 */, 17 },
+ /* 3802 */ { MAD_F(0x073e621f) /* 0.452730295 */, 17 },
+ /* 3803 */ { MAD_F(0x073f089c) /* 0.452889071 */, 17 },
+ /* 3804 */ { MAD_F(0x073faf1d) /* 0.453047861 */, 17 },
+ /* 3805 */ { MAD_F(0x074055a2) /* 0.453206665 */, 17 },
+ /* 3806 */ { MAD_F(0x0740fc2a) /* 0.453365483 */, 17 },
+ /* 3807 */ { MAD_F(0x0741a2b6) /* 0.453524315 */, 17 },
+ /* 3808 */ { MAD_F(0x07424946) /* 0.453683161 */, 17 },
+ /* 3809 */ { MAD_F(0x0742efd9) /* 0.453842020 */, 17 },
+ /* 3810 */ { MAD_F(0x07439671) /* 0.454000894 */, 17 },
+ /* 3811 */ { MAD_F(0x07443d0c) /* 0.454159781 */, 17 },
+ /* 3812 */ { MAD_F(0x0744e3aa) /* 0.454318683 */, 17 },
+ /* 3813 */ { MAD_F(0x07458a4d) /* 0.454477598 */, 17 },
+ /* 3814 */ { MAD_F(0x074630f3) /* 0.454636527 */, 17 },
+ /* 3815 */ { MAD_F(0x0746d79d) /* 0.454795470 */, 17 },
+ /* 3816 */ { MAD_F(0x07477e4b) /* 0.454954427 */, 17 },
+ /* 3817 */ { MAD_F(0x074824fc) /* 0.455113397 */, 17 },
+ /* 3818 */ { MAD_F(0x0748cbb1) /* 0.455272382 */, 17 },
+ /* 3819 */ { MAD_F(0x0749726a) /* 0.455431381 */, 17 },
+ /* 3820 */ { MAD_F(0x074a1927) /* 0.455590393 */, 17 },
+ /* 3821 */ { MAD_F(0x074abfe7) /* 0.455749419 */, 17 },
+ /* 3822 */ { MAD_F(0x074b66ab) /* 0.455908459 */, 17 },
+ /* 3823 */ { MAD_F(0x074c0d73) /* 0.456067513 */, 17 },
+ /* 3824 */ { MAD_F(0x074cb43e) /* 0.456226581 */, 17 },
+ /* 3825 */ { MAD_F(0x074d5b0d) /* 0.456385663 */, 17 },
+ /* 3826 */ { MAD_F(0x074e01e0) /* 0.456544759 */, 17 },
+ /* 3827 */ { MAD_F(0x074ea8b7) /* 0.456703868 */, 17 },
+ /* 3828 */ { MAD_F(0x074f4f91) /* 0.456862992 */, 17 },
+ /* 3829 */ { MAD_F(0x074ff66f) /* 0.457022129 */, 17 },
+ /* 3830 */ { MAD_F(0x07509d51) /* 0.457181280 */, 17 },
+ /* 3831 */ { MAD_F(0x07514437) /* 0.457340445 */, 17 },
+ /* 3832 */ { MAD_F(0x0751eb20) /* 0.457499623 */, 17 },
+ /* 3833 */ { MAD_F(0x0752920d) /* 0.457658816 */, 17 },
+ /* 3834 */ { MAD_F(0x075338fd) /* 0.457818022 */, 17 },
+ /* 3835 */ { MAD_F(0x0753dff2) /* 0.457977243 */, 17 },
+ /* 3836 */ { MAD_F(0x075486ea) /* 0.458136477 */, 17 },
+ /* 3837 */ { MAD_F(0x07552de6) /* 0.458295725 */, 17 },
+ /* 3838 */ { MAD_F(0x0755d4e5) /* 0.458454987 */, 17 },
+ /* 3839 */ { MAD_F(0x07567be8) /* 0.458614262 */, 17 },
+ /* 3840 */ { MAD_F(0x075722ef) /* 0.458773552 */, 17 },
+ /* 3841 */ { MAD_F(0x0757c9fa) /* 0.458932855 */, 17 },
+ /* 3842 */ { MAD_F(0x07587108) /* 0.459092172 */, 17 },
+ /* 3843 */ { MAD_F(0x0759181a) /* 0.459251503 */, 17 },
+ /* 3844 */ { MAD_F(0x0759bf30) /* 0.459410848 */, 17 },
+ /* 3845 */ { MAD_F(0x075a664a) /* 0.459570206 */, 17 },
+ /* 3846 */ { MAD_F(0x075b0d67) /* 0.459729579 */, 17 },
+ /* 3847 */ { MAD_F(0x075bb488) /* 0.459888965 */, 17 },
+ /* 3848 */ { MAD_F(0x075c5bac) /* 0.460048365 */, 17 },
+ /* 3849 */ { MAD_F(0x075d02d5) /* 0.460207779 */, 17 },
+ /* 3850 */ { MAD_F(0x075daa01) /* 0.460367206 */, 17 },
+ /* 3851 */ { MAD_F(0x075e5130) /* 0.460526648 */, 17 },
+ /* 3852 */ { MAD_F(0x075ef864) /* 0.460686103 */, 17 },
+ /* 3853 */ { MAD_F(0x075f9f9b) /* 0.460845572 */, 17 },
+ /* 3854 */ { MAD_F(0x076046d6) /* 0.461005055 */, 17 },
+ /* 3855 */ { MAD_F(0x0760ee14) /* 0.461164552 */, 17 },
+ /* 3856 */ { MAD_F(0x07619557) /* 0.461324062 */, 17 },
+ /* 3857 */ { MAD_F(0x07623c9d) /* 0.461483586 */, 17 },
+ /* 3858 */ { MAD_F(0x0762e3e6) /* 0.461643124 */, 17 },
+ /* 3859 */ { MAD_F(0x07638b34) /* 0.461802676 */, 17 },
+ /* 3860 */ { MAD_F(0x07643285) /* 0.461962242 */, 17 },
+ /* 3861 */ { MAD_F(0x0764d9d9) /* 0.462121821 */, 17 },
+ /* 3862 */ { MAD_F(0x07658132) /* 0.462281414 */, 17 },
+ /* 3863 */ { MAD_F(0x0766288e) /* 0.462441021 */, 17 },
+ /* 3864 */ { MAD_F(0x0766cfee) /* 0.462600642 */, 17 },
+ /* 3865 */ { MAD_F(0x07677751) /* 0.462760276 */, 17 },
+ /* 3866 */ { MAD_F(0x07681eb9) /* 0.462919924 */, 17 },
+ /* 3867 */ { MAD_F(0x0768c624) /* 0.463079586 */, 17 },
+ /* 3868 */ { MAD_F(0x07696d92) /* 0.463239262 */, 17 },
+ /* 3869 */ { MAD_F(0x076a1505) /* 0.463398951 */, 17 },
+ /* 3870 */ { MAD_F(0x076abc7b) /* 0.463558655 */, 17 },
+ /* 3871 */ { MAD_F(0x076b63f4) /* 0.463718372 */, 17 },
+ /* 3872 */ { MAD_F(0x076c0b72) /* 0.463878102 */, 17 },
+ /* 3873 */ { MAD_F(0x076cb2f3) /* 0.464037847 */, 17 },
+ /* 3874 */ { MAD_F(0x076d5a78) /* 0.464197605 */, 17 },
+ /* 3875 */ { MAD_F(0x076e0200) /* 0.464357377 */, 17 },
+ /* 3876 */ { MAD_F(0x076ea98c) /* 0.464517163 */, 17 },
+ /* 3877 */ { MAD_F(0x076f511c) /* 0.464676962 */, 17 },
+ /* 3878 */ { MAD_F(0x076ff8b0) /* 0.464836776 */, 17 },
+ /* 3879 */ { MAD_F(0x0770a047) /* 0.464996603 */, 17 },
+ /* 3880 */ { MAD_F(0x077147e2) /* 0.465156443 */, 17 },
+ /* 3881 */ { MAD_F(0x0771ef80) /* 0.465316298 */, 17 },
+ /* 3882 */ { MAD_F(0x07729723) /* 0.465476166 */, 17 },
+ /* 3883 */ { MAD_F(0x07733ec9) /* 0.465636048 */, 17 },
+ /* 3884 */ { MAD_F(0x0773e672) /* 0.465795943 */, 17 },
+ /* 3885 */ { MAD_F(0x07748e20) /* 0.465955853 */, 17 },
+ /* 3886 */ { MAD_F(0x077535d1) /* 0.466115776 */, 17 },
+ /* 3887 */ { MAD_F(0x0775dd85) /* 0.466275713 */, 17 },
+ /* 3888 */ { MAD_F(0x0776853e) /* 0.466435663 */, 17 },
+ /* 3889 */ { MAD_F(0x07772cfa) /* 0.466595627 */, 17 },
+ /* 3890 */ { MAD_F(0x0777d4ba) /* 0.466755605 */, 17 },
+ /* 3891 */ { MAD_F(0x07787c7d) /* 0.466915597 */, 17 },
+ /* 3892 */ { MAD_F(0x07792444) /* 0.467075602 */, 17 },
+ /* 3893 */ { MAD_F(0x0779cc0f) /* 0.467235621 */, 17 },
+ /* 3894 */ { MAD_F(0x077a73dd) /* 0.467395654 */, 17 },
+ /* 3895 */ { MAD_F(0x077b1baf) /* 0.467555701 */, 17 },
+ /* 3896 */ { MAD_F(0x077bc385) /* 0.467715761 */, 17 },
+ /* 3897 */ { MAD_F(0x077c6b5f) /* 0.467875835 */, 17 },
+ /* 3898 */ { MAD_F(0x077d133c) /* 0.468035922 */, 17 },
+ /* 3899 */ { MAD_F(0x077dbb1d) /* 0.468196023 */, 17 },
+ /* 3900 */ { MAD_F(0x077e6301) /* 0.468356138 */, 17 },
+ /* 3901 */ { MAD_F(0x077f0ae9) /* 0.468516267 */, 17 },
+ /* 3902 */ { MAD_F(0x077fb2d5) /* 0.468676409 */, 17 },
+ /* 3903 */ { MAD_F(0x07805ac5) /* 0.468836565 */, 17 },
+ /* 3904 */ { MAD_F(0x078102b8) /* 0.468996735 */, 17 },
+ /* 3905 */ { MAD_F(0x0781aaaf) /* 0.469156918 */, 17 },
+ /* 3906 */ { MAD_F(0x078252aa) /* 0.469317115 */, 17 },
+ /* 3907 */ { MAD_F(0x0782faa8) /* 0.469477326 */, 17 },
+ /* 3908 */ { MAD_F(0x0783a2aa) /* 0.469637550 */, 17 },
+ /* 3909 */ { MAD_F(0x07844aaf) /* 0.469797788 */, 17 },
+ /* 3910 */ { MAD_F(0x0784f2b8) /* 0.469958040 */, 17 },
+ /* 3911 */ { MAD_F(0x07859ac5) /* 0.470118305 */, 17 },
+ /* 3912 */ { MAD_F(0x078642d6) /* 0.470278584 */, 17 },
+ /* 3913 */ { MAD_F(0x0786eaea) /* 0.470438877 */, 17 },
+ /* 3914 */ { MAD_F(0x07879302) /* 0.470599183 */, 17 },
+ /* 3915 */ { MAD_F(0x07883b1e) /* 0.470759503 */, 17 },
+ /* 3916 */ { MAD_F(0x0788e33d) /* 0.470919836 */, 17 },
+ /* 3917 */ { MAD_F(0x07898b60) /* 0.471080184 */, 17 },
+ /* 3918 */ { MAD_F(0x078a3386) /* 0.471240545 */, 17 },
+ /* 3919 */ { MAD_F(0x078adbb0) /* 0.471400919 */, 17 },
+ /* 3920 */ { MAD_F(0x078b83de) /* 0.471561307 */, 17 },
+ /* 3921 */ { MAD_F(0x078c2c10) /* 0.471721709 */, 17 },
+ /* 3922 */ { MAD_F(0x078cd445) /* 0.471882125 */, 17 },
+ /* 3923 */ { MAD_F(0x078d7c7e) /* 0.472042554 */, 17 },
+ /* 3924 */ { MAD_F(0x078e24ba) /* 0.472202996 */, 17 },
+ /* 3925 */ { MAD_F(0x078eccfb) /* 0.472363453 */, 17 },
+ /* 3926 */ { MAD_F(0x078f753e) /* 0.472523923 */, 17 },
+ /* 3927 */ { MAD_F(0x07901d86) /* 0.472684406 */, 17 },
+ /* 3928 */ { MAD_F(0x0790c5d1) /* 0.472844904 */, 17 },
+ /* 3929 */ { MAD_F(0x07916e20) /* 0.473005414 */, 17 },
+ /* 3930 */ { MAD_F(0x07921672) /* 0.473165939 */, 17 },
+ /* 3931 */ { MAD_F(0x0792bec8) /* 0.473326477 */, 17 },
+ /* 3932 */ { MAD_F(0x07936722) /* 0.473487029 */, 17 },
+ /* 3933 */ { MAD_F(0x07940f80) /* 0.473647594 */, 17 },
+ /* 3934 */ { MAD_F(0x0794b7e1) /* 0.473808173 */, 17 },
+ /* 3935 */ { MAD_F(0x07956045) /* 0.473968765 */, 17 },
+ /* 3936 */ { MAD_F(0x079608ae) /* 0.474129372 */, 17 },
+ /* 3937 */ { MAD_F(0x0796b11a) /* 0.474289991 */, 17 },
+ /* 3938 */ { MAD_F(0x0797598a) /* 0.474450625 */, 17 },
+ /* 3939 */ { MAD_F(0x079801fd) /* 0.474611272 */, 17 },
+ /* 3940 */ { MAD_F(0x0798aa74) /* 0.474771932 */, 17 },
+ /* 3941 */ { MAD_F(0x079952ee) /* 0.474932606 */, 17 },
+ /* 3942 */ { MAD_F(0x0799fb6d) /* 0.475093294 */, 17 },
+ /* 3943 */ { MAD_F(0x079aa3ef) /* 0.475253995 */, 17 },
+ /* 3944 */ { MAD_F(0x079b4c74) /* 0.475414710 */, 17 },
+ /* 3945 */ { MAD_F(0x079bf4fd) /* 0.475575439 */, 17 },
+ /* 3946 */ { MAD_F(0x079c9d8a) /* 0.475736181 */, 17 },
+ /* 3947 */ { MAD_F(0x079d461b) /* 0.475896936 */, 17 },
+ /* 3948 */ { MAD_F(0x079deeaf) /* 0.476057705 */, 17 },
+ /* 3949 */ { MAD_F(0x079e9747) /* 0.476218488 */, 17 },
+ /* 3950 */ { MAD_F(0x079f3fe2) /* 0.476379285 */, 17 },
+ /* 3951 */ { MAD_F(0x079fe881) /* 0.476540095 */, 17 },
+ /* 3952 */ { MAD_F(0x07a09124) /* 0.476700918 */, 17 },
+ /* 3953 */ { MAD_F(0x07a139ca) /* 0.476861755 */, 17 },
+ /* 3954 */ { MAD_F(0x07a1e274) /* 0.477022606 */, 17 },
+ /* 3955 */ { MAD_F(0x07a28b22) /* 0.477183470 */, 17 },
+ /* 3956 */ { MAD_F(0x07a333d3) /* 0.477344348 */, 17 },
+ /* 3957 */ { MAD_F(0x07a3dc88) /* 0.477505239 */, 17 },
+ /* 3958 */ { MAD_F(0x07a48541) /* 0.477666144 */, 17 },
+ /* 3959 */ { MAD_F(0x07a52dfd) /* 0.477827062 */, 17 },
+ /* 3960 */ { MAD_F(0x07a5d6bd) /* 0.477987994 */, 17 },
+ /* 3961 */ { MAD_F(0x07a67f80) /* 0.478148940 */, 17 },
+ /* 3962 */ { MAD_F(0x07a72847) /* 0.478309899 */, 17 },
+ /* 3963 */ { MAD_F(0x07a7d112) /* 0.478470871 */, 17 },
+ /* 3964 */ { MAD_F(0x07a879e1) /* 0.478631857 */, 17 },
+ /* 3965 */ { MAD_F(0x07a922b3) /* 0.478792857 */, 17 },
+ /* 3966 */ { MAD_F(0x07a9cb88) /* 0.478953870 */, 17 },
+ /* 3967 */ { MAD_F(0x07aa7462) /* 0.479114897 */, 17 },
+ /* 3968 */ { MAD_F(0x07ab1d3e) /* 0.479275937 */, 17 },
+ /* 3969 */ { MAD_F(0x07abc61f) /* 0.479436991 */, 17 },
+ /* 3970 */ { MAD_F(0x07ac6f03) /* 0.479598058 */, 17 },
+ /* 3971 */ { MAD_F(0x07ad17eb) /* 0.479759139 */, 17 },
+ /* 3972 */ { MAD_F(0x07adc0d6) /* 0.479920233 */, 17 },
+ /* 3973 */ { MAD_F(0x07ae69c6) /* 0.480081341 */, 17 },
+ /* 3974 */ { MAD_F(0x07af12b8) /* 0.480242463 */, 17 },
+ /* 3975 */ { MAD_F(0x07afbbaf) /* 0.480403598 */, 17 },
+ /* 3976 */ { MAD_F(0x07b064a8) /* 0.480564746 */, 17 },
+ /* 3977 */ { MAD_F(0x07b10da6) /* 0.480725908 */, 17 },
+ /* 3978 */ { MAD_F(0x07b1b6a7) /* 0.480887083 */, 17 },
+ /* 3979 */ { MAD_F(0x07b25fac) /* 0.481048272 */, 17 },
+ /* 3980 */ { MAD_F(0x07b308b5) /* 0.481209475 */, 17 },
+ /* 3981 */ { MAD_F(0x07b3b1c1) /* 0.481370691 */, 17 },
+ /* 3982 */ { MAD_F(0x07b45ad0) /* 0.481531920 */, 17 },
+ /* 3983 */ { MAD_F(0x07b503e4) /* 0.481693163 */, 17 },
+ /* 3984 */ { MAD_F(0x07b5acfb) /* 0.481854420 */, 17 },
+ /* 3985 */ { MAD_F(0x07b65615) /* 0.482015690 */, 17 },
+ /* 3986 */ { MAD_F(0x07b6ff33) /* 0.482176973 */, 17 },
+ /* 3987 */ { MAD_F(0x07b7a855) /* 0.482338270 */, 17 },
+ /* 3988 */ { MAD_F(0x07b8517b) /* 0.482499580 */, 17 },
+ /* 3989 */ { MAD_F(0x07b8faa4) /* 0.482660904 */, 17 },
+ /* 3990 */ { MAD_F(0x07b9a3d0) /* 0.482822242 */, 17 },
+ /* 3991 */ { MAD_F(0x07ba4d01) /* 0.482983592 */, 17 },
+ /* 3992 */ { MAD_F(0x07baf635) /* 0.483144957 */, 17 },
+ /* 3993 */ { MAD_F(0x07bb9f6c) /* 0.483306335 */, 17 },
+ /* 3994 */ { MAD_F(0x07bc48a7) /* 0.483467726 */, 17 },
+ /* 3995 */ { MAD_F(0x07bcf1e6) /* 0.483629131 */, 17 },
+ /* 3996 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd9b28) /* 0.483790549 */, 17 },
+ /* 3997 */ { MAD_F(0x07be446e) /* 0.483951980 */, 17 },
+ /* 3998 */ { MAD_F(0x07beedb8) /* 0.484113426 */, 17 },
+ /* 3999 */ { MAD_F(0x07bf9705) /* 0.484274884 */, 17 },
+ /* 4000 */ { MAD_F(0x07c04056) /* 0.484436356 */, 17 },
+ /* 4001 */ { MAD_F(0x07c0e9aa) /* 0.484597842 */, 17 },
+ /* 4002 */ { MAD_F(0x07c19302) /* 0.484759341 */, 17 },
+ /* 4003 */ { MAD_F(0x07c23c5e) /* 0.484920853 */, 17 },
+ /* 4004 */ { MAD_F(0x07c2e5bd) /* 0.485082379 */, 17 },
+ /* 4005 */ { MAD_F(0x07c38f20) /* 0.485243918 */, 17 },
+ /* 4006 */ { MAD_F(0x07c43887) /* 0.485405471 */, 17 },
+ /* 4007 */ { MAD_F(0x07c4e1f1) /* 0.485567037 */, 17 },
+ /* 4008 */ { MAD_F(0x07c58b5f) /* 0.485728617 */, 17 },
+ /* 4009 */ { MAD_F(0x07c634d0) /* 0.485890210 */, 17 },
+ /* 4010 */ { MAD_F(0x07c6de45) /* 0.486051817 */, 17 },
+ /* 4011 */ { MAD_F(0x07c787bd) /* 0.486213436 */, 17 },
+ /* 4012 */ { MAD_F(0x07c83139) /* 0.486375070 */, 17 },
+ /* 4013 */ { MAD_F(0x07c8dab9) /* 0.486536717 */, 17 },
+ /* 4014 */ { MAD_F(0x07c9843c) /* 0.486698377 */, 17 },
+ /* 4015 */ { MAD_F(0x07ca2dc3) /* 0.486860051 */, 17 },
+ /* 4016 */ { MAD_F(0x07cad74e) /* 0.487021738 */, 17 },
+ /* 4017 */ { MAD_F(0x07cb80dc) /* 0.487183438 */, 17 },
+ /* 4018 */ { MAD_F(0x07cc2a6e) /* 0.487345152 */, 17 },
+ /* 4019 */ { MAD_F(0x07ccd403) /* 0.487506879 */, 17 },
+ /* 4020 */ { MAD_F(0x07cd7d9c) /* 0.487668620 */, 17 },
+ /* 4021 */ { MAD_F(0x07ce2739) /* 0.487830374 */, 17 },
+ /* 4022 */ { MAD_F(0x07ced0d9) /* 0.487992142 */, 17 },
+ /* 4023 */ { MAD_F(0x07cf7a7d) /* 0.488153923 */, 17 },
+ /* 4024 */ { MAD_F(0x07d02424) /* 0.488315717 */, 17 },
+ /* 4025 */ { MAD_F(0x07d0cdcf) /* 0.488477525 */, 17 },
+ /* 4026 */ { MAD_F(0x07d1777e) /* 0.488639346 */, 17 },
+ /* 4027 */ { MAD_F(0x07d22130) /* 0.488801181 */, 17 },
+ /* 4028 */ { MAD_F(0x07d2cae5) /* 0.488963029 */, 17 },
+ /* 4029 */ { MAD_F(0x07d3749f) /* 0.489124890 */, 17 },
+ /* 4030 */ { MAD_F(0x07d41e5c) /* 0.489286765 */, 17 },
+ /* 4031 */ { MAD_F(0x07d4c81c) /* 0.489448653 */, 17 },
+ /* 4032 */ { MAD_F(0x07d571e0) /* 0.489610555 */, 17 },
+ /* 4033 */ { MAD_F(0x07d61ba8) /* 0.489772470 */, 17 },
+ /* 4034 */ { MAD_F(0x07d6c573) /* 0.489934398 */, 17 },
+ /* 4035 */ { MAD_F(0x07d76f42) /* 0.490096340 */, 17 },
+ /* 4036 */ { MAD_F(0x07d81915) /* 0.490258295 */, 17 },
+ /* 4037 */ { MAD_F(0x07d8c2eb) /* 0.490420263 */, 17 },
+ /* 4038 */ { MAD_F(0x07d96cc4) /* 0.490582245 */, 17 },
+ /* 4039 */ { MAD_F(0x07da16a2) /* 0.490744240 */, 17 },
+ /* 4040 */ { MAD_F(0x07dac083) /* 0.490906249 */, 17 },
+ /* 4041 */ { MAD_F(0x07db6a67) /* 0.491068271 */, 17 },
+ /* 4042 */ { MAD_F(0x07dc144f) /* 0.491230306 */, 17 },
+ /* 4043 */ { MAD_F(0x07dcbe3b) /* 0.491392355 */, 17 },
+ /* 4044 */ { MAD_F(0x07dd682a) /* 0.491554417 */, 17 },
+ /* 4045 */ { MAD_F(0x07de121d) /* 0.491716492 */, 17 },
+ /* 4046 */ { MAD_F(0x07debc13) /* 0.491878581 */, 17 },
+ /* 4047 */ { MAD_F(0x07df660d) /* 0.492040683 */, 17 },
+ /* 4048 */ { MAD_F(0x07e0100a) /* 0.492202799 */, 17 },
+ /* 4049 */ { MAD_F(0x07e0ba0c) /* 0.492364928 */, 17 },
+ /* 4050 */ { MAD_F(0x07e16410) /* 0.492527070 */, 17 },
+ /* 4051 */ { MAD_F(0x07e20e19) /* 0.492689225 */, 17 },
+ /* 4052 */ { MAD_F(0x07e2b824) /* 0.492851394 */, 17 },
+ /* 4053 */ { MAD_F(0x07e36234) /* 0.493013576 */, 17 },
+ /* 4054 */ { MAD_F(0x07e40c47) /* 0.493175772 */, 17 },
+ /* 4055 */ { MAD_F(0x07e4b65e) /* 0.493337981 */, 17 },
+ /* 4056 */ { MAD_F(0x07e56078) /* 0.493500203 */, 17 },
+ /* 4057 */ { MAD_F(0x07e60a95) /* 0.493662438 */, 17 },
+ /* 4058 */ { MAD_F(0x07e6b4b7) /* 0.493824687 */, 17 },
+ /* 4059 */ { MAD_F(0x07e75edc) /* 0.493986949 */, 17 },
+ /* 4060 */ { MAD_F(0x07e80904) /* 0.494149225 */, 17 },
+ /* 4061 */ { MAD_F(0x07e8b330) /* 0.494311514 */, 17 },
+ /* 4062 */ { MAD_F(0x07e95d60) /* 0.494473816 */, 17 },
+ /* 4063 */ { MAD_F(0x07ea0793) /* 0.494636131 */, 17 },
+ /* 4064 */ { MAD_F(0x07eab1ca) /* 0.494798460 */, 17 },
+ /* 4065 */ { MAD_F(0x07eb5c04) /* 0.494960802 */, 17 },
+ /* 4066 */ { MAD_F(0x07ec0642) /* 0.495123158 */, 17 },
+ /* 4067 */ { MAD_F(0x07ecb084) /* 0.495285526 */, 17 },
+ /* 4068 */ { MAD_F(0x07ed5ac9) /* 0.495447908 */, 17 },
+ /* 4069 */ { MAD_F(0x07ee0512) /* 0.495610304 */, 17 },
+ /* 4070 */ { MAD_F(0x07eeaf5e) /* 0.495772712 */, 17 },
+ /* 4071 */ { MAD_F(0x07ef59ae) /* 0.495935134 */, 17 },
+ /* 4072 */ { MAD_F(0x07f00401) /* 0.496097570 */, 17 },
+ /* 4073 */ { MAD_F(0x07f0ae58) /* 0.496260018 */, 17 },
+ /* 4074 */ { MAD_F(0x07f158b3) /* 0.496422480 */, 17 },
+ /* 4075 */ { MAD_F(0x07f20311) /* 0.496584955 */, 17 },
+ /* 4076 */ { MAD_F(0x07f2ad72) /* 0.496747444 */, 17 },
+ /* 4077 */ { MAD_F(0x07f357d8) /* 0.496909945 */, 17 },
+ /* 4078 */ { MAD_F(0x07f40240) /* 0.497072460 */, 17 },
+ /* 4079 */ { MAD_F(0x07f4acad) /* 0.497234989 */, 17 },
+ /* 4080 */ { MAD_F(0x07f5571d) /* 0.497397530 */, 17 },
+ /* 4081 */ { MAD_F(0x07f60190) /* 0.497560085 */, 17 },
+ /* 4082 */ { MAD_F(0x07f6ac07) /* 0.497722653 */, 17 },
+ /* 4083 */ { MAD_F(0x07f75682) /* 0.497885235 */, 17 },
+ /* 4084 */ { MAD_F(0x07f80100) /* 0.498047829 */, 17 },
+ /* 4085 */ { MAD_F(0x07f8ab82) /* 0.498210437 */, 17 },
+ /* 4086 */ { MAD_F(0x07f95607) /* 0.498373058 */, 17 },
+ /* 4087 */ { MAD_F(0x07fa0090) /* 0.498535693 */, 17 },
+ /* 4088 */ { MAD_F(0x07faab1c) /* 0.498698341 */, 17 },
+ /* 4089 */ { MAD_F(0x07fb55ac) /* 0.498861002 */, 17 },
+ /* 4090 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc0040) /* 0.499023676 */, 17 },
+ /* 4091 */ { MAD_F(0x07fcaad7) /* 0.499186364 */, 17 },
+ /* 4092 */ { MAD_F(0x07fd5572) /* 0.499349064 */, 17 },
+ /* 4093 */ { MAD_F(0x07fe0010) /* 0.499511778 */, 17 },
+ /* 4094 */ { MAD_F(0x07feaab2) /* 0.499674506 */, 17 },
+ /* 4095 */ { MAD_F(0x07ff5557) /* 0.499837246 */, 17 },
+ /* 4096 */ { MAD_F(0x04000000) /* 0.250000000 */, 18 },
+ /* 4097 */ { MAD_F(0x04005556) /* 0.250081384 */, 18 },
+ /* 4098 */ { MAD_F(0x0400aaae) /* 0.250162774 */, 18 },
+ /* 4099 */ { MAD_F(0x04010008) /* 0.250244170 */, 18 },
+ /* 4100 */ { MAD_F(0x04015563) /* 0.250325574 */, 18 },
+ /* 4101 */ { MAD_F(0x0401aac1) /* 0.250406984 */, 18 },
+ /* 4102 */ { MAD_F(0x04020020) /* 0.250488400 */, 18 },
+ /* 4103 */ { MAD_F(0x04025581) /* 0.250569824 */, 18 },
+ /* 4104 */ { MAD_F(0x0402aae3) /* 0.250651254 */, 18 },
+ /* 4105 */ { MAD_F(0x04030048) /* 0.250732690 */, 18 },
+ /* 4106 */ { MAD_F(0x040355ae) /* 0.250814133 */, 18 },
+ /* 4107 */ { MAD_F(0x0403ab16) /* 0.250895583 */, 18 },
+ /* 4108 */ { MAD_F(0x04040080) /* 0.250977039 */, 18 },
+ /* 4109 */ { MAD_F(0x040455eb) /* 0.251058502 */, 18 },
+ /* 4110 */ { MAD_F(0x0404ab59) /* 0.251139971 */, 18 },
+ /* 4111 */ { MAD_F(0x040500c8) /* 0.251221448 */, 18 },
+ /* 4112 */ { MAD_F(0x04055638) /* 0.251302930 */, 18 },
+ /* 4113 */ { MAD_F(0x0405abab) /* 0.251384420 */, 18 },
+ /* 4114 */ { MAD_F(0x0406011f) /* 0.251465916 */, 18 },
+ /* 4115 */ { MAD_F(0x04065696) /* 0.251547418 */, 18 },
+ /* 4116 */ { MAD_F(0x0406ac0e) /* 0.251628927 */, 18 },
+ /* 4117 */ { MAD_F(0x04070187) /* 0.251710443 */, 18 },
+ /* 4118 */ { MAD_F(0x04075703) /* 0.251791965 */, 18 },
+ /* 4119 */ { MAD_F(0x0407ac80) /* 0.251873494 */, 18 },
+ /* 4120 */ { MAD_F(0x040801ff) /* 0.251955030 */, 18 },
+ /* 4121 */ { MAD_F(0x04085780) /* 0.252036572 */, 18 },
+ /* 4122 */ { MAD_F(0x0408ad02) /* 0.252118121 */, 18 },
+ /* 4123 */ { MAD_F(0x04090287) /* 0.252199676 */, 18 },
+ /* 4124 */ { MAD_F(0x0409580d) /* 0.252281238 */, 18 },
+ /* 4125 */ { MAD_F(0x0409ad95) /* 0.252362807 */, 18 },
+ /* 4126 */ { MAD_F(0x040a031e) /* 0.252444382 */, 18 },
+ /* 4127 */ { MAD_F(0x040a58aa) /* 0.252525963 */, 18 },
+ /* 4128 */ { MAD_F(0x040aae37) /* 0.252607552 */, 18 },
+ /* 4129 */ { MAD_F(0x040b03c6) /* 0.252689147 */, 18 },
+ /* 4130 */ { MAD_F(0x040b5957) /* 0.252770748 */, 18 },
+ /* 4131 */ { MAD_F(0x040baee9) /* 0.252852356 */, 18 },
+ /* 4132 */ { MAD_F(0x040c047e) /* 0.252933971 */, 18 },
+ /* 4133 */ { MAD_F(0x040c5a14) /* 0.253015592 */, 18 },
+ /* 4134 */ { MAD_F(0x040cafab) /* 0.253097220 */, 18 },
+ /* 4135 */ { MAD_F(0x040d0545) /* 0.253178854 */, 18 },
+ /* 4136 */ { MAD_F(0x040d5ae0) /* 0.253260495 */, 18 },
+ /* 4137 */ { MAD_F(0x040db07d) /* 0.253342143 */, 18 },
+ /* 4138 */ { MAD_F(0x040e061c) /* 0.253423797 */, 18 },
+ /* 4139 */ { MAD_F(0x040e5bbd) /* 0.253505457 */, 18 },
+ /* 4140 */ { MAD_F(0x040eb15f) /* 0.253587125 */, 18 },
+ /* 4141 */ { MAD_F(0x040f0703) /* 0.253668799 */, 18 },
+ /* 4142 */ { MAD_F(0x040f5ca9) /* 0.253750479 */, 18 },
+ /* 4143 */ { MAD_F(0x040fb251) /* 0.253832166 */, 18 },
+ /* 4144 */ { MAD_F(0x041007fa) /* 0.253913860 */, 18 },
+ /* 4145 */ { MAD_F(0x04105da6) /* 0.253995560 */, 18 },
+ /* 4146 */ { MAD_F(0x0410b353) /* 0.254077266 */, 18 },
+ /* 4147 */ { MAD_F(0x04110901) /* 0.254158980 */, 18 },
+ /* 4148 */ { MAD_F(0x04115eb2) /* 0.254240700 */, 18 },
+ /* 4149 */ { MAD_F(0x0411b464) /* 0.254322426 */, 18 },
+ /* 4150 */ { MAD_F(0x04120a18) /* 0.254404159 */, 18 },
+ /* 4151 */ { MAD_F(0x04125fce) /* 0.254485899 */, 18 },
+ /* 4152 */ { MAD_F(0x0412b586) /* 0.254567645 */, 18 },
+ /* 4153 */ { MAD_F(0x04130b3f) /* 0.254649397 */, 18 },
+ /* 4154 */ { MAD_F(0x041360fa) /* 0.254731157 */, 18 },
+ /* 4155 */ { MAD_F(0x0413b6b7) /* 0.254812922 */, 18 },
+ /* 4156 */ { MAD_F(0x04140c75) /* 0.254894695 */, 18 },
+ /* 4157 */ { MAD_F(0x04146236) /* 0.254976474 */, 18 },
+ /* 4158 */ { MAD_F(0x0414b7f8) /* 0.255058259 */, 18 },
+ /* 4159 */ { MAD_F(0x04150dbc) /* 0.255140051 */, 18 },
+ /* 4160 */ { MAD_F(0x04156381) /* 0.255221850 */, 18 },
+ /* 4161 */ { MAD_F(0x0415b949) /* 0.255303655 */, 18 },
+ /* 4162 */ { MAD_F(0x04160f12) /* 0.255385467 */, 18 },
+ /* 4163 */ { MAD_F(0x041664dd) /* 0.255467285 */, 18 },
+ /* 4164 */ { MAD_F(0x0416baaa) /* 0.255549110 */, 18 },
+ /* 4165 */ { MAD_F(0x04171078) /* 0.255630941 */, 18 },
+ /* 4166 */ { MAD_F(0x04176648) /* 0.255712779 */, 18 },
+ /* 4167 */ { MAD_F(0x0417bc1a) /* 0.255794624 */, 18 },
+ /* 4168 */ { MAD_F(0x041811ee) /* 0.255876475 */, 18 },
+ /* 4169 */ { MAD_F(0x041867c3) /* 0.255958332 */, 18 },
+ /* 4170 */ { MAD_F(0x0418bd9b) /* 0.256040196 */, 18 },
+ /* 4171 */ { MAD_F(0x04191374) /* 0.256122067 */, 18 },
+ /* 4172 */ { MAD_F(0x0419694e) /* 0.256203944 */, 18 },
+ /* 4173 */ { MAD_F(0x0419bf2b) /* 0.256285828 */, 18 },
+ /* 4174 */ { MAD_F(0x041a1509) /* 0.256367718 */, 18 },
+ /* 4175 */ { MAD_F(0x041a6ae9) /* 0.256449615 */, 18 },
+ /* 4176 */ { MAD_F(0x041ac0cb) /* 0.256531518 */, 18 },
+ /* 4177 */ { MAD_F(0x041b16ae) /* 0.256613428 */, 18 },
+ /* 4178 */ { MAD_F(0x041b6c94) /* 0.256695344 */, 18 },
+ /* 4179 */ { MAD_F(0x041bc27b) /* 0.256777267 */, 18 },
+ /* 4180 */ { MAD_F(0x041c1863) /* 0.256859197 */, 18 },
+ /* 4181 */ { MAD_F(0x041c6e4e) /* 0.256941133 */, 18 },
+ /* 4182 */ { MAD_F(0x041cc43a) /* 0.257023076 */, 18 },
+ /* 4183 */ { MAD_F(0x041d1a28) /* 0.257105025 */, 18 },
+ /* 4184 */ { MAD_F(0x041d7018) /* 0.257186980 */, 18 },
+ /* 4185 */ { MAD_F(0x041dc60a) /* 0.257268942 */, 18 },
+ /* 4186 */ { MAD_F(0x041e1bfd) /* 0.257350911 */, 18 },
+ /* 4187 */ { MAD_F(0x041e71f2) /* 0.257432886 */, 18 },
+ /* 4188 */ { MAD_F(0x041ec7e9) /* 0.257514868 */, 18 },
+ /* 4189 */ { MAD_F(0x041f1de1) /* 0.257596856 */, 18 },
+ /* 4190 */ { MAD_F(0x041f73dc) /* 0.257678851 */, 18 },
+ /* 4191 */ { MAD_F(0x041fc9d8) /* 0.257760852 */, 18 },
+ /* 4192 */ { MAD_F(0x04201fd5) /* 0.257842860 */, 18 },
+ /* 4193 */ { MAD_F(0x042075d5) /* 0.257924875 */, 18 },
+ /* 4194 */ { MAD_F(0x0420cbd6) /* 0.258006895 */, 18 },
+ /* 4195 */ { MAD_F(0x042121d9) /* 0.258088923 */, 18 },
+ /* 4196 */ { MAD_F(0x042177de) /* 0.258170957 */, 18 },
+ /* 4197 */ { MAD_F(0x0421cde5) /* 0.258252997 */, 18 },
+ /* 4198 */ { MAD_F(0x042223ed) /* 0.258335044 */, 18 },
+ /* 4199 */ { MAD_F(0x042279f7) /* 0.258417097 */, 18 },
+ /* 4200 */ { MAD_F(0x0422d003) /* 0.258499157 */, 18 },
+ /* 4201 */ { MAD_F(0x04232611) /* 0.258581224 */, 18 },
+ /* 4202 */ { MAD_F(0x04237c20) /* 0.258663297 */, 18 },
+ /* 4203 */ { MAD_F(0x0423d231) /* 0.258745376 */, 18 },
+ /* 4204 */ { MAD_F(0x04242844) /* 0.258827462 */, 18 },
+ /* 4205 */ { MAD_F(0x04247e58) /* 0.258909555 */, 18 },
+ /* 4206 */ { MAD_F(0x0424d46e) /* 0.258991654 */, 18 },
+ /* 4207 */ { MAD_F(0x04252a87) /* 0.259073760 */, 18 },
+ /* 4208 */ { MAD_F(0x042580a0) /* 0.259155872 */, 18 },
+ /* 4209 */ { MAD_F(0x0425d6bc) /* 0.259237990 */, 18 },
+ /* 4210 */ { MAD_F(0x04262cd9) /* 0.259320115 */, 18 },
+ /* 4211 */ { MAD_F(0x042682f8) /* 0.259402247 */, 18 },
+ /* 4212 */ { MAD_F(0x0426d919) /* 0.259484385 */, 18 },
+ /* 4213 */ { MAD_F(0x04272f3b) /* 0.259566529 */, 18 },
+ /* 4214 */ { MAD_F(0x04278560) /* 0.259648680 */, 18 },
+ /* 4215 */ { MAD_F(0x0427db86) /* 0.259730838 */, 18 },
+ /* 4216 */ { MAD_F(0x042831ad) /* 0.259813002 */, 18 },
+ /* 4217 */ { MAD_F(0x042887d7) /* 0.259895173 */, 18 },
+ /* 4218 */ { MAD_F(0x0428de02) /* 0.259977350 */, 18 },
+ /* 4219 */ { MAD_F(0x0429342f) /* 0.260059533 */, 18 },
+ /* 4220 */ { MAD_F(0x04298a5e) /* 0.260141723 */, 18 },
+ /* 4221 */ { MAD_F(0x0429e08e) /* 0.260223920 */, 18 },
+ /* 4222 */ { MAD_F(0x042a36c0) /* 0.260306123 */, 18 },
+ /* 4223 */ { MAD_F(0x042a8cf4) /* 0.260388332 */, 18 },
+ /* 4224 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae32a) /* 0.260470548 */, 18 },
+ /* 4225 */ { MAD_F(0x042b3962) /* 0.260552771 */, 18 },
+ /* 4226 */ { MAD_F(0x042b8f9b) /* 0.260635000 */, 18 },
+ /* 4227 */ { MAD_F(0x042be5d6) /* 0.260717235 */, 18 },
+ /* 4228 */ { MAD_F(0x042c3c12) /* 0.260799477 */, 18 },
+ /* 4229 */ { MAD_F(0x042c9251) /* 0.260881725 */, 18 },
+ /* 4230 */ { MAD_F(0x042ce891) /* 0.260963980 */, 18 },
+ /* 4231 */ { MAD_F(0x042d3ed3) /* 0.261046242 */, 18 },
+ /* 4232 */ { MAD_F(0x042d9516) /* 0.261128510 */, 18 },
+ /* 4233 */ { MAD_F(0x042deb5c) /* 0.261210784 */, 18 },
+ /* 4234 */ { MAD_F(0x042e41a3) /* 0.261293065 */, 18 },
+ /* 4235 */ { MAD_F(0x042e97ec) /* 0.261375352 */, 18 },
+ /* 4236 */ { MAD_F(0x042eee36) /* 0.261457646 */, 18 },
+ /* 4237 */ { MAD_F(0x042f4482) /* 0.261539946 */, 18 },
+ /* 4238 */ { MAD_F(0x042f9ad1) /* 0.261622253 */, 18 },
+ /* 4239 */ { MAD_F(0x042ff120) /* 0.261704566 */, 18 },
+ /* 4240 */ { MAD_F(0x04304772) /* 0.261786886 */, 18 },
+ /* 4241 */ { MAD_F(0x04309dc5) /* 0.261869212 */, 18 },
+ /* 4242 */ { MAD_F(0x0430f41a) /* 0.261951545 */, 18 },
+ /* 4243 */ { MAD_F(0x04314a71) /* 0.262033884 */, 18 },
+ /* 4244 */ { MAD_F(0x0431a0c9) /* 0.262116229 */, 18 },
+ /* 4245 */ { MAD_F(0x0431f723) /* 0.262198581 */, 18 },
+ /* 4246 */ { MAD_F(0x04324d7f) /* 0.262280940 */, 18 },
+ /* 4247 */ { MAD_F(0x0432a3dd) /* 0.262363305 */, 18 },
+ /* 4248 */ { MAD_F(0x0432fa3d) /* 0.262445676 */, 18 },
+ /* 4249 */ { MAD_F(0x0433509e) /* 0.262528054 */, 18 },
+ /* 4250 */ { MAD_F(0x0433a701) /* 0.262610438 */, 18 },
+ /* 4251 */ { MAD_F(0x0433fd65) /* 0.262692829 */, 18 },
+ /* 4252 */ { MAD_F(0x043453cc) /* 0.262775227 */, 18 },
+ /* 4253 */ { MAD_F(0x0434aa34) /* 0.262857630 */, 18 },
+ /* 4254 */ { MAD_F(0x0435009d) /* 0.262940040 */, 18 },
+ /* 4255 */ { MAD_F(0x04355709) /* 0.263022457 */, 18 },
+ /* 4256 */ { MAD_F(0x0435ad76) /* 0.263104880 */, 18 },
+ /* 4257 */ { MAD_F(0x043603e5) /* 0.263187310 */, 18 },
+ /* 4258 */ { MAD_F(0x04365a56) /* 0.263269746 */, 18 },
+ /* 4259 */ { MAD_F(0x0436b0c9) /* 0.263352188 */, 18 },
+ /* 4260 */ { MAD_F(0x0437073d) /* 0.263434637 */, 18 },
+ /* 4261 */ { MAD_F(0x04375db3) /* 0.263517093 */, 18 },
+ /* 4262 */ { MAD_F(0x0437b42a) /* 0.263599554 */, 18 },
+ /* 4263 */ { MAD_F(0x04380aa4) /* 0.263682023 */, 18 },
+ /* 4264 */ { MAD_F(0x0438611f) /* 0.263764497 */, 18 },
+ /* 4265 */ { MAD_F(0x0438b79c) /* 0.263846979 */, 18 },
+ /* 4266 */ { MAD_F(0x04390e1a) /* 0.263929466 */, 18 },
+ /* 4267 */ { MAD_F(0x0439649b) /* 0.264011960 */, 18 },
+ /* 4268 */ { MAD_F(0x0439bb1d) /* 0.264094461 */, 18 },
+ /* 4269 */ { MAD_F(0x043a11a1) /* 0.264176968 */, 18 },
+ /* 4270 */ { MAD_F(0x043a6826) /* 0.264259481 */, 18 },
+ /* 4271 */ { MAD_F(0x043abead) /* 0.264342001 */, 18 },
+ /* 4272 */ { MAD_F(0x043b1536) /* 0.264424527 */, 18 },
+ /* 4273 */ { MAD_F(0x043b6bc1) /* 0.264507060 */, 18 },
+ /* 4274 */ { MAD_F(0x043bc24d) /* 0.264589599 */, 18 },
+ /* 4275 */ { MAD_F(0x043c18dc) /* 0.264672145 */, 18 },
+ /* 4276 */ { MAD_F(0x043c6f6c) /* 0.264754697 */, 18 },
+ /* 4277 */ { MAD_F(0x043cc5fd) /* 0.264837255 */, 18 },
+ /* 4278 */ { MAD_F(0x043d1c91) /* 0.264919820 */, 18 },
+ /* 4279 */ { MAD_F(0x043d7326) /* 0.265002392 */, 18 },
+ /* 4280 */ { MAD_F(0x043dc9bc) /* 0.265084969 */, 18 },
+ /* 4281 */ { MAD_F(0x043e2055) /* 0.265167554 */, 18 },
+ /* 4282 */ { MAD_F(0x043e76ef) /* 0.265250144 */, 18 },
+ /* 4283 */ { MAD_F(0x043ecd8b) /* 0.265332741 */, 18 },
+ /* 4284 */ { MAD_F(0x043f2429) /* 0.265415345 */, 18 },
+ /* 4285 */ { MAD_F(0x043f7ac8) /* 0.265497955 */, 18 },
+ /* 4286 */ { MAD_F(0x043fd169) /* 0.265580571 */, 18 },
+ /* 4287 */ { MAD_F(0x0440280c) /* 0.265663194 */, 18 },
+ /* 4288 */ { MAD_F(0x04407eb1) /* 0.265745823 */, 18 },
+ /* 4289 */ { MAD_F(0x0440d557) /* 0.265828459 */, 18 },
+ /* 4290 */ { MAD_F(0x04412bff) /* 0.265911101 */, 18 },
+ /* 4291 */ { MAD_F(0x044182a9) /* 0.265993749 */, 18 },
+ /* 4292 */ { MAD_F(0x0441d955) /* 0.266076404 */, 18 },
+ /* 4293 */ { MAD_F(0x04423002) /* 0.266159065 */, 18 },
+ /* 4294 */ { MAD_F(0x044286b1) /* 0.266241733 */, 18 },
+ /* 4295 */ { MAD_F(0x0442dd61) /* 0.266324407 */, 18 },
+ /* 4296 */ { MAD_F(0x04433414) /* 0.266407088 */, 18 },
+ /* 4297 */ { MAD_F(0x04438ac8) /* 0.266489775 */, 18 },
+ /* 4298 */ { MAD_F(0x0443e17e) /* 0.266572468 */, 18 },
+ /* 4299 */ { MAD_F(0x04443835) /* 0.266655168 */, 18 },
+ /* 4300 */ { MAD_F(0x04448eef) /* 0.266737874 */, 18 },
+ /* 4301 */ { MAD_F(0x0444e5aa) /* 0.266820587 */, 18 },
+ /* 4302 */ { MAD_F(0x04453c66) /* 0.266903306 */, 18 },
+ /* 4303 */ { MAD_F(0x04459325) /* 0.266986031 */, 18 },
+ /* 4304 */ { MAD_F(0x0445e9e5) /* 0.267068763 */, 18 },
+ /* 4305 */ { MAD_F(0x044640a7) /* 0.267151501 */, 18 },
+ /* 4306 */ { MAD_F(0x0446976a) /* 0.267234246 */, 18 },
+ /* 4307 */ { MAD_F(0x0446ee30) /* 0.267316997 */, 18 },
+ /* 4308 */ { MAD_F(0x044744f7) /* 0.267399755 */, 18 },
+ /* 4309 */ { MAD_F(0x04479bc0) /* 0.267482518 */, 18 },
+ /* 4310 */ { MAD_F(0x0447f28a) /* 0.267565289 */, 18 },
+ /* 4311 */ { MAD_F(0x04484956) /* 0.267648065 */, 18 },
+ /* 4312 */ { MAD_F(0x0448a024) /* 0.267730848 */, 18 },
+ /* 4313 */ { MAD_F(0x0448f6f4) /* 0.267813638 */, 18 },
+ /* 4314 */ { MAD_F(0x04494dc5) /* 0.267896434 */, 18 },
+ /* 4315 */ { MAD_F(0x0449a498) /* 0.267979236 */, 18 },
+ /* 4316 */ { MAD_F(0x0449fb6d) /* 0.268062045 */, 18 },
+ /* 4317 */ { MAD_F(0x044a5243) /* 0.268144860 */, 18 },
+ /* 4318 */ { MAD_F(0x044aa91c) /* 0.268227681 */, 18 },
+ /* 4319 */ { MAD_F(0x044afff6) /* 0.268310509 */, 18 },
+ /* 4320 */ { MAD_F(0x044b56d1) /* 0.268393343 */, 18 },
+ /* 4321 */ { MAD_F(0x044badaf) /* 0.268476184 */, 18 },
+ /* 4322 */ { MAD_F(0x044c048e) /* 0.268559031 */, 18 },
+ /* 4323 */ { MAD_F(0x044c5b6f) /* 0.268641885 */, 18 },
+ /* 4324 */ { MAD_F(0x044cb251) /* 0.268724744 */, 18 },
+ /* 4325 */ { MAD_F(0x044d0935) /* 0.268807611 */, 18 },
+ /* 4326 */ { MAD_F(0x044d601b) /* 0.268890483 */, 18 },
+ /* 4327 */ { MAD_F(0x044db703) /* 0.268973362 */, 18 },
+ /* 4328 */ { MAD_F(0x044e0dec) /* 0.269056248 */, 18 },
+ /* 4329 */ { MAD_F(0x044e64d7) /* 0.269139139 */, 18 },
+ /* 4330 */ { MAD_F(0x044ebbc4) /* 0.269222037 */, 18 },
+ /* 4331 */ { MAD_F(0x044f12b3) /* 0.269304942 */, 18 },
+ /* 4332 */ { MAD_F(0x044f69a3) /* 0.269387853 */, 18 },
+ /* 4333 */ { MAD_F(0x044fc095) /* 0.269470770 */, 18 },
+ /* 4334 */ { MAD_F(0x04501788) /* 0.269553694 */, 18 },
+ /* 4335 */ { MAD_F(0x04506e7e) /* 0.269636624 */, 18 },
+ /* 4336 */ { MAD_F(0x0450c575) /* 0.269719560 */, 18 },
+ /* 4337 */ { MAD_F(0x04511c6e) /* 0.269802503 */, 18 },
+ /* 4338 */ { MAD_F(0x04517368) /* 0.269885452 */, 18 },
+ /* 4339 */ { MAD_F(0x0451ca64) /* 0.269968408 */, 18 },
+ /* 4340 */ { MAD_F(0x04522162) /* 0.270051370 */, 18 },
+ /* 4341 */ { MAD_F(0x04527862) /* 0.270134338 */, 18 },
+ /* 4342 */ { MAD_F(0x0452cf63) /* 0.270217312 */, 18 },
+ /* 4343 */ { MAD_F(0x04532666) /* 0.270300293 */, 18 },
+ /* 4344 */ { MAD_F(0x04537d6b) /* 0.270383281 */, 18 },
+ /* 4345 */ { MAD_F(0x0453d472) /* 0.270466275 */, 18 },
+ /* 4346 */ { MAD_F(0x04542b7a) /* 0.270549275 */, 18 },
+ /* 4347 */ { MAD_F(0x04548284) /* 0.270632281 */, 18 },
+ /* 4348 */ { MAD_F(0x0454d98f) /* 0.270715294 */, 18 },
+ /* 4349 */ { MAD_F(0x0455309c) /* 0.270798313 */, 18 },
+ /* 4350 */ { MAD_F(0x045587ab) /* 0.270881339 */, 18 },
+ /* 4351 */ { MAD_F(0x0455debc) /* 0.270964371 */, 18 },
+ /* 4352 */ { MAD_F(0x045635cf) /* 0.271047409 */, 18 },
+ /* 4353 */ { MAD_F(0x04568ce3) /* 0.271130454 */, 18 },
+ /* 4354 */ { MAD_F(0x0456e3f9) /* 0.271213505 */, 18 },
+ /* 4355 */ { MAD_F(0x04573b10) /* 0.271296562 */, 18 },
+ /* 4356 */ { MAD_F(0x04579229) /* 0.271379626 */, 18 },
+ /* 4357 */ { MAD_F(0x0457e944) /* 0.271462696 */, 18 },
+ /* 4358 */ { MAD_F(0x04584061) /* 0.271545772 */, 18 },
+ /* 4359 */ { MAD_F(0x0458977f) /* 0.271628855 */, 18 },
+ /* 4360 */ { MAD_F(0x0458ee9f) /* 0.271711944 */, 18 },
+ /* 4361 */ { MAD_F(0x045945c1) /* 0.271795040 */, 18 },
+ /* 4362 */ { MAD_F(0x04599ce5) /* 0.271878142 */, 18 },
+ /* 4363 */ { MAD_F(0x0459f40a) /* 0.271961250 */, 18 },
+ /* 4364 */ { MAD_F(0x045a4b31) /* 0.272044365 */, 18 },
+ /* 4365 */ { MAD_F(0x045aa259) /* 0.272127486 */, 18 },
+ /* 4366 */ { MAD_F(0x045af984) /* 0.272210613 */, 18 },
+ /* 4367 */ { MAD_F(0x045b50b0) /* 0.272293746 */, 18 },
+ /* 4368 */ { MAD_F(0x045ba7dd) /* 0.272376886 */, 18 },
+ /* 4369 */ { MAD_F(0x045bff0d) /* 0.272460033 */, 18 },
+ /* 4370 */ { MAD_F(0x045c563e) /* 0.272543185 */, 18 },
+ /* 4371 */ { MAD_F(0x045cad71) /* 0.272626344 */, 18 },
+ /* 4372 */ { MAD_F(0x045d04a5) /* 0.272709510 */, 18 },
+ /* 4373 */ { MAD_F(0x045d5bdc) /* 0.272792681 */, 18 },
+ /* 4374 */ { MAD_F(0x045db313) /* 0.272875859 */, 18 },
+ /* 4375 */ { MAD_F(0x045e0a4d) /* 0.272959044 */, 18 },
+ /* 4376 */ { MAD_F(0x045e6188) /* 0.273042234 */, 18 },
+ /* 4377 */ { MAD_F(0x045eb8c5) /* 0.273125431 */, 18 },
+ /* 4378 */ { MAD_F(0x045f1004) /* 0.273208635 */, 18 },
+ /* 4379 */ { MAD_F(0x045f6745) /* 0.273291844 */, 18 },
+ /* 4380 */ { MAD_F(0x045fbe87) /* 0.273375060 */, 18 },
+ /* 4381 */ { MAD_F(0x046015cb) /* 0.273458283 */, 18 },
+ /* 4382 */ { MAD_F(0x04606d10) /* 0.273541511 */, 18 },
+ /* 4383 */ { MAD_F(0x0460c457) /* 0.273624747 */, 18 },
+ /* 4384 */ { MAD_F(0x04611ba0) /* 0.273707988 */, 18 },
+ /* 4385 */ { MAD_F(0x046172eb) /* 0.273791236 */, 18 },
+ /* 4386 */ { MAD_F(0x0461ca37) /* 0.273874490 */, 18 },
+ /* 4387 */ { MAD_F(0x04622185) /* 0.273957750 */, 18 },
+ /* 4388 */ { MAD_F(0x046278d5) /* 0.274041017 */, 18 },
+ /* 4389 */ { MAD_F(0x0462d026) /* 0.274124290 */, 18 },
+ /* 4390 */ { MAD_F(0x0463277a) /* 0.274207569 */, 18 },
+ /* 4391 */ { MAD_F(0x04637ece) /* 0.274290855 */, 18 },
+ /* 4392 */ { MAD_F(0x0463d625) /* 0.274374147 */, 18 },
+ /* 4393 */ { MAD_F(0x04642d7d) /* 0.274457445 */, 18 },
+ /* 4394 */ { MAD_F(0x046484d7) /* 0.274540749 */, 18 },
+ /* 4395 */ { MAD_F(0x0464dc33) /* 0.274624060 */, 18 },
+ /* 4396 */ { MAD_F(0x04653390) /* 0.274707378 */, 18 },
+ /* 4397 */ { MAD_F(0x04658aef) /* 0.274790701 */, 18 },
+ /* 4398 */ { MAD_F(0x0465e250) /* 0.274874031 */, 18 },
+ /* 4399 */ { MAD_F(0x046639b2) /* 0.274957367 */, 18 },
+ /* 4400 */ { MAD_F(0x04669116) /* 0.275040710 */, 18 },
+ /* 4401 */ { MAD_F(0x0466e87c) /* 0.275124059 */, 18 },
+ /* 4402 */ { MAD_F(0x04673fe3) /* 0.275207414 */, 18 },
+ /* 4403 */ { MAD_F(0x0467974d) /* 0.275290775 */, 18 },
+ /* 4404 */ { MAD_F(0x0467eeb7) /* 0.275374143 */, 18 },
+ /* 4405 */ { MAD_F(0x04684624) /* 0.275457517 */, 18 },
+ /* 4406 */ { MAD_F(0x04689d92) /* 0.275540897 */, 18 },
+ /* 4407 */ { MAD_F(0x0468f502) /* 0.275624284 */, 18 },
+ /* 4408 */ { MAD_F(0x04694c74) /* 0.275707677 */, 18 },
+ /* 4409 */ { MAD_F(0x0469a3e7) /* 0.275791076 */, 18 },
+ /* 4410 */ { MAD_F(0x0469fb5c) /* 0.275874482 */, 18 },
+ /* 4411 */ { MAD_F(0x046a52d3) /* 0.275957894 */, 18 },
+ /* 4412 */ { MAD_F(0x046aaa4b) /* 0.276041312 */, 18 },
+ /* 4413 */ { MAD_F(0x046b01c5) /* 0.276124737 */, 18 },
+ /* 4414 */ { MAD_F(0x046b5941) /* 0.276208167 */, 18 },
+ /* 4415 */ { MAD_F(0x046bb0bf) /* 0.276291605 */, 18 },
+ /* 4416 */ { MAD_F(0x046c083e) /* 0.276375048 */, 18 },
+ /* 4417 */ { MAD_F(0x046c5fbf) /* 0.276458498 */, 18 },
+ /* 4418 */ { MAD_F(0x046cb741) /* 0.276541954 */, 18 },
+ /* 4419 */ { MAD_F(0x046d0ec5) /* 0.276625416 */, 18 },
+ /* 4420 */ { MAD_F(0x046d664b) /* 0.276708885 */, 18 },
+ /* 4421 */ { MAD_F(0x046dbdd3) /* 0.276792360 */, 18 },
+ /* 4422 */ { MAD_F(0x046e155c) /* 0.276875841 */, 18 },
+ /* 4423 */ { MAD_F(0x046e6ce7) /* 0.276959328 */, 18 },
+ /* 4424 */ { MAD_F(0x046ec474) /* 0.277042822 */, 18 },
+ /* 4425 */ { MAD_F(0x046f1c02) /* 0.277126322 */, 18 },
+ /* 4426 */ { MAD_F(0x046f7392) /* 0.277209829 */, 18 },
+ /* 4427 */ { MAD_F(0x046fcb24) /* 0.277293341 */, 18 },
+ /* 4428 */ { MAD_F(0x047022b8) /* 0.277376860 */, 18 },
+ /* 4429 */ { MAD_F(0x04707a4d) /* 0.277460385 */, 18 },
+ /* 4430 */ { MAD_F(0x0470d1e4) /* 0.277543917 */, 18 },
+ /* 4431 */ { MAD_F(0x0471297c) /* 0.277627455 */, 18 },
+ /* 4432 */ { MAD_F(0x04718116) /* 0.277710999 */, 18 },
+ /* 4433 */ { MAD_F(0x0471d8b2) /* 0.277794549 */, 18 },
+ /* 4434 */ { MAD_F(0x04723050) /* 0.277878106 */, 18 },
+ /* 4435 */ { MAD_F(0x047287ef) /* 0.277961669 */, 18 },
+ /* 4436 */ { MAD_F(0x0472df90) /* 0.278045238 */, 18 },
+ /* 4437 */ { MAD_F(0x04733733) /* 0.278128813 */, 18 },
+ /* 4438 */ { MAD_F(0x04738ed7) /* 0.278212395 */, 18 },
+ /* 4439 */ { MAD_F(0x0473e67d) /* 0.278295983 */, 18 },
+ /* 4440 */ { MAD_F(0x04743e25) /* 0.278379578 */, 18 },
+ /* 4441 */ { MAD_F(0x047495ce) /* 0.278463178 */, 18 },
+ /* 4442 */ { MAD_F(0x0474ed79) /* 0.278546785 */, 18 },
+ /* 4443 */ { MAD_F(0x04754526) /* 0.278630398 */, 18 },
+ /* 4444 */ { MAD_F(0x04759cd4) /* 0.278714018 */, 18 },
+ /* 4445 */ { MAD_F(0x0475f484) /* 0.278797643 */, 18 },
+ /* 4446 */ { MAD_F(0x04764c36) /* 0.278881275 */, 18 },
+ /* 4447 */ { MAD_F(0x0476a3ea) /* 0.278964914 */, 18 },
+ /* 4448 */ { MAD_F(0x0476fb9f) /* 0.279048558 */, 18 },
+ /* 4449 */ { MAD_F(0x04775356) /* 0.279132209 */, 18 },
+ /* 4450 */ { MAD_F(0x0477ab0e) /* 0.279215866 */, 18 },
+ /* 4451 */ { MAD_F(0x047802c8) /* 0.279299529 */, 18 },
+ /* 4452 */ { MAD_F(0x04785a84) /* 0.279383199 */, 18 },
+ /* 4453 */ { MAD_F(0x0478b242) /* 0.279466875 */, 18 },
+ /* 4454 */ { MAD_F(0x04790a01) /* 0.279550557 */, 18 },
+ /* 4455 */ { MAD_F(0x047961c2) /* 0.279634245 */, 18 },
+ /* 4456 */ { MAD_F(0x0479b984) /* 0.279717940 */, 18 },
+ /* 4457 */ { MAD_F(0x047a1149) /* 0.279801641 */, 18 },
+ /* 4458 */ { MAD_F(0x047a690f) /* 0.279885348 */, 18 },
+ /* 4459 */ { MAD_F(0x047ac0d6) /* 0.279969061 */, 18 },
+ /* 4460 */ { MAD_F(0x047b18a0) /* 0.280052781 */, 18 },
+ /* 4461 */ { MAD_F(0x047b706b) /* 0.280136507 */, 18 },
+ /* 4462 */ { MAD_F(0x047bc837) /* 0.280220239 */, 18 },
+ /* 4463 */ { MAD_F(0x047c2006) /* 0.280303978 */, 18 },
+ /* 4464 */ { MAD_F(0x047c77d6) /* 0.280387722 */, 18 },
+ /* 4465 */ { MAD_F(0x047ccfa8) /* 0.280471473 */, 18 },
+ /* 4466 */ { MAD_F(0x047d277b) /* 0.280555230 */, 18 },
+ /* 4467 */ { MAD_F(0x047d7f50) /* 0.280638994 */, 18 },
+ /* 4468 */ { MAD_F(0x047dd727) /* 0.280722764 */, 18 },
+ /* 4469 */ { MAD_F(0x047e2eff) /* 0.280806540 */, 18 },
+ /* 4470 */ { MAD_F(0x047e86d9) /* 0.280890322 */, 18 },
+ /* 4471 */ { MAD_F(0x047edeb5) /* 0.280974110 */, 18 },
+ /* 4472 */ { MAD_F(0x047f3693) /* 0.281057905 */, 18 },
+ /* 4473 */ { MAD_F(0x047f8e72) /* 0.281141706 */, 18 },
+ /* 4474 */ { MAD_F(0x047fe653) /* 0.281225513 */, 18 },
+ /* 4475 */ { MAD_F(0x04803e35) /* 0.281309326 */, 18 },
+ /* 4476 */ { MAD_F(0x04809619) /* 0.281393146 */, 18 },
+ /* 4477 */ { MAD_F(0x0480edff) /* 0.281476972 */, 18 },
+ /* 4478 */ { MAD_F(0x048145e7) /* 0.281560804 */, 18 },
+ /* 4479 */ { MAD_F(0x04819dd0) /* 0.281644643 */, 18 },
+ /* 4480 */ { MAD_F(0x0481f5bb) /* 0.281728487 */, 18 },
+ /* 4481 */ { MAD_F(0x04824da7) /* 0.281812338 */, 18 },
+ /* 4482 */ { MAD_F(0x0482a595) /* 0.281896195 */, 18 },
+ /* 4483 */ { MAD_F(0x0482fd85) /* 0.281980059 */, 18 },
+ /* 4484 */ { MAD_F(0x04835577) /* 0.282063928 */, 18 },
+ /* 4485 */ { MAD_F(0x0483ad6a) /* 0.282147804 */, 18 },
+ /* 4486 */ { MAD_F(0x0484055f) /* 0.282231686 */, 18 },
+ /* 4487 */ { MAD_F(0x04845d56) /* 0.282315574 */, 18 },
+ /* 4488 */ { MAD_F(0x0484b54e) /* 0.282399469 */, 18 },
+ /* 4489 */ { MAD_F(0x04850d48) /* 0.282483370 */, 18 },
+ /* 4490 */ { MAD_F(0x04856544) /* 0.282567277 */, 18 },
+ /* 4491 */ { MAD_F(0x0485bd41) /* 0.282651190 */, 18 },
+ /* 4492 */ { MAD_F(0x04861540) /* 0.282735109 */, 18 },
+ /* 4493 */ { MAD_F(0x04866d40) /* 0.282819035 */, 18 },
+ /* 4494 */ { MAD_F(0x0486c543) /* 0.282902967 */, 18 },
+ /* 4495 */ { MAD_F(0x04871d47) /* 0.282986905 */, 18 },
+ /* 4496 */ { MAD_F(0x0487754c) /* 0.283070849 */, 18 },
+ /* 4497 */ { MAD_F(0x0487cd54) /* 0.283154800 */, 18 },
+ /* 4498 */ { MAD_F(0x0488255d) /* 0.283238757 */, 18 },
+ /* 4499 */ { MAD_F(0x04887d67) /* 0.283322720 */, 18 },
+ /* 4500 */ { MAD_F(0x0488d574) /* 0.283406689 */, 18 },
+ /* 4501 */ { MAD_F(0x04892d82) /* 0.283490665 */, 18 },
+ /* 4502 */ { MAD_F(0x04898591) /* 0.283574646 */, 18 },
+ /* 4503 */ { MAD_F(0x0489dda3) /* 0.283658634 */, 18 },
+ /* 4504 */ { MAD_F(0x048a35b6) /* 0.283742628 */, 18 },
+ /* 4505 */ { MAD_F(0x048a8dca) /* 0.283826629 */, 18 },
+ /* 4506 */ { MAD_F(0x048ae5e1) /* 0.283910635 */, 18 },
+ /* 4507 */ { MAD_F(0x048b3df9) /* 0.283994648 */, 18 },
+ /* 4508 */ { MAD_F(0x048b9612) /* 0.284078667 */, 18 },
+ /* 4509 */ { MAD_F(0x048bee2e) /* 0.284162692 */, 18 },
+ /* 4510 */ { MAD_F(0x048c464b) /* 0.284246723 */, 18 },
+ /* 4511 */ { MAD_F(0x048c9e69) /* 0.284330761 */, 18 },
+ /* 4512 */ { MAD_F(0x048cf68a) /* 0.284414805 */, 18 },
+ /* 4513 */ { MAD_F(0x048d4eac) /* 0.284498855 */, 18 },
+ /* 4514 */ { MAD_F(0x048da6cf) /* 0.284582911 */, 18 },
+ /* 4515 */ { MAD_F(0x048dfef5) /* 0.284666974 */, 18 },
+ /* 4516 */ { MAD_F(0x048e571c) /* 0.284751042 */, 18 },
+ /* 4517 */ { MAD_F(0x048eaf44) /* 0.284835117 */, 18 },
+ /* 4518 */ { MAD_F(0x048f076f) /* 0.284919198 */, 18 },
+ /* 4519 */ { MAD_F(0x048f5f9b) /* 0.285003285 */, 18 },
+ /* 4520 */ { MAD_F(0x048fb7c8) /* 0.285087379 */, 18 },
+ /* 4521 */ { MAD_F(0x04900ff8) /* 0.285171479 */, 18 },
+ /* 4522 */ { MAD_F(0x04906829) /* 0.285255584 */, 18 },
+ /* 4523 */ { MAD_F(0x0490c05b) /* 0.285339697 */, 18 },
+ /* 4524 */ { MAD_F(0x04911890) /* 0.285423815 */, 18 },
+ /* 4525 */ { MAD_F(0x049170c6) /* 0.285507939 */, 18 },
+ /* 4526 */ { MAD_F(0x0491c8fd) /* 0.285592070 */, 18 },
+ /* 4527 */ { MAD_F(0x04922137) /* 0.285676207 */, 18 },
+ /* 4528 */ { MAD_F(0x04927972) /* 0.285760350 */, 18 },
+ /* 4529 */ { MAD_F(0x0492d1ae) /* 0.285844499 */, 18 },
+ /* 4530 */ { MAD_F(0x049329ed) /* 0.285928655 */, 18 },
+ /* 4531 */ { MAD_F(0x0493822c) /* 0.286012816 */, 18 },
+ /* 4532 */ { MAD_F(0x0493da6e) /* 0.286096984 */, 18 },
+ /* 4533 */ { MAD_F(0x049432b1) /* 0.286181158 */, 18 },
+ /* 4534 */ { MAD_F(0x04948af6) /* 0.286265338 */, 18 },
+ /* 4535 */ { MAD_F(0x0494e33d) /* 0.286349525 */, 18 },
+ /* 4536 */ { MAD_F(0x04953b85) /* 0.286433717 */, 18 },
+ /* 4537 */ { MAD_F(0x049593cf) /* 0.286517916 */, 18 },
+ /* 4538 */ { MAD_F(0x0495ec1b) /* 0.286602121 */, 18 },
+ /* 4539 */ { MAD_F(0x04964468) /* 0.286686332 */, 18 },
+ /* 4540 */ { MAD_F(0x04969cb7) /* 0.286770550 */, 18 },
+ /* 4541 */ { MAD_F(0x0496f508) /* 0.286854773 */, 18 },
+ /* 4542 */ { MAD_F(0x04974d5a) /* 0.286939003 */, 18 },
+ /* 4543 */ { MAD_F(0x0497a5ae) /* 0.287023239 */, 18 },
+ /* 4544 */ { MAD_F(0x0497fe03) /* 0.287107481 */, 18 },
+ /* 4545 */ { MAD_F(0x0498565a) /* 0.287191729 */, 18 },
+ /* 4546 */ { MAD_F(0x0498aeb3) /* 0.287275983 */, 18 },
+ /* 4547 */ { MAD_F(0x0499070e) /* 0.287360244 */, 18 },
+ /* 4548 */ { MAD_F(0x04995f6a) /* 0.287444511 */, 18 },
+ /* 4549 */ { MAD_F(0x0499b7c8) /* 0.287528784 */, 18 },
+ /* 4550 */ { MAD_F(0x049a1027) /* 0.287613063 */, 18 },
+ /* 4551 */ { MAD_F(0x049a6889) /* 0.287697348 */, 18 },
+ /* 4552 */ { MAD_F(0x049ac0eb) /* 0.287781640 */, 18 },
+ /* 4553 */ { MAD_F(0x049b1950) /* 0.287865937 */, 18 },
+ /* 4554 */ { MAD_F(0x049b71b6) /* 0.287950241 */, 18 },
+ /* 4555 */ { MAD_F(0x049bca1e) /* 0.288034551 */, 18 },
+ /* 4556 */ { MAD_F(0x049c2287) /* 0.288118867 */, 18 },
+ /* 4557 */ { MAD_F(0x049c7af2) /* 0.288203190 */, 18 },
+ /* 4558 */ { MAD_F(0x049cd35f) /* 0.288287518 */, 18 },
+ /* 4559 */ { MAD_F(0x049d2bce) /* 0.288371853 */, 18 },
+ /* 4560 */ { MAD_F(0x049d843e) /* 0.288456194 */, 18 },
+ /* 4561 */ { MAD_F(0x049ddcaf) /* 0.288540541 */, 18 },
+ /* 4562 */ { MAD_F(0x049e3523) /* 0.288624894 */, 18 },
+ /* 4563 */ { MAD_F(0x049e8d98) /* 0.288709253 */, 18 },
+ /* 4564 */ { MAD_F(0x049ee60e) /* 0.288793619 */, 18 },
+ /* 4565 */ { MAD_F(0x049f3e87) /* 0.288877990 */, 18 },
+ /* 4566 */ { MAD_F(0x049f9701) /* 0.288962368 */, 18 },
+ /* 4567 */ { MAD_F(0x049fef7c) /* 0.289046752 */, 18 },
+ /* 4568 */ { MAD_F(0x04a047fa) /* 0.289131142 */, 18 },
+ /* 4569 */ { MAD_F(0x04a0a079) /* 0.289215538 */, 18 },
+ /* 4570 */ { MAD_F(0x04a0f8f9) /* 0.289299941 */, 18 },
+ /* 4571 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1517c) /* 0.289384349 */, 18 },
+ /* 4572 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1a9ff) /* 0.289468764 */, 18 },
+ /* 4573 */ { MAD_F(0x04a20285) /* 0.289553185 */, 18 },
+ /* 4574 */ { MAD_F(0x04a25b0c) /* 0.289637612 */, 18 },
+ /* 4575 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2b395) /* 0.289722045 */, 18 },
+ /* 4576 */ { MAD_F(0x04a30c20) /* 0.289806485 */, 18 },
+ /* 4577 */ { MAD_F(0x04a364ac) /* 0.289890930 */, 18 },
+ /* 4578 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3bd3a) /* 0.289975382 */, 18 },
+ /* 4579 */ { MAD_F(0x04a415c9) /* 0.290059840 */, 18 },
+ /* 4580 */ { MAD_F(0x04a46e5a) /* 0.290144304 */, 18 },
+ /* 4581 */ { MAD_F(0x04a4c6ed) /* 0.290228774 */, 18 },
+ /* 4582 */ { MAD_F(0x04a51f81) /* 0.290313250 */, 18 },
+ /* 4583 */ { MAD_F(0x04a57818) /* 0.290397733 */, 18 },
+ /* 4584 */ { MAD_F(0x04a5d0af) /* 0.290482221 */, 18 },
+ /* 4585 */ { MAD_F(0x04a62949) /* 0.290566716 */, 18 },
+ /* 4586 */ { MAD_F(0x04a681e4) /* 0.290651217 */, 18 },
+ /* 4587 */ { MAD_F(0x04a6da80) /* 0.290735724 */, 18 },
+ /* 4588 */ { MAD_F(0x04a7331f) /* 0.290820237 */, 18 },
+ /* 4589 */ { MAD_F(0x04a78bbf) /* 0.290904756 */, 18 },
+ /* 4590 */ { MAD_F(0x04a7e460) /* 0.290989281 */, 18 },
+ /* 4591 */ { MAD_F(0x04a83d03) /* 0.291073813 */, 18 },
+ /* 4592 */ { MAD_F(0x04a895a8) /* 0.291158351 */, 18 },
+ /* 4593 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8ee4f) /* 0.291242894 */, 18 },
+ /* 4594 */ { MAD_F(0x04a946f7) /* 0.291327444 */, 18 },
+ /* 4595 */ { MAD_F(0x04a99fa1) /* 0.291412001 */, 18 },
+ /* 4596 */ { MAD_F(0x04a9f84c) /* 0.291496563 */, 18 },
+ /* 4597 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa50fa) /* 0.291581131 */, 18 },
+ /* 4598 */ { MAD_F(0x04aaa9a8) /* 0.291665706 */, 18 },
+ /* 4599 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab0259) /* 0.291750286 */, 18 },
+ /* 4600 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab5b0b) /* 0.291834873 */, 18 },
+ /* 4601 */ { MAD_F(0x04abb3bf) /* 0.291919466 */, 18 },
+ /* 4602 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac0c74) /* 0.292004065 */, 18 },
+ /* 4603 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac652b) /* 0.292088670 */, 18 },
+ /* 4604 */ { MAD_F(0x04acbde4) /* 0.292173281 */, 18 },
+ /* 4605 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad169e) /* 0.292257899 */, 18 },
+ /* 4606 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad6f5a) /* 0.292342522 */, 18 },
+ /* 4607 */ { MAD_F(0x04adc818) /* 0.292427152 */, 18 },
+ /* 4608 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae20d7) /* 0.292511788 */, 18 },
+ /* 4609 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae7998) /* 0.292596430 */, 18 },
+ /* 4610 */ { MAD_F(0x04aed25a) /* 0.292681078 */, 18 },
+ /* 4611 */ { MAD_F(0x04af2b1e) /* 0.292765732 */, 18 },
+ /* 4612 */ { MAD_F(0x04af83e4) /* 0.292850392 */, 18 },
+ /* 4613 */ { MAD_F(0x04afdcac) /* 0.292935058 */, 18 },
+ /* 4614 */ { MAD_F(0x04b03575) /* 0.293019731 */, 18 },
+ /* 4615 */ { MAD_F(0x04b08e40) /* 0.293104409 */, 18 },
+ /* 4616 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0e70c) /* 0.293189094 */, 18 },
+ /* 4617 */ { MAD_F(0x04b13fda) /* 0.293273785 */, 18 },
+ /* 4618 */ { MAD_F(0x04b198aa) /* 0.293358482 */, 18 },
+ /* 4619 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1f17b) /* 0.293443185 */, 18 },
+ /* 4620 */ { MAD_F(0x04b24a4e) /* 0.293527894 */, 18 },
+ /* 4621 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2a322) /* 0.293612609 */, 18 },
+ /* 4622 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2fbf9) /* 0.293697331 */, 18 },
+ /* 4623 */ { MAD_F(0x04b354d1) /* 0.293782058 */, 18 },
+ /* 4624 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3adaa) /* 0.293866792 */, 18 },
+ /* 4625 */ { MAD_F(0x04b40685) /* 0.293951532 */, 18 },
+ /* 4626 */ { MAD_F(0x04b45f62) /* 0.294036278 */, 18 },
+ /* 4627 */ { MAD_F(0x04b4b840) /* 0.294121029 */, 18 },
+ /* 4628 */ { MAD_F(0x04b51120) /* 0.294205788 */, 18 },
+ /* 4629 */ { MAD_F(0x04b56a02) /* 0.294290552 */, 18 },
+ /* 4630 */ { MAD_F(0x04b5c2e6) /* 0.294375322 */, 18 },
+ /* 4631 */ { MAD_F(0x04b61bcb) /* 0.294460098 */, 18 },
+ /* 4632 */ { MAD_F(0x04b674b1) /* 0.294544881 */, 18 },
+ /* 4633 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6cd99) /* 0.294629669 */, 18 },
+ /* 4634 */ { MAD_F(0x04b72683) /* 0.294714464 */, 18 },
+ /* 4635 */ { MAD_F(0x04b77f6f) /* 0.294799265 */, 18 },
+ /* 4636 */ { MAD_F(0x04b7d85c) /* 0.294884072 */, 18 },
+ /* 4637 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8314b) /* 0.294968885 */, 18 },
+ /* 4638 */ { MAD_F(0x04b88a3b) /* 0.295053704 */, 18 },
+ /* 4639 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8e32d) /* 0.295138529 */, 18 },
+ /* 4640 */ { MAD_F(0x04b93c21) /* 0.295223360 */, 18 },
+ /* 4641 */ { MAD_F(0x04b99516) /* 0.295308197 */, 18 },
+ /* 4642 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9ee0d) /* 0.295393041 */, 18 },
+ /* 4643 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba4706) /* 0.295477890 */, 18 },
+ /* 4644 */ { MAD_F(0x04baa000) /* 0.295562746 */, 18 },
+ /* 4645 */ { MAD_F(0x04baf8fc) /* 0.295647608 */, 18 },
+ /* 4646 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb51fa) /* 0.295732476 */, 18 },
+ /* 4647 */ { MAD_F(0x04bbaaf9) /* 0.295817349 */, 18 },
+ /* 4648 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc03fa) /* 0.295902229 */, 18 },
+ /* 4649 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc5cfc) /* 0.295987115 */, 18 },
+ /* 4650 */ { MAD_F(0x04bcb600) /* 0.296072008 */, 18 },
+ /* 4651 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd0f06) /* 0.296156906 */, 18 },
+ /* 4652 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd680d) /* 0.296241810 */, 18 },
+ /* 4653 */ { MAD_F(0x04bdc116) /* 0.296326721 */, 18 },
+ /* 4654 */ { MAD_F(0x04be1a21) /* 0.296411637 */, 18 },
+ /* 4655 */ { MAD_F(0x04be732d) /* 0.296496560 */, 18 },
+ /* 4656 */ { MAD_F(0x04becc3b) /* 0.296581488 */, 18 },
+ /* 4657 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf254a) /* 0.296666423 */, 18 },
+ /* 4658 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf7e5b) /* 0.296751364 */, 18 },
+ /* 4659 */ { MAD_F(0x04bfd76e) /* 0.296836311 */, 18 },
+ /* 4660 */ { MAD_F(0x04c03083) /* 0.296921264 */, 18 },
+ /* 4661 */ { MAD_F(0x04c08999) /* 0.297006223 */, 18 },
+ /* 4662 */ { MAD_F(0x04c0e2b0) /* 0.297091188 */, 18 },
+ /* 4663 */ { MAD_F(0x04c13bca) /* 0.297176159 */, 18 },
+ /* 4664 */ { MAD_F(0x04c194e4) /* 0.297261136 */, 18 },
+ /* 4665 */ { MAD_F(0x04c1ee01) /* 0.297346120 */, 18 },
+ /* 4666 */ { MAD_F(0x04c2471f) /* 0.297431109 */, 18 },
+ /* 4667 */ { MAD_F(0x04c2a03f) /* 0.297516105 */, 18 },
+ /* 4668 */ { MAD_F(0x04c2f960) /* 0.297601106 */, 18 },
+ /* 4669 */ { MAD_F(0x04c35283) /* 0.297686114 */, 18 },
+ /* 4670 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3aba8) /* 0.297771128 */, 18 },
+ /* 4671 */ { MAD_F(0x04c404ce) /* 0.297856147 */, 18 },
+ /* 4672 */ { MAD_F(0x04c45df6) /* 0.297941173 */, 18 },
+ /* 4673 */ { MAD_F(0x04c4b720) /* 0.298026205 */, 18 },
+ /* 4674 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5104b) /* 0.298111243 */, 18 },
+ /* 4675 */ { MAD_F(0x04c56978) /* 0.298196287 */, 18 },
+ /* 4676 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5c2a7) /* 0.298281337 */, 18 },
+ /* 4677 */ { MAD_F(0x04c61bd7) /* 0.298366393 */, 18 },
+ /* 4678 */ { MAD_F(0x04c67508) /* 0.298451456 */, 18 },
+ /* 4679 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6ce3c) /* 0.298536524 */, 18 },
+ /* 4680 */ { MAD_F(0x04c72771) /* 0.298621598 */, 18 },
+ /* 4681 */ { MAD_F(0x04c780a7) /* 0.298706679 */, 18 },
+ /* 4682 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7d9df) /* 0.298791765 */, 18 },
+ /* 4683 */ { MAD_F(0x04c83319) /* 0.298876858 */, 18 },
+ /* 4684 */ { MAD_F(0x04c88c55) /* 0.298961956 */, 18 },
+ /* 4685 */ { MAD_F(0x04c8e592) /* 0.299047061 */, 18 },
+ /* 4686 */ { MAD_F(0x04c93ed1) /* 0.299132172 */, 18 },
+ /* 4687 */ { MAD_F(0x04c99811) /* 0.299217288 */, 18 },
+ /* 4688 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9f153) /* 0.299302411 */, 18 },
+ /* 4689 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca4a97) /* 0.299387540 */, 18 },
+ /* 4690 */ { MAD_F(0x04caa3dc) /* 0.299472675 */, 18 },
+ /* 4691 */ { MAD_F(0x04cafd23) /* 0.299557816 */, 18 },
+ /* 4692 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb566b) /* 0.299642963 */, 18 },
+ /* 4693 */ { MAD_F(0x04cbafb5) /* 0.299728116 */, 18 },
+ /* 4694 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc0901) /* 0.299813275 */, 18 },
+ /* 4695 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc624e) /* 0.299898440 */, 18 },
+ /* 4696 */ { MAD_F(0x04ccbb9d) /* 0.299983611 */, 18 },
+ /* 4697 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd14ee) /* 0.300068789 */, 18 },
+ /* 4698 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd6e40) /* 0.300153972 */, 18 },
+ /* 4699 */ { MAD_F(0x04cdc794) /* 0.300239161 */, 18 },
+ /* 4700 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce20e9) /* 0.300324357 */, 18 },
+ /* 4701 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce7a40) /* 0.300409558 */, 18 },
+ /* 4702 */ { MAD_F(0x04ced399) /* 0.300494765 */, 18 },
+ /* 4703 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf2cf3) /* 0.300579979 */, 18 },
+ /* 4704 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf864f) /* 0.300665198 */, 18 },
+ /* 4705 */ { MAD_F(0x04cfdfad) /* 0.300750424 */, 18 },
+ /* 4706 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0390c) /* 0.300835656 */, 18 },
+ /* 4707 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0926d) /* 0.300920893 */, 18 },
+ /* 4708 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0ebcf) /* 0.301006137 */, 18 },
+ /* 4709 */ { MAD_F(0x04d14533) /* 0.301091387 */, 18 },
+ /* 4710 */ { MAD_F(0x04d19e99) /* 0.301176643 */, 18 },
+ /* 4711 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1f800) /* 0.301261904 */, 18 },
+ /* 4712 */ { MAD_F(0x04d25169) /* 0.301347172 */, 18 },
+ /* 4713 */ { MAD_F(0x04d2aad4) /* 0.301432446 */, 18 },
+ /* 4714 */ { MAD_F(0x04d30440) /* 0.301517726 */, 18 },
+ /* 4715 */ { MAD_F(0x04d35dae) /* 0.301603012 */, 18 },
+ /* 4716 */ { MAD_F(0x04d3b71d) /* 0.301688304 */, 18 },
+ /* 4717 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4108e) /* 0.301773602 */, 18 },
+ /* 4718 */ { MAD_F(0x04d46a01) /* 0.301858906 */, 18 },
+ /* 4719 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4c375) /* 0.301944216 */, 18 },
+ /* 4720 */ { MAD_F(0x04d51ceb) /* 0.302029532 */, 18 },
+ /* 4721 */ { MAD_F(0x04d57662) /* 0.302114854 */, 18 },
+ /* 4722 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5cfdb) /* 0.302200182 */, 18 },
+ /* 4723 */ { MAD_F(0x04d62956) /* 0.302285516 */, 18 },
+ /* 4724 */ { MAD_F(0x04d682d2) /* 0.302370856 */, 18 },
+ /* 4725 */ { MAD_F(0x04d6dc50) /* 0.302456203 */, 18 },
+ /* 4726 */ { MAD_F(0x04d735d0) /* 0.302541555 */, 18 },
+ /* 4727 */ { MAD_F(0x04d78f51) /* 0.302626913 */, 18 },
+ /* 4728 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7e8d4) /* 0.302712277 */, 18 },
+ /* 4729 */ { MAD_F(0x04d84258) /* 0.302797648 */, 18 },
+ /* 4730 */ { MAD_F(0x04d89bde) /* 0.302883024 */, 18 },
+ /* 4731 */ { MAD_F(0x04d8f566) /* 0.302968406 */, 18 },
+ /* 4732 */ { MAD_F(0x04d94eef) /* 0.303053794 */, 18 },
+ /* 4733 */ { MAD_F(0x04d9a87a) /* 0.303139189 */, 18 },
+ /* 4734 */ { MAD_F(0x04da0207) /* 0.303224589 */, 18 },
+ /* 4735 */ { MAD_F(0x04da5b95) /* 0.303309995 */, 18 },
+ /* 4736 */ { MAD_F(0x04dab524) /* 0.303395408 */, 18 },
+ /* 4737 */ { MAD_F(0x04db0eb6) /* 0.303480826 */, 18 },
+ /* 4738 */ { MAD_F(0x04db6849) /* 0.303566251 */, 18 },
+ /* 4739 */ { MAD_F(0x04dbc1dd) /* 0.303651681 */, 18 },
+ /* 4740 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc1b73) /* 0.303737117 */, 18 },
+ /* 4741 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc750b) /* 0.303822560 */, 18 },
+ /* 4742 */ { MAD_F(0x04dccea5) /* 0.303908008 */, 18 },
+ /* 4743 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd2840) /* 0.303993463 */, 18 },
+ /* 4744 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd81dc) /* 0.304078923 */, 18 },
+ /* 4745 */ { MAD_F(0x04dddb7a) /* 0.304164390 */, 18 },
+ /* 4746 */ { MAD_F(0x04de351a) /* 0.304249862 */, 18 },
+ /* 4747 */ { MAD_F(0x04de8ebc) /* 0.304335340 */, 18 },
+ /* 4748 */ { MAD_F(0x04dee85f) /* 0.304420825 */, 18 },
+ /* 4749 */ { MAD_F(0x04df4203) /* 0.304506315 */, 18 },
+ /* 4750 */ { MAD_F(0x04df9baa) /* 0.304591812 */, 18 },
+ /* 4751 */ { MAD_F(0x04dff552) /* 0.304677314 */, 18 },
+ /* 4752 */ { MAD_F(0x04e04efb) /* 0.304762823 */, 18 },
+ /* 4753 */ { MAD_F(0x04e0a8a6) /* 0.304848337 */, 18 },
+ /* 4754 */ { MAD_F(0x04e10253) /* 0.304933858 */, 18 },
+ /* 4755 */ { MAD_F(0x04e15c01) /* 0.305019384 */, 18 },
+ /* 4756 */ { MAD_F(0x04e1b5b1) /* 0.305104917 */, 18 },
+ /* 4757 */ { MAD_F(0x04e20f63) /* 0.305190455 */, 18 },
+ /* 4758 */ { MAD_F(0x04e26916) /* 0.305275999 */, 18 },
+ /* 4759 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2c2cb) /* 0.305361550 */, 18 },
+ /* 4760 */ { MAD_F(0x04e31c81) /* 0.305447106 */, 18 },
+ /* 4761 */ { MAD_F(0x04e37639) /* 0.305532669 */, 18 },
+ /* 4762 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3cff3) /* 0.305618237 */, 18 },
+ /* 4763 */ { MAD_F(0x04e429ae) /* 0.305703811 */, 18 },
+ /* 4764 */ { MAD_F(0x04e4836b) /* 0.305789392 */, 18 },
+ /* 4765 */ { MAD_F(0x04e4dd29) /* 0.305874978 */, 18 },
+ /* 4766 */ { MAD_F(0x04e536e9) /* 0.305960571 */, 18 },
+ /* 4767 */ { MAD_F(0x04e590ab) /* 0.306046169 */, 18 },
+ /* 4768 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5ea6e) /* 0.306131773 */, 18 },
+ /* 4769 */ { MAD_F(0x04e64433) /* 0.306217383 */, 18 },
+ /* 4770 */ { MAD_F(0x04e69df9) /* 0.306303000 */, 18 },
+ /* 4771 */ { MAD_F(0x04e6f7c1) /* 0.306388622 */, 18 },
+ /* 4772 */ { MAD_F(0x04e7518b) /* 0.306474250 */, 18 },
+ /* 4773 */ { MAD_F(0x04e7ab56) /* 0.306559885 */, 18 },
+ /* 4774 */ { MAD_F(0x04e80523) /* 0.306645525 */, 18 },
+ /* 4775 */ { MAD_F(0x04e85ef2) /* 0.306731171 */, 18 },
+ /* 4776 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8b8c2) /* 0.306816823 */, 18 },
+ /* 4777 */ { MAD_F(0x04e91293) /* 0.306902481 */, 18 },
+ /* 4778 */ { MAD_F(0x04e96c67) /* 0.306988145 */, 18 },
+ /* 4779 */ { MAD_F(0x04e9c63b) /* 0.307073816 */, 18 },
+ /* 4780 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea2012) /* 0.307159492 */, 18 },
+ /* 4781 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea79ea) /* 0.307245174 */, 18 },
+ /* 4782 */ { MAD_F(0x04ead3c4) /* 0.307330862 */, 18 },
+ /* 4783 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb2d9f) /* 0.307416556 */, 18 },
+ /* 4784 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb877c) /* 0.307502256 */, 18 },
+ /* 4785 */ { MAD_F(0x04ebe15b) /* 0.307587962 */, 18 },
+ /* 4786 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec3b3b) /* 0.307673674 */, 18 },
+ /* 4787 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec951c) /* 0.307759392 */, 18 },
+ /* 4788 */ { MAD_F(0x04ecef00) /* 0.307845115 */, 18 },
+ /* 4789 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed48e5) /* 0.307930845 */, 18 },
+ /* 4790 */ { MAD_F(0x04eda2cb) /* 0.308016581 */, 18 },
+ /* 4791 */ { MAD_F(0x04edfcb3) /* 0.308102323 */, 18 },
+ /* 4792 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee569d) /* 0.308188071 */, 18 },
+ /* 4793 */ { MAD_F(0x04eeb088) /* 0.308273824 */, 18 },
+ /* 4794 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef0a75) /* 0.308359584 */, 18 },
+ /* 4795 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef6464) /* 0.308445350 */, 18 },
+ /* 4796 */ { MAD_F(0x04efbe54) /* 0.308531121 */, 18 },
+ /* 4797 */ { MAD_F(0x04f01846) /* 0.308616899 */, 18 },
+ /* 4798 */ { MAD_F(0x04f07239) /* 0.308702682 */, 18 },
+ /* 4799 */ { MAD_F(0x04f0cc2e) /* 0.308788472 */, 18 },
+ /* 4800 */ { MAD_F(0x04f12624) /* 0.308874267 */, 18 },
+ /* 4801 */ { MAD_F(0x04f1801d) /* 0.308960068 */, 18 },
+ /* 4802 */ { MAD_F(0x04f1da16) /* 0.309045876 */, 18 },
+ /* 4803 */ { MAD_F(0x04f23412) /* 0.309131689 */, 18 },
+ /* 4804 */ { MAD_F(0x04f28e0f) /* 0.309217508 */, 18 },
+ /* 4805 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2e80d) /* 0.309303334 */, 18 },
+ /* 4806 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3420d) /* 0.309389165 */, 18 },
+ /* 4807 */ { MAD_F(0x04f39c0f) /* 0.309475002 */, 18 },
+ /* 4808 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3f612) /* 0.309560845 */, 18 },
+ /* 4809 */ { MAD_F(0x04f45017) /* 0.309646694 */, 18 },
+ /* 4810 */ { MAD_F(0x04f4aa1e) /* 0.309732549 */, 18 },
+ /* 4811 */ { MAD_F(0x04f50426) /* 0.309818410 */, 18 },
+ /* 4812 */ { MAD_F(0x04f55e30) /* 0.309904277 */, 18 },
+ /* 4813 */ { MAD_F(0x04f5b83b) /* 0.309990150 */, 18 },
+ /* 4814 */ { MAD_F(0x04f61248) /* 0.310076028 */, 18 },
+ /* 4815 */ { MAD_F(0x04f66c56) /* 0.310161913 */, 18 },
+ /* 4816 */ { MAD_F(0x04f6c666) /* 0.310247804 */, 18 },
+ /* 4817 */ { MAD_F(0x04f72078) /* 0.310333700 */, 18 },
+ /* 4818 */ { MAD_F(0x04f77a8b) /* 0.310419603 */, 18 },
+ /* 4819 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7d4a0) /* 0.310505511 */, 18 },
+ /* 4820 */ { MAD_F(0x04f82eb7) /* 0.310591426 */, 18 },
+ /* 4821 */ { MAD_F(0x04f888cf) /* 0.310677346 */, 18 },
+ /* 4822 */ { MAD_F(0x04f8e2e9) /* 0.310763272 */, 18 },
+ /* 4823 */ { MAD_F(0x04f93d04) /* 0.310849205 */, 18 },
+ /* 4824 */ { MAD_F(0x04f99721) /* 0.310935143 */, 18 },
+ /* 4825 */ { MAD_F(0x04f9f13f) /* 0.311021087 */, 18 },
+ /* 4826 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa4b5f) /* 0.311107037 */, 18 },
+ /* 4827 */ { MAD_F(0x04faa581) /* 0.311192993 */, 18 },
+ /* 4828 */ { MAD_F(0x04faffa4) /* 0.311278955 */, 18 },
+ /* 4829 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb59c9) /* 0.311364923 */, 18 },
+ /* 4830 */ { MAD_F(0x04fbb3ef) /* 0.311450897 */, 18 },
+ /* 4831 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc0e17) /* 0.311536877 */, 18 },
+ /* 4832 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc6841) /* 0.311622862 */, 18 },
+ /* 4833 */ { MAD_F(0x04fcc26c) /* 0.311708854 */, 18 },
+ /* 4834 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd1c99) /* 0.311794851 */, 18 },
+ /* 4835 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd76c7) /* 0.311880855 */, 18 },
+ /* 4836 */ { MAD_F(0x04fdd0f7) /* 0.311966864 */, 18 },
+ /* 4837 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe2b29) /* 0.312052880 */, 18 },
+ /* 4838 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe855c) /* 0.312138901 */, 18 },
+ /* 4839 */ { MAD_F(0x04fedf91) /* 0.312224928 */, 18 },
+ /* 4840 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff39c7) /* 0.312310961 */, 18 },
+ /* 4841 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff93ff) /* 0.312397000 */, 18 },
+ /* 4842 */ { MAD_F(0x04ffee38) /* 0.312483045 */, 18 },
+ /* 4843 */ { MAD_F(0x05004874) /* 0.312569096 */, 18 },
+ /* 4844 */ { MAD_F(0x0500a2b0) /* 0.312655153 */, 18 },
+ /* 4845 */ { MAD_F(0x0500fcef) /* 0.312741216 */, 18 },
+ /* 4846 */ { MAD_F(0x0501572e) /* 0.312827284 */, 18 },
+ /* 4847 */ { MAD_F(0x0501b170) /* 0.312913359 */, 18 },
+ /* 4848 */ { MAD_F(0x05020bb3) /* 0.312999439 */, 18 },
+ /* 4849 */ { MAD_F(0x050265f8) /* 0.313085526 */, 18 },
+ /* 4850 */ { MAD_F(0x0502c03e) /* 0.313171618 */, 18 },
+ /* 4851 */ { MAD_F(0x05031a86) /* 0.313257716 */, 18 },
+ /* 4852 */ { MAD_F(0x050374cf) /* 0.313343820 */, 18 },
+ /* 4853 */ { MAD_F(0x0503cf1a) /* 0.313429931 */, 18 },
+ /* 4854 */ { MAD_F(0x05042967) /* 0.313516047 */, 18 },
+ /* 4855 */ { MAD_F(0x050483b5) /* 0.313602168 */, 18 },
+ /* 4856 */ { MAD_F(0x0504de05) /* 0.313688296 */, 18 },
+ /* 4857 */ { MAD_F(0x05053856) /* 0.313774430 */, 18 },
+ /* 4858 */ { MAD_F(0x050592a9) /* 0.313860570 */, 18 },
+ /* 4859 */ { MAD_F(0x0505ecfd) /* 0.313946715 */, 18 },
+ /* 4860 */ { MAD_F(0x05064754) /* 0.314032867 */, 18 },
+ /* 4861 */ { MAD_F(0x0506a1ab) /* 0.314119024 */, 18 },
+ /* 4862 */ { MAD_F(0x0506fc04) /* 0.314205187 */, 18 },
+ /* 4863 */ { MAD_F(0x0507565f) /* 0.314291357 */, 18 },
+ /* 4864 */ { MAD_F(0x0507b0bc) /* 0.314377532 */, 18 },
+ /* 4865 */ { MAD_F(0x05080b1a) /* 0.314463713 */, 18 },
+ /* 4866 */ { MAD_F(0x05086579) /* 0.314549900 */, 18 },
+ /* 4867 */ { MAD_F(0x0508bfdb) /* 0.314636092 */, 18 },
+ /* 4868 */ { MAD_F(0x05091a3d) /* 0.314722291 */, 18 },
+ /* 4869 */ { MAD_F(0x050974a2) /* 0.314808496 */, 18 },
+ /* 4870 */ { MAD_F(0x0509cf08) /* 0.314894706 */, 18 },
+ /* 4871 */ { MAD_F(0x050a296f) /* 0.314980923 */, 18 },
+ /* 4872 */ { MAD_F(0x050a83d8) /* 0.315067145 */, 18 },
+ /* 4873 */ { MAD_F(0x050ade43) /* 0.315153373 */, 18 },
+ /* 4874 */ { MAD_F(0x050b38af) /* 0.315239607 */, 18 },
+ /* 4875 */ { MAD_F(0x050b931d) /* 0.315325847 */, 18 },
+ /* 4876 */ { MAD_F(0x050bed8d) /* 0.315412093 */, 18 },
+ /* 4877 */ { MAD_F(0x050c47fe) /* 0.315498345 */, 18 },
+ /* 4878 */ { MAD_F(0x050ca271) /* 0.315584603 */, 18 },
+ /* 4879 */ { MAD_F(0x050cfce5) /* 0.315670866 */, 18 },
+ /* 4880 */ { MAD_F(0x050d575b) /* 0.315757136 */, 18 },
+ /* 4881 */ { MAD_F(0x050db1d2) /* 0.315843411 */, 18 },
+ /* 4882 */ { MAD_F(0x050e0c4b) /* 0.315929693 */, 18 },
+ /* 4883 */ { MAD_F(0x050e66c5) /* 0.316015980 */, 18 },
+ /* 4884 */ { MAD_F(0x050ec141) /* 0.316102273 */, 18 },
+ /* 4885 */ { MAD_F(0x050f1bbf) /* 0.316188572 */, 18 },
+ /* 4886 */ { MAD_F(0x050f763e) /* 0.316274877 */, 18 },
+ /* 4887 */ { MAD_F(0x050fd0bf) /* 0.316361187 */, 18 },
+ /* 4888 */ { MAD_F(0x05102b42) /* 0.316447504 */, 18 },
+ /* 4889 */ { MAD_F(0x051085c6) /* 0.316533826 */, 18 },
+ /* 4890 */ { MAD_F(0x0510e04b) /* 0.316620155 */, 18 },
+ /* 4891 */ { MAD_F(0x05113ad3) /* 0.316706489 */, 18 },
+ /* 4892 */ { MAD_F(0x0511955b) /* 0.316792829 */, 18 },
+ /* 4893 */ { MAD_F(0x0511efe6) /* 0.316879175 */, 18 },
+ /* 4894 */ { MAD_F(0x05124a72) /* 0.316965527 */, 18 },
+ /* 4895 */ { MAD_F(0x0512a4ff) /* 0.317051885 */, 18 },
+ /* 4896 */ { MAD_F(0x0512ff8e) /* 0.317138249 */, 18 },
+ /* 4897 */ { MAD_F(0x05135a1f) /* 0.317224618 */, 18 },
+ /* 4898 */ { MAD_F(0x0513b4b1) /* 0.317310994 */, 18 },
+ /* 4899 */ { MAD_F(0x05140f45) /* 0.317397375 */, 18 },
+ /* 4900 */ { MAD_F(0x051469da) /* 0.317483762 */, 18 },
+ /* 4901 */ { MAD_F(0x0514c471) /* 0.317570155 */, 18 },
+ /* 4902 */ { MAD_F(0x05151f0a) /* 0.317656554 */, 18 },
+ /* 4903 */ { MAD_F(0x051579a4) /* 0.317742959 */, 18 },
+ /* 4904 */ { MAD_F(0x0515d440) /* 0.317829370 */, 18 },
+ /* 4905 */ { MAD_F(0x05162edd) /* 0.317915786 */, 18 },
+ /* 4906 */ { MAD_F(0x0516897c) /* 0.318002209 */, 18 },
+ /* 4907 */ { MAD_F(0x0516e41c) /* 0.318088637 */, 18 },
+ /* 4908 */ { MAD_F(0x05173ebe) /* 0.318175071 */, 18 },
+ /* 4909 */ { MAD_F(0x05179962) /* 0.318261511 */, 18 },
+ /* 4910 */ { MAD_F(0x0517f407) /* 0.318347957 */, 18 },
+ /* 4911 */ { MAD_F(0x05184eae) /* 0.318434409 */, 18 },
+ /* 4912 */ { MAD_F(0x0518a956) /* 0.318520867 */, 18 },
+ /* 4913 */ { MAD_F(0x05190400) /* 0.318607330 */, 18 },
+ /* 4914 */ { MAD_F(0x05195eab) /* 0.318693800 */, 18 },
+ /* 4915 */ { MAD_F(0x0519b958) /* 0.318780275 */, 18 },
+ /* 4916 */ { MAD_F(0x051a1407) /* 0.318866756 */, 18 },
+ /* 4917 */ { MAD_F(0x051a6eb7) /* 0.318953243 */, 18 },
+ /* 4918 */ { MAD_F(0x051ac969) /* 0.319039736 */, 18 },
+ /* 4919 */ { MAD_F(0x051b241c) /* 0.319126235 */, 18 },
+ /* 4920 */ { MAD_F(0x051b7ed1) /* 0.319212739 */, 18 },
+ /* 4921 */ { MAD_F(0x051bd987) /* 0.319299250 */, 18 },
+ /* 4922 */ { MAD_F(0x051c3440) /* 0.319385766 */, 18 },
+ /* 4923 */ { MAD_F(0x051c8ef9) /* 0.319472288 */, 18 },
+ /* 4924 */ { MAD_F(0x051ce9b4) /* 0.319558816 */, 18 },
+ /* 4925 */ { MAD_F(0x051d4471) /* 0.319645350 */, 18 },
+ /* 4926 */ { MAD_F(0x051d9f2f) /* 0.319731890 */, 18 },
+ /* 4927 */ { MAD_F(0x051df9ef) /* 0.319818435 */, 18 },
+ /* 4928 */ { MAD_F(0x051e54b1) /* 0.319904987 */, 18 },
+ /* 4929 */ { MAD_F(0x051eaf74) /* 0.319991544 */, 18 },
+ /* 4930 */ { MAD_F(0x051f0a38) /* 0.320078107 */, 18 },
+ /* 4931 */ { MAD_F(0x051f64ff) /* 0.320164676 */, 18 },
+ /* 4932 */ { MAD_F(0x051fbfc6) /* 0.320251251 */, 18 },
+ /* 4933 */ { MAD_F(0x05201a90) /* 0.320337832 */, 18 },
+ /* 4934 */ { MAD_F(0x0520755b) /* 0.320424419 */, 18 },
+ /* 4935 */ { MAD_F(0x0520d027) /* 0.320511011 */, 18 },
+ /* 4936 */ { MAD_F(0x05212af5) /* 0.320597609 */, 18 },
+ /* 4937 */ { MAD_F(0x052185c5) /* 0.320684213 */, 18 },
+ /* 4938 */ { MAD_F(0x0521e096) /* 0.320770823 */, 18 },
+ /* 4939 */ { MAD_F(0x05223b69) /* 0.320857439 */, 18 },
+ /* 4940 */ { MAD_F(0x0522963d) /* 0.320944061 */, 18 },
+ /* 4941 */ { MAD_F(0x0522f113) /* 0.321030688 */, 18 },
+ /* 4942 */ { MAD_F(0x05234bea) /* 0.321117322 */, 18 },
+ /* 4943 */ { MAD_F(0x0523a6c3) /* 0.321203961 */, 18 },
+ /* 4944 */ { MAD_F(0x0524019e) /* 0.321290606 */, 18 },
+ /* 4945 */ { MAD_F(0x05245c7a) /* 0.321377257 */, 18 },
+ /* 4946 */ { MAD_F(0x0524b758) /* 0.321463913 */, 18 },
+ /* 4947 */ { MAD_F(0x05251237) /* 0.321550576 */, 18 },
+ /* 4948 */ { MAD_F(0x05256d18) /* 0.321637244 */, 18 },
+ /* 4949 */ { MAD_F(0x0525c7fb) /* 0.321723919 */, 18 },
+ /* 4950 */ { MAD_F(0x052622df) /* 0.321810599 */, 18 },
+ /* 4951 */ { MAD_F(0x05267dc4) /* 0.321897285 */, 18 },
+ /* 4952 */ { MAD_F(0x0526d8ab) /* 0.321983976 */, 18 },
+ /* 4953 */ { MAD_F(0x05273394) /* 0.322070674 */, 18 },
+ /* 4954 */ { MAD_F(0x05278e7e) /* 0.322157377 */, 18 },
+ /* 4955 */ { MAD_F(0x0527e96a) /* 0.322244087 */, 18 },
+ /* 4956 */ { MAD_F(0x05284457) /* 0.322330802 */, 18 },
+ /* 4957 */ { MAD_F(0x05289f46) /* 0.322417523 */, 18 },
+ /* 4958 */ { MAD_F(0x0528fa37) /* 0.322504249 */, 18 },
+ /* 4959 */ { MAD_F(0x05295529) /* 0.322590982 */, 18 },
+ /* 4960 */ { MAD_F(0x0529b01d) /* 0.322677720 */, 18 },
+ /* 4961 */ { MAD_F(0x052a0b12) /* 0.322764465 */, 18 },
+ /* 4962 */ { MAD_F(0x052a6609) /* 0.322851215 */, 18 },
+ /* 4963 */ { MAD_F(0x052ac101) /* 0.322937971 */, 18 },
+ /* 4964 */ { MAD_F(0x052b1bfb) /* 0.323024732 */, 18 },
+ /* 4965 */ { MAD_F(0x052b76f7) /* 0.323111500 */, 18 },
+ /* 4966 */ { MAD_F(0x052bd1f4) /* 0.323198273 */, 18 },
+ /* 4967 */ { MAD_F(0x052c2cf2) /* 0.323285052 */, 18 },
+ /* 4968 */ { MAD_F(0x052c87f2) /* 0.323371837 */, 18 },
+ /* 4969 */ { MAD_F(0x052ce2f4) /* 0.323458628 */, 18 },
+ /* 4970 */ { MAD_F(0x052d3df7) /* 0.323545425 */, 18 },
+ /* 4971 */ { MAD_F(0x052d98fc) /* 0.323632227 */, 18 },
+ /* 4972 */ { MAD_F(0x052df403) /* 0.323719036 */, 18 },
+ /* 4973 */ { MAD_F(0x052e4f0b) /* 0.323805850 */, 18 },
+ /* 4974 */ { MAD_F(0x052eaa14) /* 0.323892670 */, 18 },
+ /* 4975 */ { MAD_F(0x052f051f) /* 0.323979496 */, 18 },
+ /* 4976 */ { MAD_F(0x052f602c) /* 0.324066327 */, 18 },
+ /* 4977 */ { MAD_F(0x052fbb3a) /* 0.324153165 */, 18 },
+ /* 4978 */ { MAD_F(0x0530164a) /* 0.324240008 */, 18 },
+ /* 4979 */ { MAD_F(0x0530715b) /* 0.324326857 */, 18 },
+ /* 4980 */ { MAD_F(0x0530cc6e) /* 0.324413712 */, 18 },
+ /* 4981 */ { MAD_F(0x05312783) /* 0.324500572 */, 18 },
+ /* 4982 */ { MAD_F(0x05318299) /* 0.324587439 */, 18 },
+ /* 4983 */ { MAD_F(0x0531ddb0) /* 0.324674311 */, 18 },
+ /* 4984 */ { MAD_F(0x053238ca) /* 0.324761189 */, 18 },
+ /* 4985 */ { MAD_F(0x053293e4) /* 0.324848073 */, 18 },
+ /* 4986 */ { MAD_F(0x0532ef01) /* 0.324934963 */, 18 },
+ /* 4987 */ { MAD_F(0x05334a1e) /* 0.325021858 */, 18 },
+ /* 4988 */ { MAD_F(0x0533a53e) /* 0.325108760 */, 18 },
+ /* 4989 */ { MAD_F(0x0534005f) /* 0.325195667 */, 18 },
+ /* 4990 */ { MAD_F(0x05345b81) /* 0.325282580 */, 18 },
+ /* 4991 */ { MAD_F(0x0534b6a5) /* 0.325369498 */, 18 },
+ /* 4992 */ { MAD_F(0x053511cb) /* 0.325456423 */, 18 },
+ /* 4993 */ { MAD_F(0x05356cf2) /* 0.325543353 */, 18 },
+ /* 4994 */ { MAD_F(0x0535c81b) /* 0.325630290 */, 18 },
+ /* 4995 */ { MAD_F(0x05362345) /* 0.325717232 */, 18 },
+ /* 4996 */ { MAD_F(0x05367e71) /* 0.325804179 */, 18 },
+ /* 4997 */ { MAD_F(0x0536d99f) /* 0.325891133 */, 18 },
+ /* 4998 */ { MAD_F(0x053734ce) /* 0.325978092 */, 18 },
+ /* 4999 */ { MAD_F(0x05378ffe) /* 0.326065057 */, 18 },
+ /* 5000 */ { MAD_F(0x0537eb30) /* 0.326152028 */, 18 },
+ /* 5001 */ { MAD_F(0x05384664) /* 0.326239005 */, 18 },
+ /* 5002 */ { MAD_F(0x0538a199) /* 0.326325988 */, 18 },
+ /* 5003 */ { MAD_F(0x0538fcd0) /* 0.326412976 */, 18 },
+ /* 5004 */ { MAD_F(0x05395808) /* 0.326499970 */, 18 },
+ /* 5005 */ { MAD_F(0x0539b342) /* 0.326586970 */, 18 },
+ /* 5006 */ { MAD_F(0x053a0e7d) /* 0.326673976 */, 18 },
+ /* 5007 */ { MAD_F(0x053a69ba) /* 0.326760988 */, 18 },
+ /* 5008 */ { MAD_F(0x053ac4f9) /* 0.326848005 */, 18 },
+ /* 5009 */ { MAD_F(0x053b2039) /* 0.326935028 */, 18 },
+ /* 5010 */ { MAD_F(0x053b7b7b) /* 0.327022057 */, 18 },
+ /* 5011 */ { MAD_F(0x053bd6be) /* 0.327109092 */, 18 },
+ /* 5012 */ { MAD_F(0x053c3203) /* 0.327196132 */, 18 },
+ /* 5013 */ { MAD_F(0x053c8d49) /* 0.327283178 */, 18 },
+ /* 5014 */ { MAD_F(0x053ce891) /* 0.327370231 */, 18 },
+ /* 5015 */ { MAD_F(0x053d43da) /* 0.327457288 */, 18 },
+ /* 5016 */ { MAD_F(0x053d9f25) /* 0.327544352 */, 18 },
+ /* 5017 */ { MAD_F(0x053dfa72) /* 0.327631421 */, 18 },
+ /* 5018 */ { MAD_F(0x053e55c0) /* 0.327718497 */, 18 },
+ /* 5019 */ { MAD_F(0x053eb10f) /* 0.327805578 */, 18 },
+ /* 5020 */ { MAD_F(0x053f0c61) /* 0.327892665 */, 18 },
+ /* 5021 */ { MAD_F(0x053f67b3) /* 0.327979757 */, 18 },
+ /* 5022 */ { MAD_F(0x053fc308) /* 0.328066855 */, 18 },
+ /* 5023 */ { MAD_F(0x05401e5e) /* 0.328153960 */, 18 },
+ /* 5024 */ { MAD_F(0x054079b5) /* 0.328241070 */, 18 },
+ /* 5025 */ { MAD_F(0x0540d50e) /* 0.328328185 */, 18 },
+ /* 5026 */ { MAD_F(0x05413068) /* 0.328415307 */, 18 },
+ /* 5027 */ { MAD_F(0x05418bc4) /* 0.328502434 */, 18 },
+ /* 5028 */ { MAD_F(0x0541e722) /* 0.328589567 */, 18 },
+ /* 5029 */ { MAD_F(0x05424281) /* 0.328676706 */, 18 },
+ /* 5030 */ { MAD_F(0x05429de2) /* 0.328763850 */, 18 },
+ /* 5031 */ { MAD_F(0x0542f944) /* 0.328851001 */, 18 },
+ /* 5032 */ { MAD_F(0x054354a8) /* 0.328938157 */, 18 },
+ /* 5033 */ { MAD_F(0x0543b00d) /* 0.329025319 */, 18 },
+ /* 5034 */ { MAD_F(0x05440b74) /* 0.329112486 */, 18 },
+ /* 5035 */ { MAD_F(0x054466dd) /* 0.329199660 */, 18 },
+ /* 5036 */ { MAD_F(0x0544c247) /* 0.329286839 */, 18 },
+ /* 5037 */ { MAD_F(0x05451db2) /* 0.329374024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5038 */ { MAD_F(0x0545791f) /* 0.329461215 */, 18 },
+ /* 5039 */ { MAD_F(0x0545d48e) /* 0.329548411 */, 18 },
+ /* 5040 */ { MAD_F(0x05462ffe) /* 0.329635614 */, 18 },
+ /* 5041 */ { MAD_F(0x05468b70) /* 0.329722822 */, 18 },
+ /* 5042 */ { MAD_F(0x0546e6e3) /* 0.329810036 */, 18 },
+ /* 5043 */ { MAD_F(0x05474258) /* 0.329897255 */, 18 },
+ /* 5044 */ { MAD_F(0x05479dce) /* 0.329984481 */, 18 },
+ /* 5045 */ { MAD_F(0x0547f946) /* 0.330071712 */, 18 },
+ /* 5046 */ { MAD_F(0x054854c0) /* 0.330158949 */, 18 },
+ /* 5047 */ { MAD_F(0x0548b03b) /* 0.330246191 */, 18 },
+ /* 5048 */ { MAD_F(0x05490bb7) /* 0.330333440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5049 */ { MAD_F(0x05496735) /* 0.330420694 */, 18 },
+ /* 5050 */ { MAD_F(0x0549c2b5) /* 0.330507954 */, 18 },
+ /* 5051 */ { MAD_F(0x054a1e36) /* 0.330595220 */, 18 },
+ /* 5052 */ { MAD_F(0x054a79b9) /* 0.330682491 */, 18 },
+ /* 5053 */ { MAD_F(0x054ad53d) /* 0.330769768 */, 18 },
+ /* 5054 */ { MAD_F(0x054b30c3) /* 0.330857051 */, 18 },
+ /* 5055 */ { MAD_F(0x054b8c4b) /* 0.330944340 */, 18 },
+ /* 5056 */ { MAD_F(0x054be7d4) /* 0.331031635 */, 18 },
+ /* 5057 */ { MAD_F(0x054c435e) /* 0.331118935 */, 18 },
+ /* 5058 */ { MAD_F(0x054c9eea) /* 0.331206241 */, 18 },
+ /* 5059 */ { MAD_F(0x054cfa78) /* 0.331293553 */, 18 },
+ /* 5060 */ { MAD_F(0x054d5607) /* 0.331380870 */, 18 },
+ /* 5061 */ { MAD_F(0x054db197) /* 0.331468193 */, 18 },
+ /* 5062 */ { MAD_F(0x054e0d2a) /* 0.331555522 */, 18 },
+ /* 5063 */ { MAD_F(0x054e68bd) /* 0.331642857 */, 18 },
+ /* 5064 */ { MAD_F(0x054ec453) /* 0.331730198 */, 18 },
+ /* 5065 */ { MAD_F(0x054f1fe9) /* 0.331817544 */, 18 },
+ /* 5066 */ { MAD_F(0x054f7b82) /* 0.331904896 */, 18 },
+ /* 5067 */ { MAD_F(0x054fd71c) /* 0.331992254 */, 18 },
+ /* 5068 */ { MAD_F(0x055032b7) /* 0.332079617 */, 18 },
+ /* 5069 */ { MAD_F(0x05508e54) /* 0.332166986 */, 18 },
+ /* 5070 */ { MAD_F(0x0550e9f3) /* 0.332254361 */, 18 },
+ /* 5071 */ { MAD_F(0x05514593) /* 0.332341742 */, 18 },
+ /* 5072 */ { MAD_F(0x0551a134) /* 0.332429129 */, 18 },
+ /* 5073 */ { MAD_F(0x0551fcd8) /* 0.332516521 */, 18 },
+ /* 5074 */ { MAD_F(0x0552587c) /* 0.332603919 */, 18 },
+ /* 5075 */ { MAD_F(0x0552b423) /* 0.332691323 */, 18 },
+ /* 5076 */ { MAD_F(0x05530fca) /* 0.332778732 */, 18 },
+ /* 5077 */ { MAD_F(0x05536b74) /* 0.332866147 */, 18 },
+ /* 5078 */ { MAD_F(0x0553c71f) /* 0.332953568 */, 18 },
+ /* 5079 */ { MAD_F(0x055422cb) /* 0.333040995 */, 18 },
+ /* 5080 */ { MAD_F(0x05547e79) /* 0.333128427 */, 18 },
+ /* 5081 */ { MAD_F(0x0554da29) /* 0.333215865 */, 18 },
+ /* 5082 */ { MAD_F(0x055535da) /* 0.333303309 */, 18 },
+ /* 5083 */ { MAD_F(0x0555918c) /* 0.333390759 */, 18 },
+ /* 5084 */ { MAD_F(0x0555ed40) /* 0.333478214 */, 18 },
+ /* 5085 */ { MAD_F(0x055648f6) /* 0.333565675 */, 18 },
+ /* 5086 */ { MAD_F(0x0556a4ad) /* 0.333653142 */, 18 },
+ /* 5087 */ { MAD_F(0x05570066) /* 0.333740615 */, 18 },
+ /* 5088 */ { MAD_F(0x05575c20) /* 0.333828093 */, 18 },
+ /* 5089 */ { MAD_F(0x0557b7dc) /* 0.333915577 */, 18 },
+ /* 5090 */ { MAD_F(0x05581399) /* 0.334003067 */, 18 },
+ /* 5091 */ { MAD_F(0x05586f58) /* 0.334090562 */, 18 },
+ /* 5092 */ { MAD_F(0x0558cb19) /* 0.334178063 */, 18 },
+ /* 5093 */ { MAD_F(0x055926db) /* 0.334265570 */, 18 },
+ /* 5094 */ { MAD_F(0x0559829e) /* 0.334353083 */, 18 },
+ /* 5095 */ { MAD_F(0x0559de63) /* 0.334440601 */, 18 },
+ /* 5096 */ { MAD_F(0x055a3a2a) /* 0.334528126 */, 18 },
+ /* 5097 */ { MAD_F(0x055a95f2) /* 0.334615655 */, 18 },
+ /* 5098 */ { MAD_F(0x055af1bb) /* 0.334703191 */, 18 },
+ /* 5099 */ { MAD_F(0x055b4d87) /* 0.334790732 */, 18 },
+ /* 5100 */ { MAD_F(0x055ba953) /* 0.334878279 */, 18 },
+ /* 5101 */ { MAD_F(0x055c0522) /* 0.334965832 */, 18 },
+ /* 5102 */ { MAD_F(0x055c60f1) /* 0.335053391 */, 18 },
+ /* 5103 */ { MAD_F(0x055cbcc3) /* 0.335140955 */, 18 },
+ /* 5104 */ { MAD_F(0x055d1896) /* 0.335228525 */, 18 },
+ /* 5105 */ { MAD_F(0x055d746a) /* 0.335316100 */, 18 },
+ /* 5106 */ { MAD_F(0x055dd040) /* 0.335403682 */, 18 },
+ /* 5107 */ { MAD_F(0x055e2c17) /* 0.335491269 */, 18 },
+ /* 5108 */ { MAD_F(0x055e87f0) /* 0.335578861 */, 18 },
+ /* 5109 */ { MAD_F(0x055ee3cb) /* 0.335666460 */, 18 },
+ /* 5110 */ { MAD_F(0x055f3fa7) /* 0.335754064 */, 18 },
+ /* 5111 */ { MAD_F(0x055f9b85) /* 0.335841674 */, 18 },
+ /* 5112 */ { MAD_F(0x055ff764) /* 0.335929290 */, 18 },
+ /* 5113 */ { MAD_F(0x05605344) /* 0.336016911 */, 18 },
+ /* 5114 */ { MAD_F(0x0560af27) /* 0.336104538 */, 18 },
+ /* 5115 */ { MAD_F(0x05610b0a) /* 0.336192171 */, 18 },
+ /* 5116 */ { MAD_F(0x056166f0) /* 0.336279809 */, 18 },
+ /* 5117 */ { MAD_F(0x0561c2d7) /* 0.336367453 */, 18 },
+ /* 5118 */ { MAD_F(0x05621ebf) /* 0.336455103 */, 18 },
+ /* 5119 */ { MAD_F(0x05627aa9) /* 0.336542759 */, 18 },
+ /* 5120 */ { MAD_F(0x0562d694) /* 0.336630420 */, 18 },
+ /* 5121 */ { MAD_F(0x05633281) /* 0.336718087 */, 18 },
+ /* 5122 */ { MAD_F(0x05638e70) /* 0.336805760 */, 18 },
+ /* 5123 */ { MAD_F(0x0563ea60) /* 0.336893439 */, 18 },
+ /* 5124 */ { MAD_F(0x05644651) /* 0.336981123 */, 18 },
+ /* 5125 */ { MAD_F(0x0564a244) /* 0.337068813 */, 18 },
+ /* 5126 */ { MAD_F(0x0564fe39) /* 0.337156508 */, 18 },
+ /* 5127 */ { MAD_F(0x05655a2f) /* 0.337244209 */, 18 },
+ /* 5128 */ { MAD_F(0x0565b627) /* 0.337331916 */, 18 },
+ /* 5129 */ { MAD_F(0x05661220) /* 0.337419629 */, 18 },
+ /* 5130 */ { MAD_F(0x05666e1a) /* 0.337507347 */, 18 },
+ /* 5131 */ { MAD_F(0x0566ca17) /* 0.337595071 */, 18 },
+ /* 5132 */ { MAD_F(0x05672614) /* 0.337682801 */, 18 },
+ /* 5133 */ { MAD_F(0x05678214) /* 0.337770537 */, 18 },
+ /* 5134 */ { MAD_F(0x0567de15) /* 0.337858278 */, 18 },
+ /* 5135 */ { MAD_F(0x05683a17) /* 0.337946025 */, 18 },
+ /* 5136 */ { MAD_F(0x0568961b) /* 0.338033777 */, 18 },
+ /* 5137 */ { MAD_F(0x0568f220) /* 0.338121535 */, 18 },
+ /* 5138 */ { MAD_F(0x05694e27) /* 0.338209299 */, 18 },
+ /* 5139 */ { MAD_F(0x0569aa30) /* 0.338297069 */, 18 },
+ /* 5140 */ { MAD_F(0x056a063a) /* 0.338384844 */, 18 },
+ /* 5141 */ { MAD_F(0x056a6245) /* 0.338472625 */, 18 },
+ /* 5142 */ { MAD_F(0x056abe52) /* 0.338560412 */, 18 },
+ /* 5143 */ { MAD_F(0x056b1a61) /* 0.338648204 */, 18 },
+ /* 5144 */ { MAD_F(0x056b7671) /* 0.338736002 */, 18 },
+ /* 5145 */ { MAD_F(0x056bd283) /* 0.338823806 */, 18 },
+ /* 5146 */ { MAD_F(0x056c2e96) /* 0.338911616 */, 18 },
+ /* 5147 */ { MAD_F(0x056c8aab) /* 0.338999431 */, 18 },
+ /* 5148 */ { MAD_F(0x056ce6c1) /* 0.339087252 */, 18 },
+ /* 5149 */ { MAD_F(0x056d42d9) /* 0.339175078 */, 18 },
+ /* 5150 */ { MAD_F(0x056d9ef2) /* 0.339262910 */, 18 },
+ /* 5151 */ { MAD_F(0x056dfb0d) /* 0.339350748 */, 18 },
+ /* 5152 */ { MAD_F(0x056e5729) /* 0.339438592 */, 18 },
+ /* 5153 */ { MAD_F(0x056eb347) /* 0.339526441 */, 18 },
+ /* 5154 */ { MAD_F(0x056f0f66) /* 0.339614296 */, 18 },
+ /* 5155 */ { MAD_F(0x056f6b87) /* 0.339702157 */, 18 },
+ /* 5156 */ { MAD_F(0x056fc7aa) /* 0.339790023 */, 18 },
+ /* 5157 */ { MAD_F(0x057023cd) /* 0.339877895 */, 18 },
+ /* 5158 */ { MAD_F(0x05707ff3) /* 0.339965773 */, 18 },
+ /* 5159 */ { MAD_F(0x0570dc1a) /* 0.340053656 */, 18 },
+ /* 5160 */ { MAD_F(0x05713843) /* 0.340141545 */, 18 },
+ /* 5161 */ { MAD_F(0x0571946d) /* 0.340229440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5162 */ { MAD_F(0x0571f098) /* 0.340317340 */, 18 },
+ /* 5163 */ { MAD_F(0x05724cc5) /* 0.340405246 */, 18 },
+ /* 5164 */ { MAD_F(0x0572a8f4) /* 0.340493158 */, 18 },
+ /* 5165 */ { MAD_F(0x05730524) /* 0.340581075 */, 18 },
+ /* 5166 */ { MAD_F(0x05736156) /* 0.340668999 */, 18 },
+ /* 5167 */ { MAD_F(0x0573bd89) /* 0.340756927 */, 18 },
+ /* 5168 */ { MAD_F(0x057419be) /* 0.340844862 */, 18 },
+ /* 5169 */ { MAD_F(0x057475f4) /* 0.340932802 */, 18 },
+ /* 5170 */ { MAD_F(0x0574d22c) /* 0.341020748 */, 18 },
+ /* 5171 */ { MAD_F(0x05752e65) /* 0.341108699 */, 18 },
+ /* 5172 */ { MAD_F(0x05758aa0) /* 0.341196656 */, 18 },
+ /* 5173 */ { MAD_F(0x0575e6dc) /* 0.341284619 */, 18 },
+ /* 5174 */ { MAD_F(0x0576431a) /* 0.341372587 */, 18 },
+ /* 5175 */ { MAD_F(0x05769f59) /* 0.341460562 */, 18 },
+ /* 5176 */ { MAD_F(0x0576fb9a) /* 0.341548541 */, 18 },
+ /* 5177 */ { MAD_F(0x057757dd) /* 0.341636527 */, 18 },
+ /* 5178 */ { MAD_F(0x0577b421) /* 0.341724518 */, 18 },
+ /* 5179 */ { MAD_F(0x05781066) /* 0.341812515 */, 18 },
+ /* 5180 */ { MAD_F(0x05786cad) /* 0.341900517 */, 18 },
+ /* 5181 */ { MAD_F(0x0578c8f5) /* 0.341988525 */, 18 },
+ /* 5182 */ { MAD_F(0x0579253f) /* 0.342076539 */, 18 },
+ /* 5183 */ { MAD_F(0x0579818b) /* 0.342164558 */, 18 },
+ /* 5184 */ { MAD_F(0x0579ddd8) /* 0.342252584 */, 18 },
+ /* 5185 */ { MAD_F(0x057a3a27) /* 0.342340614 */, 18 },
+ /* 5186 */ { MAD_F(0x057a9677) /* 0.342428651 */, 18 },
+ /* 5187 */ { MAD_F(0x057af2c8) /* 0.342516693 */, 18 },
+ /* 5188 */ { MAD_F(0x057b4f1c) /* 0.342604741 */, 18 },
+ /* 5189 */ { MAD_F(0x057bab70) /* 0.342692794 */, 18 },
+ /* 5190 */ { MAD_F(0x057c07c6) /* 0.342780853 */, 18 },
+ /* 5191 */ { MAD_F(0x057c641e) /* 0.342868918 */, 18 },
+ /* 5192 */ { MAD_F(0x057cc077) /* 0.342956988 */, 18 },
+ /* 5193 */ { MAD_F(0x057d1cd2) /* 0.343045064 */, 18 },
+ /* 5194 */ { MAD_F(0x057d792e) /* 0.343133146 */, 18 },
+ /* 5195 */ { MAD_F(0x057dd58c) /* 0.343221233 */, 18 },
+ /* 5196 */ { MAD_F(0x057e31eb) /* 0.343309326 */, 18 },
+ /* 5197 */ { MAD_F(0x057e8e4c) /* 0.343397425 */, 18 },
+ /* 5198 */ { MAD_F(0x057eeaae) /* 0.343485529 */, 18 },
+ /* 5199 */ { MAD_F(0x057f4712) /* 0.343573639 */, 18 },
+ /* 5200 */ { MAD_F(0x057fa378) /* 0.343661754 */, 18 },
+ /* 5201 */ { MAD_F(0x057fffde) /* 0.343749876 */, 18 },
+ /* 5202 */ { MAD_F(0x05805c47) /* 0.343838003 */, 18 },
+ /* 5203 */ { MAD_F(0x0580b8b1) /* 0.343926135 */, 18 },
+ /* 5204 */ { MAD_F(0x0581151c) /* 0.344014273 */, 18 },
+ /* 5205 */ { MAD_F(0x05817189) /* 0.344102417 */, 18 },
+ /* 5206 */ { MAD_F(0x0581cdf7) /* 0.344190566 */, 18 },
+ /* 5207 */ { MAD_F(0x05822a67) /* 0.344278722 */, 18 },
+ /* 5208 */ { MAD_F(0x058286d9) /* 0.344366882 */, 18 },
+ /* 5209 */ { MAD_F(0x0582e34c) /* 0.344455049 */, 18 },
+ /* 5210 */ { MAD_F(0x05833fc0) /* 0.344543221 */, 18 },
+ /* 5211 */ { MAD_F(0x05839c36) /* 0.344631398 */, 18 },
+ /* 5212 */ { MAD_F(0x0583f8ae) /* 0.344719582 */, 18 },
+ /* 5213 */ { MAD_F(0x05845527) /* 0.344807771 */, 18 },
+ /* 5214 */ { MAD_F(0x0584b1a1) /* 0.344895965 */, 18 },
+ /* 5215 */ { MAD_F(0x05850e1e) /* 0.344984165 */, 18 },
+ /* 5216 */ { MAD_F(0x05856a9b) /* 0.345072371 */, 18 },
+ /* 5217 */ { MAD_F(0x0585c71a) /* 0.345160583 */, 18 },
+ /* 5218 */ { MAD_F(0x0586239b) /* 0.345248800 */, 18 },
+ /* 5219 */ { MAD_F(0x0586801d) /* 0.345337023 */, 18 },
+ /* 5220 */ { MAD_F(0x0586dca1) /* 0.345425251 */, 18 },
+ /* 5221 */ { MAD_F(0x05873926) /* 0.345513485 */, 18 },
+ /* 5222 */ { MAD_F(0x058795ac) /* 0.345601725 */, 18 },
+ /* 5223 */ { MAD_F(0x0587f235) /* 0.345689970 */, 18 },
+ /* 5224 */ { MAD_F(0x05884ebe) /* 0.345778221 */, 18 },
+ /* 5225 */ { MAD_F(0x0588ab49) /* 0.345866478 */, 18 },
+ /* 5226 */ { MAD_F(0x058907d6) /* 0.345954740 */, 18 },
+ /* 5227 */ { MAD_F(0x05896464) /* 0.346043008 */, 18 },
+ /* 5228 */ { MAD_F(0x0589c0f4) /* 0.346131281 */, 18 },
+ /* 5229 */ { MAD_F(0x058a1d85) /* 0.346219560 */, 18 },
+ /* 5230 */ { MAD_F(0x058a7a18) /* 0.346307845 */, 18 },
+ /* 5231 */ { MAD_F(0x058ad6ac) /* 0.346396135 */, 18 },
+ /* 5232 */ { MAD_F(0x058b3342) /* 0.346484431 */, 18 },
+ /* 5233 */ { MAD_F(0x058b8fd9) /* 0.346572733 */, 18 },
+ /* 5234 */ { MAD_F(0x058bec72) /* 0.346661040 */, 18 },
+ /* 5235 */ { MAD_F(0x058c490c) /* 0.346749353 */, 18 },
+ /* 5236 */ { MAD_F(0x058ca5a8) /* 0.346837671 */, 18 },
+ /* 5237 */ { MAD_F(0x058d0246) /* 0.346925996 */, 18 },
+ /* 5238 */ { MAD_F(0x058d5ee4) /* 0.347014325 */, 18 },
+ /* 5239 */ { MAD_F(0x058dbb85) /* 0.347102661 */, 18 },
+ /* 5240 */ { MAD_F(0x058e1827) /* 0.347191002 */, 18 },
+ /* 5241 */ { MAD_F(0x058e74ca) /* 0.347279348 */, 18 },
+ /* 5242 */ { MAD_F(0x058ed16f) /* 0.347367700 */, 18 },
+ /* 5243 */ { MAD_F(0x058f2e15) /* 0.347456058 */, 18 },
+ /* 5244 */ { MAD_F(0x058f8abd) /* 0.347544422 */, 18 },
+ /* 5245 */ { MAD_F(0x058fe766) /* 0.347632791 */, 18 },
+ /* 5246 */ { MAD_F(0x05904411) /* 0.347721165 */, 18 },
+ /* 5247 */ { MAD_F(0x0590a0be) /* 0.347809546 */, 18 },
+ /* 5248 */ { MAD_F(0x0590fd6c) /* 0.347897931 */, 18 },
+ /* 5249 */ { MAD_F(0x05915a1b) /* 0.347986323 */, 18 },
+ /* 5250 */ { MAD_F(0x0591b6cc) /* 0.348074720 */, 18 },
+ /* 5251 */ { MAD_F(0x0592137e) /* 0.348163123 */, 18 },
+ /* 5252 */ { MAD_F(0x05927032) /* 0.348251531 */, 18 },
+ /* 5253 */ { MAD_F(0x0592cce8) /* 0.348339945 */, 18 },
+ /* 5254 */ { MAD_F(0x0593299f) /* 0.348428365 */, 18 },
+ /* 5255 */ { MAD_F(0x05938657) /* 0.348516790 */, 18 },
+ /* 5256 */ { MAD_F(0x0593e311) /* 0.348605221 */, 18 },
+ /* 5257 */ { MAD_F(0x05943fcd) /* 0.348693657 */, 18 },
+ /* 5258 */ { MAD_F(0x05949c8a) /* 0.348782099 */, 18 },
+ /* 5259 */ { MAD_F(0x0594f948) /* 0.348870547 */, 18 },
+ /* 5260 */ { MAD_F(0x05955608) /* 0.348959000 */, 18 },
+ /* 5261 */ { MAD_F(0x0595b2ca) /* 0.349047459 */, 18 },
+ /* 5262 */ { MAD_F(0x05960f8c) /* 0.349135923 */, 18 },
+ /* 5263 */ { MAD_F(0x05966c51) /* 0.349224393 */, 18 },
+ /* 5264 */ { MAD_F(0x0596c917) /* 0.349312869 */, 18 },
+ /* 5265 */ { MAD_F(0x059725de) /* 0.349401350 */, 18 },
+ /* 5266 */ { MAD_F(0x059782a7) /* 0.349489837 */, 18 },
+ /* 5267 */ { MAD_F(0x0597df72) /* 0.349578329 */, 18 },
+ /* 5268 */ { MAD_F(0x05983c3e) /* 0.349666827 */, 18 },
+ /* 5269 */ { MAD_F(0x0598990c) /* 0.349755331 */, 18 },
+ /* 5270 */ { MAD_F(0x0598f5db) /* 0.349843840 */, 18 },
+ /* 5271 */ { MAD_F(0x059952ab) /* 0.349932355 */, 18 },
+ /* 5272 */ { MAD_F(0x0599af7d) /* 0.350020876 */, 18 },
+ /* 5273 */ { MAD_F(0x059a0c51) /* 0.350109402 */, 18 },
+ /* 5274 */ { MAD_F(0x059a6926) /* 0.350197933 */, 18 },
+ /* 5275 */ { MAD_F(0x059ac5fc) /* 0.350286470 */, 18 },
+ /* 5276 */ { MAD_F(0x059b22d4) /* 0.350375013 */, 18 },
+ /* 5277 */ { MAD_F(0x059b7fae) /* 0.350463562 */, 18 },
+ /* 5278 */ { MAD_F(0x059bdc89) /* 0.350552116 */, 18 },
+ /* 5279 */ { MAD_F(0x059c3965) /* 0.350640675 */, 18 },
+ /* 5280 */ { MAD_F(0x059c9643) /* 0.350729240 */, 18 },
+ /* 5281 */ { MAD_F(0x059cf323) /* 0.350817811 */, 18 },
+ /* 5282 */ { MAD_F(0x059d5004) /* 0.350906388 */, 18 },
+ /* 5283 */ { MAD_F(0x059dace6) /* 0.350994970 */, 18 },
+ /* 5284 */ { MAD_F(0x059e09cb) /* 0.351083557 */, 18 },
+ /* 5285 */ { MAD_F(0x059e66b0) /* 0.351172150 */, 18 },
+ /* 5286 */ { MAD_F(0x059ec397) /* 0.351260749 */, 18 },
+ /* 5287 */ { MAD_F(0x059f2080) /* 0.351349353 */, 18 },
+ /* 5288 */ { MAD_F(0x059f7d6a) /* 0.351437963 */, 18 },
+ /* 5289 */ { MAD_F(0x059fda55) /* 0.351526579 */, 18 },
+ /* 5290 */ { MAD_F(0x05a03742) /* 0.351615200 */, 18 },
+ /* 5291 */ { MAD_F(0x05a09431) /* 0.351703827 */, 18 },
+ /* 5292 */ { MAD_F(0x05a0f121) /* 0.351792459 */, 18 },
+ /* 5293 */ { MAD_F(0x05a14e12) /* 0.351881097 */, 18 },
+ /* 5294 */ { MAD_F(0x05a1ab05) /* 0.351969740 */, 18 },
+ /* 5295 */ { MAD_F(0x05a207fa) /* 0.352058389 */, 18 },
+ /* 5296 */ { MAD_F(0x05a264f0) /* 0.352147044 */, 18 },
+ /* 5297 */ { MAD_F(0x05a2c1e7) /* 0.352235704 */, 18 },
+ /* 5298 */ { MAD_F(0x05a31ee1) /* 0.352324369 */, 18 },
+ /* 5299 */ { MAD_F(0x05a37bdb) /* 0.352413041 */, 18 },
+ /* 5300 */ { MAD_F(0x05a3d8d7) /* 0.352501718 */, 18 },
+ /* 5301 */ { MAD_F(0x05a435d5) /* 0.352590400 */, 18 },
+ /* 5302 */ { MAD_F(0x05a492d4) /* 0.352679088 */, 18 },
+ /* 5303 */ { MAD_F(0x05a4efd4) /* 0.352767782 */, 18 },
+ /* 5304 */ { MAD_F(0x05a54cd6) /* 0.352856481 */, 18 },
+ /* 5305 */ { MAD_F(0x05a5a9da) /* 0.352945186 */, 18 },
+ /* 5306 */ { MAD_F(0x05a606df) /* 0.353033896 */, 18 },
+ /* 5307 */ { MAD_F(0x05a663e5) /* 0.353122612 */, 18 },
+ /* 5308 */ { MAD_F(0x05a6c0ed) /* 0.353211333 */, 18 },
+ /* 5309 */ { MAD_F(0x05a71df7) /* 0.353300061 */, 18 },
+ /* 5310 */ { MAD_F(0x05a77b02) /* 0.353388793 */, 18 },
+ /* 5311 */ { MAD_F(0x05a7d80e) /* 0.353477531 */, 18 },
+ /* 5312 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8351c) /* 0.353566275 */, 18 },
+ /* 5313 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8922c) /* 0.353655024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5314 */ { MAD_F(0x05a8ef3c) /* 0.353743779 */, 18 },
+ /* 5315 */ { MAD_F(0x05a94c4f) /* 0.353832540 */, 18 },
+ /* 5316 */ { MAD_F(0x05a9a963) /* 0.353921306 */, 18 },
+ /* 5317 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa0678) /* 0.354010077 */, 18 },
+ /* 5318 */ { MAD_F(0x05aa638f) /* 0.354098855 */, 18 },
+ /* 5319 */ { MAD_F(0x05aac0a8) /* 0.354187637 */, 18 },
+ /* 5320 */ { MAD_F(0x05ab1dc2) /* 0.354276426 */, 18 },
+ /* 5321 */ { MAD_F(0x05ab7add) /* 0.354365220 */, 18 },
+ /* 5322 */ { MAD_F(0x05abd7fa) /* 0.354454019 */, 18 },
+ /* 5323 */ { MAD_F(0x05ac3518) /* 0.354542824 */, 18 },
+ /* 5324 */ { MAD_F(0x05ac9238) /* 0.354631635 */, 18 },
+ /* 5325 */ { MAD_F(0x05acef5a) /* 0.354720451 */, 18 },
+ /* 5326 */ { MAD_F(0x05ad4c7d) /* 0.354809272 */, 18 },
+ /* 5327 */ { MAD_F(0x05ada9a1) /* 0.354898100 */, 18 },
+ /* 5328 */ { MAD_F(0x05ae06c7) /* 0.354986932 */, 18 },
+ /* 5329 */ { MAD_F(0x05ae63ee) /* 0.355075771 */, 18 },
+ /* 5330 */ { MAD_F(0x05aec117) /* 0.355164615 */, 18 },
+ /* 5331 */ { MAD_F(0x05af1e41) /* 0.355253464 */, 18 },
+ /* 5332 */ { MAD_F(0x05af7b6d) /* 0.355342319 */, 18 },
+ /* 5333 */ { MAD_F(0x05afd89b) /* 0.355431180 */, 18 },
+ /* 5334 */ { MAD_F(0x05b035c9) /* 0.355520046 */, 18 },
+ /* 5335 */ { MAD_F(0x05b092fa) /* 0.355608917 */, 18 },
+ /* 5336 */ { MAD_F(0x05b0f02b) /* 0.355697795 */, 18 },
+ /* 5337 */ { MAD_F(0x05b14d5f) /* 0.355786677 */, 18 },
+ /* 5338 */ { MAD_F(0x05b1aa94) /* 0.355875566 */, 18 },
+ /* 5339 */ { MAD_F(0x05b207ca) /* 0.355964460 */, 18 },
+ /* 5340 */ { MAD_F(0x05b26502) /* 0.356053359 */, 18 },
+ /* 5341 */ { MAD_F(0x05b2c23b) /* 0.356142264 */, 18 },
+ /* 5342 */ { MAD_F(0x05b31f76) /* 0.356231175 */, 18 },
+ /* 5343 */ { MAD_F(0x05b37cb2) /* 0.356320091 */, 18 },
+ /* 5344 */ { MAD_F(0x05b3d9f0) /* 0.356409012 */, 18 },
+ /* 5345 */ { MAD_F(0x05b4372f) /* 0.356497940 */, 18 },
+ /* 5346 */ { MAD_F(0x05b4946f) /* 0.356586872 */, 18 },
+ /* 5347 */ { MAD_F(0x05b4f1b2) /* 0.356675811 */, 18 },
+ /* 5348 */ { MAD_F(0x05b54ef5) /* 0.356764754 */, 18 },
+ /* 5349 */ { MAD_F(0x05b5ac3a) /* 0.356853704 */, 18 },
+ /* 5350 */ { MAD_F(0x05b60981) /* 0.356942659 */, 18 },
+ /* 5351 */ { MAD_F(0x05b666c9) /* 0.357031619 */, 18 },
+ /* 5352 */ { MAD_F(0x05b6c413) /* 0.357120585 */, 18 },
+ /* 5353 */ { MAD_F(0x05b7215e) /* 0.357209557 */, 18 },
+ /* 5354 */ { MAD_F(0x05b77eab) /* 0.357298534 */, 18 },
+ /* 5355 */ { MAD_F(0x05b7dbf9) /* 0.357387516 */, 18 },
+ /* 5356 */ { MAD_F(0x05b83948) /* 0.357476504 */, 18 },
+ /* 5357 */ { MAD_F(0x05b89699) /* 0.357565498 */, 18 },
+ /* 5358 */ { MAD_F(0x05b8f3ec) /* 0.357654497 */, 18 },
+ /* 5359 */ { MAD_F(0x05b95140) /* 0.357743502 */, 18 },
+ /* 5360 */ { MAD_F(0x05b9ae95) /* 0.357832512 */, 18 },
+ /* 5361 */ { MAD_F(0x05ba0bec) /* 0.357921528 */, 18 },
+ /* 5362 */ { MAD_F(0x05ba6945) /* 0.358010550 */, 18 },
+ /* 5363 */ { MAD_F(0x05bac69f) /* 0.358099576 */, 18 },
+ /* 5364 */ { MAD_F(0x05bb23fa) /* 0.358188609 */, 18 },
+ /* 5365 */ { MAD_F(0x05bb8157) /* 0.358277647 */, 18 },
+ /* 5366 */ { MAD_F(0x05bbdeb6) /* 0.358366690 */, 18 },
+ /* 5367 */ { MAD_F(0x05bc3c16) /* 0.358455739 */, 18 },
+ /* 5368 */ { MAD_F(0x05bc9977) /* 0.358544794 */, 18 },
+ /* 5369 */ { MAD_F(0x05bcf6da) /* 0.358633854 */, 18 },
+ /* 5370 */ { MAD_F(0x05bd543e) /* 0.358722920 */, 18 },
+ /* 5371 */ { MAD_F(0x05bdb1a4) /* 0.358811991 */, 18 },
+ /* 5372 */ { MAD_F(0x05be0f0b) /* 0.358901067 */, 18 },
+ /* 5373 */ { MAD_F(0x05be6c74) /* 0.358990150 */, 18 },
+ /* 5374 */ { MAD_F(0x05bec9df) /* 0.359079237 */, 18 },
+ /* 5375 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf274a) /* 0.359168331 */, 18 },
+ /* 5376 */ { MAD_F(0x05bf84b8) /* 0.359257429 */, 18 },
+ /* 5377 */ { MAD_F(0x05bfe226) /* 0.359346534 */, 18 },
+ /* 5378 */ { MAD_F(0x05c03f97) /* 0.359435644 */, 18 },
+ /* 5379 */ { MAD_F(0x05c09d08) /* 0.359524759 */, 18 },
+ /* 5380 */ { MAD_F(0x05c0fa7c) /* 0.359613880 */, 18 },
+ /* 5381 */ { MAD_F(0x05c157f0) /* 0.359703006 */, 18 },
+ /* 5382 */ { MAD_F(0x05c1b566) /* 0.359792138 */, 18 },
+ /* 5383 */ { MAD_F(0x05c212de) /* 0.359881276 */, 18 },
+ /* 5384 */ { MAD_F(0x05c27057) /* 0.359970419 */, 18 },
+ /* 5385 */ { MAD_F(0x05c2cdd2) /* 0.360059567 */, 18 },
+ /* 5386 */ { MAD_F(0x05c32b4e) /* 0.360148721 */, 18 },
+ /* 5387 */ { MAD_F(0x05c388cb) /* 0.360237881 */, 18 },
+ /* 5388 */ { MAD_F(0x05c3e64b) /* 0.360327046 */, 18 },
+ /* 5389 */ { MAD_F(0x05c443cb) /* 0.360416216 */, 18 },
+ /* 5390 */ { MAD_F(0x05c4a14d) /* 0.360505392 */, 18 },
+ /* 5391 */ { MAD_F(0x05c4fed1) /* 0.360594574 */, 18 },
+ /* 5392 */ { MAD_F(0x05c55c56) /* 0.360683761 */, 18 },
+ /* 5393 */ { MAD_F(0x05c5b9dc) /* 0.360772953 */, 18 },
+ /* 5394 */ { MAD_F(0x05c61764) /* 0.360862152 */, 18 },
+ /* 5395 */ { MAD_F(0x05c674ed) /* 0.360951355 */, 18 },
+ /* 5396 */ { MAD_F(0x05c6d278) /* 0.361040564 */, 18 },
+ /* 5397 */ { MAD_F(0x05c73005) /* 0.361129779 */, 18 },
+ /* 5398 */ { MAD_F(0x05c78d93) /* 0.361218999 */, 18 },
+ /* 5399 */ { MAD_F(0x05c7eb22) /* 0.361308225 */, 18 },
+ /* 5400 */ { MAD_F(0x05c848b3) /* 0.361397456 */, 18 },
+ /* 5401 */ { MAD_F(0x05c8a645) /* 0.361486693 */, 18 },
+ /* 5402 */ { MAD_F(0x05c903d9) /* 0.361575935 */, 18 },
+ /* 5403 */ { MAD_F(0x05c9616e) /* 0.361665183 */, 18 },
+ /* 5404 */ { MAD_F(0x05c9bf05) /* 0.361754436 */, 18 },
+ /* 5405 */ { MAD_F(0x05ca1c9d) /* 0.361843695 */, 18 },
+ /* 5406 */ { MAD_F(0x05ca7a37) /* 0.361932959 */, 18 },
+ /* 5407 */ { MAD_F(0x05cad7d2) /* 0.362022229 */, 18 },
+ /* 5408 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb356e) /* 0.362111504 */, 18 },
+ /* 5409 */ { MAD_F(0x05cb930d) /* 0.362200785 */, 18 },
+ /* 5410 */ { MAD_F(0x05cbf0ac) /* 0.362290071 */, 18 },
+ /* 5411 */ { MAD_F(0x05cc4e4d) /* 0.362379362 */, 18 },
+ /* 5412 */ { MAD_F(0x05ccabf0) /* 0.362468660 */, 18 },
+ /* 5413 */ { MAD_F(0x05cd0994) /* 0.362557962 */, 18 },
+ /* 5414 */ { MAD_F(0x05cd6739) /* 0.362647271 */, 18 },
+ /* 5415 */ { MAD_F(0x05cdc4e0) /* 0.362736584 */, 18 },
+ /* 5416 */ { MAD_F(0x05ce2289) /* 0.362825904 */, 18 },
+ /* 5417 */ { MAD_F(0x05ce8033) /* 0.362915228 */, 18 },
+ /* 5418 */ { MAD_F(0x05ceddde) /* 0.363004559 */, 18 },
+ /* 5419 */ { MAD_F(0x05cf3b8b) /* 0.363093894 */, 18 },
+ /* 5420 */ { MAD_F(0x05cf9939) /* 0.363183236 */, 18 },
+ /* 5421 */ { MAD_F(0x05cff6e9) /* 0.363272582 */, 18 },
+ /* 5422 */ { MAD_F(0x05d0549a) /* 0.363361935 */, 18 },
+ /* 5423 */ { MAD_F(0x05d0b24d) /* 0.363451292 */, 18 },
+ /* 5424 */ { MAD_F(0x05d11001) /* 0.363540655 */, 18 },
+ /* 5425 */ { MAD_F(0x05d16db7) /* 0.363630024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5426 */ { MAD_F(0x05d1cb6e) /* 0.363719398 */, 18 },
+ /* 5427 */ { MAD_F(0x05d22927) /* 0.363808778 */, 18 },
+ /* 5428 */ { MAD_F(0x05d286e1) /* 0.363898163 */, 18 },
+ /* 5429 */ { MAD_F(0x05d2e49d) /* 0.363987554 */, 18 },
+ /* 5430 */ { MAD_F(0x05d3425a) /* 0.364076950 */, 18 },
+ /* 5431 */ { MAD_F(0x05d3a018) /* 0.364166352 */, 18 },
+ /* 5432 */ { MAD_F(0x05d3fdd8) /* 0.364255759 */, 18 },
+ /* 5433 */ { MAD_F(0x05d45b9a) /* 0.364345171 */, 18 },
+ /* 5434 */ { MAD_F(0x05d4b95d) /* 0.364434589 */, 18 },
+ /* 5435 */ { MAD_F(0x05d51721) /* 0.364524013 */, 18 },
+ /* 5436 */ { MAD_F(0x05d574e7) /* 0.364613442 */, 18 },
+ /* 5437 */ { MAD_F(0x05d5d2af) /* 0.364702877 */, 18 },
+ /* 5438 */ { MAD_F(0x05d63078) /* 0.364792317 */, 18 },
+ /* 5439 */ { MAD_F(0x05d68e42) /* 0.364881762 */, 18 },
+ /* 5440 */ { MAD_F(0x05d6ec0e) /* 0.364971213 */, 18 },
+ /* 5441 */ { MAD_F(0x05d749db) /* 0.365060669 */, 18 },
+ /* 5442 */ { MAD_F(0x05d7a7aa) /* 0.365150131 */, 18 },
+ /* 5443 */ { MAD_F(0x05d8057a) /* 0.365239599 */, 18 },
+ /* 5444 */ { MAD_F(0x05d8634c) /* 0.365329072 */, 18 },
+ /* 5445 */ { MAD_F(0x05d8c11f) /* 0.365418550 */, 18 },
+ /* 5446 */ { MAD_F(0x05d91ef4) /* 0.365508034 */, 18 },
+ /* 5447 */ { MAD_F(0x05d97cca) /* 0.365597523 */, 18 },
+ /* 5448 */ { MAD_F(0x05d9daa1) /* 0.365687018 */, 18 },
+ /* 5449 */ { MAD_F(0x05da387a) /* 0.365776518 */, 18 },
+ /* 5450 */ { MAD_F(0x05da9655) /* 0.365866024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5451 */ { MAD_F(0x05daf431) /* 0.365955536 */, 18 },
+ /* 5452 */ { MAD_F(0x05db520e) /* 0.366045052 */, 18 },
+ /* 5453 */ { MAD_F(0x05dbafed) /* 0.366134574 */, 18 },
+ /* 5454 */ { MAD_F(0x05dc0dce) /* 0.366224102 */, 18 },
+ /* 5455 */ { MAD_F(0x05dc6baf) /* 0.366313635 */, 18 },
+ /* 5456 */ { MAD_F(0x05dcc993) /* 0.366403174 */, 18 },
+ /* 5457 */ { MAD_F(0x05dd2778) /* 0.366492718 */, 18 },
+ /* 5458 */ { MAD_F(0x05dd855e) /* 0.366582267 */, 18 },
+ /* 5459 */ { MAD_F(0x05dde346) /* 0.366671822 */, 18 },
+ /* 5460 */ { MAD_F(0x05de412f) /* 0.366761383 */, 18 },
+ /* 5461 */ { MAD_F(0x05de9f1a) /* 0.366850949 */, 18 },
+ /* 5462 */ { MAD_F(0x05defd06) /* 0.366940520 */, 18 },
+ /* 5463 */ { MAD_F(0x05df5af3) /* 0.367030097 */, 18 },
+ /* 5464 */ { MAD_F(0x05dfb8e2) /* 0.367119680 */, 18 },
+ /* 5465 */ { MAD_F(0x05e016d3) /* 0.367209267 */, 18 },
+ /* 5466 */ { MAD_F(0x05e074c5) /* 0.367298861 */, 18 },
+ /* 5467 */ { MAD_F(0x05e0d2b8) /* 0.367388459 */, 18 },
+ /* 5468 */ { MAD_F(0x05e130ad) /* 0.367478064 */, 18 },
+ /* 5469 */ { MAD_F(0x05e18ea4) /* 0.367567673 */, 18 },
+ /* 5470 */ { MAD_F(0x05e1ec9c) /* 0.367657288 */, 18 },
+ /* 5471 */ { MAD_F(0x05e24a95) /* 0.367746909 */, 18 },
+ /* 5472 */ { MAD_F(0x05e2a890) /* 0.367836535 */, 18 },
+ /* 5473 */ { MAD_F(0x05e3068c) /* 0.367926167 */, 18 },
+ /* 5474 */ { MAD_F(0x05e3648a) /* 0.368015804 */, 18 },
+ /* 5475 */ { MAD_F(0x05e3c289) /* 0.368105446 */, 18 },
+ /* 5476 */ { MAD_F(0x05e4208a) /* 0.368195094 */, 18 },
+ /* 5477 */ { MAD_F(0x05e47e8c) /* 0.368284747 */, 18 },
+ /* 5478 */ { MAD_F(0x05e4dc8f) /* 0.368374406 */, 18 },
+ /* 5479 */ { MAD_F(0x05e53a94) /* 0.368464070 */, 18 },
+ /* 5480 */ { MAD_F(0x05e5989b) /* 0.368553740 */, 18 },
+ /* 5481 */ { MAD_F(0x05e5f6a3) /* 0.368643415 */, 18 },
+ /* 5482 */ { MAD_F(0x05e654ac) /* 0.368733096 */, 18 },
+ /* 5483 */ { MAD_F(0x05e6b2b7) /* 0.368822782 */, 18 },
+ /* 5484 */ { MAD_F(0x05e710c4) /* 0.368912473 */, 18 },
+ /* 5485 */ { MAD_F(0x05e76ed2) /* 0.369002170 */, 18 },
+ /* 5486 */ { MAD_F(0x05e7cce1) /* 0.369091873 */, 18 },
+ /* 5487 */ { MAD_F(0x05e82af2) /* 0.369181581 */, 18 },
+ /* 5488 */ { MAD_F(0x05e88904) /* 0.369271294 */, 18 },
+ /* 5489 */ { MAD_F(0x05e8e718) /* 0.369361013 */, 18 },
+ /* 5490 */ { MAD_F(0x05e9452d) /* 0.369450737 */, 18 },
+ /* 5491 */ { MAD_F(0x05e9a343) /* 0.369540467 */, 18 },
+ /* 5492 */ { MAD_F(0x05ea015c) /* 0.369630202 */, 18 },
+ /* 5493 */ { MAD_F(0x05ea5f75) /* 0.369719942 */, 18 },
+ /* 5494 */ { MAD_F(0x05eabd90) /* 0.369809688 */, 18 },
+ /* 5495 */ { MAD_F(0x05eb1bad) /* 0.369899440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5496 */ { MAD_F(0x05eb79cb) /* 0.369989197 */, 18 },
+ /* 5497 */ { MAD_F(0x05ebd7ea) /* 0.370078959 */, 18 },
+ /* 5498 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec360b) /* 0.370168727 */, 18 },
+ /* 5499 */ { MAD_F(0x05ec942d) /* 0.370258500 */, 18 },
+ /* 5500 */ { MAD_F(0x05ecf251) /* 0.370348279 */, 18 },
+ /* 5501 */ { MAD_F(0x05ed5076) /* 0.370438063 */, 18 },
+ /* 5502 */ { MAD_F(0x05edae9d) /* 0.370527853 */, 18 },
+ /* 5503 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee0cc5) /* 0.370617648 */, 18 },
+ /* 5504 */ { MAD_F(0x05ee6aef) /* 0.370707448 */, 18 },
+ /* 5505 */ { MAD_F(0x05eec91a) /* 0.370797254 */, 18 },
+ /* 5506 */ { MAD_F(0x05ef2746) /* 0.370887065 */, 18 },
+ /* 5507 */ { MAD_F(0x05ef8574) /* 0.370976882 */, 18 },
+ /* 5508 */ { MAD_F(0x05efe3a4) /* 0.371066704 */, 18 },
+ /* 5509 */ { MAD_F(0x05f041d5) /* 0.371156532 */, 18 },
+ /* 5510 */ { MAD_F(0x05f0a007) /* 0.371246365 */, 18 },
+ /* 5511 */ { MAD_F(0x05f0fe3b) /* 0.371336203 */, 18 },
+ /* 5512 */ { MAD_F(0x05f15c70) /* 0.371426047 */, 18 },
+ /* 5513 */ { MAD_F(0x05f1baa7) /* 0.371515897 */, 18 },
+ /* 5514 */ { MAD_F(0x05f218df) /* 0.371605751 */, 18 },
+ /* 5515 */ { MAD_F(0x05f27719) /* 0.371695612 */, 18 },
+ /* 5516 */ { MAD_F(0x05f2d554) /* 0.371785477 */, 18 },
+ /* 5517 */ { MAD_F(0x05f33390) /* 0.371875348 */, 18 },
+ /* 5518 */ { MAD_F(0x05f391cf) /* 0.371965225 */, 18 },
+ /* 5519 */ { MAD_F(0x05f3f00e) /* 0.372055107 */, 18 },
+ /* 5520 */ { MAD_F(0x05f44e4f) /* 0.372144994 */, 18 },
+ /* 5521 */ { MAD_F(0x05f4ac91) /* 0.372234887 */, 18 },
+ /* 5522 */ { MAD_F(0x05f50ad5) /* 0.372324785 */, 18 },
+ /* 5523 */ { MAD_F(0x05f5691b) /* 0.372414689 */, 18 },
+ /* 5524 */ { MAD_F(0x05f5c761) /* 0.372504598 */, 18 },
+ /* 5525 */ { MAD_F(0x05f625aa) /* 0.372594513 */, 18 },
+ /* 5526 */ { MAD_F(0x05f683f3) /* 0.372684433 */, 18 },
+ /* 5527 */ { MAD_F(0x05f6e23f) /* 0.372774358 */, 18 },
+ /* 5528 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7408b) /* 0.372864289 */, 18 },
+ /* 5529 */ { MAD_F(0x05f79ed9) /* 0.372954225 */, 18 },
+ /* 5530 */ { MAD_F(0x05f7fd29) /* 0.373044167 */, 18 },
+ /* 5531 */ { MAD_F(0x05f85b7a) /* 0.373134114 */, 18 },
+ /* 5532 */ { MAD_F(0x05f8b9cc) /* 0.373224066 */, 18 },
+ /* 5533 */ { MAD_F(0x05f91820) /* 0.373314024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5534 */ { MAD_F(0x05f97675) /* 0.373403987 */, 18 },
+ /* 5535 */ { MAD_F(0x05f9d4cc) /* 0.373493956 */, 18 },
+ /* 5536 */ { MAD_F(0x05fa3324) /* 0.373583930 */, 18 },
+ /* 5537 */ { MAD_F(0x05fa917e) /* 0.373673910 */, 18 },
+ /* 5538 */ { MAD_F(0x05faefd9) /* 0.373763895 */, 18 },
+ /* 5539 */ { MAD_F(0x05fb4e36) /* 0.373853885 */, 18 },
+ /* 5540 */ { MAD_F(0x05fbac94) /* 0.373943881 */, 18 },
+ /* 5541 */ { MAD_F(0x05fc0af3) /* 0.374033882 */, 18 },
+ /* 5542 */ { MAD_F(0x05fc6954) /* 0.374123889 */, 18 },
+ /* 5543 */ { MAD_F(0x05fcc7b7) /* 0.374213901 */, 18 },
+ /* 5544 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd261b) /* 0.374303918 */, 18 },
+ /* 5545 */ { MAD_F(0x05fd8480) /* 0.374393941 */, 18 },
+ /* 5546 */ { MAD_F(0x05fde2e7) /* 0.374483970 */, 18 },
+ /* 5547 */ { MAD_F(0x05fe414f) /* 0.374574003 */, 18 },
+ /* 5548 */ { MAD_F(0x05fe9fb9) /* 0.374664042 */, 18 },
+ /* 5549 */ { MAD_F(0x05fefe24) /* 0.374754087 */, 18 },
+ /* 5550 */ { MAD_F(0x05ff5c91) /* 0.374844137 */, 18 },
+ /* 5551 */ { MAD_F(0x05ffbaff) /* 0.374934192 */, 18 },
+ /* 5552 */ { MAD_F(0x0600196e) /* 0.375024253 */, 18 },
+ /* 5553 */ { MAD_F(0x060077df) /* 0.375114319 */, 18 },
+ /* 5554 */ { MAD_F(0x0600d651) /* 0.375204391 */, 18 },
+ /* 5555 */ { MAD_F(0x060134c5) /* 0.375294468 */, 18 },
+ /* 5556 */ { MAD_F(0x0601933b) /* 0.375384550 */, 18 },
+ /* 5557 */ { MAD_F(0x0601f1b1) /* 0.375474638 */, 18 },
+ /* 5558 */ { MAD_F(0x0602502a) /* 0.375564731 */, 18 },
+ /* 5559 */ { MAD_F(0x0602aea3) /* 0.375654830 */, 18 },
+ /* 5560 */ { MAD_F(0x06030d1e) /* 0.375744934 */, 18 },
+ /* 5561 */ { MAD_F(0x06036b9b) /* 0.375835043 */, 18 },
+ /* 5562 */ { MAD_F(0x0603ca19) /* 0.375925158 */, 18 },
+ /* 5563 */ { MAD_F(0x06042898) /* 0.376015278 */, 18 },
+ /* 5564 */ { MAD_F(0x06048719) /* 0.376105404 */, 18 },
+ /* 5565 */ { MAD_F(0x0604e59c) /* 0.376195535 */, 18 },
+ /* 5566 */ { MAD_F(0x0605441f) /* 0.376285671 */, 18 },
+ /* 5567 */ { MAD_F(0x0605a2a5) /* 0.376375813 */, 18 },
+ /* 5568 */ { MAD_F(0x0606012b) /* 0.376465960 */, 18 },
+ /* 5569 */ { MAD_F(0x06065fb4) /* 0.376556113 */, 18 },
+ /* 5570 */ { MAD_F(0x0606be3d) /* 0.376646271 */, 18 },
+ /* 5571 */ { MAD_F(0x06071cc8) /* 0.376736434 */, 18 },
+ /* 5572 */ { MAD_F(0x06077b55) /* 0.376826603 */, 18 },
+ /* 5573 */ { MAD_F(0x0607d9e3) /* 0.376916777 */, 18 },
+ /* 5574 */ { MAD_F(0x06083872) /* 0.377006957 */, 18 },
+ /* 5575 */ { MAD_F(0x06089703) /* 0.377097141 */, 18 },
+ /* 5576 */ { MAD_F(0x0608f595) /* 0.377187332 */, 18 },
+ /* 5577 */ { MAD_F(0x06095429) /* 0.377277528 */, 18 },
+ /* 5578 */ { MAD_F(0x0609b2be) /* 0.377367729 */, 18 },
+ /* 5579 */ { MAD_F(0x060a1155) /* 0.377457935 */, 18 },
+ /* 5580 */ { MAD_F(0x060a6fed) /* 0.377548147 */, 18 },
+ /* 5581 */ { MAD_F(0x060ace86) /* 0.377638364 */, 18 },
+ /* 5582 */ { MAD_F(0x060b2d21) /* 0.377728587 */, 18 },
+ /* 5583 */ { MAD_F(0x060b8bbe) /* 0.377818815 */, 18 },
+ /* 5584 */ { MAD_F(0x060bea5c) /* 0.377909049 */, 18 },
+ /* 5585 */ { MAD_F(0x060c48fb) /* 0.377999288 */, 18 },
+ /* 5586 */ { MAD_F(0x060ca79c) /* 0.378089532 */, 18 },
+ /* 5587 */ { MAD_F(0x060d063e) /* 0.378179781 */, 18 },
+ /* 5588 */ { MAD_F(0x060d64e1) /* 0.378270036 */, 18 },
+ /* 5589 */ { MAD_F(0x060dc387) /* 0.378360297 */, 18 },
+ /* 5590 */ { MAD_F(0x060e222d) /* 0.378450563 */, 18 },
+ /* 5591 */ { MAD_F(0x060e80d5) /* 0.378540834 */, 18 },
+ /* 5592 */ { MAD_F(0x060edf7f) /* 0.378631110 */, 18 },
+ /* 5593 */ { MAD_F(0x060f3e29) /* 0.378721392 */, 18 },
+ /* 5594 */ { MAD_F(0x060f9cd6) /* 0.378811680 */, 18 },
+ /* 5595 */ { MAD_F(0x060ffb83) /* 0.378901972 */, 18 },
+ /* 5596 */ { MAD_F(0x06105a33) /* 0.378992270 */, 18 },
+ /* 5597 */ { MAD_F(0x0610b8e3) /* 0.379082574 */, 18 },
+ /* 5598 */ { MAD_F(0x06111795) /* 0.379172883 */, 18 },
+ /* 5599 */ { MAD_F(0x06117649) /* 0.379263197 */, 18 },
+ /* 5600 */ { MAD_F(0x0611d4fe) /* 0.379353516 */, 18 },
+ /* 5601 */ { MAD_F(0x061233b4) /* 0.379443841 */, 18 },
+ /* 5602 */ { MAD_F(0x0612926c) /* 0.379534172 */, 18 },
+ /* 5603 */ { MAD_F(0x0612f125) /* 0.379624507 */, 18 },
+ /* 5604 */ { MAD_F(0x06134fe0) /* 0.379714848 */, 18 },
+ /* 5605 */ { MAD_F(0x0613ae9c) /* 0.379805195 */, 18 },
+ /* 5606 */ { MAD_F(0x06140d5a) /* 0.379895547 */, 18 },
+ /* 5607 */ { MAD_F(0x06146c19) /* 0.379985904 */, 18 },
+ /* 5608 */ { MAD_F(0x0614cada) /* 0.380076266 */, 18 },
+ /* 5609 */ { MAD_F(0x0615299c) /* 0.380166634 */, 18 },
+ /* 5610 */ { MAD_F(0x0615885f) /* 0.380257008 */, 18 },
+ /* 5611 */ { MAD_F(0x0615e724) /* 0.380347386 */, 18 },
+ /* 5612 */ { MAD_F(0x061645ea) /* 0.380437770 */, 18 },
+ /* 5613 */ { MAD_F(0x0616a4b2) /* 0.380528160 */, 18 },
+ /* 5614 */ { MAD_F(0x0617037b) /* 0.380618555 */, 18 },
+ /* 5615 */ { MAD_F(0x06176246) /* 0.380708955 */, 18 },
+ /* 5616 */ { MAD_F(0x0617c112) /* 0.380799360 */, 18 },
+ /* 5617 */ { MAD_F(0x06181fdf) /* 0.380889771 */, 18 },
+ /* 5618 */ { MAD_F(0x06187eae) /* 0.380980187 */, 18 },
+ /* 5619 */ { MAD_F(0x0618dd7e) /* 0.381070609 */, 18 },
+ /* 5620 */ { MAD_F(0x06193c50) /* 0.381161036 */, 18 },
+ /* 5621 */ { MAD_F(0x06199b24) /* 0.381251468 */, 18 },
+ /* 5622 */ { MAD_F(0x0619f9f8) /* 0.381341906 */, 18 },
+ /* 5623 */ { MAD_F(0x061a58ce) /* 0.381432349 */, 18 },
+ /* 5624 */ { MAD_F(0x061ab7a6) /* 0.381522798 */, 18 },
+ /* 5625 */ { MAD_F(0x061b167f) /* 0.381613251 */, 18 },
+ /* 5626 */ { MAD_F(0x061b7559) /* 0.381703711 */, 18 },
+ /* 5627 */ { MAD_F(0x061bd435) /* 0.381794175 */, 18 },
+ /* 5628 */ { MAD_F(0x061c3313) /* 0.381884645 */, 18 },
+ /* 5629 */ { MAD_F(0x061c91f1) /* 0.381975120 */, 18 },
+ /* 5630 */ { MAD_F(0x061cf0d2) /* 0.382065601 */, 18 },
+ /* 5631 */ { MAD_F(0x061d4fb3) /* 0.382156087 */, 18 },
+ /* 5632 */ { MAD_F(0x061dae96) /* 0.382246578 */, 18 },
+ /* 5633 */ { MAD_F(0x061e0d7b) /* 0.382337075 */, 18 },
+ /* 5634 */ { MAD_F(0x061e6c61) /* 0.382427577 */, 18 },
+ /* 5635 */ { MAD_F(0x061ecb48) /* 0.382518084 */, 18 },
+ /* 5636 */ { MAD_F(0x061f2a31) /* 0.382608597 */, 18 },
+ /* 5637 */ { MAD_F(0x061f891b) /* 0.382699115 */, 18 },
+ /* 5638 */ { MAD_F(0x061fe807) /* 0.382789638 */, 18 },
+ /* 5639 */ { MAD_F(0x062046f4) /* 0.382880167 */, 18 },
+ /* 5640 */ { MAD_F(0x0620a5e3) /* 0.382970701 */, 18 },
+ /* 5641 */ { MAD_F(0x062104d3) /* 0.383061241 */, 18 },
+ /* 5642 */ { MAD_F(0x062163c4) /* 0.383151786 */, 18 },
+ /* 5643 */ { MAD_F(0x0621c2b7) /* 0.383242336 */, 18 },
+ /* 5644 */ { MAD_F(0x062221ab) /* 0.383332891 */, 18 },
+ /* 5645 */ { MAD_F(0x062280a1) /* 0.383423452 */, 18 },
+ /* 5646 */ { MAD_F(0x0622df98) /* 0.383514018 */, 18 },
+ /* 5647 */ { MAD_F(0x06233e91) /* 0.383604590 */, 18 },
+ /* 5648 */ { MAD_F(0x06239d8b) /* 0.383695167 */, 18 },
+ /* 5649 */ { MAD_F(0x0623fc86) /* 0.383785749 */, 18 },
+ /* 5650 */ { MAD_F(0x06245b83) /* 0.383876337 */, 18 },
+ /* 5651 */ { MAD_F(0x0624ba82) /* 0.383966930 */, 18 },
+ /* 5652 */ { MAD_F(0x06251981) /* 0.384057528 */, 18 },
+ /* 5653 */ { MAD_F(0x06257883) /* 0.384148132 */, 18 },
+ /* 5654 */ { MAD_F(0x0625d785) /* 0.384238741 */, 18 },
+ /* 5655 */ { MAD_F(0x06263689) /* 0.384329355 */, 18 },
+ /* 5656 */ { MAD_F(0x0626958f) /* 0.384419975 */, 18 },
+ /* 5657 */ { MAD_F(0x0626f496) /* 0.384510600 */, 18 },
+ /* 5658 */ { MAD_F(0x0627539e) /* 0.384601230 */, 18 },
+ /* 5659 */ { MAD_F(0x0627b2a8) /* 0.384691866 */, 18 },
+ /* 5660 */ { MAD_F(0x062811b3) /* 0.384782507 */, 18 },
+ /* 5661 */ { MAD_F(0x062870c0) /* 0.384873153 */, 18 },
+ /* 5662 */ { MAD_F(0x0628cfce) /* 0.384963805 */, 18 },
+ /* 5663 */ { MAD_F(0x06292ede) /* 0.385054462 */, 18 },
+ /* 5664 */ { MAD_F(0x06298def) /* 0.385145124 */, 18 },
+ /* 5665 */ { MAD_F(0x0629ed01) /* 0.385235792 */, 18 },
+ /* 5666 */ { MAD_F(0x062a4c15) /* 0.385326465 */, 18 },
+ /* 5667 */ { MAD_F(0x062aab2a) /* 0.385417143 */, 18 },
+ /* 5668 */ { MAD_F(0x062b0a41) /* 0.385507827 */, 18 },
+ /* 5669 */ { MAD_F(0x062b6959) /* 0.385598516 */, 18 },
+ /* 5670 */ { MAD_F(0x062bc873) /* 0.385689211 */, 18 },
+ /* 5671 */ { MAD_F(0x062c278e) /* 0.385779910 */, 18 },
+ /* 5672 */ { MAD_F(0x062c86aa) /* 0.385870615 */, 18 },
+ /* 5673 */ { MAD_F(0x062ce5c8) /* 0.385961326 */, 18 },
+ /* 5674 */ { MAD_F(0x062d44e8) /* 0.386052041 */, 18 },
+ /* 5675 */ { MAD_F(0x062da408) /* 0.386142762 */, 18 },
+ /* 5676 */ { MAD_F(0x062e032a) /* 0.386233489 */, 18 },
+ /* 5677 */ { MAD_F(0x062e624e) /* 0.386324221 */, 18 },
+ /* 5678 */ { MAD_F(0x062ec173) /* 0.386414958 */, 18 },
+ /* 5679 */ { MAD_F(0x062f209a) /* 0.386505700 */, 18 },
+ /* 5680 */ { MAD_F(0x062f7fc1) /* 0.386596448 */, 18 },
+ /* 5681 */ { MAD_F(0x062fdeeb) /* 0.386687201 */, 18 },
+ /* 5682 */ { MAD_F(0x06303e16) /* 0.386777959 */, 18 },
+ /* 5683 */ { MAD_F(0x06309d42) /* 0.386868723 */, 18 },
+ /* 5684 */ { MAD_F(0x0630fc6f) /* 0.386959492 */, 18 },
+ /* 5685 */ { MAD_F(0x06315b9e) /* 0.387050266 */, 18 },
+ /* 5686 */ { MAD_F(0x0631bacf) /* 0.387141045 */, 18 },
+ /* 5687 */ { MAD_F(0x06321a01) /* 0.387231830 */, 18 },
+ /* 5688 */ { MAD_F(0x06327934) /* 0.387322621 */, 18 },
+ /* 5689 */ { MAD_F(0x0632d869) /* 0.387413416 */, 18 },
+ /* 5690 */ { MAD_F(0x0633379f) /* 0.387504217 */, 18 },
+ /* 5691 */ { MAD_F(0x063396d7) /* 0.387595023 */, 18 },
+ /* 5692 */ { MAD_F(0x0633f610) /* 0.387685835 */, 18 },
+ /* 5693 */ { MAD_F(0x0634554a) /* 0.387776652 */, 18 },
+ /* 5694 */ { MAD_F(0x0634b486) /* 0.387867474 */, 18 },
+ /* 5695 */ { MAD_F(0x063513c3) /* 0.387958301 */, 18 },
+ /* 5696 */ { MAD_F(0x06357302) /* 0.388049134 */, 18 },
+ /* 5697 */ { MAD_F(0x0635d242) /* 0.388139972 */, 18 },
+ /* 5698 */ { MAD_F(0x06363184) /* 0.388230816 */, 18 },
+ /* 5699 */ { MAD_F(0x063690c7) /* 0.388321665 */, 18 },
+ /* 5700 */ { MAD_F(0x0636f00b) /* 0.388412519 */, 18 },
+ /* 5701 */ { MAD_F(0x06374f51) /* 0.388503378 */, 18 },
+ /* 5702 */ { MAD_F(0x0637ae99) /* 0.388594243 */, 18 },
+ /* 5703 */ { MAD_F(0x06380de1) /* 0.388685113 */, 18 },
+ /* 5704 */ { MAD_F(0x06386d2b) /* 0.388775988 */, 18 },
+ /* 5705 */ { MAD_F(0x0638cc77) /* 0.388866869 */, 18 },
+ /* 5706 */ { MAD_F(0x06392bc4) /* 0.388957755 */, 18 },
+ /* 5707 */ { MAD_F(0x06398b12) /* 0.389048646 */, 18 },
+ /* 5708 */ { MAD_F(0x0639ea62) /* 0.389139542 */, 18 },
+ /* 5709 */ { MAD_F(0x063a49b4) /* 0.389230444 */, 18 },
+ /* 5710 */ { MAD_F(0x063aa906) /* 0.389321352 */, 18 },
+ /* 5711 */ { MAD_F(0x063b085a) /* 0.389412264 */, 18 },
+ /* 5712 */ { MAD_F(0x063b67b0) /* 0.389503182 */, 18 },
+ /* 5713 */ { MAD_F(0x063bc707) /* 0.389594105 */, 18 },
+ /* 5714 */ { MAD_F(0x063c265f) /* 0.389685033 */, 18 },
+ /* 5715 */ { MAD_F(0x063c85b9) /* 0.389775967 */, 18 },
+ /* 5716 */ { MAD_F(0x063ce514) /* 0.389866906 */, 18 },
+ /* 5717 */ { MAD_F(0x063d4471) /* 0.389957850 */, 18 },
+ /* 5718 */ { MAD_F(0x063da3cf) /* 0.390048800 */, 18 },
+ /* 5719 */ { MAD_F(0x063e032f) /* 0.390139755 */, 18 },
+ /* 5720 */ { MAD_F(0x063e6290) /* 0.390230715 */, 18 },
+ /* 5721 */ { MAD_F(0x063ec1f2) /* 0.390321681 */, 18 },
+ /* 5722 */ { MAD_F(0x063f2156) /* 0.390412651 */, 18 },
+ /* 5723 */ { MAD_F(0x063f80bb) /* 0.390503628 */, 18 },
+ /* 5724 */ { MAD_F(0x063fe022) /* 0.390594609 */, 18 },
+ /* 5725 */ { MAD_F(0x06403f8a) /* 0.390685596 */, 18 },
+ /* 5726 */ { MAD_F(0x06409ef3) /* 0.390776588 */, 18 },
+ /* 5727 */ { MAD_F(0x0640fe5e) /* 0.390867585 */, 18 },
+ /* 5728 */ { MAD_F(0x06415dcb) /* 0.390958588 */, 18 },
+ /* 5729 */ { MAD_F(0x0641bd38) /* 0.391049596 */, 18 },
+ /* 5730 */ { MAD_F(0x06421ca7) /* 0.391140609 */, 18 },
+ /* 5731 */ { MAD_F(0x06427c18) /* 0.391231627 */, 18 },
+ /* 5732 */ { MAD_F(0x0642db8a) /* 0.391322651 */, 18 },
+ /* 5733 */ { MAD_F(0x06433afd) /* 0.391413680 */, 18 },
+ /* 5734 */ { MAD_F(0x06439a72) /* 0.391504714 */, 18 },
+ /* 5735 */ { MAD_F(0x0643f9e9) /* 0.391595754 */, 18 },
+ /* 5736 */ { MAD_F(0x06445960) /* 0.391686799 */, 18 },
+ /* 5737 */ { MAD_F(0x0644b8d9) /* 0.391777849 */, 18 },
+ /* 5738 */ { MAD_F(0x06451854) /* 0.391868905 */, 18 },
+ /* 5739 */ { MAD_F(0x064577d0) /* 0.391959966 */, 18 },
+ /* 5740 */ { MAD_F(0x0645d74d) /* 0.392051032 */, 18 },
+ /* 5741 */ { MAD_F(0x064636cc) /* 0.392142103 */, 18 },
+ /* 5742 */ { MAD_F(0x0646964c) /* 0.392233180 */, 18 },
+ /* 5743 */ { MAD_F(0x0646f5ce) /* 0.392324262 */, 18 },
+ /* 5744 */ { MAD_F(0x06475551) /* 0.392415349 */, 18 },
+ /* 5745 */ { MAD_F(0x0647b4d5) /* 0.392506442 */, 18 },
+ /* 5746 */ { MAD_F(0x0648145b) /* 0.392597540 */, 18 },
+ /* 5747 */ { MAD_F(0x064873e3) /* 0.392688643 */, 18 },
+ /* 5748 */ { MAD_F(0x0648d36b) /* 0.392779751 */, 18 },
+ /* 5749 */ { MAD_F(0x064932f6) /* 0.392870865 */, 18 },
+ /* 5750 */ { MAD_F(0x06499281) /* 0.392961984 */, 18 },
+ /* 5751 */ { MAD_F(0x0649f20e) /* 0.393053108 */, 18 },
+ /* 5752 */ { MAD_F(0x064a519c) /* 0.393144238 */, 18 },
+ /* 5753 */ { MAD_F(0x064ab12c) /* 0.393235372 */, 18 },
+ /* 5754 */ { MAD_F(0x064b10be) /* 0.393326513 */, 18 },
+ /* 5755 */ { MAD_F(0x064b7050) /* 0.393417658 */, 18 },
+ /* 5756 */ { MAD_F(0x064bcfe4) /* 0.393508809 */, 18 },
+ /* 5757 */ { MAD_F(0x064c2f7a) /* 0.393599965 */, 18 },
+ /* 5758 */ { MAD_F(0x064c8f11) /* 0.393691126 */, 18 },
+ /* 5759 */ { MAD_F(0x064ceea9) /* 0.393782292 */, 18 },
+ /* 5760 */ { MAD_F(0x064d4e43) /* 0.393873464 */, 18 },
+ /* 5761 */ { MAD_F(0x064dadde) /* 0.393964641 */, 18 },
+ /* 5762 */ { MAD_F(0x064e0d7a) /* 0.394055823 */, 18 },
+ /* 5763 */ { MAD_F(0x064e6d18) /* 0.394147011 */, 18 },
+ /* 5764 */ { MAD_F(0x064eccb8) /* 0.394238204 */, 18 },
+ /* 5765 */ { MAD_F(0x064f2c59) /* 0.394329402 */, 18 },
+ /* 5766 */ { MAD_F(0x064f8bfb) /* 0.394420605 */, 18 },
+ /* 5767 */ { MAD_F(0x064feb9e) /* 0.394511814 */, 18 },
+ /* 5768 */ { MAD_F(0x06504b44) /* 0.394603028 */, 18 },
+ /* 5769 */ { MAD_F(0x0650aaea) /* 0.394694247 */, 18 },
+ /* 5770 */ { MAD_F(0x06510a92) /* 0.394785472 */, 18 },
+ /* 5771 */ { MAD_F(0x06516a3b) /* 0.394876702 */, 18 },
+ /* 5772 */ { MAD_F(0x0651c9e6) /* 0.394967937 */, 18 },
+ /* 5773 */ { MAD_F(0x06522992) /* 0.395059177 */, 18 },
+ /* 5774 */ { MAD_F(0x06528940) /* 0.395150423 */, 18 },
+ /* 5775 */ { MAD_F(0x0652e8ef) /* 0.395241673 */, 18 },
+ /* 5776 */ { MAD_F(0x0653489f) /* 0.395332930 */, 18 },
+ /* 5777 */ { MAD_F(0x0653a851) /* 0.395424191 */, 18 },
+ /* 5778 */ { MAD_F(0x06540804) /* 0.395515458 */, 18 },
+ /* 5779 */ { MAD_F(0x065467b9) /* 0.395606730 */, 18 },
+ /* 5780 */ { MAD_F(0x0654c76f) /* 0.395698007 */, 18 },
+ /* 5781 */ { MAD_F(0x06552726) /* 0.395789289 */, 18 },
+ /* 5782 */ { MAD_F(0x065586df) /* 0.395880577 */, 18 },
+ /* 5783 */ { MAD_F(0x0655e699) /* 0.395971870 */, 18 },
+ /* 5784 */ { MAD_F(0x06564655) /* 0.396063168 */, 18 },
+ /* 5785 */ { MAD_F(0x0656a612) /* 0.396154472 */, 18 },
+ /* 5786 */ { MAD_F(0x065705d0) /* 0.396245780 */, 18 },
+ /* 5787 */ { MAD_F(0x06576590) /* 0.396337094 */, 18 },
+ /* 5788 */ { MAD_F(0x0657c552) /* 0.396428414 */, 18 },
+ /* 5789 */ { MAD_F(0x06582514) /* 0.396519738 */, 18 },
+ /* 5790 */ { MAD_F(0x065884d9) /* 0.396611068 */, 18 },
+ /* 5791 */ { MAD_F(0x0658e49e) /* 0.396702403 */, 18 },
+ /* 5792 */ { MAD_F(0x06594465) /* 0.396793743 */, 18 },
+ /* 5793 */ { MAD_F(0x0659a42e) /* 0.396885089 */, 18 },
+ /* 5794 */ { MAD_F(0x065a03f7) /* 0.396976440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5795 */ { MAD_F(0x065a63c3) /* 0.397067796 */, 18 },
+ /* 5796 */ { MAD_F(0x065ac38f) /* 0.397159157 */, 18 },
+ /* 5797 */ { MAD_F(0x065b235d) /* 0.397250524 */, 18 },
+ /* 5798 */ { MAD_F(0x065b832d) /* 0.397341896 */, 18 },
+ /* 5799 */ { MAD_F(0x065be2fe) /* 0.397433273 */, 18 },
+ /* 5800 */ { MAD_F(0x065c42d0) /* 0.397524655 */, 18 },
+ /* 5801 */ { MAD_F(0x065ca2a3) /* 0.397616043 */, 18 },
+ /* 5802 */ { MAD_F(0x065d0279) /* 0.397707436 */, 18 },
+ /* 5803 */ { MAD_F(0x065d624f) /* 0.397798834 */, 18 },
+ /* 5804 */ { MAD_F(0x065dc227) /* 0.397890237 */, 18 },
+ /* 5805 */ { MAD_F(0x065e2200) /* 0.397981646 */, 18 },
+ /* 5806 */ { MAD_F(0x065e81db) /* 0.398073059 */, 18 },
+ /* 5807 */ { MAD_F(0x065ee1b7) /* 0.398164479 */, 18 },
+ /* 5808 */ { MAD_F(0x065f4195) /* 0.398255903 */, 18 },
+ /* 5809 */ { MAD_F(0x065fa174) /* 0.398347333 */, 18 },
+ /* 5810 */ { MAD_F(0x06600154) /* 0.398438767 */, 18 },
+ /* 5811 */ { MAD_F(0x06606136) /* 0.398530207 */, 18 },
+ /* 5812 */ { MAD_F(0x0660c119) /* 0.398621653 */, 18 },
+ /* 5813 */ { MAD_F(0x066120fd) /* 0.398713103 */, 18 },
+ /* 5814 */ { MAD_F(0x066180e3) /* 0.398804559 */, 18 },
+ /* 5815 */ { MAD_F(0x0661e0cb) /* 0.398896020 */, 18 },
+ /* 5816 */ { MAD_F(0x066240b4) /* 0.398987487 */, 18 },
+ /* 5817 */ { MAD_F(0x0662a09e) /* 0.399078958 */, 18 },
+ /* 5818 */ { MAD_F(0x06630089) /* 0.399170435 */, 18 },
+ /* 5819 */ { MAD_F(0x06636077) /* 0.399261917 */, 18 },
+ /* 5820 */ { MAD_F(0x0663c065) /* 0.399353404 */, 18 },
+ /* 5821 */ { MAD_F(0x06642055) /* 0.399444897 */, 18 },
+ /* 5822 */ { MAD_F(0x06648046) /* 0.399536395 */, 18 },
+ /* 5823 */ { MAD_F(0x0664e039) /* 0.399627898 */, 18 },
+ /* 5824 */ { MAD_F(0x0665402d) /* 0.399719406 */, 18 },
+ /* 5825 */ { MAD_F(0x0665a022) /* 0.399810919 */, 18 },
+ /* 5826 */ { MAD_F(0x06660019) /* 0.399902438 */, 18 },
+ /* 5827 */ { MAD_F(0x06666011) /* 0.399993962 */, 18 },
+ /* 5828 */ { MAD_F(0x0666c00b) /* 0.400085491 */, 18 },
+ /* 5829 */ { MAD_F(0x06672006) /* 0.400177026 */, 18 },
+ /* 5830 */ { MAD_F(0x06678003) /* 0.400268565 */, 18 },
+ /* 5831 */ { MAD_F(0x0667e000) /* 0.400360110 */, 18 },
+ /* 5832 */ { MAD_F(0x06684000) /* 0.400451660 */, 18 },
+ /* 5833 */ { MAD_F(0x0668a000) /* 0.400543216 */, 18 },
+ /* 5834 */ { MAD_F(0x06690003) /* 0.400634776 */, 18 },
+ /* 5835 */ { MAD_F(0x06696006) /* 0.400726342 */, 18 },
+ /* 5836 */ { MAD_F(0x0669c00b) /* 0.400817913 */, 18 },
+ /* 5837 */ { MAD_F(0x066a2011) /* 0.400909489 */, 18 },
+ /* 5838 */ { MAD_F(0x066a8019) /* 0.401001071 */, 18 },
+ /* 5839 */ { MAD_F(0x066ae022) /* 0.401092657 */, 18 },
+ /* 5840 */ { MAD_F(0x066b402d) /* 0.401184249 */, 18 },
+ /* 5841 */ { MAD_F(0x066ba039) /* 0.401275847 */, 18 },
+ /* 5842 */ { MAD_F(0x066c0046) /* 0.401367449 */, 18 },
+ /* 5843 */ { MAD_F(0x066c6055) /* 0.401459057 */, 18 },
+ /* 5844 */ { MAD_F(0x066cc065) /* 0.401550670 */, 18 },
+ /* 5845 */ { MAD_F(0x066d2076) /* 0.401642288 */, 18 },
+ /* 5846 */ { MAD_F(0x066d8089) /* 0.401733911 */, 18 },
+ /* 5847 */ { MAD_F(0x066de09e) /* 0.401825540 */, 18 },
+ /* 5848 */ { MAD_F(0x066e40b3) /* 0.401917173 */, 18 },
+ /* 5849 */ { MAD_F(0x066ea0cb) /* 0.402008812 */, 18 },
+ /* 5850 */ { MAD_F(0x066f00e3) /* 0.402100457 */, 18 },
+ /* 5851 */ { MAD_F(0x066f60fd) /* 0.402192106 */, 18 },
+ /* 5852 */ { MAD_F(0x066fc118) /* 0.402283761 */, 18 },
+ /* 5853 */ { MAD_F(0x06702135) /* 0.402375420 */, 18 },
+ /* 5854 */ { MAD_F(0x06708153) /* 0.402467086 */, 18 },
+ /* 5855 */ { MAD_F(0x0670e173) /* 0.402558756 */, 18 },
+ /* 5856 */ { MAD_F(0x06714194) /* 0.402650431 */, 18 },
+ /* 5857 */ { MAD_F(0x0671a1b6) /* 0.402742112 */, 18 },
+ /* 5858 */ { MAD_F(0x067201da) /* 0.402833798 */, 18 },
+ /* 5859 */ { MAD_F(0x067261ff) /* 0.402925489 */, 18 },
+ /* 5860 */ { MAD_F(0x0672c226) /* 0.403017186 */, 18 },
+ /* 5861 */ { MAD_F(0x0673224e) /* 0.403108887 */, 18 },
+ /* 5862 */ { MAD_F(0x06738277) /* 0.403200594 */, 18 },
+ /* 5863 */ { MAD_F(0x0673e2a2) /* 0.403292306 */, 18 },
+ /* 5864 */ { MAD_F(0x067442ce) /* 0.403384024 */, 18 },
+ /* 5865 */ { MAD_F(0x0674a2fc) /* 0.403475746 */, 18 },
+ /* 5866 */ { MAD_F(0x0675032b) /* 0.403567474 */, 18 },
+ /* 5867 */ { MAD_F(0x0675635b) /* 0.403659207 */, 18 },
+ /* 5868 */ { MAD_F(0x0675c38d) /* 0.403750945 */, 18 },
+ /* 5869 */ { MAD_F(0x067623c0) /* 0.403842688 */, 18 },
+ /* 5870 */ { MAD_F(0x067683f4) /* 0.403934437 */, 18 },
+ /* 5871 */ { MAD_F(0x0676e42a) /* 0.404026190 */, 18 },
+ /* 5872 */ { MAD_F(0x06774462) /* 0.404117949 */, 18 },
+ /* 5873 */ { MAD_F(0x0677a49b) /* 0.404209714 */, 18 },
+ /* 5874 */ { MAD_F(0x067804d5) /* 0.404301483 */, 18 },
+ /* 5875 */ { MAD_F(0x06786510) /* 0.404393258 */, 18 },
+ /* 5876 */ { MAD_F(0x0678c54d) /* 0.404485037 */, 18 },
+ /* 5877 */ { MAD_F(0x0679258c) /* 0.404576822 */, 18 },
+ /* 5878 */ { MAD_F(0x067985cb) /* 0.404668613 */, 18 },
+ /* 5879 */ { MAD_F(0x0679e60c) /* 0.404760408 */, 18 },
+ /* 5880 */ { MAD_F(0x067a464f) /* 0.404852209 */, 18 },
+ /* 5881 */ { MAD_F(0x067aa693) /* 0.404944014 */, 18 },
+ /* 5882 */ { MAD_F(0x067b06d8) /* 0.405035825 */, 18 },
+ /* 5883 */ { MAD_F(0x067b671f) /* 0.405127642 */, 18 },
+ /* 5884 */ { MAD_F(0x067bc767) /* 0.405219463 */, 18 },
+ /* 5885 */ { MAD_F(0x067c27b1) /* 0.405311290 */, 18 },
+ /* 5886 */ { MAD_F(0x067c87fc) /* 0.405403122 */, 18 },
+ /* 5887 */ { MAD_F(0x067ce848) /* 0.405494959 */, 18 },
+ /* 5888 */ { MAD_F(0x067d4896) /* 0.405586801 */, 18 },
+ /* 5889 */ { MAD_F(0x067da8e5) /* 0.405678648 */, 18 },
+ /* 5890 */ { MAD_F(0x067e0935) /* 0.405770501 */, 18 },
+ /* 5891 */ { MAD_F(0x067e6987) /* 0.405862359 */, 18 },
+ /* 5892 */ { MAD_F(0x067ec9da) /* 0.405954222 */, 18 },
+ /* 5893 */ { MAD_F(0x067f2a2f) /* 0.406046090 */, 18 },
+ /* 5894 */ { MAD_F(0x067f8a85) /* 0.406137963 */, 18 },
+ /* 5895 */ { MAD_F(0x067feadd) /* 0.406229842 */, 18 },
+ /* 5896 */ { MAD_F(0x06804b36) /* 0.406321726 */, 18 },
+ /* 5897 */ { MAD_F(0x0680ab90) /* 0.406413615 */, 18 },
+ /* 5898 */ { MAD_F(0x06810beb) /* 0.406505509 */, 18 },
+ /* 5899 */ { MAD_F(0x06816c49) /* 0.406597408 */, 18 },
+ /* 5900 */ { MAD_F(0x0681cca7) /* 0.406689313 */, 18 },
+ /* 5901 */ { MAD_F(0x06822d07) /* 0.406781223 */, 18 },
+ /* 5902 */ { MAD_F(0x06828d68) /* 0.406873138 */, 18 },
+ /* 5903 */ { MAD_F(0x0682edcb) /* 0.406965058 */, 18 },
+ /* 5904 */ { MAD_F(0x06834e2f) /* 0.407056983 */, 18 },
+ /* 5905 */ { MAD_F(0x0683ae94) /* 0.407148914 */, 18 },
+ /* 5906 */ { MAD_F(0x06840efb) /* 0.407240850 */, 18 },
+ /* 5907 */ { MAD_F(0x06846f63) /* 0.407332791 */, 18 },
+ /* 5908 */ { MAD_F(0x0684cfcd) /* 0.407424737 */, 18 },
+ /* 5909 */ { MAD_F(0x06853038) /* 0.407516688 */, 18 },
+ /* 5910 */ { MAD_F(0x068590a4) /* 0.407608645 */, 18 },
+ /* 5911 */ { MAD_F(0x0685f112) /* 0.407700606 */, 18 },
+ /* 5912 */ { MAD_F(0x06865181) /* 0.407792573 */, 18 },
+ /* 5913 */ { MAD_F(0x0686b1f2) /* 0.407884545 */, 18 },
+ /* 5914 */ { MAD_F(0x06871264) /* 0.407976522 */, 18 },
+ /* 5915 */ { MAD_F(0x068772d7) /* 0.408068505 */, 18 },
+ /* 5916 */ { MAD_F(0x0687d34c) /* 0.408160492 */, 18 },
+ /* 5917 */ { MAD_F(0x068833c2) /* 0.408252485 */, 18 },
+ /* 5918 */ { MAD_F(0x06889439) /* 0.408344483 */, 18 },
+ /* 5919 */ { MAD_F(0x0688f4b2) /* 0.408436486 */, 18 },
+ /* 5920 */ { MAD_F(0x0689552c) /* 0.408528495 */, 18 },
+ /* 5921 */ { MAD_F(0x0689b5a8) /* 0.408620508 */, 18 },
+ /* 5922 */ { MAD_F(0x068a1625) /* 0.408712527 */, 18 },
+ /* 5923 */ { MAD_F(0x068a76a4) /* 0.408804551 */, 18 },
+ /* 5924 */ { MAD_F(0x068ad724) /* 0.408896580 */, 18 },
+ /* 5925 */ { MAD_F(0x068b37a5) /* 0.408988614 */, 18 },
+ /* 5926 */ { MAD_F(0x068b9827) /* 0.409080653 */, 18 },
+ /* 5927 */ { MAD_F(0x068bf8ac) /* 0.409172698 */, 18 },
+ /* 5928 */ { MAD_F(0x068c5931) /* 0.409264748 */, 18 },
+ /* 5929 */ { MAD_F(0x068cb9b8) /* 0.409356803 */, 18 },
+ /* 5930 */ { MAD_F(0x068d1a40) /* 0.409448863 */, 18 },
+ /* 5931 */ { MAD_F(0x068d7aca) /* 0.409540928 */, 18 },
+ /* 5932 */ { MAD_F(0x068ddb54) /* 0.409632999 */, 18 },
+ /* 5933 */ { MAD_F(0x068e3be1) /* 0.409725074 */, 18 },
+ /* 5934 */ { MAD_F(0x068e9c6f) /* 0.409817155 */, 18 },
+ /* 5935 */ { MAD_F(0x068efcfe) /* 0.409909241 */, 18 },
+ /* 5936 */ { MAD_F(0x068f5d8e) /* 0.410001332 */, 18 },
+ /* 5937 */ { MAD_F(0x068fbe20) /* 0.410093428 */, 18 },
+ /* 5938 */ { MAD_F(0x06901eb4) /* 0.410185530 */, 18 },
+ /* 5939 */ { MAD_F(0x06907f48) /* 0.410277637 */, 18 },
+ /* 5940 */ { MAD_F(0x0690dfde) /* 0.410369748 */, 18 },
+ /* 5941 */ { MAD_F(0x06914076) /* 0.410461865 */, 18 },
+ /* 5942 */ { MAD_F(0x0691a10f) /* 0.410553988 */, 18 },
+ /* 5943 */ { MAD_F(0x069201a9) /* 0.410646115 */, 18 },
+ /* 5944 */ { MAD_F(0x06926245) /* 0.410738247 */, 18 },
+ /* 5945 */ { MAD_F(0x0692c2e2) /* 0.410830385 */, 18 },
+ /* 5946 */ { MAD_F(0x06932380) /* 0.410922528 */, 18 },
+ /* 5947 */ { MAD_F(0x06938420) /* 0.411014676 */, 18 },
+ /* 5948 */ { MAD_F(0x0693e4c1) /* 0.411106829 */, 18 },
+ /* 5949 */ { MAD_F(0x06944563) /* 0.411198987 */, 18 },
+ /* 5950 */ { MAD_F(0x0694a607) /* 0.411291151 */, 18 },
+ /* 5951 */ { MAD_F(0x069506ad) /* 0.411383320 */, 18 },
+ /* 5952 */ { MAD_F(0x06956753) /* 0.411475493 */, 18 },
+ /* 5953 */ { MAD_F(0x0695c7fc) /* 0.411567672 */, 18 },
+ /* 5954 */ { MAD_F(0x069628a5) /* 0.411659857 */, 18 },
+ /* 5955 */ { MAD_F(0x06968950) /* 0.411752046 */, 18 },
+ /* 5956 */ { MAD_F(0x0696e9fc) /* 0.411844240 */, 18 },
+ /* 5957 */ { MAD_F(0x06974aaa) /* 0.411936440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5958 */ { MAD_F(0x0697ab59) /* 0.412028645 */, 18 },
+ /* 5959 */ { MAD_F(0x06980c09) /* 0.412120855 */, 18 },
+ /* 5960 */ { MAD_F(0x06986cbb) /* 0.412213070 */, 18 },
+ /* 5961 */ { MAD_F(0x0698cd6e) /* 0.412305290 */, 18 },
+ /* 5962 */ { MAD_F(0x06992e23) /* 0.412397516 */, 18 },
+ /* 5963 */ { MAD_F(0x06998ed9) /* 0.412489746 */, 18 },
+ /* 5964 */ { MAD_F(0x0699ef90) /* 0.412581982 */, 18 },
+ /* 5965 */ { MAD_F(0x069a5049) /* 0.412674223 */, 18 },
+ /* 5966 */ { MAD_F(0x069ab103) /* 0.412766469 */, 18 },
+ /* 5967 */ { MAD_F(0x069b11bf) /* 0.412858720 */, 18 },
+ /* 5968 */ { MAD_F(0x069b727b) /* 0.412950976 */, 18 },
+ /* 5969 */ { MAD_F(0x069bd33a) /* 0.413043238 */, 18 },
+ /* 5970 */ { MAD_F(0x069c33f9) /* 0.413135505 */, 18 },
+ /* 5971 */ { MAD_F(0x069c94ba) /* 0.413227776 */, 18 },
+ /* 5972 */ { MAD_F(0x069cf57d) /* 0.413320053 */, 18 },
+ /* 5973 */ { MAD_F(0x069d5641) /* 0.413412335 */, 18 },
+ /* 5974 */ { MAD_F(0x069db706) /* 0.413504623 */, 18 },
+ /* 5975 */ { MAD_F(0x069e17cc) /* 0.413596915 */, 18 },
+ /* 5976 */ { MAD_F(0x069e7894) /* 0.413689213 */, 18 },
+ /* 5977 */ { MAD_F(0x069ed95e) /* 0.413781515 */, 18 },
+ /* 5978 */ { MAD_F(0x069f3a28) /* 0.413873823 */, 18 },
+ /* 5979 */ { MAD_F(0x069f9af4) /* 0.413966136 */, 18 },
+ /* 5980 */ { MAD_F(0x069ffbc2) /* 0.414058454 */, 18 },
+ /* 5981 */ { MAD_F(0x06a05c91) /* 0.414150778 */, 18 },
+ /* 5982 */ { MAD_F(0x06a0bd61) /* 0.414243106 */, 18 },
+ /* 5983 */ { MAD_F(0x06a11e32) /* 0.414335440 */, 18 },
+ /* 5984 */ { MAD_F(0x06a17f05) /* 0.414427779 */, 18 },
+ /* 5985 */ { MAD_F(0x06a1dfda) /* 0.414520122 */, 18 },
+ /* 5986 */ { MAD_F(0x06a240b0) /* 0.414612471 */, 18 },
+ /* 5987 */ { MAD_F(0x06a2a187) /* 0.414704826 */, 18 },
+ /* 5988 */ { MAD_F(0x06a3025f) /* 0.414797185 */, 18 },
+ /* 5989 */ { MAD_F(0x06a36339) /* 0.414889549 */, 18 },
+ /* 5990 */ { MAD_F(0x06a3c414) /* 0.414981919 */, 18 },
+ /* 5991 */ { MAD_F(0x06a424f1) /* 0.415074294 */, 18 },
+ /* 5992 */ { MAD_F(0x06a485cf) /* 0.415166674 */, 18 },
+ /* 5993 */ { MAD_F(0x06a4e6ae) /* 0.415259059 */, 18 },
+ /* 5994 */ { MAD_F(0x06a5478f) /* 0.415351449 */, 18 },
+ /* 5995 */ { MAD_F(0x06a5a871) /* 0.415443844 */, 18 },
+ /* 5996 */ { MAD_F(0x06a60955) /* 0.415536244 */, 18 },
+ /* 5997 */ { MAD_F(0x06a66a3a) /* 0.415628650 */, 18 },
+ /* 5998 */ { MAD_F(0x06a6cb20) /* 0.415721061 */, 18 },
+ /* 5999 */ { MAD_F(0x06a72c08) /* 0.415813476 */, 18 },
+ /* 6000 */ { MAD_F(0x06a78cf1) /* 0.415905897 */, 18 },
+ /* 6001 */ { MAD_F(0x06a7eddb) /* 0.415998324 */, 18 },
+ /* 6002 */ { MAD_F(0x06a84ec7) /* 0.416090755 */, 18 },
+ /* 6003 */ { MAD_F(0x06a8afb4) /* 0.416183191 */, 18 },
+ /* 6004 */ { MAD_F(0x06a910a3) /* 0.416275633 */, 18 },
+ /* 6005 */ { MAD_F(0x06a97193) /* 0.416368079 */, 18 },
+ /* 6006 */ { MAD_F(0x06a9d284) /* 0.416460531 */, 18 },
+ /* 6007 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa3377) /* 0.416552988 */, 18 },
+ /* 6008 */ { MAD_F(0x06aa946b) /* 0.416645450 */, 18 },
+ /* 6009 */ { MAD_F(0x06aaf561) /* 0.416737917 */, 18 },
+ /* 6010 */ { MAD_F(0x06ab5657) /* 0.416830389 */, 18 },
+ /* 6011 */ { MAD_F(0x06abb750) /* 0.416922867 */, 18 },
+ /* 6012 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac1849) /* 0.417015349 */, 18 },
+ /* 6013 */ { MAD_F(0x06ac7944) /* 0.417107837 */, 18 },
+ /* 6014 */ { MAD_F(0x06acda41) /* 0.417200330 */, 18 },
+ /* 6015 */ { MAD_F(0x06ad3b3e) /* 0.417292828 */, 18 },
+ /* 6016 */ { MAD_F(0x06ad9c3d) /* 0.417385331 */, 18 },
+ /* 6017 */ { MAD_F(0x06adfd3e) /* 0.417477839 */, 18 },
+ /* 6018 */ { MAD_F(0x06ae5e40) /* 0.417570352 */, 18 },
+ /* 6019 */ { MAD_F(0x06aebf43) /* 0.417662871 */, 18 },
+ /* 6020 */ { MAD_F(0x06af2047) /* 0.417755394 */, 18 },
+ /* 6021 */ { MAD_F(0x06af814d) /* 0.417847923 */, 18 },
+ /* 6022 */ { MAD_F(0x06afe255) /* 0.417940457 */, 18 },
+ /* 6023 */ { MAD_F(0x06b0435e) /* 0.418032996 */, 18 },
+ /* 6024 */ { MAD_F(0x06b0a468) /* 0.418125540 */, 18 },
+ /* 6025 */ { MAD_F(0x06b10573) /* 0.418218089 */, 18 },
+ /* 6026 */ { MAD_F(0x06b16680) /* 0.418310643 */, 18 },
+ /* 6027 */ { MAD_F(0x06b1c78e) /* 0.418403203 */, 18 },
+ /* 6028 */ { MAD_F(0x06b2289e) /* 0.418495767 */, 18 },
+ /* 6029 */ { MAD_F(0x06b289af) /* 0.418588337 */, 18 },
+ /* 6030 */ { MAD_F(0x06b2eac1) /* 0.418680911 */, 18 },
+ /* 6031 */ { MAD_F(0x06b34bd5) /* 0.418773491 */, 18 },
+ /* 6032 */ { MAD_F(0x06b3acea) /* 0.418866076 */, 18 },
+ /* 6033 */ { MAD_F(0x06b40e00) /* 0.418958666 */, 18 },
+ /* 6034 */ { MAD_F(0x06b46f18) /* 0.419051262 */, 18 },
+ /* 6035 */ { MAD_F(0x06b4d031) /* 0.419143862 */, 18 },
+ /* 6036 */ { MAD_F(0x06b5314c) /* 0.419236467 */, 18 },
+ /* 6037 */ { MAD_F(0x06b59268) /* 0.419329078 */, 18 },
+ /* 6038 */ { MAD_F(0x06b5f385) /* 0.419421694 */, 18 },
+ /* 6039 */ { MAD_F(0x06b654a4) /* 0.419514314 */, 18 },
+ /* 6040 */ { MAD_F(0x06b6b5c4) /* 0.419606940 */, 18 },
+ /* 6041 */ { MAD_F(0x06b716e6) /* 0.419699571 */, 18 },
+ /* 6042 */ { MAD_F(0x06b77808) /* 0.419792208 */, 18 },
+ /* 6043 */ { MAD_F(0x06b7d92d) /* 0.419884849 */, 18 },
+ /* 6044 */ { MAD_F(0x06b83a52) /* 0.419977495 */, 18 },
+ /* 6045 */ { MAD_F(0x06b89b79) /* 0.420070147 */, 18 },
+ /* 6046 */ { MAD_F(0x06b8fca1) /* 0.420162803 */, 18 },
+ /* 6047 */ { MAD_F(0x06b95dcb) /* 0.420255465 */, 18 },
+ /* 6048 */ { MAD_F(0x06b9bef6) /* 0.420348132 */, 18 },
+ /* 6049 */ { MAD_F(0x06ba2023) /* 0.420440803 */, 18 },
+ /* 6050 */ { MAD_F(0x06ba8150) /* 0.420533481 */, 18 },
+ /* 6051 */ { MAD_F(0x06bae280) /* 0.420626163 */, 18 },
+ /* 6052 */ { MAD_F(0x06bb43b0) /* 0.420718850 */, 18 },
+ /* 6053 */ { MAD_F(0x06bba4e2) /* 0.420811542 */, 18 },
+ /* 6054 */ { MAD_F(0x06bc0615) /* 0.420904240 */, 18 },
+ /* 6055 */ { MAD_F(0x06bc674a) /* 0.420996942 */, 18 },
+ /* 6056 */ { MAD_F(0x06bcc880) /* 0.421089650 */, 18 },
+ /* 6057 */ { MAD_F(0x06bd29b7) /* 0.421182362 */, 18 },
+ /* 6058 */ { MAD_F(0x06bd8af0) /* 0.421275080 */, 18 },
+ /* 6059 */ { MAD_F(0x06bdec2a) /* 0.421367803 */, 18 },
+ /* 6060 */ { MAD_F(0x06be4d66) /* 0.421460531 */, 18 },
+ /* 6061 */ { MAD_F(0x06beaea3) /* 0.421553264 */, 18 },
+ /* 6062 */ { MAD_F(0x06bf0fe1) /* 0.421646003 */, 18 },
+ /* 6063 */ { MAD_F(0x06bf7120) /* 0.421738746 */, 18 },
+ /* 6064 */ { MAD_F(0x06bfd261) /* 0.421831494 */, 18 },
+ /* 6065 */ { MAD_F(0x06c033a4) /* 0.421924248 */, 18 },
+ /* 6066 */ { MAD_F(0x06c094e7) /* 0.422017007 */, 18 },
+ /* 6067 */ { MAD_F(0x06c0f62c) /* 0.422109770 */, 18 },
+ /* 6068 */ { MAD_F(0x06c15773) /* 0.422202539 */, 18 },
+ /* 6069 */ { MAD_F(0x06c1b8bb) /* 0.422295313 */, 18 },
+ /* 6070 */ { MAD_F(0x06c21a04) /* 0.422388092 */, 18 },
+ /* 6071 */ { MAD_F(0x06c27b4e) /* 0.422480876 */, 18 },
+ /* 6072 */ { MAD_F(0x06c2dc9a) /* 0.422573665 */, 18 },
+ /* 6073 */ { MAD_F(0x06c33de8) /* 0.422666460 */, 18 },
+ /* 6074 */ { MAD_F(0x06c39f36) /* 0.422759259 */, 18 },
+ /* 6075 */ { MAD_F(0x06c40086) /* 0.422852064 */, 18 },
+ /* 6076 */ { MAD_F(0x06c461d8) /* 0.422944873 */, 18 },
+ /* 6077 */ { MAD_F(0x06c4c32a) /* 0.423037688 */, 18 },
+ /* 6078 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5247f) /* 0.423130508 */, 18 },
+ /* 6079 */ { MAD_F(0x06c585d4) /* 0.423223333 */, 18 },
+ /* 6080 */ { MAD_F(0x06c5e72b) /* 0.423316162 */, 18 },
+ /* 6081 */ { MAD_F(0x06c64883) /* 0.423408997 */, 18 },
+ /* 6082 */ { MAD_F(0x06c6a9dd) /* 0.423501838 */, 18 },
+ /* 6083 */ { MAD_F(0x06c70b38) /* 0.423594683 */, 18 },
+ /* 6084 */ { MAD_F(0x06c76c94) /* 0.423687533 */, 18 },
+ /* 6085 */ { MAD_F(0x06c7cdf2) /* 0.423780389 */, 18 },
+ /* 6086 */ { MAD_F(0x06c82f51) /* 0.423873249 */, 18 },
+ /* 6087 */ { MAD_F(0x06c890b1) /* 0.423966115 */, 18 },
+ /* 6088 */ { MAD_F(0x06c8f213) /* 0.424058985 */, 18 },
+ /* 6089 */ { MAD_F(0x06c95376) /* 0.424151861 */, 18 },
+ /* 6090 */ { MAD_F(0x06c9b4da) /* 0.424244742 */, 18 },
+ /* 6091 */ { MAD_F(0x06ca1640) /* 0.424337628 */, 18 },
+ /* 6092 */ { MAD_F(0x06ca77a8) /* 0.424430519 */, 18 },
+ /* 6093 */ { MAD_F(0x06cad910) /* 0.424523415 */, 18 },
+ /* 6094 */ { MAD_F(0x06cb3a7a) /* 0.424616316 */, 18 },
+ /* 6095 */ { MAD_F(0x06cb9be5) /* 0.424709222 */, 18 },
+ /* 6096 */ { MAD_F(0x06cbfd52) /* 0.424802133 */, 18 },
+ /* 6097 */ { MAD_F(0x06cc5ec0) /* 0.424895050 */, 18 },
+ /* 6098 */ { MAD_F(0x06ccc030) /* 0.424987971 */, 18 },
+ /* 6099 */ { MAD_F(0x06cd21a0) /* 0.425080898 */, 18 },
+ /* 6100 */ { MAD_F(0x06cd8313) /* 0.425173829 */, 18 },
+ /* 6101 */ { MAD_F(0x06cde486) /* 0.425266766 */, 18 },
+ /* 6102 */ { MAD_F(0x06ce45fb) /* 0.425359708 */, 18 },
+ /* 6103 */ { MAD_F(0x06cea771) /* 0.425452655 */, 18 },
+ /* 6104 */ { MAD_F(0x06cf08e9) /* 0.425545607 */, 18 },
+ /* 6105 */ { MAD_F(0x06cf6a62) /* 0.425638564 */, 18 },
+ /* 6106 */ { MAD_F(0x06cfcbdc) /* 0.425731526 */, 18 },
+ /* 6107 */ { MAD_F(0x06d02d58) /* 0.425824493 */, 18 },
+ /* 6108 */ { MAD_F(0x06d08ed5) /* 0.425917465 */, 18 },
+ /* 6109 */ { MAD_F(0x06d0f053) /* 0.426010443 */, 18 },
+ /* 6110 */ { MAD_F(0x06d151d3) /* 0.426103425 */, 18 },
+ /* 6111 */ { MAD_F(0x06d1b354) /* 0.426196412 */, 18 },
+ /* 6112 */ { MAD_F(0x06d214d7) /* 0.426289405 */, 18 },
+ /* 6113 */ { MAD_F(0x06d2765a) /* 0.426382403 */, 18 },
+ /* 6114 */ { MAD_F(0x06d2d7e0) /* 0.426475405 */, 18 },
+ /* 6115 */ { MAD_F(0x06d33966) /* 0.426568413 */, 18 },
+ /* 6116 */ { MAD_F(0x06d39aee) /* 0.426661426 */, 18 },
+ /* 6117 */ { MAD_F(0x06d3fc77) /* 0.426754444 */, 18 },
+ /* 6118 */ { MAD_F(0x06d45e02) /* 0.426847467 */, 18 },
+ /* 6119 */ { MAD_F(0x06d4bf8e) /* 0.426940495 */, 18 },
+ /* 6120 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5211c) /* 0.427033528 */, 18 },
+ /* 6121 */ { MAD_F(0x06d582aa) /* 0.427126566 */, 18 },
+ /* 6122 */ { MAD_F(0x06d5e43a) /* 0.427219609 */, 18 },
+ /* 6123 */ { MAD_F(0x06d645cc) /* 0.427312657 */, 18 },
+ /* 6124 */ { MAD_F(0x06d6a75f) /* 0.427405711 */, 18 },
+ /* 6125 */ { MAD_F(0x06d708f3) /* 0.427498769 */, 18 },
+ /* 6126 */ { MAD_F(0x06d76a88) /* 0.427591833 */, 18 },
+ /* 6127 */ { MAD_F(0x06d7cc1f) /* 0.427684901 */, 18 },
+ /* 6128 */ { MAD_F(0x06d82db8) /* 0.427777975 */, 18 },
+ /* 6129 */ { MAD_F(0x06d88f51) /* 0.427871054 */, 18 },
+ /* 6130 */ { MAD_F(0x06d8f0ec) /* 0.427964137 */, 18 },
+ /* 6131 */ { MAD_F(0x06d95288) /* 0.428057226 */, 18 },
+ /* 6132 */ { MAD_F(0x06d9b426) /* 0.428150320 */, 18 },
+ /* 6133 */ { MAD_F(0x06da15c5) /* 0.428243419 */, 18 },
+ /* 6134 */ { MAD_F(0x06da7766) /* 0.428336523 */, 18 },
+ /* 6135 */ { MAD_F(0x06dad907) /* 0.428429632 */, 18 },
+ /* 6136 */ { MAD_F(0x06db3aaa) /* 0.428522746 */, 18 },
+ /* 6137 */ { MAD_F(0x06db9c4f) /* 0.428615865 */, 18 },
+ /* 6138 */ { MAD_F(0x06dbfdf5) /* 0.428708989 */, 18 },
+ /* 6139 */ { MAD_F(0x06dc5f9c) /* 0.428802119 */, 18 },
+ /* 6140 */ { MAD_F(0x06dcc145) /* 0.428895253 */, 18 },
+ /* 6141 */ { MAD_F(0x06dd22ee) /* 0.428988392 */, 18 },
+ /* 6142 */ { MAD_F(0x06dd849a) /* 0.429081537 */, 18 },
+ /* 6143 */ { MAD_F(0x06dde646) /* 0.429174686 */, 18 },
+ /* 6144 */ { MAD_F(0x06de47f4) /* 0.429267841 */, 18 },
+ /* 6145 */ { MAD_F(0x06dea9a4) /* 0.429361001 */, 18 },
+ /* 6146 */ { MAD_F(0x06df0b54) /* 0.429454165 */, 18 },
+ /* 6147 */ { MAD_F(0x06df6d06) /* 0.429547335 */, 18 },
+ /* 6148 */ { MAD_F(0x06dfceba) /* 0.429640510 */, 18 },
+ /* 6149 */ { MAD_F(0x06e0306f) /* 0.429733690 */, 18 },
+ /* 6150 */ { MAD_F(0x06e09225) /* 0.429826874 */, 18 },
+ /* 6151 */ { MAD_F(0x06e0f3dc) /* 0.429920064 */, 18 },
+ /* 6152 */ { MAD_F(0x06e15595) /* 0.430013259 */, 18 },
+ /* 6153 */ { MAD_F(0x06e1b74f) /* 0.430106459 */, 18 },
+ /* 6154 */ { MAD_F(0x06e2190b) /* 0.430199664 */, 18 },
+ /* 6155 */ { MAD_F(0x06e27ac8) /* 0.430292875 */, 18 },
+ /* 6156 */ { MAD_F(0x06e2dc86) /* 0.430386090 */, 18 },
+ /* 6157 */ { MAD_F(0x06e33e46) /* 0.430479310 */, 18 },
+ /* 6158 */ { MAD_F(0x06e3a007) /* 0.430572535 */, 18 },
+ /* 6159 */ { MAD_F(0x06e401c9) /* 0.430665765 */, 18 },
+ /* 6160 */ { MAD_F(0x06e4638d) /* 0.430759001 */, 18 },
+ /* 6161 */ { MAD_F(0x06e4c552) /* 0.430852241 */, 18 },
+ /* 6162 */ { MAD_F(0x06e52718) /* 0.430945487 */, 18 },
+ /* 6163 */ { MAD_F(0x06e588e0) /* 0.431038737 */, 18 },
+ /* 6164 */ { MAD_F(0x06e5eaa9) /* 0.431131993 */, 18 },
+ /* 6165 */ { MAD_F(0x06e64c73) /* 0.431225253 */, 18 },
+ /* 6166 */ { MAD_F(0x06e6ae3f) /* 0.431318519 */, 18 },
+ /* 6167 */ { MAD_F(0x06e7100c) /* 0.431411790 */, 18 },
+ /* 6168 */ { MAD_F(0x06e771db) /* 0.431505065 */, 18 },
+ /* 6169 */ { MAD_F(0x06e7d3ab) /* 0.431598346 */, 18 },
+ /* 6170 */ { MAD_F(0x06e8357c) /* 0.431691632 */, 18 },
+ /* 6171 */ { MAD_F(0x06e8974e) /* 0.431784923 */, 18 },
+ /* 6172 */ { MAD_F(0x06e8f922) /* 0.431878218 */, 18 },
+ /* 6173 */ { MAD_F(0x06e95af8) /* 0.431971519 */, 18 },
+ /* 6174 */ { MAD_F(0x06e9bcce) /* 0.432064825 */, 18 },
+ /* 6175 */ { MAD_F(0x06ea1ea6) /* 0.432158136 */, 18 },
+ /* 6176 */ { MAD_F(0x06ea807f) /* 0.432251452 */, 18 },
+ /* 6177 */ { MAD_F(0x06eae25a) /* 0.432344773 */, 18 },
+ /* 6178 */ { MAD_F(0x06eb4436) /* 0.432438099 */, 18 },
+ /* 6179 */ { MAD_F(0x06eba614) /* 0.432531431 */, 18 },
+ /* 6180 */ { MAD_F(0x06ec07f2) /* 0.432624767 */, 18 },
+ /* 6181 */ { MAD_F(0x06ec69d2) /* 0.432718108 */, 18 },
+ /* 6182 */ { MAD_F(0x06eccbb4) /* 0.432811454 */, 18 },
+ /* 6183 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed2d97) /* 0.432904805 */, 18 },
+ /* 6184 */ { MAD_F(0x06ed8f7b) /* 0.432998162 */, 18 },
+ /* 6185 */ { MAD_F(0x06edf160) /* 0.433091523 */, 18 },
+ /* 6186 */ { MAD_F(0x06ee5347) /* 0.433184889 */, 18 },
+ /* 6187 */ { MAD_F(0x06eeb52f) /* 0.433278261 */, 18 },
+ /* 6188 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef1719) /* 0.433371637 */, 18 },
+ /* 6189 */ { MAD_F(0x06ef7904) /* 0.433465019 */, 18 },
+ /* 6190 */ { MAD_F(0x06efdaf0) /* 0.433558405 */, 18 },
+ /* 6191 */ { MAD_F(0x06f03cde) /* 0.433651797 */, 18 },
+ /* 6192 */ { MAD_F(0x06f09ecc) /* 0.433745193 */, 18 },
+ /* 6193 */ { MAD_F(0x06f100bd) /* 0.433838595 */, 18 },
+ /* 6194 */ { MAD_F(0x06f162ae) /* 0.433932001 */, 18 },
+ /* 6195 */ { MAD_F(0x06f1c4a1) /* 0.434025413 */, 18 },
+ /* 6196 */ { MAD_F(0x06f22696) /* 0.434118830 */, 18 },
+ /* 6197 */ { MAD_F(0x06f2888b) /* 0.434212251 */, 18 },
+ /* 6198 */ { MAD_F(0x06f2ea82) /* 0.434305678 */, 18 },
+ /* 6199 */ { MAD_F(0x06f34c7b) /* 0.434399110 */, 18 },
+ /* 6200 */ { MAD_F(0x06f3ae75) /* 0.434492546 */, 18 },
+ /* 6201 */ { MAD_F(0x06f41070) /* 0.434585988 */, 18 },
+ /* 6202 */ { MAD_F(0x06f4726c) /* 0.434679435 */, 18 },
+ /* 6203 */ { MAD_F(0x06f4d46a) /* 0.434772887 */, 18 },
+ /* 6204 */ { MAD_F(0x06f53669) /* 0.434866344 */, 18 },
+ /* 6205 */ { MAD_F(0x06f59869) /* 0.434959806 */, 18 },
+ /* 6206 */ { MAD_F(0x06f5fa6b) /* 0.435053272 */, 18 },
+ /* 6207 */ { MAD_F(0x06f65c6e) /* 0.435146744 */, 18 },
+ /* 6208 */ { MAD_F(0x06f6be73) /* 0.435240221 */, 18 },
+ /* 6209 */ { MAD_F(0x06f72079) /* 0.435333703 */, 18 },
+ /* 6210 */ { MAD_F(0x06f78280) /* 0.435427190 */, 18 },
+ /* 6211 */ { MAD_F(0x06f7e489) /* 0.435520682 */, 18 },
+ /* 6212 */ { MAD_F(0x06f84693) /* 0.435614179 */, 18 },
+ /* 6213 */ { MAD_F(0x06f8a89e) /* 0.435707681 */, 18 },
+ /* 6214 */ { MAD_F(0x06f90aaa) /* 0.435801188 */, 18 },
+ /* 6215 */ { MAD_F(0x06f96cb8) /* 0.435894700 */, 18 },
+ /* 6216 */ { MAD_F(0x06f9cec8) /* 0.435988217 */, 18 },
+ /* 6217 */ { MAD_F(0x06fa30d8) /* 0.436081739 */, 18 },
+ /* 6218 */ { MAD_F(0x06fa92ea) /* 0.436175266 */, 18 },
+ /* 6219 */ { MAD_F(0x06faf4fe) /* 0.436268799 */, 18 },
+ /* 6220 */ { MAD_F(0x06fb5712) /* 0.436362336 */, 18 },
+ /* 6221 */ { MAD_F(0x06fbb928) /* 0.436455878 */, 18 },
+ /* 6222 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc1b40) /* 0.436549425 */, 18 },
+ /* 6223 */ { MAD_F(0x06fc7d58) /* 0.436642977 */, 18 },
+ /* 6224 */ { MAD_F(0x06fcdf72) /* 0.436736534 */, 18 },
+ /* 6225 */ { MAD_F(0x06fd418e) /* 0.436830096 */, 18 },
+ /* 6226 */ { MAD_F(0x06fda3ab) /* 0.436923664 */, 18 },
+ /* 6227 */ { MAD_F(0x06fe05c9) /* 0.437017236 */, 18 },
+ /* 6228 */ { MAD_F(0x06fe67e8) /* 0.437110813 */, 18 },
+ /* 6229 */ { MAD_F(0x06feca09) /* 0.437204395 */, 18 },
+ /* 6230 */ { MAD_F(0x06ff2c2b) /* 0.437297982 */, 18 },
+ /* 6231 */ { MAD_F(0x06ff8e4f) /* 0.437391575 */, 18 },
+ /* 6232 */ { MAD_F(0x06fff073) /* 0.437485172 */, 18 },
+ /* 6233 */ { MAD_F(0x0700529a) /* 0.437578774 */, 18 },
+ /* 6234 */ { MAD_F(0x0700b4c1) /* 0.437672381 */, 18 },
+ /* 6235 */ { MAD_F(0x070116ea) /* 0.437765994 */, 18 },
+ /* 6236 */ { MAD_F(0x07017914) /* 0.437859611 */, 18 },
+ /* 6237 */ { MAD_F(0x0701db40) /* 0.437953233 */, 18 },
+ /* 6238 */ { MAD_F(0x07023d6c) /* 0.438046860 */, 18 },
+ /* 6239 */ { MAD_F(0x07029f9b) /* 0.438140493 */, 18 },
+ /* 6240 */ { MAD_F(0x070301ca) /* 0.438234130 */, 18 },
+ /* 6241 */ { MAD_F(0x070363fb) /* 0.438327772 */, 18 },
+ /* 6242 */ { MAD_F(0x0703c62d) /* 0.438421419 */, 18 },
+ /* 6243 */ { MAD_F(0x07042861) /* 0.438515072 */, 18 },
+ /* 6244 */ { MAD_F(0x07048a96) /* 0.438608729 */, 18 },
+ /* 6245 */ { MAD_F(0x0704eccc) /* 0.438702391 */, 18 },
+ /* 6246 */ { MAD_F(0x07054f04) /* 0.438796059 */, 18 },
+ /* 6247 */ { MAD_F(0x0705b13d) /* 0.438889731 */, 18 },
+ /* 6248 */ { MAD_F(0x07061377) /* 0.438983408 */, 18 },
+ /* 6249 */ { MAD_F(0x070675b3) /* 0.439077090 */, 18 },
+ /* 6250 */ { MAD_F(0x0706d7f0) /* 0.439170778 */, 18 },
+ /* 6251 */ { MAD_F(0x07073a2e) /* 0.439264470 */, 18 },
+ /* 6252 */ { MAD_F(0x07079c6e) /* 0.439358167 */, 18 },
+ /* 6253 */ { MAD_F(0x0707feaf) /* 0.439451869 */, 18 },
+ /* 6254 */ { MAD_F(0x070860f1) /* 0.439545577 */, 18 },
+ /* 6255 */ { MAD_F(0x0708c335) /* 0.439639289 */, 18 },
+ /* 6256 */ { MAD_F(0x0709257a) /* 0.439733006 */, 18 },
+ /* 6257 */ { MAD_F(0x070987c0) /* 0.439826728 */, 18 },
+ /* 6258 */ { MAD_F(0x0709ea08) /* 0.439920456 */, 18 },
+ /* 6259 */ { MAD_F(0x070a4c51) /* 0.440014188 */, 18 },
+ /* 6260 */ { MAD_F(0x070aae9b) /* 0.440107925 */, 18 },
+ /* 6261 */ { MAD_F(0x070b10e7) /* 0.440201667 */, 18 },
+ /* 6262 */ { MAD_F(0x070b7334) /* 0.440295414 */, 18 },
+ /* 6263 */ { MAD_F(0x070bd583) /* 0.440389167 */, 18 },
+ /* 6264 */ { MAD_F(0x070c37d2) /* 0.440482924 */, 18 },
+ /* 6265 */ { MAD_F(0x070c9a23) /* 0.440576686 */, 18 },
+ /* 6266 */ { MAD_F(0x070cfc76) /* 0.440670453 */, 18 },
+ /* 6267 */ { MAD_F(0x070d5eca) /* 0.440764225 */, 18 },
+ /* 6268 */ { MAD_F(0x070dc11f) /* 0.440858002 */, 18 },
+ /* 6269 */ { MAD_F(0x070e2375) /* 0.440951784 */, 18 },
+ /* 6270 */ { MAD_F(0x070e85cd) /* 0.441045572 */, 18 },
+ /* 6271 */ { MAD_F(0x070ee826) /* 0.441139364 */, 18 },
+ /* 6272 */ { MAD_F(0x070f4a80) /* 0.441233161 */, 18 },
+ /* 6273 */ { MAD_F(0x070facdc) /* 0.441326963 */, 18 },
+ /* 6274 */ { MAD_F(0x07100f39) /* 0.441420770 */, 18 },
+ /* 6275 */ { MAD_F(0x07107198) /* 0.441514582 */, 18 },
+ /* 6276 */ { MAD_F(0x0710d3f8) /* 0.441608399 */, 18 },
+ /* 6277 */ { MAD_F(0x07113659) /* 0.441702221 */, 18 },
+ /* 6278 */ { MAD_F(0x071198bb) /* 0.441796048 */, 18 },
+ /* 6279 */ { MAD_F(0x0711fb1f) /* 0.441889880 */, 18 },
+ /* 6280 */ { MAD_F(0x07125d84) /* 0.441983717 */, 18 },
+ /* 6281 */ { MAD_F(0x0712bfeb) /* 0.442077559 */, 18 },
+ /* 6282 */ { MAD_F(0x07132253) /* 0.442171406 */, 18 },
+ /* 6283 */ { MAD_F(0x071384bc) /* 0.442265257 */, 18 },
+ /* 6284 */ { MAD_F(0x0713e726) /* 0.442359114 */, 18 },
+ /* 6285 */ { MAD_F(0x07144992) /* 0.442452976 */, 18 },
+ /* 6286 */ { MAD_F(0x0714abff) /* 0.442546843 */, 18 },
+ /* 6287 */ { MAD_F(0x07150e6e) /* 0.442640715 */, 18 },
+ /* 6288 */ { MAD_F(0x071570de) /* 0.442734592 */, 18 },
+ /* 6289 */ { MAD_F(0x0715d34f) /* 0.442828473 */, 18 },
+ /* 6290 */ { MAD_F(0x071635c1) /* 0.442922360 */, 18 },
+ /* 6291 */ { MAD_F(0x07169835) /* 0.443016252 */, 18 },
+ /* 6292 */ { MAD_F(0x0716faaa) /* 0.443110148 */, 18 },
+ /* 6293 */ { MAD_F(0x07175d21) /* 0.443204050 */, 18 },
+ /* 6294 */ { MAD_F(0x0717bf99) /* 0.443297957 */, 18 },
+ /* 6295 */ { MAD_F(0x07182212) /* 0.443391868 */, 18 },
+ /* 6296 */ { MAD_F(0x0718848d) /* 0.443485785 */, 18 },
+ /* 6297 */ { MAD_F(0x0718e709) /* 0.443579706 */, 18 },
+ /* 6298 */ { MAD_F(0x07194986) /* 0.443673633 */, 18 },
+ /* 6299 */ { MAD_F(0x0719ac04) /* 0.443767564 */, 18 },
+ /* 6300 */ { MAD_F(0x071a0e84) /* 0.443861501 */, 18 },
+ /* 6301 */ { MAD_F(0x071a7105) /* 0.443955442 */, 18 },
+ /* 6302 */ { MAD_F(0x071ad388) /* 0.444049389 */, 18 },
+ /* 6303 */ { MAD_F(0x071b360c) /* 0.444143340 */, 18 },
+ /* 6304 */ { MAD_F(0x071b9891) /* 0.444237296 */, 18 },
+ /* 6305 */ { MAD_F(0x071bfb18) /* 0.444331258 */, 18 },
+ /* 6306 */ { MAD_F(0x071c5d9f) /* 0.444425224 */, 18 },
+ /* 6307 */ { MAD_F(0x071cc029) /* 0.444519195 */, 18 },
+ /* 6308 */ { MAD_F(0x071d22b3) /* 0.444613171 */, 18 },
+ /* 6309 */ { MAD_F(0x071d853f) /* 0.444707153 */, 18 },
+ /* 6310 */ { MAD_F(0x071de7cc) /* 0.444801139 */, 18 },
+ /* 6311 */ { MAD_F(0x071e4a5b) /* 0.444895130 */, 18 },
+ /* 6312 */ { MAD_F(0x071eaceb) /* 0.444989126 */, 18 },
+ /* 6313 */ { MAD_F(0x071f0f7c) /* 0.445083127 */, 18 },
+ /* 6314 */ { MAD_F(0x071f720e) /* 0.445177133 */, 18 },
+ /* 6315 */ { MAD_F(0x071fd4a2) /* 0.445271144 */, 18 },
+ /* 6316 */ { MAD_F(0x07203737) /* 0.445365160 */, 18 },
+ /* 6317 */ { MAD_F(0x072099ce) /* 0.445459181 */, 18 },
+ /* 6318 */ { MAD_F(0x0720fc66) /* 0.445553206 */, 18 },
+ /* 6319 */ { MAD_F(0x07215eff) /* 0.445647237 */, 18 },
+ /* 6320 */ { MAD_F(0x0721c19a) /* 0.445741273 */, 18 },
+ /* 6321 */ { MAD_F(0x07222436) /* 0.445835314 */, 18 },
+ /* 6322 */ { MAD_F(0x072286d3) /* 0.445929359 */, 18 },
+ /* 6323 */ { MAD_F(0x0722e971) /* 0.446023410 */, 18 },
+ /* 6324 */ { MAD_F(0x07234c11) /* 0.446117466 */, 18 },
+ /* 6325 */ { MAD_F(0x0723aeb2) /* 0.446211526 */, 18 },
+ /* 6326 */ { MAD_F(0x07241155) /* 0.446305592 */, 18 },
+ /* 6327 */ { MAD_F(0x072473f9) /* 0.446399662 */, 18 },
+ /* 6328 */ { MAD_F(0x0724d69e) /* 0.446493738 */, 18 },
+ /* 6329 */ { MAD_F(0x07253944) /* 0.446587818 */, 18 },
+ /* 6330 */ { MAD_F(0x07259bec) /* 0.446681903 */, 18 },
+ /* 6331 */ { MAD_F(0x0725fe95) /* 0.446775994 */, 18 },
+ /* 6332 */ { MAD_F(0x07266140) /* 0.446870089 */, 18 },
+ /* 6333 */ { MAD_F(0x0726c3ec) /* 0.446964189 */, 18 },
+ /* 6334 */ { MAD_F(0x07272699) /* 0.447058294 */, 18 },
+ /* 6335 */ { MAD_F(0x07278947) /* 0.447152404 */, 18 },
+ /* 6336 */ { MAD_F(0x0727ebf7) /* 0.447246519 */, 18 },
+ /* 6337 */ { MAD_F(0x07284ea8) /* 0.447340639 */, 18 },
+ /* 6338 */ { MAD_F(0x0728b15b) /* 0.447434764 */, 18 },
+ /* 6339 */ { MAD_F(0x0729140f) /* 0.447528894 */, 18 },
+ /* 6340 */ { MAD_F(0x072976c4) /* 0.447623029 */, 18 },
+ /* 6341 */ { MAD_F(0x0729d97a) /* 0.447717169 */, 18 },
+ /* 6342 */ { MAD_F(0x072a3c32) /* 0.447811314 */, 18 },
+ /* 6343 */ { MAD_F(0x072a9eeb) /* 0.447905463 */, 18 },
+ /* 6344 */ { MAD_F(0x072b01a6) /* 0.447999618 */, 18 },
+ /* 6345 */ { MAD_F(0x072b6461) /* 0.448093778 */, 18 },
+ /* 6346 */ { MAD_F(0x072bc71e) /* 0.448187942 */, 18 },
+ /* 6347 */ { MAD_F(0x072c29dd) /* 0.448282112 */, 18 },
+ /* 6348 */ { MAD_F(0x072c8c9d) /* 0.448376286 */, 18 },
+ /* 6349 */ { MAD_F(0x072cef5e) /* 0.448470466 */, 18 },
+ /* 6350 */ { MAD_F(0x072d5220) /* 0.448564650 */, 18 },
+ /* 6351 */ { MAD_F(0x072db4e4) /* 0.448658839 */, 18 },
+ /* 6352 */ { MAD_F(0x072e17a9) /* 0.448753033 */, 18 },
+ /* 6353 */ { MAD_F(0x072e7a6f) /* 0.448847233 */, 18 },
+ /* 6354 */ { MAD_F(0x072edd37) /* 0.448941437 */, 18 },
+ /* 6355 */ { MAD_F(0x072f4000) /* 0.449035646 */, 18 },
+ /* 6356 */ { MAD_F(0x072fa2ca) /* 0.449129860 */, 18 },
+ /* 6357 */ { MAD_F(0x07300596) /* 0.449224079 */, 18 },
+ /* 6358 */ { MAD_F(0x07306863) /* 0.449318303 */, 18 },
+ /* 6359 */ { MAD_F(0x0730cb32) /* 0.449412531 */, 18 },
+ /* 6360 */ { MAD_F(0x07312e01) /* 0.449506765 */, 18 },
+ /* 6361 */ { MAD_F(0x073190d2) /* 0.449601004 */, 18 },
+ /* 6362 */ { MAD_F(0x0731f3a5) /* 0.449695247 */, 18 },
+ /* 6363 */ { MAD_F(0x07325678) /* 0.449789496 */, 18 },
+ /* 6364 */ { MAD_F(0x0732b94d) /* 0.449883749 */, 18 },
+ /* 6365 */ { MAD_F(0x07331c23) /* 0.449978008 */, 18 },
+ /* 6366 */ { MAD_F(0x07337efb) /* 0.450072271 */, 18 },
+ /* 6367 */ { MAD_F(0x0733e1d4) /* 0.450166540 */, 18 },
+ /* 6368 */ { MAD_F(0x073444ae) /* 0.450260813 */, 18 },
+ /* 6369 */ { MAD_F(0x0734a78a) /* 0.450355091 */, 18 },
+ /* 6370 */ { MAD_F(0x07350a67) /* 0.450449374 */, 18 },
+ /* 6371 */ { MAD_F(0x07356d45) /* 0.450543662 */, 18 },
+ /* 6372 */ { MAD_F(0x0735d025) /* 0.450637955 */, 18 },
+ /* 6373 */ { MAD_F(0x07363306) /* 0.450732253 */, 18 },
+ /* 6374 */ { MAD_F(0x073695e8) /* 0.450826556 */, 18 },
+ /* 6375 */ { MAD_F(0x0736f8cb) /* 0.450920864 */, 18 },
+ /* 6376 */ { MAD_F(0x07375bb0) /* 0.451015176 */, 18 },
+ /* 6377 */ { MAD_F(0x0737be96) /* 0.451109494 */, 18 },
+ /* 6378 */ { MAD_F(0x0738217e) /* 0.451203817 */, 18 },
+ /* 6379 */ { MAD_F(0x07388467) /* 0.451298144 */, 18 },
+ /* 6380 */ { MAD_F(0x0738e751) /* 0.451392477 */, 18 },
+ /* 6381 */ { MAD_F(0x07394a3d) /* 0.451486814 */, 18 },
+ /* 6382 */ { MAD_F(0x0739ad29) /* 0.451581156 */, 18 },
+ /* 6383 */ { MAD_F(0x073a1017) /* 0.451675503 */, 18 },
+ /* 6384 */ { MAD_F(0x073a7307) /* 0.451769856 */, 18 },
+ /* 6385 */ { MAD_F(0x073ad5f8) /* 0.451864213 */, 18 },
+ /* 6386 */ { MAD_F(0x073b38ea) /* 0.451958575 */, 18 },
+ /* 6387 */ { MAD_F(0x073b9bdd) /* 0.452052942 */, 18 },
+ /* 6388 */ { MAD_F(0x073bfed2) /* 0.452147313 */, 18 },
+ /* 6389 */ { MAD_F(0x073c61c8) /* 0.452241690 */, 18 },
+ /* 6390 */ { MAD_F(0x073cc4bf) /* 0.452336072 */, 18 },
+ /* 6391 */ { MAD_F(0x073d27b8) /* 0.452430458 */, 18 },
+ /* 6392 */ { MAD_F(0x073d8ab2) /* 0.452524850 */, 18 },
+ /* 6393 */ { MAD_F(0x073dedae) /* 0.452619246 */, 18 },
+ /* 6394 */ { MAD_F(0x073e50aa) /* 0.452713648 */, 18 },
+ /* 6395 */ { MAD_F(0x073eb3a8) /* 0.452808054 */, 18 },
+ /* 6396 */ { MAD_F(0x073f16a8) /* 0.452902465 */, 18 },
+ /* 6397 */ { MAD_F(0x073f79a8) /* 0.452996882 */, 18 },
+ /* 6398 */ { MAD_F(0x073fdcaa) /* 0.453091303 */, 18 },
+ /* 6399 */ { MAD_F(0x07403fad) /* 0.453185729 */, 18 },
+ /* 6400 */ { MAD_F(0x0740a2b2) /* 0.453280160 */, 18 },
+ /* 6401 */ { MAD_F(0x074105b8) /* 0.453374595 */, 18 },
+ /* 6402 */ { MAD_F(0x074168bf) /* 0.453469036 */, 18 },
+ /* 6403 */ { MAD_F(0x0741cbc8) /* 0.453563482 */, 18 },
+ /* 6404 */ { MAD_F(0x07422ed2) /* 0.453657932 */, 18 },
+ /* 6405 */ { MAD_F(0x074291dd) /* 0.453752388 */, 18 },
+ /* 6406 */ { MAD_F(0x0742f4e9) /* 0.453846848 */, 18 },
+ /* 6407 */ { MAD_F(0x074357f7) /* 0.453941314 */, 18 },
+ /* 6408 */ { MAD_F(0x0743bb06) /* 0.454035784 */, 18 },
+ /* 6409 */ { MAD_F(0x07441e17) /* 0.454130259 */, 18 },
+ /* 6410 */ { MAD_F(0x07448129) /* 0.454224739 */, 18 },
+ /* 6411 */ { MAD_F(0x0744e43c) /* 0.454319224 */, 18 },
+ /* 6412 */ { MAD_F(0x07454750) /* 0.454413714 */, 18 },
+ /* 6413 */ { MAD_F(0x0745aa66) /* 0.454508209 */, 18 },
+ /* 6414 */ { MAD_F(0x07460d7d) /* 0.454602708 */, 18 },
+ /* 6415 */ { MAD_F(0x07467095) /* 0.454697213 */, 18 },
+ /* 6416 */ { MAD_F(0x0746d3af) /* 0.454791723 */, 18 },
+ /* 6417 */ { MAD_F(0x074736ca) /* 0.454886237 */, 18 },
+ /* 6418 */ { MAD_F(0x074799e7) /* 0.454980756 */, 18 },
+ /* 6419 */ { MAD_F(0x0747fd04) /* 0.455075281 */, 18 },
+ /* 6420 */ { MAD_F(0x07486023) /* 0.455169810 */, 18 },
+ /* 6421 */ { MAD_F(0x0748c344) /* 0.455264344 */, 18 },
+ /* 6422 */ { MAD_F(0x07492665) /* 0.455358883 */, 18 },
+ /* 6423 */ { MAD_F(0x07498988) /* 0.455453427 */, 18 },
+ /* 6424 */ { MAD_F(0x0749ecac) /* 0.455547976 */, 18 },
+ /* 6425 */ { MAD_F(0x074a4fd2) /* 0.455642529 */, 18 },
+ /* 6426 */ { MAD_F(0x074ab2f9) /* 0.455737088 */, 18 },
+ /* 6427 */ { MAD_F(0x074b1621) /* 0.455831652 */, 18 },
+ /* 6428 */ { MAD_F(0x074b794b) /* 0.455926220 */, 18 },
+ /* 6429 */ { MAD_F(0x074bdc75) /* 0.456020793 */, 18 },
+ /* 6430 */ { MAD_F(0x074c3fa1) /* 0.456115372 */, 18 },
+ /* 6431 */ { MAD_F(0x074ca2cf) /* 0.456209955 */, 18 },
+ /* 6432 */ { MAD_F(0x074d05fe) /* 0.456304543 */, 18 },
+ /* 6433 */ { MAD_F(0x074d692e) /* 0.456399136 */, 18 },
+ /* 6434 */ { MAD_F(0x074dcc5f) /* 0.456493733 */, 18 },
+ /* 6435 */ { MAD_F(0x074e2f92) /* 0.456588336 */, 18 },
+ /* 6436 */ { MAD_F(0x074e92c6) /* 0.456682944 */, 18 },
+ /* 6437 */ { MAD_F(0x074ef5fb) /* 0.456777556 */, 18 },
+ /* 6438 */ { MAD_F(0x074f5932) /* 0.456872174 */, 18 },
+ /* 6439 */ { MAD_F(0x074fbc6a) /* 0.456966796 */, 18 },
+ /* 6440 */ { MAD_F(0x07501fa3) /* 0.457061423 */, 18 },
+ /* 6441 */ { MAD_F(0x075082de) /* 0.457156056 */, 18 },
+ /* 6442 */ { MAD_F(0x0750e61a) /* 0.457250693 */, 18 },
+ /* 6443 */ { MAD_F(0x07514957) /* 0.457345335 */, 18 },
+ /* 6444 */ { MAD_F(0x0751ac96) /* 0.457439981 */, 18 },
+ /* 6445 */ { MAD_F(0x07520fd6) /* 0.457534633 */, 18 },
+ /* 6446 */ { MAD_F(0x07527317) /* 0.457629290 */, 18 },
+ /* 6447 */ { MAD_F(0x0752d659) /* 0.457723951 */, 18 },
+ /* 6448 */ { MAD_F(0x0753399d) /* 0.457818618 */, 18 },
+ /* 6449 */ { MAD_F(0x07539ce2) /* 0.457913289 */, 18 },
+ /* 6450 */ { MAD_F(0x07540029) /* 0.458007965 */, 18 },
+ /* 6451 */ { MAD_F(0x07546371) /* 0.458102646 */, 18 },
+ /* 6452 */ { MAD_F(0x0754c6ba) /* 0.458197332 */, 18 },
+ /* 6453 */ { MAD_F(0x07552a04) /* 0.458292023 */, 18 },
+ /* 6454 */ { MAD_F(0x07558d50) /* 0.458386719 */, 18 },
+ /* 6455 */ { MAD_F(0x0755f09d) /* 0.458481420 */, 18 },
+ /* 6456 */ { MAD_F(0x075653eb) /* 0.458576125 */, 18 },
+ /* 6457 */ { MAD_F(0x0756b73b) /* 0.458670836 */, 18 },
+ /* 6458 */ { MAD_F(0x07571a8c) /* 0.458765551 */, 18 },
+ /* 6459 */ { MAD_F(0x07577dde) /* 0.458860271 */, 18 },
+ /* 6460 */ { MAD_F(0x0757e131) /* 0.458954996 */, 18 },
+ /* 6461 */ { MAD_F(0x07584486) /* 0.459049726 */, 18 },
+ /* 6462 */ { MAD_F(0x0758a7dd) /* 0.459144461 */, 18 },
+ /* 6463 */ { MAD_F(0x07590b34) /* 0.459239201 */, 18 },
+ /* 6464 */ { MAD_F(0x07596e8d) /* 0.459333946 */, 18 },
+ /* 6465 */ { MAD_F(0x0759d1e7) /* 0.459428695 */, 18 },
+ /* 6466 */ { MAD_F(0x075a3542) /* 0.459523450 */, 18 },
+ /* 6467 */ { MAD_F(0x075a989f) /* 0.459618209 */, 18 },
+ /* 6468 */ { MAD_F(0x075afbfd) /* 0.459712973 */, 18 },
+ /* 6469 */ { MAD_F(0x075b5f5d) /* 0.459807742 */, 18 },
+ /* 6470 */ { MAD_F(0x075bc2bd) /* 0.459902516 */, 18 },
+ /* 6471 */ { MAD_F(0x075c261f) /* 0.459997295 */, 18 },
+ /* 6472 */ { MAD_F(0x075c8983) /* 0.460092079 */, 18 },
+ /* 6473 */ { MAD_F(0x075cece7) /* 0.460186867 */, 18 },
+ /* 6474 */ { MAD_F(0x075d504d) /* 0.460281661 */, 18 },
+ /* 6475 */ { MAD_F(0x075db3b5) /* 0.460376459 */, 18 },
+ /* 6476 */ { MAD_F(0x075e171d) /* 0.460471262 */, 18 },
+ /* 6477 */ { MAD_F(0x075e7a87) /* 0.460566071 */, 18 },
+ /* 6478 */ { MAD_F(0x075eddf2) /* 0.460660884 */, 18 },
+ /* 6479 */ { MAD_F(0x075f415f) /* 0.460755701 */, 18 },
+ /* 6480 */ { MAD_F(0x075fa4cc) /* 0.460850524 */, 18 },
+ /* 6481 */ { MAD_F(0x0760083b) /* 0.460945352 */, 18 },
+ /* 6482 */ { MAD_F(0x07606bac) /* 0.461040184 */, 18 },
+ /* 6483 */ { MAD_F(0x0760cf1e) /* 0.461135022 */, 18 },
+ /* 6484 */ { MAD_F(0x07613291) /* 0.461229864 */, 18 },
+ /* 6485 */ { MAD_F(0x07619605) /* 0.461324711 */, 18 },
+ /* 6486 */ { MAD_F(0x0761f97b) /* 0.461419563 */, 18 },
+ /* 6487 */ { MAD_F(0x07625cf2) /* 0.461514420 */, 18 },
+ /* 6488 */ { MAD_F(0x0762c06a) /* 0.461609282 */, 18 },
+ /* 6489 */ { MAD_F(0x076323e3) /* 0.461704149 */, 18 },
+ /* 6490 */ { MAD_F(0x0763875e) /* 0.461799020 */, 18 },
+ /* 6491 */ { MAD_F(0x0763eadb) /* 0.461893897 */, 18 },
+ /* 6492 */ { MAD_F(0x07644e58) /* 0.461988778 */, 18 },
+ /* 6493 */ { MAD_F(0x0764b1d7) /* 0.462083664 */, 18 },
+ /* 6494 */ { MAD_F(0x07651557) /* 0.462178555 */, 18 },
+ /* 6495 */ { MAD_F(0x076578d8) /* 0.462273451 */, 18 },
+ /* 6496 */ { MAD_F(0x0765dc5b) /* 0.462368352 */, 18 },
+ /* 6497 */ { MAD_F(0x07663fdf) /* 0.462463257 */, 18 },
+ /* 6498 */ { MAD_F(0x0766a364) /* 0.462558168 */, 18 },
+ /* 6499 */ { MAD_F(0x076706eb) /* 0.462653083 */, 18 },
+ /* 6500 */ { MAD_F(0x07676a73) /* 0.462748003 */, 18 },
+ /* 6501 */ { MAD_F(0x0767cdfc) /* 0.462842928 */, 18 },
+ /* 6502 */ { MAD_F(0x07683187) /* 0.462937858 */, 18 },
+ /* 6503 */ { MAD_F(0x07689513) /* 0.463032793 */, 18 },
+ /* 6504 */ { MAD_F(0x0768f8a0) /* 0.463127733 */, 18 },
+ /* 6505 */ { MAD_F(0x07695c2e) /* 0.463222678 */, 18 },
+ /* 6506 */ { MAD_F(0x0769bfbe) /* 0.463317627 */, 18 },
+ /* 6507 */ { MAD_F(0x076a234f) /* 0.463412581 */, 18 },
+ /* 6508 */ { MAD_F(0x076a86e2) /* 0.463507540 */, 18 },
+ /* 6509 */ { MAD_F(0x076aea75) /* 0.463602504 */, 18 },
+ /* 6510 */ { MAD_F(0x076b4e0a) /* 0.463697473 */, 18 },
+ /* 6511 */ { MAD_F(0x076bb1a1) /* 0.463792447 */, 18 },
+ /* 6512 */ { MAD_F(0x076c1538) /* 0.463887426 */, 18 },
+ /* 6513 */ { MAD_F(0x076c78d1) /* 0.463982409 */, 18 },
+ /* 6514 */ { MAD_F(0x076cdc6c) /* 0.464077398 */, 18 },
+ /* 6515 */ { MAD_F(0x076d4007) /* 0.464172391 */, 18 },
+ /* 6516 */ { MAD_F(0x076da3a4) /* 0.464267389 */, 18 },
+ /* 6517 */ { MAD_F(0x076e0742) /* 0.464362392 */, 18 },
+ /* 6518 */ { MAD_F(0x076e6ae2) /* 0.464457399 */, 18 },
+ /* 6519 */ { MAD_F(0x076ece82) /* 0.464552412 */, 18 },
+ /* 6520 */ { MAD_F(0x076f3224) /* 0.464647430 */, 18 },
+ /* 6521 */ { MAD_F(0x076f95c8) /* 0.464742452 */, 18 },
+ /* 6522 */ { MAD_F(0x076ff96c) /* 0.464837479 */, 18 },
+ /* 6523 */ { MAD_F(0x07705d12) /* 0.464932511 */, 18 },
+ /* 6524 */ { MAD_F(0x0770c0ba) /* 0.465027548 */, 18 },
+ /* 6525 */ { MAD_F(0x07712462) /* 0.465122590 */, 18 },
+ /* 6526 */ { MAD_F(0x0771880c) /* 0.465217637 */, 18 },
+ /* 6527 */ { MAD_F(0x0771ebb7) /* 0.465312688 */, 18 },
+ /* 6528 */ { MAD_F(0x07724f64) /* 0.465407744 */, 18 },
+ /* 6529 */ { MAD_F(0x0772b312) /* 0.465502806 */, 18 },
+ /* 6530 */ { MAD_F(0x077316c1) /* 0.465597872 */, 18 },
+ /* 6531 */ { MAD_F(0x07737a71) /* 0.465692943 */, 18 },
+ /* 6532 */ { MAD_F(0x0773de23) /* 0.465788018 */, 18 },
+ /* 6533 */ { MAD_F(0x077441d6) /* 0.465883099 */, 18 },
+ /* 6534 */ { MAD_F(0x0774a58a) /* 0.465978184 */, 18 },
+ /* 6535 */ { MAD_F(0x07750940) /* 0.466073275 */, 18 },
+ /* 6536 */ { MAD_F(0x07756cf7) /* 0.466168370 */, 18 },
+ /* 6537 */ { MAD_F(0x0775d0af) /* 0.466263470 */, 18 },
+ /* 6538 */ { MAD_F(0x07763468) /* 0.466358575 */, 18 },
+ /* 6539 */ { MAD_F(0x07769823) /* 0.466453684 */, 18 },
+ /* 6540 */ { MAD_F(0x0776fbdf) /* 0.466548799 */, 18 },
+ /* 6541 */ { MAD_F(0x07775f9d) /* 0.466643918 */, 18 },
+ /* 6542 */ { MAD_F(0x0777c35c) /* 0.466739043 */, 18 },
+ /* 6543 */ { MAD_F(0x0778271c) /* 0.466834172 */, 18 },
+ /* 6544 */ { MAD_F(0x07788add) /* 0.466929306 */, 18 },
+ /* 6545 */ { MAD_F(0x0778ee9f) /* 0.467024445 */, 18 },
+ /* 6546 */ { MAD_F(0x07795263) /* 0.467119588 */, 18 },
+ /* 6547 */ { MAD_F(0x0779b629) /* 0.467214737 */, 18 },
+ /* 6548 */ { MAD_F(0x077a19ef) /* 0.467309890 */, 18 },
+ /* 6549 */ { MAD_F(0x077a7db7) /* 0.467405048 */, 18 },
+ /* 6550 */ { MAD_F(0x077ae180) /* 0.467500211 */, 18 },
+ /* 6551 */ { MAD_F(0x077b454b) /* 0.467595379 */, 18 },
+ /* 6552 */ { MAD_F(0x077ba916) /* 0.467690552 */, 18 },
+ /* 6553 */ { MAD_F(0x077c0ce3) /* 0.467785729 */, 18 },
+ /* 6554 */ { MAD_F(0x077c70b2) /* 0.467880912 */, 18 },
+ /* 6555 */ { MAD_F(0x077cd481) /* 0.467976099 */, 18 },
+ /* 6556 */ { MAD_F(0x077d3852) /* 0.468071291 */, 18 },
+ /* 6557 */ { MAD_F(0x077d9c24) /* 0.468166488 */, 18 },
+ /* 6558 */ { MAD_F(0x077dfff8) /* 0.468261690 */, 18 },
+ /* 6559 */ { MAD_F(0x077e63cd) /* 0.468356896 */, 18 },
+ /* 6560 */ { MAD_F(0x077ec7a3) /* 0.468452108 */, 18 },
+ /* 6561 */ { MAD_F(0x077f2b7a) /* 0.468547324 */, 18 },
+ /* 6562 */ { MAD_F(0x077f8f53) /* 0.468642545 */, 18 },
+ /* 6563 */ { MAD_F(0x077ff32d) /* 0.468737771 */, 18 },
+ /* 6564 */ { MAD_F(0x07805708) /* 0.468833002 */, 18 },
+ /* 6565 */ { MAD_F(0x0780bae5) /* 0.468928237 */, 18 },
+ /* 6566 */ { MAD_F(0x07811ec3) /* 0.469023478 */, 18 },
+ /* 6567 */ { MAD_F(0x078182a2) /* 0.469118723 */, 18 },
+ /* 6568 */ { MAD_F(0x0781e683) /* 0.469213973 */, 18 },
+ /* 6569 */ { MAD_F(0x07824a64) /* 0.469309228 */, 18 },
+ /* 6570 */ { MAD_F(0x0782ae47) /* 0.469404488 */, 18 },
+ /* 6571 */ { MAD_F(0x0783122c) /* 0.469499752 */, 18 },
+ /* 6572 */ { MAD_F(0x07837612) /* 0.469595022 */, 18 },
+ /* 6573 */ { MAD_F(0x0783d9f9) /* 0.469690296 */, 18 },
+ /* 6574 */ { MAD_F(0x07843de1) /* 0.469785575 */, 18 },
+ /* 6575 */ { MAD_F(0x0784a1ca) /* 0.469880859 */, 18 },
+ /* 6576 */ { MAD_F(0x078505b5) /* 0.469976148 */, 18 },
+ /* 6577 */ { MAD_F(0x078569a2) /* 0.470071442 */, 18 },
+ /* 6578 */ { MAD_F(0x0785cd8f) /* 0.470166740 */, 18 },
+ /* 6579 */ { MAD_F(0x0786317e) /* 0.470262043 */, 18 },
+ /* 6580 */ { MAD_F(0x0786956e) /* 0.470357351 */, 18 },
+ /* 6581 */ { MAD_F(0x0786f95f) /* 0.470452664 */, 18 },
+ /* 6582 */ { MAD_F(0x07875d52) /* 0.470547982 */, 18 },
+ /* 6583 */ { MAD_F(0x0787c146) /* 0.470643305 */, 18 },
+ /* 6584 */ { MAD_F(0x0788253b) /* 0.470738632 */, 18 },
+ /* 6585 */ { MAD_F(0x07888932) /* 0.470833964 */, 18 },
+ /* 6586 */ { MAD_F(0x0788ed2a) /* 0.470929301 */, 18 },
+ /* 6587 */ { MAD_F(0x07895123) /* 0.471024643 */, 18 },
+ /* 6588 */ { MAD_F(0x0789b51d) /* 0.471119990 */, 18 },
+ /* 6589 */ { MAD_F(0x078a1919) /* 0.471215341 */, 18 },
+ /* 6590 */ { MAD_F(0x078a7d16) /* 0.471310698 */, 18 },
+ /* 6591 */ { MAD_F(0x078ae114) /* 0.471406059 */, 18 },
+ /* 6592 */ { MAD_F(0x078b4514) /* 0.471501425 */, 18 },
+ /* 6593 */ { MAD_F(0x078ba915) /* 0.471596796 */, 18 },
+ /* 6594 */ { MAD_F(0x078c0d17) /* 0.471692171 */, 18 },
+ /* 6595 */ { MAD_F(0x078c711a) /* 0.471787552 */, 18 },
+ /* 6596 */ { MAD_F(0x078cd51f) /* 0.471882937 */, 18 },
+ /* 6597 */ { MAD_F(0x078d3925) /* 0.471978327 */, 18 },
+ /* 6598 */ { MAD_F(0x078d9d2d) /* 0.472073722 */, 18 },
+ /* 6599 */ { MAD_F(0x078e0135) /* 0.472169122 */, 18 },
+ /* 6600 */ { MAD_F(0x078e653f) /* 0.472264527 */, 18 },
+ /* 6601 */ { MAD_F(0x078ec94b) /* 0.472359936 */, 18 },
+ /* 6602 */ { MAD_F(0x078f2d57) /* 0.472455350 */, 18 },
+ /* 6603 */ { MAD_F(0x078f9165) /* 0.472550769 */, 18 },
+ /* 6604 */ { MAD_F(0x078ff574) /* 0.472646193 */, 18 },
+ /* 6605 */ { MAD_F(0x07905985) /* 0.472741622 */, 18 },
+ /* 6606 */ { MAD_F(0x0790bd96) /* 0.472837055 */, 18 },
+ /* 6607 */ { MAD_F(0x079121a9) /* 0.472932493 */, 18 },
+ /* 6608 */ { MAD_F(0x079185be) /* 0.473027937 */, 18 },
+ /* 6609 */ { MAD_F(0x0791e9d3) /* 0.473123384 */, 18 },
+ /* 6610 */ { MAD_F(0x07924dea) /* 0.473218837 */, 18 },
+ /* 6611 */ { MAD_F(0x0792b202) /* 0.473314295 */, 18 },
+ /* 6612 */ { MAD_F(0x0793161c) /* 0.473409757 */, 18 },
+ /* 6613 */ { MAD_F(0x07937a37) /* 0.473505224 */, 18 },
+ /* 6614 */ { MAD_F(0x0793de53) /* 0.473600696 */, 18 },
+ /* 6615 */ { MAD_F(0x07944270) /* 0.473696173 */, 18 },
+ /* 6616 */ { MAD_F(0x0794a68f) /* 0.473791655 */, 18 },
+ /* 6617 */ { MAD_F(0x07950aaf) /* 0.473887141 */, 18 },
+ /* 6618 */ { MAD_F(0x07956ed0) /* 0.473982632 */, 18 },
+ /* 6619 */ { MAD_F(0x0795d2f2) /* 0.474078128 */, 18 },
+ /* 6620 */ { MAD_F(0x07963716) /* 0.474173629 */, 18 },
+ /* 6621 */ { MAD_F(0x07969b3b) /* 0.474269135 */, 18 },
+ /* 6622 */ { MAD_F(0x0796ff62) /* 0.474364645 */, 18 },
+ /* 6623 */ { MAD_F(0x07976389) /* 0.474460161 */, 18 },
+ /* 6624 */ { MAD_F(0x0797c7b2) /* 0.474555681 */, 18 },
+ /* 6625 */ { MAD_F(0x07982bdd) /* 0.474651205 */, 18 },
+ /* 6626 */ { MAD_F(0x07989008) /* 0.474746735 */, 18 },
+ /* 6627 */ { MAD_F(0x0798f435) /* 0.474842270 */, 18 },
+ /* 6628 */ { MAD_F(0x07995863) /* 0.474937809 */, 18 },
+ /* 6629 */ { MAD_F(0x0799bc92) /* 0.475033353 */, 18 },
+ /* 6630 */ { MAD_F(0x079a20c3) /* 0.475128902 */, 18 },
+ /* 6631 */ { MAD_F(0x079a84f5) /* 0.475224456 */, 18 },
+ /* 6632 */ { MAD_F(0x079ae929) /* 0.475320014 */, 18 },
+ /* 6633 */ { MAD_F(0x079b4d5d) /* 0.475415578 */, 18 },
+ /* 6634 */ { MAD_F(0x079bb193) /* 0.475511146 */, 18 },
+ /* 6635 */ { MAD_F(0x079c15ca) /* 0.475606719 */, 18 },
+ /* 6636 */ { MAD_F(0x079c7a03) /* 0.475702296 */, 18 },
+ /* 6637 */ { MAD_F(0x079cde3c) /* 0.475797879 */, 18 },
+ /* 6638 */ { MAD_F(0x079d4277) /* 0.475893466 */, 18 },
+ /* 6639 */ { MAD_F(0x079da6b4) /* 0.475989058 */, 18 },
+ /* 6640 */ { MAD_F(0x079e0af1) /* 0.476084655 */, 18 },
+ /* 6641 */ { MAD_F(0x079e6f30) /* 0.476180257 */, 18 },
+ /* 6642 */ { MAD_F(0x079ed370) /* 0.476275863 */, 18 },
+ /* 6643 */ { MAD_F(0x079f37b2) /* 0.476371475 */, 18 },
+ /* 6644 */ { MAD_F(0x079f9bf5) /* 0.476467091 */, 18 },
+ /* 6645 */ { MAD_F(0x07a00039) /* 0.476562712 */, 18 },
+ /* 6646 */ { MAD_F(0x07a0647e) /* 0.476658338 */, 18 },
+ /* 6647 */ { MAD_F(0x07a0c8c5) /* 0.476753968 */, 18 },
+ /* 6648 */ { MAD_F(0x07a12d0c) /* 0.476849603 */, 18 },
+ /* 6649 */ { MAD_F(0x07a19156) /* 0.476945243 */, 18 },
+ /* 6650 */ { MAD_F(0x07a1f5a0) /* 0.477040888 */, 18 },
+ /* 6651 */ { MAD_F(0x07a259ec) /* 0.477136538 */, 18 },
+ /* 6652 */ { MAD_F(0x07a2be39) /* 0.477232193 */, 18 },
+ /* 6653 */ { MAD_F(0x07a32287) /* 0.477327852 */, 18 },
+ /* 6654 */ { MAD_F(0x07a386d7) /* 0.477423516 */, 18 },
+ /* 6655 */ { MAD_F(0x07a3eb28) /* 0.477519185 */, 18 },
+ /* 6656 */ { MAD_F(0x07a44f7a) /* 0.477614858 */, 18 },
+ /* 6657 */ { MAD_F(0x07a4b3ce) /* 0.477710537 */, 18 },
+ /* 6658 */ { MAD_F(0x07a51822) /* 0.477806220 */, 18 },
+ /* 6659 */ { MAD_F(0x07a57c78) /* 0.477901908 */, 18 },
+ /* 6660 */ { MAD_F(0x07a5e0d0) /* 0.477997601 */, 18 },
+ /* 6661 */ { MAD_F(0x07a64528) /* 0.478093299 */, 18 },
+ /* 6662 */ { MAD_F(0x07a6a982) /* 0.478189001 */, 18 },
+ /* 6663 */ { MAD_F(0x07a70ddd) /* 0.478284708 */, 18 },
+ /* 6664 */ { MAD_F(0x07a7723a) /* 0.478380420 */, 18 },
+ /* 6665 */ { MAD_F(0x07a7d698) /* 0.478476137 */, 18 },
+ /* 6666 */ { MAD_F(0x07a83af7) /* 0.478571858 */, 18 },
+ /* 6667 */ { MAD_F(0x07a89f57) /* 0.478667585 */, 18 },
+ /* 6668 */ { MAD_F(0x07a903b9) /* 0.478763316 */, 18 },
+ /* 6669 */ { MAD_F(0x07a9681c) /* 0.478859052 */, 18 },
+ /* 6670 */ { MAD_F(0x07a9cc80) /* 0.478954793 */, 18 },
+ /* 6671 */ { MAD_F(0x07aa30e5) /* 0.479050538 */, 18 },
+ /* 6672 */ { MAD_F(0x07aa954c) /* 0.479146288 */, 18 },
+ /* 6673 */ { MAD_F(0x07aaf9b4) /* 0.479242043 */, 18 },
+ /* 6674 */ { MAD_F(0x07ab5e1e) /* 0.479337803 */, 18 },
+ /* 6675 */ { MAD_F(0x07abc288) /* 0.479433568 */, 18 },
+ /* 6676 */ { MAD_F(0x07ac26f4) /* 0.479529337 */, 18 },
+ /* 6677 */ { MAD_F(0x07ac8b61) /* 0.479625111 */, 18 },
+ /* 6678 */ { MAD_F(0x07acefd0) /* 0.479720890 */, 18 },
+ /* 6679 */ { MAD_F(0x07ad543f) /* 0.479816674 */, 18 },
+ /* 6680 */ { MAD_F(0x07adb8b0) /* 0.479912463 */, 18 },
+ /* 6681 */ { MAD_F(0x07ae1d23) /* 0.480008256 */, 18 },
+ /* 6682 */ { MAD_F(0x07ae8196) /* 0.480104054 */, 18 },
+ /* 6683 */ { MAD_F(0x07aee60b) /* 0.480199857 */, 18 },
+ /* 6684 */ { MAD_F(0x07af4a81) /* 0.480295664 */, 18 },
+ /* 6685 */ { MAD_F(0x07afaef9) /* 0.480391477 */, 18 },
+ /* 6686 */ { MAD_F(0x07b01372) /* 0.480487294 */, 18 },
+ /* 6687 */ { MAD_F(0x07b077ec) /* 0.480583116 */, 18 },
+ /* 6688 */ { MAD_F(0x07b0dc67) /* 0.480678943 */, 18 },
+ /* 6689 */ { MAD_F(0x07b140e4) /* 0.480774774 */, 18 },
+ /* 6690 */ { MAD_F(0x07b1a561) /* 0.480870611 */, 18 },
+ /* 6691 */ { MAD_F(0x07b209e1) /* 0.480966452 */, 18 },
+ /* 6692 */ { MAD_F(0x07b26e61) /* 0.481062298 */, 18 },
+ /* 6693 */ { MAD_F(0x07b2d2e3) /* 0.481158148 */, 18 },
+ /* 6694 */ { MAD_F(0x07b33766) /* 0.481254004 */, 18 },
+ /* 6695 */ { MAD_F(0x07b39bea) /* 0.481349864 */, 18 },
+ /* 6696 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4006f) /* 0.481445729 */, 18 },
+ /* 6697 */ { MAD_F(0x07b464f6) /* 0.481541598 */, 18 },
+ /* 6698 */ { MAD_F(0x07b4c97e) /* 0.481637473 */, 18 },
+ /* 6699 */ { MAD_F(0x07b52e08) /* 0.481733352 */, 18 },
+ /* 6700 */ { MAD_F(0x07b59292) /* 0.481829236 */, 18 },
+ /* 6701 */ { MAD_F(0x07b5f71e) /* 0.481925125 */, 18 },
+ /* 6702 */ { MAD_F(0x07b65bac) /* 0.482021019 */, 18 },
+ /* 6703 */ { MAD_F(0x07b6c03a) /* 0.482116917 */, 18 },
+ /* 6704 */ { MAD_F(0x07b724ca) /* 0.482212820 */, 18 },
+ /* 6705 */ { MAD_F(0x07b7895b) /* 0.482308728 */, 18 },
+ /* 6706 */ { MAD_F(0x07b7eded) /* 0.482404640 */, 18 },
+ /* 6707 */ { MAD_F(0x07b85281) /* 0.482500558 */, 18 },
+ /* 6708 */ { MAD_F(0x07b8b716) /* 0.482596480 */, 18 },
+ /* 6709 */ { MAD_F(0x07b91bac) /* 0.482692407 */, 18 },
+ /* 6710 */ { MAD_F(0x07b98044) /* 0.482788339 */, 18 },
+ /* 6711 */ { MAD_F(0x07b9e4dc) /* 0.482884275 */, 18 },
+ /* 6712 */ { MAD_F(0x07ba4976) /* 0.482980216 */, 18 },
+ /* 6713 */ { MAD_F(0x07baae12) /* 0.483076162 */, 18 },
+ /* 6714 */ { MAD_F(0x07bb12ae) /* 0.483172113 */, 18 },
+ /* 6715 */ { MAD_F(0x07bb774c) /* 0.483268069 */, 18 },
+ /* 6716 */ { MAD_F(0x07bbdbeb) /* 0.483364029 */, 18 },
+ /* 6717 */ { MAD_F(0x07bc408c) /* 0.483459994 */, 18 },
+ /* 6718 */ { MAD_F(0x07bca52d) /* 0.483555964 */, 18 },
+ /* 6719 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd09d0) /* 0.483651939 */, 18 },
+ /* 6720 */ { MAD_F(0x07bd6e75) /* 0.483747918 */, 18 },
+ /* 6721 */ { MAD_F(0x07bdd31a) /* 0.483843902 */, 18 },
+ /* 6722 */ { MAD_F(0x07be37c1) /* 0.483939891 */, 18 },
+ /* 6723 */ { MAD_F(0x07be9c69) /* 0.484035885 */, 18 },
+ /* 6724 */ { MAD_F(0x07bf0113) /* 0.484131883 */, 18 },
+ /* 6725 */ { MAD_F(0x07bf65bd) /* 0.484227886 */, 18 },
+ /* 6726 */ { MAD_F(0x07bfca69) /* 0.484323894 */, 18 },
+ /* 6727 */ { MAD_F(0x07c02f16) /* 0.484419907 */, 18 },
+ /* 6728 */ { MAD_F(0x07c093c5) /* 0.484515924 */, 18 },
+ /* 6729 */ { MAD_F(0x07c0f875) /* 0.484611946 */, 18 },
+ /* 6730 */ { MAD_F(0x07c15d26) /* 0.484707973 */, 18 },
+ /* 6731 */ { MAD_F(0x07c1c1d8) /* 0.484804005 */, 18 },
+ /* 6732 */ { MAD_F(0x07c2268b) /* 0.484900041 */, 18 },
+ /* 6733 */ { MAD_F(0x07c28b40) /* 0.484996083 */, 18 },
+ /* 6734 */ { MAD_F(0x07c2eff6) /* 0.485092128 */, 18 },
+ /* 6735 */ { MAD_F(0x07c354ae) /* 0.485188179 */, 18 },
+ /* 6736 */ { MAD_F(0x07c3b967) /* 0.485284235 */, 18 },
+ /* 6737 */ { MAD_F(0x07c41e21) /* 0.485380295 */, 18 },
+ /* 6738 */ { MAD_F(0x07c482dc) /* 0.485476360 */, 18 },
+ /* 6739 */ { MAD_F(0x07c4e798) /* 0.485572430 */, 18 },
+ /* 6740 */ { MAD_F(0x07c54c56) /* 0.485668504 */, 18 },
+ /* 6741 */ { MAD_F(0x07c5b115) /* 0.485764583 */, 18 },
+ /* 6742 */ { MAD_F(0x07c615d6) /* 0.485860667 */, 18 },
+ /* 6743 */ { MAD_F(0x07c67a97) /* 0.485956756 */, 18 },
+ /* 6744 */ { MAD_F(0x07c6df5a) /* 0.486052849 */, 18 },
+ /* 6745 */ { MAD_F(0x07c7441e) /* 0.486148948 */, 18 },
+ /* 6746 */ { MAD_F(0x07c7a8e4) /* 0.486245051 */, 18 },
+ /* 6747 */ { MAD_F(0x07c80daa) /* 0.486341158 */, 18 },
+ /* 6748 */ { MAD_F(0x07c87272) /* 0.486437271 */, 18 },
+ /* 6749 */ { MAD_F(0x07c8d73c) /* 0.486533388 */, 18 },
+ /* 6750 */ { MAD_F(0x07c93c06) /* 0.486629510 */, 18 },
+ /* 6751 */ { MAD_F(0x07c9a0d2) /* 0.486725637 */, 18 },
+ /* 6752 */ { MAD_F(0x07ca059f) /* 0.486821768 */, 18 },
+ /* 6753 */ { MAD_F(0x07ca6a6d) /* 0.486917905 */, 18 },
+ /* 6754 */ { MAD_F(0x07cacf3d) /* 0.487014045 */, 18 },
+ /* 6755 */ { MAD_F(0x07cb340e) /* 0.487110191 */, 18 },
+ /* 6756 */ { MAD_F(0x07cb98e0) /* 0.487206342 */, 18 },
+ /* 6757 */ { MAD_F(0x07cbfdb4) /* 0.487302497 */, 18 },
+ /* 6758 */ { MAD_F(0x07cc6288) /* 0.487398657 */, 18 },
+ /* 6759 */ { MAD_F(0x07ccc75e) /* 0.487494821 */, 18 },
+ /* 6760 */ { MAD_F(0x07cd2c36) /* 0.487590991 */, 18 },
+ /* 6761 */ { MAD_F(0x07cd910e) /* 0.487687165 */, 18 },
+ /* 6762 */ { MAD_F(0x07cdf5e8) /* 0.487783344 */, 18 },
+ /* 6763 */ { MAD_F(0x07ce5ac3) /* 0.487879528 */, 18 },
+ /* 6764 */ { MAD_F(0x07cebfa0) /* 0.487975716 */, 18 },
+ /* 6765 */ { MAD_F(0x07cf247d) /* 0.488071909 */, 18 },
+ /* 6766 */ { MAD_F(0x07cf895c) /* 0.488168107 */, 18 },
+ /* 6767 */ { MAD_F(0x07cfee3c) /* 0.488264310 */, 18 },
+ /* 6768 */ { MAD_F(0x07d0531e) /* 0.488360517 */, 18 },
+ /* 6769 */ { MAD_F(0x07d0b801) /* 0.488456729 */, 18 },
+ /* 6770 */ { MAD_F(0x07d11ce5) /* 0.488552946 */, 18 },
+ /* 6771 */ { MAD_F(0x07d181ca) /* 0.488649167 */, 18 },
+ /* 6772 */ { MAD_F(0x07d1e6b0) /* 0.488745394 */, 18 },
+ /* 6773 */ { MAD_F(0x07d24b98) /* 0.488841625 */, 18 },
+ /* 6774 */ { MAD_F(0x07d2b081) /* 0.488937860 */, 18 },
+ /* 6775 */ { MAD_F(0x07d3156c) /* 0.489034101 */, 18 },
+ /* 6776 */ { MAD_F(0x07d37a57) /* 0.489130346 */, 18 },
+ /* 6777 */ { MAD_F(0x07d3df44) /* 0.489226596 */, 18 },
+ /* 6778 */ { MAD_F(0x07d44432) /* 0.489322851 */, 18 },
+ /* 6779 */ { MAD_F(0x07d4a922) /* 0.489419110 */, 18 },
+ /* 6780 */ { MAD_F(0x07d50e13) /* 0.489515375 */, 18 },
+ /* 6781 */ { MAD_F(0x07d57305) /* 0.489611643 */, 18 },
+ /* 6782 */ { MAD_F(0x07d5d7f8) /* 0.489707917 */, 18 },
+ /* 6783 */ { MAD_F(0x07d63cec) /* 0.489804195 */, 18 },
+ /* 6784 */ { MAD_F(0x07d6a1e2) /* 0.489900479 */, 18 },
+ /* 6785 */ { MAD_F(0x07d706d9) /* 0.489996766 */, 18 },
+ /* 6786 */ { MAD_F(0x07d76bd2) /* 0.490093059 */, 18 },
+ /* 6787 */ { MAD_F(0x07d7d0cb) /* 0.490189356 */, 18 },
+ /* 6788 */ { MAD_F(0x07d835c6) /* 0.490285658 */, 18 },
+ /* 6789 */ { MAD_F(0x07d89ac2) /* 0.490381965 */, 18 },
+ /* 6790 */ { MAD_F(0x07d8ffc0) /* 0.490478277 */, 18 },
+ /* 6791 */ { MAD_F(0x07d964be) /* 0.490574593 */, 18 },
+ /* 6792 */ { MAD_F(0x07d9c9be) /* 0.490670914 */, 18 },
+ /* 6793 */ { MAD_F(0x07da2ebf) /* 0.490767239 */, 18 },
+ /* 6794 */ { MAD_F(0x07da93c2) /* 0.490863570 */, 18 },
+ /* 6795 */ { MAD_F(0x07daf8c6) /* 0.490959905 */, 18 },
+ /* 6796 */ { MAD_F(0x07db5dcb) /* 0.491056245 */, 18 },
+ /* 6797 */ { MAD_F(0x07dbc2d1) /* 0.491152589 */, 18 },
+ /* 6798 */ { MAD_F(0x07dc27d9) /* 0.491248939 */, 18 },
+ /* 6799 */ { MAD_F(0x07dc8ce1) /* 0.491345293 */, 18 },
+ /* 6800 */ { MAD_F(0x07dcf1ec) /* 0.491441651 */, 18 },
+ /* 6801 */ { MAD_F(0x07dd56f7) /* 0.491538015 */, 18 },
+ /* 6802 */ { MAD_F(0x07ddbc04) /* 0.491634383 */, 18 },
+ /* 6803 */ { MAD_F(0x07de2111) /* 0.491730756 */, 18 },
+ /* 6804 */ { MAD_F(0x07de8621) /* 0.491827134 */, 18 },
+ /* 6805 */ { MAD_F(0x07deeb31) /* 0.491923516 */, 18 },
+ /* 6806 */ { MAD_F(0x07df5043) /* 0.492019903 */, 18 },
+ /* 6807 */ { MAD_F(0x07dfb556) /* 0.492116295 */, 18 },
+ /* 6808 */ { MAD_F(0x07e01a6a) /* 0.492212691 */, 18 },
+ /* 6809 */ { MAD_F(0x07e07f80) /* 0.492309093 */, 18 },
+ /* 6810 */ { MAD_F(0x07e0e496) /* 0.492405499 */, 18 },
+ /* 6811 */ { MAD_F(0x07e149ae) /* 0.492501909 */, 18 },
+ /* 6812 */ { MAD_F(0x07e1aec8) /* 0.492598325 */, 18 },
+ /* 6813 */ { MAD_F(0x07e213e2) /* 0.492694745 */, 18 },
+ /* 6814 */ { MAD_F(0x07e278fe) /* 0.492791170 */, 18 },
+ /* 6815 */ { MAD_F(0x07e2de1b) /* 0.492887599 */, 18 },
+ /* 6816 */ { MAD_F(0x07e3433a) /* 0.492984033 */, 18 },
+ /* 6817 */ { MAD_F(0x07e3a859) /* 0.493080472 */, 18 },
+ /* 6818 */ { MAD_F(0x07e40d7a) /* 0.493176916 */, 18 },
+ /* 6819 */ { MAD_F(0x07e4729c) /* 0.493273365 */, 18 },
+ /* 6820 */ { MAD_F(0x07e4d7c0) /* 0.493369818 */, 18 },
+ /* 6821 */ { MAD_F(0x07e53ce4) /* 0.493466275 */, 18 },
+ /* 6822 */ { MAD_F(0x07e5a20a) /* 0.493562738 */, 18 },
+ /* 6823 */ { MAD_F(0x07e60732) /* 0.493659205 */, 18 },
+ /* 6824 */ { MAD_F(0x07e66c5a) /* 0.493755677 */, 18 },
+ /* 6825 */ { MAD_F(0x07e6d184) /* 0.493852154 */, 18 },
+ /* 6826 */ { MAD_F(0x07e736af) /* 0.493948635 */, 18 },
+ /* 6827 */ { MAD_F(0x07e79bdb) /* 0.494045122 */, 18 },
+ /* 6828 */ { MAD_F(0x07e80109) /* 0.494141612 */, 18 },
+ /* 6829 */ { MAD_F(0x07e86638) /* 0.494238108 */, 18 },
+ /* 6830 */ { MAD_F(0x07e8cb68) /* 0.494334608 */, 18 },
+ /* 6831 */ { MAD_F(0x07e93099) /* 0.494431113 */, 18 },
+ /* 6832 */ { MAD_F(0x07e995cc) /* 0.494527623 */, 18 },
+ /* 6833 */ { MAD_F(0x07e9fb00) /* 0.494624137 */, 18 },
+ /* 6834 */ { MAD_F(0x07ea6035) /* 0.494720656 */, 18 },
+ /* 6835 */ { MAD_F(0x07eac56b) /* 0.494817180 */, 18 },
+ /* 6836 */ { MAD_F(0x07eb2aa3) /* 0.494913709 */, 18 },
+ /* 6837 */ { MAD_F(0x07eb8fdc) /* 0.495010242 */, 18 },
+ /* 6838 */ { MAD_F(0x07ebf516) /* 0.495106780 */, 18 },
+ /* 6839 */ { MAD_F(0x07ec5a51) /* 0.495203322 */, 18 },
+ /* 6840 */ { MAD_F(0x07ecbf8e) /* 0.495299870 */, 18 },
+ /* 6841 */ { MAD_F(0x07ed24cc) /* 0.495396422 */, 18 },
+ /* 6842 */ { MAD_F(0x07ed8a0b) /* 0.495492978 */, 18 },
+ /* 6843 */ { MAD_F(0x07edef4c) /* 0.495589540 */, 18 },
+ /* 6844 */ { MAD_F(0x07ee548e) /* 0.495686106 */, 18 },
+ /* 6845 */ { MAD_F(0x07eeb9d1) /* 0.495782677 */, 18 },
+ /* 6846 */ { MAD_F(0x07ef1f15) /* 0.495879252 */, 18 },
+ /* 6847 */ { MAD_F(0x07ef845b) /* 0.495975833 */, 18 },
+ /* 6848 */ { MAD_F(0x07efe9a1) /* 0.496072418 */, 18 },
+ /* 6849 */ { MAD_F(0x07f04ee9) /* 0.496169007 */, 18 },
+ /* 6850 */ { MAD_F(0x07f0b433) /* 0.496265602 */, 18 },
+ /* 6851 */ { MAD_F(0x07f1197d) /* 0.496362201 */, 18 },
+ /* 6852 */ { MAD_F(0x07f17ec9) /* 0.496458804 */, 18 },
+ /* 6853 */ { MAD_F(0x07f1e416) /* 0.496555413 */, 18 },
+ /* 6854 */ { MAD_F(0x07f24965) /* 0.496652026 */, 18 },
+ /* 6855 */ { MAD_F(0x07f2aeb5) /* 0.496748644 */, 18 },
+ /* 6856 */ { MAD_F(0x07f31405) /* 0.496845266 */, 18 },
+ /* 6857 */ { MAD_F(0x07f37958) /* 0.496941894 */, 18 },
+ /* 6858 */ { MAD_F(0x07f3deab) /* 0.497038526 */, 18 },
+ /* 6859 */ { MAD_F(0x07f44400) /* 0.497135162 */, 18 },
+ /* 6860 */ { MAD_F(0x07f4a956) /* 0.497231804 */, 18 },
+ /* 6861 */ { MAD_F(0x07f50ead) /* 0.497328450 */, 18 },
+ /* 6862 */ { MAD_F(0x07f57405) /* 0.497425100 */, 18 },
+ /* 6863 */ { MAD_F(0x07f5d95f) /* 0.497521756 */, 18 },
+ /* 6864 */ { MAD_F(0x07f63eba) /* 0.497618416 */, 18 },
+ /* 6865 */ { MAD_F(0x07f6a416) /* 0.497715081 */, 18 },
+ /* 6866 */ { MAD_F(0x07f70974) /* 0.497811750 */, 18 },
+ /* 6867 */ { MAD_F(0x07f76ed3) /* 0.497908425 */, 18 },
+ /* 6868 */ { MAD_F(0x07f7d433) /* 0.498005103 */, 18 },
+ /* 6869 */ { MAD_F(0x07f83994) /* 0.498101787 */, 18 },
+ /* 6870 */ { MAD_F(0x07f89ef7) /* 0.498198475 */, 18 },
+ /* 6871 */ { MAD_F(0x07f9045a) /* 0.498295168 */, 18 },
+ /* 6872 */ { MAD_F(0x07f969c0) /* 0.498391866 */, 18 },
+ /* 6873 */ { MAD_F(0x07f9cf26) /* 0.498488568 */, 18 },
+ /* 6874 */ { MAD_F(0x07fa348e) /* 0.498585275 */, 18 },
+ /* 6875 */ { MAD_F(0x07fa99f6) /* 0.498681987 */, 18 },
+ /* 6876 */ { MAD_F(0x07faff60) /* 0.498778704 */, 18 },
+ /* 6877 */ { MAD_F(0x07fb64cc) /* 0.498875425 */, 18 },
+ /* 6878 */ { MAD_F(0x07fbca38) /* 0.498972150 */, 18 },
+ /* 6879 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc2fa6) /* 0.499068881 */, 18 },
+ /* 6880 */ { MAD_F(0x07fc9516) /* 0.499165616 */, 18 },
+ /* 6881 */ { MAD_F(0x07fcfa86) /* 0.499262356 */, 18 },
+ /* 6882 */ { MAD_F(0x07fd5ff8) /* 0.499359101 */, 18 },
+ /* 6883 */ { MAD_F(0x07fdc56b) /* 0.499455850 */, 18 },
+ /* 6884 */ { MAD_F(0x07fe2adf) /* 0.499552604 */, 18 },
+ /* 6885 */ { MAD_F(0x07fe9054) /* 0.499649362 */, 18 },
+ /* 6886 */ { MAD_F(0x07fef5cb) /* 0.499746126 */, 18 },
+ /* 6887 */ { MAD_F(0x07ff5b43) /* 0.499842894 */, 18 },
+ /* 6888 */ { MAD_F(0x07ffc0bc) /* 0.499939666 */, 18 },
+ /* 6889 */ { MAD_F(0x0400131b) /* 0.250018222 */, 19 },
+ /* 6890 */ { MAD_F(0x040045d9) /* 0.250066613 */, 19 },
+ /* 6891 */ { MAD_F(0x04007897) /* 0.250115006 */, 19 },
+ /* 6892 */ { MAD_F(0x0400ab57) /* 0.250163402 */, 19 },
+ /* 6893 */ { MAD_F(0x0400de16) /* 0.250211800 */, 19 },
+ /* 6894 */ { MAD_F(0x040110d7) /* 0.250260200 */, 19 },
+ /* 6895 */ { MAD_F(0x04014398) /* 0.250308603 */, 19 },
+ /* 6896 */ { MAD_F(0x04017659) /* 0.250357008 */, 19 },
+ /* 6897 */ { MAD_F(0x0401a91c) /* 0.250405415 */, 19 },
+ /* 6898 */ { MAD_F(0x0401dbdf) /* 0.250453825 */, 19 },
+ /* 6899 */ { MAD_F(0x04020ea2) /* 0.250502237 */, 19 },
+ /* 6900 */ { MAD_F(0x04024166) /* 0.250550652 */, 19 },
+ /* 6901 */ { MAD_F(0x0402742b) /* 0.250599068 */, 19 },
+ /* 6902 */ { MAD_F(0x0402a6f0) /* 0.250647488 */, 19 },
+ /* 6903 */ { MAD_F(0x0402d9b6) /* 0.250695909 */, 19 },
+ /* 6904 */ { MAD_F(0x04030c7d) /* 0.250744333 */, 19 },
+ /* 6905 */ { MAD_F(0x04033f44) /* 0.250792759 */, 19 },
+ /* 6906 */ { MAD_F(0x0403720c) /* 0.250841187 */, 19 },
+ /* 6907 */ { MAD_F(0x0403a4d5) /* 0.250889618 */, 19 },
+ /* 6908 */ { MAD_F(0x0403d79e) /* 0.250938051 */, 19 },
+ /* 6909 */ { MAD_F(0x04040a68) /* 0.250986487 */, 19 },
+ /* 6910 */ { MAD_F(0x04043d32) /* 0.251034924 */, 19 },
+ /* 6911 */ { MAD_F(0x04046ffd) /* 0.251083365 */, 19 },
+ /* 6912 */ { MAD_F(0x0404a2c9) /* 0.251131807 */, 19 },
+ /* 6913 */ { MAD_F(0x0404d595) /* 0.251180252 */, 19 },
+ /* 6914 */ { MAD_F(0x04050862) /* 0.251228699 */, 19 },
+ /* 6915 */ { MAD_F(0x04053b30) /* 0.251277148 */, 19 },
+ /* 6916 */ { MAD_F(0x04056dfe) /* 0.251325600 */, 19 },
+ /* 6917 */ { MAD_F(0x0405a0cd) /* 0.251374054 */, 19 },
+ /* 6918 */ { MAD_F(0x0405d39c) /* 0.251422511 */, 19 },
+ /* 6919 */ { MAD_F(0x0406066c) /* 0.251470970 */, 19 },
+ /* 6920 */ { MAD_F(0x0406393d) /* 0.251519431 */, 19 },
+ /* 6921 */ { MAD_F(0x04066c0e) /* 0.251567894 */, 19 },
+ /* 6922 */ { MAD_F(0x04069ee0) /* 0.251616360 */, 19 },
+ /* 6923 */ { MAD_F(0x0406d1b3) /* 0.251664828 */, 19 },
+ /* 6924 */ { MAD_F(0x04070486) /* 0.251713299 */, 19 },
+ /* 6925 */ { MAD_F(0x0407375a) /* 0.251761772 */, 19 },
+ /* 6926 */ { MAD_F(0x04076a2e) /* 0.251810247 */, 19 },
+ /* 6927 */ { MAD_F(0x04079d03) /* 0.251858724 */, 19 },
+ /* 6928 */ { MAD_F(0x0407cfd9) /* 0.251907204 */, 19 },
+ /* 6929 */ { MAD_F(0x040802af) /* 0.251955686 */, 19 },
+ /* 6930 */ { MAD_F(0x04083586) /* 0.252004171 */, 19 },
+ /* 6931 */ { MAD_F(0x0408685e) /* 0.252052658 */, 19 },
+ /* 6932 */ { MAD_F(0x04089b36) /* 0.252101147 */, 19 },
+ /* 6933 */ { MAD_F(0x0408ce0f) /* 0.252149638 */, 19 },
+ /* 6934 */ { MAD_F(0x040900e8) /* 0.252198132 */, 19 },
+ /* 6935 */ { MAD_F(0x040933c2) /* 0.252246628 */, 19 },
+ /* 6936 */ { MAD_F(0x0409669d) /* 0.252295127 */, 19 },
+ /* 6937 */ { MAD_F(0x04099978) /* 0.252343627 */, 19 },
+ /* 6938 */ { MAD_F(0x0409cc54) /* 0.252392131 */, 19 },
+ /* 6939 */ { MAD_F(0x0409ff31) /* 0.252440636 */, 19 },
+ /* 6940 */ { MAD_F(0x040a320e) /* 0.252489144 */, 19 },
+ /* 6941 */ { MAD_F(0x040a64ec) /* 0.252537654 */, 19 },
+ /* 6942 */ { MAD_F(0x040a97cb) /* 0.252586166 */, 19 },
+ /* 6943 */ { MAD_F(0x040acaaa) /* 0.252634681 */, 19 },
+ /* 6944 */ { MAD_F(0x040afd89) /* 0.252683198 */, 19 },
+ /* 6945 */ { MAD_F(0x040b306a) /* 0.252731718 */, 19 },
+ /* 6946 */ { MAD_F(0x040b634b) /* 0.252780240 */, 19 },
+ /* 6947 */ { MAD_F(0x040b962c) /* 0.252828764 */, 19 },
+ /* 6948 */ { MAD_F(0x040bc90e) /* 0.252877290 */, 19 },
+ /* 6949 */ { MAD_F(0x040bfbf1) /* 0.252925819 */, 19 },
+ /* 6950 */ { MAD_F(0x040c2ed5) /* 0.252974350 */, 19 },
+ /* 6951 */ { MAD_F(0x040c61b9) /* 0.253022883 */, 19 },
+ /* 6952 */ { MAD_F(0x040c949e) /* 0.253071419 */, 19 },
+ /* 6953 */ { MAD_F(0x040cc783) /* 0.253119957 */, 19 },
+ /* 6954 */ { MAD_F(0x040cfa69) /* 0.253168498 */, 19 },
+ /* 6955 */ { MAD_F(0x040d2d4f) /* 0.253217040 */, 19 },
+ /* 6956 */ { MAD_F(0x040d6037) /* 0.253265585 */, 19 },
+ /* 6957 */ { MAD_F(0x040d931e) /* 0.253314133 */, 19 },
+ /* 6958 */ { MAD_F(0x040dc607) /* 0.253362682 */, 19 },
+ /* 6959 */ { MAD_F(0x040df8f0) /* 0.253411234 */, 19 },
+ /* 6960 */ { MAD_F(0x040e2bda) /* 0.253459789 */, 19 },
+ /* 6961 */ { MAD_F(0x040e5ec4) /* 0.253508345 */, 19 },
+ /* 6962 */ { MAD_F(0x040e91af) /* 0.253556904 */, 19 },
+ /* 6963 */ { MAD_F(0x040ec49b) /* 0.253605466 */, 19 },
+ /* 6964 */ { MAD_F(0x040ef787) /* 0.253654029 */, 19 },
+ /* 6965 */ { MAD_F(0x040f2a74) /* 0.253702595 */, 19 },
+ /* 6966 */ { MAD_F(0x040f5d61) /* 0.253751164 */, 19 },
+ /* 6967 */ { MAD_F(0x040f904f) /* 0.253799734 */, 19 },
+ /* 6968 */ { MAD_F(0x040fc33e) /* 0.253848307 */, 19 },
+ /* 6969 */ { MAD_F(0x040ff62d) /* 0.253896883 */, 19 },
+ /* 6970 */ { MAD_F(0x0410291d) /* 0.253945460 */, 19 },
+ /* 6971 */ { MAD_F(0x04105c0e) /* 0.253994040 */, 19 },
+ /* 6972 */ { MAD_F(0x04108eff) /* 0.254042622 */, 19 },
+ /* 6973 */ { MAD_F(0x0410c1f1) /* 0.254091207 */, 19 },
+ /* 6974 */ { MAD_F(0x0410f4e3) /* 0.254139794 */, 19 },
+ /* 6975 */ { MAD_F(0x041127d6) /* 0.254188383 */, 19 },
+ /* 6976 */ { MAD_F(0x04115aca) /* 0.254236974 */, 19 },
+ /* 6977 */ { MAD_F(0x04118dbe) /* 0.254285568 */, 19 },
+ /* 6978 */ { MAD_F(0x0411c0b3) /* 0.254334165 */, 19 },
+ /* 6979 */ { MAD_F(0x0411f3a9) /* 0.254382763 */, 19 },
+ /* 6980 */ { MAD_F(0x0412269f) /* 0.254431364 */, 19 },
+ /* 6981 */ { MAD_F(0x04125996) /* 0.254479967 */, 19 },
+ /* 6982 */ { MAD_F(0x04128c8d) /* 0.254528572 */, 19 },
+ /* 6983 */ { MAD_F(0x0412bf85) /* 0.254577180 */, 19 },
+ /* 6984 */ { MAD_F(0x0412f27e) /* 0.254625790 */, 19 },
+ /* 6985 */ { MAD_F(0x04132577) /* 0.254674403 */, 19 },
+ /* 6986 */ { MAD_F(0x04135871) /* 0.254723017 */, 19 },
+ /* 6987 */ { MAD_F(0x04138b6c) /* 0.254771635 */, 19 },
+ /* 6988 */ { MAD_F(0x0413be67) /* 0.254820254 */, 19 },
+ /* 6989 */ { MAD_F(0x0413f163) /* 0.254868876 */, 19 },
+ /* 6990 */ { MAD_F(0x0414245f) /* 0.254917500 */, 19 },
+ /* 6991 */ { MAD_F(0x0414575c) /* 0.254966126 */, 19 },
+ /* 6992 */ { MAD_F(0x04148a5a) /* 0.255014755 */, 19 },
+ /* 6993 */ { MAD_F(0x0414bd58) /* 0.255063386 */, 19 },
+ /* 6994 */ { MAD_F(0x0414f057) /* 0.255112019 */, 19 },
+ /* 6995 */ { MAD_F(0x04152356) /* 0.255160655 */, 19 },
+ /* 6996 */ { MAD_F(0x04155657) /* 0.255209292 */, 19 },
+ /* 6997 */ { MAD_F(0x04158957) /* 0.255257933 */, 19 },
+ /* 6998 */ { MAD_F(0x0415bc59) /* 0.255306575 */, 19 },
+ /* 6999 */ { MAD_F(0x0415ef5b) /* 0.255355220 */, 19 },
+ /* 7000 */ { MAD_F(0x0416225d) /* 0.255403867 */, 19 },
+ /* 7001 */ { MAD_F(0x04165561) /* 0.255452517 */, 19 },
+ /* 7002 */ { MAD_F(0x04168864) /* 0.255501169 */, 19 },
+ /* 7003 */ { MAD_F(0x0416bb69) /* 0.255549823 */, 19 },
+ /* 7004 */ { MAD_F(0x0416ee6e) /* 0.255598479 */, 19 },
+ /* 7005 */ { MAD_F(0x04172174) /* 0.255647138 */, 19 },
+ /* 7006 */ { MAD_F(0x0417547a) /* 0.255695799 */, 19 },
+ /* 7007 */ { MAD_F(0x04178781) /* 0.255744463 */, 19 },
+ /* 7008 */ { MAD_F(0x0417ba89) /* 0.255793128 */, 19 },
+ /* 7009 */ { MAD_F(0x0417ed91) /* 0.255841796 */, 19 },
+ /* 7010 */ { MAD_F(0x0418209a) /* 0.255890467 */, 19 },
+ /* 7011 */ { MAD_F(0x041853a3) /* 0.255939139 */, 19 },
+ /* 7012 */ { MAD_F(0x041886ad) /* 0.255987814 */, 19 },
+ /* 7013 */ { MAD_F(0x0418b9b8) /* 0.256036492 */, 19 },
+ /* 7014 */ { MAD_F(0x0418ecc3) /* 0.256085171 */, 19 },
+ /* 7015 */ { MAD_F(0x04191fcf) /* 0.256133853 */, 19 },
+ /* 7016 */ { MAD_F(0x041952dc) /* 0.256182537 */, 19 },
+ /* 7017 */ { MAD_F(0x041985e9) /* 0.256231224 */, 19 },
+ /* 7018 */ { MAD_F(0x0419b8f7) /* 0.256279913 */, 19 },
+ /* 7019 */ { MAD_F(0x0419ec05) /* 0.256328604 */, 19 },
+ /* 7020 */ { MAD_F(0x041a1f15) /* 0.256377297 */, 19 },
+ /* 7021 */ { MAD_F(0x041a5224) /* 0.256425993 */, 19 },
+ /* 7022 */ { MAD_F(0x041a8534) /* 0.256474691 */, 19 },
+ /* 7023 */ { MAD_F(0x041ab845) /* 0.256523392 */, 19 },
+ /* 7024 */ { MAD_F(0x041aeb57) /* 0.256572095 */, 19 },
+ /* 7025 */ { MAD_F(0x041b1e69) /* 0.256620800 */, 19 },
+ /* 7026 */ { MAD_F(0x041b517c) /* 0.256669507 */, 19 },
+ /* 7027 */ { MAD_F(0x041b848f) /* 0.256718217 */, 19 },
+ /* 7028 */ { MAD_F(0x041bb7a3) /* 0.256766929 */, 19 },
+ /* 7029 */ { MAD_F(0x041beab8) /* 0.256815643 */, 19 },
+ /* 7030 */ { MAD_F(0x041c1dcd) /* 0.256864359 */, 19 },
+ /* 7031 */ { MAD_F(0x041c50e3) /* 0.256913078 */, 19 },
+ /* 7032 */ { MAD_F(0x041c83fa) /* 0.256961800 */, 19 },
+ /* 7033 */ { MAD_F(0x041cb711) /* 0.257010523 */, 19 },
+ /* 7034 */ { MAD_F(0x041cea28) /* 0.257059249 */, 19 },
+ /* 7035 */ { MAD_F(0x041d1d41) /* 0.257107977 */, 19 },
+ /* 7036 */ { MAD_F(0x041d505a) /* 0.257156708 */, 19 },
+ /* 7037 */ { MAD_F(0x041d8373) /* 0.257205440 */, 19 },
+ /* 7038 */ { MAD_F(0x041db68e) /* 0.257254175 */, 19 },
+ /* 7039 */ { MAD_F(0x041de9a8) /* 0.257302913 */, 19 },
+ /* 7040 */ { MAD_F(0x041e1cc4) /* 0.257351652 */, 19 },
+ /* 7041 */ { MAD_F(0x041e4fe0) /* 0.257400394 */, 19 },
+ /* 7042 */ { MAD_F(0x041e82fd) /* 0.257449139 */, 19 },
+ /* 7043 */ { MAD_F(0x041eb61a) /* 0.257497885 */, 19 },
+ /* 7044 */ { MAD_F(0x041ee938) /* 0.257546634 */, 19 },
+ /* 7045 */ { MAD_F(0x041f1c57) /* 0.257595386 */, 19 },
+ /* 7046 */ { MAD_F(0x041f4f76) /* 0.257644139 */, 19 },
+ /* 7047 */ { MAD_F(0x041f8296) /* 0.257692895 */, 19 },
+ /* 7048 */ { MAD_F(0x041fb5b6) /* 0.257741653 */, 19 },
+ /* 7049 */ { MAD_F(0x041fe8d7) /* 0.257790414 */, 19 },
+ /* 7050 */ { MAD_F(0x04201bf9) /* 0.257839176 */, 19 },
+ /* 7051 */ { MAD_F(0x04204f1b) /* 0.257887941 */, 19 },
+ /* 7052 */ { MAD_F(0x0420823e) /* 0.257936709 */, 19 },
+ /* 7053 */ { MAD_F(0x0420b561) /* 0.257985478 */, 19 },
+ /* 7054 */ { MAD_F(0x0420e885) /* 0.258034250 */, 19 },
+ /* 7055 */ { MAD_F(0x04211baa) /* 0.258083025 */, 19 },
+ /* 7056 */ { MAD_F(0x04214ed0) /* 0.258131801 */, 19 },
+ /* 7057 */ { MAD_F(0x042181f6) /* 0.258180580 */, 19 },
+ /* 7058 */ { MAD_F(0x0421b51c) /* 0.258229361 */, 19 },
+ /* 7059 */ { MAD_F(0x0421e843) /* 0.258278145 */, 19 },
+ /* 7060 */ { MAD_F(0x04221b6b) /* 0.258326931 */, 19 },
+ /* 7061 */ { MAD_F(0x04224e94) /* 0.258375719 */, 19 },
+ /* 7062 */ { MAD_F(0x042281bd) /* 0.258424509 */, 19 },
+ /* 7063 */ { MAD_F(0x0422b4e6) /* 0.258473302 */, 19 },
+ /* 7064 */ { MAD_F(0x0422e811) /* 0.258522097 */, 19 },
+ /* 7065 */ { MAD_F(0x04231b3c) /* 0.258570894 */, 19 },
+ /* 7066 */ { MAD_F(0x04234e67) /* 0.258619694 */, 19 },
+ /* 7067 */ { MAD_F(0x04238193) /* 0.258668496 */, 19 },
+ /* 7068 */ { MAD_F(0x0423b4c0) /* 0.258717300 */, 19 },
+ /* 7069 */ { MAD_F(0x0423e7ee) /* 0.258766106 */, 19 },
+ /* 7070 */ { MAD_F(0x04241b1c) /* 0.258814915 */, 19 },
+ /* 7071 */ { MAD_F(0x04244e4a) /* 0.258863726 */, 19 },
+ /* 7072 */ { MAD_F(0x04248179) /* 0.258912540 */, 19 },
+ /* 7073 */ { MAD_F(0x0424b4a9) /* 0.258961356 */, 19 },
+ /* 7074 */ { MAD_F(0x0424e7da) /* 0.259010174 */, 19 },
+ /* 7075 */ { MAD_F(0x04251b0b) /* 0.259058994 */, 19 },
+ /* 7076 */ { MAD_F(0x04254e3d) /* 0.259107817 */, 19 },
+ /* 7077 */ { MAD_F(0x0425816f) /* 0.259156642 */, 19 },
+ /* 7078 */ { MAD_F(0x0425b4a2) /* 0.259205469 */, 19 },
+ /* 7079 */ { MAD_F(0x0425e7d6) /* 0.259254298 */, 19 },
+ /* 7080 */ { MAD_F(0x04261b0a) /* 0.259303130 */, 19 },
+ /* 7081 */ { MAD_F(0x04264e3f) /* 0.259351964 */, 19 },
+ /* 7082 */ { MAD_F(0x04268174) /* 0.259400801 */, 19 },
+ /* 7083 */ { MAD_F(0x0426b4aa) /* 0.259449639 */, 19 },
+ /* 7084 */ { MAD_F(0x0426e7e1) /* 0.259498480 */, 19 },
+ /* 7085 */ { MAD_F(0x04271b18) /* 0.259547324 */, 19 },
+ /* 7086 */ { MAD_F(0x04274e50) /* 0.259596169 */, 19 },
+ /* 7087 */ { MAD_F(0x04278188) /* 0.259645017 */, 19 },
+ /* 7088 */ { MAD_F(0x0427b4c2) /* 0.259693868 */, 19 },
+ /* 7089 */ { MAD_F(0x0427e7fb) /* 0.259742720 */, 19 },
+ /* 7090 */ { MAD_F(0x04281b36) /* 0.259791575 */, 19 },
+ /* 7091 */ { MAD_F(0x04284e71) /* 0.259840432 */, 19 },
+ /* 7092 */ { MAD_F(0x042881ac) /* 0.259889291 */, 19 },
+ /* 7093 */ { MAD_F(0x0428b4e8) /* 0.259938153 */, 19 },
+ /* 7094 */ { MAD_F(0x0428e825) /* 0.259987017 */, 19 },
+ /* 7095 */ { MAD_F(0x04291b63) /* 0.260035883 */, 19 },
+ /* 7096 */ { MAD_F(0x04294ea1) /* 0.260084752 */, 19 },
+ /* 7097 */ { MAD_F(0x042981df) /* 0.260133623 */, 19 },
+ /* 7098 */ { MAD_F(0x0429b51f) /* 0.260182496 */, 19 },
+ /* 7099 */ { MAD_F(0x0429e85f) /* 0.260231372 */, 19 },
+ /* 7100 */ { MAD_F(0x042a1b9f) /* 0.260280249 */, 19 },
+ /* 7101 */ { MAD_F(0x042a4ee0) /* 0.260329129 */, 19 },
+ /* 7102 */ { MAD_F(0x042a8222) /* 0.260378012 */, 19 },
+ /* 7103 */ { MAD_F(0x042ab564) /* 0.260426896 */, 19 },
+ /* 7104 */ { MAD_F(0x042ae8a7) /* 0.260475783 */, 19 },
+ /* 7105 */ { MAD_F(0x042b1beb) /* 0.260524673 */, 19 },
+ /* 7106 */ { MAD_F(0x042b4f2f) /* 0.260573564 */, 19 },
+ /* 7107 */ { MAD_F(0x042b8274) /* 0.260622458 */, 19 },
+ /* 7108 */ { MAD_F(0x042bb5ba) /* 0.260671354 */, 19 },
+ /* 7109 */ { MAD_F(0x042be900) /* 0.260720252 */, 19 },
+ /* 7110 */ { MAD_F(0x042c1c46) /* 0.260769153 */, 19 },
+ /* 7111 */ { MAD_F(0x042c4f8e) /* 0.260818056 */, 19 },
+ /* 7112 */ { MAD_F(0x042c82d6) /* 0.260866961 */, 19 },
+ /* 7113 */ { MAD_F(0x042cb61e) /* 0.260915869 */, 19 },
+ /* 7114 */ { MAD_F(0x042ce967) /* 0.260964779 */, 19 },
+ /* 7115 */ { MAD_F(0x042d1cb1) /* 0.261013691 */, 19 },
+ /* 7116 */ { MAD_F(0x042d4ffb) /* 0.261062606 */, 19 },
+ /* 7117 */ { MAD_F(0x042d8346) /* 0.261111522 */, 19 },
+ /* 7118 */ { MAD_F(0x042db692) /* 0.261160441 */, 19 },
+ /* 7119 */ { MAD_F(0x042de9de) /* 0.261209363 */, 19 },
+ /* 7120 */ { MAD_F(0x042e1d2b) /* 0.261258286 */, 19 },
+ /* 7121 */ { MAD_F(0x042e5078) /* 0.261307212 */, 19 },
+ /* 7122 */ { MAD_F(0x042e83c6) /* 0.261356140 */, 19 },
+ /* 7123 */ { MAD_F(0x042eb715) /* 0.261405071 */, 19 },
+ /* 7124 */ { MAD_F(0x042eea64) /* 0.261454004 */, 19 },
+ /* 7125 */ { MAD_F(0x042f1db4) /* 0.261502939 */, 19 },
+ /* 7126 */ { MAD_F(0x042f5105) /* 0.261551876 */, 19 },
+ /* 7127 */ { MAD_F(0x042f8456) /* 0.261600816 */, 19 },
+ /* 7128 */ { MAD_F(0x042fb7a8) /* 0.261649758 */, 19 },
+ /* 7129 */ { MAD_F(0x042feafa) /* 0.261698702 */, 19 },
+ /* 7130 */ { MAD_F(0x04301e4d) /* 0.261747649 */, 19 },
+ /* 7131 */ { MAD_F(0x043051a1) /* 0.261796597 */, 19 },
+ /* 7132 */ { MAD_F(0x043084f5) /* 0.261845548 */, 19 },
+ /* 7133 */ { MAD_F(0x0430b84a) /* 0.261894502 */, 19 },
+ /* 7134 */ { MAD_F(0x0430eb9f) /* 0.261943458 */, 19 },
+ /* 7135 */ { MAD_F(0x04311ef5) /* 0.261992416 */, 19 },
+ /* 7136 */ { MAD_F(0x0431524c) /* 0.262041376 */, 19 },
+ /* 7137 */ { MAD_F(0x043185a3) /* 0.262090338 */, 19 },
+ /* 7138 */ { MAD_F(0x0431b8fb) /* 0.262139303 */, 19 },
+ /* 7139 */ { MAD_F(0x0431ec54) /* 0.262188270 */, 19 },
+ /* 7140 */ { MAD_F(0x04321fad) /* 0.262237240 */, 19 },
+ /* 7141 */ { MAD_F(0x04325306) /* 0.262286211 */, 19 },
+ /* 7142 */ { MAD_F(0x04328661) /* 0.262335185 */, 19 },
+ /* 7143 */ { MAD_F(0x0432b9bc) /* 0.262384162 */, 19 },
+ /* 7144 */ { MAD_F(0x0432ed17) /* 0.262433140 */, 19 },
+ /* 7145 */ { MAD_F(0x04332074) /* 0.262482121 */, 19 },
+ /* 7146 */ { MAD_F(0x043353d0) /* 0.262531104 */, 19 },
+ /* 7147 */ { MAD_F(0x0433872e) /* 0.262580089 */, 19 },
+ /* 7148 */ { MAD_F(0x0433ba8c) /* 0.262629077 */, 19 },
+ /* 7149 */ { MAD_F(0x0433edea) /* 0.262678067 */, 19 },
+ /* 7150 */ { MAD_F(0x0434214a) /* 0.262727059 */, 19 },
+ /* 7151 */ { MAD_F(0x043454aa) /* 0.262776054 */, 19 },
+ /* 7152 */ { MAD_F(0x0434880a) /* 0.262825051 */, 19 },
+ /* 7153 */ { MAD_F(0x0434bb6b) /* 0.262874050 */, 19 },
+ /* 7154 */ { MAD_F(0x0434eecd) /* 0.262923051 */, 19 },
+ /* 7155 */ { MAD_F(0x0435222f) /* 0.262972055 */, 19 },
+ /* 7156 */ { MAD_F(0x04355592) /* 0.263021061 */, 19 },
+ /* 7157 */ { MAD_F(0x043588f6) /* 0.263070069 */, 19 },
+ /* 7158 */ { MAD_F(0x0435bc5a) /* 0.263119079 */, 19 },
+ /* 7159 */ { MAD_F(0x0435efbf) /* 0.263168092 */, 19 },
+ /* 7160 */ { MAD_F(0x04362324) /* 0.263217107 */, 19 },
+ /* 7161 */ { MAD_F(0x0436568a) /* 0.263266125 */, 19 },
+ /* 7162 */ { MAD_F(0x043689f1) /* 0.263315144 */, 19 },
+ /* 7163 */ { MAD_F(0x0436bd58) /* 0.263364166 */, 19 },
+ /* 7164 */ { MAD_F(0x0436f0c0) /* 0.263413191 */, 19 },
+ /* 7165 */ { MAD_F(0x04372428) /* 0.263462217 */, 19 },
+ /* 7166 */ { MAD_F(0x04375791) /* 0.263511246 */, 19 },
+ /* 7167 */ { MAD_F(0x04378afb) /* 0.263560277 */, 19 },
+ /* 7168 */ { MAD_F(0x0437be65) /* 0.263609310 */, 19 },
+ /* 7169 */ { MAD_F(0x0437f1d0) /* 0.263658346 */, 19 },
+ /* 7170 */ { MAD_F(0x0438253c) /* 0.263707384 */, 19 },
+ /* 7171 */ { MAD_F(0x043858a8) /* 0.263756424 */, 19 },
+ /* 7172 */ { MAD_F(0x04388c14) /* 0.263805466 */, 19 },
+ /* 7173 */ { MAD_F(0x0438bf82) /* 0.263854511 */, 19 },
+ /* 7174 */ { MAD_F(0x0438f2f0) /* 0.263903558 */, 19 },
+ /* 7175 */ { MAD_F(0x0439265e) /* 0.263952607 */, 19 },
+ /* 7176 */ { MAD_F(0x043959cd) /* 0.264001659 */, 19 },
+ /* 7177 */ { MAD_F(0x04398d3d) /* 0.264050713 */, 19 },
+ /* 7178 */ { MAD_F(0x0439c0ae) /* 0.264099769 */, 19 },
+ /* 7179 */ { MAD_F(0x0439f41f) /* 0.264148827 */, 19 },
+ /* 7180 */ { MAD_F(0x043a2790) /* 0.264197888 */, 19 },
+ /* 7181 */ { MAD_F(0x043a5b02) /* 0.264246951 */, 19 },
+ /* 7182 */ { MAD_F(0x043a8e75) /* 0.264296016 */, 19 },
+ /* 7183 */ { MAD_F(0x043ac1e9) /* 0.264345084 */, 19 },
+ /* 7184 */ { MAD_F(0x043af55d) /* 0.264394153 */, 19 },
+ /* 7185 */ { MAD_F(0x043b28d2) /* 0.264443225 */, 19 },
+ /* 7186 */ { MAD_F(0x043b5c47) /* 0.264492300 */, 19 },
+ /* 7187 */ { MAD_F(0x043b8fbd) /* 0.264541376 */, 19 },
+ /* 7188 */ { MAD_F(0x043bc333) /* 0.264590455 */, 19 },
+ /* 7189 */ { MAD_F(0x043bf6aa) /* 0.264639536 */, 19 },
+ /* 7190 */ { MAD_F(0x043c2a22) /* 0.264688620 */, 19 },
+ /* 7191 */ { MAD_F(0x043c5d9a) /* 0.264737706 */, 19 },
+ /* 7192 */ { MAD_F(0x043c9113) /* 0.264786794 */, 19 },
+ /* 7193 */ { MAD_F(0x043cc48d) /* 0.264835884 */, 19 },
+ /* 7194 */ { MAD_F(0x043cf807) /* 0.264884976 */, 19 },
+ /* 7195 */ { MAD_F(0x043d2b82) /* 0.264934071 */, 19 },
+ /* 7196 */ { MAD_F(0x043d5efd) /* 0.264983168 */, 19 },
+ /* 7197 */ { MAD_F(0x043d9279) /* 0.265032268 */, 19 },
+ /* 7198 */ { MAD_F(0x043dc5f6) /* 0.265081369 */, 19 },
+ /* 7199 */ { MAD_F(0x043df973) /* 0.265130473 */, 19 },
+ /* 7200 */ { MAD_F(0x043e2cf1) /* 0.265179580 */, 19 },
+ /* 7201 */ { MAD_F(0x043e6070) /* 0.265228688 */, 19 },
+ /* 7202 */ { MAD_F(0x043e93ef) /* 0.265277799 */, 19 },
+ /* 7203 */ { MAD_F(0x043ec76e) /* 0.265326912 */, 19 },
+ /* 7204 */ { MAD_F(0x043efaef) /* 0.265376027 */, 19 },
+ /* 7205 */ { MAD_F(0x043f2e6f) /* 0.265425145 */, 19 },
+ /* 7206 */ { MAD_F(0x043f61f1) /* 0.265474264 */, 19 },
+ /* 7207 */ { MAD_F(0x043f9573) /* 0.265523387 */, 19 },
+ /* 7208 */ { MAD_F(0x043fc8f6) /* 0.265572511 */, 19 },
+ /* 7209 */ { MAD_F(0x043ffc79) /* 0.265621638 */, 19 },
+ /* 7210 */ { MAD_F(0x04402ffd) /* 0.265670766 */, 19 },
+ /* 7211 */ { MAD_F(0x04406382) /* 0.265719898 */, 19 },
+ /* 7212 */ { MAD_F(0x04409707) /* 0.265769031 */, 19 },
+ /* 7213 */ { MAD_F(0x0440ca8d) /* 0.265818167 */, 19 },
+ /* 7214 */ { MAD_F(0x0440fe13) /* 0.265867305 */, 19 },
+ /* 7215 */ { MAD_F(0x0441319a) /* 0.265916445 */, 19 },
+ /* 7216 */ { MAD_F(0x04416522) /* 0.265965588 */, 19 },
+ /* 7217 */ { MAD_F(0x044198aa) /* 0.266014732 */, 19 },
+ /* 7218 */ { MAD_F(0x0441cc33) /* 0.266063880 */, 19 },
+ /* 7219 */ { MAD_F(0x0441ffbc) /* 0.266113029 */, 19 },
+ /* 7220 */ { MAD_F(0x04423346) /* 0.266162181 */, 19 },
+ /* 7221 */ { MAD_F(0x044266d1) /* 0.266211334 */, 19 },
+ /* 7222 */ { MAD_F(0x04429a5c) /* 0.266260491 */, 19 },
+ /* 7223 */ { MAD_F(0x0442cde8) /* 0.266309649 */, 19 },
+ /* 7224 */ { MAD_F(0x04430174) /* 0.266358810 */, 19 },
+ /* 7225 */ { MAD_F(0x04433501) /* 0.266407973 */, 19 },
+ /* 7226 */ { MAD_F(0x0443688f) /* 0.266457138 */, 19 },
+ /* 7227 */ { MAD_F(0x04439c1d) /* 0.266506305 */, 19 },
+ /* 7228 */ { MAD_F(0x0443cfac) /* 0.266555475 */, 19 },
+ /* 7229 */ { MAD_F(0x0444033c) /* 0.266604647 */, 19 },
+ /* 7230 */ { MAD_F(0x044436cc) /* 0.266653822 */, 19 },
+ /* 7231 */ { MAD_F(0x04446a5d) /* 0.266702998 */, 19 },
+ /* 7232 */ { MAD_F(0x04449dee) /* 0.266752177 */, 19 },
+ /* 7233 */ { MAD_F(0x0444d180) /* 0.266801358 */, 19 },
+ /* 7234 */ { MAD_F(0x04450513) /* 0.266850541 */, 19 },
+ /* 7235 */ { MAD_F(0x044538a6) /* 0.266899727 */, 19 },
+ /* 7236 */ { MAD_F(0x04456c39) /* 0.266948915 */, 19 },
+ /* 7237 */ { MAD_F(0x04459fce) /* 0.266998105 */, 19 },
+ /* 7238 */ { MAD_F(0x0445d363) /* 0.267047298 */, 19 },
+ /* 7239 */ { MAD_F(0x044606f8) /* 0.267096492 */, 19 },
+ /* 7240 */ { MAD_F(0x04463a8f) /* 0.267145689 */, 19 },
+ /* 7241 */ { MAD_F(0x04466e25) /* 0.267194888 */, 19 },
+ /* 7242 */ { MAD_F(0x0446a1bd) /* 0.267244090 */, 19 },
+ /* 7243 */ { MAD_F(0x0446d555) /* 0.267293294 */, 19 },
+ /* 7244 */ { MAD_F(0x044708ee) /* 0.267342500 */, 19 },
+ /* 7245 */ { MAD_F(0x04473c87) /* 0.267391708 */, 19 },
+ /* 7246 */ { MAD_F(0x04477021) /* 0.267440919 */, 19 },
+ /* 7247 */ { MAD_F(0x0447a3bb) /* 0.267490131 */, 19 },
+ /* 7248 */ { MAD_F(0x0447d756) /* 0.267539347 */, 19 },
+ /* 7249 */ { MAD_F(0x04480af2) /* 0.267588564 */, 19 },
+ /* 7250 */ { MAD_F(0x04483e8e) /* 0.267637783 */, 19 },
+ /* 7251 */ { MAD_F(0x0448722b) /* 0.267687005 */, 19 },
+ /* 7252 */ { MAD_F(0x0448a5c9) /* 0.267736229 */, 19 },
+ /* 7253 */ { MAD_F(0x0448d967) /* 0.267785456 */, 19 },
+ /* 7254 */ { MAD_F(0x04490d05) /* 0.267834685 */, 19 },
+ /* 7255 */ { MAD_F(0x044940a5) /* 0.267883915 */, 19 },
+ /* 7256 */ { MAD_F(0x04497445) /* 0.267933149 */, 19 },
+ /* 7257 */ { MAD_F(0x0449a7e5) /* 0.267982384 */, 19 },
+ /* 7258 */ { MAD_F(0x0449db86) /* 0.268031622 */, 19 },
+ /* 7259 */ { MAD_F(0x044a0f28) /* 0.268080862 */, 19 },
+ /* 7260 */ { MAD_F(0x044a42ca) /* 0.268130104 */, 19 },
+ /* 7261 */ { MAD_F(0x044a766d) /* 0.268179349 */, 19 },
+ /* 7262 */ { MAD_F(0x044aaa11) /* 0.268228595 */, 19 },
+ /* 7263 */ { MAD_F(0x044addb5) /* 0.268277844 */, 19 },
+ /* 7264 */ { MAD_F(0x044b115a) /* 0.268327096 */, 19 },
+ /* 7265 */ { MAD_F(0x044b44ff) /* 0.268376349 */, 19 },
+ /* 7266 */ { MAD_F(0x044b78a5) /* 0.268425605 */, 19 },
+ /* 7267 */ { MAD_F(0x044bac4c) /* 0.268474863 */, 19 },
+ /* 7268 */ { MAD_F(0x044bdff3) /* 0.268524123 */, 19 },
+ /* 7269 */ { MAD_F(0x044c139b) /* 0.268573386 */, 19 },
+ /* 7270 */ { MAD_F(0x044c4743) /* 0.268622651 */, 19 },
+ /* 7271 */ { MAD_F(0x044c7aec) /* 0.268671918 */, 19 },
+ /* 7272 */ { MAD_F(0x044cae96) /* 0.268721187 */, 19 },
+ /* 7273 */ { MAD_F(0x044ce240) /* 0.268770459 */, 19 },
+ /* 7274 */ { MAD_F(0x044d15eb) /* 0.268819733 */, 19 },
+ /* 7275 */ { MAD_F(0x044d4997) /* 0.268869009 */, 19 },
+ /* 7276 */ { MAD_F(0x044d7d43) /* 0.268918287 */, 19 },
+ /* 7277 */ { MAD_F(0x044db0ef) /* 0.268967568 */, 19 },
+ /* 7278 */ { MAD_F(0x044de49d) /* 0.269016851 */, 19 },
+ /* 7279 */ { MAD_F(0x044e184b) /* 0.269066136 */, 19 },
+ /* 7280 */ { MAD_F(0x044e4bf9) /* 0.269115423 */, 19 },
+ /* 7281 */ { MAD_F(0x044e7fa8) /* 0.269164713 */, 19 },
+ /* 7282 */ { MAD_F(0x044eb358) /* 0.269214005 */, 19 },
+ /* 7283 */ { MAD_F(0x044ee708) /* 0.269263299 */, 19 },
+ /* 7284 */ { MAD_F(0x044f1ab9) /* 0.269312595 */, 19 },
+ /* 7285 */ { MAD_F(0x044f4e6b) /* 0.269361894 */, 19 },
+ /* 7286 */ { MAD_F(0x044f821d) /* 0.269411195 */, 19 },
+ /* 7287 */ { MAD_F(0x044fb5cf) /* 0.269460498 */, 19 },
+ /* 7288 */ { MAD_F(0x044fe983) /* 0.269509804 */, 19 },
+ /* 7289 */ { MAD_F(0x04501d37) /* 0.269559111 */, 19 },
+ /* 7290 */ { MAD_F(0x045050eb) /* 0.269608421 */, 19 },
+ /* 7291 */ { MAD_F(0x045084a0) /* 0.269657734 */, 19 },
+ /* 7292 */ { MAD_F(0x0450b856) /* 0.269707048 */, 19 },
+ /* 7293 */ { MAD_F(0x0450ec0d) /* 0.269756365 */, 19 },
+ /* 7294 */ { MAD_F(0x04511fc4) /* 0.269805684 */, 19 },
+ /* 7295 */ { MAD_F(0x0451537b) /* 0.269855005 */, 19 },
+ /* 7296 */ { MAD_F(0x04518733) /* 0.269904329 */, 19 },
+ /* 7297 */ { MAD_F(0x0451baec) /* 0.269953654 */, 19 },
+ /* 7298 */ { MAD_F(0x0451eea5) /* 0.270002982 */, 19 },
+ /* 7299 */ { MAD_F(0x0452225f) /* 0.270052313 */, 19 },
+ /* 7300 */ { MAD_F(0x0452561a) /* 0.270101645 */, 19 },
+ /* 7301 */ { MAD_F(0x045289d5) /* 0.270150980 */, 19 },
+ /* 7302 */ { MAD_F(0x0452bd91) /* 0.270200317 */, 19 },
+ /* 7303 */ { MAD_F(0x0452f14d) /* 0.270249656 */, 19 },
+ /* 7304 */ { MAD_F(0x0453250a) /* 0.270298998 */, 19 },
+ /* 7305 */ { MAD_F(0x045358c8) /* 0.270348341 */, 19 },
+ /* 7306 */ { MAD_F(0x04538c86) /* 0.270397687 */, 19 },
+ /* 7307 */ { MAD_F(0x0453c045) /* 0.270447036 */, 19 },
+ /* 7308 */ { MAD_F(0x0453f405) /* 0.270496386 */, 19 },
+ /* 7309 */ { MAD_F(0x045427c5) /* 0.270545739 */, 19 },
+ /* 7310 */ { MAD_F(0x04545b85) /* 0.270595094 */, 19 },
+ /* 7311 */ { MAD_F(0x04548f46) /* 0.270644451 */, 19 },
+ /* 7312 */ { MAD_F(0x0454c308) /* 0.270693811 */, 19 },
+ /* 7313 */ { MAD_F(0x0454f6cb) /* 0.270743173 */, 19 },
+ /* 7314 */ { MAD_F(0x04552a8e) /* 0.270792537 */, 19 },
+ /* 7315 */ { MAD_F(0x04555e51) /* 0.270841903 */, 19 },
+ /* 7316 */ { MAD_F(0x04559216) /* 0.270891271 */, 19 },
+ /* 7317 */ { MAD_F(0x0455c5db) /* 0.270940642 */, 19 },
+ /* 7318 */ { MAD_F(0x0455f9a0) /* 0.270990015 */, 19 },
+ /* 7319 */ { MAD_F(0x04562d66) /* 0.271039390 */, 19 },
+ /* 7320 */ { MAD_F(0x0456612d) /* 0.271088768 */, 19 },
+ /* 7321 */ { MAD_F(0x045694f4) /* 0.271138148 */, 19 },
+ /* 7322 */ { MAD_F(0x0456c8bc) /* 0.271187530 */, 19 },
+ /* 7323 */ { MAD_F(0x0456fc84) /* 0.271236914 */, 19 },
+ /* 7324 */ { MAD_F(0x0457304e) /* 0.271286301 */, 19 },
+ /* 7325 */ { MAD_F(0x04576417) /* 0.271335689 */, 19 },
+ /* 7326 */ { MAD_F(0x045797e2) /* 0.271385080 */, 19 },
+ /* 7327 */ { MAD_F(0x0457cbac) /* 0.271434474 */, 19 },
+ /* 7328 */ { MAD_F(0x0457ff78) /* 0.271483869 */, 19 },
+ /* 7329 */ { MAD_F(0x04583344) /* 0.271533267 */, 19 },
+ /* 7330 */ { MAD_F(0x04586711) /* 0.271582667 */, 19 },
+ /* 7331 */ { MAD_F(0x04589ade) /* 0.271632069 */, 19 },
+ /* 7332 */ { MAD_F(0x0458ceac) /* 0.271681474 */, 19 },
+ /* 7333 */ { MAD_F(0x0459027b) /* 0.271730880 */, 19 },
+ /* 7334 */ { MAD_F(0x0459364a) /* 0.271780289 */, 19 },
+ /* 7335 */ { MAD_F(0x04596a19) /* 0.271829701 */, 19 },
+ /* 7336 */ { MAD_F(0x04599dea) /* 0.271879114 */, 19 },
+ /* 7337 */ { MAD_F(0x0459d1bb) /* 0.271928530 */, 19 },
+ /* 7338 */ { MAD_F(0x045a058c) /* 0.271977948 */, 19 },
+ /* 7339 */ { MAD_F(0x045a395e) /* 0.272027368 */, 19 },
+ /* 7340 */ { MAD_F(0x045a6d31) /* 0.272076790 */, 19 },
+ /* 7341 */ { MAD_F(0x045aa104) /* 0.272126215 */, 19 },
+ /* 7342 */ { MAD_F(0x045ad4d8) /* 0.272175642 */, 19 },
+ /* 7343 */ { MAD_F(0x045b08ad) /* 0.272225071 */, 19 },
+ /* 7344 */ { MAD_F(0x045b3c82) /* 0.272274503 */, 19 },
+ /* 7345 */ { MAD_F(0x045b7058) /* 0.272323936 */, 19 },
+ /* 7346 */ { MAD_F(0x045ba42e) /* 0.272373372 */, 19 },
+ /* 7347 */ { MAD_F(0x045bd805) /* 0.272422810 */, 19 },
+ /* 7348 */ { MAD_F(0x045c0bdd) /* 0.272472251 */, 19 },
+ /* 7349 */ { MAD_F(0x045c3fb5) /* 0.272521693 */, 19 },
+ /* 7350 */ { MAD_F(0x045c738e) /* 0.272571138 */, 19 },
+ /* 7351 */ { MAD_F(0x045ca767) /* 0.272620585 */, 19 },
+ /* 7352 */ { MAD_F(0x045cdb41) /* 0.272670035 */, 19 },
+ /* 7353 */ { MAD_F(0x045d0f1b) /* 0.272719486 */, 19 },
+ /* 7354 */ { MAD_F(0x045d42f7) /* 0.272768940 */, 19 },
+ /* 7355 */ { MAD_F(0x045d76d2) /* 0.272818396 */, 19 },
+ /* 7356 */ { MAD_F(0x045daaaf) /* 0.272867855 */, 19 },
+ /* 7357 */ { MAD_F(0x045dde8c) /* 0.272917315 */, 19 },
+ /* 7358 */ { MAD_F(0x045e1269) /* 0.272966778 */, 19 },
+ /* 7359 */ { MAD_F(0x045e4647) /* 0.273016243 */, 19 },
+ /* 7360 */ { MAD_F(0x045e7a26) /* 0.273065710 */, 19 },
+ /* 7361 */ { MAD_F(0x045eae06) /* 0.273115180 */, 19 },
+ /* 7362 */ { MAD_F(0x045ee1e6) /* 0.273164652 */, 19 },
+ /* 7363 */ { MAD_F(0x045f15c6) /* 0.273214126 */, 19 },
+ /* 7364 */ { MAD_F(0x045f49a7) /* 0.273263602 */, 19 },
+ /* 7365 */ { MAD_F(0x045f7d89) /* 0.273313081 */, 19 },
+ /* 7366 */ { MAD_F(0x045fb16c) /* 0.273362561 */, 19 },
+ /* 7367 */ { MAD_F(0x045fe54f) /* 0.273412044 */, 19 },
+ /* 7368 */ { MAD_F(0x04601932) /* 0.273461530 */, 19 },
+ /* 7369 */ { MAD_F(0x04604d16) /* 0.273511017 */, 19 },
+ /* 7370 */ { MAD_F(0x046080fb) /* 0.273560507 */, 19 },
+ /* 7371 */ { MAD_F(0x0460b4e1) /* 0.273609999 */, 19 },
+ /* 7372 */ { MAD_F(0x0460e8c7) /* 0.273659493 */, 19 },
+ /* 7373 */ { MAD_F(0x04611cad) /* 0.273708989 */, 19 },
+ /* 7374 */ { MAD_F(0x04615094) /* 0.273758488 */, 19 },
+ /* 7375 */ { MAD_F(0x0461847c) /* 0.273807989 */, 19 },
+ /* 7376 */ { MAD_F(0x0461b864) /* 0.273857492 */, 19 },
+ /* 7377 */ { MAD_F(0x0461ec4d) /* 0.273906997 */, 19 },
+ /* 7378 */ { MAD_F(0x04622037) /* 0.273956505 */, 19 },
+ /* 7379 */ { MAD_F(0x04625421) /* 0.274006015 */, 19 },
+ /* 7380 */ { MAD_F(0x0462880c) /* 0.274055527 */, 19 },
+ /* 7381 */ { MAD_F(0x0462bbf7) /* 0.274105041 */, 19 },
+ /* 7382 */ { MAD_F(0x0462efe3) /* 0.274154558 */, 19 },
+ /* 7383 */ { MAD_F(0x046323d0) /* 0.274204076 */, 19 },
+ /* 7384 */ { MAD_F(0x046357bd) /* 0.274253597 */, 19 },
+ /* 7385 */ { MAD_F(0x04638bab) /* 0.274303121 */, 19 },
+ /* 7386 */ { MAD_F(0x0463bf99) /* 0.274352646 */, 19 },
+ /* 7387 */ { MAD_F(0x0463f388) /* 0.274402174 */, 19 },
+ /* 7388 */ { MAD_F(0x04642778) /* 0.274451704 */, 19 },
+ /* 7389 */ { MAD_F(0x04645b68) /* 0.274501236 */, 19 },
+ /* 7390 */ { MAD_F(0x04648f59) /* 0.274550771 */, 19 },
+ /* 7391 */ { MAD_F(0x0464c34a) /* 0.274600307 */, 19 },
+ /* 7392 */ { MAD_F(0x0464f73c) /* 0.274649846 */, 19 },
+ /* 7393 */ { MAD_F(0x04652b2f) /* 0.274699387 */, 19 },
+ /* 7394 */ { MAD_F(0x04655f22) /* 0.274748931 */, 19 },
+ /* 7395 */ { MAD_F(0x04659316) /* 0.274798476 */, 19 },
+ /* 7396 */ { MAD_F(0x0465c70a) /* 0.274848024 */, 19 },
+ /* 7397 */ { MAD_F(0x0465faff) /* 0.274897574 */, 19 },
+ /* 7398 */ { MAD_F(0x04662ef5) /* 0.274947126 */, 19 },
+ /* 7399 */ { MAD_F(0x046662eb) /* 0.274996681 */, 19 },
+ /* 7400 */ { MAD_F(0x046696e2) /* 0.275046238 */, 19 },
+ /* 7401 */ { MAD_F(0x0466cad9) /* 0.275095797 */, 19 },
+ /* 7402 */ { MAD_F(0x0466fed1) /* 0.275145358 */, 19 },
+ /* 7403 */ { MAD_F(0x046732ca) /* 0.275194921 */, 19 },
+ /* 7404 */ { MAD_F(0x046766c3) /* 0.275244487 */, 19 },
+ /* 7405 */ { MAD_F(0x04679abd) /* 0.275294055 */, 19 },
+ /* 7406 */ { MAD_F(0x0467ceb7) /* 0.275343625 */, 19 },
+ /* 7407 */ { MAD_F(0x046802b2) /* 0.275393198 */, 19 },
+ /* 7408 */ { MAD_F(0x046836ae) /* 0.275442772 */, 19 },
+ /* 7409 */ { MAD_F(0x04686aaa) /* 0.275492349 */, 19 },
+ /* 7410 */ { MAD_F(0x04689ea7) /* 0.275541928 */, 19 },
+ /* 7411 */ { MAD_F(0x0468d2a4) /* 0.275591509 */, 19 },
+ /* 7412 */ { MAD_F(0x046906a2) /* 0.275641093 */, 19 },
+ /* 7413 */ { MAD_F(0x04693aa1) /* 0.275690679 */, 19 },
+ /* 7414 */ { MAD_F(0x04696ea0) /* 0.275740267 */, 19 },
+ /* 7415 */ { MAD_F(0x0469a2a0) /* 0.275789857 */, 19 },
+ /* 7416 */ { MAD_F(0x0469d6a0) /* 0.275839449 */, 19 },
+ /* 7417 */ { MAD_F(0x046a0aa1) /* 0.275889044 */, 19 },
+ /* 7418 */ { MAD_F(0x046a3ea3) /* 0.275938641 */, 19 },
+ /* 7419 */ { MAD_F(0x046a72a5) /* 0.275988240 */, 19 },
+ /* 7420 */ { MAD_F(0x046aa6a8) /* 0.276037842 */, 19 },
+ /* 7421 */ { MAD_F(0x046adaab) /* 0.276087445 */, 19 },
+ /* 7422 */ { MAD_F(0x046b0eaf) /* 0.276137051 */, 19 },
+ /* 7423 */ { MAD_F(0x046b42b3) /* 0.276186659 */, 19 },
+ /* 7424 */ { MAD_F(0x046b76b9) /* 0.276236269 */, 19 },
+ /* 7425 */ { MAD_F(0x046baabe) /* 0.276285882 */, 19 },
+ /* 7426 */ { MAD_F(0x046bdec5) /* 0.276335497 */, 19 },
+ /* 7427 */ { MAD_F(0x046c12cc) /* 0.276385113 */, 19 },
+ /* 7428 */ { MAD_F(0x046c46d3) /* 0.276434733 */, 19 },
+ /* 7429 */ { MAD_F(0x046c7adb) /* 0.276484354 */, 19 },
+ /* 7430 */ { MAD_F(0x046caee4) /* 0.276533978 */, 19 },
+ /* 7431 */ { MAD_F(0x046ce2ee) /* 0.276583604 */, 19 },
+ /* 7432 */ { MAD_F(0x046d16f7) /* 0.276633232 */, 19 },
+ /* 7433 */ { MAD_F(0x046d4b02) /* 0.276682862 */, 19 },
+ /* 7434 */ { MAD_F(0x046d7f0d) /* 0.276732495 */, 19 },
+ /* 7435 */ { MAD_F(0x046db319) /* 0.276782129 */, 19 },
+ /* 7436 */ { MAD_F(0x046de725) /* 0.276831766 */, 19 },
+ /* 7437 */ { MAD_F(0x046e1b32) /* 0.276881406 */, 19 },
+ /* 7438 */ { MAD_F(0x046e4f40) /* 0.276931047 */, 19 },
+ /* 7439 */ { MAD_F(0x046e834e) /* 0.276980691 */, 19 },
+ /* 7440 */ { MAD_F(0x046eb75c) /* 0.277030337 */, 19 },
+ /* 7441 */ { MAD_F(0x046eeb6c) /* 0.277079985 */, 19 },
+ /* 7442 */ { MAD_F(0x046f1f7c) /* 0.277129635 */, 19 },
+ /* 7443 */ { MAD_F(0x046f538c) /* 0.277179288 */, 19 },
+ /* 7444 */ { MAD_F(0x046f879d) /* 0.277228942 */, 19 },
+ /* 7445 */ { MAD_F(0x046fbbaf) /* 0.277278600 */, 19 },
+ /* 7446 */ { MAD_F(0x046fefc1) /* 0.277328259 */, 19 },
+ /* 7447 */ { MAD_F(0x047023d4) /* 0.277377920 */, 19 },
+ /* 7448 */ { MAD_F(0x047057e8) /* 0.277427584 */, 19 },
+ /* 7449 */ { MAD_F(0x04708bfc) /* 0.277477250 */, 19 },
+ /* 7450 */ { MAD_F(0x0470c011) /* 0.277526918 */, 19 },
+ /* 7451 */ { MAD_F(0x0470f426) /* 0.277576588 */, 19 },
+ /* 7452 */ { MAD_F(0x0471283c) /* 0.277626261 */, 19 },
+ /* 7453 */ { MAD_F(0x04715c52) /* 0.277675936 */, 19 },
+ /* 7454 */ { MAD_F(0x04719069) /* 0.277725613 */, 19 },
+ /* 7455 */ { MAD_F(0x0471c481) /* 0.277775292 */, 19 },
+ /* 7456 */ { MAD_F(0x0471f899) /* 0.277824973 */, 19 },
+ /* 7457 */ { MAD_F(0x04722cb2) /* 0.277874657 */, 19 },
+ /* 7458 */ { MAD_F(0x047260cc) /* 0.277924343 */, 19 },
+ /* 7459 */ { MAD_F(0x047294e6) /* 0.277974031 */, 19 },
+ /* 7460 */ { MAD_F(0x0472c900) /* 0.278023722 */, 19 },
+ /* 7461 */ { MAD_F(0x0472fd1b) /* 0.278073414 */, 19 },
+ /* 7462 */ { MAD_F(0x04733137) /* 0.278123109 */, 19 },
+ /* 7463 */ { MAD_F(0x04736554) /* 0.278172806 */, 19 },
+ /* 7464 */ { MAD_F(0x04739971) /* 0.278222505 */, 19 },
+ /* 7465 */ { MAD_F(0x0473cd8e) /* 0.278272207 */, 19 },
+ /* 7466 */ { MAD_F(0x047401ad) /* 0.278321910 */, 19 },
+ /* 7467 */ { MAD_F(0x047435cb) /* 0.278371616 */, 19 },
+ /* 7468 */ { MAD_F(0x047469eb) /* 0.278421324 */, 19 },
+ /* 7469 */ { MAD_F(0x04749e0b) /* 0.278471035 */, 19 },
+ /* 7470 */ { MAD_F(0x0474d22c) /* 0.278520747 */, 19 },
+ /* 7471 */ { MAD_F(0x0475064d) /* 0.278570462 */, 19 },
+ /* 7472 */ { MAD_F(0x04753a6f) /* 0.278620179 */, 19 },
+ /* 7473 */ { MAD_F(0x04756e91) /* 0.278669898 */, 19 },
+ /* 7474 */ { MAD_F(0x0475a2b4) /* 0.278719619 */, 19 },
+ /* 7475 */ { MAD_F(0x0475d6d7) /* 0.278769343 */, 19 },
+ /* 7476 */ { MAD_F(0x04760afc) /* 0.278819069 */, 19 },
+ /* 7477 */ { MAD_F(0x04763f20) /* 0.278868797 */, 19 },
+ /* 7478 */ { MAD_F(0x04767346) /* 0.278918527 */, 19 },
+ /* 7479 */ { MAD_F(0x0476a76c) /* 0.278968260 */, 19 },
+ /* 7480 */ { MAD_F(0x0476db92) /* 0.279017995 */, 19 },
+ /* 7481 */ { MAD_F(0x04770fba) /* 0.279067731 */, 19 },
+ /* 7482 */ { MAD_F(0x047743e1) /* 0.279117471 */, 19 },
+ /* 7483 */ { MAD_F(0x0477780a) /* 0.279167212 */, 19 },
+ /* 7484 */ { MAD_F(0x0477ac33) /* 0.279216956 */, 19 },
+ /* 7485 */ { MAD_F(0x0477e05c) /* 0.279266701 */, 19 },
+ /* 7486 */ { MAD_F(0x04781486) /* 0.279316449 */, 19 },
+ /* 7487 */ { MAD_F(0x047848b1) /* 0.279366200 */, 19 },
+ /* 7488 */ { MAD_F(0x04787cdc) /* 0.279415952 */, 19 },
+ /* 7489 */ { MAD_F(0x0478b108) /* 0.279465707 */, 19 },
+ /* 7490 */ { MAD_F(0x0478e535) /* 0.279515464 */, 19 },
+ /* 7491 */ { MAD_F(0x04791962) /* 0.279565223 */, 19 },
+ /* 7492 */ { MAD_F(0x04794d8f) /* 0.279614984 */, 19 },
+ /* 7493 */ { MAD_F(0x047981be) /* 0.279664748 */, 19 },
+ /* 7494 */ { MAD_F(0x0479b5ed) /* 0.279714513 */, 19 },
+ /* 7495 */ { MAD_F(0x0479ea1c) /* 0.279764281 */, 19 },
+ /* 7496 */ { MAD_F(0x047a1e4c) /* 0.279814051 */, 19 },
+ /* 7497 */ { MAD_F(0x047a527d) /* 0.279863824 */, 19 },
+ /* 7498 */ { MAD_F(0x047a86ae) /* 0.279913598 */, 19 },
+ /* 7499 */ { MAD_F(0x047abae0) /* 0.279963375 */, 19 },
+ /* 7500 */ { MAD_F(0x047aef12) /* 0.280013154 */, 19 },
+ /* 7501 */ { MAD_F(0x047b2346) /* 0.280062935 */, 19 },
+ /* 7502 */ { MAD_F(0x047b5779) /* 0.280112719 */, 19 },
+ /* 7503 */ { MAD_F(0x047b8bad) /* 0.280162504 */, 19 },
+ /* 7504 */ { MAD_F(0x047bbfe2) /* 0.280212292 */, 19 },
+ /* 7505 */ { MAD_F(0x047bf418) /* 0.280262082 */, 19 },
+ /* 7506 */ { MAD_F(0x047c284e) /* 0.280311875 */, 19 },
+ /* 7507 */ { MAD_F(0x047c5c84) /* 0.280361669 */, 19 },
+ /* 7508 */ { MAD_F(0x047c90bb) /* 0.280411466 */, 19 },
+ /* 7509 */ { MAD_F(0x047cc4f3) /* 0.280461265 */, 19 },
+ /* 7510 */ { MAD_F(0x047cf92c) /* 0.280511066 */, 19 },
+ /* 7511 */ { MAD_F(0x047d2d65) /* 0.280560869 */, 19 },
+ /* 7512 */ { MAD_F(0x047d619e) /* 0.280610675 */, 19 },
+ /* 7513 */ { MAD_F(0x047d95d8) /* 0.280660483 */, 19 },
+ /* 7514 */ { MAD_F(0x047dca13) /* 0.280710292 */, 19 },
+ /* 7515 */ { MAD_F(0x047dfe4e) /* 0.280760105 */, 19 },
+ /* 7516 */ { MAD_F(0x047e328a) /* 0.280809919 */, 19 },
+ /* 7517 */ { MAD_F(0x047e66c7) /* 0.280859736 */, 19 },
+ /* 7518 */ { MAD_F(0x047e9b04) /* 0.280909554 */, 19 },
+ /* 7519 */ { MAD_F(0x047ecf42) /* 0.280959375 */, 19 },
+ /* 7520 */ { MAD_F(0x047f0380) /* 0.281009199 */, 19 },
+ /* 7521 */ { MAD_F(0x047f37bf) /* 0.281059024 */, 19 },
+ /* 7522 */ { MAD_F(0x047f6bff) /* 0.281108852 */, 19 },
+ /* 7523 */ { MAD_F(0x047fa03f) /* 0.281158682 */, 19 },
+ /* 7524 */ { MAD_F(0x047fd47f) /* 0.281208514 */, 19 },
+ /* 7525 */ { MAD_F(0x048008c1) /* 0.281258348 */, 19 },
+ /* 7526 */ { MAD_F(0x04803d02) /* 0.281308184 */, 19 },
+ /* 7527 */ { MAD_F(0x04807145) /* 0.281358023 */, 19 },
+ /* 7528 */ { MAD_F(0x0480a588) /* 0.281407864 */, 19 },
+ /* 7529 */ { MAD_F(0x0480d9cc) /* 0.281457707 */, 19 },
+ /* 7530 */ { MAD_F(0x04810e10) /* 0.281507552 */, 19 },
+ /* 7531 */ { MAD_F(0x04814255) /* 0.281557400 */, 19 },
+ /* 7532 */ { MAD_F(0x0481769a) /* 0.281607250 */, 19 },
+ /* 7533 */ { MAD_F(0x0481aae0) /* 0.281657101 */, 19 },
+ /* 7534 */ { MAD_F(0x0481df27) /* 0.281706956 */, 19 },
+ /* 7535 */ { MAD_F(0x0482136e) /* 0.281756812 */, 19 },
+ /* 7536 */ { MAD_F(0x048247b6) /* 0.281806670 */, 19 },
+ /* 7537 */ { MAD_F(0x04827bfe) /* 0.281856531 */, 19 },
+ /* 7538 */ { MAD_F(0x0482b047) /* 0.281906394 */, 19 },
+ /* 7539 */ { MAD_F(0x0482e491) /* 0.281956259 */, 19 },
+ /* 7540 */ { MAD_F(0x048318db) /* 0.282006127 */, 19 },
+ /* 7541 */ { MAD_F(0x04834d26) /* 0.282055996 */, 19 },
+ /* 7542 */ { MAD_F(0x04838171) /* 0.282105868 */, 19 },
+ /* 7543 */ { MAD_F(0x0483b5bd) /* 0.282155742 */, 19 },
+ /* 7544 */ { MAD_F(0x0483ea0a) /* 0.282205618 */, 19 },
+ /* 7545 */ { MAD_F(0x04841e57) /* 0.282255496 */, 19 },
+ /* 7546 */ { MAD_F(0x048452a4) /* 0.282305377 */, 19 },
+ /* 7547 */ { MAD_F(0x048486f3) /* 0.282355260 */, 19 },
+ /* 7548 */ { MAD_F(0x0484bb42) /* 0.282405145 */, 19 },
+ /* 7549 */ { MAD_F(0x0484ef91) /* 0.282455032 */, 19 },
+ /* 7550 */ { MAD_F(0x048523e1) /* 0.282504921 */, 19 },
+ /* 7551 */ { MAD_F(0x04855832) /* 0.282554813 */, 19 },
+ /* 7552 */ { MAD_F(0x04858c83) /* 0.282604707 */, 19 },
+ /* 7553 */ { MAD_F(0x0485c0d5) /* 0.282654603 */, 19 },
+ /* 7554 */ { MAD_F(0x0485f527) /* 0.282704501 */, 19 },
+ /* 7555 */ { MAD_F(0x0486297a) /* 0.282754401 */, 19 },
+ /* 7556 */ { MAD_F(0x04865dce) /* 0.282804304 */, 19 },
+ /* 7557 */ { MAD_F(0x04869222) /* 0.282854209 */, 19 },
+ /* 7558 */ { MAD_F(0x0486c677) /* 0.282904116 */, 19 },
+ /* 7559 */ { MAD_F(0x0486facc) /* 0.282954025 */, 19 },
+ /* 7560 */ { MAD_F(0x04872f22) /* 0.283003936 */, 19 },
+ /* 7561 */ { MAD_F(0x04876379) /* 0.283053850 */, 19 },
+ /* 7562 */ { MAD_F(0x048797d0) /* 0.283103766 */, 19 },
+ /* 7563 */ { MAD_F(0x0487cc28) /* 0.283153684 */, 19 },
+ /* 7564 */ { MAD_F(0x04880080) /* 0.283203604 */, 19 },
+ /* 7565 */ { MAD_F(0x048834d9) /* 0.283253527 */, 19 },
+ /* 7566 */ { MAD_F(0x04886933) /* 0.283303451 */, 19 },
+ /* 7567 */ { MAD_F(0x04889d8d) /* 0.283353378 */, 19 },
+ /* 7568 */ { MAD_F(0x0488d1e8) /* 0.283403307 */, 19 },
+ /* 7569 */ { MAD_F(0x04890643) /* 0.283453238 */, 19 },
+ /* 7570 */ { MAD_F(0x04893a9f) /* 0.283503172 */, 19 },
+ /* 7571 */ { MAD_F(0x04896efb) /* 0.283553107 */, 19 },
+ /* 7572 */ { MAD_F(0x0489a358) /* 0.283603045 */, 19 },
+ /* 7573 */ { MAD_F(0x0489d7b6) /* 0.283652985 */, 19 },
+ /* 7574 */ { MAD_F(0x048a0c14) /* 0.283702927 */, 19 },
+ /* 7575 */ { MAD_F(0x048a4073) /* 0.283752872 */, 19 },
+ /* 7576 */ { MAD_F(0x048a74d3) /* 0.283802818 */, 19 },
+ /* 7577 */ { MAD_F(0x048aa933) /* 0.283852767 */, 19 },
+ /* 7578 */ { MAD_F(0x048add93) /* 0.283902718 */, 19 },
+ /* 7579 */ { MAD_F(0x048b11f5) /* 0.283952671 */, 19 },
+ /* 7580 */ { MAD_F(0x048b4656) /* 0.284002627 */, 19 },
+ /* 7581 */ { MAD_F(0x048b7ab9) /* 0.284052584 */, 19 },
+ /* 7582 */ { MAD_F(0x048baf1c) /* 0.284102544 */, 19 },
+ /* 7583 */ { MAD_F(0x048be37f) /* 0.284152506 */, 19 },
+ /* 7584 */ { MAD_F(0x048c17e3) /* 0.284202470 */, 19 },
+ /* 7585 */ { MAD_F(0x048c4c48) /* 0.284252436 */, 19 },
+ /* 7586 */ { MAD_F(0x048c80ad) /* 0.284302405 */, 19 },
+ /* 7587 */ { MAD_F(0x048cb513) /* 0.284352376 */, 19 },
+ /* 7588 */ { MAD_F(0x048ce97a) /* 0.284402349 */, 19 },
+ /* 7589 */ { MAD_F(0x048d1de1) /* 0.284452324 */, 19 },
+ /* 7590 */ { MAD_F(0x048d5249) /* 0.284502301 */, 19 },
+ /* 7591 */ { MAD_F(0x048d86b1) /* 0.284552281 */, 19 },
+ /* 7592 */ { MAD_F(0x048dbb1a) /* 0.284602263 */, 19 },
+ /* 7593 */ { MAD_F(0x048def83) /* 0.284652246 */, 19 },
+ /* 7594 */ { MAD_F(0x048e23ed) /* 0.284702233 */, 19 },
+ /* 7595 */ { MAD_F(0x048e5858) /* 0.284752221 */, 19 },
+ /* 7596 */ { MAD_F(0x048e8cc3) /* 0.284802211 */, 19 },
+ /* 7597 */ { MAD_F(0x048ec12f) /* 0.284852204 */, 19 },
+ /* 7598 */ { MAD_F(0x048ef59b) /* 0.284902199 */, 19 },
+ /* 7599 */ { MAD_F(0x048f2a08) /* 0.284952196 */, 19 },
+ /* 7600 */ { MAD_F(0x048f5e76) /* 0.285002195 */, 19 },
+ /* 7601 */ { MAD_F(0x048f92e4) /* 0.285052197 */, 19 },
+ /* 7602 */ { MAD_F(0x048fc753) /* 0.285102201 */, 19 },
+ /* 7603 */ { MAD_F(0x048ffbc2) /* 0.285152206 */, 19 },
+ /* 7604 */ { MAD_F(0x04903032) /* 0.285202214 */, 19 },
+ /* 7605 */ { MAD_F(0x049064a3) /* 0.285252225 */, 19 },
+ /* 7606 */ { MAD_F(0x04909914) /* 0.285302237 */, 19 },
+ /* 7607 */ { MAD_F(0x0490cd86) /* 0.285352252 */, 19 },
+ /* 7608 */ { MAD_F(0x049101f8) /* 0.285402269 */, 19 },
+ /* 7609 */ { MAD_F(0x0491366b) /* 0.285452288 */, 19 },
+ /* 7610 */ { MAD_F(0x04916ade) /* 0.285502309 */, 19 },
+ /* 7611 */ { MAD_F(0x04919f52) /* 0.285552332 */, 19 },
+ /* 7612 */ { MAD_F(0x0491d3c7) /* 0.285602358 */, 19 },
+ /* 7613 */ { MAD_F(0x0492083c) /* 0.285652386 */, 19 },
+ /* 7614 */ { MAD_F(0x04923cb2) /* 0.285702416 */, 19 },
+ /* 7615 */ { MAD_F(0x04927128) /* 0.285752448 */, 19 },
+ /* 7616 */ { MAD_F(0x0492a59f) /* 0.285802482 */, 19 },
+ /* 7617 */ { MAD_F(0x0492da17) /* 0.285852519 */, 19 },
+ /* 7618 */ { MAD_F(0x04930e8f) /* 0.285902557 */, 19 },
+ /* 7619 */ { MAD_F(0x04934308) /* 0.285952598 */, 19 },
+ /* 7620 */ { MAD_F(0x04937781) /* 0.286002641 */, 19 },
+ /* 7621 */ { MAD_F(0x0493abfb) /* 0.286052687 */, 19 },
+ /* 7622 */ { MAD_F(0x0493e076) /* 0.286102734 */, 19 },
+ /* 7623 */ { MAD_F(0x049414f1) /* 0.286152784 */, 19 },
+ /* 7624 */ { MAD_F(0x0494496c) /* 0.286202836 */, 19 },
+ /* 7625 */ { MAD_F(0x04947de9) /* 0.286252890 */, 19 },
+ /* 7626 */ { MAD_F(0x0494b266) /* 0.286302946 */, 19 },
+ /* 7627 */ { MAD_F(0x0494e6e3) /* 0.286353005 */, 19 },
+ /* 7628 */ { MAD_F(0x04951b61) /* 0.286403065 */, 19 },
+ /* 7629 */ { MAD_F(0x04954fe0) /* 0.286453128 */, 19 },
+ /* 7630 */ { MAD_F(0x0495845f) /* 0.286503193 */, 19 },
+ /* 7631 */ { MAD_F(0x0495b8df) /* 0.286553260 */, 19 },
+ /* 7632 */ { MAD_F(0x0495ed5f) /* 0.286603329 */, 19 },
+ /* 7633 */ { MAD_F(0x049621e0) /* 0.286653401 */, 19 },
+ /* 7634 */ { MAD_F(0x04965662) /* 0.286703475 */, 19 },
+ /* 7635 */ { MAD_F(0x04968ae4) /* 0.286753551 */, 19 },
+ /* 7636 */ { MAD_F(0x0496bf67) /* 0.286803629 */, 19 },
+ /* 7637 */ { MAD_F(0x0496f3ea) /* 0.286853709 */, 19 },
+ /* 7638 */ { MAD_F(0x0497286e) /* 0.286903792 */, 19 },
+ /* 7639 */ { MAD_F(0x04975cf2) /* 0.286953876 */, 19 },
+ /* 7640 */ { MAD_F(0x04979177) /* 0.287003963 */, 19 },
+ /* 7641 */ { MAD_F(0x0497c5fd) /* 0.287054052 */, 19 },
+ /* 7642 */ { MAD_F(0x0497fa83) /* 0.287104143 */, 19 },
+ /* 7643 */ { MAD_F(0x04982f0a) /* 0.287154237 */, 19 },
+ /* 7644 */ { MAD_F(0x04986392) /* 0.287204332 */, 19 },
+ /* 7645 */ { MAD_F(0x0498981a) /* 0.287254430 */, 19 },
+ /* 7646 */ { MAD_F(0x0498cca2) /* 0.287304530 */, 19 },
+ /* 7647 */ { MAD_F(0x0499012c) /* 0.287354632 */, 19 },
+ /* 7648 */ { MAD_F(0x049935b5) /* 0.287404737 */, 19 },
+ /* 7649 */ { MAD_F(0x04996a40) /* 0.287454843 */, 19 },
+ /* 7650 */ { MAD_F(0x04999ecb) /* 0.287504952 */, 19 },
+ /* 7651 */ { MAD_F(0x0499d356) /* 0.287555063 */, 19 },
+ /* 7652 */ { MAD_F(0x049a07e2) /* 0.287605176 */, 19 },
+ /* 7653 */ { MAD_F(0x049a3c6f) /* 0.287655291 */, 19 },
+ /* 7654 */ { MAD_F(0x049a70fc) /* 0.287705409 */, 19 },
+ /* 7655 */ { MAD_F(0x049aa58a) /* 0.287755528 */, 19 },
+ /* 7656 */ { MAD_F(0x049ada19) /* 0.287805650 */, 19 },
+ /* 7657 */ { MAD_F(0x049b0ea8) /* 0.287855774 */, 19 },
+ /* 7658 */ { MAD_F(0x049b4337) /* 0.287905900 */, 19 },
+ /* 7659 */ { MAD_F(0x049b77c8) /* 0.287956028 */, 19 },
+ /* 7660 */ { MAD_F(0x049bac58) /* 0.288006159 */, 19 },
+ /* 7661 */ { MAD_F(0x049be0ea) /* 0.288056292 */, 19 },
+ /* 7662 */ { MAD_F(0x049c157c) /* 0.288106427 */, 19 },
+ /* 7663 */ { MAD_F(0x049c4a0e) /* 0.288156564 */, 19 },
+ /* 7664 */ { MAD_F(0x049c7ea1) /* 0.288206703 */, 19 },
+ /* 7665 */ { MAD_F(0x049cb335) /* 0.288256844 */, 19 },
+ /* 7666 */ { MAD_F(0x049ce7ca) /* 0.288306988 */, 19 },
+ /* 7667 */ { MAD_F(0x049d1c5e) /* 0.288357134 */, 19 },
+ /* 7668 */ { MAD_F(0x049d50f4) /* 0.288407282 */, 19 },
+ /* 7669 */ { MAD_F(0x049d858a) /* 0.288457432 */, 19 },
+ /* 7670 */ { MAD_F(0x049dba21) /* 0.288507584 */, 19 },
+ /* 7671 */ { MAD_F(0x049deeb8) /* 0.288557739 */, 19 },
+ /* 7672 */ { MAD_F(0x049e2350) /* 0.288607895 */, 19 },
+ /* 7673 */ { MAD_F(0x049e57e8) /* 0.288658054 */, 19 },
+ /* 7674 */ { MAD_F(0x049e8c81) /* 0.288708215 */, 19 },
+ /* 7675 */ { MAD_F(0x049ec11b) /* 0.288758379 */, 19 },
+ /* 7676 */ { MAD_F(0x049ef5b5) /* 0.288808544 */, 19 },
+ /* 7677 */ { MAD_F(0x049f2a50) /* 0.288858712 */, 19 },
+ /* 7678 */ { MAD_F(0x049f5eeb) /* 0.288908881 */, 19 },
+ /* 7679 */ { MAD_F(0x049f9387) /* 0.288959053 */, 19 },
+ /* 7680 */ { MAD_F(0x049fc824) /* 0.289009227 */, 19 },
+ /* 7681 */ { MAD_F(0x049ffcc1) /* 0.289059404 */, 19 },
+ /* 7682 */ { MAD_F(0x04a0315e) /* 0.289109582 */, 19 },
+ /* 7683 */ { MAD_F(0x04a065fd) /* 0.289159763 */, 19 },
+ /* 7684 */ { MAD_F(0x04a09a9b) /* 0.289209946 */, 19 },
+ /* 7685 */ { MAD_F(0x04a0cf3b) /* 0.289260131 */, 19 },
+ /* 7686 */ { MAD_F(0x04a103db) /* 0.289310318 */, 19 },
+ /* 7687 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1387b) /* 0.289360507 */, 19 },
+ /* 7688 */ { MAD_F(0x04a16d1d) /* 0.289410699 */, 19 },
+ /* 7689 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1a1be) /* 0.289460893 */, 19 },
+ /* 7690 */ { MAD_F(0x04a1d661) /* 0.289511088 */, 19 },
+ /* 7691 */ { MAD_F(0x04a20b04) /* 0.289561287 */, 19 },
+ /* 7692 */ { MAD_F(0x04a23fa7) /* 0.289611487 */, 19 },
+ /* 7693 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2744b) /* 0.289661689 */, 19 },
+ /* 7694 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2a8f0) /* 0.289711894 */, 19 },
+ /* 7695 */ { MAD_F(0x04a2dd95) /* 0.289762101 */, 19 },
+ /* 7696 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3123b) /* 0.289812309 */, 19 },
+ /* 7697 */ { MAD_F(0x04a346e2) /* 0.289862521 */, 19 },
+ /* 7698 */ { MAD_F(0x04a37b89) /* 0.289912734 */, 19 },
+ /* 7699 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3b030) /* 0.289962949 */, 19 },
+ /* 7700 */ { MAD_F(0x04a3e4d8) /* 0.290013167 */, 19 },
+ /* 7701 */ { MAD_F(0x04a41981) /* 0.290063387 */, 19 },
+ /* 7702 */ { MAD_F(0x04a44e2b) /* 0.290113609 */, 19 },
+ /* 7703 */ { MAD_F(0x04a482d5) /* 0.290163833 */, 19 },
+ /* 7704 */ { MAD_F(0x04a4b77f) /* 0.290214059 */, 19 },
+ /* 7705 */ { MAD_F(0x04a4ec2a) /* 0.290264288 */, 19 },
+ /* 7706 */ { MAD_F(0x04a520d6) /* 0.290314519 */, 19 },
+ /* 7707 */ { MAD_F(0x04a55582) /* 0.290364751 */, 19 },
+ /* 7708 */ { MAD_F(0x04a58a2f) /* 0.290414986 */, 19 },
+ /* 7709 */ { MAD_F(0x04a5bedd) /* 0.290465224 */, 19 },
+ /* 7710 */ { MAD_F(0x04a5f38b) /* 0.290515463 */, 19 },
+ /* 7711 */ { MAD_F(0x04a62839) /* 0.290565705 */, 19 },
+ /* 7712 */ { MAD_F(0x04a65ce8) /* 0.290615948 */, 19 },
+ /* 7713 */ { MAD_F(0x04a69198) /* 0.290666194 */, 19 },
+ /* 7714 */ { MAD_F(0x04a6c648) /* 0.290716442 */, 19 },
+ /* 7715 */ { MAD_F(0x04a6faf9) /* 0.290766692 */, 19 },
+ /* 7716 */ { MAD_F(0x04a72fab) /* 0.290816945 */, 19 },
+ /* 7717 */ { MAD_F(0x04a7645d) /* 0.290867199 */, 19 },
+ /* 7718 */ { MAD_F(0x04a79910) /* 0.290917456 */, 19 },
+ /* 7719 */ { MAD_F(0x04a7cdc3) /* 0.290967715 */, 19 },
+ /* 7720 */ { MAD_F(0x04a80277) /* 0.291017976 */, 19 },
+ /* 7721 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8372b) /* 0.291068239 */, 19 },
+ /* 7722 */ { MAD_F(0x04a86be0) /* 0.291118505 */, 19 },
+ /* 7723 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8a096) /* 0.291168772 */, 19 },
+ /* 7724 */ { MAD_F(0x04a8d54c) /* 0.291219042 */, 19 },
+ /* 7725 */ { MAD_F(0x04a90a03) /* 0.291269314 */, 19 },
+ /* 7726 */ { MAD_F(0x04a93eba) /* 0.291319588 */, 19 },
+ /* 7727 */ { MAD_F(0x04a97372) /* 0.291369865 */, 19 },
+ /* 7728 */ { MAD_F(0x04a9a82b) /* 0.291420143 */, 19 },
+ /* 7729 */ { MAD_F(0x04a9dce4) /* 0.291470424 */, 19 },
+ /* 7730 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa119d) /* 0.291520706 */, 19 },
+ /* 7731 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa4658) /* 0.291570991 */, 19 },
+ /* 7732 */ { MAD_F(0x04aa7b13) /* 0.291621278 */, 19 },
+ /* 7733 */ { MAD_F(0x04aaafce) /* 0.291671568 */, 19 },
+ /* 7734 */ { MAD_F(0x04aae48a) /* 0.291721859 */, 19 },
+ /* 7735 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab1947) /* 0.291772153 */, 19 },
+ /* 7736 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab4e04) /* 0.291822449 */, 19 },
+ /* 7737 */ { MAD_F(0x04ab82c2) /* 0.291872747 */, 19 },
+ /* 7738 */ { MAD_F(0x04abb780) /* 0.291923047 */, 19 },
+ /* 7739 */ { MAD_F(0x04abec3f) /* 0.291973349 */, 19 },
+ /* 7740 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac20fe) /* 0.292023653 */, 19 },
+ /* 7741 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac55be) /* 0.292073960 */, 19 },
+ /* 7742 */ { MAD_F(0x04ac8a7f) /* 0.292124269 */, 19 },
+ /* 7743 */ { MAD_F(0x04acbf40) /* 0.292174580 */, 19 },
+ /* 7744 */ { MAD_F(0x04acf402) /* 0.292224893 */, 19 },
+ /* 7745 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad28c5) /* 0.292275208 */, 19 },
+ /* 7746 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad5d88) /* 0.292325526 */, 19 },
+ /* 7747 */ { MAD_F(0x04ad924b) /* 0.292375845 */, 19 },
+ /* 7748 */ { MAD_F(0x04adc70f) /* 0.292426167 */, 19 },
+ /* 7749 */ { MAD_F(0x04adfbd4) /* 0.292476491 */, 19 },
+ /* 7750 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae3099) /* 0.292526817 */, 19 },
+ /* 7751 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae655f) /* 0.292577145 */, 19 },
+ /* 7752 */ { MAD_F(0x04ae9a26) /* 0.292627476 */, 19 },
+ /* 7753 */ { MAD_F(0x04aeceed) /* 0.292677808 */, 19 },
+ /* 7754 */ { MAD_F(0x04af03b4) /* 0.292728143 */, 19 },
+ /* 7755 */ { MAD_F(0x04af387d) /* 0.292778480 */, 19 },
+ /* 7756 */ { MAD_F(0x04af6d45) /* 0.292828819 */, 19 },
+ /* 7757 */ { MAD_F(0x04afa20f) /* 0.292879160 */, 19 },
+ /* 7758 */ { MAD_F(0x04afd6d9) /* 0.292929504 */, 19 },
+ /* 7759 */ { MAD_F(0x04b00ba3) /* 0.292979849 */, 19 },
+ /* 7760 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0406e) /* 0.293030197 */, 19 },
+ /* 7761 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0753a) /* 0.293080547 */, 19 },
+ /* 7762 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0aa06) /* 0.293130899 */, 19 },
+ /* 7763 */ { MAD_F(0x04b0ded3) /* 0.293181253 */, 19 },
+ /* 7764 */ { MAD_F(0x04b113a1) /* 0.293231610 */, 19 },
+ /* 7765 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1486f) /* 0.293281968 */, 19 },
+ /* 7766 */ { MAD_F(0x04b17d3d) /* 0.293332329 */, 19 },
+ /* 7767 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1b20c) /* 0.293382692 */, 19 },
+ /* 7768 */ { MAD_F(0x04b1e6dc) /* 0.293433057 */, 19 },
+ /* 7769 */ { MAD_F(0x04b21bad) /* 0.293483424 */, 19 },
+ /* 7770 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2507d) /* 0.293533794 */, 19 },
+ /* 7771 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2854f) /* 0.293584165 */, 19 },
+ /* 7772 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2ba21) /* 0.293634539 */, 19 },
+ /* 7773 */ { MAD_F(0x04b2eef4) /* 0.293684915 */, 19 },
+ /* 7774 */ { MAD_F(0x04b323c7) /* 0.293735293 */, 19 },
+ /* 7775 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3589b) /* 0.293785673 */, 19 },
+ /* 7776 */ { MAD_F(0x04b38d6f) /* 0.293836055 */, 19 },
+ /* 7777 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3c244) /* 0.293886440 */, 19 },
+ /* 7778 */ { MAD_F(0x04b3f71a) /* 0.293936826 */, 19 },
+ /* 7779 */ { MAD_F(0x04b42bf0) /* 0.293987215 */, 19 },
+ /* 7780 */ { MAD_F(0x04b460c7) /* 0.294037606 */, 19 },
+ /* 7781 */ { MAD_F(0x04b4959e) /* 0.294087999 */, 19 },
+ /* 7782 */ { MAD_F(0x04b4ca76) /* 0.294138395 */, 19 },
+ /* 7783 */ { MAD_F(0x04b4ff4e) /* 0.294188792 */, 19 },
+ /* 7784 */ { MAD_F(0x04b53427) /* 0.294239192 */, 19 },
+ /* 7785 */ { MAD_F(0x04b56901) /* 0.294289593 */, 19 },
+ /* 7786 */ { MAD_F(0x04b59ddb) /* 0.294339997 */, 19 },
+ /* 7787 */ { MAD_F(0x04b5d2b6) /* 0.294390403 */, 19 },
+ /* 7788 */ { MAD_F(0x04b60791) /* 0.294440812 */, 19 },
+ /* 7789 */ { MAD_F(0x04b63c6d) /* 0.294491222 */, 19 },
+ /* 7790 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6714a) /* 0.294541635 */, 19 },
+ /* 7791 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6a627) /* 0.294592049 */, 19 },
+ /* 7792 */ { MAD_F(0x04b6db05) /* 0.294642466 */, 19 },
+ /* 7793 */ { MAD_F(0x04b70fe3) /* 0.294692885 */, 19 },
+ /* 7794 */ { MAD_F(0x04b744c2) /* 0.294743306 */, 19 },
+ /* 7795 */ { MAD_F(0x04b779a1) /* 0.294793730 */, 19 },
+ /* 7796 */ { MAD_F(0x04b7ae81) /* 0.294844155 */, 19 },
+ /* 7797 */ { MAD_F(0x04b7e362) /* 0.294894583 */, 19 },
+ /* 7798 */ { MAD_F(0x04b81843) /* 0.294945013 */, 19 },
+ /* 7799 */ { MAD_F(0x04b84d24) /* 0.294995445 */, 19 },
+ /* 7800 */ { MAD_F(0x04b88207) /* 0.295045879 */, 19 },
+ /* 7801 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8b6ea) /* 0.295096315 */, 19 },
+ /* 7802 */ { MAD_F(0x04b8ebcd) /* 0.295146753 */, 19 },
+ /* 7803 */ { MAD_F(0x04b920b1) /* 0.295197194 */, 19 },
+ /* 7804 */ { MAD_F(0x04b95596) /* 0.295247637 */, 19 },
+ /* 7805 */ { MAD_F(0x04b98a7b) /* 0.295298082 */, 19 },
+ /* 7806 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9bf61) /* 0.295348529 */, 19 },
+ /* 7807 */ { MAD_F(0x04b9f447) /* 0.295398978 */, 19 },
+ /* 7808 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba292e) /* 0.295449429 */, 19 },
+ /* 7809 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba5e16) /* 0.295499883 */, 19 },
+ /* 7810 */ { MAD_F(0x04ba92fe) /* 0.295550338 */, 19 },
+ /* 7811 */ { MAD_F(0x04bac7e6) /* 0.295600796 */, 19 },
+ /* 7812 */ { MAD_F(0x04bafcd0) /* 0.295651256 */, 19 },
+ /* 7813 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb31b9) /* 0.295701718 */, 19 },
+ /* 7814 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb66a4) /* 0.295752183 */, 19 },
+ /* 7815 */ { MAD_F(0x04bb9b8f) /* 0.295802649 */, 19 },
+ /* 7816 */ { MAD_F(0x04bbd07a) /* 0.295853118 */, 19 },
+ /* 7817 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc0566) /* 0.295903588 */, 19 },
+ /* 7818 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc3a53) /* 0.295954061 */, 19 },
+ /* 7819 */ { MAD_F(0x04bc6f40) /* 0.296004536 */, 19 },
+ /* 7820 */ { MAD_F(0x04bca42e) /* 0.296055013 */, 19 },
+ /* 7821 */ { MAD_F(0x04bcd91d) /* 0.296105493 */, 19 },
+ /* 7822 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd0e0c) /* 0.296155974 */, 19 },
+ /* 7823 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd42fb) /* 0.296206458 */, 19 },
+ /* 7824 */ { MAD_F(0x04bd77ec) /* 0.296256944 */, 19 },
+ /* 7825 */ { MAD_F(0x04bdacdc) /* 0.296307432 */, 19 },
+ /* 7826 */ { MAD_F(0x04bde1ce) /* 0.296357922 */, 19 },
+ /* 7827 */ { MAD_F(0x04be16c0) /* 0.296408414 */, 19 },
+ /* 7828 */ { MAD_F(0x04be4bb2) /* 0.296458908 */, 19 },
+ /* 7829 */ { MAD_F(0x04be80a5) /* 0.296509405 */, 19 },
+ /* 7830 */ { MAD_F(0x04beb599) /* 0.296559904 */, 19 },
+ /* 7831 */ { MAD_F(0x04beea8d) /* 0.296610404 */, 19 },
+ /* 7832 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf1f82) /* 0.296660907 */, 19 },
+ /* 7833 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf5477) /* 0.296711413 */, 19 },
+ /* 7834 */ { MAD_F(0x04bf896d) /* 0.296761920 */, 19 },
+ /* 7835 */ { MAD_F(0x04bfbe64) /* 0.296812429 */, 19 },
+ /* 7836 */ { MAD_F(0x04bff35b) /* 0.296862941 */, 19 },
+ /* 7837 */ { MAD_F(0x04c02852) /* 0.296913455 */, 19 },
+ /* 7838 */ { MAD_F(0x04c05d4b) /* 0.296963971 */, 19 },
+ /* 7839 */ { MAD_F(0x04c09243) /* 0.297014489 */, 19 },
+ /* 7840 */ { MAD_F(0x04c0c73d) /* 0.297065009 */, 19 },
+ /* 7841 */ { MAD_F(0x04c0fc37) /* 0.297115531 */, 19 },
+ /* 7842 */ { MAD_F(0x04c13131) /* 0.297166056 */, 19 },
+ /* 7843 */ { MAD_F(0x04c1662d) /* 0.297216582 */, 19 },
+ /* 7844 */ { MAD_F(0x04c19b28) /* 0.297267111 */, 19 },
+ /* 7845 */ { MAD_F(0x04c1d025) /* 0.297317642 */, 19 },
+ /* 7846 */ { MAD_F(0x04c20521) /* 0.297368175 */, 19 },
+ /* 7847 */ { MAD_F(0x04c23a1f) /* 0.297418710 */, 19 },
+ /* 7848 */ { MAD_F(0x04c26f1d) /* 0.297469248 */, 19 },
+ /* 7849 */ { MAD_F(0x04c2a41b) /* 0.297519787 */, 19 },
+ /* 7850 */ { MAD_F(0x04c2d91b) /* 0.297570329 */, 19 },
+ /* 7851 */ { MAD_F(0x04c30e1a) /* 0.297620873 */, 19 },
+ /* 7852 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3431b) /* 0.297671418 */, 19 },
+ /* 7853 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3781c) /* 0.297721967 */, 19 },
+ /* 7854 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3ad1d) /* 0.297772517 */, 19 },
+ /* 7855 */ { MAD_F(0x04c3e21f) /* 0.297823069 */, 19 },
+ /* 7856 */ { MAD_F(0x04c41722) /* 0.297873624 */, 19 },
+ /* 7857 */ { MAD_F(0x04c44c25) /* 0.297924180 */, 19 },
+ /* 7858 */ { MAD_F(0x04c48129) /* 0.297974739 */, 19 },
+ /* 7859 */ { MAD_F(0x04c4b62d) /* 0.298025300 */, 19 },
+ /* 7860 */ { MAD_F(0x04c4eb32) /* 0.298075863 */, 19 },
+ /* 7861 */ { MAD_F(0x04c52038) /* 0.298126429 */, 19 },
+ /* 7862 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5553e) /* 0.298176996 */, 19 },
+ /* 7863 */ { MAD_F(0x04c58a44) /* 0.298227565 */, 19 },
+ /* 7864 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5bf4c) /* 0.298278137 */, 19 },
+ /* 7865 */ { MAD_F(0x04c5f453) /* 0.298328711 */, 19 },
+ /* 7866 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6295c) /* 0.298379287 */, 19 },
+ /* 7867 */ { MAD_F(0x04c65e65) /* 0.298429865 */, 19 },
+ /* 7868 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6936e) /* 0.298480445 */, 19 },
+ /* 7869 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6c878) /* 0.298531028 */, 19 },
+ /* 7870 */ { MAD_F(0x04c6fd83) /* 0.298581612 */, 19 },
+ /* 7871 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7328e) /* 0.298632199 */, 19 },
+ /* 7872 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7679a) /* 0.298682788 */, 19 },
+ /* 7873 */ { MAD_F(0x04c79ca7) /* 0.298733379 */, 19 },
+ /* 7874 */ { MAD_F(0x04c7d1b4) /* 0.298783972 */, 19 },
+ /* 7875 */ { MAD_F(0x04c806c1) /* 0.298834567 */, 19 },
+ /* 7876 */ { MAD_F(0x04c83bcf) /* 0.298885165 */, 19 },
+ /* 7877 */ { MAD_F(0x04c870de) /* 0.298935764 */, 19 },
+ /* 7878 */ { MAD_F(0x04c8a5ed) /* 0.298986366 */, 19 },
+ /* 7879 */ { MAD_F(0x04c8dafd) /* 0.299036970 */, 19 },
+ /* 7880 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9100d) /* 0.299087576 */, 19 },
+ /* 7881 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9451e) /* 0.299138184 */, 19 },
+ /* 7882 */ { MAD_F(0x04c97a30) /* 0.299188794 */, 19 },
+ /* 7883 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9af42) /* 0.299239406 */, 19 },
+ /* 7884 */ { MAD_F(0x04c9e455) /* 0.299290021 */, 19 },
+ /* 7885 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca1968) /* 0.299340638 */, 19 },
+ /* 7886 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca4e7c) /* 0.299391256 */, 19 },
+ /* 7887 */ { MAD_F(0x04ca8391) /* 0.299441877 */, 19 },
+ /* 7888 */ { MAD_F(0x04cab8a6) /* 0.299492500 */, 19 },
+ /* 7889 */ { MAD_F(0x04caedbb) /* 0.299543126 */, 19 },
+ /* 7890 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb22d1) /* 0.299593753 */, 19 },
+ /* 7891 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb57e8) /* 0.299644382 */, 19 },
+ /* 7892 */ { MAD_F(0x04cb8d00) /* 0.299695014 */, 19 },
+ /* 7893 */ { MAD_F(0x04cbc217) /* 0.299745648 */, 19 },
+ /* 7894 */ { MAD_F(0x04cbf730) /* 0.299796284 */, 19 },
+ /* 7895 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc2c49) /* 0.299846922 */, 19 },
+ /* 7896 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc6163) /* 0.299897562 */, 19 },
+ /* 7897 */ { MAD_F(0x04cc967d) /* 0.299948204 */, 19 },
+ /* 7898 */ { MAD_F(0x04cccb98) /* 0.299998849 */, 19 },
+ /* 7899 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd00b3) /* 0.300049495 */, 19 },
+ /* 7900 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd35cf) /* 0.300100144 */, 19 },
+ /* 7901 */ { MAD_F(0x04cd6aeb) /* 0.300150795 */, 19 },
+ /* 7902 */ { MAD_F(0x04cda008) /* 0.300201448 */, 19 },
+ /* 7903 */ { MAD_F(0x04cdd526) /* 0.300252103 */, 19 },
+ /* 7904 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce0a44) /* 0.300302761 */, 19 },
+ /* 7905 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce3f63) /* 0.300353420 */, 19 },
+ /* 7906 */ { MAD_F(0x04ce7482) /* 0.300404082 */, 19 },
+ /* 7907 */ { MAD_F(0x04cea9a2) /* 0.300454745 */, 19 },
+ /* 7908 */ { MAD_F(0x04cedec3) /* 0.300505411 */, 19 },
+ /* 7909 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf13e4) /* 0.300556079 */, 19 },
+ /* 7910 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf4906) /* 0.300606749 */, 19 },
+ /* 7911 */ { MAD_F(0x04cf7e28) /* 0.300657421 */, 19 },
+ /* 7912 */ { MAD_F(0x04cfb34b) /* 0.300708096 */, 19 },
+ /* 7913 */ { MAD_F(0x04cfe86e) /* 0.300758772 */, 19 },
+ /* 7914 */ { MAD_F(0x04d01d92) /* 0.300809451 */, 19 },
+ /* 7915 */ { MAD_F(0x04d052b6) /* 0.300860132 */, 19 },
+ /* 7916 */ { MAD_F(0x04d087db) /* 0.300910815 */, 19 },
+ /* 7917 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0bd01) /* 0.300961500 */, 19 },
+ /* 7918 */ { MAD_F(0x04d0f227) /* 0.301012187 */, 19 },
+ /* 7919 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1274e) /* 0.301062876 */, 19 },
+ /* 7920 */ { MAD_F(0x04d15c76) /* 0.301113568 */, 19 },
+ /* 7921 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1919e) /* 0.301164261 */, 19 },
+ /* 7922 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1c6c6) /* 0.301214957 */, 19 },
+ /* 7923 */ { MAD_F(0x04d1fbef) /* 0.301265655 */, 19 },
+ /* 7924 */ { MAD_F(0x04d23119) /* 0.301316355 */, 19 },
+ /* 7925 */ { MAD_F(0x04d26643) /* 0.301367057 */, 19 },
+ /* 7926 */ { MAD_F(0x04d29b6e) /* 0.301417761 */, 19 },
+ /* 7927 */ { MAD_F(0x04d2d099) /* 0.301468468 */, 19 },
+ /* 7928 */ { MAD_F(0x04d305c5) /* 0.301519176 */, 19 },
+ /* 7929 */ { MAD_F(0x04d33af2) /* 0.301569887 */, 19 },
+ /* 7930 */ { MAD_F(0x04d3701f) /* 0.301620599 */, 19 },
+ /* 7931 */ { MAD_F(0x04d3a54d) /* 0.301671314 */, 19 },
+ /* 7932 */ { MAD_F(0x04d3da7b) /* 0.301722031 */, 19 },
+ /* 7933 */ { MAD_F(0x04d40faa) /* 0.301772751 */, 19 },
+ /* 7934 */ { MAD_F(0x04d444d9) /* 0.301823472 */, 19 },
+ /* 7935 */ { MAD_F(0x04d47a09) /* 0.301874195 */, 19 },
+ /* 7936 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4af3a) /* 0.301924921 */, 19 },
+ /* 7937 */ { MAD_F(0x04d4e46b) /* 0.301975649 */, 19 },
+ /* 7938 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5199c) /* 0.302026378 */, 19 },
+ /* 7939 */ { MAD_F(0x04d54ecf) /* 0.302077110 */, 19 },
+ /* 7940 */ { MAD_F(0x04d58401) /* 0.302127845 */, 19 },
+ /* 7941 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5b935) /* 0.302178581 */, 19 },
+ /* 7942 */ { MAD_F(0x04d5ee69) /* 0.302229319 */, 19 },
+ /* 7943 */ { MAD_F(0x04d6239d) /* 0.302280060 */, 19 },
+ /* 7944 */ { MAD_F(0x04d658d2) /* 0.302330802 */, 19 },
+ /* 7945 */ { MAD_F(0x04d68e08) /* 0.302381547 */, 19 },
+ /* 7946 */ { MAD_F(0x04d6c33e) /* 0.302432294 */, 19 },
+ /* 7947 */ { MAD_F(0x04d6f875) /* 0.302483043 */, 19 },
+ /* 7948 */ { MAD_F(0x04d72dad) /* 0.302533794 */, 19 },
+ /* 7949 */ { MAD_F(0x04d762e5) /* 0.302584547 */, 19 },
+ /* 7950 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7981d) /* 0.302635303 */, 19 },
+ /* 7951 */ { MAD_F(0x04d7cd56) /* 0.302686060 */, 19 },
+ /* 7952 */ { MAD_F(0x04d80290) /* 0.302736820 */, 19 },
+ /* 7953 */ { MAD_F(0x04d837ca) /* 0.302787581 */, 19 },
+ /* 7954 */ { MAD_F(0x04d86d05) /* 0.302838345 */, 19 },
+ /* 7955 */ { MAD_F(0x04d8a240) /* 0.302889111 */, 19 },
+ /* 7956 */ { MAD_F(0x04d8d77c) /* 0.302939879 */, 19 },
+ /* 7957 */ { MAD_F(0x04d90cb9) /* 0.302990650 */, 19 },
+ /* 7958 */ { MAD_F(0x04d941f6) /* 0.303041422 */, 19 },
+ /* 7959 */ { MAD_F(0x04d97734) /* 0.303092197 */, 19 },
+ /* 7960 */ { MAD_F(0x04d9ac72) /* 0.303142973 */, 19 },
+ /* 7961 */ { MAD_F(0x04d9e1b1) /* 0.303193752 */, 19 },
+ /* 7962 */ { MAD_F(0x04da16f0) /* 0.303244533 */, 19 },
+ /* 7963 */ { MAD_F(0x04da4c30) /* 0.303295316 */, 19 },
+ /* 7964 */ { MAD_F(0x04da8171) /* 0.303346101 */, 19 },
+ /* 7965 */ { MAD_F(0x04dab6b2) /* 0.303396889 */, 19 },
+ /* 7966 */ { MAD_F(0x04daebf4) /* 0.303447678 */, 19 },
+ /* 7967 */ { MAD_F(0x04db2136) /* 0.303498469 */, 19 },
+ /* 7968 */ { MAD_F(0x04db5679) /* 0.303549263 */, 19 },
+ /* 7969 */ { MAD_F(0x04db8bbc) /* 0.303600059 */, 19 },
+ /* 7970 */ { MAD_F(0x04dbc100) /* 0.303650857 */, 19 },
+ /* 7971 */ { MAD_F(0x04dbf644) /* 0.303701657 */, 19 },
+ /* 7972 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc2b8a) /* 0.303752459 */, 19 },
+ /* 7973 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc60cf) /* 0.303803263 */, 19 },
+ /* 7974 */ { MAD_F(0x04dc9616) /* 0.303854070 */, 19 },
+ /* 7975 */ { MAD_F(0x04dccb5c) /* 0.303904878 */, 19 },
+ /* 7976 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd00a4) /* 0.303955689 */, 19 },
+ /* 7977 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd35ec) /* 0.304006502 */, 19 },
+ /* 7978 */ { MAD_F(0x04dd6b34) /* 0.304057317 */, 19 },
+ /* 7979 */ { MAD_F(0x04dda07d) /* 0.304108134 */, 19 },
+ /* 7980 */ { MAD_F(0x04ddd5c7) /* 0.304158953 */, 19 },
+ /* 7981 */ { MAD_F(0x04de0b11) /* 0.304209774 */, 19 },
+ /* 7982 */ { MAD_F(0x04de405c) /* 0.304260597 */, 19 },
+ /* 7983 */ { MAD_F(0x04de75a7) /* 0.304311423 */, 19 },
+ /* 7984 */ { MAD_F(0x04deaaf3) /* 0.304362251 */, 19 },
+ /* 7985 */ { MAD_F(0x04dee040) /* 0.304413080 */, 19 },
+ /* 7986 */ { MAD_F(0x04df158d) /* 0.304463912 */, 19 },
+ /* 7987 */ { MAD_F(0x04df4adb) /* 0.304514746 */, 19 },
+ /* 7988 */ { MAD_F(0x04df8029) /* 0.304565582 */, 19 },
+ /* 7989 */ { MAD_F(0x04dfb578) /* 0.304616421 */, 19 },
+ /* 7990 */ { MAD_F(0x04dfeac7) /* 0.304667261 */, 19 },
+ /* 7991 */ { MAD_F(0x04e02017) /* 0.304718103 */, 19 },
+ /* 7992 */ { MAD_F(0x04e05567) /* 0.304768948 */, 19 },
+ /* 7993 */ { MAD_F(0x04e08ab8) /* 0.304819795 */, 19 },
+ /* 7994 */ { MAD_F(0x04e0c00a) /* 0.304870644 */, 19 },
+ /* 7995 */ { MAD_F(0x04e0f55c) /* 0.304921495 */, 19 },
+ /* 7996 */ { MAD_F(0x04e12aaf) /* 0.304972348 */, 19 },
+ /* 7997 */ { MAD_F(0x04e16002) /* 0.305023203 */, 19 },
+ /* 7998 */ { MAD_F(0x04e19556) /* 0.305074060 */, 19 },
+ /* 7999 */ { MAD_F(0x04e1caab) /* 0.305124920 */, 19 },
+ /* 8000 */ { MAD_F(0x04e20000) /* 0.305175781 */, 19 },
+ /* 8001 */ { MAD_F(0x04e23555) /* 0.305226645 */, 19 },
+ /* 8002 */ { MAD_F(0x04e26aac) /* 0.305277511 */, 19 },
+ /* 8003 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2a002) /* 0.305328379 */, 19 },
+ /* 8004 */ { MAD_F(0x04e2d55a) /* 0.305379249 */, 19 },
+ /* 8005 */ { MAD_F(0x04e30ab2) /* 0.305430121 */, 19 },
+ /* 8006 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3400a) /* 0.305480995 */, 19 },
+ /* 8007 */ { MAD_F(0x04e37563) /* 0.305531872 */, 19 },
+ /* 8008 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3aabd) /* 0.305582750 */, 19 },
+ /* 8009 */ { MAD_F(0x04e3e017) /* 0.305633631 */, 19 },
+ /* 8010 */ { MAD_F(0x04e41572) /* 0.305684513 */, 19 },
+ /* 8011 */ { MAD_F(0x04e44acd) /* 0.305735398 */, 19 },
+ /* 8012 */ { MAD_F(0x04e48029) /* 0.305786285 */, 19 },
+ /* 8013 */ { MAD_F(0x04e4b585) /* 0.305837174 */, 19 },
+ /* 8014 */ { MAD_F(0x04e4eae2) /* 0.305888066 */, 19 },
+ /* 8015 */ { MAD_F(0x04e52040) /* 0.305938959 */, 19 },
+ /* 8016 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5559e) /* 0.305989854 */, 19 },
+ /* 8017 */ { MAD_F(0x04e58afd) /* 0.306040752 */, 19 },
+ /* 8018 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5c05c) /* 0.306091652 */, 19 },
+ /* 8019 */ { MAD_F(0x04e5f5bc) /* 0.306142554 */, 19 },
+ /* 8020 */ { MAD_F(0x04e62b1c) /* 0.306193457 */, 19 },
+ /* 8021 */ { MAD_F(0x04e6607d) /* 0.306244364 */, 19 },
+ /* 8022 */ { MAD_F(0x04e695df) /* 0.306295272 */, 19 },
+ /* 8023 */ { MAD_F(0x04e6cb41) /* 0.306346182 */, 19 },
+ /* 8024 */ { MAD_F(0x04e700a3) /* 0.306397094 */, 19 },
+ /* 8025 */ { MAD_F(0x04e73607) /* 0.306448009 */, 19 },
+ /* 8026 */ { MAD_F(0x04e76b6b) /* 0.306498925 */, 19 },
+ /* 8027 */ { MAD_F(0x04e7a0cf) /* 0.306549844 */, 19 },
+ /* 8028 */ { MAD_F(0x04e7d634) /* 0.306600765 */, 19 },
+ /* 8029 */ { MAD_F(0x04e80b99) /* 0.306651688 */, 19 },
+ /* 8030 */ { MAD_F(0x04e84100) /* 0.306702613 */, 19 },
+ /* 8031 */ { MAD_F(0x04e87666) /* 0.306753540 */, 19 },
+ /* 8032 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8abcd) /* 0.306804470 */, 19 },
+ /* 8033 */ { MAD_F(0x04e8e135) /* 0.306855401 */, 19 },
+ /* 8034 */ { MAD_F(0x04e9169e) /* 0.306906334 */, 19 },
+ /* 8035 */ { MAD_F(0x04e94c07) /* 0.306957270 */, 19 },
+ /* 8036 */ { MAD_F(0x04e98170) /* 0.307008208 */, 19 },
+ /* 8037 */ { MAD_F(0x04e9b6da) /* 0.307059148 */, 19 },
+ /* 8038 */ { MAD_F(0x04e9ec45) /* 0.307110090 */, 19 },
+ /* 8039 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea21b0) /* 0.307161034 */, 19 },
+ /* 8040 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea571c) /* 0.307211980 */, 19 },
+ /* 8041 */ { MAD_F(0x04ea8c88) /* 0.307262928 */, 19 },
+ /* 8042 */ { MAD_F(0x04eac1f5) /* 0.307313879 */, 19 },
+ /* 8043 */ { MAD_F(0x04eaf762) /* 0.307364831 */, 19 },
+ /* 8044 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb2cd0) /* 0.307415786 */, 19 },
+ /* 8045 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb623f) /* 0.307466743 */, 19 },
+ /* 8046 */ { MAD_F(0x04eb97ae) /* 0.307517702 */, 19 },
+ /* 8047 */ { MAD_F(0x04ebcd1e) /* 0.307568663 */, 19 },
+ /* 8048 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec028e) /* 0.307619626 */, 19 },
+ /* 8049 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec37ff) /* 0.307670591 */, 19 },
+ /* 8050 */ { MAD_F(0x04ec6d71) /* 0.307721558 */, 19 },
+ /* 8051 */ { MAD_F(0x04eca2e3) /* 0.307772528 */, 19 },
+ /* 8052 */ { MAD_F(0x04ecd855) /* 0.307823499 */, 19 },
+ /* 8053 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed0dc8) /* 0.307874473 */, 19 },
+ /* 8054 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed433c) /* 0.307925449 */, 19 },
+ /* 8055 */ { MAD_F(0x04ed78b0) /* 0.307976426 */, 19 },
+ /* 8056 */ { MAD_F(0x04edae25) /* 0.308027406 */, 19 },
+ /* 8057 */ { MAD_F(0x04ede39a) /* 0.308078389 */, 19 },
+ /* 8058 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee1910) /* 0.308129373 */, 19 },
+ /* 8059 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee4e87) /* 0.308180359 */, 19 },
+ /* 8060 */ { MAD_F(0x04ee83fe) /* 0.308231347 */, 19 },
+ /* 8061 */ { MAD_F(0x04eeb976) /* 0.308282338 */, 19 },
+ /* 8062 */ { MAD_F(0x04eeeeee) /* 0.308333331 */, 19 },
+ /* 8063 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef2467) /* 0.308384325 */, 19 },
+ /* 8064 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef59e0) /* 0.308435322 */, 19 },
+ /* 8065 */ { MAD_F(0x04ef8f5a) /* 0.308486321 */, 19 },
+ /* 8066 */ { MAD_F(0x04efc4d5) /* 0.308537322 */, 19 },
+ /* 8067 */ { MAD_F(0x04effa50) /* 0.308588325 */, 19 },
+ /* 8068 */ { MAD_F(0x04f02fcb) /* 0.308639331 */, 19 },
+ /* 8069 */ { MAD_F(0x04f06547) /* 0.308690338 */, 19 },
+ /* 8070 */ { MAD_F(0x04f09ac4) /* 0.308741348 */, 19 },
+ /* 8071 */ { MAD_F(0x04f0d041) /* 0.308792359 */, 19 },
+ /* 8072 */ { MAD_F(0x04f105bf) /* 0.308843373 */, 19 },
+ /* 8073 */ { MAD_F(0x04f13b3e) /* 0.308894389 */, 19 },
+ /* 8074 */ { MAD_F(0x04f170bd) /* 0.308945407 */, 19 },
+ /* 8075 */ { MAD_F(0x04f1a63c) /* 0.308996427 */, 19 },
+ /* 8076 */ { MAD_F(0x04f1dbbd) /* 0.309047449 */, 19 },
+ /* 8077 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2113d) /* 0.309098473 */, 19 },
+ /* 8078 */ { MAD_F(0x04f246bf) /* 0.309149499 */, 19 },
+ /* 8079 */ { MAD_F(0x04f27c40) /* 0.309200528 */, 19 },
+ /* 8080 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2b1c3) /* 0.309251558 */, 19 },
+ /* 8081 */ { MAD_F(0x04f2e746) /* 0.309302591 */, 19 },
+ /* 8082 */ { MAD_F(0x04f31cc9) /* 0.309353626 */, 19 },
+ /* 8083 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3524d) /* 0.309404663 */, 19 },
+ /* 8084 */ { MAD_F(0x04f387d2) /* 0.309455702 */, 19 },
+ /* 8085 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3bd57) /* 0.309506743 */, 19 },
+ /* 8086 */ { MAD_F(0x04f3f2dd) /* 0.309557786 */, 19 },
+ /* 8087 */ { MAD_F(0x04f42864) /* 0.309608831 */, 19 },
+ /* 8088 */ { MAD_F(0x04f45dea) /* 0.309659879 */, 19 },
+ /* 8089 */ { MAD_F(0x04f49372) /* 0.309710928 */, 19 },
+ /* 8090 */ { MAD_F(0x04f4c8fa) /* 0.309761980 */, 19 },
+ /* 8091 */ { MAD_F(0x04f4fe83) /* 0.309813033 */, 19 },
+ /* 8092 */ { MAD_F(0x04f5340c) /* 0.309864089 */, 19 },
+ /* 8093 */ { MAD_F(0x04f56996) /* 0.309915147 */, 19 },
+ /* 8094 */ { MAD_F(0x04f59f20) /* 0.309966207 */, 19 },
+ /* 8095 */ { MAD_F(0x04f5d4ab) /* 0.310017269 */, 19 },
+ /* 8096 */ { MAD_F(0x04f60a36) /* 0.310068333 */, 19 },
+ /* 8097 */ { MAD_F(0x04f63fc2) /* 0.310119400 */, 19 },
+ /* 8098 */ { MAD_F(0x04f6754f) /* 0.310170468 */, 19 },
+ /* 8099 */ { MAD_F(0x04f6aadc) /* 0.310221539 */, 19 },
+ /* 8100 */ { MAD_F(0x04f6e06a) /* 0.310272611 */, 19 },
+ /* 8101 */ { MAD_F(0x04f715f8) /* 0.310323686 */, 19 },
+ /* 8102 */ { MAD_F(0x04f74b87) /* 0.310374763 */, 19 },
+ /* 8103 */ { MAD_F(0x04f78116) /* 0.310425842 */, 19 },
+ /* 8104 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7b6a6) /* 0.310476923 */, 19 },
+ /* 8105 */ { MAD_F(0x04f7ec37) /* 0.310528006 */, 19 },
+ /* 8106 */ { MAD_F(0x04f821c8) /* 0.310579091 */, 19 },
+ /* 8107 */ { MAD_F(0x04f85759) /* 0.310630179 */, 19 },
+ /* 8108 */ { MAD_F(0x04f88cec) /* 0.310681268 */, 19 },
+ /* 8109 */ { MAD_F(0x04f8c27e) /* 0.310732360 */, 19 },
+ /* 8110 */ { MAD_F(0x04f8f812) /* 0.310783453 */, 19 },
+ /* 8111 */ { MAD_F(0x04f92da6) /* 0.310834549 */, 19 },
+ /* 8112 */ { MAD_F(0x04f9633a) /* 0.310885647 */, 19 },
+ /* 8113 */ { MAD_F(0x04f998cf) /* 0.310936747 */, 19 },
+ /* 8114 */ { MAD_F(0x04f9ce65) /* 0.310987849 */, 19 },
+ /* 8115 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa03fb) /* 0.311038953 */, 19 },
+ /* 8116 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa3992) /* 0.311090059 */, 19 },
+ /* 8117 */ { MAD_F(0x04fa6f29) /* 0.311141168 */, 19 },
+ /* 8118 */ { MAD_F(0x04faa4c1) /* 0.311192278 */, 19 },
+ /* 8119 */ { MAD_F(0x04fada59) /* 0.311243390 */, 19 },
+ /* 8120 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb0ff2) /* 0.311294505 */, 19 },
+ /* 8121 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb458c) /* 0.311345622 */, 19 },
+ /* 8122 */ { MAD_F(0x04fb7b26) /* 0.311396741 */, 19 },
+ /* 8123 */ { MAD_F(0x04fbb0c1) /* 0.311447862 */, 19 },
+ /* 8124 */ { MAD_F(0x04fbe65c) /* 0.311498985 */, 19 },
+ /* 8125 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc1bf8) /* 0.311550110 */, 19 },
+ /* 8126 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc5194) /* 0.311601237 */, 19 },
+ /* 8127 */ { MAD_F(0x04fc8731) /* 0.311652366 */, 19 },
+ /* 8128 */ { MAD_F(0x04fcbcce) /* 0.311703498 */, 19 },
+ /* 8129 */ { MAD_F(0x04fcf26c) /* 0.311754631 */, 19 },
+ /* 8130 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd280b) /* 0.311805767 */, 19 },
+ /* 8131 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd5daa) /* 0.311856905 */, 19 },
+ /* 8132 */ { MAD_F(0x04fd934a) /* 0.311908044 */, 19 },
+ /* 8133 */ { MAD_F(0x04fdc8ea) /* 0.311959186 */, 19 },
+ /* 8134 */ { MAD_F(0x04fdfe8b) /* 0.312010330 */, 19 },
+ /* 8135 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe342c) /* 0.312061476 */, 19 },
+ /* 8136 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe69ce) /* 0.312112625 */, 19 },
+ /* 8137 */ { MAD_F(0x04fe9f71) /* 0.312163775 */, 19 },
+ /* 8138 */ { MAD_F(0x04fed514) /* 0.312214927 */, 19 },
+ /* 8139 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff0ab8) /* 0.312266082 */, 19 },
+ /* 8140 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff405c) /* 0.312317238 */, 19 },
+ /* 8141 */ { MAD_F(0x04ff7601) /* 0.312368397 */, 19 },
+ /* 8142 */ { MAD_F(0x04ffaba6) /* 0.312419558 */, 19 },
+ /* 8143 */ { MAD_F(0x04ffe14c) /* 0.312470720 */, 19 },
+ /* 8144 */ { MAD_F(0x050016f3) /* 0.312521885 */, 19 },
+ /* 8145 */ { MAD_F(0x05004c9a) /* 0.312573052 */, 19 },
+ /* 8146 */ { MAD_F(0x05008241) /* 0.312624222 */, 19 },
+ /* 8147 */ { MAD_F(0x0500b7e9) /* 0.312675393 */, 19 },
+ /* 8148 */ { MAD_F(0x0500ed92) /* 0.312726566 */, 19 },
+ /* 8149 */ { MAD_F(0x0501233b) /* 0.312777742 */, 19 },
+ /* 8150 */ { MAD_F(0x050158e5) /* 0.312828919 */, 19 },
+ /* 8151 */ { MAD_F(0x05018e90) /* 0.312880099 */, 19 },
+ /* 8152 */ { MAD_F(0x0501c43b) /* 0.312931280 */, 19 },
+ /* 8153 */ { MAD_F(0x0501f9e6) /* 0.312982464 */, 19 },
+ /* 8154 */ { MAD_F(0x05022f92) /* 0.313033650 */, 19 },
+ /* 8155 */ { MAD_F(0x0502653f) /* 0.313084838 */, 19 },
+ /* 8156 */ { MAD_F(0x05029aec) /* 0.313136028 */, 19 },
+ /* 8157 */ { MAD_F(0x0502d09a) /* 0.313187220 */, 19 },
+ /* 8158 */ { MAD_F(0x05030648) /* 0.313238414 */, 19 },
+ /* 8159 */ { MAD_F(0x05033bf7) /* 0.313289611 */, 19 },
+ /* 8160 */ { MAD_F(0x050371a7) /* 0.313340809 */, 19 },
+ /* 8161 */ { MAD_F(0x0503a757) /* 0.313392010 */, 19 },
+ /* 8162 */ { MAD_F(0x0503dd07) /* 0.313443212 */, 19 },
+ /* 8163 */ { MAD_F(0x050412b9) /* 0.313494417 */, 19 },
+ /* 8164 */ { MAD_F(0x0504486a) /* 0.313545624 */, 19 },
+ /* 8165 */ { MAD_F(0x05047e1d) /* 0.313596833 */, 19 },
+ /* 8166 */ { MAD_F(0x0504b3cf) /* 0.313648044 */, 19 },
+ /* 8167 */ { MAD_F(0x0504e983) /* 0.313699257 */, 19 },
+ /* 8168 */ { MAD_F(0x05051f37) /* 0.313750472 */, 19 },
+ /* 8169 */ { MAD_F(0x050554eb) /* 0.313801689 */, 19 },
+ /* 8170 */ { MAD_F(0x05058aa0) /* 0.313852909 */, 19 },
+ /* 8171 */ { MAD_F(0x0505c056) /* 0.313904130 */, 19 },
+ /* 8172 */ { MAD_F(0x0505f60c) /* 0.313955354 */, 19 },
+ /* 8173 */ { MAD_F(0x05062bc3) /* 0.314006579 */, 19 },
+ /* 8174 */ { MAD_F(0x0506617a) /* 0.314057807 */, 19 },
+ /* 8175 */ { MAD_F(0x05069732) /* 0.314109037 */, 19 },
+ /* 8176 */ { MAD_F(0x0506cceb) /* 0.314160269 */, 19 },
+ /* 8177 */ { MAD_F(0x050702a4) /* 0.314211502 */, 19 },
+ /* 8178 */ { MAD_F(0x0507385d) /* 0.314262739 */, 19 },
+ /* 8179 */ { MAD_F(0x05076e17) /* 0.314313977 */, 19 },
+ /* 8180 */ { MAD_F(0x0507a3d2) /* 0.314365217 */, 19 },
+ /* 8181 */ { MAD_F(0x0507d98d) /* 0.314416459 */, 19 },
+ /* 8182 */ { MAD_F(0x05080f49) /* 0.314467704 */, 19 },
+ /* 8183 */ { MAD_F(0x05084506) /* 0.314518950 */, 19 },
+ /* 8184 */ { MAD_F(0x05087ac2) /* 0.314570199 */, 19 },
+ /* 8185 */ { MAD_F(0x0508b080) /* 0.314621449 */, 19 },
+ /* 8186 */ { MAD_F(0x0508e63e) /* 0.314672702 */, 19 },
+ /* 8187 */ { MAD_F(0x05091bfd) /* 0.314723957 */, 19 },
+ /* 8188 */ { MAD_F(0x050951bc) /* 0.314775214 */, 19 },
+ /* 8189 */ { MAD_F(0x0509877c) /* 0.314826473 */, 19 },
+ /* 8190 */ { MAD_F(0x0509bd3c) /* 0.314877734 */, 19 },
+ /* 8191 */ { MAD_F(0x0509f2fd) /* 0.314928997 */, 19 },
+ /* 8192 */ { MAD_F(0x050a28be) /* 0.314980262 */, 19 },
+ /* 8193 */ { MAD_F(0x050a5e80) /* 0.315031530 */, 19 },
+ /* 8194 */ { MAD_F(0x050a9443) /* 0.315082799 */, 19 },
+ /* 8195 */ { MAD_F(0x050aca06) /* 0.315134071 */, 19 },
+ /* 8196 */ { MAD_F(0x050affc9) /* 0.315185344 */, 19 },
+ /* 8197 */ { MAD_F(0x050b358e) /* 0.315236620 */, 19 },
+ /* 8198 */ { MAD_F(0x050b6b52) /* 0.315287898 */, 19 },
+ /* 8199 */ { MAD_F(0x050ba118) /* 0.315339178 */, 19 },
+ /* 8200 */ { MAD_F(0x050bd6de) /* 0.315390460 */, 19 },
+ /* 8201 */ { MAD_F(0x050c0ca4) /* 0.315441744 */, 19 },
+ /* 8202 */ { MAD_F(0x050c426b) /* 0.315493030 */, 19 },
+ /* 8203 */ { MAD_F(0x050c7833) /* 0.315544318 */, 19 },
+ /* 8204 */ { MAD_F(0x050cadfb) /* 0.315595608 */, 19 },
+ /* 8205 */ { MAD_F(0x050ce3c4) /* 0.315646901 */, 19 },
+ /* 8206 */ { MAD_F(0x050d198d) /* 0.315698195 */, 19 }
diff --git a/src/libmad/sf_table.dat b/src/libmad/sf_table.dat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a234bf38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/sf_table.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: sf_table.dat,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+ * These are the scalefactor values for Layer I and Layer II.
+ * The values are from Table B.1 of ISO/IEC 11172-3.
+ *
+ * There is some error introduced by the 32-bit fixed-point representation;
+ * the amount of error is shown. For 16-bit PCM output, this shouldn't be
+ * too much of a problem.
+ *
+ * Strictly speaking, Table B.1 has only 63 entries (0-62), thus a strict
+ * interpretation of ISO/IEC 11172-3 would suggest that a scalefactor index of
+ * 63 is invalid. However, for better compatibility with current practices, we
+ * add a 64th entry.
+ */
+ MAD_F(0x20000000), /* 2.000000000000 => 2.000000000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x1965fea5), /* 1.587401051968 => 1.587401051074, e 0.000000000894 */
+ MAD_F(0x1428a2fa), /* 1.259921049895 => 1.259921051562, e -0.000000001667 */
+ MAD_F(0x10000000), /* 1.000000000000 => 1.000000000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x0cb2ff53), /* 0.793700525984 => 0.793700527400, e -0.000000001416 */
+ MAD_F(0x0a14517d), /* 0.629960524947 => 0.629960525781, e -0.000000000833 */
+ MAD_F(0x08000000), /* 0.500000000000 => 0.500000000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x06597fa9), /* 0.396850262992 => 0.396850261837, e 0.000000001155 */
+ MAD_F(0x050a28be), /* 0.314980262474 => 0.314980261028, e 0.000000001446 */
+ MAD_F(0x04000000), /* 0.250000000000 => 0.250000000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x032cbfd5), /* 0.198425131496 => 0.198425132781, e -0.000000001285 */
+ MAD_F(0x0285145f), /* 0.157490131237 => 0.157490130514, e 0.000000000723 */
+ MAD_F(0x02000000), /* 0.125000000000 => 0.125000000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x01965fea), /* 0.099212565748 => 0.099212564528, e 0.000000001220 */
+ MAD_F(0x01428a30), /* 0.078745065618 => 0.078745067120, e -0.000000001501 */
+ MAD_F(0x01000000), /* 0.062500000000 => 0.062500000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00cb2ff5), /* 0.049606282874 => 0.049606282264, e 0.000000000610 */
+ MAD_F(0x00a14518), /* 0.039372532809 => 0.039372533560, e -0.000000000751 */
+ MAD_F(0x00800000), /* 0.031250000000 => 0.031250000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x006597fb), /* 0.024803141437 => 0.024803142995, e -0.000000001558 */
+ MAD_F(0x0050a28c), /* 0.019686266405 => 0.019686266780, e -0.000000000375 */
+ MAD_F(0x00400000), /* 0.015625000000 => 0.015625000000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x0032cbfd), /* 0.012401570719 => 0.012401569635, e 0.000000001084 */
+ MAD_F(0x00285146), /* 0.009843133202 => 0.009843133390, e -0.000000000188 */
+ MAD_F(0x00200000), /* 0.007812500000 => 0.007812500000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x001965ff), /* 0.006200785359 => 0.006200786680, e -0.000000001321 */
+ MAD_F(0x001428a3), /* 0.004921566601 => 0.004921566695, e -0.000000000094 */
+ MAD_F(0x00100000), /* 0.003906250000 => 0.003906250000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x000cb2ff), /* 0.003100392680 => 0.003100391477, e 0.000000001202 */
+ MAD_F(0x000a1451), /* 0.002460783301 => 0.002460781485, e 0.000000001816 */
+ MAD_F(0x00080000), /* 0.001953125000 => 0.001953125000, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00065980), /* 0.001550196340 => 0.001550197601, e -0.000000001262 */
+ MAD_F(0x00050a29), /* 0.001230391650 => 0.001230392605, e -0.000000000955 */
+ MAD_F(0x00040000), /* 0.000976562500 => 0.000976562500, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00032cc0), /* 0.000775098170 => 0.000775098801, e -0.000000000631 */
+ MAD_F(0x00028514), /* 0.000615195825 => 0.000615194440, e 0.000000001385 */
+ MAD_F(0x00020000), /* 0.000488281250 => 0.000488281250, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00019660), /* 0.000387549085 => 0.000387549400, e -0.000000000315 */
+ MAD_F(0x0001428a), /* 0.000307597913 => 0.000307597220, e 0.000000000693 */
+ MAD_F(0x00010000), /* 0.000244140625 => 0.000244140625, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x0000cb30), /* 0.000193774542 => 0.000193774700, e -0.000000000158 */
+ MAD_F(0x0000a145), /* 0.000153798956 => 0.000153798610, e 0.000000000346 */
+ MAD_F(0x00008000), /* 0.000122070313 => 0.000122070313, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00006598), /* 0.000096887271 => 0.000096887350, e -0.000000000079 */
+ MAD_F(0x000050a3), /* 0.000076899478 => 0.000076901168, e -0.000000001689 */
+ MAD_F(0x00004000), /* 0.000061035156 => 0.000061035156, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x000032cc), /* 0.000048443636 => 0.000048443675, e -0.000000000039 */
+ MAD_F(0x00002851), /* 0.000038449739 => 0.000038448721, e 0.000000001018 */
+ MAD_F(0x00002000), /* 0.000030517578 => 0.000030517578, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00001966), /* 0.000024221818 => 0.000024221838, e -0.000000000020 */
+ MAD_F(0x00001429), /* 0.000019224870 => 0.000019226223, e -0.000000001354 */
+ MAD_F(0x00001000), /* 0.000015258789 => 0.000015258789, e -0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000cb3), /* 0.000012110909 => 0.000012110919, e -0.000000000010 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000a14), /* 0.000009612435 => 0.000009611249, e 0.000000001186 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000800), /* 0.000007629395 => 0.000007629395, e -0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000659), /* 0.000006055454 => 0.000006053597, e 0.000000001858 */
+ MAD_F(0x0000050a), /* 0.000004806217 => 0.000004805624, e 0.000000000593 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000400), /* 0.000003814697 => 0.000003814697, e 0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x0000032d), /* 0.000003027727 => 0.000003028661, e -0.000000000934 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000285), /* 0.000002403109 => 0.000002402812, e 0.000000000296 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000200), /* 0.000001907349 => 0.000001907349, e -0.000000000000 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000196), /* 0.000001513864 => 0.000001512468, e 0.000000001396 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000143), /* 0.000001201554 => 0.000001203269, e -0.000000001714 */
+ MAD_F(0x00000000) /* this compatibility entry is not part of Table B.1 */
diff --git a/src/libmad/stream.c b/src/libmad/stream.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1813019f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/stream.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: stream.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdlib.h>
+# include "bit.h"
+# include "stream.h"
+ * NAME: stream->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize stream struct
+ */
+void mad_stream_init(struct mad_stream *stream)
+ stream->buffer = 0;
+ stream->bufend = 0;
+ stream->skiplen = 0;
+ stream->sync = 0;
+ stream->freerate = 0;
+ stream->this_frame = 0;
+ stream->next_frame = 0;
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->ptr, 0);
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->anc_ptr, 0);
+ stream->anc_bitlen = 0;
+ stream->main_data = 0;
+ stream->md_len = 0;
+ stream->options = 0;
+ stream->error = MAD_ERROR_NONE;
+ * NAME: stream->finish()
+ * DESCRIPTION: deallocate any dynamic memory associated with stream
+ */
+void mad_stream_finish(struct mad_stream *stream)
+ if (stream->main_data) {
+ free(stream->main_data);
+ stream->main_data = 0;
+ }
+ mad_bit_finish(&stream->anc_ptr);
+ mad_bit_finish(&stream->ptr);
+ * NAME: stream->buffer()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set stream buffer pointers
+ */
+void mad_stream_buffer(struct mad_stream *stream,
+ unsigned char const *buffer, unsigned long length)
+ stream->buffer = buffer;
+ stream->bufend = buffer + length;
+ stream->this_frame = buffer;
+ stream->next_frame = buffer;
+ stream->sync = 1;
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->ptr, buffer);
+ * NAME: stream->skip()
+ * DESCRIPTION: arrange to skip bytes before the next frame
+ */
+void mad_stream_skip(struct mad_stream *stream, unsigned long length)
+ stream->skiplen += length;
+ * NAME: stream->sync()
+ * DESCRIPTION: locate the next stream sync word
+ */
+int mad_stream_sync(struct mad_stream *stream)
+ register unsigned char const *ptr, *end;
+ ptr = mad_bit_nextbyte(&stream->ptr);
+ end = stream->bufend;
+ while (ptr < end - 1 &&
+ !(ptr[0] == 0xff && (ptr[1] & 0xe0) == 0xe0))
+ ++ptr;
+ if (end - ptr < MAD_BUFFER_GUARD)
+ return -1;
+ mad_bit_init(&stream->ptr, ptr);
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: stream->errorstr()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return a string description of the current error condition
+ */
+char const *mad_stream_errorstr(struct mad_stream const *stream)
+ switch (stream->error) {
+ case MAD_ERROR_NONE: return "no error";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN: return "input buffer too small (or EOF)";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BUFPTR: return "invalid (null) buffer pointer";
+ case MAD_ERROR_NOMEM: return "not enough memory";
+ case MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC: return "lost synchronization";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADLAYER: return "reserved header layer value";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADBITRATE: return "forbidden bitrate value";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADSAMPLERATE: return "reserved sample frequency value";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADEMPHASIS: return "reserved emphasis value";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADCRC: return "CRC check failed";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADBITALLOC: return "forbidden bit allocation value";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADSCALEFACTOR: return "bad scalefactor index";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADFRAMELEN: return "bad frame length";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADBIGVALUES: return "bad big_values count";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADBLOCKTYPE: return "reserved block_type";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADSCFSI: return "bad scalefactor selection info";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADDATAPTR: return "bad main_data_begin pointer";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADPART3LEN: return "bad audio data length";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADHUFFTABLE: return "bad Huffman table select";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADHUFFDATA: return "Huffman data overrun";
+ case MAD_ERROR_BADSTEREO: return "incompatible block_type for JS";
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/libmad/stream.h b/src/libmad/stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..337ae2305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: stream.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# include "bit.h"
+# define MAD_BUFFER_GUARD 8
+# define MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN (511 + 2048 + MAD_BUFFER_GUARD)
+enum mad_error {
+ MAD_ERROR_NONE = 0x0000, /* no error */
+ MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN = 0x0001, /* input buffer too small (or EOF) */
+ MAD_ERROR_BUFPTR = 0x0002, /* invalid (null) buffer pointer */
+ MAD_ERROR_NOMEM = 0x0031, /* not enough memory */
+ MAD_ERROR_LOSTSYNC = 0x0101, /* lost synchronization */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADLAYER = 0x0102, /* reserved header layer value */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADBITRATE = 0x0103, /* forbidden bitrate value */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADSAMPLERATE = 0x0104, /* reserved sample frequency value */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADEMPHASIS = 0x0105, /* reserved emphasis value */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADCRC = 0x0201, /* CRC check failed */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADBITALLOC = 0x0211, /* forbidden bit allocation value */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADSCALEFACTOR = 0x0221, /* bad scalefactor index */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADFRAMELEN = 0x0231, /* bad frame length */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADBIGVALUES = 0x0232, /* bad big_values count */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADBLOCKTYPE = 0x0233, /* reserved block_type */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADSCFSI = 0x0234, /* bad scalefactor selection info */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADDATAPTR = 0x0235, /* bad main_data_begin pointer */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADPART3LEN = 0x0236, /* bad audio data length */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADHUFFTABLE = 0x0237, /* bad Huffman table select */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADHUFFDATA = 0x0238, /* Huffman data overrun */
+ MAD_ERROR_BADSTEREO = 0x0239 /* incompatible block_type for JS */
+# define MAD_RECOVERABLE(error) ((error) & 0xff00)
+struct mad_stream {
+ unsigned char const *buffer; /* input bitstream buffer */
+ unsigned char const *bufend; /* end of buffer */
+ unsigned long skiplen; /* bytes to skip before next frame */
+ int sync; /* stream sync found */
+ unsigned long freerate; /* free bitrate (fixed) */
+ unsigned char const *this_frame; /* start of current frame */
+ unsigned char const *next_frame; /* start of next frame */
+ struct mad_bitptr ptr; /* current processing bit pointer */
+ struct mad_bitptr anc_ptr; /* ancillary bits pointer */
+ unsigned int anc_bitlen; /* number of ancillary bits */
+ unsigned char (*main_data)[MAD_BUFFER_MDLEN];
+ /* Layer III main_data() */
+ unsigned int md_len; /* bytes in main_data */
+ int options; /* decoding options (see below) */
+ enum mad_error error; /* error code (see above) */
+enum {
+ MAD_OPTION_IGNORECRC = 0x0001, /* ignore CRC errors */
+ MAD_OPTION_HALFSAMPLERATE = 0x0002 /* generate PCM at 1/2 sample rate */
+# if 0 /* not yet implemented */
+ MAD_OPTION_LEFTCHANNEL = 0x0010, /* decode left channel only */
+ MAD_OPTION_RIGHTCHANNEL = 0x0020, /* decode right channel only */
+ MAD_OPTION_SINGLECHANNEL = 0x0030 /* combine channels */
+# endif
+void mad_stream_init(struct mad_stream *);
+void mad_stream_finish(struct mad_stream *);
+# define mad_stream_options(stream, opts) \
+ ((void) ((stream)->options = (opts)))
+void mad_stream_buffer(struct mad_stream *,
+ unsigned char const *, unsigned long);
+void mad_stream_skip(struct mad_stream *, unsigned long);
+int mad_stream_sync(struct mad_stream *);
+char const *mad_stream_errorstr(struct mad_stream const *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/synth.c b/src/libmad/synth.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df6b52e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/synth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: synth.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "fixed.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+# include "synth.h"
+ * NAME: synth->init()
+ * DESCRIPTION: initialize synth struct
+ */
+void mad_synth_init(struct mad_synth *synth)
+ mad_synth_mute(synth);
+ synth->phase = 0;
+ synth->pcm.samplerate = 0;
+ synth->pcm.channels = 0;
+ synth->pcm.length = 0;
+ * NAME: synth->mute()
+ * DESCRIPTION: zero all polyphase filterbank values, resetting synthesis
+ */
+void mad_synth_mute(struct mad_synth *synth)
+ unsigned int ch, s, v;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < 2; ++ch) {
+ for (s = 0; s < 16; ++s) {
+ for (v = 0; v < 8; ++v) {
+ synth->filter[ch][0][0][s][v] = synth->filter[ch][0][1][s][v] =
+ synth->filter[ch][1][0][s][v] = synth->filter[ch][1][1][s][v] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * An optional optimization called here the Subband Synthesis Optimization
+ * (SSO) improves the performance of subband synthesis at the expense of
+ * accuracy.
+ *
+ * The idea is to simplify 32x32->64-bit multiplication to 32x32->32 such
+ * that extra scaling and rounding are not necessary. This often allows the
+ * compiler to use faster 32-bit multiply-accumulate instructions instead of
+ * explicit 64-bit multiply, shift, and add instructions.
+ *
+ * SSO works like this: a full 32x32->64-bit multiply of two mad_fixed_t
+ * values requires the result to be right-shifted 28 bits to be properly
+ * scaled to the same fixed-point format. Right shifts can be applied at any
+ * time to either operand or to the result, so the optimization involves
+ * careful placement of these shifts to minimize the loss of accuracy.
+ *
+ * First, a 14-bit shift is applied with rounding at compile-time to the D[]
+ * table of coefficients for the subband synthesis window. This only loses 2
+ * bits of accuracy because the lower 12 bits are always zero. A second
+ * 12-bit shift occurs after the DCT calculation. This loses 12 bits of
+ * accuracy. Finally, a third 2-bit shift occurs just before the sample is
+ * saved in the PCM buffer. 14 + 12 + 2 == 28 bits.
+ */
+/* FPM_DEFAULT without OPT_SSO will actually lose accuracy and performance */
+# if defined(FPM_DEFAULT) && !defined(OPT_SSO)
+# define OPT_SSO
+# endif
+/* second SSO shift, with rounding */
+# if defined(OPT_SSO)
+# define SHIFT(x) (((x) + (1L << 11)) >> 12)
+# else
+# define SHIFT(x) (x)
+# endif
+/* possible DCT speed optimization */
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED) && defined(MAD_F_MLX)
+# define OPT_DCTO
+# define MUL(x, y) \
+ ({ mad_fixed64hi_t hi; \
+ mad_fixed64lo_t lo; \
+ MAD_F_MLX(hi, lo, (x), (y)); \
+ hi << (32 - MAD_F_SCALEBITS - 3); \
+ })
+# else
+# undef OPT_DCTO
+# define MUL(x, y) mad_f_mul((x), (y))
+# endif
+ * NAME: dct32()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform fast in[32]->out[32] DCT
+ */
+void dct32(mad_fixed_t const in[32], unsigned int slot,
+ mad_fixed_t lo[16][8], mad_fixed_t hi[16][8])
+ mad_fixed_t t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
+ mad_fixed_t t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15;
+ mad_fixed_t t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23;
+ mad_fixed_t t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31;
+ mad_fixed_t t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39;
+ mad_fixed_t t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47;
+ mad_fixed_t t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55;
+ mad_fixed_t t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62, t63;
+ mad_fixed_t t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71;
+ mad_fixed_t t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t77, t78, t79;
+ mad_fixed_t t80, t81, t82, t83, t84, t85, t86, t87;
+ mad_fixed_t t88, t89, t90, t91, t92, t93, t94, t95;
+ mad_fixed_t t96, t97, t98, t99, t100, t101, t102, t103;
+ mad_fixed_t t104, t105, t106, t107, t108, t109, t110, t111;
+ mad_fixed_t t112, t113, t114, t115, t116, t117, t118, t119;
+ mad_fixed_t t120, t121, t122, t123, t124, t125, t126, t127;
+ mad_fixed_t t128, t129, t130, t131, t132, t133, t134, t135;
+ mad_fixed_t t136, t137, t138, t139, t140, t141, t142, t143;
+ mad_fixed_t t144, t145, t146, t147, t148, t149, t150, t151;
+ mad_fixed_t t152, t153, t154, t155, t156, t157, t158, t159;
+ mad_fixed_t t160, t161, t162, t163, t164, t165, t166, t167;
+ mad_fixed_t t168, t169, t170, t171, t172, t173, t174, t175;
+ mad_fixed_t t176;
+ /* costab[i] = cos(PI / (2 * 32) * i) */
+# if defined(OPT_DCTO)
+# define costab1 MAD_F(0x7fd8878e)
+# define costab2 MAD_F(0x7f62368f)
+# define costab3 MAD_F(0x7e9d55fc)
+# define costab4 MAD_F(0x7d8a5f40)
+# define costab5 MAD_F(0x7c29fbee)
+# define costab6 MAD_F(0x7a7d055b)
+# define costab7 MAD_F(0x78848414)
+# define costab8 MAD_F(0x7641af3d)
+# define costab9 MAD_F(0x73b5ebd1)
+# define costab10 MAD_F(0x70e2cbc6)
+# define costab11 MAD_F(0x6dca0d14)
+# define costab12 MAD_F(0x6a6d98a4)
+# define costab13 MAD_F(0x66cf8120)
+# define costab14 MAD_F(0x62f201ac)
+# define costab15 MAD_F(0x5ed77c8a)
+# define costab16 MAD_F(0x5a82799a)
+# define costab17 MAD_F(0x55f5a4d2)
+# define costab18 MAD_F(0x5133cc94)
+# define costab19 MAD_F(0x4c3fdff4)
+# define costab20 MAD_F(0x471cece7)
+# define costab21 MAD_F(0x41ce1e65)
+# define costab22 MAD_F(0x3c56ba70)
+# define costab23 MAD_F(0x36ba2014)
+# define costab24 MAD_F(0x30fbc54d)
+# define costab25 MAD_F(0x2b1f34eb)
+# define costab26 MAD_F(0x25280c5e)
+# define costab27 MAD_F(0x1f19f97b)
+# define costab28 MAD_F(0x18f8b83c)
+# define costab29 MAD_F(0x12c8106f)
+# define costab30 MAD_F(0x0c8bd35e)
+# define costab31 MAD_F(0x0647d97c)
+# else
+# define costab1 MAD_F(0x0ffb10f2) /* 0.998795456 */
+# define costab2 MAD_F(0x0fec46d2) /* 0.995184727 */
+# define costab3 MAD_F(0x0fd3aac0) /* 0.989176510 */
+# define costab4 MAD_F(0x0fb14be8) /* 0.980785280 */
+# define costab5 MAD_F(0x0f853f7e) /* 0.970031253 */
+# define costab6 MAD_F(0x0f4fa0ab) /* 0.956940336 */
+# define costab7 MAD_F(0x0f109082) /* 0.941544065 */
+# define costab8 MAD_F(0x0ec835e8) /* 0.923879533 */
+# define costab9 MAD_F(0x0e76bd7a) /* 0.903989293 */
+# define costab10 MAD_F(0x0e1c5979) /* 0.881921264 */
+# define costab11 MAD_F(0x0db941a3) /* 0.857728610 */
+# define costab12 MAD_F(0x0d4db315) /* 0.831469612 */
+# define costab13 MAD_F(0x0cd9f024) /* 0.803207531 */
+# define costab14 MAD_F(0x0c5e4036) /* 0.773010453 */
+# define costab15 MAD_F(0x0bdaef91) /* 0.740951125 */
+# define costab16 MAD_F(0x0b504f33) /* 0.707106781 */
+# define costab17 MAD_F(0x0abeb49a) /* 0.671558955 */
+# define costab18 MAD_F(0x0a267993) /* 0.634393284 */
+# define costab19 MAD_F(0x0987fbfe) /* 0.595699304 */
+# define costab20 MAD_F(0x08e39d9d) /* 0.555570233 */
+# define costab21 MAD_F(0x0839c3cd) /* 0.514102744 */
+# define costab22 MAD_F(0x078ad74e) /* 0.471396737 */
+# define costab23 MAD_F(0x06d74402) /* 0.427555093 */
+# define costab24 MAD_F(0x061f78aa) /* 0.382683432 */
+# define costab25 MAD_F(0x0563e69d) /* 0.336889853 */
+# define costab26 MAD_F(0x04a5018c) /* 0.290284677 */
+# define costab27 MAD_F(0x03e33f2f) /* 0.242980180 */
+# define costab28 MAD_F(0x031f1708) /* 0.195090322 */
+# define costab29 MAD_F(0x0259020e) /* 0.146730474 */
+# define costab30 MAD_F(0x01917a6c) /* 0.098017140 */
+# define costab31 MAD_F(0x00c8fb30) /* 0.049067674 */
+# endif
+ t0 = in[0] + in[31]; t16 = MUL(in[0] - in[31], costab1);
+ t1 = in[15] + in[16]; t17 = MUL(in[15] - in[16], costab31);
+ t41 = t16 + t17;
+ t59 = MUL(t16 - t17, costab2);
+ t33 = t0 + t1;
+ t50 = MUL(t0 - t1, costab2);
+ t2 = in[7] + in[24]; t18 = MUL(in[7] - in[24], costab15);
+ t3 = in[8] + in[23]; t19 = MUL(in[8] - in[23], costab17);
+ t42 = t18 + t19;
+ t60 = MUL(t18 - t19, costab30);
+ t34 = t2 + t3;
+ t51 = MUL(t2 - t3, costab30);
+ t4 = in[3] + in[28]; t20 = MUL(in[3] - in[28], costab7);
+ t5 = in[12] + in[19]; t21 = MUL(in[12] - in[19], costab25);
+ t43 = t20 + t21;
+ t61 = MUL(t20 - t21, costab14);
+ t35 = t4 + t5;
+ t52 = MUL(t4 - t5, costab14);
+ t6 = in[4] + in[27]; t22 = MUL(in[4] - in[27], costab9);
+ t7 = in[11] + in[20]; t23 = MUL(in[11] - in[20], costab23);
+ t44 = t22 + t23;
+ t62 = MUL(t22 - t23, costab18);
+ t36 = t6 + t7;
+ t53 = MUL(t6 - t7, costab18);
+ t8 = in[1] + in[30]; t24 = MUL(in[1] - in[30], costab3);
+ t9 = in[14] + in[17]; t25 = MUL(in[14] - in[17], costab29);
+ t45 = t24 + t25;
+ t63 = MUL(t24 - t25, costab6);
+ t37 = t8 + t9;
+ t54 = MUL(t8 - t9, costab6);
+ t10 = in[6] + in[25]; t26 = MUL(in[6] - in[25], costab13);
+ t11 = in[9] + in[22]; t27 = MUL(in[9] - in[22], costab19);
+ t46 = t26 + t27;
+ t64 = MUL(t26 - t27, costab26);
+ t38 = t10 + t11;
+ t55 = MUL(t10 - t11, costab26);
+ t12 = in[2] + in[29]; t28 = MUL(in[2] - in[29], costab5);
+ t13 = in[13] + in[18]; t29 = MUL(in[13] - in[18], costab27);
+ t47 = t28 + t29;
+ t65 = MUL(t28 - t29, costab10);
+ t39 = t12 + t13;
+ t56 = MUL(t12 - t13, costab10);
+ t14 = in[5] + in[26]; t30 = MUL(in[5] - in[26], costab11);
+ t15 = in[10] + in[21]; t31 = MUL(in[10] - in[21], costab21);
+ t48 = t30 + t31;
+ t66 = MUL(t30 - t31, costab22);
+ t40 = t14 + t15;
+ t57 = MUL(t14 - t15, costab22);
+ t69 = t33 + t34; t89 = MUL(t33 - t34, costab4);
+ t70 = t35 + t36; t90 = MUL(t35 - t36, costab28);
+ t71 = t37 + t38; t91 = MUL(t37 - t38, costab12);
+ t72 = t39 + t40; t92 = MUL(t39 - t40, costab20);
+ t73 = t41 + t42; t94 = MUL(t41 - t42, costab4);
+ t74 = t43 + t44; t95 = MUL(t43 - t44, costab28);
+ t75 = t45 + t46; t96 = MUL(t45 - t46, costab12);
+ t76 = t47 + t48; t97 = MUL(t47 - t48, costab20);
+ t78 = t50 + t51; t100 = MUL(t50 - t51, costab4);
+ t79 = t52 + t53; t101 = MUL(t52 - t53, costab28);
+ t80 = t54 + t55; t102 = MUL(t54 - t55, costab12);
+ t81 = t56 + t57; t103 = MUL(t56 - t57, costab20);
+ t83 = t59 + t60; t106 = MUL(t59 - t60, costab4);
+ t84 = t61 + t62; t107 = MUL(t61 - t62, costab28);
+ t85 = t63 + t64; t108 = MUL(t63 - t64, costab12);
+ t86 = t65 + t66; t109 = MUL(t65 - t66, costab20);
+ t113 = t69 + t70;
+ t114 = t71 + t72;
+ /* 0 */ hi[15][slot] = SHIFT(t113 + t114);
+ /* 16 */ lo[ 0][slot] = SHIFT(MUL(t113 - t114, costab16));
+ t115 = t73 + t74;
+ t116 = t75 + t76;
+ t32 = t115 + t116;
+ /* 1 */ hi[14][slot] = SHIFT(t32);
+ t118 = t78 + t79;
+ t119 = t80 + t81;
+ t58 = t118 + t119;
+ /* 2 */ hi[13][slot] = SHIFT(t58);
+ t121 = t83 + t84;
+ t122 = t85 + t86;
+ t67 = t121 + t122;
+ t49 = (t67 * 2) - t32;
+ /* 3 */ hi[12][slot] = SHIFT(t49);
+ t125 = t89 + t90;
+ t126 = t91 + t92;
+ t93 = t125 + t126;
+ /* 4 */ hi[11][slot] = SHIFT(t93);
+ t128 = t94 + t95;
+ t129 = t96 + t97;
+ t98 = t128 + t129;
+ t68 = (t98 * 2) - t49;
+ /* 5 */ hi[10][slot] = SHIFT(t68);
+ t132 = t100 + t101;
+ t133 = t102 + t103;
+ t104 = t132 + t133;
+ t82 = (t104 * 2) - t58;
+ /* 6 */ hi[ 9][slot] = SHIFT(t82);
+ t136 = t106 + t107;
+ t137 = t108 + t109;
+ t110 = t136 + t137;
+ t87 = (t110 * 2) - t67;
+ t77 = (t87 * 2) - t68;
+ /* 7 */ hi[ 8][slot] = SHIFT(t77);
+ t141 = MUL(t69 - t70, costab8);
+ t142 = MUL(t71 - t72, costab24);
+ t143 = t141 + t142;
+ /* 8 */ hi[ 7][slot] = SHIFT(t143);
+ /* 24 */ lo[ 8][slot] =
+ SHIFT((MUL(t141 - t142, costab16) * 2) - t143);
+ t144 = MUL(t73 - t74, costab8);
+ t145 = MUL(t75 - t76, costab24);
+ t146 = t144 + t145;
+ t88 = (t146 * 2) - t77;
+ /* 9 */ hi[ 6][slot] = SHIFT(t88);
+ t148 = MUL(t78 - t79, costab8);
+ t149 = MUL(t80 - t81, costab24);
+ t150 = t148 + t149;
+ t105 = (t150 * 2) - t82;
+ /* 10 */ hi[ 5][slot] = SHIFT(t105);
+ t152 = MUL(t83 - t84, costab8);
+ t153 = MUL(t85 - t86, costab24);
+ t154 = t152 + t153;
+ t111 = (t154 * 2) - t87;
+ t99 = (t111 * 2) - t88;
+ /* 11 */ hi[ 4][slot] = SHIFT(t99);
+ t157 = MUL(t89 - t90, costab8);
+ t158 = MUL(t91 - t92, costab24);
+ t159 = t157 + t158;
+ t127 = (t159 * 2) - t93;
+ /* 12 */ hi[ 3][slot] = SHIFT(t127);
+ t160 = (MUL(t125 - t126, costab16) * 2) - t127;
+ /* 20 */ lo[ 4][slot] = SHIFT(t160);
+ /* 28 */ lo[12][slot] =
+ SHIFT((((MUL(t157 - t158, costab16) * 2) - t159) * 2) - t160);
+ t161 = MUL(t94 - t95, costab8);
+ t162 = MUL(t96 - t97, costab24);
+ t163 = t161 + t162;
+ t130 = (t163 * 2) - t98;
+ t112 = (t130 * 2) - t99;
+ /* 13 */ hi[ 2][slot] = SHIFT(t112);
+ t164 = (MUL(t128 - t129, costab16) * 2) - t130;
+ t166 = MUL(t100 - t101, costab8);
+ t167 = MUL(t102 - t103, costab24);
+ t168 = t166 + t167;
+ t134 = (t168 * 2) - t104;
+ t120 = (t134 * 2) - t105;
+ /* 14 */ hi[ 1][slot] = SHIFT(t120);
+ t135 = (MUL(t118 - t119, costab16) * 2) - t120;
+ /* 18 */ lo[ 2][slot] = SHIFT(t135);
+ t169 = (MUL(t132 - t133, costab16) * 2) - t134;
+ t151 = (t169 * 2) - t135;
+ /* 22 */ lo[ 6][slot] = SHIFT(t151);
+ t170 = (((MUL(t148 - t149, costab16) * 2) - t150) * 2) - t151;
+ /* 26 */ lo[10][slot] = SHIFT(t170);
+ /* 30 */ lo[14][slot] =
+ SHIFT((((((MUL(t166 - t167, costab16) * 2) -
+ t168) * 2) - t169) * 2) - t170);
+ t171 = MUL(t106 - t107, costab8);
+ t172 = MUL(t108 - t109, costab24);
+ t173 = t171 + t172;
+ t138 = (t173 * 2) - t110;
+ t123 = (t138 * 2) - t111;
+ t139 = (MUL(t121 - t122, costab16) * 2) - t123;
+ t117 = (t123 * 2) - t112;
+ /* 15 */ hi[ 0][slot] = SHIFT(t117);
+ t124 = (MUL(t115 - t116, costab16) * 2) - t117;
+ /* 17 */ lo[ 1][slot] = SHIFT(t124);
+ t131 = (t139 * 2) - t124;
+ /* 19 */ lo[ 3][slot] = SHIFT(t131);
+ t140 = (t164 * 2) - t131;
+ /* 21 */ lo[ 5][slot] = SHIFT(t140);
+ t174 = (MUL(t136 - t137, costab16) * 2) - t138;
+ t155 = (t174 * 2) - t139;
+ t147 = (t155 * 2) - t140;
+ /* 23 */ lo[ 7][slot] = SHIFT(t147);
+ t156 = (((MUL(t144 - t145, costab16) * 2) - t146) * 2) - t147;
+ /* 25 */ lo[ 9][slot] = SHIFT(t156);
+ t175 = (((MUL(t152 - t153, costab16) * 2) - t154) * 2) - t155;
+ t165 = (t175 * 2) - t156;
+ /* 27 */ lo[11][slot] = SHIFT(t165);
+ t176 = (((((MUL(t161 - t162, costab16) * 2) -
+ t163) * 2) - t164) * 2) - t165;
+ /* 29 */ lo[13][slot] = SHIFT(t176);
+ /* 31 */ lo[15][slot] =
+ SHIFT((((((((MUL(t171 - t172, costab16) * 2) -
+ t173) * 2) - t174) * 2) - t175) * 2) - t176);
+ /*
+ * Totals:
+ * 80 multiplies
+ * 80 additions
+ * 119 subtractions
+ * 49 shifts (not counting SSO)
+ */
+# undef MUL
+# undef SHIFT
+/* third SSO shift and/or D[] optimization preshift */
+# if defined(OPT_SSO)
+# if MAD_F_FRACBITS != 28
+# error "MAD_F_FRACBITS must be 28 to use OPT_SSO"
+# endif
+# define ML0(hi, lo, x, y) ((lo) = (x) * (y))
+# define MLA(hi, lo, x, y) ((lo) += (x) * (y))
+# define MLN(hi, lo) ((lo) = -(lo))
+# define MLZ(hi, lo) ((void) (hi), (mad_fixed_t) (lo))
+# define SHIFT(x) ((x) >> 2)
+# define PRESHIFT(x) ((MAD_F(x) + (1L << 13)) >> 14)
+# else
+# define ML0(hi, lo, x, y) MAD_F_ML0((hi), (lo), (x), (y))
+# define MLA(hi, lo, x, y) MAD_F_MLA((hi), (lo), (x), (y))
+# define MLN(hi, lo) MAD_F_MLN((hi), (lo))
+# define MLZ(hi, lo) MAD_F_MLZ((hi), (lo))
+# define SHIFT(x) (x)
+# if defined(MAD_F_SCALEBITS)
+# define PRESHIFT(x) (MAD_F(x) >> 12)
+# else
+# define PRESHIFT(x) MAD_F(x)
+# endif
+# endif
+mad_fixed_t const D[17][32] = {
+# include "D.dat"
+# if defined(ASO_SYNTH)
+void synth_full(struct mad_synth *, struct mad_frame const *,
+ unsigned int, unsigned int);
+# else
+ * NAME: synth->full()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform full frequency PCM synthesis
+ */
+void synth_full(struct mad_synth *synth, struct mad_frame const *frame,
+ unsigned int nch, unsigned int ns)
+ unsigned int phase, ch, s, sb, pe, po;
+ mad_fixed_t *pcm1, *pcm2, (*filter)[2][2][16][8];
+ mad_fixed_t const (*sbsample)[36][32];
+ register mad_fixed_t (*fe)[8], (*fx)[8], (*fo)[8];
+ register mad_fixed_t const (*Dptr)[32], *ptr;
+ register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ sbsample = &frame->sbsample[ch];
+ filter = &synth->filter[ch];
+ phase = synth->phase;
+ pcm1 = synth->pcm.samples[ch];
+ for (s = 0; s < ns; ++s) {
+ dct32((*sbsample)[s], phase >> 1,
+ (*filter)[0][phase & 1], (*filter)[1][phase & 1]);
+ pe = phase & ~1;
+ po = ((phase - 1) & 0xf) | 1;
+ /* calculate 32 samples */
+ fe = &(*filter)[0][ phase & 1][0];
+ fx = &(*filter)[0][~phase & 1][0];
+ fo = &(*filter)[1][~phase & 1][0];
+ Dptr = &D[0];
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fx)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLN(hi, lo);
+ ptr = *Dptr + pe;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ *pcm1++ = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ pcm2 = pcm1 + 30;
+ for (sb = 1; sb < 16; ++sb) {
+ ++fe;
+ ++Dptr;
+ /* D[32 - sb][i] == -D[sb][31 - i] */
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLN(hi, lo);
+ ptr = *Dptr + pe;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ *pcm1++ = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ ptr = *Dptr - pe;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[31 - 16]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[31 - 14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[31 - 12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[31 - 10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[31 - 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[31 - 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[31 - 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[31 - 2]);
+ ptr = *Dptr - po;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[31 - 2]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[31 - 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[31 - 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[31 - 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[31 - 10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[31 - 12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[31 - 14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[31 - 16]);
+ *pcm2-- = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ ++fo;
+ }
+ ++Dptr;
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ *pcm1 = SHIFT(-MLZ(hi, lo));
+ pcm1 += 16;
+ phase = (phase + 1) % 16;
+ }
+ }
+# endif
+ * NAME: synth->half()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform half frequency PCM synthesis
+ */
+void synth_half(struct mad_synth *synth, struct mad_frame const *frame,
+ unsigned int nch, unsigned int ns)
+ unsigned int phase, ch, s, sb, pe, po;
+ mad_fixed_t *pcm1, *pcm2, (*filter)[2][2][16][8];
+ mad_fixed_t const (*sbsample)[36][32];
+ register mad_fixed_t (*fe)[8], (*fx)[8], (*fo)[8];
+ register mad_fixed_t const (*Dptr)[32], *ptr;
+ register mad_fixed64hi_t hi;
+ register mad_fixed64lo_t lo;
+ for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ++ch) {
+ sbsample = &frame->sbsample[ch];
+ filter = &synth->filter[ch];
+ phase = synth->phase;
+ pcm1 = synth->pcm.samples[ch];
+ for (s = 0; s < ns; ++s) {
+ dct32((*sbsample)[s], phase >> 1,
+ (*filter)[0][phase & 1], (*filter)[1][phase & 1]);
+ pe = phase & ~1;
+ po = ((phase - 1) & 0xf) | 1;
+ /* calculate 16 samples */
+ fe = &(*filter)[0][ phase & 1][0];
+ fx = &(*filter)[0][~phase & 1][0];
+ fo = &(*filter)[1][~phase & 1][0];
+ Dptr = &D[0];
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fx)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fx)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLN(hi, lo);
+ ptr = *Dptr + pe;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ *pcm1++ = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ pcm2 = pcm1 + 14;
+ for (sb = 1; sb < 16; ++sb) {
+ ++fe;
+ ++Dptr;
+ /* D[32 - sb][i] == -D[sb][31 - i] */
+ if (!(sb & 1)) {
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLN(hi, lo);
+ ptr = *Dptr + pe;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ *pcm1++ = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ ptr = *Dptr - po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[31 - 2]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[31 - 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[31 - 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[31 - 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[31 - 10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[31 - 12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[31 - 14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[31 - 16]);
+ ptr = *Dptr - pe;
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[0], ptr[31 - 16]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[1], ptr[31 - 14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[2], ptr[31 - 12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[3], ptr[31 - 10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[4], ptr[31 - 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[5], ptr[31 - 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[6], ptr[31 - 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fe)[7], ptr[31 - 2]);
+ *pcm2-- = SHIFT(MLZ(hi, lo));
+ }
+ ++fo;
+ }
+ ++Dptr;
+ ptr = *Dptr + po;
+ ML0(hi, lo, (*fo)[0], ptr[ 0]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[1], ptr[14]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[2], ptr[12]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[3], ptr[10]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[4], ptr[ 8]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[5], ptr[ 6]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[6], ptr[ 4]);
+ MLA(hi, lo, (*fo)[7], ptr[ 2]);
+ *pcm1 = SHIFT(-MLZ(hi, lo));
+ pcm1 += 8;
+ phase = (phase + 1) % 16;
+ }
+ }
+ * NAME: synth->frame()
+ * DESCRIPTION: perform PCM synthesis of frame subband samples
+ */
+void mad_synth_frame(struct mad_synth *synth, struct mad_frame const *frame)
+ unsigned int nch, ns;
+ void (*synth_frame)(struct mad_synth *, struct mad_frame const *,
+ unsigned int, unsigned int);
+ nch = MAD_NCHANNELS(&frame->header);
+ ns = MAD_NSBSAMPLES(&frame->header);
+ synth->pcm.samplerate = frame->header.samplerate;
+ synth->pcm.channels = nch;
+ synth->pcm.length = 32 * ns;
+ synth_frame = synth_full;
+ if (frame->options & MAD_OPTION_HALFSAMPLERATE) {
+ synth->pcm.samplerate /= 2;
+ synth->pcm.length /= 2;
+ synth_frame = synth_half;
+ }
+ synth_frame(synth, frame, nch, ns);
+ synth->phase = (synth->phase + ns) % 16;
diff --git a/src/libmad/synth.h b/src/libmad/synth.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..223350100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/synth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: synth.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_SYNTH_H
+# define LIBMAD_SYNTH_H
+# include "fixed.h"
+# include "frame.h"
+struct mad_pcm {
+ unsigned int samplerate; /* sampling frequency (Hz) */
+ unsigned short channels; /* number of channels */
+ unsigned short length; /* number of samples per channel */
+ mad_fixed_t samples[2][1152]; /* PCM output samples [ch][sample] */
+struct mad_synth {
+ mad_fixed_t filter[2][2][2][16][8]; /* polyphase filterbank outputs */
+ /* [ch][eo][peo][s][v] */
+ unsigned int phase; /* current processing phase */
+ struct mad_pcm pcm; /* PCM output */
+/* single channel PCM selector */
+enum {
+/* dual channel PCM selector */
+enum {
+/* stereo PCM selector */
+enum {
+void mad_synth_init(struct mad_synth *);
+# define mad_synth_finish(synth) /* nothing */
+void mad_synth_mute(struct mad_synth *);
+void mad_synth_frame(struct mad_synth *, struct mad_frame const *);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/timer.c b/src/libmad/timer.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2819e2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/timer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: timer.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include <stdio.h>
+# ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H
+# include <assert.h>
+# endif
+# include "timer.h"
+mad_timer_t const mad_timer_zero = { 0, 0 };
+ * NAME: timer->compare()
+ * DESCRIPTION: indicate relative order of two timers
+ */
+int mad_timer_compare(mad_timer_t timer1, mad_timer_t timer2)
+ signed long diff;
+ diff = timer1.seconds - timer2.seconds;
+ if (diff < 0)
+ return -1;
+ else if (diff > 0)
+ return +1;
+ diff = timer1.fraction - timer2.fraction;
+ if (diff < 0)
+ return -1;
+ else if (diff > 0)
+ return +1;
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: timer->negate()
+ * DESCRIPTION: invert the sign of a timer
+ */
+void mad_timer_negate(mad_timer_t *timer)
+ timer->seconds = -timer->seconds;
+ if (timer->fraction) {
+ timer->seconds -= 1;
+ timer->fraction = MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION - timer->fraction;
+ }
+ * NAME: timer->abs()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return the absolute value of a timer
+ */
+mad_timer_t mad_timer_abs(mad_timer_t timer)
+ if (timer.seconds < 0)
+ mad_timer_negate(&timer);
+ return timer;
+ * NAME: reduce_timer()
+ * DESCRIPTION: carry timer fraction into seconds
+ */
+void reduce_timer(mad_timer_t *timer)
+ timer->seconds += timer->fraction / MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION;
+ timer->fraction %= MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION;
+ * NAME: gcd()
+ * DESCRIPTION: compute greatest common denominator
+ */
+unsigned long gcd(unsigned long num1, unsigned long num2)
+ unsigned long tmp;
+ while (num2) {
+ tmp = num2;
+ num2 = num1 % num2;
+ num1 = tmp;
+ }
+ return num1;
+ * NAME: reduce_rational()
+ * DESCRIPTION: convert rational expression to lowest terms
+ */
+void reduce_rational(unsigned long *numer, unsigned long *denom)
+ unsigned long factor;
+ factor = gcd(*numer, *denom);
+ assert(factor != 0);
+ *numer /= factor;
+ *denom /= factor;
+ * NAME: scale_rational()
+ * DESCRIPTION: solve numer/denom == ?/scale avoiding overflowing
+ */
+unsigned long scale_rational(unsigned long numer, unsigned long denom,
+ unsigned long scale)
+ reduce_rational(&numer, &denom);
+ reduce_rational(&scale, &denom);
+ assert(denom != 0);
+ if (denom < scale)
+ return numer * (scale / denom) + numer * (scale % denom) / denom;
+ if (denom < numer)
+ return scale * (numer / denom) + scale * (numer % denom) / denom;
+ return numer * scale / denom;
+ * NAME: timer->set()
+ * DESCRIPTION: set timer to specific (positive) value
+ */
+void mad_timer_set(mad_timer_t *timer, unsigned long seconds,
+ unsigned long numer, unsigned long denom)
+ timer->seconds = seconds;
+ if (numer >= denom && denom > 0) {
+ timer->seconds += numer / denom;
+ numer %= denom;
+ }
+ switch (denom) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ timer->fraction = 0;
+ break;
+ timer->fraction = numer;
+ break;
+ case 1000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 1000);
+ break;
+ case 8000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 8000);
+ break;
+ case 11025:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 11025);
+ break;
+ case 12000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 12000);
+ break;
+ case 16000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 16000);
+ break;
+ case 22050:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 22050);
+ break;
+ case 24000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 24000);
+ break;
+ case 32000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 32000);
+ break;
+ case 44100:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 44100);
+ break;
+ case 48000:
+ timer->fraction = numer * (MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / 48000);
+ break;
+ default:
+ timer->fraction = scale_rational(numer, denom, MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (timer->fraction >= MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION)
+ reduce_timer(timer);
+ * NAME: timer->add()
+ * DESCRIPTION: add one timer to another
+ */
+void mad_timer_add(mad_timer_t *timer, mad_timer_t incr)
+ timer->seconds += incr.seconds;
+ timer->fraction += incr.fraction;
+ if (timer->fraction >= MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION)
+ reduce_timer(timer);
+ * NAME: timer->multiply()
+ * DESCRIPTION: multiply a timer by a scalar value
+ */
+void mad_timer_multiply(mad_timer_t *timer, signed long scalar)
+ mad_timer_t addend;
+ unsigned long factor;
+ factor = scalar;
+ if (scalar < 0) {
+ factor = -scalar;
+ mad_timer_negate(timer);
+ }
+ addend = *timer;
+ *timer = mad_timer_zero;
+ while (factor) {
+ if (factor & 1)
+ mad_timer_add(timer, addend);
+ mad_timer_add(&addend, addend);
+ factor >>= 1;
+ }
+ * NAME: timer->count()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return timer value in selected units
+ */
+signed long mad_timer_count(mad_timer_t timer, enum mad_units units)
+ switch (units) {
+ return timer.seconds / 60 / 60;
+ return timer.seconds / 60;
+ return timer.seconds;
+ case MAD_UNITS_8000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_11025_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_12000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_16000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_22050_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_32000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_44100_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_25_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_30_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_50_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_60_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_75_FPS:
+ return timer.seconds * (signed long) units +
+ (signed long) scale_rational(timer.fraction, MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION,
+ units);
+ case MAD_UNITS_23_976_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_975_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_29_97_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_47_952_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_49_95_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_59_94_FPS:
+ return (mad_timer_count(timer, -units) + 1) * 1000 / 1001;
+ }
+ /* unsupported units */
+ return 0;
+ * NAME: timer->fraction()
+ * DESCRIPTION: return fractional part of timer in arbitrary terms
+ */
+unsigned long mad_timer_fraction(mad_timer_t timer, unsigned long denom)
+ timer = mad_timer_abs(timer);
+ switch (denom) {
+ case 0:
+ return timer.fraction ?
+ return timer.fraction;
+ default:
+ return scale_rational(timer.fraction, MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION, denom);
+ }
+ * NAME: timer->string()
+ * DESCRIPTION: write a string representation of a timer using a template
+ */
+void mad_timer_string(mad_timer_t timer,
+ char *dest, char const *format, enum mad_units units,
+ enum mad_units fracunits, unsigned long subparts)
+ unsigned long hours, minutes, seconds, sub;
+ unsigned int frac;
+ timer = mad_timer_abs(timer);
+ seconds = timer.seconds;
+ frac = sub = 0;
+ switch (fracunits) {
+ break;
+ case MAD_UNITS_8000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_11025_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_12000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_16000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_22050_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_32000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_44100_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_25_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_30_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_50_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_60_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_75_FPS:
+ {
+ unsigned long denom;
+ denom = MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION / fracunits;
+ frac = timer.fraction / denom;
+ sub = scale_rational(timer.fraction % denom, denom, subparts);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MAD_UNITS_23_976_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_975_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_29_97_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_47_952_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_49_95_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_59_94_FPS:
+ /* drop-frame encoding */
+ /* N.B. this is only well-defined for MAD_UNITS_29_97_FPS */
+ {
+ unsigned long frame, cycle, d, m;
+ frame = mad_timer_count(timer, fracunits);
+ cycle = -fracunits * 60 * 10 - (10 - 1) * 2;
+ d = frame / cycle;
+ m = frame % cycle;
+ frame += (10 - 1) * 2 * d;
+ if (m > 2)
+ frame += 2 * ((m - 2) / (cycle / 10));
+ frac = frame % -fracunits;
+ seconds = frame / -fracunits;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (units) {
+ minutes = seconds / 60;
+ hours = minutes / 60;
+ sprintf(dest, format,
+ hours,
+ (unsigned int) (minutes % 60),
+ (unsigned int) (seconds % 60),
+ frac, sub);
+ break;
+ minutes = seconds / 60;
+ sprintf(dest, format,
+ minutes,
+ (unsigned int) (seconds % 60),
+ frac, sub);
+ break;
+ sprintf(dest, format,
+ seconds,
+ frac, sub);
+ break;
+ case MAD_UNITS_23_976_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_975_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_29_97_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_47_952_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_49_95_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_59_94_FPS:
+ if (fracunits < 0) {
+ /* not yet implemented */
+ sub = 0;
+ }
+ /* fall through */
+ case MAD_UNITS_8000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_11025_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_12000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_16000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_22050_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_32000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_44100_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48000_HZ:
+ case MAD_UNITS_24_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_25_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_30_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_48_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_50_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_60_FPS:
+ case MAD_UNITS_75_FPS:
+ sprintf(dest, format, mad_timer_count(timer, units), sub);
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/src/libmad/timer.h b/src/libmad/timer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7cee42c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/timer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: timer.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifndef LIBMAD_TIMER_H
+# define LIBMAD_TIMER_H
+typedef struct {
+ signed long seconds; /* whole seconds */
+ unsigned long fraction; /* 1/MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION seconds */
+} mad_timer_t;
+extern mad_timer_t const mad_timer_zero;
+# define MAD_TIMER_RESOLUTION 352800000UL
+enum mad_units {
+ /* metric units */
+ /* audio sample units */
+ MAD_UNITS_8000_HZ = 8000,
+ MAD_UNITS_11025_HZ = 11025,
+ MAD_UNITS_12000_HZ = 12000,
+ MAD_UNITS_16000_HZ = 16000,
+ MAD_UNITS_22050_HZ = 22050,
+ MAD_UNITS_24000_HZ = 24000,
+ MAD_UNITS_32000_HZ = 32000,
+ MAD_UNITS_44100_HZ = 44100,
+ MAD_UNITS_48000_HZ = 48000,
+ /* video frame/field units */
+ MAD_UNITS_24_FPS = 24,
+ MAD_UNITS_25_FPS = 25,
+ MAD_UNITS_30_FPS = 30,
+ MAD_UNITS_48_FPS = 48,
+ MAD_UNITS_50_FPS = 50,
+ MAD_UNITS_60_FPS = 60,
+ /* CD audio frames */
+ MAD_UNITS_75_FPS = 75,
+ /* video drop-frame units */
+ MAD_UNITS_23_976_FPS = -24,
+ MAD_UNITS_24_975_FPS = -25,
+ MAD_UNITS_29_97_FPS = -30,
+ MAD_UNITS_47_952_FPS = -48,
+ MAD_UNITS_49_95_FPS = -50,
+ MAD_UNITS_59_94_FPS = -60
+# define mad_timer_reset(timer) ((void) (*(timer) = mad_timer_zero))
+int mad_timer_compare(mad_timer_t, mad_timer_t);
+# define mad_timer_sign(timer) mad_timer_compare((timer), mad_timer_zero)
+void mad_timer_negate(mad_timer_t *);
+mad_timer_t mad_timer_abs(mad_timer_t);
+void mad_timer_set(mad_timer_t *, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long);
+void mad_timer_add(mad_timer_t *, mad_timer_t);
+void mad_timer_multiply(mad_timer_t *, signed long);
+signed long mad_timer_count(mad_timer_t, enum mad_units);
+unsigned long mad_timer_fraction(mad_timer_t, unsigned long);
+void mad_timer_string(mad_timer_t, char *, char const *,
+ enum mad_units, enum mad_units, unsigned long);
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/version.c b/src/libmad/version.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce06888ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/version.c
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: version.c,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+# include "config.h"
+# endif
+# include "global.h"
+# include "version.h"
+char const mad_version[] = "MPEG Audio Decoder " MAD_VERSION;
+char const mad_copyright[] = "Copyright (C) " MAD_PUBLISHYEAR " " MAD_AUTHOR;
+char const mad_author[] = MAD_AUTHOR " <" MAD_EMAIL ">";
+char const mad_build[] = ""
+# if defined(DEBUG)
+ "DEBUG "
+# elif defined(NDEBUG)
+# endif
+# if defined(EXPERIMENTAL)
+# endif
+# if defined(FPM_64BIT)
+ "FPM_64BIT "
+# elif defined(FPM_INTEL)
+# elif defined(FPM_ARM)
+ "FPM_ARM "
+# elif defined(FPM_MIPS)
+# elif defined(FPM_SPARC)
+# elif defined(FPM_PPC)
+ "FPM_PPC "
+# elif defined(FPM_DEFAULT)
+# endif
+# if defined(ASO_IMDCT)
+# endif
+# if defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE1)
+# endif
+# if defined(ASO_INTERLEAVE2)
+# endif
+# if defined(ASO_ZEROCHECK)
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_SPEED)
+# elif defined(OPT_ACCURACY)
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_SSO)
+ "OPT_SSO "
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_DCTO) /* never defined here */
+# endif
+# if defined(OPT_STRICT)
+# endif
diff --git a/src/libmad/version.h b/src/libmad/version.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70f8cd76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libmad/version.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Underbit Technologies, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ * $Id: version.h,v 1.1 2003/08/14 03:57:13 shank Exp $
+ */
+# define MAD_VERSION_MINOR 15
+# define MAD_VERSION_EXTRA " (beta)"
+# define MAD_VERSION_STRINGIZE(str) #str
+# define MAD_PUBLISHYEAR "2000-2003"
+# define MAD_AUTHOR "Underbit Technologies, Inc."
+# define MAD_EMAIL "info@underbit.com"
+extern char const mad_version[];
+extern char const mad_copyright[];
+extern char const mad_author[];
+extern char const mad_build[];
+# endif
diff --git a/src/list.c b/src/list.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ce872fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/list.c
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "list.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+void makeListNodesArray(List * list) {
+ ListNode * node = list->firstNode;
+ long i;
+ list->nodesArray = malloc(sizeof(ListNode *)*list->numberOfNodes);
+ for(i=0;i<list->numberOfNodes;i++) {
+ list->nodesArray[i] = node;
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+void freeListNodesArray(List * list) {
+ free(list->nodesArray);
+ list->nodesArray = NULL;
+List * makeList(ListFreeDataFunc * freeDataFunc) {
+ List * list = malloc(sizeof(List));
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ list->firstNode = NULL;
+ list->lastNode = NULL;
+ list->freeDataFunc = freeDataFunc;
+ list->numberOfNodes = 0;
+ list->nodesArray = NULL;
+ return list;
+int insertInList(List * list,char * key,void * data) {
+ ListNode * node;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ assert(key!=NULL);
+ /*assert(data!=NULL);*/
+ node = malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
+ assert(node!=NULL);
+ if(list->nodesArray) freeListNodesArray(list);
+ if(list->firstNode==NULL) {
+ assert(list->lastNode==NULL);
+ list->firstNode = node;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(list->lastNode!=NULL);
+ assert(list->lastNode->nextNode==NULL);
+ list->lastNode->nextNode = node;
+ }
+ node->key = malloc((strlen(key)+1)*sizeof(char));
+ assert(node->key!=NULL);
+ strcpy(node->key,key);
+ node->data = data;
+ node->nextNode = NULL;
+ node->prevNode = list->lastNode;
+ list->lastNode = node;
+ list->numberOfNodes++;
+ return 1;
+int insertInListWithoutKey(List * list, void * data) {
+ ListNode * node;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ assert(data!=NULL);
+ node = malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
+ assert(node!=NULL);
+ if(list->nodesArray) freeListNodesArray(list);
+ if(list->firstNode==NULL) {
+ assert(list->lastNode==NULL);
+ list->firstNode = node;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(list->lastNode!=NULL);
+ assert(list->lastNode->nextNode==NULL);
+ list->lastNode->nextNode = node;
+ }
+ node->key = NULL;
+ node->data = data;
+ node->nextNode = NULL;
+ node->prevNode = list->lastNode;
+ list->lastNode = node;
+ list->numberOfNodes++;
+ return 1;
+int findInList(List * list,char * key,void ** data) {
+ static long high;
+ static long low;
+ static long cur;
+ static ListNode * tmpNode;
+ static int cmp;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ if(list->nodesArray) {
+ high = list->numberOfNodes-1;
+ low = 0;
+ cur = high;
+ while(high>low) {
+ cur = (high+low)/2;
+ tmpNode = list->nodesArray[cur];
+ cmp = strcmp(tmpNode->key,key);
+ if(cmp==0) {
+ (*data) = tmpNode->data;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if(cmp>0) high = cur;
+ else {
+ if(low==cur) break;
+ low = cur;
+ }
+ }
+ cur = high;
+ if(cur>=0) {
+ tmpNode = list->nodesArray[cur];
+ if(strcmp(tmpNode->key,key)==0) {
+ (*data) = tmpNode->data;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ tmpNode = list->firstNode;
+ while(tmpNode!=NULL && strcmp(tmpNode->key,key)!=0) {
+ tmpNode = tmpNode->nextNode;
+ }
+ if(tmpNode!=NULL) {
+ (*data) = tmpNode->data;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int deleteFromList(List * list,char * key) {
+ ListNode * tmpNode;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ tmpNode = list->firstNode;
+ while(tmpNode!=NULL && strcmp(tmpNode->key,key)!=0) {
+ tmpNode = tmpNode->nextNode;
+ }
+ if(tmpNode!=NULL)
+ deleteNodeFromList(list,tmpNode);
+ else
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+void deleteNodeFromList(List * list,ListNode * node) {
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ assert(node!=NULL);
+ if(node->prevNode==NULL) {
+ list->firstNode = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ else {
+ node->prevNode->nextNode = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ if(node->nextNode==NULL) {
+ list->lastNode = node->prevNode;
+ }
+ else {
+ node->nextNode->prevNode = node->prevNode;
+ }
+ if(list->freeDataFunc) {
+ list->freeDataFunc(node->data);
+ }
+ free(node->key);
+ free(node);
+ list->numberOfNodes--;
+ if(list->nodesArray) {
+ freeListNodesArray(list);
+ makeListNodesArray(list);
+ }
+void freeList(void * list) {
+ ListNode * tmpNode;
+ ListNode * tmpNode2;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ tmpNode = ((List *)list)->firstNode;
+ if(((List *)list)->nodesArray) free(((List *)list)->nodesArray);
+ while(tmpNode!=NULL) {
+ tmpNode2 = tmpNode->nextNode;
+ free(tmpNode->key);
+ if(((List *)list)->freeDataFunc) {
+ ((List *)list)->freeDataFunc(tmpNode->data);
+ }
+ free(tmpNode);
+ tmpNode = tmpNode2;
+ }
+ free(list);
+void clearList(List * list) {
+ ListNode * tmpNode;
+ ListNode * tmpNode2;
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ tmpNode = ((List *)list)->firstNode;
+ while(tmpNode!=NULL) {
+ tmpNode2 = tmpNode->nextNode;
+ free(tmpNode->key);
+ if(((List *)list)->freeDataFunc) {
+ ((List *)list)->freeDataFunc(tmpNode->data);
+ }
+ free(tmpNode);
+ tmpNode = tmpNode2;
+ }
+ if(list->nodesArray) freeListNodesArray(list);
+ list->firstNode = NULL;
+ list->lastNode = NULL;
+ list->numberOfNodes = 0;
+void swapNodes(ListNode * nodeA, ListNode * nodeB) {
+ char * key;
+ void * data;
+ assert(nodeA!=NULL);
+ assert(nodeB!=NULL);
+ key = nodeB->key;
+ data = nodeB->data;
+ nodeB->key = nodeA->key;
+ nodeB->data = nodeA->data;
+ nodeA->key = key;
+ nodeA->data = data;
+void moveNodeAfter(List * list, ListNode * moveNode, ListNode * beforeNode) {
+ ListNode * prev;
+ ListNode * next;
+ assert(moveNode!=NULL);
+ prev = moveNode->prevNode;
+ next = moveNode->nextNode;
+ if(prev) prev->nextNode = next;
+ else list->firstNode = next;
+ if(next) next->prevNode = prev;
+ else list->lastNode = prev;
+ if(beforeNode) {
+ next = beforeNode->nextNode;
+ moveNode->nextNode = next;
+ moveNode->prevNode = beforeNode;
+ next->prevNode = moveNode;
+ beforeNode->nextNode = moveNode;
+ if(beforeNode==list->lastNode) list->lastNode = moveNode;
+ }
+ else {
+ moveNode->prevNode = NULL;
+ moveNode->nextNode = list->firstNode;
+ list->firstNode = moveNode;
+ if(list->lastNode==NULL) list->lastNode = moveNode;
+ }
+void bubbleSort(ListNode ** nodesArray, long start, long end) {
+ long i;
+ long j;
+ ListNode * node;
+ if(start>=end) return;
+ for(j=start;j<end;j++) {
+ for(i=end-1;i>=start;i--) {
+ node = nodesArray[i];
+ if(strcmp(node->key,node->nextNode->key)>0) {
+ swapNodes(node,node->nextNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void quickSort(ListNode ** nodesArray, long start, long end) {
+ if(start>=end) return;
+ else if(end-start<5) bubbleSort(nodesArray,start,end);
+ else {
+ long i;
+ ListNode * node;
+ long pivot;
+ ListNode * pivotNode;
+ char * pivotKey;
+ List * startList = makeList(free);
+ List * endList = makeList(free);
+ long * startPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ long * endPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ *startPtr = start;
+ *endPtr = end;
+ insertInListWithoutKey(startList,(void *)startPtr);
+ insertInListWithoutKey(endList,(void *)endPtr);
+ while(startList->numberOfNodes) {
+ start = *((long *)startList->lastNode->data);
+ end = *((long *)endList->lastNode->data);
+ if(end-start<5) {
+ bubbleSort(nodesArray,start,end);
+ deleteNodeFromList(startList,startList->lastNode);
+ deleteNodeFromList(endList,endList->lastNode);
+ }
+ else {
+ pivot = (start+end)/2;
+ pivotNode = nodesArray[pivot];
+ pivotKey = pivotNode->key;
+ for(i=pivot-1;i>=start;i--) {
+ node = nodesArray[i];
+ if(strcmp(node->key,pivotKey)>0) {
+ pivot--;
+ if(pivot>i) {
+ swapNodes(node,nodesArray[pivot]);
+ }
+ swapNodes(pivotNode,nodesArray[pivot]);
+ pivotNode = nodesArray[pivot];
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=pivot+1;i<=end;i++) {
+ node = nodesArray[i];
+ if(strcmp(pivotKey,node->key)>0) {
+ pivot++;
+ if(pivot<i) {
+ swapNodes(node,nodesArray[pivot]);
+ }
+ swapNodes(pivotNode,nodesArray[pivot]);
+ pivotNode = nodesArray[pivot];
+ }
+ }
+ deleteNodeFromList(startList,startList->lastNode);
+ deleteNodeFromList(endList,endList->lastNode);
+ if(pivot-1-start>0) {
+ startPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ endPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ *startPtr = start;
+ *endPtr = pivot-1;
+ insertInListWithoutKey(startList,(void *)startPtr);
+ insertInListWithoutKey(endList,(void *)endPtr);
+ }
+ if(end-pivot-1>0) {
+ startPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ endPtr = malloc(sizeof(long));
+ *startPtr = pivot+1;
+ *endPtr = end;
+ insertInListWithoutKey(startList,(void *)startPtr);
+ insertInListWithoutKey(endList,(void *)endPtr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ freeList(startList);
+ freeList(endList);
+ }
+void sortList(List * list) {
+ assert(list!=NULL);
+ if(list->numberOfNodes<2) return;
+ if(list->nodesArray) freeListNodesArray(list);
+ makeListNodesArray(list);
+ quickSort(list->nodesArray,0,list->numberOfNodes-1);
diff --git a/src/list.h b/src/list.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a38ba4fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/list.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef LIST_H
+#define LIST_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* used to make a list where free() will be used to free data in list */
+/* typedef for function to free data stored in the list nodes */
+typedef void ListFreeDataFunc(void *);
+typedef struct _ListNode {
+ /* used to identify node (ie. when using findInList) */
+ char * key;
+ /* data store in node */
+ void * data;
+ /* next node in list */
+ struct _ListNode * nextNode;
+ /* previous node in list */
+ struct _ListNode * prevNode;
+} ListNode;
+typedef struct _List {
+ /* first node in list */
+ ListNode * firstNode;
+ /* last node in list */
+ ListNode * lastNode;
+ /* function used to free data stored in nodes of the list */
+ ListFreeDataFunc * freeDataFunc;
+ /* number of nodes */
+ long numberOfNodes;
+ /* array for searching when list is sorted */
+ ListNode ** nodesArray;
+} List;
+/* allocates memory for a new list and initializes it
+ * _freeDataFunc_ -> pointer to function used to free data, use
+ * DEFAULT_FREE_DATAFUNC to use free()
+ * returns pointer to new list if successful, NULL otherwise
+ */
+List * makeList(ListFreeDataFunc * freeDataFunc);
+/* inserts a node into _list_ with _key_ and _data_
+ * _list_ -> list the data will be inserted in
+ * _key_ -> identifier for node/data to be inserted into list
+ * _data_ -> data to be inserted in list
+ * returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int insertInList(List * list,char * key,void * data);
+int insertInListWithoutKey(List * list,void * data);
+/* deletes the first node in the list with the key _key_
+ * _list_ -> list the node will be deleted from
+ * _key_ -> key used to identify node to delete
+ * returns 1 if node is found and deleted, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int deleteFromList(List * list,char * key);
+void deleteNodeFromList(List * list,ListNode * node);
+/* finds data in a list based on key
+ * _list_ -> list to search for _key_ in
+ * _key_ -> which node is being searched for
+ * _data_ -> a pointer to where data will be placed,
+ * _data_ memory should not by allocated or freed
+ * returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int findInList(List * list, char * key, void ** data);
+/* frees memory malloc'd for list and its nodes
+ * _list_ -> List to be free'd
+ */
+void freeList(void * list);
+void clearList(List * list);
+void sortList(List * list);
diff --git a/src/listen.c b/src/listen.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..374d547b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/listen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "listen.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <resolv.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#define MAXHOSTNAME 1024
+#define ALLOW_REUSE 1
+int listenSocket;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+int ipv6Supported() {
+ int s;
+ s = socket(AF_INET6,SOCK_STREAM,0);
+ if(s == -1) return 0;
+ close(s);
+ return 1;
+int establish(unsigned short port) {
+ int allowReuse = ALLOW_REUSE;
+ int sock;
+ struct sockaddr * addrp;
+ socklen_t addrlen;
+ struct sockaddr_in sin;
+ int pf;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ struct sockaddr_in6 sin6;
+ memset(&sin6, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6));
+ sin6.sin6_port = htons(port);
+ sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
+ sin.sin_port = htons(port);
+ sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ if(strcmp((getConf())[CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS],"any")==0) {
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ if(ipv6Supported()) {
+ sin6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
+ addrp = (struct sockaddr *) &sin6;
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+ addrp = (struct sockaddr *) &sin;
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ struct hostent * he;
+ if(!(he = gethostbyname((getConf())[CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS]))) {
+ ERROR("can't lookup host \"%s\"\n",
+ (getConf())[CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ switch(he->h_addrtype) {
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ if(!ipv6Supported()) {
+ ERROR("no IPv6 support, but a IPv6 address "
+ "found for \"%s\"\n",
+ (getConf())[CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ bcopy((char *)he->h_addr,(char *)
+ &sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr,he->h_length);
+ addrp = (struct sockaddr *) &sin6;
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
+ break;
+ case AF_INET:
+ bcopy((char *)he->h_addr,(char *)&sin.sin_addr.s_addr,
+ he->h_length);
+ addrp = (struct sockaddr *) &sin;
+ addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERROR("address type for \"%s\" is not IPv4 or IPv6\n",
+ (getConf())[CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ switch(addrp->sa_family) {
+ case AF_INET:
+ pf = PF_INET;
+ break;
+#ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ case AF_INET6:
+ pf = PF_INET6;
+ break;
+ case AF_UNIX:
+ pf = PF_UNIX;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERROR("unknown address family: %i\n",addrp->sa_family);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if((sock = socket(pf,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) {
+ ERROR("socket < 0\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(char *)&allowReuse,
+ sizeof(allowReuse))<0)
+ {
+ close(sock);
+ ERROR("problems setsockopt'ing\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(bind(sock,addrp,addrlen)<0) {
+ ERROR("unable to bind port %i, maybe MPD is still running?\n",
+ port);
+ close(sock);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(listen(sock,5)<0) {
+ close(sock);
+ ERROR("problems listen'ing\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return sock;
+void getConnections(int sock) {
+ fd_set fdsr;
+ int fd = 0;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ struct sockaddr sockAddr;
+ socklen_t socklen = sizeof(sockAddr);
+ tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ fflush(NULL);
+ FD_ZERO(&fdsr);
+ FD_SET(sock,&fdsr);
+ if(select(sock+1,&fdsr,NULL,NULL,&tv)==1 &&
+ ((fd = accept(sock,&sockAddr,&socklen)) >= 0)) {
+ openAInterface(fd,&sockAddr);
+ }
+ else if(fd<0) ERROR("Problems accept()'ing\n");
diff --git a/src/listen.h b/src/listen.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c9bed9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/listen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef LISTEN_H
+#define LISTEN_H
+extern int listenSocket;
+int establish(unsigned short port);
+void getConnections(int sock);
diff --git a/src/log.c b/src/log.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f456a650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/log.c
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "log.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include <string.h>
+int logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_LOW;
+void initLog() {
+ if(strcmp(getConf()[CONF_LOG_LEVEL],"default")==0) {
+ if(logLevel<LOG_LEVEL_LOW) logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_LOW;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(getConf()[CONF_LOG_LEVEL],"secure")==0) {
+ if(logLevel<LOG_LEVEL_SECURE) logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_SECURE;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(getConf()[CONF_LOG_LEVEL],"verbose")==0) {
+ if(logLevel<LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
+ }
+ else ERROR("unknown log level \"%s\"\n",getConf()[CONF_LOG_LEVEL]);
diff --git a/src/log.h b/src/log.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c652c6fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/log.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef LOG_H
+#define LOG_H
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#define LOG_LEVEL_LOW 0
+#define LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 2
+extern int logLevel;
+#define ERROR(x, arg...) myfprintf(stderr, x , ##arg)
+#define LOG(x, arg...) myfprintf(stdout, x , ##arg)
+#define SECURE(x, arg...) do { \
+ if(logLevel>=LOG_LEVEL_SECURE) myfprintf(stdout, x , ##arg); \
+ } while(0);
+#define DEBUG(x, arg...) do { \
+ if(logLevel>=LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) myfprintf(stdout, x , ##arg); \
+ } while(0);
+void initLog();
diff --git a/src/ls.c b/src/ls.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c974690b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ls.c
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+char * dupAndStripPlaylistSuffix(char * file) {
+ int size = strlen(file)-strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)-1;
+ char * ret = malloc(size+1);
+ strncpy(ret,file,size);
+ ret[size] = '\0';
+ return ret;
+int lsPlaylists(FILE * fp, char * utf8path) {
+ DIR * dir;
+ struct stat st;
+ struct dirent * ent;
+ char * dup;
+ char s[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ List * list = NULL;
+ ListNode * node = NULL;
+ char * path = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8path));
+ char * actualPath = rpp2app(path);
+ int actlen = strlen(actualPath)+1;
+ int maxlen = MAXPATHLEN-actlen;
+ int suflen = strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)+1;
+ int suff;
+ if(actlen>MAXPATHLEN-1 || (dir = opendir(actualPath))==NULL) {
+ free(path);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ s[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0';
+ strcpy(s,actualPath);
+ strcat(s,"/");
+ while((ent = readdir(dir))) {
+ dup = ent->d_name;
+ if(dup[0]!='.' &&
+ (suff=strlen(dup)-suflen)>0 &&
+ dup[suff]=='.' &&
+ strcmp(dup+suff+1,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)==0)
+ {
+ strncpy(s+actlen,ent->d_name,maxlen);
+ if(stat(s,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ if(list==NULL) list = makeList(NULL);
+ dup = strdup(ent->d_name);
+ dup[suff] = '\0';
+ insertInList(list,
+ fsCharsetToUtf8(dup),NULL);
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ free(path);
+ if(list) {
+ sortList(list);
+ dup = malloc(strlen(utf8path)+2);
+ strcpy(dup,utf8path);
+ while(dup[strlen(dup)-1]=='/') dup[strlen(dup)-1] = '\0';
+ if(strlen(dup)) strcat(dup,"/");
+ node = list->firstNode;
+ while(node!=NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"playlist: %s%s\n",dup,node->key);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ freeList(list);
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ return 0;
+time_t isMusic(char * utf8file) {
+ time_t ret = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ if((ret = isOgg(utf8file))) return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ if((ret = isFlac(utf8file))) return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ if((ret = isMp3(utf8file))) return ret;
+ if((ret = isWave(utf8file))) return ret;
+ return ret;
+time_t isPlaylist(char * utf8file) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * actualFile = file;
+ char * temp = NULL;
+ if(actualFile[0]!='/') actualFile = rpp2app(file);
+ if(stat(actualFile,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ char * dup;
+ char * cLast;
+ char * cNext;
+ int ret = 0;
+ dup = strdup(file);
+ cNext = cLast = strtok(dup,".");
+ while((cNext = strtok(NULL,"."))) cLast = cNext;
+ if(cLast && 0==strcmp(cLast,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
+ ret = st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ if(temp) free(temp);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if(temp) free(temp);
+ return 0;
+time_t isWave(char * utf8file) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * actualFile = file;
+ if(actualFile[0]!='/') actualFile = rmp2amp(file);
+ if(stat(actualFile,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ char * dup;
+ char * cLast;
+ char * cNext;
+ time_t ret = 0;
+ dup = strdup(file);
+ cNext = cLast = strtok(dup,".");
+ while((cNext = strtok(NULL,"."))) cLast = cNext;
+ if(cLast && 0==strcasecmp(cLast,"wav")) {
+ ret = st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+time_t isFlac(char * utf8file) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * actualFile = file;
+ if(actualFile[0]!='/') actualFile = rmp2amp(file);
+ if(stat(actualFile,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ char * dup;
+ char * cLast;
+ char * cNext;
+ time_t ret = 0;
+ dup = strdup(file);
+ cNext = cLast = strtok(dup,".");
+ while((cNext = strtok(NULL,"."))) cLast = cNext;
+ if(cLast && 0==strcasecmp(cLast,"flac")) {
+ ret = st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+time_t isOgg(char * utf8file) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * actualFile = file;
+ if(actualFile[0]!='/') actualFile = rmp2amp(file);
+ if(stat(actualFile,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ char * dup;
+ char * cLast;
+ char * cNext;
+ time_t ret = 0;
+ dup = strdup(file);
+ cNext = cLast = strtok(dup,".");
+ while((cNext = strtok(NULL,"."))) cLast = cNext;
+ if(cLast && 0==strcasecmp(cLast,"ogg")) {
+ ret = st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+time_t isMp3(char * utf8file) {
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * actualFile = file;
+ if(actualFile[0]!='/') actualFile = rmp2amp(file);
+ if(stat(actualFile,&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ char * dup;
+ char * cLast;
+ char * cNext;
+ time_t ret = 0;
+ dup = strdup(file);
+ cNext = cLast = strtok(dup,".");
+ while((cNext = strtok(NULL,"."))) cLast = cNext;
+ if(cLast && 0==strcasecmp(cLast,"mp3")) {
+ ret = st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+time_t isDir(char * utf8name) {
+ struct stat st;
+ if(stat(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8name)),&st)==0) {
+ if(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return st.st_mtime;
+ }
+ else {
+ DEBUG("isDir: unable to stat: %s (%s)\n",utf8name,
+ rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8name)));
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/ls.h b/src/ls.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c31f37a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ls.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef LS_H
+#define LS_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+int lsPlaylists(FILE * fp, char * utf8path);
+time_t isMp3(char * utf8file);
+time_t isOgg(char * utf8file);
+time_t isFlac(char * utf8file);
+time_t isWave(char * utf8file);
+time_t isMusic(char * utf8file);
+time_t isDir(char * utf8name);
+time_t isPlaylist(char * utf8file);
+char * dupAndStripPlaylistSuffix(char * file);
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0de23c081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "listen.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "volume.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "permission.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION "/etc/mpd.conf"
+#define USER_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION "/.mpdconf"
+typedef struct _Options {
+ char * portStr;
+ char * musicDirArg;
+ char * playlistDirArg;
+ char * logFile;
+ char * errorFile;
+ char * usr;
+ char * dbFile;
+ int daemon;
+ int createDB;
+} Options;
+void usage(char * argv[]) {
+ ERROR("usage:\n");
+ ERROR(" %s [options] <port> <music dir> <playlist dir> <log file> <error file>\n",argv[0]);
+ ERROR(" %s [options] <conf file>\n",argv[0]);
+ ERROR(" %s [options] (searches for ~%s then %s)\n",
+ ERROR("\n");
+ ERROR("options:\n");
+ ERROR(" --help this usage statement\n");
+ ERROR(" --no-daemon don't detach from console\n");
+ ERROR(" --create-db force (re)creation database\n");
+ ERROR(" --no-create-db don't create database\n");
+ ERROR(" --verbose verbose logging\n");
+ ERROR(" --version prints version information\n");
+void version() {
+ ERROR("mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) %s\n",VERSION);
+ ERROR("\n");
+ ERROR("Copyright (C) 2003 Warren Dukes <shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu>\n");
+ ERROR("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n");
+void parseOptions(int argc, char ** argv, Options * options) {
+ int argcLeft = argc;
+ options->usr = NULL;
+ options->daemon = 1;
+ options->createDB = 0;
+ options->dbFile = NULL;
+ if(argc>1) {
+ int i = 1;
+ while(i<argc) {
+ if(strncmp(argv[i],"--",2)==0) {
+ if(strcmp(argv[i],"--help")==0) {
+ usage(argv);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no-daemon")==0) {
+ options->daemon = 0;
+ argcLeft--;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--create-db")==0) {
+ options->createDB = 1;
+ argcLeft--;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--no-create-db")==0) {
+ options->createDB = -1;
+ argcLeft--;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--verbose")==0) {
+ logLevel = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;
+ argcLeft--;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(argv[i],"--version")==0) {
+ version();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ myfprintf(stderr,"unknown command line option: %s\n",argv[i]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(argcLeft==6) {
+ options->portStr = argv[argc-5];
+ options->musicDirArg = argv[argc-4];
+ options->playlistDirArg = argv[argc-3];
+ options->logFile = argv[argc-2];
+ options->errorFile = argv[argc-1];
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(argcLeft<=2) {
+ char ** conf = NULL;
+ if(argcLeft==2) conf = readConf(argv[argc-1]);
+ if(argcLeft==1) {
+ FILE * fp;
+ char * homedir = getenv("HOME");
+ char userfile[MAXPATHLEN+1] = "";
+ if(homedir && (strlen(homedir)+
+ strcpy(userfile,homedir);
+ strcat(userfile,USER_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION);
+ }
+ if(strlen(userfile) && (fp=fopen(userfile,"r"))) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ conf = readConf(userfile);
+ }
+ else if((fp=fopen(SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION,"r"))) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ if(conf) {
+ options->portStr = conf[CONF_PORT];
+ options->musicDirArg = conf[CONF_MUSIC_DIRECTORY];
+ options->playlistDirArg = conf[CONF_PLAYLIST_DIRECTORY];
+ options->logFile = conf[CONF_LOG_FILE];
+ options->errorFile = conf[CONF_ERROR_FILE];
+ options->usr = conf[CONF_USER];
+ if(conf[CONF_DB_FILE]) {
+ options->dbFile = conf[CONF_DB_FILE];
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ usage(argv);
+ exit(-1);
+int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
+ int port, uid, gid;
+ struct stat st;
+ FILE * out;
+ FILE * err;
+ Options options;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<FD_SETSIZE;i++) {
+ switch(i) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ close(i);
+ }
+ }
+ initConf();
+ parseOptions(argc,argv,&options);
+ initStats();
+ initLog();
+ if((port = atoi(options.portStr))<0) {
+ ERROR("problem with port number\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if((listenSocket = establish(port))<0) {
+ ERROR("error binding port\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * lose privileges as early as possible
+ */
+ /* change uid */
+ if (options.usr && strlen(options.usr)) {
+#ifdef _BSD_SOURCE
+ gid_t gid_list[NGROUPS_MAX];
+ /* get uid */
+ struct passwd * userpwd;
+ if ((userpwd = getpwnam(options.usr)) == NULL) {
+ ERROR("no such user: %s\n", options.usr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ uid = userpwd->pw_uid;
+ gid = userpwd->pw_gid;
+ if(setgid(gid) == -1) {
+ ERROR("cannot setgid of user %s: %s\n", options.usr,
+ strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+#ifdef _BSD_SOURCE
+ /* init suplementary groups
+ * (must be done before we change our uid)
+ */
+ if (initgroups(options.usr, gid) == -1) {
+ ERROR("cannot init suplementary groups "
+ "of user %s: %s\n", options.usr,
+ strerror(errno));
+ }
+ else if(getgroups(NGROUPS_MAX, gid_list) == -1) {
+ ERROR("cannot get groups "
+ "of user %s: %s\n", options.usr,
+ strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(setgroups(NGROUPS_MAX, gid_list) == -1) {
+ ERROR("cannot set groups "
+ "of user %s: %s\n", options.usr,
+ strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* set uid */
+ if (setuid(uid) == -1) {
+ ERROR("cannot change to uid of user "
+ "%s: %s\n", options.usr,
+ strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(NULL==(out=fopen(options.logFile,"a"))) {
+ ERROR("problem opening file \"%s\" for writing\n",
+ options.logFile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(NULL==(err=fopen(options.errorFile,"a"))) {
+ ERROR("problem opening file \"%s\" for writing\n",
+ options.errorFile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initPaths();
+ initPermissions();
+ if(options.playlistDirArg[0]=='/') {
+ strcpy(playlistDir,options.playlistDirArg);
+ }
+ else {
+ getcwd(playlistDir,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(options.playlistDirArg)-1);
+ if(playlistDir[strlen(playlistDir)-1]!='/') {
+ strcat(playlistDir,"/");
+ }
+ strcat(playlistDir,options.playlistDirArg);
+ }
+ if(playlistDir[strlen(playlistDir)-1]!='/') {
+ strcat(playlistDir,"/");
+ }
+ if((stat(playlistDir,&st))<0) {
+ ERROR("problem stat'ing \"%s\"\n",options.playlistDirArg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not a directory\n",options.playlistDirArg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(options.musicDirArg[0]=='/') {
+ strcpy(musicDir,options.musicDirArg);
+ }
+ else {
+ getcwd(musicDir,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(options.musicDirArg)-1);
+ if(musicDir[strlen(musicDir)-1]!='/') strcat(musicDir,"/");
+ strcat(musicDir,options.musicDirArg);
+ }
+ if(musicDir[strlen(musicDir)-1]!='/') strcat(musicDir,"/");
+ if((stat(musicDir,&st))<0) {
+ ERROR("problem stat'ing \"%s\"\n",options.musicDirArg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" is not a directory\n",options.musicDirArg);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initTables();
+ if(!options.dbFile) {
+ strncpy(directorydb,playlistDir,MAXPATHLEN);
+ strncat(directorydb,"/.mpddb",MAXPATHLEN-strlen(playlistDir));
+ }
+ else strncpy(directorydb,options.dbFile,MAXPATHLEN);
+ if(options.createDB>0 || readDirectoryDB()<0) {
+ if(options.createDB<0) {
+ ERROR("can't open db file and using \"--no-create-db\""
+ " command line option\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ initMp3Directory();
+ if(writeDirectoryDB()<0) {
+ ERROR("problem opening db for reading or writing\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ initCommands();
+ initAudioDriver();
+ initPlayerData();
+ initVolume();
+ initInterfaces();
+ initPlaylist();
+ close(STDIN_FILENO);
+ if(options.daemon) {
+ int pid;
+ fflush(NULL);
+ pid = fork();
+ if(pid>0) _exit(0);
+ else if(pid<0) {
+ ERROR("problems fork'ing for daemon!\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(chdir("/")<0) {
+ ERROR("problems changing to root directory\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(setsid()<0) {
+ ERROR("problems setsid'ing\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(close(STDOUT_FILENO)) {
+ fprintf(err,"problems closing stdout : %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(close(STDERR_FILENO)) {
+ fprintf(err,"problems closing stderr : %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(dup2(fileno(out),STDOUT_FILENO)<0) {
+ fprintf(err,"problems dup2 stdout : %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(dup2(fileno(err),STDERR_FILENO)<0) {
+ fprintf(err,"problems dup2 stderr : %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ myfprintfStdLogMode(out,err);
+ fflush(NULL);
+ pid = fork();
+ if(pid>0) _exit(0);
+ else if(pid<0) {
+ ERROR("problems fork'ing for daemon!\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ fclose(out);
+ fclose(err);
+ }
+ /* lets redirect stdin to dev null as a work around for libao bug */
+ {
+ int fd = open("/dev/null",O_RDONLY);
+ if(fd<0) {
+ ERROR("not able to open /dev/null to redirect stdin: "
+ "%s\n",strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(dup2(fd,STDIN_FILENO)<0) {
+ ERROR("problems dup2's stdin for redirection: "
+ "%s\n",strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ openVolumeDevice();
+ initSigHandlers();
+ readPlaylistState();
+ while(COMMAND_RETURN_KILL!=doIOForInterfaces()) {
+ syncPlayerAndPlaylist();
+ closeOldInterfaces();
+ }
+ finishSigHandlers();
+ savePlaylistState();
+ playerKill();
+ freeAllInterfaces();
+ close(listenSocket);
+ closeMp3Directory();
+ closeTables();
+ finishPlaylist();
+ freePlayerData();
+ finishAudioDriver();
+ finishVolume();
+ finishPaths();
+ finishPermissions();
+ finishCommands();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/mp3_decode.c b/src/mp3_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..086e3be13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mp3_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+#include "mp3_decode.h"
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#ifdef USE_MPD_MAD
+#include "libmad/mad.h"
+#include <mad.h>
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define FRAMES_CUSHION 2000
+#define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 40960
+#define DECODE_BREAK -2
+#define DECODE_CONT -1
+#define DECODE_OK 0
+/* this is stolen from mpg321! */
+struct audio_dither {
+ mad_fixed_t error[3];
+ mad_fixed_t random;
+unsigned long prng(unsigned long state) {
+ return (state * 0x0019660dL + 0x3c6ef35fL) & 0xffffffffL;
+signed long audio_linear_dither(unsigned int bits, mad_fixed_t sample, struct audio_dither *dither) {
+ unsigned int scalebits;
+ mad_fixed_t output, mask, random;
+ enum {
+ MAX = MAD_F_ONE - 1
+ };
+ sample += dither->error[0] - dither->error[1] + dither->error[2];
+ dither->error[2] = dither->error[1];
+ dither->error[1] = dither->error[0] / 2;
+ output = sample + (1L << (MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - bits - 1));
+ scalebits = MAD_F_FRACBITS + 1 - bits;
+ mask = (1L << scalebits) - 1;
+ random = prng(dither->random);
+ output += (random & mask) - (dither->random & mask);
+ dither->random = random;
+ if (output > MAX) {
+ output = MAX;
+ if (sample > MAX)
+ sample = MAX;
+ }
+ else if (output < MIN) {
+ output = MIN;
+ if (sample < MIN)
+ sample = MIN;
+ }
+ output &= ~mask;
+ dither->error[0] = sample - output;
+ return output >> scalebits;
+/* end of stolen stuff from mpg321 */
+/* decoder stuff is based on madlld */
+typedef struct _mp3DecodeData {
+ FILE * fp;
+ struct mad_stream stream;
+ struct mad_frame frame;
+ struct mad_synth synth;
+ mad_timer_t timer;
+ unsigned char readBuffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ char outputBuffer[CHUNK_SIZE];
+ char * outputPtr;
+ char * outputBufferEnd;
+ float totalTime;
+ float elapsedTime;
+ int muteFrame;
+ long * frameOffset;
+ mad_timer_t * times;
+ long highestFrame;
+ long currentOffset;
+ long maxFrames;
+ long currentFrame;
+ int flush;
+ unsigned long bitRate;
+} mp3DecodeData;
+void initMp3DecodeData(mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ data->outputPtr = data->outputBuffer;
+ data->outputBufferEnd = data->outputBuffer+CHUNK_SIZE;
+ data->muteFrame = 0;
+ data->currentOffset = 0;
+ data->highestFrame = 0;
+ data->maxFrames = 0;
+ data->frameOffset = NULL;
+ data->times = NULL;
+ data->currentFrame = 0;
+ data->flush = 1;
+ mad_stream_init(&data->stream);
+ mad_frame_init(&data->frame);
+ mad_synth_init(&data->synth);
+ mad_timer_reset(&data->timer);
+int fillMp3InputBuffer(mp3DecodeData * data, long offset) {
+ size_t readSize;
+ size_t remaining;
+ unsigned char * readStart;
+ if(offset>=0) {
+ if(fseek(data->fp,offset,SEEK_SET)==0) {
+ data->currentOffset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ if(offset==-1 && (data->stream).next_frame!=NULL) {
+ remaining = (data->stream).bufend-(data->stream).next_frame;
+ memmove(data->readBuffer,(data->stream).next_frame,remaining);
+ readStart = (data->readBuffer)+remaining;
+ readSize = READ_BUFFER_SIZE-remaining;
+ }
+ else {
+ readSize = READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ readStart = data->readBuffer,
+ remaining = 0;
+ }
+ readSize = fread(readStart,1,readSize,data->fp);
+ if(readSize<=0) return -1;
+ data->currentOffset+=readSize;
+ mad_stream_buffer(&data->stream,data->readBuffer,readSize+remaining);
+ (data->stream).error = 0;
+ return 0;
+int decodeNextFrameHeader(mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ if((data->stream).buffer==NULL || (data->stream).error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) {
+ if(fillMp3InputBuffer(data,/*data->currentOffset*/-1) < 0) {
+ return DECODE_BREAK;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mad_header_decode(&data->frame.header,&data->stream)) {
+ if(MAD_RECOVERABLE((data->stream).error)) return DECODE_CONT;
+ else {
+ if((data->stream).error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) return DECODE_CONT;
+ else
+ {
+ ERROR("unrecoverable frame level error "
+ "(%s).\n",
+ mad_stream_errorstr(&data->stream));
+ data->flush = 0;
+ return DECODE_BREAK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return DECODE_OK;
+int decodeNextFrame(mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ if((data->stream).buffer==NULL || (data->stream).error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) {
+ if(fillMp3InputBuffer(data,/*data->currentOffset*/-1) < 0) {
+ return DECODE_BREAK;
+ }
+ }
+ if(mad_frame_decode(&data->frame,&data->stream)) {
+ if(MAD_RECOVERABLE((data->stream).error)) return DECODE_CONT;
+ else {
+ if((data->stream).error==MAD_ERROR_BUFLEN) return DECODE_CONT;
+ else
+ {
+ ERROR("unrecoverable frame level error "
+ "(%s).\n",
+ mad_stream_errorstr(&data->stream));
+ data->flush = 0;
+ return DECODE_BREAK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return DECODE_OK;
+/* xing stuff stolen from alsaplayer */
+# define XING_MAGIC (('X' << 24) | ('i' << 16) | ('n' << 8) | 'g')
+struct xing {
+ long flags; /* valid fields (see below) */
+ unsigned long frames; /* total number of frames */
+ unsigned long bytes; /* total number of bytes */
+ unsigned char toc[100]; /* 100-point seek table */
+ long scale; /* ?? */
+enum {
+ XING_FRAMES = 0x00000001L,
+ XING_BYTES = 0x00000002L,
+ XING_TOC = 0x00000004L,
+ XING_SCALE = 0x00000008L
+int parse_xing(struct xing *xing, struct mad_bitptr ptr, unsigned int bitlen)
+ if (bitlen < 64 || mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32) != XING_MAGIC) goto fail;
+ xing->flags = mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32);
+ bitlen -= 64;
+ if (xing->flags & XING_FRAMES) {
+ if (bitlen < 32) goto fail;
+ xing->frames = mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32);
+ bitlen -= 32;
+ }
+ if (xing->flags & XING_BYTES) {
+ if (bitlen < 32) goto fail;
+ xing->bytes = mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32);
+ bitlen -= 32;
+ }
+ if (xing->flags & XING_TOC) {
+ int i;
+ if (bitlen < 800) goto fail;
+ for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) xing->toc[i] = mad_bit_read(&ptr, 8);
+ bitlen -= 800;
+ }
+ if (xing->flags & XING_SCALE) {
+ if (bitlen < 32) goto fail;
+ xing->scale = mad_bit_read(&ptr, 32);
+ bitlen -= 32;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ xing->flags = 0;
+ return 0;
+int decodeFirstFrame(mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ struct stat filestat;
+ struct xing xing;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&xing,0,sizeof(struct xing));
+ xing.flags = 0;
+ while((ret = decodeNextFrameHeader(data))==DECODE_CONT);
+ if(ret!=DECODE_OK) return -1;
+ while((ret = decodeNextFrame(data))==DECODE_CONT);
+ if(ret!=DECODE_OK) return -1;
+ if(parse_xing(&xing,data->stream.anc_ptr,data->stream.anc_bitlen)) {
+ if(xing.flags & XING_FRAMES) {
+ mad_timer_t duration = data->frame.header.duration;
+ mad_timer_multiply(&duration,xing.frames);
+ data->muteFrame = 1;
+ data->totalTime = ((float)mad_timer_count(duration,
+ data->maxFrames = xing.frames;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mad_timer_t duration = data->frame.header.duration;
+ float frameTime = ((float)mad_timer_count(duration,
+ fstat(fileno(data->fp),&filestat);
+ data->totalTime = (filestat.st_size*8.0)/
+ (data->frame).header.bitrate;
+ data->maxFrames = data->totalTime/frameTime+FRAMES_CUSHION;
+ }
+ data->frameOffset = malloc(sizeof(long)*data->maxFrames);
+ data->times = malloc(sizeof(mad_timer_t)*data->maxFrames);
+ return 0;
+void mp3DecodeDataFinalize(mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ mad_synth_finish(&data->synth);
+ mad_frame_finish(&data->frame);
+ mad_stream_finish(&data->stream);
+ if(data->fp) fclose(data->fp);
+ if(data->frameOffset) free(data->frameOffset);
+ if(data->times) free(data->times);
+/* this is primarily used for getting total time for tags */
+int getMp3TotalTime(char * file) {
+ mp3DecodeData data;
+ int ret;
+ while(!(data.fp = fopen(file,"r")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(!data.fp) return -1;
+ initMp3DecodeData(&data);
+ if(decodeFirstFrame(&data)<0) ret = -1;
+ else ret = data.totalTime;
+ mp3DecodeDataFinalize(&data);
+ return ret;
+int openMp3(char * file, mp3DecodeData * data) {
+ if((data->fp = fopen(file,"r"))<=0) {
+ ERROR("problems opening \"%s\"\n",file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initMp3DecodeData(data);
+ if(decodeFirstFrame(data)<0) {
+ mp3DecodeDataFinalize(data);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int mp3ChildSendData(mp3DecodeData * data, Buffer * cb, DecoderControl * dc) {
+ while(cb->begin==cb->end && cb->wrap && !dc->stop && !dc->seek)
+ usleep(1000);
+ if(dc->stop) return -1;
+ /* just for now, so it doesn't hang */
+ if(dc->seek) return 0;
+ /* be sure to remove this! */
+ pcm_changeBufferEndianness(data->outputBuffer,CHUNK_SIZE,16);
+ memcpy(cb->chunks+cb->end*CHUNK_SIZE,data->outputBuffer,CHUNK_SIZE);
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->end] = data->outputPtr-data->outputBuffer;
+ cb->bitRate[cb->end] = data->bitRate/1000;
+ cb->times[cb->end] = data->elapsedTime;
+ cb->end++;
+ if(cb->end>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int mp3Read(mp3DecodeData * data, Buffer * cb, DecoderControl * dc) {
+ static int i;
+ static int ret;
+ static struct audio_dither dither;
+ if(data->currentFrame>=data->highestFrame &&
+ data->highestFrame<data->maxFrames)
+ {
+ mad_timer_add(&data->timer,(data->frame).header.duration);
+ data->bitRate = (data->frame).header.bitrate;
+ data->frameOffset[data->currentFrame] =
+ data->currentOffset;
+ if(data->stream.this_frame!=NULL) {
+ data->frameOffset[data->currentFrame]+=
+ data->stream.this_frame-
+ data->stream.buffer;
+ }
+ else {
+ data->frameOffset[data->currentFrame]+=
+ data->stream.bufend-data->stream.buffer;
+ }
+ data->times[data->currentFrame] = data->timer;
+ data->highestFrame++;
+ }
+ else data->timer = data->times[data->currentFrame];
+ data->currentFrame++;
+ data->elapsedTime = ((float)mad_timer_count(data->timer,MAD_UNITS_MILLISECONDS))/1000;
+ if(data->muteFrame) {
+ if(!dc->seek) data->muteFrame = 0;
+ else if(dc->seekWhere<=data->elapsedTime) {
+ data->muteFrame = 0;
+ dc->seek = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mad_synth_frame(&data->synth,&data->frame);
+ for(i=0;i<(data->synth).pcm.length;i++) {
+ signed int sample;
+ sample = (signed int) audio_linear_dither(16,(data->synth).pcm.samples[0][i],&dither);
+ *(data->outputPtr++) = sample&0xff;
+ *(data->outputPtr++) = sample>>8;
+ if(MAD_NCHANNELS(&(data->frame).header)==2) {
+ sample = (signed int) audio_linear_dither(16,(data->synth).pcm.samples[1][i],&dither);
+ *(data->outputPtr++) = sample&0xff;
+ *(data->outputPtr++) = sample>>8;
+ }
+ if(data->outputPtr==data->outputBufferEnd) {
+ if(mp3ChildSendData(data,cb,dc)<0) {
+ data->flush = 0;
+ return DECODE_BREAK;
+ }
+ data->outputPtr = data->outputBuffer;
+ if(dc->seek) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(dc->seek) {
+ long i = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ cb->end = 0;
+ data->muteFrame = 1;
+ while(i<data->highestFrame && dc->seekWhere >
+ ((float)mad_timer_count(data->times[i],
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(i<data->highestFrame) {
+ data->currentFrame = i;
+ fillMp3InputBuffer(data,data->frameOffset[i]);
+ data->muteFrame = 0;
+ dc->seek = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(data->muteFrame) {
+ while((ret=decodeNextFrameHeader(data))==DECODE_CONT);
+ }
+ else while((ret=decodeNextFrame(data))==DECODE_CONT);
+ return ret;
+void initAudioFormatFromMp3DecodeData(mp3DecodeData * data, AudioFormat * af) {
+ af->bits = 16;
+ af->sampleRate = (data->frame).header.samplerate;
+ af->channels = MAD_NCHANNELS(&(data->frame).header);
+int mp3_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc) {
+ mp3DecodeData data;
+ if(openMp3(dc->file,&data) < 0) {
+ ERROR("Input does not appear to be a mp3 bit stream.\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ initAudioFormatFromMp3DecodeData(&data,af);
+ cb->totalTime = data.totalTime;
+ dc->start = 0;
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_DECODE;
+ while(mp3Read(&data,cb,dc)!=DECODE_BREAK);
+ /* send last little bit if not dc->stop */
+ if(data.outputPtr!=data.outputBuffer && data.flush) {
+ mp3ChildSendData(&data,cb,dc);
+ }
+ mp3DecodeDataFinalize(&data);
+ if(dc->seek) dc->seek = 0;
+ if(dc->stop) {
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ }
+ else dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/mp3_decode.h b/src/mp3_decode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..918b5a46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mp3_decode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef MP3_DECODE_H
+#define MP3_DECODE_H
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+#include "playerData.h"
+/* this is primarily used in tag.c */
+int getMp3TotalTime(char * file);
+int mp3_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc);
diff --git a/src/mpd_types.h b/src/mpd_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b8aaa0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mpd_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef MPD_TYPES_H
+#define MPD_TYPES_H
+typedef unsigned char mpd_uint8;
+typedef signed char mpd_sint8;
+#if SIZEOF_SHORT == 2
+typedef unsigned short mpd_uint16;
+typedef signed short mpd_sint16;
+#elif SIZEOF_INT == 2
+typedef unsigned short mpd_uint16;
+typedef signed short mpd_sint16;
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
+typedef unsigned int mpd_uint32;
+typedef signed int mpd_sint32;
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 4
+typedef unsigned int mpd_uint32;
+typedef signed int mpd_sint32;
diff --git a/src/myfprintf.c b/src/myfprintf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..588e5df2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/myfprintf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+int myfprintf_stdLogMode = 0;
+FILE * myfprintf_out;
+FILE * myfprintf_err;
+void myfprintfStdLogMode(FILE * out, FILE * err) {
+ myfprintf_stdLogMode = 1;
+ myfprintf_out = out;
+ myfprintf_err = err;
+void myfprintf(FILE * fp, char * format, ... ) {
+ va_list arglist;
+ int fd = fileno(fp);
+ int fcntlret;
+ va_start(arglist,format);
+ while((fcntlret=fcntl(fd,F_GETFL))==-1 && errno==EINTR);
+ if(myfprintf_stdLogMode && (fd==1 || fd==2)) {
+ char str[15];
+ time_t t = time(NULL);
+ if(fd==1) fp = myfprintf_out;
+ else fp = myfprintf_err;
+ strftime(str,14,"%b %e %R",localtime(&t));
+ fprintf(fp,"%s : ",str);
+ vfprintf(fp,format,arglist);
+ }
+ else if(fcntlret & O_NONBLOCK) {
+ char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH+1];
+ vsnprintf(buffer,BUFFER_LENGTH,format,arglist);
+ if(interfacePrintWithFD(fd,buffer)<0) {
+ /* not a fd from a interface */
+ vfprintf(fp,format,arglist);
+ }
+ }
+ else vfprintf(fp,format,arglist);
+ fflush(fp);
+ va_end(arglist);
diff --git a/src/myfprintf.h b/src/myfprintf.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6014eb6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/myfprintf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef MYFPRINTF_H
+#define MYFPRINTF_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+void myfprintfStdLogMode(FILE * out, FILE * err);
+void myfprintf(FILE * fp, char * format, ... );
diff --git a/src/ogg_decode.c b/src/ogg_decode.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..249b3490c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ogg_decode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+#include "ogg_decode.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
+int ogg_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc)
+ OggVorbis_File vf;
+ FILE * oggfp;
+ if(!(oggfp = fopen(dc->file,"r"))) {
+ ERROR("failed to open ogg\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(ov_open(oggfp, &vf, NULL, 0) < 0) {
+ ERROR("Input does not appear to be an Ogg bit stream.\n");
+ fclose(oggfp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ {
+ vorbis_info *vi=ov_info(&vf,-1);
+ af->bits = 16;
+ af->channels = vi->channels;
+ af->sampleRate = vi->rate;
+ }
+ cb->totalTime = ov_time_total(&vf,-1);
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_DECODE;
+ dc->start = 0;
+ {
+ int current_section;
+ int eof = 0;
+ long ret;
+ char chunk[CHUNK_SIZE];
+ long bitRate = 0;
+ long test;
+ while(!eof) {
+ if(dc->seek) {
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 0;
+ ov_time_seek_page(&vf,dc->seekWhere);
+ dc->seek = 0;
+ }
+ ret = ov_read(&vf,chunk,CHUNK_SIZE,0,2,1,
+ &current_section);
+ if(ret<=0) eof = 1;
+ else {
+ while(cb->begin==cb->end && cb->wrap &&
+ !dc->stop && !dc->seek)
+ {
+ usleep(1000);
+ }
+ if(dc->stop) break;
+ else if(dc->seek) continue;
+ pcm_changeBufferEndianness(chunk,CHUNK_SIZE,
+ af->bits);
+ memcpy(cb->chunks+cb->end*CHUNK_SIZE,
+ chunk,CHUNK_SIZE);
+ cb->chunkSize[cb->end] = ret;
+ cb->times[cb->end] = ov_time_tell(&vf);
+ if((test = ov_bitrate_instant(&vf))>0) {
+ bitRate = test/1000;
+ }
+ cb->bitRate[cb->end] = bitRate;
+ cb->end++;
+ if(cb->end>=BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ cb->end = 0;
+ cb->wrap = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ov_clear(&vf);
+ if(dc->seek) dc->seek = 0;
+ if(dc->stop) {
+ dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ dc->stop = 0;
+ }
+ else dc->state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/ogg_decode.h b/src/ogg_decode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbe13b275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ogg_decode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef OGG_DECODE_H
+#define OGG_DECODE_H
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+int ogg_decode(Buffer * cb, AudioFormat * af, DecoderControl * dc);
diff --git a/src/path.c b/src/path.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c91240908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/path.c
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "path.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "charConv.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <langinfo.h>
+char musicDir[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+char playlistDir[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+char * fsCharset = NULL;
+char * pathConvCharset(char * to, char * from, char * str, char * ret) {
+ if(ret) {
+ free(ret);
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
+ if(setCharSetConversion(to,from)==0) {
+ ret = convStrDup(str);
+ }
+ if(!ret) ret = strdup(str);
+ return ret;
+char * fsCharsetToUtf8(char * str) {
+ static char * ret = NULL;
+ return ret = pathConvCharset("UTF-8",fsCharset,str,ret);
+char * utf8ToFsCharset(char * str) {
+ static char * ret = NULL;
+ return ret = pathConvCharset(fsCharset,"UTF-8",str,ret);
+void setFsCharset(char * charset) {
+ if(fsCharset) free(fsCharset);
+ fsCharset = strdup(charset);
+ DEBUG("setFsCharset: fs charset is: %s\n",fsCharset);
+ if(setCharSetConversion("UTF-8",fsCharset)!=0) {
+ ERROR("fs charset conversion problem: "
+ "not able to convert from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
+ fsCharset,"UTF-8");
+ }
+ if(setCharSetConversion(fsCharset,"UTF-8")!=0) {
+ ERROR("fs charset conversion problem: "
+ "not able to convert from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
+ "UTF-8",fsCharset);
+ }
+char * getFsCharset() {
+ return fsCharset;
+void initPaths() {
+ char * originalLocale;
+ char * charset = NULL;
+ if(getConf()[CONF_FS_CHARSET]) {
+ charset = strdup(getConf()[CONF_FS_CHARSET]);
+ }
+ else if((originalLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL,""))) {
+ char * temp;
+ if((temp = nl_langinfo(CODESET))) {
+ charset = strdup(temp);
+ }
+ else ERROR("problems getting charset for locale\n");
+ if(!setlocale(LC_ALL,originalLocale)) {
+ ERROR("problems resetting locale with setlocale()\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else ERROR("problems getting locale with setlocale()\n");
+ if(charset) {
+ setFsCharset(charset);
+ free(charset);
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("setting filesystem charset to UTF-8\n");
+ setFsCharset("UTF-8");
+ }
+void finishPaths() {
+ free(fsCharset);
+ fsCharset = NULL;
+char * rmp2amp(char * relativePath) {
+ static char absolutePath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ memset(absolutePath,0,MAXPATHLEN+1);
+ strcpy(absolutePath,musicDir);
+ strncat(absolutePath,relativePath,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(musicDir));
+ return absolutePath;
+char * rpp2app(char * relativePath) {
+ static char absolutePath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ memset(absolutePath,0,MAXPATHLEN+1);
+ strcpy(absolutePath,playlistDir);
+ strncat(absolutePath,relativePath,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(musicDir));
+ return absolutePath;
+char * parentPath(char * path) {
+ static char parentPath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ int i;
+ memset(parentPath,0,MAXPATHLEN+1);
+ strncpy(parentPath,path,MAXPATHLEN);
+ while(strlen(parentPath) && parentPath[strlen(parentPath)-1]=='/') {
+ parentPath[strlen(parentPath)-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ for(i=strlen(parentPath);i>=0;i--) {
+ if(parentPath[i]=='/') break;
+ parentPath[i] = '\0';
+ }
+ while(strlen(parentPath) && parentPath[strlen(parentPath)-1]=='/') {
+ parentPath[strlen(parentPath)-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ return parentPath;
diff --git a/src/path.h b/src/path.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73cae2700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/path.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef PATH_H
+#define PATH_H
+#include <sys/param.h>
+extern char musicDir[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+extern char playlistDir[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+void initPaths();
+void finishPaths();
+char * utf8ToFsCharset(char * str);
+char * fsCharsetToUtf8(char * str);
+void setFsCharset(char * charset);
+char * getFsCharset();
+/* relative music path to absolute music path
+ * char * passed is a static variable, so don't free it
+ */
+char * rmp2amp(char * file);
+/* static char * returned */
+char * rpp2app(char * file);
+/* static char * returned */
+char * parentPath(char * path);
diff --git a/src/pcm_utils.c b/src/pcm_utils.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91d6b2f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pcm_utils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#include "pcm_utils.h"
+#include "mpd_types.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+void pcm_changeBufferEndianness(char * buffer, int bufferSize, int bits) {
+ char temp;
+ switch(bits) {
+ case 16:
+ while(bufferSize) {
+ temp = *buffer;
+ *buffer = *(buffer+1);
+ *(buffer+1) = temp;
+ bufferSize-=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void pcm_volumeChange(char * buffer, int bufferSize, AudioFormat * format,
+ int volume)
+ mpd_sint32 temp32;
+ mpd_sint8 * buffer8 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer;
+ mpd_sint16 * buffer16 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer;
+ if(volume>=100) return;
+ if(volume<=0) {
+ memset(buffer,0,bufferSize);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(format->bits) {
+ case 16:
+ while(bufferSize>0) {
+ temp32 = *buffer16;
+ temp32*= volume;
+ temp32/=100;
+ *buffer16 = temp32>32767 ? 32767 :
+ (temp32<-32768 ? -32768 : temp32);
+ buffer16++;
+ bufferSize-=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ while(bufferSize>0) {
+ temp32 = *buffer8;
+ temp32*= volume;
+ temp32/=100;
+ *buffer8 = temp32>127 ? 127 :
+ (temp32<-128 ? -128 : temp32);
+ buffer8++;
+ bufferSize--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERROR("%i bits not supported by pcm_volumeChange!\n",
+ format->bits);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+void pcm_add(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
+ size_t bufferSize2, AudioFormat * format)
+ mpd_sint32 temp32;
+ mpd_sint8 * buffer8_1 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer1;
+ mpd_sint8 * buffer8_2 = (mpd_sint8 *)buffer2;
+ mpd_sint16 * buffer16_1 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer1;
+ mpd_sint16 * buffer16_2 = (mpd_sint16 *)buffer2;
+ switch(format->bits) {
+ case 16:
+ while(bufferSize1>0 && bufferSize2>0) {
+ temp32 = *buffer16_1;
+ temp32+= *buffer16_2;
+ *buffer16_1 = temp32>32767 ? 32767 :
+ (temp32<-32768 ? -32768 : temp32);
+ buffer16_1++;
+ buffer16_2++;
+ bufferSize1-=2;
+ bufferSize2-=2;
+ }
+ if(bufferSize2>0) memcpy(buffer8_1,buffer8_2,bufferSize2);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ while(bufferSize1>0 && bufferSize2>0) {
+ temp32 = *buffer8_1;
+ temp32+= *buffer8_2;
+ *buffer8_1 = temp32>127 ? 127 :
+ (temp32<-128 ? -128 : temp32);
+ buffer8_1++;
+ buffer8_2++;
+ bufferSize1--;
+ bufferSize2--;
+ }
+ if(bufferSize2>0) memcpy(buffer8_1,buffer8_2,bufferSize2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ERROR("%i bits not supported by pcm_add!\n",format->bits);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+void pcm_mix(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
+ size_t bufferSize2, AudioFormat * format, float portion1)
+ float s = sin(M_PI_2*portion1);
+ s*=s;
+ pcm_volumeChange(buffer1,bufferSize1,format,(int)(s*100));
+ pcm_volumeChange(buffer2,bufferSize2,format,(int)((1-s)*100));
+ pcm_add(buffer1,buffer2,bufferSize1,bufferSize2,format);
diff --git a/src/pcm_utils.h b/src/pcm_utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ce408310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pcm_utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef PCM_UTILS_H
+#define PMC_UTILS_H
+#include "audio.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void pcm_changeBufferEndianness(char * buffer, int bufferSize, int bits);
+void pcm_volumeChange(char * buffer, int bufferSize, AudioFormat * format,
+ int volume);
+void pcm_mix(char * buffer1, char * buffer2, size_t bufferSize1,
+ size_t bufferSize2, AudioFormat * format, float portion1);
diff --git a/src/permission.c b/src/permission.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5378f305d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/permission.c
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include "permission.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <string.h>
+List * permission_passwords;
+unsigned int permission_default;
+unsigned int parsePermissions(char * string) {
+ unsigned int permission = 0;
+ char * temp;
+ char * tok;
+ if(!string) return 0;
+ temp = strtok_r(string,PERMISSION_SEPERATOR,&tok);
+ while(temp) {
+ if(strcmp(temp,PERMISSION_READ_STRING)==0) {
+ permission |= PERMISSION_READ;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(temp,PERMISSION_ADD_STRING)==0) {
+ permission |= PERMISSION_ADD;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(temp,PERMISSION_CONTROL_STRING)==0) {
+ permission |= PERMISSION_CONTROL;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(temp,PERMISSION_ADMIN_STRING)==0) {
+ permission |= PERMISSION_ADMIN;
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("uknown permission \"%s\"\n",temp);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ temp = strtok_r(NULL,PERMISSION_SEPERATOR,&tok);
+ }
+ return permission;
+void initPermissions() {
+ permission_passwords = makeList(free);
+ char * passwordSets;
+ char * nextSet;
+ char * temp;
+ char * cp1;
+ char * cp2;
+ char * password;
+ unsigned int * permission;
+ permission_default = PERMISSION_READ | PERMISSION_ADD |
+ permission_default = parsePermissions(
+ }
+ if(!getConf()[CONF_PASSWORD]) return;
+ if(!getConf()[CONF_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS]) permission_default = 0;
+ passwordSets = strdup(getConf()[CONF_PASSWORD]);
+ nextSet = strtok_r(passwordSets,CONF_CAT_CHAR,&cp1);
+ while(nextSet && strlen(nextSet)) {
+ if(!strstr(nextSet,PERMISSION_PASSWORD_CHAR)) {
+ ERROR("\"%s\" not found in password string \"%s\"\n",
+ nextSet);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(!(temp = strtok_r(nextSet,PERMISSION_PASSWORD_CHAR,&cp2))) {
+ ERROR("something weird just happend in permission.c\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ password = temp;
+ permission = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
+ *permission = parsePermissions(strtok_r(NULL,"",&cp2));
+ insertInList(permission_passwords,password,permission);
+ nextSet = strtok_r(NULL,CONF_CAT_CHAR,&cp1);
+ }
+ sortList(permission_passwords);
+ free(passwordSets);
+int getPermissionFromPassword(char * password, unsigned int * permission) {
+ void * foundPermission;
+ if(findInList(permission_passwords,password,&foundPermission)) {
+ *permission = *((unsigned int *)foundPermission);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void finishPermissions() {
+ freeList(permission_passwords);
+unsigned int getDefaultPermissions() {
+ return permission_default;
diff --git a/src/permission.h b/src/permission.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..561dba7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/permission.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+void initPermissions();
+int getPermissionFromPassword(char * password, unsigned int * permission);
+void finishPermissions();
+unsigned int getDefaultPermissions();
diff --git a/src/player.c b/src/player.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf09f388b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/player.c
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "player.h"
+#include "decode.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "interface.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "listen.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "volume.h"
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include "permission.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+int player_pid = 0;
+int player_termSent = 0;
+void resetPlayer() {
+ player_pid = 0;
+ player_termSent = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.stop = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.play = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.pause = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.lockQueue = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.unlockQueue = 0;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED;
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.seek = 0;
+void player_sigHandler(int signal) {
+ if(signal==SIGCHLD) {
+ int status;
+ if(player_pid==wait3(&status,WNOHANG,NULL)) {
+ if(WIFSIGNALED(status) && WTERMSIG(status)!=SIGTERM) {
+ ERROR("player process died from a "
+ "non-TERM signal: %i\n",
+ WTERMSIG(status));
+ }
+ resetPlayer();
+ }
+ }
+int playerInit() {
+ player_pid = fork();
+ if(player_pid==0) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ sa.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
+ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
+ sigaction(SIGPIPE,&sa,NULL);
+ sa.sa_handler = decodeSigHandler;
+ sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sa,NULL);
+ sigaction(SIGTERM,&sa,NULL);
+ close(listenSocket);
+ finishPlaylist();
+ freeAllInterfaces();
+ closeMp3Directory();
+ closeTables();
+ finishPaths();
+ finishPermissions();
+ finishCommands();
+ finishVolume();
+ while(1) {
+ if(pc->play) decode();
+ else if(pc->stop) pc->stop = 0;
+ else if(pc->pause) pc->pause = 0;
+ else if(pc->closeAudio) {
+ finishAudio();
+ pc->closeAudio = 0;
+ kill(getppid(),SIGUSR1);
+ }
+ else if(pc->lockQueue) {
+ pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED;
+ pc->lockQueue = 0;
+ }
+ else if(pc->unlockQueue) {
+ pc->queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED;
+ pc->unlockQueue = 0;
+ }
+ else usleep(1000);
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ else if(player_pid<0) {
+ ERROR("player Problems fork()'ing\n");
+ player_pid = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int playerPlay(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(fp==NULL) fp = stderr;
+ if(playerStop(fp)<0) return -1;
+ {
+ struct stat st;
+ if(stat(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)),&st)<0) {
+ strcpy(pc->erroredFile,pc->file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(0);
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ else if(isMp3(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_MP3;
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ else if(isOgg(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_OGG;
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ else if(isFlac(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_FLAC;
+ else if(isWave(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_AUDIOFILE;
+ else {
+ strcpy(pc->erroredFile,pc->file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ strcpy(pc->file,rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)));
+ pc->play = 1;
+ if(player_pid==0 && playerInit()<0) {
+ pc->play = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->play) usleep(10);
+ return 0;
+int playerStop(FILE * fp) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(player_pid>0 && pc->state!=PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ pc->stop = 1;
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->stop) usleep(10);
+ }
+ pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK;
+ playerQueueUnlock();
+ return 0;
+void playerKill() {
+ int pid;
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ playerStop(stderr);
+ playerCloseAudio(stderr);
+ if(player_pid>0 && pc->closeAudio) sleep(1);
+ pid = player_pid;
+ if(pid>0) kill(pid,SIGTERM);
+int playerPause(FILE * fp) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(player_pid>0 && pc->state!=PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ pc->pause = 1;
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->pause) usleep(10);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int getPlayerElapsedTime() {
+ return (int)(getPlayerData()->playerControl.elapsedTime+0.5);
+unsigned long getPlayerBitRate() {
+ return getPlayerData()->playerControl.bitRate;
+int getPlayerTotalTime() {
+ return (int)(getPlayerData()->playerControl.totalTime+0.5);
+int getPlayerState() {
+ return getPlayerData()->playerControl.state;
+void clearPlayerError() {
+ getPlayerData()->playerControl.error = 0;
+int getPlayerError() {
+ return getPlayerData()->playerControl.error;
+char * getPlayerErrorStr() {
+ static char error[2*MAXPATHLEN];
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ switch(pc->error) {
+ sprintf(error,"file \"%s\" does not exist or is inaccesible",
+ pc->erroredFile);
+ return error;
+ sprintf(error,"problems decoding \"%s\"",pc->erroredFile);
+ return error;
+ sprintf(error,"problems opening audio device");
+ return error;
+ sprintf(error,"system error occured");
+ return error;
+ sprintf(error,"file type of \"%s\" is unknown",pc->erroredFile);
+ return error;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void playerCloseAudio() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(player_pid>0) {
+ if(playerStop(stderr)<0) return;
+ pc->closeAudio = 1;
+ }
+int queueSong(char * utf8file) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(pc->queueState==PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK) {
+ strcpy(pc->file,rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)));
+ if(0);
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ else if(isMp3(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_MP3;
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ else if(isOgg(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_OGG;
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ else if(isFlac(utf8file)) pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_FLAC;
+ else if(isWave(utf8file)) {
+ pc->decodeType = DECODE_TYPE_AUDIOFILE;
+ }
+ else return -1;
+ pc->queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_FULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+int getPlayerQueueState() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ return pc->queueState;
+void setQueueState(int queueState) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ pc->queueState = queueState;
+void playerQueueLock() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(player_pid>0 && pc->queueLockState==PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED)
+ {
+ pc->lockQueue = 1;
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->lockQueue) usleep(10);
+ }
+void playerQueueUnlock() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(player_pid>0 && pc->queueLockState==PLAYER_QUEUE_LOCKED)
+ {
+ pc->unlockQueue = 1;
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->unlockQueue) usleep(10);
+ }
+int playerSeek(FILE * fp, char * file, float time) {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(pc->state==PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s player not currently playing\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(strcmp(pc->file,rmp2amp(file))!=0) strcpy(pc->file,rmp2amp(file));
+ /*if(playerStop(fp)<0) return -1;
+ if(playerPlay(stderr,file)<0) return -1;*/
+ /*}*/
+ if(pc->error==PLAYER_ERROR_NOERROR) {
+ pc->seekWhere = time;
+ pc->seek = 1;
+ while(player_pid>0 && pc->seek) usleep(10);
+ }
+ return 0;
+float getPlayerCrossFade() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ return pc->crossFade;
+void setPlayerCrossFade(float crossFadeInSeconds) {
+ if(crossFadeInSeconds<0) crossFadeInSeconds = 0;
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ pc->crossFade = crossFadeInSeconds;
+void setPlayerSoftwareVolume(int volume) {
+ volume = (volume>100) ? 100 : (volume<0 ? 0 : volume);
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ pc->softwareVolume = volume;
+int getPlayerSoftwareVolume() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ return pc->softwareVolume;
+double getPlayerTotalPlayTime() {
+ PlayerControl * pc = &(getPlayerData()->playerControl);
+ if(pc->state==PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ return pc->totalPlayTime;
+ }
+ return pc->totalPlayTime+pc->elapsedTime-pc->beginTime;
diff --git a/src/player.h b/src/player.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54eb56116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/player.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef PLAYER_H
+#define PLAYER_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+/* 0->1->2->3->5 regular playback
+ * ->4->0 don't play queued song
+ */
+typedef struct _PlayerControl {
+ int decodeType;
+ int stop;
+ int play;
+ int pause;
+ int state;
+ int closeAudio;
+ int error;
+ unsigned long bitRate;
+ float beginTime;
+ float totalTime;
+ float elapsedTime;
+ char file[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ char erroredFile[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ int queueState;
+ int queueLockState;
+ int lockQueue;
+ int unlockQueue;
+ int seek;
+ double seekWhere;
+ float crossFade;
+ int softwareVolume;
+ double totalPlayTime;
+} PlayerControl;
+void player_sigHandler(int signal);
+int playerPlay(FILE * fp, char * utf8file);
+int playerPause(FILE * fp);
+int playerStop(FILE * fp);
+void playerCloseAudio();
+void playerKill();
+void playerProcessMessages();
+int getPlayerTotalTime();
+int getPlayerElapsedTime();
+unsigned long getPlayerBitRate();
+int getPlayerState();
+void clearPlayerError();
+char * getPlayerErrorStr();
+int getPlayerError();
+int playerInit();
+int queueSong(char * utf8file);
+int getPlayerQueueState();
+void setQueueState(int queueState);
+void playerQueueLock();
+void playerQueueUnlock();
+int playerSeek(FILE * fp, char * file, float time);
+void setPlayerCrossFade(float crossFadeInSeconds);
+float getPlayerCrossFade();
+int getPlayerSoftwareVolume();
+void setPlayerSoftwareVolume(int volume);
+double getPlayerTotalPlayTime();
diff --git a/src/playerData.c b/src/playerData.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fee8ac719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/playerData.c
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "playerData.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int buffered_before_play;
+PlayerData * playerData_pd;
+void initPlayerData() {
+ float perc;
+ char * test;
+ int shmid;
+ int crossfade = 0;
+ size_t bufferSize;
+ size_t allocationSize;
+ Buffer * buffer;
+ bufferSize = strtol(getConf()[CONF_BUFFER_SIZE],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0' || bufferSize<=0) {
+ ERROR("buffer size \"%s\" is not a positive integer\n",
+ getConf()[CONF_BUFFER_SIZE]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ bufferSize*=1024;
+ perc = strtod((getConf())[CONF_BUFFER_BEFORE_PLAY],&test);
+ if(*test!='%' || perc<0 || perc>100) {
+ ERROR("buffered before play \"%s\" is not a positive "
+ "percentage and less than 100 percent\n",
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ buffered_before_play = (perc/100)*BUFFERED_CHUNKS;
+ if(buffered_before_play>BUFFERED_CHUNKS) {
+ buffered_before_play = BUFFERED_CHUNKS;
+ }
+ else if(buffered_before_play<0) buffered_before_play = 0;
+ allocationSize = BUFFERED_CHUNKS*CHUNK_SIZE; /*actual buffer*/
+ allocationSize+= BUFFERED_CHUNKS*sizeof(float); /*for times*/
+ allocationSize+= BUFFERED_CHUNKS*sizeof(mpd_sint16); /*for chunkSize*/
+ allocationSize+= BUFFERED_CHUNKS*sizeof(mpd_sint16); /*for bitRate*/
+ allocationSize+= sizeof(PlayerData); /*for playerData struct*/
+ if((shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,allocationSize,IPC_CREAT|0600))<0) {
+ ERROR("problems shmget'ing\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if((playerData_pd = shmat(shmid,NULL,0))<0) {
+ ERROR("problems shmat'ing\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0)<0) {
+ ERROR("problems shmctl'ing\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ buffer = &(playerData_pd->buffer);
+ buffer->chunks = ((char *)playerData_pd)+sizeof(PlayerData);
+ buffer->chunkSize = (mpd_sint16 *)(((char *)buffer->chunks)+
+ buffer->bitRate = (mpd_sint16 *)(((char *)buffer->chunkSize)+
+ BUFFERED_CHUNKS*sizeof(mpd_sint16));
+ buffer->times = (float *)(((char *)buffer->bitRate)+
+ BUFFERED_CHUNKS*sizeof(mpd_sint16));
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.stop = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.pause = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.play = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.error = PLAYER_ERROR_NOERROR;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.lockQueue = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.unlockQueue = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.queueState = PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.queueLockState = PLAYER_QUEUE_UNLOCKED;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.seek = 0;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.file[0] = '\0';
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.crossFade = crossfade;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.softwareVolume = 100;
+ playerData_pd->playerControl.totalPlayTime = 0;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.stop = 0;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.start = 0;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.state = DECODE_STATE_STOP;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.seek = 0;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.error = DECODE_ERROR_NOERROR;
+ playerData_pd->decoderControl.file[0] = '\0';
+PlayerData * getPlayerData() {
+ return playerData_pd;
+void freePlayerData() {
+ shmdt(playerData_pd);
diff --git a/src/playerData.h b/src/playerData.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..003c59ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/playerData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef PLAYER_DATA_H
+#define PLAYER_DATA_H
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "decode.h"
+#include "mpd_types.h"
+#define CHUNK_SIZE 1024
+extern int buffered_before_play;
+extern int BUFFERED_CHUNKS;
+typedef struct _Buffer {
+ char * chunks;
+ mpd_uint16 * chunkSize;
+ mpd_uint16 * bitRate;
+ float * times;
+ int begin;
+ int end;
+ int next;
+ int wrap;
+ float totalTime;
+} Buffer;
+typedef struct _PlayerData {
+ Buffer buffer;
+ AudioFormat audioFormat;
+ PlayerControl playerControl;
+ DecoderControl decoderControl;
+} PlayerData;
+void initPlayerData();
+PlayerData * getPlayerData();
+Buffer * getBuffer();
+void freePlayerData();
diff --git a/src/playlist.c b/src/playlist.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eec721cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/playlist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#define BITS_FOR_VERSION 31
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_STATE "state: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_RANDOM "random: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_REPEAT "repeat: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CURRENT "current: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_TIME "time: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CROSSFADE "crossfade: "
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_PLAYLIST_BEGIN "playlist_begin"
+#define PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_PLAYLIST_END "playlist_end"
+typedef struct _Playlist {
+ Song ** songs;
+ int * order;
+ int length;
+ int current;
+ int queued;
+ int repeat;
+ int random;
+ unsigned long version;
+} Playlist;
+Playlist playlist;
+int playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP;
+int playlist_max_length;
+int playlist_stopOnError;
+int playlist_errorCount = 0;
+int playlist_queueError;
+int playlist_noGoToNext = 0;
+int playlist_saveAbsolutePaths;
+char * playlist_stateFile = NULL;
+void swapOrder(int a, int b);
+int playPlaylistOrderNumber(FILE * fp, int orderNum);
+void randomizeOrder(int start, int end);
+void incrPlaylistVersion() {
+ static unsigned long max = ((unsigned long)1<<BITS_FOR_VERSION)-1;
+ playlist.version++;
+ if(playlist.version>=max) playlist.version = 0;
+void initPlaylist() {
+ char * test;
+ playlist.length = 0;
+ playlist.repeat = 0;
+ playlist.version = 0;
+ playlist.random = 0;
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ blockTermSignal();
+ playlist_max_length = strtol((getConf())[CONF_MAX_PLAYLIST_LENGTH],&test,10);
+ if(*test!='\0') {
+ ERROR("max playlist length \"%s\" is not an integer\n",
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(strcmp("yes",(getConf())[CONF_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS_IN_PLAYLISTS])
+ ==0) {
+ playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = 1;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp("no",(getConf())[CONF_SAVE_ABSOLUTE_PATHS_IN_PLAYLISTS])
+ ==0) {
+ playlist_saveAbsolutePaths = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("save_absolute_paths_in_playlist \"%s\" is not yes or "
+ "no\n",
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ playlist.songs = malloc(sizeof(Song *)*playlist_max_length);
+ playlist.order = malloc(sizeof(Song *)*playlist_max_length);
+ memset(playlist.songs,(int)NULL,sizeof(char *)*playlist_max_length);
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ if(getConf()[CONF_STATE_FILE]) {
+ playlist_stateFile = getConf()[CONF_STATE_FILE];
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+void finishPlaylist() {
+ stopPlaylist(stderr);
+ clearPlaylist(stderr);
+ free(playlist.songs);
+ free(playlist.order);
+int clearPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ int i;
+ if(stopPlaylist(fp)<0) return -1;
+ blockTermSignal();
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) playlist.songs[i] = NULL;
+ playlist.length = 0;
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ return 0;
+int showPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%i:%s\n",i,(playlist.songs[i])->utf8file);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void savePlaylistState() {
+ if(playlist_stateFile) {
+ FILE * fp;
+ blockTermSignal();
+ while(!(fp = fopen(playlist_stateFile,"w")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(!fp) {
+ ERROR("problems opening state file \"%s\" for "
+ "writing\n",playlist_stateFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_STATE);
+ switch(playlist_state) {
+ switch(getPlayerState()) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",
+ break;
+ default:
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%i\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CURRENT,
+ playlist.order[playlist.current]);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%i\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_TIME,
+ getPlayerElapsedTime());
+ break;
+ default:
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_STATE_STOP);
+ break;
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%i\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_RANDOM,
+ playlist.random);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%i\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_REPEAT,
+ playlist.repeat);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%i\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CROSSFADE,
+ (int)(getPlayerCrossFade()));
+ showPlaylist(fp);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_PLAYLIST_END);
+ while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR);
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ }
+void loadPlaylistFromStateFile(FILE * fp, char * buffer, int state, int current,
+ int time)
+ char * temp;
+ int song;
+ if(!myFgets(buffer,PLAYLIST_BUFFER_SIZE,fp)) {
+ ERROR("error parsing state file \"%s\"\n",playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ while(strcmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_PLAYLIST_END)) {
+ song = atoi(strtok(buffer,":"));
+ if(!(temp = strtok(NULL,""))) {
+ ERROR("error parsing state file \"%s\"\n",
+ playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(addToPlaylist(stderr,temp)==0 && current==song) {
+ if(state!=PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ playPlaylist(stderr,playlist.length-1,0);
+ }
+ if(state==PLAYER_STATE_PAUSE) {
+ playerPause(stderr);
+ seekSongInPlaylist(stderr,playlist.length-1,
+ time);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!myFgets(buffer,PLAYLIST_BUFFER_SIZE,fp)) {
+ ERROR("error parsing state file \"%s\"\n",
+ playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+void readPlaylistState() {
+ if(playlist_stateFile) {
+ FILE * fp;
+ struct stat st;
+ int current = -1;
+ int time = 0;
+ int state = PLAYER_STATE_STOP;
+ char buffer[PLAYLIST_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ if(stat(playlist_stateFile,&st)<0) return;
+ if(!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+ ERROR("state file \"%s\" is not a regular "
+ "file\n",playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fp = fopen(playlist_stateFile,"r");
+ if(!fp) {
+ ERROR("problems opening state file \"%s\" for "
+ "reading\n",playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ while(myFgets(buffer,PLAYLIST_BUFFER_SIZE,fp)) {
+ if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_STATE,
+ if(strcmp(&(buffer
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(&(buffer
+ }
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_TIME,
+ time = atoi(&(buffer
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_REPEAT,
+ if(strcmp(&(buffer
+ "1")==0) {
+ setPlaylistRepeatStatus(stderr,1);
+ }
+ else setPlaylistRepeatStatus(stderr,0);
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CROSSFADE,
+ setPlayerCrossFade(atoi(&(buffer[strlen(
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_RANDOM,
+ if(strcmp(&(buffer
+ "1")==0) {
+ setPlaylistRandomStatus(stderr,1);
+ }
+ else setPlaylistRandomStatus(stderr,0);
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,PLAYLIST_STATE_FILE_CURRENT,
+ if(strlen(buffer)==
+ ERROR("error parsing state "
+ "file \"%s\"\n",
+ playlist_stateFile);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ current = atoi(&(buffer
+ }
+ else if(strncmp(buffer,
+ )==0) {
+ if(state==PLAYER_STATE_STOP) current = -1;
+ loadPlaylistFromStateFile(fp,buffer,state,
+ current,time);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+int playlistInfo(FILE * fp,int song) {
+ MpdTag * tag;
+ int i;
+ int begin = 0;
+ int end = playlist.length;
+ if(song>=0) {
+ begin = song;
+ end = song+1;
+ }
+ if(song>=playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s song doesn't exist\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=begin;i<end;i++) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"file: %s\n",(playlist.songs[i])->utf8file);
+ if((tag = (playlist.songs[i])->tag)) {
+ printMpdTag(fp,tag);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void swapSongs(int song1, int song2) {
+ Song * temp;
+ temp = playlist.songs[song1];
+ playlist.songs[song1] = playlist.songs[song2];
+ playlist.songs[song2] = temp;
+void queueNextSongInPlaylist() {
+ if(playlist.current<playlist.length-1) {
+ playlist.queued = playlist.current+1;
+ DEBUG("playlist: queue song %i:\"%s\"\n",
+ playlist.queued,
+ playlist.songs[playlist.order[
+ playlist.queued]]->utf8file);
+ if(queueSong(playlist.songs[playlist.order[
+ playlist.queued]]->utf8file)<0) {
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ playlist_queueError = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(playlist.length && playlist.repeat) {
+ if(playlist.length>1 && playlist.random) {
+ randomizeOrder(0,playlist.length);
+ }
+ playlist.queued = 0;
+ DEBUG("playlist: queue song %i:\"%s\"\n",
+ playlist.queued,
+ playlist.songs[playlist.order[
+ playlist.queued]]->utf8file);
+ if(queueSong(playlist.songs[playlist.order[
+ playlist.queued]]->utf8file)<0) {
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ playlist_queueError = 1;
+ }
+ }
+void syncPlaylistWithQueue(int queue) {
+ if(queue && getPlayerQueueState()==PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK) {
+ queueNextSongInPlaylist();
+ }
+ else if(getPlayerQueueState()==PLAYER_QUEUE_DECODE) {
+ if(playlist.queued!=-1) setQueueState(PLAYER_QUEUE_PLAY);
+ else setQueueState(PLAYER_QUEUE_STOP);
+ }
+ else if(getPlayerQueueState()==PLAYER_QUEUE_EMPTY) {
+ setQueueState(PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK);
+ if(playlist.queued>=0) {
+ DEBUG("playlist: now playing queued song\n");
+ playlist.current = playlist.queued;
+ }
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ if(queue) queueNextSongInPlaylist();
+ }
+void lockPlaylistInteraction() {
+ if(getPlayerQueueState()==PLAYER_QUEUE_PLAY ||
+ getPlayerQueueState()==PLAYER_QUEUE_FULL) {
+ playerQueueLock();
+ syncPlaylistWithQueue(0);
+ }
+void unlockPlaylistInteraction() {
+ playerQueueUnlock();
+void clearPlayerQueue() {
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ switch(getPlayerQueueState()) {
+ DEBUG("playlist: dequeue song\n");
+ setQueueState(PLAYER_QUEUE_BLANK);
+ break;
+ DEBUG("playlist: stop decoding queued song\n");
+ setQueueState(PLAYER_QUEUE_STOP);
+ break;
+ }
+int addToPlaylist(FILE * fp, char * file) {
+ Song * song;
+ DEBUG("add to playlist: %s\n",file);
+ if(!(song = getSong(file))) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" is not in the music db\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return addSongToPlaylist(fp,song);
+int addSongToPlaylist(FILE * fp, Song * song) {
+ if(playlist.length==playlist_max_length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s playlist is at the max size\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0 && playlist.current==playlist.length-1) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ playlist.songs[playlist.length] = song;
+ playlist.order[playlist.length] = playlist.length;
+ playlist.length++;
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ int swap;
+ int start;
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP) start = 0;
+ else if(playlist.queued>0) start = playlist.queued+1;
+ else start = playlist.current+1;
+ swap = rand()%(playlist.length-start);
+ swap+=start;
+ swapOrder(playlist.length-1,swap);
+ }
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ return 0;
+int swapSongsInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song1, int song2) {
+ int queuedSong = -1;
+ int currentSong = -1;
+ if(song1<0 || song1>=playlist.length) {
+ fprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not in the playlist\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(song2<0 || song2>=playlist.length) {
+ fprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not in the playlist\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0) {
+ queuedSong = playlist.order[playlist.queued];
+ }
+ currentSong = playlist.order[playlist.current];
+ if(queuedSong==song1 || queuedSong==song2 || currentSong==song1
+ || currentSong==song2)
+ {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ swapSongs(song1,song2);
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ int i;
+ int k;
+ int j = -1;
+ for(i=0;playlist.order[i]!=song1;i++) {
+ if(playlist.order[i]==song2) j = i;
+ }
+ k = i;
+ for(;j==-1;i++) if(playlist.order[i]==song2) j = i;
+ swapOrder(k,j);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(playlist.current==song1) playlist.current = song2;
+ else if(playlist.current==song2) playlist.current = song1;
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ return 0;
+int deleteFromPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song) {
+ int i;
+ int songOrder;
+ if(song<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need a positive integer\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(song>=playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s song doesn't exist\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0 && (playlist.order[playlist.queued]==song
+ || playlist.order[playlist.current]==song))
+ {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ /* delete song from songs array */
+ for(i=song;i<playlist.length-1;i++) {
+ playlist.songs[i] = playlist.songs[i+1];
+ }
+ /* now find it in the order array */
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length-1;i++) {
+ if(playlist.order[i]==song) break;
+ }
+ songOrder = i;
+ /* delete the entry from the order array */
+ for(;i<playlist.length-1;i++) playlist.order[i] = playlist.order[i+1];
+ /* readjust values in the order array */
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length-1;i++) {
+ if(playlist.order[i]>song) playlist.order[i]--;
+ }
+ /* now take care of other misc stuff */
+ playlist.songs[playlist.length-1] = NULL;
+ playlist.length--;
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP && playlist.current==songOrder) {
+ /*if(playlist.current>=playlist.length) return playerStop(fp);
+ else return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current);*/
+ playerStop(stderr);
+ playlist_noGoToNext = 1;
+ }
+ else if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP &&
+ playlist.current>songOrder) {
+ playlist.current--;
+ }
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP && playlist.queued>songOrder) {
+ playlist.queued--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void deleteASongFromPlaylist(Song * song) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ if(song==playlist.songs[i]) {
+ deleteFromPlaylist(stderr,i);
+ }
+ }
+void deleteSongsFromPlaylist(SongList * songList) {
+ ListNode * node = songList->firstNode;
+ Song * song;
+ while(node) {
+ song = (Song *)node->data;
+ deleteASongFromPlaylist(song);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+int stopPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ DEBUG("playlist: stop\n");
+ if(playerStop(fp)<0) return -1;
+ playerCloseAudio();
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP;
+ playlist_noGoToNext = 0;
+ /*stats.playTime+=getPlayerElapsedTime();*/
+ if(playlist.random) randomizeOrder(0,playlist.length-1);
+ return 0;
+int playPlaylistOrderNumber(FILE * fp, int orderNum) {
+ /*stats.songsPlayed++;*/
+ if(playerStop(fp)<0) return -1;
+ playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY;
+ playlist_noGoToNext = 0;
+ playlist.queued = -1;
+ playlist_queueError = 0;
+ playlist.current = orderNum;
+ DEBUG("playlist: play %i:\"%s\"\n",orderNum,
+ (playlist.songs[playlist.order[orderNum]])->utf8file);
+ if(playerPlay(fp,(playlist.songs[playlist.order[orderNum]])->
+ utf8file)<0)
+ {
+ stopPlaylist(fp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int playPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song, int stopOnError) {
+ int i = song;
+ clearPlayerError();
+ if(song==-1) i = 0;
+ else if(song<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need integer >= -1\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s playlist is empty\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(song>=playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s song doesn't exist\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ playlist_state = PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ /*if(song == -1 && playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ randomizeOrder(0,playlist.length-1);
+ }
+ else {*/
+ if(song>=0) for(i=0;song!=playlist.order[i];i++);
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_STOP) {
+ playlist.current = 0;
+ }
+ swapOrder(i,playlist.current);
+ i = playlist.current;
+ /*}*/
+ }
+ playlist_stopOnError = stopOnError;
+ playlist_errorCount = 0;
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,i);
+void syncPlayerAndPlaylist() {
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) return;
+ if(getPlayerState()==PLAYER_STATE_STOP) playPlaylistIfPlayerStopped();
+ else syncPlaylistWithQueue(!playlist_queueError);
+int currentSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) return 0;
+ playlist_stopOnError = 0;
+ syncPlaylistWithQueue(0);
+ if(playlist.current<playlist.length) {
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current);
+ }
+ else return stopPlaylist(fp);;
+ return 0;
+int nextSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) return 0;
+ syncPlaylistWithQueue(0);
+ playlist_stopOnError = 0;
+ if(playlist.current<playlist.length-1) {
+ /*stats.playTime+=getPlayerElapsedTime();*/
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current+1);
+ }
+ else if(playlist.length && playlist.repeat) {
+ /*stats.playTime+=getPlayerElapsedTime();*/
+ if(playlist.random) randomizeOrder(0,playlist.length-1);
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,0);
+ }
+ else {
+ return stopPlaylist(fp);;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void playPlaylistIfPlayerStopped() {
+ if(getPlayerState()==PLAYER_STATE_STOP) {
+ int error = getPlayerError();
+ if(error==PLAYER_ERROR_NOERROR) playlist_errorCount = 0;
+ else playlist_errorCount++;
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY && (
+ (playlist_stopOnError &&
+ playlist_errorCount>=playlist.length)) {
+ stopPlaylist(stderr);
+ }
+ else if(playlist_noGoToNext) currentSongInPlaylist(stderr);
+ else nextSongInPlaylist(stderr);
+ }
+int getPlaylistRepeatStatus() {
+ return playlist.repeat;
+int getPlaylistRandomStatus() {
+ return playlist.random;
+int setPlaylistRepeatStatus(FILE * fp, int status) {
+ if(status!=0 && status!=1) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not 0 or 1\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,status);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.repeat && !status && playlist.queued==0) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ playlist.repeat = status;
+ return 0;
+int moveSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int from, int to) {
+ int i;
+ Song * tmpSong;
+ int queuedSong = -1;
+ int currentSong = -1;
+ if(from<0 || from>=playlist.length) {
+ fprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not a song in the playlist\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(to<0 || to>=playlist.length) {
+ fprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not a song in the playlist\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0) {
+ queuedSong = playlist.order[playlist.queued];
+ }
+ currentSong = playlist.order[playlist.current];
+ if(queuedSong==from || queuedSong==to || currentSong==from ||
+ currentSong==to)
+ {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ tmpSong = playlist.songs[from];
+ /* move songs to one less in from->to */
+ for(i=from;i<to;i++) playlist.songs[i] = playlist.songs[i+1];
+ /* move songs to one more in to->from */
+ for(i=from;i>to;i--) playlist.songs[i] = playlist.songs[i-1];
+ /* put song at _to_ */
+ playlist.songs[to] = tmpSong;
+ /* now deal with order */
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ if(playlist.order[i]>from && playlist.order[i]<=to) {
+ playlist.order[i]--;
+ }
+ else if(playlist.order[i]<from &&
+ playlist.order[i]>=to) {
+ playlist.order[i]++;
+ }
+ else if(from==playlist.order[i]) {
+ playlist.order[i] = to;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(playlist.current==from) playlist.current = to;
+ else if(playlist.current>from && playlist.current<=to) {
+ playlist.current--;
+ }
+ else if(playlist.current>=to && playlist.current<from) {
+ playlist.current++;
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ return 0;
+void orderPlaylist() {
+ int i;
+ playlist.current = playlist.order[playlist.current];
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ playlist.order[i] = i;
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+void swapOrder(int a, int b) {
+ int bak = playlist.order[a];
+ playlist.order[a] = playlist.order[b];
+ playlist.order[b] = bak;
+void randomizeOrder(int start,int end) {
+ int i;
+ int ri;
+ DEBUG("playlist: randomize from %i to %i\n",start,end);
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=start && playlist.queued<=end) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=start;i<=end;i++) {
+ ri = rand()%(end-start+1)+start;
+ if(ri==playlist.current) playlist.current = i;
+ else if(i==playlist.current) playlist.current = ri;
+ swapOrder(i,ri);
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+int setPlaylistRandomStatus(FILE * fp, int status) {
+ int statusWas = playlist.random;
+ if(status!=0 && status!=1) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%i\" is not 0 or 1\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,status);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ playlist.random = status;
+ if(status!=statusWas) {
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ randomizeOrder(playlist.current+1,
+ playlist.length-1);
+ }
+ else randomizeOrder(0,playlist.length-1);
+ }
+ else orderPlaylist();
+ }
+ return 0;
+int previousSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ if(playlist_state!=PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) return 0;
+ syncPlaylistWithQueue(0);
+ if (getPlayerElapsedTime()>PLAYLIST_PREV_UNLESS_ELAPSED) {
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(playlist.current>0) {
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current-1);
+ }
+ else if(playlist.repeat) {
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.length-1);
+ }
+ else {
+ return playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,playlist.current);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int shufflePlaylist(FILE * fp) {
+ int i;
+ int ri;
+ if(playlist.length>1) {
+ blockTermSignal();
+ if(playlist_state==PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ /* put current playing song first */
+ swapSongs(0,playlist.order[playlist.current]);
+ if(playlist.random) {
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;0!=playlist.order[j];j++);
+ playlist.current = j;
+ }
+ else playlist.current = 0;
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ else i = 0;
+ /* shuffle the rest of the list */
+ for(;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ ri = rand()%(playlist.length-1)+1;
+ swapSongs(i,ri);
+ }
+ unblockTermSignal();
+ incrPlaylistVersion();
+ }
+ return 0;
+int deletePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) {
+ char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file);
+ char * rfile = malloc(strlen(file)+strlen(".")+
+ char * actualFile;
+ strcpy(rfile,file);
+ strcat(rfile,".");
+ strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX);
+ if((actualFile = rpp2app(rfile)) && isPlaylist(actualFile)) free(rfile);
+ else {
+ free(rfile);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s playlist \"%s\" not found\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(unlink(actualFile)<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems deleting file\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int savePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) {
+ FILE * fileP;
+ int i;
+ struct stat st;
+ char * file;
+ char * rfile;
+ char * actualFile;
+ if(strstr(utf8file,"/")) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s cannot save \"%s\", saving playlists to "
+ "subdirectories is not supported\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ file = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file));
+ rfile = malloc(strlen(file)+strlen(".")+
+ strcpy(rfile,file);
+ strcat(rfile,".");
+ strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX);
+ free(file);
+ actualFile = rpp2app(rfile);
+ free(rfile);
+ if(0==stat(actualFile,&st)) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s A file or directory already exists with the name \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,utf8file);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while(!(fileP = fopen(actualFile,"w")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(fileP==NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s Problems opening file\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) {
+ if(playlist_saveAbsolutePaths) {
+ myfprintf(fileP,"%s%s\n",musicDir,
+ utf8ToFsCharset((playlist.songs[i])->utf8file));
+ }
+ else myfprintf(fileP,"%s\n",
+ utf8ToFsCharset((playlist.songs[i])->utf8file));
+ }
+ while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR);
+ return 0;
+int loadPlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) {
+ FILE * fileP;
+ char s[MAXPATHLEN*1];
+ int slength = 0;
+ char * temp = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file));
+ char * rfile = malloc(strlen(temp)+strlen(".")+
+ char * actualFile;
+ char * parent = parentPath(temp);
+ int parentlen = strlen(parent);
+ char * erroredFile = NULL;
+ strcpy(rfile,temp);
+ strcat(rfile,".");
+ strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX);
+ free(temp);
+ if((actualFile = rpp2app(rfile)) && isPlaylist(actualFile)) free(rfile);
+ else {
+ free(rfile);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s playlist \"%s\" not found\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while(!(fileP = fopen(actualFile,"r")) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(fileP==NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s Problems opening file \"%s\"\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ while((s[slength] = fgetc(fileP))!=EOF) {
+ if(s[slength]=='\n' || s[slength]=='\0') {
+ s[slength] = '\0';
+ if(strncmp(s,musicDir,strlen(musicDir))==0) {
+ strcpy(s,&(s[strlen(musicDir)]));
+ }
+ else if(parentlen) {
+ temp = strdup(s);
+ memset(s,0,MAXPATHLEN+1);
+ strcpy(s,parent);
+ strncat(s,"/",MAXPATHLEN-parentlen);
+ strncat(s,temp,MAXPATHLEN-parentlen-1);
+ if(strlen(s)>=MAXPATHLEN) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" too long\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,temp);
+ free(temp);
+ while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(erroredFile) free(erroredFile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ free(temp);
+ }
+ slength = 0;
+ temp = strdup(fsCharsetToUtf8(s));
+ if(s[0]==PLAYLIST_COMMENT && !getSong(temp)) {
+ free(temp);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if((addToPlaylist(stderr,temp))<0) {
+ if(!erroredFile) erroredFile = strdup(temp);
+ }
+ free(temp);
+ }
+ else if(slength==MAXPATHLEN) {
+ s[slength] = '\0';
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s \"%s\" too long\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,s);
+ while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(erroredFile) free(erroredFile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(s[slength]!='\r') slength++;
+ }
+ while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR);
+ if(erroredFile) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s can't add file \"%s\"\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,
+ erroredFile);
+ free(erroredFile);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int getPlaylistCurrentSong() {
+ return playlist.order[playlist.current];
+unsigned long getPlaylistVersion() {
+ return playlist.version;
+int getPlaylistLength() {
+ return playlist.length;
+int seekSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song, float time) {
+ int i = song;
+ if(song<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s need integer >= -1\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(!playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s playlist is empty\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(song>=playlist.length) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s song doesn't exist\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(playlist.random) for(i=0;song!=playlist.order[i];i++);
+ clearPlayerError();
+ playlist_stopOnError = 1;
+ playlist_errorCount = 0;
+ if(playlist_state == PLAYLIST_STATE_PLAY) {
+ if(playlist.queued>=0) {
+ lockPlaylistInteraction();
+ clearPlayerQueue();
+ unlockPlaylistInteraction();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,i)<0) return -1;
+ if(playlist.current!=i) if(playPlaylistOrderNumber(fp,i)<0) return -1;
+ return playerSeek(fp,playlist.songs[playlist.order[i]]->utf8file,time);
diff --git a/src/playlist.h b/src/playlist.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..963cf6e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/playlist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef PLAYLIST_H
+#define PLAYLIST_H
+#include "song.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <time.h>
+void initPlaylist();
+void finishPlaylist();
+void initPlaylist();
+void readPlaylistState();
+void savePlaylistState();
+int clearPlaylist(FILE * fp);
+int addToPlaylist(FILE * fp, char * file);
+int addSongToPlaylist(FILE * fp, Song * song);
+int showPlaylist(FILE * fp);
+int deleteFromPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song);
+int playlistInfo(FILE * fp, int song);
+int stopPlaylist(FILE * fp);
+int playPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song, int stopOnError);
+int nextSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp);
+void syncPlayerAndPlaylist();
+int previousSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp);
+int shufflePlaylist(FILE * fp);
+int savePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file);
+int deletePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file);
+void deleteASongFromPlaylist(Song * song);
+void deleteSongsFromPlaylist(SongList * songList);
+int moveSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int from, int to);
+int swapSongsInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song1, int song2);
+int loadPlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file);
+int getPlaylistRepeatStatus();
+int setPlaylistRepeatStatus(FILE * fp, int status);
+int getPlaylistRandomStatus();
+int setPlaylistRandomStatus(FILE * fp, int status);
+int getPlaylistCurrentSong();
+int getPlaylistLength();
+unsigned long getPlaylistVersion();
+void playPlaylistIfPlayerStopped();
+int seekSongInPlaylist(FILE * fp, int song, float time);
diff --git a/src/sig_handlers.c b/src/sig_handlers.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..896ea0b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sig_handlers.c
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "playlist.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+struct sigaction original_termSa;
+void termSigHandler(int signal) {
+ if(signal==SIGTERM) {
+ savePlaylistState();
+ playerKill();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+void usr1SigHandler(int signal) {
+void initSigHandlers() {
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ sa.sa_flags = 0;
+ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
+ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
+ sigaction(SIGPIPE,&sa,NULL);
+ sa.sa_handler = usr1SigHandler;
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1,&sa,NULL);
+ sa.sa_handler = player_sigHandler;
+ sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sa,NULL);
+ sa.sa_handler = termSigHandler;
+ sigaddset(&sa.sa_mask,SIGTERM);
+ sigaction(SIGTERM,&sa,&original_termSa);
+void finishSigHandlers() {
+ sigaction(SIGTERM,&original_termSa,NULL);
+void blockSignals() {
+ sigset_t sset;
+ sigemptyset(&sset);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGCHLD);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGUSR1);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sset,NULL);
+void unblockSignals() {
+ sigset_t sset;
+ sigemptyset(&sset);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGCHLD);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGUSR1);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL);
+void blockTermSignal() {
+ sigset_t sset;
+ sigemptyset(&sset);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGTERM);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK,&sset,NULL);
+void unblockTermSignal() {
+ sigset_t sset;
+ sigemptyset(&sset);
+ sigaddset(&sset,SIGTERM);
+ sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&sset,NULL);
diff --git a/src/sig_handlers.h b/src/sig_handlers.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7128574b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sig_handlers.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+void initSigHandlers();
+void finishSigHandlers();
+void blockSignals();
+void unblockSignals();
+void blockTermSignal();
+void unblockTermSignal();
diff --git a/src/song.c b/src/song.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca300a07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/song.c
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "song.h"
+#include "ls.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#define SONG_KEY "key: "
+#define SONG_FILE "file: "
+#define SONG_ARTIST "Artist: "
+#define SONG_ALBUM "Album: "
+#define SONG_TRACK "Track: "
+#define SONG_TITLE "Title: "
+#define SONG_TIME "Time: "
+#define SONG_MTIME "mtime: "
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+Song * newSong(char * utf8file) {
+ Song * song = malloc(sizeof(Song));
+ song->utf8file = strdup(utf8file);
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ if((song->mtime = isOgg(utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = oggTagDup(utf8file);
+ return song;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ if((song->mtime = isFlac(utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = flacTagDup(utf8file);
+ return song;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ if((song->mtime = isMp3(utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = mp3TagDup(utf8file);
+ return song;
+ }
+ if((song->mtime = isWave(utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = audiofileTagDup(utf8file);
+ return song;
+ }
+ return song;
+void freeSong(Song * song) {
+ free(song->utf8file);
+ if(song->tag) freeMpdTag(song->tag);
+ free(song);
+SongList * newSongList() {
+ return makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *)freeSong);
+Song * addSongToList(SongList * list, char * key, char * utf8file) {
+ Song * song;
+ if(isMusic(utf8file)) {
+ song = newSong(utf8file);
+ }
+ else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ insertInList(list,key,(void *)song);
+ return song;
+void freeSongList(SongList * list) {
+ freeList(list);
+int printSongInfo(FILE * fp, Song * song) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",SONG_FILE,song->utf8file);
+ if(song->tag) printMpdTag(fp,song->tag);
+ return 0;
+int printSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) {
+ ListNode * tempNode = list->firstNode;
+ while(tempNode!=NULL) {
+ printSongInfo(fp,(Song *)tempNode->data);
+ tempNode = tempNode->nextNode;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void writeSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) {
+ ListNode * tempNode = list->firstNode;
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",SONG_BEGIN);
+ while(tempNode!=NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%s\n",SONG_KEY,tempNode->key);
+ printSongInfo(fp,(Song *)tempNode->data);
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s%li\n",SONG_MTIME,(long)((Song *)tempNode->data)->mtime);
+ tempNode = tempNode->nextNode;
+ }
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s\n",SONG_END);
+void readSongInfoIntoList(FILE * fp, SongList * list) {
+ char buffer[MAXPATHLEN+1024];
+ int bufferSize = MAXPATHLEN+1024;
+ Song * song = NULL;
+ char * key = NULL;
+ while(myFgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp) && 0!=strcmp(SONG_END,buffer)) {
+ if(0==strncmp(SONG_KEY,buffer,strlen(SONG_KEY))) {
+ if(song) {
+ insertInList(list,key,(void *)song);
+ addSongToTables(song);
+ free(key);
+ }
+ key = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_KEY)]));
+ song = malloc(sizeof(Song));
+ song->tag = NULL;
+ song->utf8file = NULL;
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_FILE,buffer,strlen(SONG_FILE))) {
+ if(!song || song->utf8file) {
+ ERROR("Problems reading song info\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ song->utf8file = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_FILE)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_ARTIST,buffer,strlen(SONG_ARTIST))) {
+ if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag();
+ song->tag->artist = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_ARTIST)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_ALBUM,buffer,strlen(SONG_ALBUM))) {
+ if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag();
+ song->tag->album = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_ALBUM)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TRACK,buffer,strlen(SONG_TRACK))) {
+ if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag();
+ song->tag->track = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TRACK)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TITLE,buffer,strlen(SONG_TITLE))) {
+ if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag();
+ song->tag->title = strdup(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TITLE)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_TIME,buffer,strlen(SONG_TIME))) {
+ if(!song->tag) song->tag = newMpdTag();
+ song->tag->time = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TIME)]));
+ }
+ else if(0==strncmp(SONG_MTIME,buffer,strlen(SONG_MTIME))) {
+ song->mtime = atoi(&(buffer[strlen(SONG_TITLE)]));
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("unknown line in db: %s\n",buffer);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(song) {
+ insertInList(list,key,(void *)song);
+ addSongToTables(song);
+ free(key);
+ }
+int updateSongInfo(Song * song) {
+ if(song->tag) freeMpdTag(song->tag);
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+ if((song->mtime = isMp3(song->utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = mp3TagDup(song->utf8file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+ if((song->mtime = isOgg(song->utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = oggTagDup(song->utf8file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+ if((song->mtime = isFlac(song->utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = flacTagDup(song->utf8file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if((song->mtime = isWave(song->utf8file))) {
+ song->tag = audiofileTagDup(song->utf8file);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+Song * songDup(Song * song) {
+ Song * ret = malloc(sizeof(Song));
+ ret->utf8file = strdup(song->utf8file);
+ ret->mtime = song->mtime;
+ ret->tag = mpdTagDup(song->tag);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/song.h b/src/song.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..768a6aa04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/song.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef SONG_H
+#define SONG_H
+#define SONG_BEGIN "songList begin"
+#define SONG_END "songList end"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "list.h"
+typedef struct _Song {
+ char * utf8file;
+ MpdTag * tag;
+ time_t mtime;
+} Song;
+typedef List SongList;
+Song * newSong(char * utf8file);
+void freeSong(Song *);
+SongList * newSongList();
+void freeSongList(SongList * list);
+Song * addSongToList(SongList * list, char * key, char * utf8file);
+int printSongInfo(FILE * fp, Song * song);
+int printSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list);
+void writeSongInfoFromList(FILE * fp, SongList * list);
+void readSongInfoIntoList(FILE * fp, SongList * list);
+int updateSongInfo(Song * song);
+Song * songDup(Song * song);
diff --git a/src/stats.c b/src/stats.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d018ee0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "stats.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "directory.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include <time.h>
+Stats stats;
+void initStats() {
+ stats.daemonStart = time(NULL);
+ stats.numberOfSongs = 0;
+ /*stats.playTime = 0;
+ stats.songsPlayed = 0;*/
+int printStats(FILE * fp) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"artists: %li\n",numberOfArtists());
+ myfprintf(fp,"albums: %li\n",numberOfAlbums());
+ myfprintf(fp,"songs: %i\n",stats.numberOfSongs);
+ myfprintf(fp,"uptime: %li\n",time(NULL)-stats.daemonStart);
+ myfprintf(fp,"playtime: %li\n",(long)(getPlayerTotalPlayTime()+0.5));
+ /*myfprintf(fp,"songs_played: %li\n",stats.songsPlayed);*/
+ myfprintf(fp,"db_update: %li\n",getDbModTime());
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/stats.h b/src/stats.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d059db014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef STATS_H
+#define STATS_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef struct _Stats {
+ unsigned long daemonStart;
+ int numberOfSongs;
+ /*unsigned long playTime;
+ unsigned long songsPlayed;*/
+} Stats;
+extern Stats stats;
+void initStats();
+int printStats(FILE * fp);
diff --git a/src/tables.c b/src/tables.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef922e1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tables.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "tables.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define TABLES_ARTIST "artist"
+#define TABLES_ALBUM "album"
+List * albumTable;
+List * artistTable;
+typedef struct _ArtistData {
+ int songs;
+ List * albums;
+} ArtistData;
+ArtistData * newArtistData() {
+ ArtistData * ad = malloc(sizeof(ArtistData));
+ ad->songs = 0;
+ ad->albums = makeList(free);
+ return ad;
+void freeArtistData(ArtistData * ad) {
+ freeList(ad->albums);
+void initTables() {
+ albumTable = makeList(free);
+ artistTable = makeList((ListFreeDataFunc *)freeArtistData);
+void closeTables() {
+ freeList(albumTable);
+ freeList(artistTable);
+void addSongToSomeAlbumTable(List * table, Song * song) {
+ void * songs;
+ if(!song->tag) return;
+ if(!song->tag->album || !strlen(song->tag->album)) return;
+ if(!findInList(table,song->tag->album,&songs)) {
+ songs = malloc(sizeof(int));
+ *((int *)songs) = 0;
+ insertInList(table,song->tag->album,songs);
+ }
+ (*((int *)songs))++;
+void addSongToAlbumTable(Song * song) {
+ addSongToSomeAlbumTable(albumTable,song);
+void addSongToArtistTable(Song * song) {
+ void * artist;
+ if(!song->tag) return;
+ if(!song->tag->artist || !strlen(song->tag->artist)) return;
+ if(!findInList(artistTable,song->tag->artist,&artist)) {
+ artist = newArtistData();
+ insertInList(artistTable,song->tag->artist,artist);
+ }
+ ((ArtistData *)artist)->songs++;
+ addSongToSomeAlbumTable(((ArtistData *)artist)->albums,song);
+void addSongToTables(Song * song) {
+ addSongToAlbumTable(song);
+ addSongToArtistTable(song);
+void removeSongFromSomeAlbumTable(List * table, Song * song) {
+ void * songs;
+ if(!song->tag) return;
+ if(!song->tag->album || !strlen(song->tag->album)) return;
+ if(findInList(table,song->tag->album,&songs)) {
+ (*((int *)songs))--;
+ if(*((int *)songs)<=0) {
+ deleteFromList(table,song->tag->album);
+ }
+ }
+void removeSongFromAlbumTable(Song * song) {
+ removeSongFromSomeAlbumTable(albumTable,song);
+void removeSongFromArtistTable(Song * song) {
+ void * artist;
+ if(!song->tag) return;
+ if(!song->tag->artist || !strlen(song->tag->artist)) return;
+ if(findInList(artistTable,song->tag->artist,&artist)) {
+ removeSongFromSomeAlbumTable(((ArtistData *)artist)->albums,
+ song);
+ ((ArtistData*)artist)->songs--;
+ if(((ArtistData *)artist)->songs<=0) {
+ deleteFromList(artistTable,song->tag->artist);
+ }
+ }
+void removeASongFromTables(Song * song) {
+ removeSongFromAlbumTable(song);
+ removeSongFromArtistTable(song);
+void removeSongsFromTables(SongList * songList) {
+ ListNode * node = songList->firstNode;
+ Song * song;
+ while(node) {
+ song = (Song *)node->data;
+ removeASongFromTables(song);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+unsigned long numberOfSongs() {
+ return 0;
+unsigned long numberOfArtists() {
+ return artistTable->numberOfNodes;
+unsigned long numberOfAlbums() {
+ return albumTable->numberOfNodes;
+int printAllArtists(FILE * fp) {
+ ListNode * node = artistTable->firstNode;
+ while(node) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"Artist: %s\n",node->key);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int printAllAlbums(FILE * fp, char * artist) {
+ if(artist==NULL) {
+ ListNode * node = albumTable->firstNode;
+ while(node) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"Album: %s\n",node->key);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ void * ad;
+ if(findInList(artistTable,artist,&ad)) {
+ ListNode * node = ((ArtistData *)ad)->albums->firstNode;
+ while(node) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"Album: %s\n",node->key);
+ node = node->nextNode;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s artist \"%s\" not found\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int printAllKeysOfTable(FILE * fp, char * table, char * arg1) {
+ if(strcmp(table,TABLES_ARTIST)==0) {
+ if(arg1!=NULL) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s %s table takes no args\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,table);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return printAllArtists(fp);
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(table,TABLES_ALBUM)==0) {
+ return printAllAlbums(fp,arg1);
+ }
+ else {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s table \"%s\" does not exist or not available for listing\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR,table);
+ return -1;
+ }
diff --git a/src/tables.h b/src/tables.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe99cc988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tables.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef TABLES_H
+#define TABLES_H
+#include "song.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+void initTables();
+void closeTables();
+void addSongToTables(Song * song);
+void removeSongsFromTables(SongList * songList);
+void removeASongFromTables(Song * song);
+unsigned long numberOfSongs();
+unsigned long numberOfArtists();
+unsigned long numberOfAlbums();
+int printAllKeysOfTable(FILE * fp, char * table, char * arg1);
diff --git a/src/tag.c b/src/tag.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dd7a3c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "path.h"
+#include "myfprintf.h"
+#include "sig_handlers.h"
+#include "mp3_decode.h"
+#include "audiofile_decode.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+#include <vorbis/vorbisfile.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+#include <FLAC/file_decoder.h>
+#include <FLAC/metadata.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG
+#ifdef USE_MPD_ID3TAG
+#include "libid3tag/id3tag.h"
+#include <id3tag.h>
+void printMpdTag(FILE * fp, MpdTag * tag) {
+ if(tag->artist) myfprintf(fp,"Artist: %s\n",tag->artist);
+ if(tag->album) myfprintf(fp,"Album: %s\n",tag->album);
+ if(tag->track) myfprintf(fp,"Track: %s\n",tag->track);
+ if(tag->title) myfprintf(fp,"Title: %s\n",tag->title);
+ if(tag->time>=0) myfprintf(fp,"Time: %i\n",tag->time);
+#ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG
+char * getID3Info(struct id3_tag * tag, char * id) {
+ struct id3_frame const * frame;
+ id3_ucs4_t const * ucs4;
+ id3_utf8_t * utf8;
+ union id3_field const * field;
+ unsigned int nstrings;
+ frame = id3_tag_findframe(tag, id, 0);
+ if(!frame) return NULL;
+ field = &frame->fields[1];
+ nstrings = id3_field_getnstrings(field);
+ if(nstrings<1) return NULL;
+ ucs4 = id3_field_getstrings(field,0);
+ assert(ucs4);
+ utf8 = id3_ucs4_utf8duplicate(ucs4);
+ if(!utf8) return NULL;
+ return utf8;
+MpdTag * id3Dup(char * utf8filename) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_ID3TAG
+ struct id3_file * file;
+ struct id3_tag * tag;
+ char * str;
+ blockSignals();
+ file = id3_file_open(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8filename)),
+ if(!file) {
+ unblockSignals();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ tag = id3_file_tag(file);
+ if(!tag) {
+ id3_file_close(file);
+ unblockSignals();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_ARTIST);
+ if(str) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->artist = str;
+ }
+ str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_TITLE);
+ if(str) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->title = str;
+ }
+ str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_ALBUM);
+ if(str) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->album = str;
+ }
+ str = getID3Info(tag,ID3_FRAME_TRACK);
+ if(str) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->track = str;
+ }
+ id3_file_close(file);
+ unblockSignals();
+ return ret;
+MpdTag * audiofileTagDup(char * utf8file) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ int time = getAudiofileTotalTime(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)));
+ if (time>=0) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->time = time;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+MpdTag * mp3TagDup(char * utf8file) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ int time;
+ ret = id3Dup(utf8file);
+ time = getMp3TotalTime(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)));
+ if(time>=0) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->time = time;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+MpdTag * oggTagDup(char * utf8file) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ FILE * fp;
+ OggVorbis_File vf;
+ char ** comments;
+ char * temp;
+ char * s1;
+ char * s2;
+ while(!(fp = fopen(rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)),"r"))
+ && errno==EINTR);
+ if(!fp) return NULL;
+ blockSignals();
+ if(ov_open(fp,&vf,NULL,0)<0) {
+ unblockSignals();
+ while(fclose(fp) && errno==EINTR);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->time = (int)(ov_time_total(&vf,-1)+0.5);
+ comments = ov_comment(&vf,-1)->user_comments;
+ while(*comments) {
+ temp = strdup(*comments);
+ ++comments;
+ if(!(s1 = strtok(temp,"="))) continue;
+ s2 = strtok(NULL,"");
+ if(!s1 || !s2);
+ else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"artist")) {
+ if(!ret->artist) {
+ ret->artist = strdup(s2);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"title")) {
+ if(!ret->title) {
+ ret->title = strdup(s2);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"album")) {
+ if(!ret->album) {
+ ret->album = strdup(s2);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0==strcasecmp(s1,"tracknumber")) {
+ if(!ret->track) {
+ ret->track = strdup(s2);
+ }
+ }
+ free(temp);
+ }
+ ov_clear(&vf);
+ unblockSignals();
+ return ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+MpdTag * flacMetadataDup(char * file, int * vorbisCommentFound) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ FLAC__Metadata_SimpleIterator * it;
+ FLAC__StreamMetadata * block = NULL;
+ int offset;
+ int len, pos;
+ *vorbisCommentFound = 0;
+ blockSignals();
+ it = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_new();
+ if(!FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_init(it,rmp2amp(file),1,0)) {
+ FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it);
+ unblockSignals();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ do {
+ block = FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_get_block(it);
+ if(!block) break;
+ char * dup;
+ offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"artist");
+ if(offset>=0) {
+ *vorbisCommentFound = 1;
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ pos = strlen("artist=");
+ len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos;
+ if(len>0) {
+ dup = malloc(len+1);
+ memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len);
+ dup[len] = '\0';
+ ret->artist = dup;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"album");
+ if(offset>=0) {
+ *vorbisCommentFound = 1;
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ pos = strlen("album=");
+ len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos;
+ if(len>0) {
+ dup = malloc(len+1);
+ memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len);
+ dup[len] = '\0';
+ ret->album = dup;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"title");
+ if(offset>=0) {
+ *vorbisCommentFound = 1;
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ pos = strlen("title=");
+ len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos;
+ if(len>0) {
+ dup = malloc(len+1);
+ memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len);
+ dup[len] = '\0';
+ ret->title = dup;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = FLAC__metadata_object_vorbiscomment_find_entry_from(block,0,"tracknumber");
+ if(offset>=0) {
+ *vorbisCommentFound = 1;
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ pos = strlen("tracknumber=");
+ len = block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].length-pos;
+ if(len>0) {
+ dup = malloc(len+1);
+ memcpy(dup,&(block->data.vorbis_comment.comments[offset].entry[pos]),len);
+ dup[len] = '\0';
+ ret->track = dup;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(block->type == FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO) {
+ if(!ret) ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->time = ((float)block->data.stream_info.
+ total_samples) /
+ block->data.stream_info.sample_rate +
+ 0.5;
+ }
+ FLAC__metadata_object_delete(block);
+ } while(FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_next(it));
+ FLAC__metadata_simple_iterator_delete(it);
+ unblockSignals();
+ return ret;
+MpdTag * flacTagDup(char * file) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ int foundVorbisComment = 0;
+ ret = flacMetadataDup(file,&foundVorbisComment);
+ if(!ret) return NULL;
+ if(!foundVorbisComment) {
+ MpdTag * temp = id3Dup(file);
+ if(temp) {
+ temp->time = ret->time;
+ freeMpdTag(ret);
+ ret = temp;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+MpdTag * newMpdTag() {
+ MpdTag * ret = malloc(sizeof(MpdTag));
+ ret->album = NULL;
+ ret->artist = NULL;
+ ret->title = NULL;
+ ret->track = NULL;
+ ret->time = -1;
+ return ret;
+void freeMpdTag(MpdTag * tag) {
+ if(tag->artist) free(tag->artist);
+ if(tag->album) free(tag->album);
+ if(tag->title) free(tag->title);
+ if(tag->track) free(tag->track);
+ free(tag);
+MpdTag * mpdTagDup(MpdTag * tag) {
+ MpdTag * ret = NULL;
+ if(tag) {
+ ret = newMpdTag();
+ ret->artist = strdup(tag->artist);
+ ret->album = strdup(tag->album);
+ ret->title = strdup(tag->title);
+ ret->track = strdup(tag->track);
+ ret->time = tag->time;
+ }
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/tag.h b/src/tag.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f176449f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef TAG_H
+#define TAG_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef struct _MpdTag {
+ char * artist;
+ char * album;
+ char * track;
+ char * title;
+ int time;
+} MpdTag;
+MpdTag * newMpdTag();
+void freeMpdTag(MpdTag * tag);
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+MpdTag * mp3TagDup(char * utf8file);
+#ifdef HAVE_OGG
+MpdTag * oggTagDup(char * utf8file);
+#ifdef HAVE_FLAC
+MpdTag * flacTagDup(char * utf8file);
+MpdTag * audiofileTagDup(char * utf8file);
+void printMpdTag(FILE * fp, MpdTag * tag);
+MpdTag * mpdTagDup(MpdTag * tag);
diff --git a/src/utils.c b/src/utils.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df0562ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+char * myFgets(char * buffer, int bufferSize, FILE * fp) {
+ char * ret = fgets(buffer,bufferSize,fp);
+ if(ret && strlen(buffer)>0 && buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]=='\n') {
+ buffer[strlen(buffer)-1] = '\0';
+ }
+ return ret;
+char * strDupToUpper(char * str) {
+ char * ret = strdup(str);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++) ret[i] = toupper((int)ret[i]);
+ return ret;
diff --git a/src/utils.h b/src/utils.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68bee7bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef UTILS_H
+#define UTILS_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+char * myFgets(char * buffer, int bufferSize, FILE * fp);
+char * strDupToUpper(char * str);
diff --git a/src/volume.c b/src/volume.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..706b686b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/volume.c
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include "volume.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+#include <sys/soundcard.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
+#define VOLUME_MIXER_OSS_DEFAULT "/dev/mixer"
+#define VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_DEFAULT "default"
+int volume_mixerType = VOLUME_MIXER_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
+char * volume_mixerDevice;
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+int volume_ossFd;
+int volume_ossControl = SOUND_MIXER_VOLUME;
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+snd_mixer_t * volume_alsaMixerHandle = NULL;
+snd_mixer_elem_t * volume_alsaElem;
+long volume_alsaMin;
+long volume_alsaMax;
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+int prepOssMixer(char * device) {
+ int devmask = 0;
+ if((volume_ossFd = open(device,O_RDONLY))<0) {
+ ERROR("unable to open oss mixer \"%s\"\n",device);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if(getConf()[CONF_MIXER_CONTROL]) {
+ char * dup;
+ int i,j;
+ if(ioctl(volume_ossFd,SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK,&devmask)<0) {
+ ERROR("errors getting read_devmask for oss mixer\n");
+ close(volume_ossFd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES;i++) {
+ dup = strdup(labels[i]);
+ /* eliminate spaces at the end */
+ j = strlen(dup)-1;
+ while(j>=0 && dup[j]==' ') dup[j--] = '\0';
+ if(strcmp(dup,getConf()[CONF_MIXER_CONTROL])==0) {
+ free(dup);
+ break;
+ }
+ free(dup);
+ }
+ ERROR("mixer control \"%s\" not found\n",
+ close(volume_ossFd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else if(!( ( 1 << i ) & devmask )) {
+ ERROR("mixer control \"%s\" not usable\n",
+ close(volume_ossFd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ volume_ossControl = i;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void closeOssMixer() {
+ close(volume_ossFd);
+int getOssVolumeLevel() {
+ int left, right, level;
+ if(ioctl(volume_ossFd,MIXER_READ(volume_ossControl),&level) < 0) {
+ while(close(volume_ossFd)<0 && errno==EINTR);
+ ERROR("unable to read volume\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ left = level & 0xff;
+ right = (level & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ if(left!=right) {
+ ERROR("volume for left and right is not the same, \"%i\" and "
+ "\"%i\"\n",left,right);
+ }
+ return left;
+int changeOssVolumeLevel(FILE * fp, int change, int rel) {
+ int current;
+ int new;
+ int level;
+ if (rel) {
+ if((current = getOssVolumeLevel()) < 0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problem getting current volume\n",
+ return -1;
+ }
+ new = current+change;
+ }
+ else new = change;
+ if(new<0) new = 0;
+ else if(new>100) new = 100;
+ level = (new << 8) + new;
+ if(ioctl(volume_ossFd,MIXER_WRITE(volume_ossControl),&level) < 0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems setting volume\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+int prepAlsaMixer(char * card) {
+ int err;
+ snd_mixer_elem_t * elem;
+ if((err = snd_mixer_open(&volume_alsaMixerHandle,0))<0) {
+ ERROR("problems opening alsa mixer: %s\n",snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if((err = snd_mixer_attach(volume_alsaMixerHandle,card))<0) {
+ snd_mixer_close(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+ ERROR("problems problems attaching alsa mixer: %s\n",
+ snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if((err = snd_mixer_selem_register(volume_alsaMixerHandle,NULL,NULL))<0) {
+ snd_mixer_close(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+ ERROR("problems snd_mixer_selem_register'ing: %s\n",
+ snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if((err = snd_mixer_load(volume_alsaMixerHandle))<0) {
+ snd_mixer_close(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+ ERROR("problems snd_mixer_selem_register'ing: %s\n",
+ snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ elem = snd_mixer_first_elem(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+ if(getConf()[CONF_MIXER_CONTROL]) {
+ while(elem) {
+ if(snd_mixer_elem_get_type(elem)
+ {
+ if(strcmp(getConf()[CONF_MIXER_CONTROL],
+ snd_mixer_selem_get_name(elem))
+ ==0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = snd_mixer_elem_next(elem);
+ }
+ if(elem) {
+ volume_alsaElem = elem;
+ snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range(
+ volume_alsaElem,
+ &volume_alsaMin,&volume_alsaMax);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ volume_alsaElem = elem;
+ if(snd_mixer_elem_get_type(volume_alsaElem)
+ {
+ snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range(
+ volume_alsaElem,
+ &volume_alsaMin,&volume_alsaMax);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ snd_mixer_close(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+ return -1;
+void closeAlsaMixer() {
+ snd_mixer_close(volume_alsaMixerHandle);
+int getAlsaVolumeLevel() {
+ int ret;
+ long level;
+ long max = volume_alsaMax;
+ long min = volume_alsaMin;
+ int err;
+ if((err = snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume(volume_alsaElem,
+ ERROR("problems getting alsa volume: %s\n",snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume(volume_alsaElem,
+ ret = (int)(100*(((float)(level-min))/(max-min))+0.5);
+ return ret;
+int changeAlsaVolumeLevel(FILE * fp, int change, int rel) {
+ float vol;
+ long level;
+ long max = volume_alsaMax;
+ long min = volume_alsaMin;
+ int err;
+ if((err = snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume(volume_alsaElem,
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems getting volume\n",
+ ERROR("problems getting alsa volume: %s\n",snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (rel) {
+ vol = 100.0*(((float)(level-min))/(max-min));
+ vol+=change;
+ }
+ else
+ vol = change;
+ level = (long)(((vol/100.0)*(max-min)+min)+0.5);
+ level = level>max?max:level;
+ level = level<min?min:level;
+ if((err = snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all(
+ volume_alsaElem,level))<0) {
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s problems setting volume\n",
+ ERROR("problems setting alsa volume: %s\n",snd_strerror(err));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int prepMixer(char * device) {
+ switch(volume_mixerType) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+ return prepAlsaMixer(device);
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+ return prepOssMixer(device);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void finishVolume() {
+ switch(volume_mixerType) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+ closeAlsaMixer();
+ break;
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+ closeOssMixer();
+ break;
+ }
+void initVolume() {
+ if(0);
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+ else if(strcmp((getConf())[CONF_MIXER_TYPE],VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA)==0) {
+ volume_mixerType = VOLUME_MIXER_TYPE_ALSA;
+ volume_mixerDevice = VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA_DEFAULT;
+ }
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+ else if(strcmp((getConf())[CONF_MIXER_TYPE],VOLUME_MIXER_OSS)==0) {
+ volume_mixerType = VOLUME_MIXER_TYPE_OSS;
+ volume_mixerDevice = VOLUME_MIXER_OSS_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp((getConf())[CONF_MIXER_TYPE],VOLUME_MIXER_SOFTWARE)==0) {
+ volume_mixerType = VOLUME_MIXER_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
+ }
+ else {
+ ERROR("unknown mixer type: %s\n",(getConf())[CONF_MIXER_TYPE]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(strlen((getConf())[CONF_MIXER_DEVICE])) {
+ volume_mixerDevice = (getConf())[CONF_MIXER_DEVICE];
+ }
+void openVolumeDevice() {
+ if(prepMixer(volume_mixerDevice)<0) {
+ ERROR("using software volume\n");
+ volume_mixerType = VOLUME_MIXER_TYPE_SOFTWARE;
+ }
+int getSoftwareVolume() {
+ return 50*log((getPlayerSoftwareVolume()*(M_E*M_E-1)/100.0)+1)+0.5;
+int getVolumeLevel() {
+ switch(volume_mixerType) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+ return getAlsaVolumeLevel();
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+ return getOssVolumeLevel();
+ return getSoftwareVolume();
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+int changeSoftwareVolume(FILE * fp, int change, int rel) {
+ int new = change;
+ if(rel) new+=getSoftwareVolume();
+ if(new>100) new = 100;
+ else if(new<0) new = 0;
+ new = 100.0*(exp(new/50.0)-1)/(M_E*M_E-1)+0.5;
+ setPlayerSoftwareVolume(new);
+ return 0;
+int changeVolumeLevel(FILE * fp, int change, int rel) {
+ switch(volume_mixerType) {
+#ifdef HAVE_ALSA
+ return changeAlsaVolumeLevel(fp,change,rel);
+#ifndef NO_OSS_MIXER
+ return changeOssVolumeLevel(fp,change,rel);
+ return changeSoftwareVolume(fp,change,rel);
+ default:
+ myfprintf(fp,"%s no volume support!\n",COMMAND_RESPOND_ERROR);
+ return -1;
+ }
diff --git a/src/volume.h b/src/volume.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6af44bf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/volume.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
+ * (c)2003-2004 by Warren Dukes (shank@mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
+ * This project's homepage is: http://www.musicpd.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#ifndef VOLUME_H
+#define VOLUME_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define VOLUME_MIXER_OSS "oss"
+#define VOLUME_MIXER_ALSA "alsa"
+#define VOLUME_MIXER_SOFTWARE "software"
+void initVolume();
+void openVolumeDevice();
+void finishVolume();
+int getVolumeLevel();
+int changeVolumeLevel(FILE * fp, int change, int rel);