path: root/src
diff options
authorMax Kellermann <max@duempel.org>2008-10-06 14:30:14 +0200
committerMax Kellermann <max@duempel.org>2008-10-06 14:30:14 +0200
commit64fd42870e71609d7493e6b0c161058a5db55243 (patch)
treef445980c3d6a128f359ef71134fde25bf981b94d /src
parent2cdf2f54d7eb55332c8c08904390044538ff3799 (diff)
wreadln: removed the disabled ncursesw code
The wide character version of wreadln() is currently a non-functional mess. Remove it for now, I will reimplement that later.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/src/wreadln.c b/src/wreadln.c
index bf31d1db3..42b5561c0 100644
--- a/src/wreadln.c
+++ b/src/wreadln.c
@@ -24,12 +24,6 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <glib.h>
-#include <ncursesw/ncurses.h>
-#include <ncurses.h>
#define KEY_CTRL_A 1
#define KEY_CTRL_B 2
#define KEY_CTRL_C 3
@@ -58,7 +52,6 @@ wrln_gcmp_post_cb_t wrln_post_completion_callback = NULL;
extern void sigstop(void);
extern void screen_bell(void);
/* move the cursor one step to the right */
static inline void cursor_move_right(gint *cursor,
gint *start,
@@ -368,383 +361,6 @@ _wreadln(WINDOW *w,
return g_realloc(line, strlen(line)+1);
-/* move the cursor one step to the right */
-static inline void cursor_move_right(gint *cursor,
- gint *start,
- gint width,
- gint x0,
- gint x1,
- wchar_t *wline)
- if( *cursor < wcslen(wline) && *cursor<wrln_max_line_size-1 )
- {
- (*cursor)++;
- if( *cursor+x0 >= x1 && *start<*cursor-width+1)
- (*start)++;
- }
-/* move the cursor one step to the left */
-static inline void cursor_move_left(gint *cursor,
- gint *start,
- gint width,
- gint x0,
- gint x1,
- wchar_t *line)
- if( *cursor > 0 )
- {
- if( *cursor==*start && *start > 0 )
- (*start)--;
- (*cursor)--;
- }
-static inline void backspace(gint *cursor,
- gint *start,
- gint width,
- gint x0,
- gint x1,
- wchar_t *wline)
- int i;
- if( *cursor > 0 )
- {
- for (i = *cursor - 1; wline[i] != 0; i++)
- wline[i] = wline[i + 1];
- cursor_move_left(cursor, start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- }
-/* handle delete */
-static inline void delete(gint *cursor,
- wchar_t *wline)
- int i;
- if( *cursor <= wcslen(wline) - 1 )
- {
- for (i = *cursor; wline[i] != 0; i++)
- wline[i] = wline[i + 1];
- }
-/* move the cursor to the end of the line */
-static inline void cursor_move_to_eol(gint *cursor,
- gint *start,
- gint width,
- gint x0,
- gint x1,
- wchar_t *line)
- *cursor = wcslen(line);
- if( *cursor+x0 >= x1 )
- *start = *cursor-width+1;
-/* draw line buffer and update cursor position */
-static inline void drawline(gint cursor,
- gint start,
- gint width,
- gint x0,
- gint y,
- gboolean masked,
- wchar_t *line,
- WINDOW *w)
- wmove(w, y, x0);
- /* clear input area */
- whline(w, ' ', width);
- /* print visible part of the line buffer */
- if(masked == TRUE) whline(w, '*', wcslen(line)-start);
- else waddnwstr(w, line+start, width);
- FILE *dbg = fopen ("dbg", "a+");
- fprintf (dbg, "%i,%s---%i---", width, line, wcslen (line));
- /* move the cursor to the correct position */
- wmove(w, y, x0 + cursor-start);
- /* tell ncurses to redraw the screen */
- doupdate();
-/* libcursesw version */
-static gchar *
-_wreadln(WINDOW *w,
- const gchar *prompt,
- const gchar *initial_value,
- gint x1,
- GList **history,
- GCompletion *gcmp,
- gboolean masked)
- GList *hlist = NULL, *hcurrent = NULL;
- wchar_t *wline;
- gchar *mbline;
- gint x0, x, y, width, start;
- gint cursor;
- wint_t wch;
- gint key;
- gint i;
- /* initialize variables */
- start = 0;
- x = 0;
- cursor = 0;
- mbline = NULL;
- /* allocate a line buffer */
- wline = g_malloc0(wrln_max_line_size*sizeof(wchar_t));
- /* turn off echo */
- noecho();
- /* make shure the cursor is visible */
- curs_set(1);
- /* print prompt string */
- if( prompt )
- waddstr(w, prompt);
- /* retrive y and x0 position */
- getyx(w, y, x0);
- /* check the x1 value */
- if( x1<=x0 || x1>COLS )
- x1 = COLS;
- width = x1-x0;
- /* clear input area */
- mvwhline(w, y, x0, ' ', width);
- if( history )
- {
- /* append the a new line to our history list */
- *history = g_list_append(*history, g_malloc0(wrln_max_line_size));
- /* hlist points to the current item in the history list */
- hlist = g_list_last(*history);
- hcurrent = hlist;
- }
- if( initial_value == (char *) -1 )
- {
- /* get previous history entry */
- if( history && hlist->prev )
- {
- if( hlist==hcurrent )
- {
- /* save the current line */
- //g_strlcpy(hlist->data, line, wrln_max_line_size);
- }
- /* get previous line */
- hlist = hlist->prev;
- mbstowcs(wline, hlist->data, wrln_max_line_size);
- }
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- drawline(cursor, start, width, x0, y, masked, wline, w);
- }
- else if( initial_value )
- {
- /* copy the initial value to the line buffer */
- mbstowcs(wline, initial_value, wrln_max_line_size);
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- drawline(cursor, start, width, x0, y, masked, wline, w);
- }
- wch=0;
- key=0;
- while( wch!=13 && wch!='\n' )
- {
- key = wget_wch(w, &wch);
- if( key==KEY_CODE_YES )
- {
- /* function key */
- switch(wch)
- {
- case KEY_HOME:
- x=0;
- cursor=0;
- start=0;
- break;
- case KEY_END:
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_LEFT:
- cursor_move_left(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- cursor_move_right(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_DC:
- delete(&cursor, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_BCKSPC:
- backspace(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_UP:
- /* get previous history entry */
- if( history && hlist->prev )
- {
- if( hlist==hcurrent )
- {
- /* save the current line */
- wcstombs(hlist->data, wline, wrln_max_line_size);
- }
- /* get previous line */
- hlist = hlist->prev;
- mbstowcs(wline, hlist->data, wrln_max_line_size);
- }
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_DOWN:
- /* get next history entry */
- if( history && hlist->next )
- {
- /* get next line */
- hlist = hlist->next;
- mbstowcs(wline, hlist->data, wrln_max_line_size);
- }
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- }
- }
- else if( key!=ERR )
- {
- switch(wch)
- {
- case KEY_CTRL_A:
- x=0;
- cursor=0;
- start=0;
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_C:
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_D:
- delete(&cursor, wline);
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_E:
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case TAB:
- if( gcmp )
- {
- char *prefix = NULL;
- GList *list;
- i = wcstombs(NULL,wline,0)+1;
- mbline = g_malloc0(i);
- wcstombs(mbline, wline, i);
- if(wrln_pre_completion_callback)
- wrln_pre_completion_callback(gcmp, mbline,
- wrln_completion_callback_data);
- list = g_completion_complete(gcmp, mbline, &prefix);
- if( prefix )
- {
- mbstowcs(wline, prefix, wrln_max_line_size);
- cursor_move_to_eol(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- g_free(prefix);
- }
- else
- screen_bell();
- if( wrln_post_completion_callback )
- wrln_post_completion_callback(gcmp, mbline, list,
- wrln_completion_callback_data);
- g_free(mbline);
- }
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_G:
- screen_bell();
- g_free(wline);
- if( history )
- {
- g_free(hcurrent->data);
- hcurrent->data = NULL;
- *history = g_list_delete_link(*history, hcurrent);
- }
- return NULL;
- case KEY_CTRL_K:
- wline[cursor] = 0;
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_U:
- cursor = wcslen(wline);
- for (i = 0;i < cursor; i++)
- wline[i] = '\0';
- cursor = 0;
- break;
- case KEY_CTRL_Z:
- sigstop();
- break;
- case 127:
- backspace(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- break;
- case '\n':
- case 13:
- /* ignore char */
- break;
- default:
- if( (wcslen(wline+cursor)) )
- {
- /* the cursor is not at the last pos */
- wchar_t *tmp = NULL;
- gsize len = (wcslen(wline+cursor)+1);
- tmp = g_malloc0(len*sizeof(wchar_t));
- wmemcpy(tmp, wline+cursor, len);
- wline[cursor] = wch;
- wline[cursor+1] = 0;
- wcscat(&wline[cursor+1], tmp);
- g_free(tmp);
- cursor_move_right(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- }
- else
- {
- FILE *ff = fopen ("curspr", "a+");
- fprintf (ff, "%i", cursor);
- wline[cursor] = wch;
- wline[cursor+1] = 0;
- cursor_move_right(&cursor, &start, width, x0, x1, wline);
- }
- }
- }
- drawline(cursor, start, width, x0, y, masked, wline, w);
- }
- i = wcstombs(NULL,wline,0)+1;
- mbline = g_malloc0(i);
- wcstombs(mbline, wline, i);
- /* update history */
- if( history )
- {
- if( strlen(mbline) )
- {
- /* update the current history entry */
- size_t size = strlen(mbline)+1;
- hcurrent->data = g_realloc(hcurrent->data, size);
- g_strlcpy(hcurrent->data, mbline, size);
- }
- else
- {
- /* the line was empty - remove the current history entry */
- g_free(hcurrent->data);
- hcurrent->data = NULL;
- *history = g_list_delete_link(*history, hcurrent);
- }
- while( g_list_length(*history) > wrln_max_history_length )
- {
- GList *first = g_list_first(*history);
- /* remove the oldest history entry */
- g_free(first->data);
- first->data = NULL;
- *history = g_list_delete_link(*history, first);
- }
- }
- return mbline;
gchar *
wreadln(WINDOW *w,
const gchar *prompt,