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Auto-Submitted: auto-replied
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2012 10:47:34 +0400
From: Mail Delivery System <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: =?utf-8?b?0JLQsNGI0LUg0YHQvtC+0LHRidC10L3QuNC1INC90LUg0LTQvtGB0YLQsNCy0LvQ?=
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Это письмо создано автоматически сервером Mail.Ru, отвечать на него не нужно.

К сожалению, Ваше письмо не может быть доставлено одному или нескольким получателям, потому что:

  Message was not accepted -- invalid mailbox.
 Local mailbox is unavailable: user not found


A message that you sent was rejected by the local scanning code that
checks incoming messages on this system. The following error was given:

  Message was not accepted -- invalid mailbox.
 Local mailbox is unavailable: user not found

------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers.
------ No more than 1K characters of the body are included.

Message removed