The %(listname)s mailing list has just undergone a big change. It is running on a new mailing list package called "Mailman". This will hopefully solve a lot of problems that administering this list has presented. How does this affect you? 對您的影響 ? 1) Mail intended for the whole list should be sent to: %(listaddr)s. 2) You have been given an arbitrary password to prevent others from unsubscribing you without your knowledge. It will be mailed to you in a separate email, which you may have already received. Don't worry if you forget this password; a reminder will be sent to you via email every month. 3) If you have World Wide Web access, you can use it any time to unsubscribe from this list, to switch to and from digest mode, to check back issues of the list (which will be available after the list has been getting posts for a day or so), etc. The Web address for these resources is: %(listinfo_url)s 4) 如果您不能由 WWW 存取 , 您可以經由 email 達到相同的功能 . email 一封標題或內文為 "help" ( 不需引號 )一個單字到 %(requestaddr)s .您會收到自動回覆的 email , 上面會有更詳 細的說明 . Please address any questions or problems with this new setup to: 對新的設定有任何的疑問請逕洽: %(adminaddr)s. 本訊息由 Mailman %(version)s 自動產生 , 關於 Mailman 軟體的 詳細資訊請造訪 Mailman 的首頁