<!-- $Revision: 5046 $ --> <html> <head> <title><MM-Presentable-User> �� <MM-List-Name> ���� ����� �����ϱ� </title> </head> <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#99CCFF"><B> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=+1> <MM-List-Name> �� <MM-Presentable-User> ����� �����ϱ� </FONT></B></TD></TR> </TABLE> <MM-Form-Start> <p> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr><td> <MM-List-Name> ���ϸ� ����Ʈ���� <b><MM-Presentable-User></b> ������� ���� ����, �н�����, ��Ÿ �ɼǵ��� �ٷ�ϴ�. </td><td><mm-logout-button></td> </tr><tr> <td colspan="2"> <MM-Case-Preserved-User> <MM-Disabled-Notice> <p><mm-results> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0" colspan="2"> <FONT COLOR="#000000"> <B><MM-List-Name> ȸ�� ���� �����ϱ�</B> </FONT></TD></TR> <tr><td colspan="2">You can change the address that you are subscribed to the mailing list with by entering the new address in the fields below. Note that a confirmation email will be sent to the new address, and the change must be confirmed before it is processed. <p>Confirmations time out after about <mm-pending-days>. <p>You can also optionally set or change your real name (i.e. <em>John Smith</em>). <p>If you want to make the membership changes for all the lists that you are subscribed to at <mm-host>, turn on the <em>Change globally</em> check box. </td></tr> <tr><td><center> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="80%" cols="2"> <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">���ο� E���� �ּ�:</div></td> <td><mm-new-address-box></td> </tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">Ȯ�������� �ѹ� �� �Է� :</div></td> <td><mm-confirm-address-box></td> </tr> </tr></table></center> </td> <td><center> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="80%" cols="2"> <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">�̸� (���û���):</div></td> <td><mm-fullname-box></td> </tr> </table></center> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><center><mm-change-address-button> <p><mm-global-change-of-address>��ü������ ����</center></td> </tr> </table> <p> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000"> <B><MM-List-Name> Ż���ϱ�</B></td> <TD WIDTH="50%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000"> <B><MM-Host> �� �ٸ� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ ���� ��Ȳ</B> </FONT></TD></TR> <tr><td> �� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ�� ���� Ż���ϱ� ���� Ȯ�� üũ �ڽ��� üũ �Ͻð� �� ��ư�� �����ñ� �ٶ��ϴ�. <strong>���:</strong> �� ������ �ﰢ������ �Ͼ� ���ϴ�. ����ų �� �����ϴ�. <p> <center><MM-Unsubscribe-Button></center></td> <td> �������� ȸ���̽� <mm-host> ���� �ٸ� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ ���� ��Ȳ �� �ɼ� �������� ���ð��� �Ѵٸ� �̰��� ����Ͻʽÿ�. <p> <center><MM-Other-Subscriptions-Submit></center> </TD></TR> </table> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000"> <B>�����Ͻ� <MM-List-Name> ��й�ȣ</B> </FONT></TD></TR> <tr valign="TOP"><td WIDTH="50%"> <a name=reminder> <center> <h3>��й�ȣ�� �����̳���?</h3> </center> �Ʒ� ��ư�� �����ø� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ�� ��ϵ� ����� E���� �ּҷ� ��й�ȣ�� ������ ���ϴ�. <p><MM-Umbrella-Notice> <center> <MM-Email-My-Pw> </center> </td> <td WIDTH="50%"> <a name=changepw> <center> <h3>Change Your Password</h3> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" WIDTH="70%" COLS=2> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd"><div align="right">�� ��й�ȣ:</div></TD> <TD><MM-New-Pass-Box></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd"><div align="right">�ѹ��� �Է�:</div></TD> <TD><MM-Confirm-Pass-Box></TD> </TR> </table> <MM-Change-Pass-Button> <p><center><mm-global-pw-changes-button>��ü������ ���� </center> </TABLE> <p> <TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="5"> <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000"> <B><MM-List-Name> ���ϸ� ����Ʈ ���� �ɼ�</B> </FONT></TD></TR> </table> <p> <i><strong>üũ�Ǿ� �ִ� ���� ���� ���õǾ��� ���Դϴ�.</strong></i> <p>��� ������ ��� <em>��ü������ ����</em>�� �� �ֽ��ϴ�. <mm-host> �� ����� ȸ���̽� �� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ�� ���������� ���ϰ� �˴ϴ�. ����� <em>�����Ͻ� �ٸ� ����Ʈ ���</em>�� ���Ƿ��� ���� �ִ� ���� Ŭ���Ͽ� �ֽñ� �ٶ��ϴ�. <p> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="3" CELLPADDING="4" WIDTH="100%"> <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc"> <a name="disable"> <strong>���� ���</strong></a><p> �� ���ϸ� ����Ʈ���� ���� ���� �� ���Ƿ��� <em>��</em> �� �����Ͻñ� �ٶ��ϴ�. ���� �������� ��� ������ ���� �����Ƿ��� <em>�ƴϿ�</em>�� �����Ͻñ� �ٶ��ϴ�. 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