# Turkish Mailman Translation
# Copyright (C) 2004 GNU
# Kerem Erkan <kerem.erkan@hacettepe.edu.tr>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: Tue Feb  3 20:49:32 2015\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Kerem Erkan <kerem.erkan@hacettepe.edu.tr>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.4\n"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:123
msgid "size not available"
msgstr "boyut belli de�il"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:129
msgid " %(size)i bytes "
msgstr "%(size)i bayt"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:275 Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:180
#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:181
msgid "No subject"
msgstr "Konu yok"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:291 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:294
#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:425 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:483
#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:592 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1066
#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1195
msgid " at "
msgstr " at "

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:512
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous message (by thread):"
msgstr "�nceki mesaj:"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:534
#, fuzzy
msgid "Next message (by thread):"
msgstr "Sonraki mesaj:"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:707 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:743
msgid "thread"
msgstr "thread"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:708 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:744
msgid "subject"
msgstr "konu"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:709 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:745
msgid "author"
msgstr "yazar"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:710 Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:746
msgid "date"
msgstr "tarih"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:782
msgid "<P>Currently, there are no archives. </P>"
msgstr "<p>�u anda herhangi bir ar�iv yok. </p>"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:820
msgid "Gzip'd Text%(sz)s"
msgstr "Gzip'li Yaz�%(sz)s"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:825
msgid "Text%(sz)s"
msgstr "Yaz�%(sz)s"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:915
msgid "figuring article archives\n"
msgstr "makale ar�ivleri bi�imlendiriliyor\n"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:925
msgid "April"
msgstr "Nisan"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:925
msgid "February"
msgstr "�ubat"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:925
msgid "January"
msgstr "Ocak"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:925
msgid "March"
msgstr "Mart"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:926
msgid "August"
msgstr "A�ustos"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:926
msgid "July"
msgstr "Temmuz"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:926
msgid "June"
msgstr "Haziran"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:926 Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "May"
msgstr "May�s"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:927
msgid "December"
msgstr "Aral�k"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:927
msgid "November"
msgstr "Kas�m"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:927
msgid "October"
msgstr "Ekim"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:927
msgid "September"
msgstr "Eyl�l"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:935
msgid "First"
msgstr "�lk"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:935
msgid "Fourth"
msgstr "D�rd�nc�"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:935
msgid "Second"
msgstr "�kinci"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:935
msgid "Third"
msgstr "���nc�"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:937
msgid "%(ord)s quarter %(year)i"
msgstr "%(ord)s �eyrek %(year)i"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:944
msgid "%(month)s %(year)i"
msgstr "%(month)s %(year)i"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:949
msgid "The Week Of Monday %(day)i %(month)s %(year)i"
msgstr "Pazartesi %(day)i %(month)s %(year)i Haftas�"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:953
msgid "%(day)i %(month)s %(year)i"
msgstr "%(day)i %(month)s %(year)i"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1053
msgid "Computing threaded index\n"
msgstr "Thread'li indeks hesaplan�yor\n"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1318
msgid "Updating HTML for article %(seq)s"
msgstr "%(seq)s makalesi i�in HTML g�ncelleniyor"

#: Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py:1325
msgid "article file %(filename)s is missing!"
msgstr "makale dosyas� %(filename)s yok!"

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:288
msgid "Creating archive directory "
msgstr "Ar�iv dizini olu�turuluyor "

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:300
msgid "Reloading pickled archive state"
msgstr "Pickled ar�iv durumu yeniden y�kleniyor"

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:327
msgid "Pickling archive state into "
msgstr "Ar�iv durumu d�n��t�r�l�yor: "

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:439
msgid "Updating index files for archive [%(archive)s]"
msgstr "[%(archive)s] ar�ivi i�in indeks dosyalar� g�ncelleniyor"

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:472
msgid "  Thread"
msgstr "  Thread"

#: Mailman/Archiver/pipermail.py:583
msgid "#%(counter)05d %(msgid)s"
msgstr "#%(counter)05d %(msgid)s"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:45
msgid "due to excessive bounces"
msgstr "�ok fazla geri d�nme sebebiyle"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:46
msgid "by yourself"
msgstr "sizin taraf�n�zdan"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:47
msgid "by the list administrator"
msgstr "liste y�neticisi taraf�ndan"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:48 Mailman/Bouncer.py:293
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:182
msgid "for unknown reasons"
msgstr "bilinmeyen nedenlerle"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:198
msgid "bounce score incremented"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:228
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "etkin de�il"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:245
msgid "Bounce action notification"
msgstr "Geri d�nme eylem bildirimi"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:300
msgid " The last bounce received from you was dated %(date)s"
msgstr " Sizden gelen son geri d�n�� %(date)s tarihindeydi"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:329 Mailman/Deliverer.py:146
#: Mailman/Handlers/Acknowledge.py:44 Mailman/Handlers/CookHeaders.py:387
#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:215 Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:240
#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:223
msgid "(no subject)"
msgstr "(konu yok)"

#: Mailman/Bouncer.py:333
msgid "[No bounce details are available]"
msgstr "[Geri d�nme ayr�nt�lar� yok]"

#: Mailman/Cgi/Auth.py:48
msgid "Moderator"
msgstr "Moderat�r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/Auth.py:50
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Y�netici"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:79 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:116
#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:62 Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:71
#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:55 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:91
#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:108 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:64
#: Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:59 Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:63
msgid "No such list <em>%(safelistname)s</em>"
msgstr "<em>%(safelistname)s</em> ad�nda bir liste yok"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:108 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:132
#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:91 Mailman/Cgi/private.py:135
msgid "Authorization failed."
msgstr "Yetkilendirme ba�ar�s�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:199
msgid "The form lifetime has expired. (request forgery check)"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:205
msgid ""
"You have turned off delivery of both digest and\n"
"                non-digest messages.  This is an incompatible state of\n"
"                affairs.  You must turn on either digest delivery or\n"
"                non-digest delivery or your mailing list will basically be\n"
"                unusable."
msgstr ""
"Hem toplu hem toplu olmayan mesaj g�nderimini\n"
"                kapatt�n�z. Bu birbirine uymayan iki durumu �ak��t�r�yor.\n"
"                Ya toplu ya da toplu olmayan g�nderimi etkinle�tirin, yoksa\n"
"                mesaj listeniz kullan�lamaz hale gelecektir."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:209 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:217 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:224
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1499 Mailman/Gui/GUIBase.py:208
msgid "Warning: "
msgstr "Uyar�: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:214
msgid ""
"You have digest members, but digests are turned\n"
"                off. Those people will not receive mail.\n"
"                Affected member(s) %(dm)r."
msgstr ""
"Toplu g�nderim isteyen �yeleriniz var, fakat toplu g�nderim\n"
"                kapal�. Bu ki�iler e-posta almayacak.%(dm)r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:221
msgid ""
"You have regular list members but non-digestified mail is\n"
"                turned off.  They will receive non-digestified mail until "
"                fix this problem. Affected member(s) %(rm)r."
msgstr ""
"Toplu olmayan mesaj almak isteyen �yeleriniz var, fakat bu t�r\n"
"                mesaj g�nderimi kapal�. Bu sorunu gidermedi�iniz s�rece\n"
"                e-posta alamayacaklar.%(rm)r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:246
msgid "%(hostname)s mailing lists - Admin Links"
msgstr "%(hostname)s mesaj listeleri - Y�netici Linkleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:277 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:105
msgid "Welcome!"
msgstr "Ho�geldiniz!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:280 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:108
msgid "Mailman"
msgstr "Mailman"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:284
msgid ""
"<p>There currently are no publicly-advertised %(mailmanlink)s\n"
"            mailing lists on %(hostname)s."
msgstr ""
"<p>�u anda %(hostname)s �zerinde genel kullan�m i�in ilan edilmi�\n"
"%(mailmanlink)s mesaj listesi yok."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:290
msgid ""
"<p>Below is the collection of publicly-advertised\n"
"            %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s.  Click on a list\n"
"            name to visit the configuration pages for that list."
msgstr ""
"<p>A�a��da %(hostname)s �zerinde genel kullan�m i�in\n"
"            ilan edilmi� %(mailmanlink)s mesaj listeleri g�steriliyor. Bir "
"            �zerine t�klayarak o listenin yap�land�rma sayfalar�na "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:297
msgid "right "
msgstr "sa� "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:299
msgid ""
"To visit the administrators configuration page for an\n"
"        unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' "
"        the %(extra)slist name appended.  If you have the proper authority,\n"
"        you can also <a href=\"%(creatorurl)s\">create a new mailing list</"
"        <p>General list information can be found at "
msgstr ""
" �lan edilmemi� bir listenin y�netim yap�land�rma sayfalar�na gitmek\n"
"        i�in �u andakine benzer bir URL a��n ve arkas�na '/' ve "
"        ismini ekleyin. E�er uygun yetkilere sahipseniz,\n"
"        <a href=\"%(creatorurl)s\">yeni bir mesaj listesi de "
"        <p>Genel liste bilgisine �uradan ula�abilirsiniz: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:306
msgid "the mailing list overview page"
msgstr "mesaj listesi tan�t�m sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:308
msgid "<p>(Send questions and comments to "
msgstr "<p>(Soru ve �nerilerinizi �u adrese g�nderebilirsiniz: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:318 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:140 cron/mailpasswds:216
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:319 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:587
#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:141
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tan�m"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:325 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:147 bin/list_lists:124
msgid "[no description available]"
msgstr "[herhangi bir tan�m yok]"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:359
msgid "No valid variable name found."
msgstr "Ge�erli bir de�i�ken ismi bulunamad�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:369
msgid ""
"%(realname)s Mailing list Configuration Help\n"
"    <br><em>%(varname)s</em> Option"
msgstr ""
"%(realname)s Mesaj Listesi Yap�land�rma Yard�m�\n"
"    <br><em>%(varname)s</em> Se�ene�i"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:376
msgid "Mailman %(varname)s List Option Help"
msgstr "Mailman%(varname)s Liste Se�enek Yard�m�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:394
msgid ""
"<em><strong>Warning:</strong> changing this option here\n"
"    could cause other screens to be out-of-sync.  Be sure to reload any "
"    pages that are displaying this option for this mailing list.  You can "
"    "
msgstr ""
"<em><strong>Uyar�:</strong> Bu se�ene�i burada de�i�tirmek,\n"
"    di�er ekranlar�n senkronizasyonunu bozabilir. Bu se�ene�i g�steren "
"    sayfalar� tekrar y�kledi�inizden emin olun. Ayr�ca\n"
"    "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:405
msgid "return to the %(categoryname)s options page."
msgstr "%(categoryname)s se�enek sayfas�na da d�nebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:420
msgid "%(realname)s Administration (%(label)s)"
msgstr "%(realname)s Y�netimi (%(label)s)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:421
msgid "%(realname)s mailing list administration<br>%(label)s Section"
msgstr "%(realname)s mesaj listesi y�netimi<br>%(label)s B�l�m�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:438
msgid "Configuration Categories"
msgstr "Yap�land�rma Kategorileri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:439
msgid "Other Administrative Activities"
msgstr "Di�er Y�netimsel Aktiviteler"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:443
msgid "Tend to pending moderator requests"
msgstr "Bekleyen moderat�r isteklerine bak"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:445
msgid "Go to the general list information page"
msgstr "Genel liste bilgi sayfas�na git"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:447
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit the public HTML pages and text files"
msgstr "Genel HTML sayfalar�n� d�zenle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:449
msgid "Go to list archives"
msgstr "Liste ar�ivlerine git"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:455
msgid "Delete this mailing list"
msgstr "Bu mesaj listesini sil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:456
msgid " (requires confirmation)<br>&nbsp;<br>"
msgstr " (onay gerektirir)<br>&nbsp;<br>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:462 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:218
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:299
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "��k��"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:506
msgid "Emergency moderation of all list traffic is enabled"
msgstr "T�m liste trafi�i i�in acil moderat�r onay� etkin"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:517
msgid ""
"Make your changes in the following section, then submit them\n"
"        using the <em>Submit Your Changes</em> button below."
msgstr ""
"A�a��daki b�l�mde de�i�ikliklerinizi yap�n ve bu de�i�iklikleri\n"
"        <em>De�i�iklikleri Kaydet</em> d��mesine basarak kaydedin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:535
msgid "Additional Member Tasks"
msgstr "Ek �ye G�revleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:541
msgid ""
"<li>Set everyone's moderation bit, including\n"
"            those members not currently visible"
msgstr ""
"<li>�u anda g�r�nt�lenmeyen �yeler de dahil olmak\n"
"            �zere herkesin moderat�r onay� ayar�n� etkinle�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:545
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Kapal�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:545
msgid "On"
msgstr "A��k"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:547
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Ayarla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:588
msgid "Value"
msgstr "De�er"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:642
msgid ""
"Badly formed options entry:\n"
" %(record)s"
msgstr ""
"K�t� olu�turulmu� se�enek giri�i:\n"
" %(record)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:700
msgid "<em>Enter the text below, or...</em><br>"
msgstr "<em>A�a��ya yaz� ekleyin, veya...</em><br>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:702
msgid "<br><em>...specify a file to upload</em><br>"
msgstr "<br><em>...y�klemek i�in bir dosya se�in</em><br>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:728 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:731
msgid "Topic %(i)d"
msgstr "Konu %(i)d"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:732 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:782
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:733
msgid "Topic name:"
msgstr "Konu ismi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:735
msgid "Regexp:"
msgstr "Regexp:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:738 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1074
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Tan�m:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:742 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:800
msgid "Add new item..."
msgstr "Yeni madde ekle..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:744 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:802
msgid "...before this one."
msgstr "...bundan �nce."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:745 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:803
msgid "...after this one."
msgstr "...bundan sonra."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:778 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:781
msgid "Spam Filter Rule %(i)d"
msgstr "Spam Filtre Kural� %(i)d"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:783
msgid "Spam Filter Regexp:"
msgstr "Spam Filtre Regexp:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:794 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:354
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:415 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:469
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:717
msgid "Defer"
msgstr "Ertele"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:794 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:356
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:417 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:469
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:717 Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:37
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:233 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:256
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:408
msgid "Reject"
msgstr "Reddet"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:794 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:233
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:408
msgid "Hold"
msgstr "Beklet"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:795 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:357
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:418 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:469
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:717 Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:93
#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:37 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:233
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:257 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:408
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "G�zard� Et"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:795 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:469
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:256 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:408
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Onayla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:798 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:723
msgid "Action:"
msgstr "Eylem:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:810
msgid "Move rule up"
msgstr "Kural� yukar� al"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:811
msgid "Move rule down"
msgstr "Kural� a�a�� al"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:844
msgid "<br>(Edit <b>%(varname)s</b>)"
msgstr "<br>(D�zenle: <strong>%(varname)s</strong>)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:846
msgid "<br>(Details for <b>%(varname)s</b>)"
msgstr "<br>(<strong>%(varname)s</strong> i�in Ayr�nt�lar)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:853
msgid ""
"        setting this value performs an immediate action but does not modify\n"
"        permanent state.</em>"
msgstr ""
"        bu de�eri ayarlamak acil bir eylem uygular fakat kal�c� durumu\n"
"        de�i�tirmez.</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:867
msgid "Mass Subscriptions"
msgstr "Y���n �ye Eklemeler"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:874
msgid "Mass Removals"
msgstr "Y���n �ye ��karmalar"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:881
msgid "Membership List"
msgstr "�yelik Listesi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:889
msgid "(help)"
msgstr "(yard�m)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:890
msgid "Find member %(link)s:"
msgstr "�ye bul %(link)s:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:893
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Ara..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:910
msgid "Bad regular expression: "
msgstr "Hatal� regular expression: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:964
msgid "%(allcnt)s members total, %(membercnt)s shown"
msgstr "toplam %(allcnt)s �ye, %(membercnt)s �ye g�r�nt�leniyor"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:967
msgid "%(allcnt)s members total"
msgstr "toplam %(allcnt)s �ye"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:991
msgid "unsub"
msgstr "��kar"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:992
msgid "member address<br>member name"
msgstr "�ye adresi<br>�ye ismi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:993
msgid "hide"
msgstr "gizle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:993
msgid "mod"
msgstr "onay"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:994
msgid "nomail<br>[reason]"
msgstr "mesaj yok<br>[neden]"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:995
msgid "ack"
msgstr "bilgi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:995
msgid "not metoo"
msgstr "mesaj�m� bana<br>g�nderme"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:996
msgid "nodupes"
msgstr "kopya<br>g�nderme"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:997
msgid "plain"
msgstr "d�z yaz�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:997 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:320
msgid "digest"
msgstr "toplu"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:998
msgid "language"
msgstr "dil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1009
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1010
msgid "U"
msgstr "K"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1011
msgid "A"
msgstr "O"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1012
msgid "B"
msgstr "G"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1084
msgid "<b>unsub</b> -- Click on this to unsubscribe the member."
msgstr "<strong>��kar</strong> -- �yeyi listeden ��karmak i�in buna t�klay�n."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1086
msgid ""
"<b>mod</b> -- The user's personal moderation flag.  If this is\n"
"        set, postings from them will be moderated, otherwise they will be\n"
"        approved."
msgstr ""
"<strong>onay</strong> -- Kullan�c�n�n ki�isel moderat�r onay ayar�. E�er bu\n"
"        se�ili ise bu kullan�c�n�n mesajlar� onay gerektirecek, yoksa\n"
"        otomatik olarak kabul edilecektir."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1090
msgid ""
"<b>hide</b> -- Is the member's address concealed on\n"
"        the list of subscribers?"
msgstr ""
"<strong>gizle</strong> -- Liste �yesinin adresi di�er �yelerden\n"
"        gizlenecek mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1092
msgid ""
"<b>nomail</b> -- Is delivery to the member disabled?  If so, an\n"
"        abbreviation will be given describing the reason for the disabled\n"
"        delivery:\n"
"            <ul><li><b>U</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the user via their\n"
"                    personal options page.\n"
"                <li><b>A</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the list\n"
"                    administrators.\n"
"                <li><b>B</b> -- Delivery was disabled by the system due to\n"
"                    excessive bouncing from the member's address.\n"
"                <li><b>?</b> -- The reason for disabled delivery isn't "
"                    This is the case for all memberships which were "
"                    in older versions of Mailman.\n"
"            </ul>"
msgstr ""
"<strong>mesaj yok</strong> -- �yeye g�nderim devre d��� m�? E�er �yleyse\n"
"        bunun sebebi bir k�saltma ile a��klanacakt�r:\n"
"            <ul><li><strong>K</strong> -- G�nderim �ye taraf�ndan kendi "
"                    se�enek sayfas�nda devre d��� b�rak�lm��t�r.\n"
"                <li><strong>Y</strong> -- G�nderim liste y�neticileri "
"                    devre d��� b�rak�lm��t�r.\n"
"                <li><strong>G</strong> -- G�nderim sistem taraf�ndan, "
"kullan�c�n�n adresinden\n"
"                    a��r� geri d�n�� oldu�u i�in devre d��� b�rak�lm��t�r.\n"
"                <li><strong>?</strong> -- G�nderimin devre d��� "
"b�rak�lmas�n�n sebebi bilinmiyor.\n"
"                    Bu, eski Mailman s�r�mlerinde devre d��� b�rak�lan "
"                    i�in ge�erlidir.\n"
"            </ul>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1107
msgid ""
"<b>ack</b> -- Does the member get acknowledgements of their\n"
"        posts?"
msgstr ""
"<strong>bilgi</strong> -- �ye g�nderdi�i mesajlar�n ek bilgilerini al�r m�?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1110
msgid ""
"<b>not metoo</b> -- Does the member want to avoid copies of their\n"
"        own postings?"
msgstr ""
"<strong>mesaj�m� bana g�nderme</strong> -- �ye kendi mesajlar�n�n "
"        sak�nmak istiyor mu?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1113
msgid ""
"<b>nodupes</b> -- Does the member want to avoid duplicates of the\n"
"        same message?"
msgstr ""
"<strong>kopya g�nderme</strong> -- �ye ayn� mesaj�n kopyalar�ndan sak�nmak\n"
"        istiyor mu?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1116
msgid ""
"<b>digest</b> -- Does the member get messages in digests?\n"
"        (otherwise, individual messages)"
msgstr ""
"<strong>toplu</strong> -- �ye mesajlar� toplu halde mi al�yor?\n"
"        (aksi halde mesajlar ayr� ayr� g�nderilir)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1119
msgid ""
"<b>plain</b> -- If getting digests, does the member get plain\n"
"        text digests?  (otherwise, MIME)"
msgstr ""
"<strong>d�z yaz�</strong> -- E�er toplu halde al�yorsa, �ye mesajlar�\n"
"        d�z yaz� olarak m� al�yor? (aksi halde MIME g�nderilir)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1121
msgid "<b>language</b> -- Language preferred by the user"
msgstr "<strong>dil</strong> -- Kullan�c�n�n tercih etti�i dil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1135
msgid "Click here to hide the legend for this table."
msgstr "Bu tablonun ayr�nt�lar�n� gizlemek i�in buraya t�klay�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1139
msgid "Click here to include the legend for this table."
msgstr "Bu tablonun ayr�nt�lar�n� g�stermek i�in buraya t�klay�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1146
msgid ""
"<p><em>To view more members, click on the appropriate\n"
"        range listed below:</em>"
msgstr ""
"<p><em>Daha fazla �ye g�r�nt�lemek i�in a�a��da uygun\n"
"        aral��a t�klay�n:</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1156
msgid "from %(start)s to %(end)s"
msgstr "%(start)s ile %(end)s aras�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1169
msgid "Subscribe these users now or invite them?"
msgstr "Bu kullan�c�lar hemen mi �ye yap�ls�n yoksa davet mi edilsin?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1171
msgid "Invite"
msgstr "Davet Et"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1171 Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:183
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "�ye Yap"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1178
msgid "Send welcome messages to new subscribees?"
msgstr "Yeni �yelere ho�geldiniz mesaj� g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1180 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1189
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1222 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1230
#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:294 Mailman/Cgi/create.py:353
#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:388 Mailman/Cgi/create.py:426
#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:230 Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:33
#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:54 Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:62
#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:71 Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:77
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:120 Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:146
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:155 Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:164
#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:74 Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:116
#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:120 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:46
#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:62 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:84 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:89
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:158 Mailman/Gui/General.py:223
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:229 Mailman/Gui/General.py:307
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:334 Mailman/Gui/General.py:361
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:372 Mailman/Gui/General.py:375
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:385 Mailman/Gui/General.py:390
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:396 Mailman/Gui/General.py:416
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:448 Mailman/Gui/General.py:471
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:488 Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:45
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:53 Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:140
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:162 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:110
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:128 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:161
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:214 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:285
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:423 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:442
#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:52 Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:56 Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:93
#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:105
msgid "No"
msgstr "Hay�r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1180 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1189
#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1222 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1230
#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:294 Mailman/Cgi/create.py:353
#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:388 Mailman/Cgi/create.py:426
#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:230 Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:33
#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:54 Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:62
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:77 Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:120
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:146 Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:155
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:164 Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:74
#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:116 Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:120
#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:46 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:62 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:84
#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:89 Mailman/Gui/General.py:223
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:229 Mailman/Gui/General.py:307
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:334 Mailman/Gui/General.py:361
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:372 Mailman/Gui/General.py:375
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:385 Mailman/Gui/General.py:390
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:396 Mailman/Gui/General.py:416
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:448 Mailman/Gui/General.py:471
#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:488 Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:45
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:53 Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:140
#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:162 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:110
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:128 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:161
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:214 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:285
#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:423 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:442
#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:52 Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:56 Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:93
#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:105
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Evet"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1187
msgid "Send notifications of new subscriptions to the list owner?"
msgstr "Liste sahibine yeni �yeliklerin bilgisi g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1195 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1236
msgid "Enter one address per line below..."
msgstr "Her sat�ra bir adres olacak �ekilde yaz�n..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1200 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1241
msgid "...or specify a file to upload:"
msgstr "...veya y�klemek i�in bir dosya se�in:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1205
msgid ""
"Below, enter additional text to be added to the\n"
"    top of your invitation or the subscription notification.  Include at "
"    one blank line at the end..."
msgstr ""
"A�a��ya davet veya �yelik bildiriminizin �st�ne\n"
"    eklenecek yaz�y� giriniz. Sonda en az bir adet bo�\n"
"    sat�r b�rak�n�z..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1220
msgid "Send unsubscription acknowledgement to the user?"
msgstr "�yeye listeden ��kar�lmas�yla ilgili ek bilgi g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1228
msgid "Send notifications to the list owner?"
msgstr "Liste sahibine bildirimler g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1250
msgid "Change list ownership passwords"
msgstr "Liste sahibi �ifrelerini de�i�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1253
msgid ""
"The <em>list administrators</em> are the people who have ultimate control "
"all parameters of this mailing list.  They are able to change any list\n"
"configuration variable available through these administration web pages.\n"
"<p>The <em>list moderators</em> have more limited permissions; they are not\n"
"able to change any list configuration variable, but they are allowed to "
"to pending administration requests, including approving or rejecting held\n"
"subscription requests, and disposing of held postings.  Of course, the\n"
"<em>list administrators</em> can also tend to pending requests.\n"
"<p>In order to split the list ownership duties into administrators and\n"
"moderators, you must set a separate moderator password in the fields below,\n"
"and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators in the\n"
"<a href=\"%(adminurl)s/general\">general options section</a>."
msgstr ""
"<em>Liste y�neticileri</em> bu listede t�m parametreler �zerinde kontrol "
"olan ki�ilerdir. Liste ayarlar�yla ilgili her de�eri bu y�netim sayfalar�\n"
"arac�l���yla de�i�tirebilirler.\n"
"<p><em>Moderat�rler</em> daha s�n�rl� izinlere sahiptirler, herhangi bir "
"de�erini de�i�tiremezler, sadece bekleyen y�netim isteklerine bakarak\n"
"�yelik istekleri ile g�nderileri kabul edebilir veya reddedebilirler. Tabi "
"<em>liste y�neticileri</em> de bekleyen y�netim isteklerine cevap "
"<p>Liste y�netim g�revlerini y�neticiler ve moderat�rler aras�nda b�lmek "
"a�a��da farkl� bir moderat�r �ifresi belirlemeniz ve ayr�ca liste "
"e-posta adreslerini <a href=\"%(adminurl)s/general\">genel se�enekler</a> "
"tan�mlaman�z gereklidir."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1272
msgid "Enter new administrator password:"
msgstr "Yeni y�netici �ifresini girin:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1274
msgid "Confirm administrator password:"
msgstr "Y�netici �ifresini onaylay�n:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1279
msgid "Enter new moderator password:"
msgstr "Yeni moderat�r �ifresini girin:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1281
msgid "Confirm moderator password:"
msgstr "Moderat�r �ifresini onaylay�n:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1285
msgid ""
"In addition to the above passwords you may specify a password for\n"
"pre-approving posts to the list. Either of the above two passwords can\n"
"be used in an Approved: header or first body line pseudo-header to\n"
"pre-approve a post that would otherwise be held for moderation. In\n"
"addition, the password below, if set, can be used for that purpose and\n"
"no other."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter new poster password:"
msgstr "Yeni moderat�r �ifresini girin:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1298
#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirm poster password:"
msgstr "Moderat�r �ifresini onaylay�n:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1307
msgid "Submit Your Changes"
msgstr "De�i�iklikleri Kaydet"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1330
msgid "Moderator passwords did not match"
msgstr "Moderat�r �ifreleri birbiriyle e�le�medi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1341
#, fuzzy
msgid "Poster passwords did not match"
msgstr "�ifreleriniz birbiriyle e�le�medi!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1351
msgid "Administrator passwords did not match"
msgstr "Y�netici �ifreleri birbiriyle e�le�medi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1401
msgid "Already a member"
msgstr "Zaten listeye �ye"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1404
msgid "&lt;blank line&gt;"
msgstr "&lt;bo� sat�r&gt;"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1405 Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1408
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:936
msgid "Bad/Invalid email address"
msgstr "K�t�/Ge�ersiz e-posta adresi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1411
msgid "Hostile address (illegal characters)"
msgstr "Sald�rgan adres (ge�ersiz karakterler i�eriyor)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1414 bin/add_members:149 bin/clone_member:136
#: bin/sync_members:268
msgid "Banned address (matched %(pattern)s)"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1420
msgid "Successfully invited:"
msgstr "Ba�ar�yla davet edildi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1422
msgid "Successfully subscribed:"
msgstr "Ba�ar�yla �ye yap�ld�:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1427
msgid "Error inviting:"
msgstr "Davet ederken hata oldu:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1429
msgid "Error subscribing:"
msgstr "�ye yaparken hata oldu:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1460
msgid "Successfully Unsubscribed:"
msgstr "Ba�ar�yla �yelikten ��kar�ld�:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1465
msgid "Cannot unsubscribe non-members:"
msgstr "Zaten �ye olmayanlar ��kar�lam�yor:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1473
msgid "Bad moderation flag value"
msgstr "K�t� moderat�r onay de�eri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1495
msgid "Not subscribed"
msgstr "�ye de�il"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1498
msgid "Ignoring changes to deleted member: %(user)s"
msgstr "Silinmi� �ye �zerindeki de�i�iklikler g�zard� ediliyor: %(user)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1538
msgid "Successfully Removed:"
msgstr "Ba�ar�yla Silindi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admin.py:1542
msgid "Error Unsubscribing:"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kar�l�rken hata oldu:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:199 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:208
msgid "%(realname)s Administrative Database"
msgstr "%(realname)s Y�netimsel Veritaban�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:202
msgid "%(realname)s Administrative Database Results"
msgstr "%(realname)s Y�netimsel Veritaban� Sonu�lar�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:211
msgid "There are no pending requests."
msgstr "Bekleyen istek yok."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:214
msgid "Click here to reload this page."
msgstr "Bu sayfay� yeniden y�klemek i�in buraya t�klay�n."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:228
msgid "Detailed instructions for the administrative database"
msgstr "Y�netimsel veritaban� i�in ayr�nt�l� a��klamalar"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:232
msgid "Administrative requests for mailing list:"
msgstr "Mesaj listesi i�in y�netimsel istekler:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:235 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:295
msgid "Submit All Data"
msgstr "T�m Veriyi G�nder"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:242 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:292
msgid "Discard all messages marked <em>Defer</em>"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:257
msgid "all of %(esender)s's held messages."
msgstr "%(esender)s g�ndericisinin t�m bekletilen mesajlar�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:262
msgid "a single held message."
msgstr "tek bir bekletilen mesaj."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:267
msgid "all held messages."
msgstr "t�m bekletilen mesajlar."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:314
msgid "Mailman Administrative Database Error"
msgstr "Mailman Y�netimsel Veritaban� Hatas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:319
msgid "list of available mailing lists."
msgstr "mevcut mesaj listelerinin listesi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:320
msgid "You must specify a list name.  Here is the %(link)s"
msgstr "Bir liste ismi belirtmelisiniz. ��te %(link)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:333
msgid "Subscription Requests"
msgstr "Listeye �yelik �stekleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:335
msgid "Address/name"
msgstr "Adres/isim"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:336 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:389
msgid "Your decision"
msgstr "Karar�n�z"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:337 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:390
msgid "Reason for refusal"
msgstr "Reddetme i�in neden"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:355 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:416
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:717 Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:90
msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Onayla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:366
msgid "Permanently ban from this list"
msgstr "Bu listede kal�c� olarak yasakla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:388
msgid "User address/name"
msgstr "Kullan�c� adresi/ismi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:428
msgid "Unsubscription Requests"
msgstr "Listeden ��kma �stekleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:440
#, fuzzy
msgid "Held Messages"
msgstr "t�m bekletilen mesajlar."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:443
msgid "Show this list grouped/sorted by"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:446
msgid "sender/sender"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:446
msgid "sender/time"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:446
msgid "ungrouped/time"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:462 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:700
msgid "From:"
msgstr "G�nderen:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:465
msgid "Action to take on all these held messages:"
msgstr "T�m bekleyen mesajlar i�in uygulanacak eylem:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:478
msgid "Preserve messages for the site administrator"
msgstr "Site y�neticisi i�in mesajlar� sakla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:486
msgid "Forward messages (individually) to:"
msgstr "Mesajlar� (ayr� ayr�) ilet:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:506
msgid "Clear this member's <em>moderate</em> flag"
msgstr "Bu �yenin <em>moderat�r onay� ayar�n�</em> kald�r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:511
msgid "<em>The sender is now a member of this list</em>"
msgstr "<em>G�nderici art�k bu listenin bir �yesi</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:521
msgid "Add <b>%(esender)s</b> to one of these sender filters:"
msgstr "<b>%(esender)s</b> adresini �u g�nderici filtrelerinden birine ekle:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:527
msgid "Accepts"
msgstr "Onaylanacaklar"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:527
msgid "Discards"
msgstr "G�zard� Edilecekler"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:527
msgid "Holds"
msgstr "Bekletilecekler"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:527
msgid "Rejects"
msgstr "Reddedilecekler"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:537
msgid ""
"Ban <b>%(esender)s</b> from ever subscribing to this\n"
"                    mailing list"
msgstr ""
"<b>%(esender)s</b> adresinin bu mesaj listesine �ye\n"
"                    olmas�n� yasakla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:542
msgid ""
"Click on the message number to view the individual\n"
"            message, or you can "
msgstr ""
"Bir mesaj� g�r�nt�lemek i�in mesaj numaras�na\n"
"            t�klayabilir, veya "

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:544
msgid "view all messages from %(esender)s"
msgstr "%(esender)s adresinden gelen t�m mesajlar� g�rebilirsiniz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:566 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:703
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Konu:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:569
msgid " bytes"
msgstr " bayt"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:569
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Boyut:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:573 Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:203
#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:301 Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:303
msgid "not available"
msgstr "kullan�lam�yor"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:574 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:706
msgid "Reason:"
msgstr "Neden:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:578 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:710
msgid "Received:"
msgstr "Al�nd�:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:634
msgid "Posting Held for Approval"
msgstr "Mesaj Onay ��in Bekletiliyor"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:636
msgid " (%(count)d of %(total)d)"
msgstr " (%(count)d, toplam %(total)d)"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:647
msgid "<em>Message with id #%(id)d was lost."
msgstr "<em>#%(id)d kimlikli mesaj kay�p."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:656
msgid "<em>Message with id #%(id)d is corrupted."
msgstr "<em>#%(id)d kimlikli mesaj bozuk."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:728
msgid "Preserve message for site administrator"
msgstr "Mesaj� site y�neticisi i�in sakla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:734
msgid "Additionally, forward this message to: "
msgstr "Ek olarak, bu mesaj� ilet:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:739 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:808
#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:885 Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:887
msgid "[No explanation given]"
msgstr "[A��klama yap�lmad�]"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:741
msgid "If you reject this post,<br>please explain (optional):"
msgstr "E�er bu mesaj� reddedecekseniz,<br>l�tfen a��klay�n (iste�e ba�l�):"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:747
msgid "Message Headers:"
msgstr "Mesaj Ba�l�klar�:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:752
msgid "Message Excerpt:"
msgstr "Mesaj Al�nt�s�:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:924
msgid "Database Updated..."
msgstr "Veritaban� G�ncellendi..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:928
msgid " is already a member"
msgstr " zaten �ye"

#: Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py:932
msgid "%(addr)s is banned (matched: %(patt)s)"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:78
msgid "Confirmation string was empty."
msgstr "Onay dizgisi bo�tu."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:98
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<b>Invalid confirmation string:</b>\n"
"    %(safecookie)s.\n"
"    <p>Note that confirmation strings expire approximately\n"
"    %(days)s days after the initial request.  They also expire if the\n"
"    request has already been handled in some way.  If your confirmation\n"
"    has expired, please try to re-submit your request.\n"
"    Otherwise, <a href=\"%(confirmurl)s\">re-enter</a> your confirmation\n"
"    string."
msgstr ""
"<b>Ge�ersiz onay dizgisi:</b>\n"
"    %(safecookie)s.\n"
"    <p>Onay dizgisi s�releri ilk �yelik iste�inden yakla��k %(days)s\n"
"    g�n sonra dolar. E�er onay s�reniz dolduysa, l�tfen �yeli�inizi tekrar\n"
"    yapmay� deneyiniz. E�er s�renin dolmad���ndan eminseniz onay�n�z�\n"
"    <a href=\"%(confirmurl)s\">tekrar giriniz</a>."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:132
msgid ""
"The address requesting unsubscription is not\n"
"                a member of the mailing list.  Perhaps you have already "
"                unsubscribed, e.g. by the list administrator?"
msgstr ""
"Listeden ��kmak isteyen adres zaten listenin\n"
"                bir �yesi de�il. Belki �imdiye kadar listeden "
"                �rne�in liste y�neticisi taraf�ndan ��kar�lm�� olabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:148
msgid ""
"The address requesting to be changed has\n"
"                    been subsequently unsubscribed.  This request has been\n"
"                    cancelled."
msgstr ""
"De�i�tirilmek istenen adres sonradan listeden\n"
"                    ��kar�lm��. Bu istek iptal edildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:168
msgid "System error, bad content: %(content)s"
msgstr "Sistem hatas�, hatal� i�erik: %(content)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:178
msgid "Bad confirmation string"
msgstr "Hatal� onay dizgisi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:197
msgid "Enter confirmation cookie"
msgstr "Onay tan�mlama bilgisini (cookie) girin"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:210
msgid ""
"Please enter the confirmation string\n"
"    (i.e. <em>cookie</em>) that you received in your email message, in the "
"    below.  Then hit the <em>Submit</em> button to proceed to the next\n"
"    confirmation step."
msgstr ""
"L�tfen e-posta mesaj�n�zda ald���n�z onay dizgisini\n"
"    (yani <em>tan�mlama bilgisi (cookie)</em>) a�a��daki kutuya girin. "
"Bundan sonra <em>G�nder</em>\n"
"    d��mesine t�klayarak bir sonraki onay ad�m�na ge�in."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:215
msgid "Confirmation string:"
msgstr "Onay dizgisi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:217
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "G�nder"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:234
msgid "Confirm subscription request"
msgstr "�yelik iste�ini onaylay�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:249
msgid ""
"Your confirmation is required in order to complete the\n"
"    subscription request to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>.  Your\n"
"    subscription settings are shown below; make any necessary changes and "
"    <em>Subscribe</em> to complete the confirmation process.  Once you've\n"
"    confirmed your subscription request, you will be shown your account\n"
"    options page which you can use to further customize your membership\n"
"    options.\n"
"    <p>Note: your password will be emailed to you once your subscription is\n"
"    confirmed.  You can change it by visiting your personal options page.\n"
"    <p>Or hit <em>Cancel my subscription request</em> if you no longer want "
"    subscribe to this list."
msgstr ""
"<em>%(listname)s</em> mesaj listesine �yelik iste�inizi tamamlayabilmek\n"
"    i�in onay�n�z gerekiyor. �yelik ayarlar�n�z a�a��da g�r�nt�leniyor; "
"    ayarlar� yaparak <em>�ye Ol</em> d��mesine t�klay�n ve onay i�lemini "
"    �yelik iste�inizi onaylad���n�z zaman hesap se�enekleri sayfan�za "
"    bu sayfada �yelik se�eneklerinizi �zelle�tirebilirsiniz.\n"
"    <p>Not: �yeli�iniz onayland���nda �ifreniz size e-posta ile "
"g�nderilecektir. �ifrenizi\n"
"    ki�isel se�enekler sayfas�nda de�i�tirebilirsiniz.\n"
"    <p>Veya bu listeye art�k �ye olmak istemiyorsan�z <em>�yelik iste�imi "
"iptal et</em>\n"
"    d��mesine t�klayarak �yelikten vazge�ebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:265
msgid ""
"Your confirmation is required in order to continue with\n"
"        the subscription request to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>.\n"
"        Your subscription settings are shown below; make any necessary "
"        and hit <em>Subscribe to list ...</em> to complete the confirmation\n"
"        process.  Once you've confirmed your subscription request, the\n"
"        moderator must approve or reject your membership request.  You will\n"
"        receive notice of their decision.\n"
"        <p>Note: your password will be emailed to you once your "
"        is confirmed.  You can change it by visiting your personal options\n"
"        page.\n"
"        <p>Or, if you've changed your mind and do not want to subscribe to\n"
"        this mailing list, you can hit <em>Cancel my subscription\n"
"        request</em>."
msgstr ""
"<em>%(listname)s</em> mesaj listesine �yelik iste�inizi devam ettirmek\n"
"    i�in onay�n�z gerekiyor. �yelik ayarlar�n�z a�a��da g�r�nt�leniyor; "
"    ayarlar� yaparak <em>... Listesine �ye Ol</em> d��mesine t�klay�n ve "
"onay i�lemini tamamlay�n.\n"
"    �yelik iste�inizi onaylad���n�z zaman moderat�r�n �yelik iste�inizi "
"    veya reddetmesi gerekiyor. Moderat�r karar�n�n bildirimi size "
"    <p>Not: �yeli�iniz onayland���nda �ifreniz size e-posta ile "
"g�nderilecektir. �ifrenizi\n"
"    ki�isel se�enekler sayfas�nda de�i�tirebilirsiniz.\n"
"    <p>Veya bu listeye art�k �ye olmak istemiyorsan�z <em>�yelik iste�imi "
"iptal et</em>\n"
"    d��mesine t�klayarak �yelikten vazge�ebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:283
msgid "Your email address:"
msgstr "E-posta adresiniz:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:284
msgid "Your real name:"
msgstr "Ad�n�z:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:293
msgid "Receive digests?"
msgstr "Toplu g�nderim istiyor musunuz?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:302
msgid "Preferred language:"
msgstr "Tercih etti�iniz dil:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:307
msgid "Subscribe to list %(listname)s"
msgstr "%(listname)s listesine �ye ol"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:308
msgid "Cancel my subscription request"
msgstr "�yelik iste�imi iptal et"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:325
msgid "You have canceled your subscription request."
msgstr "�yelik iste�inizi iptal ettiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:363
msgid "Awaiting moderator approval"
msgstr "Moderat�r onay� bekleniyor"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:366
msgid ""
"            You have successfully confirmed your subscription request to "
"            mailing list %(listname)s, however final approval is required "
"            the list moderator before you will be subscribed.  Your request\n"
"            has been forwarded to the list moderator, and you will be "
"            of the moderator's decision."
msgstr ""
"            %(listname)s listesine �yelik iste�inizi ba�ar�yla onaylad�n�z\n"
"            fakat �ye olabilmeniz i�in liste moderat�r�n�n de onay� "
"            �ste�iniz liste moderat�r�ne iletildi ve onun karar� size "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:373 Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:438
#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:527 Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:764
msgid ""
"Invalid confirmation string.  It is\n"
"            possible that you are attempting to confirm a request for an\n"
"            address that has already been unsubscribed."
msgstr ""
"Ge�ersiz onay dizgisi. Muhtemelen\n"
"            zaten listeden ��km�� olan bir adres i�in yap�lm�� bir iste�i\n"
"            onaylamaya �al���yorsunuz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:377
msgid "You are already a member of this mailing list!"
msgstr "�u anda zaten bu listenin bir �yesisiniz!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:380
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are currently banned from subscribing to\n"
"            this list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please\n"
"            contact the list owners at %(owneraddr)s."
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"        yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"        %(owneraddr)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:384
msgid ""
"            You were not invited to this mailing list.  The invitation has\n"
"            been discarded, and both list administrators have been\n"
"            alerted."
msgstr ""
"            Bu listeye davet edilmemi�tiniz. Davet g�zard� edildi ve\n"
"            liste y�neticilerine uyar� g�nderildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:394
msgid "Subscription request confirmed"
msgstr "�yelik iste�i onayland�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:398
msgid ""
"            You have successfully confirmed your subscription request for\n"
"            \"%(addr)s\" to the %(listname)s mailing list.  A separate\n"
"            confirmation message will be sent to your email address, along\n"
"            with your password, and other useful information and links.\n"
"            <p>You can now\n"
"            <a href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">proceed to your membership login\n"
"            page</a>."
msgstr ""
"            \"%(addr)s\" adresi i�in %(listname)s mesaj listesine �yelik "
"            ba�ar�yla onaylad�n�z. Ayr� bir onay mesaj� e-posta adresinize\n"
"            g�nderilecek. Bu mesajda �ifrenizle beraber yararl� bilgi ve "
"            bulabilirsiniz.\n"
"            <p>�imdi\n"
"            <a href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">�yelik giri� sayfan�za "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:416
msgid "You have canceled your unsubscription request."
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�inizi iptal ettiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:444
msgid "Unsubscription request confirmed"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�i onayland�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:448
msgid ""
"            You have successfully unsubscribed from the %(listname)s "
"            list.  You can now <a href=\"%(listinfourl)s\">visit the list's "
"            information page</a>."
msgstr ""
"            %(listname)s mesaj listesinden ba�ar�yla ��kt�n�z. �imdi\n"
"            <a href=\"%(listinfourl)s\">listenin ana bilgi sayfas�n� "
"            edebilirsiniz</a>."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:459
msgid "Confirm unsubscription request"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�ini onaylay�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:474 Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:576
msgid "<em>Not available</em>"
msgstr "<em>Kullan�labilir de�il</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:477
msgid ""
"Your confirmation is required in order to complete the\n"
"    unsubscription request from the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>.  "
"    are currently subscribed with\n"
"    <ul><li><b>Real name:</b> %(fullname)s\n"
"        <li><b>Email address:</b> %(addr)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    Hit the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button below to complete the confirmation\n"
"    process.\n"
"    <p>Or hit <em>Cancel and discard</em> to cancel this unsubscription\n"
"    request."
msgstr ""
"<em>%(listname)s</em> mesaj listesinden ��kmak i�in\n"
"    onay�n�z gerekiyor. �u anda listeye �u bilgilerle �yesiniz:\n"
"    <ul><li><b>Ad:</b> %(fullname)s\n"
"        <li><b>E-posta adresi:</b> %(addr)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    A�a��da <em>�yelikten ��k</em> d��mesine t�klayarak onay i�lemini\n"
"    tamamlay�n.\n"
"    <p>Veya <em>Vazge� ve g�zard� et</em> d��mesine t�klayarak bu listeden\n"
"    ��kma iste�inizi iptal edin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:493 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:787
#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:931 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:941
msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "�yelikten ��k"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:494 Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:605
msgid "Cancel and discard"
msgstr "Vazge� ve g�zard� et"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:504
msgid "You have canceled your change of address request."
msgstr "Adresinizin de�i�tirilmesi iste�inizden vazge�tiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:533
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"%(newaddr)s is banned from subscribing to the\n"
"            %(realname)s list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous,\n"
"            please contact the list owners at %(owneraddr)s."
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"        yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"        %(owneraddr)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:538
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"%(newaddr)s is already a member of\n"
"            the %(realname)s list.  It is possible that you are attempting\n"
"            to confirm a request for an address that has already been\n"
"            subscribed."
msgstr ""
"Ge�ersiz onay dizgisi. Muhtemelen\n"
"            zaten listeden ��km�� olan bir adres i�in yap�lm�� bir iste�i\n"
"            onaylamaya �al���yorsunuz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:545
msgid "Change of address request confirmed"
msgstr "Adres de�i�ikli�i iste�i onayland�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:549
msgid ""
"            You have successfully changed your address on the %(listname)s\n"
"            mailing list from <b>%(oldaddr)s</b> to <b>%(newaddr)s</b>.  "
"            can now <a href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">proceed to your membership\n"
"            login page</a>."
msgstr ""
"            %(listname)s mesaj listesindeki adresinizi <b>%(oldaddr)s</b>\n"
"            adresinden <b>%(newaddr)s</b> adresine ba�ar�yla de�i�tirdiniz.\n"
"            �imdi <a href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">�yelik giri� sayfan�za\n"
"            gidebilirsiniz</a>."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:561
msgid "Confirm change of address request"
msgstr "Adres de�i�ikli�i iste�ini onaylay�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:580
msgid "globally"
msgstr "global olarak"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:583
msgid ""
"Your confirmation is required in order to complete the\n"
"    change of address request for the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>.  "
"    are currently subscribed with\n"
"    <ul><li><b>Real name:</b> %(fullname)s\n"
"        <li><b>Old email address:</b> %(oldaddr)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    and you have requested to %(globallys)s change your email address to\n"
"    <ul><li><b>New email address:</b> %(newaddr)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    Hit the <em>Change address</em> button below to complete the "
"    process.\n"
"    <p>Or hit <em>Cancel and discard</em> to cancel this change of address\n"
"    request."
msgstr ""
"<em>%(listname)s</em> mesaj listesindeki adresinizin de�i�ikli�inin\n"
"    tamamlanmas� i�in onay�n�z gerekiyor. �u anda listeye �u bilgilerle\n"
"    �yesiniz:\n"
"    <ul><li><strong>�sim:</strong> %(fullname)s\n"
"        <li><strong>Eski e-posta adresi:</strong> %(oldaddr)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    A�a��daki <em>Adresi De�i�tir</em> d��mesine t�klayarak onay i�lemini\n"
"    tamamlay�n.\n"
"    <p>Veya <em>Vazge� ve g�zard� et</em> d��mesine t�klayarak bu adres "
"    iste�ini iptal edin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:604
msgid "Change address"
msgstr "Adresi de�i�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:613 Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:729
msgid "Continue awaiting approval"
msgstr "Onay beklemeye devam et"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:621
msgid ""
"Okay, the list moderator will still have the\n"
"    opportunity to approve or reject this message."
msgstr ""
"Tamam, liste moderat�r� hala bu mesaj� kabul\n"
"    etme veya reddetme imkan�na sahip."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:649
msgid "Sender discarded message via web."
msgstr "G�nderici mesaj� web �zerinden g�zard� etti."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:651
msgid ""
"The held message with the Subject:\n"
"            header <em>%(subject)s</em> could not be found.  The most "
"            reason for this is that the list moderator has already approved "
"            rejected the message.  You were not able to cancel it in\n"
"            time."
msgstr ""
"Konu: ba�l��� <em>%(subject)s</em>\n"
"            olan, bekletilen mesaj bulunamad�. Bunun en muhtemel sebebi "
"            moderat�r�n�n mesaj� onaylam�� veye reddetmi� olmas�d�r. Mesaj�\n"
"            g�ndermekten zaman�nda vazge�emediniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:659
msgid "Posted message canceled"
msgstr "G�nderilen mesajdan vazge�ildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:662
msgid ""
"            You have successfully canceled the posting of your message with\n"
"            the Subject: header <em>%(subject)s</em> to the mailing list\n"
"            %(listname)s."
msgstr ""
"            %(listname)s listesine Konu: ba�l��� <em>%(subject)s</em> olan\n"
"            mesaj�n�z�n g�nderiminden ba�ar�yla vazge�tiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:673
msgid "Cancel held message posting"
msgstr "Bekleyen mesaj�n g�nderiminden vazge�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:698
msgid ""
"The held message you were referred to has\n"
"        already been handled by the list administrator."
msgstr ""
"�stedi�iniz bekletilen mesaj, liste y�neticisi\n"
"        taraf�ndan zaten incelendi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:712
msgid ""
"Your confirmation is required in order to cancel the\n"
"    posting of your message to the mailing list <em>%(listname)s</em>:\n"
"    <ul><li><b>Sender:</b> %(sender)s\n"
"        <li><b>Subject:</b> %(subject)s\n"
"        <li><b>Reason:</b> %(reason)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    Hit the <em>Cancel posting</em> button to discard the posting.\n"
"    <p>Or hit the <em>Continue awaiting approval</em> button to continue to\n"
"    allow the list moderator to approve or reject the message."
msgstr ""
"<em>%(listname)s</em> listesine mesaj�n�z�n g�nderiminden vazge�mek\n"
"    i�in onay�n�z gerekiyor:\n"
"    <ul><li><b>G�nderen:</b> %(sender)s\n"
"        <li><b>Konu:</b> %(subject)s\n"
"        <li><b>Neden:</b> %(reason)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    Mesaj�n g�nderiminden vazge�mek i�in <em>G�nderimden vazge�</em> "
"    t�klay�n.\n"
"    <p>Veya <em>Onay beklemeye devam et</em> d��mesine t�klayarak liste "
"    mesaj� onaylamas� veya reddetmesini beklemeye devam edin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:728
msgid "Cancel posting"
msgstr "G�nderimden vazge�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:740
msgid ""
"You have canceled the re-enabling of your membership.  If\n"
"    we continue to receive bounces from your address, it could be deleted "
"    this mailing list."
msgstr ""
"�yeli�inizin yeniden etkinle�tirilmesinden vazge�tiniz. E�er\n"
"    adresinizden geri d�nen mesaj almaya devam edersek, mesaj listesinden "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:770
msgid "Membership re-enabled."
msgstr "�yelik yeniden etkinle�tirildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:774
msgid ""
"            You have successfully re-enabled your membership in the\n"
"            %(listname)s mailing list.  You can now <a\n"
"            href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">visit your member options page</a>.\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
"            %(listname)s mesaj listesindeki �yeli�inizi ba�ar�yla yeniden\n"
"            etkinle�tirdiniz. �imdi <a href=\"%(optionsurl)s\">�yelik "
"            sayfan�za gidebilirsiniz.</a>.\n"
"            "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:786
msgid "Re-enable mailing list membership"
msgstr "Mesaj listesi �yeli�imi yeniden etkinle�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:803
msgid ""
"We're sorry, but you have already been unsubscribed\n"
"        from this mailing list.  To re-subscribe, please visit the\n"
"        <a href=\"%(listinfourl)s\">list information page</a>."
msgstr ""
"�zg�n�z fakat bu mesaj listesinden zaten ��kar�lm��s�n�z.\n"
"        Yeniden �ye olmak i�in <a href=\"%(listinfourl)s\">liste\n"
"        bilgi sayfas�n�</a> ziyaret edin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:818
msgid "<em>not available</em>"
msgstr "<em>kullan�labilir de�il</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:822
msgid ""
"Your membership in the %(realname)s mailing list is\n"
"    currently disabled due to excessive bounces.  Your confirmation is\n"
"    required in order to re-enable delivery to your address.  We have the\n"
"    following information on file:\n"
"    <ul><li><b>Member address:</b> %(member)s\n"
"        <li><b>Member name:</b> %(username)s\n"
"        <li><b>Last bounce received on:</b> %(date)s\n"
"        <li><b>Approximate number of days before you are permanently "
"               from this list:</b> %(daysleft)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    Hit the <em>Re-enable membership</em> button to resume receiving "
"    from the mailing list.  Or hit the <em>Cancel</em> button to defer\n"
"    re-enabling your membership.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"%(realname)s mesaj listesindeki �yeli�iniz �u anda\n"
"    �ok fazla geri d�n�� sebebiyle etkin de�il. Adresinize g�nderimi "
"    i�in onay�n�z gerekiyor. Sizinle ilgili �u bilgilere sahibiz:\n"
"    <ul><li><strong>�ye adresi:</strong> %(member)s\n"
"        <li><strong>�ye ismi:</strong> %(username)s\n"
"        <li><strong>Son geri d�nen mesaj tarihi:</strong> %(date)s\n"
"        <li><strong>Bu listeden kal�c� olarak silimenize kadar kalan "
"               g�n:</strong> %(daysleft)s\n"
"    </ul>\n"
"    <em>�yeli�imi yeniden etkinle�tir</em> d��mesine t�klayarak bu mesaj "
"    mesaj almaya devam edebilirsiniz. Veya <em>Vazge�</em> d��mesine "
"t�klayarak \n"
"    �yeli�inizi yeniden etkinle�tirmeyi erteleyebilirsiniz.\n"
"    "

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:842
msgid "Re-enable membership"
msgstr "�yeli�imi yeniden etkinle�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/confirm.py:843
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Vazge�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:49 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:48
msgid "Bad URL specification"
msgstr "K�t� URL tan�mlamas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:64 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:178
msgid "Return to the "
msgstr "�uraya geri d�n: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:66 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:180
msgid "general list overview"
msgstr "genel liste tan�t�m sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:67 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:181
msgid "<br>Return to the "
msgstr "<br>�uraya geri d�n: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:69 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:183
msgid "administrative list overview"
msgstr "y�netimsel liste tan�t�m sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:104
msgid "List name must not include \"@\": %(safelistname)s"
msgstr "Liste ismi \"@\" karakterini i�eremez: %(safelistname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:111
msgid "List already exists: %(safelistname)s"
msgstr "Bu liste zaten var: %(safelistname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:115
msgid "You forgot to enter the list name"
msgstr "Liste ismi girmeyi unuttunuz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:119
msgid "You forgot to specify the list owner"
msgstr "Liste sahibini belirtmeyi unuttunuz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:126
msgid ""
"Leave the initial password (and confirmation) fields\n"
"                blank if you want Mailman to autogenerate the list\n"
"                passwords."
msgstr ""
"Mailman'in liste �ifrelerini otomatik olarak olu�turmas�n� istiyorsan�z\n"
"                ba�lang�� �ifresi (ve onay) alanlar�n� bo� b�rak�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:135
msgid "Initial list passwords do not match"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� liste �ifreleri birbiriyle uyu�muyor"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:144
msgid "The list password cannot be empty<!-- ignore -->"
msgstr "Liste �ifresi bo� olamaz!<!-- ignore -->"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:156
msgid "You are not authorized to create new mailing lists"
msgstr "Yeni mesaj listesi olu�turmak i�in yetkili de�ilsiniz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:164
msgid "Unknown virtual host: %(safehostname)s"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen sanal host: %(safehostname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:200 bin/newlist:218
msgid "Bad owner email address: %(s)s"
msgstr "K�t� sahip e-posta adresi: %(s)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:205 bin/newlist:181 bin/newlist:222
msgid "List already exists: %(listname)s"
msgstr "Liste zaten var: %(listname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:213 bin/newlist:216
msgid "Illegal list name: %(s)s"
msgstr "Ge�ersiz liste ismi: %(s)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:218
msgid ""
"Some unknown error occurred while creating the list.\n"
"                Please contact the site administrator for assistance."
msgstr ""
"Liste olu�turulurken bilinmeyen bir hata olu�tu.\n"
"                Yard�m i�in y�neticinize ba�vurun."

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:255 bin/newlist:264
msgid "Your new mailing list: %(listname)s"
msgstr "Yeni mesaj listeniz: %(listname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:264
msgid "Mailing list creation results"
msgstr "Mesaj listesi olu�turma sonu�lar�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:270
msgid ""
"You have successfully created the mailing list\n"
"    <b>%(listname)s</b> and notification has been sent to the list owner\n"
"    <b>%(owner)s</b>.  You can now:"
msgstr ""
"<strong>%(listname)s</strong> mesaj listesini ba�ar�yla\n"
"    olu�turdunuz ve liste sahibi <b>%(owner)s</b> adresine bildirim "
"    �imdi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:274
msgid "Visit the list's info page"
msgstr "Listenin bilgi sayfas�na gidebilirsiniz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:275
msgid "Visit the list's admin page"
msgstr "Listenin y�netim sayfas�na gidebilirsiniz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:276
msgid "Create another list"
msgstr "Ba�ka bir liste olu�turabilirsiniz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:294
msgid "Create a %(hostname)s Mailing List"
msgstr "Bir %(hostname)s Mesaj Listesi Olu�tur"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:303 Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:201
#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:196 Mailman/htmlformat.py:347
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Hata: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:305
msgid ""
"You can create a new mailing list by entering the\n"
"    relevant information into the form below.  The name of the mailing list\n"
"    will be used as the primary address for posting messages to the list, "
"    it should be lowercased.  You will not be able to change this once the\n"
"    list is created.\n"
"    <p>You also need to enter the email address of the initial list owner.\n"
"    Once the list is created, the list owner will be given notification, "
"    with the initial list password.  The list owner will then be able to\n"
"    modify the password and add or remove additional list owners.\n"
"    <p>If you want Mailman to automatically generate the initial list admin\n"
"    password, click on `Yes' in the autogenerate field below, and leave the\n"
"    initial list password fields empty.\n"
"    <p>You must have the proper authorization to create new mailing lists.\n"
"    Each site should have a <em>list creator's</em> password, which you can\n"
"    enter in the field at the bottom.  Note that the site administrator's\n"
"    password can also be used for authentication.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"�lgili bilgileri a�a��daki forma girerek yeni bir\n"
"    mesaj listesi olu�turabilirsiniz. Mesaj listesinin ismi, bu listeye "
"    g�ndermek i�in as�l adres olarak kullan�laca��ndan k���k harfle "
"    Liste olu�turulduktan sonra bunu tekrar de�i�tirme imkan�n�z "
"    <p>Ayr�ca ba�lang��ta liste sahibi olacak ki�inin e-posta adresini de "
"    gerekir. Liste olu�turuldu�unda liste sahibine ba�lang�� �ifresini de "
"    bir bildirim g�nderilecektir. Liste sahibi bundan sonra �ifreyi "
"    ve ek liste sahipleri ekleyip ��karabilecektir.\n"
"    <p>E�er Mailman'in ba�lang�� liste y�netim �ifresini otomatik olarak "
"    isterseniz, A�a��da otomatik olu�tur alan�nda 'Evet'e t�klay�n ve "
"ba�lang�� �ifre alanlar�n�\n"
"    bo� b�rak�n.\n"
"    <p>Yeni mesaj listeleri olu�turmak i�in uygun yetkiye sahip "
"    Her site bir <em>liste olu�turucu</em> �ifresine sahiptir, bu �ifreyi en "
"    alana girebilirsiniz. Kimlik do�rulamas� i�in site y�netici �ifresi de "
"    "

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:331
msgid "List Identity"
msgstr "Liste Kimli�i:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:336
msgid "Name of list:"
msgstr "Liste ismi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:343
msgid "Initial list owner address:"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� liste sahibi adresi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:352
msgid "Auto-generate initial list password?"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� liste �ifresi otomatik olu�turulsun mu?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:360
msgid "Initial list password:"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� liste �ifresi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:366
msgid "Confirm initial password:"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� �ifresini onaylay�n:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:381
msgid "List Characteristics"
msgstr "Liste �zellikleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:385
msgid ""
"Should new members be quarantined before they\n"
"    are allowed to post unmoderated to this list?  Answer <em>Yes</em> to "
"    new member postings for moderator approval by default."
msgstr ""
"Yeni �yeler bu listeye mesaj g�ndermelerine izin\n"
"    verilmeden �nce karantinaya al�ns�n m�? Varsay�lan olarak yeni �yelerin\n"
"    mesajlar�n�n moderat�r onay� gerektirmesi i�in <em>Evet</em> se�in."

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:414
msgid ""
"Initial list of supported languages.  <p>Note that if you do not\n"
"        select at least one initial language, the list will use the server\n"
"        default language of %(deflang)s"
msgstr ""
"Desteklenen diller listesi. <p>E�er en az bir ba�lang�� dili se�mezseniz\n"
"        liste, sunucu varsay�lan� olan %(deflang)s dilini kullanacakt�r"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:425
msgid "Send \"list created\" email to list owner?"
msgstr "Liste sahibine \"liste olu�turuldu\" e-postas� g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:434
msgid "List creator's (authentication) password:"
msgstr "Liste olu�turucu (do�rulama) �ifresi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:439
msgid "Create List"
msgstr "Listeyi Olu�tur"

#: Mailman/Cgi/create.py:440
msgid "Clear Form"
msgstr "Formu Temizle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:45
msgid "General list information page"
msgstr "Genel liste bilgi sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:46
msgid "Subscribe results page"
msgstr "�yelik sonu�lar� sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:47
msgid "User specific options page"
msgstr "Kullan�c�ya �zel se�enekler sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:48
msgid "Welcome email text file"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Digest masthead"
msgstr "toplu mesaj ba�l���"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:61
msgid "List name is required."
msgstr "Liste ismi gerekiyor."

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:103
msgid "%(realname)s -- Edit html for %(template_info)s"
msgstr "%(realname)s -- %(template_info)s i�in html d�zenle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:109
msgid "Edit HTML : Error"
msgstr "HTML d�zenle: Hata"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:110
msgid "%(safetemplatename)s: Invalid template"
msgstr "%(safetemplatename)s: Ge�ersiz �ablon"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:115 Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:116
msgid "%(realname)s -- HTML Page Editing"
msgstr "%(realname)s -- HTML Sayfa D�zenleme"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:117
msgid "Select page to edit:"
msgstr "D�zenlenecek sayfay� se�in:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:143
msgid "View or edit the list configuration information."
msgstr "Liste yap�land�rma bilgisini g�r�nt�le veya d�zenle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:152
msgid "When you are done making changes..."
msgstr "De�i�ikliklerinizi tamamlad���n�zda..."

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:153
msgid "Submit Changes"
msgstr "De�i�iklikleri Kaydet"

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:160
msgid "Can't have empty html page."
msgstr "Bo� html sayfas� olamaz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:161
msgid "HTML Unchanged."
msgstr "HTML De�i�tirilmedi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:167
msgid ""
"The page you saved contains suspicious HTML that could\n"
"potentially expose your users to cross-site scripting attacks.  This change\n"
"has therefore been rejected.  If you still want to make these changes, you\n"
"must have shell access to your Mailman server.\n"
"             "
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:172
msgid "See "
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:175
msgid "FAQ 4.48."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "Page Unchanged."
msgstr "HTML De�i�tirilmedi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py:194
msgid "HTML successfully updated."
msgstr "HTML ba�ar�yla g�ncellendi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:77
msgid "%(hostname)s Mailing Lists"
msgstr "%(hostname)s Mesaj Listeleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:111
msgid ""
"<p>There currently are no publicly-advertised\n"
"            %(mailmanlink)s mailing lists on %(hostname)s."
msgstr ""
"<p>�u anda %(hostname)s �zerinde genel kullan�m i�in ilan edilmi�\n"
"            %(mailmanlink)s mesaj listesi yok."

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:115
msgid ""
"<p>Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on\n"
"            %(hostname)s.  Click on a list name to get more information "
"            the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the "
"            on your subscription."
msgstr ""
"<p>A�a��da %(hostname)s �zerinde genel kullan�m i�in\n"
"            ilan edilmi� %(mailmanlink)s mesaj listeleri g�steriliyor. Bir "
"            �zerine t�klayarak o listeye �ye olabilir, ��kabilir veya "
"            tercihlerinizi de�i�tirebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:121
msgid "right"
msgstr "sa�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:124
msgid ""
" To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list,\n"
"        open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the %(adj)s\n"
"        list name appended.\n"
"        <p>List administrators, you can visit "
msgstr ""
" �lan edilmemi� bir listenin genel bilgi sayfalar�na gitmek\n"
"        i�in �u andakine benzer bir URL a��n ve arkas�na '/' ve %(adj)s\n"
"        liste ismini ekleyin.\n"
"        <p>Liste y�neticileri, listenizin y�netim aray�z�ne ula�mak i�in "

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:129
msgid "the list admin overview page"
msgstr "liste y�netim tan�t�m sayfas�na"

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:130
msgid ""
" to find the management interface for your list.\n"
"         <p>If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact "
msgstr ""
" gidebilirsiniz.\n"
"         <p>Listeleri kullan�rken problem ya��yorsan�z, l�tfen ba�lant� "
"kurunuz: "

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:208
msgid "Edit Options"
msgstr "Se�enekleri D�zenle"

#: Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py:215 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:896
#: Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:118
msgid "View this page in"
msgstr "Bu sayfay� �u dilde g�ster"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:58 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:71
#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:88
msgid "CGI script error"
msgstr "CGI dil hatas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:61
msgid "Invalid request method: %(method)s"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:74
msgid "Invalid options to CGI script."
msgstr "CGI beti�i i�in ge�ersiz se�enek"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:122
msgid "No address given"
msgstr "Adres verilmedi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:134
msgid "Illegal Email Address: %(safeuser)s"
msgstr "Ge�ersiz e-posta adresi: %(safeuser)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:141 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:206
#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:230 Mailman/Cgi/private.py:154
msgid "No such member: %(safeuser)s."
msgstr "B�yle bir �ye yok: %(safeuser)s."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "If you are a list member, a confirmation email has been sent."
msgstr "Onay e-postas� g�nderildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:181
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you are a list member, your unsubscription request has been\n"
"             forwarded to the list administrator for approval."
msgstr ""
"Listeden ��kma iste�iniz onay i�in\n"
"                    liste y�neticisine iletildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:220
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you are a list member,\n"
"            your password has been emailed to you."
msgstr "�ifreniz i�in bir hat�rlat�c� e-posta adresinize g�nderildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:263
msgid "Authentication failed."
msgstr "Kimlik do�rulamas� ba�ar�s�z oldu."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:291
msgid "A reminder of your password has been emailed to you."
msgstr "�ifreniz i�in bir hat�rlat�c� e-posta adresinize g�nderildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:298
msgid ""
"The list administrator may not view the other\n"
"            subscriptions for this user."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:299 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:348
#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:476 Mailman/Cgi/options.py:699
msgid "Note: "
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:304
msgid "List subscriptions for %(safeuser)s on %(hostname)s"
msgstr "%(safeuser)s i�in %(hostname)s �zerindeki liste �yelikleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:307
msgid ""
"Click on a link to visit your options page for the\n"
"        requested mailing list."
msgstr ""
"�stedi�iniz mesaj listesi i�in se�enekler sayfan�z� ziyaret etmek\n"
"        i�in bir linke t�klay�n."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:318
msgid "nomail"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:345
msgid ""
"The list administrator may not change the names\n"
"            or addresses for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the\n"
"            subscription for this mailing list has been changed."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:368
msgid "Addresses did not match!"
msgstr "Adresler birbirine e�le�medi!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:373
msgid "You are already using that email address"
msgstr "Zaten o e-posta adresini kullan�yorsunuz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:385
msgid ""
"The new address you requested %(newaddr)s is already a member of the\n"
"%(listname)s mailing list, however you have also requested a global change "
"address.  Upon confirmation, any other mailing list containing the address\n"
"%(safeuser)s will be changed. "
msgstr ""
"�stedi�iniz yeni adres %(newaddr)s, zaten %(listname)s mesaj listesinin bir "
"ancak ayr�ca global bir adres de�i�ikli�i istediniz. Onay sonras�nda "
"adresini i�eren t�m di�er mesaj listeleri de�i�tirilecek. "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:394
msgid "The new address is already a member: %(newaddr)s"
msgstr "Yeni adres zaten bir �ye: %(newaddr)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:400
msgid "Addresses may not be blank"
msgstr "Adresler bo� olamaz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:414
msgid "A confirmation message has been sent to %(newaddr)s. "
msgstr "%(newaddr)s adresine bir onay mesaj� g�nderildi. "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:423
msgid "Bad email address provided"
msgstr "K�t� e-posta adresi verildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:425
msgid "Illegal email address provided"
msgstr "Ge�ersiz e-posta adresi verildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:427
msgid "%(newaddr)s is already a member of the list."
msgstr "%(newaddr)s zaten listenin bir �yesi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:430
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"%(newaddr)s is banned from this list.  If you\n"
"                      think this restriction is erroneous, please contact\n"
"                      the list owners at %(owneraddr)s."
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"%(owneraddr)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� kurabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:441
msgid "Member name successfully changed. "
msgstr "�ye ismi ba�ar�yla de�i�tirildi. "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:451
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The list administrator may not change the\n"
"                    password for a user."
msgstr ""
"Liste y�neticisi bu liste i�in toplu olmayan g�nderimi devre d��� b�rakm��,\n"
"            bu y�zden g�nderim se�ene�iniz ayarlanmad�. Ancak di�er "
"            ba�ar�yla ayarland�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:460
msgid "Passwords may not be blank"
msgstr "�ifreler bo� olamaz"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:465
msgid "Passwords did not match!"
msgstr "�ifreler birbiriyle e�le�medi!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:473
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The list administrator may not change the\n"
"            password for this user's other subscriptions.  However, the\n"
"            password for this mailing list has been changed."
msgstr ""
"Liste y�neticisi bu liste i�in toplu olmayan g�nderimi devre d��� b�rakm��,\n"
"            bu y�zden g�nderim se�ene�iniz ayarlanmad�. Ancak di�er "
"            ba�ar�yla ayarland�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:490 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:83
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:109
msgid "Password successfully changed."
msgstr "�ifre ba�ar�yla de�i�tirildi."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:499
msgid ""
"You must confirm your unsubscription request by turning\n"
"                on the checkbox below the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button.  You\n"
"                have not been unsubscribed!"
msgstr ""
"�yelikten ��kma iste�inizi onaylamak i�in <em>�yelikten ��k</em> d��mesinin\n"
"                alt�ndaki onay kutusunu se�meniz gerekir. Listeden "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:538
msgid "Unsubscription results"
msgstr "Listeden ��kma sonu�lar�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:542
msgid ""
"Your unsubscription request has been received and\n"
"            forwarded on to the list moderators for approval.  You will\n"
"            receive notification once the list moderators have made their\n"
"            decision."
msgstr ""
"�yelikten ��kma iste�iniz al�nd� ve onay i�in\n"
"liste moderat�rlerine iletildi. Liste moderat�rleri karar verdi�i zaman\n"
"            bir bildirim alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:547
msgid ""
"You have been successfully unsubscribed from the\n"
"            mailing list %(fqdn_listname)s.  If you were receiving digest\n"
"            deliveries you may get one more digest.  If you have any "
"            about your unsubscription, please contact the list owners at\n"
"            %(owneraddr)s."
msgstr ""
"%(fqdn_listname)s mesaj listesinden ba�ar�yla\n"
"            ��kt�n�z. E�er toplu g�nderim ile mesaj al�yor idiyseniz son "
"            mesaj alabilirsiniz. Listeden ��kman�zla ilgili herhangi bir "
"            varsa %(owneraddr)s adresinden liste sahipleri ile ba�lant�ya\n"
"            ge�ebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:696
msgid ""
"The list administrator may not change the\n"
"                options for this user's other subscriptions.  However the\n"
"                options for this mailing list subscription has been\n"
"                changed."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:706
msgid ""
"The list administrator has disabled digest delivery for\n"
"            this list, so your delivery option has not been set.  However "
"            other options have been set successfully."
msgstr ""
"Liste y�neticisi bu liste i�in toplu g�nderimi devre d��� b�rakm��,\n"
"            bu y�zden g�nderim se�ene�iniz ayarlanmad�. Ancak di�er "
"            ba�ar�yla ayarland�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:710
msgid ""
"The list administrator has disabled non-digest delivery\n"
"            for this list, so your delivery option has not been set.  "
"            your other options have been set successfully."
msgstr ""
"Liste y�neticisi bu liste i�in toplu olmayan g�nderimi devre d��� b�rakm��,\n"
"            bu y�zden g�nderim se�ene�iniz ayarlanmad�. Ancak di�er "
"            ba�ar�yla ayarland�."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:714
msgid "You have successfully set your options."
msgstr "Se�eneklerinizi ba�ar�yla ayarlad�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:717
msgid "You may get one last digest."
msgstr "Son bir toplu mesaj alabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:789
msgid "<em>Yes, I really want to unsubscribe</em>"
msgstr "<em>Evet, �yelikten ��kmak istiyorum</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:793
msgid "Change My Password"
msgstr "�ifremi De�i�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:796
msgid "List my other subscriptions"
msgstr "Di�er �yeliklerimi listele"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:802
msgid "Email My Password To Me"
msgstr "�ifremi Bana E-Postayla Yolla"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:804
msgid "password"
msgstr "�ifre"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:806
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "��k��"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:808
msgid "Submit My Changes"
msgstr "De�i�ikliklerimi G�nder"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:820
msgid "days"
msgstr "g�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:822
msgid "day"
msgstr "g�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:823
msgid "%(days)d %(units)s"
msgstr "%(days)d %(units)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:829
msgid "Change My Address and Name"
msgstr "Adresimi ve �smimi De�i�tir"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:855
msgid "<em>No topics defined</em>"
msgstr "<em>Herhangi bir konu tan�mlanmad�</em>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:863
msgid ""
"You are subscribed to this list with the case-preserved address\n"
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye b�y�k-k���k harf ayar� korunmu� �ekilde <em>%(cpuser)s</"
"em>adresiyle �yesiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:877
msgid "%(realname)s list: member options login page"
msgstr "%(realname)s listesi: �yelik se�enekleri giri� sayfas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:878
msgid "email address and "
msgstr "e-posta adresi ve "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:881
msgid "%(realname)s list: member options for user %(safeuser)s"
msgstr "%(realname)s listesi: %(safeuser)s kullan�c�s� i�in �yelik se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:907
msgid ""
"In order to change your membership option, you must\n"
"    first log in by giving your %(extra)smembership password in the section\n"
"    below.  If you don't remember your membership password, you can have it\n"
"    emailed to you by clicking on the button below.  If you just want to\n"
"    unsubscribe from this list, click on the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button and "
"    confirmation message will be sent to you.\n"
"    <p><strong><em>Important:</em></strong> From this point on, you must "
"    cookies enabled in your browser, otherwise none of your changes will "
"    effect.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"�yelik se�eneklerinizi de�i�tirmek i�in �nce a�a��da\n"
"    �yelik �ifrenizi yazarak giri� yapman�z gereklidir. E�er �yelik "
"    bilmiyorsan�z a�a��daki d��meye t�klayarak size e-postayla "
"    sa�layabilirsiniz. E�er sadece bu listeden ��kmak istiyorsan�z "
"<em>�yelikten ��k</em>\n"
"    d��mesine t�klay�n, size bir onay mesaj� g�nderilecektir.\n"
"    <p><strong><em>�nemli:</em></strong> Bu noktadan itibaren taray�c�n�zda "
"tan�mlama bilgilerini\n"
"    (cookie) etkinle�tirmi� olman�z gerekir, yoksa de�i�ikliklerinizin "
"hi�biri yap�lmayacakt�r.\n"
"    "

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:921
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "E-posta adresi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:925
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "�ifre:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:927
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Giri�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:935
msgid ""
"By clicking on the <em>Unsubscribe</em> button, a\n"
"    confirmation message will be emailed to you.  This message will have a\n"
"    link that you should click on to complete the removal process (you can\n"
"    also confirm by email; see the instructions in the confirmation\n"
"    message)."
msgstr ""
"<em>�yelikten ��k</em> d��mesine t�klad���n�zda size\n"
"    bir onay mesaj� g�nderilecektir. Bu mesajda bulunan linke t�klayarak\n"
"    ��k�� i�leminizi tamamlayabilirsiniz. (ayr�ca e-posta ile de "
"    onay mesaj�ndaki a��klamalar� inceleyin)."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:943
msgid "Password reminder"
msgstr "�ifre hat�rlat"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:947
msgid ""
"By clicking on the <em>Remind</em> button, your\n"
"    password will be emailed to you."
msgstr ""
"A�a��da <em>Hat�rlat</em> d��mesine t�klad���n�zda\n"
"    �ifreniz size e-postayla g�nderilecektir."

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:950
msgid "Remind"
msgstr "Hat�rlat"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1050 Mailman/ListAdmin.py:225
msgid "<missing>"
msgstr "<eksik>"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1061
msgid "Requested topic is not valid: %(topicname)s"
msgstr "�stenen konu ge�erli de�il: %(topicname)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1066
msgid "Topic filter details"
msgstr "Konu filtre ayr�nt�lar�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1069
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "�sim:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/options.py:1071
msgid "Pattern (as regexp):"
msgstr "Desen (regexp olarak):"

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:64
msgid "Private Archive Error"
msgstr "�zel Ar�iv Hatas�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:65
msgid "You must specify a list."
msgstr "Bir liste belirtmelisiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:72
msgid "Private archive - \"./\" and \"../\" not allowed in URL."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:109
msgid "Private Archive Error - %(msg)s"
msgstr "�zel Ar�iv Hatas� - %(msg)s"

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:141
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you are a list member,\n"
"                          your password has been emailed to you."
msgstr "�ifreniz i�in bir hat�rlat�c� e-posta adresinize g�nderildi"

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Please enter your email address"
msgstr "E-posta adresiniz:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/private.py:206
msgid "Private archive file not found"
msgstr "�zel ar�iv dosyas� bulunamad�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:65
#, fuzzy
msgid "No such list %(safelistname)s"
msgstr "<em>%(safelistname)s</em> ad�nda bir liste yok"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:83
msgid "You're being a sneaky list owner!"
msgstr "Sinsi bir liste sahibisiniz!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:121
msgid "You are not authorized to delete this mailing list"
msgstr "Bu mesaj listesini silmek i�in yetkiniz yok"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:162
msgid "Mailing list deletion results"
msgstr "Mesaj listesi silme sonu�lar�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:169
msgid ""
"You have successfully deleted the mailing list\n"
"    <b>%(listname)s</b>."
msgstr ""
"<strong>>%(listname)s</strong> mesaj listesini ba�ar�yla\n"
"    sildiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:173
msgid ""
"There were some problems deleting the mailing list\n"
"        <b>%(listname)s</b>.  Contact your site administrator at "
"        for details."
msgstr ""
"<strong>>%(listname)s</strong> mesaj listesi silinirken\n"
"        baz� sorunlar olu�tu. Ayr�nt�lar i�in %(sitelist)s adresinden site\n"
"        y�neticinizle ba�lant� kurun."

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:190
msgid "Permanently remove mailing list <em>%(realname)s</em>"
msgstr "<em>%(realname)s</em> mesaj listesini kal�c� olarak sil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:191
#, fuzzy
msgid "Permanently remove mailing list %(realname)s"
msgstr "<em>%(realname)s</em> mesaj listesini kal�c� olarak sil"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:204
msgid ""
"This page allows you as the list owner, to permanently\n"
"    remove this mailing list from the system.  <strong>This action is not\n"
"    undoable</strong> so you should undertake it only if you are absolutely\n"
"    sure this mailing list has served its purpose and is no longer "
"    <p>Note that no warning will be sent to your list members and after "
"    action, any subsequent messages sent to the mailing list, or any of its\n"
"    administrative addreses will bounce.\n"
"    <p>You also have the option of removing the archives for this mailing "
"    at this time.  It is almost always recommended that you do\n"
"    <strong>not</strong> remove the archives, since they serve as the\n"
"    historical record of your mailing list.\n"
"    <p>For your safety, you will be asked to reconfirm the list password.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"Bu sayfa, liste sahibi olarak bu mesaj listesini sistemden\n"
"    kal�c� olarak silmenizi sa�lar. <strong>Bu eylem geri d�n�lmezdir,</"
"    bu y�zden, sadece mesaj listesinin g�revini tamamlad���ndan ve art�k "
"    olmad���ndan eminseniz bunu yapmal�s�n�z.\n"
"    <p>Bu eylemin ard�ndan liste �yelerinize herhangi bir uyar� "
"    bundan sonra mesaj listesine veya y�netimsel adresine g�nderilen t�m "
"    geri d�necektir.\n"
"    <p>Ayr�ca �u anda bu mesaj listesinin ar�ivlerini de silme se�ene�ine "
"    Neredeyse her zaman ar�ivleri <strong>silmemeniz</strong> �nerilir, "
"��nk� mesaj\n"
"    listenizin tarihsel kayd� olarak durmaktad�rlar.\n"
"    <p>G�venli�iniz i�in liste �ifresini tekrar onaylaman�z istenecektir.\n"
"    "

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:225
msgid "List password:"
msgstr "Liste �ifresi:"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:229
msgid "Also delete archives?"
msgstr "Ayr�ca ar�ivler de silinsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:237
msgid "<b>Cancel</b> and return to list administration"
msgstr "<strong>Vazge�</strong> ve liste y�netimine d�n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/rmlist.py:240
msgid "Delete this list"
msgstr "Bu liste silinsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:48 Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:52
msgid "Invalid options to CGI script"
msgstr "CGI beti�ine ge�ersiz se�enek"

#: Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:106
msgid "%(realname)s roster authentication failed."
msgstr "%(realname)s liste kimlik do�rulamas� ba�ar�s�z oldu."

#: Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:134 Mailman/Cgi/roster.py:135
#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:51 Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:62
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hata"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:115
msgid "You must supply a valid email address."
msgstr "Ge�erli bir e-posta adresi vermelisiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:138
msgid "The form is too old.  Please GET it again."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:141
msgid "Please take a few seconds to fill out the form before submitting it."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:144
msgid "You must GET the form before submitting it."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:148
msgid "You may not subscribe a list to itself!"
msgstr "Bir listeyi kendisine �ye yapamazs�n�z!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:156
msgid "If you supply a password, you must confirm it."
msgstr "Bir �ifre verirseniz, onu onaylaman�z gerekir."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:158
msgid "Your passwords did not match."
msgstr "�ifreleriniz birbiriyle e�le�medi!"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:192
msgid ""
"Your subscription request has been received, and will soon be acted upon.\n"
"Depending on the configuration of this mailing list, your subscription "
"may have to be first confirmed by you via email, or approved by the list\n"
"moderator.  If confirmation is required, you will soon get a confirmation\n"
"email which contains further instructions."
msgstr ""
"�yelik iste�iniz al�nd� ve gerekenler yap�lacak. Mesaj listesinin "
"ba�l� olarak �yelik iste�inizin e-posta yoluyla size onaylat�lmas�, veya "
"moderat�r� taraf�ndan onaylanmas� gerekebilir.  E�er onay gerekiyorsa, k�sa "
"bir s�re\n"
"sonra gerekli bilgileri i�eren bir onay e-postas� alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:206
msgid ""
"The email address you supplied is banned from this\n"
"        mailing list.  If you think this restriction is erroneous, please\n"
"        contact the list owners at %(listowner)s."
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"        yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"        %(listowner)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� "

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:210
msgid ""
"The email address you supplied is not valid.  (E.g. it must contain an\n"
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresi ge�erli de�il. (�rne�in bir `@' karakteri\n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:214
msgid ""
"Your subscription is not allowed because the email address you gave is\n"
msgstr ""
"�yeli�inize izin verilmedi ��nk� verdi�iniz e-posta adresi g�venli\n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:222
msgid ""
"Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from\n"
"subscribing you without permission.  Instructions are being sent to you at\n"
"%(email)s.  Please note your subscription will not start until you confirm\n"
"your subscription."
msgstr ""
"E-posta adresinizden onay, herhangi birisinin sizi izniniz olmadan �ye\n"
"yapmas�n� engellemek i�in gereklidir. %(email)s adresinize gerekli bilgiler\n"
"�u anda g�nderiliyor. �yeli�inizin siz onaylamadan �nce ba�lamayaca��na\n"
"dikkat edin."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:234
msgid ""
"Your subscription request was deferred because %(x)s.  Your request has "
"forwarded to the list moderator.  You will receive email informing you of "
"moderator's decision when they get to your request."
msgstr ""
"�yelik iste�iniz ertelendi ��nk� %(x)s. �ste�iniz liste moderat�r�ne "
"�ste�inizi ald���nda moderat�r�n karar�n� bildiren bir e-posta alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:241 Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:61
msgid "You are already subscribed."
msgstr "�u anda zaten �yesiniz."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:255
msgid "Mailman privacy alert"
msgstr "Mailman gizlilik uyar�s�"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:256
msgid ""
"An attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list\n"
"%(listaddr)s.  You are already subscribed to this mailing list.\n"
"Note that the list membership is not public, so it is possible that a bad\n"
"person was trying to probe the list for its membership.  This would be a\n"
"privacy violation if we let them do this, but we didn't.\n"
"If you submitted the subscription request and forgot that you were already\n"
"subscribed to the list, then you can ignore this message.  If you suspect "
"an attempt is being made to covertly discover whether you are a member of "
"list, and you are worried about your privacy, then feel free to send a "
"to the list administrator at %(listowner)s.\n"
msgstr ""
"%(listaddr)s mesaj listesine e-posta adresinizi �ye yapmak i�in bir giri�im "
"Bu listeye zaten �yesiniz.\n"
"Liste �yeli�inin genel olmad���n� dikkate al�rsan�z, k�t� bir ki�inin "
"�yeleri ile ilgili ara�t�rmas� olas�l��� oldu�unu g�r�rs�n�z. E�er bunu "
"izin versek bu bir gizlilik ihlali olurdu ama, izin vermedik.\n"
"E�er �yelik iste�ini siz g�nderdiyseniz ve listeye zaten �ye oldu�unuzu "
"bu mesaj� g�zard� edebilirsiniz. E�er bunun, birisinin bu listeye �ye olup "
"olmad���n�z� gizlice\n"
"��renmeye �al��mas� oldu�undan ��pheleniyorsan�z ve gizlili�iniz hakk�nda "
"duyuyorsan�z liste y�neticisine %(listowner)s adresinden ula�abilirsiniz.\n"

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:275
msgid "This list does not support digest delivery."
msgstr "Bu liste toplu g�nderimi desteklemiyor."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:277
msgid "This list only supports digest delivery."
msgstr "Bu liste sadece toplu g�nderimi destekliyor."

#: Mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py:284
msgid "You have been successfully subscribed to the %(realname)s mailing list."
msgstr "%(realname)s mesaj listesine ba�ar�yla �ye oldunuz."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:18
msgid ""
"    confirm <confirmation-string>\n"
"        Confirm an action.  The confirmation-string is required and should "
"        supplied by a mailback confirmation notice.\n"
msgstr ""
"    confirm <onay-dizisi>\n"
"        Bir eylemi onaylar. onay-dizgisi gereklidir ve e-posta onay "
"        ile verilmelidir.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:41 Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:40
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:133 Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:69
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:52 Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:67
msgid "Usage:"
msgstr "Kullan�m:"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:50
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Invalid confirmation string.  Note that confirmation strings expire\n"
"approximately %(days)s days after the initial request.  They also expire if\n"
"the request has already been handled in some way.  If your confirmation has\n"
"expired, please try to re-submit your original request or message."
msgstr ""
"Ge�ersiz onay dizgisi. Onay dizgilerinin s�resi ilk �yelik iste�inden "
"yakla��k %(days)s\n"
"g�n sonra dolar. E�er onay s�reniz dolduysa, l�tfen �yeli�inizi tekrar\n"
"yapmay� deneyiniz."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:56
msgid "Your request has been forwarded to the list moderator for approval."
msgstr "�ste�iniz, onay i�in liste moderat�r�ne iletildi."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:64
msgid ""
"You are not currently a member.  Have you already unsubscribed or changed\n"
"your email address?"
msgstr ""
"�u anda �ye de�ilsiniz. Listeden ��kt�n�z m� veya e-posta adresinizi\n"
"de�i�tirdiniz mi?"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:69
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are currently banned from subscribing to this list.  If you think this\n"
"restriction is erroneous, please contact the list owners at\n"
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"%(owneraddr)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� kurabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:74
msgid ""
"You were not invited to this mailing list.  The invitation has been "
"and both list administrators have been alerted."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye davet edilmemi�tiniz. Davet g�zard� edildi ve\n"
"liste y�neticilerine uyar� g�nderildi."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:78
msgid "Bad approval password given.  Held message is still being held."
msgstr "K�t� onay �ifresi verildi. Mesaj hala bekletiliyor."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:89 Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:92
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_confirm.py:95
msgid "Confirmation succeeded"
msgstr "Onay ba�ar�l� oldu."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_echo.py:17
msgid ""
"    echo [args]\n"
"        Simply echo an acknowledgement.  Args are echoed back unchanged.\n"
msgstr ""
"    echo [args]\n"
"        Basit�e bir ek bilgiyi yank�lar. Args de�i�meden geri yank�lan�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_end.py:17
msgid ""
"    end\n"
"        Stop processing commands.  Use this if your mail program "
"        adds a signature file.\n"
msgstr ""
"    end\n"
"        Komut i�lenmesini durdurur. Bunu e�er posta program�n�z otomatik "
"        bir imza dosyas� ekliyorsa kullan�n.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_help.py:17
msgid ""
"    help\n"
"        Print this help message.\n"
msgstr ""
"    help\n"
"        Bu yard�m mesaj�n� yazd�r�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_help.py:47
msgid "You can access your personal options via the following url:"
msgstr "Ki�isel se�eneklerinize �u url'den ula�abilirsiniz:"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:17
msgid ""
"    info\n"
"        Get information about this mailing list.\n"
msgstr ""
"    info\n"
"        Bu mesaj listesi ile ilgili bilgi al�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:39 Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:62
msgid "n/a"
msgstr "n/a"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:44
msgid "List name:    %(listname)s"
msgstr "Liste ismi:  %(listname)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:45
msgid "Description:  %(description)s"
msgstr "Tan�m:       %(description)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:46
msgid "Postings to:  %(postaddr)s"
msgstr "Mesajlar�n gidece�i adres: %(postaddr)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:47
msgid "List Helpbot: %(requestaddr)s"
msgstr "Liste Yard�m Robotu: %(requestaddr)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:48
msgid "List Owners:  %(owneraddr)s"
msgstr "Liste Sahipleri: %(owneraddr)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_info.py:49
msgid "More information: %(listurl)s"
msgstr "Ek bilgi:        %(listurl)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_join.py:17
msgid "The `join' command is synonymous with `subscribe'.\n"
msgstr "`join' komutu, `subscribe' ile e�anlaml�d�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_leave.py:17
msgid "The `leave' command is synonymous with `unsubscribe'.\n"
msgstr "`leave' komutu, `unsubscribe' ile e�anlaml�d�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:17
msgid ""
"    lists\n"
"        See a list of the public mailing lists on this GNU Mailman server.\n"
msgstr ""
"    lists\n"
"        Bu GNU Mailman sunucusundaki genel mesaj listesinin bir listesini "

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:44
msgid "Public mailing lists at %(hostname)s:"
msgstr "%(hostname)s �zerindeki genel mesaj listeleri:"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:66
msgid "%(i)3d. List name:   %(realname)s"
msgstr "%(i)3d. Liste ismi: %(realname)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:67
msgid "     Description: %(description)s"
msgstr "     Tan�m: %(description)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_lists.py:68
msgid "     Requests to: %(requestaddr)s"
msgstr "      �steklerin gidece�i adres: %(requestaddr)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:17
msgid ""
"    password [<oldpassword> <newpassword>] [address=<address>]\n"
"        Retrieve or change your password.  With no arguments, this returns\n"
"        your current password.  With arguments <oldpassword> and "
"        you can change your password.\n"
"        If you're posting from an address other than your membership "
"        specify your membership address with `address=<address>' (no "
"        around the email address, and no quotes!).  Note that in this case "
"        response is always sent to the subscribed address.\n"
msgstr ""
"    password [<eski�ifre> <yeni�ifre>] [address=<adres>]\n"
"        �ifrenizi al�r veya de�i�tirir. Herhangi bir arg�man yoksa, �u "
"        �ifrenizi d�nd�r�r. <eski�ifre> ve <yeni�ifre> arg�manlar�yla "
"        de�i�tirebilirsiniz.\n"
"        E�er �yelik adresiniz d���nda bir adresten mesaj g�nderiyorsan�z, "
"        adresinizi `address=<address>' (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki ayra�lar "
"ve t�rnaklar\n"
"        olmaks�z�n) olarak belirtin. Bu durumda yan�t�n her zaman �ye olan "
"        gidece�ini unutmay�n.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:51 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:66
msgid "Your password is: %(password)s"
msgstr "�ifreniz: %(password)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:57 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:72
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:95 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:121
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:149 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:219
msgid "You are not a member of the %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesine �ye de�ilsiniz"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:85 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:111
msgid ""
"You did not give the correct old password, so your password has not been\n"
"changed.  Use the no argument version of the password command to retrieve "
"current password, then try again."
msgstr ""
"Do�ru eski �ifreyi vermediniz, bu y�zden �ifreniz de�i�tirilmedi. password\n"
"komutunu arg�mans�z olarak kullanarak �u andaki �ifrenizi al�n, sonra\n"
"tekrar deneyin."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:89 Mailman/Commands/cmd_password.py:115
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_remove.py:17
msgid "The `remove' command is synonymous with `unsubscribe'.\n"
msgstr "`remove' komutu, `unsubscribe' ile e�anlaml�d�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:26
msgid ""
"    set ...\n"
"        Set or view your membership options.\n"
"        Use `set help' (without the quotes) to get a more detailed list of "
"        options you can change.\n"
"        Use `set show' (without the quotes) to view your current option\n"
"        settings.\n"
msgstr ""
"    set ...\n"
"        �yelik se�eneklerinizi ayarlar veya g�r�nt�ler.\n"
"        De�i�tirebilece�iniz se�eneklerin daha ayr�nt�l� bir listesini almak "
"        `set help' (t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) komutunu kullan�n.\n"
"        �u andaki se�enek ayarlar�n�z� g�rmek i�in `set show' (t�rnaklar "
"        komutunu kullan�n.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:37
msgid ""
"    set help\n"
"        Show this detailed help.\n"
"    set show [address=<address>]\n"
"        View your current option settings.  If you're posting from an "
"        other than your membership address, specify your membership address\n"
"        with `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and "
"        quotes!).\n"
"    set authenticate <password> [address=<address>]\n"
"        To set any of your options, you must include this command first, "
"        with your membership password.  If you're posting from an address\n"
"        other than your membership address, specify your membership address\n"
"        with `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and "
"        quotes!).\n"
"    set ack on\n"
"    set ack off\n"
"        When the `ack' option is turned on, you will receive an\n"
"        acknowledgement message whenever you post a message to the list.\n"
"    set digest plain\n"
"    set digest mime\n"
"    set digest off\n"
"        When the `digest' option is turned off, you will receive postings\n"
"        immediately when they are posted.  Use `set digest plain' if "
"        you want to receive postings bundled into a plain text digest\n"
"        (i.e. RFC 1153 digest).  Use `set digest mime' if instead you want "
"        receive postings bundled together into a MIME digest.\n"
"    set delivery on\n"
"    set delivery off\n"
"        Turn delivery on or off.  This does not unsubscribe you, but "
"        tells Mailman not to deliver messages to you for now.  This is "
"        if you're going on vacation.  Be sure to use `set delivery on' when\n"
"        you return from vacation!\n"
"    set myposts on\n"
"    set myposts off\n"
"        Use `set myposts off' to not receive copies of messages you post to\n"
"        the list.  This has no effect if you're receiving digests.\n"
"    set hide on\n"
"    set hide off\n"
"        Use `set hide on' to conceal your email address when people request\n"
"        the membership list.\n"
"    set duplicates on\n"
"    set duplicates off\n"
"        Use `set duplicates off' if you want Mailman to not send you "
"        if your address is explicitly mentioned in the To: or Cc: fields of\n"
"        the message.  This can reduce the number of duplicate postings you\n"
"        will receive.\n"
"    set reminders on\n"
"    set reminders off\n"
"        Use `set reminders off' if you want to disable the monthly password\n"
"        reminder for this mailing list.\n"
msgstr ""
"    set help\n"
"        Ayr�nt�l� yard�m� g�sterir.\n"
"    set show [address=<adres>]\n"
"        �u andaki se�enek ayarlar�n�z� g�sterir. �yelik adresiniz d���nda "
"        adresten bu komutu g�nderiyorsan�z, �yelik adresinizi "
"        (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki ayra�lar ve t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) "
"        belirtin.\n"
"    set authenticate <�ifre> [address=<adres>]\n"
"        Ayarlar�n�zdan herhangi birini de�i�tirmek i�in �nce bu komutu, "
"        �ifrenizle beraber yazman�z gerekir. �yelik adresiniz d���nda bir\n"
"        adresten bu komutu g�nderiyorsan�z, �yelik adresinizi "
"        (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki ayra�lar ve t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) "
"        belirtin.\n"
"    set ack on\n"
"    set ack off\n"
"        `ack' (bilgi) se�ene�i a��k oldu�unda listeye bir mesaj "
"g�nderdi�iniz zaman\n"
"        bir bilgilendirme mesaj� al�rs�n�z.\n"
"    set digest plain\n"
"    set digest mime\n"
"    set digest off\n"
"        `digest' (toplu) se�ene�i kapal� oldu�unda mesajlar g�nderildi�i an\n"
"        al�rs�n�z. G�nderilen mesajlar� d�z yaz� ve toplu olarak almak "
"        (yani RFC 1153 toplu) `set digest plain' komutunu kullan�n. MIME "
"toplu mesajlar\n"
"        istiyorsan�z `set digest mime' komutunu kullan�n.\n"
"    set delivery on\n"
"    set delivery off\n"
"        Size g�nderimi a��p kapat�r. Bu, sizi listeden ��karmaz ama "
"        �imdilik size mesaj g�ndermemesini sa�lar. Tatile ��kt���n�zda �ok "
"        bir ayard�r. Tatilden d�nd���n�zde `set delivery on' komutunu "
"        tekrar mesaj almaya ba�lamay� unutmay�n!\n"
"    set myposts on\n"
"    set myposts off\n"
"        `set myposts off' komutu ile listeye kendi g�nderdi�iniz mesajlar�\n"
"        almazs�n�z. E�er toplu mesaj al�yorsan�z bu ayar�n bir etkisi "
"    set hide on\n"
"    set hide off\n"
"        `set hide on' komutu ile ki�iler �yelik listesini istedi�inde "
"        gizlenmesini sa�layabilirsiniz.\n"
"    set duplicates on\n"
"    set duplicates off\n"
"        Al�c� veya Cc: alan�nda adresiniz ayr�ca belirtildiyse Mailman'in "
"        bu mesajlar� g�ndermemesini sa�lamak i�in `set duplicates off' "
"        kullanabilirsiniz. Bu �ekilde ald���n�z kopya mesajlar�n say�s�\n"
"        azalabilir.\n"
"    set reminders on\n"
"    set reminders off\n"
"        Bu mesaj listesi i�in ayl�k �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar� devre d��� "
"        i�in `set reminders off' komutunu kullan�n.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:122
msgid "Bad set command: %(subcmd)s"
msgstr "K�t� set komutu: %(subcmd)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:151
msgid "Your current option settings:"
msgstr "�u andaki se�enek ayarlar�n�z:"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:153 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:191
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:194 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:198
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:202
msgid "off"
msgstr "off"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:153 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:191
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:194 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:198
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:202
msgid "on"
msgstr "on"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:154
msgid "    ack %(onoff)s"
msgstr "    ack %(onoff)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:160
msgid "    digest plain"
msgstr "    digest plain"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:162
msgid "    digest mime"
msgstr "    digest mime"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:164
msgid "    digest off"
msgstr "    digest off"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:169
msgid "delivery on"
msgstr "delivery on"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:171 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:174
#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:177 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:181
msgid "delivery off"
msgstr "delivery off"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:172
msgid "by you"
msgstr "sizin taraf�n�zdan"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:175
msgid "by the admin"
msgstr "y�netici taraf�ndan"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:178
msgid "due to bounces"
msgstr "geri d�nmeler sonucunda"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:186
msgid "    %(status)s (%(how)s on %(date)s)"
msgstr "    %(status)s (%(how)s on %(date)s)"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:192
msgid "    myposts %(onoff)s"
msgstr "    myposts %(onoff)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:195
msgid "    hide %(onoff)s"
msgstr "    hide %(onoff)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:199
msgid "    duplicates %(onoff)s"
msgstr "    duplicates %(onoff)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:203
msgid "    reminders %(onoff)s"
msgstr "    reminders %(onoff)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:224
msgid "You did not give the correct password"
msgstr "Do�ru �ifreyi vermediniz"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:236 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:283
msgid "Bad argument: %(arg)s"
msgstr "K�t� arg�man: %(arg)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:241 Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:261
msgid "Not authenticated"
msgstr "Yetkilendirme ba�ar�s�z"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:254
msgid "ack option set"
msgstr "ack se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:286
msgid "digest option set"
msgstr "digest se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:301
msgid "delivery enabled"
msgstr "g�nderim etkinle�tirildi"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:304
msgid "delivery disabled by user"
msgstr "g�nderim kullan�c� taraf�ndan devre d��� b�rak�ld�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:316
msgid "myposts option set"
msgstr "myposts se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:327
msgid "hide option set"
msgstr "hide se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:339
msgid "duplicates option set"
msgstr "duplicates se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_set.py:351
msgid "reminder option set"
msgstr "reminder se�ene�i ayarland�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_stop.py:17
msgid "stop is synonymous with the end command.\n"
msgstr "stop, end komutu ile e�anlaml�d�r.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:17
msgid ""
"    subscribe [password] [digest|nodigest] [address=<address>]\n"
"        Subscribe to this mailing list.  Your password must be given to\n"
"        unsubscribe or change your options, but if you omit the password, "
"        will be generated for you.  You may be periodically reminded of "
"        password.\n"
"        The next argument may be either: `nodigest' or `digest' (no "
"        If you wish to subscribe an address other than the address you sent\n"
"        this request from, you may specify `address=<address>' (no brackets\n"
"        around the email address, and no quotes!)\n"
msgstr ""
"    subscribe [�ifre] [digest|nodigest] [address=<adres>]\n"
"        Bu, mesaj listesine �ye olman�z� sa�lar. Se�eneklerinizi de�i�tirmek "
"        listeden ��kmak i�in bir �ifre vermeniz gerekir, fakat e�er �ifre "
"        sizin i�in bir tane olu�turulacakt�r. Belirli aral�klarla "
"        size hat�rlat�lmas�n� da sa�layabilirsiniz.\n"
"        Bir sonraki arg�man `nodigest' (ayr� ayr� mesajlar) veya "
"`digest' (toplu mesajlar)\n"
"        olabilir. Bu formu g�nderdi�iniz adres d���nda bir adresi �ye "
"        �yelik yapaca��n�z adresini `address=<adres>'\n"
"        (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki ayra�lar ve t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) "
"        belirtin.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:62
msgid "Bad digest specifier: %(arg)s"
msgstr "K�t� digest belirtici:  %(arg)s"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:92
msgid "No valid address found to subscribe"
msgstr "�ye yapmak i�in ge�erli adres bulunamad�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:113
msgid ""
"The email address you supplied is banned from this mailing list.\n"
"If you think this restriction is erroneous, please contact the list\n"
"owners at %(listowner)s."
msgstr ""
"Verdi�iniz e-posta adresinin bu listeye �ye olmas�\n"
"yasaklanm��. E�er bu k�s�tlaman�n hatal� oldu�unu d���n�yorsan�z,\n"
"%(listowner)s adresinden liste y�neticileriyle ba�lant� kurabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:119
msgid ""
"Mailman won't accept the given email address as a valid address.\n"
"(E.g. it must have an @ in it.)"
msgstr ""
"Mailman verilen adresi ge�erli bir adres olarak kabul etmeyecek.\n"
"(�rne�in bir @ karakteri i�ermeli.)"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:124
msgid ""
"Your subscription is not allowed because\n"
"the email address you gave is insecure."
msgstr ""
"�yeli�inize izin verilmedi ��nk� verdi�iniz e-posta adresi g�venli\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:129
msgid "You are already subscribed!"
msgstr "Zaten �yesiniz!"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:133
msgid "No one can subscribe to the digest of this list!"
msgstr "Bu listeye toplu mesaj al�m� i�in �ye olamazs�n�z!"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:136
msgid "This list only supports digest subscriptions!"
msgstr "Bu liste sadece toplu mesaj al�m�n� desteklemektedir!"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:142
msgid ""
"Your subscription request has been forwarded to the list administrator\n"
"at %(listowner)s for review."
msgstr ""
"�yelik iste�iniz at %(listowner)s adresindeki liste y�neticisine\n"
"inceleme i�in iletildi."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_subscribe.py:147
msgid "Subscription request succeeded."
msgstr "�yelik iste�i ba�ar�l�."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:17
msgid ""
"    unsubscribe [password] [address=<address>]\n"
"        Unsubscribe from the mailing list.  If given, your password must "
"        your current password.  If omitted, a confirmation email will be "
"        to the unsubscribing address. If you wish to unsubscribe an address\n"
"        other than the address you sent this request from, you may specify\n"
"        `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no\n"
"        quotes!)\n"
msgstr ""
"    unsubscribe [�ifre] [address=<adres]\n"
"        Bu, listeden ��kman�z� sa�lar. E�er bir �ifre verdiyseniz, �ifreniz "
"�u andaki\n"
"        �ifrenizle e�le�melidir. E�er �ifre vermediyseniz, listeden "
"        adrese bir onay e-postas� g�nderilecektir. Bu formu g�nderdi�iniz "
"        d���nda bir adresi listeden ��kar�yorsan�z, bu adresi "
"        (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki ayra�lar ve t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) "
"        belirtin.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:62
msgid "%(address)s is not a member of the %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr "%(address)s, %(listname)s mesaj listesine �ye de�il"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:69
msgid ""
"Your unsubscription request has been forwarded to the list administrator "
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�iniz onaylama i�in liste y�neticisine iletildi."

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:84
msgid "You gave the wrong password"
msgstr "Yanl�� �ifre verdiniz"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_unsubscribe.py:87
msgid "Unsubscription request succeeded."
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�i ba�ar�l�"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:27
msgid ""
"    who\n"
"        See the non-hidden members of this mailing list.\n"
"    who password\n"
"        See everyone who is on this mailing list. The password is the\n"
"        list's admin or moderator password.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:35
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"    who password [address=<address>]\n"
"        See the non-hidden members of this mailing list.  The roster is\n"
"        limited to list members only, and you must supply your membership\n"
"        password to retrieve it.  If you're posting from an address other\n"
"        than your membership address, specify your membership address with\n"
"        `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no\n"
"        quotes!). If you provide the list's admin or moderator password,\n"
"        hidden members will be included.\n"
msgstr ""
"    who password [address=<adres>]\n"
"        Bu mesaj listesine �ye olan herkesi g�sterir. �sim listesi sadece "
"        �yelerine g�r�n�r durumda oldu�u i�in �yelik �ifrenizi de vermeniz "
"        Listeye �ye oldu�unuz adres d���nda bir adresten bu komutu "
"        �yelik adresinizi `address=<adres>' (e-posta adresi etraf�ndaki "
"ayra�lar ve\n"
"        t�rnaklar olmaks�z�n) �eklinde belirtin.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:46
msgid ""
"    who password\n"
"        See everyone who is on this mailing list.  The roster is limited to\n"
"        list administrators and moderators only; you must supply the list\n"
"        admin or moderator password to retrieve the roster.\n"
msgstr ""
"    who password\n"
"        Bu mesaj listesine �ye olan herkesi g�sterir. �sim listesi sadece\n"
"        liste y�neticileri ve moderat�rlere g�r�n�r durumda oldu�u i�in "
"        y�netim veya moderat�r �ifresini vermeniz gereklidir.\n"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:128
msgid "You are not allowed to retrieve the list membership."
msgstr "Liste �yeli�ine eri�me yetkiniz yok "

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:134
msgid "This list has no members."
msgstr "Bu listenin hi� �yesi yok"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:148
msgid "Non-digest (regular) members:"
msgstr "Toplu mesaj almayan �yeler:"

#: Mailman/Commands/cmd_who.py:151
msgid "Digest members:"
msgstr "Toplu mesaj alan �yeler:"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1630
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1631
#, fuzzy
msgid "Asturian"
msgstr "Estonyaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1632
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalonca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1633
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "�ek�e"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1634
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Danca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1635
msgid "German"
msgstr "Almanca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1636
msgid "English (USA)"
msgstr "�ngilizce (ABD)"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1637
msgid "Spanish (Spain)"
msgstr "�spanyolca (�spanya)"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1638
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estonyaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1639
msgid "Euskara"
msgstr "Euskara"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1640
msgid "Persian"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1641
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Fince"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1642
msgid "French"
msgstr "Frans�zca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1643
#, fuzzy
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "�talyanca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1644
msgid "Greek"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1645
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1646
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "H�rvat�a"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1647
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Macarca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1648
msgid "Interlingua"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1649
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "�talyanca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1650
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1651
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korece"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1652
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Litvanyaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1653
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Flemenk�e"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1654
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "Norve��e"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1655
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polonyaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1656
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portekizce"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1657
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr "Portekizce (Brezilya)"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1658
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Romanyaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1659
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Rus�a"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1660
#, fuzzy
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovence"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1661
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Slovence"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1662
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "S�rp�a"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1663
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "�sve��e"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1664
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "T�rk�e"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1665
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ukraynaca"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1666
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1667
msgid "Chinese (China)"
msgstr "�ince (�in)"

#: Mailman/Defaults.py:1668
msgid "Chinese (Taiwan)"
msgstr "�ince (Tayvan)"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:53
msgid ""
"Note: Since this is a list of mailing lists, administrative\n"
"notices like the password reminder will be sent to\n"
"your membership administrative address, %(addr)s."
msgstr ""
"Not: Bu, mesaj listelerinin bir listesi oldu�u i�in\n"
"�ifre hat�rlat�c� gibi y�netimsel bildirimler, �yelik\n"
"y�netimsel adresiniz olan %(addr)s adresine g�nderilecektir."

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:73
msgid " (Digest mode)"
msgstr " (Toplu mod)"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:79
msgid "Welcome to the \"%(realname)s\" mailing list%(digmode)s"
msgstr "\"%(realname)s\" mesaj listesine%(digmode)s ho�geldiniz"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:89
msgid "You have been unsubscribed from the %(realname)s mailing list"
msgstr "%(realname)s mesaj listesi �yeli�inden ��kt�n�z"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:116
msgid "%(listfullname)s mailing list reminder"
msgstr "%(listfullname)s mesaj listesi hat�rlat�c�s�"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:144
msgid "No reason given"
msgstr "Neden belirtilmedi"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:168 Mailman/Deliverer.py:187
msgid "Hostile subscription attempt detected"
msgstr "Sald�rgan �yelik denemesi saptand�"

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:169
msgid ""
"%(address)s was invited to a different mailing\n"
"list, but in a deliberate malicious attempt they tried to confirm the\n"
"invitation to your list.  We just thought you'd like to know.  No further\n"
"action by you is required."
msgstr ""
"%(address)s adresi farkl� bir mesaj listesine davet\n"
"edilmi�ti, ama kasti ve k�t� niyetli bir deneme ile daveti sizin listenizde\n"
"onaylamaya �al��t�lar. Sadece bilmek istersiniz diye d���nd�k. Herhangi bir\n"
"eylemde bulunman�za gerek yok."

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:188
msgid ""
"You invited %(address)s to your list, but in a\n"
"deliberate malicious attempt, they tried to confirm the invitation to a\n"
"different list.  We just thought you'd like to know.  No further action by "
"is required."
msgstr ""
"%(address)s adresini listenize davet\n"
"etmi�tiniz, ama kasti ve k�t� niyetli bir deneme ile daveti ba�ka bir "
"onaylamaya �al��t�lar. Sadece bilmek istersiniz diye d���nd�k. Herhangi bir\n"
"eylemde bulunman�za gerek yok."

#: Mailman/Deliverer.py:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "%(listname)s mailing list probe message"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesi hat�rlat�c�s�"

#: Mailman/Errors.py:122
msgid "For some unknown reason"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir nedenle"

#: Mailman/Errors.py:128 Mailman/Errors.py:151
msgid "Your message was rejected"
msgstr "Mesaj�n�z reddedildi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:25
msgid "Archiving Options"
msgstr "Ar�ivleme Se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:31
msgid "List traffic archival policies."
msgstr "Liste trafi�i ar�iv ilkeleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:34
msgid "Archive messages?"
msgstr "Mesajlar ar�ivlensin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:36
msgid "private"
msgstr "�zel"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:36
msgid "public"
msgstr "genel"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:37
msgid "Is archive file source for public or private archival?"
msgstr ""
"Ar�iv dosyas� genel kullan�m i�in mi yoksa �zel kullan�m i�in mi "

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:40 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:78
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Ayl�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:40 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:78
msgid "Quarterly"
msgstr "3 Ayl�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:40 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:78
msgid "Yearly"
msgstr "Y�ll�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:41 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:79
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "G�nl�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:41 Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:79
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Haftal�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Archive.py:43
msgid "How often should a new archive volume be started?"
msgstr "Yeni bir ar�iv ne kadar s�rede bir ba�lat�ls�n?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:31
msgid "Auto-responder"
msgstr "Otomatik Yan�tlay�c�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:39
msgid ""
"Auto-responder characteristics.<p>\n"
"In the text fields below, string interpolation is performed with\n"
"the following key/value substitutions:\n"
"    <li><b>listname</b> - <em>gets the name of the mailing list</em>\n"
"    <li><b>listurl</b> - <em>gets the list's listinfo URL</em>\n"
"    <li><b>requestemail</b> - <em>gets the list's -request address</em>\n"
"    <li><b>owneremail</b> - <em>gets the list's -owner address</em>\n"
"<p>For each text field, you can either enter the text directly into the "
"box, or you can specify a file on your local system to upload as the text."
msgstr ""
"Otomatik yan�tlay�c� �zellikleri.<p>\n"
"A�a��daki yaz� alanlar�nda dizgi de�i�imi �u anahtar/de�er yerle�tirmeleri\n"
"ile yap�l�r:\n"
"    <li><b>listname</b> - <em>mesaj listesinin ismini al�r</em>\n"
"    <li><b>listurl</b> - <em>listenin listinfo URL'sini al�r</em>\n"
"    <li><b>requestemail</b> - <em>listenin -request (istek) adresini al�r</"
"    <li><b>owneremail</b> - <em>listenin -owner (sahip) adresini al�r</em>\n"
"<p>Her bir yaz� alan� i�in, ya yaz�y� do�rudan yaz� kutusuna yazabilirsiniz, "
"ya da\n"
"yerel sisteminizden bir dosyay� yaz� olarak g�ndermek i�in se�ebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:55
msgid ""
"Should Mailman send an auto-response to mailing list\n"
"             posters?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman mesaj listesi g�ndericilerine bir otomatik yan�t\n"
"             g�ndersin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:60
msgid "Auto-response text to send to mailing list posters."
msgstr "Mesaj listesi g�ndericilerine g�nderilecek otomatik yan�t."

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:63
msgid ""
"Should Mailman send an auto-response to emails sent to the\n"
"             -owner address?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman -owner adresine g�nderilen e-postalara bir otomatik\n"
"             yan�t g�ndersin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:68
msgid "Auto-response text to send to -owner emails."
msgstr "-owner e-postalar�na g�nderilecek otomatik yan�t."

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:71
msgid "Yes, w/discard"
msgstr "Evet ve g�zard� et"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:71
msgid "Yes, w/forward"
msgstr "Evet ve ilet"

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:72
msgid ""
"Should Mailman send an auto-response to emails sent to the\n"
"             -request address?  If you choose yes, decide whether you want\n"
"             Mailman to discard the original email, or forward it on to the\n"
"             system as a normal mail command."
msgstr ""
"Mailman, -request adresine g�nderilen e-postalara bir otomatik yan�t\n"
"             g�ndersin mi? E�er evet'i se�erseniz, Mailman'in �zg�n mesaj�\n"
"             g�zard� m� edece�ine, yoksa sisteme normal bir mesaj komutu "
"olarak m�\n"
"             iletece�ine karar verin."

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:79
msgid "Auto-response text to send to -request emails."
msgstr "-response e-postalar�na g�nderilecek otomatik yan�t."

#: Mailman/Gui/Autoresponse.py:82
msgid ""
"Number of days between auto-responses to either the mailing\n"
"             list or -request/-owner address from the same poster.  Set to\n"
"             zero (or negative) for no grace period (i.e. auto-respond to\n"
"             every message)."
msgstr ""
"Mesaj listesine veya -request/-owner adresine ayn� g�ndericiden gelen "
"             yap�lacak otomatik yan�tlamalar aras�ndaki g�n say�s�. Gecikme "
"             olmamas� i�in s�f�r (veya negatif) olarak ayarlay�n. (yani her "
"             mesaj yan�tlans�n)."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:26
msgid "Bounce processing"
msgstr "Geri D�n�� ��leme"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:32
msgid ""
"These policies control the automatic bounce processing system\n"
"            in Mailman.  Here's an overview of how it works.\n"
"            <p>When a bounce is received, Mailman tries to extract two "
"            of information from the message: the address of the member the\n"
"            message was intended for, and the severity of the problem "
"            the bounce.  The severity can be either <em>hard</em> or\n"
"            <em>soft</em> meaning either a fatal error occurred, or a\n"
"            transient error occurred.  When in doubt, a hard severity is "
"            <p>If no member address can be extracted from the bounce, then "
"            bounce is usually discarded.  Otherwise, each member is assigned "
"            <em>bounce score</em> and every time we encounter a bounce from\n"
"            this member we increment the score.  Hard bounces increment by "
"            while soft bounces increment by 0.5.  We only increment the "
"            score once per day, so even if we receive ten hard bounces from "
"            member per day, their score will increase by only 1 for that "
"            <p>When a member's bounce score is greater than the\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_score_threshold\">bounce score\n"
"            threshold</a>, the subscription is disabled.  Once disabled, "
"            member will not receive any postings from the list until their\n"
"            membership is explicitly re-enabled (either by the list\n"
"            administrator or the user).  However, they will receive "
"            reminders that their membership has been disabled, and these\n"
"            reminders will include information about how to re-enable their\n"
"            membership.\n"
"            <p>You can control both the\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings"
"            of reminders</a> the member will receive and the\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/"
"            >frequency</a> with which these reminders are sent.\n"
"            <p>There is one other important configuration variable; after a\n"
"            certain period of time -- during which no bounces from the "
"            are received -- the bounce information is\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_info_stale_after\">considered\n"
"            stale</a> and discarded.  Thus by adjusting this value, and the\n"
"            score threshold, you can control how quickly bouncing members "
"            disabled.  You should tune both of these to the frequency and\n"
"            traffic volume of your list."
msgstr ""
"Bu ilkeler Mailman'in otomatik geri d�n�� sistemini kontrol eder.\n"
"            Nas�l �al��t���yla ilgili birka� a��klama:\n"
"            <p>Bir geri d�n�� al�nd��� zaman, Mailman mesajdan iki bilgiyi "
"            �al���r: mesaj�n g�nderildi�i �ye ve geri d�n��e neden olan "
"            �nemi. �nem ya <em>b�y�k</em> ya da <em>k���k</em> olabilir. "
"            sorun ya ciddi bir hatadan kaynaklanmaktad�r ya da ge�ici bir "
"            olmu�tur. �nemin tespit edilemedi�i durumlarda b�y�k �nem "
"            <p>E�er geri d�nen mesajdan bir �ye adresi al�namazsa, geri "
"d�n�� genellikle\n"
"            g�zard� edilir. Aksi halde, her �yeye bir <em>geri d�n�� puan�</"
"            verilir ve bu �yeden gelen her geri d�n�� ile bu puan "
"            B�y�k �neme sahip geri d�n��ler 1 puan, k���k �neme sahip geri "
"            0.5 puan art�r�r. Geri d�n�� puan� g�nde sadece 1 kez art�r�l�r, "
"            bir �yeden g�nde on geri d�n�� oluyorsa, o g�n i�in puanlar� "
"sadece 1\n"
"            art�r�l�r.\n"
"            <p>Bir �yenin geri d�n�� puan� <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/"
"            d�n�� puan e�i�i</a>'nden b�y�kse, �yelik devre d��� b�rak�l�r.\n"
"            Bu durumda, �yeli�i tekrar etkinle�tirilmeden (kendisi veya bir\n"
"            y�netici taraf�ndan) �ye listeden herhangi bir mesaj almaz. "
"            ara s�ra �yeli�inin devre d��� b�rak�ld���yla ilgili "
"            al�r ve bu hat�rlat�c�larda �yeli�ini tekrar nas�l "
"            ilgili bilgiler bulunur.\n"
"            <p>Hem �yenin alaca��\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings"
"            say�s�n�</a> hem de bu hat�rlatmalar�n g�nderilece�i\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/"
"            >s�kl���</a> kontrol edebilirsiniz.\n"
"            <p>Ayr�ca, �nemli bir yap�land�rma de�i�keni daha vard�r; belli\n"
"            bir s�re sonras�nda --�ye adresinden hi� geri d�n�� olmad��� bir "
"            geri d�n�� bilgisi\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/bounce_info_stale_after\">eski\n"
"            say�l�r</a> ve g�zard� edilir. Bu de�eri ve puan e�i�ini "
"            adreslerinden geri d�n�� olan �yelerin ne kadar zamanda "
"            devre d��� kalaca��n� ayarlayabilirsiniz. Bu iki de�eri de "
"            trafik s�kl��� ve hacmine uygun olarak ayarlaman�z gerekir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:75
msgid "Bounce detection sensitivity"
msgstr "Geri d�n�� alg�lama duyarl�l���"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:78
msgid "Should Mailman perform automatic bounce processing?"
msgstr "Mailman otomatik geri d�n�� i�lemesi yaps�n m�?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:79
msgid ""
"By setting this value to <em>No</em>, you disable all\n"
"             automatic bounce processing for this list, however bounce\n"
"             messages will still be discarded so that the list "
"             isn't inundated with them."
msgstr ""
"Bu de�eri <em>Hay�r</em> olarak ayarlayarak, bu liste\n"
"             i�in otomatik geri d�n�� i�lemeyi devre d��� b�rakabilirsiniz,\n"
"             ancak geri d�nen mesajlar y�neticileri u�ra�t�rmamalar� i�in "
"             de g�zard� edilecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:85
msgid ""
"The maximum member bounce score before the member's\n"
"             subscription is disabled.  This value can be a floating point\n"
"             number."
msgstr ""
"Bir �yenin �yeli�inin devre d��� kalmas� i�in ula��lacak\n"
"             en fazla geri d�n�� puan�. Bu de�er, tamsay� olmak zorunda "

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:88
msgid ""
"Each subscriber is assigned a bounce score, as a floating\n"
"             point number.  Whenever Mailman receives a bounce from a list\n"
"             member, that member's score is incremented.  Hard bounces "
"             errors) increase the score by 1, while soft bounces (temporary\n"
"             errors) increase the score by 0.5.  Only one bounce per day\n"
"             counts against a member's score, so even if 10 bounces are\n"
"             received for a member on the same day, their score will "
"             by just 1.\n"
"             This variable describes the upper limit for a member's bounce\n"
"             score, above which they are automatically disabled, but not\n"
"             removed from the mailing list."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:102
msgid ""
"The number of days after which a member's bounce information\n"
"             is discarded, if no new bounces have been received in the\n"
"             interim.  This value must be an integer."
msgstr ""
"Bir �yeden, geri d�n�� al�nmamas� sonucunda geri d�n�� bilgisinin g�zard�\n"
"             edilmesi i�in ge�mesi gereken g�n say�s�. Bu de�er bir tamsay�\n"
"             olmal�d�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:107
msgid ""
"How many <em>Your Membership Is Disabled</em> warnings a\n"
"             disabled member should get before their address is removed "
"             the mailing list.  Set to 0 to immediately remove an address "
"             the list once their bounce score exceeds the threshold.  This\n"
"             value must be an integer."
msgstr ""
"�yenin, �yeli�i silinmeden �nce ka� tane <em>�yeli�iniz Devre D���</em> "
"             alaca��. �yenin geri d�n�� puan� e�i�i ge�ti�i anda listeden "
"             i�in bunu 0 olarak ayarlay�n. Bu de�er bir tamsay� olmal�d�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:114
msgid ""
"The number of days between sending the <em>Your Membership\n"
"             Is Disabled</em> warnings.  This value must be an integer."
msgstr ""
"<em>�yeli�iniz Devre D���</em> mesajlar�n�n g�nderilece�i g�n s�kl���.\n"
"             Bu de�er bir tamsay� olmal�d�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:117 Mailman/Gui/General.py:332
msgid "Notifications"
msgstr "Bildirimler"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:121
msgid ""
"Should Mailman send you, the list owner, any bounce messages\n"
"             that failed to be detected by the bounce processor?  <em>Yes</"
"             is recommended."
msgstr ""
"Mailman size, liste sahibine geri d�n�� i�leyici taraf�ndan alg�lanamayan\n"
"             mesajlar� g�ndersin mi? <em>Evet</em> se�ene�i �nerilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:124
msgid ""
"While Mailman's bounce detector is fairly robust, it's\n"
"             impossible to detect every bounce format in the world.  You\n"
"             should keep this variable set to <em>Yes</em> for two reasons: "
"             If this really is a permanent bounce from one of your members,\n"
"             you should probably manually remove them from your list, and "
"             you might want to send the message on to the Mailman "
"             so that this new format can be added to its known set.\n"
"             <p>If you really can't be bothered, then set this variable to\n"
"             <em>No</em> and all non-detected bounces will be discarded\n"
"             without further processing.\n"
"             <p><b>Note:</b> This setting will also affect all messages "
"             to your list's -admin address.  This address is deprecated and\n"
"             should never be used, but some people may still send mail to "
"             address.  If this happens, and this variable is set to\n"
"             <em>No</em> those messages too will get discarded.  You may "
"             to set up an\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=autoreply/autoresponse_admin_text"
"             message</a> for email to the -owner and -admin address."
msgstr ""
"Mailman'in geri d�n�� alg�lay�c�s�n�n yeterince sa�lam olmas�na ra�men "
"d�nyadaki t�m\n"
"             geri d�n�� bi�imlerini alg�lamak imkans�zd�r. Bu de�eri "
"             olarak ayarlaman�z i�in iki neden vard�r: 1) Bu, ger�ekten "
"             birinden kal�c� bir geri d�n��se, onu listenizden kal�c� olarak "
"             isteyebilirsiniz; 2) Bu mesaj� Mailman geli�tiricilerine\n"
"             g�ndererek, yeni bi�imi bilinen bi�imler listesine "
"             isteyebilirsiniz.\n"
"             <p>E�er ger�ekten rahats�z edilmek istemiyorsan�z, bu de�eri\n"
"             <em>Hay�r</em> olarak ayarlay�n, b�ylece alg�lanamayan t�m "
"             d�n��ler ba�ka i�lem yap�lmaks�z�n g�zard� edilecektir.\n"
"             <p><strong>Not:</strong> Bu ayar, ayr�ca listenizin -admin "
"             g�nderilen t�m mesajlar� etkiler. Bu adresin kullan�m� art�k\n"
"             onaylanmasa da baz� ki�iler hala bu adrese e-posta g�ndermek "
"             E�er b�yle bir durum varsa ve bu de�i�ken <em>Hay�r</em> olarak "
"             bu mesajlar da g�zard� edilecektir. Ayr�ca -owner ve -admin "
"adresleri i�in bir\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=autoreply/autoresponse_admin_text\">otomatik "
"             mesaj�</a> da olu�turmak isteyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Should Mailman notify you, the list owner, when bounces\n"
"             cause a member's bounce score to be incremented?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman sizi, liste sahibini, geri d�n��ler nedeniyle bir\n"
"             �yenin �yeli�i devre d��� b�rak�l�rsa bilgilendirsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:149
msgid ""
"Setting this value to <em>Yes</em> will cause Mailman to\n"
"             send a notice including a copy of the bounce message to the "
"             owners whenever a bounce increments a member's bounce score "
"             doesn't cause a disable or a probe to be sent."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:156
msgid ""
"Should Mailman notify you, the list owner, when bounces\n"
"             cause a member's subscription to be disabled?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman sizi, liste sahibini, geri d�n��ler nedeniyle bir\n"
"             �yenin �yeli�i devre d��� b�rak�l�rsa bilgilendirsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:158
msgid ""
"By setting this value to <em>No</em>, you turn off\n"
"             notification messages that are normally sent to the list "
"             when a member's delivery is disabled due to excessive bounces.\n"
"             An attempt to notify the member will always be made."
msgstr ""
"Bu de�eri <em>Hay�r</em> olarak ayarlayarak, normalde\n"
"             fazla geri d�n�� y�z�nden bir �yeye g�nderim devre d��� "
"             liste sahiplerine g�nderilen bildirim mesajlar�n� kapat�r. "
"�yeye bir\n"
"             bildirim g�nderilmesi her zaman denenecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:165
msgid ""
"Should Mailman notify you, the list owner, when bounces\n"
"             cause a member to be unsubscribed?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman sizi, liste sahibini, geri d�n��ler y�z�nden bir\n"
"             �yenin �yeli�i silindi�i zaman bilgilendirsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:167
msgid ""
"By setting this value to <em>No</em>, you turn off\n"
"             notification messages that are normally sent to the list "
"             when a member is unsubscribed due to excessive bounces.  An\n"
"             attempt to notify the member will always be made."
msgstr ""
"Bu de�eri <em>Hay�r</em> olarak ayarlayarak, normalde\n"
"             fazla geri d�n�� y�z�nden bir �yenin �yeli�i silindiyse\n"
"             liste sahiplerine g�nderilen bildirim mesajlar�n� kapat�r. "
"�yeye bir\n"
"             bildirim g�nderilmesi her zaman denenecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Bounce.py:194
msgid ""
"Bad value for <a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/%(property)s\"\n"
"                >%(property)s</a>: %(val)s"
msgstr ""
"<a href=\"?VARHELP=bounce/%(property)s\"\n"
"                >%(property)s</a> i�in k�t� de�er: %(val)s"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:30
msgid "Content&nbsp;filtering"
msgstr "��erik&nbsp;Filtreleme"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:37
msgid "Forward to List Owner"
msgstr "Liste Sahibine �let"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:39
msgid "Preserve"
msgstr "Koru"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:42
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Policies concerning the content of list traffic.\n"
"            <p>Content filtering works like this: when a message is\n"
"            received by the list and you have enabled content filtering, "
"            individual attachments are first compared to the\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types\">filter\n"
"            types</a>.  If the attachment type matches an entry in the "
"            types, it is discarded.\n"
"            <p>Then, if there are <a\n"
"            href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\">pass types</a>\n"
"            defined, any attachment type that does <em>not</em> match a\n"
"            pass type is also discarded.  If there are no pass types "
"            this check is skipped.\n"
"            <p>After this initial filtering, any <tt>multipart</tt>\n"
"            attachments that are empty are removed.  If the outer message "
"            left empty after this filtering, then the whole message is\n"
"            discarded.\n"
"            <p> Then, each <tt>multipart/alternative</tt> section will\n"
"            be replaced by just the first alternative that is non-empty "
"            filtering if\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/collapse_alternatives\"\n"
"            >collapse_alternatives</a> is enabled.\n"
"            <p>Finally, any <tt>text/html</tt> parts that are left in the\n"
"            message may be converted to <tt>text/plain</tt> if\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/convert_html_to_plaintext\"\n"
"            >convert_html_to_plaintext</a> is enabled and the site is\n"
"            configured to allow these conversions."
msgstr ""
"Liste trafi�i i�eri�i ile ilgili ilkeler.\n"
"            <p>��erik filtreleme �u �ekilde �al���r: listeye bir mesaj "
"            ve i�erik filtrelemeyi etkinle�tirdi�inizde, �nce her bir "
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types\">filtre\n"
"            t�rleriyle</a> kar��la�t�r�l�r. E�er eklenti t�r� filtre "
"            biriyle e�le�iyorsa, g�zard� edilir.\n"
"            <p>Sonra, e�er <a\n"
"            href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\">ge�ecek t�rler</"
"            tan�mland�ysa, ge�ecek t�rle <em>e�le�meyen</em> eklentiler de\n"
"            g�zard� edilir. Herhangi bir ge�ecek t�r tan�mlanmad�ysa bu "
"            atlan�r.\n"
"            <p>Bu ba�lang�� filtrelemesinden sonra bo� olan t�m "
"            eklentiler silinir. E�er bu filtrelemenin sonucunda ana mesaj "
"            kald�ysa, t�m mesaj g�zard� edilir. Sonra, her <tt>multipart/"
"            b�l�m�, filtreleme sonras�nda bo� kalmayan ilk se�enek "
"(alternative) ile\n"
"            de�i�tirilir.\n"
"            <p>En son olarak, e�er\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/convert_html_to_plaintext\"\n"
"            >convert_html_to_plaintext</a> etkinse ve site bu "
"            destekliyorsa, mesajda kalan her <tt>text/html</tt> b�l�m�\n"
"            <tt>text/plain</tt> �ekline d�n��t�r�l�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:75
msgid ""
"Should Mailman filter the content of list traffic according\n"
"             to the settings below?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman liste trafi�i i�eri�ini a�a��daki ayarlara g�re filtrelesin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:79
msgid ""
"Remove message attachments that have a matching content\n"
"             type."
msgstr "E�le�en i�erik t�r�ne sahip mesaj eklentilerini sil."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:82
msgid ""
"Use this option to remove each message attachment that\n"
"             matches one of these content types.  Each line should contain "
"             string naming a MIME <tt>type/subtype</tt>,\n"
"             e.g. <tt>image/gif</tt>.  Leave off the subtype to remove all\n"
"             parts with a matching major content type, e.g. <tt>image</tt>.\n"
"             <p>Blank lines are ignored.\n"
"             <p>See also <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\"\n"
"             >pass_mime_types</a> for a content type whitelist."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�ene�i, bu i�erik t�rleriyle e�le�en her bir mesaj\n"
"             eklentisini silmek i�in kullan�n. Her sat�r bir MIME\n"
"             <tt>t�r/altt�r</tt> (�rne�in <tt>image/gif</tt>)\n"
"             i�ermelidir. Ana i�erik t�r�ne e�le�en t�m par�alar� silmek "
"             altt�r k�sm�n� bo� b�rak�n (�rne�in <tt>image</tt>).\n"
"             <p>Bo� sat�rlar g�zard� edilir.\n"
"             <p>Ayr�ca <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\"\n"
"             >pass_mime_types</a> b�l�m�nde ge�mesine izin verilecek "
"             belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:94
msgid ""
"Remove message attachments that don't have a matching\n"
"             content type.  Leave this field blank to skip this filter\n"
"             test."
msgstr ""
"E�le�en bir i�erik t�r�ne sahip olmayan mesaj eklentilerini\n"
"             siler. Bu filtre testini atlamak i�in bu alan� bo� b�rak�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:98
msgid ""
"Use this option to remove each message attachment that does\n"
"             not have a matching content type.  Requirements and formats "
"             exactly like <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types"
"             >filter_mime_types</a>.\n"
"             <p><b>Note:</b> if you add entries to this list but don't add\n"
"             <tt>multipart</tt> to this list, any messages with attachments\n"
"             will be rejected by the pass filter."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�ene�i e�le�en bir i�erik t�r� olmayan t�m mesaj eklentilerini\n"
"             silmek i�in kullan�n. Gereksinimler ve bi�imler\n"
"             aynen <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types\"\n"
"             >filter_mime_types</a> b�l�m�ndeki gibidir.\n"
"             <p><strong>Not:</strong> E�er bu listeye giri�ler eklerseniz, "
"             <tt>multipart</tt> eklemezseniz, eklentiye sahip t�m mesajlar "
"             taraf�ndan reddedilecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:108
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Remove message attachments that have a matching filename\n"
"             extension."
msgstr "E�le�en i�erik t�r�ne sahip mesaj eklentilerini sil."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:112
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Remove message attachments that don't have a matching\n"
"             filename extension.  Leave this field blank to skip this "
"             test."
msgstr ""
"E�le�en bir i�erik t�r�ne sahip olmayan mesaj eklentilerini\n"
"             siler. Bu filtre testini atlamak i�in bu alan� bo� b�rak�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:117
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Should Mailman collapse multipart/alternative to its\n"
"             first part content?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman mesaj listesi g�ndericilerine bir otomatik yan�t\n"
"             g�ndersin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:121
msgid ""
"Should Mailman convert <tt>text/html</tt> parts to plain\n"
"             text?  This conversion happens after MIME attachments have "
"             stripped."
msgstr ""
"Mailman <tt>text/html</tt> b�l�mlerini d�z yaz�ya �evirsin mi?\n"
"             Bu d�n���m MIME eklentiler silindikten sonra ger�ekle�ir."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:127
msgid ""
"Action to take when a message matches the content filtering\n"
"             rules."
msgstr ""
"Bir mesaj, i�erik filtreleme kurallar�yla e�le�ti�inde uygulanacak\n"
"             eylem."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:130
msgid ""
"One of these actions is taken when the message matches one of\n"
"             the content filtering rules, meaning, the top-level\n"
"             content type matches one of the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types\"\n"
"             >filter_mime_types</a>, or the top-level content type does\n"
"             <strong>not</strong> match one of the\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\"\n"
"             >pass_mime_types</a>, or if after filtering the subparts of "
"             message, the message ends up empty.\n"
"             <p>Note this action is not taken if after filtering the "
"             still contains content.  In that case the message is always\n"
"             forwarded on to the list membership.\n"
"             <p>When messages are discarded, a log entry is written\n"
"             containing the Message-ID of the discarded message.  When\n"
"             messages are rejected or forwarded to the list owner, a reason\n"
"             for the rejection is included in the bounce message to the\n"
"             original author.  When messages are preserved, they are saved "
"             a special queue directory on disk for the site administrator "
"             view (and possibly rescue) but otherwise discarded.  This last\n"
"             option is only available if enabled by the site\n"
"             administrator."
msgstr ""
"Bir mesaj i�erik filtreleme kurallar�yla e�le�ti�inde, yani\n"
"             �st seviye i�erik t�r� <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/filter_mime_types\"\n"
"             >filter_mime_types</a> ile e�le�iyorsa veya �st seviye\n"
"             i�erik t�r�\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=contentfilter/pass_mime_types\"\n"
"             >pass_mime_types</a> i�inde belirtilen t�rlerden biri ile\n"
"             <strong>e�le�mezse</a>, veya filtreleme sonunda mesaj bo�\n"
"             kal�rsa, bu eylemlerden biri uygulan�r.\n"
"             <p>Mesaj, filtreleme sonunda bo� kalmazsa bu eylem uygulanmaz.\n"
"             Bu durumda mesaj her zaman lite �yelerine iletilir.\n"
"             <p>Mesajlar g�zard� edildi�inde, g�zard� edilen mesaj�n Mesaj "
"             (Message-ID) i�eren bir kay�t olu�turulur. Mesajlar "
"reddedildi�inde veya\n"
"             liste sahibine iletildi�inde, reddetmenin sebebi, as�l yazara "
"bir geri d�n��\n"
"             mesaj�nda g�nderilir. Mesajlar korunursa, �zel bir kuyruk "
"dizininde site\n"
"             y�neticisinin incelemesi (ve belki kurtarmas�) i�in saklan�r "
"             g�zard� edilir. Bu son se�enek, site y�neticisi taraf�ndan\n"
"             etkinle�tirilirse kullan�labilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/ContentFilter.py:171
msgid "Bad MIME type ignored: %(spectype)s"
msgstr "K�t� MIME t�r� g�zard� edildi: %(spectype)s"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:36
msgid "Digest options"
msgstr "Toplu G�nderim Se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:44
msgid "Batched-delivery digest characteristics."
msgstr "Toplu g�nderim �zellikleri."

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:47
msgid "Can list members choose to receive list traffic bunched in digests?"
msgstr "Liste �yeleri liste trafi�ini toplu �ekilde almay� se�ebilirler mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:51
msgid "Digest"
msgstr "Toplu"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:51
msgid "Regular"
msgstr "Ayr� ayr�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:52
msgid "Which delivery mode is the default for new users?"
msgstr "Yeni kullan�c�lar i�in hangi g�nderim tipi varsay�lan olsun?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:55
msgid "MIME"
msgstr "MIME"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:55
msgid "Plain"
msgstr "D�z"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:56
msgid "When receiving digests, which format is default?"
msgstr "Toplu g�nderimde hangi bi�im varsay�lan olsun?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:59
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"How big in Kb should a digest be before it gets sent out?  0 implies no "
"maximum size."
msgstr ""
"Bir toplu mesaj g�nderilebilmeden �nce en fazla ka� KB boyutuna ula�s�n?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:63
msgid ""
"Should a digest be dispatched daily when the size threshold isn't reached?"
msgstr ""
"Boyut e�i�ine ula��lmazsa g�nl�k olarak toplu bir mesaj g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:67
msgid "Header added to every digest"
msgstr "Her toplu mesaja eklenecek ba�l�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:68
msgid ""
"Text attached (as an initial message, before the table of contents) to the "
"top of digests. "
msgstr ""
"Toplu mesajlar�n ba��na (i�indekiler k�sm�ndan �nce ba�lang�� yaz�s� olarak) "
"eklenecek yaz�. "

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:73
msgid "Footer added to every digest"
msgstr "Her toplu mesaja eklenecek altbilgi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:74
msgid "Text attached (as a final message) to the bottom of digests. "
msgstr "Toplu mesajlar�n sonuna (son bir mesaj olarak) eklenecek yaz�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:80
msgid "How often should a new digest volume be started?"
msgstr "Yeni bir toplu mesaj birimi ne kadar zamanda bir ba�lat�ls�n?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:81
msgid ""
"When a new digest volume is started, the volume number is\n"
"             incremented and the issue number is reset to 1."
msgstr ""
"Yeni bir toplu mesaj say�s� ba�lat�ld���nda, say�\n"
"             art�r�l�r ve konu say�s� 1'e d�nd�r�l�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:85
msgid "Should Mailman start a new digest volume?"
msgstr "Mailman yeni bir toplu mesaj say�s� ba�lats�n m�?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:86
msgid ""
"Setting this option instructs Mailman to start a new volume\n"
"             with the next digest sent out."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�ene�i ayarlamak Mailman'e g�nderilmesi i�in\n"
"             yeni bir toplu mesaj say�s� ba�latmas�n� s�yler."

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:90
msgid ""
"Should Mailman send the next digest right now, if it is not\n"
"             empty?"
msgstr ""
"Mailman, e�er bo� de�ilse, bir sonraki toplu mesaj� hemen\n"
"             g�ndersin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:145
msgid ""
"The next digest will be sent as volume\n"
"            %(volume)s, number %(number)s"
msgstr ""
"Bir sonraki toplu mesaj, say� %(volume)s, numara %(number)s\n"
"            olarak g�nderilecek."

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:150
msgid "A digest has been sent."
msgstr "Bir toplu mesaj g�nderildi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Digest.py:152
msgid "There was no digest to send."
msgstr "G�nderilecek toplu mesaj yoktu."

#: Mailman/Gui/GUIBase.py:173
msgid "Invalid value for variable: %(property)s"
msgstr "De�i�ken i�in ge�ersiz de�er: %(property)s"

#: Mailman/Gui/GUIBase.py:177
msgid "Bad email address for option %(property)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Se�enek %(property)s i�in k�t� e-posta adresi: %(error)s"

#: Mailman/Gui/GUIBase.py:203
msgid ""
"The following illegal substitution variables were\n"
"                found in the <code>%(property)s</code> string:\n"
"                <code>%(bad)s</code>\n"
"                <p>Your list may not operate properly until you correct "
"                problem."
msgstr ""
"<code>%(property)s</code> dizgisinde a�a��daki ge�ersiz yerine koyma\n"
"                de�i�kenleri bulundu:\n"
"                <code>%(bad)s</code>\n"
"                <p>Listeniz, bu sorunu gidermedi�iniz s�rece d�zg�n\n"
"                �al��mayabilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/GUIBase.py:217
msgid ""
"Your <code>%(property)s</code> string appeared to\n"
"                    have some correctable problems in its new value.\n"
"                    The fixed value will be used instead.  Please\n"
"                    double check that this is what you intended.\n"
"                    "
msgstr ""
"<code>%(property)s</code> dizginiz yeni de�erinde\n"
"                    baz� d�zeltilebilir sorunlar i�erir gibi g�r�n�yor.\n"
"                    Bunlar yerine d�zeltilmi� de�erler kullan�lacak. L�tfen\n"
"                    niyetinizin bu oldu�unu tekrar kontrol edin.\n"
"                    "

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:37
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Genel Se�enekler"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:51
msgid "Conceal the member's address"
msgstr "�ye adresini gizle"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:52
msgid "Acknowledge the member's posting"
msgstr "�ye mesaj�n�n ek bilgisini al"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:53
msgid "Do not send a copy of a member's own post"
msgstr "�yeye kendi mesaj�n�n kopyas�n� g�nderme"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:55
msgid "Filter out duplicate messages to list members (if possible)"
msgstr "Liste �yelerine gidecek kopya mesajlar� filtrele (e�er m�mk�nse)"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:62
msgid ""
"Fundamental list characteristics, including descriptive\n"
"            info and basic behaviors."
msgstr ""
"Tan�mlay�c� bilgi ve temel davran��lar� i�eren ana liste\n"
"            �zellikleri."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:65
msgid "General list personality"
msgstr "Genel liste ki�ili�i"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:68
msgid "The public name of this list (make case-changes only)."
msgstr "Bu listenin genel ismi (sadece b�y�k-k���k harf de�i�ikli�i yap�n)."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:69
msgid ""
"The capitalization of this name can be changed to make it\n"
"             presentable in polite company as a proper noun, or to make an\n"
"             acronym part all upper case, etc.  However, the name will be\n"
"             advertised as the email address (e.g., in subscribe "
"             notices), so it should <em>not</em> be otherwise altered.  "
"             addresses are not case sensitive, but they are sensitive to\n"
"             almost everything else :-)"
msgstr ""
"Listenin isminin ba� harfinin b�y�k harfle yaz�lmas� daha kibar bir �zel "
"             olarak g�r�nmesini sa�layabilir, veya bir k�sm� tamamen b�y�k\n"
"             harfle yaz�labilir vb. Fakat isim e-posta adresi olarak ilan "
"             i�in (�rne�in �yelik onay bildirimlerinde), <em>kesinlikle</em> "
"ba�ka bir\n"
"             isme de�i�tirilmemelidir. (E-posta adresleri b�y�k-k���k harf "
"             kar�� hassas de�ildir, ama neredeyse ba�ka her�eye kar�� "
"hassast�rlar :-)"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:78
msgid ""
"The list administrator email addresses.  Multiple\n"
"             administrator addresses, each on separate line is okay."
msgstr ""
"Liste y�neticisi e-posta adresleri. Birden �ok y�netici adresi\n"
"             tan�mlanabilir, her sat�ra tek bir adres yaz�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:81
msgid ""
"There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing\n"
"             list.  The <em>list administrators</em> are the people who "
"             ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list.  "
"             are able to change any list configuration variable available\n"
"             through these administration web pages.\n"
"             <p>The <em>list moderators</em> have more limited permissions;\n"
"             they are not able to change any list configuration variable, "
"             they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests,\n"
"             including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, "
"             disposing of held postings.  Of course, the <em>list\n"
"             administrators</em> can also tend to pending requests.\n"
"             <p>In order to split the list ownership duties into\n"
"             administrators and moderators, you must\n"
"             <a href=\"passwords\">set a separate moderator password</a>,\n"
"             and also provide the <a href=\"?VARHELP=general/moderator"
"             addresses of the list moderators</a>.  Note that the field you\n"
"             are changing here specifies the list administrators."
msgstr ""
"Her mesaj listesi i�in iki sahiplik rol� vard�r.\n"
"             <em>Liste y�neticileri</em> bu listede t�m parametreler "
"�zerinde kontrol sahibi\n"
"             olan ki�ilerdir. Liste ayarlar�yla ilgili her de�eri bu y�netim "
"             arac�l���yla de�i�tirebilirler.\n"
"             <p><em>Moderat�rler</em> daha s�n�rl� izinlere sahiptirler, "
"herhangi bir ayar\n"
"             de�erini de�i�tiremezler, sadece bekleyen y�netim isteklerine "
"             �yelik istekleri ile mesajlar� kabul edebilir veya "
"reddedebilirler. Tabi ki\n"
"             <em>liste y�neticileri</em> de bekleyen y�netim isteklerine "
"cevap verebilir.\n"
"             <p>Liste y�netim g�revlerini y�neticiler ve moderat�rler "
"aras�nda b�lmek i�in\n"
"             <a href=\"passwords\">farkl� bir moderat�r �ifresi "
"             ve ayr�ca liste moderat�rlerinin <a href=\"?VARHELP=general/"
"             adreslerini tan�mlaman�z gereklidir. Burada de�i�tirdi�iniz "
"alan liste y�neticilerini\n"
"             belirlemektedir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:102
msgid ""
"The list moderator email addresses.  Multiple\n"
"             moderator addresses, each on separate line is okay."
msgstr ""
"Liste moderat�r adresleri. Birden �ok moderat�r\n"
"             adresi tan�mlanabilir, her sat�ra tek bir adres yaz�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:105
msgid ""
"There are two ownership roles associated with each mailing\n"
"             list.  The <em>list administrators</em> are the people who "
"             ultimate control over all parameters of this mailing list.  "
"             are able to change any list configuration variable available\n"
"             through these administration web pages.\n"
"             <p>The <em>list moderators</em> have more limited permissions;\n"
"             they are not able to change any list configuration variable, "
"             they are allowed to tend to pending administration requests,\n"
"             including approving or rejecting held subscription requests, "
"             disposing of held postings.  Of course, the <em>list\n"
"             administrators</em> can also tend to pending requests.\n"
"             <p>In order to split the list ownership duties into\n"
"             administrators and moderators, you must\n"
"             <a href=\"passwords\">set a separate moderator password</a>,\n"
"             and also provide the email addresses of the list moderators in\n"
"             this section.  Note that the field you are changing here\n"
"             specifies the list moderators."
msgstr ""
"Her mesaj listesi i�in iki sahiplik rol� vard�r.\n"
"             <em>Liste y�neticileri</em> bu listede t�m parametreler "
"�zerinde kontrol sahibi\n"
"             olan ki�ilerdir. Liste ayarlar�yla ilgili her de�eri bu y�netim "
"             arac�l���yla de�i�tirebilirler.\n"
"             <p><em>Moderat�rler</em> daha s�n�rl� izinlere sahiptirler, "
"herhangi bir ayar\n"
"             de�erini de�i�tiremezler, sadece bekleyen y�netim isteklerine "
"             �yelik istekleri ile g�nderileri kabul edebilir veya "
"reddedebilirler. Tabi ki\n"
"             <em>liste y�neticileri</em> de bekleyen y�netim isteklerine "
"cevap verebilir.\n"
"             <p>Liste y�netim g�revlerini y�neticiler ve moderat�rler "
"aras�nda b�lmek i�in\n"
"             <a href=\"passwords\">farkl� bir moderat�r �ifresi "
"             ve ayr�ca liste moderat�rlerinin adreslerini bu b�l�mde "
"tan�mlaman�z gereklidir.\n"
"             Burada de�i�tirdi�iniz alan liste moderat�rlerini "

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:126
msgid "A terse phrase identifying this list."
msgstr "Bu listeyi belirleyen k�sa bir ifade."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:128
msgid ""
"This description is used when the mailing list is listed with\n"
"                other mailing lists, or in headers, and so forth.  It "
"                be as succinct as you can get it, while still identifying "
"                the list is."
msgstr ""
"Bu tan�mlama, bu mesaj listesi di�er listelerle beraber listelendi�inde\n"
"                veya ba�l�klarda vb. kullan�l�r. M�mk�n oldu�unca �zl� "
"                ayn� anda da bu listenin ne oldu�unu tan�mlamal�d�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:134
msgid ""
"An introductory description - a few paragraphs - about the\n"
"             list.  It will be included, as html, at the top of the "
"             page.  Carriage returns will end a paragraph - see the details\n"
"             for more info."
msgstr ""
"Liste ile ilgili bir �ns�z - birka� paragraf -. Liste\n"
"             bilgisinin ba��na, html olarak eklenecektir. Sat�rba�lar� bir "
"             bitirir. - daha fazla bilgi i�in ayr�nt�lara bak�n�z."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:138
msgid ""
"The text will be treated as html <em>except</em> that\n"
"             newlines will be translated to &lt;br&gt; - so you can use "
"             preformatted text, etc, but don't put in carriage returns "
"             where you mean to separate paragraphs.  And review your changes "
"             bad html (like some unterminated HTML constructs) can prevent\n"
"             display of the entire listinfo page."
msgstr ""
"Bu yaz� html olarak ele al�nacakt�r, sadece yeni sat�rlar &lt;br&gt; haline "
"             yani �nceden d�zenlenmi� yaz�lar, linkler kullanabilirsiniz, "
"yaln�z paragraflar�\n"
"             ay�rmak istedi�iniz yerler d���nda sat�r ba�� kullanmay�n. "
"             g�zden ge�irin - k�t� html (�rne�in sonlanmam�� HTML yap�lar�) "
"t�m liste bilgi\n"
"             sayfas�n�n g�r�n�m�n� engelleyebilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:146
msgid "Prefix for subject line of list postings."
msgstr "Mesajlar�n konu ba�l��� i�in �nek"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:147
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This text will be prepended to subject lines of messages\n"
"             posted to the list, to distinguish mailing list messages in\n"
"             mailbox summaries.  Brevity is premium here, it's ok to "
"             long mailing list names to something more concise, as long as "
"             still identifies the mailing list.\n"
"             You can also add a sequential number by %%d substitution\n"
"             directive. eg.; [listname %%d] -> [listname 123]\n"
"                            (listname %%05d) -> (listname 00123)\n"
"             "
msgstr ""
"Bu yaz� listeye g�nderilen mesajlar�n konu sat�rlar�n�n ba��na\n"
"             eklenecektir. Bu sayede posta kutular�nda de�i�ik listelerin "
"             daha kolay ay�rdedilebilir. Bu yaz�n�n k�sa olmas� �nemlidir, "
"uzun liste\n"
"             isimleri, listeyi hala tan�mlayabilecek �ekilde daha k�sa bir "
"             getirilebilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:158 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:256
msgid "Munge From"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:158 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap Message"
msgstr "�zg�n Mesaj"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:159
msgid ""
"Replace the From: header address with the list's posting\n"
"             address to mitigate issues stemming from the original From:\n"
"             domain's DMARC or similar policies."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:162
msgid ""
"Several protocols now in wide use attempt to ensure that use\n"
"             of the domain in the author's address (ie, in the From: header\n"
"             field) is authorized by that domain.  These protocols may be\n"
"             incompatible with common list features such as footers, "
"             participating email services to bounce list traffic merely\n"
"             because of the address in the From: field.  <b>This has "
"             in members being unsubscribed despite being perfectly able to\n"
"             receive mail.</b>\n"
"             <p>\n"
"             The following actions are applied to all list messages when\n"
"             selected here.  To apply these actions only to messages where "
"             domain in the From: header is determined to use such a "
"             see the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action\">\n"
"             dmarc_moderation_action</a> settings under Privacy options...\n"
"             -&gt; Sender filters.\n"
"             <p>Settings:<p>\n"
"             <dl>\n"
"             <dt>No</dt>\n"
"             <dd>Do nothing special.  This is appropriate for anonymous "
"             It is appropriate for dedicated announcement lists, unless the\n"
"             From: address of authorized posters might be in a domain with "
"             DMARC or similar policy. It is also appropriate if you choose "
"             use dmarc_moderation_action other than Accept for this list.</"
"             <dt>Munge From</dt>\n"
"             <dd>This action replaces the poster's address in the From: "
"             with the list's posting address and adds the poster's address "
"             the addresses in the original Reply-To: header.</dd>\n"
"             <dt>Wrap Message</dt>\n"
"             <dd>Just wrap the message in an outer message with the From:\n"
"             header containing the list's posting address and with the "
"             From: address added to the addresses in the original Reply-To:\n"
"             header and with Content-Type: message/rfc822.  This is "
"             a one message MIME format digest.</dd>\n"
"             </dl>\n"
"             <p>The transformations for anonymous_list are applied before\n"
"             any of these actions. It is not useful to apply actions other\n"
"             than No to an anonymous list, and if you do so, the result may\n"
"             be surprising.\n"
"             <p>The Reply-To: header munging actions below interact with "
"             actions as follows:\n"
"             <p> first_strip_reply_to = Yes will remove all the incoming\n"
"             Reply-To: addresses but will still add the poster's address to\n"
"             Reply-To: for all three settings of reply_goes_to_list which\n"
"             respectively will result in just the poster's address, the\n"
"             poster's address and the list posting address or the poster's\n"
"             address and the explicit reply_to_address in the outgoing\n"
"             Reply-To: header. If first_strip_reply_to = No the poster's\n"
"             address in the original From: header, if not already included "
"             the Reply-To:, will be added to any existing Reply-To:\n"
"             address(es).\n"
"             <p>These actions, whether selected here or via <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action\">\n"
"             dmarc_moderation_action</a>, do not apply to messages in "
"             or archives or sent to usenet via the Mail&lt;-&gt;News "
"             <p>If <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action\">\n"
"             dmarc_moderation_action</a> applies to this message with an\n"
"             action other than Accept, that action rather than this is\n"
"             applied"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:224
msgid ""
"Hide the sender of a message, replacing it with the list\n"
"             address (Removes From, Sender and Reply-To fields)"
msgstr ""
"Mesaj�n g�ndericisini, liste adresi ile de�i�tirerek gizle\n"
"             (G�nderen, Al�c� ve Reply-To alanlar�n� de�i�tirir)"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:227
msgid "<tt>Reply-To:</tt> header munging"
msgstr "<tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���n� yok et"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:230
msgid ""
"Should any existing <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header found in the\n"
"             original message be stripped?  If so, this will be done\n"
"             regardless of whether an explict <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header is\n"
"             added by Mailman or not."
msgstr ""
"�zg�n mesajda bulunan <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l��� silinsin mi?\n"
"             E�er yap�lacaksa, Mailman taraf�ndan ayr� bir <tt>Reply-To:</"
"             ba�l��� eklense de eklenmese de silinecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:236
msgid "Explicit address"
msgstr "Farkl� adres"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:236
msgid "Poster"
msgstr "G�nderici"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:236
msgid "This list"
msgstr "Bu liste"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:237
msgid ""
"Where are replies to list messages directed?\n"
"             <tt>Poster</tt> is <em>strongly</em> recommended for most "
"             lists."
msgstr ""
"Bu liste mesajlar�na cevaplar nereye y�nlendirilecek?\n"
"             <tt>G�nderici</tt>, mesaj listeleri i�in <em>�nemle</em> "
"             edilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:242
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This option controls what Mailman does to the\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header in messages flowing through this\n"
"             mailing list.  When set to <em>Poster</em>, no <tt>Reply-To:</"
"             header is added by Mailman, although if one is present in the\n"
"             original message, it is not stripped.  Setting this value to\n"
"             either <em>This list</em> or <em>Explicit address</em> causes\n"
"             Mailman to insert a specific <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header in all\n"
"             messages, overriding the header in the original message if\n"
"             necessary (<em>Explicit address</em> inserts the value of <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/reply_to_address\">reply_to_address</"
"             <p>There are many reasons not to introduce or override the\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header.  One is that some posters depend on\n"
"             their own <tt>Reply-To:</tt> settings to convey their valid\n"
"             return address.  Another is that modifying <tt>Reply-To:</tt>\n"
"             makes it much more difficult to send private replies.  See <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html\">`Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Harmful</a> for a general discussion of "
"             issue.  See <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.metasystema.net/essays/reply-to.mhtml\">Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Useful</a> for a dissenting opinion.\n"
"             <p>Some mailing lists have restricted posting privileges, with "
"             parallel list devoted to discussions.  Examples are `patches' "
"             `checkin' lists, where software changes are posted by a "
"             control system, but discussion about the changes occurs on a\n"
"             developers mailing list.  To support these types of mailing\n"
"             lists, select <tt>Explicit address</tt> and set the\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> address below to point to the parallel\n"
"             list."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�enek Mailman'in bu mesaj listesine g�nderilen\n"
"             mesajlardaki <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���na ne yapaca��n� kontrol "
"             <em>G�nderici</em> olarak ayarland���nda Mailman taraf�ndan "
"herhangi bir\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l��� eklenmez ve �zg�n mesajda bir ba�l�k "
"varsa bu\n"
"             silinmez. Bu de�eri <em>Bu liste</em> veya <em>Farkl� adres</"
"em> olarak\n"
"             ayarlamak, Mailman'in t�m mesajlara ayr� bir <tt>Reply-To:</tt> "
"             atamas�n� ve e�er gerekliyse �zg�n mesajdaki ba�l��� "
"de�i�tirmesini sa�lar.\n"
"             (<em>Farkl� adres</em> <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/reply_to_address\">reply_to_address</a> "
"de�erini atar).\n"
"             Yeni bir <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l��� eklememek veya var olan� "
"             i�in bir �ok neden vard�r. Bunlardan biri baz� g�ndericilerin "
"             yan�t adresleri olarak <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���na "
"             Di�er bir neden, <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���n�n de�i�mesi "
"             �zel yan�tlar�n g�nderilmesinin �ok daha zorla�mas�d�r. Bu "
"durumun genel\n"
"             bir tart��mas� i�in <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html\">`Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Harmful</a> sayfas�na bakabilirsiniz. Bunun "
"tersi bir\n"
"             g�r�� i�in de <a\n"
"        href=\"http://www.metasystema.org/essays/reply-to-useful.mhtml"
"             Munging Considered Useful</a> sayfas�na bakabilirsiniz.\n"
"             <p>Baz� mesaj listeleri k�s�tl� g�nderim ayr�cal�klar�na ve "
"buna paralel olan\n"
"             ve tart��malar i�in kullan�lan ayr� bir listeye sahiptir. Bu "
"t�r listelere\n"
"             �rnek olarak `yama' veya `kaydolma' listeleri g�sterilebilir. "
"B�yle listelerde\n"
"             yaz�l�m de�i�iklikleri bir uyarlama kontrol sistemi ile "
"g�nderilir. Bu t�r\n"
"             listeleri desteklemek i�in <tt>Farkl� adres</tt> se�erek "
"             ba�l���n� paralel liste olarak g�sterin."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:274
msgid "Explicit <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header."
msgstr "Farkl� <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:276
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is the address set in the <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header\n"
"             when the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/reply_goes_to_list"
"             option is set to <em>Explicit address</em>.\n"
"             <p>There are many reasons not to introduce or override the\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header.  One is that some posters depend on\n"
"             their own <tt>Reply-To:</tt> settings to convey their valid\n"
"             return address.  Another is that modifying <tt>Reply-To:</tt>\n"
"             makes it much more difficult to send private replies.  See <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html\">`Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Harmful</a> for a general discussion of "
"             issue.  See <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.metasystema.net/essays/reply-to.mhtml\">Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Useful</a> for a dissenting opinion.\n"
"             <p>Some mailing lists have restricted posting privileges, with "
"             parallel list devoted to discussions.  Examples are `patches' "
"             `checkin' lists, where software changes are posted by a "
"             control system, but discussion about the changes occurs on a\n"
"             developers mailing list.  To support these types of mailing\n"
"             lists, specify the explicit <tt>Reply-To:</tt> address here.  "
"             must also specify <tt>Explicit address</tt> in the\n"
"             <tt>reply_goes_to_list</tt>\n"
"             variable.\n"
"             <p>Note that if the original message contains a\n"
"             <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header, it will not be changed."
msgstr ""
"Bu, <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/reply_goes_to_list"
"             se�ene�i <em>Farkl� adres</em> olarak ayarland���nda <tt>Reply-"
"             ba�l���na atanacak adrestir.\n"
"             Yeni bir <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l��� eklememek veya var olan� "
"             i�in bir �ok neden vard�r. Bunlardan biri baz� g�ndericilerin "
"             yan�t adresleri olarak <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���na "
"             Di�er bir neden, <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l���n�n de�i�mesi "
"             �zel yan�tlar�n g�nderilmesinin �ok daha zorla�mas�d�r. Bu "
"durumun genel\n"
"             bir tart��mas� i�in <a\n"
"             href=\"http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html\">`Reply-"
"             Munging Considered Harmful</a> sayfas�na bakabilirsiniz. Bunun "
"tersi bir\n"
"             g�r�� i�in de <a\n"
"        href=\"http://www.metasystema.org/essays/reply-to-useful.mhtml"
"             Munging Considered Useful</a> sayfas�na bakabilirsiniz.\n"
"             <p>Baz� mesaj listeleri k�s�tl� g�nderim ayr�cal�klar�na ve "
"buna paralel olan\n"
"             ve tart��malar i�in kullan�lan ayr� bir listeye sahiptir. Bu "
"t�r listelere\n"
"             �rnek olarak `yama' veya `kaydolma' listeleri g�sterilebilir. "
"B�yle listelerde\n"
"             yaz�l�m de�i�iklikleri bir uyarlama kontrol sistemi ile "
"g�nderilir. Bu t�r\n"
"             listeleri desteklemek i�in farkl� <tt>Reply-To:</tt> adresinizi "
"             belirleyin. Ayr�ca <tt>reply_goes_to_list</tt> de�i�kenini\n"
"             <tt>Farkl� adres</tt> olarak ayarlay�n.\n"
"             <p>E�er �zg�n mesajda bir <tt>Reply-To:</tt> ba�l��� varsa,\n"
"             bu ba�l�k de�i�meyecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:305
msgid "Umbrella list settings"
msgstr "Kapsay�c� liste ayarlar�"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:308
msgid ""
"Send password reminders to, eg, \"-owner\" address instead of\n"
"             directly to user."
msgstr ""
"�ifre hat�rlat�c�lar� do�rudan kullan�c�ya g�ndermek yerine\n"
"             �rne�in \"-owner\" adresine g�nderilsin."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:311
msgid ""
"Set this to yes when this list is intended to cascade only\n"
"             to other mailing lists.  When set, meta notices like\n"
"             confirmations and password reminders will be directed to an\n"
"             address derived from the member's address - it will have the\n"
"             value of \"umbrella_member_suffix\" appended to the member's\n"
"             account name."
msgstr ""
"E�er bu liste ba�ka mesaj listelerini kapsayan bir liste ise bunu evet "
"             ayarlay�n. B�yle ayarland���nda onay veya �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar "
"             bildirimler �ye adresinden t�retilmi� bir adrese g�nderilir - "
"             durumda \"umbrella_member_suffix\" de�eri �yenin hesap ad�n�n\n"
"             arkas�na eklenir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:319
msgid ""
"Suffix for use when this list is an umbrella for other\n"
"             lists, according to setting of previous \"umbrella_list\"\n"
"             setting."
msgstr ""
"Bir �nceki \"umbrella_list\" se�ene�ine g�re bu liste di�er\n"
"             listeler i�in bir kapsay�c� ise, kullan�lacak sonek."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:323
msgid ""
"When \"umbrella_list\" is set to indicate that this list has\n"
"             other mailing lists as members, then administrative notices "
"             confirmations and password reminders need to not be sent to "
"             member list addresses, but rather to the owner of those member\n"
"             lists.  In that case, the value of this setting is appended to\n"
"             the member's account name for such notices.  `-owner' is the\n"
"             typical choice.  This setting has no effect when \"umbrella_list"
"             is \"No\"."
msgstr ""
"Bu listenin �yelerinin ba�ka listeler oldu�unu g�steren\n"
"             \"umbrella_list\" ayarl�ysa, onaylar veya �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar� "
"             �ye adresine g�nderilmemesi gereken y�netimsel bildirimler �ye\n"
"             liste adresi yerine, o listenin sahibine g�nderilir. Bu "
"durumda, �ye\n"
"             hesap ad�n�n sonuna bu ayar�n de�eri eklenir. `-owner' tipik "
"             E�er \"umbrella_list\" \"Hay�r\" ise bu ayar�n bir etkisi "

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:335
msgid "Send monthly password reminders?"
msgstr "Ayl�k �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:337
msgid ""
"Turn this on if you want password reminders to be sent once\n"
"             per month to your members.  Note that members may disable "
"             own individual password reminders."
msgstr ""
"�yelerinize ayda bir �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar�n�n g�nderilmesi i�in\n"
"             bunu a��n. �yeler kendi �ifre hat�rlat�c�lar�n� devre d��� "

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:342
msgid ""
"List-specific text prepended to new-subscriber welcome\n"
"             message"
msgstr ""
"Yeni �ye olanlara giden Ho�geldiniz mesaj�n�n �n�ne\n"
"             eklenecek listeye �zg� yaz�"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:345
msgid ""
"This value, if any, will be added to the front of the\n"
"             new-subscriber welcome message.  The rest of the welcome "
"             already describes the important addresses and URLs for the\n"
"             mailing list, so you don't need to include any of that kind of\n"
"             stuff here.  This should just contain mission-specific kinds "
"             things, like etiquette policies or team orientation, or that "
"             of thing.\n"
"             <p>Note that this text will be wrapped, according to the\n"
"             following rules:\n"
"             <ul><li>Each paragraph is filled so that no line is longer "
"                     70 characters.\n"
"                 <li>Any line that begins with whitespace is not filled.\n"
"                 <li>A blank line separates paragraphs.\n"
"             </ul>"
msgstr ""
"Bu de�er, bo� de�ilse, yeni �ye olanlara g�nderilen ho�geldiniz mesaj�n�n\n"
"             �n�ne eklenir. Ho�geldiniz mesaj�n�n geri kalan k�sm� zaten "
"             adresleri ve URL'leri i�erdi�i i�in o t�r bilgiyi burada "
"yazman�za gerek yoktur.\n"
"             Buraya g�reve �zel yaz�lar� �rne�in etiket ilkeleri veya tak�m "
"             gibi bilgileri yazabilirsiniz.\n"
"             <p>Bu yaz�, �u kurallara uygun olarak kayd�r�lacakt�r:\n"
"             <ul><li>Her paragraf, her bir sat�r 70 karakterden uzun "
"                     �ekilde doldurulacakt�r.\n"
"                 <li>Bo�lukla ba�layan hi�bir sat�r doldurulmaz.\n"
"                 <li>Bo� bir sat�r paragraflar� ay�r�r.\n"
"             </ul>"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:362
msgid "Send welcome message to newly subscribed members?"
msgstr "Yeni eklenen �yelere ho�geldiniz mesaj� g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:363
msgid ""
"Turn this off only if you plan on subscribing people manually\n"
"             and don't want them to know that you did so.  This option is "
"             useful for transparently migrating lists from some other "
"             list manager to Mailman."
msgstr ""
"Bunu, ki�ileri kendiniz eklemek istiyorsan�z ve onlar�n\n"
"             bunu bilmelerini istemiyorsan�z a��n. Bu se�enek en �ok ba�ka "
"mesaj listesi\n"
"             programlar�ndan Mailman'e mesaj listelerinizi ta��rken "

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:369
msgid ""
"Text sent to people leaving the list.  If empty, no special\n"
"             text will be added to the unsubscribe message."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeden ��kan ki�ilere g�nderilecek yaz�. E�er bo� b�rak�l�rsa,\n"
"             listeden ��kma mesaj�na herhangi bir yaz� eklenmez."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:373
msgid "Send goodbye message to members when they are unsubscribed?"
msgstr "Listeden ��kan �yelere ho��akal�n mesaj� g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:376
msgid ""
"Should the list moderators get immediate notice of new\n"
"             requests, as well as daily notices about collected ones?"
msgstr ""
"Liste moderat�rlerine yeni istekler an�nda bildirilsin ve\n"
"             var olan istekler g�nl�k olarak hat�rlat�ls�n m�?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:379
msgid ""
"List moderators (and list administrators) are sent daily\n"
"             reminders of requests pending approval, like subscriptions to "
"             moderated list, or postings that are being held for one reason "
"             another.  Setting this option causes notices to be sent\n"
"             immediately on the arrival of new requests as well."
msgstr ""
"Liste moderat�rlerine (ve liste y�neticilerine) moderat�r onay� isteyen "
"             �yelikler veya herhangi bir nedenden dolay� bekletinen mesajlar "
"             onay bekleyen isteklerin g�nl�k hat�rlat�c�lar� g�nderilir. Bu "
"             ayarlanmas� yeni istekler geldi�i anda da bu bildirimlerin "
"             sa�lar."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:386
msgid ""
"Should administrator get notices of subscribes and\n"
"             unsubscribes?"
msgstr ""
"Y�neticilere liste �yelikleri ve listeden ��kmalar�n\n"
"             bildirimi g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:391
msgid "Send mail to poster when their posting is held for approval?"
msgstr "G�ndericiye mesaj� onay beklemeye al�nd���nda e-posta g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:394
msgid "Additional settings"
msgstr "Ek ayarlar"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:397
msgid "Emergency moderation of all list traffic."
msgstr "T�m trafi�e acil moderat�r onay�"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:398
msgid ""
"When this option is enabled, all list traffic is emergency\n"
"             moderated, i.e. held for moderation.  Turn this option on when\n"
"             your list is experiencing a flamewar and you want a cooling "
"             period."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�enek etkinle�tirildi�inde, t�m liste trafi�i acil olarak moderat�r\n"
"             onay�na al�narak bekletilir. Listenizde ki�iler aras�nda bir\n"
"             at��ma olursa ve bir s�re durulma olmas�n� isterseniz bu\n"
"             se�ene�i a��n."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:410
msgid ""
"Default options for new members joining this list.<input\n"
"             type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_member_options\" value=\"ignore\">"
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye yeni �ye olanlar i�in varsay�lan ayarlar.<input\n"
"             type=\"hidden\" name=\"new_member_options\" value=\"ignore\">"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:413
msgid ""
"When a new member is subscribed to this list, their initial\n"
"             set of options is taken from this variable's setting."
msgstr ""
"Yeni bir ki�i listeye �ye oldu�unda, ba�lang�� ayarlar� bu\n"
"             de�i�kenden al�n�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:417
msgid ""
"(Administrivia filter) Check postings and intercept ones\n"
"             that seem to be administrative requests?"
msgstr ""
"(Y�netimsel filtre) G�nderiler incelenerek y�netimsel g�r�nen istekler\n"
"             yakalans�n m� mu?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:420
msgid ""
"Administrivia tests will check postings to see whether it's\n"
"             really meant as an administrative request (like subscribe,\n"
"             unsubscribe, etc), and will add it to the the administrative\n"
"             requests queue, notifying the administrator of the new "
"             in the process."
msgstr ""
"Y�netimsel testler mesajlar�n ger�ekten y�netimsel bir istek olup\n"
"             olmad���n� kontrol eder (�ye olma, listeden ��kma vb.) ve\n"
"             �yleyse, y�netimsel istekler kuyru�una ekleyerek y�neticiyi\n"
"             yeni istekten haberdar eder."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:427
msgid ""
"Maximum length in kilobytes (KB) of a message body.  Use 0\n"
"             for no limit."
msgstr ""
"Mesaj g�vdesinin kilobayt (KB) olarak maksimum uzunlu�u. S�n�r\n"
"             koymamak i�in 0 kullan�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:431
msgid ""
"Maximum number of members to show on one page of the\n"
"             Membership List."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:435
msgid "Host name this list prefers for email."
msgstr "Bu listenin e-posta i�in tercih etti�i ana bilgisayar ad�"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:437
msgid ""
"The \"host_name\" is the preferred name for email to\n"
"             mailman-related addresses on this host, and generally should "
"             the mail host's exchanger address, if any.  This setting can "
"             useful for selecting among alternative names of a host that "
"             multiple addresses."
msgstr ""
"\"host_name\", bu sunucuda mailman ile ilgili adreslerin e-posta\n"
"             i�in tercih ettikleri add�r ve e�er varsa, genel olarak e-posta "
"             adresidir. Farkl� adreslere sahip bir sunucunun alternatif "
"             birini se�mek i�in kullan��l� bir ayard�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:449
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Should messages from this mailing list include the\n"
"                 <a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2369.html\">RFC 2369</"
"                 (i.e. <tt>List-*</tt>) headers?  <em>Yes</em> is highly\n"
"                 recommended."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeden gelen mesajlar\n"
"                 <a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2369.html\">RFC 2369</"
"                 (i.e. <tt>List-*</tt>) ba�l�klar�n� i�ersin mi? <em>Evet</"
"em> �nemle\n"
"                 tavsiye edilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:454
msgid ""
"RFC 2369 defines a set of List-* headers that are\n"
"                 normally added to every message sent to the list "
"                 These greatly aid end-users who are using standards "
"                 mail readers.  They should normally always be enabled.\n"
"                 <p>However, not all mail readers are standards compliant "
"                 and if you have a large number of members who are using\n"
"                 non-compliant mail readers, they may be annoyed at these\n"
"                 headers.  You should first try to educate your members as "
"                 why these headers exist, and how to hide them in their "
"                 clients.  As a last resort you can disable these headers, "
"                 this is not recommended (and in fact, your ability to "
"                 these headers may eventually go away)."
msgstr ""
"RFC 2369 liste �yelerine g�nderilen her mesaja\n"
"                 normal olarak eklenen List-* ba�l�klar�n� tan�mlar. Bunlar\n"
"                 standartlara uygun mesaj okuma programlar� kullanan son "
"                 genellikle yard�mc� olur. Normalde her zaman etkin olmalar� "
"                 <p>Fakat, t�m mesaj okuma programlar� hen�z standartlara "
"uygun olmad���\n"
"                 i�in ve bu t�r programlar� kullanan �ok say�da kullan�c�n�z "
"                 bu ba�l�klardan rahats�z olabilirler. �nce �yelerinizi bu "
"                 niye oldu�u konusunda ve programlar�nda bu ba�l�klar� nas�l "
"                 konusunda e�itmeye �al��mal�s�n�z. Son bir �are olarak bu "
"                 devre d��� b�rakabilirsiniz, fakat bu �nerilmez (yak�nda bu "
"                 devre d��� b�rakabilme yetene�iniz de yok olabilecektir.)"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:472
msgid "Should postings include the <tt>List-Post:</tt> header?"
msgstr "Mesajlar <tt>List-Post:</tt> ba�l���n� i�ersin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:473
msgid ""
"The <tt>List-Post:</tt> header is one of the headers\n"
"             recommended by\n"
"             <a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2369.html\">RFC 2369</"
"             However for some <em>announce-only</em> mailing lists, only a\n"
"             very select group of people are allowed to post to the list; "
"             general membership is usually not allowed to post.  For lists "
"             this nature, the <tt>List-Post:</tt> header is misleading.\n"
"             Select <em>No</em> to disable the inclusion of this header. "
"             does not affect the inclusion of the other <tt>List-*:</tt>\n"
"             headers.)"
msgstr ""
"<tt>List-Post:</tt> ba�l���,\n"
"             <a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2369.html\">RFC 2369</a>\n"
"             taraf�ndan �nerilen ba�l�klardan birisidir. Ancak baz�\n"
"             <em>sadece ilan i�in olan</em> mesaj listelerinde sadece "
"             bir grup ki�i listeye mesaj g�nderebilir; genel olarak �yeler\n"
"             mesaj g�nderme hakk�na sahip de�ildir. Bu t�r listelerde\n"
"             <tt>List-Post:</tt> ba�l��� yan�lt�c�d�r.\n"
"             Bu ba�l���n eklenmemesi i�in <em>Hay�r</em> se�in. (Bu, di�er\n"
"             <tt>List-*:</tt> ba�l�klar�n�n eklenmesini etkilemez.)"

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:489
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Should the <tt>Sender</tt> header be rewritten for this\n"
"                 mailing list to avoid stray bounces?  <em>Yes</em> is\n"
"                 recommended."
msgstr ""
"Mailman size, liste sahibine geri d�n�� i�leyici taraf�ndan alg�lanamayan\n"
"             mesajlar� g�ndersin mi? <em>Evet</em> se�ene�i �nerilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:493
msgid ""
"<a href=\"http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html\">RFC\n"
"                 2822</a> defines the <tt>Sender</tt> header and defines it\n"
"                 as \"the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual\n"
"                 transmission of the message.\"  Mailman replaces this "
"                 by default with the list's bounce address.\n"
"                 \n"
"                 <p>While it is debatable if Mailman is such an agent, "
"                 this header helps directing bounces from some broken MTAs "
"                 the right destination.  On the other hand, some mail\n"
"                 readers show unexpected behaviour if this header is set "
"                 missing addresses in forwarded mails and copies sent to "
"                 bounce address on reply-to-all), so it can be disabled \n"
"                 here."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:511
msgid ""
"Discard held messages older than this number of days.\n"
"            Use 0 for no automatic discarding."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:521
msgid ""
"<b>real_name</b> attribute not\n"
"            changed!  It must differ from the list's name by case\n"
"            only."
msgstr ""
"<strong>real_name</strong> �zelli�i de�i�medi!\n"
"            Liste isminden sadece b�y�k-k���k harf fark� olmal�."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:549
msgid ""
"The <b>info</b> attribute you saved\n"
"contains suspicious HTML that could potentially expose your users to cross-"
"scripting attacks.  This change has therefore been rejected.  If you still "
"to make these changes, you must have shell access to your Mailman server.\n"
"This change can be made with bin/withlist or with bin/config_list by "
"                        "
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:560
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<b>admin_member_chunksize</b> attribute not\n"
"            changed!  It must be an integer > 0."
msgstr ""
"<strong>real_name</strong> �zelli�i de�i�medi!\n"
"            Liste isminden sadece b�y�k-k���k harf fark� olmal�."

#: Mailman/Gui/General.py:570
msgid ""
"You cannot add a Reply-To: to an explicit\n"
"            address if that address is blank.  Resetting these values."
msgstr ""
"E�er adres bo� ise bu adrese bir Reply-To:\n"
"            ekleyemezsiniz. Bu de�erler s�f�rlan�yor."

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:34
msgid "Language&nbsp;options"
msgstr "Dil&nbsp;Se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:66
msgid "Natural language (internationalization) options."
msgstr "Do�al dil se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:71
msgid "Default language for this list."
msgstr "Bu listenin varsay�lan dili."

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:72
msgid ""
"This is the default natural language for this mailing list.\n"
"             If <a href=\"?VARHELP=language/available_languages\">more than "
"             language</a> is supported then users will be able to select "
"             own preferences for when they interact with the list.  All "
"             interactions will be conducted in the default language.  This\n"
"             applies to both web-based and email-based messages, but not to\n"
"             email posted by list members."
msgstr ""
"Bu, bu listenin varsay�lan do�al dilidir. E�er\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=language/available_languages\">birden fazla "
"             destekleniyorsa, kullan�c�lar listede kullanmak istedikleri "
"             se�ebilirler. Di�er t�m etkile�imler varsay�lan dilde yap�l�r.\n"
"             Bu, hem web tabanl� hem e-posta tabanl� mesajlarda ge�erlidir, "
"             liste �yelerinin g�nderdi�i mesajlarla ilgili de�ildir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:82
msgid "Languages supported by this list."
msgstr "Bu listenin destekledi�i diller"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:84
msgid ""
"These are all the natural languages supported by this list.\n"
"             Note that the\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=language/preferred_language\">default\n"
"             language</a> must be included."
msgstr ""
"Bunlar, bu listenin destekledi�i t�m do�al dillerdir.\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=language/preferred_language\">varsay�lan\n"
"             dilin</a> de burada se�ili olmas� gereklidir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:90
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Her zaman"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:90
msgid "As needed"
msgstr "Gerekti�inde"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:90
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Hi�bir zaman"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:91
msgid ""
"Encode the\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=general/subject_prefix\">subject\n"
"             prefix</a> even when it consists of only ASCII characters?"
msgstr ""
"<a href=\"?VARHELP=general/subject_prefix\">konu �nek'i</a>\n"
"             sadece ASCII karakterler i�erse bile kodlans�n m�?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Language.py:95
msgid ""
"If your mailing list's default language uses a non-ASCII\n"
"             character set and the prefix contains non-ASCII characters, "
"             prefix will always be encoded according to the relevant\n"
"             standards.  However, if your prefix contains only ASCII\n"
"             characters, you may want to set this option to <em>Never</em> "
"             disable prefix encoding.  This can make the subject headers\n"
"             slightly more readable for users with mail readers that don't\n"
"             properly handle non-ASCII encodings.\n"
"             <p>Note however, that if your mailing list receives both "
"             and unencoded subject headers, you might want to choose <em>As\n"
"             needed</em>.  Using this setting, Mailman will not encode "
"             prefixes when the rest of the header contains only ASCII\n"
"             characters, but if the original header contains non-ASCII\n"
"             characters, it will encode the prefix.  This avoids an "
"             in the standards which could cause some mail readers to "
"             extra, or missing spaces between the prefix and the original\n"
"             header."
msgstr ""
"E�er mesaj listenizin varsay�lan dili ASCII olmayan bir\n"
"             karakter seti kullan�yorsa ve �nek ASCII olmayan karakterler "
"             �nek her zaman ilgili standartlara g�re kodlanacakt�r.\n"
"             Ancak �nekinizde sadece ASCII karakterler varsa, bu se�ene�i\n"
"             <em>Hi�bir zaman</em> olarak ayarlay�p �nek kodlamas�n� devre "
"             b�rakabilirsiniz. Bu sayede ASCII olmayan kodlamalar� d�zg�n\n"
"             �ekilde i�leyemeyen mesaj okuma programlar� kullanan "
"kullan�c�lar i�in\n"
"             konu ba�l�klar�n�n biraz daha okunabilir olmas�n� "
"             <p>Ancak, mesaj listeniz hem kodlanm�� hem kodlanmam�� konu "
"             al�yorsa, <em>Gerekti�inde</em> se�ene�ini se�ebilirsiniz. Bu "
"             Mailman �zg�n ba�l���n devam� sadece ASCII karakterler "
"i�eriyorsa ASCII �nekleri\n"
"             kodlamaz, fakat �zg�n ba�l�kta ASCII olmayan karakterler varsa "
"             kodlan�r. Bu, standartlardaki bir belirsizli�i engeller ve "
"             mesaj okuyucular�n �nek ve �zg�n ba�l�k aras�nda fazladan veya "
"eksik bo�luklar\n"
"             olu�mas�n� �nler."

#: Mailman/Gui/Membership.py:26
msgid "Membership&nbsp;Management..."
msgstr "�yelik&nbsp;Y�netimi..."

#: Mailman/Gui/Membership.py:30
msgid "Membership&nbsp;List"
msgstr "�yelik&nbsp;Listesi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Membership.py:31
msgid "Mass&nbsp;Subscription"
msgstr "Y���n&nbsp;�ye&nbsp;Ekleme"

#: Mailman/Gui/Membership.py:32
msgid "Mass&nbsp;Removal"
msgstr "Y���n&nbsp;�ye&nbsp;��karma"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:35
msgid "Non-digest&nbsp;options"
msgstr "Toplu&nbsp;Olmayan&nbsp;G�nderim&nbsp;Se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:43
msgid "Policies concerning immediately delivered list traffic."
msgstr "An�nda g�nderilen liste trafi�i ile ilgili ilkeler"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:46
msgid ""
"Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, rather\n"
"             than in batched digests?"
msgstr ""
"�yeler toplu g�nderim yerine mesajlar� an�nda almay�\n"
"             se�ebilir mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:53
msgid "Full Personalization"
msgstr "Tam Ki�iselle�tirme"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:55
msgid ""
"Should Mailman personalize each non-digest delivery?\n"
"                 This is often useful for announce-only lists, but <a\n"
"                 href=\"?VARHELP=nondigest/personalize\">read the details</"
"                 section for a discussion of important performance\n"
"                 issues."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:61
msgid ""
"Normally, Mailman sends the regular delivery messages to\n"
"                 the mail server in batches.  This is much more efficent\n"
"                 because it reduces the amount of traffic between Mailman "
"                 the mail server.\n"
"                 <p>However, some lists can benefit from a more "
"                 approach.  In this case, Mailman crafts a new message for\n"
"                 each member on the regular delivery list.  Turning this\n"
"                 feature on may degrade the performance of your site, so "
"                 need to carefully consider whether the trade-off is worth "
"                 or whether there are other ways to accomplish what you "
"                 You should also carefully monitor your system load to make\n"
"                 sure it is acceptable.\n"
"                 <p>Select <em>No</em> to disable personalization and send\n"
"                 messages to the members in batches.  Select <em>Yes</em> "
"                 personalize deliveries and allow additional substitution\n"
"                 variables in message headers and footers (see below).  In\n"
"                 addition, by selecting <em>Full Personalization</em>, the\n"
"                 <code>To</code> header of posted messages will be modified "
"                 include the member's address instead of the list's posting\n"
"                 address.\n"
"                 <p>When personalization is enabled, a few more expansion\n"
"                 variables can be included in the <a\n"
"                 href=\"?VARHELP=nondigest/msg_header\">message header</a> "
"                 <a href=\"?VARHELP=nondigest/msg_footer\">message footer</"
"                 <p>These additional substitution variables will be "
"                 for your headers and footers, when this feature is "
"                 <ul><li><b>user_address</b> - The address of the user,\n"
"                         coerced to lower case.\n"
"                     <li><b>user_delivered_to</b> - The case-preserved "
"                         that the user is subscribed with.\n"
"                     <li><b>user_password</b> - The user's password.\n"
"                     <li><b>user_name</b> - The user's full name.\n"
"                     <li><b>user_optionsurl</b> - The url to the user's "
"                         page.\n"
"                 </ul>\n"
"                 "
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:110
msgid ""
"When <a href=\"?VARHELP=nondigest/personalize\">personalization</a> is "
"for this list, additional substitution variables are allowed in your "
"and footers:\n"
"<ul><li><b>user_address</b> - The address of the user,\n"
"        coerced to lower case.\n"
"    <li><b>user_delivered_to</b> - The case-preserved address\n"
"        that the user is subscribed with.\n"
"    <li><b>user_password</b> - The user's password.\n"
"    <li><b>user_name</b> - The user's full name.\n"
"    <li><b>user_optionsurl</b> - The url to the user's option\n"
"        page.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:129
msgid "Header added to mail sent to regular list members"
msgstr ""
"Ayr� ayr� mesaj alan liste �yelerine g�nderilecek mesaja eklenecek ba�l�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:130
msgid ""
"Text prepended to the top of every immediately-delivery\n"
"             message. "
msgstr ""
"An�nda g�nderilecek her mesaj�n ba��na eklenecek\n"
"             yaz�. "

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:134
msgid "Footer added to mail sent to regular list members"
msgstr ""
"Ayr� ayr� mesaj alan liste �yelerine g�nderilecek mesaja eklenecek altbilgi"

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:135
msgid ""
"Text appended to the bottom of every immediately-delivery\n"
"             message. "
msgstr ""
"An�nda g�nderilecek her mesaj�n sonuna eklenecek\n"
"             yaz�. "

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:141
msgid "Scrub attachments of regular delivery message?"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:142
msgid ""
"When you scrub attachments, they are stored in the archive\n"
"             area and links are made in the message so that the member can\n"
"             access them via a web browser. If you want the attachments to\n"
"             totally disappear, you can use content filtering options."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:149
msgid "Sibling lists"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:152
msgid ""
"Other mailing lists on this site whose members are\n"
"             excluded from the regular (non-digest) delivery if those\n"
"             list addresses appear in a To: or Cc: header."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:155
msgid ""
"The list addresses should be written in full mail address\n"
"             format (e.g. mailman@example.com). Do not specify this list\n"
"             address mutually in the exclude list configuration page of the\n"
"             other list, or members of both lists won't get any message.\n"
"             Note also that the site administrator may prohibit cross "
"             siblings."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:163
msgid ""
"Ignore regular_exlude_lists of which the poster is not a\n"
"             member."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:165
msgid ""
"If a post is addressed to this list and to one or more of\n"
"             the exclude lists, regular members of those lists will not be\n"
"             sent the post from this list, but if the poster is not a "
"             of an excluded list, the post may not be accepted by that list\n"
"             which leaves the members of that list with no copy of the "
"             Setting this to Yes ignores any of the exclude lists of which "
"             poster is not a member."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:174
msgid ""
"Other mailing lists on this site whose members are\n"
"             included in the regular (non-digest) delivery if those\n"
"             list addresses don't appear in a To: or Cc: header."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/NonDigest.py:177
msgid ""
"The list addresses should be written in full mail address\n"
"             format (e.g. mailman@example.com). Note also that the site\n"
"             administrator may prohibit cross domain siblings."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Passwords.py:27
msgid "Passwords"
msgstr "�ifreler"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:37
msgid "Privacy options..."
msgstr "Gizlilik Se�enekleri..."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:41
msgid "Subscription&nbsp;rules"
msgstr "�yelik&nbsp;kurallar�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:42
msgid "Sender&nbsp;filters"
msgstr "G�nderici&nbsp;filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:43
msgid "Recipient&nbsp;filters"
msgstr "Al�c�&nbsp;filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:44
msgid "Spam&nbsp;filters"
msgstr "Spam&nbsp;filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:58 Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:63
msgid "None"
msgstr "Yok"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:59 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:82
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Onay"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:60 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:83
msgid "Require approval"
msgstr "Moderat�r onay�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:61 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:84
msgid "Confirm and approve"
msgstr "Onay ve moderat�r onay�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:63 Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:86
msgid "What steps are required for subscription?<br>"
msgstr "�yelik i�in hangi ad�mlar gerekli?<br>"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:64
msgid ""
"None - no verification steps (<em>Not\n"
"                           Recommended </em>)<br>\n"
"                           Confirm (*) - email confirmation step required "
"                           Require approval - require list administrator\n"
"                           Approval for subscriptions <br>\n"
"                           Confirm and approve - both confirm and approve\n"
"                           \n"
"                           <p>(*) when someone requests a subscription,\n"
"                           Mailman sends them a notice with a unique\n"
"                           subscription request number that they must reply "
"                           in order to subscribe.<br>\n"
"                           This prevents mischievous (or malicious) people\n"
"                           from creating subscriptions for others without\n"
"                           their consent."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:87
msgid ""
"Confirm (*) - email confirmation required <br>\n"
"                           Require approval - require list administrator\n"
"                           approval for subscriptions <br>\n"
"                           Confirm and approve - both confirm and approve\n"
"                           \n"
"                           <p>(*) when someone requests a subscription,\n"
"                           Mailman sends them a notice with a unique\n"
"                           subscription request number that they must reply "
"                           in order to subscribe.<br> This prevents\n"
"                           mischievous (or malicious) people from creating\n"
"                           subscriptions for others without their consent."
msgstr ""
"Onay (*) - e-posta onay� gerekir <br>\n"
"                           Moderat�r onay� - �yelik i�in liste "
"                           onay� gerekir <br>\n"
"                           Onay ve moderat�r onay� - hem onay, hem y�netici\n"
"                           onay�\n"
"                           \n"
"                           <p> (*) bir ki�i �yelik istedi�i zaman Mailman\n"
"                           ona, �ye olmak i�in yan�tlamas� gereken, e�i "
"                           bir �yelik istek numaras� g�nderir.<br>Bu, "
"                           (veya k�t� niyetli) ki�ilerin, ba�kalar� ad�na, "
"                           izni olmadan �yelikler yaratmas�n� engeller."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:103
msgid ""
"This section allows you to configure subscription and\n"
"            membership exposure policy.  You can also control whether this\n"
"            list is public or not.  See also the\n"
"            <a href=\"%(admin)s/archive\">Archival Options</a> section for\n"
"            separate archive-related privacy settings."
msgstr ""
"Bu b�l�m, �yelik ilkelerini yap�land�rman�z� sa�lar.\n"
"            Ayr�ca bu listenin herkese a��k olup olmayaca��n� da kontrol\n"
"            edebilirsiniz. Ayr�ca\n"
"            <a href=\"%(admin)s/archive\">Ar�ivleme Se�enekleri</a> "
"            ar�ivle ilgili gizlilik ayarlar�n� yapabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:109
msgid "Subscribing"
msgstr "�yelik"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:111
msgid ""
"Advertise this list when people ask what lists are on this\n"
"             machine?"
msgstr ""
"Ki�iler bu sunucudaki listeleri sorgulad���nda bu liste\n"
"             ilan edilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:117
msgid ""
"List of addresses (or regexps) whose subscriptions do not\n"
"             require approval."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:120
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"When subscription requires approval, addresses in this list\n"
"             are allowed to subscribe without administrator approval. Add\n"
"             addresses one per line. You may begin a line with a ^ "
"             to designate a (case insensitive) regular expression match."
msgstr ""
"Bu listedeki adreslerin ba�ka bir onay olmas� gerekmeksizin bu mesaj\n"
"             listesine �ye olmas� yasaklanm��t�r. Her sat�ra\n"
"             bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri ile "
"             bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:125
msgid ""
"You may also use the @listname notation to designate the\n"
"             members of another list in this installation."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:129
msgid ""
"Is the list moderator's approval required for unsubscription\n"
"             requests?  (<em>No</em> is recommended)"
msgstr ""
"Listeden ��kma istekleri i�in liste moderat�r�n�n onay�\n"
"             gerekiyor mu? (<em>Hay�r</em> �nerilir)"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:132
msgid ""
"When members want to leave a list, they will make an\n"
"             unsubscription request, either via the web or via email.\n"
"             Normally it is best for you to allow open unsubscriptions so "
"             users can easily remove themselves from mailing lists (they "
"             really upset if they can't get off lists!).\n"
"             <p>For some lists though, you may want to impose moderator\n"
"             approval before an unsubscription request is processed.  "
"             of such lists include a corporate mailing list that all "
"             are required to be members of."
msgstr ""
"�yeler bir listeden ��kmak istedi�inde, web veya e-posta yoluyla\n"
"             bir ��kma iste�i yaparlar. Normalde sizin i�in en iyisi\n"
"             listeden ��kmalar�n�n onlara ba�l� olmas�n� sa�lamakt�r, "
"             kullan�c�lar kolayca mesaj listelerinden ��kabilirler "
"             ��kamad�klar�nda ger�ekten sinirlenebilirler!).\n"
"             <p>Ancak baz� listeler i�in, �yelikten ��kma isteklerine bir "
"             onay� koymak isteyebilirsiniz. Bu listelere �rnek olarak t�m "
"             �yesi olmak zorunda olduklar� kurum listeleri g�sterilebilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:143
msgid "Ban list"
msgstr "Yasak listesi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:145
msgid ""
"List of addresses which are banned from membership in this\n"
"             mailing list."
msgstr "Bu mesaj listesine �ye olmalar� yasak olan adreslerin listesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:148
msgid ""
"Addresses in this list are banned outright from subscribing\n"
"             to this mailing list, with no further moderation required.  "
"             addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to\n"
"             designate a regular expression match."
msgstr ""
"Bu listedeki adreslerin ba�ka bir onay olmas� gerekmeksizin bu mesaj\n"
"             listesine �ye olmas� yasaklanm��t�r. Her sat�ra\n"
"             bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri ile "
"             bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:153
msgid "Membership exposure"
msgstr "�yelik g�sterimi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:155
msgid "Anyone"
msgstr "Herkes"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:155
msgid "List admin only"
msgstr "Sadece liste y�neticisi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:155
msgid "List members"
msgstr "Liste �yeleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:156
msgid "Who can view subscription list?"
msgstr "�yelik listesini kim g�rebilir?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:158
msgid ""
"When set, the list of subscribers is protected by member or\n"
"             admin password authentication."
msgstr ""
"Se�ildi�inde, �ye listesi bir �ye veya y�netici �ifre do�rulamas�\n"
"             ile korunur."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:162
msgid ""
"Show member addresses so they're not directly recognizable\n"
"             as email addresses?"
msgstr ""
"�ye adresleri do�rudan e-posta adresi olarak tan�nmayacak\n"
"             �ekilde g�sterilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:164
msgid ""
"Setting this option causes member email addresses to be\n"
"             transformed when they are presented on list web pages (both in\n"
"             text and as links), so they're not trivially recognizable as\n"
"             email addresses.  The intention is to prevent the addresses\n"
"             from being snarfed up by automated web scanners for use by\n"
"             spammers."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�ene�i ayarlamak, web sayfalar�nda g�sterildi�inde\n"
"             (hem yaz� hem link olarak) �ye e-posta adreslerinin ilk "
"             e-posta adresi �eklinde g�r�nmemesine neden olur. Bunun "
"             nedeni adreslerin spam atan ki�ilerin otomatik web "
"             ile e-posta adreslerini web sayfalar�ndan �almalar�na engel "

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:175
#, fuzzy
msgid "/Quarantine"
msgstr "3 Ayl�k"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:179
msgid ""
"When a message is posted to the list, a series of\n"
"            moderation steps are taken to decide whether a moderator must\n"
"            first approve the message or not.  This section contains the\n"
"            controls for moderation of both member and non-member postings.\n"
"            <p>Member postings are held for moderation if their\n"
"            <b>moderation flag</b> is turned on.  You can control whether\n"
"            member postings are moderated by default or not.\n"
"            <p>Non-member postings can be automatically\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >accepted</a>,\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/hold_these_nonmembers\">held "
"            moderation</a>,\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >rejected</a> (bounced), or\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >discarded</a>,\n"
"            either individually or as a group.  Any\n"
"            posting from a non-member who is not explicitly accepted,\n"
"            rejected, or discarded, will have their posting filtered by the\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/generic_nonmember_action"
"            non-member rules</a>.\n"
"            <p>In the text boxes below, add one address per line; start the\n"
"            line with a ^ character to designate a <a href=\n"
"            \"http://docs.python.org/library/re.html\"\n"
"            >Python regular expression</a>.  When entering backslashes, do "
"            as if you were using Python raw strings (i.e. you generally "
"            use a single backslash).\n"
"            <p>Note that non-regexp matches are always done first."
msgstr ""
"Bir listeye bir mesaj g�nderildi�inde, bir moderat�r�n\n"
"            onay�ndan ge�mesi gerekip gerekmedi�ine karar vermek i�in bir "
"            kontrol ger�ekle�tirilir. Bu b�l�m hem �ye olan hem �ye olmayan\n"
"            ki�ilerden gelen mesajlar�n kontrollerini i�erir.\n"
"            <p>E�er bir �ye i�in <strong>moderat�r onay ayar�</strong> "
"            o �yenin g�nderdi�i mesajlar moderat�r onay� i�in bekletilir. "
"            mesajlar�n�n varsay�lan olarak moderat�r onay� gerektirip "
"            kontrol edebilirsiniz.\n"
"            <p>�ye olmayan ki�ilerin mesajlar� otomatik olarak\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >onaylanabilir</a>,\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/hold_these_nonmembers"
"            onay� i�in bekletilebilir</a>,\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >reddedilebilir</a> (geri d�nd�r�l�r), veya\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"            >g�zard� edilebilir</a>,\n"
"            bunlar�n hepsi teker teker veya grup halinde yap�labilir. A��k�a "
"            reddedilmeyen veya g�zard� edilmeyen ki�ilerin mesajlar�,\n"
"            <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/generic_nonmember_action"
"            �ye olmayan ki�i kurallar�</a>'na g�re belirlenir.\n"
"            <p>A�a��daki yaz� kutular�na, her sat�ra bir adres olacak "
"            adres ekleyebilirsiniz; sat�ra bir ^ karakteri ile ba�layarak "
"            <a href=\"http://docs.python.org/library/re.html\">Python\n"
"            regular expression</a> belirtebilirsiniz. Ters geri �izgi "
"            Python ham dizgisi gibi girin (yani genel olarak tek bir ters "
"geri �izgi\n"
"            girin).\n"
"            <p>Reg-exp olmayan e�le�melerin ilk �nce yap�laca��n�a dikkat "

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:212
msgid "Member filters"
msgstr "�ye filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:215
msgid "By default, should new list member postings be moderated?"
msgstr ""
"Varsay�lan olarak yeni �yelerin mesajlar� moderat�r onay� gerektirsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:217
msgid ""
"Each list member has a <em>moderation flag</em> which says\n"
"             whether messages from the list member can be posted directly "
"             the list, or must first be approved by the list moderator.  "
"             the moderation flag is turned on, list member postings must be\n"
"             approved first.  You, the list administrator can decide whether "
"             specific individual's postings will be moderated or not.\n"
"             <p>When a new member is subscribed, their initial moderation "
"             takes its value from this option.  Turn this option off to "
"             member postings by default.  Turn this option on to, by "
"             moderate member postings first.  You can always manually set "
"             individual member's moderation bit by using the\n"
"             <a href=\"%(adminurl)s/members\">membership management\n"
"             screens</a>."
msgstr ""
"Her �yenin bir <em>moderat�r onay ayar�</em> vard�r ve bu ayara g�re\n"
"             �yenin mesaj�n�n listeye do�rudan m� g�nderilece�ine yoksa "
"             moderat�r onay�ndan m� ge�ece�ine karar verilir. Moderat�r "
"             ayar� a��ksa, �ye mesajlar�n�n �nce onaydan ge�mesi gerekir.\n"
"             Siz, liste y�neticisi olarak her bir ki�inin mesajlar�n�n "
"             onay�ndan ge�ip ge�meyece�ine karar verebilirsiniz.\n"
"             <p>Yeni bir ki�i listeye �ye oldu�unda, ba�lang�� moderat�r "
"onay ayar�,\n"
"             de�erini bu se�enekten al�r. Bu se�ene�i kapatarak yeni �ye "
"             varsay�lan olarak kendili�inden onaylanmas�n� "
"sa�layabilirsiniz. Bu\n"
"             se�ene�i a�arak yeni �ye mesajlar�n�n varsay�lan olarak "
"moderat�r onay�ndan\n"
"             ge�mesini sa�layabilirsiniz. Her zaman ki�ilerin ayr� ayr� "
"moderat�r onay\n"
"             ayarlar�n� <a href=\"%(adminurl)s/members\">�yelik y�netimi\n"
"             sayfalar�nda</a> yapabilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:234
msgid ""
"Action to take when a moderated member posts to the\n"
"             list."
msgstr ""
"Moderat�r onay ayar� a��k bir �ye listeye mesaj\n"
"             g�nderdi�inde uygulanacak eylem."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:236
msgid ""
"<ul><li><b>Hold</b> -- this holds the message for approval\n"
"             by the list moderators.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Reject</b> -- this automatically rejects the message "
"             sending a bounce notice to the post's author.  The text of the\n"
"             bounce notice can be <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/member_moderation_notice\"\n"
"             >configured by you</a>.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Discard</b> -- this simply discards the message, "
"             no notice sent to the post's author.\n"
"             </ul>"
msgstr ""
"<ul><li><b>Beklet</b> -- bu, mesaj� liste moderat�rlerinin\n"
"             onay�ndan ge�mesi i�in bekletir.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Reddet</b> -- bu, mesaj� otomatik olarak reddederek "
"             g�ndericisine bir geri d�n�� bildirimi g�nderir. Geri d�n�� "
"             i�eri�i, <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/member_moderation_notice\"\n"
"             >sizin taraf�n�zdan yap�land�r�labilir.</a>.\n"
"             <p><li><b>G�zard� Et</b> -- bu, basit�e mesaj� g�zard� eder ve "
"             g�ndericisine herhangi bir bildirim g�ndermez.\n"
"             </ul>"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:250
msgid ""
"Text to include in any\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP/privacy/sender/member_moderation_action\"\n"
"             >rejection notice</a> to\n"
"             be sent to moderated members who post to this list."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye mesaj g�nderip reddedilen t�m �yelere g�nderilen\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP/privacy/sender/member_moderation_action\"\n"
"             >reddetme bildirimlerine</a> \n"
"             eklenecek yaz�."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:258
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Action to take when anyone posts to the\n"
"             list from a domain with a DMARC Reject%(quarantine)s Policy."
msgstr ""
"Moderat�r onay ayar� a��k bir �ye listeye mesaj\n"
"             g�nderdi�inde uygulanacak eylem."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:261
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<ul><li><b>Munge From</b> -- applies the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/from_is_list\">from_is_list Munge From</"
"             transformation to these messages.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Wrap Message</b> -- applies the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/from_is_list\">from_is_list Wrap\n"
"             Message</a> transformation to these messages.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Reject</b> -- this automatically rejects the message "
"             sending a bounce notice to the post's author.  The text of the\n"
"             bounce notice can be <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_notice\"\n"
"             >configured by you</a>.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Discard</b> -- this simply discards the message, "
"             no notice sent to the post's author.\n"
"             </ul>\n"
"             <p>This setting takes precedence over the <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=general/from_is_list\"> from_is_list</a> "
"             if the message is From: an affected domain and the setting is\n"
"             other than Accept."
msgstr ""
"<ul><li><b>Beklet</b> -- bu, mesaj� liste moderat�rlerinin\n"
"             onay�ndan ge�mesi i�in bekletir.\n"
"             <p><li><b>Reddet</b> -- bu, mesaj� otomatik olarak reddederek "
"             g�ndericisine bir geri d�n�� bildirimi g�nderir. Geri d�n�� "
"             i�eri�i, <a\n"
"             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/member_moderation_notice\"\n"
"             >sizin taraf�n�zdan yap�land�r�labilir.</a>.\n"
"             <p><li><b>G�zard� Et</b> -- bu, basit�e mesaj� g�zard� eder ve "
"             g�ndericisine herhangi bir bildirim g�ndermez.\n"
"             </ul>"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:286
msgid ""
"Shall the above dmarc_moderation_action apply to messages\n"
"               From: domains with DMARC p=quarantine as well as p=reject"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:289
msgid ""
"<ul><li><b>No</b> -- this applies dmarc_moderation_action to\n"
"               only those posts From: a domain with DMARC p=reject.  This "
"               appropriate if you are concerned about bounced messages, but\n"
"               want to apply dmarc_moderation_action to as few messages as\n"
"               possible.\n"
"               <p><li><b>Yes</b> -- this applies dmarc_moderation_action to\n"
"               posts From: a domain with DMARC p=reject or p=quarantine.\n"
"               </ul><p>If a message is From: a domain with DMARC "
"               and dmarc_moderation_action is not applied (this set to No)\n"
"               the message will likely not bounce, but will be delivered to\n"
"               recipients' spam folders or other hard to find places."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:302
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Text to include in any\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action\"\n"
"             >rejection notice</a> to\n"
"             be sent to anyone who posts to this list from a domain\n"
"             with a DMARC Reject%(quarantine)s Policy."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye mesaj g�nderip reddedilen t�m �yelere g�nderilen\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP/privacy/sender/member_moderation_action\"\n"
"             >reddetme bildirimlerine</a> \n"
"             eklenecek yaz�."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:309
msgid ""
"If dmarc_moderation_action applies and is Wrap Message,\n"
"             and this text is provided, the text will be placed in a\n"
"             separate text/plain MIME part preceding the original message\n"
"             part in the wrapped message."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:314
msgid ""
"A wrapped message will either be a multipart/mixed message\n"
"             with up to four sub-parts; a text/plain part containing\n"
"             msg_header, a text/plain part containing \n"
"             dmarc_wrapped_message_text, a message/rfc822 part containing "
"             original message and a text/plain part containing msg_footer, "
"             a message/rfc822 message containing only the original message "
"             none of the other parts are applicable."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:323
msgid ""
"A 'two dimensional' list of email address domains which are\n"
"               considered equivalent when checking if a post is from a list\n"
"               member."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:327
msgid ""
"If two poster addresses with the same local part but\n"
"               different domains are to be considered equivalents for list\n"
"               membership tests, the domains are put here.  The format is\n"
"               one or more groups of equivalent domains.  Within a group,\n"
"               the domains are separated by commas and multiple groups are\n"
"               separated by semicolons. White space is ignored.\n"
"               <p>For example:<pre>\n"
"               example.com,mail.example.com;mac.com,me.com,icloud.com\n"
"               </pre>\n"
"               <p>In this example, if user@example.com is a list member,\n"
"               a post from user@mail.example.com will be treated as if it "
"               from user@example.com for list membership/moderation "
"               and likewise, if user@me.com is a list member, posts from\n"
"               user@mac.com or user@icloud.com will be treated as if from\n"
"               user@me.com.\n"
"               <p>Note that the poster's address is first tested for list\n"
"               membership, and the equivalent domain addresses are only "
"               if the poster's address is not that of a member.\n"
"               <p>Also note that moderation of the equivalent domain "
"               will apply to the post, but other options such as 'ack' or\n"
"               'not&nbsp;metoo' will not."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:349
msgid "Non-member filters"
msgstr "�ye olmayan ki�i filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:352
msgid ""
"List of non-member addresses whose postings should be\n"
"             automatically accepted."
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar� otomatik olarak onaylanacak �ye olmayan ki�i\n"
"             adreslerinin listesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:359
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically\n"
"             accepted with no further moderation applied.  Add member\n"
"             addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to\n"
"             designate a regular expression match.  A line consisting of\n"
"             the @ character followed by a list name specifies another\n"
"             Mailman list in this installation, all of whose member\n"
"             addresses will be accepted for this list."
msgstr ""
"Bu �ye olmayan ki�ilerden gelecek t�m mesajlar herhangi bir\n"
"             moderat�r onay� gerektirmeden otomatik olarak kabul "
"             Her sat�ra bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri "
"             ba�layarak bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:368
msgid ""
"List of non-member addresses whose postings will be\n"
"             immediately held for moderation."
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar� hemen moderat�r onay� i�in bekletilecek �ye olmayan ki�i\n"
"             adreslerinin listesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:371
msgid ""
"Postings from any of these non-members will be immediately\n"
"             and automatically held for moderation by the list moderators.\n"
"             The sender will receive a notification message which will "
"             them to cancel their held message.  Add member addresses one "
"             line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular\n"
"             expression match."
msgstr ""
"Bu �ye olmayan ki�ilerden gelecek t�m mesajlar hemen\n"
"             moderat�r onay� i�in beklemeye al�nacakt�r. G�nderici, "
"             mesaj�ndan vazge�ebilmesine olanak sa�layan bir bildirim mesaj� "
"             Her sat�ra bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri "
"             ba�layarak bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:379
msgid ""
"List of non-member addresses whose postings will be\n"
"             automatically rejected."
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar� otomatik olarak reddedilecek �ye olmayan ki�i\n"
"             adreslerinin listesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:382
msgid ""
"Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically\n"
"             rejected.  In other words, their messages will be bounced back "
"             the sender with a notification of automatic rejection.  This\n"
"             option is not appropriate for known spam senders; their "
"             should be\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >automatically discarded</a>.\n"
"             <p>Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^\n"
"             character to designate a regular expression match."
msgstr ""
"Bu �ye olmayan ki�ilerden gelecek t�m mesajlar otomatik olarak\n"
"             reddedilecektir, Ba�ka bir deyi�le, mesajlar� bir otomatik "
"             bildirimi ile beraber kendilerine geri d�necektir. Bu se�enek\n"
"             bilinen spam g�ndericileri i�in uygun de�ildir, bu ki�ilerin "
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >otomatik olarak g�zard� edilmelidir</a>.\n"
"             <p>Her sat�ra bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri "
"             ba�layarak bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:394
msgid ""
"List of non-member addresses whose postings will be\n"
"             automatically discarded."
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar� otomatik olarak g�zard� edilecek �ye olmayan ki�i\n"
"             adreslerinin listesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:397
msgid ""
"Postings from any of these non-members will be automatically\n"
"             discarded.  That is, the message will be thrown away with no\n"
"             further processing or notification.  The sender will not "
"             a notification or a bounce, however the list moderators can\n"
"             optionally <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/"
"             >receive copies of auto-discarded messages.</a>.\n"
"             <p>Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^\n"
"             character to designate a regular expression match."
msgstr ""
"Bu �ye olmayan ki�ilerden gelecek t�m mesajlar otomatik olarak\n"
"             g�zard� edilecektir. Yani mesaj daha ileri bir i�leme veya bir\n"
"             bildirim olmaks�z�n silinecektir. G�nderici bir bildirim veya\n"
"             geri d�n�� almayacakt�r, ancak liste moderat�rleri ayr�ca\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/forward_auto_discards\"\n"
"             >otomatik olarak g�zard� edilmi� mesajlar�n bir kopyas�n� "
"             <p>Her sat�ra bir adres olacak �ekilde ekleyin, bir ^ karakteri "
"             ba�layarak bir regular expression e�le�mesi belirleyebilirsiniz."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:409
msgid ""
"Action to take for postings from non-members for which no\n"
"             explicit action is defined."
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar� i�in a��k�a bir eylem tan�mlanmam�� �ye olmayan\n"
"             ki�ilerin g�nderdi�i mesajlar i�in uygulanacak eylem."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:412
msgid ""
"When a post from a non-member is received, the message's\n"
"             sender is matched against the list of explicitly\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >accepted</a>,\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/hold_these_nonmembers\">held</"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >rejected</a> (bounced), and\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >discarded</a> addresses.  If no match is found, then this "
"             is taken."
msgstr ""
"�ye olmayan bir ki�iden bir mesaj al�nd���nda, mesaj g�ndericisi\n"
"             a��k�a\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/accept_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >onaylanan</a>,\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/hold_these_nonmembers"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/reject_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >reddedilen</a> (geri d�nd�r�len) ve\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/discard_these_nonmembers\"\n"
"             >g�zard� edilen</a> addresler listeleri ile kar��la�t�r�l�r.\n"
"             Bu listelerle herhangi bir e�le�me olmazsa, bu eylem uygulan�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:424
msgid ""
"Should messages from non-members, which are automatically\n"
"             discarded, be forwarded to the list moderator?"
msgstr ""
"�ye olmayan ki�ilerden gelen ve otomatik olarak g�zard�\n"
"             edilen mesajlar liste moderat�r�ne iletilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:428
msgid ""
"Text to include in any rejection notice to be sent to\n"
"             non-members who post to this list. This notice can include\n"
"             the list's owner address by %%(listowner)s and replaces the\n"
"             internally crafted default message."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:436
msgid ""
"This section allows you to configure various filters based on\n"
"            the recipient of the message."
msgstr ""
"Bu b�l�m mesaj�n al�c�s�na dayanan �e�itli filtreler\n"
"            yap�land�rman�z� sa�lar."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:439
msgid "Recipient filters"
msgstr "Al�c� filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:443
msgid ""
"Must posts have list named in destination (to, cc) field\n"
"             (or be among the acceptable alias names, specified below)?"
msgstr ""
"Mesajlar�n giden (al�c�, cc) anan�nda liste adresi olmal� m�\n"
"             (veya a�a��da belirlenecek kabul edilebilir takma adlar)?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:446
msgid ""
"Many (in fact, most) spams do not explicitly name their\n"
"             myriad destinations in the explicit destination addresses - in\n"
"             fact often the To: field has a totally bogus address for\n"
"             obfuscation.  The constraint applies only to the stuff in the\n"
"             address before the '@' sign, but still catches all such spams.\n"
"             <p>The cost is that the list will not accept unhindered any\n"
"             postings relayed from other addresses, unless\n"
"             <ol>\n"
"                 <li>The relaying address has the same name, or\n"
"                 <li>The relaying address name is included on the options "
"                 specifies acceptable aliases for the list.\n"
"             </ol>"
msgstr ""
"Bir�ok (asl�nda �o�u) spam genellikle gidecekleri\n"
"             adresleri a��k�a belirtmez. - asl�nda, genellikle\n"
"             Al�c�: alan� �a��rtma i�in tamamen sahte bir adres i�erir.\n"
"             Bu k�s�tlama adreste sadece '@' i�aretinden �nceki b�l�me\n"
"             uygulan�r, fakat bu t�r t�m spam mesajlar� yakalar.\n"
"             <p>Bu k�s�tlaman�n bedeli, �u durumlar d���nda ba�ka adresler\n"
"             �zerinden g�nderilen hi�bir mesaj� listenin almamas�d�r:\n"
"             <ol>\n"
"                 <li>�zerinden giden adres ayn� ismi ta��mal�d�r, veya\n"
"                 <li>�zerinden giden adres ismi, listenin kabul edilebilir\n"
"                 takma adlar� i�inde olmal�d�r.\n"
"             </ol>"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:464
msgid ""
"Alias names (regexps) which qualify as explicit to or cc\n"
"             destination names for this list."
msgstr ""
"Bu liste i�in al�c� veya cc alanlar�nda bulunabilecek\n"
"             takma adlar (regexp)."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:467
msgid ""
"Alternate addresses that are acceptable when\n"
"             `require_explicit_destination' is enabled.  This option takes "
"             list of regular expressions, one per line, which is matched\n"
"             against every recipient address in the message.  The matching "
"             performed with Python's re.match() function, meaning they are\n"
"             anchored to the start of the string.\n"
"             \n"
"             <p>For backwards compatibility with Mailman 1.1, if the regexp\n"
"             does not contain an `@', then the pattern is matched against "
"             the local part of the recipient address.  If that match fails, "
"             if the pattern does contain an `@', then the pattern is "
"             against the entire recipient address.\n"
"             \n"
"             <p>Matching against the local part is deprecated; in a future\n"
"             release, the pattern will always be matched against the entire\n"
"             recipient address."
msgstr ""
"`require_explicit_destination' se�ene�i etkinken\n"
"             kabul edilecek di�er adresler. Bu se�enek her sat�rda bir\n"
"             regular expression listesi al�r ve mesajdaki her al�c� adresi "
"             kar��la�t�r�r. Kar��la�t�rma Python'un re.match() i�levi ile\n"
"             yap�l�r. Yani dizginin ba��na ba�lan�rlar.\n"
"             \n"
"             <p>Mailman 1.1 ile geriye d�n�k uyumluluk i�in, e�er regexp "
"             `@' i�areti i�ermiyorsa, bu durumda desen, al�c� adresinin "
"             yerel b�l�m� ile kar��la�t�r�l�r. Bir e�le�me olmazsa veya "
"             bir `@' i�areti i�eriyorsa, desen t�m al�c� adresi ile "
"             \n"
"             <p>Yerel b�l�m ile kar��la�t�rma eskimi� durumdad�r, "
"gelecekteki bir\n"
"             s�r�mde desen her zaman t�m al�c� adresi ile kar��la�t�r�lmaya\n"
"             ba�lanacakt�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:485
msgid "Ceiling on acceptable number of recipients for a posting."
msgstr "Bir mesajdaki kabul edilebilir en fazla al�c� say�s�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:487
msgid ""
"If a posting has this number, or more, of recipients, it is\n"
"             held for admin approval.  Use 0 for no ceiling."
msgstr ""
"Bir mesaj bu veya bundan fazla say�da al�c� i�eriyorsa\n"
"             y�netici onay� i�in bekletilir. Herhangi bir k�s�tlama\n"
"             olmamas� i�in 0 kullan�n."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:492
msgid ""
"This section allows you to configure various anti-spam\n"
"            filters posting filters, which can help reduce the amount of "
"            your list members end up receiving.\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
"Bu b�l�m, �e�itli anti-spam filtreleri yap�land�rarak\n"
"            liste �yelerinizin alaca�� spam say�s�n� azaltman�z� sa�lar.\n"
"            "

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:497
msgid "Header filters"
msgstr "Ba�l�k filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:500
msgid "Filter rules to match against the headers of a message."
msgstr "Bir mesaj�n ba�l�klar�yla e�le�tirilecek filtre kurallar�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:502
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Each header filter rule has two parts, a list of regular\n"
"             expressions, one per line, and an action to take.  Mailman\n"
"             matches the message's headers against every regular expression "
"             the rule and if any match, the message is rejected, held, or\n"
"             discarded based on the action you specify.  Use <em>Defer</em> "
"             temporarily disable a rule.\n"
"             You can have more than one filter rule for your list.  In that\n"
"             case, each rule is matched in turn, with processing stopped "
"             the first match.\n"
"             Note that headers are collected from all the attachments\n"
"             (except for the mailman administrivia message) and\n"
"             matched against the regular expressions. With this feature,\n"
"             you can effectively sort out messages with dangerous file\n"
"             types or file name extensions."
msgstr ""
"Her ba�l�k filtresi kural� iki b�l�mden olu�ur, bir\n"
"             her sat�ra bir tane olacak �ekilde bir regular expression "
"listesi ve\n"
"             uygulanacak eylem. Mailman, mesaj ba�l�klar�n� kuraldaki her "
"             expression ile kar��la�t�r�r ve e�er bir e�le�me varsa, mesaj\n"
"             belirleyece�iniz eyleme g�re reddedilir, bekletilir veya "
"             edilir.  Bir kural� ge�ici olarak devre d��� b�rakmak i�in "
"             kullan�n.\n"
"             Listeniz i�in birden �ok filtre kural�n�z olabilir. Bu durumda "
"her kural\n"
"             s�ra ile kar��la�t�r�l�r ve ilk e�le�meden sonra i�lem "

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:519
msgid "Legacy anti-spam filters"
msgstr "Kal�c� anti-spam filtreleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:522
msgid "Hold posts with header value matching a specified regexp."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen bir regexp ile ba�l�k de�eri e�le�en ve bekletilecek mesajlar."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:523
msgid ""
"Use this option to prohibit posts according to specific\n"
"             header values.  The target value is a regular-expression for\n"
"             matching against the specified header.  The match is done\n"
"             disregarding letter case.  Lines beginning with '#' are "
"             as comments.\n"
"             <p>For example:<pre>to: .*@public.com </pre> says to hold all\n"
"             postings with a <em>To:</em> mail header containing '@public."
"             anywhere among the addresses.\n"
"             <p>Note that leading whitespace is trimmed from the regexp.  "
"             can be circumvented in a number of ways, e.g. by escaping or\n"
"             bracketing it."
msgstr ""
"Bu se�ene�i belirli ba�l�k de�erleri i�eren mesajlar� engellemek\n"
"             i�in kullan�n. Hedef de�er, belirli bir ba�l�k ile "
"             bir regular-expression'd�r. Kar��la�t�rma b�y�k-k���k harf "
"             g�zetilmeksizin yap�l�r. '#' karakteri ile ba�layan sat�rlar\n"
"             a��klama say�l�r ve g�zard� edilir.\n"
"             <p>�rne�in:<pre>to: .*@public.com </pre> <em>Al�c�:</em> "
"             adreslerden birinde '@public.com' i�eren t�m mesajlar�n "
"             s�yler.\n"
"             <p>Bir regexp ba��nda bo�luk varsa, bu bo�luk silinecektir.\n"
"             Bu durumu �nlemek i�in parantez i�in almak veya ba��na bir "
"             i�areti koymak m�mk�nd�r."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:558
msgid ""
"dmarc_moderation_action must be >= the configured\n"
"                           default value."
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:608
msgid ""
"Header filter rules require a pattern.\n"
"                Incomplete filter rules will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Ba�luk filtre kurallar� vi desen gerektirir.\n"
"                Eksik filtre kurallar� g�zard� edilecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Privacy.py:616
msgid ""
"The header filter rule pattern\n"
"                '%(safepattern)s' is not a legal regular expression.  This\n"
"                rule will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"'%(safepattern)s' ba�l�k filtre\n"
"                kural deseni ge�erli bir regular expression de�il. Bu kural\n"
"                g�zard� edilecek."

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:38
msgid "Topics"
msgstr "Konular"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:46
msgid "List topic keywords"
msgstr "Liste konu anahtar s�zc�kleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:48
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Devre D���"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:48
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Etkin"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:49
msgid "Should the topic filter be enabled or disabled?"
msgstr "Konu filtresi etkin mi yoksa devre d��� m�?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:51
msgid ""
"The topic filter categorizes each incoming email message\n"
"             according to <a\n"
"            href=\"http://docs.python.org/library/re.html\">regular\n"
"             expression filters</a> you specify below.  If the message's\n"
"             <code>Subject:</code> or <code>Keywords:</code> header contains "
"             match against a topic filter, the message is logically placed\n"
"             into a topic <em>bucket</em>.  Each user can then choose to "
"             receive messages from the mailing list for a particular topic\n"
"             bucket (or buckets).  Any message not categorized in a topic\n"
"             bucket registered with the user is not delivered to the list.\n"
"             <p>Note that this feature only works with regular delivery, "
"             digest delivery.\n"
"             <p>The body of the message can also be optionally scanned for\n"
"             <code>Subject:</code> and <code>Keywords:</code> headers, as\n"
"             specified by the <a\n"
"       href=\"?VARHELP=topics/topics_bodylines_limit"
"             configuration variable."
msgstr ""
"Konu filtresi gelen her mesaj� a�a��da belirleyece�iniz <a\n"
"            href=\"http://docs.python.org/library/re.html\">regular\n"
"             expression filtrelerine</a> g�re kategorilere ay�r�r. E�er "
"             <code>Konu:</code> veya <code>Keywords:</code> ba�l��� bir "
"             filtresi ile e�le�irse, bu mesaj mant�ksal bir konu <em>kab�na</"
"             yerle�tirilir. Bundan sonra her kullan�c� mesaj listesinden "
"             belli konu kaplar�na giren mesajlar� almay� se�ebilir. Bir "
"             se�ti�i kaba girmeyen hi�bir mesaj ona gitmez.\n"
"             <p>Bu �zellik sadece ayr� ayr� mesaj g�nderiminde ge�erlidir,\n"
"             toplu g�nderimde ge�erli de�ildir.\n"
"             <p>�ste�e ba�l� olarak mesaj�n g�vdesi de <a\n"
"       href=\"?VARHELP=topics/topics_bodylines_limit"
"             de�i�keninde belirlenen �ekilde <code>Konu:</code> ve "
"             ba�l�klar� i�in taranabilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:72
msgid "How many body lines should the topic matcher scan?"
msgstr "Konu e�le�tirici ka� g�vde sat�r�n� taras�n?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:74
msgid ""
"The topic matcher will scan this many lines of the message\n"
"             body looking for topic keyword matches.  Body scanning stops "
"             either this many lines have been looked at, or a non-header-"
"             body line is encountered.  By setting this value to zero, no "
"             lines will be scanned (i.e. only the <code>Keywords:</code> "
"             <code>Subject:</code> headers will be scanned).  By setting "
"             value to a negative number, then all body lines will be "
"             until a non-header-like line is encountered.\n"
"             "
msgstr ""
"Konu e�le�tirici mesaj g�vdesinde, konu anahtar s�zc�klerini\n"
"             burada belirtilen sat�r say�s�nda kar��la�t�r�r. Burada "
"             say� kadar sat�r tarand���nda veya ba�l��a benzemeyen bir\n"
"             sat�ra rastland���nda g�vde taramas� durur. Bu de�eri s�f�r "
"             ayarlayarak, hi�bir g�vde sat�r�n�n taranmamas�n� "
"             (yani sadece <code>Konu:</code> ve <code>Keywords:</code> "
"             taranacakt�r). Bu de�eri negatif bir say�ya ayarlarsan�z, "
"             ba�l��a benzemeyen bir sat�ra rastlayana kadar taran�r.\n"
"             "

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:85
msgid "Topic keywords, one per line, to match against each message."
msgstr ""
"Her bir mesajla e�le�tirilecek konu anahtar s�zc�kleri, her sat�ra bir tane."

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:87
msgid ""
"Each topic keyword is actually a regular expression, which is\n"
"             matched against certain parts of a mail message, specifically "
"             <code>Keywords:</code> and <code>Subject:</code> message "
"             Note that the first few lines of the body of the message can "
"             contain a <code>Keywords:</code> and <code>Subject:</code>\n"
"             \"header\" on which matching is also performed."
msgstr ""
"Her konu anahtar s�zc��� asl�nda bir regular expression'd�r ve\n"
"             �zellikle <code>Konu:</code> ve <code>Keywords:</code> "
"             olmak �zere mesaj�n belirli b�l�mleriyle kar��la�t�r�l�r.\n"
"             Mesaj g�vdesinin ilk birka� sat�r� da <code>Konu:</code> ve\n"
"             <code>Keywords:</code> \"ba�l���\" i�erebilir ve bu sat�rlarda\n"
"             da kar��la�t�rma yap�labilir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:125
msgid ""
"Topic specifications require both a name and\n"
"                a pattern.  Incomplete topics will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Konu belirlemeleri hem bir isim hem de\n"
"                bir desen gerektirir. Eksik konular g�zard� edilecek."

#: Mailman/Gui/Topics.py:135
msgid ""
"The topic pattern '%(safepattern)s' is not a\n"
"                legal regular expression.  It will be discarded."
msgstr ""
"'%(safepattern)s' konu deseni ge�erli bir\n"
"                regular expression de�il. G�zard� edilecek."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:25
msgid "Mail&lt;-&gt;News&nbsp;gateways"
msgstr "E-posta&lt;-&gt;Haber&nbsp;Ge�itleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:35
msgid "Mail-to-News and News-to-Mail gateway services."
msgstr "E-posta -> Haber ve Haber -> E-posta ge�it servisleri."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:37
msgid "News server settings"
msgstr "Haber sunucusu ayarlar�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:40
msgid "The hostname of the machine your news server is running on."
msgstr "Haber sunucunuzun bulundu�u ana bilgisayar ad�."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:41
msgid ""
"This value may be either the name of your news server, or\n"
"             optionally of the format name:port, where port is a port "
"             The news server is not part of Mailman proper.  You have to\n"
"             already have access to an NNTP server, and that NNTP server "
"             recognize the machine this mailing list runs on as a machine\n"
"             capable of reading and posting news."
msgstr ""
"Bu de�er ya haber sunucunuzun ad�, ya da\n"
"             iste�e ba�l� olarak isim:ba�lant� noktas� (name:port) bi�iminde "
"             ba�lant� noktas�, ba�lant� noktas� numaras�d�r.\n"
"             Haber sunucusu Mailman'in normalde bir par�as� de�ildir. Halen "
"             NNTP sunucusuna eri�iminiz olmal� ve o NNTP sunucusunun, bu "
"mesaj listesinin\n"
"             �zerinde �al��t��� bilgisayar� haber okuyup g�nderebilen bir "
"             olarak farkedebilmesi gereklidir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:50
msgid "The name of the Usenet group to gateway to and/or from."
msgstr "Usenet grubundan ge�i� i�in kullan�lacak haber grubu ismi"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:53
msgid ""
"Should new posts to the mailing list be sent to the\n"
"             newsgroup?"
msgstr ""
"Listeye g�nderilecek yeni mesajlar haber grubuna da\n"
"             g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:57
msgid ""
"Should new posts to the newsgroup be sent to the mailing\n"
"             list?"
msgstr ""
"Haber grubuna g�nderilen yeni mesajlar listeye de\n"
"             g�nderilsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:60
msgid "Forwarding options"
msgstr "�letim se�enekleri"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:63
msgid "Moderated"
msgstr "Moderat�r onayl�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:63
msgid "Open list, moderated group"
msgstr "A��k liste, moderat�r onayl� grup"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:66
msgid "The moderation policy of the newsgroup."
msgstr "Haber grubunun moderat�r onay ilkesi."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:68
msgid ""
"This setting determines the moderation policy of the\n"
"             newsgroup and its interaction with the moderation policy of "
"             mailing list.  This only applies to the newsgroup that you are\n"
"             gatewaying <em>to</em>, so if you are only gatewaying from\n"
"             Usenet, or the newsgroup you are gatewaying to is not "
"             set this option to <em>None</em>.\n"
"             <p>If the newsgroup is moderated, you can set this mailing "
"             up to be the moderation address for the newsgroup.  By "
"             <em>Moderated</em>, an additional posting hold will be placed "
"             the approval process.  All messages posted to the mailing list\n"
"             will have to be approved before being sent on to the "
"             or to the mailing list membership.\n"
"             <p><em>Note that if the message has an <tt>Approved</tt> "
"             with the list's administrative password in it, this hold test\n"
"             will be bypassed, allowing privileged posters to send messages\n"
"             directly to the list and the newsgroup.</em>\n"
"             <p>Finally, if the newsgroup is moderated, but you want to "
"             an open posting policy anyway, you should select <em>Open "
"             moderated group</em>.  The effect of this is to use the normal\n"
"             Mailman moderation facilities, but to add an <tt>Approved</tt>\n"
"             header to all messages that are gatewayed to Usenet."
msgstr ""
"Bu ayar, haber grubunun moderat�r onay ilkesi ve bunun\n"
"             mesaj listesinin moderat�r onay ilkesi ile etkile�imini "
"             Bu, sadece listenizden mesaj <em>ge�irdi�iniz</em> haber "
"grubuna uygulan�r,\n"
"             yani sadece Usenet'ten haber grubu mesajlar� al�yorsan�z, veya\n"
"             listenizden mesaj ge�irdi�iniz haber grubu moderat�r onayl� "
"de�ilse bu\n"
"             se�ene�i <em>Yok</em> olarak ayarlay�n.\n"
"             <p>E�er haber grubu moderat�r onayl� ise, bu mesaj listesini\n"
"             haber grubunun moderat�r onay adresi olarak "
"             <em>Moderat�r onayl�</em> se�ene�ini se�erek, onay i�lemine\n"
"             fazladan bir ad�m ekleyebilirsiniz. Mesaj listesine g�nderilen\n"
"             t�m mesajlar, haber grubuna veya listeye da��t�lmadan "
"             onay� gerektirecektir.\n"
"             <p>Son olarak, e�er haber grubu moderat�r onayl� ise fakat "
"             bir a��k g�nderim ilkeniz varsa, <em>A��k liste, moderat�r "
"             grup</em> se�ene�ini se�ebilirsiniz. Bunun etkisi, normal "
"             moderat�r onay ara�lar�n� kullanmak, fakat Usenet'e ge�irilen "
"             mesajlara bir <tt>Approved</tt> ba�l��� eklememektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:94
msgid "Prefix <tt>Subject:</tt> headers on postings gated to news?"
msgstr ""
"Haber grubuna ge�irilen mesajlara <tt>Konu:</tt> ba�l��� �neki eklensin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:95
msgid ""
"Mailman prefixes <tt>Subject:</tt> headers with\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=general/subject_prefix\">text you can\n"
"             customize</a> and normally, this prefix shows up in messages\n"
"             gatewayed to Usenet.  You can set this option to <em>No</em> "
"             disable the prefix on gated messages.  Of course, if you turn "
"             normal <tt>Subject:</tt> prefixes, they won't be prefixed for\n"
"             gated messages either."
msgstr ""
"Mailman <tt>Konu:</tt> ba�l�klar�na\n"
"             <a href=\"?VARHELP=general/subject_prefix"
"             bir yaz�y�</a> �nek olarak ekler ve normalde bu �nek, Usenet'e "
"             mesajlarda g�r�n�r. Bu se�ene�i <em>Hay�r</em> olarak se�erek, "
"             mesajlara �nek eklenmesini devre d��� b�rakabilirsiniz. Tabii "
"             normal <tt>Konu:</tt> �neklerini kapatt�ysan�z, onlar da "
"             mesajlara eklenmeyecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:103
msgid "Mass catch up"
msgstr "Toplu yakalama"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:106
msgid "Should Mailman perform a <em>catchup</em> on the newsgroup?"
msgstr "Mailman haber grubunda bir <em>yakalama</em> ger�ekle�tirsin mi?"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:107
msgid ""
"When you tell Mailman to perform a catchup on the newsgroup,\n"
"             this means that you want to start gating messages to the "
"             list with the next new message found.  All earlier messages on\n"
"             the newsgroup will be ignored.  This is as if you were reading\n"
"             the newsgroup yourself, and you marked all current messages as\n"
"             <em>read</em>.  By catching up, your mailing list members will\n"
"             not see any of the earlier messages."
msgstr ""
"Mailman'e haber grubunda bir yakalama ger�ekle�tirmesini\n"
"             s�yledi�inizde, bu mesaj listesine, bulunan ilk yeni mesajla "
"             mesajlar�n ge�irilmesini istedi�iniz anlam�na gelir. Haber "
"             daha �nceden bulunan t�m mesajlar g�zard� edilecektir. Bu,\n"
"             sanki haber grubunu kendiniz okuyormu�sunuz ve �u andaki t�m\n"
"             mesajlar� <em>okunmu�</em> olarak i�aretlemi�siniz gibidir. "
"             ile mesaj listesi �yeleriniz, daha �nceki haber grubu "
"             hi�birini g�rmeyecektir."

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:121
msgid "Mass catchup completed"
msgstr "Toplu yakalama tamamland�"

#: Mailman/Gui/Usenet.py:133
msgid ""
"You cannot enable gatewaying unless both the\n"
"                <a href=\"?VARHELP=gateway/nntp_host\">news server field</a> "
"                the <a href=\"?VARHELP=gateway/linked_newsgroup\">linked\n"
"                newsgroup</a> fields are filled in."
msgstr ""
"Hem <a href=\"?VARHELP=gateway/nntp_host\">haber sunucusu alan�</a> hem de\n"
"                <a href=\"?VARHELP=gateway/linked_newsgroup\">ba�lan�lan\n"
"                haber grubu</a> alanlar�n� doldurmadan ge�itlemeyi\n"
"                etkinle�tiremezsiniz."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:48
msgid "%(listinfo_link)s list run by %(owner_link)s"
msgstr "%(owner_link)s y�netimindeki %(listinfo_link)s listesi"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:56
msgid "%(realname)s administrative interface"
msgstr "%(realname)s y�netimsel aray�z�"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:57
msgid " (requires authorization)"
msgstr " (yetki gerektirir)"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:60
msgid "Overview of all %(hostname)s mailing lists"
msgstr "T�m %(hostname)s mesaj listelerinin genel tan�t�m�"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:77
msgid "<em>(1 private member not shown)</em>"
msgstr "<em>(1 �zel �ye g�r�nt�lenmiyor)</em>"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:79
msgid "<em>(%(num_concealed)d private members not shown)</em>"
msgstr "<em>(%(num_concealed)d �zel �ye g�r�nt�lenmiyor)</em>"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:138
msgid "; it was disabled by you"
msgstr "; sizin taraf�ndan devre d��� b�rak�lm��"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:140
msgid "; it was disabled by the list administrator"
msgstr "; liste y�neticisi taraf�ndan devre d��� b�rak�lm��"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:144
msgid ""
"; it was disabled due to excessive bounces.  The\n"
"            last bounce was received on %(date)s"
msgstr ""
"; �ok fazla geri d�n�� sonucunda devre d��� b�rak�lm��. Son\n"
"            geri d�n�� %(date)s tarihinde al�nm��."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:147
msgid "; it was disabled for unknown reasons"
msgstr "; bilinmeyen nedenlerle devre d��� b�rak�lm��"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:149
msgid "Note: your list delivery is currently disabled%(reason)s."
msgstr "Not: size mesaj g�nderimi �u anda devre d���%(reason)s."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:152
msgid "Mail delivery"
msgstr "Mesaj g�nderimi"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:154 Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:299
msgid "the list administrator"
msgstr "liste y�neticisi"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:155
msgid ""
"            <p>You may have disabled list delivery intentionally,\n"
"            or it may have been triggered by bounces from your email\n"
"            address.  In either case, to re-enable delivery, change the\n"
"            %(link)s option below.  Contact %(mailto)s if you have any\n"
"            questions or need assistance."
msgstr ""
"            <p>Bu listeden size mesaj g�nderimini kendiniz devre d��� "
"            olabilirsiniz, veya e-posta adresinizden geri d�n��ler "
"            tetiklenmi� olabilir. �ki durumda da a�a��da %(link)s "
"            de�i�tirerek g�nderimi etkinle�tirebilirsiniz. Herhangi bir "
"            veya yard�ma ihtiyac�n�z varsa %(mailto)s ile ba�lant� kurun."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:167
msgid ""
"<p>We have received some recent bounces from your\n"
"            address.  Your current <em>bounce score</em> is %(score)s out of "
"            maximum of %(total)s.  Please double check that your subscribed\n"
"            address is correct and that there are no problems with delivery "
"            this address.  Your bounce score will be automatically reset if\n"
"            the problems are corrected soon."
msgstr ""
"<p>Adresinizden son zamanlarda baz� geri d�n��ler ald�k.\n"
"            �u andaki geri <em>d�n�� puan�n�z</em> toplam %(total)s\n"
"            �zerinden %(score)s. L�tfen �ye oldu�unuz adresin do�ru\n"
"            oldu�undan ve bu adrese g�nderimlerde sorun olmad���ndan emin "
"            E�er sorunlar d�zelirse, geri d�n�� puan�n�z otomatik olarak\n"
"            s�f�rlanacakt�r."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:179
msgid ""
"(Note - you are subscribing to a list of mailing lists, so the %(type)s "
"notice will be sent to the admin address for your membership, %(addr)s.)<p>"
msgstr ""
"(Not - mesaj listelerinin �ye oldu�u bir listeye �ye oluyorsunuz, bu y�zden "
"%(type)s bildirimi, �yeli�iniz %(addr)s adresinin y�netici adresine "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:189
msgid ""
"You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to\n"
"            prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you."
msgstr ""
"Ba�ka ki�ilerin sizi iste�iniz d���nda �ye yapmas�n�\n"
"            engellemek i�in, onay�n�z� isteyen bir e-posta alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:192
msgid ""
"This is a closed list, which means your subscription\n"
"            will be held for approval.  You will be notified of the list\n"
"            moderator's decision by email."
msgstr ""
"Bu kapal� bir listedir, yani �yeli�iniz onay i�in\n"
"            bekletilecektir. Moderat�r�n karar�n� bildiren bir e-posta\n"
"            alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:195 Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:202
msgid "also "
msgstr "ayr�ca "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:197
msgid ""
"You will be sent email requesting confirmation, to\n"
"            prevent others from gratuitously subscribing you.  Once\n"
"            confirmation is received, your request will be held for "
"            by the list moderator.  You will be notified of the moderator's\n"
"            decision by email."
msgstr ""
"Ba�ka ki�ilerin sizi iste�iniz d���nda �ye yapmas�n�\n"
"            engellemek i�in, onay�n�z� isteyen bir e-posta alacaks�n�z. "
"            al�nd���nda, iste�iniz moderat�r onay� i�in beklemeye "
"            Moderat�r�n karar�n� bildiren bir e-posta alacaks�n�z."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:206
msgid ""
"This is %(also)sa private list, which means that the\n"
"            list of members is not available to non-members."
msgstr ""
"Bu liste %(also)s �zel bir listedir, yani �ye listesi\n"
"            �ye olmayan ki�ilerden gizlidir."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:209
msgid ""
"This is %(also)sa hidden list, which means that the\n"
"            list of members is available only to the list administrator."
msgstr ""
"Bu liste %(also)s gizli bir listedir, yani �ye listesi\n"
"            sadece liste y�neticilerine g�r�n�r durumdad�r."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:212
msgid ""
"This is %(also)sa public list, which means that the\n"
"            list of members list is available to everyone."
msgstr ""
"Bu liste %(also)s genel bir listedir, yani �ye listesi\n"
"            herkese g�r�n�r durumdad�r."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:215
msgid ""
" (but we obscure the addresses so they are not\n"
"                easily recognizable by spammers)."
msgstr ""
" (ancak adresleri spam atan ki�iler taraf�ndan\n"
"                kolayca anla��lamayacak hale gelecek �ekilde de�i�tiriyoruz)."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:220
msgid ""
"<p>(Note that this is an umbrella list, intended to\n"
"            have only other mailing lists as members.  Among other things,\n"
"            this means that your confirmation request will be sent to the\n"
"            `%(sfx)s' account for your address.)"
msgstr ""
"<p>(Bunun bir kapsay�c� liste oldu�una dikkat edin,\n"
"            yani amac� sadece ba�ka mesaj listelerini �yesi olarak "
"            Ba�ka durumlarla beraber, bu, size g�nderilecek onay iste�inin\n"
"            adresinizin `%(sfx)s' hesab�na g�nderilece�i anlam�na gelir.)"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:249
msgid "<b><i>either</i></b> "
msgstr "<strong><i>ya</i></strong> "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:254
msgid ""
"To unsubscribe from %(realname)s, get a password reminder,\n"
"        or change your subscription options %(either)senter your "
"        email address:\n"
"        <p><center> "
msgstr ""
"%(realname)s listesinden ��kmak, bir �ifre hat�rlat�c� istemek,\n"
"        veya �yelik se�eneklerinizi de�i�tirmek i�in %(either)s�yelik e-"
"        adresinizi girin:\n"
"        <p><center> "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:261
msgid "Unsubscribe or edit options"
msgstr "Listeden ��k veya se�eneklerimi d�zenle"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:265
msgid ""
"<p>... <b><i>or</i></b> select your entry from\n"
"                      the subscribers list (see above)."
msgstr ""
"<p>... <strong><i>veya</i></strong> �ye listesinden kendi giri�inizi\n"
"                      se�in (yukar�ya bak�n)."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:267
msgid ""
" If you leave the field blank, you will be prompted for\n"
"        your email address"
msgstr ""
" Alan� bo� b�rak�rsan�z, sizden e-posta adresiniz\n"
"        istenecektir."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:275
msgid ""
"(<i>%(which)s is only available to the list\n"
"                members.</i>)"
msgstr ""
"(<i>%(which)s sadece liste �yelerine\n"
"                g�r�n�r durumdad�r.</i>)"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:279
msgid ""
"(<i>%(which)s is only available to the list\n"
"            administrator.</i>)"
msgstr ""
"(<i>%(which)s sadece liste y�neticisine\n"
"            g�r�n�r durumdad�r.</i>)"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:289
msgid "Click here for the list of "
msgstr " "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:291
msgid " subscribers: "
msgstr " listesinin �ye listesi i�in buraya t�klay�n: "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:293
msgid "Visit Subscriber list"
msgstr "�ye listesine git"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:296
msgid "members"
msgstr "�yeler"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:297
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "Adres:"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:300
msgid "Admin address:"
msgstr "Y�netici adresi:"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:303
msgid "The subscribers list"
msgstr "�ye listesi"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:305
msgid " <p>Enter your "
msgstr " <p>�ye listesini g�rmek i�in "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:307
msgid " and password to visit  the subscribers list: <p><center> "
msgstr " ve �ifrenizi girin: <p><center> "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:312
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "�ifre: "

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:316
msgid "Visit Subscriber List"
msgstr "�ye Listesine Git"

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:350
msgid "Once a month, your password will be emailed to you as a reminder."
msgstr "Ayda bir, �ifreniz size e-posta yoluyla hat�rlat�lacakt�r."

#: Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py:397
msgid "The current archive"
msgstr "�u andaki ar�iv"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Acknowledge.py:59
msgid "%(realname)s post acknowledgement"
msgstr "%(realname)s g�nderim bilgisi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Approve.py:45
msgid ""
"Message rejected.\n"
"It appears that this message contains an HTML part with the\n"
"Approved: password line, but due to the way it is coded in the\n"
"HTML it can't be safely removed.\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Handlers/CalcRecips.py:79
msgid ""
"Your urgent message to the %(realname)s mailing list was not authorized for\n"
"delivery.  The original message as received by Mailman is attached.\n"
msgstr ""
"%(realname)s mesaj listesine g�nderdi�iniz acil mesaj, g�nderim i�in "
"Mailman taraf�ndan al�nan �zg�n mesaj ektedir.\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Emergency.py:29
msgid "Emergency hold on all list traffic is in effect"
msgstr "T�m liste trafi�inde acil bekletme etkin"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Emergency.py:30 Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:58
msgid "Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator."
msgstr "Moderat�r, mesaj�n�z�n uygun olmad���na karar verdi."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:53
msgid "Sender is explicitly forbidden"
msgstr "G�nderici a��k �ekilde yasaklanm��"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:54
msgid "You are forbidden from posting messages to this list."
msgstr "Bu listeye mesaj g�ndermeniz yasakt�r."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:57
msgid "Post to moderated list"
msgstr "Moderat�r onayl� listeye mesaj g�nderimi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:61
msgid "Post by non-member to a members-only list"
msgstr "Sadece �yelerin mesaj atabildi�i listeye �ye olmayan ki�i mesaj�"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:62
msgid "Non-members are not allowed to post messages to this list."
msgstr "Bu listeye, �ye olmayan ki�ilerin mesaj atmas� yasakt�r."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:65
msgid "Posting to a restricted list by sender requires approval"
msgstr "K�s�tl� bir listeye g�nderim onay gerektirir."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:66
msgid "This list is restricted; your message was not approved."
msgstr "Bu liste k�s�tl�, mesaj�n�z onaylanmad�."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:69
msgid "Too many recipients to the message"
msgstr "Mesajda �ok fazla al�c� var"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:70
msgid "Please trim the recipient list; it is too long."
msgstr "L�tfen al�c� listesini k�salt�n; liste �ok uzun."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:73
msgid "Message has implicit destination"
msgstr "Mesaj�n gidece�i yer �rt�l�"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:74
msgid ""
"Blind carbon copies or other implicit destinations are\n"
"not allowed.  Try reposting your message by explicitly including the list\n"
"address in the To: or Cc: fields."
msgstr ""
"K�r karbon kopyalar (Bcc) veya ba�ka �rt�l� al�c� adreslerine izin\n"
"verilmemektedir. Mesaj�n�z�, liste adresini Al�c�: veya Cc: alanlar�nda\n"
"a��k �ekilde yazarak, tekrar g�ndermeyi deneyin."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:79
msgid "Message may contain administrivia"
msgstr "Mesaj y�netimsel bilgi i�eriyor olabilir"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:84
msgid ""
"Please do *not* post administrative requests to the mailing\n"
"list.  If you wish to subscribe, visit %(listurl)s or send a message with "
"word `help' in it to the request address, %(request)s, for further\n"
msgstr ""
"L�tfen y�netimsel istekleri mesaj listesine *g�ndermeyin*.\n"
"E�er �ye olmak istiyorsan�z, %(listurl)s adresine gidin, veya daha fazla "
"i�in %(request)s istek adresine i�inde `help' s�zc��� ge�en bir mesaj\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:90
msgid "Message has a suspicious header"
msgstr "Mesaj ��pheli bir ba�l�k i�eriyor"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:91
msgid "Your message had a suspicious header."
msgstr "Mesaj�n�zda ��pheli bir ba�l�k vard�."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:101
msgid ""
"Message body is too big: %(size)d bytes with a limit of\n"
"%(limit)d KB"
msgstr ""
"Mesaj g�vdesi �ok b�y�k: %(limit)d KB'l�k bir s�n�r ile\n"
"%(size)d bayt"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:106
msgid ""
"Your message was too big; please trim it to less than\n"
"%(kb)d KB in size."
msgstr ""
"Mesaj�n�z �ok b�y�kt�; l�tfen %(kb)d KB'tan daha k���k\n"
"olacak �ekilde k�salt�n."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:110
msgid "Posting to a moderated newsgroup"
msgstr "Moderat�r onayl� bir haber grubuna mesaj g�nderimi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:247
msgid "Your message to %(listname)s awaits moderator approval"
msgstr "%(listname)s listesine g�nderdi�iniz mesaj moderat�r onay� bekliyor"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:266
msgid "%(listname)s post from %(sender)s requires approval"
msgstr ""
"%(sender)s taraf�ndan g�nderilen %(listname)s liste mesaj� onay gerektiriyor"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:273
msgid ""
"If you reply to this message, keeping the Subject: header intact, Mailman "
"discard the held message.  Do this if the message is spam.  If you reply to\n"
"this message and include an Approved: header with the list password in it, "
"message will be approved for posting to the list.  The Approved: header can\n"
"also appear in the first line of the body of the reply."
msgstr ""
"Konu: ba�l���n� de�i�tirmeden bu mesaj� yan�tlarsan�z, Mailman bekleyen "
"g�zard� edecektir. Mesaj spam ise bunu yap�n. E�er bu mesaj� yan�tlar ve "
"liste �ifresi olan bir Approved: ba�l��� eklerseniz, mesaj listeye g�nderim "
"onaylanacakt�r. Approved: ba�l��� ayr�ca yan�t mesaj�n�n g�vdesinin ilk "
"da olabilir."

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:59
msgid "The message's content type was explicitly disallowed"
msgstr "Mesaj�n i�erik t�r�ne a��k �ekilde izin verilmedi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:64
msgid "The message's content type was not explicitly allowed"
msgstr "Mesaj�n i�erik t�r� a��k �ekilde izin verilenler listesinde de�ildi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "The message's file extension was explicitly disallowed"
msgstr "Mesaj�n i�erik t�r�ne a��k �ekilde izin verilmedi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "The message's file extension was not explicitly allowed"
msgstr "Mesaj�n i�erik t�r� a��k �ekilde izin verilenler listesinde de�ildi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:87
msgid "After content filtering, the message was empty"
msgstr "��erik filtreleme sonunda, mesaj bo� kald�"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:264
msgid ""
"The attached message matched the %(listname)s mailing list's content "
"rules and was prevented from being forwarded on to the list membership.  "
"are receiving the only remaining copy of the discarded message.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ekteki mesaj %(listname)s mesaj listesinin i�erik filtreleme kurallar�yla\n"
"e�le�ti ve listeye iletilmesi engellendi. G�zard� edilen mesaj�n kalan\n"
"son kopyas�n� ald�n�z.\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/MimeDel.py:270
msgid "Content filtered message notification"
msgstr "��eri�i filtrelenmi� mesaj bildirimi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Moderate.py:170
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Your message has been rejected, probably because you are not subscribed to "
"mailing list and the list's policy is to prohibit non-members from posting "
"it.  If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact "
"mailing list owner at %(listowner)s."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye mesaj g�ndermenize izin verilmiyor ve mesaj�n�z otomatik olarak\n"
"reddedildi. E�er mesajlar�n�z�n bir hata sonucu reddedildi�ini "
"%(listowner)s adresinden mesaj listesi sahibiyle ba�lant�ya ge�in."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Moderate.py:187
msgid "Auto-discard notification"
msgstr "Otomatik g�zard� etme bildirimi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Moderate.py:190
msgid "The attached message has been automatically discarded."
msgstr "Ekteki mesaj otomatik olarak g�zard� edildi."

#: Mailman/Handlers/Replybot.py:75
msgid "Auto-response for your message to the \"%(realname)s\" mailing list"
msgstr ""
"\"%(realname)s\" mesaj listesine g�nderdi�iniz mesaj i�in otomatik yan�t"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Replybot.py:108
msgid "The Mailman Replybot"
msgstr "Mailman Yan�t Robotu"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:205
msgid ""
"An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...\n"
"Name: %(filename)s\n"
"URL: %(url)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:215
msgid "HTML attachment scrubbed and removed"
msgstr "HTML eklentisi temizlendi ve silindi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:231 Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:256
msgid ""
"An HTML attachment was scrubbed...\n"
"URL: %(url)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Bir HTML eklentisi temizlendi...\n"
"URL: %(url)s\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:268
msgid "no subject"
msgstr "konu yok"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:270
msgid "no date"
msgstr "tarih yok"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:271
msgid "unknown sender"
msgstr "bilinmeyen g�nderici"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:273
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"An embedded message was scrubbed...\n"
"From: %(who)s\n"
"Subject: %(subject)s\n"
"Date: %(date)s\n"
"Size: %(size)s\n"
"URL: %(url)s\n"
msgstr ""
"G�m�l� bir mesaj temizlendi...\n"
"G�nderen: %(who)s\n"
"Konu: %(subject)s\n"
"Tarih: %(date)s\n"
"Boyut: %(size)s\n"
"Url: %(url)s\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:305
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A non-text attachment was scrubbed...\n"
"Name: %(filename)s\n"
"Type: %(ctype)s\n"
"Size: %(size)d bytes\n"
"Desc: %(desc)s\n"
"URL: %(url)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Yaz� olmayan bir eklenti temizlendi...\n"
"�sim: %(filename)s\n"
"T�r: %(ctype)s\n"
"Boyut: %(size)d bayt\n"
"Tan�m: %(desc)s\n"
"Url: %(url)s\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:344
#, fuzzy
msgid "Skipped content of type %(partctype)s\n"
msgstr "��erik t�r� %(partctype)s atland�"

#: Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py:385
msgid "-------------- next part --------------\n"
msgstr "-------------- sonraki b�l�m --------------\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/SpamDetect.py:57
msgid "The message headers matched a filter rule"
msgstr "Mesaj ba�l�klar� bir filtre kural� ile e�le�ti"

#: Mailman/Handlers/SpamDetect.py:109
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"You are not allowed to post to this mailing list From: a domain which\n"
"publishes a DMARC policy of reject or quarantine, and your message has been\n"
"automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are being rejected "
"error, contact the mailing list owner at %(listowner)s."
msgstr ""
"Bu listeye mesaj g�ndermenize izin verilmiyor ve mesaj�n�z otomatik olarak\n"
"reddedildi. E�er mesajlar�n�z�n bir hata sonucu reddedildi�ini "
"%(listowner)s adresinden mesaj listesi sahibiyle ba�lant�ya ge�in."

#: Mailman/Handlers/SpamDetect.py:154
msgid "Message rejected by filter rule match"
msgstr "Mesaj filtre kural� e�le�mesi sonucu reddedildi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:163
msgid "%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d"
msgstr "%(realname)s Toplu Mesaj�, Say� %(volume)d, Konu %(issue)d"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:209
msgid "digest header"
msgstr "toplu mesaj ba�l���"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:212
msgid "Digest Header"
msgstr "Toplu Mesaj Ba�l���"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:225
msgid "Today's Topics:\n"
msgstr "G�n�n Konular�:\n"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:305
msgid "Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)"
msgstr "G�n�n Konular� (%(msgcount)d mesaj)"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:331
msgid "[Message discarded by content filter]"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:359
msgid "digest footer"
msgstr "toplu mesaj altbilgisi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:362 Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:370
msgid "Digest Footer"
msgstr "Toplu Mesaj Altbilgisi"

#: Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py:377
msgid "End of "
msgstr "Son: "

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:307
msgid "Posting of your message titled \"%(subject)s\""
msgstr "\"%(subject)s\" ba�l�kl� mesaj�n�z�n g�nderimi"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:308 Mailman/ListAdmin.py:430
msgid "[No reason given]"
msgstr "[Neden belirtilmedi]"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:346
msgid "Forward of moderated message"
msgstr "Moderasyon onayl� mesaj�n iletimi"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:403
msgid "New subscription request to list %(realname)s from %(addr)s"
msgstr "%(addr)s adresinden, %(realname)s listesine yeni �yelik iste�i"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:429
msgid "Subscription request"
msgstr "�yelik iste�i"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:460
msgid "New unsubscription request from %(realname)s by %(addr)s"
msgstr "%(addr)s adresinden, %(realname)s listesinden ��kma iste�i"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:484
msgid "Unsubscription request"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�i"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:517
msgid "Original Message"
msgstr "�zg�n Mesaj"

#: Mailman/ListAdmin.py:520
msgid "Request to mailing list %(realname)s rejected"
msgstr "%(realname)s mesaj listesine istek reddedildi"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:66
msgid ""
"The mailing list `%(listname)s' has been created via the through-the-web\n"
"interface.  In order to complete the activation of this mailing list, the\n"
"proper /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file must be updated.  The program\n"
"`newaliases' may also have to be run.\n"
"Here are the entries for the /etc/aliases file:\n"
msgstr ""
"`%(listname)s' mesaj listesi, web aray�z� kullan�larak yarat�ld�.\n"
"Listenin etkinle�tirmesinin tamamlanmas� i�in uygun /etc/aliases\n"
"(veya e�de�eri) dosyas�n�n g�ncellenmesi gerekiyor. Ayr�ca\n"
"`newaliases' program�n�n da �al��t�r�lmas� gerekebilir.\n"
"/etc/aliases dosyas�na eklenmesi gereken sat�rlar:\n"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:77
msgid ""
"To finish creating your mailing list, you must edit your /etc/aliases (or\n"
"equivalent) file by adding the following lines, and possibly running the\n"
"`newaliases' program:\n"
msgstr ""
"Mesaj listenizini etkinle�tirilmesini tamamlaman�z i�in /etc/aliases (veya "
"dosyan�z� d�zenleyerek a�a��daki sat�rlar� eklemeniz ve olas�l�kla\n"
"`newaliases' program�n� �al��t�rman�z gerekir:\n"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:82
msgid "## %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr "## %(listname)s mesaj listesi"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:99
msgid "Mailing list creation request for list %(listname)s"
msgstr "%(listname)s listesi i�in liste olu�turma iste�i"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:113
msgid ""
"The mailing list `%(listname)s' has been removed via the through-the-web\n"
"interface.  In order to complete the de-activation of this mailing list, "
"appropriate /etc/aliases (or equivalent) file must be updated.  The program\n"
"`newaliases' may also have to be run.\n"
"Here are the entries in the /etc/aliases file that should be removed:\n"
msgstr ""
"`%(listname)s' mesaj listesi, web aray�z� kullan�larak silindi. Listenin "
"tamamlanmas� i�in uygun /etc/aliases (veya e�de�eri) dosyas�n�n "
"gerekiyor. Ayr�ca `newaliases' program�n�n da �al��t�r�lmas� gerekebilir.\n"
"/etc/aliases dosyas�ndan silinmesi gereken sat�rlar:\n"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:123
msgid ""
"To finish removing your mailing list, you must edit your /etc/aliases (or\n"
"equivalent) file by removing the following lines, and possibly running the\n"
"`newaliases' program:\n"
"## %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr ""
"Mesaj listenizini silimini tamamlaman�z i�in /etc/aliases (veya e�de�eri)\n"
"dosyan�z� d�zenleyerek a�a��daki sat�rlar� silmeniz ve olas�l�kla\n"
"`newaliases' program�n� �al��t�rman�z gerekir:\n"
"## %(listname)s mesaj listesi"

#: Mailman/MTA/Manual.py:142
msgid "Mailing list removal request for list %(listname)s"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesi i�in silme iste�i"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:324
msgid "checking permissions on %(file)s"
msgstr "%(file)s dosyas� �zerindeki haklar denetleniyor"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:334
msgid "%(file)s permissions must be 066x (got %(octmode)s)"
msgstr "%(file)s haklar� 066x olmal� (%(octmode)s g�r�ld�)"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:336 Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:363
#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:374 bin/check_perms:125 bin/check_perms:153
#: bin/check_perms:163 bin/check_perms:174 bin/check_perms:199
#: bin/check_perms:216 bin/check_perms:242 bin/check_perms:265
#: bin/check_perms:284 bin/check_perms:298 bin/check_perms:318
#: bin/check_perms:358
msgid "(fixing)"
msgstr "(d�zeltiliyor)"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:352
msgid "checking ownership of %(dbfile)s"
msgstr "%(dbfile)s dosyas�n�n sahipli�i denetleniyor"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:360
msgid "%(dbfile)s owned by %(owner)s (must be owned by %(user)s"
msgstr "%(dbfile)s sahibi %(owner)s (%(user)s olmal�"

#: Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py:372
#, fuzzy
msgid "%(dbfile)s permissions must be 066x (got %(octmode)s)"
msgstr "%(dbfile)s haklar� 066x olmal� (%(octmode)s g�r�ld�)"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:217
#, fuzzy
msgid "Your confirmation is required to join the %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesine �ye de�ilsiniz"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:228
#, fuzzy
msgid "Your confirmation is required to leave the %(listname)s mailing list"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesine �ye de�ilsiniz"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:915 Mailman/MailList.py:1382
msgid " from %(remote)s"
msgstr " %(remote)s adresinden "

#: Mailman/MailList.py:959
msgid "subscriptions to %(realname)s require moderator approval"
msgstr "%(realname)s listesine �yelikler moderat�r onay� gerektirir"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1028 bin/add_members:252
msgid "%(realname)s subscription notification"
msgstr "%(realname)s �yelik bildirimi"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1047
msgid "unsubscriptions require moderator approval"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kmak moderat�r onay� gerektirir"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1068
msgid "%(realname)s unsubscribe notification"
msgstr "%(realname)s �yelikten ��kma bildirimi"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1226
#, fuzzy
msgid "%(realname)s address change notification"
msgstr "%(realname)s �yelikten ��kma bildirimi"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1291
msgid "subscriptions to %(name)s require administrator approval"
msgstr "%(name)s listesine �yelikler moderat�r onay� gerektirir"

#: Mailman/MailList.py:1556
msgid "Last autoresponse notification for today"
msgstr "Bug�n i�in son otomatik yan�t bildirimi"

#: Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py:343
msgid ""
"The attached message was received as a bounce, but either the bounce format\n"
"was not recognized, or no member addresses could be extracted from it.  "
"mailing list has been configured to send all unrecognized bounce messages "
"the list administrator(s).\n"
"For more information see:\n"
msgstr ""
"Ekteki mesaj bir geri d�n�� olarak al�nd�, fakat ya geri d�n�� bi�imi\n"
"alg�lanamad�, ya da mesajda bir �ye adresi bulunamad�. Bu mesaj listesi\n"
"alg�lanamayan t�m geri d�n�� mesajlar�n� liste y�neticilerine g�nderecek\n"
"�ekilde ayarlanm��.\n"
"Daha fazla bilgi i�in �u sayfaya gidin:\n"

#: Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py:353
msgid "Uncaught bounce notification"
msgstr "Alg�lanamam�� geri d�n�� bildirimi"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:97
msgid "Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts"
msgstr "text/plain olmayan MIME b�l�mler g�zard� ediliyor"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:171
msgid ""
"The results of your email command are provided below.\n"
"Attached is your original message.\n"
msgstr ""
"E-posta komutunuzun sonu�lar� a�a��da verildi.\n"
"�zg�n mesaj�n�z ektedir.\n"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:176
msgid "- Results:"
msgstr "- Sonu�lar�:"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:182
msgid ""
"- Unprocessed:"
msgstr ""
"- ��lenmedi:"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:186
msgid ""
"No commands were found in this message.\n"
"To obtain instructions, send a message containing just the word \"help\".\n"
msgstr ""
"Bu mesajda herhangi bir komut bulunamad�.\n"
"Bilgileri almak i�in, sadece \"help\" s�zc���n� i�eren bir mesaj g�nderin.\n"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:191
msgid ""
"- Ignored:"
msgstr ""
"- G�zard� edildi:"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:193
msgid ""
"- Done.\n"
msgstr ""
"- Yap�ld�.\n"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:217
msgid "The results of your email commands"
msgstr "E-posta komutlar�n�z�n sonu�lar�"

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:223
msgid "Message body suppressed by Mailman site configuration\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/Queue/CommandRunner.py:225
msgid "Original message suppressed by Mailman site configuration\n"
msgstr ""

#: Mailman/htmlformat.py:659
msgid "Delivered by Mailman<br>version %(version)s"
msgstr "Mailman ile g�nderildi<br>s�r�m %(version)s"

#: Mailman/htmlformat.py:660
msgid "Python Powered"
msgstr "Python ile G��lendirilmi�"

#: Mailman/htmlformat.py:661
msgid "Gnu's Not Unix"
msgstr "Gnu Unix De�ildir"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:102
msgid "Mon"
msgstr "Pzt"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:102
msgid "Thu"
msgstr "Per"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:102
msgid "Tue"
msgstr "Sal"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:102
msgid "Wed"
msgstr "�ar"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:103
msgid "Fri"
msgstr "Cum"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:103
msgid "Sat"
msgstr "Cmt"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:103
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Paz"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Nis"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "�ub"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Oca"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Haz"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:107
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "A�u"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Ara"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Tem"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Kas"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Eki"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:108
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Eyl"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:111
msgid "Server Local Time"
msgstr "Sunucu Yerel Zaman�"

#: Mailman/i18n.py:150
msgid ""
"%(wday)s %(mon)s %(day)2i %(hh)02i:%(mm)02i:%(ss)02i %(tzname)s %(year)04i"
msgstr ""
"%(day)2i %(mon)s %(year)04i %(wday)s %(hh)02i:%(mm)02i:%(ss)02i %(tzname)s"

#: bin/add_members:26
msgid ""
"Add members to a list from the command line.\n"
"    add_members [options] listname\n"
"    --regular-members-file=file\n"
"    -r file\n"
"        A file containing addresses of the members to be added, one\n"
"        address per line.  This list of people become non-digest\n"
"        members.  If file is `-', read addresses from stdin.  Note that\n"
"        -n/--non-digest-members-file are deprecated synonyms for this "
"    --digest-members-file=file\n"
"    -d file\n"
"        Similar to above, but these people become digest members.\n"
"    --welcome-msg=<y|n>\n"
"    -w <y|n>\n"
"        Set whether or not to send the list members a welcome message,\n"
"        overriding whatever the list's `send_welcome_msg' setting is.\n"
"    --admin-notify=<y|n>\n"
"    -a <y|n>\n"
"        Set whether or not to send the list administrators a notification "
"        the success/failure of these subscriptions, overriding whatever the\n"
"        list's `admin_notify_mchanges' setting is.\n"
"    --nomail\n"
"    -n\n"
"        Set the newly added members mail delivery to disabled by admin.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    listname\n"
"        The name of the Mailman list you are adding members to.  It must\n"
"        already exist.\n"
"You must supply at least one of -r and -d options.  At most one of the\n"
"files can be `-'.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:146
msgid "Already a member: %(member)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:152
msgid "Bad/Invalid email address: blank line"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:154
msgid "Bad/Invalid email address: %(member)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:156
msgid "Hostile address (illegal characters): %(member)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:158
msgid "Subscribed: %(member)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:199
msgid "Bad argument to -w/--welcome-msg: %(arg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:206
msgid "Bad argument to -a/--admin-notify: %(arg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:214
msgid "Cannot read both digest and normal members from standard input."
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:220 bin/config_list:109 bin/export.py:271
#: bin/find_member:97 bin/inject:91 bin/list_admins:90 bin/list_members:232
#: bin/sync_members:222 cron/bumpdigests:86
msgid "No such list: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/add_members:240 bin/change_pw:158 bin/check_db:114 bin/discard:83
#: bin/sync_members:244 bin/update:302 bin/update:323 bin/update:577
#: cron/bumpdigests:78
msgid "Nothing to do."
msgstr ""

#: bin/arch:19
msgid ""
"Rebuild a list's archive.\n"
"Use this command to rebuild the archives for a mailing list.  You may want "
"do this if you edit some messages in an archive, or remove some messages "
"an archive.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] <listname> [<mbox>]\n"
"Where options are:\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    -q / --quiet\n"
"        Make the archiver output less verbose.\n"
"    --wipe\n"
"        First wipe out the original archive before regenerating.  You "
"        want to specify this argument unless you're generating the archive "
"        chunks.\n"
"    -s N\n"
"    --start=N\n"
"        Start indexing at article N, where article 0 is the first in the "
"        Defaults to 0.\n"
"    -e M\n"
"    --end=M\n"
"        End indexing at article M.  This script is not very efficient with\n"
"        respect to memory management, and for large archives, it may not be\n"
"        possible to index the mbox entirely.  For that reason, you can "
"        the start and end article numbers.\n"
"Where <mbox> is the path to a list's complete mbox archive.  Usually this "
"be some path in the archives/private directory.  For example:\n"
"%% bin/arch mylist archives/private/mylist.mbox/mylist.mbox\n"
"<mbox> is optional.  If it is missing, it is calculated.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/arch:125
msgid "listname is required"
msgstr ""

#: bin/arch:143 bin/change_pw:106 bin/config_list:256
msgid ""
"No such list \"%(listname)s\"\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/arch:168
msgid "Cannot open mbox file %(mbox)s: %(msg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/b4b5-archfix:19
msgid ""
"Fix the MM2.1b4 archives.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] file ...\n"
"Where options are:\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"Only use this to `fix' some archive database files that may have gotten\n"
"written in Mailman 2.1b4 with some bogus data.  Use like this from your\n"
"$PREFIX directory\n"
"%% %(PROGRAM)s `grep -l _mlist archives/private/*/database/*-article`\n"
"(note the backquotes are required)\n"
"You will need to run `bin/check_perms -f' after running this script.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:20
msgid ""
"Change a list's password.\n"
"Prior to Mailman 2.1, list passwords were kept in crypt'd format -- "
"Some Python installations didn't have the crypt module available, so they'd\n"
"fall back to md5.  Then suddenly the Python installation might grow a crypt\n"
"module and all list passwords would be broken.\n"
"In Mailman 2.1, all list and site passwords are stored in SHA1 hexdigest\n"
"form.  This breaks list passwords for all existing pre-Mailman 2.1 lists, "
"since those passwords aren't stored anywhere in plain text, they cannot be\n"
"retrieved and updated.\n"
"Thus, this script generates new passwords for a list, and optionally sends "
"to all the owners of the list.\n"
"Usage: change_pw [options]\n"
"    --all / -a\n"
"        Change the password for all lists.\n"
"    --domain=domain\n"
"    -d domain\n"
"        Change the password for all lists in the virtual domain `domain'.  "
"        is okay to give multiple -d options.\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"        Change the password only for the named list.  It is okay to give\n"
"        multiple -l options.\n"
"    --password=newpassword\n"
"    -p newpassword\n"
"        Use the supplied plain text password `newpassword' as the new "
"        for any lists that are being changed (as specified by the -a, -d, "
"        -l options).  If not given, lists will be assigned a randomly\n"
"        generated new password.\n"
"    --quiet / -q\n"
"        Don't notify list owners of the new password.  You'll have to have\n"
"        some other way of letting the list owners know the new password\n"
"        (presumably out-of-band).\n"
"    --help / -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:144
msgid "Bad arguments: %(strargs)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:148
msgid "Empty list passwords are not allowed"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:180
msgid "New %(listname)s password: %(notifypassword)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:189
msgid "Your new %(listname)s list password"
msgstr ""

#: bin/change_pw:190
msgid ""
"The site administrator at %(hostname)s has changed the password for your\n"
"mailing list %(listname)s.  It is now\n"
"    %(notifypassword)s\n"
"Please be sure to use this for all future list administration.  You may "
"to log in now to your list and change the password to something more to "
"liking.  Visit your list admin page at\n"
"    %(adminurl)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_db:19
msgid ""
"Check a list's config database file for integrity.\n"
"All of the following files are checked:\n"
"    config.pck\n"
"    config.pck.last\n"
"    config.db\n"
"    config.db.last\n"
"    config.safety\n"
"It's okay if any of these are missing.  config.pck and config.pck.last are\n"
"pickled versions of the config database file for 2.1a3 and beyond.  config."
"and config.db.last are used in all earlier versions, and these are Python\n"
"marshals.  config.safety is a pickle written by 2.1a3 and beyond when the\n"
"primary config.pck file could not be read.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname [listname ...]]\n"
"    --all / -a\n"
"        Check the databases for all lists.  Otherwise only the lists named "
"        the command line are checked.\n"
"    --verbose / -v\n"
"        Verbose output.  The state of every tested file is printed.\n"
"        Otherwise only corrupt files are displayed.\n"
"    --help / -h\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_db:119
msgid "No list named:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_db:128
msgid "List:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_db:148
msgid "   %(file)s: okay"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:20
msgid ""
"Check the permissions for the Mailman installation.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [-f] [-v] [-h]\n"
"With no arguments, just check and report all the files that have bogus\n"
"permissions or group ownership.  With -f (and run as root), fix all the\n"
"permission problems found.  With -v be verbose.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:110
msgid "    checking gid and mode for %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:122
msgid "%(path)s bad group (has: %(groupname)s, expected %(MAILMAN_GROUP)s)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:151
msgid "directory permissions must be %(octperms)s: %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:160
msgid "source perms must be %(octperms)s: %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:171
msgid "article db files must be %(octperms)s: %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:183
msgid "checking mode for %(prefix)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:193
msgid "WARNING: directory does not exist: %(d)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:197
msgid "directory must be at least 02775: %(d)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:209
msgid "checking perms on %(private)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:214
msgid "%(private)s must not be other-readable"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:223
msgid ""
"Warning: Private archive directory is other-executable (o+x).\n"
"         This could allow other users on your system to read private "
"         If you're on a shared multiuser system, you should consult the\n"
"         installation manual on how to fix this."
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:240
msgid "mbox file must be at least 0660:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:263
msgid "%(dbdir)s \"other\" perms must be 000"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:273
msgid "checking cgi-bin permissions"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:278
msgid "    checking set-gid for %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:282
msgid "%(path)s must be set-gid"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:292
msgid "checking set-gid for %(wrapper)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:296
msgid "%(wrapper)s must be set-gid"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:306
msgid "checking permissions on %(pwfile)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:315
msgid "%(pwfile)s permissions must be exactly 0640 (got %(octmode)s)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:340
msgid "checking permissions on list data"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:348
msgid "    checking permissions on: %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:356
msgid "file permissions must be at least 660: %(path)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:401
msgid "No problems found"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:403
msgid "Problems found:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/check_perms:404
msgid "Re-run as %(MAILMAN_USER)s (or root) with -f flag to fix"
msgstr ""

#: bin/cleanarch:20
msgid ""
"Clean up an .mbox archive file.\n"
"The archiver looks for Unix-From lines separating messages in an mbox "
"file.  For compatibility, it specifically looks for lines that start with\n"
"\"From \" -- i.e. the letters capital-F, lowercase-r, o, m, space, ignoring\n"
"everything else on the line.\n"
"Normally, any lines that start \"From \" in the body of a message should be\n"
"escaped such that a > character is actually the first on a line.  It is\n"
"possible though that body lines are not actually escaped.  This script\n"
"attempts to fix these by doing a stricter test of the Unix-From lines.  Any\n"
"lines that start \"From \" but do not pass this stricter test are escaped "
"with a\n"
"> character.\n"
"Usage: cleanarch [options] < inputfile > outputfile\n"
"    -s n\n"
"    --status=n\n"
"        Print a # character every n lines processed\n"
"    -q / --quiet\n"
"        Don't print changed line information to standard error.\n"
"    -n / --dry-run\n"
"        Don't actually output anything.\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this message and exit\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/cleanarch:83
msgid "Unix-From line changed: %(lineno)d"
msgstr ""

#: bin/cleanarch:111
msgid "Bad status number: %(arg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/cleanarch:167
msgid "%(messages)d messages found"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:19
msgid ""
"Clone a member address.\n"
"Cloning a member address means that a new member will be added who has all "
"same options and passwords as the original member address.  Note that this\n"
"operation is fairly trusting of the user who runs it -- it does no\n"
"verification to the new address, it does not send out a welcome message, "
"The existing member's subscription is usually not modified in any way.  If "
"want to remove the old address, use the -r flag.  If you also want to "
"any list admin addresses, use the -a flag.\n"
"    clone_member [options] fromoldaddr tonewaddr\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"        Check and modify only the named mailing lists.  If -l is not given,\n"
"        then all mailing lists are scanned from the address.  Multiple -l\n"
"        options can be supplied.\n"
"    --remove\n"
"    -r\n"
"        Remove the old address from the mailing list after it's been "
"    --admin\n"
"    -a\n"
"        Scan the list admin addresses for the old address, and clone or "
"        them too.\n"
"    --quiet\n"
"    -q\n"
"        Do the modifications quietly.\n"
"    --nomodify\n"
"    -n\n"
"        Print what would be done, but don't actually do it.  Inhibits the\n"
"        --quiet flag.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
" fromoldaddr (`from old address') is the old address of the user.  "
" (`to new address') is the new address of the user.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:94
msgid "processing mailing list:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:101
msgid "    scanning list owners:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:119
msgid "    new list owners:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:121
msgid "(no change)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:130
msgid "    address not found:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:145
msgid "    clone address added:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:148
msgid "    clone address is already a member:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:151
msgid "    original address removed:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:202
msgid "Not a valid email address: %(toaddr)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/clone_member:215
msgid ""
"Error opening list \"%(listname)s\", skipping.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:20
msgid ""
"Configure a list from a text file description.\n"
"Usage: config_list [options] listname\n"
"    --inputfile filename\n"
"    -i filename\n"
"        Configure the list by assigning each module-global variable in the\n"
"        file to an attribute on the list object, then saving the list.  The\n"
"        named file is loaded with execfile() and must be legal Python code.\n"
"        Any variable that isn't already an attribute of the list object is\n"
"        ignored (a warning message is printed).  See also the -c option.\n"
"        A special variable named `mlist' is put into the globals during the\n"
"        execfile, which is bound to the actual MailList object.  This lets "
"        do all manner of bizarre thing to the list object, but BEWARE!  "
"        this can severely (and possibly irreparably) damage your mailing "
"    --outputfile filename\n"
"    -o filename\n"
"        Instead of configuring the list, print out a list's configuration\n"
"        variables in a format suitable for input using this script.  In "
"        way, you can easily capture the configuration settings for a\n"
"        particular list and imprint those settings on another list.  "
"        is the file to output the settings to.  If filename is `-', "
"        out is used.\n"
"    --checkonly\n"
"    -c\n"
"        With this option, the modified list is not actually changed.  Only\n"
"        useful with -i.\n"
"    --verbose\n"
"    -v\n"
"        Print the name of each attribute as it is being changed.  Only "
"        with -i.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"The options -o and -i are mutually exclusive.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:117
msgid ""
"# -*- python -*-\n"
"# -*- coding: %(charset)s -*-\n"
"## \"%(listname)s\" mailing list configuration settings\n"
"## captured on %(when)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:143
msgid "options"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:202
msgid "legal values are:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:269
msgid "attribute \"%(k)s\" ignored"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:272
msgid "attribute \"%(k)s\" changed"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:278
msgid "Non-standard property restored: %(k)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:286
msgid "Invalid value for property: %(k)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:288
msgid "Bad email address for option %(k)s: %(v)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:345
msgid "Only one of -i or -o is allowed"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:347
msgid "One of -i or -o is required"
msgstr ""

#: bin/config_list:351
msgid "List name is required"
msgstr ""

#: bin/convert.py:19
msgid ""
"Convert a list's interpolation strings from %-strings to $-strings.\n"
"This script is intended to be run as a bin/withlist script, i.e.\n"
"% bin/withlist -l -r convert <mylist>\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/convert.py:38 bin/fix_url.py:90
msgid "Saving list"
msgstr ""

#: bin/convert.py:44 bin/fix_url.py:51 bin/reset_pw.py:57
msgid "%%%"
msgstr ""

#: bin/discard:19
msgid ""
"Discard held messages.\n"
"    discard [options] file ...\n"
"    --help / -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    --quiet / -q\n"
"        Don't print status messages.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/discard:94
msgid "Ignoring non-held message: %(f)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/discard:100
msgid "Ignoring held msg w/bad id: %(f)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/discard:112
msgid "Discarded held msg #%(id)s for list %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:19
msgid ""
"Dump the contents of any Mailman `database' file.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] filename\n"
"    --marshal/-m\n"
"        Assume the file contains a Python marshal, overridding any "
"        guessing.\n"
"    --pickle/-p\n"
"        Assume the file contains a Python pickle, overridding any automatic\n"
"        guessing.\n"
"    --noprint/-n\n"
"        Don't attempt to pretty print the object.  This is useful if "
"        some problem with the object and you just want to get an unpickled\n"
"        representation.  Useful with `python -i bin/dumpdb <file>'.  In "
"        case, the root of the tree will be left in a global called \"msg\".\n"
"    --help/-h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit\n"
"If the filename ends with `.db', then it is assumed that the file contains "
"Python marshal.  If the file ends with `.pck' then it is assumed to contain "
"Python pickle.  In either case, if you want to override the default "
"-- or if the file ends in neither suffix -- use the -p or -m flags.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:105
msgid "No filename given."
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:108
msgid "Bad arguments: %(pargs)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:118
msgid "Please specify either -p or -m."
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:133
msgid "[----- start %(typename)s file -----]"
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:139
msgid "[----- end %(typename)s file -----]"
msgstr ""

#: bin/dumpdb:142
msgid "<----- start object %(cnt)s ----->"
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:20
msgid "Export an XML representation of a mailing list."
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:319
msgid ""
"%%prog [options]\n"
"Export the configuration and members of a mailing list in XML format."
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:325
msgid ""
"Output XML to FILENAME.  If not given, or if FILENAME is '-', standard out "
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:329
msgid ""
"Specify the RFC 2307 style hashing scheme for passwords included in the\n"
"output.  Use -P to get a list of supported schemes, which are\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:334
msgid ""
"List the supported password hashing schemes and exit.  The scheme labels "
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:339
msgid ""
"The list to include in the output.  If not given, then all mailing lists "
"included in the XML output.  Multiple -l flags may be given."
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:345
msgid "Unexpected arguments"
msgstr ""

#: bin/export.py:351
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid password scheme"
msgstr "Ba�lang�� liste �ifresi:"

#: bin/find_member:19
msgid ""
"Find all lists that a member's address is on.\n"
"    find_member [options] regex [regex [...]]\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"        Include only the named list in the search.\n"
"    --exclude=listname\n"
"    -x listname\n"
"        Exclude the named list from the search.\n"
"    --owners\n"
"    -w\n"
"        Search list owners as well as members.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    regex\n"
"        A Python regular expression to match against.\n"
"The interaction between -l and -x is as follows.  If any -l option is given\n"
"then only the named list will be included in the search.  If any -x option "
"given but no -l option is given, then all lists will be search except those\n"
"specifically excluded.\n"
"Regular expression syntax is Perl5-like, using the Python re module.  "
"specifications are at:\n"
"Address matches are case-insensitive, but case-preserved addresses are\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/find_member:159
msgid "Search regular expression required"
msgstr ""

#: bin/find_member:164
msgid "No lists to search"
msgstr ""

#: bin/find_member:173
msgid "found in:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/find_member:179
msgid "(as owner)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/fix_url.py:19
msgid ""
"Reset a list's web_page_url attribute to the default setting.\n"
"This script is intended to be run as a bin/withlist script, i.e.\n"
"% bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname [options]\n"
"    -u urlhost\n"
"    --urlhost=urlhost\n"
"        Look up urlhost in the virtual host table and set the web_page_url "
"        host_name attributes of the list to the values found.  This\n"
"        essentially moves the list from one virtual domain to another.\n"
"        Without this option, the default web_page_url and host_name values "
"        used.\n"
"    -v / --verbose\n"
"        Print what the script is doing.\n"
"If run standalone, it prints this help text and exits.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/fix_url.py:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "Locking list"
msgstr "Yasak listesi"

#: bin/fix_url.py:85
msgid "Setting web_page_url to: %(web_page_url)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/fix_url.py:88
msgid "Setting host_name to: %(mailhost)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/genaliases:19
msgid ""
"Regenerate Mailman specific aliases from scratch.\n"
"The actual output depends on the value of the `MTA' variable in your mm_cfg."
"Usage: genaliases [options]\n"
"    -q/--quiet\n"
"        Some MTA output can include more verbose help text.  Use this to "
"        down the verbosity.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/genaliases:84
msgid "genaliases can't do anything useful with mm_cfg.MTA = %(mta)s."
msgstr ""

#: bin/inject:20
msgid ""
"Inject a message from a file into Mailman's incoming queue.\n"
"Usage: inject [options] [filename]\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"        The name of the list to inject this message to.  Required.\n"
"    -q queuename\n"
"    --queue=queuename\n"
"        The name of the queue to inject the message to.  The queuename must "
"        one of the directories inside the qfiles directory.  If omitted, "
"        incoming queue is used.\n"
"filename is the name of the plaintext message file to inject.  If omitted,\n"
"standard input is used.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/inject:84
msgid "Bad queue directory: %(qdir)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/inject:89
msgid "A list name is required"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_admins:20
msgid ""
"List all the owners of a mailing list.\n"
"Usage: %(program)s [options] listname ...\n"
"    --all-vhost=vhost\n"
"    -v=vhost\n"
"        List the owners of all the mailing lists for the given virtual "
"    --all\n"
"    -a\n"
"        List the owners of all the mailing lists on this system.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"`listname' is the name of the mailing list to print the owners of.  You can\n"
"have more than one named list on the command line.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_admins:97
msgid "List: %(listname)s, \tOwners: %(owners)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_lists:19
msgid ""
"List all mailing lists.\n"
"Usage: %(program)s [options]\n"
"    -a / --advertised\n"
"        List only those mailing lists that are publically advertised\n"
"    -p / --public-archive\n"
"        List only those lists with public archives.\n"
"    --virtual-host-overview=domain\n"
"    -V domain\n"
"        List only those mailing lists that are homed to the given virtual\n"
"        domain.  This only works if the VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW variable is\n"
"        set.\n"
"    -b / --bare\n"
"        Displays only the list name, with no description.\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_lists:113
msgid "No matching mailing lists found"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_lists:117
msgid "matching mailing lists found:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_members:19
msgid ""
"List all the members of a mailing list.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] listname\n"
"    --output file\n"
"    -o file\n"
"        Write output to specified file instead of standard out.\n"
"    --regular / -r\n"
"        Print just the regular (non-digest) members.\n"
"    --digest[=kind] / -d [kind]\n"
"        Print just the digest members.  Optional argument can be \"mime\" "
"        \"plain\" which prints just the digest members receiving that kind "
"        digest.\n"
"    --nomail[=why] / -n [why]\n"
"        Print the members that have delivery disabled.  Optional argument "
"        be \"byadmin\", \"byuser\", \"bybounce\", or \"unknown\" which "
"prints just the\n"
"        users who have delivery disabled for that reason.  It can also be\n"
"        \"enabled\" which prints just those member for whom delivery is\n"
"        enabled.\n"
"    --fullnames / -f\n"
"        Include the full names in the output.\n"
"    --preserve / -p\n"
"        Output member addresses case preserved the way they were added to "
"        list.  Otherwise, addresses are printed in all lowercase.\n"
"    --invalid / -i\n"
"        Print only the addresses in the membership list that are invalid.\n"
"        Ignores -r, -d, -n.\n"
"    --unicode / -u\n"
"        Print addresses which are stored as Unicode objects instead of "
"        string objects.  Ignores -r, -d, -n.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    listname is the name of the mailing list to use.\n"
"Note that if neither -r or -d is supplied, both regular members are printed\n"
"first, followed by digest members, but no indication is given as to address\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_members:191
msgid "Bad --nomail option: %(why)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_members:202
msgid "Bad --digest option: %(kind)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_members:224
msgid "Could not open file for writing:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/list_owners:20
msgid ""
"List the owners of a mailing list, or all mailing lists.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname ...]\n"
"    -w / --with-listnames\n"
"        Group the owners by list names and include the list names in the\n"
"        output.  Otherwise, the owners will be sorted and uniquified based "
"        the email address.\n"
"    -m / --moderators\n"
"        Include the list moderators in the output.\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    listname\n"
"        Print the owners of the specified lists.  More than one can appear\n"
"        after the options.  If there are no listnames provided, the owners "
"        all the lists will be displayed.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:20
msgid ""
"Primary start-up and shutdown script for Mailman's qrunner daemon.\n"
"This script starts, stops, and restarts the main Mailman queue runners, "
"sure that the various long-running qrunners are still alive and kicking.  "
"does this by forking and exec'ing the qrunners and waiting on their pids.\n"
"When it detects a subprocess has exited, it may restart it.\n"
"The qrunners respond to SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGHUP.  SIGINT and SIGTERM "
"cause the qrunners to exit cleanly, but the master will only restart "
"that have exited due to a SIGINT.  SIGHUP causes the master and the "
"to close their log files, and reopen then upon the next printed message.\n"
"The master also responds to SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGHUP, which it simply\n"
"passes on to the qrunners (note that the master will close and reopen its "
"log files on receipt of a SIGHUP).  The master also leaves its own process "
"in the file data/master-qrunner.pid but you normally don't need to use this\n"
"pid directly.  The `start', `stop', `restart', and `reopen' commands handle\n"
"everything for you.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [ start | stop | restart | reopen ]\n"
"    -n/--no-restart\n"
"        Don't restart the qrunners when they exit because of an error or a\n"
"        SIGINT.  They are never restarted if they exit in response to a\n"
"        SIGTERM.  Use this only for debugging.  Only useful if the `start'\n"
"        command is given.\n"
"    -u/--run-as-user\n"
"        Normally, this script will refuse to run if the user id and group "
"        are not set to the `mailman' user and group (as defined when you\n"
"        configured Mailman).  If run as root, this script will change to "
"        user and group before the check is made.\n"
"        This can be inconvenient for testing and debugging purposes, so the -"
"        flag means that the step that sets and checks the uid/gid is "
"        and the program is run as the current user and group.  This flag is\n"
"        not recommended for normal production environments.\n"
"        Note though, that if you run with -u and are not in the mailman "
"        you may have permission problems, such as begin unable to delete a\n"
"        list's archives through the web.  Tough luck!\n"
"    -s/--stale-lock-cleanup\n"
"        If mailmanctl finds an existing master lock, it will normally exit\n"
"        with an error message.  With this option, mailmanctl will perform "
"        extra level of checking.  If a process matching the host/pid "
"        in the lock file is running, mailmanctl will still exit, but if no\n"
"        matching process is found, mailmanctl will remove the apparently "
"        lock and make another attempt to claim the master lock.\n"
"    -q/--quiet\n"
"        Don't print status messages.  Error messages are still printed to\n"
"        standard error.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"    start   - Start the master daemon and all qrunners.  Prints a message "
"              exits if the master daemon is already running.\n"
"    stop    - Stops the master daemon and all qrunners.  After stopping, no\n"
"              more messages will be processed.\n"
"    restart - Restarts the qrunners, but not the master process.  Use this\n"
"              whenever you upgrade or update Mailman so that the qrunners "
"              use the newly installed code.\n"
"    reopen  - This will close all log files, causing them to be re-opened "
"              next time a message is written to them\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:152
msgid "PID unreadable in: %(pidfile)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:154
msgid "Is qrunner even running?"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:160
msgid "No child with pid: %(pid)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:162
msgid "Stale pid file removed."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:221
msgid ""
"The master qrunner lock could not be acquired because it appears as if "
"master qrunner is already running.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:227
msgid ""
"The master qrunner lock could not be acquired.  It appears as though there "
"a stale master qrunner lock.  Try re-running mailmanctl with the -s flag.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:233
msgid ""
"The master qrunner lock could not be acquired, because it appears as if "
"process on some other host may have acquired it.  We can't test for stale\n"
"locks across host boundaries, so you'll have to do this manually.  Or, if "
"know the lock is stale, re-run mailmanctl with the -s flag.\n"
"Lock file: %(LOCKFILE)s\n"
"Lock host: %(status)s\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:280 cron/mailpasswds:119
msgid "Site list is missing: %(sitelistname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:305
msgid "Run this program as root or as the %(name)s user, or use -u."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:336
msgid "No command given."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:339
msgid "Bad command: %(command)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:344
msgid "Warning!  You may encounter permission problems."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:353
msgid "Shutting down Mailman's master qrunner"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:360
msgid "Restarting Mailman's master qrunner"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:364
msgid "Re-opening all log files"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mailmanctl:400
msgid "Starting Mailman's master qrunner."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:19
msgid ""
"Set the site password, prompting from the terminal.\n"
"The site password can be used in most if not all places that the list\n"
"administrator's password can be used, which in turn can be used in most "
"that a list users password can be used.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [password]\n"
"    -c/--listcreator\n"
"        Set the list creator password instead of the site password.  The "
"        creator is authorized to create and remove lists, but does not have\n"
"        the total power of the site administrator.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"If password is not given on the command line, it will be prompted for.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:73
msgid "site"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:80
msgid "list creator"
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:86
msgid "New %(pwdesc)s password: "
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:87
msgid "Again to confirm password: "
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:89
msgid "Passwords do not match; no changes made."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:92
msgid "Interrupted..."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:98
msgid "Password changed."
msgstr ""

#: bin/mmsitepass:100
msgid "Password change failed."
msgstr ""

#: bin/msgfmt.py:5
msgid ""
"Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description.\n"
"This program converts a textual Uniforum-style message catalog (.po file) "
"a binary GNU catalog (.mo file).  This is essentially the same function as "
"GNU msgfmt program, however, it is a simpler implementation.\n"
"Usage: msgfmt.py [OPTIONS] filename.po\n"
"    -o file\n"
"    --output-file=file\n"
"        Specify the output file to write to.  If omitted, output will go to "
"        file named filename.mo (based off the input file name).\n"
"    -h\n"
"    --help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"    -V\n"
"    --version\n"
"        Display version information and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/msgfmt.py:49
msgid "Add a non-fuzzy translation to the dictionary."
msgstr ""

#: bin/msgfmt.py:57
msgid "Return the generated output."
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:20
msgid ""
"Create a new, unpopulated mailing list.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname [listadmin-addr [admin-password]]]\n"
"    -l language\n"
"    --language=language\n"
"        Make the list's preferred language `language', which must be a two\n"
"        letter language code.\n"
"    -u urlhost\n"
"    --urlhost=urlhost\n"
"        Gives the list's web interface host name.\n"
"    -e emailhost\n"
"    --emailhost=emailhost\n"
"        Gives the list's email domain name.\n"
"    -q/--quiet\n"
"        Normally the administrator is notified by email (after a prompt) "
"        their list has been created.  This option suppresses the prompt and\n"
"        notification.\n"
"    -a/--automate\n"
"        This option suppresses the prompt prior to administrator "
"        but still sends the notification.  It can be used to make newlist\n"
"        totally non-interactive but still send the notification, assuming\n"
"        listname, listadmin-addr and admin-password are all specified on "
"        command line.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this help text and exit.\n"
"You can specify as many of the arguments as you want on the command line:\n"
"you will be prompted for the missing ones.\n"
"Every Mailman list has two parameters which define the default host name "
"outgoing email, and the default URL for all web interfaces.  When you\n"
"configured Mailman, certain defaults were calculated, but if you are "
"multiple virtual Mailman sites, then the defaults may not be appropriate "
"the list you are creating.\n"
"You also specify the domain to create your new list in by typing the "
"like so:\n"
"    newlist --urlhost=www.mydom.ain mylist\n"
"where `www.mydom.ain' should be the base hostname for the URL to this "
"hosts's lists.  E.g. with this setting people will view the general list\n"
"overviews at http://www.mydom.ain/mailman/listinfo.  Also, www.mydom.ain\n"
"should be a key in the VIRTUAL_HOSTS mapping in mm_cfg.py/Defaults.py if\n"
"the email hostname to be automatically determined.\n"
"If you want the email hostname to be different from the one looked up by "
"VIRTUAL_HOSTS or if urlhost is not registered in VIRTUAL_HOSTS, you can "
"`emailhost' like so:\n"
"    newlist --urlhost=www.mydom.ain --emailhost=mydom.ain mylist\n"
"where `mydom.ain' is the mail domain name. If you don't specify emailhost "
"urlhost is not in the virtual host list, then mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST "
"be used for the email interface.\n"
"For backward compatibility, you can also specify the domain to create your\n"
"new list in by spelling the listname like so:\n"
"    mylist@www.mydom.ain\n"
"where www.mydom.ain is used for `urlhost' but it will also be used for\n"
"`emailhost' if it is not found in the virtual host table. Note that\n"
"'--urlhost' and '--emailhost' have precedence to this notation.\n"
"If you spell the list name as just `mylist', then the email hostname will "
"taken from DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and the url will be taken from "
"interpolated into DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN (as defined in your Defaults.py file "
"overridden by settings in mm_cfg.py).\n"
"Note that listnames are forced to lowercase.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:161
msgid "Unknown language: %(lang)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:166
msgid "Enter the name of the list: "
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:187
msgid "Enter the email of the person running the list: "
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:192
msgid "Initial %(listname)s password: "
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:196
msgid "The list password cannot be empty"
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:219
msgid ""
" - owner addresses need to be fully-qualified names like \"owner@example.com"
"\", not just \"owner\"."
msgstr ""

#: bin/newlist:243
msgid "Hit enter to notify %(listname)s owner..."
msgstr ""

#: bin/qrunner:20
msgid ""
"Run one or more qrunners, once or repeatedly.\n"
"Each named runner class is run in round-robin fashion.  In other words, the\n"
"first named runner is run to consume all the files currently in its\n"
"directory.  When that qrunner is done, the next one is run to consume all "
"files in /its/ directory, and so on.  The number of total iterations can be\n"
"given on the command line.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -r runner[:slice:range]\n"
"    --runner=runner[:slice:range]\n"
"        Run the named qrunner, which must be one of the strings returned by\n"
"        the -l option.  Optional slice:range if given, is used to assign\n"
"        multiple qrunner processes to a queue.  range is the total number "
"        qrunners for this queue while slice is the number of this qrunner "
"        [0..range).\n"
"        If using the slice:range form, you better make sure that each "
"        for the queue is given the same range value.  If slice:runner is "
"        given, then 1:1 is used.\n"
"        Multiple -r options may be given, in which case each qrunner will "
"        once in round-robin fashion.  The special runner `All' is shorthand\n"
"        for a qrunner for each listed by the -l option.\n"
"    --once\n"
"    -o\n"
"        Run each named qrunner exactly once through its main loop.  "
"        each qrunner runs indefinitely, until the process receives a "
"        or SIGINT.\n"
"    -l/--list\n"
"        Shows the available qrunner names and exit.\n"
"    -v/--verbose\n"
"        Spit out more debugging information to the logs/qrunner log file.\n"
"    -s/--subproc\n"
"        This should only be used when running qrunner as a subprocess of "
"        mailmanctl startup script.  It changes some of the exit-on-error\n"
"        behavior to work better with that framework.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"runner is required unless -l or -h is given, and it must be one of the "
"displayed by the -l switch.\n"
"Note also that this script should be started up from mailmanctl as a normal\n"
"operation.  It is only useful for debugging if it is run separately.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/qrunner:178
msgid "%(name)s runs the %(runnername)s qrunner"
msgstr ""

#: bin/qrunner:179
msgid "All runs all the above qrunners"
msgstr ""

#: bin/qrunner:215
msgid "No runner name given."
msgstr ""

#: bin/rb-archfix:21
msgid ""
"Reduce disk space usage for Pipermail archives.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] file ...\n"
"Where options are:\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"Only use this to 'fix' archive -article database files that have been "
"with Mailman 2.1.3 or earlier and have html_body attributes in them.  These\n"
"attributes can cause huge amounts of memory bloat and impact performance "
"high activity lists, particularly those where large text postings are made "
"%% ls -1 archives/private/*/database/*-article | xargs %(PROGRAM)s\n"
"You should run `bin/check_perms -f' after running this script.\n"
"You will probably want to delete the -article.bak files created by this "
"when you are satisfied with the results.\n"
"This script is provided for convenience purposes only.  It isn't supported.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/remove_members:20
msgid ""
"Remove members from a list.\n"
"    remove_members [options] [listname] [addr1 ...]\n"
"    --file=file\n"
"    -f file\n"
"        Remove member addresses found in the given file.  If file is\n"
"        `-', read stdin.\n"
"    --all\n"
"    -a\n"
"        Remove all members of the mailing list.\n"
"        (mutually exclusive with --fromall)\n"
"    --fromall\n"
"        Removes the given addresses from all the lists on this system\n"
"        regardless of virtual domains if you have any.  This option cannot "
"        used -a/--all.  Also, you should not specify a listname when using\n"
"        this option.\n"
"    --nouserack\n"
"    -n\n"
"        Don't send the user acknowledgements.  If not specified, the list\n"
"        default value is used.\n"
"    --noadminack\n"
"    -N\n"
"        Don't send the admin acknowledgements.  If not specified, the list\n"
"        default value is used.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
"    listname is the name of the mailing list to use.\n"
"    addr1 ... are additional addresses to remove.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/remove_members:156
msgid "Could not open file for reading: %(filename)s."
msgstr ""

#: bin/remove_members:163
msgid "Error opening list %(listname)s... skipping."
msgstr ""

#: bin/remove_members:173
msgid "No such member: %(addr)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/remove_members:178
msgid "User `%(addr)s' removed from list: %(listname)s."
msgstr ""

#: bin/reset_pw.py:21
msgid ""
"Reset the passwords for members of a mailing list.\n"
"This script resets all the passwords of a mailing list's members.  It can "
"be used to reset the lists of all members of all mailing lists, but it is "
"responsibility to let the users know that their passwords have been "
"This script is intended to be run as a bin/withlist script, i.e.\n"
"% bin/withlist -l -r reset_pw listname [options]\n"
"    -v / --verbose\n"
"        Print what the script is doing.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/reset_pw.py:77
#, fuzzy
msgid "Changing passwords for list: %(listname)s"
msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesi i�in silme iste�i"

#: bin/reset_pw.py:83
msgid "New password for member %(member)40s: %(randompw)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:19
msgid ""
"Remove the components of a mailing list with impunity - beware!\n"
"This removes (almost) all traces of a mailing list.  By default, the lists\n"
"archives are not removed, which is very handy for retiring old lists.\n"
"    rmlist [-a] [-h] listname\n"
"    --archives\n"
"    -a\n"
"        Remove the list's archives too, or if the list has already been\n"
"        deleted, remove any residual archives.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this help message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:73 bin/rmlist:76
msgid "Removing %(msg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:81
msgid "%(listname)s %(msg)s not found as %(filename)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:105
msgid "No such list (or list already deleted): %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:107
msgid "No such list: %(listname)s.  Removing its residual archives."
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:111
msgid "Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them."
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:125
msgid "list info"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:133
msgid "stale lock file"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:141
#, fuzzy
msgid "held message file"
msgstr "t�m bekletilen mesajlar."

#: bin/rmlist:146 bin/rmlist:148
msgid "private archives"
msgstr ""

#: bin/rmlist:150 bin/rmlist:152
msgid "public archives"
msgstr ""

#: bin/show_qfiles:20
msgid ""
"Show the contents of one or more Mailman queue files.\n"
"Usage: show_qfiles [options] qfile ...\n"
"    -q / --quiet\n"
"        Don't print `helpful' message delimiters.\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
"Example: show_qfiles qfiles/shunt/*.pck\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:19
msgid ""
"Synchronize a mailing list's membership with a flat file.\n"
"This script is useful if you have a Mailman mailing list and a sendmail\n"
":include: style list of addresses (also as is used in Majordomo).  For "
"address in the file that does not appear in the mailing list, the address "
"added.  For every address in the mailing list that does not appear in the\n"
"file, the address is removed.  Other options control what happens when an\n"
"address is added or removed.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] -f file listname\n"
"Where `options' are:\n"
"    --no-change\n"
"    -n\n"
"        Don't actually make the changes.  Instead, print out what would be\n"
"        done to the list.\n"
"    --welcome-msg[=<yes|no>]\n"
"    -w[=<yes|no>]\n"
"        Sets whether or not to send the newly added members a welcome\n"
"        message, overriding whatever the list's `send_welcome_msg' setting\n"
"        is.  With -w=yes or -w, the welcome message is sent.  With -w=no, "
"        message is sent.\n"
"    --goodbye-msg[=<yes|no>]\n"
"    -g[=<yes|no>]\n"
"        Sets whether or not to send the goodbye message to removed members,\n"
"        overriding whatever the list's `send_goodbye_msg' setting is.  With\n"
"        -g=yes or -g, the goodbye message is sent.  With -g=no, no message "
"        sent.\n"
"    --digest[=<yes|no>]\n"
"    -d[=<yes|no>]\n"
"        Selects whether to make newly added members receive messages in\n"
"        digests.  With -d=yes or -d, they become digest members.  With -"
"        (or if no -d option given) they are added as regular members.\n"
"    --notifyadmin[=<yes|no>]\n"
"    -a[=<yes|no>]\n"
"        Specifies whether the admin should be notified for each "
"        or unsubscription.  If you're adding a lot of addresses, you\n"
"        definitely want to turn this off!  With -a=yes or -a, the admin is\n"
"        notified.  With -a=no, the admin is not notified.  With no -a "
"        the default for the list is used.\n"
"    --file <filename | ->\n"
"    -f <filename | ->\n"
"        This option is required.  It specifies the flat file to synchronize\n"
"        against.  Email addresses must appear one per line.  If filename is\n"
"        `-' then stdin is used.\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this message.\n"
"    listname\n"
"        Required.  This specifies the list to synchronize.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:115
msgid "Bad choice: %(yesno)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:138
msgid "Dry run mode"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:159
msgid "Only one -f switch allowed"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:163
msgid "No argument to -f given"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:172
msgid "Illegal option: %(opt)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:178
msgid "No listname given"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:182
msgid "Must have a listname and a filename"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:191
msgid "Cannot read address file: %(filename)s: %(msg)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:203
msgid "Ignore  :  %(addr)30s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:212
msgid "Invalid :  %(addr)30s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:215
msgid "You must fix the preceding invalid addresses first."
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:264
msgid "Added  : %(s)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/sync_members:288
msgid "Removed: %(s)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:19
msgid ""
"Check a given Mailman translation, making sure that variables and\n"
"tags referenced in translation are the same variables and tags in\n"
"the original templates and catalog.\n"
"%(program)s [-q] <lang>\n"
"Where <lang> is your country code (e.g. 'it' for Italy) and -q is\n"
"to ask for a brief summary.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:58
msgid "check a translation comparing with the original string"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:68
msgid "scan a string from the original file"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:78
msgid "scan a translated string"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:91
msgid "check for differences between checked in and checked out"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:124
msgid "parse a .po file extracting msgids and msgstrs"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:143
msgid ""
"States table for the finite-states-machine parser:\n"
"            0  idle\n"
"            1  filename-or-comment\n"
"            2  msgid\n"
"            3  msgstr\n"
"            4  end\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:280
msgid ""
"check a translated template against the original one\n"
"       search also <MM-*> tags if html is not zero"
msgstr ""

#: bin/transcheck:327
msgid "scan the po file comparing msgids with msgstrs"
msgstr ""

#: bin/unshunt:20
msgid ""
"Move a message from the shunt queue to the original queue.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [directory]\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print help and exit.\n"
"Optional `directory' specifies a directory to dequeue from other than\n"
"qfiles/shunt.  *** Warning ***  Do not unshunt messages that weren't\n"
"shunted to begin with.  For example, running unshunt on qfiles/out/\n"
"will result in losing all the messages in that queue.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/unshunt:85
msgid ""
"Cannot unshunt message %(filebase)s, skipping:\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:20
msgid ""
"Perform all necessary upgrades.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -f/--force\n"
"        Force running the upgrade procedures.  Normally, if the version "
"        of the installed Mailman matches the current version number (or a\n"
"        `downgrade' is detected), nothing will be done.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
"Use this script to help you update to the latest release of Mailman from\n"
"some previous version.  It knows about versions back to 1.0b4 (?).\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:107
msgid "Fixing language templates: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:196 bin/update:711
msgid "WARNING: could not acquire lock for list: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:215
msgid "Resetting %(n)s BYBOUNCEs disabled addrs with no bounce info"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:221
msgid "Updating the held requests database."
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:243
msgid ""
"For some reason, %(mbox_dir)s exists as a file.  This won't work with\n"
"b6, so I'm renaming it to %(mbox_dir)s.tmp and proceeding."
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:255
msgid ""
"%(listname)s has both public and private mbox archives.  Since this list\n"
"currently uses private archiving, I'm installing the private mbox archive\n"
"-- %(o_pri_mbox_file)s -- as the active archive, and renaming\n"
"        %(o_pub_mbox_file)s\n"
"        %(o_pub_mbox_file)s.preb6\n"
"You can integrate that into the archives if you want by using the 'arch'\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:270
msgid ""
"%s has both public and private mbox archives.  Since this list\n"
"currently uses public archiving, I'm installing the public mbox file\n"
"archive file (%s) as the active one, and renaming\n"
"        %s\n"
"    to\n"
"        %s.preb6\n"
"You can integrate that into the archives if you want by using the 'arch'\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:287
msgid "- updating old private mbox file"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:295
msgid ""
"    unknown file in the way, moving\n"
"        %(o_pri_mbox_file)s\n"
"    to\n"
"        %(newname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:309
msgid "- updating old public mbox file"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:317
msgid ""
"    unknown file in the way, moving\n"
"        %(o_pub_mbox_file)s\n"
"    to\n"
"        %(newname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:353
msgid "- This list looks like it might have <= b4 list templates around"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:361
msgid "- moved %(o_tmpl)s to %(n_tmpl)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:363
msgid "- both %(o_tmpl)s and %(n_tmpl)s exist, leaving untouched"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:366
msgid "- %(o_tmpl)s doesn't exist, leaving untouched"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:396
msgid "removing directory %(src)s and everything underneath"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:399
msgid "removing %(src)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:403
msgid "Warning: couldn't remove %(src)s -- %(rest)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:408
msgid "couldn't remove old file %(pyc)s -- %(rest)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:412
msgid "updating old qfiles"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:455
msgid "Warning!  Not a directory: %(dirpath)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:530
msgid "message is unparsable: %(filebase)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:544
msgid "Warning!  Deleting empty .pck file: %(pckfile)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:563
msgid "Updating Mailman 2.0 pending_subscriptions.db database"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:574
msgid "Updating Mailman 2.1.4 pending.pck database"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:598
msgid "Ignoring bad pended data: %(key)s: %(val)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:614
msgid "WARNING: Ignoring duplicate pending ID: %(id)s."
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:667
msgid "getting rid of old source files"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:677
msgid "no lists == nothing to do, exiting"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:684
msgid ""
"fixing all the perms on your old html archives to work with b6\n"
"If your archives are big, this could take a minute or two..."
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:689
msgid "done"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:691
msgid "Updating mailing list: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:694
msgid "Updating Usenet watermarks"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:699
msgid "- nothing to update here"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:722
msgid "- usenet watermarks updated and gate_watermarks removed"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:736
msgid ""
"    You are upgrading an existing Mailman installation, but I can't tell "
"    version you were previously running.\n"
"    If you are upgrading from Mailman 1.0b9 or earlier you will need to\n"
"    manually update your mailing lists.  For each mailing list you need to\n"
"    copy the file templates/options.html lists/<listname>/options.html.\n"
"    However, if you have edited this file via the Web interface, you will "
"    to merge your changes into this file, otherwise you will lose your\n"
"    changes.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:793
msgid "No updates are necessary."
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:796
msgid ""
"Downgrade detected, from version %(hexlversion)s to version %(hextversion)s\n"
"This is probably not safe.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:801
msgid "Upgrading from version %(hexlversion)s to %(hextversion)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/update:810
msgid ""
"The locks for some lists could not be acquired.  This means that either\n"
"Mailman was still active when you upgraded, or there were stale locks in "
"%(lockdir)s directory.\n"
"You must put Mailman into a quiescent state and remove all stale locks, "
"re-run \"make update\" manually.  See the INSTALL and UPGRADE files for "
msgstr ""

#: bin/version:19
msgid "Print the Mailman version.\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/version:26
msgid "Using Mailman version:"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:20
msgid ""
"General framework for interacting with a mailing list object.\n"
"There are two ways to use this script: interactively or programmatically.\n"
"Using it interactively allows you to play with, examine and modify a "
"object from Python's interactive interpreter.  When running interactively, "
"MailList object called `m' will be available in the global namespace.  It "
"loads the class MailList into the global namespace.\n"
"Programmatically, you can write a function to operate on a MailList object,\n"
"and this script will take care of the housekeeping (see below for "
"In that case, the general usage syntax is:\n"
"%% bin/withlist [options] listname [args ...]\n"
"    -l / --lock\n"
"        Lock the list when opening.  Normally the list is opened unlocked\n"
"        (e.g. for read-only operations).  You can always lock the file "
"        the fact by typing `m.Lock()'\n"
"        Note that if you use this option, you should explicitly call m."
"        before exiting, since the interpreter's clean up procedure will not\n"
"        automatically save changes to the MailList object (but it will "
"        the list).\n"
"    -i / --interactive\n"
"        Leaves you at an interactive prompt after all other processing is\n"
"        complete.  This is the default unless the -r option is given.\n"
"    --run [module.]callable\n"
"    -r [module.]callable\n"
"        This can be used to run a script with the opened MailList object.\n"
"        This works by attempting to import `module' (which must be in the\n"
"        directory containing withlist, or already be accessible on your\n"
"        sys.path), and then calling `callable' from the module.  callable "
"        be a class or function; it is called with the MailList object as "
"        first argument.  If additional args are given on the command line,\n"
"        they are passed as subsequent positional args to the callable.\n"
"        Note that `module.' is optional; if it is omitted then a module "
"        the name `callable' will be imported.\n"
"        The global variable `r' will be set to the results of this call.\n"
"    --all / -a\n"
"        This option only works with the -r option.  Use this if you want to\n"
"        execute the script on all mailing lists.  When you use -a you "
"        not include a listname argument on the command line.  The variable "
"        will be a list of all the results.\n"
"    --quiet / -q\n"
"        Suppress all status messages.\n"
"    --help / -h\n"
"        Print this message and exit\n"
"Here's an example of how to use the -r option.  Say you have a file in the\n"
"Mailman installation directory called `listaddr.py', with the following\n"
"two functions:\n"
"def listaddr(mlist):\n"
"    print mlist.GetListEmail()\n"
"def requestaddr(mlist):\n"
"    print mlist.GetRequestEmail()\n"
"Now, from the command line you can print the list's posting address by "
"the following from the command line:\n"
"%% bin/withlist -r listaddr mylist\n"
"Loading list: mylist (unlocked)\n"
"Importing listaddr ...\n"
"Running listaddr.listaddr() ...\n"
"And you can print the list's request address by running:\n"
"%% bin/withlist -r listaddr.requestaddr mylist\n"
"Loading list: mylist (unlocked)\n"
"Importing listaddr ...\n"
"Running listaddr.requestaddr() ...\n"
"As another example, say you wanted to change the password for a particular\n"
"user on a particular list.  You could put the following function in a file\n"
"called `changepw.py':\n"
"from Mailman.Errors import NotAMemberError\n"
"def changepw(mlist, addr, newpasswd):\n"
"    try:\n"
"        mlist.setMemberPassword(addr, newpasswd)\n"
"        mlist.Save()\n"
"    except NotAMemberError:\n"
"        print 'No address matched:', addr\n"
"and run this from the command line:\n"
" %% bin/withlist -l -r changepw mylist somebody@somewhere.org foobar\n"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:164
msgid ""
"Unlock a locked list, but do not implicitly Save() it.\n"
"    This does not get run if the interpreter exits because of a signal, or "
"    os._exit() is called.  It will get called if an exception occurs "
"    "
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:175
msgid "Unlocking (but not saving) list: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:179
msgid "Finalizing"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:188
msgid "Loading list %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:190
msgid "(locked)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:192
msgid "(unlocked)"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:197
msgid "Unknown list: %(listname)s"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:237
msgid "No list name supplied."
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:246
msgid "--all requires --run"
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:266
msgid "Importing %(module)s..."
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:270
msgid "Running %(module)s.%(callable)s()..."
msgstr ""

#: bin/withlist:291
msgid "The variable `m' is the %(listname)s MailList instance"
msgstr ""

#: cron/bumpdigests:19
msgid ""
"Increment the digest volume number and reset the digest number to one.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] [listname ...]\n"
"    --help/-h\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"The lists named on the command line are bumped.  If no list names are "
"all lists are bumped.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:20
msgid ""
"Check for pending admin requests and mail the list owners if necessary.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:108
msgid ""
"Notice: %(discarded)d old request(s) automatically expired.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:121
msgid "%(count)d %(realname)s moderator request(s) waiting"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:124
msgid "%(realname)s moderator request check result"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:144
msgid "Pending subscriptions:"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pending unsubscriptions:"
msgstr "�yelikten ��kma iste�ini onaylay�n"

#: cron/checkdbs:162
msgid ""
"Pending posts:"
msgstr ""

#: cron/checkdbs:169
msgid ""
"From: %(sender)s on %(date)s\n"
"Subject: %(subject)s\n"
"Cause: %(reason)s"
msgstr ""

#: cron/cull_bad_shunt:20
msgid ""
"Cull bad and shunt queues, recommended once per day.\n"
"This script goes through the 'bad' and 'shunt' queue directories and,\n"
"if mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_STALE_AFTER is > 0, it removes all files more than\n"
"that many seconds old.\n"
"If mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY is a writable directory, the old\n"
"files are moved there. Otherwise they are deleted.\n"
"Only regular files immediately subordinate to the 'bad' and 'shunt'\n"
"directories are processed. Anything else is skipped.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/disabled:20
msgid ""
"Process disabled members, recommended once per day.\n"
"This script cruises through every mailing list looking for members whose\n"
"delivery is disabled.  If they have been disabled due to bounces, they will\n"
"receive another notification, or they may be removed if they've received "
"maximum number of notifications.\n"
"Use the --byadmin, --byuser, and --unknown flags to also send notifications "
"members whose accounts have been disabled for those reasons.  Use --all to\n"
"send the notification to all disabled members.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"    -o / --byadmin\n"
"        Also send notifications to any member disabled by the list\n"
"        owner/administrator.\n"
"    -m / --byuser\n"
"        Also send notifications to any member disabled by themselves.\n"
"    -u / --unknown\n"
"        Also send notifications to any member disabled for unknown reasons\n"
"        (usually a legacy disabled address).\n"
"    -b / --notbybounce\n"
"        Don't send notifications to members disabled because of bounces "
"        default is to notify bounce disabled members).\n"
"    -a / --all\n"
"        Send notifications to all disabled members.\n"
"    -f / --force\n"
"        Send notifications to disabled members even if they're not due a "
"        notification yet.\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"        Process only the given list, otherwise do all lists.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/disabled:145
msgid "[disabled by periodic sweep and cull, no message available]"
msgstr ""

#: cron/gate_news:19
msgid ""
"Poll the NNTP servers for messages to be gatewayed to mailing lists.\n"
"Usage: gate_news [options]\n"
"Where options are\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        Print this text and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/mailpasswds:19
msgid ""
"Send password reminders for all lists to all users.\n"
"This program scans all mailing lists and collects users and their "
"grouped by the list's host_name if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is true.  "
"one email message is sent to each unique user (per-virtual host) containing\n"
"the list passwords and options url for the user.  The password reminder "
"from the mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, which must exist.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"        Send password reminders for the named list only.  If omitted,\n"
"        reminders are sent for all lists.  Multiple -l/--listname options "
"        allowed.\n"
"    -h/--help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/mailpasswds:216
msgid "Password // URL"
msgstr ""

#: cron/mailpasswds:222
msgid "%(host)s mailing list memberships reminder"
msgstr ""

#: cron/nightly_gzip:19
msgid ""
"Re-generate the Pipermail gzip'd archive flat files.\n"
"This script should be run nightly from cron.  When run from the command "
"the following usage is understood:\n"
"Usage: %(program)s [-v] [-h] [listnames]\n"
"    --verbose\n"
"    -v\n"
"        print each file as it's being gzip'd\n"
"    --help\n"
"    -h\n"
"        print this message and exit\n"
"    listnames\n"
"        Optionally, only compress the .txt files for the named lists.  "
"Without \n"
"        this, all archivable lists are processed.\n"
msgstr ""

#: cron/senddigests:20
msgid ""
"Dispatch digests for lists w/pending messages and digest_send_periodic set.\n"
"Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options]\n"
"    -h / --help\n"
"        Print this message and exit.\n"
"    -l listname\n"
"    --listname=listname\n"
"        Send the digest for the given list only, otherwise the digests for "
"        lists are sent out.\n"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<p>If <a\n"
#~ "             href=\"?VARHELP=privacy/sender/dmarc_moderation_action\">\n"
#~ "             dmarc_moderation_action</a> applies to this message with an\n"
#~ "             action other than Accept, that action rather than this is\n"
#~ "             applied"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Bu listeye mesaj g�nderip reddedilen t�m �yelere g�nderilen\n"
#~ "             <a href=\"?VARHELP/privacy/sender/member_moderation_action"
#~ "\"\n"
#~ "             >reddetme bildirimlerine</a> \n"
#~ "             eklenecek yaz�."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "    who\n"
#~ "        See everyone who is on this mailing list.\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "\n"
#~ "    who\n"
#~ "        Bu mesaj listesine �ye olan herkesi g�sterir.\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Approval notices are sent when mail triggers certain of the\n"
#~ "             limits <em>except</em> routine list moderation and spam "
#~ "filters,\n"
#~ "             for which notices are <em>not</em> sent.  This option "
#~ "overrides\n"
#~ "             ever sending the notice."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Onay bildirimleri, bildirimlerin <em>g�nderilmedi�i</em> rutin liste "
#~ "y�netimi\n"
#~ "             ve spam filtreleri <em>d���nda</em>, mesaj baz� s�n�rlar�\n"
#~ "             tetikledi�inde g�nderilir. Bu se�enek bildirimin "
#~ "g�nderilmesini\n"
#~ "             ge�ersiz k�lar."

#~ msgid "You have been invited to join the %(listname)s mailing list"
#~ msgstr "%(listname)s mesaj listesine �ye olmak i�in davet edildiniz"