GNU Mailman - List Member Manual |
3.1 The web interface
The web interface of Mailman is its selling point for many administrators,
since it makes it much easier for subscribers and administrators to see
which options are available, and what these options do.
Every mailing list is also accessible by a number of web pages. Note that
the exact URLs are configurable by the site administrator, so they may be
different than what's described below. We'll describe the most common
configuration, but check with your site administrator or hosting
service for details.
- List information (listinfo) page
- Member options page
- Usually found at http://WEBSERVER/mailman/options/LISTNAME/EMAIL (For example, http://lists.example.com/mailman/options/mylist/kathy@here.com)
- This page can also be accessed by going to the listinfo page
and entering your email address into the box beside the button
marked "Unsubscribe or Edit Options" (this is near the bottom of the
- The member options page allows you to log in/out and change your
list settings, as well as unsubscribe or get a copy of your password
mailed to you.
- To log in to your member options page:
If you are not already logged in, there will be a box near the top for
you to enter your password. (If you do not know your password, see
Section 6.1 for more information on getting your
password.) Enter your password in the box and press the button.
- Once you are logged in, you will be able to view and change
all your list settings.
- List Archives
Release 2.1, documentation updated on December 5, 2007.