Import Majordomo into Mailman ============================= Create Mailman list(s) from Majordomo list configuration files. Features -------- * Import a single list (--list=NAME) * Import all lists (--all) * Import subscribers (--subscribers) * Just generate information about all Majordomo lists (--stats) * Verbose logging to file * Control over the console log level (--log-level=[debug|info|notice|warning]) * Only import lists that have been active within the past N days Requirements ------------ * Mailman is installed so that its bin/* scripts can be called. * Majordomo has all of its list configurations in a single, local directory. * Majordomo's aliases file exists locally. * $DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT set to zero or the file path of the output of Majordomo's consistency_check command. * Run as root. Before running this script -------------------------- * Change the global variables under "ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIC VALUES" to match your system. * It is recommended to run this script with the --stats option first to get a sense of your data. Fields with many 'other' or 'no value' values, or fields that don't get imported (e.g. message_headers) that have many 'has value' values might need to be considered more closely. Testing ------- This script was tested against Majordomo 1.94.4/5 and Mailman 2.1.14-1. Different versions of Majordomo or Mailman may not work with this script. However, some legacy settings for Majordomo are handled. Limitations ----------- * Archives are not currently handled. * A few Majordomo configuration values are ignored (documented in the comment above the getMailmanConfig() function) because they are either inactive, system/constant settings, or don't tranlsate into Mailman. Todo ---- * Add an --archives option to also import archives.