#! @PYTHON@ # # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, # USA. """Export an XML representation of a mailing list.""" import os import sys import base64 import codecs import datetime import optparse from xml.sax.saxutils import escape import paths from Mailman import Defaults from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import MemberAdaptor from Mailman import Utils from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman.MailList import MailList from Mailman.i18n import _ __i18n_templates__ = True SPACE = ' ' DOLLAR_STRINGS = ('msg_header', 'msg_footer', 'digest_header', 'digest_footer', 'autoresponse_postings_text', 'autoresponse_admin_text', 'autoresponse_request_text') SALT_LENGTH = 4 # bytes TYPES = { mm_cfg.Toggle : 'bool', mm_cfg.Radio : 'radio', mm_cfg.String : 'string', mm_cfg.Text : 'text', mm_cfg.Email : 'email', mm_cfg.EmailList : 'email_list', mm_cfg.Host : 'host', mm_cfg.Number : 'number', mm_cfg.FileUpload : 'upload', mm_cfg.Select : 'select', mm_cfg.Topics : 'topics', mm_cfg.Checkbox : 'checkbox', mm_cfg.EmailListEx : 'email_list_ex', mm_cfg.HeaderFilter : 'header_filter', } class Indenter: def __init__(self, fp, indentwidth=4): self._fp = fp self._indent = 0 self._width = indentwidth def indent(self): self._indent += 1 def dedent(self): self._indent -= 1 assert self._indent >= 0 def write(self, s): if s <> '\n': self._fp.write(self._indent * self._width * ' ') self._fp.write(s) class XMLDumper(object): def __init__(self, fp): self._fp = Indenter(fp) self._tagbuffer = None self._stack = [] def _makeattrs(self, tagattrs): # The attribute values might contain angle brackets. They might also # be None. attrs = [] for k, v in tagattrs.items(): if v is None: v = '' else: v = escape(str(v)) attrs.append('%s="%s"' % (k, v)) return SPACE.join(attrs) def _flush(self, more=True): if not self._tagbuffer: return name, attributes = self._tagbuffer self._tagbuffer = None if attributes: attrstr = ' ' + self._makeattrs(attributes) else: attrstr = '' if more: print >> self._fp, '<%s%s>' % (name, attrstr) self._fp.indent() self._stack.append(name) else: print >> self._fp, '<%s%s/>' % (name, attrstr) # Use this method when you know you have sub-elements. def _push_element(self, _name, **_tagattrs): self._flush() self._tagbuffer = (_name, _tagattrs) def _pop_element(self, _name): buffered = bool(self._tagbuffer) self._flush(more=False) if not buffered: name = self._stack.pop() assert name == _name, 'got: %s, expected: %s' % (_name, name) self._fp.dedent() print >> self._fp, '</%s>' % name # Use this method when you do not have sub-elements def _element(self, _name, _value=None, **_attributes): self._flush() if _attributes: attrs = ' ' + self._makeattrs(_attributes) else: attrs = '' if _value is None: print >> self._fp, '<%s%s/>' % (_name, attrs) else: value = escape(unicode(_value)) print >> self._fp, '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (_name, attrs, value, _name) def _do_list_categories(self, mlist, k, subcat=None): is_converted = bool(getattr(mlist, 'use_dollar_strings', False)) info = mlist.GetConfigInfo(k, subcat) label, gui = mlist.GetConfigCategories()[k] if info is None: return for data in info[1:]: if not isinstance(data, tuple): continue varname = data[0] # Variable could be volatile if varname.startswith('_'): continue vtype = data[1] # Munge the value based on its type value = None if hasattr(gui, 'getValue'): value = gui.getValue(mlist, vtype, varname, data[2]) if value is None: value = getattr(mlist, varname) # Do %-string to $-string conversions if the list hasn't already # been converted. if varname == 'use_dollar_strings': continue if not is_converted and varname in DOLLAR_STRINGS: value = Utils.to_dollar(value) widget_type = TYPES[vtype] if isinstance(value, list): self._push_element('option', name=varname, type=widget_type) for v in value: self._element('value', v) self._pop_element('option') else: self._element('option', value, name=varname, type=widget_type) def _dump_list(self, mlist, password_scheme): # Write list configuration values self._push_element('list', name=mlist._internal_name) self._push_element('configuration') self._element('option', mlist.preferred_language, name='preferred_language', type='string') self._element('option', mlist.password, name='password', type='string') for k in mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES: subcats = mlist.GetConfigSubCategories(k) if subcats is None: self._do_list_categories(mlist, k) else: for subcat in [t[0] for t in subcats]: self._do_list_categories(mlist, k, subcat) self._pop_element('configuration') # Write membership self._push_element('roster') digesters = set(mlist.getDigestMemberKeys()) for member in sorted(mlist.getMembers()): attrs = dict(id=member) cased = mlist.getMemberCPAddress(member) if cased <> member: attrs['original'] = cased self._push_element('member', **attrs) self._element('realname', mlist.getMemberName(member)) self._element('password', password_scheme(mlist.getMemberPassword(member))) self._element('language', mlist.getMemberLanguage(member)) # Delivery status, combined with the type of delivery attrs = {} status = mlist.getDeliveryStatus(member) if status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED: attrs['status'] = 'enabled' else: attrs['status'] = 'disabled' attrs['reason'] = {MemberAdaptor.BYUSER : 'byuser', MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN : 'byadmin', MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE : 'bybounce', }.get(mlist.getDeliveryStatus(member), 'unknown') if member in digesters: if mlist.getMemberOption(member, mm_cfg.DisableMime): attrs['delivery'] = 'plain' else: attrs['delivery'] = 'mime' else: attrs['delivery'] = 'regular' changed = mlist.getDeliveryStatusChangeTime(member) if changed: when = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(changed) attrs['changed'] = when.isoformat() self._element('delivery', **attrs) for option, flag in Defaults.OPTINFO.items(): # Digest/Regular delivery flag must be handled separately if option in ('digest', 'plain'): continue value = mlist.getMemberOption(member, flag) self._element(option, value) topics = mlist.getMemberTopics(member) if not topics: self._element('topics') else: self._push_element('topics') for topic in topics: self._element('topic', topic) self._pop_element('topics') self._pop_element('member') self._pop_element('roster') self._pop_element('list') def dump(self, listnames, password_scheme): print >> self._fp, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' self._push_element('mailman', **{ 'xmlns:xsi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation': 'ssi-1.0.xsd', }) for listname in sorted(listnames): try: mlist = MailList(listname, lock=False) except Errors.MMUnknownListError: print >> sys.stderr, _('No such list: %(listname)s') continue self._dump_list(mlist, password_scheme) self._pop_element('mailman') def close(self): while self._stack: self._pop_element() def no_password(password): return '{NONE}' def plaintext_password(password): return '{PLAIN}' + password def sha_password(password): h = Utils.sha_new(password) return '{SHA}' + base64.b64encode(h.digest()) def ssha_password(password): salt = os.urandom(SALT_LENGTH) h = Utils.sha_new(password) h.update(salt) return '{SSHA}' + base64.b64encode(h.digest() + salt) SCHEMES = { 'none' : no_password, 'plain' : plaintext_password, 'sha' : sha_password, } try: os.urandom(1) except NotImplementedError: pass else: SCHEMES['ssha'] = ssha_password def parseargs(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(version=mm_cfg.VERSION, usage=_("""\ %%prog [options] Export the configuration and members of a mailing list in XML format.""")) parser.add_option('-o', '--outputfile', metavar='FILENAME', default=None, type='string', help=_("""\ Output XML to FILENAME. If not given, or if FILENAME is '-', standard out is used.""")) parser.add_option('-p', '--password-scheme', default='none', type='string', help=_("""\ Specify the RFC 2307 style hashing scheme for passwords included in the output. Use -P to get a list of supported schemes, which are case-insensitive.""")) parser.add_option('-P', '--list-hash-schemes', default=False, action='store_true', help=_("""\ List the supported password hashing schemes and exit. The scheme labels are case-insensitive.""")) parser.add_option('-l', '--listname', default=[], action='append', type='string', metavar='LISTNAME', dest='listnames', help=_("""\ The list to include in the output. If not given, then all mailing lists are included in the XML output. Multiple -l flags may be given.""")) opts, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help() parser.error(_('Unexpected arguments')) if opts.list_hash_schemes: for label in SCHEMES: print label.upper() sys.exit(0) if opts.password_scheme.lower() not in SCHEMES: parser.error(_('Invalid password scheme')) return parser, opts, args def main(): parser, opts, args = parseargs() if opts.outputfile in (None, '-'): # This will fail if there are characters in the output incompatible # with stdout. fp = sys.stdout else: fp = codecs.open(opts.outputfile, 'w', 'utf-8') try: dumper = XMLDumper(fp) if opts.listnames: listnames = opts.listnames else: listnames = Utils.list_names() dumper.dump(listnames, SCHEMES[opts.password_scheme]) dumper.close() finally: if fp is not sys.stdout: fp.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()