9 Start the Mailman qrunner

Mailman depends on a process called the ``qrunner'' to delivery all email messages it sees. You must start the qrunner by executing the following command from the $prefix directory:

    % bin/mailmanctl start

You probably want to start Mailman every time you reboot your system. Exactly how to do this depends on your operating system. If your OS supports the chkconfig command (e.g. RedHat and Mandrake Linuxes) you can do the following (as root, from the Mailman install directory):

    % cp scripts/mailman /etc/init.d/mailman
    % chkconfig --add mailman

Note that /etc/init.d may be /etc/rc.d/init.d on some systems.

On Gentoo Linux, you can do the following:

    % cp scripts/mailman /etc/init.d/mailman
    % rc-update add mailman default

On Debian, you probably want to use:

    % update-rc.d mailman defaults

For Unixes that don't support chkconfig, you might try the following set of commands:

    % cp scripts/mailman /etc/init.d/mailman
    % cp misc/mailman /etc/init.d
    % cd /etc/rc.d/rc0.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman K12mailman
    % cd ../rc1.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman K12mailman
    % cd ../rc2.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman S98mailman
    % cd ../rc3.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman S98mailman
    % cd ../rc4.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman S98mailman
    % cd ../rc5.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman S98mailman
    % cd ../rc6.d
    % ln -s ../init.d/mailman K12mailman