Mailman in Use and in the News
Mailman was featured as the March 2004
SourceForge.net Project
of the Month.
Mailman was featured as the Project of the Month in the
May 2002 issue of
Linux Magazine.
Mailman was featured in a cover story article in the
March 1999
issue of SunWorld. The article was
written by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz.
Mailman was briefly mentioned in a ZDNet article on GNU/Linux.
This was picked up by MSNBC. Unfortunately, both these links also
appear to be dead now too.
Below are the lists of sites using Mailman or providing list hosting
services using Mailman. If you'd like to be included in this list,
please let us know.
Notice to Hosting Services: If your site provides mailing
list hosting services using Mailman, please be sure to add yourself to
the Python-Friendly
Web Hosting page.
The following sites (in no particular order) are known to use
Mailman or Mailman technology to run their mailing lists.
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- Dell Computers
- The XFree86 Project, Inc.
- VA Linux
- SourceForge.net
- Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
- FreshMeat
- XEmacs.Org
- ListServe.com
- tummy.com (lots of Linux
- RedHat, Inc.
- Samba
- KDE Project
- Pair List
- Reportica Service
Bureau. Reportica has put up a demo of their service.
- CarlC Internet Services
- FriendlyWeb.net
- Python.Org
- Zope.org
- Zope.com (Yay!)
- National Organization of Women
- Exim.Org (see also Nigel's
extensions in action for searchable archives)
- Yorkshire
Linux User Group mailing lists
- IA-64 Linux Project
- ORSN, Open Root Server Network
in Europe
- Cosource.com
- VistaSource.com
(private lists only, currently)
- SunHelp.Org
- Sun Managers
- Linux
- Visualization Tool Kit
- Kanga.NU
- Music and Technology
Department, Virginia Tech School of the Arts
- Earlham College
- University
of Manchester
- New York
University School of Medicine
- Mississippi University for Women
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- University of vale do Itajai, Sao Jose, Brasil
- KVSC Radio, St. Cloud State
University, MN
- Linux Lab of Isfahan
University Of Technology
- University of Lethbridge Organization of Residence Students
- University of
- Queen's Engineering
- HockeyFanz.com
- The CatHat
- www.matrixlist.com
- lists.essential.org
- SoCal-Raves.org
- ravedata.com
- TSEC mailing list
- GRE (grad studies)
mailing list
- HAL (Hackers at Large) 2001
- www.essential-is.com
- FishRoom
- www.debian.cz
- dali.feld.cvut.cz
- lists.spline.de
- mail.wirex.com
- linux.cu
- www.miss-janet.com
- Greek LUG
- alberg30.org
- anthem2000.com
- www.alb-net.com
- www.aviating.com
- www.kjsl.com
- gweep.ca
- antarti.ca
- dumpshock.com
- home of the linux pptp
server (among others)
- ALDIL, a French free software
user group
- Internet de Alta Calidad
with some
public mailing lists.
- dsheild.org
- ing.unibo.it and
deis.unibo.it, and "lots of
virtual domains".
- Pikes Peak Linux Users
Group and
- Colorado Springs Dance
- www.dhs.org
- Chester County InterLink
(also supporting a number of other non-profits, including the
National Associate of Social Workers, Philadelphia region.
- MOST - Polish provider for
Environmental Movement
- eLists.org
- IndyMedia
- mail.anywhereyougo.com
- The bearfolks mailing list
- Free software site in China
- Universidad
Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina
- Torresen Marine, Inc.
including their primary
- www.greatbridge.org
- www.memes.org
- BaWue-Net, a local specialty
ISP in Southern Germany
- SunSITE.dk
- Seattle Community Technology Alliance
- www.bioperl.org,
- lists.dalsemi.com
- www.cmw.sld.cu
- Indian Linux Users Group
- Mumbai Chapter
- linux.org.uk (Alan Cox's
site) and linuxuser.co.uk
- Beowulf
- SpamCop, along with
Mailman and the archives
- distro.conectiva.com
- www.click-l.com
- Hammernode Internet Services, Int'l
- www.wi2600.org
- Open-Source Directory
- hidetheword.org
- Guardian Unlimited (the
site of the UK newspaper The Guardian).
- chatser.org
- Clean Media, Inc.
- Gentoo Linux
- rcp.net.pe
- www.arachnis.com
- Sarai (New Media Initiative)
- The Hurd
development/hacking group in India
- sindominio.net
- Chesapeake Church
- Universidade do
Contestado-UnC Curitibanos/SC/Brasil
- sindominio.net
- VOLJATEL telekomunikacije d.d.
- JesusList.com
- CLUE - Colorado Linux
Users and Enthusiasts
- www.polarhome.com
- CloseADeal.com
- Contesting.com, Amateur ("Ham") Radio lists.
- http://www.jmbarrie.net
- Freelance-Seattle.net
- Riverbend Church
- Evolt.org
- http://mail2.factsoft.de/mailman/listinfo/national
- Linux Medical News
- stack.nl
- NFR Security
- iuveno-net.de
- cathat.net
- heise-newsletter, the biggest news-website for
it-professionals in Germany.
- Test Pattern Radio
- ATLink SRL
- BIBSYS (Library
Automation System, Norway)
- www.digitalvoodoo.org
- Process Integrated Engineering
Design (PIED)
- BBSRC (Bioscience and Biotechnical Scientific Research Council)
- Ernest & Allen
- pnews.org
- Linux Users Group, Germany
- indymedia
- Ethical Media Ltd
- Hipertek Ltda, Bogota,
- ynternet.org
- National Central University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, the 83th
- Cyberius' Network lists
- iServer and
- Scriptbasic.com
- ITXZONE: The Indian IT Zone
- National Central University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, the 83th
- Boston Linux and Unix user group
- Hipertek Ltda.
- SpiderPro
- Faculdade de Motricidade
Humana and
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
- American Computer
- Unixworks
- Osthyvel.net
- University of West Hungary
- Silicon Valley
Linux Users' Group
- German Sanchez Ruiperez
Foundation, Spain
- www.red-libre.com
- COMM-ORG: The On-Line
Conference on Community Organizing
- FAI - Faculdades Adamantinenses Integradas
- Oddzz and Casinozz.
- ibiblio
- University
of Mississippi Medical Center HIM Listserve
- the Fiat Page
(automotive), with mailing lists at
this url.
- Meteorite
Central via the mailing lists at Pair Networks.
- DeviantPC
- The Computer Science &
Computer Engineering department at the University of Arkansas.
- Shakespeare's
Monologues with mailing lists at
this url.
- Universidad de la República,
Facultad de Química, Uruguay
- North East 4x4 club
- Linux Audio
Mailing Lists
- MultiByte GmbH
- Elists Online
- FAS - Rutgers, The State
University of New Jersey
- Conexim web hosting Australia
- National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesia.
- AST Communications, Inc.
- InterWorking Labs
- Tokyo PC Users Group
with mailing lists here.
- Allpar.com (Chrysler enthusiasts)
- Van Essen Lab at Washington
University School of Medicine
- UCLA LUG with mailing
lists here.
- Azone
- SquirrelMail (French)
- GNFC Ltd
- Diocese of Washington
- Gottfried Hamm
- Cultural events in Zirndorf,
- GAIA, with mailing lists at
- Free Mobile Software System
- Instituto Superior Tecnico
- JavaHispano with
mailing lists at listas.javahispano.org
- Agenda do Samba &
Choro with mailing lists at www.samba-choro.com.br.
- JCA-NET Service with
mailing lists at http://list.jca.apc.org/
- Indialists.org
- Apex Internet Solutions
- Indonesian mailing
- contribs.org
- stalig.com with mailing
lists at lists.stalig.com
- Veteransgroups
Mailing lists for Allied War Veterans
- Infogate Technologies
- The Last Alarm Network
- Broken Bottles