Title: Mailman Documentation Links: links.h doco-links.h Other-links: <h3>Exits</h3> <li><a href="http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py">FAQ Wizard</a> <li><a href="http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/mailman">Chris Kolar's Docs</a> <li><a href="http://www.exim.org/howto/mailman.html">Exim HOWTO</a> <h3>Mailman Documentation</h3> On-line documentation for Mailman 2.1 is still under construction, but is organized among the following audiences: <ul> <li><a href="users.html"><b>Users</b></a> -- anybody who is a member of a mailing list managed by Mailman. This documentation explains how you can subscribe and unsubscribe from mailing lists, how to change your personal options, and how to interact with other parts of the Mailman system. <p><li><a href="admins.html"><b>List Managers</b></a> -- anybody who is a list administrator or moderator for a mailing list. This documentation goes into all the gory details about how to set up your lists, what the various options mean and control, and how to manage the membership of your mailing list. <p><li><a href="site.html"><b>Site Administrators</b></a> -- anybody who is setting up a Mailman site. This documentation contains all the information about installing Mailman, integrating it with your mail and web servers, setting list defaults, configuring virtual domains, and enabling various options for your list administrators. This documentation also gives some hints on how to tune Mailman for optimal performance. <p><li><a href="i18n.html"><b>Translators</b></a> -- anybody who is contributing to internationalization support for Mailman. This describes contact addresses for the current language champions and tells you what you need to do if you want to contribute a new language translation to the project (more are always welcome!). </ul> <h3>Other Resources</h3> <p>The <a href="faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a> is available to answer the most common questions. See also the community driven <a href="http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py">Mailman FAQ Wizard</a>. Feel free to add or correct entries in the FAQ Wizard -- this is your resource for helping your colleagues. The password is <em>Mailman</em> (yes, we use the honor system here). <p>For issues not covered in the FAQ or documentation pages above, please check the <a href="http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users">archives</a> of the <a href="lists.html">Mailman-Users</a> mailing list. If your question is not covered in the documentation, FAQ, or list archives, then you can send your questions to the <a href="http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users" >mailman-users</a> list. We suggest you <a href="mailto:mailman-users-join@python.org">subscribe</a> to the list first - then submit your question - so that your question will be distributed quickly to the list subscribers and replies also will be distributed quickly back to you. <p><a href="http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/index.htm">Chris Kolar</a> has made available <a href="http://staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/mailman">Mailman documentation</a>, primarily for list owners who are not necessarily technical, but who own Mailman mailing lists. <p>Nigel Metheringham has posted a <a href="http://www.exim.org/howto/mailman.html">HOWTO on using Exim and Mailman</a> together. If you're using the <a href="http://www.exim.org">Exim mailer</a> you should check this out. <p>The <a href="download.html">Mailman source distribution</a> itself contains many README files for discussion of issues specific to operating system, mail transport agent, or web server.