# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. from email.Utils import parseaddr, formatdate from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import MemberAdaptor from Mailman import i18n def _(s): return s OVERVIEW = _(""" set ... Set or view your membership options. Use `set help' (without the quotes) to get a more detailed list of the options you can change. Use `set show' (without the quotes) to view your current option settings. """) DETAILS = _(""" set help Show this detailed help. set show [address=<address>] View your current option settings. If you're posting from an address other than your membership address, specify your membership address with `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no quotes!). set authenticate <password> [address=<address>] To set any of your options, you must include this command first, along with your membership password. If you're posting from an address other than your membership address, specify your membership address with `address=<address>' (no brackets around the email address, and no quotes!). set ack on set ack off When the `ack' option is turned on, you will receive an acknowledgement message whenever you post a message to the list. set digest plain set digest mime set digest off When the `digest' option is turned off, you will receive postings immediately when they are posted. Use `set digest plain' if instead you want to receive postings bundled into a plain text digest (i.e. RFC 1153 digest). Use `set digest mime' if instead you want to receive postings bundled together into a MIME digest. set delivery on set delivery off Turn delivery on or off. This does not unsubscribe you, but instead tells Mailman not to deliver messages to you for now. This is useful if you're going on vacation. Be sure to use `set delivery on' when you return from vacation! set myposts on set myposts off Use `set myposts off' to not receive copies of messages you post to the list. This has no effect if you're receiving digests. set hide on set hide off Use `set hide on' to conceal your email address when people request the membership list. set duplicates on set duplicates off Use `set duplicates off' if you want Mailman to not send you messages if your address is explicitly mentioned in the To: or Cc: fields of the message. This can reduce the number of duplicate postings you will receive. set reminders on set reminders off Use `set reminders off' if you want to disable the monthly password reminder for this mailing list. """) _ = i18n._ STOP = 1 def gethelp(mlist): return _(OVERVIEW) class SetCommands: def __init__(self): self.__address = None self.__authok = 0 def process(self, res, args): if not args: res.results.append(_(DETAILS)) return STOP subcmd = args.pop(0) methname = 'set_' + subcmd method = getattr(self, methname, None) if method is None: res.results.append(_('Bad set command: %(subcmd)s')) res.results.append(_(DETAILS)) return STOP return method(res, args) def set_help(self, res, args=1): res.results.append(_(DETAILS)) if args: return STOP def _usage(self, res): res.results.append(_('Usage:')) return self.set_help(res) def set_show(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if not args: realname, address = parseaddr(res.msg['from']) elif len(args) == 1 and args[0].startswith('address='): # Send the results to the address, not the From: dude address = args[0][8:] res.returnaddr = address else: return self._usage(res) if not mlist.isMember(address): listname = mlist.real_name res.results.append( _('You are not a member of the %(listname)s mailing list')) return STOP res.results.append(_('Your current option settings:')) opt = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts) onoff = opt and _('on') or _('off') res.results.append(_(' ack %(onoff)s')) # Digests are a special ternary value digestsp = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.Digests) if digestsp: plainp = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.DisableMime) if plainp: res.results.append(_(' digest plain')) else: res.results.append(_(' digest mime')) else: res.results.append(_(' digest off')) # If their membership is disabled, let them know why status = mlist.getDeliveryStatus(address) how = None if status == MemberAdaptor.ENABLED: status = _('delivery on') elif status == MemberAdaptor.BYUSER: status = _('delivery off') how = _('by you') elif status == MemberAdaptor.BYADMIN: status = _('delivery off') how = _('by the admin') elif status == MemberAdaptor.BYBOUNCE: status = _('delivery off') how = _('due to bounces') else: assert status == MemberAdaptor.UNKNOWN status = _('delivery off') how = _('for unknown reasons') changetime = mlist.getDeliveryStatusChangeTime(address) if how and changetime > 0: date = formatdate(changetime) res.results.append(_(' %(status)s (%(how)s on %(date)s)')) else: res.results.append(' ' + status) opt = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts) # sense is reversed onoff = (not opt) and _('on') or _('off') res.results.append(_(' myposts %(onoff)s')) opt = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.ConcealSubscription) onoff = opt and _('on') or _('off') res.results.append(_(' hide %(onoff)s')) opt = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates) # sense is reversed onoff = (not opt) and _('on') or _('off') res.results.append(_(' duplicates %(onoff)s')) opt = mlist.getMemberOption(address, mm_cfg.SuppressPasswordReminder) # sense is reversed onoff = (not opt) and _('on') or _('off') res.results.append(_(' reminders %(onoff)s')) def set_authenticate(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) == 1: realname, address = parseaddr(res.msg['from']) password = args[0] elif len(args) == 2 and args[1].startswith('address='): password = args[0] address = args[1][8:] else: return self._usage(res) # See if the password matches if not mlist.isMember(address): listname = mlist.real_name res.results.append( _('You are not a member of the %(listname)s mailing list')) return STOP if not mlist.Authenticate((mm_cfg.AuthUser, mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin), password, address): res.results.append(_('You did not give the correct password')) return STOP self.__authok = 1 self.__address = address def _status(self, res, arg): status = arg.lower() if status == 'on': flag = 1 elif status == 'off': flag = 0 else: res.results.append(_('Bad argument: %(arg)s')) self._usage(res) return -1 # See if we're authenticated if not self.__authok: res.results.append(_('Not authenticated')) self._usage(res) return -1 return flag def set_ack(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.AcknowledgePosts, status) res.results.append(_('ack option set')) def set_digest(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) if not self.__authok: res.results.append(_('Not authenticated')) self._usage(res) return STOP arg = args[0].lower() if arg == 'off': try: mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.Digests, 0) except Errors.AlreadyReceivingRegularDeliveries: pass elif arg == 'plain': try: mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.Digests, 1) except Errors.AlreadyReceivingDigests: pass mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.DisableMime, 1) elif arg == 'mime': try: mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.Digests, 1) except Errors.AlreadyReceivingDigests: pass mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.DisableMime, 0) else: res.results.append(_('Bad argument: %(arg)s')) self._usage(res) return STOP res.results.append(_('digest option set')) def set_delivery(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP # Delivery status is handled differently than other options. If # status is true (set delivery on), then we enable delivery. # Otherwise, we have to use the setDeliveryStatus() interface to # specify that delivery was disabled by the user. if status: mlist.setDeliveryStatus(self.__address, MemberAdaptor.ENABLED) res.results.append(_('delivery enabled')) else: mlist.setDeliveryStatus(self.__address, MemberAdaptor.BYUSER) res.results.append(_('delivery disabled by user')) def set_myposts(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP # sense is reversed mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.DontReceiveOwnPosts, not status) res.results.append(_('myposts option set')) def set_hide(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.ConcealSubscription, status) res.results.append(_('hide option set')) def set_duplicates(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP # sense is reversed mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.DontReceiveDuplicates, not status) res.results.append(_('duplicates option set')) def set_reminders(self, res, args): mlist = res.mlist if len(args) <> 1: return self._usage(res) status = self._status(res, args[0]) if status < 0: return STOP # sense is reversed mlist.setMemberOption(self.__address, mm_cfg.SuppressPasswordReminder, not status) res.results.append(_('reminder option set')) def process(res, args): # We need to keep some state between set commands if not getattr(res, 'setstate', None): res.setstate = SetCommands() res.setstate.process(res, args)