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- The Mailman Wishlist
- (Last Update: $Date: 2006-09-13 04:21:03 +0100 (Wed, 13 Sep 2006) $)
-Here's the wish list for future versions of Mailman. Many new
- features have been added to Mailman 2.1, and it is currently
- undecided whether the next release will be 2.2 or 3.0.
- Please also see the Mailman design notes wiki at
- http://www.zope.org/Members/bwarsaw/MailmanDesignNotes/FrontPage
- Email Handling
- - Re-implement the bulk mailer to do DNS lookups and remote MTA delivery directly (optional).
- For low-traffic sites, a queued message could trigger a qrunner process. It would work until all mail was delivered, then sleep
- and exit if no new work arrived.
- Strip any addresses of members who have nodupe turned on, from the Cc headers of the list copy of a message.
- Separate processing for MIME and plaintext digests. E.g. you might want to filter images out of plaintext but not MIME
- digests.
- Documentation
- - A detailed feature list
- A user's guide
- A site-admin's guide
- A list-admin's guide
- More on-line documentation and UI help
- A developer's guide w/ architecture and API information
- manpages for the scripts in bin and cron
- Integrate Christopher Kolar's documentation
- General Web UI
- - NO DEAD ENDS and every web page is reachable.
- All web UI must be configurable so that it more easily integrates into an existing site's design. Probably means using
- a better template language/system like Zope's Presentation
- Templates, Quixote, or PHP.
- Default UI should add a navigation sidebar to all web pages.
- Web pages should never mention disabled features.
- Allow a site admin and list admins to categorize lists, so that they can be better organized on the listinfo and admin overview
- pages.
- List Administration
- - Allow the moderator to edit posts being held for approval (make it evident, either through a header or other means that the
- message was edited by the moderator).
- Allow the admin to disable option settings by users
- Allow admins to block nomail settings
- Allow admins to control and set individual headers, adding, removing, or overriding those in the original message (sometimes
- very useful, but could be dangerous!)
- New moderation choice: archive but don't send to list.
- New moderation choice: annotate and send to author for resubmittal. Or just be able to annotate the message for
- multiple moderator scenarios.
- Better integration with moderated newsgroups (and allow some addresses to bypass even that moderation and be delivered to a
- secondary channel, like moderators@isc.org).
- Allow a list to be marked `disabled' so things like the replybot still works, and the archives are still available, but mail
- posted to the list is always returned unsent.
- Ability to `sideline' some messages in the moderation queue
- Hook moderation up to a whitelist a la TMDA. A non-member message gets held in a non-admindb queue, and the sender gets a
- confirmation message. When they confirm, we moderate the
- message as normal, but if they don't we assume it's spam (after
- some period of time) and discard it. The admin should be able
- to see all these super-quarantined messages with the flip of a
- button.
- Add a moderation option to pass through any message which is a reply to a message previously distributed through the list, even
- if it comes from a non-member. Treat that non-member as a
- member for the duration of the thread. Use In-Reply-To,
- References and Message-ID to match these up.
- When a held message is forwarded (for admin editing and approved resend) there should be a way to auto-discard the held message
- when the approved resend is received.
- Have an option to sort the list of members by real name or email address.
- Test a message for all hold criteria, record them all instead of just the first match, and do a SpamAssassin like scoring to
- decide whether the message should get held or not.
- List Membership
- - Have one account per user per site, with multiple email addresses and fallbacks. Allow them to subscribe whichever
- address they want to whichever list, with different options per
- subscription.
- Allow the user to get BOTH normal and digested delivery (but I still don't understand why someone would want this)
- More flexible digests: index digests (subject and authors only, with URLs to retrieve the article)
- Timed vacations, allowing a user to postpone or discard email for a certain number of days or weeks.
- Keep user-centric stats, such as the date the user was subscribed, the date of their last change to their account, the
- date they last sent a message through the list. Perhaps also
- log each message they send through the list.
- Site Administration
- - Allow the site admin to define list styles or themes, and list admins to choose one of the canned styles to apply to their
- list.
- Allow the site admin to send an email message to all the list admins using a mechanism similar to the Urgent: header (possibly
- by addressing it to mailman@site.dom).
- Other Usability Improvments
- - A better strategy is needed for sub-lists and super-lists, including dealing with the resulting password reminders and
- authorization to modify the sub & superlists.
- Add a limit on the number of posts from any one individual within a period of time (1 post per day, 10 per week, etc).
- Also, limits on mailbacks, infos, etc.
- Mailcmd interface
- - Provide an email interface to all administrative commands
- Allow email unsubs from matching address to unsubscribe, possibly adding an "allow open unsubscribes" option to control
- this. Also, adding a confirmation with click-thru confirmation
- to resubscribe.
- For email subscribes, keep an audit of where requests are coming from, and send the original request headers in the confirmation
- message. Helps track down subscribe bombs.
- Investigate Majordomo2's email admin capabilities.
- Support the `which' command.
- Portability & architecture
- - Use a real transactional database for all information, and allow various bits of information to come from different sources (a
- relational database, ZODB, LDAP, etc)
- Member profiles
- Allow lists of the same name in two different virtual domains
- Should be able to gather statistics, such as deliveries/day, performance, number of subscribers over time, etc.
- Implement something like Roundup's nosy lists, maybe even integrate with Roundup.
- Split Mailman into libraries so, e.g. the delivery part could be used by other projects.
- Bounce handling
- - Add more patterns for bounce handling (never ending)
- Send mail to people who are being removed without their knowledge (even though they're likely not to get it).
- Pipermail + Archiving mechanism
- - Search engine for archives
- Provide downloadable tar.gz's of the html archives
- sort by date should go most-recent to oldest
- allow list owner to edit archive messages
- optional form front-end to public interfaces as a filter to address harvesters.
- In general the whole Pipermail subsystem needs a good rewrite.
- Write an API between Mailman and the archiver so that message footers can contain the URL to the archived message.
- Code cleanup
- - Turn all remaining string exceptions into class exceptions
- Unit and system test suite! (ongoing)
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